Contents Norton Recorded Anthology Vol1

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Recorded Anthology of Western Music

Volume One

Ancient to Baroque

For use with

Norton Anthology of Western Music, Seventh Edition (Burkholder and Palisca, editors)

1 Epitaph of Seikilos

Atrium Musicae de Madrid; Gregorio Paniagua, director.

1979 Harmonia Mundi France. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi France.

2 Orestes, Stasimon chorus

a) Chromatic performance

Atrium Musicae de Madrid; Gregorio Paniagua, director.

Harmonia Mundi. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi USA.

b) Enharmonic performance

Gayle Stuwe Neuman and De Organographia.

1995 Pandorium Records U.S.A.

3 Mass for Christmas Day

a) Introit: Puer natus est nobis

b) Kyrie

c) Gloria

d) Gradual: Viderunt omnes

e) Alleluia: Dies sanctificatus

f) Credo

g) Offertory: Tui sunt caeli

h) Sanctus

i) Agnus Dei
j) Communion: Viderunt omnes

k) Ite, missa est

Concentus; Paul Elliott, director.

Courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.

4 Vespers for Christmas Day

a) First Psalm with Antiphon: Tecum principium and psalm Dixit Dominus

b) Hymn: Christe Redemptor omnium

Concentus; Paul Elliott, director.

Courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.

5 Ascribed to Wipo of Burgundy: Victimae paschali laudes

Chanticleer; from Mysteria.


6 Tropes on Puer natus: Quem queritis in presepe and melisma

Schola Hungarica; Laszlo Dobszay and Janka Szendrei, directors.


7 Hildegard of Bingen: Ordo virtutum: closing chorus, In pricipio omnes

Sequentia; Barbara Thornton and Margriet Tindemans, directors.

1982 Detsche Harmonia Mundi. Courtesy of Sony BMG Music Entertainment.

8 Bernart de Ventadorn: Can vei la lauzeta mover

Martin Best, Martin Best Medieval Ensemble, on CD The Dante Troubadours.

Nimbus. Courtesy of Wyastone Estate Limited.

9 Comtessa de Dia: A chanter

Mara Kiek; Sinfonye; Stevie Wishart, director.

1988 Hyperion Records Limited, London. Courtesy of Hyperion Recrods Limited.

10 Adam de la Halle: Jeu de Robin et de Marion: Rondeau, Robins m'aime

Altramar Medieval Music Ensemble: Jann Cosart, vielle; Angela Mariani, voice; Christopher
Smith, gittern; David Stattelman, voice.

Courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.

11 Walther von der Vogelweide: Palstinalied (N alrst lebe ich mir werde)

John Pepper, bass; Toronto Consort; David Fallis, Artistic Director.

2000 Dorian. Courtesy of Dorian Group Ltd.

12 Cantiga 159: Non sofre Santa Maria, from Cantigas de Santa Maria

Martin Best Medieval Ensemble.

1984 Nimbus. Courtesy of Wyastone Estate Limited.

13 La quarte estampie royal, from Le manuscrit du roi

Poul Hxbro, pipe and tabor; from Alba: Songs of Longing and Lustful Tunes by Agnete

1997 Classico.

14 Organa from Musica enchiriadis

a) Tu patris sempiternus es filius

b) Sit gloria domini

c) Rex caeli domine

Concentus; Paul Elliott, director.

Courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.

15 Alleluia Justus ut palma, from Ad organum faciendum

Paul Elliott, tenor; Matthew Leese, baritone; Concentus; Paul Elliott, director.

Courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.

16 Jubilemus, exultemus

Dominique Vellard and Emmanuel Bonnardot.

1991 Deutsche Harmonia Mundi. Courtesy of Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, under license from
Sony BMG Music Entertainment.

17 Leoninus and colleagues: Viderunt omnes

Concentus; Paul Elliott, tenor and director.

Courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.

18 Clausulae on Dominus, from Viderunt omnes

a) Dominus, clausula No. 26

b) Dominus, clausula No. 29

Paul Elliott and Wolodymyr Smishkewych, tenors.

Courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.

19 Perotinus: Viderunt omnes

Theatre of Voices; Paul Hillier, director, CD titled Fragments.

2002 Harmonia Mundi USA. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi USA.

20 Ave virgo virginum


1998 Nimbus. Courtesy of Wyastone Estate Limited.

21 Motets on Tenor Dominus

a) Factum est salutare/Dominus

b) Fole acostumance/Dominus

Paul Elliott and Wolodymyr Smishkewych, tenors.

Courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.

c) Super te/Sed fulsit virginitas/Dominus

William Hudson, Wolodymyr Smishkewych, and Paul Elliott, tenors.

Courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.

22 Adam de la Halle: De ma dame vient/Dieus, comment porroie/Omnes

Tonus Peregrinus; Alexander L Estrange, counter-tenor; Richard Eteson, tenor; Francis Brett,

HNH International Ltd. Courtesy of Naxos of America, Inc.

23 Petrus de Cruce: Aucun ont trouv/Lonc tans/Annuntiantes

Musica Mensurata.

1990 Dsseldorf: TVD.

24 Sumer is icumen in

The Hilliard Ensemble; Paul Hillier, director.

1985 Harmonia Mundi France. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi France.

25 Philippe de Vitry: Cum statua/Hugo, Hugo/Magister invidie

Orlando Consort.

1991 Amon Ra. Courtesy of Qualiton Imports, Ltd.

26 Guillaume de Machaut: La Messe de Nostre Dame

a) Kyrie

b) Gloria
The Hilliard Ensemble; Paul Hillier, director.

1989 Hyperion Records, Ltd., London. Courtesy of Hyperion Records, Ltd.

27 Guillaume de Machaut: Douce dame jolie

Gothic Voices; Christopher Page, director.

1987 Hyperion Records, Ltd., London. Courtesy of Hyperion Records, Ltd.

28 Guillaume de Machaut: Rose, liz, printemps, verdure

Gothic Voices; Christopher Page, director.

1987 Hyperion Records, Ltd., London. Courtesy of Hyperion Records, Ltd.

29 Philippus de Caserta: En remirant vo douce pourtraiture

Little Consort.

1990 Channel Classics. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi.

30 Jacopo da Bologna: Non al suo amante

Ensemble Project Ars Nova.

Deutsche Harmonia Mundi. Courtesy of Deutsche Harmonia Mundi under license from Sony
BMG Music Entertainment.

31 Francesco Landini: Cos pensoso

Gothic Voices: Steven Harrold, Julian Podger, and Leigh Nixon, tenors.

2008 Gothic Voices. Courtesy of AVIE Records.

32 Francesco Landini: Non avr ma' pieta

Anonymous 4.

2001 Harmonia Mundi USA. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi USA.

33 Alleluia: A new work

Anonymous 4.

1993 Harmonia Mundi France. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi France.

34 John Dunstable: Quam pulchra es


1997 Nimbus. Courtesy of Wyastone Estate Limited.

35 Binchois (Gilles de Bins): De plus en plus

The Tallis Scholars; Peter Phillips, director.

1987 Gimell Records, Ltd. Courtesy of Gimell Records, Ltd.

36 Guillaume Du Fay: Resvellies vous

Altramar Medieval Music Ensemble: Jann Cosart, vielle; Angela Mariani, voice; David Stattelman,

Courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.

37 Guillaume Du Fay: Christe, redemptor omnium

Schola Hungarica; Janka Szendrei and Lszl Dboszy, directors.


38 Guillaume Du Fay: Se la face ay pale

a) Se la face ay pale

Altramar Medieval Music Ensemble: Jann Cosart, vielle; Angela Mariani, voice, David Stattelman,

Courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.

b) Missa Se la face ay pale: Gloria

Chiaroscuro Ensemble; Nigel Rogers, director.

1989 Nuova Era. Courtesy of Nuova Era.

39 Antoine Busnoys: Je ne puis vivre

Pomerium Musices; Alexander Blachly, director.

1993 Dorian Records.

40 Jean de Ockeghem: Missa prolationum: Kyrie

The Hilliard Ensemble.

EMI Classics. Courtesy of EMI Music Marketing.

41 Henricus Isaac: Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen

Collegium Vocale Kln; Wolfgang Fromm, director.

Sony BMG Music Entertainment.

42 Josquin Desprez: Faulte d'argent

Capella Sancti Michaelis. Masters of Flanders, Vol. 8, Josquin des Prez.

Etcetera. Courtesy of Qualiton Imports, Ltd.

43 Josquin Desprez: Mille regretz

Scholars of London.

1994 HNH International, Ltd. Courtesy of Naxos of America, Inc.

44 Josquin Desprez: Ave Mariavirgo serena

La Chapelle Royale; Philippe Herreweghe, director.

