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The Art and Science

The Art and Science

Third Edition
, .
(With over 1250 if!usfraOOnSJ

4805124, Bharat Ram Road, Oarya Ganj,
NewOelhi 110002
Orthodontics The Art and Scienca

I5IEdilioll : June 1991

2ndEdilioo : J\IIe 1999
l'lI Edition : 0cI0bef 2003
Repmt : Fe\:t1Jary 2004
~ Re~ wi., publsh.

Exc:IIJIMI ~Ilts re,erved by kya (MEDQ Putjls/"ing House . New Dell1i lor
Pl'tj o::alQn, prorno!ion, di5!rlbu6on and export, .

AI ~Is reservtd. 11 r*1 of!lit PI' bicOOm i'I ~ and !hI d"lIIJaTIlln
pallieUar may be "Polluted (I trlVl$fJ"itled In any form (I bV any mlliIf"IS,
el!cttlllc, rneet\8IIlcaI, pt~, rec:ading 01 any Informallon sttngo!
..cI reIIIe"<II spllnI. Mthout thI!I ~ written p!!m1is1im of thI!I P1d1her.

NO CMI-iron guarantee is gM!n thaillU book is tolllly he from emn of <11'1,

kind. KIlere are emn, t>ey ninspite ofourbe5tllIortI. The arthof or HIe n:ltbe ~ IorthlMlri1lMdedeo:tm.

PubD$hId by :
Mr. Sudhif I(~ Nie
lor Aryl (M EDI) PubII'~ lng House,
481Y.r'24. ella-III Ram Road.
DIIr)'a Garpolew Delli. 110002.
H Authors

Dr. Uh:lhlpi Sundaresa Iyyer

Qrthodonlisl, Minislry of Healih,
Stale 01 Kuwait

Assistant Professor
Department of ~tics
CoIlegfl ofDootal StJl9ef)'. Mangalore
(A unit of Manipal Acatlemy of Higher Educatloo)

Dr. ~113 Iyyt't llhabljhi

Orthodontist, Miidstry of Health,
State of Kuwait
Assistant Professor
Department 01 Orthodontics
College 01 Dental Surgery, MangalorB
(A LIlil of Manipal Academy of Higher Education)

.1'" Contributol'~
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SIlled ";;....
The eagerness an the part of the graduating dentist~ to know more about
Orthodontic5 and the lockof on all encompassing bookw05 the driving force
thol led me to author the fi,,1 edilion of thi' teX) book of Orthodontics . Six
year.>, two editions and numerous reprint5, have encouraged me to come up
with this third ediliOf'l.
Orthodontics is a dynamic fie ld with changes occurrirlg at a rapid
pace Orthodontics is much more than a cosmetic fie ld of DentistJY. Recent
interest in tile biochemicol and cellu lar aspects of tooth movement have
proved beyond doobt that Onhodontics is a specialization that qpplies the
principles 01 b iology as we ll 05 e nginee ring. Orthodontics is o lso kee n to
adapt new technology to aid in imaging, diagnosis and treatment deliveJY.
The new lechnologie, and a brooder understanding of the biological and
mechon ical aspects of toolh movement have removed mony of the limitotions
of orthodontiC tre<1tment. The rap id improvements and odvonces ploce a
tremendous p ressure on the outnors to frequenfly update and revie w lhe
book.lth05 been myendeavor to bring to yo<; some oIlheseodvonces_
The Ihird edition of this book adopts a friendly two color form<>1
followed intcrnolionally by most IJublishers. hl effort has been made to
imprave Ihe overall quality of rhe illustratiOlls which have been pain,takingly
redrawn and enhanced using th" lolest ovoilob le 5Oftwore. We have al50
added 0 number of clinica l photographs 10 enable easy understanding of the
. ubiec/.
I rema in ever grateful 10 my leoclle r Or. '/.Surendra Shelly lor his
valuable guidance over Ihe years. I would also like 10 thonk Mr Sudhir Kumar
kya, the publisher of Ihis book lor hi5 whole hearted support in this endeavor.
I hope thi5 book ;5 accepted and appreciated by the dental community.

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H Contents l::-?-jl~ J I".~ .....4J ;:..!lI
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i.b..i-?- t"

Section 1 Introduction

Section 2 Growth and development

Sectloo 3 Occlusion & Malocclusion

Section 4 Diagnosis
Se<:tion 5 Biomechanics

Section 6 Preventive & intarceptiva Orthod ontics

Section 7 Spece Gaining

Section 8 Orthodontic AppI lanc8fI

Section 9 Corrective Orthodont lct

Open Bi\e

of Deep Bile

Section 10 Surgical Orthodontics Be Retention and relapse

Section U Miscellaneous

rri,CKiontK:' is Ina! bfOoch of dontW..., been ~ted b'! I"d>eologi,b from round 11.0
conco rne d with pr" v" M ion , ...,..jd ird uding Eg lP/, G,u e. end Me>.i co.
in t~ ,c " pt i on ond co rr octlo n of No rme l ol ig nm M t o f t " ~ th no t o nly
maloccl"' ior\ ond other o b.norroo liliet of the con/,ibutes 10 tfle oroI "I!(l fth but also gOM" ~
denlo-loDol region. The word Mhoo:!ontic, '" WOY '" me overoll W(lll ond PfI.>oooirty 01
detNod ffOm ... Greek words onhO$ meonirg on iodivid...ol. Correct to01h pO$d,on i$ on
coned and odonIos mooning leerh. The Itrm im~rton1 loel0' for 8$1he~cs. fvndion ond 10<
OrI/Iodoo,!ics WCI' ~m coiroed by Ie Felon. """",II ~lionorres1omlion 01 denial heoI1h.
In 1922, ..... British Soc;e'Y for the Slud, of VIhiIe ""'" moIocdusiono may no! odveroely oIIecr
OrThodontics no. defi "", d ,n.. specio l,!, 0 ' , the he.olth oi an ind ,.id IJCI. t!.ey ne-"'ele$$ o,e
'Onhocio<1tia ind u"",, the <Iud, of th"ijrowtn ond ca poblG of produ cing ~'iro t> . fundic l'l(l l c nd
cIo-telop"'''''' cJ tho iow, and Ioes pc r!icu"' ~y. e,l hetic imbo lonces. Th o fcll owing ole lOme of
oro the boo:ty 1I"""",lfy o. infl .... ncing the IlOItion the unfavovrcble "",,""Ole of moloed ...""'.
01 rho: Ioelh; tho .judy 01 odion end reader. 01
inte. nol ond ule rnol intluenco, on the
~pment ond th .. p,,,,,,,,,,,on a nd .:onlldO> Malocdu$lOfl i$(IIpr;rblo oIodY=eIy ofIectrng !he
01 orTe>led and pe.-led development.' Iodal appcorcnar of an ind,,<!uat
Men ho. ,,,cog ni.ed II." pre","" of
demolo clol dIllorm i!;". or>d the Mod /.,.. il> RIsk of urI"
InIOtmont Ctotu,i., 00d<. Crud" oppli oroces !fla t Mo loli gn mont of teoth ma ke. o re l h, gic no
_ seemi ng ~ oo.igoo<! b rog ukllel TOo Ioeth r.:rve moinle ""roce a dilf"rcu lt to .l , thelett,- iroc"",.i ng
F;g I I ~ ... u'" ' a...J
,",,,,,,to""" , i''-",u'
0'>0 orowd" , ," , k. "" I "1'9 '"
>,00_ to (00<.
Ro 2 toci' lila' O(o , ~ ..,oc;"", oro 01 0","" ,Ok
01 <- iJrl ..,<I<> boO ... . " n.t~oI ~

th~ ri, k of corie, {fig I) . Tempe ro mandlbul"r JoInt problems

Mo locclu s io n a "oc iat e d w;th occl uo a l
PredIsposition to periodontal dluase.
promaturiti e, and deep bite a,e believ. d to be a
Mo lo<;cI <I$ ion a'-SOCiotW with poo< oro l hyg io oo Cau l. of TMJ pro ble m uch a s pain a nd
;, 0 f,~qve nt cou 'e of p"rioc/onlo l di"," " , e" In d ysfunction .
odd;t;on , teeth tho t are ploced in abno rm ol
po, iti o n, can b-o a cou,," for trourna t", occlusion AIMS OF ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT
with ,,," ultant perbdonta l jj"U " da mog e.
Tf", a im. a nd o bieCtives of o rthodonti c therapy
P$ycho/ot 'c,,' dIsturbances hove beM su mmor ise d by Jod,on a s tho
Ma l ac d ~, i on th a t a d v"" e ly a Hects th e Jock""", '$ tri"" , Th e three main o biecti.e. of
nppea rooc. of person leads to p,ycholog ica l orthodonti c treatment 0'-" .
di, turOOnce.. Un ' ;ghtly ap p-co 'aoco of teeth a, Fundio nal efficiency
mole. a P"'''''''' high ly n<Ciou , nnd tum s b. Structurol bo lonce
him into on in tro \"e n . Thu, tr eatm e nt a f c, E, theHc; ha ,mony
m<l locd u>ion in , ud, poti . rrls kel ps in imp,ov ir>g The orIhodonti. t shOO d . t,"" '0 " ch";ve tf"" .
the mental wo ll oong ond confid ence, th ",. mo in obi ed i. es of treatment.

