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Urban Rebounding

Diet and Workout Planner

urban reb 2-11.indd 1 3/4/11 12:06 PM

Urban Extreme 5 Tastes Diet

Based on The Tao of Balanced Diet 5 Tastes

Rationale the diet is balanced in the following areas:
The 5 Tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and spicy
Each taste corresponds with one or more of the bodys organs
and by including each of these tastes at every meal, you are
feeding your bodys organs so that they are in balance and can
maintain optimal health and function.
Energy level of food, which refers to the bodys natural processes
of bodily growth, repair, and response to disease and infection.
Meals will have a neutral energy balance including foods that
are cold, cool, neutral, warm, and hot. (This does not describe
the temperature of the food, but the energy that the food brings
to the body according to ancient Chinese principles.)
pH balance: each meal is balanced with acid and alkaline foods.
The American diet is heavily acidic. Including more alkaline foods
will ensure that the food is digested quickly and eciently, and that
parasites and microorganisms are less likely to inhabit our digestive
tract and lead to infection and disease.
Macronutrient balance: each meal will contain a balance of
healthy carbohydrates, lean protein, and unsaturated fats.
Carbohydrates will provide fuel for activity, and ber for bowel
regularity and cholesterol-lowering; protein will provide
amino acids for muscle maintenance and repair after workouts;
unsaturated fats will help to lower harmful LDL cholesterol levels
and provide benecial omega-3 fatty acids.

The Urban Extreme 5 Tastes Diet will be complemented with

a daily shake and a Forgotten Foods supplement.
The shake will be consumed after daily workouts to provide hydration
and nutrients for recovery and repair. The supplement will include
vital vitamins, minerals, and herbs that are important for health, but
are commonly lacking in the American diet.

urban reb 2-11.indd 2 3/4/11 12:06 PM

1600 Calorie 5 Tastes Diet
Day 1 Day 2
Breakfast 1/2 c. cooked oatmeal Breakfast 2 eggs, 2 egg whites,
made w/ water w/ mushroom and
and 1/2 Tbsp Earth scallion (use cooking
Balance spread spray)
1/2 banana, sliced 1 whole wheat English
Pinch cinnamon mun w/ 1 Tbsp
4 slices turkey bacon Earth Balance spread
Green tea 15 grapes

Snack 6 oz. 0% Greek yogurt Snack 6 oz. 0% Greek yogurt

and 1 medium w/ 3/4 c. blueberries
Lunch Tofu stir-fry:
Lunch Salad: 3/4 c. extra rm tofu,
3 c. salad greens, tomato, cubed
cucumber, onion 1/2 c. kidney beans
5 oz. grilled chicken 1.5 c. cooked veggies
breast bok choy, sprouts,
10 green olives celery, pepper,
1/2 c. black beans onions - sauted
2 Tbsp low fat dressing w/1 Tbsp sesame oil

Snack 1 medium orange and Snack 1 medium apple and

1 2% string cheese 1/2 c. fat free cottage
Dinner 5 oz. salmon sauted in
1 Tbsp olive oil and Dinner Turkey sandwich:
2 tsp lemon juice, 2 slices Light whole
top w/ parsley wheat bread
2/3 c. cooked brown rice 5 oz. turkey breast meat
1 c. steamed broccoli 1 oz. low fat cheese
1/2 c. boiled carrots Lettuce, tomato, onion,
1.5 c. tossed salad
w/12 almonds
Weightloss Tip #1 2 Tbsp low fat dressing

Keep a food log! A food log can provide a greater sense of self-awareness.
Studies have shown that people who keep food logs are more likely to lose weight
and keep it o long term.

urban reb 2-11.indd 3 3/4/11 12:06 PM

1600 Calorie 5 Tastes Diet
Day 3 Day 4
Breakfast 8 oz. 0% Greek yogurt Breakfast 1/2 c. Kashi GoLEAN
1 c. strawberries, sliced cereal
1 Tbsp scallion 1 c. Fat free cottage
2 Tbsp sunower seeds cheese
1 slice whole wheat 7 walnut halves
bread w/ 1/2 Tbsp 1/2 c. blackberries
Earth Balance spread Pinch cinnamon
Coee Green tea

Snack 20 almonds Snack 1 peach and 6 oz.

