Myp Semester 2

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CHOI, Ji Hea

M10 Y11

June 2016

Semester 2 Report

Attendance Record

Date Range 29/01/2016 - 10/06/2016

Absent 0 / 75 day(s)

Late 1 / 75 day(s)

Assessment A B C D
Language and Analysing Organizing Producing Text Using Language
Language Comprehending Comprehending Communicating Using Language
Acquisition Spoken and Visual Written and Visual
Text Text
Individuals and Knowing and Investigating Communicating Thinking Critically
Societies Understanding
Sciences Knowing and Inquiring and Processing and Reflecting on the
Understanding Designing Evaluating Impacts of Sciences
Mathematics Knowing and Investigating Communicating Applying
Understanding Patterns Mathematics in
Arts Knowing and Developing Skills Thinking Creatively Responding
Physical and Knowing and Planning for Applying and Reflecting and
Health Education Understanding Performance Performing Improving
Design Inquiring and Developing Ideas Creating the Evaluating
Analysing Solution
Renaissance College CHOI, Ji Hea M10

Chinese Language Acquisition - Phase 6 (Ms. ZHANG, Karen)

In Semester 2, students in Year 11 Chinese Language Acquisition Phase 6.1 class have studied two Units
Culture Diversity and Social Relationalship with focuses on the Key Concepts " Culture" and
Communication. Students have explored the topics and related issues in the Global Contexts Personal and
Cultural Expression and Identities and relationshipsguided by the Key Concepts. They have studied the
texts of different types and for different communication purposes, and been engaged in a range of speaking
and writing practices. Research and Social skills as the Approaches to Learning were an integral part of the
unit study. Students have developed both of the research and social skills during the course. Students were
assessed on Criteria A, B, C and D, which were Comprehending spoken and visual text, Comprehending
written and visual text, Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text, and Using language in
spoken and written form.

Overall Achievement Grade

OAG (7) 7

Approaches to Learning

Self Management A - Consistently meets expectations

Collaboration A - Consistently meets expectations

Self Improvement A - Consistently meets expectations

Semester 2 Report
Renaissance College CHOI, Ji Hea M10

English Language and Literature (Mr. KNIGHT, Philip)

Students have completed two units this semester. The first titled A Tale Told by An Idiot centred on the
detailed study of Shakespeares Macbeth. The unit examined the inquiry statement, The presentation of
character in drama demonstrates how circumstances affect moral choices. The second was an
interdisciplinary unit titled Like a Hot Paw, which examined the ways in which science fiction explores new
scientific and technological developments and addresses the inquiry statement, Science fiction explores
important human themes in settings extrapolated from contemporary developments in science and

Summative assessment included a creative diary writing assignment, Socratic Seminar and an examination
essay for the Macbeth unit and an original short story and rationale for the science fiction unit.

Language and Literature

Criterion A: 7
Analysing (8)

Criterion B: 7
Organizing (8)

Criterion C: 7
Producing Text (8)

Criterion D: 7
Using Language (8)

Overall Achievement Grade

OAG (7) 7

Approaches to Learning

Self Management A - Consistently meets expectations

Collaboration A - Consistently meets expectations

Self Improvement A - Consistently meets expectations

Semester 2 Report
Renaissance College CHOI, Ji Hea M10

Individuals and Societies (Mr. THOMAS, Rhys)

This semester has seen students complete their third unit of the year, Caring Capitalism. This has allowed
students to extend their Crossroads Xperience The Refugee Run by exploring, What is Aid? as well as the
issues and complexity surrounding aid. Within this unit students have been introduced to business terminology
such as sources of finance, ethics and innovation as well as how organizations market their products and
services. This has led up to a comprehensive summative assessment where students have had to come up
with an ethical innovation that can alleviate one of Hong Kongs social problems. Students are now working
on their final unit of the year, Disaster Response. This is being studied through the key concept of Time, place
and space with the statement of inquiry, The consequences of hazardous events are partly due to the
interactions between natural forces, location, society, technology and individual behaviour.

