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Metacognitive Rubric

Control of Attitude and Preparation for Study
1 2 3 4 5
Strong external External locus of Sometimes accepts Has internal locus of control, Has strong internal locus of
locus of control, control, Often responsibility, takes responsibility for control, takes full
Blames others for blames others for Sometimes blames success and failures responsibility for success
lack of success; lack of success; others for lack of and failures;
Has no goals Has unrealistic Has unrealistic goals Sets realistic goals and Sets realistic goals and
goals and no plans or vague plans to makes plans to achieve them makes concrete, written
to achieve them achieve goals plans to achieve them
Always needs Usually needs Often needs Is self directed or regulated Is very self directed or
direction. Does not direction. Seldom direction. Sometimes and usually completes regulated and completes
complete distasteful completes completes distasteful distasteful tasks or tasks for distasteful tasks or tasks for
tasks or tasks for distasteful tasks or tasks or tasks for which the drive is not present which the drive is not
which there is no tasks for which which there is no present
drive there is no drive drive
Has no sense of time Has a vague idea of Understands the Has an effective time Has a well developed,
management how to manage importance of time management system and uses effective time management
time management but has it most of the time. system and uses it regularly
no system or does not
implement a plan
Does not care about Sometimes tries to Tries to do well but Usually strives to do well Always strives to do well;
success. Has a do well, but has a has trouble keeping a and retains a positive controls attitude with
negative attitude. negative attitude. positive attitude. Has attitude. Manages stress. positive self talk; manages
Very stressed. Is experiencing trouble with stress. stress effectively
Metacognitive Rubric
Selection and understanding of appropriate information
and processes presented in a learning situation
1 2 3 4 5
Never refers to the Seldom refers to Uses the syllabus At the beginning of the At the beginning of the
syllabus or does not the syllabus regularly to stay semester, reviews the syllabi semester, uses the syllabi
have the syllabus current with his/her from all classes to get a from all classes to make a
coursework semester overview. Uses the semester plan of study. Uses
syllabus regularly to stay the syllabus regularly to stay
current with his/her current with his/her
coursework and to plan for coursework and to plan for
exams and projects. exams and projects well
Never previews Seldom previews Sometimes previews Usually previews textbook Regularly previews
textbook and other textbook and other textbook and other and other material before textbook and other material
material before material before material before going going to class. Usually before going to class.
going to class. going to class. to class. Sometimes identifies areas of difficulty Regularly identifies areas
Cannot identify Seldom identifies identifies areas of with the material and of difficulty with the
areas of difficulty. areas of difficulty difficulty with the develops questions before material and develops
with the material, material,. going to class. questions before going to
No notes Notes are scattered Has organized notes; Has good note taking skills; Has excellent note taking
and unorganized; Differentiates Notes are well organized; skills; Uses a formal system
Main idea is not between main and Uses in class cues to guide (like Cornell notes) to
differentiated from subordinating ideas; note taking; Differentiates organize ideas; Uses in class
verbal and non verbal cues
subordinating Uses in class cues to between main and
and key words to guide note
ideas; No guide note taking; subordinating ideas; Includes taking; Differentiates between
examples; Illegible Includes examples in examples in notes , Legible main and subordinating ideas
notes; Legible clearly; Includes good
examples in notes; Legible
Metacognitive Rubric
Acquisition (cont'd)
Selection and to Recall Information
understanding of and Processes
appropriate information 5
1 2 3 4
and processes
;Doesnt study at all ;Does not have a
presented inDesigns
Has a plan of study
a learning situationDesigns and regularly uses
and uses a study
1 2 3 4 5
study plan that he or she usually plan that spaces learning an efficient study plan that
Does not have or Cannot differentiate implements main
Differentiates Has good textbook reading
tasks and study times spaces learningtextbook
Has excellent tasks and
does not read main idea from idea from skills; Understands
throughout how the
the semester, reading skills; Understands
study times throughout the
textbook subordinating ideas. subordinating ideas. textbook is organized;
allowing time for reviewHasand how the textbook
semester, allowingissufficient
Has problems with Notes examples. developed a marking system;
repetition of material and organized; Has developed
time for multiple review and
charts, graphs, and Might have problems Integrates textbook with
processes. an efficientofmarking
repetition material and
pictures. Does not with charts, graphs, class notes; Usually selects system; Integrates textbook
mark text. Cannot and pictures. Marks and understands pertinent with class notes; Selects
Never reorganizes Rarely reorganizes Sometimes Often reorganizes Regularly reorganizes
select or understand text. Sometimes information in the textbook; and understands pertinent
information in ways information in ways reorganizes information in ways that are information in ways that
pertinent cannot select or Differentiates main idea information in the
that are more that are more information in ways more meaningful to the are more meaningful to the
information in the understand pertinent from subordinating ideas. textbook; Differentiates
meaningful to the meaningful to the that are more student; Often creates student; Creates effective
textbook; information in the Notes examples. main idea from
student; Never student; Rarely meaningful to the effective study aids; study aids; Summarizes
textbook; Understands and can use subordinating ideas. Notes
creates effective creates effective student; Sometimes Summarizes material material effectively and
charts, graphs, and pictures examples. Understands and
study aids; Never study aids; Rarely creates effective effectively. regularly.