0% Greek yogurt
Lunch Vegetarian chili:
3 oz. Boca ground Lunch 5 oz. tuna mixed
crumbles, w/1 Tbsp light
1/4 c. black beans, mayonnaise, celery,
1 c. cooked veggies onions
carrots, celery, Served over
pepper, onion 3 c. salad greens,
cooked in: 1/4 c. chickpeas,
1/2 c. tomato sauce 2 Tbsp dried
1/2 tsp minced garlic cranberries w/2 Tbsp
1 tsp olive oil low fat dressing
Pinch chili pepper
1.5 c. tossed salad Snack 25 peanuts
w/1 Tbsp low fat
dressing Dinner 1/4 c. lentil soup
3/4 c. tempeh stir-fried
Snack 16 cherries and 1 2% w/1 c. eggplant,
string cheese carrots, water
Dinner 6 oz. grilled chicken Cooked in
breast w/ paprika 1 Tbsp sesame oil
1 medium sweet potato and 1 Tbsp soy sauce
w/ 1 Tbsp Earth
Balance spread
1 c. sauted asparagus Weightloss Tip #2
w/ 1 Tbsp olive oil,
pinch salt/pepper Eat regular meals and snacks.
Skipping meals might make you
hungrier so you snack on extra foods or
overeat at meals.

urban reb 2-11.indd 4 3/4/11 12:06 PM

1600 Calorie 5 Tastes Diet
Day 5 Day 6
Breakfast 1 c. fat free cottage Breakfast 2 slices Light whole
cheese wheat bread
3/4 c. blueberries 2 Tbsp hummus
2 Tbsp sunower seeds 1/4 avocado, sliced
1/4 c. Fiber One cereal Top w/ scallion, sprouts,
Pinch cinnamon tomato, cucumber
Coee 1 plum
8 oz. 0% Greek yogurt
Snack 2 tangerines
Snack 30 pistachios
Lunch 1 veggie burger (Boca)
with lettuce, tomato, Lunch Salad:
onion, mustard 3 c. greens, tomato,
1 oz. low fat cheese peppers, cucumber,
1/4 avocado, sliced onion
2 slices Light whole 1/2 c. black beans
wheat bread 5 oz. turkey breast
1 pickle 1 Tbsp olive oil,
1.5 c. tossed salad 1 Tbsp vinegar
w/2 Tbsp low fat 2 Wasa crispbreads
Snack 1/2 c. mandarin orange
Snack 1 cup fat free milk and slices and
20 almonds 1 2% string cheese

Dinner 2/3 c. cooked whole Dinner 1 cup corn

wheat pasta 1 cup kale sauted in
6 oz. turkey meatballs 1 Tbsp olive oil
1.5 cup broccoli and 6 oz. baked ounder-
squash w/Italian dash of salt, pepper,
seasoning cooked in and 2 tsp lemon
1 Tbsp olive oil juice

Weightloss Tip #3
Space your meals throughout the day instead of eating one big meal. That way
your body will burn up the food energy as the day goes on.

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1600 Calorie 5 Tastes Diet
Day 7 Day 8
Breakfast 2 eggs, 2 egg whites Breakfast 2 rice cakes
with mushroom, 2 Tbsp peanut butter
onion, and spinach 1 small banana, sliced
1 whole wheat English Dash cinnamon
mun w/1 Tbsp Mint tea
Earth Balance spread
Snack 6 oz. 0% Greek yogurt
Snack 15 almonds and
1/2 grapefruit Lunch 1 c. vegetable soup
5 oz. turkey breast
Lunch Grilled cheese: 1 oz. low fat cheese
2 slices Light whole 1/4 avocado
wheat bread Tomato, onion, mustard
3 oz. low fat cheese Roll up in leaf lettuce
1/4 avocado, sliced,
tomato, basil leaves Snack 12 cherries and
Olive oil spray 1 2% string cheese
1 c. broccoli sauted in
2 tsp sesame oil Dinner 1 c. tempeh pan-fried
in 1 Tbsp sesame oil
Snack 1 medium apple and 1 Tbsp soy sauce
1/2 c. white beans
Dinner 6 oz. baked salmon, 1 c. broccoli, cauliower,
topped carrots - boiled
w/ 1/4 c. tomato Top w/ parsley
1 c. asparagus, grilled
1 medium sweet potato
w/ 1/2 Tbsp Earth
Balance spread

Weightloss Tip #4
Designate one place in your house where you eat, like the kitchen
table. Dont allow yourself to eat on the couch while watching TV or relaxing. These
are the times when most people lose track of how much they are eating and
tend to over-do it.

