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CONTENT English Pl - Physics P29 Math PL _ Basic Knowledge of Aviation P.63 Logic P.95 unin Sate iare tenarsatiua, Aarinaucitaruansraussneunasuuswmnmaitaranas * "NAVIGATOR ronal nretiu ale a” dada nulnrsnastaniiimendngasiaananitu dull 1 ashy mathmaiiou sadam atiana wf usciedeunanigatiudiniaulaenes foumesey fodonciuihainfinwmdngasioaniu lsedndaainsn 2553 motuonennenoxhlaoutiomuscunitnodnin 5490 lui ardangy, Hind, Adinmnans, eoniiugmudmumsiy unenwindenaue dadenouinertowvtursaey Aotonvinanwvieluaaniumatunagou dow vimaneluanasgedidumer sn nasdovinilual ‘Lilimstindeaourinn Aofiuilai Fakumancuzdidniualanynas livatusorh uuvilniadaiiaemiounta atunsstudeoudafanvasmsantut Vuilmsfinw 2553 wim aanuzdiAaiiuenu Pi Yeromin daananthvinivacsihittunomasitndidowty useithunatunnaiftasiy san stromuniidtewiiinsoutazsins i dete aia nnaene i gaiivahinvarmisnsta manuzgeniusulassni dacveedun a Temiail ugesbvouqnd miduliauladiaiaalessoy owiuiuedndsiuenmemivil oz srammaibiporintstumzeeusesnnynnduqntaquacithaltestisiotivame duntvoll pnusnasuniseitiulassnas 7 “NAVIGATOR 4” riu...gnasiiu axa a" b) Present Continuous ‘Structure: Subject + Verb to be (is, am, are) + Verb ix ing 1. Witunqmsniemsnssiniiindindiuad lusty lavsinaeiidmenvier (adverb of time) Wsitz.now, right now, just now, at present, al this moment, at the moment, still fg. My friends are studying now. Weare siill lea English. Ree 2. Viunnsttanqmaniindéswifotuluenandulndiihumsiiansneviinuans tony future - E.g. | amnot going te the party tonight. 3. Vinnsmqnsohitamsnssiiniiiniulussecen biduiutesindahiastey hah ya UnfisettinaniaAilédon ia this week, this year E.g. _ Mawin is working for an engineering company. We are studying English One this term. + rifumunadialaildiiu Present Continuous Tense s1Auri Verb of perception wie nian wansaa gain fin Aa vu see, want, hear, like, understand; love, hate, smell, know, feel, i forget £.g. She loves me. Sheistaving-me- c) Present Perfect Structire! Subjects haverhas + Verb dasin3 1, Vitti nies afiintuluedintidndharrautledagiy tins 2 (Ghats) 99 ViTLqadamseamgnisahiny tueAa (a point of time in the past) Wis since then (#aushiu), since yesterday (aausitila7 IW), since six o'clock (Astusi 6 Tus) since the beginni 19 of the year (Rausidul), since I was born (Fausidutha), since twas youag (Hausliudaudin) etc. Eg. | have known him since 1990. ‘That child has grown very much since’ Last seen him. Since he has changed his job, he has been much happier. por (une) Wiudauaueenniumauroigmaatnudonnusttye (2 period of ime) via for twenty minutes (thuraen 20 wf), for four hours (hua 4 Fata), for years (dhitly), for ages (vfhuvarunuain’), for the fast month (naaniMauiuda), for a long time (ith WAIN), for the last two years (Aaa 2 TfitiwunN) etc. @ Eg. Shave studied English for ten years, Mary hasn't eaten any meat for over a year 2. Uitunamrsaififtenasiuatadulusiy til ust Foes), recently (sloiny Zi, dont, lately (Sovfoqil, asi), already (GeiuFeemda), yet (49) * yet Gifuusetuavan naib cVituuselomlfies varisztuadion “already Widiulselunujiastaila Vitulsetumuoniti uacalsstundaan * just Virtsetumueniarivindy Eg. Ihave already finished my homework. Adverbs oltime #uy Miu Present Perfect -never (laitan) Eg. Ihave never played ice-skating, ever (wnt) Vifusstundaon —~ ‘i &g. Have you ever been to America? ~ $0 Far, Up to now (satin uautiatly . Eg. | have received no answer from him so far. ~ UP to the present time (autistlaaihu) Eg. Upto the present time