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Session 2002-03

Prove mathematically pumping work and net work.

Sketch a valve timing diagram for a 40stroke C.I. Engine mark all important events.

In an otto cycle air at 17C and 1 bar is compressed adiabatically until the pressure is 15 bar.
Heat is added at constant volume until the pressure rises to 40 bar. Calculate compression
ratio and mean effective pressure.

In throttling of air pressure changes from p1 to p2. Obtain an expression fro change in entropy
for this process.

Two carnot engines operate in series between two reservoirs at 900k and 400k. the energy
rejected by the first engine is input of the second engine. If both the engines have the same
efficiency calculate the intermediate temperature. If 1000kJ/s of heat is supplied to the
engine, determine the power produced and the efficiency of the combined engine.

Obtain an expression for efficiency of Air standard diesel cycle.

What do you understand by explosion ratio and cut off ratio? Explain the effects of cut off
ratio on and pm.
A diesel engine operates at a pressure of 1 bar at the beginning of compression and the
volume is compressed to 1/20 of the initial volume. Heat is supplied until the volume is 2.5
times the clearance volume. Calculate the mean effective pressure of the cycle and .

Draw the theoretical pressure-volume diagram of a two stroke diesel engine. Mark the
processes and events on this diagram. What is the normal value of compression ratio in a
petrol engine?

What is the function of a carburetor? Explain the working of a simple carburetor with a
sketch. Give its drawbacks.

Why are liquid fuel mostly used in I.C. Engine?

With the T-s plots of otto used diesel cycles for the same commerssion ration prove that otto
cycle efficiency is higher than that of the diesel cycle. Mark all processes.
BE I Year

Explain the following terms:

(i) Pure substance (ii) Thermodynamic equilibrium
(iii) Reversible Process

A fluid system undergoes a reversible process from V1 = 0.12 m3 to V2 = 0.04 m3 in

accordance with the law.

4 .5
Where p is in bar, and v is in m 3. During the process it rejects 40 kJ of heat. Determine
change in enthalpy.

State 1st law of thermodynamics. State its corollary for change in internal energy.

Air flows steadily at the rate of 0.4 kg/s through an air compressor entering at 6 m/s with a
pressure of 1.0 bar and a specific volume of 0.85 m 3/kg and leaving at 4.5 m/s with a pressure
of 7 bar and a specific volume of 0.16 m 3/kg. the internal energy of the air leaving the system
is 90kJ/kg greater than that at the entry. Cooling water in a jacket surrounding the cylinder of
the compressor absorbs heat from the air at a rate of 60 kJ/kg. calculate the power required to
drive the compressor and the cross-section at the inlet and exit of the in pipe.

What is heat pump? Obtain a relation between C.O.P. of heat pump and that of a refrigerator.
What do you understand by perpetual motion machine of second kind?

What is hear engine? Obtain a rotation for efficiency of a heat engine.

What is flow work? Explain.

(a) Explain the terms? (i) Cyclic Process (ii) Control volume
(b) 100 kJ/s of heat is supplied to a heat engine at 800 it rejects 500 kJ/s of heat to a sink.
Determine the efficiency of the engine.

State the conditions for steady state steady flow process.

The specific heat of a fluid is given by the relation, C = 0.976 + 2.218 x 10 -4T+ 0.525 x 10-8
T2 kJ/kg-K. If the fluid temperature is raised from 115 C to 715 C, determine the amount of
heat to be added to the system. Also determine the mean value of the specific heat.
Class Test BE I 2003-04

Q 1. (a) Differentiate between the following giving two examples of each:

i) Closed system and open system.
ii) Intensive and extensive properties

(b) What do understand by work and heat interactions?

(c) Define 1st law of thermodynamics as applied to a cyclic process.

(D) Obtain the relation for heat transfer in a polytrophic process. Explain whether heat
will be rejected by the system or supplied to the system when n < and the process is
a compression.

