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Test Booklet Code JIIID No.

This Test Booklet contains 20 pages

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take out the Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Siile-l and Side-2 carefully with
blue/black ballpoint pen only.
2, The test is of 3 hours duration and Test Booklet contains 18O questions. Each question carries
4 marks. For each correct response, the candidate will get 4 marks. For each incorrect response,
one mark will be deducted from the total score. The maximum marks are 72O.
3, Use Blue/Black Ballpolnt Pen only for writing particulars on this page/marking responses.
4. Rough work is to be done on the space provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet only.
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12. "..iofat,
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Name of the Candidate (in Capitals) hnPtnH lztlnR

Roll Number (in Figures) : tu q
(in Words) : I I lt &ra 6 t t; our Qr,6
Centre oI Examination (in LiLE LI Scumt ry-Lt LQ tult
Candidate's Signature : At. l^rrL Invigilator's Signature :

Facsimile Signature Stamp of

Centre Superintendent :
(l,flanck's constant (h), speed of light in
\-/ vacuum (c) and NeMon's gravitational
constant (C) are three fundamental
@Ablockbullet of mass which
g moving
v,'ith a velocity of 4O0 m
of mass 2 kgis
strikes a wood
suspended by
constants. Which of the following light inextensible string of lengttr 5 m. As
combinations of these has the dimension of result, the centre of gravity of the block
length? found to rise a vertical distance of 10 cr
ot+ Qt {s
c't -
The speed of the bullet after it emerges ot
horizontally from the block will be

Gc (1) 100 m s-l
(2) 80 m s-l
L.#wo cars P and Q start from a point at the
same time in a straight line and their (3) 12O m s-l
positions are represented by xp(tl = at + bt2
and xp(t) = fi-t2, At what time do the cars (4) too m s-1
have the same velocity? -d Two identical balls A and B having vclor'ities
$# @;* of 0 5 m/s and -0 3 m/s respectively collide
elastically in one dimension. The velocities o{
#*t ,-r/l-"
' ' 2(t+ bl
B and e after the collision respectively will be
(1) -O 5 m/s and 0.3 m/s
In the given figure, a = 15 m/s2 represents (2) O 5 m/s and -0'3 m/s
the total acceleration of a particle moving in ./'
the clockwise direction in a circle of radius ;PY-OZ m/s and o5 m/s
R = 2'5 m at a given instant of time. The
speed of the particle is
Jfl 03 m/s and o5 m/s
1rt/. A particle moves from a point (-2r'+5j) to
.'f l+j+Zp when a force of (4i+3i) N is
applied. How much work has been done by
a\ the force?
(1) 8 J qh
4'5 m/s (2) 5'0 m/s (2) 11J 4-
(3) 5'7 m/s $l 6'2 m/s
- -,*-n60'rigid ball of mass m strikes a rigid wall at 5J ,'-rj + 3 x-)(4' '\
and gets reflected without loss of speed [z
as shown in the figure below. The value of
impulse imparted by the wall on the ball
(+) 2J
\- t 2s
will be rotating bodies A and B of masses m
?KP m @ Two
and 2m with moments of inertia f^ and
G 'b IB(IB> IAI have equal kinetic enerry of
rotation. If Lo and trg be their angular

9r{ momenta respectively, then

!a\ \
s L
7 60
u Ol Lt=?
f +2' sry
v 'yO\
{21 LA =2LB
\," rvz L
Y2 Lln

J,' mV l2l 2mv (31 LB> LA
(\? q @+ a
rlU l4l LA> LB S
K le r,{f
t \.7 u.n
, * ,.'? 'U!@
l.Oz L

tol ?
+t \' ta
,-:) r5
a ,o
L, vV,- VF \,9L{/1
f,4 (,,-
A solid sphere of mass m and radius R is 13. A rectangular frlm of liquid is extended
{L) rota[rts about its diameter. A solid'cylinder from (4 cm x 2 cm) to (5 cm x 4 cm). If the
of the same mass and same radius is also work done is 3x10aJ, the value of the
rotating about its geometrical axis with an surface tension of the liquid is
angular speed twice that of the sphereJhe
ratio of their kinetic energies of rotation (1) 0.250 N m-l (2) 0.125 N m-r
(E sprrere / Ecytirraer ) will be (3) O.2 N m-l (4) 8.O N m-l
(1) 2 :3
14. Three liquids of densities pl, p2 and p3 (with
(2) 1:s
Pr>Pz>Ps), having the same value of
(3) 1:4 surface tension f, rise to the same he isht
in three identical capillaries. The angle s of^ "i
(4) 3:1 $,
contact 01, 02 and 03 obey
&b) A light rod of length I has t*o masses m, and
,n2 attached to its two ends. The moment
of inertia of the system about an axis
0l tror>02>03>o V+
perpendicular to the rod and passing (21 htr
through the centre of mass is
$l !tm2 p e) ryLj!2 p (3) .01 <02 <03 <n
ml + m2 m1m2 ;
l3l (m1+m2lt2 (41 JiLn2P (4) ,r>01 ,0z t0g
2 rq
11. Starting from the centre of the earth having
radius R, the variation of g (acceleration due 15. o identical bodics are made of a material
to is shown by for which the heat ca aclty rncreases wr tLr
temp erature. One of these is at 10 hile
Sr t
the other one is at 0 'C. I E two bo les are
brought ln assu gno
L l2l
heat loss, the final common 1S

R ->r o R ->r ,t:/, 0'c

(2) more than 50 "C

t (3) less than 50'C but greater "C
i4t o'c

j)- o ->r o R -+r 16.

