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Fighting style: 'Juu No Kata' (Gun Kata)

Prerequisites : Dex. ****, Str **, Firearms ****, Brawl **, Gunslinger ***, (Ambidexterity *** or
Trained Ambidexterity: Pistols **,) Combat Alertness ** and Danger Sense **

Eternal Vigilance (*)

Your character is not only trained to fire first in combat situations, but to ensure that his weapons are
never without ammo. If his gun is drawn, add his Firearms score to his Initiative. Using the merit
'Quick Draw,' he can draw his weapons and fire with increased initiative in the same round. Lastly, the
character has an almost uncanny sense of their weapons, allowing him to reload them as a free action.

Bullet Ballet (**)

The character can move instinctively through a firefight, somehow knowing how to be where the
bullets aren't. His awareness of combat situations is bordering on the supernatural, and as a result, the
character can, while using firearms, fight in low-light to total darkness with no penalty. The PC may
'sense' the location of his opponents out to twice his willpower in meters. This has the added effect of
giving the character a +1 to Brawl or Athletics (Player's choice) in darkness, as well as a +1 to Initiative
rolls in any lighting conditions.

Tread Softly (***)

When facing opponents using firearms, he may add half of his brawl rating to his defense, though only
against attacks by firearms, crossbows,etc., and does not lose his defense while using Gun Kata. His
fluid motion also gives a +1 to all Firearms rolls (Cumulative with other abilities of Gun Kata.)

Statistically Predictable (****)

By both near supernatural instinct and rote study of firefights, the PC simply 'knows' where best to hit
his opponents. As a result, he may add the highest of Intelligence or Wits to his dice pool for Firearms
attacks. (Cumulative with other abilities of Gun Kata.)

Not Without Incident (*****)

The character's senses, reflexes, and instinct have been honed to razor sharpness. The pinnacle of Gun
Kata. The PC is able to move and fire in the full kata, maximizing their lethal zone and minimizing
their own susceptibility to return fire. In game terms, the PC is able to use all of his abilities (* through
****) while targeting 5 different opponents around him. As opponents are removed, he may add one to
the queue as long there are opponents to target and kill. This technique, like all others is used generally
in short range gun combat. The PC is also able to place himself out of harms way, and all ranged fire
towards him is at (PC Dexterity) dice.
Thematically Appropriate Merits for 'Grammaton Clerics'

Time Sense
Emotional Detachment * (Composure **), Asy p50
Ambidextrous *** or Trained Ambidexterity (Pistols) ** (WoD 110; GMC 164; Reach Homebrew)
Athletics Dodge * (Dogs of War, p38)
Trained Observer * or *** (Dogs of War, p38)
Combat Awareness ** (Dogs of War p109)
Danger Sense ** (WoD p108; GMC p162)
Defensive Combat * (GMC p176)
Fast Reflexes * to *** (* or ***) (WoD p110; GMC 162)
Fighting Style Krav Maga * to *****
Fighting Style Martial Arts * to *****
Fighting Style Combat Marksmanship * to ***** GMC 210
Fighting Style Firefight * to *** GMC 176
Gunslinger *** Wod 112
Fighting Style Two Weapons * to ***** WoD 112
Quick Draw * WoD 113; GMC 165

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