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SUL U2 13883 (12 Sit Ub tL oe PE MI I VILE AG” “ 2 psi PSH EA & ‘ i ef SOT PILIEE YC a4 ue ny eee | * Lpusngishianc acne oe SOP a tees iL Begeered fie: ft — we Sine teh gihctve URL ‘ . ine! ppg ep ernote a s rad J Gng) Lou Wang “ ae a Kew ‘i reget Slee ue yf bff2Lur Paiyrt vo ‘ , . et fer SME ui Goecld eS i N e GL pee Yoviced o , e S fe : fe tgue beter + woes Lt, ‘ghasvip ai tole mg lenin te kad’ mde ysl G16 bre 49 2 lel ? ? Te Piszetesio A sot bl Fulda fa ve We bt: Let PEL Le ie alee, . 33 . LAO yp Sei Be ee fe Eurisde tH SES alin fy Re Subat ecly ET ees RE Mee h el ote re dues ee we Uk Wert petit lnty on Sen oe ge ts PELL Ge yout 48 epwped be devia LOLNAeort et pr oend usergupe ee FA 08 SiS rel BUt et poet Sue TF wt Bud kg BieeF njugtunierh tt ~uttu Fh Ped BL phe NE te “« geri uy possi, pe nhos pul bx red lenala Fos atl it (Jiride-b a SFe% MF Bj Iie BDSG LSE AME? peu F yr yon Leptin PUREE eGo reed tisec2& Lee Luni Sie Bef Lue loer 1505 Ane pete “eye Hp Basten wf im allfial, 6! illareest te Prive" Bul 51 Lie (tot nosh tn SE tpl Arve SUL nL Ab SUAS Br eee aL lidtuyrluc wor iin K€ VEE pi tues Sle bux lyse “Tslam introduced in India" 0 fend Okelts et "A conception of human equality, a pride in ones religion, a legal system witch in many ways was an advancement on the codes of the time. In due course many orders of muslim and hindu mystics arose such as the founded by Muhammad Shah Daula, the Suthras in the Punjab, the Chajjupanthis of Lahore, the Shamsis and the Hussaini Brahmins. In the field of religion the impact of Islam on Hinduism was perhaps deeper and mor for-reaching in its subsequent manifestation. Medieval hindu theism, the rise of bhaghti movement, the softening of the reigorous of the caste system, the release form the choking and soul killing religious rituals can all be traced to the influence of Islam." OV BEBE SEE i LOLS . aye Soe mete ; per oulb bad 22% SU PONE pele an Buses er Ute” he bp sewar Ah euw UFiew ‘ een forbibe WtS - y “ “2 Fae ot Balbo Pe fe oe Swisp2S wrt Feri ees a Os ON site wb thE use eet E6fobdnei thats Lysol Sue vat ot . Bt AS Pate SIE yett-ut ciate Loeb , “G6 yeI BA AE Ln Bel ant Sn adbudls att Set iG Aah oe owe we bey Re ws gtidere oy ee yA Sebelius! 6 6! en? 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Sr FAME SE Gc tEe Aid Or vl EL bette UL eutlacs Bi bsen rl AS ite IS PL nrteLslefy Fast O22 Sebel tlind pond ; _ Wout SAAS euke. PT SUE LA fool? 98 PENS ep hi TS iy Gi ow Tle ZI be LW AG Ale eI EE, eI nie IS iw Bf LE DE We 3t Une nae Hel eg See a Po its7z lie Lt untdutg y-ugr dr te ec He op At Wr 2 gee Seu SoS gprrxeSAKe UL Le Loi Uae wot GUI Fe nite be eal Sarr a NA ALOR OTL fe PEEL PEE LL Uinta ee HELE ithe e FEBS ane 2E€ Sere Ft aber LUuPd GS heart Flx We pS Clea ees Quek mlb Ie SU tu OOS fe NL AIS tena iT “SSDS fetAL ri” RM Sag YU VE {ashe or S| Bf uv CSibiersshde ce rR ML BILE Jhb Kio - Gl omend SO? 101 Uline PE BLAWE St FSi S03 FRM WE cebu sah EOGF arti LHe ewe, Oho uv! 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Jf PAE bt ieee Sot se fete tee ceo Pius SI Site Sar torPL NE t-Sre,

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