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Lesson Plan

EDUC 111
Name: ____________________________________ Date: ________________

TITLE: Comparing Numbers


GRADE LEVEL: Prekindergarten


STANDARD AREA: CC.2.1: Numbers and Operations
STANDARD: Standard - CC.2.1.PREK.A.3 Compare Numbers

OBJECTIVE(S): Students will use counting blocks, at the green table, to count
whether the number of objects is greater than, less than or equal to the number of objects
in another group for 15 minutes.


ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How is mathematics used to quantify, compare,
represent and model numbers?


In the classroom, the children have been working on more or less as it relates to daily
occurrences. The children are asked when they sit at a table, if there are more or less
children compared to chairs. The children have been asked during center time, if there are
more or less students than the allowed number per center.

In three sentences, describe how this activity relates to or extends prior knowledge of the
students. What has been happening in the classroom to prepare the students for this


The teacher will take groups of 6 or less children to the green table. The teacher will assist
the children, one child at a time, in taking a handful of counting block and placing them
into two random groups. The children will count the number of blocks in each group and
stand up if there are more, sit on the floor if there are less and stay in their seat if they are

DURATION: 15 minutes with each group

LIST OF MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT: (NAEYC 4.b) Please use a bulleted materials list.

Counting blocks
Book More or Less by Stuart. J Murphy
Move two more chairs to the green table to allow for a group of 6 children

VOCABULARY: (NAEYC 4.b) compare, greater than, less than, equal

PROCEDURES: (NAEYC 5c.) Please use a numbered procedures list.

1. The teacher will call groups of 6 or less children to the green table
2. Teacher will read More or Less by Stuart J. Murphy. Together, the teacher
and children will practice standing up and sitting on the floor for the activity.
3. The children will take a handful of blocks and separate them into two
groups. The children will make connections of more, less and equal from the story
More or Less.
4. The teacher will dismiss children by having the children say a number that
is more, less or equal to a number chosen by the teacher.

ASSESSMENT (Formative): (NAEYC 3.b)

Teacher will have a checklist with each child
Teacher will check if the children show they correctly understand more,
less and equal.
Teacher will do a follow up activity with children who do not understand
the concept.
The Noisy Counting Book by Susan Schade


Children can make larger groups of manipulatives. Children can use more than one
manipulative. Teacher can sort the manipulatives into two groups.

EXTENSIONS: (NAEYC 2.c and 3.d)

Parents are encouraged to ask children at home to compare if something is more or less.


Use the Lesson Plan Rubric and grade your lesson plan. Reflect on and evaluate on your
plan. What did you do well, what things do you need to work on? What theory formed the
basis of your lesson? (Maslow, Piaget, Erikson, etc.) How is your lesson plan
developmentally appropriate? How difficult was it to plan for cultural diversity? What steps
will you take to improve the areas that need additional work?

Student Reflection

What did you do well?
One of the things I think I did well when creating the lesson plan was being detailed.
I imagined that if I walked into a classroom as a substitute, would I be able to determine
what exactly the activity was, how to do it and why it was relevant to what the children
have been learning.

What things do you need to work on?

One of the things that I need to work on is understanding and creating better
accommodations and extensions for the lesson. It was challenging for me to provide
extension activities for the children. I also think I could work on the assessment. It was
challenging for me to decide how I was going to assess the childrens understanding.

What theory formed the basis of your lesson?

My lesson was based on Vygotsky and Scaffolding. The children have been working
with the teacher on the concept of more vs less and now the children have the opportunity
to work on more or less and have the teacher there for support if needed.

How is your lesson plan developmentally appropriate?

My lesson plan is developmentally appropriate because the lesson is not long; the
children are not expected to sit for a long period of time. Also, the lesson involves the
children getting up and moving. For preschool children, it is important for them to have
active time.

How difficult was it to plan for cultural diversity?

It was difficult to plan for cultural diversity because this activity was a math based
lesson. I will plan for cultural diversity by allowing all children to participate in the lesson
regardless of their culture/ race.

What steps will you take to improve the areas that needed additional work?
I will research/ learn more about accommodation and extension activities. If I was
the teacher in this classroom, I would know the individual differences in the children and
use that to make the necessary accommodations based on what each child needs. I would
also learn how to better assess the knowledge of the children.


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