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Human Resources Audit Checklist

Management: Is there open communication to and from the HR department?

One of our HR departments key missions is to establish employees trust and confidence in order to lead the
foundation into the future. Our HR department has an open door policy. Employees may be required to schedule an
appointment during peak hours. In any cases, our HR department will facilitate an appointment within 24 hours.
Additionally, they will never hold an employee in contempt if bringing up allegations of misconduct, discrimination,
safety concerns, or any other unwanted situation. If an employee wishes to remain anonymous, the HR department
also has a drop box for suggestions, comments, or feedback that is located in the break room.

Hiring: Are job openings open to current employees?

We understand that financial security, advancement, and benefits help drive personal motivation. Unless under
contract, employees are encouraged to seek self-improvement if a more desirable job within the company exists. We
wholeheartedly believe that initiative will drive the overall success of our company.

Safety and security: Are measures in place to prevent intruders from entering the grounds or buildings?

For the safety of your children, all doors (excluding the main entrance) remain locked at all times. In the event of an
emergency, one can open every door from the inside of the building. By opening these doors, an alarm will trigger
alerting emergency services. Additionally, we have cameras an all sides of the building and in the parking lot.
Finally, we have a streamlined security system in place to ensure children do not leave our facility without properly
identifying the adult picking up the child. We utilize a facial recognition system along with a unique stamp that we
verify upon child pick-up.

Discrimination and employee rights: Are employees trained on discrimination issues?

Every volunteer will receive basic orientation, training, and a volunteer handbook that identifies the policies and
procedures of the foundation. The foundation provides equal opportunity and will not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, ancestry, age, veteran status,
disability unrelated to job requirements, genetic information, military service, or other protected status (Harvard
University, 2017). Any form of discrimination amongst management and/or employees is grounds for termination.

Record keeping and other documentation: Are personal files current?

The foundation ensures full confidentiality. Every employee will be required to sign the Foundations Confidentially
Policy during orientation. Additionally, the foundation will create a file on each employee. The files will contain all
personal information to include applications, resumes, financial information, emergency points of contact, and
quarterly evaluation reports. The files will remain with the HR department in a locked filing cabinet. The foundation
will not disclose any personal information to outside agencies.

Whistleblower Policy


An employee who brings wrongdoing by an employer or other employees to the attention of a government or law
enforcement agency and who is commonly vested by statute with rights and remedies for retaliation (Merriam-
Webster, 2017)

We contend whistleblowers act out of loyalty to their organization and support its mission. Moreover, we believe it is
important to catch problems early and keep ethical dissent at the lowest levels possible. Our foundation wishes to
keep disagreements in house. Nevertheless, if an employee desires to file a complaint to an outside agency, he or she
will receive fair and just treatment. For example, the foundation has a zero tolerance for management or other
employees to retaliate against a whistleblower. If this does occur, then the retaliator will be on grounds for
termination. The whistleblower can and will receive full confidentiality to boot.

Rights and Reporting

If an employee chooses to blow the whistle, we expect him or her to act in good faith. If an individual submits an
allegation that proves to be false and malicious in nature, they can expect to receive legal recourse. If you suspect any
violations of rules and regulations, unethical practices, or other wrongdoings within the foundation, we request you
set up an appointment with our HR department or call-in at (910) 123-4567. You may also visit for additional information. If you prefer to speak to someone outside our
foundations HR department or management team, please call (800) 321-OSHA or contact the Raleigh Sate Plan
Office at (919) 779-8560.


New hires shall receive training on this policy during orientation. At a minimum, management shall review this
policy annually and update the policy when situations dictate. If there is an update, the HR department will ensure all
personnel review the new policy. This policy shall remain posted in the break room.


Edwards, T. (2014, April 2) The HR Audit Checklist: Sample Questions to Get You Started Retrieved from

Harvard University. (2017). Statement of Equal Opportunity Laws and Polices Retrieved from

Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. (2017) Law Dictionary Retrieved from https://www.merriam-

United States Department of Labor. (n.d.). The Whistleblower Protection Programs Retrieved from

Federal News Radio Staff. (2014, May 22) Dont treat whistleblowers like the plague Retrieved from

National Council of Nonprofits. (2010). Sample Whistleblower Protection Plan Retrieved from

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