body cools from a temperature 3T to 2I
10 minutes. The room temperature iS L
/ xZ:-A satellite of mass m is orbiting the earth Assume that Newton's law of cooling is
ius $ at a heigh_t ?r from its surface. applicable. The temperature of the body at
The total energr of the satellite in terms of the end of next 10 minute s will be
96, the value of
the earth's surface-\
ty at
ot|, ai, 4-/

_ mgoR2
f; u'l*.
trr t. (4)

One mole of an ideal monatomic

lo / 4 .gas

rf) Z;.&.
a ', @3dX'
u4dergoes a process described by the
equation PV3 = constant. The heat capacity
of the gas during this process is
I0^r (t)
R+ h \D t,r i* ,,Z* 5 cb
- R+h
tD+ l-
'r (3) 2R (4) R

Tu \
Iz- a'o

l0 :r \D-i I K T tgz T\D, T 1

=u-2 lD.

l< lo"tT T
(i*.>'t,r" lrrrl)rnrlur(: insitl<: tt rclrigerator is t2'C 24. A parallel-plate capacitor of area A, plate
rr rl tlr,. r'r)on) lr)nrp(:rillttrc is tr'C. The separation d and capacitance C is filled u,ith
tlrrrllrrrl ol lrcat dclivcrccl to the room for four dielectric materials having dielectric .irrule (rl cl(,'ctrical crtcrgr consumed constants kt, k2, k3 and lco as shou'n in the
irlorlly u'ill lxt frgure below. If a single dielectric material is
L t, | 273 to be used to have the same capacitance C in
' ' ' l2l -' this capacitor, then its dielectric constant k
lt, ' tl tt
t,. t273 l,'r tL is given by
fil')':''. (4) 'l-?-
lt .tt l, t'273 3 A /3 /3
I (), A givcn sarrrplr: of an irlctl gas occupies
a volurnc V at a prcssttro P and absolute
tcmperaturc 7'. 'l'he mass of cach molecule
I d
k k3 dl2
o['lhe gas is rn. Wltich of thc following gives
thc density of tlrc gas?
(1) P/(ftrl pl Pm llkl'l
j:l PI (4) nltT'
lk?'vl (1) k=kl +k2+k3+3k4
294^ lxrrly of nrass ,[ is otlil(illcd to the \
lorvcr en<l oI a spring wlrose ttpper end @ k=ZWt+kr+k3l+2ka
ls fixcd. Tlrc sprirrg has negligible mass.
Whcn the masa m is olightly pulled down
and rclcnscd, it oscillatcs wlth a time period (3)
2 3
+- I
k k1 +k2+k3 k4 I
of 3 r. Whcn thc mas! ,n i6 lncrdased
hy I kE, thc timc pcrlod of oocillations (4)
bcconrcs 5 s. Tlrc vnlrrc of rr ln kg is k kr k2 k3 2kc
L (l)
t 25. he potential differe nce (V, - I/6) between
-6 't 16
(4) ')
the points A and B i n the given figure is
vA 20 3 V 1e VB
I llc scr'orrrl ovcll(1rrr ol' ntt t,l)ctr organ +
lrrh llrr irl frotlttr.rrty A,r llrr first
1.1 A I=2A 1-|

I lorre ol'rr r:Ltnrtl ltlgre /, trtnlt't lotrg, The

ti llr ol llrc o1x'tr pipe wlll ho (1) -3 v v
(2) +3
t, {2} It '(3) i6v (9{+e v
; l4l 4L

@ Three sound wavcE of equtl Amhlitudes @ Ain filament bulb (5O0 W,'100 V) is to be used
a 230 V main supply. When a resistanqg-R
have frcqucncics (n l), n, (rt+l). Thcy is connected in series, it works perfectly and
superimpose to givc lx:nlr,'l'lrc n{tttrlrr of the bulb consumes 500 W. The value of R is
bcats produccd pcr ncr:<lrrrl rvlll lre p\ 46f2
(1) 230 a
\ % (1) 1 (21 4
(4) 13 e)
L (3) 3 l4l 2 (3) 26 cl

b Aryelectric dipole is placcd at nn tn tl It' ol' 30'

with an electric field intcnsity 2 x l0 N/c. rr 2t into A long wire carry-ing a steady current is bent
a circular loop of one turn. The magnetic
experiences a torque cqual Lo 4 N nr, 'llrc field at the centre of the loop is B. It is then
charge on the dipole, il thc rlipole lengllr is bent into a circular coil of n tums. The
2 cm, IS magnetic field at the centre of this coil of
(1) 8 mC n turns will be
(21 2 mC oR
l1l nB .-P{n'n
(3) s mC {z
{41 7 pC c\ ,L?3
l3l 2rLB (4\ 2n2 B ! \--
.,MD/E1 r4\ ,) Ve *A -3 * 2 =\52''D ,,4.

