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Important Legal Notice:

Anyone using any of the techniques or information described in this training does so entirely
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any loss, damage or injury whether caused or suffered by such use of said techniques or
otherwise. The information contained within this document is strictly for entertainment
purposes and nothing else. The information contained in this document should not be
considered legal advice or otherwise. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained within,
you are taking full responsibility for your actions. By continuing to read this manual, you are
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The Art of Stage Hypnosis, Contents...

Foreword and Intro 4

Chapter 1 An introduction to stage hypnosis 7

Section 1 Stage hypnosis in a nutshell

Chapter 2 The foundations of stage hypnosis 18

Chapter 3 The secrets of stage hypnosis 35

Chapter 4 How to hypnotize people, step-by-step 51

Section 2 The stage show, showmanship & money

Chapter 5 Stage hypnosis skits and routines 77

Chapter 6 Making serious money from stage hypnosis 92

Chapter 7 Putting on a show 112

Section 3 Taking charge, legal issues, and hypnotherapy

Chapter 8 Taking charge 121

Chapter 9 The rules and regulations 130

Chapter 10 In conclusion 137

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Foreword, by Patrick Larkins...

If youre like me and have a great interest in hypnosis youll have no doubt been through the
endless rigmarole of searching the internet or reading many books on stage hypnosis, trying
to find the best and most effective methods to successfully place people under your influence.
You will also no doubt have come to the same conclusion that much of the information you
find on the internet or read in books is contradictory, or you simply find useless information.
Worse yet, some give you so much information that youre hooked and feel your getting
somewhere but to your despair you find that the information just stops or you have to pay
ridiculous amounts of money to gain so called secret information on how to be a masterful
stage hypnotist.

Well due to a very strange occurrence and my previously never ending search for the right
person to teach me how to hypnotize people and even more - enabling me to perform to
hundreds as a stage hypnotist, I crossed paths with Jason. After a couple of meetings with
Jason I knew he had that special something I was always searching for and could never get my
hands on. It was the right information that after nearly 5 years of searching I had now found. I
felt that Jasons unique methods of teaching and the vast amount of information he holds is
why I just had to take his stage hypnosis training. After my first days training I was beaming
with confidence and had a greater understanding of hypnosis and how to use it to hypnotize
people and perform stage shows.

Throughout my training with Jason I learned all the things plus more that I had been
searching for for all those years. I highly regard Jason as not only a masterful teacher of his
craft and a stage hypnotist but also as a professional respected by many people.

Patrick Larkins, UK
Stage Hypnotist

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Intro, by Jason Gold...

Before we get started, I want to take a moment to set the stage; to tell you whats
coming. I want you to know if this training is what youve been looking for or not.

With your permission, Im going to be the guy who gives it to you straight and tells it
like it is something this industry is seriously lacking.

My name is Jason Gold, and for years I wanted to learn how to hypnotize people. When I say
hypnotize, I actually do mean making people cluck like chickens, think theyre the star of a
singing contest, forget their own names, fall in love with dustbins, and so on; that real comedy
hypnosis weve all seen in stage shows.

I wanted to know what made it all possible, and everything that came with it.

I spent years searching for answers. I spent countless nights reading blogs and searching the
Internet for solutions. I spent an absolute fortune on training courses and tutorials. Sure there
were many great teachers, but they were teaching hypnosis for the purpose of therapy, and I
had no interest in taking 30 minutes to place someone in a trance.

I wanted to know how to hypnotize someone in a matter of minutes and have them carry
out every command I gave them. I hated the word suggestion. To me, that word was weak. I
wanted to know how the guys on stage worked their magic. I wanted to know if a hypnotist
could really make someone perform an act against their will. I wanted to know everything. I
was on a mission.

As youll soon discover, I learned how to play the game. I paid my dues, did my time, and went
on to become one of the highest paid corporate hypnotists around.

In this training, I will teach you every single thing you need to know to be able to hypnotize
people in a matter of moments. I will be giving you precise instructions, and exact scripts you

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can use in the process. I have absolutely no doubt, that anyone can learn stage hypnosis,
providing you follow my instructions exactly as theyre given.

You could easily take what Im about to teach you, and go on to become a professional stage
hypnotist with nothing else to guide you but this training. Anyone can do it. There are no big
secrets. There are no natural talents or genetic gifts needed, just a few key skills and
techniques that anyone can learn.

If youve been searching for answers, youre in the right place.

Before we launch into the first chapter, theres something I want to point out.

