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Many societies believe that the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human right,
but it is also true that the attainment of happiness remains elusive. However, many
of us think that the pursuit of our desires, give us more pleasure and satisfaction
and for myself I find thats the pursuit of our desires give me more satisfaction.
Definition of happiness can be defined in many way s like the Mahatma Gandhi said
that the happiness is when what you think, what you do are in harmony. Ayn Rand
said that the happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the
achievement of ones values. And the William H. Sheldon said that the happiness is
essentially a state of going somewhere, whole heartedly, one directionally, without
regret or reservation. Furthermore, as for me happiness is when something that
money cant buy. Any little things can make me happy such us playing with my
children, make my wife a cup a coffee while she was tired taking care of my new
born baby, to see my family happily smile and safe, all that can make me happy. So
that, in order to be happy I must pursuit my desires to get higher education and get
good pays to fulfill my families needed.

Although attainment is the objective of every pursuit and sense of accomplishment

is an ingredient for further progress but still desires and destinations dont
completely satisfy humans yet it is the pursuit which instills a positive attitude
towards life and struggle, makes the process enjoyable, it explores ones capabilities
and eventually enables humans to transcend from petty pleasures to the higher
purposes of their life. Happiness is not something to be derived from achievements
as such, rather it comes after the pursuer who knuckles down for his desires. I
agreed for some fact said that achievement of desires, the motive of every pursuit,
is the only way to happiness.

Furthermore, in the Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 105(2), May 2013, 504-
521 writing by Senko, Corwin; Hulleman, Chris S. they have studied about the
current studies by introduce the goal attainment expectancy construct to
achievement goal theory. Three studies, 2 in college classrooms and the other using
a novel math task in the laboratory, converged on the same finding. For mastery-
approach goals and performance-approach goals alike, the harder the goal
appeared to attain, the less likely participants were to pursue it, ultimately with
negative repercussions to participants' task interest and achievement. Additionally,
in each study, mastery-approach goals were generally considered easier to achieve
than performance-approach goals. Study 3 also demonstrates that these judgments
are highly amenable to cues in the situation: Mastery-approach goal expectancies
are colored by the apparent complexity of the material to be learned. Multiple
theoretical implications are considered, particularly for work on achievement goal
antecedents and goal revision. This journal prove that the pursuit of our desires
give us the motivation to move forward and to giant happiness.

Life is like a rolling mountain, we step forward to pursue our desires on the other
side of the mountain. During the process, we will encounter rifts, thorns and those
lurking dangers; however, when we finally land on the other side of the mountain
and accomplish our pursuit, the joy of success will be more memorable than simply
the attainment of them.

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