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Topic Questions Option (A) Option (B)

A data warehouse is which of the Contains numerous naming

DM following? Can be updated by end users conventions and formats.

A star schema has what type of relationship

DM between a dimension and fact table? Many-to-many One-to-one
DM Fact tables are which of the following? Completely demoralized Partially demoralized
A snowflake schema is which of the
DM following types of tables? Fact Dimension
A goal of data mining includes which of the To explain some observed event
DM following? or condition To confirm that data exists
OLAP databases are called decision support
DM system ? TRUE FALSE
DM In Star Schema Dimension tables are Short and Fat Long and Thin

DM The data in Data Warehouse is generally Clean Data Dirty Data

Ralph Kimball believes that
portions of data can be Inmon believes that portions of
combined based on relevance of data can be combined based on
data and can be used for relevance of data and can be
DM Choose two reporting used for reporting

In which type of SCD(Slowly changing

DM dimensions) do we preserve history of data: Type One Type Two

ETL During ETL load we generally have Unsorted data for Aggregator Sorted data for Aggregator

First load data into fact tables First load data into dimension
Sequence of jobs to load data in to then dimension tables, then tables, then fact tables, then
DM warehouse Aggregates if any Aggregates if any
DM Snowflaking means Normalizing the data Denormalizing the data
Drill Across generally use the following
OLAP join to generate report Self Join Inner Join
DM In general data in Data Warehousing is Normalized Denormalized
DM Consolidated data mart is First level data mart Second level data mart
In 4 step dimensional process, declaring
DM gain of business process is First Step Second
They areStep
either same or one is
DM Dimensions are Confirmed when They are different subset of another

You need to create an index on the SALES

table, which is 10 GB in size. You want
your index to be spread across many
tablespaces, decreasing contention for
index lookup, and increasing scalability and
manageability.Which type of index would
DM be best for this table? bitmap unique
A data warehouse is valuable
A data warehouse is useful to all only if the organisation has an
organisations that currently use interest in analysing historical
DM Which of the following statements is true? OLTP's data.
the act of using software to
analyse highly consolidated
data, often to view the changes the act of exporting data into a
DM Analytical processing is over time. spreadsheet for analysis

The fact table of a data The fact table of a data

warehouse is the main store of warehouse is the main store of
descriptions of the transactions all of the recorded transactions
DM Which of the following statements is true? stored in a DWH over time.
Which of the following is associated with a
DM data warehouse A relation A flat file
A data warehouse
automatically makes a copy of
The more data a data warehouse every transaction recorded in
DM Which of the following statements is true? has, the better it is an OLTP system

must import data from

transactional systems whenever
significant changes occur in the takes regular copies of
DM A data warehouse transactional data. transaction data

The level of detail of the data

The number of fact tables in a descriptions held in a data
DM Granularity refers to data warehouse warehouse

The level of detail of data that is The data that describes the
DM Dimensionality refers to held in the fact table transactions in the fact table.
The main organisational justification for
implementing a data warehouse is to lagre scale transaction Cheaper ways of handling
DM provide processing transactions

OLAP OLTP stands for On Line Transaction Processing On Line Terminal Protocol
must be in normalised form to
DM Data in a data warehouse in a flat file format at least 3NF

DM A data warehouse needs to be time varient Subject orientated

the act of analysing each
the act of processing individual transaction to verify that it is
DM Transaction processing is transactions valid
On Line Abstraction
OLAP OLAP stands for On Line Analytical Protocol Processing
What is a formal way to express data
relationships to a database management
DM system? Attributes Entity identifier
What is a technique for documenting the
relationships between entities in a database
DM environment? Attributes Entity identifier
What indicates having the potential to
contain more than one value for an attribute
DM at any given time? Constraint Single-valued

Which relationship is between two entities

in which an instance of entity A can be
related to zero, one, or more instances of
entity B and entity B can be related to zero,
DM one, or more instances of entity A? One-to-many relationship One-to-one relationship
Which of the following uses a series of
logically related two-dimensional tables or
files to store information in the form of a
DM database? Database Database management system

All of the following terms describe OLAP, The gathering of input

OLAP except information Processing input information
Which tool is used to help an organization
DM build and use business intelligence? Data warehouse Data mining tools

DM What does the data dictionary identify? Field names Field types
Which of the following is a data
DM manipulation tool? File generators Query by example tool
When gathering business information
requirements, you should focus only on the
requirements provided by the business