Risk of trauma Functlon,,' efficIency

Teeth tMt oro ",,,,,,,"y p'oclined a re at a hi;J h ,;.,I: Mony mo locclusionl offect r<>Imol fundion ir>g of
of injury e<peeio lfr- d urng play or by on occidenta l the , to matog f)(J thic system. Th e orthodo nHc
fa ll (fig 21, treatm e nt .r.o uld thus a;m o t imp,o. ing th .
funcHo ni ng of the orofocial op pomtus.
Abnormalities of function
Many mo lo<;o lu ";on , cou,e ab<1om1a lity in th e Structural balance
flJl"l<:tioning 0/ too ,tomolog r<Jthi c 'ystem , tiC h a. The orofrxiol.-eg <>n comi!!. 01 too dentoa ~ '
imp 'op<!< deglv\ition , deled ' in spee-:::h, im prop<: r .yst~m, , f", >keletol ti" ue ond th e soft ti ss ue
r. 'Piro tion, etc.,.
idea l locati ons by opplying op-propriote force on
thom. Ma, t ma loco lu>i on , in.o lving ' he de nta l
' ystem can be effe<:ti.ely trealed by r,..wing !eeth

Functiona l efficiency
so a , ta normal i", t.... occlu, ion '.
Alte ra tio n In ske le ta l pa ttern
Ma locc: lu,""" ma y' be os,ociated with ,ke leta l
<i'--- - - - Estheti c ha rmor.y
di..narmony in.0I.in9 the io-: bone. [i . 0 . r!lxillo
and rnc,", ibie) . ,De.i cti o"~ fmm the normal co o
ori ... in si.e. o,ition and reloti ononip i><otwe" n
Strudural ba lance these . keleto l companent" It i, wilhin the scope
af on orthadont i,t to a p ply a pprop ria te
orthopaedic force, that are ccpol>ie af = tro ining,
promoting ar red irectin g . ke1eto l growlh SO a. to
,nclud ing la ture . Stob ie orthodontiC ""rmal i", the .kaleto l ,ystem, The otlhodQflti. t con
"eatmon t i. be.t ach ieved by ma into ini.,.. a bring about chang e, in a ll the three p lane. 01
balo nc .. between the", th ree ti"u" >Y'tem . ,~e i.e. wg iltal. tmn"",.., ond verti<;a l

Esthe t Ic h a rmo ny Alte ra tion I n so rt tiss ue pe ttern

By for the mo,t oommon romon for >""king TM salt t;;""'" that . ,-,..."Iop the dentition ore ~tly
orthodontic core i. to impro the oppecmnco 01 influ;' c.::ed by the pla ceme nt of the dentition , 11i,
the t...,th 0,", Iooe Mony ma locclu. ion> are poo, ible to brin9 about Io.ou robl " cha nge. in
=ocioted with un'''ht~ oppecmc.::. oI teeth 0Jnd lhe sofi tissue pattem by orthodontic treatment,
mn thu, affect tOe ind i.idl.>O l', ,,,If
image. well
being ood 'lJGCe"" ;"
society Thu. the orthoo::>o nt"
If80tment , hau ld oim at the esthetic.
oIthe in di.idua l.
The service. affered by on orthodonti,t COn be
broodf,- cla S' ified e.'
0, Preventiye ortl.."Jollla
Orthodontic treatment in""",,, the three main tis b Interceptiye orthodontiC'
we 'ystem. cac.::c",ed in dentalacia l develop c, Correcti. e arthodonta
ment, name ly the dentitian. tho "'oleton a nd tfle d, Surg>co l orthodontic,
k>ciol and jaw mU lculature. Orthodonlic treat
Pre ve ntIve orthodOlltlcs
ment con brin g about change. in the de nti tion,
!he ""8leto l .yolom and the envelopir\g soIt t~' ue , "Pre venti""", Ih", s.oy. "i s be~er tha n cu re'

Alle re llon In t ooth pos itIon

Prevonti." ortr.odMt ico inc lude. procedu re,
ur>dc rto kon prior to lhe a n t of a molocd usion
Orthodontk treet""' nt i, mod e pO"ibie by the in anticipation of a de.elop ing malocc lu,ion,
iod thot leeth con be mo"Cd throvgh the booe to Pre ve nti.e orthodont ic. can be defin ed ' J>,

4 Onhodontiu The: An alld Scle:IICI!

'Actions token 10 presotlV'(! the in~rit, 01 who!

oppeots normal 10. 1001 0ge :

In t . ' ~.pIlY. O't~ odo "II ~.

In!eree o!i"" orthodon!k:, ir>dudes p<'oced.xc, !hot

ere undo r!o' e n o! an ,,,<ly lI09" of a
".",Ioed""on to elimina"" '" ~uce the """",t,
01 the 1ome. By underteklng oepl"Opriote
inle.ceplive procedurss, ij it; possible 10 prevent
estobli .... menr 01 0 lull fledped ".",Ioed",,,,,, ttKJt
moy ~i", lon9 ~ orlhodOMlc ,reotrneon! ot 0
klte-r oge

Correct/Ye Orthedonliu
O~,~C ~u r,,, undeno'en 10 CDrnKt 0
fully e.lobl'>hcd ".",Iocd",ion. f; V ' fd.o,d ,.. ~ .. "'pl . "Gh., 01 ,,",0 '"
O1I-odon- co
SU' aJul O, t llodontlu
philol-Opher ... ho II""" l"Iediccl 1oO..-ce the ~tsl
The-t Ore su.gieol II-ot ore unde-rtolen
IySIem 01 compcrotMr one-rom-;. Anstr;ie W(U the
in coniu",';:'" with or os on odiund to orrhodortic
troo!rr>ent.The .\\J rgial l ortr.:.donti:; procedu~ rue nm wrilOrwl-ro.vaed f-r..;man ~ end c~red
th em ... il), th olll of <o rious oth". ,peciel ,
~$UO Il , te rried out 10 romove On eliQlog ie foclo r
The li"t reco rded , ug"oMio, fo, activo
'" to 1,,,,,1very """"" denIo1ode1deio<m ilies th:rl
'"tC!mer"<"af moloco''''''''' ....... by kOius Cameli",
connOI be troaled bv orlIrodonWc "'e,oPy olone.
Celsus (25 6.C. -AD, 5O) odvocoled ~,e use
BAIF HISJORr OF ORTHOOONnCS of Anger pleuu,," 10 aJ:gn in&gu!o,:ee-:h.
Pierre Fauchord 0 Frenc h denlrll is
Onhocb'~CS is (onside<od the oid,", soeoolity cOI"Ol,de<od I"" founder of modern demel~ As
01 denlillry. h~rrr:'" "'-'9QM11I-ot 0IIem""
were, '" 1723, he developed whot i. probobfr the
me de 10 Ire el mo loc cl~ lio n os oor1y o. lirl! orlhodonl": opp llor><:6 celOld 0 Borrdelette ,
1000 S.c. Primitive opp licnr::el to move !6olh thot WOI des igroed to . 'pand Iho denial orc h.
ho_ e bee n fcu nd in Greek ond EI,y ,eon No,man King.ley on America" demi5l, was
fIIOCCMltio<rl. the ~flt!o:> use emtKlmI force to o::>n1ICt protruding
The Gn.ek phyoitian Hippoootes ((60 . 377 _ .... He it ni<!~ o. tf,e 010'-' in d~h
S.c.) il believod :0 be !he pio".t in medicoJ palate rreorrnem.
sclonc.e. He """. the till perOO<l 10 esroblish . Em,rlOn C. Any .1 (1623 1903) f"t$l
rnedicollfQdition booed on JOdI roth.r thon advor:otcd the open:ng <Jtrre mid'POlotallUlv:e,
f(!1>gion Or IonC/_ A number 01 ",I. rene ... on o P'OCwure wj,ich 1010' cem.!o be knawn '"
leeth and jows ore found in h;, writingl. "'pi<! """ illcry e' po nsic.n.
A,iIlO!1o (384 . 322 B,C.) W(l, 0 G reek W,lIi om E, ....."'9 ill (1823 . 1896) wallhe
Ii"t p~ "O fl to ban d teeth for a criv e tooth treotmM t Cale (f;g 5) ol.a claim. to be the fi"t
....,...".,...nt, orthodanti,t to use intermaxi lla ,), ela.ti". Cawin
He n')' A Bok., in 1893 introduced what is
Co", wos criti o of Mgle o nd oppa",d Ang l.',
.;alled Bo ker', anchorag e or the u.e of ph il o.ophy ci arch expan~on to treat moot 0;0"" .
nerm<lXilla')' ~ .ast ;c. to trec t ma locdu.ion He orr.ocoted the remova l of certa in teeth to
Edv.o:Jrd H, Ang:" {l855 - I 930) ~ cOflSidered achieve .table treatment re, ult, o"d to improve
me ' Fath~ r of Modern Ortnodontico' for hi. foci<l l ~<!het b.
.......,emu. wntributio~. to , hi . ope<:i<l lity (fig 4) Martin Dewey (188 1 . 1933) _,on ardent
nuough hi, l e ad~"h i p , orthodo~t; e, wos cham pio n of no~c'troOion , Dewey {fig 6)0 150
sepomted fro m other bro fll:he, of denti,t')' to modified Angle', d""ifiooti o" of malocc luSion .
c.sta blid\ ;" e lf a , c spec ia lit y Ang le " In 193 1, Ho lly B,oadbent and Hofofoth
cont ribution, ind ud e a clou if ication of inde pende ntly de.e loped ce pho lometf ic
"",loOOu,ion and orthodontic appli ance, , ueh rooiogropoy which ,t~ndord i sed the po<itioni"9
0$ Pin and tube oM the Edg . wi'" applioF)(e , of the head '" rckltioo ta th e film a"d X r~y $C uree,
Al>gle a lso sta rted a School of Orthodonti cs at TO Me rod iograph. mod e it pa ... ble to viS<Jo li .e
SLlDtJ i., New london, Connoc!'<:ut in wh<:h rr.tJ<1y tne oro"iol and facio l , keleton, Thi. ca n be
of the pion ee r America n orthodonti . t. we r~ OO"~dered a ma jor odvoncement in orthodonti o
wained. Angle ~ieved t,.,<lI the who le cor'flleme,.,. d<:J9"", i. ~r>d trootm""t plann i" g,
d leeth cou ld be ,,'t a iood """" yet goco:i ocdu~on 8"""0<= in I 955 inl(odvc&d tOe ~dd etoh
~kI be ochbeved , He thllS a,*"ocated aroh to,h" iq ue . Thi, ena bl ed direct bonding of
e>:poMiofl for most patient" orthodontic allachment. to lhe "",ome l which
Co l'i" Co,~ 11847 . 1923) beli e,ed thot 9 rootly cnr.a " ood o.the\i<;$.
Iooal impm"" ment we, a gu ide to orthodontic Royrnord Begg of Mira", introduced 0 ~ght