urban reb 2-11.indd 6 3/4/11 12:07 PM

1600 Calorie 5 Tastes Diet
Day 9 Day 10
Breakfast 1/2 c. oatmeal prepared Breakfast 3/4 c. part skim ricotta
w/ water cheese
1 sliced peach 1/2 c. strawberries
12 almonds 6 almonds
Pinch cinnamon Pinch cinnamon
4 slices turkey bacon 1/2 whole wheat pita
Green tea Coee

Snack Celery w/ 1.5 Tbsp Snack 1 c. cantaloupe

peanut butter and 15 peanuts

Lunch Caesar salad: Lunch Tuna sandwich:

3 c. romaine lettuce 2 slices Light whole
5 oz. chicken breast wheat bread
2 Tbsp low fat parmesan 6 oz. tuna mixed
cheese w/1 Tbsp light
1/4 c.chickpeas mayonnaise, celery,
2 Tbsp low fat Caesar onions
dressing Lettuce, tomato
1 Wasa crispbread 1 c. baby carrots
w/ 1/4 c. hummus
Snack 1/2 c. mandarin orange
slices Snack 8 oz. 0% Greek yogurt

Dinner Veggie tacos: Dinner 3/4 c. extra rm tofu

1 low carb tortilla 1/2 c. cooked brown rice
(La Tortilla Factory) 1 c. cooked vegetables
4 oz. Boca ground pepper, onion,
crumbles w/chili carrots, tomato
pepper and garlic 1 tsp garlic,
2 Tbsp salsa 1 Tbsp olive oil
1 c. chopped lettuce,
tomato, onion
2 Tbsp low fat sour Weightloss Tip #5
1 oz. low fat cheese Plan to have your snacks when
1/4 avocado you have hunger twinges between
1 c. sauteed spinach meals. Plan on low-calorie, high protein
1 Tbsp olive oil snacks every day, like low fat cheese,
nuts, deli meats, etc.

urban reb 2-11.indd 7 3/4/11 12:07 PM

1600 Calorie 5 Tastes Diet
Day 11 Day 12
Breakfast 1/2 c. Cheerios Breakfast 2 eggs, 2 egg whites
1 c. fat free cottage w/ asparagus,
cheese tomato, onion
1/2 banana Cooking spray
7 walnut halves 1/4 c. salsa
Pinch cinnamon 1 slice rye toast
Green tea w/ 1/2 Tbsp Earth
Balance spread
Snack 1/2 c. fruit cocktail and 6 15 grapes
Snack 15 cashews
Lunch Pizza:
1 Arnolds sandwich thin Lunch 1.5 c. fat free cottage
1/2 c. tomato sauce cheese
3 oz. part skim 3/4 c. mixed fruit
mozzarella cheese pineapple, apple,
8 black olives, sliced mango, berries
Chopped broccoli, 2 Tbsp sunower seeds
mushrooms Pinch cinnamon
1/2 whole wheat English
Snack 1 c. baby carrots mun
w/ 1/4 c. hummus Green tea

Dinner Snack 1 medium apple

6 oz. grilled chicken
Marinated in Dinner 3/4 c. cooked couscous
1/4 c. BBQ sauce 6 oz. trout w/ salt,
1/2 sweet potato pepper, lemon juice
w/ 1/2 Tbsp Earth top w/ parsley
Balance spread 1 c. spinach sauted in
1 c. roasted cauliower 1 Tbsp olive oil
drizzle 1 Tbsp and garlic
olive oil, pinch salt,

Weightloss Tip #6
Eat slowly. Take time to enjoy what youre eating. Put your fork down between
bites, have sips of water between bites, eat with a friend and enjoy conversation.
Avoid eating your meals in tense or hectic places.

urban reb 2-11.indd 8 3/4/11 12:07 PM

1600 Calorie 5 Tastes Diet
Day 13 Day 14
Breakfast 8 oz. 0% Greek yogurt Breakfast 2 slices Light whole
1/2 c. blueberries wheat bread
12 almonds 1/4 c. hummus
Pinch cinnamon 1/4 avocado, sliced
1/2 whole wheat English Top w/ sprouts, tomato,
mun w/ 1/2 Tbsp pepper, onion
Earth Balance spread 1 2% string cheese
Snack 1/2 c. mango w/ 1/2
Snack 1 1/4 c. honeydew c. fat free cottage
melon cheese

Lunch 1 c. split pea soup Lunch 3 c. greens with tomato,

w/ carrots, celery, cucumber, carrots,
salt, pepper onion
2 c. tossed salad 1/4 c. kidney beans
w/ 1 oz. low fat 5 oz. turkey breast
cheese, 7 walnuts, 15 peanuts
and 2 Tbsp low fat 10 green olives
dressing 2 Tbsp low fat dressing

