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Date: March 28, 2017

To: Stephen J. Easterbrook

Chief Executive Officer
McDonalds Famous Fast Food Company
From: Grace Kim
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Subject: Recommended memo for Business Management Fundamentals

Attached is report for my study, a recommended memo called The Fundamentals of

Management: How To Become A Good Manager. I completed this proposal after the initial
research process on March 6, 2017. I have been able to conduct a class course with testing on the
elements required in being an excellent manager. The steps required in this course are to help
potential employees understand, acknowledge, and test their ability and mindset to become a
successful manager.
To achieve these tasks, I obtained research and conducted a course to analyze the possible
benefits a business might obtain by training potential management employees the fundamentals
on being a good manager. After the completion of the research class course, I will be reviewing
and collecting data on how business has succeeded further; from the time before this research
proposal was conducted and after the course has been fully completed.
My main findings, is that many businesses have been successful mainly by the attitude
and professionalism the managers display. By having an employee who acquired the knowledge
about the fundamentals of management, this will provide happy, hardworking employees who
make sure their customers are well satisfied. Keeping the customers satisfied will ultimately
implement a more successful business though out the years.
I recommend that many business owners, corporations, and industries try this research
method themselves and see how their business has flourished from then to now. I also
recommend viewing the success rate of this research and other processes, and analyze how much
different the end result could be.
I appreciate the opportunity to participate in conducting this research study, and am
thankful for the opportunity to lead and complete this project. I look forward to viewing any
follow-ups through any activity process. If you have any questions or comments, please contact
me, Grace Kim, at

The Fundamentals of Management: How To Become A Good Manager

A Recommendation Report
Prepared for: Stephen J. Easterbrook

Chief Executive Officer

McDonalds Famous Fast Food Company

Prepared by: Grace Kim


University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Date: March 28, 2017

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

615 McCallie Ave
Chattanooga, TN 37403
The purpose for this proposal is to help employees understand the fundamentals of
management and gain the skills and knowledge that will be beneficial to the business.

Throughout the years, there are many people who complain about a certain person in a
business, or even the business itself, because of the lack of professionalism the business provides
for its customers. In many businesses (mostly restaurants and store owners), the employee
assigned as the manger lacks the fundamentals of being a professional manager the business
hired them to be. This can ultimately result in unsatisfied customers and possible business
failings. However, receiving fundamental knowledge on how to become a good manager will
gain customer satisfaction, and help businesses gain more profit.
Therefore, my research primarily benefits business owners by receiving knowledge on
how to train their management staff to become exceptional managers towards their customers
and employees, and how to maintain professionalism when a problem occurs.

In every business there are always unsatisfied customers who love to get their point
across for any complimentary merchandise available, however, sometimes these customers are
unhappy due to the professionalism the management staff lacks. There are many reasons for
management problems within a business: the employee may lack the skills that are required to
become an excellent manager, managers can be oblivious to the work ethic the employees lack,
and oftentimes managers want to do their best but are unable to handle a situation. These types of
management issues will provide insufficiencies in a business.
In order to establish a successful business, teaching the management staff the
fundamentals of being a good manager or employee is one of the primary solutions to making a
business more efficient. The best approach to training the employees are to make sure they
understand and learn what a good manager is and what they are suppose to do. By doing so, a
successful manager will ultimately help provide excellent customer service through their
employees and bring out the optimum potential in a business.

