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Guess the meanings:

a. Strides b.bilateral c.alleviate d.desalinate e.polity f.reiterate
II. Scanning Read and find the facts:
1. What was the driving force of our freedom struggle according to Dr.Kalam?(para 3)
2. And two aspects emerge... (para3) which are they?
3. Name a few fields in which India has made tremendous progress in the international
4. In para 5 and then throughout the speech Dr.Kalam refers to a second vision, What is
5. Does the writer think that Indians are capable of working towards the second vision?
How do you know? Which sentence says this?
6. What according to Dr.Kalam is Indias policy on Kashmir?
7. We have many challenges in front of us. What are they?
8. Read Para-8. Dr. Kalam discusses the long-term problem of water and suggests two
kinds of solutions. Write a note on that.
9. While achieving the primary goal of solving the water problem, Dr.Kalam suggests
that the water mission should yield three other crucial benefits too. What are they?
10. What according to Dr.Kalam is crucial in achieving the second vision?
11. According to Kalam, nobility comes from our ability to ______
12. What is unique about India?
III. Skimming: Read between the lines (hidden meaning)
1. Dr.Kalam chooses to express his gratitude to people from different walks of life in a
particular order. What logic does he apply in sequencing them?
2. Para7 begins like this We have many challenges infront of us Dr.Kalam sees them
as challenges not as problems. Does viewing them so make any difference?
IV. Studying/Critical reading (Read beyond lines)
1. Towards the end of para 3 Dr.Kalam refers to the sacrifice made by leaders from
different spheres. Can you name at least one from each of the spheres?
2. In para 12, Dr.Kalam talks about role models from Gujarat. Can you name a few such
role models from your own state?
V. Vocabulary:
Write the informal synonyms:
1.toil 2.implies 3.gratitude 4.occur 5.transform 6.alleviate 7.dormant 8.chief
VI. Name the stages of the work on a project by the descriptions given below:
a. Shapping ideas about a project ---
b. Working out details on how to put things into action ----
c. Putting things into action -----
d. Studying the impact of the project -----
e. Preparing the written report analysing what was planned/achieved/not achieved/ reasons
for short fall and lessons for the future -----
VI. Provide one-word beginning with multi
a. A population that speaks many languages ---
b. A country that has many cultures ----
c. Companies that exist in many countries ----
d. A restaurant that offers food cooked in different styles ---

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