" /nn Rr' $9 (LL

?oY ?j'
7 t ltl\ U

A bar magnet is hung by a thin cottpn thread

The potential differences across the
in a uniform horizontal magnetic field and resistance, capacitance and inductance are
is in equilibrium state. The enerry required 80 V, 40 V and 100 V respectively in an
to rotate it by 6O" is I,I/. Now the torque ,L-C-R circuit. The power factor of this
required to keep the magnet in this new circuit is
position is (u o.4
(2) 0.s
(1) (21 ",13w
(s) (4) 08 1.0

ptry etry
33. A 100 C2 resistance and a capacitor of 100 Q
reactance are connected in series across
29. An electron is moving in a circular a 22O Y source. When the capacitor is 507o
path under the inlluence of a transverse charged, the peak value of the displacement
magnetic field of 3.57 x 10-2 T. If the value current is
' of e lm is 1.76 x to11 c7tg, the frequency of l7l 2.2 A (2) 1l A
revolution of the electron is
(1) 1 GHz (2) 100 MHz
(3) 4.4 A $l rlJ' ^
31 62'8 MHz l4l 6 28 MHz 34. Two identical glass (pr=3/2) equiconvex
ich of the following combinations should lenses of focal length / each are kept in
be selected for better tuning of an L-C-R contact. The space between the two lenses is
circuit used for communication? frlled with water (pw = a /31.'fl:,e focal length
of the combination is
(1) R= 20 f2, I=1.5 H, C=35uF
(2) R=25 E, L =2's H, C=4s ttF lll J/3 (2t f
(3) R= 1s s| r=3's H, C=30 ttF (31 4f 13 (41 3f 14
(4) R=2sQ, I = l's H, C= 45 rtF
35. An air bubble in a glass slab with refractive
6 A uniform magnetic field is restricted within
a region of radius r. The magnetic field index 1'5 (near normal incidence) is 5 cm
deep when viewed from one surface and
changes with time at a rate 9. Ioop i of 3 cm deep when viewed from the opposite
.. face. The thickness (in cm) of the slab is
radius R > r encloses the region r and loop 2
of radius R is outside the region of maglietic
(1) 8 l2l ro
lield as shourr in the figure below. Then the ' lal 12 (4) 16
e.m.f. generated is
36. The interference pattern is obtained with two
coherent light sources of intensity ratio n.
In the interference pattem, the ratio
.max _I .
fmax * fmin
will be
(l) zcro in loop I and zero in loop 2
tl) ,,*rf
P1 -Snr2 in loop I
( tt- cf+*'
(zl 2{n.
dB 2 in loop n+ I
--fir 2
dt JN
dlt ,l
R2 in loop 1 and zero in loop 2
(3) -------------;
ln + 1)z

$ -4i.t 12 in loop I and zero in loop 2 61(n2fr^

+ 1)'

,rr{r)/El 5 I P.T.O.
{D Atheyperson can see clearly objects only when 41. If an electron in a hydrogen atom jumps
lie between 5O cm and 4O0 cm from his from the 3rd orbit to the 2nd orbit, it emits
eyes. ln order to increase the maximum a photon of wavelength tr. When it jumps
distance of distinct vision to infinity, the type from the 4th orbit to the 3rd orbit, the
and power of the correcting lens, the person corresponding wavelength of the photon
has to use, will be will be
(1) convex, +2.25 diopter 6r l9),
'' 25 r2t
'' 2)"
(2) concave, -0'25 diopter
(3) A 2!)\
concave, -0'2 diopter ,r, T^ '' 13
(4) convex, +0.15 diopter
A linear aperture whose width is 0 02 cm is 42. Tbe half-life of a radioactive substance is
placed immediately in front of a lens of focal 30 minutes. The time (in minutes) taken
length 60 cm. The aperture is illuminated between 4OYo decay and 85% decay of the
normally by a parallel beam of wavelength same radioactive substance is
5x10-s cm. The distance of the first dark (1) ls (2) 30
band of the diffraction pattern from the (3) 4s (4) 60
centre of the screen is
[1) 0'10 cm 43. For CE transistor amplifier, the audio sig-na1
voltage across the collector resistance of2 kC2
(2) 0'25 cm is 4 V. If the curent amplification factor of
(3) 0'2O cm the transistor is 1OO and the base resistance
is l kQ then the input signal voltage is
(4) 0'15 cm
(i) 10 mv (2) 20 mV
(9 Electrons of mass m with
wavelength ), fall on the target in
(3) 30 mV (a) 1s mV
tube. The cutoff wavelength (),0) of the 4*. The given circuit has two ideal diodes
connected as shown in the figure below. The
2mc),2 current flowing through the resi stalce Rt
r' 'lt:
= rr \r@,,,
will be \* {r
%-p Rl
(3) ).0 )'^ '1,OV
R2 3c) R3 257
(4) ).0 = r
T? Photons vrith enerry 5 eV are incident
on a cathode C in a photoelectric cell. The
.?^J maximum enerry of emitted photoelectrons
-t4 ,', o (2) 10.0 A
(3) r.43 A (4) 3.13 A
is 2 eV. When photons of enerry 6 eV are
incident on C, no photoelectrons .willreach 45. What is the output Y in the following circuit,
the anode A, if the stopping potential of A when all the three inputs A, B, C are frrst
relative to C is 0 and then 1?
+3V \ D
-'U) A
B \
(21 +4 v c

(s) -1v (u0, 1 (2) 0, 0

(4) -3 v
-/d 1, 0 (4) 1, 1

JMD/E1 .l v
6 "lb,l. "dy
1.. ""%;. ^-^
Which one of the following compounds q!/ How many elechons can fit in t}le orbital for
slrows the presence of intramolecular
hydrogen bond?
i;; -- 6u
"!+T H2O2 (s) 10 l4l 14
(2) HCN For a sample of perfect gas when its pressure
(3) Cellulose is changed isothermally from pi to py, t}re
(4) Concentrated acetic acid entropy change is given by