Individuals and Societies

Criterion A: 7
Knowing &
Understanding (8)

Criterion B: 7
Investigating (8)

Criterion C: 7
Communicating (8)

Criterion D: 7
Thinking Critically (8)

Overall Achievement Grade

OAG (7) 7

Approaches to Learning

Self Management A - Consistently meets expectations

Collaboration A - Consistently meets expectations

Self Improvement A - Consistently meets expectations

Semester 2 Report
Renaissance College CHOI, Ji Hea M10

Sciences - Physics (Mr. MACINTYRE, Alan)

During this semester students in 11.2 have studied Biology: Inheritance and Adaptation (Key Concept:
Change; Global Context: Orientation in Time and Space). They have learned about the structure of DNA,
protein synthesis, simple Mendelian inheritance and will soon be studying Darwinian evolution. Students wrote
an assessed essay on one aspect of Genetic Engineering (criterion D), an investigation into Variation (criteria
B and C), and a test (criterion A).
Students in 11.6 have studied Chemistry: Rates, Equilibrium, Electrochemistry & Moles (Key Concept:
Change; Global Context: Scientific and Technical Innovation). They have learned about speeds of reactions,
reversible reactions, and obtaining metals via electrolysis. Students wrote an assessed article on Le
Chatelier's Principle (criterion D), an assessed investigation report on the electrolysis of copper sulphate
(criteria B and C) and a test on the Chemistry unit (criterion A).
Both 11.2 and 11.6 are now studying Physics: Energy, Power and Climate Change (Key Concept: Change;
Global Context: Globalization and Sustainability). They have been learning about the greenhouse effect and
global warming, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, electric circuits, electromagnetism and the
generation of electricity, and nuclear physics.Students wrote an assessed essay on Alternative Energy
(criterion D), an assessed investigation report on Resistance of a Wire (criteria B and C) and a test on Energy
Sources, Climate Change and Electricity (criterion A). Grades have been formulated using the published MYP
assessment criteria and the RCHK task specific clarifications for this year group.


Criterion A: 6
Knowing &
Understanding (8)

Criterion B: 8
Inquiring & Designing

Criterion C: 8
Processing & Evaluating

Criterion D: 8
Reflecting on the
Impacts of Science (8)

Overall Achievement Grade

OAG (7) 7

Approaches to Learning

Self Management A - Consistently meets expectations

Collaboration B - Usually meets expectations

Self Improvement B - Usually meets expectations

Semester 2 Report
Renaissance College CHOI, Ji Hea M10

Extended Mathematics (Mr. HO, Aaron)

This last semester we focused on functions and transformation of graphs and trigonometry of non right angled
triangles, trigonometric Identities, Multiple angles. Students took the mock exam which covered all the topics
covered this year and also explored a real life modelling task.
After the trigonometry unit students were introduced to the calculus unit.


Criterion A: 8
Knowing &
Understanding (8)

Criterion B: 6
Investigating Patterns

Criterion C: 7
Communicating (8)

Criterion D: 6
Applying Maths in
Real-World Contexts (8)

Overall Achievement Grade

OAG (7) 6

Approaches to Learning

Self Management A - Consistently meets expectations

Collaboration A - Consistently meets expectations

Self Improvement B - Usually meets expectations

Semester 2 Report
Renaissance College CHOI, Ji Hea M10

Arts - Drama (Ms. LIU, Angela)

In Performing Arts, students not only develop their subject-specific skills, but develop through approaches to
learning (ATL) within the MYP. Students develop skills that have relevance across Music and Drama that help
them learn how to learn. ATL skills can be learned and taught, improved with practice and developed
incrementally. They provide a solid foundation for learning independently and with others. ATL skills help
students prepare for, and demonstrate learning through, meaningful tasks. They provide a common language
that students use to reflect on, and articulate on, the process of learning.

In the MYP students take on more responsibility for managing their own workload. They should become
accustomed to working in small or large groups of their peers. Students should take initiative when problems
arise and reflect on their own learning, in order to improve in the future.
Ms. Liu's group: This unit is designed to take the student through creating and rehearsing a self directed scene
through to a final performance. Looking at the demands of rehearsing, characterization work and creating
production elements needed to create an artistic piece of Drama.
The unit will also look at the skill needed to practically explore Naturalism, Stanislavski, Strasburg and images.
Ms Harrison's group: In this unit the students are looking at production elements of set deign, lighting ,
costume and the aesthetics of a constructing a piece of live theatre.