When I was seeking to discover the so-called secrets of stage hypnosis, I quickly learned that
many hypnotherapists seriously frowned upon it. Some even hated it. Many believe its
unethical, unprofessional, and does the industry no favors.

I didnt see it like that. I was of the opinion that stage hypnosis (when performed professionally
and without completely humiliating people) would be a great way to promote the power of the
mind, and to promote the power of hypnosis for radical change. I felt that a stage hypnotist
would have much more power than a hypnotherapist, purely due to the depth of trance their
volunteers were in. Id trained with many hypnotherapists on my quest to learn stage
hypnosis, and none of them seemed to have that power or ability.

If you happen to be a hypnotherapist, Im happy youre here, and Id encourage you to have an
open mind, tune in, and learn how to create a deeper state of trance in your clients than
youve ever known possible.

Lets get started.

If I was you, Id go grab a cup of coffee (or whatever you like), sit back, and get ready to soak in
what Im about to tell you, because if youve been searching for answers, and you truly want to
know how to hypnotize people in a matter of minutes, and perhaps even pursue a career in
this magical art; then Ill be holding nothing back.

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Everything youve been looking for, is right here...

Chapter 1, an introduction to stage hypnosis...

I remember my first experience of a stage hypnosis show. My mother took some of my friends
and I to Glasgows Pavilion theatre to see a well-known hypnotist perform. Being 11 years old,
I was amazed at the size of the place; the massive stage, the big red curtains, the lighting rigs,
the three levels of seating and private boxes. I was awestruck.

Our seats were in the lower level, around ten rows back, directly in the center. As I sat there,
watching the 1500 seats start to fill, I began thinking about the amount of money the theatre
was making for each show. I was a strange child, I know.

After a while, the lights dimmed, and a smoky mist enveloped the stage, drifting lightly into
the audience. The place began to quiet down and the air of excitement in the room was
electrifying. The lighting rigs kicked into full effect and beams of light fired in all directions. I
noticed goose bumps start to form on my arms. I was excited, and at the same time nervous,
as I knew we were about to see someone who could control the minds of others. A deep and
thunderous voice boomed from the speakers, and after an excellent introduction, the curtains
opened, and a tall, dark, impressive man walked onto the stage.

Everyone cheered wildly. I remember feeling impressed by the presence this man had. He
looked strong, powerful, confident and in complete control.

After a short introduction, he wasted no time in getting started. The hypnotist asked everyone
in the room to clasp their hands for something called the hand lock test. I tried to join in but
was forced to stop by an overprotective mother. There was a strange and peculiar feeling in
the air as eerie music filled the theatre. The hypnotist began to speak, and as instructed, the
participating audience members closed their eyes, and listened intently to his words.

After a minute or two, the music lowered and the lights brightened slightly. The hypnotist
asked everyone whod joined in to try to separate their hands.

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To my absolute amazement, many of the audience members had their hands stuck together
and simply could not open them. After a mix of laughter and shock, the volunteers were
invited on stage to take part in the show.

Standing the volunteers in a line at the front of the stage, the hypnotist instructed them to
close their eyes, and the eerie music started again. He spoke for several moments, instructing
each of them to relax, and to focus on their hands. He then went on to tell them that soon, they
would fall backwards into a deep trance as he touched them on the forehead.

One-by-one they each fell backwards into his arms, and he gently lay them on the stage floor.
He continued talking in what seemed like riddles for several minutes, before the process
seemed to come to an end. All in all it must have taken around 6 or 7 minutes.

The hypnotist asked everyone on stage to wake up and take a seat in the long row of chairs
hed set out for them. He then commanded that each of them go to sleep and they did.

To my amusement, one of my next-door neighbors was among the volunteers on stage. The
hypnotist told him that when he woke up, he would forget his name. He woke him up, and
sure enough, he had no idea who he was. What amazed me most was the genuine look of
bewilderment on his face.

The show ran for an hour or so, and it really did blow me away. The number of times I heard
the words I wish I could do that was unreal. I was hooked.

After several days of debating with teachers, friends, and family, about whether it was real or
not, thoughts of stage hypnosis left my mind and I got back to being an 11 year old.

Nine years later

In February of my twentieth year, I noticed a poster advertising a stage hypnosis show at the
Pavilion theatre. It was the very same hypnotist Id seen years before, but this particular show
was for adults only. I rallied a group of my friends and convinced them to come with me.