1986 Harmonia Mundi France. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi France.

45 Josquin Desprez: Missa Pange lingua

a) Kyrie

b) Credo, excerpt: Et incarnatus est and Crucifixus

The Tallis Scholars; Peter Phillips, director.

1986 Gimell Records, Ltd. Courtesy of Gimell Records, Ltd.

46 Martin Luther: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland and Ein feste Burg

a) Attributed to St. Ambrose: Veni Redemptor gentium

b) Martin Luther: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland

c) Martin Luther: Ein feste Burg

Concentus; Paul Elliott, director.

Courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.

d) Johann Walter: Ein feste Burg

Wiener Motettenchor; Ensemble Mvsica Antiqva Wien; Bernhard Klebel, conductor.

1982 Christophorus. Courtesy of Christophorus Records.

47 Loys Bourgeois: Psalm 134

a) Loys Bourgeois: Psalm 134, Or sus, serviteurs du Seigneur

b) William Kethe: Psalm 100, All people that on earth do dwell

Concentus; Paul Elliott, director.

Courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.

48 Thomas Tallis: If ye love me

The Tallis Scholars; Peter Phillips, director.

1986 Gimell Records, Ltd. Courtesy of Gimell Records, Ltd.

49 William Byrd: Sing joyfully unto God

The Tallis Scholars; Peter Phillips, director.

1987 Gimell Records, Ltd. Courtesy of Gimell Records, Ltd.

50 Nicolas Gombert: Ave Regina caelorum

Pro Cantione Antiqua; Bruno Turner, director.

Archiv. Courtesy of Universal Music Company.

51 Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Pope Marcellus Mass

a) Credo

b) Agnus Dei I

The Tallis Scholars; Peter Phillips, director.

1980 Gimell Records, Ltd. Courtesy of Gimell Records, Ltd.

52 Toms Luis de Victoria: O magnum mysterium

a) O magnum mysterium

Gabrieli Consort; Paul McCreesh, director.

Archiv. Courtesy of Universal Music Enterprises.

b) Missa O magnum mysterium: Kyrie

Choir of Westminster Cathedral; David Hill, Master of the Music.

1986 Hyperion Records, Ltd. London. Courtesy of Hyperion Records, Ltd.

53 Orlande de Lassus: Cum essem parvulus

Musica Sacra; Mary Beekman, director.

2003 Musica Sacra, Cambridge, MA.

54 Juan del Encina: Oy comamos y bebamos

Circa 1500; Nancy Hadden, director.

1987 CRD. Courtesy of CRD Records.

55 Marchetto Cara: Mal un muta per effecto

Circa 1500; Nancy Hadden, director.

1983 Chandos Records. Courtesy of Naxos of America, Inc. on behalf of Chandos Records.

56 Jacques Arcadelt: Il bianco e dolce cigno

The Consort of Musicke; Anthony Rooley, director.

Sony BMG Music Entertainment.

57 Cipriano de Rore: Da le belle contrade d'oriente

The Consort of Musicke; Anthony Rooley, director.

Musica Obscura. Courtesy of Anthony Rooley.

58 Luca Marenzio: Solo e pensoso

Pomerium Musices; Alexander Blachly, director.

1991 The Dorian Group, Ltd. Courtesy of The Dorian Group, Ltd.

59 Carlo Gesualdo: "Io parto" e non pi dissi

Les Arts Florissants; William Christie, director.

1988 Harmonia Mundi. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi USA.

60 Claudin de Sermisy: Tant que vivray

Ensemble Clment Janequin; Dominique Visse, director.

1985 Harmonia Mundi. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi USA.

61 Orlande de Lassus: La nuict froide et somber

Ensemble Clment Janequin.

Harmonia Mundi France. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi France.

62 Claude Le Jeune: Revecy venir du printans

The Waverly Consort; Michael Jaffee, director.

1985 Sony. Courtesy of Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Inc.

63 Thomas Morley: My bonny lass she smileth

Tonus Peregrinus; Rebecca Hickey, soprano; Kathryn Oswald, alto; Alexander Hickey and Richard
Eteson, tenors; Francis Brett, bass; Antony Pitts, director.

2004 HNH International, Ltd. Courtesy of Naxos of America, Inc.

64 Thomas Weelkes: As Vesta was

The Consort of Musicke; Anthony Rooley, director.