47. The molar conductivity of a 0.5 mol /dm3 (1) AS=nRln (rt\ rn, 0t -\\
solution of AgNO: with electrolytic [p,.j
conductivity of 5.76 x 1o-3 S cm-l at (2) AS = nR ln
298 K is t*) A t.- a
(1) s cm2 /mol
(21 1t.52 s cm2 /mol \y AS = nRI ln
Pi bc\ x rts
(3) o.oeo s cm2 /mol (4) AS = RT ln
(41 28.8 S cm2 /mol
The van't Hoff factor (l) for a dilute aqueous
(9 The decomposition of phosphine (PHa) on
tungsten at lorv pressure is a first-order
solution of the strong electrolyte barium
hydroxide is
reaction. [t is because the (1) 0 (21 1
J4 rate is proportional to the surface (3t2 yl 3
coverage 54. The percentage of pyridine (CsHsN) that
(21 rate is inversely proportional to the forms pyridinium ion (CrHrN+
{ in a 0. 10 M
surface coverage aqueous pyridine solution (Ku for
(3) rate is independent of the surface CsHsN = 1.7 x 10-e) is
(1) 0.0060%
(4) rate of decomposition is very slow .
(21 0.073%
49. The coagulation values in millimoles per litre l3l o.77%
of the electrolJrtes used for the coagulation of (4) L.60/0
As2S3 are given below :

L (NaCl) = 52, II. (BaCl2)= 0.69,

55,,fn calcium fluoride, having the fluorite
structure, the coordination numbers for
IIt. (MgSOr) = 0.22 calcium ion (Ca 2+ ) and fluoride ion (F- ) are
The coffect order of their coagulating (1) aand 2
power is
(2) 6and 6
(3) 8and 4
(4) (4) 4and 8
50. During the. electrolysis of molten sodium 56. If the Ei.o for a given reaction has a negative
chloride, the time required to produce value, which of the following gives the
0.10mol of chlorine gas using a current of cortect relationships for the values of AG'
3 amperes is and K"n?
(1) 55 minutes (1) AG'> O; K"q < 1
(2) 110 minutes (2) AG'> 0; I(* > I
(3) 220 minutes (3) AG"< 0; K* > 1
(4) 33O minutes (4) AG'< O K.q . 1

JMD/E1 7 I P.T.O.
G Which one of the following is lncorrect for
ideal solution?
\63. Zinc can be coated on iron to produce
iron but the
It is because
reverse is not
(1) AH-i. = 0
(2) AUmk = 0 (l) zinc is lighter than iron
(3) AP = Pobs - Pcalculated by Raoult's law = O l2l zinc has lower melting point than iron
LG-l, =O . l3)/zinc has lower negative electrode
J* potential than iron
58. The solubility of AgCl (s) with solubility l4l zinc has higher negative electrode
product 1.6x 10-10 in 0.1M NaCl solution potential than iron
would be
(1) 1.26 x l0-s M
6) The suspension of. slaked lime in water is
known as rA t
-,(11) timewater t r\ \\
(21 l.6x lo-e M
(2) quicklime Lb,, y
(3) 1.6 x 10-r1 M (3) milk of lime '" Q-
l4l zero (4) aqueous solution of slaked lime
59. Suppose the elements X and Y combine to $6 The hybridizations of atomic orbitals of
form two compounds XY2 and X3Y2. When nitrogen in NO{ , NOj and NHf, respectively
0.1 mole of XY, weighs 10 g and 0.05 mole

5 *' \s^\
of X3Y2 weighs 9 g, the atomic weights of
X and Y are (1) sp, sp3 and sp2 q
(1) 40, 30 (2) 60, 40 (21 sp2, sp3 and sp v
(s) 20, 30 (4) 30, 20 Jd*,sp2 and sp3
tb n\)
/' !'
60. The number of electrons delivered at the (41 sp2, sp and sp3
cathode during electrolysis by a current of
I ampere in 60 seconds 'is (charge on 66. Which of the following fluoro-compounds is
electron = 1.60 x 10-19 C) most likely to behave as a Lewis base?

(1) 6x 1023 (21 6xlo2o ,':o(q er, (2) pF3

(3),, cF4 (4) SiF4
(3) 3.75 x 1o2o (41 7.48x to23
S'*Wnicn of the following pairs of ions is
51. Boric acid is an acid because its molecule isoelectronic and isostructur
(1) contains replaceable H+ ion ,6fcol-, No5 (2) cloa, co3-
(2) gives up a proton (3) so3-, No5 (4) cro3, so3-
(3) accepts OH- from water releasing proton
(4) combines with proton from water 'd. In context with beryllium, which one of the
following statements is lncorrect?
(1) It is rendered passive by nitric acid.
62. AlF3 is soluble in HF only in presence ofKF. (2) It forms Be2C.
It is due to the formation of
(l) K3[AIF3H3] (2) K3[AlF6]
(3) Its salts rarely' hydrolyze.
(4)-Its hydride is electron-deficient and
(3) AlH3 (4) KlAlF3Hl / nolvmeric-

JMD/E1 8
69. llot r:orrcerrtrated sulphuric acid lSa 75. Jahn-Teller effect is not observed in high
rnoderately strong oxidizing agent. Which of spin complexes of
thc following reactions does not show
oxidDing behaviour? 0l d7 Ql d8
(1) cu +2H2SO4 +CuSO4 +SO2 +2H2O
(2) 35 + 2HiSO4 -, 3SO2 + 2H2O (3) d4 $l ,le
(3) C + 2H2SO4 -, CO2 + 2SO2 + 2H2O
(4) CaF2 +H2SO4 -)CaSO4 +2HF Je. Which of the following can be used as
the halide ' cdmponent foi- "Fn?eletrafts
of the following pairs of d-orbitals will
@ Which
have electron density along tho. axes?
reaction? -'
nu ?t\
(ll d"z, drz (1) Chlorobenzene
(21 d)a, dsz
l3l d,z, d,z_rz
Brom o
(3) Chloroethene
o \.\

(4) d*, d*z-oz

14t Isopropyl chloride to
{lAbe corect geometry and hybridization for
XeFo are
! (1) octahedral, sp3d2
t-\ L
@. tn *frict of the following
atoms are coplanar?
molecules, all /t\
(2) trigonal bipyramidal, sp3d '1)

(3) planar triangle, sp3d3 \, (1) (21

planar, sp.3d al (,
-*4f "qrrr" co' 0,2
Among the folltiwing, which one is a wrong
-]2, statement?
(1) PH5 and BiCl5 do not exist. cHa /cN \
(3) (1)
{21 pn-dn bonds are present in SOr. cH/
\ctt ,4
.Xf ,u* and CH+ have same shape. .

