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This Questionnaire will take approx: 15 mins to fill out

Resumes and applications provide us with useful information, but we

find that its beneficial for both the parties to give candidates an
opportunity to provide additional information on their interests, skills
etc. Please help us understand you better by answering these
questions. It is important that you answer the questions honestly, so
that we can accurately assess your "fitness" for this job and the
organization. Please be aware that your answers can be verified
during your interview or during reference checks.

Date: 14/11/2013 (DD/MM/YYYY)

Name: (Last) BISHT (First) KUNAL


Contact No.: (Res or C/O):

Email Address: kbisht.27@gmail.com

Educational / Training Background:

Qualifications Name City Major Year


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B.M.S v.s.i.t MUMB marketing 2013
H.S.C s.s.d.v jr.college MUMB 2009
S.S.C ST.sebastian high MUMB 2007
school AI

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Please answer each of these questions to the best of your ability. We
do not expect any "deep thoughts," so just answer the questions
quickly and as honestly as you can. Please remember that several of
the questions require you to assign points or weights to your answers,
while others ask you to list your preferences in descending order (i.e.
to list the most important one first and the least important last).

Category 1 of 6 Professional Background

A. What specific reason(s) is making you seek for change of

job? (If applicable)

o More pay / benefits

o Not challenging / satisfactory

o Didnt get along with boss

o No future / growth in the old organization

o Bad / unfavorable work environment

o My contribution was not valued

If other, please specify:


B. What are the three most important qualities you look for in
a job when seeking new employment?

a)Pay Package

Job Satisfaction

Learning new things

d)Good working atmosphere

e)Less commuting

f)Greater responsibility

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If other, please specify:


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Category 2 of 6 Your Strengths and Weaknesses

A. What job responsibilities and duties do you excel in?

In order to ensure that this job allows you sufficient opportunity to

perform the duties, where your performance as clearly excellent, we
need to know which jobs duties and responsibilities that you are most
proficient at.

Note: Please start the list with the job duty or responsibility where
your performance is the highest.

Job responsibilities and duties that you excel at:

1. Willingness to learn new things,


B. What are your most obvious weakness(s)?

Please list the job-related weaknesses that your supervisors and

coworkers have pointed out to you in performance appraisals, team
debriefings etc. (even if these weaknesses have been listed in other
questions). List what others have said is your biggest weakness first:

1. Trust easily

Category 3 of 6 What motivates you?

A. What according to you makes a job fun?

A).We try whenever possible, to provide a stimulating environment for

our employees. Please help us understand what excites you by listing
anything, which in your experience makes a job fun for you:

1.__willingness to learn new things_


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2.________ __challanging role

B).What steps are taken by your current or any of your ex-employers

to make the workplace or job fun?



B. What aspect of a job/supervisor/organization, that normally

frustrates you the most?

What were the aspects of your last two jobs that you liked the least
that you felt could have been changed/ modified? Provide us with this
information so that we can be sure that this opportunity does not
contain many of those "frustrators." Note: Please start the list with
the factor that frustrates you the most.

Please list your frustrators in descending order of importance.


C. What factors do you think contribute to stress levels at

o Long commuting
o High levels of pressure at work
o Fatigue
o Unreasonable performance demands
o Office politics

If other, please specify:


Category 4. Your Professional Outlook

Why do you feel that you are qualified for this position?

___As I am an B.M.S graduate with specialize n marketing, and I love

marketing and have keen interst in this role and I myself feel that I

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have all the qualities that are required for this position

What makes a job, a satisfying work experience?

New learning, growth and freely communicative environment .

How do you feel you can make a difference in our company?

____i am young, dynamic and flexible and my enthusiastic and
creative nature and postive approach towards

What is your current understanding about the company and the

job profile?
___the company avenues inda pvt ltd is an young company
which provide solution to the ecommerce industry . the
marketing executive profile is about to generate leads and
increase the revenue of the

Category 5 of 6 How well do you know yourself?

Leisure activities that you enjoy: (Check all that applies)

____Volunteer work
Studying new things
____Investing/Spending money
____Going to museums
____Thinking about life
Any others_________________

Indicate the statement that would best describe you

I prefer reading to conversation
I prefer conversation to reading
I tend to go along with the moment
I meticulously organize tasks

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I like exploring new things
Indicate the adjective that would best describe you
Any others _________________

You are leading a meeting when a colleague starts criticizing

another colleague who is not there you:
a) Let him speak, believing that everyone has the right to express
b) Call him into a private area to let him know that his
behaviour is unacceptable
c) Point out to him in front of the group that you don't think
criticizing another colleague is right
d) Join in with him/her!

How Well Do You Cope Under Pressure

Does working on deadlines give you a buzz? (tick any one)
Working on deadlines is a necessary evil most of us have to cope
I find working to deadlines quite a worry and prefer to set my
own pace
I believe that I work well under pressure

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Category 6 of 6 Final Analyses
A department head at a major university told me about two equally
qualified graduate students who had interviewed for jobs at one of
America's largest and best-known companies, a software firm. Both of
these new Ph.D. graduates were given a large geometric puzzle with a
zillion pieces, and they were asked to solve it in 10 minutes. They
were timed, and the pressure was intense. One of these new Ph.D.s
reported that he was sweating all over the desk and that he made very
little progress on the puzzle. He didn't get the job offer. The other
Ph.D. got an offer and is now at work at the company. However, he did
not solve the puzzle either.

Can you explain the logic behind this decision?

The logic was to find the dedicative ,determinative and

candidate who pursue never dying attitude and have positive

Thank You for Completing the


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