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Classroom Procedures

General Procedures

A. Beginning of period Students should come into the room quietly. They should sit in

their assigned seats and place their backpacks under their desk. Their phones should be

silent or turned off. They should be placed in their backpacks or be checked in at the

teacher desk. The whiteboard should say if there is any bellwork, if so, students should

get started on it right away. It should also display what needs to be turned in, so they

should get that out so I can pick it up.

1. Attendance check I will take attendance based on the seating chart.
2. Previously absent students Previously absent students will go to the absent

folder for the day of the week they were absent and grab materials inside. If they

have questions, they can ask me after class, during lunch, during advisory, or they

can email me.

3. Tardy students Tardy students will fill out the tardy permission slip if they do

not have an excused note. If they have a note, they will bring it up to me so I can

see it. They should do the beginning of class routine with disturbing anybody.
4. Class duration Students will be expected to be ready to learn during the whole

period. They should not have social conversations. They should not use their

phones. They should pay attention.

B. Out-of-room policies While representing the school when outside of the classroom

(sports games, extracurricular activities, field trips, etc.) students will respect their

surroundings and others in those surroundings.

C. Materials and equipment Students should come with a pencil and a black pen. They

should have a three-ring binder with dividers that are named after the units I tell them.

They will save all of their work and place it into their binder in an organized manner.

Binder checks will take place at the end of each trimester/semester.

1. Pencil sharpener Students will be expected to have their pencils sharpened

before the class period starts. If they must sharpen their pencil during class, they

will wait until direct instruction is complete.

2. Student contact with teachers desk, storage, other materials Students will ask

before taking any materials off my desk, in the storage closet, and other classroom

D. Ending the period Students will have 1 minute at the end of the class period to pack up

their things and put classroom materials away. Besides that one minute, students will

work up until then.

Seat-Work and Instruction Procedures

A. Student attention Students will give their undivided attention to direct instruction and

others who are presenting. Students will pay attention to others when discussing in class

and working in groups.

B. Student participation Students will equally participate in class discussion, group work,

etc. If students do not feel comfortable participating in the traditional way (orally)

students will need to discuss this with me so we can figure out alternative means for them

to participate.
C. Seat-work procedures Students will participate respectfully when working on class

assignments in their seat. They will complete their in-class assignments before moving

onto anything else.

1. Talk among students Students can talk among each other when working in

groups only about their assignment. Once students are done with their classwork,

they can choose to talk to other students who are also done with classwork.
2. Obtaining help If I am circulating the classroom students may raise their

hands, and I will come to assist them. If I am at my desk observing, students may

come to me for help.

3. Out of seat Students may only be out of their seat in order to retrieve items

they need (pencils, paper, markers, pencil sharpener, books, etc.). Students are not

permitted to walk about the classroom for no apparent reason.

4. When seat work has been completed When seat work has been completed

students may choose to talk to other students who are also done with classwork,

work on future assignments, or work on other class assignments.

*Classroom procedures outline from Classroom Management for Middle and High School

Work Cited

Emmer, E. T., & Evertson, C. M. (2013). Classroom Management for Middle and High School

Teachers. Pearson.

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