Research Methods
During the research, I compiled these four steps that could help business owners and
corporations provide great service and healthy atmosphere to their customers through their
management staff and employees. With the approval and help from business owners, I was able
to conduct a class course along with tests that would provide participants gained knowledge on
management skills and behavior. The steps taken to convey good management skills are as
1. Understanding management
2. Decision Acknowledgment
3. Management skill testing
4. Process reviews
5. Business progression data
These steps help provide employees excellent management skills, and I will discuss how each
step were performed and conducted:

Step 1: Understanding Management

In order to improve the management staff, they must first understand the fundamentals
required to be a good manager. Therefore, I conducted a 5 day - 2 week course on proper
management criteria.
This included:
1. Learning about each individuals fundamental components of being a good
2. How each essential principles are used in various situations
3. How to handle each circumstance professionally
4. Testing the knowledge given to succeed as a good manager
During this process of the management course, the potential employees have successfully
been able to follow, learn, and understand the proper criteria for management. Each management
staff have been able to complete all three major required fundamentals of being a good manager
through a written testing process. All management employees earned perfect marks on the
written management test, which informs me that they have mentally understood the materials in
becoming an excellent manager.

Step 2: Decision Acknowledgment

This task was to help acknowledge and provide insight on what would have been the best
decision approach on previous situations during the past few months. During this decision task,
they were able to fully acknowledge what the best approach would have been from past
situations from the fundamentals of management they have previously learned. They were quick
to learn the reasons why their previous decisions were not adequate enough to the situation at
hand, and why the approach they know now would have been more acceptable.

Step 3: Management Skill Testing

Completing the two courses on learning about the fundamentals of being a good manager,
each of the managers were arranged to take a simulation test of the business they are working for.
This simulation included employees and customers with situations that they must settle in a way
an exceptional manager would do. During the simulation course, many of the potential mangers
recalled the fundamentals they learned in the previous course and settled any disputes in the
simulation professionally; the way a good manager is trained to do.
Step 4: Process Reviews
After the testing course each management staff has completed, I reviewed each manger
on how they handled every situation given to them during the testing process. I review if they
handled each problem professionally, while also seeing if they put forth the fundamentals they
have learned into the situations they were presented. Afterwards, I called each manager and
discussed with them how they did in each situation, any improvements that might still be needed,
and the overall approach on the usage of fundamentals in management process.

Step 5: Business Progression Data

Over a period of time, I have been checking in to see the progress the employees have
succeeded after the initial research course and simulation. I have seen some remarkable changes
with the atmosphere and the overall customer service they have provided. It also seems that the
business itself has been on a steady incline of progress after the fundamental management course
the business employees have completed.

During this research process, I was about to conduct a fundamental course to improve the
management system for the workers of a business and the business itself. While overseeing the
research at hand, I was able to identify the full progress the business achieved through the
management course. I learned that many restaurant businesses pride themselves on great
customer service, since customer satisfaction is one of the main potential elements to keeping a
business afloat. I also found out that when a business has a good manager on their side, not only
do customers end up happy; the employees also have a positive view of their job and want to do
their best.

Based on the research that I conducted, I have concluded that businesses should allow
their potential employees to take this form of management fundamental training. The course I
organized shows progress by allowing employees to fully understand each element of
management and view how they are used in the real business world. By doing so, they are able to
visualize approaches to a situation and choose the best way any great manager would proceed.
Also by allowing your employees to engage in this program, they would be able to recognize
their own mistakes and correct it accordingly by the simulation test that is required to all
potential employees after the previous two steps of the fundamental process in management.

To help a business progress further, I recommend business owners, corporations, and
industries to try this research method themselves. Whether they do it exactly as I have recorded
the process or whether they provide their own insight in the process; each business should try
this method and see how much different the business has flourished. I also recommend viewing
the success rate by this research process and other processes to analyze how much different the
end result could be. Every owner, corporation, and industry strives to acquire a successful
business, providing the fundamentals on how to become a good manager to your employees will
ultimately help make the business stronger.

Work Cited/References
Fallon, Nicole. New Manager Checklist: 5 Things You Need to Know About Being a Good
Leader. Business News Daily. N.p., 21 May 2014. Web. 28 Mar. 2017.

Graban, Mark. What Bad Managers, Good Managers and Great Managers Do. Entrepreneur.
N.p., 15 Sept. 2014. Web. 28 Mar. 2017.

Reh, F. John. 10 Things You Can Do to Become a Better Manager. The Balance. N.p., n.d.
Web. 28 Mar. 2017.

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