(4) Il has bent geometry. 78. Which one of the following structures
73. The corect increasing order of frans-effect .represents nylon 6,6 polymer?
IH" H. \ \
q a-e
of the following species is ---
lzc'-._E--c'-,_E- \
(1) NH3 > CN- > Br- > C6H!
(2) CN- > C6H! > Br- > NH3
1,. /".
(3) Br- > CN- > NH3 > C6H; IH" H. \ '6
(2\ [7c:-l--c1-[- j
(4) CN- > Br- > C6H5 > NH3

74. Which one of the following statements

\ in, L,/". ,)\ ?

.--- [t .
H rI \'o
related to lanthanons is incorrect? iB-.- C :-U.--
H H2 C
n )b
(1) Europium shows +2 oxidation state. (3) /c iE-- c C I

(2) Tire basicity decreases as the ionic I I

cHs J ()()l I
NHz c 6
radius decreases from Pr to Lu.
(3) All the lanthanons are much more
reactive than aluminium.
(a) Ce (+ a ) solutions are widely used as
( r8**-BiU-$-+"")"-*"J,
oxidizing agent in volumetric analysis.

JMD/E1 9 I P.r.o.

o ln pyrrole
4 3

A2.r.The central dogma of molecular genetics
r' states that the genetic information flows

it (1) Amino acids -> Proteins + DNA

(2) DNA -+ Carbohydrates --+ Proteins
the electron density is maximum on
(r) 2and3 r
.,ffDNA -+ RNA -+ Proteins

(2) 3 and 4 (4) DNA --> RNA --> Carbohydrates

(3) 2 and a
83. The correct corresponding order ofnames of
(41, 2 and 5 four aldoses with conliguration given below
H OH Ho-l-H Ho __[_u H -_]-_o H
8O, Which of the following compounds shall not H OH H-f oH Ho -l-H HO
produce propene by reaction with HBr cH2oH cH2oH cH2oH
followed by elimination or direct only
elimination reaction? respectively, is
(1) H,ca-fH,
(l) L-erythrose, L-threose, L-erythrose,
H2 D-threose

l2l H3c-3-cH2oH (2) D-threose, D-erythrose, Lthreose,

(3) H2c:c:o (3) L-erythrose, L-threose, D-erythrose,
(41 H3c-51cH2Br
' (4) D-erlthrose, D-threose, Lerythrose,
81. Which one of the following nitro-compounds Lthreose
doet rot react with nitrous acid?
(1) Hsc
\c,/\ 84. In the given reaction
HF >p
H" o'c
- \cH'l-c.'\No2
the product P is
{1) (21

(3) H3- -NO2
(3) (4)

(41 Hsc .c f'.


JMD/E1 10
85. A given nitrogen-containing aromatic 88. Which among the given molecules can
compound A reacts with Sn/HCl, followed exhibit tautomerism?
' by HNO2 to give an unstable compound B. o
B on treatment with phenol, forms a
beautiful coloured compound C with the Ph
molecular formula C12H1gN2O. The structure Ph
of compound A is I III
NHz Noz
(1) (2t (1) III only

CN coNH2 (2) Both I and III

(3) (41
(3) Both I and II

(a) Both II and III

85. Consider the reaction

This reaction will be the fastest in

The correct order of strengths of the
carboxylic acids
(1) ethanol

(2) methanol I II
ry III

(3) iY,.lvldimethylformamide (DMF)
(1) I>tI> I
(4) water .(2) ir>ru>r
(3) ' I > II > I

o The correct structure of the product A

formed in the reaction (4) II>t>III

H2 (gas, I atmosphere)
Pd/carbon, ethanol 9O. The compound that will react most readily
with gaseous bromine has the formula

H (1) CaH6

f OH

(21 c2]l2

(3) C4Hlo
(3) l4l @

(41 c2}{4

,,Mr)/E1 11 I P.T.O.
91. Which onc of the following is wrong for . The term lolyadelphous' is related to
,,--z/ fungr? grnoecium
{l) They arc cukaryotic. 2 androec\um
(2) All fungi possess a purely cellulosic cell /l2l
wall. (3) corolla
(3) They are heterotrophic. (4) calyx
(4) 'l'hey are both unicellular and

Mctlranogens belong to
6) How many plants among
Sesbania, Saluia, Allium,
groundnut, radish, gram and

(1) Eubacteria stamens with different lengths in their

(2) Archaebacteria flowers?
(3) Dinoflagellates (1) Three
(4) Slime moulds (2) Four
r-y'3. Sclcct the wrolg statement. (3) Five
(l) The walls of diatoms are easily (4) Six
(2) 'Diatomaceous earth' is formed by the is found in the flowers of I

cell walls of diatoms.