1988 Hyperion Records, Ltd., London. Courtesy of Hyperion Records, Ltd.

65 John Dowland: Flow, my tears

Ellen Hargis, voice; Paul O'Dette, Renaissance lute.

2002 Harmonia Mundi. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi USA.

66 Tielman Susato: Dances, from Danserye

a) No. 5: Basse danse La morisque

b) No. 38: Pavane La dona

c) No. 50: Galliard La dona

Camerata Hungarica; Laszl Czidra, director.


67 Anthony Holborne: Dances

a) The Night Watch

b) The Fairie-round

The Dowland Consort; Jakob Lindberg, director.

1991 BIS Records. Courtesy of Naxos of America, Inc. on behalf of BIS Records.

68 Luis de Narvez: From Los seys libros del Delphn

a) Cancion Mille regres

b) Cuatro diferencias sobre Gurdame las vacas

Lex Eisenhardt, vihuela.

1991 Etcetera. Courtesy of Qualiton Imports, Ltd.

69 William Byrd: John come kiss me now

Lex Eisenhardt, vihuela.

1991 Etcetera. Courtesy of Qualiton Imports, Ltd.

70 Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon septimi tona a 8, from Sacrae symponiae

His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts; Timothy Roberts, director.

1997 Hyperion Records, Ltd., London. Courtesy of Hyperion Records, Ltd.

71 Claudio Monteverdi: Cruda Amarilli

La Venexiana.

2007 Glossa.

72 Guilio Caccini: Vedr l mio sol

Furio Zanai, baritone; Eduardo Egez, theorbo; Maria Bonetti, triple harp; Sabina Colonna-Preti,
viola da gamba.

2009 Nave.

73 Jacopo Peri: Le musiche sopra l'Euridice: Excerpts

a) Aria: Nel pur ardor

b) Dialogue in recitative: Per quel vago boschetto

La Compagna dei Febi Armonici; Anibal Cetrangolo, conductor.

1997 Pavane Records. Courtesy of Qualiton Imports, Ltd.

74 Claudio Monteverdi: L'Orfeo: Excerpt from Act II

a) Aria/canonzetta: Vi ricorda o boschi ombrosi

b) Song: Mira, deh mira Orfeo

c) Dialogue in recitative: Ahi, caso acerbo

d) Recitative: Tu se' morta

e) Choral madrigal: Ahi, caso acerbo

Nigel Rogers (Orfeo); Guillemette Laurens (Messenger); Chiaroscuro; Nigel Rogers; director;
London Baroque, Charles Medlam, director.
EMI Classics. Courtesy of EMI Music Marketing.

75 Claudio Monteverdi: L'incoronazione di Poppea: Act I, Scene 3

a) Dialogue in recitative: Signor, deh non partire

b) Aria: In un sospir

c) Aria: Signor, sempre mi vedi

d) Dialogue in mixed styles: Adorati miei rai

Danielle Borst (Poppea); Guillemette Laurens (Nerone); Concerto Vocale; Ren Jacobs,

1990 Harmonia Mundi France. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi France.

76 Antonio Cesti: Orontea: Excerpt from Act II

a) Scene 16: Recitative: E che si fa?

b) Scene 17: Opening aria: Intorno all' idol mio

Helga Mller Molinari (Orontea); Gastone Sarti (Gelone); Concerto Vocale; Ren Jacobs,

1982 Harmonia Mundi France. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi France.

77 Barbara Strozzi: Lagrime mie

Julianne Baird, soprano; Colin Tinley, harpsichord.

1993 Dorian. Courtesy of Dorian Group, Ltd.

78 Giovanni Gabrieli: In ecclesiis

Gabrieli Consort; Paul McCreesh, director.

Archiv. Courtesy of Deutsche Grammophon.

79 Alessandro Grandi: O quam tu pulchra es

David Cordier, falsetto; Lee Santana, chitarrone; Hildegard Perl, lirone; La Capella Ducale and
Musica Fiata Kln; Roland Wilson, director.

Sony BMG Music Entertainment.

80 Giacomo Carissimi: Historia di Jephte: Excerpts

a) Recitative: Plorate colles

b) Chorus: Plorate filii Israel

Gabrieli Consort and Players; Paul McCreesh, director.

1987 Meridian Records. Courtesy of Meridian Records.

81` Heinrich Schtz: Saul, was verfolgst du mich, SWV 415, from Symphoniae sacrae III

Musica Fiata; Kammerchor Stuttgart; Frieder Bernius, conductor.

