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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Feedback to student teacher from class teacher

Student teachers name: Zainab Hadi Grade Level: Grade 3

Observation Feedback from: Mrs Armstrong
Unit/Lesson: Science-The skeletal system Date: March 6, 2017
Competency Area E G S M US
Professionalism and Understanding X
Professional growth
Planning for learning X
Planning activities and lesson aims
Implementing and Managing Learning X
Language and delivery
Classroom management X
Communication skills X
Monitoring and Assessment X
Critical Reflection X
Strengths of the lesson:
*Zainab was organised and prepared great resources well in advance for the lesson.
*Zainab clearly communicated the Learning Objective and Success Criteria at the start of the lesson.
*Zainab set clear behaviour expectations/rules for the children at the beginning.
*During the whole-class shared session Zainab questioned the children effectively to initiate
thinking and inquiry based learning.
*Zainab created learning activities that were active and suitably challenging for the pupils.
*Zainab incorporated Pair Share time and Group Work in to the lesson to give students the
opportunity to learn together and practise their team working skills.
Areas for development:
*Time Management: Although activity time frames had been carefully considered beforehand by
Zainab, during the lesson some activities ran on longer than planned. There was a lot of time wasted
with gluing and sticking the laminated resources in the group activity, which was unnecessary. It is
important to think carefully about how the children will do tasks, thinking about their ability-level
with such tasks (including their fine motor skills for gluing, etc). The steps should be clearly
communicated to the children along with a clear time frame. Clear step-by-step instructions could be
displayed on the SmartBoard along with a timer for such group work.
*Behavior Management: Some of the children did not behave appropriately towards their peers
during the group work. Some of the children argued over who would do what job. Clear roles and
responsibilities could be set at the beginning of the task to prevent this. Part of the Success Criteria
of the lesson was working well collaboratively so this could have been monitored and actively
encouraged more. A mid-plenary time could be used to stop the children during the task, refer back
to the LO and Success Criteria, point out good team working/behavior and reward this (with group
points, stickers, etc).
*Assessing Learning: Due to time running out, some children were moved on to the independent
tasks whilst some children completed their groups work. There did not seem to be an order to this.
The children could have been stopped all together at the same time towards the end of the allocated
group work time and questioned effectively for the learning to be assessed. A more informed
decision could then be made about moving on to the next task, ensuring pupils are not left behind.

E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal and US = Unsatisfactory

MCT/MST Lesson Observation
Feedback to student teacher

Student teachers name: Zainab Hadi Grade Level: Grade 3

Unit/Lesson: Science-functions of the skeleton Date: March 13, 2017

Competency Area E G S M US
Professionalism and Understanding X
Professional growth
Planning for learning X
Planning activities and lesson aims
Implementing and Managing Learning X
Language and delivery
Classroom management X
Communication skills X
Monitoring and Assessment
Critical Reflection X
Strengths of the lesson:
* Lesson is student centered
*Zainab has a proper introduction of her lesson complete with the learning outcome
*Zainab encourages thinking through think-pair-share sessions.
*Resources are prepared including an exemplar
*Zainab provides instructions that serve as an assessment upon completion of the
*Zainab has incorporated a timer to ensure better time management (as a goal from
her previous lesson)
*Zainab has given the students a hands on assignment that allowed students to
illustrate creativity and their understanding of the outcome (a goal from her previous
*Students share their work
*Zainab is sure to discuss how to properly handle accidents in the class (adjustment
to behavior)
*Zainab rewards stickers with academic stickers (improvement from last lesson)
Areas for development:
Maintain behavior management (think-pair-share voice volume, attention during
teacher after somewhat lengthy delivering of information.
Encourage equal participation from students (sharing during whole group)
Allow the students to help you as mini teachers (completing the string portion)

E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal and US = Unsatisfactory

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