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Task 2 Active Learning Environments

What is an active learning environment? What are its benefits? How does it link to the
inquiry cycle?

Active learning environment is to engage students with variety resources that linked
to the lesson to let them do practical activity instead of having worksheets.
Furthermore, let the students to collaborate in pairs or groups with each other. This
will help students to think critically, creative thinking analyze, Increase student
investment and effective collaboration. Inquiry cycle Is an effective technique for
elaborating a set of requirements, examining hidden assumptions, and driving a RE
effort towards completion. So basically, the active learning environment which
could be an example of 5es, is a detailed explanation of each phase.


Choose 3 lessons to observe to answer the following questions:

What was the prior
What was the impact of the
What was the activity? learning to this
activity i.e. no. of ss engaged?
Science - Types of Skeleton Earth layers Students did and activity od
sorting picture of animals and
human skeletons to its type.
Students were focused and
enjoying the activity but not
Math Multiplication (Capacity) Multiplication (Grid Students did and experiment
method). on measuring liquids on
groups. Students were
cooperating and engaged, and
the whole class were excited.
Science Muscles Skeleton Students learned about
muscles, and highlights areas
on body that have muscles.
Students were working
independently and focused.
However, students were not

Which activity engaged most students? Why do you think this happened?
I think the most activity students were engaged is the math lesson. Students did an
experiment on liquids. I think it was an engaged lesson because it was an active learning
environment. In addition students were cooperating in groups.

Record and reflect on the safety components of at least 3 Science lessons taught whilst on
What safety issues were taken into During my TP there was no Science lesson
consideration? that needs safety instructions.
Students have taught about safety in the
Were the ss made aware of them? How?
binging of the e=semester.
Did any safety issues arise in the lesson that No
were not planned for?
Is there signage in the classroom regarding Yes, in the whole school building there are
safety? a poster of emergency UAE numbers.

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