we have had nd news from John, ~ many imes, several times (uaqwaxs) Eg. | have been to Hua-Hin ‘Sevéral limes. ‘1 ~ over and over (nfiuddnzuea) Eg. WE have'studied Tenses over and over. ~ at last (Luiiga) . E.g. He has finished his report at last d) Present Perfect Continuous ‘Structure: Subject + hasihave + been +Verbtoining 1 Vilumanaeri fifa tuoiinuasdnshuiadosend slags uazdensdniuriall Viriy Anh since uaz for dawmnntinas ity vero filer naonnwishumanssaifuny long action) tu lear, te, stay, sit, stand, study, sleep, rest, read, work, wail, play, etc. sina Hs Sasaiitan eadeto tho oe Au present perfect fines duiumanssinigadloaty haversazdafiudeluauiag io E.9. Ihave been studying English for eight years. = She's still studying English now. We have been living here since 1987. = We came here in the past and we are sill living here now. 2. Present Perléct tia Present Perfect Continuous Viumulul@unarunsd + E.g. . He have lived here for four years, ~ uaz He have béen living here for four years. Fhseslsctunilifaramanemioutiy * arnuuanshas=d1a Present Perfect Uae Present Perfect Continuous Tuunnadt Eg. | havetead that book. dulAsrumiMeudaniunuuda vaiihe 1 vo 2 thaudafla | have been reading that book. sausiiudsnsdruniifainiu uavdedaubaiau N) Past Tense = a) Past Simple Tense Structure: Subject + Verb¥asii2 1, Viumansziinitfistuastuqnaaudatuetia SssefldauenaertuaAniaiong Foun viu yesterday (lev iuil), last night (Aufiud) . at that time (Luneuiy, former (Slertau), in the past (uaa), just now (\iiednngi), ago (Huda), in 1990 etc. once (eFanils), in the old days (luaaTurinw), the day before yesterday (lean) the previoug day (Turiau), in those days (Liaifatly), the other day (Turieu) ee aia: a few mititites ago (2-3 wniilfitiaunn) Eg. They came to see me last Thursday. ‘Two days agg | asked you to do the report. | didn’t go to schoo! yesterday. Did you learn French last year? She fell asleep a few minutes ago. We did not hear the telephone this morning. 6) b) Past Continuous Structure: Subject + washvere + Verb 184 ing = 1, Viumamsad 2 miqmaaiiindaandiuedndeutuluosia Tavenginrsninilaindedasived (Past Continuous) waiténeuqnasnliiefhiarunan (Past Simple) tinii@ndemnisetun when, : while, 2s, etc. Eg. While Somchai was sleeping last night, Someone stole his car. souimnuaduoundvegitomuiinan fimanstuarneurresritd 2. Humgm sakes Munsdifitéendooariatilslulsstua E.g. Yesterday al this time, | was sitting at my desk al work. diormnentiontusuhsalwianungiliterestiduthinen 3. Yindinafiamanssvianasediaaitindaindunfesrqiuluedin Eg. Anne was writing a lelter while Steve was reading the New York Times, c) Past Perfect Structure: Subject + had + V das 3 1. Wiloitingnsol2 athafioutuolia tatuuqnarainienliiastiouy Past Perec - | tamsafiianrundald Simple Past # Eg. Mary had played with her daughter before she ook a picture. (ai Wichufugneraouiisessciogu) 2. Vihungmsniiiietuiewerqauiisunsa —g. Jane had never seen a tion until yesterday (subiitmeninuastosunssiadiorud) d) Past Perfect Continuous Structure: Subject + had + been + Verbtélating ‘i te 1. finsinnns Hieduoafy Past Perfect shafuiiestasi pertect Continuous fadeinne ' bivanuviaasrounamsaliiiaron Eg. John was very tired because he had been running, (ahuilatinwised aviation) | could smell cigarettes. Somebody had been smoking. (nites latinneguipitedivseadtian (6 He had been sleeping for three hours when we called him up. Jane had been working on this computer for an hour before she got an email from you. Ml) Future Tense a) Future