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Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference 2016

Tecnomatix Plant
Simulation 13
Hands On Workshop
Manufacturing Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software

Release Theme: Productivity

Making Things Easier, Faster, Smarter.

Customers Challenges Plant Simulation 13 Productivity Gains:

Short in Time Saving time while changing conveyor

More projects layout
Shorter project cycles Fast Drag&Dop import of CAD drawings
Increased data volume as 3D floor plan
More need for collaboration Simplified coding of custom controls
Less tool specialists available Automatic compiler tool for migrating
projects to simplified coding syntax
New capabilities for fluid modeling
Result Model
Improved gaming-like navigation in 3D
Operator moving freely on the shop floor
PL wide Look&Feel

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Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference 2016

PLM Theming:
Using the Planning View

PL-wide GUI Theming

Use common PL GUI theme,
first introduced by NX

Fix 3D Planning / Top View

1:1 2D and 3D representation
Easier positioning of objects
Flip back to previous 3D view

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Lesson 1
Activate 2D Planning View in a 3D Window

For some workflows a flat 2D view on a 3D scene can 3

be helpful.
Follow the next steps to activate a fixed 2D view on your
3D simulation model:

1. Open a Plant Simulation model with 3D mode

2. Select or maximize a 3D frame window
3. Select the View ribbon
4. Activate the button Planning View 4
5. The 3D window content will be shown in a fixed top
6. You can pan the scene but no tilting is allowed
7. Deactivating Planning View switches back to the
former full 3D view

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Lesson 2:
Enhanced Conveyor and Line Modelling

Interactive segment manipulation

Easy drag&drop movement of corner points
Curve settings and restrictions are kept
It is now possible to change a curved conveyor

Vertical curves for conveyor lines, EOM tracks etc.

New intuitive segment definition and access through

redesigned segment data structure and definition table

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Lesson 2
2.1 Modifying Extrusion Objects: Line, Track,

A new and easy way of modifying conveyor lines and

track objects has been introduced with version 13

1. Open a 3D window with a conveyor line consisting

of straight and curved segments
2. Right-click the conveyor object and select Show
from the Segments context menu and de-select the
3. The corner points of the conveyor line are displayed
with blue markers

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Lesson 2
2.2 - Modifying Extrusion Objects: Line, Track,

4. Select / pick one of the markers and move the

marker to a new position.
Several conditions keep the general conveyor
layout with its segments:
keep curve settings and tangential angles to next
curved or straight elements
Straight segments next to curved segments can
only be modified in their length
5. From the Segments context menu it is also possible
append a new corner point
edit corner point and line settings dialog based
reverse the moving / driving direction of conveyor
lines and tracks

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Lesson 2
2.3 - Edit Dialog for Line Segments

Editing the segments of line or track objects can also be

done dialog based

1. Open the edit dialog from the lines Segments context 1

2. The dialog provides settings for each new/next segment
how to continue the line layout.
The grey columns X,Y,Z show the corner point 2

these values cannot be defined directly

Row 1 just shows the coordinates and height of the

starting point
Col 1: is the tangential angle between segments n
and n+1
Col 2: is the length of straight segments in m
Col 3: is the curve segment angle
Col 4: is the curve segment radius
Col 5: is a checkbox indicating a vertical curve if set
to true
Col 6: is the height difference between corner points
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3. Example: Change the settings in row 3 for curve angle

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Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference 2016

Lesson 2
2.4 - Vertical Curves for Line, Pipe, Track,...

A new workflow for interactive insertion of vertical

curves of length-oriented objects has been introduced
with version 13.

1. Insert a line object by defining a straight segment 1

with a first and a second left mouse click in a frame
2. Set 45 as default angle in the Line/Arc Parameters 2
3. Press the arrow-up key to initiate a vertical curve up
segment and fix it by clicking the left mouse button
4. Plant Simulation changes to straight segment mode,
now in 45 up direction. Move the mouse to position
the next corner point and fix the point by a left 4
mouse click.
5. Press the arrow-down key to get a vertical curve
down to continue in horizontal mode but on different
6. After setting a vertical curve you can directly add an
additional vertical curve segment by again using the 5
arrow up/down keys.

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Lesson 3
3.1 - New Graphical Types for 3D Store

The new default graphic for a store in 3d is a floorspace

where you can drop material, boxes or palettes.

1. Select a store in the Material Flow tool box and

insert a store
1 2 3
2. By default you will have 3 by 3 storage locations
within of the marked area, according to the x and y
dimension settings for the store 4
3. Changing the dimensions in the store dialog to 2 by
2 will automatically rearrange the locations where
MUs are animated

4. From the Appearance tab of the Edit 3D Properties

dialog of the store you can edit parameter of the
storage area as size and color scheme.

5. You can change the Type to Rack. After adapting to 5

proper rack settings in the dialog (see picture) you
will get a rack storage with 2 by 2 places.