C 22 C12
Q 2. (a) For a steady flow process, prove that q w = (h 2 h1) + g z 2 z1
explain the terms used. Further prove that flow work is wf = pv

(b) Prove that for an adiabatic reversible process the work done in case of ideal gas is
given by w = Cp (T1-T2), for a steady flow process (start from a b initial)

(c) Prove that for a polytropic process

n 01
n 1
T2 p 2 n x1

T1 p1 x2
Class Test BE I 2003-04
2nd Test

Q. 1. (a) 0.25 m3 of gas under a pressure of 14 bar and temperature 60oC, is expanded to a
pressure of 3.5 bar white following 60 C, is expanded to a pressure of 3.5 bar white
following a path pv1.3 = constant. If Cp = 2.18 kJ/kg-k, Cx = 1.55 kJ/kg-k. Determine
change in entropy.

(b) Give conditions for thermodynamic reversibility.

(c) The C.O.P. of reversed carnot heat pump is 2.5, what will be efficiency of carnot
engine? If the higher temperature 1000 k, what shall be lower temperature?

(d) Explain limitations of 1st law of thermodynamics.

Q. 2. (a) The compression ratio of a diesel engine is 16. the temperature before compression
and after the heat is supplied are 300k and 1200k respectively. Determine the air
standard efficiency of the diesel cycle.

(b) What do you mean effective pressure? Give its importance.

(c) What is clausius inequality?

(d) Prove that a reversible engine has the highest efficiency of the all the engine
working between same temperature limits.
Mid Session Examination 2003-04

Prove from the just principles that the work done for the polytrophic compression process is
p2 / p1 n 1
n 1
n 1
Where nomenclatures have their usual meanings.

A quality of air occupies a volume of 0.3 m3 at a pressure of 1.0 bar and temperature 20C,
the air is first compressor isothermally to a pressure of 5 bar and then expanded adiabatically
to its initial volume. Determine (i) Heat transfer during compression. (ii) Change in internal
energy during expansion.

Draw an actual p-v diagram of a 2 stroke petrol engine.

Explain the working of otto cycle using T-s diagram. How does the compression ration effect
the th of the otto cycle?

Differentiate between the following:

(i) Intensive and Extensive properties/
(ii) Steady and unsteady flow processes.
Draw value timing diagram of a 4-stroke diesel engine. Show all important events, processes
and strokes.

In a steady flow process, the pressure of fluid decreases from 15 bar to 3 bar between
entrance and exit. The specific volume increases from 0.1 m 3/kg. The internal energy
decreases by 80 kJ/kg. If 20 kJ/kg of heat is supplied to the fluid between entry and exit
which are at same level, then determine, work done by or on the system. The velocities at the
entrance and exit one 3 m/s and 5 m/s respectively.

A vee belt having 0.7 angle of lap and 6.5 cm2 cross-sectional area runs in a groove of a
pulley. The included angle of groove is 38. The density of the belt is 2.5 x 10 3 kg/m3. The
maximum stress permitted is 5 x 106 N/m2. The coefficient of friction between belt and pulley
is 0.26. Determine (i) power transmitted if the mean diameter of the pulley is 300 mm and
runs at a speed of 1000 r.p.m., (ii) The speed of belt for maximum power that can be

When would you recommend the use of following gears?

(i) Bevel gears (ii) Worn and worm wheel

Explain the following:

(i) Creep in belt (ii) initial tension in the belt, (give expression)
(iii) Loose and fast pulley

Explain a reverted gear train. Determine an expression for velocity ratio of this train.
State Kelvin plank and clausius statements of 2nd law of thermodynamics and proves their

If T3 and T1 are maximum and minimum temperatures respectively of the Brayton Gas Power
cycles, prove that the optimum pressure ratio for maximum specific work is given by

Rp(opt) = c t T3
2 ( r 1)

What is a heat engine? Compare two stroke and 4 stroke engines.

Give a classification of the compressors.

Sketch a drop hammer and explain method of drop forging.

Differentiate between metallic and non-metallic moulding materials.

Write the characteristics of synthetic sand used in foundry.

Differentiate between soldering and Brazing techniques.

