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(As of Oct. 3, 2003)

It was a cold afternoon of January 17, 1969 in Mandaluyong when the TAU GAMMA SI
GMA was formed. Eleven (11) illustrious Political Science female students and m
embers of the Political Science from UP Diliman campus (considered as barkada of t
he Tau Gamma Phi Founders) valiantly embraced the TENETS AND CODES OF CONDUCT.
The Lady Founders are Rosemarie (Rory) Carandang (presently a Justice of the Cou
rt of Appeals); Victoria (Vicky) Sisonte Bataclan (Consul in Hongkong); Lucita (
Babes) Rodriguez (Spokesperson of the Bureau of Internal Revenue); Erlinda (Erl)
Arabejo, Teresita Aguinaldo, Mila Garcia, Rowena Celino Alfonso, Emily Sibulo H
iadini, Nitz Santos, Flery Tesado Tesoro and Luzviminda Tancangco (formerly a CO
MELEC Commissioner). The first batch underwent initiation rites held at Bustos,
Bulacan. Successive batches came in until they reached the number of almost fif
ty members of different courses in UP campus.
Formal organizational structure followed in July 1970 when they had their 1st In
duction cum Ballroom. Despite of the girls very hectic class and activity schedu
les in the campus, the Tau Gamma Sigma (TGS) members managed to formulate polici
es and guidelines for the Sorority and the Constitution. The Initiation Procedur
e was apportioned into eighty percent (80%) mental torture and the remaining twe
nty percent (20%) physical contact.
It is indeed in great pride that the Tau Gamma Sigma members are actively in par
ticipating school activities especially in the Student Council. The sorority wa
s treated as an alter ego image of the Tau Gamma Phi (TGP) and was also deemed a
s a force to reckon within the campus due to their individual achievements.
In 1972, the TGS members dwindled in number due to the following reasons: (1) M
ost of them graduated from college: (2) the recruitment process became too rigid
with the sudden declaration of Martial Law; (3) some transferred to other scho
ols; (4) some went abroad and (5) some had to take on leave of absence for vari
ous reasons.
Consequently, in 1973, the presence of the Sorority faded in the campus. Howeve
r, the Brods did not stop in looking for other means of recruiting new Sorority
members since they cannot live without Sigma. According to the Foundresses, the
brods needed Sorority sisters always at their side; taga-luto, taga-payo, taga-aw
at, taga-gamot, taga-alaga and all the rest of being a taga^ . By late 1973, instea
d of recruiting for the TGS, a Brod (also from UP Diliman) formed the group call
ed Sedarum Saudara , an organization (not a sorority) totally separate and distinct
from TAU GAMMA SIGMA. The UP TGP Brods also called its female members Sis . Memb
ership in this organization did not require initiation rites. They were merely a
sked to submit their application forms with corresponding academic/scholastic ex
cellence records, and then finally subjected for an interview. It was only in 1
981 when UP TGP revived the Tau Gamma Sigma UP Chapter. The revival batch consis
ted of the following: Dinky Ruivivar, Chloe Ceniza, Grace Corachea & Macris Sant
os. Two members of the revival batch come from the Sedarum Saudara.
At present, the original eleven (11) UP founding sisters are now happy with thei
r family and career. Some are either based abroad, or are engaged in their own
businesses and the others are holding top positions in the government.

(Chronology of Interviews: 1) January 11, 2002 w/ Sis Rory Carandang by Sis Cat
hy Orbien, held in Manila Regional Trial Court; 2) March 16, 2002 w/ Sis Vicky B
ataclan by Alumnae from GAUF, AdU, UE, PCCR, PMI, PLM & SPCBA, held in Pantalan
Rest., Manila Bay Seafront; 3) April 6, 2002 w/ Sis Babes Rodriguez during the
2nd Founder s & Alumni Forum held in MMDA; 4) Aug. 20, 2003 w/ Sis Luz Tancangco
by Sis Cathy Orbien & Sis Vilma Cortina held in Comelec Office; and 5) Sept. 24,
2003 w/ Sis Luz, Sis Babes, Sis Rorie & Sis Vicky by Sis Elena, Sis Cathy, Sis
Liza and Sis Mavic held in Barbara s Cuisine, Intramuros, Manila)

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