Simple ‘Structure; Subject + wil/shall + verblaitiugu (V. infinitive) i A Vindnndetoidietulacnssiiy macnaciia Wewan -E.g. I shall go to Chiafig mai tomorrow. (dus tulviusluniSungst) She will study Spanish next week. (Neaua=iuunnanudtarninta) 2. mauansalé to be going to uma will/shall dlandrafiauenuns (plans) Weanrwdale (otentions)iamuniasiatuewran Structure: Subject + is/am/are + going to + V. infinitive Eg. | think | am going to go to Paris for studying. (anwussta/unu) He is going to be a doctor. (aanaisita) * mast to be going to sxdiennatutenanns will * Ui present continues unu tuture simple udasiamanrsaiindeses umniaynuntnwuans £.g. He is leaving for London on Friday. b) Future Continuous Tense ‘Structure: Subject + will/shall + be + Ving ba 1. Vituimgmiotuananiieynaianutan: 2. Virfunqmsoftuawianittinos uuutadadulelinesintuennn Eg. ‘will be going to the supermarket, 1 will be watching the maich on television at 8:30 tonight. Will you be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight? ¢) Future Perfect Tense Structure: Subject + will/shall + have + V3 1. Viiiousamanesiiniougnrsatbeacladuqaas cu aerieietuowien lausion uonliedrianuh diene niuamqmsahiiinduecdadsduuley wistusatya wnqmaaiiturstieaiuadovFodsbaiinfiana taunedl by + 1990 vu by tomorrow , by 5 o'clock Eg.: The meeting will have finished by six o'clcok. "i (mistlsequaztabatfiativaan 6 uifin = it may have started already or it may not have started yet. But it will finish before six.) - d) Future Perfect Continuous tense Structure: $ + will /shall + have + been + Ving ‘Atal gi a 7 etetae 1. TB Vonflouriy Futire Pertect sinaftuiueaweiatiiesaaannenseiia Taumsnseviniuigians + dodiuequazacdaviiuseluluewian a Eg.: By 2005 we will have been fiving in Lampang for ten years. (dietiatl2005 razerteedludnheas 107 taztiomsedsialy) matin Active Voice Titilu Passive Voice Liblueiifinesuaiua Direct Object) - onnsmusealsturtuudulserr : - Vi verb to be Lignasmunlezaay = - Menuiiluasetunthalaenathutes 3 (past participle) ~ ules neventzctun Active tuidhunssunds by tdu The boy was bilten by the dog. Research will be presented by Dara at the conference. Dinner is being cookéd by Susan. Anew house is.going to be built (by them ) sein iflettia Passive Voice was Tenses #94 niuviog Past : Tenses desu - - ; tennail wynai Participle Present "|The carcars Jis are designed, Present perfect The carfcars | has been have been designed. Past The caricars | was were designed. Past perfect The carlcars | had been had been designed. Future The caricars | will be will be designed. Future perfect The caricars | wilhave been | will have been | designed, Present progressive | The caricars_| is being are being designed. Past progressive The caricars | was being were being designed. ta) Walsslanitiinesumgs uaznssus69 ( Direct_& indirect object ilousztun Active dinssn 2 tata ngaUAts ( Direct Object) = Fanos 3911908 ( Indirect object) = YyrAna Glosealflouths Passive Susnernssuses Aoynnatudhulsesiy dracieanssumsahy alses ila usivosteywun to FrouthinesusestioMadyaon he Aclive: The teacher gave me a book. Passive: | was given a book by the teacher. (nssusestihusse1u) Passive: A book was given fo me by the teacher... (nasuasaihusze71u) Active: The guide will show you the museum. Passive: You will be shown the museum by the guide. (naruraatihuniszs7u) Passive: The museum will be shown to you by the guide. (nssuasaduusesv) Participle : 1. natihlsee nuthugnisii (active) uszinqmsatia 2 iintndifuatuitolunaiduaria We ‘1 present participle (V.ing) ~ | walked in the dark. | stepped on someltiing soft. = Walking in the dark, | stepped on‘something soft *Useormmeniclyadaatiiuauaaavdedahuavinlscluanda 2. nacihlecs nuiugnsei (active) ussauanisniv 2 tiariou uasnferiaatuu veoh perfect participle (Having +V.3) ~ She, completed her work. She went to the cinema. nssushasaageNt = Having completed her work, she went to the cinema. 