One difference between the design of

online transaction processing (OLTP) and
online analytical processing (OLAP)
systems is that the OLTP system design is
OLAP optimized for getting data into the database. TRUE FALSE
Designing a data warehouse in first normal
DM form (1NF) is not recommended. TRUE FALSE
Cardinality is defined as the number of
DM relationships existing between entities. TRUE FALSE
It is not important to include metadata when
DM designing a data warehouse. TRUE FALSE
There is no need to include a time
DM dimension in the data warehouse. TRUE FALSE
The level of granularity you choose for the
time dimension has no significant impact on
DM the size of your database. TRUE FALSE
Surrogate keys are generated on tables in
the data warehouse after the table is
DM populated. TRUE FALSE
To improve performance, all tables in the
DM data warehouse should be indexed. TRUE FALSE
Fact tables are often referred to as the
DM measures of business performance. TRUE FALSE
Dimension tables are used to provide
descriptions of the business subjects and
descriptive information about each row in
DM the fact table. TRUE FALSE
A high level of granularity means more
detail; a low level of granularity mean less

One method of managing the history in

dimension tables is to drop the dimension
DM and rebuild the table from scratch. TRUE FALSE
You do not need to be concerned with
maintaining the history of changing data in
DM the dimension tables. TRUE FALSE
Effective use of summaries is the best
technique for improving performance in
DM data warehouses. TRUE FALSE
Summary data cannot be combined with
DM detailed fact data. TRUE FALSE
When choosing a level of summarization,
there are two approaches: summarizing the
entire dimension, or summarizing part of
the dimension and partially improving
DM performance TRUE FALSE
Table partitioning splits the storage of a
DM table into smaller individual units. TRUE FALSE
Denormalization is the factor that increases
DM the sparseness in a database. TRUE FALSE
What are the actual data values that occupy
the cells as defined by the dimensions
OLAP selected? Nesting Aggregation

The term that defines filtering data in an

OLAP OLAP cube is ___________ . dicing slicing

What is an item that matches a specific

OLAP description or classification? Category Measure

The cube structure in OLAP achieves the

OLAP __________ functionality. shared information

Aggregation provides OLAP with

OLAP __________ multidimensional data pre-calculated data

OLAP What is the acronym that defines OLAP? FHTMI FASMI

__________ in OLAP allows you to define
OLAP a subcube of the original space. Dicing Slicing
What term in OLAP defines changing the
dimensional orientation of the report from
OLAP the cube data? Dicing Slicing

The _________ in OLAP enable you to

drill-up or drill-down to view different
OLAP levels of detail about your data. dimensions measures
select multiple cube
OLAP When you nest in OLAP, you _________ . aggregations select multiple cube measures
A process that transforms A process that loads
information using a common set information into a data
ETL Which of the following describes ETL? of enterprise definitions warehouse

The common term for the

A particular attribute of representation of
DM What is data mining information multidimensional information
A collection of related data fields is called a
DM ____. byte record
interface between the database
DM A DBMS is a(n) ____. and application programs data repository
A(n) ____ is a generalized class of people,
places, or things for which data is collected,
DM stored, and maintained record entity
Which attribute would make the best
DM primary key? Social security number Last name
The ____ data model follows a treelike
DM structure. distributed hierarchical
The most popular database model currently
DM in use is the ____. relational model hierarchical model

A primary key is a field or set of fields that

DM uniquely identifies a record. TRUE FALSE
One of the goals of a DBMS is to increase
data redundancy thereby making it less
DM vulnerable to hackers. TRUE FALSE
A Data Warehouse would most likely be
DM part of a(n) ERP System Small MIS System

to streamline a Transaction
DM Data Mining would most likely be used Processing System to model data in a DBMS

DM Which of the following is a valid key field A Book Title House number + Street Name

DM A Table Can only store data of one type Consists of Alphanumeric data
A RDBMS cannot store data without A Logical data type can store
knowing the data type. Which of the three values, TRUE, Numerical data can be stored
DM following statements are true? UNKNOWN and FALSE in different formats

A FLAT FILE database management A database design that only has A DBMS that can only have
DM system is one table in it simple data tables in it
Assume you are extending the design of
The College Student Records System to
include details on each classroom. The
college is never likely to have more than ten
classrooms and definitely not ever going to
have more than 25 classrooms. What data
DM type would you select Numeric - Byte Numeric - Single

be exported to a word processor be based on an underlying data

OLAP A report must for printing source (a table or a query)

