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Do Aliens Exist?

: Literature Review

Marissa Piedra

The University of Texas at EL Paso



The point of this Literature Review is to explain what can possibly exist in todays

society. There are many different beliefs within religion, culture and history. Having different

beliefs and an open mind can lead to many questions and conspiracy theories. There will always

be many opinions when it comes to those certain things especially supernatural phenomenon.

Though there are at least 4,200 religions on this Earth, there are two sides when it comes to

believing and not believing in Aliens. Aliens have been mentioned for thousands and millions of

years. The question is; are Aliens real, or are they make believe? Scientists all over the world

research and discover new things every day. Aliens have been a topic of interests within all

communities around the world.


Alien existent has always been a part of a question that has been asked since the

ancient times. United States government including NASA has been involved with discovering

life on other planets and if Aliens exist. Area 51 and Roswell, New Mexico have been affiliated

with Aliens and UFOs. The mystery behind both organizations questions its secretive approach

to what they deal with and why they still are hiding their work. Residents and researchers all

over the world have captured physical and technological evidence. Most sighting has been

captured on camera, recordings and in person. The physical evidence comes from fallen UFOs

or things that have been left behind such as implants. There are many citizens that have a lot to

say about Aliens and those who oppose to their existence. The knowledge of Aliens has become

very popular in todays society by the amount of attention given to the subject in popular


Review of Literature

Do Aliens exist?

Questioning if Aliens exist has always been a topic of interest. Many people suggest

that the Solar System is so big that it is impossible to be the only planet that can support life let

alone the only planet in the Universe. Scientist are looking at other planets by, Detecting the

relative proportions of these molecules in a planets atmosphere could tell researchers whether a

planet could support life (NASA: 2017). NASA has discovered 3,458 exoplanets that fall into

the categories such as; Ice Giant, Gas Giant, Super-earth, Terrestrial and unknown. Though

scientists are still researching for Earth-like planets, the confirmed exoplanets do exist not only

in our Solar system, but beyond. Not all planets have been discovered, which can mean the ones

scientist do not know about can have potential life. The question, do Aliens exist can be easily

answered with the knowledge of the unknown planets outcome. Scientist from The History

Channel, NASA and retired astronauts say they do exist because of what the universe can

provide. Residents have seen supernatural occurrences without a valid explanation that is beyond

them and their capabilities. NASA Administrator Major Charles Bolden told British

schoolchildren that he was confident that scientists would find life outside of Earth because there

were so many planets that are similar to our own (The Telegraph). Knowing the fact that other

planets exist, Aliens can exist as well.

What has been discovered and released by the government about Area 51 and

Roswell, New Mexico?

Area 51 is located in Nevada, near Groom Lake that was an Air Force base. The

facility was used during World War II as gunnery for the Air Corp pilots. Area 51 was also used

as a testing site and at training range. Many residents claim to see UFOs and non-human like

activity. From the government, The documents made repeated references to Area 51 and

detailed how it was selected as a testing area by the CIA, the U.S. Air Force and defense

contractor Lockheed because of its remote location. They even included a map that confirmed its

exact location (HowStuffWorks, 2017). The government suggests that the only activity that

went on in that location was for testing purposes only. They claim that there was not any Alien

presence accounted for. Many rumors suggest that Area 51 used that location to reverse-engineer

Alien spacecrafts, tried to clone extraterrestrials and film the moon landing in 1969. The

government has not released much information about what went on in that area, so the mystery

of Area 51 still stands. One former deceased scientist leaked the truth before he died on August

7th. Boyd Bushman explained what kind of Aliens they worked with in Area 51 and where they

came from. The notion of aliens in Area 51 is not a new topic, but Bushman has a few

additions; one of which is that aliens in the base are from Quintumnia, a planet located 45 years

away from Earth (TECH TIMES, 30 October 2014). The fact that Bushman had this much

information makes it harder to believe he is making it up. Bushman later told the interviewers

their morphology and how they communicate with one another. Area 51 had many witnesses

when it comes to being involved with Aliens. Another location that is quite famous for its Alien

activity is Roswell, New Mexico. Roswell is known for the story of an unidentified spacecraft

crashing, leaving its debris for witnesses to discover. Although officials from the local Air

Force base asserted that it was a crashed weather balloon, many people believed it was the

remains of an extraterrestrial flying saucer; a series of secret dummy drops in New Mexico

during the 1950s heightened their suspicions (History 2016). The Air force tried covering up the

story by telling the public that it was a weather balloon. Till this day, many conspiracies and

theories live within that community and is famous nationwide for its Alien discovery. Mac

Brazel, the rancher that discovered the debris called first responders about the unidentified

objects. Soldiers were contacted to gather up the objects in armed trucks to take it to the local

Army Air force base. The dummy drops seemed suspicious to the community. The Air force

would test their plane to see how the crash would benefit the pilot at high altitudes. Witness

believed they were using Aliens as the subject in testing rather than actual dummy dolls. Roswell

is known to have its own tourist attractions and has many stories that involve unhuman-like

activity. Both Area 51 and Roswell sights have closed down and have been off limits to the

public till this day. Maybe because there are still mysteries that have not been solved in which

want to stay unsolved. The history of these two locations withhold so many secrets in which

influence that fact that they are closed down for a reason.