3. nadilesomuduggnnssin (passive) ussmqnsahi 2 thalndifuatuvgatucar tiuoriu WHY past partciole (v.3 : “Trapped ina high branch of the tree, 4he cat could be reached by a man using a long tadder. Infinitive and Gerund Infinitive #4 2 Uszun Fe with to and without to With to —v. innamdarfian ty, threaten, fal, swear, seem, prove, decide, refuse, etc. Without to V. tannins helping vero viv had better, would rather 9 Gorund felarsste v.ing Geviamilrthadioud un uecosithuenviariaue Ex. Swimming is one of the best exercises. w3eeraAWUAS preposition Ex. He lefl me without saying any word. wieorsmumaanitia consider, finish, admit, deny, enjoy, keep, miss, suggest, avoid, etc . Ex. When will you"finish writing the novel? Causative Verbs in Wied mstidaniealuanumnuis: urvaslsurvad wld abildtihudnszinae thaos Form of Causative Ver - _ have/makerlet someone do something - have something done - get someone to do something = gel something done Example "had the barber cut my hair, / will get the maid to clean my kitchen, If Clause 1, aamiiuilyla Future Possible Vv it 1+ Peel simple, eld Mie or Preset smote Ex. If she comes, | will go 2. sanifidululaild asstusmananiusivtuilegiiy Present Unreal We Past shpte, future in nest (would + Vint) “Ex I were you, | would be happy. 3. aunfidulutailé azvinunawastuadin Past Unreat wank Vb I+ Past perfect, Future perfect in the past (would + have + V,) Ex. If John had played in the final game, we wouldn't have lost. bo TENSE 1. Matt nothing when he is al home. a.had always done _b. always does cvisalways doing d. was always doing 2.We in Phuket from 1985 to 1990. a. lived b. are living . have lived d. had lived 3.We____a snowman when the snow__to fall. a. were building, began ». are building, began . have been building, has begun 4. buill, begins 4, | promise that | hard in the future. a. will study b. have studied ¢. am studying d. studied _ 5. Jack ___ in Boston for the past 15 years. a.lives b. lived c. has lived d. had lived Fe i ; 6. Al the end of this semester, | hore.for a whole year. a. shall be studying b. studied . shall have been studying . am studying a heredor 4 years but they me yet. a. have been working, haven't promoted —_b. am working, haven't promoted ©. was working, didn’t promoted 4. will work, won't promote 8.1 can't be here tomorrow. | to New York. ‘8. am going b. was going c.g d. have gone + 9. Fred felt very lired. He __ sixteen hours a day for almost a year. a.has been working b. was working c. had been working a. will have been working 10. 1 shall go to San Francisco before you back next week. a. came b. will come . would come come on " here very often tast year? a.did theycome —b. dotheycome —_c. Are they coming —_d. have they come 12, When t « the convention ‘i a. arrive, already began , artived, has already begun A ©. arrive, already begins 4. arrived, had already begun . 