The layout of a report is independant of the

OLAP number of records held in a table or query True FALSE
produce output that is ready
produce output that is ready for for publication on the Web
OLAP A report is used to e-mailing (HTML)

The rule that prohibits transitive

DM dependencies is third normal form first normal form
The rule that requires that each non-key
field (attribute) should be fully functionally
DM dependent on the primary key is Third Normal Form First Normal Form

The rule that specifies that there should be

no repeating fields and that fields should be
DM atomic is third normal form second normal form
The process of combining two tables in a
DM relational database is known as a Join a Combine

enable low level descriptions of

DM The ER model is meant to data replace relational design

DM The Entity Relation Model models Entities Relationships

An ER model is concerned
Which of the following statements best An ER model provides a view primarily with a physical
decribes the function of an entity relation of the logic of the data and not implementation of the data and
DM model? the physical implementation. secondly with the logical view

DM SQL stands for Sequential Question Language Structured Query Language

Which of the following are elements of

DM SQL? Data Query Language Data Definition Language

Consider the table (STUDREC). Which of

the following statements will list columns
INIT, SNAME, GENDER and KIDS (in SELECT init, sname, gender, SELECT init, sname, gender,
that order) for all students who have more kids FROM studrec WHERE kids FROM studrec WHERE
DM then 1 child. kids <1; kids >1;

OLAP A typical data warehouse consists of Staging area Data Marts

Data Modelling layer, Data
What are the three layers of Data Data staging layer, Data Extract Accesses layer, Data Storage
OLAP warehouse architecture? layer, Data transactional layer layer

OLAP Staging Area comes under which layer? Data Storage layer Data Access layer

What are Limitations of Traditional

OLAP techniques ? Extensive programming Redundant reporting

OLAP Different categories of Data Access are? Web Access Data Mining
OLAP OLAP stands for Online Access Processing Online Analytic Processing

A process that uses a variety of statistical

and artificial intelligence frameworks to
OLAP discover patterns and relationships in data Data Access Process Data Mining Process
A category of data access solutions in
which information is viewed through a web
OLAP browser Data Access Process Data Mining Process

Businesses today face Data Access is the last mile

OLAP What is importance of Data Access? challenges like that enables decision makers to
Enterprise Data Warehouse
OLAP What are different types of reporting? Transaction Systems Reporting Reporting
In Transaction Systems Reporting,
Reporting Tool has a native connectivity to
OLAP ? Views Tables
To provide consolidated and
An enterprise data warehouse (EDW) is To combine data from multiple cleansed data to an array of
OLAP designed to OLTP systems data marts
OLAP Examples of Managed Query Tool Business Objects MS Query
Multidimensional viewing Time Intelligence - Time
OLAP Which are the OLAP features ? Capabilities Series analysis
Relatively standardized and
simple queries returning
OLAP OLAP system is Decision support relatively few records
OLAP What is measure? Is not a number represents factual data
Data is stored in Support for large databases
OLAP What is ROLAP? multidimensional cubes with good performance
SQL Which one is DDL command? Insert Update
How many types of Normalization rules are
SQL there? 4 5
SQL Which are pseudocolumns CURRVAL NEXTVAL
Can you use select in FROM clause of SQL
SQL select ? YES NO
It allows you to associates a It allows you to associate a
Describe the use of %ROWTYPE in variable with a single column variable with an entire table
SQL PL/SQL ? type row
SQL How many types of triggers are there? 9 10

What is the default ordering of an ORDER

SQL BY clause in a SELECT statement? Descending Ascending

All rows selected by either All rows selected by either

SQL Union All returns query query and including duplicates

ETL is the set of processes by ETL is the set of processes by

which data is extracted from which data is extracted from
various sources, transformed various sources and loaded
ETL What is ETL process? and loaded into target systems into target systems
Closely integrated with High speed loading of target
ETL What is Importance of ETL? RDBMSs data warehouses

Data Extraction, Data

Data Extraction, Data Extraction Cleanup, Data
ETL Which are ETL Activities ? transformation, Data loading loading
ETL Data Extraction Methods are Incremental Extraction Real Time Extraction
ETL Which are the examples of ETL tools? Informatica PowerCenter Ab Initio
It limits your ability to recover
Format of Archived data because no database logging
ETL What is Bulk Load? different from operational data occurs

