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Migration Project

Essential Questions
What is my familys history?
Where are my classmates from and what I can learn from their stories?

Students will interview a family member and learn about their family background
Students will write 2-3 paragraphs about their familys background and history
Students will share information about their family background with their
Students will learn about their classmates family backgrounds

Project Overview

Class Learning Activity Notes

1 Introduce project and expectations I will introduce this project
I will show students an example project, on a Thursday or Friday so
which I have written about my own familys that students can interview
history their family members over
Students will choose which project option the weekend
they will complete
Students will develop questions to use in
their interviews
Homework: Students will interview a family
member about their family history.
2 I will check students progress in completing
their interviews
Students will begin the writing component
Homework: Students will collect/take photos
of any family keepsakes from their familys
3 Students will complete writing component of
this project.
Students will add photographs of family
keepsakes onto their Word document.
4 In small groups of 3-4, students will share
their projects with each other

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