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Chapter 18 Liver and Biliary Tract

THE LIVER Hepatocyte degeneration and

has a dual blood supply: the intracellular accumulations
portal vein provides 60% to
Hepatocyte necrosis and
70% of hepatic blood flow, and
the hepatic artery supplies 30%
to 40%
two different concepts: the
hepatic lobule and the hepatic
Centrilobular - hepatocytes in
the vicinity of the terminal Fibrosis
hepatic vein
TABLE 18-1 -- Laboratory
Periportal - those near the
Evaluation of Liver Disease
portal tract
3 zones: Test
zone 1 being closest to Categor
y Serum Measurement[*]
the vascular supply
zone 3 abutting the Hepatocy Cytosolic
terminal hepatic venule te hepatocellular
and most remote from integrity enzymes[]
the afferent blood supply Serum aspartate
zone 2 being aminotransferase
intermediate (AST)
Classical hexagonal
Serum alanine
Portal triangular
Kp-1 (CD68) kuppfers cells (ALT)
Low molecular wt. keratin bile
duct cells Serum lactate
EMA/CEA canaliculi cells
Space of Disse where fat-
containing hepatic stellate cells Biliary Substances normally
(HSCs) are found
secreted in bile[]
Canals of Hering - connect the
bile canaliculi to bile ductules in Serum bilirubin
the periportal region Total:
General Features of Hepatic plus
Disease conjugated
The major primary diseases of Direct:
the liver: conjugated
viral hepatitis only
alcoholic liver disease Delta:
nonalcoholic fatty liver covalently
disease (NAFLD) linked to
hepatocellular carcinoma albumin
Urine bilirubin
Chapter 18 Liver and Biliary Tract

Test End-stage liver disease may

Categor occur by insidious destruction of
y Serum Measurement[*] hepatocytes or by repetitive
discrete waves of parenchymal
Serum bile acids damage
The alterations that cause liver
Plasma membrane failure fall into three categories:
enzymes (from Acute liver failure -
damage to bile associated with
canaliculus)[] encephalopathy within 6
Serum alkaline months after the initial
phosphatase diagnosis.
Serum -glutamyl - fulminant liver failure
transpeptidase when the encephalopathy develops
rapidly, within 2 weeks of the
Serum 5- onset of jaundice, and as sub-
nucleotidase fulminant liver failure when the
encephalopathy develops within 3
Hepatocy Proteins secreted into months of the onset of jaundice
te the blood Chronic liver disease - the
function Serum albumin[] most common route to
Prothrombin hepatic failure
time[] (factors V, - the end point of
VII, X, relentless chronic
prothrombin, hepatitis ending in
fibrinogen) cirrhosis
Hepatic dysfunction
Hepatocyte without overt necrosis
Serum ammonia[] Clinical Features:
Aminopyrine Jaundice
breath test Hypoalbuminemia, which
(hepatic predisposes to peripheral
demethylation)[] edema
hyperammonemia, which plays
a major role in cerebral
Fetor hepaticus is a
characteristic body odor that is
variously described as musty
HEPATIC FAILURE or sweet and sour
The most severe clinical Impaired estrogen metabolism
consequence of liver disease and consequent
result of sudden and massive hyperestrogenemia are the
hepatic destruction (fulminant putative causes of palmar
hepatic failure) erythema
the end stage of progressive severely impaired liver function,
chronic damage to the liver patients are highly susceptible
Chapter 18 Liver and Biliary Tract