(3) Diatoms are chief prohucers in (1) Brassica
oceans. (21 Tnfoliuml/
(3) .&sum r-
(4) iatoms are microscopic and float
pas sively in water.
(4) Ccssia
label of a herbarium sheet doe3 lot
carry information on Free-central placentation is found in
(1) date of collection Dianthus
(2) name of collector fi
.jp.) local names
{21 Argemone
.6 t of the plant (3_) Brassica

ers are adApted to tolerate extfeme (4) Cilrus

environmental conditions because of
(1) broad hardy leaves Ql. Co.,.* is the region found between
(2) superiicial stomata J]y'epidermis and stele
{3) thick cuticle (2) pericycle and endodennis
(4) presence of vessels (3) endodermis and pith
ed Which one of the following statements is (4) endodermis and vascular bundle
wrong ?
(1) Algae increase the level of dissolved The balloon-shap ed stru loses
ory*gen in the immediate environment. (1) originat6 in the lumen of vessels
P'evi n is obtained from red , and (2) characterize the sapwood
(3) Agar-agar is obtained from Gelidium and, (3) are extensions of xylem parenchyma
Gracilarta. cells into vessels
(41 Laminaria and Sargassum are used as (4) are linked to the ascent of sap through
food- xylem vessels

JMD/81 t2
,9 . A non-proteinaceous
(1) lysozyme
enzyme is o A few drops of sap were collected by cutting
across a plant stem by a suitable method.
The sap was tested chemically. Which one of
(2) ribozyme the following test results jndieateglhat it is
phloem sao?
/ (31
(1) Acidic
14 deoxyribonuclease
e- (2) Alkaline
lO4. Select the mlsmatch. (3) Low refractive index
(1) Gas vacuoles-Green bacteria (4) Absence of sugar
are given a tissue with its potential for
,'12f t arge central vacuoles-Animal cells --- - Vou
differentiation in an artificial culture. Which
(3) Protists-Eukaryotes of the followin par rs of ho s would you
(4) Methanogens-Prokaryotes add to the me lum to secure shoot sas
as roots?
1O5. Select the wrong statement. (1) IAA and gibberellin
(1) Bacterial cell wall is made up of -{2} Auxin and cytokinin.
peptidoglycan. (3). Auxin and abscisic acid

v pf P,ti ,na fimbriae are mainly involved in

motilitv of bacterial cells.
(4) Gibberellin and abscisic acid
PhSrtochrome is a
(3) Cyanobacteria lack flagellated cells.
(1) flavoprotein
(41 Mgcoplasma is a wall-less (2) glycoprotein
(3) lipoprotein
106. A cell organelle containing hydrolytic
enzymes is ntial for the growth of root tip?
,-frf, ly"o"o-. \11 zn (2) Fe
(2) microsome (3) ca (4) Mn
(3) ribosome . The process which makes major difference
(4) mesosome between C3 and Ca plants is
(l) glycolysis
During cell growth, DNA synthesis takes (2) ' Oalvin cycle
place in
(1) S phase {5) photorespiration
.(4) respiration
(2) G1 phase
Which one of the following statements is not
(3) G, phase correct? :-
(4) M phase (11 Oflsorine oroduced
---- bv the asexua-l
reproduction are called clone.
lr. Which of the following biomolecules is (2)-Microscopic, motile a reproductive
common to respiration-mediated breakdown / structures are called zoosDores.
of fats, carbohydrates and proteins?
(3) In potato, banana and ginger, the
(1) Glucose-6-phosphate plantlets arise from the intemodes
(2) Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate present in the modilied stem.
(4) Water hyacinth, growing in the standing
(3) |ruvic acid water, drains orygen from water that
(4) Acetyl CoA leads to the death of fishes.

JMD/81 13 I P.T.O.

j4 . Which one of the following generates new l2O. ,aylor conducted the experiments to prove
genetic combinations leading to variation? semiconservative mode of chromosome
-,/ replication on
(1) Vegetative reproduction
(2) Parthenogenesis (ll Vinca rosea
(3) Sexual reproduction -pl' vicia faba
(4) Nucellar polyembryony (31 Drosophila melanogaster
, Match CoIumn-I with Column-Il and l4l D. coli
select the correct option using the codes
given The mechanism that causes a gene to r!9ye
below :
from group to another is called
Column-I Columa-Il rnvelSron
a .Pistils fused (i) Gametogenesis
(2) dup catio2r.
b Formation of (ii) Pistillate translocation
gametes crossing-over
c Hyphae of higher (iii) Syncarpous
I The equivalent of a structural gene is
Unisexual female (iv) Dikaryotic (1) muton
flower .-(2) cistron
(3) operon
Codes :
3\^^ (4) recon
t\ (1) (rq (iii) (i) (ii) A true breeding plant is
)? V\
'p (2) (ii) (i) (iv)
(3) (il (ii) (iv)
(1) one that is able to breed on its own
(2) produced due to cross-pollination among
d, (4), (iii) (i) , (iv) (ii) unrelated plants
./ l/rrear homozygous and produces offspring
LL?, In majorigr of angiosperms
'-"' of its own kind
(1) egg has a filiform apparatus
(4) always homozygous recessive in its
(2) there are numerous antipodal cells genetic constitution
-{E) reduction division occurs in t
megaspore mother cells ch of the following rRNAs acts
(4) a small central cell is present in tructura-l RNA as well asn ln
embryo sac bacteria?
(1) 5 S rRNA
Pollination in water hyacinth and water lily is
@ brought about by the agency of (2) 18 S rRNA
(1; water (3 23Sr
11 insects or wind 58 S rRNA
(3) birds t2s- tirred-tank bioreactors have been designed
(4) bats for
lJ9. The.olrrle of an angiosperm is technically (1) purification of product
e1).ivalent to (2) addition of preservatives to the product
-f{} megasporangium (3) availability of o><ygen throughout the
(2) megasporophyll process
(3) megaspore mother cell (4) ensuring anaerobic conditions in the
(4) megaspore culture vessel