wire Ji"ed opplionce reo:hnIqoe !hot was bosed on
.... ~ddi""' ...iullcn.e. Heclsoodwxcfed
the need iore>:lroChOn of some teeth to ochi_
.table multi.
While me American orthod oe>ti," _te
, ha wing ~ oen in te rell in im proving lioed
orthodontic appl ia",,",. the ir European covnte r
po rt. co ntinue d to deve lop removob le and
fun o;lio",,1 a pplia nce, lor guidOn<;<! 01 growth .
Pi erre Robin in I 902 introduced 0 Monob loc
which prQtruded the mond ible lorword in poIiertI1
wirh 9Iossoptosi!.. ViIlOO Anderson in 1910
d_lopo-drhe ocfi'fO\or which mode V><I 01 "-
IocioI mw;ulotuteto guiclethe ~ oIlho jows.
Rolf Fron kel In 1969 . 1913 proposed rhe
Function Regulator to treot 0 vonr.ty d >keletol
molocd".on ..
lowtence Andr..... intmduood the S/ruight
Wif'll ~pl lonce;" the early _nti e. This was a
pmodfusted oppl iance in which the brod<ell "'"""e
p-te .prcgro rnm ed to occompl i.h the de.ired tooth
moveme nt. !n a ll th o thr pio n.. of , poeo. Tn i.
is corosidered 0 maier r;rlvonce","", in im pro" ing
orthodomic t...,tn-enl re!-IJ Its with mri mo Ipou"ble
wite bendln9.
This discu"ion on rho hi,tory ond evolution
01 ormodomicJ I. by no means complele. There
ho.e beer> nume""", ~.,Ie whou: mntribufiOfll
ho.e gone 0 long way in the improvement of Ihis
IpfICialily. Foro mote COtIl'Iete "",,_!he ....00...
Ote o<Mcl to te~ott- televont litero,"", .

" oloune ..
1, ""'-'01 1:" "'~ ! 0;"".,- 01 orthoJo.\<;co, Am J 0rt'>0d
1990;2062 1J
2, _ t",_. Cr.;"""'o. H""" "'" W..-_
, Ro ... ~ " .. ~ to ...,'<><d,,,,,,,- Am J
1971 ;1 18
3. 50'..-.00 JA ,
corroo .... 1%6
of ~~ AI llpp",""

'. Gtoboo- 1M , O~ooJo ..... ' Pri,q,loo ..! _ .

'NBSO ........ I988

and Development -
Principles and Concepts

The pmdice of onhodon~cs has two baDe aEFINmcms RELATED ro GROWTH

*"'"""'''''. Tho nISI ond Ioremost I'to ~
on intimate ~ of the anolom'/ and growth
Gr Dw t b
01 the h$Od. The second i. to II",
ted>niques lor .eguloting tooth pwition. In the There i, no "n...""II, occepled definition of
poll,!he i"temet;"" be_ n the .. IWO _ 01 growth. Vorlo~. di";,:,,, .... ho~ do~....d g,owth
informet"'" "'0. cO< ered 10 be onf,- m;";mo l. in dille,.nt we ). _
h is now II$tOblishcd that" -.00 ~nowledge of "The ..,j/ ""'1~plioJtion oIl;...;.,g substonc.. {J.5.
IIfO"'Ih ...d da.elopment is asentiol b- ,uoceo.Iul "wd",
orthodontic t.-.otmen!. ner. or. " """,be, 01 ' Ir>CTe05e in Ii,". cho;tn(lll in p<opotl;o" c nd
..... ' ... 'tmm ities t"" con rtvJk,lothe g~ prog'eSl ive complexily,' [Krogmanl
'*'tm0fl and the jaw bones. Undtntonding !he "/In in.creoM in si ...: (Todd)
gtOWIh 01 II. ~ Iodal reg.on is viIolly Imporlunl "Enti'e " 01 <IIqvenliol anatomic Dnd
when planning suell treclr1"1OnT prO<:$duru. phy. iologlc chonge. toking pla ce Irom the
Tn i. chopter .. ill pres ent a beg inning of Fl"'ootol lile to senility." (Merld ith)
compre .... ns/ve ""'ew 01 ,he booic ConaIprs 01 'Qu~osped 01 bioIogicdowelopment per
growth and deveIopmenl os understood today. un~ 01 ~me: (Moyers)
h wou ld be our e ndeavor Ie ' Iimu late the yo.J r>g "Cha","o in gny rno'poMg Ogico l paramete r which

$lUdent'. mind I<) !I.e! he at" "1..- date can i. """""'roble: {Moss)
a>nIributelO ........... rnrnpledi ... oIOOtIio-bdaI Though llrowth IIlI"neral~ onoooted
-..iIt. on increose in lize, yet some oondifion.
i""""'ng t1!gf~~';"n 0'" olso conl;defed to tok~ IIIn e ..
plGce durlng g(~. Fore.:omple, me oImphy The ul",,1 minor childhood illne" ordinonly
of me "'rmvo glond . camel be .hewn 10 ha", mu m e!fed On ohyl"col
gto wlh. Pro lo ng ed en d d. bililolin g ill n...
Develo pm e nt
howo_ cO n hove " mo~<o-d effect on 011o:rped.
"o.v./opme nl, " according 10 Todd. ' il ~r= of """"",.
towonn maturity". h cord;,-,g to ~", de>oeIoo.
menl rOlfe .. 10 oil Ihe nOlurolly occurring Rece
uroidirectionol <hemges in !he Ide of on indMd",,1 Although me DFerer-as in growl!! omC>ng dillerenl
!.om irs e>:io>enceo.o single cell to irs eIobomtion IOCes con be ottributed to 011-.... nutrillonol ond
0 1 0 MU,"func~o",,' unit to,,"iroting in d""m.
en-.;ronmenlallocto", Ihe ,~ ..... ml to be SO""
Thvs II enr::O"lXl...e$ 1he nom"IOl ~tiol ew.: nts evi denc. th"t race doe, plCl'f a ro le in gro....-t+;
between ferrili , otion ond death . proc .... fo ' .xomp le in Americo n bloc k.,
eoki!ico'ion and erupiOn 01teem occu" olmo:sl
Olfl". ntll,tloll
o ylQr &arli., thon ""'ir wh~e covnr.rpOrfS.

Dil/erentiotion is It.. change from ge~foliz<od
cal", tiswe to."..,thor il """" .peciol~ed. Thul Soc/a- ecollomlc '"dotl
diflerenriolion il 0 chonge in Quality or kind . Children brought up in oIHuenl ond fo.otable
0000 -<>nomic coMit~. sr.:>w ",rller on.." 01
llrowt~ .""nls. Th...,. al so g' ow 10 0 lotger ~ iie
,ho n Child ,en liv ing in vnlovo roble .oe io
A num bor of /0 <;\0" oflee th e rele, tim ing and ec:onomic; e<wiro n"""'l.
chorecle' 01 g..,..,.rh. They ir.d ...... ' 'emily .'u II~ II birth ordlr
He ullity 51ud:es hove shown rh", :+"f.tS1 110m bobi.llend
There OHm. to be 0 conSlderobl, genelic to ...,igh I." ot birth orod have ,,,..,lIer millre
Influence on the ,iltt 01 pOlI1, rete of growth ond t..rt higherl.G. The ,,,..,lIer the "'mil)- ,iIe, me
me oj gf<>'Mh . Thege_ her>ce ~ 0 ....,jot bene< would be the numlion and ""- fa..ooroble
cond ilio",.
re1e in me """ro ll growth of " perlO" .

Nutrition Seoul.r trend.