1989 Deutsche Harmonia Mundi. Courtesy of Sony BMG Music Entertainment.

82 Girolamo Frescobaldi: Toccata No. 3

Gustav Leonhardt, harpsichord.

Omega Classics.

83 Girolamo Frescobaldi: Ricercare after the Credo, from Mass for the Madonna, in Fiori musicali

Rinaldo Alessandrini, organ.

1989 Astre Auvidis. Courtesy of Nave.

84 Biagio Marini: Sonata IV per il violino per sonar con due corde

Ingrid Matthews, violin; Byron Schenkman, harpsichord.

1995 Wildboar.

85 Jean-Baptiste Lully: Armide: Excerpts

a) Overture

b) Conclusion of divertissement from Act II, Scene 4: Laissons au tendre amour

c) Act II, Scene 5: Enfin il est en ma puissance

Guillemette Laurens (Armide); Chapelle Royale; Philippe Herreweghe, conductor.

1993 Harmonia Mundi France. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi France.

86 Jean-Baptiste Lully: Te Deum: Conclusion

Concert spirituel; Herv Niquet, conductor.

1999 HNH International, Ltd. Courtesy of Naxos of America, Inc.

87 Denis Gaultier: La Coquette virtuose

Hopkinson Smith, lute.

Astre. Courtesy of Nave.

88 Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre: Suite in A Minor, from Pices de clavecin

a) Prelude

b) Allemande

c) Courante I and II

d) Sarabande

e) Gigue

f) Chaconne

g) Gavotte

h) Menuet
Genevive Soly, harpsichord.

2000 ATMA. Courtesy of ATMA Classique.

89 Henry Purcell: Dido and Aeneas: Conclusion

a) Recitative: Thy hand, Belinda

b) Lament: When I am laid in earth

c) Chorus: With drooping wings

Lorraine Hunt (Dido); The Choir of Clare College, Cambridge; Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra;
Nicholas McGegan, director.

1994 Harmonia Mundi. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi USA.

90 Toms de Torrejn y Velasco: La prpura de la rosa: Excerpts

a) Dialogue in strophic song: Y bien, qu es lo que adviertes?

b) Chorus: Corred, corred, cristales

Judith Malafronte (Venus); Ellen Hargis (Adonis); The Harp Consort; Andrew Lawrence-King,

Deutsche Harmonia Mundi. Courtesy of Sony BMG Music Entertainment.

91 Juan de Araujo: Los conflades de la estleya

Ex Cathedra; Jeffrey Skidmore, conductor.

2003 Hyperion Records, Ltd., London. Courtesy of Hyperion Records, Ltd.

92 Alessandro Scarlatti: Clori vezzosa, e bella: Conclusion

a) Recitative: Vivo penando

b) Aria: S, s ben mio

Brian Asawa, countertenor; Arcadian Academy; Nicholas McGegan, director.

2000 Deutsche Harmonia Mundi. Courtesy of Sony BMG Music Entertainment.

93 Alessandro Scarlatti: La Griselda: Excerpt from Act I, Scene 2

Dorothea Rschmann, Griselda; Alte Musik Berlin; Ren Jacobs, director.

Harmonia Mundi France. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi France.

94 Arcangelo Corelli: Trio Sonata, Op. 3, No. 2

a) Grave

b) Allegro

c) Adagio

d) Allegro

Jaap Schrder, Marilyn McDonald, violins; Kenneth Slowik, cello; Konrad Junghnel, theorbo;
James Weaver, organ.

Smithsonian Collection.

95 Dieterich Buxtehude: Praeludium in E Major, BuxWV 141

Harald Vogel, organ.

1991 MDG. Courtesy of MD & G Productions.

96 Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in A Minor, Op. 3, No. 6

a) Allegro

b) Largo

c) Presto

Academy of Ancient Music; Christopher Hogwood, director.


97 Franois Couperin: Vingt-cinquime ordre: Excerpts

a) La visionaire

b) La muse victorieuse

c) Les ombres errantes

Christoph Rephann, harpsichord.

Courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.

98 Jean-Philippe Rameau: Hippolyte et Aricie, Act IV: Excerpt

a) Conclusion of Scene 3

b) Scene 4

Les Musiciens du Louvre; Marc Minkowski, conductor.