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At this point in my life things were a little different. I was facing some personal challenges and
felt depressed more often than not. Id been working in a call center at the time and the
training officer had recommended a book by someone called Anthony Robbins. The book was
called Unlimited Power, and was written to help people improve their lives.

After only one chapter, this book opened my eyes to the possibilities in life, and one of the
general ideas was, if a thing is humanly possible, it can be learned by others.

I was sold.

So, as I waited patiently in the theatre for the hypnosis show to begin, I found myself thinking
very different thoughts from my drunken friends. I surprised myself. I was in my own little
world, and instead of thinking about how funny the show might be, I was desperate for it to
start so I could study how the hypnotist did what he did. I knew there must be a way to
learn it, and I decided there and then to do so.

The hypnotist came on stage, carried out the audience hand lock test, and then proceeded to
hypnotize his volunteers.

Although it was impossible to catch all that he said and done, I tried my best. I convinced
myself that if I did exactly what he had done, in the same way that he had done it, and said all
that he had said in the same way he had said it, then I could have the same effect. I found out
later that it doesnt quite work like that, but it was a start!

I thought to myself, that if I could manage to hypnotize one person, then Id be able to
hypnotize almost anyone after that, therefore being able to perform my own stage shows.

I knew better than to bother telling my friends of my ideas because the few people I did
mention it to only laughed. They didnt even try to talk me out of it because they simply
couldnt believe or comprehend the thought of it happening. I was determined.

I was going to become a stage hypnotist.

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Learning stage hypnosis

Have you ever noticed that when you set your mind to something, other things seem to pop
up along the way to help you?

Through my battle with depression, I came across TV hypnotist Paul McKennas website,
advertising NLP training with himself and the co-creator of NLP Dr. Richard Bandler. The
course was titled Change Your Life in 7 Days and cost around 1500, which at the time I
didnt have.

Now, Im a big believer in signs, and after deciding to learn stage hypnosis the week previous,
a course with a famous TV hypnotist seemed like the perfect coincidence. So I took out my
credit card and paid for the training.

What we learned that week was outstanding and truly life changing, but very basic in terms of
trance. I was glad I attended though, as it gave me a foot in the door. It turned out that Paul
was running another course 1 month later solely on hypnosis, so I decided to continue my
journey down the rabbit hole.

So the following month I attended the hypnosis course, but, as it stated on the certificate, it
was hypnosis as an application of NLP, and not really what I was looking for.

Meeting people on the course, I realized that everyone in attendance wanted to learn
hypnotherapy, and didnt regard stage hypnosis very highly. I learned a lot from the course,
but not what I had wanted to, and returned home disheartened.

Despite not learning what Id wanted to learn, I still enjoyed both courses, and found myself
helping friends and family overcome fears and other challenges. I began to get paid for my
services, and decided it was an excellent platform to hone my skills and continue learning.

I bought Ormond McGills Encyclopedia of Modern Hypnosis, and studied all 606 pages many
times over. After continuous study, I felt Id still learned nothing about how to place people

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into rapid trance the way the stage hypnotists did (even though the book was was immensely
valuable in other ways).

It seemed to me that the book was written in a time were hypnotists were perceived to be
greatly powerful and superior beings, days when the hypnotist simply told the volunteer to
sleep (with no formal induction) and he would through fear and belief alone. By the way,
instant inductions are possible, and are very powerful, but theres a precise strategy to them
for todays world, which well explore later in this training.

I bought as many books on the subject as I could find from all over the world, paying
anywhere from 50 upwards. I took courses on the subject. I bought audio sets and
instructional DVDs. I searched relentlessly and became increasingly disheartened and
downright pissed off that I still wasnt getting what I was after.

I kept on going, studying and learning all the way but gaining no real experience outside the
private therapy and coaching I was conducting as a result of my NLP training. It felt like the
few people out there who said they would teach stage hypnosis didnt quite want to give away
the real knowledge needed to follow through, kind of like it was a secret industry that
protected their secrets.

The breakthrough

Then it happened for me. I put all the things I had read and learned together, and decided that
they only way I could learn the hypnosis Id seen on stage was to put it all together, have the
guts, and try it out on someone with absolute confidence and conviction.

It frustrated me that it took so many books, so much money, and all of the courses I attended
to finally piece the puzzle together but I felt I was onto something.

The next day, I successfully hypnotized my first volunteer.