Malnulrilion moy oH~cl li,e of pOrlt, body Cho"lllt in ain ond mO'urolion in 0 lorge
proportions, Quality orod ladure oIli~sws, and populolioncon belhowntooccurwilh~"". F",
..- 01 g"""" _. The deds of "..,lnUlrition """,mple, liheen ylQr old boys ore oPF'f..dmme/y
5 rndles toller rhon me ..,me oge group 5O"fICI"
ore rev<It"Iible to 0 certoin _fIIOI childre" have
~ne rer;upem~... P"W"". !f me or:fo,.e,.. ,1Iechr
bo ck. Although thore i. no 10lilloclo'1
ore noI too _re, tt., growth proom occelerollos e>planotion offered regoroing mis finang, ~covld
wh en proper nulrilion il p.rovido-d. This il coil ed polSibl, 00 due 10 chong e. in socio. "o nomic;
colo;h. vp growth . ,o <\dilio n, ond food hobit,.
ClimatIc .. mt s .... s on .. ' .. ffact s increme.ot, of one yeor o re eq ua l to thot of the
Sec""" o l "o,,, tio n hO" e beo n .hown to offed prec;eed inQo r . ucceed ir>g yeor,' However there
adipo5<l tisse", cootent and the weight of ""'" born ",e m. 10 be 0 rhythm du ri r>g the gro wth proc ....
bobie>. O irr<ltk cho ngo. oeem to have _ttle d:rect This growlh rhythm i. mo" clea rly ,ee~ in sto tu re
effect 00 rate of gfowth, or body he ight.
Th. fi" t W<lV1!' of g ro wth i, .ee n in both
Psyc h o lolllc a l dlsturb .. nces ",,",e. from birth to In..fifth or ';d h yeor. It;' rr.;o,t
k i eo n th ot children experienc ing , tre" fu ll irllense a nd ra pid duri "ll the fi " t two yeors , The re
cond itio n, d i' ploy on inhibition of g rowtn fo llow. a >lower inc rea,e t" rm ir>ati"ll in boy.
Mr"..,.,e secret"", . f' K rdogk o l d:sturbon co> 01 o bo ut the tenth to twe lfth yoo r ond in girl , no
prolong~d du rotio n con h~ nce ma rked ly r. tord
lote r than th e tenth year. TI"", both ,e<" , e nter
g rowth, upon a noth~ r pe riod of occele roted gfowth
= ponding to odoieoce0C8 wh<:h ~ complet" d
Ex .. rcls .. in gi rl. betw~en!he fo urteenth or>:! . id "" nth yeo r,
but "'tend. in boy. th ro ugh the , i. teenth o r
Although oxerd .... mo y be e.sen' ia l for a h",, 'thy
eig hteenth year. FoI lo'-'oi ng th;" a fin ol period 01
body, , tr""""'" a nd regulo r ,,"," reise. hove root
i:>e< n osm ciored with mo re I<:, "o ro o lo gro wth.
, low growth i, .ee n which e nd> between the
eightee nth and twentieth yeo" in f. rr<l le. but
C"rtain c'ped, of growth . uch ." ",,"ei a pmen'
goo , on in boy> until about Ih" tWMIy filth yeo r.
01 some rr.;o'or ,kill . and i""roo .. in ml.lK le rr<l "
is lo und to be infi uer"I<:ed by e. "",ile.
Growth s purts

SOME CONCEPTS OF GROWTH G rowth doe, not ta ke ploce uniformfy at 011 tir1'le$.
Ther o .e em. 10 be peri od s whe n 0 ",dde n
o cce lero tion 01 g rowth accu rs . Thi$ sudden
Concept o f no rmll llry
increa,e in growth i.tefmed g rowth 'P urt',
Norma l to that whkh ;, u, ua "y ,,",peeted , ;, The phy.biogi;:o l o llerotion in her"..,.,,,,
ordino ri fy , een cr i. Iypico l. Th e co ncopt of \.ecr..,tion i, believed to be lhe cou for . uch
""""" ,ily must root be eqLJ<lted with th ot of the a cce ntuoted growth . The limi r>g of the growth
idea l. Vlhile idea l c!e r.o:c. l he cenlfo l tendency >pu rt. differ in boY1 and girl .
10< tha g roup, ()(l(rr<l l refe" to a ran ge, The fo ll owing a re th e timi"ll' of growth
An other o.peet of =n io-fooio l g rowth 'P<J rt>.
i. thot nOfrr<l1i1'y change. with a ge , Th us whoo t i. a . J u,t before birth
nQrmo lfy . NO n o r i< ,,", pe ered for oo e Oil<' g roup b. On e yeof alte r birth
ma y ~ot be noce,sa ri ly flOrmal for a differ",,' age C M;,ed dentitio n g rowlh .purt
llrouP Bo,,: 8 -11 yM "
Girl< ' 7 9 )'<'0"
Rhythm o f gr o wth
d Pre pu be rta l g rowth ' p.urt
Acco rd ir>g to Hooton , HU rr<l n g rawth i, not ~ floI" : I 4 I 6 ye""
.t""eIy a nd uniform voce .. whefein a ll pa rt' of G i ~.: 11 - 13years

the. body " ,, 'arge at tne ' a me rate ond th e G ro wth mod ification by mean . of
!undiorcJ1 and ~c cpp~onc:\!S elici! bette<-
response d"';"g growrh 1J)U1:s . Surgo:cloorredion
~ng lhe "",,"Ila end mandible .hould be
comed ovt 0"'" c~".. c,,"sotio" of t\, . gr'O"lh
<pu rt.

D,fferent,., , ralO'lh
The hllman ~ does no! grow ot t\,. >Ctne role
1tnlugh;>U! life. D~ftefilnt organs grow ot diflertonl
rates, to a differe<,t am ount and 0: differ""t ti mes .
Th" i. termed dif!.'eIlIiOI growt\,. !
Here il ....,."Id be best 10 IWO
impo rtont aspects 01 growth, both 01wf,ic h heJp
\II und."lOrod the concep:> of dil'e-ontiol gorowIh
more dearly, The.e are :
I . Scam mon's c:vrve of growth
2, Cepholo..:oudol grad~nt 01 g~ Geni'ol ~_ co"';.,. d the ret)fOoi.dioe
0<;10",. They""" negligible growth ......, pube<:y.

Sca mmo n's Cu...... 01 g rowth The bod y How"Wl r they grow ,ao idly at puberty rllO chi rog
liuues con be broadly dfJ!.Silied into lou, typM. aduk size criter which g"",,", ceo....
They a"' lymphoid hOI"", neural ~ .. ue. geneml Cep~aloc"udol g ro dient of gro wrh ,
ti ss ue ar>d genital Ti ss ue . Ea ch 01 These Ti .. ""s Ce onob<ooo'" grodiMl d growth ,;mplr. '"""'"
grow at diff.... nt times or>d rote, {Iig 1). 11-01 thin is on a.:b d incaosecl growth e"<Ierodir.g
L"f"'Voo;,:llitlue adi,""""," """ely In lale from head tC1W<lrds me feet. A co mporiton ohh l
.:h ild hood and "",.:h e, olm o.T 2000/0 of 00u~ ~'" boOt ptOp<:01ion beIwee n pre-norol 0 rod pooIrotal
this" on adaptation 10 protect chi ldren from Ide re.eols thor poSlnolOl g"",,", 01 Algiofll 01
infdo~ Of mey are """'" p<Q<1. 10 iT . s., abovt !he bod v thot ore oway from the hypop h".. is is
18 Y""" of oge, Iympko;d Ti" ue uncle ' goe'
irwolution to r!lOch adult ,iu Th;. growth c<;>n<;epl con be illu<lmted
Nev'a l ti..ue grows "'''1 mpid'" 0<1<1 o. follow.:
olm O<l re<><:he. odu lTsile by 67 )'Cors of age. .,. The I>oodlokes up obout SO% o! Ihe tDioI
Vt;y little growth 01 naurol tissue occu" ohtr 6 . body Ionglfl amund the th,,d month d intro-
7 yeor.;. This /ooli'otes inlOke d" lrc;w.Iedge uterine lile. /'oJ the time of birth, th~ trunk
Geneml Ti"u. Of' viscern l ti"u. cono iSl:l of the ordlhe h.>bi have grown ,.,...",,/honthe heod,
muscle>, bone .,nd other organ . These tl$wes Thereby ...dudng m" head to abouT30% d
emibit on '5' ,hoped OJ""" with rnpid g'owlh body long/h. The oV8m li poH"m of growth
uplo 2 . 3 )'to" 01 oge foll""",ed by <> >low continues with ., pmgre!li ... ~udion in !he
01 growlh between 3 _ 10 yeo .. After the tenth relative size of lhe heod 10 oboul12'l1. in me
yeof, a fOaid pho", 01 gf'tMll, ocevrs te rmino~ng odu ll.
by thi! 1a. 20th )'eO'.
b. The lower limbo are rudimentary 0t0U'0d the b. lonlliludirool,!udief; noqvire maimoroonco of
2rod mC>llth of in!fa.uteOoe I,fio, They Ia ..... lobo<cto<y 'esearch pern>noel orod data
glOW and rep re$O<11cimost 50% 01me bod, .toroge 1\'It1rms for a long period 01 tim e.
longl" 01ad ulthood . Th", they ca n be "xpen.Om ,
c. Thi l increosed grod ient of growth il .. id~nt L. N,1I-.eso .",,'... Ore perlo.rrned 0-: prolonged
even withi n the heo<! arod I",,", AI the time pe<>od. 01 time th.,., i. 0 ri, .
of th. S<lmple
01 birlh, *"cronium is proporlionallv Ial'Qllr
thon thelote. Po.:-natally me Ioee grow<
size red~"'" toc.honge of plcxe. or ott....

more rhon the O'Qnium.