Snack 30 pistachios Snack 1/2 c. part skim ricotta

cheese w/ pinch of
Dinner 1/2 c. cooked whole cocoa powder
wheat pasta
6 oz. salmon pan-fried Dinner Chicken quesadilla:
in 1 Tbsp sesame oil, 1 low carb whole wheat
dash salt, pepper, tortilla
and basil leaves 5 oz. grilled chicken
1 c. steamed broccoli breast
rabe 1 oz. low fat cheddar
1/4 c. black beans
1/4 c. mushrooms and
Weightloss Tip #7 1/4 c. salsa
1 c. asparagus sauted in
Measure or weigh foods until 1 Tbsp olive oil
youre accustomed to portion sizes.

urban reb 2-11.indd 9 3/4/11 12:07 PM

1600 Calorie 5 Tastes Diet
Day 15 Day 16
Breakfast 1 c. fat free cottage Breakfast 1/2 c. Special K cereal
cheese 3/4 c. blackberries
1/2 c. pineapple 12 almonds
7 walnut halves 8 oz. 0% Greek yogurt
Pinch cinnamon Pinch cinnamon
1 slice rye bread Green tea
Green tea
Snack 2 Wasa crispbread
Snack 1/2 banana and w/ 1/4 c. hummus
1 Tbsp peanut butter
Lunch Vegetarian chili:
Lunch Tempeh sandwich: 4 oz. Boca ground
2 slices Light whole crumbles
wheat bread 1/4 c. kidney beans
1 c. baked/grilled 1.5 c. cooked veggies
tempeh carrots, celery,
1 tsp light mayonnaise pepper, onion
Lettuce, tomato, onion Cooked in:
1 c. cooked string beans 1/4 c. tomato sauce,
1/2 tsp minced
Snack 1 2% string cheese garlic, 1 tsp olive oil,
pinch chili pepper
Dinner 1 c. boiled edamame Celery w/ 1 Tbsp peanut
(in pod) butter
1 c. cooked carrots and
Snack Small tangerine and two
5 oz. broiled mackerel 2% string cheeses
w/pinch salt and
pepper Dinner 6 oz. turkey meatloaf
w/celery, onion, salt,
garlic, basil
1 c. broccoli sauted in
1 Tbsp sesame oil
Weightloss Tip #8 and garlic
1/2 c. boiled carrots
Eat a wide variety of foods to
keep your diet interesting. Its boring to
eat the same foods all the time.

urban reb 2-11.indd 10 3/4/11 12:07 PM

1600 Calorie 5 Tastes Diet
Day 17 Day 18
Breakfast 2 slices Light whole Breakfast 1 egg, 4 egg whites w/
wheat bread diced onion, red
2 Tbsp peanut butter pepper, celery
1 small banana, sliced cooked in
Dash cinnamon 2 tsp olive oil
Mint tea 1 slice whole wheat
bread w/ 1/2 Tbsp
Snack 1 medium apple Earth Balance spread

Lunch Snack 8 oz. 0% Greek yogurt

Turkey burger:
Arnolds Sandwich Thin
5 oz. lean turkey burger Lunch Tuna melt:
1 oz. low fat cheese 2 slices Light whole
Lettuce, tomato, onion, wheat bread
mustard 6 oz. tuna w/2 Tbsp light
1 c. sauteed spinach mayonnaise, celery,
1 Tbsp olive oil onion
Top w/1 oz. low fat
Snack 20 almonds cheese and tomato
Dinner Greek salad: 1.5 c. tossed salad
3 c. romaine lettuce 1 Tbsp low fat dressing
8 black olives, sliced
Snack 15 grapes and
1 c. chopped cucumber,
tomato, onion 25 peanuts
5 oz. grilled chicken
1 oz. low fat feta cheese Dinner 1 c. lentil soup
2 Tbsp low fat dressing w/ black pepper
1/2 whole wheat pita 1 Boca burger
1 c. broccoli sauted
in 1 Tbsp sesame oil
1/2 c. boiled
red cabbage
Weightloss Tip #9
Drink at least 64 oz. of water
per day. Sometimes dehydration can
come across as hunger.