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Lesson 4:
Microstation and Autocad Layout Import

New import of 2D layout files from Microstation and

Autocad (.dgn, .dwg, and .dxf) to 3D

Scaling is taken form the CAD drawing

Enables intuitive model creation on given floor plan

and layout

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Lesson 4:
2D CAD Drawing Import to 3D

A new and easy way of getting a 2D CAD drawing

(Autocad, Microstation) as floor plan into a 3D scene is
based on drag & drop:

1. Select a CAD file in your file browser,

drag & drop the file into a Plant Simulation 3D
2. After dropping the CAD file you will be asked to
which group of graphical objects the drawing shall 2
be added. Select default (external) if you want to
see the drawing also from outside the 3D frame you
are in right now
3. Plant Simulation uses the CAD drawing as texture
on a floor plate, using the CAD length units for 4
proper scaling
4. You can position the drawing either by mouse
interaction or by editing the position attributes in the
3D properties dialog.

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Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference 2016

Lesson 5:
Improved Operator Workflows

Operator walking independent from footpaths

on the shop floor
Automatic recognition of machines and
User definable non-walking areas to control
the area where the operators are allowed to
Automatic shortest path calculation for
between targets on the shop floor

Worker carrying side parts to Assembly stations

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Lesson 5
5.1 - Worker carrying Parts between Stations

This example shows how to use the worker for carrying

parts from one station to an other without using

1. Create a simulation model with two stations,

workerpool, workplaces and broker as shown in the 1
2. Link the broker object to the worker pool
3. Set Travel mode in the worker pool dialog to
Move freely in area

4. Set a link to the broker on the Exit tab of the

left Station SP1
5. Activate Carry Part Away as exit strategy for SP1
6. On the Exit tab of SP1 set the right station, SP2, as
MU target

7. Assure both workplaces are linked to their

associated station
8. This simple example uses the preconfigured
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2016 a worker with this
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9. Run the simulation in real time * 10 and observe the

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Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference 2016

Lesson 5
5.2 - Operator walking around Obstacles

Operator can walk/move freely on the floor, without a

network of footpaths connecting workplaces. Plant
Simulation calculates the shortest possible path to a
destination workplace. Machines, conveyors and other
material flow objects are obstacles the worker cannot
walk through.

1. Set the travel mode in the WorkerPool dialog to

Move freely within area
2. Assure that the WorkerPool and all workplaces can
be reached. A worker always needs more than 70 1
cm space between obstacles (machines,
conveyors, ) to walk through.
3. By pressing the o key for obstacle you can display
the areas around objects that mark the closest 2 3
distance workers may have to a machine or
4. The distance between the two machines is to
for an operator to walk through 4

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Lesson 5
5.3 - Settings for Obstacle Recognition

Objects and graphics in Plant Simulation are obstacles

for freely moving operator. You can choose between the
settings Bounding box and Graphics.

For showing the difference we will change the 3D

graphics of the SingleProc in the class library first.
1. Open the object .MaterialFlow.SingleProc in a new
3D window by
selecting the Open in 3D entry in the context menu.
You can now change the graphical representation of
the SingleProc for instance by adding a rack on the
left side
2. Create a rack shape from the Edit ribbon in the
main window and use the settings as given in
screenshot 3.

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Lesson 5
5.4 - Settings for Obstacle Recognition

3. Position the rack graphic next to the machine on the

left side.
Each SingleProc will now show the etended
graphics with machine and rack geometry
4. Close the 3D window and open a new frame
window 3
5. Insert two SingleProcs into the frame
6. Open the Graphics tab of the 3D properties dialog
for the second SingleProc and change the default
setting for Obstacle for worker to Graphics.
7. Select the 3D window showing the two SingleProcs
and press the key o. Now you see red marked
areas around the machines, the first one as
bounding box around all graphics,
the second as several areas around the single 7
graphics, leaving more space for the moving

8. Press the the o key again for hiding the obstacle


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Lesson 5
5.5 - Barred area for walking operator

You can insert barred areas to prevent a worker from

passing through a certain area on the shop floor.

1. Create a simulation model as shown to the right

(see also lesson 5.1)
2. The operator walks directly between the workplaces 2
linked to the 2 machines
3. Go to the Edit ribbon and select Barred Area from
Insert Shape group
4. Select area form Rectangular with hatching and set 3
area size to 2 by 2 m 4
5. Position the barred area between the workplaces.
The worker will now walk around the barred area.

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Lesson 6:
Fluid Objects Enhancements

Fill level sensors are

supported now

Specific outflow
rates for exiting
pipes at tank
and/or mixers can be

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Lesson 6:
6.1 Working with Sensors on Fluid Tank and Mixer

Sensor methods are now supported for fluid tank and

mixer. Now it is much easier to add your own control
logic to fluid models.