c,,,....::f/o,,., Ittflll
MfTHODS OF faTHERING GROWTH DA.TA CroU-ut~anol studle. are carried out b~
ob ... "",tion and meow""". nt mode af ditferent
The "'r'Io<Jl~" otu.die> can be bIoodly grovpo<:! .om pt." or.d stud ied at diffe"'nt ""Moo . Cro...
"",Ii oflO llludlfl off., the lollowi"'ij cdvonlOgn :
O. l0"llitu.dinal sNdies
o. The", lhx!iel 0" 01 shorr duration .
b. Crou MCtOorool.udie,
b. ThlO"f 0" lelt e>.pen'iYe thon Iongitudirool
c. 5e<n1 _10"llilvdirool studies
-SIud,.s os thev ore compl",ed in a ,holle,
lOlll/ltvdl". ' .'"dl.. spanohr ......
c. H i, pos":ble to get a large somple 01 the
In thil type of INd " the ob lervorlon ond
duroHoo oIltud~ i. shorr
mea...,...."., nts pe~oining to ~ are mod. on
d. It is poo~ ble .., '"P"<'t tf>e stud, in COM 01
o per\Qn or a I1"WP af perSC<'tS 01 reg ular in,,",", l. any flaw, Th~ moy not be ""$Iiblc in "
0Ytf0 prolonged period 01 'me. Th".longlufroo l longilu diroo l . tudy.
studiel are long t...m sludi ... wher. the some
sample i, .tvdied bv meon, 01 lollow-vp Semi _ lonl/' ,w ll'''.' . 'wlll
It i, pauible 10 combine the Cto......dionol aod
The lonlliludnol ,'udie. have Ih"
lon g itu dinol merhods '0 a. ro de,," h.
foIfo..,ing ocNanTot,jes :
a~ clboIh ... JyIIom>clgoIheri"'ij grovo.Ih
o. .....the so me wbie<:n ace fallowl up 0'18' 0
dolO .
long ocrio:>d , th e . pecili e de,.~ I "" m ""tc l
poH"", 01 on individed can be lludiotd and TYPES OF GROWTH DATA
tom po,ed.
b. VariaTion In developmoor omong inc!..-.d",,~ The physical growth Can be .tudie<! by a numbe-r
with,n the K>mpl. con be studiO)(j , 01 ways:
Th. longiludnol >Iud ie, "aye Ih.
IoIIowing ditod ... nlu!J"l : OpInion
o. i.J:>ng1rud....,1 <0..0:1... are comed cui 0Ytf long Opinion is 1M etudelt """,nsol.tudying g...,......
pe~ods 01 lima , It often takes yeo,.. or Opinion i, 0 d ..or lIueu of an ....,..,ienctod
decodel to com plete 0 .teldy o. the some pc roon . Thi l method 01 , tu dying growth is ncJj
so rnp le il.tudied 01,egu la, intervo l., yet)' ""ientilil; ond $hou ld be ovo<ded when betIer

mer!>ods a'" CMliloble. I. MeO'U'I"'en! oOP'OOC"I.
They comprise 0/ ",eo.",oment techniques thpt
Ob.l, n t /ons cr. ccrried ovt on in d ividual. . Th. ",
An o!h er method of gotherin g growth r. lot"" me/hod. do flO' harm the onim a l.
infom1oTian i. by ob ... rvotign, Th ey a re u... lu l in II. ri", e nla l approach e,
I!~ng al l0("""'" pI..n,.,.,.", Iud> as ~ Th e... are desm"cIie teeM"u "".... tt.e a nimol
or absence of cori .... pteMnce or absence o! a that i tudi"" i ..,cfiliced. e. pefimeotal
Cio. II molar ",lotion, Ire.,. ogprOCI<;h are usually nat carried out on
humo ....
R. II,,_s 1,,01 R,,,,lrl,,ts
Blml l" c t ur.
Whenever q",,"t;~cmion 01 a ""rtic~IDr dmo is
dilfk ulT, it is po ..ible 10 ooopt a meThoo af reting lhe-y o re Te,lS in ""jch p;,.yfco l cM ro c<eriltics
"rod re nki"9. .u~ h o. we ight, he ,.hT, .kelelo l maturotioo 000
Rati ng maku ult of . ta ndard, (l$~fk;atl on 0'"
mM ,ur. d and compe .ed with
coo~n~onolly ao::epted sco\eo Iordassi~ oo~on . JlQndord, based upen th e ="'ino~on o! 10f\/<,
Ronklng involves !he o""ngeu,...,,,t 01 do!o in an grou!>, of healthy subjed!;.
orderly ooquenc., bosed on the ""Ive.
11/1. ' "linin.
Ou . "lIt.II mllUflmlnti In 1936. Belchi... o(uOOoIoI'y nc>'ed !hot bar>es
A sc\et1tif" approach to m.iy grow'h i. one that of animo~ ",,"0 hoo """en mood ... plants we ...
I. based on accurate me-o lu re m., nts. The 'Io in ed r"" , So"l>seq uentfy, lhe d\'l' in tne mO<!cler
"""". ureme nt. mOO. wn be 01 th ree type . plant. o li." rin we. identilied ond u.ed 10< bone

I . Direc! o"to . Di rect date ore obtained from

""""_",.,,,1> thot a"" tat.&n an living "",",ons -"" Thil !eChniq..... j~ oominilffQtiQn of
certain dvet to !he experimental on,mol which geT
Of by meons of sco\eo, """"suring 'Ope.
incarpatOted in the bo __ Kis pelf-bf. TO .'udy
or calipers.
the mon.- in which bane is laid dawn. the I~.
2. IndirK! 0.,/0 : Thot growth meow,,,,,,,,," of 9rowth, ,.,. ct're<:~cn. dun:mcn and amount of
con also be hod from imog&S or repradVClion of growrn m dr!lerent .~e. in th . bane, The dyfl
the p",",on. l.>d1 o. photog",pI. . , radiog"'pl.s or used for Thil pu rpo ... o r. . ...

clenKl I casto, a. Ai i!e rin R"" S
3, Derived 0.,;, . Tney oro dota thot 0'" defi....,.j b. Add Al iIa"n ~""
oh comporing "'" "'80.u'emenf1;. Thew"'"
, l"fPOn llIue
"" of moosu",,",.,,..1s con be 01 d.t!erent ~me d
from", Or o/rwo d;H",ent so....,les. leod cc:etcle
RodioisolOpe! of certain ."""' nb 01' compound! ,
Acco rding to Profitt th.r. or. tw o ma in when iniect.d inTO Tissue g... inco rporated ,n the
opprooc he. to lIudy ing o h\'Ska l growth de~lop i ng bof'lO ond ad O~ in . ivo
A ,
These rodioillO!Opm ro n kl"', be de:8Cred by
troc'in g down the ", d iood;"'ity lhey o mit. The
rodio-~tOpel used in c'code:
o. 1ochneri~m . 33 ,
b. CoIcMn . 45
(.. Pctass,um . 32

The u,," d implcnIS IQ >Iud-, 00"" grc>w1l1....,. ~m
pnxe .. media l ", the fio;t molor,
introd uced by Bjott in 1969, It in ,.o l,.u the
In co le of The mand ible the implants oro l<lled
impla ntin g of smo ll bit. of biobgico lly inert olloys
as foll owl (fig 2.c):
inIo grcw.1ng bone. Th e... ser;e as rodOgrophic
I. Antoriar 0'P' of ..,.mp/, in tho miali""
merence pO,nI, for ",riol rod;ogrgphic orlOlv>is.
be:owtho root lip"-
The merollic Imp~(lnIs used lor studying growth
2_ Two pi'" on the right side.x the mandibular
ore uwolly vetylirry. They Or. "round 1.5mm in
body. Ow pin under the fit'51 premolar ana
Ierogrh one! O.Smm in di""...,..rond are mode of
the od>er below the <one! premolar Or row
Tantolum meto l. Th .... implants ore embedded
in CarIOin OIWOS at In.. mo,;11c and mandible in
3 Ono pin on !h. e.<wnol aspect of th o rig ht
otd .... ~ >!cod y tho growth of tf>e "u ll.
romul at rhi! 10' 01 of <xc lu.o l surf""o of
'The o'eos wh . r.1he ;mplan!) a'll ploced
in Ike mo.,,;I., 0"" Ifig 2.0 & b):
1. Hord polo~ ~ind the deciduous conines Rlldlo"lIp~l c ttcftnlqllu
(prioIlo eruption 01 """inory permonent
Aller Roeonrgon's d~ 01 X "'I'> more thon
100 yeaf'l ago. difletent types 01 raaiographic
2. Below ..... 01'11.,..;0'",,,01.,>0,,
Io!d-oique:l lO.tudy <;Ir"""" ond ~opmenl_.
of ma .. llory inciWf1;) .
dcvisod . The most commo nl, used t""hniq!l81
3. Two implants on ",me r side of the 'ygC>mohc
pro<:on 01mo. ill o,
cr. ".pho lometry and hahdwri. t radiograph .,
4. Border between M rd po lotc end ofveoJor Ceph o lometry , It is 0 star>dardiud
Fig 3 Ro" ; og'op~ ic
d-.. """. of ....a,;"Il
bono 0-""'" IJol '--"'''Il
lot. ",1 ". pI-.o"~ " ""
IBI U ~ Ho..o _W,,,