urban reb 2-11.indd 11 3/4/11 12:07 PM

1600 Calorie 5 Tastes Diet
Day 19 Day 20
Breakfast 1 c. fat free cottage Breakfast 8 oz. 0% Greek yogurt
cheese 3/4 c. sliced strawberries
3/4 c. Cheerios 2 Tbsp sunower seeds
12 almonds Pinch cinnamon
Pinch cinnamon 1 slice whole wheat
1 small plum bread w/ 1/2 Tbsp
Tea or coee Earth Balance spread
Green tea or coee
Snack 15 cherries and
4 oz. 0% Greek Snack 1 medium orange with
yogurt 1/2 c. fat free cottage
Lunch Cobb salad:
3 c. romaine lettuce Lunch Veggie pizza burger:
1/2 c. diced tomato and 1 Arnolds Sandwich Thin
green onion 1 veggie (Boca) burger
1/4 avocado, sliced 1 oz. part skim
1 oz. low fat blue cheese mozzarella cheese
5 oz. turkey breast 2 Tbsp tomato sauce
2 Tbsp low fat dressing Top w/ basil leaves
1/2 whole wheat pita 1 c. broccoli sauted in
1 Tbsp sesame oil
Snack 100 calorie mini-bag
popcorn and Snack Celery w/ 1 Tbsp peanut
10 peanuts butter

Dinner Chicken burrito: Dinner Baked chicken

1 whole wheat low carb parmesan:
tortilla 5 oz. chicken breast
6 oz. chicken breast Bake w/ 1/4 c. tomato
1/2 c. black beans sauce and 1 oz. part
1/4 c. salsa skim mozzarella
1/4 c. lettuce cheese
1/2 c. peppers and onion 1 c. spinach sauteed
sauted in w/ 1 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp olive oil, and 1/2 tsp garlic
dash salt/pepper 1 oz. whole wheat roll

urban reb 2-11.indd 12 3/4/11 12:07 PM

1600 Calorie 5 Tastes Diet
Day 21
Breakfast 2 eggs w/ tomato,
Diet Principles
mushroom, scallions
Eat three meals every day at the
1 whole wheat English
same times. Stick to a regimented
mun w/ 1 Tbsp
schedule, with no exceptions.
Earth Balance spread
1/2 grapefruit You are what you eat if you ll your
body with healthy, nutritious foods,
Snack 2 plums and you will be healthy.
1 2% string cheese
Eat foods in their natural state as often
Lunch 2 slices Light whole as possible.
wheat bread
Drink at least 8 cups of liquids per day
6 oz. canned salmon
but consume these before and after
w/ 2 Tbsp light
meals, not during meals. Make sure to
mayonnaise, celery,
hydrate during workouts!
1.5 c. tossed salad Choose organic, minimally processed
1 Tbsp low fat dressing foods, wild sh, and free-range
poultry whenever possible.
Snack 6 oz. 0% Greek yogurt
w/ cocoa powder If no oil is indicated in the meal plans,
use olive oil cooking spray.
Dinner 3/4 c. extra rm tofu
Feel free to use herbs/spices liberally
1/4 c. black beans
to add avor to meals.
1.5 c. cooked veggies
bamboo shoots, If you prefer not to eat tofu/tempeh
water chestnuts, substitute 3-4 ounces of lean protein
carrots, onion, (chicken, turkey, sh) .
broccoli sauted in
1 Tbsp sesame oil All Greek yogurt is 0% and plain (not
fruited). An acceptable substitute is
Dannon Light n Fit (these are fruit-

urban reb 2-11.indd 13 3/4/11 12:07 PM

NRGX Labs Sports Supplements
Sublime Whey - Incredible Tasting Protein Powder
28 Grams of Ultra-Pure Whey protein concentrate and Micro-
Filtered Whey Protein isolate
100% Gluten, Casein and Aspartame free
Infused with Inulin, Sunower Oil & Fiber
Keeps you fuller longer with Inulin One scoop lls you up like a
meal without all the added calories
Mixes instantly with a spoon no clumps
Rich and creamy milkshake taste no protein aftertaste!

