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One of the problems in the country is noise pollution.

In our everyday life we

encounter noises that we are used to hear like loud music, the traffic, the television,
even pets barking in the middle of the night. Also one problem is our warm
temperature that causes irritation to many. Earth has been experiencing the
unstoppable increase of our global temperature every day.
Cellulose insulation is one solution to reduce building heat loss and gain and reduce
noise transmission. Cellulose provides a high performance thermal barrier for walls
that do not have insulation. Cellulose is treated with boric acid, which increases fire
resistance, resists mold and makes it unpalatable to insects.
Cellulose wall cavity spray has been available since the 1970s, but costs and the
small number of qualified contractors limited this product to luxury homes.

Cogon grass (Imperata Cylindrica) is considered the worlds seventh worst weed. It
infests over 1.2 million acre worldwide. It frequently spreads in large areas, and is
highly adaptable to a wide range of soil and environmental conditions. Using cogon
grass (imperata cylindrica) researches can produce cheaper cellulose insulation
product. An abnormal supply of cogon grass (Imperata Cylindrica) can be lessened if
turned to a productive product like being a main component on cellulose insulation.
This research will produce a cheap, inflammable/heat-resistant, sound proof and
rodent/insect resistant product when combined with a building medium.

Table 1.1: Characteristics of a Cellulose Insulation


Greenness The greenest of 85% of cellulose insulation is recycled paper. Foam is

the green made from petroleum distillates. Foam has no recycled
content. Foam requires much more embedded energy to
manufacture than cellulose

Smoke Developed Due to excessive smoke developed index foam must be

covered with thermal/fire resistant barrier when installed
in inhabited areas

Hazardous No Some components of foam insulation are toxic, although

the finished product is not.

Fire Resistance Yes See Smoke Developed above.

Fire Block & Ignition Yes Cellulose approved as both. Can reduce cost
Barrier considerably.

Sound Reverberation Cellulose reduces sound reverberation (echoing) more

Control than foam.

Sound Transmission Cellulose has greater sound blocking capability than foam
Control on similar wall assemblies.

Thermal Barrier No Foam must be separated from the interior of a building

Required by an approved thermal/fire barrier.

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