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Karina Jimenez

Period 7

Artist Statement

For the Surrealist Self Portrait Project we basically had to carve out a

portrait of ourselves on a piece of wood. The first thing that we did was

brainstorm for the symbols that we wanted to use that represent our

personality. Once we got that done we were able to do the rest. I believe the

purpose of this project is to see our self as a Surrealist Artist by using our

personalities and our imagination.

The 3 symbols that I chose were a tree, clock, and praying hands. I

chose those symbols because I am very calm, unbothered, but I am also very

impatient so I thought those symbols would go well with me. I chose a clock

because I have a tendency to be quickly irritated and frustrated. I chose

praying hands because yoga is used to calm yourself and they use praying

hands. For the last symbol I chose a tree because I feel like trees are very

unbothered in some type of way.

My portrait is basically about myself and it shows who I am. The

overall vision for my Artwork was that I wanted to try to be like Rene Magritte

how he always covers his face with different symbols. But instead of covering

my face I covered my neck with a clock. What I want the audience to see is

who I am and if they can figure out my personality by the symbols that I
used. My Artwork fits with the history with Art by trying to imitate Rene

Magrittes and other Artists work.

The Artists that I have been influence by are Frida Kahlo, Salvador

Dali, and Max Errest. Those Artists have influenced me because all of their

work is very different, unique, and inspiring. My work relates with other

Artists because I used there same ideas and techniques. Also there work

inspired me to try to recreate there Artwork.

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