Assignment Guide - MP

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Assignment Guide Marketing Planning


Review changing perspectives in marketing planning (1.1)

o Pls refer to Slides No. 3 Marketing Planning

Marketing Planning: Basic Concepts

Traditional Company Orientation
Communication is essentially one-way- a command culture- and promotion is
used to tell customers why they should buy
Improved Model
Communication can now be two-way as decision makers regain contact with
Free Flowing Structure
Communication is now flowing in all directions as project teams and matrix
structures replace rigid hierarchical structures and research is added to
promotion to ensure two-way consumer communication
Customer Oriented Culture
Relationships, not transactions
Pro-active, not reactive
Market Orientation
An organizational culture where beating the competition through the creation of
superior customer value is the paramount objective throughout the business
Market-led Strategic Change
1. All organizations must follow the dictates of the market to survive
2. Organizational effectiveness can be pursued by being market-led, focusing on
the customer.
3. Barriers to being market-led come, not from ignorance of customer
characteristics, but from the way organizations are run
4. Becoming market-led often needs an upheaval.
5. A deep seated strategic change is not just hiring a marketing executive.

(In-text Citation needed)

Evaluate Center for International Education capability for planning its future marketing activity
o Organizational Capability (Refer to PPT Slide no. 5)

Organisational Audit and Market Environment Analysis

(1.3 & 1.4)
o Theories & Application of SWOT, Competitors Analysis, PESTEL, Porters, BCG,
(Refer to PPT Slide nos. 6,7 & 8))

*In-text Citation needed for Task

*Charts, tables and supporting documents should be attached to Appendix

Prepare a PPT slides related to the following tasks:

The main barriers to marketing planning (2.1)

Examine how Center for International Education may overcome barriers to marketing planning

Referencing at the end of the PPT Slides

Compile a report:

Explain why Marketing Planning is essential in the strategic planning process for Center for
International Education.

New Product Development (3.3)

New Product Development

Lower entry barriers

Balanced product portfolio
Products are on maturity stage
Effective way of obtaining competitive advantage
Better revenue and return
Enhance the reputation and standing in the market
New product development is critical to long-term success
Changing environment creates new demands and needs a way of getting new and
keeping old customers
Many competitors are focusing on producing and introducing product lines

Strategies and Techniques

Proactive strategy
Reactive strategy
Refer to Slides/ course book p 239

New to the world products
New product lines
Product line extensions
Improvements and revisions to existing products
Cost reductions
Sequential approach
Simultaneous approach

NPD Process

Marketing Plan (3.1, 3.4,


o Executive Summary
o Corporate Objectives
o Corporate Strategy Option
o Marketing Mix Recommendation
o Action Plan
o Performance Measures
o Marketing Budget & Sales Forecasting

Prepare a documentary/ video to discuss marketing ethics

Explain how ethical issues influence marketing planning


Analyse examples of how Center for International Education responds to ethical issues

Analyse examples of consumer ethics and the effect it has on marketing planning.


Use Harvard Referencing Style must be alphabetically arranged

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