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1) Integrity is a way of life. Provide specific examples of how you have lived with integrity
in your professional and private life.

I was reared by scrupulously honest parents and in a home that believed your word is your bond.
I am a Christian and do my utmost to represent my belief in my words and deeds. I have served
my local church for many years in many offices and the past several years as the Treasurer. The
profession that I chose has a stringent Code of Professional Ethics and I represented my local
chapter of the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants at the Texas Society of CPAs
Professional Ethics Committee for many years.

2) What do you plan to do to prevent the same problems from reoccurring within BISD and
the School Board?

Since my professional life has revolved around accounting and auditing, I have extensive
experience in reading and understanding financial accounting reports. I think I will be able to ask
germane questions during review of periodic financial reports and during budget preparation and
approval process. All board members must be alert to indications of dishonesty and failure to
abide by policy and law.

3) As a student who has experienced and seen a tragic flaw with education at my high
school, how will you make sure behavior issues, in schools, are not interfering with
academic studies for all students?

I think we need to take a look at our overall discipline policy and procedures. We should ensure
that all students are provided an atmosphere conducive to academic achievement. Unacceptable
behavior should result in appropriate action.

4) What regrets, if any, do you have of the way business was conducted by the past board of
trustees? If elected and serve what would you do differently?

The previous board of trustees for the most part were gullible in believing a master manipulator.
Until evidence began to be presented concerning the misdeeds that were being visited upon the
district, then many did not believe the extent of the corruption. If elected to serve, I would be
vigilant and listen to those who may have insight into issues that affect the district. The board
needs to hold the superintendent accountable and must make sure policies are in place to prevent
such failures.

5) What qualifies you to make policy decisions about education?

Experience in my professional and community service, including having audited the financial
reports for two local districts. I have no direct experience in the educational process, except as a
6) How will you make the district better? What changes will you make?

The current Board of Managers have done a fantastic job and deserve our thanks. I would expect
to continue the improvement process, adjusting as needed according to circumstances. The
academic performance should be of primary concern at this time and the elected board would
need to continually work to improve that area.

7) Which schools have the highest numbers of Spanish speaking students? Are their needs
being met?

I do not have the specific data at hand to address the specific schools. If their needs are not
being met, then procedures should be instituted to improve that. I would welcome input from the

8) BISD doesnt have enough bilingual staff, what would you do to attract more qualified
bilingual personnel?

No board member can accomplish anything as an individual. I would work with the board and
superintendent to address this issue and develop a plan to attract the needed personnel.

9) What are your thoughts on all the drug and alcohol abuse in our kids?

Drug and alcohol use and abuse by school age students is an issue that needs to be addressed by
our entire community. There is absolutely no place within the school system where drug and
alcohol use is tolerated.

10) Do you support ESL and bilingual education?

ESL and bilingual education is an important aspect of providing appropriate education to all
students within our district.

11) How would you help BISD students if you win, specifically those with special needs?

All BISD students deserve an appropriate educational experience within their own ability and
attributes. Policies and procedures should provide for the appropriate resources.

12) What is your opinion or position on limiting the number of students per classroom?
Teacher/Student ratio

We should provide adequate number of teachers to have teacher/student ratio in compliance with
state guidelines. If teacher shortage is the issue, we need to recruit the appropriate teachers.
13) What is BISDs ranking among other Texas schools of the same size?

I do not know with specificity, but I have heard that the ranking is very low.

14) What is the biggest change you want to make if you are elected?

I have no specific agenda of change. The entire board needs to be involved with the
determination of changes to improve the district. Thoughtful consideration of the ideas
presented is my pledge.

15) What is your position on transgender bathrooms?

My personal opinion would be that we should follow state law or federal law as appropriate.

16) Sitting on the board, what is your stance on protecting both students and parents from
ICE entering school and terrorizing our undocumented community?

As difficult as it is for individuals and families, the law should be followed. ICE is an
enforcement agency of our immigration laws. It is not incumbent on a local school board to
circumvent state or federal law,

17) As a student who has had more than 5 teachers in a single subject during 1 semester, I
would like to know how you will assure every classroom is receiving adequate education
with excelling teachers.

No single board member can assure that there will never need to be a need for substitute or
temporarily assigned teachers. Our board policy should be geared toward making the staffing
decisions necessary to prevent the described circumstance.

18) To the Candidates in district 2: In other areas of the district the four year olds are on the
same campus as are the k-5 students in new buildings. In this part of the north end, the
four year olds are in an old facility at Lucas Elementary which means those parents will
have to be involved in two schools rather than just one, if elected will you look into that

19) It is believed by some that having paid parent coordinators on high economic
disadvantages campuses helps to get parents involved, if there is merit to this thinking, if
elected will you address this matter?

I am unfamiliar with this concept, but will certainly be willing to discuss with the board.
20) If elected will you work on a plan to attract and retain highly qualified teachers in
high economically disadvantages schools?

I think that should be a focus of the entire board and superintendent.

21) How close are the school trustees to actually handling the money, do they write
checks and pay the bills?

Trustees do not handle money, write checks or pay bills. These functions are performed by
district personnel under the direction and control of the superintendent or other administrative
staff. Trustees are provided with reports of financial transactions.

22) What is the difference in the role of the trustee and that of the superintendent?

Trustees hire the superintendent and form board policy. The superintendent is the only person
that the trustees hire. The superintendent or other administrative staff is responsible for all other

23)What ideas do you have of how to make sure that all schools are equitable not equal?

We can request the superintendent to address this issue. I am not in a position to know at this
time where any imbalance might occur.

24) For those of you with children and grandchildren here in Beaumont, What
school/schools do your children currently attend?

I have one school age grandchild in Beaumont who attends Saint Anne Catholic School.

25) Mr. Dunn: Do you believe that school atmosphere plays a role in the student
discipline? If not why not, if so will you consider improving school atmosphere as a part
of the discipline process?

26) Mr. Dunn: Your platform is built on discipline. What do you plan to do to solve the
discipline problem that has not been tried already?

27) Mr. Reese: Critical thinking ability is an important trait for a public servant. Do you
think filing both City Council and School Board which is not allowed and a school
district that you do not live in exhibit good critical thinking?

28) Ms. Bush: What will you do differently this time if you are elected than when you
were on the board previously?

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