Eded 3358 Procedures

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Jean (Alcala) Ybarra

EDED 3358.900
Classroom Procedures

Fire Drill
1. Listen for fire drill alarm
2. Quickly and quietly stop what youre doing
3. Line up at designated exit door
4. Wait for teacher at exit door
5. Stay in line and walk with teacher quickly, quietly to designated
safety zone
Jean (Alcala) Ybarra
EDED 3358.900
Classroom Procedures

1. Enter classroom quietly and place phone in designated cubby
2. Sit in assigned seat and wait for your name to be called
3. Raise your hand when teacher calls your name
4. Put your hand down when teacher replies Thank you
5. Quietly remain seated and wait for instructions from teacher
Jean (Alcala) Ybarra
EDED 3358.900
Classroom Procedures

Phones in classroom
1. Enter classroom quietly and place your phone in designated
2. Leave phone in cubby until teacher allows end of class line up.
3. Watch for end of class line up signal
4. Quietly take phone from cubby and place it in your pocket or
5. Stay off phone until teacher releases you from class.
Jean (Alcala) Ybarra
EDED 3358.900
Classroom Procedures

End of Class line up

1. Quietly put your materials away.
2. When for line up signal from teacher.
3. Quietly pick up phone from cubby, and line up at the door.
4. Wait for teacher to dismiss you from class.
5. Leave classroom quietly.
Jean (Alcala) Ybarra
EDED 3358.900
Classroom Procedures

1. Quietly approach teacher and ask for permission to use the
2. After given permission, grab the restroom pass from designated
3. Quietly go to the nearest restroom, use it, and wash your hands
when done.
4. Return restroom pass to designated area within 5 minutes
5. Quietly return to your seat and assignment.
Jean (Alcala) Ybarra
EDED 3358.900
Classroom Procedures

Traveling as a class
1. Watch for line up signal from teacher
2. Quickly and quietly line up at door, wait for teacher and rest of
3. Place hands in your pockets or behind your back
4. Leave hands in pockets or behind your back and quietly follow
teacher to the next class area.
5. Quietly enter room and sit where teacher tells you to sit.
Jean (Alcala) Ybarra
EDED 3358.900
Classroom Procedures

Late/Make-up Work

1. Quietly approach teacher and ask for permission to

complete make-up or late work/assignment
2. Complete work after regular class assignment
3. Turn in work at proper designated late/make-up work

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