After doing it once, I excitedly performed a small show for the people in the office then
brought the volunteer back up to his normal self. He felt weird but euphoric and wanted to do

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it again. I arranged for him to come and see me the next day. This time, word had spread
throughout the office block. Around 20 people turned up to see him being hypnotized, and I
asked someone to film the fun with my video camera.

I hypnotized him (in a matter of minutes), and then led him down to one of the busiest streets
in Glasgow to gain a larger audience. It seemed that everything Id learned over the years
had come together, and I was 100% ready to take advantage of it.

It was hilarious to see this young businessman break-dancing in the middle of town. I told him
that he was in love with a bin, so he went over and started to hug and talk sweetly to it. We
ended up having to drag him away as he became a little frisky with it. Next, he was over at the
queue outside the bank, convinced he was a giant rabbit looking for his carrots. After some
more fun I woke him up from the trance, then realized just how BIG the crowd around me
was, all watching in amazement.

It was a truly AMAZING feeling.

Id been waiting for a moment like this for years, and it had finally arrived!

Scott, now back to himself, was laughing as others told him what hed done. At this point, still
on the main street, the weather took a turn and I began to feel a chill. I casually mentioned this
to the group asking if any of them felt the cold. Scott shook his head and replied that he was
fine. I forgot for a moment that he was no longer hypnotized, and mistakenly said to him,
When I snap my fingers youll be freezing. I snapped my fingers together, instantly realizing
my mistake, but to everyones surprise he wrapped his arms around himself and started

This then begged the question; could it be that when someone has been hypnotized
once, you have permanent influence over them?

From there on, word spread like wildfire and my name spread quickly. My mothers place of
work were looking for an entertainer for their Christmas party and as Id put on a small
exhibition a few weeks earlier, they asked me to be the entertainment.

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Opportunities were flying in from all directions, and several agents were asking me to join
them. My first big show came and was for roughly 300 people in a nightclub. More and more
work kept coming at me. As was my nature, I went into the business with every ounce of
myself and set out to become the best I could be. I continued to perform my stage shows while
seeking advice from stage hypnotists in the UK, Australia and America. Some asked me why I
sought advice even though I already knew the answers. I simply wanted to find the quickest
methods, the fastest inductions, the wittiest routines and the knowledge that would allow me
to be the best.

I was being paid a small fortune for each show, amounts of money that I d been used to
receiving monthly through salaried wages.

Then, the entrepreneur in me decided to hire the venues, rather than them hiring me. I went
into a city center venue Id performed in before, and booked it like you would a birthday party
or corporate night out. The price to hire was set at 110. I didnt let them see how surprised I
was at the low price. Better yet, I negotiated with them and ended up getting it for free (more
in depth information on how to do this later). I had some posters printed, put a 10 price on
the door, and left (on the night of the show) with a packed wallet and a great experience under
my belt. Not bad for a nights work.

In an average month, there are 4 weekends, thats 8 nights of fun and frolics, and at
least 20 weeknights to take advantage of. How good would it feel pulling in thousands
per night for your shows? Its very possible to do so.

When the quality of my show had been perfected, I decided to take it up a notch, and I hired
my first theatre. Many people said I was insane to attempt such a thing, and that talent agents
were the only way to do this property. I was told that I wouldnt be able to fill the place.

Its a good thing I didnt listen. I had a laugh to myself about this, as I stood behind the stage of
the Palace theatre in Kilmarnock, with a huge audience packed in to see the show. For the two
hours work (and a small fee to the PR team), I was paid the equivalent of six months wages in
a high paying job. Not bad for someone who was continually told it couldnt be done.

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I ended up tiring of the theatre, pub and club scene, and moved onto corporate work where I
found my own personal heaven. No promoting, no hustling, no dealing with hopeless stage
managers, just simple deals with large companies that resulted in buckets of cash and the
freedom to set up shows the way I wanted to. This is the road my career took, and this is
where I stayed. So, if you havent actually heard of me this is why.

Ive devoted an entire section of this training to bringing in the business and how to make a
high personal income in your first year, more than enough to leave any job and live a life of
stage shows, antics, and fun. If this is of interest to you, youll love that particular section. The
fact is, your income is only rivaled by your ambition. The ball is in your court.

What youre going to learn

I had a nightmare of a time trying to learn stage hypnosis. Everyone who said their book
would hold the answers or their course would teach me what I had to know didnt follow
through. I became repeatedly and continually disheartened. In the world of stage hypnosis (as
with any profession) there are people who do a good job, and people who dont. Unfortunately
there are more hypnotists who completely humiliate the volunteers and who work from one
dodgy pub to another, making our profession look bad. My goal is to teach you something
youll never get bored of and how to do it professionally.

