Poi Rubric

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Developing a transdisciplinary programme of inquiry (2012) , with central idea, key concepts, related concepts, and lines of inquiry included. For the purpose of a schools self



Central ideas

a) There are six central ideas for all grades/year levels (other than 35 year olds). Yes No
b) There are at least four central ideas at each grade/year level for 35 year olds including Who we are and How we express
ourselves. Yes No
c) Each central idea is written as one sentence. Yes No
d) The PYP key concepts have been identified (no more than three) for each unit of inquiry. Yes No

All, or almost all, central ideas are Many central ideas are written in Some central ideas are written in A few central ideas are written in
written in a neutral voice that does a neutral voice that does not a neutral voice that does not a neutral voice that does not
not convey a specific/particular convey a specific/particular value convey a specific/particular value convey a specific/particular value
value of an individual. of an individual. of an individual. of an individual.

All, or almost all, central ideas are Many central ideas are written in Some central ideas are written in A few central ideas are written in
written in such a way to invite such a way to invite student such a way to invite student such a way to invite student
student inquiry, so that a range of inquiry, so that a range of inquiry, so that a range of inquiry, so that a range of
responses is possible. responses is possible. responses is possible. responses is possible.

All, or almost all, central ideas are Many central ideas are relevant to Some central ideas are relevant A few central ideas are relevant to
relevant to the transdisciplinary the transdisciplinary themes to the transdisciplinary themes the transdisciplinary themes
themes under which they have under which they have been under which they have been under which they have been
been placed. placed. placed. placed.

All, or almost all, central ideas are Many central ideas are written in Some central ideas are written in A few central ideas are written in
written in such a manner as to such a manner as to develop such a manner as to develop such a manner as to develop
5 develop conceptual conceptual understanding conceptual understanding conceptual understanding
understanding supported by the supported by the identified PYP supported by the identified PYP supported by the identified PYP
identified PYP key concepts. key concepts. key concepts. key concepts.

All, or almost all, central ideas are Many central ideas are globally Some central ideas are globally A few central ideas are globally
globally significant addressing the significant addressing the significant addressing the significant addressing the
commonalities of human commonalities of human commonalities of human commonalities of human
experience. experience. experience. experience.

Lines of inquiry

a) Three or four lines of inquiry have been identified for each unit. Yes No
7 Yes No
b) The lines of inquiry are written as statements or phrases, not questions, topics or tasks.

In all, or almost all, units the lines In many units the lines of inquiry In some units the lines of inquiry In a few units the lines of inquiry
of inquiry develop understanding develop understanding of the develop understanding of the develop understanding of the
of the central ideas. central ideas. central ideas. central ideas.

In all, or almost all, units the lines In many units the lines of inquiry In some units the lines of inquiry In a few units the lines of inquiry
9 of inquiry offer opportunities to offer opportunities to develop offer opportunities to develop offer opportunities to develop
develop understanding through understanding through multiple understanding through multiple understanding through multiple
multiple perspectives. perspectives. perspectives. perspectives.

In all, or almost all, units the lines In many units, the lines of inquiry In some units the lines of inquiry In a few units the lines of inquiry
10 of inquiry develop understanding develop understanding of aspects develop understanding of aspects develop understanding of aspects
of aspects of the designated of the designated transdisciplinary of the designated transdisciplinary of the designated transdisciplinary
transdisciplinary theme. theme. theme. theme.

In all, or almost all, units the lines In many units the lines of inquiry In some units the lines of inquiry In a few units the lines of inquiry
11 of inquiry are relevant to the are relevant to the experience of are relevant to the experience of are relevant to the experience of
experience of the students within the students within a particular the students within a particular the students within a particular
a particular developmental range. developmental range. developmental range. developmental range.

In all, or almost all, units the lines In many units the lines of inquiry In some units the lines of inquiry In a few units the lines of inquiry
of inquiry are distinctive yet are distinctive yet connected to are distinctive yet connected to are distinctive yet connected to
connected to one another. one another. one another. one another.

In all, or almost all, units the lines In many units the lines of inquiry In some units the lines of inquiry In a few units the lines of inquiry
of inquiry are written in such a are written in such a manner as to are written in such a manner as to are written in such a manner as to
13 manner as to develop conceptual develop conceptual develop conceptual develop conceptual understanding
understanding supported by the understanding of the identified understanding of the identified of the identified PYP key concepts
identified PYP key concepts and PYP key concepts and related PYP key concepts and related and related concepts.
related concepts. concepts. concepts.

Balance and articulation within the programme of inquiry

a) All eight PYP key concepts are represented at each grade/year level. Yes No
b) *There is a balance of PYP key concepts used throughout each transdisciplinary theme. (This does not mean that each key
concept must be represented under each transdisciplinary theme.) Yes No
c) The related concepts are derived from the subject areas and connect to the PYP key concepts. Yes No
d) All the planned science and social studies is incorporated into the programme of inquiry. Yes No
e) The school has mapped its subject-specific scope and sequences with its programme of inquiry. Yes No
f) Two or three PYP subject area focuses are recorded for each unit. Yes No
g) All PYP subject areas are represented within the programme of inquiry at each grade/year level. Yes No

h) There is a balance of PYP subject areas identified to support understanding of each transdisciplinary theme. (This does not
mean that each subject area must be represented under each transdisciplinary theme.) Yes No

All, or almost all, aspects of the Many aspects of the descriptions Some aspects of the descriptions A few aspects of the descriptions
descriptions of the of the transdisciplinary themes of the transdisciplinary themes of the transdisciplinary themes
15 transdisciplinary themes are are explored at some point in the are explored at some point in the are explored at some point in the
explored at some point in the programme of inquiry. programme of inquiry. programme of inquiry.
programme of inquiry.

In all, or almost all, units the PYP In many units, the PYP subject In some units the PYP subject In a few units the PYP subject
16 subject areas identified will areas identified will support areas identified will support areas identified will support
support students understanding students understanding of the students understanding of the students understanding of the
of the central idea. central idea. central idea. central idea.

All, or almost all, units throughout Many units throughout the Some units throughout the A few units throughout the
the programme of inquiry programme of inquiry challenge programme of inquiry challenge programme of inquiry challenge
17 challenge and extend students and extend students and extend students and extend students
understanding. understanding. understanding. understanding.

Note regarding 14b. * Applies only to schools with at least five consecutive grades/year levels

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