04 Cigars of The Pharoah PDF

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THE ADVENTURES OF Si / a a Ag - TINTIN OF THE PHARAOH 0G rr x , o) es a — ie EY 0 S } HS = = “f J oon { S| = a a {/ =I ” Se i @ Pa = amt ¥ “TRENTHy Be... PB kia i e t . ° / Ra, a CIGARS OF THE PHARAOH © This is the life, Snowy Aveally quiet holiday for ‘a change. ita deadly bore We'll be arriving in Port [i Said tomorrow. We go lashore For the day.” Alwoliday,indeed ! Td call Our next stop will be Istanbul. We'll go ashore there too Ta settle for Mar- Tinapine. | 5 % Piraeus, Naples, Marseilles How about that for a mar: e then home throw Straits of Gibralean vellous cruise, eh, Snowy? Marvellous...You mean Bullas aitchwater! Why doesn't someone Failoverboard to bright- mtnings up? HALL LIRRAK® | Who?... What?... There!... Save that paper... It's Where? blowing away !..My Kilt-Osich papyrus! Whoa there, young mean’! You can't escape! What are you Stop! Stop! It’s going in the water ! Now look what youve || |{ Hello, that's odd done. That paper was |||| He's disappeared. terribly important. This poor gentleman ere. Whatever can have happened to him? Excuse me, but what } are you doing? Surely youcan 20: Int rowing But you're not in the water! Nor Tam! What an observ] ant young man youare! Now J wonder why 1 was rowi To rescue your papyrus, Vexpect. 1 blew over: board... .. My priceless Oh, yes... | remember now; it Overboard ?... was just a travel brochus Nonsense! i/nave it here You What were wal chasing, then ey Bice as oe Marana Bub...1 saw a paper blow || || aeitent oot ke i into the seat to the lost Ki-Oskh. Scones of Egype- Dlogises have Ered to Pi the Spot... re. ion't teally think I let go uta Et Every single one has vanished! But I, Sophocles Sarcophagus, ishall ‘be the first to reveal this wonder to the world. Thope you will... But Eell me, what's that queer symbol ? 1 don't know. | think it the royal cipher of Kih-Oskh But iF you are interested, why nok join me tomorrow in Port Said. We'll go on to Cairo, and find the place Shown’ on my PApyIsAs: Till Eomorrow then. odbye, young T beg your pardor, You clumey captain nitwit ! I[$0 scrry, J mistook you {| for a ventilator... Come sir, pull your- self together! This gentleman didn't bump you on purpose. You?... Arrest me? Pokicatttenneceenaie cr "Ihere! Someone tipped us the wink, and how right they were | You must be joking ! these drawers you'll see what v sort of a joke this is! Narcotics! That's heroin! = (2 = f= = G ae 4 ihe ta PIPE a Little bit closer... Eanes Someone who wanted me ut of Ee way «.. But why ? Here we are in | Hello... trey're Port Said. Justa |) || beginning to cable's length disembark .. From thequay... ||| J wonder... and here fam, locked in the hold! er... could you possibly 5 bake us ashore ? Well, well! What a pleasant ||| surprise According to the papyrus the. tomb can't be Far away A seen You wait for us here. We will return Chis evening You seem to know the ‘area very well. You see, a discovery of this importance must be kept absolutely secret I don’t know it at all; the papyrus gives very detailed instructions. Yes, of course: |We're getting very close now... You have a remarkabl sense of direction ! If the information is right, we shall Find the tomb of Kih- Oski at this very @ spot... What did | tell you! The tomb! T've found it! O noble Phara l have come! Fame at last! The |Wo, mame of Sophocles ag, Sarcophagus will Woo, live For ever! The Pharaoh's emblem on the band ! ‘A cigar...A cigar |} |{ Good heavens! | I wonder what ||| [Hey!... What in the... oubhere ... How || || That's extra Doctor Sarco- He's gone! peculiar. ordinary! phagus will make oF that it's just like the band of the cigar! Foor devils, the Fantastic! The Pharaohs revenge! Here they are! The