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Smith 1

Ivey Smith

English 4

Ms. Mantlo

April 6, 2017

Choice of dress codes

Dress codes are one of the most talked about topics in schools. Many people are loving

the fact that dress codes are strict but some people are saying they are being way too strict. There

are many pros and cons to dress codes but everyone has different opinions of them. Many

schools encourage students to dress appropriately but many abide by the rules. There should be a

school dress code for students.

Most people do not support having a dress code because they say students should be able

to dress however they like. Dress codes are a set of rules that people should follow and are told

what to wear. Dress codes in American schools date back to the 1920s, when high school

attendance first became widespread throughout the United States. Today more than half of

america's K-12 schools have dress codes, according to National Center for Education Statistics.

(Bugg) The reason most people do not support dress codes are because they do not allow self-

expression or they violate their rights. Over half of the public schools in the United States do not

require a dress code for students. They also say that children should be encouraged to decide for


Schools are changing by the minute with some having no dress codes and allowing

students to wear what they want but those schools are starting to have problems. just codes
Smith 2

provide a sense of clarity. the dress codes in schools should be enforced because clothes are

becoming more and more inappropriate. Dress codes, whether theyre in the form of strict

uniforms or general guidelines for what to wear, are an essential part of our culture. In schools,

in businesses, and on sports teams dress codes promote professionalism, establish identity, and

foster a sense of community. (Bugg)

School can be hard for some student. Many try to fit in so they feel apart of the crowd.

Dress codes can promote a sense of security that some students may not feel. Parents also feel

overwhelmed to deal with their children when they wear something they consider inappropriate.

In an era where some parents seem unwilling or unable to draw the clothes line with their

children, where pop culture influences kids clothing choices never before, and school safety

including gang violence, is at the top of everyone's minds, school uniforms and dress codes can

play a significant role. (Boutelle) Many people feel that the dress code policies target only a

certain group of people, but they don't they are for everyone. It's important that everybody dress

appropriately. (Lila)

Dress codes should be apart of every school. It would create more of a level playing field

and create more of an appropriate environment. With more inappropriate things coming into the

world it just seems as more of an appropriate choice that's schools have a dress code in place.

Works Cited
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Boutelle, Marsha. "UNIFORMS: Are They a Good Fit?." Education Digest, vol. 73,

no. 6, Feb. 2008, p. 34. EBSCOhost,


Bugg, William and Lee Rowland. "Should Schools Have Dress Codes?." New York Times

Upfront, no. 8, 2017, p. 22. EBSCOhost,


Lila, et al. "Dress Codes: Pros and Cons." New Moon Girls, vol. 20, no. 1,

Sep/Oct2012, p. 15. EBSCOhost,


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