Logic of Phantasy 05

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Logic of phantasy 05

Jacques Lacan

雅克 拉岡

Lacan Seminar 14: The Logic of Fantasy 05


Seminar 2: Wednesday, November 23, 1966

(8) But let us leave "obsolete" and let us start from the opposition that Russell sets up to mark

something which is supposed to be a contradiction in the formula which might be stated as follows:

(B <> A / S W S)

of a sub-set B whose status it would be impossible to guarantee, starting from the fact that it would be

specified in a different set A, by a characteristic such that an element of A would not contain itself.

Is there some sub-set, defined by this proposition of the existence of elements which do not contain









It is undoubtedly easy, in this condition, to show the contradiction that exists in this because we have

only to take an element y as forming part of B, as an element of B: for us to see the consequences that

there then are in making it at the same time, as such, form part, as an element, of A:

(y E B) (y E A / y ~E y)



的一个部分。(y E B) (y E A / y ~E y)

And not being an element of itself. The contradiction is revealed by putting B in the place of y:

(B E B) (B E A / B ~E B)


(B E B) (B E A / B ~E B)

and seeing that the formula operates from the fact that every time we make B an element of B, there

results, because of the solidarity of the formula, that since B forms part of A, it ought not to form part of

itself. If on the other hand -- B having been put, substituted for the place of this y - if on the other hand it

does not form part of itself, satisfying the parenthesis on the right of the formula, it the forms part of itself

being one of these y's which are elements of B.

然后看到,这个公式根据这个事实来运作:每一次我们使 B 的意符成为 B 的意符的一个元素,因为这个公

式的凝聚力,产生的结果是,因为 B 的意符组成 A 的意符的一部分,它不应该组成自己的一部分。另一方

面,假如 B 的意符被提出,被用来代替这个 y 的元素的位置,假如在另一方面,它没有组成自己的一部分,

而满足公式右边的这个括弧内容,它会让它自己的一部分成为那些 y 的元素的一个元素,那些 y 的元素,

就是 B 意符的元素。

This is the contradiction before which Russell's paradox put us.


It is a matter of knowing whether, in our register, we can stop at it, provided we notice in passing what is

meant by the contradiction highlighted in set theory, which would allow us perhaps to say the way in

which set theory is specified in logic, namely, what step forward it constitutes as compared to the more

radical one that we are trying to establish here.




The contradiction involved at this level where Russell's paradox is articulated, depends precisely - as

the simple usage of words shows us - on the fact that I say it. For if I do not say it, nothing prevents this

formula, the second one, very precisely, from holding up as such, written out and there is nothing to say

that its use will stop there.




What I say here is no word play, for set theory as such has absolutely no other support except the fact

that I write as such, that everything that can be (9) said about a difference between the elements is

excluded from the operation.



To write, to manipulate the literal operation which constitutes set theory consists in writing, as such,

what I am saying there: namely, that the first set can be formed at once from the charming person who

is in the process today, for the first time, of typing my discourse, from the mist on this window and from

an idea which just now is going through my head, that this constitutes a set, from this fact, that I say

expressly that no other difference exists than the one which is constituted by the fact that I can apply to

these three objects, that I have just named and which you see are rather heteroclite, a unary stroke

upon each one and nothing else.






Here then is what ensures that since we are not at the level of such speculation, since what I bring into

play is the Universe of discourse, my question does not encounter Russell's paradox, namely, that there

is deduced no impasse, no impossibility to the following, that B which I do not know, but which I have

begun to suppose forms part of the Universe of discourse, undoubtedly for its part, although constituted

from the specification that the signifier cannot signify itself, may perhaps have this sort of relation to

itself which escape Russell's paradox, namely, demonstrate to us something which might be perhaps its

own dimension and in connection with which we are going to see in which status it forms part or not of

the Universe of discourse.






In effect, if I was careful to remind you of the existence of Russell's paradox, it is probably because I am

going to be able to make use of it to make you sense something. I am going to make you sense it first of

all in the simplest fashion and, after that, in a fashion that is a little bit richer. I am going to make you

sense it in the simplest fashion because I am prepared, for some time now, for any concession

(laughter). People want me to say simple things, well then, I will say simple things! You are already, all

the same, sufficiently formed to the following, thanks to my care, to know that there is not such a direct

path towards understanding. Perhaps, even if what I tell you appears simple, there will remain with you,

all the same, a little mistrust ...







A catalogue of catalogues: here indeed, in a first approach, is what is involved as a signifier. Why

should we be surprised that it does not contain itself? Naturally, since this seems, to us, to be required

from the beginning.




Nevertheless, there is nothing to prevent the catalogue of all the catalogues which do not contain

themselves, from printing itself, inside it! In truth, nothing would prevent it, even the contradiction that

Lord Russell would deduce from it!



But let us consider precisely this possibility that exists, that in order not to contradict itself, it does not

inscribe itself in itself.



Let us take the first catalogue; there are only four catalogues, up to then, which do not contain




(10) Let us suppose that there appears another catalogue which does not contain itself, we add it on: E.

Why is it inconceivable to think that there is a first catalogue which contains A B C D, a second

catalogue which contains B C D E, and not be surprised that each of them lacks this letter which is

properly the one which would designate itself?


於想像地认为,有这麽第一本分类目录,包括A B C D,然后又有第二本分类目录,包括B C D E,然后不


But from the moment that you generate this sequence, you have only to arrange it around the

circumference of a disc and see that it is not because in each catalogue one of them will be missing,

indeed even a greater number, that the circle of these catalogues will not add up to something which is

precisely what corresponds to the catalogue of all the catalogues which do not contain themselves.

Simply what will constitute this chain will have this property of being an additional signifier (un signifiant

en plus) which is constituted from the closure of the chain. An uncountable signifier and which, precisely

because of this fact, is able to be designated by a signifier.





Because, being nowhere, there is no difficulty in a signifier arising which designates it as the additional

signifier: the one that is not grasped in the chain.



I take another example: catalogues are not made, in the first place, to catalogue catalogues, they

catalogue objects which have some right (titre) to be there (the word "titre" having here all its

importance). It would be easy to become engaged on this path in order to open up the dialectic of the

catalogue of all the catalogues, but I am going to go to a more lively path, since it is necessary that I

should leave you some exercises for your own imagination.





The book: with the book we enter, apparently, into the Universe of discourse. Nevertheless, in the

measure that the book has some referent and that it also may be a book that has to cover a certain

surface, in the register of some title (titre), the book will include a bibliography. Which means something

which is presented properly for us to image the following, what results in so far as the catalogues live or

do not live in the Universe of discourse. If I make the catalogue of all the books that a bibliography

contains, naturally I am not making a catalogue of bibliographies! Nevertheless, in cataloguing these

books, in so far as in the bibliographies they refer on to one another, I may very well cover the totality of

all the bibliographies.








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