scholars who violated the tomb of Kih -Oskh paid dearly for their knowledge! zy aa 3 ig HH here, Fast! No! No! Never ina thousand] years | No one's going to turn me into a mumiay ! We've got to get out of ‘An umbretia! The Boctor's umbrella Foor Sophocles Sarcophagus wht fon earths append to hiv? Now we really are] trapped by the "haraoh...or one of his successors! Tae Hello... what's that }] Packing-cases... Let's have a look inside! Great snakes! Full of cigars ... +. all with that aver there strange symbol t "— Yes, they're absolutely ||| = | || | wonder if the answer || || What...what’s happen identical with the be all this lies hidden LaMy head... le these cigars... T think Fd better take a look. one I picked ouside The bearded master told me towait... When they did nor return aé nightfall I called Toualy. | shouced...Twey did Hot driswer me Good. ‘Sereno’ is at the rende: HW a i | h, there's the caravan. Lower | yous, iload the camels. . on Shel boabinight awa Allah be with you, Mohammed ... O.K. And get a move You've got the goods ? on. The boss is worried about bne constguards Yes, effendi, Every- st thing is ready. Someone with a funny sense of humour hiding the stuff in a coffin. aa That's the lot, One of pos oe ‘s bright per. All aboard “Whew! Am J glad! et aise the anchor! That's Allan's boat. We'll opt him this Coastguards!) time... the dirty smuggler lust wry Ioiey, ns ceeoL luck! Sling the boxes ayerboard, past! Message for you, That's torn it! F skipper. Tk came J tf They've been Good thing we got rid of while the cops dumped ! How the evidence: they'd have were aboard. cam we Find nabbed me otherwise. them now ? Not a hope of picking them) up in the dank, By morn- ing they could have drifted For miles... There's another coffin .. and it’s opening! What?... What? ... Shout louder! The wind's too strong... can't hear you! me = [dil es What's that? J can’t hear a word! It's the wind! It’s hopeless. I'm just shout- ing myself hoarse. The cuerants are pulling we fur. ther and further apart. But fat least you and | can stay Together, snowy. Il tie your boat to" Now then, let's try to catch our- selves seme fish for breakfast. If youre like me, you're starving. Its certainly @ whopper ! .. or else be drowned . The } catch inthis biedé sea wel || || wind’s rising and the sen's Jase have te starve to deat: getting rough. gee hoon SO) Kees [ 1F there's nothing else ro | It's hopeless to goon search ing. "We'll never Pind hem Ah, | see it! Lower a ot fous mirnctis Haler. .. boat and rescue the Ancient Mariner! Retrieved one coffin with occupant 0c Sophocles Sarcophagus. Weather worse, ing. Propose break off search ing south, anol hone too 'seon ! Hello, young Sinbad! How are Just happened to be pas- Sing, old boy, when you were going down Por the third time! |[ Now 1 remember...We were N hit by a gigantic wave. Jim ‘dying to know what You saved life, Cap 7 i # f IG 4 cl A Allow mo to assist you, sir. Any little thing yoit may require, sir... and my Ah, here's wy paszenger: Senor Olivelte da Figucira, astonish you ... Everything a bargain! ‘Analarm clock? A tooth- brah Abts Just let me show end up mith all sorts of useless junk a Just as well | didy't Fall for his patter. You you're wok careful, That's the Arabian coast. | || You can carry my things over there. Hello! Hello! Salaam Aleikum! Here we are again! Senhor Olivcicd a Figuoira at your servi You're setting up shop? wHere? S's the middle | oF nowhere. You won't get a single customer! “ringing you the wonders of the western world. Walk up, my Friends, walk up, don’t veshy... don't miss this marvellous opportunity, It's the solo supermarket! f FR ; he fT C Ae, RSS EES gb) ins Wait! | haven't “gee = Roll up, roll up, lords of the desert’ Act today, don't Gelay! Oliveira da