rod,ograph ,c techn iq ue of tho cran io-fac iol "","la l feotu ,.. ci a bone ce n be vsed 0< natura l
region, Mer ito introd\ICtian by Broo d ~ nt in the markero to .tudy growth bl mean . 01 .eria l
yea r 193 1, thi s techniq u~ ho . contribut~ d rod iogm ph, . Noturol mark" " CM be u.ed to
.ig nifico ntl y to ou r krlO>M edgc of hum e n cro nio- stud y bone depos ition , re'o<ption oM bon e
laeie l .k~ leto l growth if.. 3_01_ Ce pha lo metry ", mode ling ,
meke, it polSible to to ke s~fie l ro di og raph, of a
patieflt' , ,ku l in ordef to s!v:fy tn., growth chonge'
C(tm pa ratln ana tomy
Iokir>g place , Net on ly i. thi, tech niqve v.ef~1 in Certa in bm ic princip le, of growth that Ore
studyi.... growth, it i, a l. o a va luoble oid in uf'lr.-efSOl to all spe<:ies can fir" be , tudied on
orthodontic diogno,i . , trea tment plann ing, laborolofy an ima l. ,
eva luation of treotme nt ",. ult, aM lor grawth
p",dK:\ion , IMo ,e de"" I. on ceph<l lometry a ro MECHANISMS OF BONE GROWTH
given in chopter 121.
Boo-.. ~ a spo<:iolized ti " U" of mesoderma l or" in_
Hand.wrist X-ray, , Rad iogrophs of th e hand It form, the , trueturol fromewor'< of the body_Bo!1e
wrist "'9io n a", u,ed to , tudy th e biologica l or i, a calc ified t ~.ue that . upp-ort. the body and
. keletol a ge of a pc""" Th e h<lM _wri<t oreo ~ ive, poi n~ of otklchment to the mu<cu latu ,. _
ha. " nu mbo r 01 <ma ll spo ngy bo nes called Norma l 00 "" contain< betweer> 32 - 36% of
carpel, tha t have 0 defi nite K he du le of orga ni<: matter.
appea rance oM o,,,fication (1..,
Bone deposition and resorption
Na tYra l ma rke rs
Bone chor>ge. io .oope and ,;ze by two bo, i<:
Normol bone ho, c.~ in h ~!olog rn l l""tu,es ....en mech on i' m' , bon e de po . itio n an d bone
a. nutri ent cord" I,,,,,, of a rrested growth ond resorption . The prcx;e" of bone depos ition aM
ce<to in promi """t tro ~cula . _ The, ,, de"eiop - r"sorption together i. (a il . d bone remodel ing.
The changes It10t bc:re depos~ion.,....j 1eSOJPI"" which .... uhs in /he di.ploee""",t ol the m.... llo
O>n prodlJCO ore : in 0 fOI'WO,d end downward direction ~ig ~ .0).
o. Chonge in .... Secondary DI,ploce",.,m ; If the bone g.~
b. Chang. In shape displocod 01 e and enlargement
Co Change "' propotlion of on adjacent bone. ,t ;. c.olled WIU>Odory
d. Chong. in ... Ia~on.hip of th. bone with
di,ploc:ement, fo, e>:<rmpie, the g..,...,n of th,
odjoceMt SlruCN .... Clonial bo.. C<lu .... the lO<WQrd and dow""",rd

CO.t/OIl' dr'ft d i'Pioc""" "m of the """",Ik, (fig 4. b).

Mo$I bone. grow by inlerplay of bone depos iti"" DSTEODf'NESIS

Cild resorpIicn. A combi...,t.", cJ bone deposil>on
or.d resorplioo rG!u hing In () growth """'omenl lh. procen of bone formotion i, coiled
-.",10 the depositIng wrloce is c.olled cOlliml
drill. ~ bone depopionorod ...... 'piion on .. ther ..,..
~&nas~ So"" Ionnotion 10k.. ploee in two

1. Endcc:hondrol bone formation.

>ide 01 0 bone ore eqool, then tho, thid ....... 01
!he bono remgi", tonlfOnt. Nin case rMr. bone '2. Inttomernbn:.nous bonclorrnotic:n.

IS deposited on one side end less bone resorbed
E"doo/lond.o' bo ... formatloll
orr Iho opposite sidt then the 1i><kness of the bone
In !hit I'IPt 01 tWtog ...... bone Iannotion i$
p<Keded by r"""""ti"" of 0 Olrtiloginous model
D llp'"eoment whic h il subsequently ",p laced by bon t .
~ movement of the ~e bon e {[' a unit.
is /he Er.dochorrdtc l bo"" b-mation <>CCufS os f<> lows.
Dj.pla e""".nt co n be of two Iyp<!'. o. MCWlCh\'l"l1ol celli becomecQndeowd allhe
PI;mory Dispioc e ment : II 0 bone g ets l IT. of bo rle fa r""" .",
displcc&d '" a ~uh of ~. own 9'c>wth, ~ "ce lled b. Some ....... nC>ymcl ~e ll s diffe''''''''''te into
primary di,plocemem. For lXOmp/e, 91"",/h o! c~sI, ond k>vdown h,ol'" w rtUage.
the mwcillo at the Tuberosity region rewhs in c. lhe C<ltliloQ. luvrroundt'ld by 0 mombro ...
pv";'ing oI/ho mwcillo ogoit"d1 the croniol bme co iled perichondrium. lhi. i. highly vosc:u!..-
ond CQ'1loim O$l..ogenlc celli. e. Th~ depos~ calcium $Oils ;'110 11-00 ruleoid
d. The inter..::ellvlor ,u~nce ........ ounding the leading 10 Con'.,,"'" 01 osleold IfIlo bo""
co rtilog e ce llJ becomes co ld li &d dve to th e Icme lkl.
inflvo""c of enzyme oll<oli ne phospoolase I. Now Ih. o<teab'osT' mo'IO owoy I,orn 1M
,eaot&d by1M carti lo;ll te l ~. 10~1oe and " new lore< 01 OIttoo'd ~ I'IO'eIed
t. Thu. the numlion to II>e cMiloge ~i , i. cut ..+oich al$O get< cd6~ed .
off leading 10 their cIeol". Thi. r...,,!to in g. SOl'l'e of Iho o.!eobfa ... get enlrooped
formotion 01 emP'\' 'p0c8'coiled primOI)' be_n two lomello ... They ore coiled

0 .....
TM blorxl veuek ond O$leOgt<lic cell. I,om
the p"richondrium in.ode the c"k~ied THEORIS OF GROWTH
CM il 09 i,xl1)$ motri, whic h is now ,&d",ed to
be .. or wa ll. du e to ""tin g Owtl y of the G.."el": Ih eo ry

CQ lc ified matn... Th i, l oov~1 10';11 e mpty
'PQCO-S betw<:" n rne wall. called seconoo ry
g. The osIeogeniccelll from the perichondrium
becom" o<leablost. ond orron(l& olong rho
Th:. tI1eoo:)- $impty .ioles no- ell g<o-M+o it "",traj led
by genehC influence and is pte.plonlled. This i
one 01 ~ eorl'eol theari ... pur forwa,d.

Sulu f Ih.o"
wlfo'. 01 rhcoe bel .. 01 CQIciIied motr;"
h. The O$lec:obIo.t. loy down orooid whieJ, I""" Sicl>er believed!ho! cro~i<>-focial growlh occurs
becomes mkifiod to Iorm 0 lamo llo 01 bone. at the ""tu res. According to him paired poro llol
Now onoth" , layer 01o.~d is secretod and l utv re, lnal attach fociol orea , to th e I< ull an d
this goes Of> and Of>. n.v. the CQ Ici!;ed m<J!Tix 111. era";a l base rog'OI1 P'J,h tl-oo noso-mo,ill a ry
01 co,~loge ad. a, 0 'Uppar! for bon" comple. bwa,ds 10 poal it<,~ ";th that of
Iom>otion. !he mand,ble. This theol)' also adnowfedges !he
generic Illfluence 01 growth.
' n l'8""mlllan,"s 11011. 10 ''''8 11011 A number 01 poi"is _re raised ogo,n.'
I" rhi' Iypc! 01 ""ilkotion. rh.lonnotion 01 bone thlpheol)'. TM Iollowing ore some ollhem :
i. not " ,ac..oed by lo.moti on 01" tQrtiloginou, 1. WMn 0" area 01 rh e w lure i. I,onoplonled
mod el. In,tead bon. i. laid dewn dire<:tly in a '0 o noth or location. the /i ssue doe. not
~brQ u. membro ....,. Tr.. intromomi::<"onovs bone continu e ro grow. Thi , cl"",ly ir'ld icate.
il fo.-'med in the following manne,: ""I-: 01 """,te growh fIOI""tioi 01th e SYT",....
a. N ~,e .ite 01 bo"" f"""o~on, mesenct.ymo l 2. GIOoOth ta~., pla ce '" unlfeoted ooses of del!
celli b&e<>me ogY"'I/Oted. ""late even i" the absence 01 wlu ....
b. Some ...... nchy....,1 cell. loy down bundle. 3. M,crocepholy and hyd,oeephofy roised
01 co/l"II"n f1>e,. doubq oboulll>e ifl/!"in.ic genetic .~mulu. 01
c. Some ~I cells oroIorge orod OC~'" lui ......
o bosophiIic cy!Opi(J:Im a nd form OSleoblosts.
C.. rW fnOIl. th e ory
d . The ... e,toobla,t, """..10 0 geioti f"lO<l' "",tr",
co il ed o~d o,ou nd th e co ll ~ n fi bo". Thl, Ihool)' wtll put forward by Jam .. Scott .
Acco<ding to him intrin,ic g ,,,,,,,h conlfoiling
/oc!ors oro pr~$ent in cortllo ge 000 periosloum tha t tne ofig i", fo rm, posit ion. growt h a nd
wim wTure. bei"lj onlj secondo,,!, He.>ewe<! moinlenonco 01 011 sl<e~101 ,;"we. orocl a'goOn'
the oortllogin"" ~o. Inro"llnovt me slcull os ore olwoy, seconda ry, tomp" n,olory ond
pnmory cen~ 01 goowrn. neceuory ",.pon_ To chronologically and
Growll. of the molill" i> on"buIed ro the marphologicall, priO<" \MInt. Of proce ..... mOT
nasa l "'PTol (ortil <>g . According 10 Scoll, the oceu' in ,,,,,oOfi co ll , ,. Iated non-okele'o l liu""""
nasa l scp'ol ( 0 Ili"9 0 II me pocemo ..... lorgrcwth orge n. Of /utXlioni"lllP"c",
of the enrire noso-mO>tillolv comple. . lh. A number at relo! ... "ly independent
mondole I. oolUlderec! 0...... diophysis 01 0 long !unct<ons ~ oorried out in the aonio--bdol "'goon
bone. ban-inTo 0 ho ......,. .hape with OIlip~ of ..... humon body. Some 01 me !unctions carried
rerno"<9d $0 mot there i, oo ~i l og<l consliMi"lj hoM a ut in d uo.. 'e. >"",lioo, oIloo ioo , >i~o n, hoo ri"lj,
on epi physe a l 1'1010 OT the e nd . which or. b::lk>"ce, d." ,.Ning, digcslioo, swo llowi"ll. IPC'I'Ch
reprlOnTed by t"" condyl .... ond n_u",1 integ,o~on.
Points in ro.our 01 Thi. theory i",lude ; Eoch 01 these futX~an. is oorried out by
1. In mo"l' bones,a:ulIiogo g~ <XCIJ11, wh~. o fu"chanol c",niol compo .... nT. toch ful\OlOOol
1>0<1. merely rcpiocel it. 'tanlo l ca mr>en enl ,on, i, t, of oil a f Ir.e li,we.,
2. Ii 0 port oi on ~pi physeo l pi "", ~ lro napion:ed o'go " ., . poc and , I. to l pe rl, nocono,..,. 10
10 0 doflo..em tocolion, ~ will continI>\! rogr(>N cnrryoul a gi."n function. lhe functional crtWI.,1
in the n...... locotion. nus incf;co1es 11._ innolo comp o .... '" i. d",..;dec! into :
g'owtf, potenTiol ot the cart,loge. 1. Fun::lionol mom.
3. NOI<II ""olal coo1;1"9. also shows ,nna'" 2. S'<e1etal'JO it
growth pot""tio l on be ing tran!.p kmtod To Ai lrl, "';nues. Otg on, o nd lundioning
onoTh., ~Ie. .poxes le\;en "" 0 whole com"ri.., the functionol
4. &perim",,1:< on '0bb,4In""lving .elTlO'VOl 01 motrOc, while the sl<e~1 ~_ leiarod to !hi.
The nosol .eptol oorliloge demonlTro",d specJ;c /undiorol mori>. oomprise tI>e skeIe",1 una.
"lorded mid_toe. developmenT. AlII~ole!01 ~ .. ue. ang inale, g'ow a nd func~O<l
", mpl. toly embodd<od in their ' e"cro l melric.,.
Th . '~nct'on el m . t,,~ concept l iM chong ... in '''.,!halX' ond spatial posiTion
11>& lurdional mMn. concept 01 Me"in Moss 01 all I kelctol "nits including Ihe" .er v
_lizedthe sud.on g'owth ond dcWIloprnenI moinlOnonce i. dl>\! 1O!nO operolionol ocil'<lTy of
OTO ~""'-"Mn me Sutu",1 grcwth """'ry 01 Sa- !hei. .. k>ted /unCfionClI mcma" .
ond C" rtibg inou . g,owth tt..or-,- of Scott we'" Th e "'.Ielol unil : AII , k. lotc l ti ss ue. ossoc: ""ed
>CYorely " iliCi, ed fa. th eir ino d"'1uacy. Moss wilt> 0 singl. funCiion 0'. 'o ll~d 'mo I k'~lo l
inl,oduced the doctrine allunr;tianol matrix .....a'. The skeielol un~ moy becomptised 01 bone.
comphmonk"T to Ine original concepT of conik>\!8ond tendinous ~ .. ue. V/hen 0 00 ... ..
/unct<onal "ernnicl compoo:>..,1 by Van de, Kloovs. comprised of ....... rol con~g """, skelelOl uni .... ,
The fun ,~ o n al mot,i. con ce pt a ltompl, 10 they oro te-rmed 'm >cro-,kolelol "" it". Th . m"" ilk>
comp ,. h. nd Ihe ",k>lions hl p between form (lnd and mond ito o.-e eoonprised of (I ......"ber 01 such
/unction. micro-skele-tol units. For IIIXOmple, rho mondibie
The functiOnal mot,", hypothMi' c.,lm. hos wtth,n a olveolar, ongulor. condylar.,

