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K.F. Tabimina

This is a short story about a female transferee who, at her first

day of school, was bullied and called Bride of Frankenstein after
looking icy. Another reason why she was called that is because there
is also a guy in class who is called Frankenstein for his tall
build, slightly shaggy hair and devil-may-care attitude. It is
rumored that he is the leader of a local gang. They will be brought
together by attraction and circumstances, but life isnt always
easy. This story will be about romance and comedy but as much also
as tragedy to bring out a tinge of reality to the whole plot.

SURI - The female main character of the story. Appears to be icy and
silent, but is actually just shy. She is mysterious as to where she
came from and always prefers to be alone.
DEAN - Main male character. Doesnt involve himself with anyone in
the class except Rowan, his rumored right hand man and best friend.
They are both the idols of the school but are always isolated
because of their reputation of being gangsters.
ROWAN - Deans best friend and later rival.


Scene 1.
Setting is in a class room. DEAN is at the back sleeping and
pretending to not notice his surroundings. The teacher comes in.

TEACHER: Class settle down. So, good morning.

Class stands up and greets teacher.

CLASS: Good morning sir.

TEACHER: Okay, sit down. Before we start I want to introduce the new
transfer student. Galing siya sa provicia and her name is Suri

SURI comes in the classroom, face looking straight laced and head
held high. She doesnt speak as she stood in front of the class. She
had on her new uniform with glasses and straight hair that slightly
covered her face. After a few moments of silence the teacher ordered
her to sit at the back next to DEAN. The room stiffened and suddenly
as she made way to her seat the people started whispering behind her
back. She did not know what to make of it. It is her first time in
an actual classroom filled with people her age. She has always been
home-schooled by her mother. Her mother sometimes suffer from a bout
of paranoia. But she has finally convinced her mother to let her
have a proper education.

Throughout the whole day the people around her kept on talking about
her and near the end of the class a few girls came up to her to

GIRL 1: Hi! Youre Suri right? Uhm, taga san ka?

GIRL 2: Uhm atin atin lang to ha pero hindi ka ba natatakot?

Suri hesitating on how to interact looks them straight in the eye


SURI: Why?

Girl 1 leans close and whispers.

GIRL 1: Kase katabi mo si Frankenstein!

SURI: Sinong Frankenstein? Eto siya?

Suri points at DEAN and looks confused as to why they call him

GIRL 3: Kase matangkad at mahaba ang buhok. Pogi nga kaso gangster
yan. Me scarr nga siya sa mukha niya, right girls?

Other girls nod in agreeance. While that was happening DEAN just
stood up all of a sudden, causing the chair he was sitting on to
bang loudly on the floor. The room became quiet and no body moved.
The girls were shaking. SURI noticed that DEAN was also shaking and
believes that he was trying hard not to do something. She looks at
him and notices that hes a bit teary eyed, unnoticeable by anyone
not near him. She turned to the three girls and said in a very icy

SURI: Apologize to him. You dont really know the truth of his
circumstances kaya I think kelangan nyong mag apologize sa kanya.

Everyone was shocked and was looking at her, even DEAN looked at her
with shock, this was shattered when one of the girls spoke up.

GIRL 3: Wow! Bakit? Totoo naman ah! If hindi niya lang kaibigan si
Rowan matagal na sana yang tinapon from this school!
GIRL 1: Teka nga! Why are YOU defending him? Gusto mo siya? Wow,
everyone me bride na si Frankenstein.

DEAN comes closer to the girl who says that when he was stopped by

SURI: Oo. Eh ano naman ngayon? Mas mabuti na yung me gusto ka sa

ibang tao kesa sa yung taong naninira ng ibang taong wala naman
ginagawa sa kanya. Bakit kaya? Siguro... Gusto mo rin siya?
GIRL 1: Ewan ko sayo! Mag sama kayong dalawa.

SURI was about to laugh when she was turned around forcefully by a
strong hand at her elbow.

DEAN: Wag kang makialam!

SURI was shocked and speechless. Upclose he really was handsome. She
slowly reaches up her hand to his face and was about to touch his
scar when she was reminded of her actions and was stopped by him
from reaching out. She then withdrew her hands from his grasp and
walked away from him.

