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Unit 5


Choose the correct options.

1. I ______ football 2. My friend _____ karate. 3. She ___ hockey 4.Canelo Alvarez ____ boxing.
a) play a) plays a) plays a) plays
b) do b) goes b) does b) goes
c) go c) does c) goes c) does

5. on Sundays, I like___ bike riding. 6. My girlfriend __ tennis in the aft 7. Jeremy ___ athletics
a) do a) plays a) goes
b) go b) goes b) plays
c) play c) does c) does

Ask the following questions to your classmates.

-Whats your favorite sport ? -Whats your favorite winter sport?

-Why do you like it? -Whats your favorite summer sport?
-When did you learn it? -Whats sports are you good at?
Unit 5

Classify the sports & activities in the box according to the collocation the are used with.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the modal CAN

-I _______ go out tonight. Im grounded. -_______ I park my car here?

-_____ we go to the cinema tomorrow? -He ______ talk to his girlfriend.
-You _____ park here. Its no parking. -____ I do my homework tomorrow?
-_____ you she speak English well? -Sorry, I ____ tell you the answer.
-They ____ use laptops during the exam. - I ____ speak Spanish and Italian.

Ask the following questions to your classmates.

-Can you smoke in your house?

-Can you eat food in the classroom?
-Can you use your fathers credit card whenever you want?
-Can you take pictures in the Museo del desierto museum?
-Can you drink inside your company?
-Can you ___________________?

Ask your classmates the following set of questions.

-Can you speak more than 2 languages?

-Can you play chess?
-Can you drive a stick-shift car?
-Can you play any musical instrument?
-Can you cook?
-Can you walk on your hands?
-Can you play golf?
-Can you program a computer?
Unit 5

PRACTICE 8 Medical check-up

Complete the following exercise by filling in the blanks with the correct parts of the body.

-Clap your _____________

-Dance with your __________
-Wink (with your eyes)__________
-Breathe in through __________, breathe out through your __________
-Touch your ___________________
-Stretch your _________ and __________
-Lie on your _______________
-Sit down and put your ________ on your _________
-Touch your ______ with your _________
-Stand on one _____
-Open and close your _________

Make sentences from the given words. Use can / cant

-A bird / fly ________________________________________________

-A child / drive a car ______________________________________________
-A baby / walk ___________________________________________________
-A fish / swim ____________________________________________________
-A blind person / see _______________________________________________
-A deaf person / hear _______________________________________________
-An cat / climb trees ________________________________________________
-A boat / float on water. ______________________________________________

Unit 5

1.Underline the imperative verbs in the following conversations.

Complete the sentences with the adjective or adverb in i talics

quiet, quietly - My hometown is small and ______________

quiet, quietly - Mr.Wilson whispered. He speaks _____________
clear, clearly - Anna pronounces every word ________________
clear, clearly - We like to go boating in ___________ weather.
careless, carelessly - Boris makes a lot of mistakes when he writes. Hes a ______________ writer
careless, carelessly - Boris writes ________________________
easy, easily - The teacher asked an ________________ question.
easy, easily - I answered the teachers question _________________
good, well - David is kind, generous and funny. Hes a _____________ person
good, well - Jake has poor eyesight. He cant see ________ without his glasses.

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