menial, coronoid ord bosol mic;ro$l:elelol unib_ deposition and resorption.
In cose of !he m.,,;11o ~ i$ mooe uj) 01 orb~ol. The ......."H.oniol copwle and III. oro-
ptIeIIm<lti<:, pablol oed 00",1mlao-"'e~'" unil> foeie l capw~ en e"" mple. of COPIV;,r f\'\Ctr""'.
Whe n odi o ining po rt ion$ of 0 nu mbe ' of EQch of th ele cop. vl. , i. on enve lop which
Reig hbouri nQ bone. C'. united t<> fu ndo n o. (> conla ins 0 .. ,lei of f",dio",,1ortn'oi o:w-nponents
single =nial com"""""t, ...., tc<m mi l O 'macro- (.1:8.101 un il> ond ",;,ted Wl>::tionoi motrur) .... ic/.
.l:eletol una'. The entire endOCftlnicll"rI",:e of o. a .... o~ a ... "'ndwk.... d in between two
!he calvori ....... i!I on ""'m~ of 0 mocro-skeletal ~ forerl. In the neuro<lOriol col)$V~, !he
una . cove" consll! oIltre .kin and dura mot. wh ....
T~e IunClionol mom. : The Ivncfioncl molri> 01 in lIIe 0<0-10001 copwle the slcin ond m...:oso
con.i$!3 01 m"$(Ie., glonds, roe ..... vessels. lot, form !he covering_
tee,h o.-.J the funcHoning .poe.... The fu "'tionol Th e neu ro."rnn iol cop:s ule lurrou nds
matri. i. divided into two: c nd pro""" the n. uroc",n io l copo u;, r lunc:tiono l
I. Periost..,1mot,ix motrix "",\eM il the bro in, loptom..,ir.g end
2. COj)wlo' matn. C.s.f. The ...........,.,roniol cop~ I, mode uj) 01
1. Perio1;teol Mo!ri= : The periollll matrices slc;n, cOf'W"OOldive 1issrJe. opo........,.;c loye., I""",
cd d,rectIy and odWely upon their rektted skeletol
conn.dIve tiuue Ioyer, I"" iosleum, bose of me
unib. Aherotionl in lhei. fUnc1ior1ol dema.-.Js slcull and the 2 loyers aI d"", m01er. The oro
J)tOCIuce a """"ndo.., compenlQlO.., lro",I"". facial cop:sule "'rrounds one' j).otKn the 0<0-
motion aI the .i"" oed or lhope of th~r sleolela l ""so-phoryngeol SOOCM .... ic/. constii"'e lhoe oro-
unil>. Such trn ns/ormotions Ore brovg ht obout by facio l cop:s ulo' moirix. T..... growth of the lodo l
.... ;nterreloted p<o<;e .... ' of bon. depositio<1 ond . ku ll i. influenced by th e "o lu mo a nd porerq of
resorpIion. The peri05l",,1 motriau indud" the
th .... ,~.
mutde-s, blood "".... Is, ne"'ft, glond etc.,. "en Llmbor, II '. tll e 0l)'
These lissues oct difOCllyon their relo!ed sla.1o.to1
unrts ll>ereby bringing obout 0 lrunslormotion in A rnulrifoctoriollheory was ~ Iorwor<I by on
!her size and ,""ope. This lron$lormotion d"" It;> Limbergh In 1970. Accordi,,!! '" ..", Umboroh
lheodion 01 peri",1eo1 mott'\cM il brou"" about lIIe thr... populo. Ihoc .... alo...,.,...m were f>Ol
."' i.focio'y, yet eoch conioin. element! of
by bone depooition ond ,.",'pI""'.
!ig niliccnc:e thai cON>Ol be denied. von umbcrg h
2. c-.Ior MotriGes : Tn e cap$ulo' mot,ice,
.xplo in$ the proce.. of growth and development
eel. doodr and pa ...... 1y on their reloIoId .keleto l
unita procfucing a MCOndo.., com pen",,,,..,