SURI: Ayaw ko lang ng ganun! Dont get me wrong I dont like you or
anything. May pinaninindigan lang ako.
DEAN: Heh! Good luck! Now I see na di ka na karga ng consensya kung
ano man ang mangyari sayo.

DEAN picks up his bag and turns to leave but stops in front of her.

DEAN: Ako sayo mag tatransfer na lang ako.

SURI leans closer and says..

SURI: Hindi ako natatakot.

DEAN leans away ang walks out, banging the door close behind his
wake. SURI breathes out the breath she was holding and sits down.

SURI: What have I gotten myself into? Ganito ba talaga ka gulo sa

mga schools?
ROWAN: Not necessarily.

SURI was shocked to hear another voice behind her so she turned
around quickly and suddenly the world was spinning and she was about
to fall down when a pair of strong arms held her up. She looked up
and was faced by another handsome face, although this one didnt
affect her as much as the other one.

ROWAN: Whoa! Dahan dahan lang ayaw nating mahimatay ka.

SURI: Please let me go. Gusto ko lang maupo.

ROWAN helped her to her seat. All of a sudden a wad of tissue was
thrust in her hands.

ROWAN: Dumudugo ilong mo.

SURI: What? Wait.

SURI took out a mirror and true to word a trail of blood was slowly
oozing its way out of her nostrils. She wiped it and had another set
of tissue to hold in place. She took out a bottle of pills outside
her back and took out two while capsules and downed it without even
drinking water.
ROWAN: Whoa! Me malala ka bang sakit? Parang sanay ka nang mangyari
sayo to ah.

SURI froze and became flustered. She turned to him and looked him
down saying...

SURI: Of course not. I just havent been feeling well these past few
They were both silent for a few seconds when ROWAN conceded.

ROWAN: Ikaw bahala. Im ROWAN by the way.

He extends his hands to shake her when she did not pick up his hand.

ROWAN: Ok, so you must be the transfer student, right? Im part of

the welcoming committee and would like to offer you a chance to tour
the school with me as an escort.

ROWAN smiles dazzlingly at her. She just stares at him like he was
something unappealing. ROWAN was shocked that his charms werent
working. Overconfident as it was to say that he was charming, but he
really was one of the most charming person in their school. ROWANs
smile wobbles.

ROWAN: Uhm, OK lang na hindi na tayo mag tour kaso required siya
kase I have to point out the exit points just in case of emergency,
the clinic and etc.
SURI: Ok, whatever you say.

They left to do the school tour and as ROWAN talks away SURI was
just quietly walked behind him. ROWAN stops, exasperated.

ROWAN: What is wrong with you?

SURI was surprised and looked at him with round eyes.

SURI: Ano?
ROWAN: Ang tahitahimik mo, wala kang imik! Its like Im talking to
the wind. You arent even listening to a word Im saying! Eto nalang
nga. Ano bang ginawa mo kang DEAN?

SURI was surprised again and frowned at him.

SURI: Sinong may gustong malaman?

ROWAN: Edi ako, who else!
SURI: I get that! But why?
ROWAN: Ako ang bestfriend niya and Id just like to apologize if
meron man siyang ginawa sayo na masama. Meron lang talaga siyang
pinag dadaanan.
SURI: So ikaw pala yung mag cocompleto sa famous pair dito sa
school. You dont exactly look like a gangster.
ROWAN laughs. And suddenly leans close to her and looked serious.

ROWAN: Dont be fooled by looks Ms. Manalastas. Baka ma bigla ka na

lang na mas malala pa jan ang ginagawa namin.
SURI: Pfft...

SURI laughs out loud. ROWAN stares at her like she was a rare specie
he just discovered.

ROWAN: Can I just ask what is so funny?

SURI: Ikaw! Nakakatawa ka! Alam mo, youre face doesnt look as
intimidating as youd like to think.

SURI straightens up and starts turning around all the while talking

SURI: Thank sa tour Mr. Welcoming Committee. Babalik na ako!

SURI stops and looks back at him.

SURI: Oh yeah, you can call me Suri! I like you, youre funny.
SURI: Yeah?
ROWAN: Dont get too close to Dean. Di mo siya kaya, marami nang
pinag dadaan yung tao. If you need something come to me, I can help
you out.

SURI turns back and begins walking away.