Figueira is Waiting to serve you. What about this hat? Fit fora pharaoh! Make you the best- dressed man in the oasis! This ll be a nice surprise for my wife! is Son of a mangy dog! You ime this cakel Tate te, and Jook what's happe ea 1o ae soap! There youare! Clean asa whistle, That's salesman ship Por you! Whate wore, they all come back, too! & sold g ys | Wexe morning Let’s explore, Snowy ».. What a quiet, empty place this is! | | Salaam Aicikum, most noble || |f Aha! So itis you! itis youwno |} |{ We can do without the worth- Sheik: the prisoner comes! |} | tried Eo poison the servants of || || less clutter of your so-called Patrash Pasha, infidel dog! civilisatig Bring him. before me! fF your exploits iat he should bri tomy humble tent ! [Amazing what a little pub- icity wilt do For you! nse Goodbye, Tintin; — ||Geodbye, (¢ i tah ge with you! and thank Goodin, mg Bien: vou hove Allah go with you! |javdlthaniyeu st ol @ aN Bhs 5 4 i. y a awn Cd = That's a woman's voice... If Don't be afraid... youve seen the fast of those rufFians. Ge, Idiot! Inbecile! Silly nitwit | How odd, all gone...nob a whisker. Sorry, | was wrong. At least puss atayed behind.. Here, Snowy! eat enakes! Machine-guns, ‘And rifles hidden beneath layer of umbrellas! that cat ws. All these crates are packed with ammunition! Tes like an arsenal down here! More automatic weapons! What a fool I've been. Itaidn't cross my mind .. Ehis innocent little ship > Interesting, eh? EAE Le y rT le Wore ag policeman! Iwatzhed you come. aboard. Con gratulations! S never guessed you Captain! Danger! You Come quick ! if you've given me away, just remem er this. gags My boat is mined, and Plow her ahh before Tit surrender! up on oleck ? Fy Dies ipo Crumbs, J... now f under- stand ! They've left us.alone on board a mined ship! All quict now. They must have made a dash For it ! q Ina blue funk, 'd say. Whew I really trowaht we'd blown | up... And all Ehe time it must have Deen another boat, coming Alongside witha bit ofa’bump.- _| Here, Snowy, quick ! Get me * fut oF tia’ } A cate At least we aren’ Short oF weapons if it comes to 4 fight yun-eunni You really aed We meet again'!...Drug-smuggling, ‘te iting to rebellion... in trouble. this In trouble?... wonder... Twonder...” All eight, Vl Put ap my & Wording Win f Fo ‘ Lights! Quick! Tve got him! Ma Oe i ie aah iD He must be down here |somewhore... Well soon find hi |] [Not over thie [] Nor here... im} | Side... 55 = e RS i We must stop him slipping out. Tobe precise: we must stop slip- ping! i + ee Did you hear that? }f Yes, it sounded quite close... H water any longer ! Lucky For us he hooked 4 Hurry up or wimseit... b im [hell drown! You'd better catcn that T's going to take | animal while | take care Jaw ‘more than that OF his master | } 7 to catch me! Fic Tico aroppod agrenadet | [ Furey, comeening must nave pices rata ce | [ene tang. x Panic stations!...Cut the cables! || |{ Goodness gra - + We're blowing up! _}} |[cioust...Tintin Oh dear, ae up with nent One min- forgot! |||] ute they arcest me, Phe next they ee bolt like a couple of rabbits. Yes... | say, does 0 grenade take long to explodgg, ? Apity about Tintin acloud by now, Lucky forus they ship gren- ades without explosive... ctnorwise weld Pe sitting on Snowy. vase just went vipat We'll head for the Cosmos camp. Vm sure Mr. Rastapopoulos ill be able Eo help us on our adventure. There's the camp. | wonder what he will fay when T Eel hiv there was n plot bo get rid of avout ‘our latest you! aasleg My dear chap, it’s exactly like || 2 Film. Anyone would think Next morning... a Good luck! ms Goodbye!...And thank you again! Don't be impatient +s» Must be delayed = z JF all goes well we'll be There aren't any wells|] | = ; Down! in Abudin by tomorrow, |||] on our way. And