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Making a Phone Call

Mark: Hello, (this is) Mark speaking.

Hiromi: Hello, Mark. This is Hiromi.
Mark: Hi, Hiromi. How are you?
Hiromi: Im pretty good. How about you?
Mark: Im ok. Where are you now?
Hiromi: Im near Sanjo Bridge. Where are you?
Mark: Im on the corner of Shijo and Karasuma. Im going to the bank. What are you doing?
Hiromi: Im just doing some shopping. Do you want to meet for coffee?
Mark: Yes. Thats a good idea.. Where shall we meet?
Hiromi: Lets meet at Doutor?
Mark: Whats that?
Hiromi: You know! Its the big coffee shop near Shijo Bridge.
Mark: Oh, yeah, I remember. When shall we meet?
Hiromi: Ill meet you in twenty minutes. Is that ok?
Mark: No, I need more time. How about I meet you in half an hour?
Hiromi: Ok. What time is it now?
Mark: Its two fifteen.
Hiromi: Ok. Ill see you in Doutor at two forty-five.
Mark: All rightOh, what floor will you be on?
Hiromi: Lets meet on the third floor. Its the non-smoking floor.
Mark: Great! I cant stand cigarette smoke!
Hiromi: I know.

I am sitting in front of a computer.

I am working on a new picture.

I am looking at a computer screen.

I am wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

What are you wearing?

Are you listening to me?

It is getting late.
I am feeling tired.

I am logging off now.

Conjugation of verb to sit in present continuous tense

I am sitting

You are sitting.

He is sitting.

She is sitting.

We are sitting.

You (plural) are sitting.

They are sitting.

Do not confuse Present Continuous Tense (I am sitting) with Present Simple Tense (I sit).

Look at the conjugation of the verb to sit in present simple tense.

I sit

You sit.

He sits.

She sits.

It sits.

We sit.

You (plural) sit.

They sit.
Present Continuous tense in a Real Conversation 1

Listen for these phrases in a real conversation at this link: 1. Meditation and Addiction

I am studying.
Are you studying?
I am doing research.
They are teaching
They are finding

Link to the transcript

Present Continuous tense in a Real Conversation 2

2. Copenhagen is in Denmark.

Which phrase did you hear?

they are sitting by the lake they are not sitting by the lake

they are going hard against them they are being easy on them

it is fading away it is not fading away

they are fighting it they are not fighting it

Link to the transcript

Talking about Food and Cooking

Link to the conversation: Miyako part 24

What is happening?
I am cooking.

What are you making?

2. Mark is Late

Mark: Hi Hiromi, sorry Im late.

Hiromi: Thats ok. Do you have a drink?
Mark: Not yet. What are you drinking?
Hiromi: Cafe Latte.
Mark: Do you want another one?
Hiromi: No thanks. Im ok. Just get one for yourself.
Mark: Ok, I wont be a moment.
Hiromi: Take your time. Its nice here. The view is great.
Mark: Whats the latte like?
Hiromi: Its great. I recommend it.
Mark: Ok. Ill just go downstairs and get one.
Hiromi: See you in a minute.
Mark: See you in a bit.

Credits: written by Mark White; voices by Mark White and Hiromi Campbell; cafe ambient sound file
cafe_girona by elmomo at Freesound.

3. Having a Cup of Coffee

Mark: So, Hiromi, whats new?

Hiromi: Im going to go overseas.
Mark: Really, where are you going to go?
Hiromi: Im going to go to Thailand.
Mark: Wow! That sounds exciting! When are you going to go?
Hiromi: Next month.
Mark: Is it your first time abroad?
Hiromi: Yes, it is Im a bit nervous.
Mark: Dont worry. Thailand is a very safe country. Youll be ok.
Hiromi: What should I take?
Mark: Not much. Thailand is very cheap so you can buy whatever you need.
Hiromi: Should I take warm clothes? I dont know what the weather is like now.
Mark: Its always warm in Thailand so you dont need winter clothes, but you should take a light coat.
Sometimes the air-conditioning is very cold.
Hiromi: Ok. Ill do that. Do I need a visa?
Mark: I dont know. Australians dont need a visa, but Im not sure about Japanese. You should ring
the embassy. Do you have your ticket yet?
Hiromi: Not yet. Do you know a good travel agent?
Mark: There are lots. Check the ads in the magazines. Shop around. Look for the cheapest fare. Do
you want to go on a tour or travel independently?
Hiromi: I want to do everything by myself.
Mark: Thats a good idea. Its cheaper that way. Who are you going to go with?
Hiromi: Im going on my own.
Mark: Youre going alone! Great! Youre very brave!
Hiromi: Do you think Ill be ok?
Mark: Of course! Dont worry! Thailand is safe!
Credits: written by Mark White; voices by Mark White and Hiromi Campbell; cafe ambient sound file
cafe_girona by elmomo at Freesound.

4. On the Flight

Passenger: Where are you from?

Hiromi: Im Japanese.
Passenger: I can see that. What part of Japan do you come from?
Hiromi: Originally Im from Toyama, but I live in Kyoto now.
Passenger: I see. Where is Toyama?
Hiromi: Its on the Japan Sea coast. How about you? Where are you from?
Passenger: I come from Tennessee but I live in Shiga now. Im studying pottery. What about you?
What do you do in Kyoto?
Hiromi: Im a nursing student. Im studying to be a nurse.
Passenger: Thats a very important job.
Hiromi: Yes, I hope I will be a good nurse, when I graduate.
Passenger: Im sure you will. Are you going to Thailand now?
Hiromi: Thats right. You too?
Passenger: No. Im just going to be in transit in Bangkok Airport. I am flying to Auckland tonight.
Hiromi: Why are you going to New Zealand?
Passenger: I want to visit a pottery village in New Zealand. There are some very good potters in
New Zealand. There is a lot of Japanese style pottery there too. Japan is very famous for pottery. Do
you like pottery?
Credits: written by Mark White; voices by Hiromi Campbell and Aaron Campbell; airline cabin drone
ambient sound file cabin.wav from Aviation Sounds.