SURI: Sure.

ROWAN holds his hands in front of his chest and squeezes.

ROWAN: Rowan, boy. In love ka na ata!


Scene 2.
Setting is throughout the school. It is a montage of scenes in a
span of a week and it shows how SURI is being bullied and keeps
hiding it from DEAN, remembering ROWANs advice that he already has
too much to worry about her problems. She is not aware that DEAN
already knows whats happening to her. His view of her is slowly
changing and he finds himself being fascinated by her. Finally at
the end of the week he confronts her when they were assigned to
cleaners duty.

DEAN just sits in his chair observing her while shes cleaning. SURI
stops cleaning and turns to him with an exasperated look in his

SURI: If hindi mo ako tutulungan the least you could do is go home

and stop staring at me!
DEAN: Sinong me sabi na tinututukan kita?
SURI: I can feel it! So stop it.
DEAN: Im not staring, just observing.
SURI: Why?!
DEAN: Why?

Dean stands up from where he was sitting and he walks slowly to

where she is like a predator to a prey. SURI instinctly walks back
until her back hits the wall.

SURI: Stop

SURI holds both her hands in front of her as if to ward him off. But
DEAN still comes close to her until she is touching his chest. DEAN
does a *Kabedon when she attempted to get out from where she was and
leans even close to her.

SURI: What are you doing!

DEAN: Trying to fluster you.

SURI attempts to push him away but he was too strong.

SURI: Urgh! Wag mo akong e underestimate! Papatulan na talaga kita!

All of the sudden DEANs right arm snakes around her waist and she
froze. DEAN leans even closer, his mouth so close to her ear. He

DEAN: Ok lang, pamatol ka lang.

SURI stops breating. When she regained her composure she headbutted

DEAN: Argh! Sh*t! Ang sakit nun, ano ba?!

SURI: Kasalanan mo yan! Bu... Buti na lang di yung... Yung ano mo
ang sinaktan ko! Buti nga sayo!
DEAN: Hahaha nakita mo sana mukha mo...

SURI was shocked to see him laugh, he looked like his age and so
very handsome that she was speechless. DEAN noticed and stopped
laughing, turning serious all of the sudden. After a few awkward
seconds they looked away at each other.

SURI: Ehem, Im done cleaning. Uuwi na ako.

DEAN: Bahala ka!

DEAN turns to look at her only to be shocked to see her fallen on

the cold floor. He quickly goes to her and shakes her awake. When he
noticed blood oozing out of her nose he quickly picks her up and
heads to the clinic. As he ran he notices how pale she has become
all of the sudden - she looked so fragile. Along with that he also
noticed how his long cold heart started feeling for this frail
creature, and he vowed then and there he will protect her no matter
Scene 3.
DEAN was sitting in the chair in the clinics waiting area when the
Doctor called him in and told him if he could escort her to the
hospital right away. DEAN was shocked at how serious it sounded so
he agreed. He went into the section of the clinic where SURI was
still laying unconscious. He looked at her peaceful face and touched
her face gently. Suddenly her eyes opened wide. She looked
disoriented and then suddenly noticed him. She leans away from his

SURI: Sorry, if kelangan mo akong tulungan.

DEAN: Gano ka lala ba?

SURI Stops and looks at him with a blank look.

SURI: Ang alin.

DEAN: Wag kang mag maang maangan, alam ko na seryoso to para
kailanganin mo pang ipadadala sa ospital. So sabihin mo na sa akin
ngayon or else ipapa tangal kita sa school na to.

At his words SURI seemed to loose the fight and had a deflated look
on her. She looked at the window and sat up. DEAN helps her into a
sitting position.

SURI: Me taning na ang buhay ko. I have a rare disease, I have had
this since bata pa ako. Thats why Im so awkward with everyone kase
its my first time. My mom was always paranoid, kase she raised me
up by herself. And if you want to know anak lang ako sa labas.
Sinusustentoan lang ako ng biological father ko, but I dont know
much about him. How about you whats your story? Me nag sabi sa akin
na me mabigat ka rin daw na dinadala.

DEAN looks at her exasperatingly and suddenly begins to feel

DEAN: Wag ka nang mag biro! Buhay mo na ang pinag uusapan natin

SURI snaps.

