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KPa = 10° KN/m? = KN/m? Mechanics of materials:- * Stress:- Pe a5 P ~~ Normal stress => => ee a A SS Shear stress => ce * Normal strain:- P Strain e = we | tg Hookeslaw o=BE L-~ : | : 8 Deformations $= == wale TAL | | *Torsion:- A | J: Moment of inertia T: Torsion Tmax: Maximum shear Page | 15 oF CE emax = Ve C:Radius Pp (ee Example :- His soln) oa art a=125mm d=65mm T=1.89KNmm a Find t max on pile 65 a —— eet oy \bo Ce \3.5 Mes Find Q FE MP 3S up elk. Lote § NBS 2 [Ca WS tect, nN 6. e- re ee oe Fic 29 8 sees i ph mms Goes) AL EE Figs AS t=max @T=Torsion & diameter = d ifdiameter increase 2time Le, and torsion increase 4 time the t will be? --banent.of-cougle a Case 1:- ee KM (¢) (ef rer ising t emacs = TE =51 caer Naot \ Case 2: GR ere Yeoa [r=4an| jini =e Tid h aiver Naa tmax = y= 256 3B BS eae oar as = => tmax, => tmax Dako) s : eee gee ec i Tarr? fe es melis = O.0 BAF] Tw vf en oa 9k = SAD Mechanics of materials a * Torsion :- a g BH) a %/y ey i ‘The Maximum torque capacity is T in a solid shaft of circular cross section having diameter d subjected with material property T all. Ifthe same shaft is made hollow with an internal diameter d/2, the maximum / (7) torque capacity T reduced will be: : sin 204+ tmax cos 20 1 _OxtGy dx-6, Ge yo y ‘84 28 cos 29 -rmax sin 20 1 Page | 17 Mechanics of materials ;- * Transformation of plane stres: Example :: Determine the normal and shear stress on the oblique face of the shaded triangle. bres bavmudigd? 232 B _j\ \35 mea taMPa G'= 75° Pes ra 'g of, = ZS 745 cos (150) — 18 sin (150) 1 : 2 =49.16MPa ete rg e Cae eee é = 2s ‘or, 0 9 27445 ‘sin (150) + (18) cos (150) =2411MPa —= * Principal stresses Maximum Shearing stress. -The Principal planes : 2% tan26P=—= oe-oy -Principal Stresses : f oxto; eee ai o Maximum = > X+ | thy - Maximum shearing stress Ox Tmax ee Page | 18 Mechanics of materials :- Example :- Determine a) The principal planes b) The principal stress c) The maximum shear stress Solution :- o§ =50MPa of, =-10 MPa. ty. 40 MPa Page | 19 he Slope @ any point Deflection @ any point * Deflection and slope of cantilever beam PR: ea \ykr AS (beans Matta & = Ig = P y== [+ +31?- 213] ai i ag Ss x Example :- Beales xe Determine the slope @ point B of the beam take e = 200 GPa and I = 360(108) “ — trons > Solution :- > Solution :- “oe loon * Deflection and slope of sim; —_—_ae PL? 48EL P er Deflection y= Page | 20

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