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Danielle Guirgis

PSYC 410
Needs Assessment

1. KSAOs I should have after graduating from JMU with a degree in

a. Critical Thinking skills
b. Writing skills
c. Communication skills
d. Computer skills (from my research lab)
e. Reading Comprehension skills
f. Time Management

2. KSAOs that are my strength and an experience that illustrates

that ability or an experience that enhanced that ability
a. Interpersonal skills
b. Leadership skills
c. Schedule Management
d. Organizational Skills
e. Work well under pressure
All of these skills have been enhanced through my experience as
a Student Ambassador. Much of my time in this organization is
spent leading tours and interacting with prospective students
and their parents. I have learned how to use my interpersonal
skills to connect with people and establish relationships. The
organization itself takes up a decent amount of time from my
schedule, but it taught me how to manage my schedule to
maximize the most out of my time. Lastly, giving tours can be a
high-pressure environment because we are representing the face
of the University. But, I found that the more equipped I am to
give a tour the less pressure I feel.

3. KSAOs that are my weaknesses and how I would like to improve

a. Presentation Skills
b. Creativity Skills
i. Creating new solutions
ii. Creating new procedures
c. Conflict Resolution Skills
I think the projects we complete over the course of the semester
will help me to improve upon these skills. The change project
will be good practice for my creativity skills because I will learn
how to create new procedures and solutions that could better an
organization. In regards to my Conflict Resolution skills, working
in a group this semester could be a way to improve these skills.

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