SURI: Akala mo ba na hindi ko alam yan? Walang mas nakaka alam niyan
kesa sakin! Akala mo ba madaling sabihin sa sarili mo ng paulit na
YOLO YOLO YOLO! Alam ko! ALAM KO kasi maliban sa iisa lang ang buhay
na meron ako eh mukhan hindi rin ito mahaba! I dont need you to
tell me how serious it is!

SURIs eyes fills with tears.

SURI: I know! Pero ayaw ko nang ma kulong! Ayaw ko nang magbaka

sakali na mabubuhay pa ako ng matagal, gusto ko lang mabuhay! Kahit
gaano na lang ka haba yung buhay ko! Kahit bukas ma wala na ako
basta maranasan ko lang ang mabuhay talaga na parang walang mali

SURI was suddenly hugged hard by DEAN.

DEAN: Mabuhay ka! Pilitin mong mabuhay.

SURI gets out from his embrace and looks at him.

SURI: Ano ba ang alam mo?

DEAN: Marami. Di mo ba na isip ano ang mararamdaman ng mama mo pag
ma wala ka na? Wag mong hayaan na maranasan ng mama mo yung
naranasan ko nung namatay yung mama ko.

SURI looks at him for a long time.

SURI: Do you want to talk about it?

DEAN doesnt speak for a long time, only staring at her. He then
looks out at the window and starts to speak.

DEAN: Nag suicide yung mama ko. Hindi niya kinaya yung pressure na
pinatong sa kanya ng papa ko. Hindi lang ikaw yung anak sa labas.
Ang kaso ko lang, nagsasama yung parents ko. Pero hindi sila legal
na mag asawa kase hindi ma tanggap ng family ni papa ang mama ko,
masama pa dun walang ginagawa ang papa ko. Para niya kaming mga
tagong basura.

Isang araw nalaman ng mama ko na merong gustong ipakasal yung family

ng papa ko sa kanya and mukhang sangayon yung papa ko. Yun, di niya
kinaya at nag laslas siya. Ako yung pinaka unang naka kita sa kanya
na duguan na at wala ng buhay. Pagkatapos nun parang hindi lang ako
nawalan ng nanay, nawalan rin ako ng tatay. Pinabayaan lang niya ako
at nagpakasal sa isang mayamang babae at ngayon meron na silang
perpektong pamilya. Itong mukha ko? Dahil to sa kanya, kase minsan
umuwi siya akala ko kukunin niya na ako para sumali sa bagong
pamilya niya. Tanga rin ako para umasa pero yun yung ginawa ko.
Tumakbo ako sa kanya at yinakap ko siya, pero alamo mo ano ang
napala ko? Tinulak nya ako at eto na.

DEAN looks back at her and he touches her face gently.

DEAN: Ang corny man pakinggan to pero hindi ko naramdaman na buhay

ako hanggang nakilala kita. Hindi ko hinahayaan lumapit ang kahit na
sino sa puso ko. Not ever. Maliban sayo.

DEAN stares at her, she stares at him. SURI then opens her arms and
hugs him. They remain that way for a long time until the ambulance
came to take her to the hospital.


Scene 4.
A week passed and it became obvious to everyone that DEAN and SURI
were together. They were never without each other until one day when
SURI had to be absent due to her going to the hospital for a regular
check-up. Setting is at a yard where DEAN spends his time lying down
on the grass when ROWAN arrived, standing over him and he was silent
until DEAN spoke first without lifting his arms over his eyes.

DEAN: Bakit?

ROWAN still hasnt answered after a certain pause, then he answered.

ROWAN: Kano na ba ni Suri?

DEAN uncovered his eyes and sat up with a smirk on his face.

DEAN: Suri? Ows? Kelan pa kayo naging close?

ROWAN: Nautusan lang ako na samahan siyang e tour sa school. Chill!

ROWAN sat down next to DEAN and looked forward then back at DEAN.

ROWAN: So kayo na nga?

DEAN: Di ko pa alam. Di naman namin pinag uusapan yan.
ROWAN: Anong ibig mong sabihin?
DEAN: Yun lang. Di namin yan pinag usapan. Parang ayaw niya ata mag
commit. I feel it. Frustrating pero yan ang gusto niya.
ROWAN fell silent. DEAN stood up and brushed grass from his slacks.