B.E. MID Sessional Examination 2003

(a) Explain the following terms:

(i) Superheated steam (ii) dry saturated steam (iii) Intensive and Extensive properties

(b) 0.25 m3 of ideal gas at 14 bar and 60C is expanded to a pressure of 3.5 bar and
218C. Using Cp = 1.04 kJ/kg-K and Cx = 0.744 kJ/kg-K, determine (i) Heat added
or rejected (ii) Change in internal energy.

(c) 0.05 kg of steam at 15 bar is contained in a rigid versel of volume 0.0076 m 3.

Determien the steam temperature. If the vessel is cooled, at what temperature the
steam will be just dry and saturated. Cooling is continued until the pressure in the
vessel is 11.0 bar. Calculate the change in enthalpy and entropy from initial state
to final state.

Differentiate between steady flow and unsteady flow process. Prove the relation w = . state
the assumptions clearly.

In a steady flow process, the pressure of the fluid decreases between entry and exit from 15
bar to 3 bar. The specific volume changes from 0.1 m 3/kg to 0.3 m3/kg. The internal energy
decreases by 80 kJ/kg. if 20 kJ/kg of heat were supplied to the fluid between entry and exist
and fluid velocity changes from 3 m/s to 5 m/s, determine the power produced or required
when the flow rate is 0.25 kg/s. Find also the area of ducts at entry and exit.
Define humidity ratio and prove that w = 0.622
pt p v
Define wet bulb temperature, Relative humidity.

Establish a relation for work required to compress m kg. mass of air by reciprocating air
compressor. (p-v diagram is essential evaluate the question)

In a gas turbine plant operating on Joule cycle, the intake pressure and temperature are 1.0
bar and 27C. the air is compressed to 5 bar in a compressor with 85% insentropic efficincy.
The air is then heated to 777C in the combustion chamber. If the thermal efficiency of the
gas turbine plant is 20% what must be isentropic efficiency of the turbine? Neglect the mass
of the fuel and pressure deep in combustion chamber. Determine also the work ratio.

Define comfort air conditioning.

The dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature are 40C and 25C respectively. Using
poyechrometry chart find relative furmidity and specific enthalpy.

Name the important components of a simple vapour compression cycle. Describe it with a
neat schematic flow diagram. Represent the cycle on P-h chart and obtain a relation of C.O.P.,
heat rejection and work done.

A power generating plant uses steam as working fluid and operates at a boiler pressure of 50
bar and 500C superheated temperature. Calculate (i) The cycle efficiency (ii) Work ratio
(iii) Specific steam consumption when the plant operates on Rankine cycle. Take pump work
into account. The condenser pressure being 0.5 bar.
Discuss properties of ideal working fluid for vapour power cycle.

With suitable sketches explain the following lathe operations and their utility.
(i) krushing (ii) Chamfering

Explain the principle of thread cutting on lathe with a neat sketch.

With sketches explain the principle of arc welding and explain the following terms related to
arc welding
(i) Arc Voltage (ii) Duty cycle

What do you mean by soldering? Name only two types of filler metals an flux materials used
in soldering. Write the function of flux used. Mention any two specific applications.

A single stage reciprocating air compressor takes 1-2 m3 of air per minute at 1.01 bar, 290 K
and delivers at 6 bar. Assuming that clearance volume is negligible and compression follows
the law pv1.35 = C. Determine mass of air delivered per minute, delivery temperature,
indicated power, isothermal efficiency. If the mechanical efficiency of compressor and power
transmission efficiency are 85% and 90% respectively, determine the motor power. Calculate
the cylinder bore and stroke if the stroke to bore ratio is 1.5:1 the compressor speed is 400

Explain with a sketch the working of a simple carburetor. Give the drawbacks of simple

Differentiate between fuel pump of petrol and diesel engines.

Sketch an actual p-v indicator diagram of 2-stroke diesel engine. Mark different events.

Explain the concept of mean effective pressure.

Compare C.I. engine with S.I. engine with respect to the following points:

(i) Thermal efficiency (ii) Ignition (iii) Introduction of fuel (iv) Speed.