Extreme Greens Vitamin

Xtreme Greens provides the nutrient equivalent of over 2.2lbs
of organic green vegetables in each three, EZ to swallow capsule
serving size
Rids your body of harmful toxins with all natural super foods
Increased nutrient absorption of everyday food (means proper
usage of food; not stored as fat!)
pH balanced formula to aid in absorption and to balance your
bodies natural levels; Xtreme Greens works with your body and not
against it.
Improved digestion
Natural boost in energy thats healthy; its like getting a B12 shot of energy
Increases your bodies recovery process to aid in being less sore after a workout & and
being ready for the next workout!
Boost your immune system to ght of sickness
Caeine and Gluten Free

Rapid Recovery - Delicious Power Drink

Awesome taste and instant mixability PLUS itll stay mixed with no clumps in your
water bottle
4:1 Ratio of Carbohydrates and Micro-Filtered Isolate Protein this ratio is the perfect
blend that your body needs after or during extreme workouts!
Clinical studies showed it most strongly regenerated energy needed for anaerobic
performance AKA: Quick twitch muscle energy, which is needed
for power movements in weight training, sprinting, hockey, football,
baseball, golf etc.
Enhances the bodys ability to generate and regenerate ATP for
SLAMMING muscle performance!
Facilitates VITAL oxygen delivery to working muscle tissue.
Increasing V02 Max!!
Minimize post-exercise muscle soreness, rebuild muscle tissue and
restore muscle glycogen
100% Gluten-Free, Aspartame Free and MSG Free

urban reb 2-11.indd 14 3/4/11 12:07 PM

Urban Rebounding URX-MT Workout Schedule


Metabolic Interval and Circuits
with Gregg Cook

Total Body Metabolic Strength

Tuesday Conditioning with Gay Casper

Core Metabolic Cardio
with Patrick Goudeau

Boot Camp Metabolic Intervals
with Amy Bento

Extreme Metabolic Cardio Blast

Friday with JB Berns

Rest & Recovery

urban reb 2-11.indd 15 3/4/11 12:07 PM

Workout Schedule Urban Rebounding URX-MT


Cardio Metabolic Circuit
with Greg Sims

Poly Performance Metabolic

Tuesday Plyometric Circuits with Keli Roberts

Metabolic Interval and Circuits
with Gregg Cook

Total Metabolic
Strength Conditioning
with Gay Gasper

Extreme Metabolic Cardio Blast

Friday with JB Berns

Rest & Recovery

urban reb 2-11.indd 16 3/4/11 12:07 PM

Urban Rebounding URX-MT Workout Schedule


Metabolic Strength Cardio
Interval with Patrick Goudeau

Kick Box Metabolic Interval

with Amy Bento

Cardio Metabolic Circuit
with Greg Sims

Maximum Metabolic Interval
with Keli Roberts

Extreme Metabolic Cardio Blast

Friday with JB Berns

Rest & Recovery

urban reb 2-11.indd 17 3/4/11 12:07 PM

JB Berns Fun Fitness Programs

The Perfect Martial Arts Workout

Strengthen your balance and coordination abilities as well
as focus and discipline. This martial arts workout is made
up of a series of time-tested exercises developed over 300
years ago and have not changed since then. They are fun
and can be performed everyday.

The Cableflex Personal Gym

Get the power of Flex appeal! With the CableFlex
Personal Gym, you will build muscle mass, tone, sculpt
and even burn fat! With CableFlex, youre in control
and the results speak for themselves.

Rehab Your Body At Home

This Mega-DVD includes seven 30 minute workouts which
will turn your body into a rehabilitation machine.

Fitness Quick and Easy

These seven workouts burn fat and build muscle mass,
tone without weights props or equipment. Enjoy the
freedom to improve your tness level anywhere, anytime.

The Urban Rebounding

Group Exercise Program
These 20 videos make up a library of DVDs
that feature the Urban Rebounder. With these
workouts, you will have fun, burn fat and calories
all with low impact on your joints.

urban reb 2-11.indd 18 3/4/11 12:08 PM

Fitness Gear
The Urban Rebounder
Work out with JB Berns on this fun, safe
rebounder unit. Bounce your self to a
stronger healthier you!

Stability Sand Weights

Bar Further enhance your Rebounding
workout by adding extra resistance
Use this with these durable
Stability Bar in Sand Weights.
with the
for additional

Resistance Bands
Increase your workout and strength training
with these resistance bands. These bands are
designed to hook up to the Urban Rebounder.

Cableflex Unit
The Cableex was originally designed by JB Berns for Jackie Chan and his
Stunt Team.
urban reb 2-11.indd 19 3/4/11 12:08 PM

JB Berns

Amy Bento
Gregg Cook

Greg Sims

Gay Casper Patrick Goudeau

Keli Roberts All rights reserved. Consult with your doctor before beginning this diet plan
or any exercise routine. The creators, producers, participants and distributors of this publication and
any videos/DVDs promoted in this publication do not assume liability for loss in connection with the
exercises and/or instructions contained herein.

urban reb 2-11.indd 20 3/4/11 12:08 PM

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