Choice Project Poem

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The Adventures of Arnie with Autism

By: Alexandra Jenkins, Haley Kunze, & Emily Rathburn

Hi my name is Arnie,
I have autism, but it doesnt define me
Pull me out and Ill feel the need to pout
Because when Im taught in a separate classroom I'm being left out
The frustration makes me want to shout
But I thought I had no one to hear me out
An inclusion program makes room for me
Even though I am a student with a disability
Because IDEA was passed, I wont be treated as an outcast
I get to have my own IEP, so I can become the student I want to be
By educating me in a least restrictive environment while meeting my unique needs
You are allowing me for opportunities and who knows where my future leads
When I first came to school, I had not one friend
But through the inclusion program I now have ten
My parents think I should be educated with students who are typically developing
But they were nervous that some students may not be welcoming
Some may argue that I cause too much distraction, but in fact Ive helped my classmates
with their subtraction
Thanks to supportive teachers and model students, every day Im showing new
Model students is the name, learning from each other is the game
Do you know about co-teaching, well let me tell you
It makes it so some days I have one teacher and some days I have two
With the use of collaboration, research shows I get the best education
Hey you future teachers, always remember me, little Arny with a disability
If there ever is debate, Im calling on you to support and advocate

Jacobson, D. (2017, April 12th). Phone interview.

Logsdon, A. (n.d.). Is an Inclusive Class the Best Option for Your Special Needs Child?
Retrieved April 18, 2017, from

Special Education Inclusion. (2014, September 15). Retrieved April 18, 2017, from

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