ETL Which one is not GUI based Scheduler ? Tool Specific Autosys
performs the access and
perform a variety of extraction of data from the
transformations unique to the source system and builds a
What do you mean by Source alteration source, depending on business temporal view of the data at
ETL stage in ETL ? requirements the time of extraction
What are the different types of Commit
ETL intervals? Target-based commit Source-based commit

ETL Which is the first step of the ETL process ? Data Extraction Cleanup Data Extraction

Quick and relatively easy to

write scripts for doing exports Does not usually require
ETL Which is not pros of Batch Extraction ? and imports additional hardware
Which tool does not support Change-Data-
ETL Capture Feature ? Ascential Data Stage XE Informatica PowerCenter
A data warehouse is a subject-
oriented, integrated,
Data Warehouse is integarted of nonvolatile, time-variant
data in support of management's collection of data in support of
DW What is Data Warehouse ? decisions management's decisions
Better business intelligence for
DW What is the Need of Data Warehousing ? To store Operational Data end-users
Which one is not Characteristic of Data
DW Mart ? Restrictive, non extensible Short life/tactical
Which is the information need for recent
DW data ? ODS OLTP

What type of Data Structure Characteristic

DW does Data Warehousing has ? Detailed Summarized
What are Components of a Data Warehouse
DW Architecture ? Data Cleansing tool ETL tool
Clean up source data in-place Generate and maintain
DW What is use of Data Cleaning Tools ? on the host centralized metadata
DW What is the use of Data Mining Tools ? Slice and Dice What If analysis
A known fact that can be
recorded and that have implicit The data is perceived by the
DM What is Database ? meaning user as tables

A collection of concepts that Representation of a set of

can be used to describe the business requirements in a
structure of a database standard structured framework
DM What is Data Model ? understood by the users
Which Data Modelling approach suit for
DM corporate data Warehouse ? Dimensional Approach Entity Relational Approach
What are the different types of relationship
DM notations ? IEX IDFIX

Geared for performance and

DM What is Physical Data Model ? Conceptual may consists of redundant data

DM What are different types of Data Model ? Physical model, Logical model, Hybrid model
Can we have multiple foreign keys in a
Option (C) Option (D) s
Organized around important
subject areas. Contains only current data. C

One-to-many All of the above B

Completely normalized Partially normalized C

Helper All of the above D

To analyze data for expected
relationships To create a new data warehouse A

Long and Fat Short and thin A

Clean and Dirty Data None of above A

Inmon believes that DW is built Ralph Kimball believes that DW

and should be used for is built and should be used for
reporting. reporting. B and D

Type Three None of above B

Does not matter if we use Sorted
or Unsorted data for
Aggregation None of the Above B

First Aggregates then load data Does not matter if we load either
into dimension tables, then fact of fact, dimensions, or
tables aggregates B
None of Above A

Outer Join None of the Above C

None of Above C
All of these None of Above B

When Step
they can be compared Fourth Step B
mathematically None of these B

partitioned reverse Key C

A data warehouse is valuable to
thiose organisations that need to A data warehouse is necessary
keep an audit trail of their to all those organisations that
activities are using relational OLTP's B
the act of using a relational
database to produce reports the act of sumarising data on a
giving data summaries on a regular basis (e.g. month end
regular basis (e.g. monthly) summaries) A

A fact table describes the

granularity of data held in a A fact table describes the
DWH transactions stored in a DWH B
A hierachical and/or network
structure A star schema D
Adding data for the sake of it
may well degrade the
A data warehouse is a relatively effectiveness of data
straighttforward thing to set up. warehouseing analysis D

takes regular copies of

transaction data and stores it in a has to work on live transactional
way that is optimised for query data to provide up to date and
and reporting vaild results C

The level of detail of the data The number of dimensions in a

stored in a data warehouse. data warehouse C

The level of detail that is held in The number of dimension tables

the Data Warehouse that exist in a star schema B

Storing large volumes of data Decision support D

On Line Terminal Processing On Line Transaction Protocol A

must be in normalised form to at
can be normalised but often isn't least 2NF C
Capable of integrating data from
a wide variety of sources non-volatile A,B,C,D
the act of processing, recording
the act of analysing transactions and storing individual
on a regular basis (e.g. monthly) transactions in a database D

