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Practicum II Log EDUC 5386 Sandra E. Zaragoza

EDUC 5386 Practicum II Principal Log of Experiences

Sandra E. Zaragoza

East Texas Baptist University

Dr. PJ Winters
Practicum II Log EDUC 5386 Sandra E. Zaragoza

Date: 1-10-17 Hours: 3 Running Total: 3

Description: Latino Family Literacy Program /Prep

SBEC Competencies: 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 1.10, 5.8, 4.2, 3.4, 3.7, 2.6

Brief Summary: Prepared flyers, reminders, and translated for families who were chosen to

participate the program. I prepped lessons from instructions provided by the program.

Communicated with parents and taught parents about how to be more involved in their childrens

learning, especially in Reading and Language Arts.

Date:2-16-17 Hours:2 Running Total: 5

Description: Team leader meetings all grade levels K-4

SBEC Competencies: 1.1, 8.3, 8.5, 8.6, 5.1-5.11

Brief Summary: I observed my team leader and my two principals as they conducted themselves

in the team leader meeting. I focused on what was said and how it was said. I also learned what

all has to be intricately managed for a school to run smoothly and safely.

Date: January 17, 2017 Hours: 3 Running Total: 8

Description: Latino Family Literacy Program 10 WEEK program

SBEC Competencies: 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 1.10, 5.8, 4.2, 3.4, 3.7, 2.6

Brief Summary: I communicated with parents and families involved about what had to be

brought to the meetings. I ensured that reading strategies were taught and practiced at home. I

typed up reminders, created sign-in sheets, and also followed up with parents who asked me to

communicate with them further about needs that they wanted to be met.
Practicum II Log EDUC 5386 Sandra E. Zaragoza
Date: 1-24-17 Hours: 3 Running Total:11
Description: Latino Family Literacy Program/Prep
SBEC Competencies: 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 1.10, 5.8, 4.2, 3.4, 3.7, 2.6

Summary: Materials were prepared and gathered for the lesson, prep for lesson for the night was
prepared, and parent reminders were created for future classes in the 10 week program.
Technology was utilized to show parents how tech could be used in their childs education and
the importance of technology in this day in age.

Date: 1-30-17 Hours: 2 Running Total: 13

Description: Team Leader Meeting All Grade Levels
SBEC Competencies: 1.1, 8.5, 8.6, 8.3, 5.1-5.11

Summary: Team leader meeting ran efficiently today due to clear and explicit deliver of
information. Each grade level team lead had a chance to take turns to address their team
members concerns. Mr. Hancock addressed the concerns and or answered the questions that each
grade might have had. Much of the time was spent clarifying and confirming information that
was communicated by email or hearsay.

Date: 2-1-17 Hours: 2 Running Total: 15

Description: Bilingual/ESL Meeting
SBEC Competencies: 3.4, 3.9, 3.7

Summary: The bilingual director, Rachel Campa, and the Region VII Bilingual and ESL Rep.
Carmen Delgado were both leading the meetings in hopes to collaborate and communicate the
BIL/ESL expectations for the district. Bilingual students and their data from previous screeners
were also discussed.

Date: 2-6-17 Hours: 2 Running Total: 17

Description: Morning Duty, Cafeteria Duty, and After school Duty
SBEC Competencies: 7.6, 5.10, 8.5, 9.2, 7.1, 7.3, 9.1
I shadowed the principals as the both did either morning duty or afternoon duty or both did lunch
duty. Principals were visible and communicated with parents and students. Security and safety
was maintained with the presence of personnel wearing their badges for identification. The car
lines, bus lines, and transitions from hallway to hallway was controlled due to the presence of
several administrators and teacher leaders.

Date: 2-16-17 Hours: 3 Running Total: 20

SBEC Competencies: 3.1-3.2-3.3-3.4-3.5-3.7-3.9
Summary: We read TELPAS manual, completed security training, and completed TELPAS
Online calibration 2017. I observed the admin give, receive, and deliver her knowledge of state
mandated TELPAS to the teachers and other paras.

Date: 2-17-17 Hours: 6 Running Total: 26

Practicum II Log EDUC 5386 Sandra E. Zaragoza
Description: STEM Coordinator Giving PD and Tech Updates-Tour SAM Houston Maker
SBEC Competencies:3.7-4.1-4.2-4.3-4.4-4.5
Summary: observed how STEM coordinators gave PD and Tech updates Tour Sam Houston and
show maker spaces for the next school year

Date: 3-8-17 Hours:1 Running Total: 27

Description: Bully Proof Assembly-Wrestling Presenters and AP organizing event
SBEC Competences:1.1-1.2-1.4-1.5-1.6-1.8-2.4-2.7
Summary: Our AP organized and planned for the wrestlers to come and present a bullying
assembly. The event was to promote our districts zero tolerance policy on bullying.
Description: Reading and analyzing campus faculty and student handbook.