1. Create a simple fluid line as in the picture on the
2. Reduce the outflow rate in the tank to 0.5 l/s
3. Create two sensors and sensor methods for 2
OnLowContent and OnHighContent.
Set the setting Underrun for OnLowContent and
Exceeded for OnHighContent.
This ensures the controls will only be activated in
the corresponding situations.
4. Set the FluidSource.ExitLocked 3
to true in the sensor method OnHighContent
to false in the method OnLowContent.
5. For watching the model behavior please change to
real time mode in the EventController. In addition
add an init method to set the
FluidSource.ExitLocked to false each time you start
a new simulation run.
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Lesson 6:
Completing Fluid Processing Concept

DePortioner Object:
Filling fluids from arriving barrels to pipes or batch

Discrete Fluid Transport:

Move fluids in barrels on standard material flow
like lines or transporters

Vertical Piping:
Use vertical curves for natural piping layout

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Lesson 6
6.2 - Fluid Object: DePortioner

Plant Simulation 13 introduces a new object

DePortioner that converts the fluid content of an
discrete entity into fluid stream.

1. Create a fluid simulation as given in the picture,

composed of
Source, Line, DePortioner, Pipe, Tank and connect
the objects.
2. Set the capacity attribute of the line to 1.
3. Start the simulation in real time mode and you will
see how the tank fills up.
4. Open the DePortioner dialog.
With the default settings each arriving entity delivers
a fixed volume of 1 liter which will be filled with 1l/s
into the outgoing pipe

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Lesson 6
6.3 - Fluid Object: DePortioner, additional Settings

There are 2 additional possibilities for defining the fluid

content per arriving entity

1. Other settings for Fluid depends on are:

2. MU Name:
In the linked mapping table you can define the 2
material type and the amount per arriving MU of a
specific name/type
The material has to be defined in a MaterialsTable
from the Fluid Library.

3. MU Attribute:
Define the attribute names for material type and
material amount, that arriving MUs need to provide.
The value of the material attribute has to be defined
in the materials table used in the DePortioner
object. The volume defined in the amount attribute
will be filled into the outgoing pipe.

In the example 25 l of StandardMaterial will be

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2016 MU of type Entity
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Lesson 7:
Easier SimTalk Scripting Language

Similar to modern languages used in education

Easier programming syntax
Reduced effort of learning and using
SimTalk 2.0 will be the new mainstream
SimTalk 1.0 remains supported in parallel

SimTalk code sample for an exit control:

SimTalk1.0: SimTalk 2.0:

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Lesson 7:
Integrated Compiler/Converter for SimTalk 1.0 to 2.0

Integrated Compiler to translate SimTalk 1.0 to 2.0

automatically on customer demand
Can be used on
single objects, libraries and complete models

User controlled workflows for converting single Methods

and/or a complete models to the new syntax

Use shift-right mouse context menu

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Lesson 7:
The new and modern Syntax

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Lesson 8:
Ease-of-Use with Parametric Graphics

Additional parametric objects have been added to

Plant Simulation 13 stairs, barred areas

An Edit dialog for previously created parametric objects allows

change of sizes
change of olor and material settings

Earlier parametric objects that are still available:
Cube, sphere, cone, box, plates
Safety fence, rack, text, textured plates

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Lesson 8
8.1 Working with Parametric Graphics

New versions of Plant Simulation offer several

parametric objects to populate the 3D scene with
appealing graphics for enriching a 3D shop floor layout.
1. Open a 3D window and create a simple line
2. Open the Edit ribbon and go to the Insert Shape
3. Insert a rack, a stairs and a fence 2
4. By double-clicking the graphics you can open
specific dialogs and edit the graphics parameter.
When using several graphical groups for the
surrounding frame you can select to which graphical
group/layer the geometry will be added
5. From a fence you can interactively delete a 3
complete side or even single sections or elements
of a section.
To do so, 6
- select the fence
- hoover the mouse over e.g. a section
- press the + key one or several times
6. If only one section is highlighted you can delete it by
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Lesson 9:
Manual Assembly Station

Use operator to carry parts to an assembly station: 1

1. Configure the assembly table

2. Use carry part away for the store exit strategy
and define the assembly station as part target
3. Loading and unloading times are defined at the
4. Use a entrance control at the assembly station to
- find a part in the store
- order it
5. The operator will pick the parts and drops them on
the assembly station

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Additional Maintenance Values,

Some examples

Fixed object scaling:

scaling factors are no longer propagated to parts scaled
on a machine machine
Improved coordinate system management
when increasing the modeling pane

Improved workflow for camera path definition

Gaming like walk-through in a 3D model

via (w, a, s, d) keys on the keyboard

New access to coordinate vector:

(xPos := object.coordinates3D.x)

One-click optimization for imported CAD geometries

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Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference 2016

Additional Maintenance Values,

Additional examples

Exit control for the store object has been added

Picking parts from a store by an operator:

carry part away from store is supported now

New SimTalk function findPart()

Applicable for Store, ParallelProc and Container

New method readXMLString() for table

New SimTalk function for easy string handling

Improved handling of 3D material and color settings

copy/paste out of material settings dialog

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Tecnomatix Plant Simulation V13

Version Highlights - April 2016

Dr. Georg Piepenbrock

Siemens Industry Software GmbH

Digital Factory Division

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