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Lee High School

Athletic Director

How is an athletic department run efficiently by an Athletic Director?

Samuel Beene

Brian Cahoon

Senior Capstone

April 13, 2017


Samuel Beene

Brian Cahoon

Senior Capstone

April 13, 2017

Athletic Director

Becoming an athletic director would be a cool job because of the interaction with mom

and dads and being around student athletes all year. An athletic directors job is vital, they make

sure everything is intact and organized. They make the schedules and let everyone know what is

going on. Most kids are involved in at least one sport, if not more during their lifetime. Being an

athletic director is cool: to be around lots of kids and give opportunities for the kids to enjoy the

sport. An athletic department is ran effectively by an athletic director who enforces rules

and policies, by hosting well-run events and following title IX compliances.

In every workplace there are rules and policies but what are the rules of and athletic

director. In another interview and Athletic directors talk about how they must have all

application submitted for fall,winter and spring sports and a specific day, also it is and athletic

director job to place the athletic policy of the school districts in writing and communicative it

often to coaches,athletes parents,and people watching each event.He was ask how does game run

and he stated the manual says cooperatively maintaining and appropriate atmosphere which is

conductive to an educationally sound athletic program, all student athletes on each level at the

school you are being an athletic director at it is your job to give uniforms and proper equipment

for practice and competition. It is a athletic director job to punish students because of their

grade/behavior and maybe even lack of sportsmanship in games.Athletic director are suppose to

provide printed programs of the players on all team to MHSAA to see if all the student athletes

attending sports that season are eligible or have the physicals,also showing that all players on

each team should show sportsmanship in every game win or lose.It is also the A.D job to find a

coach that fits the job and each sport. Finally one of the main rules and athletic director has to

follow is that you cannot recruit players in any way basically saying you can't have meeting with

a student and parents basically forcing to come to your school to play sports. A local athletic

director at a close school and they were ask two questions first one was, What are

responsibilities of and athletic director secondly they ask him and he stated Scheduling events,

assigning official for each even, managing events hiring coaches at least a month before

scheduled practices. At lee students must be passing 66% of their current course and have

passed 66% of the classes the previous trimester Cain said. All athletic director must attend all

school meeting,district meeting,ok conference meetings, MHSAA meetings and title IX meeting

cain also said. It is also and athletic director responsibilities to count all the money from each

event and paying the official the right amount of money. (Faasse, Jason Personal interview. 13

Apr. 2017. )

How does an Athletic director host and run-well events? Setting up schedules where and

when all events are being played and at what time is apart of hosting and knowing here your

teams will be going so they can warn the parents or people coming to watch them perform.

Athletic Director most hire an official that have enough confidence to make the right and best

calls for both teams and also make sure everyone is safe at all time in each event,also provide the

officials a meal of some kind. It is up to the A.D to rate the official performance of the game that

he/she called,also should support their calls in case of adverse rulings,so basically dont rate and

official on a bad call they may have on your team.Athletic directors have to maintain sidelines

for exclusive use of players ,coaches and officials and handling crowds so that no fans are

running on the place the teams are performing on. It is the athletic director decision if you want

all your events to be post on some type of media for everyone to see. It is also the athletic

director's job make sure that the place the games are being played on are in the best shape

possible to avoid injuries of any kind. An athletic direct most host events which means that the

athletic director most give team time to warm up before the game even starts ,also giving the

away team to talk about the game and get dress be for the game. Lastly hosting and events means

that you will need to have a couple people take score and check all the player in the games when

coming of the bench .What is the process for setting scheduling and managing events was the

second question cain answered in the interview. Hiring and coordinate event staff you need and

announcers,scorekeeper,ticket taker,security,clock operator.Cain said in the interview that you

have to make sure everyone gets out the gym because if something happen it's all on the A.D of

the school.(Cain, John. Personal interview. 13 Apr. 2017.)

How does each athletic director take care of Title IX compliances? The definition of title

IX is an Amendment to the education act of 1972. What it mandates is that any education

institute that receives federal funds cannot discriminate against persons based on their sex,for

athletic that means schools must provide equal opportunities for both men and women. Schools

cannot only have men's sports or spend money on men's sports without also spending relatively

equal amount on women sports. Also and athletic director can not just give all the money to one

sex male or female.This is the main rule that athletic director have to follow every since the 1972

case because people at highschool and college were complaining about not getting as much as

the opposite sex. Mr. Beckman's boss, Mr. Thomas, was not accused of any wrongdoing, but he

said he understood "that my continued presence may create an ongoing distraction for our students,

coaches, and staff, and I accept the situation."("Sacked." The Chronicle of Higher Education, 20

Nov. 2015, p. A3. Academic OneFile,). Many people feel that athletic director are a small part of

high school athletics,but there are many different assignments an athletic director does every

single day. They run the department for sports and lead athletes to success. Without athletic

directors sport events would be chaotic, because they are the ones who organize the events. They

also make sure the atheletic are prepared for wants to coming up and life so basically role

models. (BethMDowney. YouTube. YouTube, 18 July 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2017.)

Work Cited

Beaudin, James A., and Louis Free. "BUILDING TEAMWORK." American School

University, vol. 71, no. 12, 1999, p. 101. Academic OneFile,


%7CA55857770&asid=96cb59a6d6066136d300f7465697ec8d. Accessed 28 Mar. 2017.

BethMDowney. YouTube. YouTube, 18 July 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2017.

Cain, John

Personal interview. 13 Apr. 2017.

Faasse, Jason

Personal interview. 13 Apr. 2017.

"Sacked." The Chronicle of Higher Education, 20 Nov. 2015, p. A3. Academic OneFile,

E%7CA435793319&asid=15e232f7d4326bc60a3d86659c8e26f0. Accessed 13 Apr.2017.


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