Date: 3-10-17 Hours:1 Running Total: 28

Description: Walkthrough-TTESS Amy Schlebauch- kinder-Flexible Seating Pilot classroom
SBEC Competences:6.5-6.4-6.1-5.10-
Summary: I observed a kinder teacher while she implemented her flexible seating classroom
delivering her math instruction and math rotations. I briefly sat with her to discuss my
observation and to discuss some glows and room to grow suggestions.

Date: 3/16/17 Hours: 2 Running Total: 30

Description: Reading and analyzing campus faculty and student handbook.
SBEC Competences:6.7
Summary: I read and /analyzed campus faculty and student handbooks. I made annotations of
what I would do differently if I were admin.

Date: 3-21-17 Hours: 1 Running Total: 31

Description: Cinco de Mayo Meeting with Teachers
SBEC Competencies:5.3-4.6-5.11-3.4-3.7-2.6-1.1-1.2
Summary: I sat with the teachers as we begin organizing and sharing visions for this years
Cinco d Mayo Celebration and Fundraiser.

Date: 3-27-17 Hours: 2 Running Total: 33

Description: Cinco de Mayo Fundraiser Prep-Flea Market PR for funds
SBEC Competencies: 3.9-1.2-1.4-2.1-2.6-2.7-3.7-3.9-4.6-5.3
Summary: I prepped letters and flyers and communicated to all who needed to approve or make
requests at the admin level.

Date: 3-29-17 Hours: 2 Running Total: 36

Description: Testing Security Training: Admin observation
SBEC Competencies: 7.6-6.1-5.10-5.8-5.7-5.6-5.3-5.1-3.4-3.1-3.2-3.3
Practicum II Log EDUC 5386 Sandra E. Zaragoza
Summary: I read the entire testing manual before our counselor (testing coordinator) reviewed
the STAAR 2017 Testing Manual and other testing security mandates from a PPT. She also had a
Q&A throughout the meeting.

Date: 3-30-17 Hours: 3 Running Total: 39

Description: SIOP MODEL PD ESL and Bilingual Teachers
SBEC Competencies: 1.1-1.4-1.5-1.7-1.8-1.10-3.4-3.9-4.1-4.2-5.1-5.7-5.11-6.1-6.2-6.7
Summary: I organized and planned PD for Bilingual and ESL teachers who needed the SIOP
model for our campus. I created the PPT and organized the materials. I even gathered some
teaching aides for giveaways for the attendees. I emailed and communicated the invite to all
involved and whom needed to make the final approval for my PD present.

Date: 3-31-17 Hours: 1 Running Total: 40

Description: Walk-Through Kinder Teacher-Debrief with Kinder Teacher
SBEC Competencies:1.1-1.4-1.5-1.7-1.8-1.10-3.4-3.9-4.1-4.2-5.1-5.7-5.11-6.1-6.2-6.7
Summary: I did a walk-through to observe a kinder teacher for 45 minutes. We spend the
conference time discussing her observation and recommendations of how to improve in areas she
thought she was weak in.

Date: 4-4-17 Hours: 3 Running Total: 43

Description: Cinco de Mayo Plan and Prep
SBEC Competencies 1.1-1.4-1.5-1.7-1.8-1.10-3.4-3.9-4.1-4.2-5.1-5.7-5.11-6.1-6.2-6.7
Summary: I electronically prepared letters, typed emails, and created flyers in preparation for
Parent planning night from 6-7 pm.

Date: 4-7-17 Hours: 4 Running Total: 47

Description: SMSA Yard Sale Prep and PR
SBEC Competencies: 7.6, 5.10, 8.5, 9.2, 7.1, 7.3, 9.1-1.1-1.4-1.5-1.7-1.8-1.10-3.4-3.9-4.1-4.2-
Summary: I organized, advertised, and ran a school yard sale in hopes to raise funds for our
fundraiser for our Fiesta Night May 18th. We set up, sold, and cleaned up after the sale. We also
used social media and technology to communicate to our parents and community.

Date: 4-8-17 Hours: 4 Running Total: 51

Description: SMSA Yard Sale #1
SBEC Competencies: 7.6, 5.10, 8.5, 9.2, 7.1, 7.3, 9.1-1.1-1.4-1.5-1.7-1.8-1.10-3.4-3.9-4.1-4.2-
Summary: I organized, advertised, and ran a school yard sale in hopes to raise funds for our
fundraiser for our Fiesta Night May 18th. We set up, sold, and cleaned up after the sale. We also
used social media and technology to communicate to our parents and community.