13. This town sogn after World War IL 2. will be buill b. was built c. has been built dis built 14, your homework yet? 3. Have youfinished “b. Were You finishing ¢. Are you finishing d. Do you finish 16. Tell the landlord thal | the rent until he mends the roof, : a. don't pay b. didn't pay . haven't paid d. vion't pay 16. "I will come with you as soon as "she said, a. was ready b. fam ready c. Iwill be ready d. 1 ready t 17. A: When are you going to ask your boss fora raise? B: to her twice already! | don't think she wants to give me one. a. have talked b. Ihave been talking c. ! was talking 4. thad talked 18. 1 want to go swimming, but | my work yet. @-haven'tfinished — .b. wasn'tfinishing cam not finishing _d. didn't finish 19. 1 it the fire at four and it brightly when Lisa arrived, a. burn b. burned . was burning d: had bumed « 20. A: Do you want to go to the mall with us, 8: Which one? he new one near my old house? 8: Ohno, 1 there four times already. a. am going b. will be going c. went 4d. have gone bay 21. Asia _ the largest continent in the world. ais b. has been c.was 0. had been 22. By the lime the presentation began, they _ their discussién 2. complete b. completed c.hadcompleted —_d. were completing . 23, There was no [dod left when I retumed. They everything! a.eat * bate c.had eaten d. were eating 24. They ____*_ while | was cooking dinner. a. cleaned up b.had cleanedup —_c. were cleaning upd. are cleaning up 25. lf she had visited us last summer, she the hikes in the mountains. 2. enjoyed 'b. had enjoyed cc. would enjoy . would have enjoyed Passive Voice shan ive Voice. 1. Passive: The work will be finished by him in 2 fortnight 2. Passive: What will hbe taught by you? 3. Passive: The homework is being done by students. i 4. Passive: The dogs should be trained by the police. 5. Passive: The mice were Killed by the cats. 6. Active: The little girl has dropped her toys. ° 7. Active: Oo the students answer the questions? 03) 8. Active: The mother looks aller her lltle baby very well, 9. Active: She has brought up her child carefully 10. Active: The servant was cleaning the room. . Reading Passage 1 Anan Anwar, aBriish military aviator, was hovering over Haly one night in March 'S44 when his plane was hit by enemy fire. Flaming gasoline shot down the whole fength ot he Blane, Anwar reached to find a mass o re. What could he do? The parachute ‘2s obviously too far gone lo be usable even ihe could put out the rising flames. His boots were already beginning to burn. He decided to jump, Preterring sudden death on {he Ground to being burned alive in the sky. This i the end, he thought, as he jumped into black space 18,000 feet from ground. This is al he could remember unt he awoke fo see a small patch of stars overhead. Was he dead? He tured his head and moves his erm. His head ached and his Back pained sharply: He'Telt cold damp and noticed he was lying in snow four feet deep in 2 thick forest. Slovily he moved his legs and tres to sit up His Boots were gone, and hs fying suit was tom to piaces. He looked up and Gown nol Believing what he saw. Large broken branches above his head showed where he had cropped into he big trees before crashing through at reduced speed to the wonderlu Bed of snow where he had! rested deep and protected lim the wind for twee hours. : When he was finally cartied unto a village, the lalian solciers who took him Prisoner laughed at his story. But higher talon authoriies discovered that his slory was le. which resulted in Anwar’ being given a pape, signed by alata officer, stating that ‘he had actually falien 18,000 feet without parachute and lived! 