The mean effective pressure of an ideal diesel cycle is 8 bar. If the initial pressure is 1.03 bar
and the compression ratio is 12, determine the cut off ratio and air stand efficiency. Assume
ratio of specific heats for air to be 1.4.

A reversible engine operates between heat reservoirs A, B and C. The engine received equal
quantity of heat from reservoir A and B at temperatures TA and TQ respectively and rejects
heat to a reservoit at temperature Tc. If the efficiency of the above mentioned engine is
times the efficiency of another engine (reversible) operating between the reservoir A and C
with temperature TA and TC respectively, prove that

Prove that for a simple gas cycle power plant operating on Brayton cycle.

r s
Work ratio = 1 - rp r
r 1
Thermal efficiency, B = 1 1

Where T3 and T1 are maximum and minimum temperatures respectively and rp

BE-I (II Term Test 2004-05)

Prove that for steady flow process work done is given by w = vdp show it on p-v
diagram. Hence write the work for constant sp volume process.

A perfect gas flows through a nozzle where it expands in adiabatic reversible manner. The
inlet conditions are 22 bar, 500C, 38m/s. At the exit, pressure is 2 bar. Determine the exist
velocity and exit area if the flow rate is 4 kg/s. Take R = 0.190 kJ/kg-K and r = 1.35.

What is control volume? Define a steady flow process. Prove that throttling process is a
constant enthalpy process.

Air at 1 bar pressure, 290 K temperature flows steadily at the rate of 120 m 3/hour into a
compressor where its pressure and temperature are respectively raised to 15 bar and 390K.
During compression process the heat transfer from the compressor is 10 percent of the work
transfer to the potential energy, evaluate the work and heat interactions pressure that air
behaves as a perfect gas. Take Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg-k and Cx = 0.718 kJ/kg-K.

State Kelvin planck statement of 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Prove that no heat engine operating on a cycle between two constant temperature reservoirs
can be more efficient than a reversible engine operating between same two reservoirs.

A reversible heat engine delivers 0.6 kw power and rejects heat energy to a reservoir at 300 K
at the rate of 24 kJ/min. calculate engine efficiency, Temperature of higher temperature
reservoir(source) and C.O.P. of heat pump.

Define reversible process and state the limitations of 1st law of thermodynamics.

Prove that entropy is a property.

Prove any one of the following:

v p
s 2 s1 c p n 2 c x n 2
v1 p1

n T nr p
s 2 s1 c x n 2 c x n 2
n 1 T1 n p1
Jodhpur Engineering College & Research Centre
Village Narnadi, Jhanwar Road, Jodhpur

I Class Test BE-I, 2004-05

Branch: M.M.: 20
Subject: Mechanical Engg. Time: 1 Hr.

Note: All question Carry equal marks. Figures on right hand margin show the marks.

Q. 1 (a) What do you mean by the thermodynamics and what are the two approaches to
study the thermodynamics? Explain each approach. 5
(b) What is the system? Explain each type of system with examples. 5

Q. 2 (a) Define state, property and process. 6

(b) Explain the intensive and extensive properties and also the intrinsic and extrinsic
properties. 4

Q. 3 (a) What is the quasi-static or reversible process? 4

(b) Explain in detail the thermodynamic equilibrium. 0 .2 m 3 6

o f a tu m a ir

Q. 4 (a) What is the thermodynamic work and what is the heat? Are the work
and heat properties of the system? v a lv e

(b) When the valve of the evacuated bottle (fig. 1) is opened

atmospheric air rushes into it. If the atmospheric pressure is
101.325 KPa and 0.2m3 of air (measured at atmospheric
conditions) enters into the bottle, calculated the work done by air.

Q. 5 (a) Define the first law of thermodynamics for a closed system 4

undergoing a cycle.