This training is split into three main sections

The first section will teach you everything youll ever need to know about stage hypnosis,
everything from suggestibility tests, to placing volunteers in deep and rapid trance. Well
cover the foundations, how it all works, body language, voice and language patterns, what do
say and do, putting the volunteer in and bringing them back out of trance easily, and more.

Everything you need to know and more will be covered in this section of the training. Section
one alone will give you the knowledge required to master this exciting and breathtaking art.

Its all in here for you, and all of the so-called secrets will be completely overturned.

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If youve ever imagined having full control over hypnotized volunteers, all you have to do is
read section one, and you will learn exactly what to do.

In section two, well cover the stage show, showmanship and money. When I first learned
how to hypnotize people I was left the challenge of having no performing experience and little
confidence to actually get up on stage and perform in front of people. I was afraid of getting up
and failing in front of hundreds of people. I was afraid that nobody would go under. I was
afraid I would forget my words and look like a fool.

Thankfully, you wont have to go through anywhere near what I had to, because Ill be
breaking it all down for you to give you the best head start possible.

I want you to be the best performer that you can be, so Ive gone into great detail on how to
set up the show and the situation whether youre performing at a house party, at a pub or
nightclub, and even in theaters. Ive split the information so that you can progress through all
stages, and in such a way that YOU can control your income levels.

Well discuss the best ways to make money from stage hypnosis, including many original
ideas from the best in the business. This section will also cover how to design and deliver
routines, how to deliver comedy and commands whilst entertaining your audience, how to
deal with everyone from pub landlords, hecklers in the audience and bossy barmaids, to high
flying agents and managers. What youll learn in here will take you to a level beyond that of
the many amateur pub and club hypnotists.

In the third section of the training well cover your responsibilities as someone with this
great ability. Many people say that when someone is in deep hypnosis, they will snap out of
it if asked to do something which contradicts their morals or values. I disagree. I know for a
fact that there are many people who, once under, simply dont have a choice. You, as the
hypnotist, are now in a position of responsibility to look after your volunteers.

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In this section we will also cover how you can begin to take what you learn here, and use it to
help the people around you to stop smoking, lose weight and so on, using hypnotherapy. Ill
also be giving you some more information on the life-changing technologies of NLP.

Last but not least, well discuss the legal issues of hypnosis including the 1952 hypnosis act,
public liability insurance and how to get past the red tape of the industry.

Sound too good to be true?

Some of you may be reading this and wondering how so much information can possibly be
shared in one training course. I understand this. Id be a little skeptical too.

Heres the deal though. Youll have figured out by now that I dont pull any punches. I have no
interest in dragging things out and making them harder than they have to be.

Everything you need to know to be able to hypnotize people is in here, as well as everything
you need to know to make a career of this magical art.

Stage hypnosis is not difficult. You do not need years of study or qualifications, and trust me
when I say this its much easier than you can possibly imagine. When you discover just
how easy it is, youll be amazed that you didnt see it before. Its a great feeling when all of the
pieces come together.

Get ready for some HUGE changes in your life

What Ive done here is taken the process of stage hypnosis and simplified it. Ive broken it
down into manageable chunks so you can take it in and use it. Many books and subjects tend
to overcomplicate things to the point that the personal learning ends up baffled by all the new
information, and is left with more questions than answers. What youre learning doesnt have
to be that way. Stage hypnosis is a learnable skill.

I aim to present this information to you in a straightforward and clear-cut manner. It doesnt
matter if you want to be the next Paul McKenna or if youre a hypnotherapist, seeking to find

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out how to place clients in a somnambulistic trance to attain greater results. This training
contains all youll ever need to know to be able succeed at stage hypnosis.

Ive done all the hard work so you dont have to. Ive read the books, attended tens-of-
thousands of pounds worth of courses, waded through piles of bullshit, worked with the
leading stage hypnotists, made the fortune, and gathered years of experience; and now Ive
taken all of the above, and put the important parts into this training for you.

Imagine you came to me, and paid 5000 (my daily rate) to spend the day being directly
tutored in stage hypnosis. You would expect to leave with that exact knowledge; and you
would indeed leave with the result. Consider this training a much less expensive way of
getting the exact same information and more on top.

Prepare to have some serious fun! Ill see you in the next chapter.

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