the Quick! But wemust go easy on |}|| desert speils death without. water, L Yee, that'sit: and when hesaw BD he'd failed, whoever it was took £0 his heels. He may have missed me, but| he bit my water-bottle...and that's nearly as a y You see, one should never || | give up hope! | | Oh Snowy, I'm afraid we rejoiced too soon ... Snowy! Snowy! We're }] |{ Look! This time it iswe saved! a mirage! ‘Adrink at last? Fifetlo, two Bedouin. il for some water. That's it! The engine's Hold tight, Snowy! . Here we go! "and no sign ePaclearing is How rouch longens aa i Hf The First aid iI I need is a book of instructions! Z B Seer Any more to come? eure ill. temperature ff] dose of ai f ie = Don't be afraid, old chap. ns, Snowy hurt: a fi ‘vevjust the thing wy wouldn't i A whole tubel || nis Hey! pe it easy, 4 ‘That should =z bs ond || old man! be enough. || Saray x i IL They seem fF Pk Look, brother elephants, this young y, Heeerm! Herre! Stop, little human has cured my Fever, having.a center YE human. You must stay with te Nau ane sue elephant doctor. to pick up some of their ony, when BB language. Perhaps 1 T wonder... Why | the elephants talk to tan discover what theyre] ‘ Pu Ov one another. Ehey makea fi saying,and even talk to. {I |! drink’ goes SOL-SOL-FAH- Gort of trumpeting sound. |] f] Ehew All need isatrum- |} H FAH... OF course Lhe main [vebesn listening to them} ff pet-Sothat’s what: lin mabis coming back Hooray, I've \earnt ‘to talk lephant! I Kin-oskh! The symbol, stay here. y herc!...1b' unbelievable !! I'm going for |] exploring. [Fi tent you. Promise to keep it a secret. OF course... Now then .. Poor Doctor Sarcophagus He's completely mad. shaver act anything out of him until He's cured But where can 1 Find a doctor 7 Tell me what happened everything, since you Floated world did you get J] |] away in the coffin ... here @ [Piven absolutely between our. selves, tim the Pharaoh Rameses I |] Tweet, tweet!...Dor't tell a soul Novody Knows... fim travelling Cognito. A Tased to play the plano too when | was'a Boy... [Good day, my dear Tutank We weed special help. you take us toa village? | Good morning. 1 hope we aren't disturbing you... 1 Found this waan wandering | f The junsie. He seems eo. | Yew in le || Have gone out of hie mind | visiting thi Js there a doctor anywhere PN iT ee H for him right away. A Mittle baler That's the whole story, doctor, Do you think the poor fellow |] might be erred ome olay 2, Yes, he could... but he needs treat- ment as soon as possible, There's @ special hospital mot Far From here} Che superintendent is a friend of mino. You could take him there in HL tie morning. Meanwhile, you're my guest. I've just Fixed a small party for ronight : do join us. Tintin... Our good padre we | FP -.- the well-known the Reverend Peacock ... 2 Post, Zloty. That's a strange It's made of cteel... S11 get it weapon you have there.|| || deadly little toy! down for Tew pita Hindu was given it by a Fakir. || |! you to see... dagger? He cold me it had ma powers... t's supposed L_ to poiut to anyon ] whose life is fn j danger. T'm 50 sorry. J do hope you won't take it asa bad omen, just a coincidence ... ] Please don't worry. | way, Tin not scared 1 omens ! Don't bealarmed,its } only tie wind .J think we're in for a storm. Taat sounded Quick !... Upstairs! like Doctor Sarcophagus. + € Empty !! He must have gone out of the window. My wife! . That's my wife! = ay Oh Sahib! Sahib! ...The spicits have come for us \'saw one... allinwhite...rumving into the jungle! Oh!... Oh! A ghost .. It was horrible ] saw a ghost ! Tue dagger has gone ! vu Look! IE was here oa the Fable. Finst time {ve heard of a girit nipping off with a dagger! “akjway, na'good chasing iim tonight. We'll search in the worning. Try not to lose the tra Snowy .