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Name: Yessenia Manqueros

PART A: Students will go on a scavenger hunt in the classroom and in their homes, trying to take pictures or draw certain goods
and services they see. They will collect all of the goods and services they have seen in one day and will create a movie about
each of their examples. The students must create a movie with captions and music on it. They will be presenting them at the end
of the unit. Students will be presenting their findings and creating a movie out of the things they found analyzing what is a good
and what is a service as well as identifying the United States currency.
Grade Level: 3rd grade
Content Area: Social Studies
Technology Used (check all that apply): Movie Audio Podcast Vodcast Other: (list)

Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed: SSKE3: Explain how money is used to

purchase goods and services.
a. Distinguish goods from services.

Brief Description of Learning Experience: Students will be creating movies for goods and services they have
seen or have witnessed in their day. They can take pictures of the goods and services or draw pictures of them. Teacher will be
monitoring when students are working on the assignment in class and will ask them about it. When students are presenting,
teacher will be grading and giving students feedback on a rubric. The other students that are not presenting, they will be giving
the presenter positive verbal feedback as well as negative but in a nice way. The only people that will see the students
presentations will be the classroom, the teacher, and students parents.

Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking: The Loti level for this assignment/project will be
LoTi 4 because the students will be analyzing the things they see daily and classifying them as goods
or services. Then students will have to upload the examples and write descriptions about each of the

Importance of technology: A multimedia tool is critical to add to the project because without it, there would be no
project. Students wouldve had to do all of this on paper, which takes more time and is more difficult. At the end of the unit,
students will be presenting their movies to the class by playing it to the class.

Inspiration (optional):
Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Teacher must get parent consent to be able to have the
presentations posted on the classroom blog and to have the pictures on the presentation be allowed to
be presented to the class. Some pictures might have people in it, which needs parent consent in case
it is family.
Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity:

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