(b) Explain the three corollaries of the first law of the thermodynamics. 6
Q. 6 (a) How the first law of thermodynamics is applied to the closed system undergoing a
non-cyclic process? 4

(b) Derive the following expressions for a polytropic process:

P1V1 V
(i) W = 1 1 where rv 2
n 1 rV
n 1

(ii) Q = mc v T2 T1 6
n 1

Q. 7 (a) Derive the expressions of work done (W) and heat transfer (Q) for the following
(i) Constant volume process (ii) Adiabatic process and (iii) Free expansion.
(b) 2 kg of an ideal gas is expanded from a pressure 8.0 bar and volume 1.4m 3 to a
pressure 1.6 bar and volume 4.2 m3. The change in internal energy is 400 kJ. The
specific heat at constant volume for the gas is 1.05 kJ/kg K.
(i) Gas constant
(ii) Change in enthalpy.
(iii) Initial and final temperatures.
(iv)Heat exchange. 4

Q. 8 (a) Define the internal energy (U) and enthalpy(H) of the fluid. Prove that the heat
transfer (Q) in a constant pressure quasi-static process is equal to the change in
enthalpy. 6

(b) Is the equation w= PdV applicable for free expansion process? 4

Q. 9 (a) Prove that for polytropic process:

n 1
n 1
T2 P n V
2 1
T1 P1 V2
Where suffix 1 and 2 refer to initial and final conditions. 5
(b) A stationary mass of gas is compressed without friction from an initial state of 0.4
m3 and 0.2 MPa to a final state of 0.15 m 3 and 0.2 MPa. There is a transfer of 98.2 kJ
of heat from the gas during the process. How much does the internal energy of the gas
change? 5
Jodhpur Engineering College & Research Centre
Village Narnadi, Jhanwar Road, Jodhpur

BE-I (Mid Sessional Test) 2004-05

Branch: Common to all branches M.M.: 100

Subject: Mechanical Engg. Time : 3 Hrs.
Date of Exam: 18.2.2005
(1) Attempt all questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Answer supported with sketches will be given due weightage.
(4) Answer the questions in brief and to the point.
(5) Figure on right hand margin indicate the marks allotted to the respective question.

1. (a) Prove that work required by the reciprocating compressor to compress m kg of air
while considering clearance volume (Vc) is given by: 8
n 1

n p2 n
W= mRT1 1
n 1 p1


(b) Derive the following relation:


p2 n
v 1 K 1

Explain with the help of p-v diagram that v decreases with increasing pressure ratio.
(c) A quantity of air occupies a volume of 0.4 m3 at a pressure of 1 bar and 27C. The air
is first compressed isothermally to a pressure of 6 bar and then expanded adiabatically
(reversible) to its initial pressure. Determine 12
(i) Heat Transfer during compression,
(ii) work done during expansion. ,
(iii) Plot the processes on T-s plot,
(iv) Change in entropy for the isothermal process.
(d) (i) Compare two stroke and four stroke I.C. Engines. 5
(ii) An engine working on otto cycle has a clearance of 17% of stroke volume and
initial pressure of 0.95 bar and temperature 30C. If the pressure at the end of
constant volume heating is 28 bar, determine:-
Air standard efficiency
Ideal mean effective pressure
2. (a) Explain the working of battery ignition system. What do you mean by firing order?
Give the firing order of 3 cylinder and 4 cylinder engines.
8 + 2 +2 = 12
(b) (i) State and prove the Carnot theorem.
(ii) Show that Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements of Second law of
thermodynamics are equivalent.
6 + 6 = 12
(c) Show that the work done in a polytrophic process for a steady flow process is given
by; W p1V1 p 2V2
n 1
(d) A heat engine is supplied with 278 kJ/s of heat at a fixed temperature of 283 C and
heat rejection takes place at 5 C. Determine whether the cycle is reversible,
irreversible or impossible for the following cases: 8
(i) 208 kJ/s of heat is rejected.
(ii) 139 kJ/s of heat is rejected.
(iii) 70 kJ/s of heat is rejected.
3. (a) (i) What are the various applications of gas turbines?
(ii) Prove that for a simple gas cycle power plant operating on Brayton cycle the
efficiency and work ratio are given respectively by:-
rw 1 1 rp
th 1 and T 1