How is evidence gathered by UFO researchers and residents?

Across the globe, all news travels fast by using social media, television and electronics

to capture such things. No matter where you live, information is shared and reached by many

audiences. Many people ask how UFOs are captured by not only residents in that area, but from

researchers. The questionable factor of how those who capture these phenomenal objects know

what they are looking for. Astronauts from NASA video tape very often of what they do on the

ISS (International Space Station). Some of these videos are leaked or released to the public often.

Many UFO researchers such as the group, Secure Team 10 find NASA's footage and study it

very well. In one video that Tyler Glockner uploaded on the Secure Team channel on March 18,

2017 of astronaut, Samantha Cristoforetti on the ISS demonstrating how to operate window

shutters. The video captured an unidentified object through the window behind her that was

described as a smoke gun UFO. "It is the latest in a string of claims by alien chasers that UFOs

have been caught in the background of the ISS live stream cameras, but there is a major cover-up

by NASA underway, with it often cutting off the cameras once one come into view" (EXPRESS

2017). The government tries to cover up the unexplained so that the knowing of Aliens existing

not only in our Solar System, but right outside our atmosphere is not possible. Residents all over

the world have had personal experiences and have captured many sighting of extraterrestrial

space craft and debris. Many citizens capture it with their smart phones, cameras or seeing it with

their own eyes. One of the most popular sighting was Roswell, New Mexico. The rancher that

lived in that area saw a foreign object crash on his property. He later found debris which was

later obtained by government officials. The debris was definitely not from this world and

something he never witnessed. Debunkers try to come up with what it could be instead of settling

for an Alien story told by the resident living on that property and others who witnessed it from

afar. The fact that the Air Force had to collect it comes off as a bit strange. Why cover something

up if there is nothing to hide? Many citizens all over the world claim that the government has a

big role in this mystery. Various UFO enthusiast explain how Area 51 was very secretive and

how they come up with many stories such as the Roswell, New Mexico incident, trying to

persuade people that the debris from the crash was from a weather balloon. "A former White

House chief of staff has sent the "strongest signals ever" that Aliens exist and the US

Government has been covering it up for fear of how public would react" (EXPRESS 13 April,


How does the popular culture view the Alien phenomenon?

There are always three sides to every story; the right, the wrong and the truth. In this

case you either believe or do not believe, but there is always a truth when it comes to a mystery

like this. Movies, cartoons, books and educational channels have a shared amount of Aliens.

Aliens come across as entertainment rather than foreign real life creatures to some people. The

entertainment industry pushes viewers to admire Aliens as something you watch on TV which

influences their beliefs. Because of technology and what information is exposed on it, many

residents rub off on it as it either being fake or real. Though this topic is a myth in today's

society, the popularity of Aliens rises up especially when more things are discovered. This Earth

holds many secrets, just imagine the Universe. A lot of locations have tourist attractions that

highlight Alien beings and the evidence found such as Roswell, New Mexico. Many former

government workers have also leaked their stories to reveal the truth of what they have

experienced. Others who do not believe lean into the cover up stories that are told by the

government themselves. As we all know, there is a reason for everything. Today's society is split

down the middle of what could be and what never was. "Two possibilities exist: either we are

alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying" (Twitter 2017).

Research Survey

In a survey conducted at the University of Texas at El Paso, fifteen random students

were asked about Aliens existence. Within those fifteen students, eight disagreed that Aliens

exist and seven agreed that they do. All, but two students voted that Aliens are a part of popular

culture and in today's society. The remaining two claimed it was neutral. All fifteen students

agreed that they believe our Universe consist of Earth-like planets, in which indicate a possibility

of other life. Though the students disagreed more when it came to the Alien question verses other

planets being like ours, the possibility of having other life outweighs the nonbelievers. "The hunt

for planets around other stars so far has been rousing success; more than 3,400 confirmed in our

Milky Way galaxy, where we now know, hundreds of billions more likely await discovery"

(NASA 30 March, 2017). Many say they do not believe in Aliens, but the discovery in these

exoplanets within our Galaxy alone makes you wonder what else is out there.


Aliens either exist or do not exist. Many scientists are trying to prove to the public with

evidence they have found that they do. Planets have been discovered within the Solar System

alone. The Universe contains so many mysteries that the possibility of Aliens existing wouldn't

be shocking. Those who share their stories of Alien encounters and UFO sightings are not just

made up out of thin air. Stories are made by experience and physical evidence. The possibility

of not only sharing our Universe but our planet as well is very nerve wreaking. The government

withholds many secrets, which this can be one of them. Until society and its popular culture are

influenced by these foreign creatures, the mystery will stay unknown.



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