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Career Exploration

1(a) What specific career exploration activities have Michele and Joe undertaken to gather
information about themselves (their values, needs, abilities, interests, and desired life style)
and their environment (different jobs, employers, industries, their families)? What could
each of them have done to acquire more information?

Personal Information

Michele Terry

Promotion should be based on experience.
Providing competitive service to the society as a part of bank. Emphasize on the personal

An MBA degree.
Multidimensional job experience
Image of an officer.

Bachelor degree.
Competency in marketing service.
Serve as a mentor for the young professionals to get their career established.

Post of the President

Desired Life Style:

Wanted money and status and opportunity to affect broad policies to serve the community.

Joe Francis

Higher degree of job commitment.
Strong sense of quality work.
Little attachment with the family.
Legendary performance at the district and regional level. Pleased with the status in the

No career advancement was desired, satisfied with the job as sales representative. Stay at
present job for the sake of his family.
Needs attention to his work for staying at the present job.
Legendary sales performance.
Strong reservations about the quality of Infoteks products.

Sales to pencil pushing and administration
Give his family a luxurious life.

Desired life style:

He was not so ambitious but for his family he became pretty accustomed to the good life.
Environmental Information

Michele Terry

Different jobs:
Unable to get another job.

Federal Bank, a medium sized financial institution.

Financial service industry.

A supportive husband,
Children and infant grandchild.

Joe Francis

Different jobs:
Did different types of job in the same organization starting from sales representative to vice
president of sales.

Infotek-a computer software development firm.

Service industry

Consists of children and wife.

Activity to acquire more information

Michele Terry
Seat in the interview for 15 times in the last 5 years. Spoke with officers of other
institutions in the financial service industry and the environmental exploration has done
perfectly. Self- evaluation and re-examination of personal goal.

Joe Francis

Joe was satisfied with his post and was not concerned about the environmental change and
employee behaviour, thats why he didnt go for further career exploration

1(b) How much insight do Michele and Joe currently have about themselves and their

Michele Terry
Has a clear career goal.
Has ambition to be the president.
Didnt develop and implement career strategies properly. Not aware of working ability of
innovative project, but later discover her ability.

Aware of having a good relationship with young managers. Aware of having good appraisal
from peers and supervisors. Aware of having good relationship with family.

Joe Francis

He was satisfied with his career.
Didnt go for further career exploration and goal setting, strategy development and strategy

Was not aware of environmental change and the attitude of his employer.

Career Goals

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