rp T3
2 + 8 = 10
(b) Prove that for a polytrophic process (pvn = c), heat rejection is given by:-
n R T1 T2
1 n 1
Hence prove that
n T
s C v n 1 6+
n 1 T2
4 = 10
(c) (i) What do you mean by a reversible process? Give different causes of irreversibility.
(ii) With the help of T-s diagram, prove that efficiency of Carnot engine is given by:
1 2 ; where T1 and T2 are the higher and lower temperatures
4 + 6 = 10
(d) Air flows in a compressor at the rate of 1.1 kg/s. The air enters at 100 kPa and 25
C and a velocity of 72 m/s. the air leaves the compressor at 225 kPa, 84C and
velocity of 125 m/s. A cooling jacket surrounds the compressor to cool the air and
it removes 15 kJ/kg of heat from air. If C p = 1.0041 kJ/kg-K. Find the power
required by the compressor. 10

4. (a) (i) Explain the working of 4 - stroke diesel engine.

(ii) Draw the actual and theoretical p-v diagram of a 4 stroke petrol engine.
6 + 4 = 10
(b) A House hold refrigerator with a C.O.P. of 1.6 removes heat from a refrigerator
space at the rate of 1.5 kJ/s. determine:-
(i) Power required, (ii) Heat Rejected,
(iii) C.O.P of heat pump working on the same conditions as refrigerator,
(iv) If it were working as reversed Carnot refrigerator and lower temperature is 13C
and higher temperature 47C, what power shall be required to remove the heat at the
same rate? 10

(c) A gas turbine plant operating on Joule cycle, air is compressed from & 1.0 bar to
6 bar. The initial temperature is 17C. the maximum temperature 727C. The air
is expanded in turbine from 6 bar and 727C to 1 bar. Calculate the work done,
cycle efficiency and work ratio.
If the air flow rate is 2.5 kg/s calculate the Power developed. 10


(d) (i) What are the objects of power transmissions?

(ii) Drive the expression for ratio of tension for V-belt drive.
2 + 8 = 10
5. (a) (i) Explain working of Reverted gear train.
(ii)The gearing of a machine tool is shown in figure. The motor shaft is connected to
gear A and rotates at 975 RPM. The gear wheels B&C; D&E are fixed to parallel
shafts rotating together. The final gear F is fixed on the output of shaft. Determine
the speed of gear F and direction of rotation (Clockwise or anticlockwise) the
number of teeth on each gear are as given below:
3 + 7 = 10
Gear : A B C D E F
No. of teeth : 20 50 25 75 25 60


(b) (i) Sketch and describe following lathe operations:

knurling; undercutting; chamfering. Give utility of each operation. 2x3=6

(ii) With neat sketch explain the principle of arc welding. 4

(c) (ii) Define the following terms: (a) Dry saturated steam, (b) Saturated liquid with
reference to vapour (c) critical point (d) Triple Point (e) saturated pressure
(f)Saturated temperature. Mark these points on T-s diagram. 10

(d) (i) Differentiate between metallic and non-metallic moulding materials. 6
(ii) State the limitations of 1st Law of thermodynamics. 4
Jodhpur Engineering College & Research Centre
Village Narnadi, Jhanwar Road, Jodhpur
Class Test - I
BE-I 2005-06
M.M.: 20
Subject: Mechanical Engg. Time : 1 Hour.
Date Nov 10, 2005
(6) All questions carry equal marks.
(7) Attempt 2 questions as announced at the time of examination.
(8) Answer should be supported with neat sketches.
(9) Answer should be in brief and to the point.
(10) Missing data may be suitably assumed.

Q. 1 (a) Differentiate between the following giving two examples of each:

(i) Closed system and Open system (ii) Intensive and Extensive properties 4

(b) Define first law of thermodynamics as applied to

(i) A cyclic process (ii) A Non cyclic process. 2

(C) Define Sp. heat at constant volume; and Enthalpy 2

(d) What do you understand by the perpetual motion machine of 1st kind and 2nd kind? 2
Q. 2 (a) Explain the following terms:
(i) Pure substance (ii) Thermodynamic equilibrium (iii) Reversible Process 1 + 2 + 1 = 4
(b) A cylinder with frictionless piston contains 0.8 m3 of gas at a pressure of 220 KPa.
The piston movement is resisted by atmosphere and a helical spring which exerts a force
proportional to the piston displacement F x from its equilibrium position. Heat is
supplied to the gas until its volume is doubled and pressure becomes 550 KPa. Define
the path of the process; and then determine the work done and change in entropy. Take Cp
= 1 kJ/kg-k and Cv =0.72kJ/kg-k, atmospheric pressure as 100 KPa. 6