Criterion A: 8
Knowing and
Understanding (8)

Criterion B: 7
Developing Skills (8)

Criterion C: 8
Thinking Creatively (8)

Criterion D: 8
Responding (8)

Overall Achievement Grade

OAG (7) 7

Approaches to Learning

Self Management A - Consistently meets expectations

Collaboration A - Consistently meets expectations

Self Improvement A - Consistently meets expectations

Semester 2 Report
Renaissance College CHOI, Ji Hea M10

Physical and Health Education (Mrs. BROOME, Catherine; Ms. FARMER, Leanne)

Students have completed one of the following three units in semester two, and have also had the opportunity
to take part in sports options offered by Yr 11 PHE teachers.
The Sports Education unit, through the sport of Ultimate Frisbee challenged students to take part in all aspects
of a sports tournament, such as playing, training, coaching and officiating. The concept of relationships within
these different aspects of sport is explored and the aim is that students develop an appreciation for the
personal and social skills required in the different roles.
In the Swim, Save and Survive unit, the concept of Choice is explored in relation to taking action in aquatic
environments. Students developed their aquatic skills, not only in swimming but in their ability to act on a
range of emergency situations that could occur in pools, at beaches and other aquatic environments.
The key concept of Change underpinned the Personal Fitness Planning unit. Students were challenged to
apply principles of fitness training to initiate change in their levels of fitness. Students were asked to use
fitness knowledge and concepts to develop a fitness plan to meet their own needs and goals, identified
through fitness testing to begin the unit.
For the remainder of Year 11, students enjoyed a choice of two sport units, where they had the opportunity to
play a sport they were familiar with or a sport in which they had no experience in but were interested in
learning. In the first unit students participated in either football, softball, badminton or Indoor climbing. In the
second unit the options were Recreation games, Volleyball and Mindful PE. Throughout these units and others
in Yr 11, we aim to encourage students to enjoy sports and recreation activities and appreciate the need for
balance as they now leave formal PHE classes and enter the next phase of their education.

Physical and Health Education

Criterion A: 7
Knowing &
Understanding (8)

Criterion B: 7
Planning for
Performance (8)

Criterion C: 6
Applying and Performing

Criterion D: 7
Reflecting and
Improving Performance

Overall Achievement Grade

OAG (7) 6

Approaches to Learning

Self Management A - Consistently meets expectations

Collaboration A - Consistently meets expectations

Self Improvement A - Consistently meets expectations

Semester 2 Report
Renaissance College CHOI, Ji Hea M10

Design - Product Design (Mr. SCOTT, Andrew)

In this semester, students at MYP 5 have been exploring the the big idea or Key Concept of Community and
how these are affected by the work of designers. By encouraging students to use the principles of Green
Design, sustainable solutions have been developed-through their design thinking, for self identified problems.
This unit gave each student an opportunity- as a designer, to appreciate how green design can contribute to a
sustainable future for a community. The Global Context is thus globalisation and sustainability and the
statement of inquiry for this unit is: Consideration must be given to available resources as solutions to a
problem in one community may create problems for another.
For this unit, The ATL skill that students were asked to focus on was their Research Skills, especially
information literacy. They were asked to plan out the collection of useful primary and secondary data, analyse
this data and see the connections between this data and the decisions they could make to drive their design


Criterion A: 8
Inquiring & Analysing (8)

Criterion B: 8
Developing Ideas (8)

Criterion C: 8
Creating the Solution (8)

Criterion D: 8
Evaluating (8)

Overall Achievement Grade

OAG (7) 7

Approaches to Learning

Self Management A - Consistently meets expectations

Collaboration A - Consistently meets expectations

Self Improvement A - Consistently meets expectations

Semester 2 Report
Renaissance College CHOI, Ji Hea M10

Personal Project (Ms. RAY, Glenda)

Criterion A: 8

Criterion B: 7

Criterion C: 7
Taking Action

Criterion D: 6

OAG (7) 7

Semester 2 Report
Renaissance College CHOI, Ji Hea M10

Understanding the RCHK Report Card

The MYP report card is designed to provide a range of information to indicate students overall
progress. This includes numerical data of academic achievement, the Overall Achievement
Grade and an ATL Grade which is used to describe students Approaches To Learning.
The interim report (RP1) provides an Overall Achievement Grade from levels 1-7 for each subject
and an ATL descriptor. The end of semester report card provides achievement levels for
assessment criteria for each subject.
Reporting for Year 7 differs slightly with an ATL grade only for the RP1 report card.