DEAN: Alis na ako, kukunin ko pa si Suri.

ROWAN: Bakit? San ba siya.
DEAN: Basta.

DEAN walked away without looking back. ROWAN decided to follow him
silently. He was led to the local hospital. From the inside of the
Hospital came Suri looking happy to see DEAN. As they walked to
another destination ROWAN became curious as to why SURI went to the
hospital. He went in and tried to act as if he was there for a
purpose when he heard SURSs name mentioned by one of the nurses.

NURSE 1: Kawawa naman si Suri no? Kinakain ng sakit sa panahong

dapat ineenjoy nya pa sana ang kabataan niya?
NURSE 2: Oo, nga. Imgine, at the rapid pace of deterioration ng LNS
niya di na ata siya tatagal ng isang taon.
NURSE 1: Sayang talaga ang batang yun! Kawawa rin yung nanay, diba?
NURSE 2: Nako wag ka nang mag tanong. Ewan ko lang pero kung gano ka
bait yung anak ganun rin ka suplada nung ina.
NURSE 1: Talga?
NURSE 2: Bago ka lang kase kaya di mo pa sila nakikilala. Bitter
nanay ni SURI kasi yun, binuntisan lang ng mayaman tapos di
pinakasalan. Ayun, nasa ibang bansa na. Pero sinusustentoan niya
naman si SURI. Tapos paranoid pa.
NURSE 1: Ay ganon? Tsk ang komplekado pala ng buhay ng batang yun...

Their voices fade and ROWAN was just staring at them with shock. He
wonders if DEAN knows about the illness, but assumes that he does.
ROWAN couldnt imagine a vibrant young lady would shoulder so much.
The more he thought about it, he cant seem to get SURI out of her

ROWAN: Rowan! Umayos ka! Delikado and takbo ng mga iniisip mo. Sila
na ni DEAN, wala ka ng magagawa.

ROWAN shook his head and left.

Scene 5.
DEAN and SURI went to a nearby park hand in hand without a word
being spoken between them. DEAN notices a small feather floating in
the air and tries to catch it. SURI was startled by DEANs actions.

SURI: Ano ba yang ginagawa mo?

DEAN: Gusto kong kunin ang feather.
SURI: Bakit? Pinapagod mo lang sarili mo.

DEAN manages to catch the feather and showed it to SURI.

DEAN: Mag wish ka.

SURI: Ano?
DEAN: Mag wish ka!

SURI looks at him then at the feather and smiles.


SURI closes her eyes and wishes. There was a pause and then a single
tear slides down from here eyes. DEAN wipes away the tears.

DEAN: Bakit?

SURI opens here eyes and smiles up to him.

SURI: Wala lang, feeling ko lang kase natupad na ang wish ko.

DEAN touches SURIs cheeks softly and touches his forehead to her
forehead then whispers...

DEAN: Para ka ring feather na to eh... Ang ganda mo tignan parang

isang mailap na bagay. Nagbibigay sakin ng mga posibilidad. Ikaw ang
nag bibigay sa akin ng rason para humiling.
SURI: Ang corny mo.

But in spite that she does not shy away from his touch. After that,
SURI then blew the feather back in the air. DEAN, entranced by the
beauty of the feather floating back in the air, did not notice the
painfully sad look SURI aimed at him.

Scene 6.
After that SURI never went back to school and that made DEAN really
anxious and irritable. He would often fight someone. ROWAN took him
aside to talk to him.

ROWAN: Dude! Ano ba ang nangyayari sayo?! Dahil ba to kang SURI?

Asan ba siya?

DEAN couldnt answer him.