5. At the Immigration Counter

Immigration Officer: Could I have your passport and arrival card, please?
Hiromi: Sure, here you are.
Immigration Officer: Whats the purpose of your visit?
Hiromi: Tourism. I just came to have a look around.
Immigration Officer: How long do you plan to stay?
Hiromi: I can only stay for ten days.
Immigration Officer: You dont intend to work, do you?
Hiromi: No, I just want to travel around and see the sights.
Immigration Officer: Very good. Here you are. Enjoy your stay.
Hiromi: Thanks very much. Bye

Credits: written by Mark White; voices by Kullapart Ratphibull and Hiromi Campbell; airport ambient
sound clipped from newark.mp3 by D. Jean Hester at Opsound. Visit Hesters site.

6. At the Customs Counter

Customs Officer: Which flight were you on?

Hiromi: The one from Osaka. I just arrived from Japan.
Customs Officer: Are these your bags?
Hiromi: Yes, they are. These are mine.
Customs Officer: Did you pack them yourself?
Hiromi: Yes, I did. I packed everything myself.
Customs Officer: Do you have anything to declare?
Hiromi: Im sorry, I dont understand. What do you mean?
Customs Officer: Are you carrying any drugs or weapons?
Hiromi: No, definitely not.
Customs Officer: Do you have any gifts for anybody?
Hiromi: No, I dont know anybody in Thailand.
Customs Officer: Whats in this bag?
Hiromi: Just some clothes and personal effects, toiletries and stuff.
Customs Officer: Could you open this one please?
Hiromi: Sure.
Credits: written by Mark White; voices by Kullapart Ratphibull and Hiromi Campbell; airport ambient
sound clipped from newark.mp3 by D. Jean Hester at Opsound. Visit Hesters site.

7. A First Time Meeting

Beth: Excuse me, are you going to Khaosan Road?

Hiromi: Yes, I am. How did you know?
Beth: Most travellers stay on Khaosan Road. There are lots of cheap hotels there.
Hiromi: Are you going there too?
Beth: Yes, I am. Do you want to share a taxi?
Hiromi: Thats a good idea. It will be cheaper if we share.
Beth: My guidebook says that if we catch a taxi at the airport, it will be expensive, but if we walk to
the road and catch a taxi, it will be cheaper.
Hiromi: I want to save money. Lets walk to the highway and catch one there.
Beth: Ok. Lets go.

Credits: written by Mark White; voices by Cherie Campbell and Hiromi Campbell; city street ambient
sound clipped from street01.mp3 by schluppipuppie at The Freesound Project.

8. Meeting Another Person

Nick: Excuse me, Im sorry to interrupt, but I heard your conversation. Youre going to Khaosan
Road and you want to save money?
Beth: Thats right.
Nick: Theres a new bus and it goes direct to Khaosan Road. It costs about 200 baht to take a taxi,
but it only costs about 70 baht on the bus.
Beth: I see. Thank you for telling us.
Nick: Youre welcome. The bus stop is at the front of the airport. Ill show you. Im going to Khaosan
Road too.
Beth: Ok. Lets go.

Credits: written by Mark White; voices by Cherie Campbell and Aaron Campbell; city street ambient
sound clipped from street01.mp3 by schluppipuppie at The Freesound Project.

9. Comparing Prices

Hiromi: Wait a minute. I have an idea. Im going to Khaosan Road and youre going to Khaosan
Road and hes going there too. Were all going to the same place so why dont we share a taxi?
Beth: Yes, but he said its cheaper to take the bus. The taxi will cost about 200 baht but the bus will
only cost 70 baht.
Hiromi: Thats true, but we are three people. If we share a taxi then it will cost about 70 baht each.
Actually, it will cost less than 70 baht each.
Beth: Youre right. Thats a good idea. Lets do that!

Credits: written by Mark White; voices by Hiromi Campbell and Cherie Campbell; city street ambient
sound clipped from street01.mp3 by schluppipuppie at The Freesound Project.

10. Flagging Down a Taxi

Nick: Here comes one!

Driver: Yes?
Nick: We want to go to Khaosan Road.
Driver: Ok. Khaosan. That will cost 500 baht.
Nick: No, thats too much. We cant pay that much. Well give you 200 baht.
Driver: 200 baht is not enough. Khaosan is very far. How about 300 baht?
Nick: No, we will only pay 200. Thats our top price.
Driver: Ok. Lets go.

Credits: written by Mark White; voices by Aaron Campbell and Aum; city street ambient sound
clipped from street01.mp3 by schluppipuppie at The Freesound Project.

11. In the Back of the Taxi

Hiromi: Do you know any good hotels?

Beth: My guidebook says there are lots. We can walk around and ask.
Hiromi: I hope they are not full.
Beth: Dont worry. Im sure well find one.

Credits: written by Mark White; voices by Cherie Campbell and Hiromi Campbell; city street ambient
sound clipped from street01.mp3 by schluppipuppie at The Freesound Project.

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