JMD/E1 t4
foreign DNA and plasmid cut by the same 131, The primary producers of the
|\s; A
restriction endonuclease can be joiired to hydrothermal vent ecosystem are

form a recombinant plasmid using i

(1) green algae
(1) Eco RI
(2) chemosynthetic bacteria
(21 Ioq polymerase
pfzblue-green algae
(3) polymerase III
(4) coral reefs
.(41 ",/
132, Which of the following is correct for
. Which of the following is not a component of r-selected s ies?
downstream processing?
(1) Large number of progeny with small size
(1) Separation
(2) Large number of progeny with large size
(2) Purification
(3) Small number of progeny with small size
(3) Preservati on
(4) Small number of progeny with large size
(41 Expression

133. If '+'sign is assigned to beneficial interaction,

ich of the following restriction enzymes '-' sign to detrimental and '0' sign to neutral
roduces blunt ends? interaction, then the population interaction
(1) sal I
represented by +' '-'refers to

(2) Eco RV (1) mutualism

(3) xho I (2) amensalism

(41 Hind ttt (3) commensalism

/Xf Parasitism
129. Which kind of therapy was given in 1990 td a
four-year-old girl with adenosine deaminase
Which of the follort'ing is correctly matched?
(ADA) deficiency?
(1) Aerenchyma-Opuntia
-{*f Gene therapy
(2) Age pyramid-Biome
(2) Chemotherapy ,

(3) Immunotherapy
(4) Radiation therapy
-y" rthenium hg sterophonts-lhre at
to biodiversity
(4) Stratification-Population
1!O'. How many hot spots of biodiversity in the
world have been identified till datE- by fasi Rea List contains data or information on
Norman Myers? (l) all economically important plants
(1) 17
(2) plants whose products are in
international trade
{21 2s
43]- 34 (3f threatened species

l4l 43 (4) marine vertebrates only

JMD/81 15 I P.T.O.

)86 . Wlrich of thc following
caused by bacteria?
sets of diseases is @. Oxidative phosphorylation is
(1) formation of A-TP by transfer of
z(t1 ct olera and tetanus phosphate group from a substrate
(2) T}phoid and smallpox to ADP
(3) Tetanus and mumps (2) oxidation of phosphate group in ATP
(4) Herpes and influenza (3) addition of phosphate group to ATP
_yr Match ColuEr-I with Column-Il for
housefly classihcation and select the correct
(1) formation ofATP by energ!'released from
' electrons removed during substrate
option using the codes given below : oxidation
Column-I Column-II 143. ch of the follow'ing is the least likely to be
a. Family (i) Diptera lved in stabilizing the three-dimensional
b. Order .1ii) Arthropoda o lding of most proteins?
(1 ) Hydrogen bonds
c. Class (iii) Muscidae
d. Phylum -' (i") Insecta (2 ) Electrostatic interaction

Co d es ) Hydrophobic ilteraction
c l+ ) Ester bonds
a b d
-," (iii)
(1) (i) (iv) 144. Which of the following describes the given
lit\ t graph correctly?
(2) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(4) (rv) (ii) (, (iii) .
138. Qhoose the corsect statement. ll
J11 All mammals are viviparous.
(2). All cyclostomes do not possess jaws and 1
paired fins.
p) All reptiles have a three-chambered t)
heart. a Substrate
(4) All Pisces .have gills covered by an .s
operculum. t E
139,,-Study the four statements (A-D) given below
--/ and select the two correct ones out of them :
A. Definition of biological species was given Pro uct
by Ernst Mayr. Reaclion ----+
B. Photoperiod does not affect reproduction
in plants. (1) Endothermic reaction with enerry A in
C. Binomial nomenclature system was presence ol enzyme and B in absence of
given by R. H. Whittaker. enzyrne
D. In unicellular organisms, reproduction is Exothermic reaction 1a'ith enerry A in
synonymous with growth. -/ presence of enzyme and B in absence of
The two coEcct statements are enzyrne
(1) B and C .{2f C and D (3) Endothermic reaction with enerry A in
(3) A and p (4) A and B absence of enzJrme and B in presence of
. In male cockroaches, sperrns are stored in (4) Exothermic reaction with enerry A in
which part of the reproductive system?
(l) Seminal vesicles absence of enzyme and B in presence of
-'{2) Mushroom glands
(3) Testes en cell has stalled DNA replication fork,
(4) Vas defereas which checkpoint should be predominantly
t4l . Smooth muscles are
/ (1) GI/S
r-1.U/involuntary, fusiform, non-striated
(2) voluntary, multinucleate, cylindirical /pl G
(3) involuntary, cylindrical, striated (s) M
(4) voluntary, spindle-shaped, uninucleate (4) Both G2lM and M

JMD/E1 16
d Match the of
stages in Column-I
their characteristic features in Column-Il
to 151. Name the ion responsible for unmasking of
active sites for myosin for cross-bridge
and select the correct option using the codes actlity during muscle contraction.
given below 'fif Calcium (2) Magnesium rl
Column-I Column-II (3) Sodium (4) Potassium
a Pachytene (F Pairingof homologous
152. Name the blood cells, whose reduction in
number can cause clotting disorder, leading
b. I (if
Metaphase Terminalization of
to excessive loss of blood from the body.
,'' chiasmata
c. Diakinesis (iii) Crossing-over takes place (1) Erythrocytes
d. Zy9otene (iv) Chromosomes align at (2) Leucocytes
equatorial plate (3) Neutrophils
Codes : (4) Throm S