as well as text. can use charts, graphs, and
summarizes material summarizes study aids;
pictures as well as text.
material Sometimes
Never uses Seldom uses Sometimes uses
summarizes material Often uses resources Always uses multiple
resources. or does resources beyond resources (instructor, (instructor, tutors, supporting resources (instructor, tutors,
Never reviews and Sometimes reviews Reviews and Reviews and practices Over learns material;
not check on his/her the classroom. tutors, supporting materials, study groups, etc) supporting materials, study
practices material and practices practices material material regularly, Reviews and practices
level of Seldom checks on materials, study to make sure of his or her groups, library materials,
material Differentiates what he or she material regularly,
understanding his/her level of groups, etc) to make understanding of the etc) to make sure of his or
doesnt know from what he Differentiates what he or
understanding sure of his or her material. her understanding of the
or she knows she doesnt know from
understanding of the material.
what he or she knows
Metacognitive Rubric
Ability to Demonstrate Understanding of Information and Processes
1 2 3 4 5
Thur, 03 Sep 2009
hasto predict Has few test taking
Is unsuccessful in Uses test taking
Attempts to predict and Effectively usestotest
Is usually able taking
accurately Effectively and
Is able to accurately
Dorothy Williams <>
ineffective test taking
what will be on the techniques or uses
predicting possible techniques and tries
practice potential to
exam techniques and adjusts
predict and practice regularly uses test
predict and practice
exam them
exam ineffectively
questions adjust techniques
questions to the
before the test techniques to the
potential exam questions taking
assessment situation. assessment situation.
before the test and practice and effectively
questions well before
retrieval. adjusts
the text techniques
and practice to
the assessment
Does not attempt to Applies Sometimes knows when Usually knows when to Always knows when
Cannot recall
apply appropriate Has few or no
inappropriate Sometimes uses
to apply appropriate Effectively uses strategies
apply appropriate processes Effectively uses a
to apply appropriate
processes or strategies
processes for
or recall of strategies
processes toor recall
information to
or recall information
information (example, variety
processes of or
information information
information information
(example, knows when knows when to use the to recall
Makes no attempt to Rarely analyses Sometimes analyses
to use the appropriate Usually analyses
appropriate formula or Always
(example, analyses
analyze or adjust performance on performance
formula or on performance
methodology)on academic performance
when to use the on
performance. academic tasks; academic
methodology)tasks and tasks and modifies study or academic
appropriate tasks and
Rarely modifies study sometimes modifies test taking strategies successfully
or methodology)
Does not attempt to or test taking
Is unable to transfer study or test taking
Is sometimes able to Is able to transfer and modifies study or
Easily transfers and
transfer and integrate strategies
and integrate strategies
transfer and integrate integrate knowledge from test taking strategies
integrates knowledge
knowledge from one knowledge from one knowledge from one one source to another from one source to
source to another source to another source to another another
Can not control stress Has no techniques to Attempts to use Uses successful and Regularly uses
during assessments control stress during techniques to control appropriate techniques to successful and
assessments stress during control stress during appropriate
assessments, but they assessments techniques to control
are not always stress during
successful and assessments

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