Q. 3 (a) What is flow work (wf =pv)? Explain. 2

(b) Prove that for a process the change in entropy in given by
T V T p 5
S2 S1 = m Cv n 2 R n 2 m C p n 2 R n 2
T1 V1 T1 p1
(c) Prove the relation w = vdp and represent this on p-v diagram.

Q. 4 (a) A perfect gas ( = 1.4) occupies a volume of 0.3 m 3 at 1 bar and 27C. the gas
undergoes isothermal compression to 0.06m3. Find (i) The heat absorbed or rejected
(ii) Pressure at the end state. Take M = 29. 3

(b) A compressor takes in 500 kg/min of air at 95kPa and 17C and delivers it at 588
kPa and 67C. The diameters at the entry and delivery pipes are respectively 450 mm
and 200 mm. The power input is 1000 Kw. Determine the rate and direction of heat 7
Q. 5 (a) A quantity of air at 1.06 bar and 7 C is heated at constant volume in a cylinder
until the temperature rises to 847 C. It is then expanded adiabatically (PV = C)
until the pressure falls to 1.06 bar. Heat is then rejected at constant pressure until it
regains 7 C temperature. Plot the processes and determine per kg mass: 10
(i) Pressure, Volume and Temperature at the end of each process.
(ii) Change in enthalpy in each process.
(iii) Heat input of the cycle.
(iv) Work output of the cycle.
-2- P.T.O.

Q. 6 (a) Define the following:

(i) Property (ii) Process (iii) Cycle. 1+1+1=3

(b) A gas expands behind a piston according to the law pvn = C. Starting from first
principles, obtain the expression for work done and show that the effective specific
heat C for an expansion process of this kind is given by,
ncv c p 1 n 7
C Cv 1 Cv
n 1 n 1 n 1
Where C is coefficient of mdT in general equation Q = mCdT

Q. 7 (a) What do you understand by Intrinsic and Extrinsic properties? Give two examples
of each. 2
(b) Derive the following relation for change in entropy for a polytrophic process using
the expression for heat exchanged: 5
n V n T n p
s2 s1 = R n 2 C v n 1 C v n 1
1 V1 n 1 T2 n p2
(c) Draw the Carnot cycle on p-v and T-s diagram indicating all energy interactions.
Write its efficiency in terms of temperatures. 3

Q. 8 (a) Through p-v diagram determine the C.O.P. of the reversed Carnot refrigerator and
then write the C.O.P. of Reversed Carnot heat pump. 5

(b) A reversible heat engine receives heat from two thermal reservoirs maintained at
constant temperatures of 750K and 500K. The engine develops 100 KW and rejects
60 kJ/s of heat to a sink at 250 K. Determine thermal efficiency of the engine and heat
supply rate (kJ/s) by each thermal reservoirs. 5

Q. 9 (a) Prove that No heat engine operating on a cyclic process between two given
thermal reservoirs, with fixed temperatures, can be more efficient than reversible
engine operating between same thermal reservoirs. 4

(b)A reversible heat engine operates between temperatures of 1000K and 300K. The
engine drives a reversible refrigerator which operates between 300 K and 250 K. The
heat transfer rate to the engine is 1000 kW and net work output of the engine
refrigerator plant is 200kW. Determine the cooling capacity of the refrigerator and net
heat transfer to the reservoir at 300K. Also determine these values by assuming the
engine efficiency and C.O.P. of the refrigerator to be 50% of their ideal values. 6
Q. 10 (a) Define entropy and prove that entropy is a property. 3

(b) Prove that volumetric efficiency of a reciprocating compressor is 4


p n
v 1 c 2

(c) Differentiate between positive and non-positive displacement compressor. Give
two names of each. 3

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