4 Choos Lan ding to The clause “his plane was hil by enemy fire” means the Italian a) set fire to the aircraft ) invaded the aircraft €) struck the plane with their gunfire ¢) pulled the aircraft part ‘The sentence “parachute was obviously tao far gone__-" means the parachute a) had moved far away from Anwar \sb) had dropped out of the plane ¢) had slipped dway from his reach 1d) was too badly bumed Why did the airman decide to jump? a) The burning boots were causing pain. —_b) He knew he would land on soft snow ae c) He dreaded being burned to death ) He thought he was burned to death, “This is the end,” rellected that__. 2) he was going to die, b) his job as an airman wias over ) Itwas the end of his plane @) it was the end of his flight The soldiers that “took hirh prisoner” were those that _. a) made him give himself up ) threw him into a prison ) found him.in'the forest 4) look charge of him 19) ALETTER TO A HOTEL The Manager, Ml York Street, Royal Hotel, Leeds 9 Uplon-on-Sea 7 September 1967 Dear Sir, You may remember that last week ! was a guest at your hotel, On my arrival at the hotel, | put away my umbretta in the cupboard in my room, number6, and did not lake it out again even once during the whole of my stay in Upton as - the weather was so beautiful fine. When the time came for me to leave for home on Saturday, I'm afraid I left the umbrella behing. . Since my return to Leeds the weather here has got worse and worse, and ined the umbrella very much, so | ask you to kindly send it to me as quickly as possible ~at my expense, of course. | am sorry to cause you this trouble, but | should be very grateful if | could have it in time for my brother's wedding on Saturday next week. White | am writing, there is on other thing I must tell you. As | was leaving hotel, the door-boy asked me for money. | refuse and he ther-shul the door behind me so hard thet itknocked me down the steps.nd it tore @ small hole in my trousers. | had no chance to complain a the time,-aé | was hurrying to catch my train, but | should be glad to hear what You intend) to do about this very ruge behavior of one of your employees In.conclusioiy | Should like to say thal in all other ways my stay at your hotel was a very pleastint oné. and | am already looking forward to a second holiday at Upton-on-Sea. + Yours faithfully John Hogg 6) 1. John Hogg leit his umbrella behind because a. he was slaying in 2 hotel, b. he didn't use it al Up-on-Seal ‘c. the weather got worse and worse v) du davin @ = sin"(viu) v= aqmiiovenius (lueania) u= aniasesing Mew {Guns tema (Mach number) damdavosostuerna y, 31 + 0.6L amusdoanaitenfigamafitc fe) 1. An opera singer in a convertible sings a note at 600 Hz while cr ing down the highway 21 90 km/h. What is the frequency heard by front of the car and behind the car? (2) 625 Hz and 546 Hz wl sas Hz an $59 He {c) 625 Hz and $84 Hz (4) 648 He and 574 Hz . 2. Amother hawk screechéS as she dives at you. You recall from biology that female hawks screech at 800 Hz, bul you hear the screech at 900 Hz. How fastis the hawk ~ approaching? (2) 18 mis (©) 28 mis 3. Two tains, A and B, each whislles al a frequency of 44d Hz. A is stalionary and Bis ‘moving toward the right (away from A) al a speed.of 35 m-s-1. A listener is between the two trains and is moving toward the right with a speed of 15 m-s-1 oi v= 15ars? va =0 ms = A x Tei 24 Hz and 420 He (b) 424 Hz and 430 Hz (¢) 420 Hz and 420 Hz 2 (d) 4202 and 424 Hz 4, The siren of fire engine thal is driving northward at 30 ms-1 emits-a sound of frequency 2,000 Hz. A truck in front of this fire engine is moving