1996 Tectonic Evolution - Robert Hall

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Tectonic Evolution

of Southeast Asia
Geological Society Special Publications
Series Editor A. J. FLEET

Tectonic Evolution
of Southeast Asia


SE Asia Research Group
Department of Geology
Royal Holloway London University
Surrey, UK


SE Asia Research Group
Department of Geology
Royal Holloway London University
Surrey, UK


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HALL, R. & BLUNDELL,D. J. Tectonic evolution of SE Asia: introduction vii

Part 1: Present-day tectonics

MCCAFFREY, R. Slip partitioning at convergent plate boundaries of SE Asia 3
MALOD, J. A. & KEMAL, B. M. The Sumatra margin: oblique subduction and lateral
displacement of the accretionary prism 19
strike-slip faulting in the northern Molucca Sea (Philippines and Indonesia): preliminary
results of a morphotectonic study 29
RICHARDSON,A. N. & BLUNDELL,D. J. Continental collision in the Banda arc 47
SNYDER,D. B., MILSOM,J. & PRASETYO,H. Geophysical evidence for local indentor tectonics
in the Banda arc east of Timor 61
HUGHES, B. D., BAXTER, K., CLARK,R. A. & SNYDER,D. B. Detailed processing of seismic
reflection data from the frontal part of the Timor trough accretionary wedge, eastern Indonesia 75
MILSOM, J., KAYE,S. & SARDJONO.Extension, collision and curvature in the eastern Banda arc 85

Part 2: Tectonic development of Southeast Asia

METCALFE, I. Pre-Cretaceous evolution of SE Asian terranes 97
PACrd-IAM, G. Cenozoic SE Asia: reconstructing its aggregation and reorganization 123
HALL, R. Reconstructing Cenozoic SE Asia 153
SIMANDJUNTAK,T. O. & BARBER,A. J. Contrasting tectonic styles in the Neogene orogenic
belts of Indonesia 185
RICHTER, B. & FULLER, M. Palaeomagnetism of the Sibumasu and Indochina blocks: implications
for the extrusion tectonic model 203
STOKES, R. B., LOVATTSMITH,P. E & SOUMPHONPHAKDY,K. Timing of the Shan-Thai-Indochina
collision: new evidence from the Pak Lay Foldbelt of the Lao PDR 225
LOVATr SMITH,P. F., STOKES,R. B., BRISTOW,C. & CARTER,A. Mid-Cretaceous inversion in the
Northern Khorat Plateau of Lao PDR and Thailand 233
HtrrCHISON, C. S. The 'Rajang accretionary prism' and 'Lupar Line' problem of Borneo 247
OMANG, S. A. K. BARBER,m. J. Origin and tectonic significance of the metamorphic rocks
associated with the Darvel Bay Ophiolite, Sabah, Malaysia 263
NGAH, K., MADON,M. & TJIA, H. D. Role of pre-Tertiary fracture in formation and development
of the Malay and Penyu basins 281
TJIA, H. D. & LIEW, K. K. Changes in tectonic stress field in northern Sunda Shelf basins 291
CLENYELL, B. Far-field and gravity tectonics in Miocene basins of Sabah, Malaysia 307
McCOURT, W. J., CROW, M. J., COBBING,E. J. & AMIN, T. C. Mesozoic and Cenozoic plutonic
evolution of SE Asia: evidence from Sumatra, Indonesia 321
SAMUEL, M. A. & HARBURV,N. A. The Mentawai fault zone and deformation of the Sumatran
Forearc in the Nias area 337
evolution of the Bantimala Complex, South Sulawesi, Indonesia 353

WILSON, M. E. J. & BOSENCE, D. W. J. The Tertiary evolution of South Sulawesi: a record in

redeposited carbonates of the Tonasa Limestone Formation 365
BERGMAN, S. C., COFFIELD,D. Q., TALBOT, J. P. GARRARD,R. A. Tertiary tectonic and
magmatic evolution of western Sulawesi and the Makassar Strait, Indonesia: evidence for
a Miocene continent-continent collision 391
ALI, J. R., MILSOM, J., FINCH, E. M. & MUBROTO,B. SE Sundaland accretion:
palaeomagnetic evidence of large Plio-Pleistocene thin-skin rotations in Buton 431
VROON, P. Z., VAN BERGEN, M. J. & FORDE, E. J. Pb and Nd isotope constraints on the
provenance of tectonically dispersed continental fragments in east Indonesia 445
LINTHOUT, K., HELMERS, H., WIJBRANS,J. R. & VAN WEES, J. D. A. M. 4Ar/a9Ar constraints
on obduction of the Seram ultramafic complex: consequences for the evolution of the southern
Banda Sea 455
CHARLTON, T. R. Correlation of the Salawati and Tomori Basins, eastern Indonesia: a constraint
on left-lateral displacements of the Sorong fault zone 465
MALAIHOLLO,J. E A. & HALL, R. The geology and tectonic evolution of the Bacan
region, east Indonesia 483
BAKER, S. & MALAIHOLLO,J. Dating of Neogene igneous rocks in the Halmahera region:
arc initiation and development 499
PUBELLIER, M., QUEBRAL,R., AURELIO, M. & RANGIN, C. Docking and post-docking escape
tectonics in the southern Philippines 511
CROWHURST, P. V., HILL, K. C., FOSTER, D. A. & BENNETT, A. R Thermochronological and
geochemical constraints on the tectonic evolution of northern Papua New Guinea 525
WOPFNER, H. Gondwana origin of the Baoshan and Tengchong terranes of west Yunnan 539
ZI-IOU, Z., LAO, Q., CHEN, H., DING, S. & LIAO, Z. Early Mesozoic orogeny in Fujian,
southeast China 549
Index 557

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