-- The young sahib went out at |} dawn, into the forest. Bry an ee : Yes, it's certainly his. || |{ What do you think of that, We're on the right track Snowy? Smart,en? _ u-He's somewhere around.) $ Help! he’s gone berserk! . Lucky his arm got tangled in Run Por it! j the creeper. @ “other Gotit!...A Fine ghost you are! @ } -Twant my dagger... i No youdor’® Ee 8 Egil y ny, Be My dagger...Boo-hoo...[ want || ie ou, A} Sophocles! | your a What eyes ? The eyes? a BY Wont eyes 2... What eves? H le 4 Ah! Now Tremenber. 8 Y f Rameses IL, go back atonce f} |] to the place where you saw e eyes! Got = Ao th If 1 Follow him, maybe 1 can discover what this igall about. } | No, ne didn't want me to will him... So! You cannot || resist me! ? RAY I Ooh, pretty Hie Ty me ay AY 1a x 1 —) HI shoot you, | FSW Whew! Thank goodness! | naughty chin usta butterfly. { The Fakir managed to ff eseape...No use going after ff -— [ hien.. Lee's concentrate on || WLet's have tie cards on tie table, Mr Zloty HI the poet... He can only Someone’s trying ke murder me, And you're fl mean that Zloty Fellow. lacing totell me precisely what youknowabout t..} Me?... But 1 don't | yn Yes... No...] mean... There. is 9 branch of the organisation here... You were recoonised and someone reported to the 85, I don't know very much ... There's an international gang fof drug smuaglers...Theyire. determined to get rid of you You're. lying! Talk, and talk fast! Wisden member of the usta minulees Bub the boss... Tell You're g || The voss was furious |) fl me his mame t that you were still = alive ! he gave orders for you to be liquidated .~. Sarcophagus was to do it, while ne was hypnotised ... to tell wie, now! ing ‘The boss ...Film sadon'E Eeust... Someone was m Too late... I'm hiding outside oe done for. it's their revenge... This arrow Is poisoned with Rajaijah juice, } the poison of shubbers... Here we come 9 gathering in eyeaanueot bb nuts in Come along, children, BI playtime is over now... Who can tell me who succeeded Rameses I? Now we've got two madmen ‘on our hands. Here's a letter for the superintendent. We'll ceri them to hospital tomorrow. + ; R A my clever Fri d-With that H otter they'll certainly give you a warm welcome Here's a letter from Dr. Finney About tees two patients ay] = FS al|_18) Zi ACB Zh Wil eacone nin wet jj Just a Few formalities . ] amie (Ne oven TEE Frorderty, look atter these genclemen, please. This is the sort of ward we shall use For treating your poor friends. yD el ‘He will give you this letter himself. He will tell you i | concems his two companions.” "... He is extreme ly dangerous. You should trick him into entering a cell, eather than force him. He "1 insisting that he fs absolutely > SANE..." I So, gentlemen , yo unhappy Friend will have all possible care We have complete confidence in you. | | another letter. .. It made out that Tintin Himself was mad, not the others, and .. 1 | ‘i IF you don't: keep quiet we'll © fwooan' J ave Kee ai WOOAH! A a Fiedlrseaha strait eck all cS ei ir + ! | BAe A) Eos . at] Just: a3 Doctor Finney said: "He will keep on insisting that he,is absolutely sane." Are you ene I ] What on earth can | do? There must be a way He'd better} Hale UV11 nave to jump for it: If 1 stop Vn done for! Here goes. Safe at last! Let's hope Snowy follows the railway CapraGnTe Erack. I'll hep off as coon as He's escapod | Wooah! Wooah! Well, well, what a surprise to see your face again! We'd lost you completely!ll § Pere | AW ae ©. ae Ole yp ix 2 Goodness gracious! Its |} the Hekst collector! | No, we aren't too Far gon ing in yourdirection Fides. serike inn 22 for you. | iret | * ante : ONE NCA nf gomeonemnst vec aaa wel f ; : ing|| have pulled the I I] Yes, quite a young man... He WI) He can’t have much start + we'll have puted the HI ietitlme tomnde nror sat || te came have much 2 Communication | H Orie The alti Boras | f essen cakclgup with Wim Darna te he soee et ke fF. He went that way This track goes on for || || Excuse me, madam, I'm ever. Where does icend?