ROWAN: Look, ano man yang problema nyong dalawa wag mo naman sanang
kalimutan na meron ka pang dapat alalahanin. Yun papa mo!
DEAN: Ayaw ko siyang pag-usapan.
ROWAN: Well, sa ayaw at sa gusto mo kelangan natin siya pag-usapan!
Nagpaparinig naman siya na ako raw ang magiging tagapag mana ng
companya niyo.
ROWAN: Anong so?! DEAN! Ikaw ang anak niya! Legal nga akong
tinanggap na anak niya pero di ko naman yun kadugo! Pinakasalan niya
lang ang mama ko!
DEAN: Kaya nga! Ikaw ang legal. Kunin mo na! Sanay na naman ako.
DEAN turns to walk away but ROWAN pulls him back. DEAN takes on a

DEAN: Di ko kailangan to ngayon ROW. Di ko kelangan ang malasakit mo

o ang bwisit na companya ng tatay ko! Wag ka namang mag kunwari na
kilala mo na talaga ako kasi hindi mo talaga ako kilala.
Pinapakisamahan lang kita, wala na. Kaya wag kang umasta na parang
gusto mo talaga akong tulungan!
ROWAN: So ganon lang palaga ang tingin mo sa akin? Pfft. Ngayon alam
ko na.

ROWAN walks out on DEAN. ROWAN suddenly stops and talks to DEAN
without looking back.

ROWAN: Maaring alam mo na to o hindi pa pero may taning na ang buhay

ni SURI. Wag ka nang mag tanon kung pano ko na laman basta kung ako
sayo kalimutan mo na lang siya.

ROWAN then finally leaves. DEAN stands there then he wipes his face
with his hands and shouts out in frustration. Then hitting the wall
near him multiple times.


Scene 7.
DEAN was drunk and he was in front of SURIs house. He climbed over
the short fence and went to the window. Inside was SURIs room. He
started knocking on the glass.

DEAN: SURI! Buksan mo ako! Alam kong anjan ka lang!

The window opens up and there appeared SURI wearing a white sleeping
dress. She looked ethereal.

SURI: Umalis ka na DEAN. Hindi na ako babalik sa school. Tama na at

na experience ko kung pano mabuhay ng normal kahit maikli lang na
panahon yun.
DEAN: Ano ba?! Pinaglalaruan mo lang ba ako? Bakit mo ginagawa sa
akin to?
SURI: Hindi pwede DEAN.

SURI looks really sad, as if close to tears. DEAN leans close and
touches her cheeks. SURI leans into his touch and closes her eyes.

DEAN:Dahil ba to sa sakit mo?

SURI opens her eyes quickly and jerks out of his touch. Before she
could escape DEAN took hold of her arm.
DEAN: Dont lie to me. Alam kong may taning na ang buhay mo! Bat di
mo ako sinabihan?! Bakit si ROWAN pa?!

SURI looks confused.

DEAN: Bakit? Nawawalan ka na ba ng pag-asa? Diba sabi ko sayo
maniwala ka lang? Andito lang ako tutulungan kita!
DEAN: Wag! Wag ka naman ma walan ng pag-asa na meron pa tayong
SURI: DEAN!!! Gusto ko mang umasa pero napapagod na rin ako! DEAN,
wala ng bukas. Ikaw, para sayo meron pa pero hanggat alam ko na
malaking chance na di na ako ma bubuhay, there will never be
tomorrow for the both of us. Kahit sabihin mo na di mo kakayanin,
kayanin mo! Ikaw na mismo nag sabi sakin na ayaw mong mawalan ng

SURI was crying. She touched DEANs cheeks.

SURI: DEAN, pilitin mong kalimutan ako. Kase mas madali yun kesa
maramdaman mo ang sakit at pait ng pagka wala ko sa mundong ito.
Magalit ka sakin, kamuhian mo ako pero utang na loob wag na mang
mong sabihin na di mo na kaya.

DEAN began crying along with SURI.

SURI: Umalis ka na DEAN. Kalimutan mo na nangyari ako sa buhay mo.

DEAN looks into her eyes.

DEAN: Mahal kita alam mo naman yan diba?

SURI: Naging masaya ako nung kasama kita, pero di ko na patatagalin
ang sakit na nararamdaman ko sa tuwing iniisip ko na magiging masaya
ka habang ako naka baon na sa lupa. Wag mo na akong pahirapan, mas
gusto ko lang kumapit sa mga panahong naging masaya ako sa piling
DEAN: Kung yan ang gusto mo. Simula sa oras na to si DEAN na lang
ulit. Walang ikaw, walang tayo.
SURI: Walang tayo.

DEAN starts walking away but stops.

SURI: Please, dont look back. Hindi ko kakayanin.

DEAN just stood there, then he raised his right hand in a casual
sign of goodbye. After walking a while rain started falling and DEAN
started crying.


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