Date: 4-12-17 Hours: 1 Running Total: 52

Description: Walkthrough-Observation
Practicum II Log EDUC 5386 Sandra E. Zaragoza
SBEC Competencies: 4.1-4.21.1-1.4-1.5-1.7-1.8-1.10-3.4-3.9-5.1-5.7-5.11-6.1-6.2-6.7
Summary: I completed a walk-through/observation of a first grade teacher teaching a math
lesson over three dimensional shapes. I referred to the TTESS rubric as I observed. We debriefed
during her conference time as to what I observed and areas she need to grow.

Date: 4-18-17 Hours: 3 Running Total: 55

Description: Parent Planning Night-Fiesta night
SBEC Competencies: 1.1-1.4-1.5-1.7-1.8-1.10-3.4-3.9-4.1-4.2-5.1-5.7-5.11-6.1-6.2-6.7
Summary: I organized and planned for parent planning night in preparation of fiesta night may
18th. Parents and family came to discuss food booths and plans for selling food. We
communicated on social media and used technology to assist in advertising for the planning

Date: 4-18-17 Hours: 1 Running Total: 56

Description: PLC/STEM Coordinator
SBEC Competencies: 1.1-1.4-1.5-1.7-1.8-1.10-3.4-3.9-4.1-4.2-5.1-5.7-5.11-6.1-6.2-6.7
Summary: I had the opportunity to learn from our curriculum STEM coordinators of ways to
STEMIFY our lessons. Together we worked as a team to advocate for challenging but relevant
learning opportunities for the students. We used the data to plan for the STEM activity due to the
low performance of the TEK in the DMAC data.

Date: 4-22-17 Hours: 4 Running Total: 60

Description: SMSA Yard Sale #2
SBEC Competencies: 4.1-4.21.1-1.4-1.5-1.7-1.8-1.10-3.4-3.9-4.1-4.2-5.1-5.7-5.11-6.1-6.2-6.7
Summary: I organized and planned the yard sale up to the date of the sale. We planned for
teachers to donate items not needed to sell at the yard sale. I contacted parents to come and help
tag the prices, organized the tables, and set up the day of the sale. We used social media and used
technology to help advertise the yard sale.

Date: 4-24-17 Hours: 5 Running Total: 65

Description: SMSA Yard Sale #2
SBEC Competencies: 1.1-1.4-1.5-1.7-1.8-1.10-3.4-3.9-4.1-4.2-5.1-5.7-5.11-6.1-6.2-6.7
Summary: I organized and planned the yard sale up to the date of the sale. We planned for
teachers to donate items not needed to sell at the yard sale. I contacted parents to come and help
tag the prices, organized the tables, and set up the day of the sale. We used social media and used
technology to help advertise the yard sale.

Date: 4-26-17 Hours: 2 Running Total: 67

Description: STAAR Training-Admin Observation
SBEC Competencies: 3.4-3.9-4.1-4.2-5.1-5.7-5.11-6.1-6.2-6.7
Summary: I observed the counselor play the role of the administrator as she gave the STAAR
training in preparation for our STAAR Admins May 8 and 9. Third and fourth grade teachers
Practicum II Log EDUC 5386 Sandra E. Zaragoza
were present along with other support staff who will play an integral part during the STAAR
testing dates.

Date: 4-26-17 Hours: 2 Running Total: 69

Description: Morning students transitioning schedule incident/after school duty
SBEC Competencies: 7.6, 5.10, 8.5, 9.2, 7.1, 7.3, 9.16.1-6.2-6.7 1.1-1.4-1.5-1.7-1.8-1.10-3.4-
Summary: I shadowed the principal for early morning duty to experience all the duties an
administrator would have to have before class even commences for the day. The principal even
dealt with a water incident in the gym while students were forced to change their early morning
transition expectations due to the water incident. I also shadowed after school car pick up on the
green side.

Date: 4-27-17 Hours: 6 Running Total: 75

Description: Flex Days-Administrators Role
SBEC Competencies: 4.1-4.21.1-1.4-1.5-1.7-1.8-1.10-3.4-3.9-4.1-4.2-5.1-5.7-5.11-6.1-6.2-6.7
Summary: I shadowed the assistant principal as to observe duties when very few students are on
campus. Principal continue their roles as far as dealing with parents, students, and teachers on
and off the job.

Date: 4-28-17 Hours: 6 Running Total: 81

Description: SMSA Yard Sale #2
SBEC Competencies: 6.1, 6.2, 6.7,1.1,-1.4,-1.5,-1.7,-1.8,-1.10,-3.4,-3.9,-4.1,-4.2,-5.1,-5.7,-5.11-
Summary: I shadowed the principal as to observe duties when very few students are on campus.
Principals continue their roles as far as coaching teachers, dealing with support staff absences,
and lunch duty with other support staff. Principals have to be all present whenever possible, or at
least on call.

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