}| || sorry to intrude, but jou tell yao whew dist train went Miserable dog! Do you not know that, Sam a sacred You think 60?! S'l teach youto mind your manners, vulgar little cur! Sacrilege ! Sacrilege! We will slay it on the jis attacking our - Kill EY Kill it! altar of Siva! sacred cow ! yo at How can I oct off the plat- }form without a tickee?.. No mistake, it’s him all Fight...Matches the. de scription exactly. What do they want: with we? (Crumbs! Now Ir understand .. IMy eccape has been reported. Hey, you! Stop! Z| HOLE Just wait, clever dick ... Wel pay you back ¢ All that, just toend up ina. strait - jacket. Poor Snowy, iF you could sez your master now! Fabout to offer. accept the 5 The superintendent will be pleased to recover ..The patient ! : Ba) || Quick ! Look around! Where's he gone ? He can’t be far Stay your hand, servant of Siva! The ood will not accept so mean Wl a sacrifice | To be precise: the all clear's gone! ~ | |[By the holy Vi branmin™” Look, How wrong | was Theyre | B21 || Highness, look! really pretty goo! : 5 | i chaps! y a jorry to trouble yeu eo] wonder iF you'd oa | append to pass this Maharaja] | H cs ighness! Highness! See! On the ranch! The. lord of the jungie! ] | ® fe 5 We will return to the palace. You are my quest, Mr... Me. atall... Not a No one ! Noone | It's horrible...) musc| tell you... My Father end ey brotner both | ‘went mad, one after the other Each time, just before they Vecame il, tHe same be uneartni ‘music was | heard oul ide the This time J am eure it is forme... ft isa Maharaja, when Your father and your | other went mand , was there any sion eP.a wound, a puncture) lon the. neck’ or arm? ‘i ie i lo, nothing Were they perhaps trying to Bight the traFtic in harcories # Opium, For instance? Indeed they ware And 1am continuing their stcuggle, The lemade Flourishes im this region. The drug traffickers tercorise my people. They force the peasants to grow poppies in 7] Uh poppy from which opium =the crop fora miser- able sum: Them mon | unhappy people nee the rice they Should have grown For them selves, they nave to buy it from the smug- alors at exorbitant. prices, [never atop Fgh ng ne der tjanieAtion Good. We will work togetner. Listen carefully, Highness... Magic rope, our, eet obey fee eses ‘Ana! Ik ia done... 4 ¥ joas the last of our mad maharajas! There The problem is to Find out how ie opens . Where does thie lead to? Crumbs ! Another one! ... No time to lose! - : Brothers, with the exception of our leader, whe is is inable"eS tome, we are'aitprecent” Gur seisien may|) | Ihave Eaebest | There is nothing begin. Our brother from the West will speak First. Pee racher hood: We are Finally rid of the Maha raja oF Gaipajama, Even as I speak, fre is going mad! Hello?... Yes, Brothers, things headquarters ‘here || || look black.Our A message from |||| Cairo hideout has Cairo 2,..What 1... been raided. Only Hold thelinea moment} |) our leader escaped, || || But... but there He's om his ace seven of us here by her Since our rules Pocbid te touncover our faces, ‘you will come one by Bnet and give me our password. Whoever Halls to give the word dies instante | my Friend. IF by that the password, I Fire ! —— 1... I'm sorry... bat T oar remembe: J will count up co three, Eime you haven't given Wait ! Wait! I've got it! Tremember ! KIH-OSKH and, CAIPAJAMA ! posed to whisper! everybody knows! —_ Stupid fool! You're sup Never mind ! | amgging inte the next room. You will come in one one and give me the password pe our last meet ing J] Not a bad day's work!... | must