to encephalopathy and failure

of multiple organ systems Pathogenesis:
The central pathogenic
Three particular complications processes in cirrhosis are death
associated with hepatic failure merit of hepatocytes, extracellular
separate consideration: matrix (ECM) deposition, and
Hepatic encephalopathy - vascular reorganization.[
manifested by a spectrum of types I and III collagen are
disturbances in consciousness, deposited in the space of Disse,
ranging from subtle behavioral creating fibrotic septal tracts
abnormalities, to marked The predominant mechanism of
confusion and stupor, to deep fibrosis is the proliferation of
coma and death hepatic stellate cells and their
- regarded as a disorder activation into highly fibrogenic
of neurotransmission in the cells
central nervous system and
neuromuscular system Clinical features:
Hepatorenal syndrome - The ultimate mechanism of deaths in
refers to the appearance of most cirrhotic patients is (1)
renal failure in individuals with progressive liver failure, (2) a
severe chronic liver disease in complication related to portal
whom there are no intrinsic hypertension, or (3) the development
morphologic or functional of hepatocellular carcinoma
causes for the renal failure
Hepatopulmonary syndrome PORTAL HYPERTENSION
(HPS) - characterized by the The major prehepatic conditions
clinical triad of chronic liver are obstructive thrombosis,
disease, hypoxemia, and intra- narrowing of the portal vein
pulmonary vascular dilations before it ramifies within the
(IVPD) liver, or massive splenomegaly
with increased splenic vein
blood flow
CIRRHOSIS The main post-hepatic causes
Causes: alcohol abuse, viral are severe right-sided heart
hepatitis, and non-alcoholic failure, constrictive pericarditis,
steatohepatitis (NASH) and hepatic vein outflow
three main morphologic obstruction.
characteristics: The dominant intrahepatic
Bridging fibrous septa cause is cirrhosis
* Fibrosis is the The four major clinical
key feature of consequences of portal
progressive damage hypertension are:
to the liver Ascites - the
Parenchymal nodules accumulation of excess
containing hepatocytes fluid in the peritoneal
encircled by fibrosis cavity
Disruption of the Portosystemic Shunts -
architecture of the entire the flow is reversed from
liver portal to systemic
Chapter 18 Liver and Biliary Tract

circulation by dilation of *kernicterus - accumulation of

collateral vessels and unconjugated bilirubin in the
development of new brain
vessels conjugated bilirubin - water-
Splenomegaly soluble, nontoxic, and only
Hepatic encephalopathy loosely bound to albumin;
excess conjugated bilirubin in
JAUNDICE AND CHOLESTASIS plasma can be excreted in urine
The common causes of jaundice Jaundice becomes evident when
are bilirubin overproduction, the serum bilirubin levels rise
hepatitis, and obstruction of the above 2.0 to 2.5 mg/dL
flow of bile
2 major functions of hepatic Two conditions result from specific
bile: defects in hepatocellular bilirubin
emulsification of dietary metabolism:
fat Neonatal Jaundice - transient
of bilirubin, excess and mild unconjugated
cholesterol, xenobiotics hyperbilirubinemia, termed
jaundice and icterus - yellow neonatal jaundice or physiologic
discoloration of the skin and jaundice of the newborn
sclera respectively Hereditary Hyperbilirubinemias
cholestatis - retention of not Crigler-Najjar
only bilirubin but also other syndrome type I
solutes eliminated in bile hepatic UGT1A1 -
completely absent, and
Bilirubin and Bile Formation the colorless bile contains
Bilirubin is the end product of only trace amounts of
heme degradation; from unconjugated bilirubin
breakdown of senescent red Crigler-Najjar
cells by the mononuclear syndrome type II - a
phagocytic system less severe, nonfatal
Bile acids - the major catabolic disorder in which UGT1A1
products of cholesterol; act as enzyme activity is greatly
highly effective detergents reduced, and the enzyme
is capable of forming only
Pathophysiology of Jaundice monoglucuronidated
Both unconjugated bilirubin and bilirubin
conjugated bilirubin (bilirubin Gilbert syndrome is a
glucuronides) may accumulate relatively common,
systemically benign, inherited
Unconjugated bilirubin - condition presenting with
virtually insoluble in water at mild, fluctuating
physiologic pH and exists in hyperbilirubinemia, in the
tight complexes with serum absence of hemolysis or
albumin. This form cannot be liver disease
excreted in the urine even Dubin-Johnson
when blood levels are high syndrome - an
autosomal recessive
disorder characterized by
Chapter 18 Liver and Biliary Tract

chronic conjugated across the canalicular

hyperbilirubinemia. It is membrane
caused by a defect in
hepatocellular excretion
of bilirubin glucuronides

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