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School Counselor: Alicia Nazar

Activity: Small Group The 7 Habits of Happy Kids

Grade(s): K-2

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors (Domain/Standard):

M1: Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of
mental, social/emotional and physical well being
BLS7: Identify long and short term academic, career and social/emotional
BSMS2: Demonstrate self-discipline and self-control
BSMS6: Demonstrate ability to overcome barriers to learning
BSS2: Create positive and supportive relationships with other students

Learning Objective(s) (aligns with competency):

1. RED.SE.1.1: Students will be able to show self-control and responsibility
2. RED.C.1.2: Students will be able to select a creative solution and a non-
creative solution to solve problems
3. RED.CR.3.3: Students will be able to create a goal and create steps to
meet that goal

Book - The 7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey, books The 7 Habits of
Happy Kids Collection, PowerPoint of habits

Habit 1 Be Proactive
Read story - discuss
Stop and Think Chart

Habit 2 Begin with the End in Mind

Read story discuss
Goal Planner

Habit 3 Put First Things First

Read story discuss

Habit 4 Think Win-Win

Read story discuss

Habit 5 Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood

Read story discuss
Good Listener
Habit 6 Synergize
Read story discuss
Superheroes or Team Work

Habit 7 Sharpen the Saw

Ready story discuss

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?

Process Data: 2 1st grade students, met for 8 weeks
Perception Data: pre/post teacher survey
Outcome Data: Compare # of reward points before/during/after
Follow-Up: School Counselor to follow up with students as needed

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