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Puspa Gautam

Professor: Theresa

Huma 1100

Date: 4/28/17


I was nervous when I first started this class. I had very narrow concept about humanity and I was

not cleared what I will be learning in the entire semester? It was so surprising when I saw

artwork in the humanity class. The reading like Freedom and Justice was not really new concept

to me, but was discussed in more deep and meaningful way which was beyond my knowledge.

Other interesting discussion in the class was cultures and religions. I learned a lot about the

importance of different cultures and religions and learned to appreciate other cultures and

religions. This class covered a variety of topics. The reading like happiness and good life was

very practical and thoughtful in the real life. The discussion topic Love and Marriage I felt so

comfortable to share my story about the typical marriage life and my personal love-marriage

story in the class. The unique and most enjoyable part of this course was the exploring to outside

that I never have done before, such as visiting an art museum and Yes people should go outside

and explore things that they have not done before. Seriously, I learned how to read the artwork

and what the messages are? Developed the critical thinking power on reading and artwork and

learned to interpret deeper analyze of the topics. This course makes my vision way wider and I

feel like a balanced educated person. Overall, I honestly enjoyed the course and entire 3 hours

period felt like an hour. Thank you, Theresa, for making class so fruitful and meaningful.
Civic engagement

It was on 4/7/2017 afternoon I decided to do my civic engagement 2 hours project and I went to

the refugee community to teach the Citizenship test preparation. I called a day before to the

board member for fixing time and venue. The class is a group of refugees from Bhutan ages

from 30 to 70s. They are reviewing questions that will be on the U.S Citizenship and

Immigration Services civics test. The group of the community leaders took this class twice-a-

week at 2700 S 300 E, inside the Church. These people are here in the state since 2008 as one of

the community leader said to me. I saw in the class mostly are older adults who are struggling

language. They speak Nepali. I introduced each other. It was easy to interact with them as I speak

their language too. My main objectives to involve in this community were to help this

community to develop skills of English language, develop the knowledge of civic questions and

answers, reading, writing, speaking, and listening to understand linguist components. I was

interested to teach Civics questions and answers to this community as I already volunteered at

least six hours a week to African community few years ago. I volunteered to this

community(African-American) for ESL for adults group of the community to teach English as a

second language. I learned a lot from this community like their cultures, religions, and traditions

which is very different from my cultures and religions. This motivated me to volunteer the

refugee community who have different social background. I was watching Bhutanese

Community very closely since few years. When I got this assignment, I was pretty excited to go

and volunteer to this community members. So, took this opportunity to volunteer at least 2 hours

as my project required. With this motive, I entered inside the class.

My first question was who is the present president of United State? The mass said, Donald

Trump. One of the guy said that they are familiar with President Donald Trump and very aware
of his recent immigration executive order. They expressed very sadly that they have hard time to

learn new language, new culture and communication struggle when they go outside to buy foods

and stuffs. One of the older lady expressed her frustration of learning new language and she

added further that if she not passes the citizenship test then she will not get her government

benefit like SSI. After hearing them all stories, I started further asking civic questions that

probably will ask in test. What is one thing Benjamin Franklin being famous for? I switched

the question back and forth between English and Nepali. I noted on the board about the

Franklins accomplishment -first postmaster General of the United States, a U.S diplomate, and

starting first free libraries. What did martin Luther King Jr. do? - Fought for civil rights, I told

the students. What did Susan B. Anthony do?- Fought for womens rights, I noted on the white

board. I further added, What was one important thing Abraham Lincoln did? I asked this

question to the mass. One of the young man answered excitedly- Freed the slaves. It was not

easy for me to make them understand as many students were illiterate in their native language of

Nepali; while they speak it, but they cant read and write it. I think that make them hard to try to

learn to spell, read and write in English. It is very hard for them, they never give up their hopes,

they were trying. They want to be good citizens of the United States and want to get the benefit

of the government. One added enthusiastically, he wants to vote for the president of the United

States in the next election. I gave ten-minute break in the middle. During the break time, I heard

that they were asking each other, what will happen in the future? everybody is worried about the

future. After the break, I was curious to ask them about the politics of America. They responded

me, we dont know the politics of America, we all are new on this land, we are immigrants,

newly arrived here, but we are worried of the news interpreted us about the immigrants laws. I

talked to one of the community Board Member, Mr. Dulal about their requirements. Refugees are
not eligible for the citizenship until after five years after their arrival here, said Mr. Dulal. If they

dont become citizens after seven years, they lose eligibility for certain public benefits further

added by Mr.Dulal. I could volunteer more and dedicate myself to this community if opportunity

were given. I felt so comfortable to exchange the ideas and I saw their willingness of learning.

As I read in the class about the Freedom, Responsibility, and Justice, and the journal Good

Citizen that I did in the class makes me think what makes me a good Citizen? what are my

responsibilities as a citizen? The reading I did in the classes put the extra fuel in my body to be

more responsible citizen. I claimed myself as a good citizen as I always truly and heartily care

about others. I cry when somebody cry. I cant be a spectator when community or an individual

needs any kind of support. I think this is what good citizen should support each other and bring

the joy to others life too. In our society, I think I am a good citizen because I contribute and still I

am trying to engage different community base activities. I feel to function a society every

individual need to do something valuable or to develop skills that contribute to the society. I

agree with Thoreau definition, a good citizen believes in humanity and equal rights of every

man. My personal philosophy regarding my rights, responsibilities, and freedom is very strong.

I remember the quote by Martin Luther King Jr., Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed

forever. The urge for freedom will eventually come. Why I am talking this here now is that: -

this group of people whom I volunteered this time were oppressed people from freedom and

rights in their home country. So, I think my small amount of time probably change their entire

life, and they will enjoy freedom and rights in this country.

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