say I was lucky to be called first...Now, let's have a look at the Faces of our jungie Ku Klux Klan! The fakir, a Japanese, Mr. and Mrs. Snowball, Ehe colonel who sentenced meto death, and the Maharaja's secretary fantastic ! What 4 cheek, thinking The Fakir! he could tie we up... M He's escaped ! a Fully qualificd Fakir ! oa Aha! Now [really have | ‘you in my power ! Among the papers they seized was a list of their enemies. JE iMcluded you, and the Maharaja of Gaipajama. And there was a plan oF this bolt-hole, too. We heard about it, 20 this is where we are, To be precise: 30 | where are we # Wretched Fellow! He's locked usin! | aera ame | Ce ngratulations, my iend, youve brought off| a masterly coup! ‘Ag for me, Tintin, | owe ye life. The dummy you pub bed was hit by the arrow the arrow intended For me. By the time we.get the door open he'll be miles away . No use chasing after him. We can ick him up later on. Let's go Gack to the palace, and send someone to look after the rest of the prioners. Certainly not. We Krom ou. are innocent. We hada call Prom the Cairo police. they found 4 gare, of incernationa dao “amuggiers weing he tomb of ene Pharaah Kih-Oskh, Ie was their secret hideout ! He's given us the slip again! Highness! Highne crown prince, your son | He's been kidnapped! Two men, they made offin a Quick, the garage. They haven't got much of a arefl, hang on tight, a; we're ‘oft fall off, you two! This to be rough! wr is We are pursued, O Master!... Hurcy ! be ay 4% td elas There they (ee 5 ee We're gainin acount? Smoke ! What's | happened ? They wnust have shidded on the corner... As soon as he climbs down to have a look we jump in his car and cet going! f 2 ; ee J } Gongsters! A Impossible to get him Now where Hands up, good thing t You keep nim occupied ishe? I Houdini!’ And | wasn't Fooled | while | make a break Gani see... drop yourgun! with the Ki C There, that's better.Just || | What a coincidence! My guvl| 14 4 minor detail, but umy happens to be empty too. gun wasn't loaded So it's just the twa of us. 5 couldn't have dove it While Snowy guards better myself! tig Fakir, I'll ge after the mystery Come along, dear | boy, just alittle | aM bit nearer... ¢ 7 VES cs ws. Missed ! But Tm hat Finished yet ... Poor wretch. Who was he? ...T wonder if me shall ever ietow,.. or has he taken his secret with him? Al,, there's the prince. J must get him back to the palace. Now, if your Highness will ex- || |[No, no, || Allow me to ]] cuse me, | must say goodbye _— || |) Tintin,’ 1 || insist, Tintin. and start on my long don't want|| You must stay journey home you to For afew days go! at least. Thank you, your Highness } shall be delighted. Highness, could you arrange For those two men to be broght: Long live a bo the palace. They need help... eses I! Stop! Remember, it is forbidden to touch the cigars of the Pharaoh! Wolk ees ; wee Tell we quickly, where did you Find these cigars? iV Te ¥ | e v i © /TM\, > FENG c They belonged to the I knew he kept these Wid- Maharaja's Former seeretary| den amay. So when 5} couldnt Find any of our usual brand, brought these. (Just as 5 thought...The ident- ical cigars! We Found them inthe tomb of Kik-Oskh..- And the Arab colonel had some, Now let me see... ‘As Vexpected, they're fakes. band, anouter covering of Well done, Tintin!... But what about our Friends here ? tobacco, and inside, opium! Quite a Simple trick, but it | fooled the police of half the world Tepe | eo talk - They will be well cared for... And you,my young friend, have earned a good holiday. Maybe.a nite quiet crise now that we have seen the las J hope youare right, Highness, I certainly hope 20... Bub somehow, I wonder ‘ef that evil gang 1B. 6. ROY RALL LIB HLT. KHARAGR

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