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Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions below it.

Quiet and the night came early and Leonard sat there feeling a flicker of restlessness.
He needed his books, a radio perhaps, he wasn't sure why he had been delaying going into
Kingston to fetch his things. The pattern he had established of working on the house had
completely absorbed him, but, he thought, stretching lazily, it was time to make the trip
into town. He would go there the next day, get it over with. If he went like that, mid-week,
there would be nobody there. He could simply pick up his two boxes and leave the key with
the next-door neighbour. He would not have to face his parents and their angry comments,
the small guilt-making jabs, 'after all they had done', giving up his job, 'such good
prospects', to hide himself away 'in the depths of beyond', as they put it. And, of course, he
could not explain. He could not say that the prospect of working to buy things did not
interest him, of drifting into a marriage, much like theirs, did not interest him. It was all
sound, solid, and it frightened him, the years stretching ahead, known even before they had
happened. He wanted to make something very simple, very different, for himself. He could
not explain because they were so proud of having lived out Grandma Miriam's dream, to be
educated, professionals, a far remove from Grandpa Sam, travelling in on the country bus
with his country talk and his bag of yams.

a) Why was Leonard feeling a flicker of restlessness (line 2)? (2 marks)

b) What does the phrase get it over with (line 12) tell us about Leonard's reaction to the
idea of the trip into town? (2 marks)

c) How did Leonard decide to avoid his parents? (2 marks)

d) How did Leonard's parents feel about his chosen lifestyle? (2 marks)

e) What was Grandma Miriam's ambition for her children? (1 mark)

f) What does the last sentence suggest about Grandma Miriam's' reaction to the lifestyle of
Grandpa Sam? (2 marks)

Total: 11 marks

4. Read the following poem carefully and then answer the questions set on it.

The Hawk

The hawk slipped out of the pine, and rose in the sunlit air:
Steady and still he poised: his shadow slept on the grass:
And the bird's song sickened and sank: she cowered with furtive stare,
Dumb, till the quivering dimness should flicker and shift and pass.
Suddenly down he dropped: she heard the hiss of his wing,
Fled with a scream of terror: oh, would she had dared to rest.
For the hawk at eve was full, and there was no bird to sing,
And over the heather drifted the down from a bleeding breast.


(a) Briefly state what happens in the poem. (2 marks)

(b) What does the following tell you about the bird? she cowered with furtive stare... (2

(c) Explain what is meant by the quivering dimness. (2 marks)

(d) Comment on the poet's use of each of the following:

(i) slipped
(ii) drifted (4 marks)

(e) Name one sense to which this poem appeals and quote a word or phrase in support of
your choice. (2 marks)

(f) Identify a figure of speech and comment on its effectiveness. (2 marks)

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