northward at 20 m:s-1. ‘What is the frequency of the siren’s sound thal the fire engine's driver hears reflected from the back of the truck? (2) 1,569 Hz [164.887 He (c) 1,985 Hz (0) 2.124 Hz (36) 8. An observer on the ground hears a sonic boom which is created by an airplane flying at aspeed (2) just below the speed of sound. (b) equal to the speed of sound. $f oreater than the speed of sound. (2) None of the above © usingmsninau a ie ee ap te Ara () fa Ayuauraulu 1 duit tn martadnndac 1 ne aw (7) fe meriemunsauiiasy 1 seu Te~ Anil f dasnfonauy =f A = - t v= daniionau miouily cinsiwi (= arufisasaau ming hu aod A. = pxenaau mine iu aias noniinnsnsriuiihulilnaingwes snet ' Phe We 2g Ag, 1. A sound wave traveling through a solid material has a frequency of $00 hertz, The wavelength of the sound wave is 2 meters. What is the ‘speed of sound in the material? (a) 250 mis (6) 500 ms . Ye{ 1000 mis : (a) 250,000 m/s wa 2. A tuning fork is used to produce sound waves with a frequency of 440 hertz. The waves lravel through the air at 344 rn/s. What is the s wavelength of the sound waves? (2) 0.15 m (b) 039m PK078 m (6) 1.28m + - 3. A student shakes the end of a rope with a frequency of 1.5 Hz, causing waves with a wavelength of 0.8 m to travel along the rope. What is the velocity of the waves? (2) 1910s (d) 0.53 m/s cs 4. What is the wavelength of a 264-Hz sound wave when the speed of sound is 345 m/s? (a) 077m yn 31m i (©) 6.09.m (J) 941m 5. Sound waves cannot carry energy through (a) water. (0) air. (c) a mirror. “Bra vacuum : 8. The diagram here represents a light ray being reflected from a plane mirror. From the dala given in the diagram, what is the angle of reflection? (a) 10 degree normal, (b) 40 degree ~A.s0 degree (d) 100 degree mirror (383 a ‘Wilinseuat mit bith dain ih dhidanansVinszualalih aati math fawn indauiivasdianssoudascleseuuin leeauau nszualivdludarin 1 = nszuslyih dndoadihuuesnnls (4) = Arunnlszqytioua fioiaenilugacsnt lo = nenfloyrnundouticiny thninndhiiuait | nevA n= 4wudtannioudarcluniimaeianareinh t e = Usrqlnvasétannsow= 1.6x10-19 qaourh Mulvesdiannveuludah wmhudhuuasiuw, A= tufimadaanvesiiat mineihumesuine - a saat ri a Pare Finmoanszuatyhivactifinnshimadeaveunadih viesinqaiitiandintingstliisqaiit Andilvitada usisettfiamsnsstutunesusdianarouilssqau) ngseslovu { a ad “ah sain ie ~ ~ ., siloqomafinsd evesnscuslitiaitbigeatudann scwltunsaitunrneia findbtinrewdraleuivasanaaiatnthe V = amainaéind Siminauliad.cv) ; V=IR = nazaslith gvndauddiaieanals (4) aa R= arsine Sndwiuterin AM UMMUAZAMWEUN R= anda P= anwénuns fimdouidulerasi9 (2 - 2) R ~Is cs mils = ihunaien simauruains (m) A= tuftuthdia fimbeniunrs rains (n°) han wumusaslanzustaznfiaaciel biniay usstiadentuasitiweane ba aranitlivuwazan mili srrlafitednunmannszuaubinszualiiatuatinuldtion laashensiuiiana thiWitniog ar wah bthasihdeundurasaradinanu avanti = ue chnloudhe Guna (s) anrmhibih laumslaiiitan nd un aeianwniabiiatio aehidou nduIasan nen imwduiunusiie wns a lint a 7 msiammumu nosciasiagunm iiseontiu 3 Ae 1. nrsefounoynsy humaine dadnumunidieruaain R,.R, Ry Av Muhaeouuuaynan Hee Raat ice R Vi MeaVy- aonnradndPaAliuR, AR, Ae an D8 Nps 1 Re Ry AY YM ye Ow nssuaiviriluarhur, Ry. Ry 5. , ro WD Nag ~ Vony Y98 Vag = Vy # Vy V5 =1,R, + LRy + LR 2, Mariouvirnu dunsninen wd muingaoine: RonGestoury lausehlsauiumlarei SAG .R, = LR, = 18, R _ 3. 196'@U Wheatstone Bridge Ussneudauarn Houmas da Snaasseniqga schifinssuatatiiitia HMR, feo)

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