Overall Achievement Grades:

The document below shows the grade boundaries published by the International Baccalaureate
(IB) used to determine the Overall Achievement Grade on a 1-7 scale. These descriptors and the
grade boundaries are used for all subject areas. The grade boundaries below are for the MYP
only. Each of the four MYP criteria is graded out of 8. The highest a student can score per subject
is therefore 32.

Grade Descriptor MYP Grade

1 Produces work of a very limited quality. Conveys many significant 1-5
misunderstandings or lacks understanding of most concepts and contexts. Very
rarely demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Very inflexible, rarely using
knowledge or skills.
2 Produces work of a limited quality. Expresses misunderstandings or significant 6-9
gaps in understanding for many concepts and contexts. Infrequently
demonstrates critical and creative thinking. Generally inflexible in the use of
knowledge and skills, infrequently applying knowledge and skills.
3 Produces work of an acceptable quality. Communicates basic understanding of 10-14
many concepts and contexts with occasional significant misunderstandings or
gaps. Begins to demonstrate some creative and critical thinking. Is often inflexible
in the use of knowledge and skills, requiring support even in familiar classroom
4 Produces good quality work. Communicates basic understanding of most 15-18
concepts and contexts with few misunderstandings and minor gaps. Often
demonstrates basic critical and creative thinking. Uses knowledge and skills with
some flexibility in familiar classroom situations, but requires support in unfamiliar
5 Produces generally high quality work. Communicates secure understanding of 19-23
concepts and contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, sometimes
with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar classroom and real
world situations and, with support, some unfamiliar real world situations.
6 Produces high quality, occasionally innovative work. Communicates extensive 24-27
understanding of concepts and contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative
thinking, frequently with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar and
unfamiliar classroom and real world situations, often with independence.
7 Produces high quality, frequently innovative work. Communicates 28-32
comprehensive, nuanced understanding of concepts and contexts. Consistently
demonstrates sophisticated critical and creative thinking. Frequently transfers
knowledge and skills with independence and expertise in a variety of complex
classroom and real world situations.

Semester 2 Report
Renaissance College CHOI, Ji Hea M10

Approaches To Learning (ATL)

The student report contains an ATL descriptor from A-D for each of three specific learning skills.
These provide a profile of the students level of self-management, collaboration and
self-improvement. When selecting the appropriate ATL descriptor, the teacher has taken into
consideration the factors listed below:

SELF Organisational The student:

MANAGEMENT Skills Is punctual to class
Meets deadlines
Brings necessary equipment and supplies to class
Creates strategic plans in order to meet deadlines
Organises information in a logical and appropriate manner
Behaves safely and responsibly
Meets RCHK's Academic Honesty Expectations
COLLABORATION Working Effectively The student:
with Others Takes responsibility for their own actions
Helps others to succeed by encouraging others to contribute.
Listens to and negotiates with other ideas and perspectives.
Delegates and shares responsibility for decision making.
Participates effectively in a group by giving and receiving
meaningful feedback.
SELF Motivational Skills The student:
IMPROVEMENT Demonstrates a positive and participatory attitude towards
learning in class
Is an independent learner
Takes action to achieve personal and academic goals
Responds actively to guidance to become a more efficient and
effective learner
Resilience Demonstrates resilience through bouncing back when
confronted with a problem or mistakes
Demonstrates persistence and perseverance
Willingly takes risks to enhance their own learning goals
ATL criteria descriptors:
A Consistently The student consistently meets the listed ATL expectations with few or no lapses.
The student meets expectations always or nearly always.
The student meets expectations to a high standard.
B Usually The student usually meets the listed ATL expectations with some lapses.
The student meets expectations on most occasions.
The student meets expectations to a good standard.
C Occasionally The student occasionally meets the listed ATL expectations with significant lapses.
The student meets expectations on some occasions.
The student meets expectations to a fair standard.
D Rarely The student rarely meets the listed ATL expectations with many or frequent lapses.
The student fails to meet the expectations on most occasions.
The student meets expectations to a low standard.

Semester 2 Report

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