On Line Abstraction Protocol On Line Analytical Processing D

Data model Entity-relationship diagram C

Data model Entity-relationship diagram D

All of the above None of the above D

Many-to-many relationship Many-to-one relationship C

Data warehouse None of the above D
Updating existing information to
reflect to the gathered and
processed information None of the above D

Database management systems All of the above D

Field formats All of the above D

Structure question language All of the above B


Dimensions Measures D

rotating nesting B

Dimension Nest A

collection multidimensional D

nested data slow data retrieval B


Rotating Nesting A

Rotating Nesting C

nesting aggregation A

select multiple cube dimensions select multiple cube slices C

A process that extracts
information from internal and
external databases All
Usesofathe above
variety of techniques to D
find patterns and relationships in
large volumes of information
The process of analyzing data to and infer rules from them that
extract information not offered predict future behavior and
by the raw data alone guide decision making C
character bit B

knowledge base unique group of records A

attribute file B

First name Age A

network relational B

network model object model A

DBMS Expert system A

to help transform data from
to help transform data into different sources so that they
useful information that can be can be stored in a single Data
used by a DSS Warehouse. C

Initials + Family Name + Date

Car Registration number of Birth C

Consists of Rows and Columns Cannot be empty B

Some DBMS's can use DATE A Character (Text) data type can
data types contain 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 B,C,D
A DBMS that contains records
A DBMS that can only have one that have a large number of
table in it fields in them C

Numeric - Integer Numeric - Long integer A

Be redefined each time it is used be password protected B

produce output that is formatted produce output formatted for

for display on a computer screen print D

second normal form None of the Above A

Second Normal Form None of the Above C

first normal form None of the Above C

a Relate a Construc A

be close to a users perception of enable detailed descriptions of

the data data query processing C

Entities, Relationships and

Processes Entities and Relationships D

An ER model is concerned
An ER model is entirely primarily with a logical view of
concerned with modelling the the data and secondly with the
physical implemetation physical implementation A

Structured Question Language Sequential Query Language B

Data Modification Language Data Manipulation Language A,B,D

SELECT init, sname, gender, SELECT init sname, gender,

kids FROM studrec WHERE kids FROM studrec WHERE
kids >'1'; kids >1; D

Analytical environment All of the above A

Data Extraction layer, Data
Accesses layer, Data Storage
layer None C

Data Extract layer None D

SQL does not have a natural way
of providing flexible view
reorganizations that will
transpose the data All of the above D

Both A and B None C

Both A and B None B

Web Access Process None B

Web Access Process Reporting C

Prompt, reliable data access All of the above D

Both A and B None C


Both A and B None C

Microsoft Access All of the above A

Only A Both A and B D

Both A and B None A

description of subject Both B and C B
Good to access pre-aggregated Compilation intensive
data architecture B
Drop Select C

6 7 B
ROWID All of the above D

It allows you to associate a
variable with an entire table
column Both A and C B
11 12 D

All distinct rows selected by All rows selected by the first

both queries query but not the seconds B

Both A and B None A

Both A and B Only A C

Data Extraction, Data

transformation, Data Extraction
Data Extraction, Data loading Cleanup, Data loading D
Full Extraction All of the above D
Business Objects Both A and B D

Lengthy and Complex process All of the above B

CRON jobs All of the above C

performs final formatting of data
to produce load-ready files for
the target table; identifies and
segregates rows to be inserted final stage, uses the load- ready
vs. updated (if applicable); files from Stage 4 to build
applies remaining technical meta aggregation tables needed to
data tagging; and processes data improve query performance
into the RDBMS against the warehouse A

Only A Both A and B D

Data transformation Data loading B

Not event driven--does not

facilitate notification or change Almost all applications provide
in another application at the time utilities for exporting and
of a change in first application importing C

Ab Initio All of the above B

Both A and B None B

Used by Operational users Both B and C B

Project Orientation Flexible, extensible D

OLAP All of the above A

Detailed and Summarized Detailed and lightly summarized C

Data Modelling tool All of the above D

Automatic generation of data
extract programs All of the above A
Dill Down Static Reports B
It is designed, built, and
populated with data for a
specific purpose All of the above C

Both A and B None A

Both A and B None B

IE Both B and C C

Both A and B None B

Conceptual model Both A and C D


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