2012 Erato Records. Courtesy of Warner Music Group.

99 Georg Philipp Telemann: Paris Quartet No. 1 in G Major (Concerto Primo), Movements 35

a) Presto

b) Largo

c) Allegro

Barthold Kuijken, flute; Sigiswald Kuijken, violin; Wieland Kuijken, viola da gamba; Gustav
Leonhardt, harpsichord.

2008 Sony Classical. Courtesy of Sony BMG Music Entertainment.

100 Johann Sebastian Bach: Prelude and Fugue in A Minor, BWV 543

a) Prelude

b) Fugue

Hans Fagius, organ.

BIS Records. Courtesy of Qualiton Imports, Ltd.

101 Johann Sebastian Bach: Chorale Prelude on Durch Adams Fall, BWV 637

Wolfgang Rbsam, organ.

1994 HNH International, Ltd. Courtesy of Naxos of America, Inc.

102 Johann Sebastian Bach: The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I

a) Prelude No. 8 in E-flat Minor

b) Fugue No. 8 in D-sharp Minor

Gustav Leonhardt, harpsichord. 1989 Deutsche Harmonia Mundi.

Courtesy of Sony BMG Entertainment.

103 Johann Sebastian Bach: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 62

a) No. 1, Chorus: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland

b) No. 2, Aria: Bewundert, o Menschen

c) No. 3, Recitative: So geht aus Gottes Herrlichkeit und Thron

d) No. 4, Aria: Streite, siege, starker Held!

e) No. 5, Accompanied recitative: Wir ehren diese Herrlichkeit

f) No. 6, Chorale: Lob sei Gott, dem Vater, ton

Barbara Schlick, Sibylla Rubens, sopranos; Kai Wessel, Sarah Connolly, altos; James Taylor,
Christoph Prgardien, Mark Padmore, tenors; Peter Kooy, bass; Collegium Vocale; Philippe
Herreweghe, director.

1997 Harmonia Mundi France. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi France.

104 Johann Sebastian Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244

a) No. 36, Biblical narrative: Und der Hohepriester antwortete

b) No. 37, Chorale: Wer hat dich so geschlagen

c) No. 38, Biblical narrative: Petrus aber sa drauen im Palast

d) No. 39, Aria: Erbarme dich

e) No. 40, Chorale: Bin ich gleich von dir gewichen

Chorus I: Susan Hamilton, soprano; Clare Wilkinson, alto; Nicholas Mulroy, tenor and Evangelist;
Matthew Brook, bass and Jesus; Chorus II: Cecilia Osmond, Annie Gill, Malcolm Bennett, and
Brian Bannatyne-Scott; Michael Wallace, Petrus and Pontifex; Dunedin Consort and Players;
John Butt, director.

2008 Linn Records. Tracks 36a-40 taken from J.S. Bach: Matthew Passion (Final performing
version, c. 1742) by Dunedin Consort (Linn CKD 313). Reproduced by kind permission of Linn
Records ( and Dunedin Consort (

105 George Frideric Handel: Giulio Cesare, Act II, Scenes 12

a) Recitative: Eseguisti, oh Niren

b) Aria: Vadoro, pupille

James Bowman (Giulio Cesare); Lynne Dawson (Cleopatra); La Grande Ecurie et la Chambre du
Roy; Jean-Claude Malgoire, director.

Auvidis. Courtesy of Nave.

106 George Frideric Handel: Saul, Act II, Scene 10

a) No. 66, Accompanied recitative: The Time at length is come

b) No. 67, Recitative: Where is the Son of Jesse?

c) No. 68, Chorus: O fatal Consequence of Rage

Gidon Saks (Saul); Jeremy Ovenden (Jonathan); RIAS-Kammerchor; Concerto Cologne; Ren
Jacobs, director.

Harmonia Mundi. Courtesy of Harmonia Mundi USA.

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System Requirements
Mac: Intel CPU, OSX 10.6 or higher PC: Windows XP SP3/Vista/7 Sound, DVD Drive

NAWM 3, 4, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, and 46ac were recorded for this collection by faculty and students of
the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Early Music Institute, under the direction of Paul Elliott.

Master recording clearances by Naxos of America

Editorial Consultant: Roger Hickman

Director of Licensing: Randall Foster

Licensing Assistance: Nick D'Angiolillo and Dan Wright

Recording Clearance: Kayle Kiener and Sarah Champion

2014 W. W. Norton & Company

New York London


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