153. Name a peptide hormone which acts mainly

L-/-/^bc/d / on hepatocytes, a and enhances
(l) (iiD (iv) (ii): (i) .
cellular UCOS and utilization.
(21 (i) (i\') (ii) (iii)
q_1p)-lnsulin (2) Glucagon
(3) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i) (3) Secretin (4) Gastrin
(a) (iv) (iii) (iil / (i)
147, Which hormones do stimulate the
154. Osteoporosis, an age-related disease of
skeletal system, may occur due to
production of pancreatic juice and
bicarbonate? (l) immune disorder allecting Deuro-
muscular junction leading to fatigue
(1) Angiotensin and epinephrine
(2) Gastrin and insulin (2) high concentration of Ca*+ and Na+
r,,,{3) decreased level of estrogen
1B|^ Cholecystokinin and secretin
(4) Insulin and glucagon (4) accumulation of uric acid' leading to
inflammation of joints
"fne partial pressure of oxygen in the a-lveoli
-!N of the lungs is 155. Serum differs from blood in
(i) equal to that in the blood (1) lacking globulins
(2) more than that in the blood
,v (2) lacking albumins
3) less than that in the blood ...:[3).afacking clotting factors
less than that of carbon dioxidef- (4) lacking antibodies
C se the correct statement. 156. Lungs do not collapse between breaths and
{) (1) Nociceptors respond to changes in some'air always remains fi-thClungs which
pressure. can nevei-5e--rpe11ei, beaauSe
2) Meissner's corpuscles are thermo- (1) there is a negative pressure in the lungs
receptors, there is a negative intrapleural pressure
(3) Photoreceptors in the human eye are pulling at the lung walls
dcpolarized during darkness and become (3) there is a positive intrapleural pressure
hyperpolarized in response to the light (4) pressure in the lungs is higher than the
stimulus. atmospheric pressure
(4) Receptors do not produce grade The posterior pituitary gland is not a-lrr:-...._
potentials. endocrine gland because

& Graves'disease is caused due to

(1) hyposecretion of thyroid gland
1 s provided with a duct
it only stores and releases hormones
(2) hypersecretion of thl,roid gland t is under the regulation of hypo-
(3) hyposecretion of adrenal gland thalamus
(4) hypersecretion of adrenal gland (4) it secretes enzymes

,rMl)/E1 t7 I P.T.O.


/16,9. part of nephron involved in active 164. Several hormones like hCG, hPL, estrogen,
reabsorption of sodium is progesterone are produced by
(1) distal convoluted tubule (1) ovary
(2) proximal convolutcd tubule
(3) Bowman's capsule (2) placenta
(4) descending limb_of Henle's loop (3) fallopian tube
Which of the following is hormone- (4) pituitary
relg#ing IUD?
65 If a colour-blind man marries a woman who
Jry' LNG-20
is homozy us for normal colour vision,
(2) Multiload 375---" probability of rr son be co r- ln 1S
(3) Lippes loop
,-..(t) o (2) 0.s
l4l Ct:,7.-^ +1
160. Which of the following is lncorrect regarding (3) o.7s (41 1 '(
vasectomy? +-
(1) No sperm occurs in seminal fluid
(2) No sperm occurs in gg(|idy-ryti!-
(3) Vasa deferentia is cut and tied
(4) Irreversible sterility
Genetic drift operates in
(1) small isolated population
&l large isolated population
S6t embryo with more than 16 blastomeres (3) non-reproductive population
formed due to in uitro fertilization is (4) slow reproductive population
transferred into
(l) uterus In Hardy-Weinberg equation, the frequency
of heterozygous individual is represe$ed by
<2) fallopian tube
(3) Iimbriae 0l p2
(4) cervix
t62- Which of the follo\ drrg depicts the correct l3l $l s2 pq
pathway of transport of sperms?
(1) Rete testis -, Efferent ductules -+ 168. The chronological order of human evolution
Epididymis -.r Vas defereng from early to the recent is
(2) Rete testis -> Epididymis -, Efferent
ductules J Vas deferens
lll Australopitheans -) Ramapithecus -)
. Homo habilb -+ Homo erectus
(3) Rete testis -+ Vas deferens + Efferent
ductules -r Epididymis ;ftf Ramapithgcus -+ Australopitheans -+
(4) Efierent ductules + Rete testis + Vas labilts -s Homo erectus
deferens -+ Epididymis (31 Ramapitheans - + Homo labilis -)
163. Match Column-I with Colunn-Il and Australopithecus -+ Homo erecfus
select the correct option using the codes {41 Australopithecus ) Homo habilis -s
given below : Ramapithecus ,n llomo erectus
Column-I Colunn-II
(i) Embryo Which of the following is the correct
a. Mons pubis formation
sequence of events in'the origin of life?
b. Antrum (ii) Sperm
I. Formation of protobionts,
c. Trophectoderm (iii) Female external
gehitalia II. Synthesis of organic monomers
d. Nebenkern 1 (iv) Graaftan follicle UI. Synthesis of organic polymers
Codes : IV. Formation of DNA-based genetic systems
a b C d (1) r, rr, rrr, ry
(t) (iii)/. (iv) (ii) (i)
(2) I, III, II, IV
/121, (iii) ( (iv) (i) (ii)
(3) (iii) i
(i) (iv) (iil (3) rr, m, r, rvvl
(4) (0 (iv) (iii) (ii) (4) rr, u, ru, r

JMD/81 18

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