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Factors for Successful Marketing

Jobanny Mendoza

Lee High School

April 13, 2017


Dont settle: Dont finish crappy books. If you dont like the menu, leave the restaurant.

If youre not on the right path, get off it ("50 Inspirational Marketing Quotes"). Chris Brogan

used these words to express that many marketers take wrong paths in the course of their success.

Not many marketers take into consideration that there are factors that influence the public.

However, there are other successful marketers that use a combination of technology,

psychology, and propaganda to influence their target audience.

Throughout the past decade, marketers have failed to realize that engaging and

interacting with customers and the public online is a crucial factor for their future. As technology

rises, people are more involved with computers and phones. Technology itself gives marketers

not only a way to do things but also a new way to think. These devices also bring in dialogue or

conversations which in the past couldnt be done through the devices. Beyond all of the dialogue,

there three major expectations that have been enforced, which are portability, videos, and speed.

Nowadays people keep devices in their pockets that 20 years ago couldnt. These devices

are filled with knowledge and connection which can assist anyone. Videos are also escalating

quickly and are looking to be the most used visual representation. This then puts any text or

visual aside and give them the disadvantage while videos get to be the substitutes and maybe

even permanently. Another important factor that contributes greatly is speed. The speed that any

device now is outrageous. One may never think about it but its extremely rapid. Nonetheless,

that may bring flaws, in the case of people losing patience over anything operating slowly.

Though there are more factors, the ones stated above seem to be the most crucial. Through all of

these applications to the mind, people seem to find empowerment, which impacts the whole

world. In addition to that explanation, the public seems to appreciate and conform to easier and

cheaper stuff to do, and the more that is, the more it will be done. After all, people now what

kind of technology is out, and await the marketers strategies and tactics to apply to their lives.

Though technology expands power to people, they also give a variety of ways to think (The

Impact of Technology on Brand Marketing, 2012).

Mobile digital marketing has become a brave and grand world that provides opportunities

to learn from one anothers strengths. It is suggested that if ones firm is marketing online, the

firm should flow freely from any source that a future client may find. It is tremendously

important to create a phone application or at least a mobile version site because according to

comScore, in 2014, 40 percent of viewers will set sight on another site if it doesnt contain a

mobile version site. However, there are other ideas to attract clients, generating content, content

keeps clients desperate for more and await different ideas. Creating mobile applications, apps

can boost the clients attraction. Phones consist of apps and packing a phone with interesting

applications is great, firms who have created apps, generate lots of clients and perceive to greater

milestones. However, firms should never forget about social media. Social media has created a

great, impactful, and sometimes nervy atmosphere throughout the whole world. They have a big

impact on uprising firms and can strengthen the connection between clients. Though many big

firms believe it is not a necessary outreach and small firms think they dont have time to

maintain an active page, they shouldnt believe that and go ahead and create it to benefit

endlessly (Reach, 2016).

Marketing a firm is difficult enough, but with all the new and astonishing resources it is

hard many small and big firms are missing out and not reaching them. Though, it may only be to

blame for marketers who avoid these interactions with the resources. Therefore, any successful

marketer is required to see the impactful side of technology. This side is beneficial by generating

content for a page or channel, and by finding the appropriate digital delivery to attract clients and


Using creative and advanced methods and strategies of marketing ideas, events, and

businesses may sometimes create impacts to the human brain. According to psychological

research, the neocortex expresses itself in peoples obsessive compulsive tendencies, the fight or

flight response and the actions people take in response to urgencies. These are factors that inspire

impulse purchases. It has been shown that people think by using a picture, picture or visuals

influence a persons thinking process. Thus making the customer or client want to buy the

product or service or not at all. There is also a part of the mind which correlates with color. A

visual from KissMetrics showed that the color blue was associated with a sense of trust, this

could be used by any marketers to their advantage if its used correctly. However, it is not only

visuals or images that matter, words used by advertisements and the images themselves help

attract clients and customers. According to the Entrepreneur magazine, words such as authentic,

certified, guaranteed, loyal, and official are words that obtain the attention of customers and

clients. There is also a phenomenon called Foot In Door Technique (FITD). This phenomenon is

usually used when companies or businesses request people to do an email sign up, it is most

likely that the person will say yes when asked again. When an ad or visual shows any number,

the number will have an impact on people as they will evaluate how prices will be in the future.

It shows how businesses arrange prices and will affect a persons current and future purchases.

According to the Entrepreneur, every single decision made by a customer, even the rational

decisions, are made with the influence of emotions. With this in mind, marketers should

approach this method by aligning products and services to the emotions customers might feel

suitable to (Patel, 2016).

Psychology is used by the most successful marketers. In an article for Fast Company,

Robert Rosenthal says that most marketers arent psychologists, but successful marketers

employ psychology in appealing to consumers. Smart, skillful, honest marketers use psychology

legally, ethically, and respectfully to attract and engage consumers, and compel them to buy. As

mentioned, there is an obvious correlation between marketing and psychology. The stratagem is

to make customers think distinctively about ones product or service. Other times it is to make

them comply with small commitments before the formal proposal. It is to appreciate when one

can discover ways to trigger favorable emotions and responses for customers. It is up to one to

reveal or discover what plan is the most effective blueprint for success for any business (Samson,


Propaganda has been used throughout political movements or governmental. The goal of

propaganda is to influence, influence opinion, acts, or decisions. Often the public seems to miss

that there are slight similarities in marketing today. Definitive statements or claims contribute to

propagandas appeal. A marketer should share or show what they have in mind, which means to

take any type of risk and not fear. They will have to learn how to go with different approaches

and if it fails, they will have to learn from it. Learn from the mistakes, flaws that the approach

may have caused and will make their goal better. As a business, one would like to see customers

come back, with propaganda, there are strategies marketers take to influence their customers to

come back. Marketers usually make this happen by generating content on their needs and what

brought them to ones business in the first place. Other marketers interest them with emails about

similar purchases that they made and offer products that are better and easier to use. Finally,

marketers make sure they are directing the kinds of propagandas to the people they want in their

businesses, whether its the youth, young adults, adults, or the elderly. These type of marketers

focus on the customer's inquiries and concerns personally and in a timely manner. Though some

concerns may be negative, showing engagement with the person means that the marketer truly

cares about customer care while the customer will show appreciation to ones interest in

concerns (Sorenson, 2012).


Work Cited

"50 Inspirational Marketing Quotes." Wishpond, 2013,

50-inspirational-marketing-quotes-2013. Accessed 12 Apr. 2017.

Patel, Neil. "8 Psychological Insights Into the Brain That Will Improve Your Marketing."

Entrepreneur, 6 Jan. 2016, Accessed 13

Apr. 2017.

Reach, Catherine Sanders. "Moving target: customizing your mobile digital marketing." GP

Solo, Nov.-Dec. 2016, p. 65+. General OneFile,

d=ac247bc71905586b220480643bf4a647. Accessed 13 Apr. 2017.

Samson, Eric. "The Intersection of Psychology and Marketing." Entrepreneur, 28 Sept. 2016, Accessed 13 Apr. 2017.

Sorenson, Lauren. "6 Propaganda Tactics to Empower Your Marketing." HubSpot, 6 Jan. 2012,

Your-Marketing.aspx#sm.00004s0xblgl7fely4w1eiztc1at1. Accessed 12 Apr. 2017.

"The Impact Of Technology On Brand Marketing." Brands, 31 Jan. 2012. General OneFile,

283881181&it=r&asid=da8a334de84a9fb4d8dca02fda293f20. Accessed 13 Apr. 2017.

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