in vi_ !hat combines ell the 11. ....... xisti"ll
theooi ... He wpp::><ts the fundiottcl mo!l'tlr mOOty
11'0........ in opoce. \he$e OllelOltOns in spatial
dMasa. OC~"""" OIpec1SofSo:::her's
poWon aI oi>eIo:!r:ll unils are boought obout by
Iheory and '" me ..,me ~"'" doe. n", rule oo.rt
the eopor,.;on d!he oro-Iociol COlllul. within
oenetic Involvemenl. van Limborgh has
which Ihe Ior:d bones arise, orow nnd are
.' W sledlhe IoIIow;ng !i.e1octot$1hot hoe be~
molntcined. Theboal sh~1 unils Ore possr.eiy
controll growth:
ond l oco ndo rily.,.......... d in .pece o. th e ir
enveiopi r.g co p.ule .. ,,"pondod. Tn is kind of Int,lnl ic ffe ntlic /octo" , They are t .... g..,,,,i<:
tronllo tive lI rowth i. net brouoht obo ut by co ntrol of the . <. Ietol unil> the mse lvel.
lo<: o! ep ige ne li c la ctor< 80 rl e growt h i, depo' ition oceu" on the in ner , id. of the wido
detormi" ed by """",tic cantrol ori gino tin g fro m .n d 01 th e V' ond 0000 resorption on th o o uter
adjace nt , trvctcres !i kHbroin, eye, etc.,. ,ur/ace, Depo~tio n 01"" ta le< ploee at th e erld.
Gene"'! ep igenetic /oct"., .
Th . y m e ge netic
01 th o 2 arm S of the "I res ultin g in g rowth
ma. am"nt toward, th e e r>d,
!oct"" dotetm ini ng growth from di,lo nt . trudure,
Th . V potte rn of th e g rowth occu,," in 0
f ,g, 5e> n()ffi10 ne" growth hormcn . "tc, ,,
numb<or 01 reg ion< Ifig 5) ,,,,,h "" tne bo ", of the
lo<:ol ~ rlVi!O nm "nto! lactors n .y or. nOn - maoo;ble, end. of long bon~., roondibu" r body,
91' neti c fectors trom locol ",tema l environment. po late etc ..
f.g . hobil$, mvsde force, etc.,.
Enlo ... ' caunterpa,t principle
c.,,,e roi e nvironm e nt,,1 j"ctor< The y o re
gene",1rl on-9"""''o infl uen c.e, .uch as nd rition, The counterpart princip le 01cron ioloeo l growlh
O'gen etc., .Iotes that the growth of any gi...n f"".,1 o r cro nia l
The views "'f.'l',oed by I'<l n 1m borgh can port re" le, .IpOC ifoco lly to o th. r , trudurol or>d
be symmoriwd in the 101l 0w irl 9 , ,' point" goomctr'o co unterpmh in the face and cran iu m.
I. Chon d roc ro nia l growth i, co ntroll ed ma inly There are reg io na l rola ti on>hip.
by the intrin";c gerleti( foci""". throu ghout the whole fOGe ond cron ium. II eoch
2. De,moc ronia l growt;, i, co ntrolled by 0 few rega rd part 000 it. part'ou"r counterpart enlarge
;ntri n,'o gen. t f""to" , to th e ",rne ."t. nt. ba la nced growtn occurs -,.7
3. The Lurti"gioou, pa rt, of the sk ull mu,t be Irnba laoces in the reg;onol relation$hip, ; ,
COfl.ide red os growth centre . a re produced by differeoce, in ,
4. Sutu ro l g rowth i. cO rltroiled ma in I, bi o. An"",,"", of growth betwee n the cC-U rlte'pa rt"
inIIv.r'ICl" 00900ting from the ,~ " I ( ortilnge' b. Dr-e:;t"ns d growth between ohc coVnterp:Jrto,
a nd from o th or od i oc~ rlt .lu ll , trvcture, Co Time of g rowth betwee n the cou nt~ rpart' ,
S, Pc rio <t. a l g rowth larg ely depe nd , up on The diff. r. n! port, & tl""r GOuntnrport,
g rowth of odiocent <trudure', are,
6. Sutural and pe r<>sloo l growth ore odd it600 lly I , Na"""'ID:iII "'l' wmpl~< relate, to the anterior
~ bo,- b:;a l non--genet'o cn';rorvne<ltol crania l 10'''' ,
i nflu or>:~ 2 Horizont" di mension ofthc phar.,-ngeoI .pace
re lo te. to th e midd le cro niol lo.", .
OTHER THEORI~S RfLATIW TO CRANIO- 3 Midd le erun ;,,1fo,,,, and breadth ci ro mu'
FACIAL GROWTH ore co unt. rpart.
4 lIA.o>.i llary ond mo ndil>ulor arche, o re mut",,1
Elllow's expandIng 'V' princIple
5, Bony maxil lo and COfPU' 01 roond ibl e are
Mony locia l bo no, or part. of bo ne ho. e 0 V
mutua l cO\Jnterpa rt' ,
.hoped pattern of g rowth. The yrowth movcmo nlo 6, I'-kl<il " ry tu ber"'ily and li r>gual tubero, ily o re
o nd en largem . nt ci th e,e bone, occur to war ds
co unte rparts.
the wid . ood, of the V o. a re, ul t of di lFere ntial
dopesit" n ~ ",100,," """"""ion of bone Bon.

For e>.omple, rh~ presence 01 tos~ bud, ;,
dependent UJICI'" 0" intocl in"",.,o!iQo._ The """"'"
are not onl)o imporlcnl for !I.. sensa",n " f IO~o
b~t th ey a l.e hov e a M urotroph ic .Keol in
, ullOining nO!'O lthy growth 01 th e tolte M . a'"
nearb)o ep~heliol ti .. "", Ii the toste buds ore de
inneMlIed, they become atrophic and 10 also
the neorby epitheli(J1 ~II ..

A Neuromu.culor troohism : fmbr yoni,

~~1 is indepenoo...tof neurollnnervotion
and !fo!1I>" CCW1tfo1. ~pro>im:;llel 01 the ")blast
ltoge of diffe rentiotion, n"'-' ro l inne"'otion i.
estob li,hed with out which fu rther myogeroe. i,
uJUQ ll y co nnot continue ,
Ne"f<)-viJcer<>llropi>;", : The $Olivary giard.,
lot filSV' and other Ofgon. are trophlcolly
NI II. ob opllle p'O,,' " In reguloted, ot lea" in ~".
. , ... t. cll ' ,.,owf/!
N eufOlrophism i. a non.lmp ulse Mlnsmilling
oeuro l IUrldion!hot irw<>M.. c>ep lcsmi<; Ir<lnsport Coflg'.~ .....""' , M<Ab,.,." N': C .... h "'"_~
and provide. for long te rm inTeroClion b.etwe. n moo' . Hoc" wH, <0 "" " ",,"0' ''''Iil''og",,,,;,
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"eyro", cnd inn e rvoTe d tiuue, tha t 153 16(l
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2, Neuro .iKern l troph i$n1 Vd.,.OM A. o IlQ..... ,.., ..... . ,~ ,"otle l cl
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v........ ........_ : Ivo ollomohl< ......... '"""'"
en! synthe.i. Of<! neun>IrOphicolly a>"Itn:lIlfId. The 010'0.00l000i._ IIm J 0 _ 1943, ~18
9. "'of;~ WIt. C.,......po"' .. Omooo'Ofa. So loo. ..,
no,",ol epithelial growth i. tonIfOlled by reI~ CV",oql~6.
of ce<fOin neurotrophic 1ubslOnces by the ........., 10. ~ E Mojo .. , Hond boot< 01 Ooj ,j, ,;co,"'"
boo .....dicd ..AoI;''-o, ;",,1988,
,yna~ . Ilihi. """ ,otropnic p>u.. i.lodcing 11, !'-W,:O~ o"" C>c<MoI",,, __ .......
0< o'eiici""t, abnorma l " pith . li e l g rowth, 0<0-
il W ~,I9I'3
fociol h,popc.ic and ma ffeo-motion etc., OCCU '.
~.- ..

and Development of
and Facial Region

rowln an d de ve lopm en t of on

"et/ad 0 1 tb e e mbryo
ind,,;du c l be divid .d ;010 pre-
~c "
This per'.od extends from the fourteenth doy to th.>
notol en d me poll- nolO ' pe<iodl. The
fiity sixth 00,. of intro -uterine lif~ , During th ~ per>od
pro""to l perK><! o f development i. " dYr><lmic
!r.. mo ior pen of the devolopment of the feodol
phose in Ir.. deve lopment of " ""mem be ln ~,
end th e eron,,1region OCOJrs.
Dun,,!! /hi, period, the r..igr" irlCY8OS8!l by " I...,.,
5000 tim ... .,. compored 10 oof,. " m.reefold P,"od "f th e f etus
inc,,,,,... during the post-nolOl period, The pre-
This phm.e e>.!enm betwu" "',fifty .i:<Ih 001 01
noIol Me Con be orb"",ri" dividtd ;"''' """
imro ........ ne IiIe hU billh. In this period, occeboled
grOWlh 01 the oonio-lo<;"1 strvctUflS 0<"'''
1. Period oflhe ovum
r.sulting ,n an il'H;rflo<J!.e in their $jUt. In oddmon,
2. Period 01 theembryo
o chonge in proportion between the variou~
3. Period oIthe Ietu.
structure< 01$0 ,,"urs.
P~,I"" 01 tb, OY"'"
This period ~ /0,,, pe"od oIopptO.<imole"
two _ls from !he ~me 01 f.urililalion. During The ""rli... t ~.idence otlormation of th" CR:Iniol
mi, period the d""""ge of the oYum ond the 00$0 i$ __ in the post or Iot~ sornilic ~ (4th
otlachmen, of the ()VM to the InllO-ulOri"o ""1;111 . 8th """'* 01 intra uterine life). Duri"lt thi,lote
<>Ceu". somitic pooriod meserd>ymol tissue d-..d Ifom
2Z Orthodontics The: An and Science

!he pntnItiYe .!reo!:. ....... rol aest and occipital

We.atOhtel cond..,,,,, around tho de-.eloping
btoin. Th .... ,,(opsule is formed around \t.e
broln co llod Ecto m e~ i , o. Ecto menlo geo l
CDPWIe. Th o be",,1portion of thi' copl ule give,
n. Ttl "'" Ivtu,," (ran>ol bos~.
T"'~ developmenl 01 Ihe ,kull crd
100 mctiot. 01 II-e (arfilog'" of "'" cranial base is
degendent upon !he preoenc:e 01 mony arher
........1.trvdvr~' li~~ bruin, =..001 _ and ~I-
e,es. Thu ...... ideo(e 01 .h~1 fatmal;on is _n
<:CIrTIP" r" I"., "fI.,..tho pfimo<dio of many
0Iher cronio l5lf\JClur .. ho ... developed.
From OrooM !he fortieTh 00, onwc rd"
'.hs ecIomeninge<l1 copoula is slowly conv.rted
' 'Ill C01~ 01 +0 Cn>"",,1 boo .. , I Hooo' co"",'
~ cor!iIQge. This herakH!he on$Cl of <:mnial 2 I'roopho,cid _to,;,.. J. Oob;o" . "",.....,;d <o"".~ .,
b=selotmotior . Thee",,,,...,., of-.::hymal 4. A:o ... tI""do <...;101/0, 5. 0"<: ",~,,,,, 6. AI
op/oof"ood <erliogo. 7 1btI s,.t..oood_1ogo
aIs inIo comloge o r ChOhdoificolio h OCCV.. in 4


~ """"""""
< ""'"
~ Ok
""'it;h fvte toge!h~, ond Ionn !heon"""" part
of bod, of . pn.,no id , AI1tcriooy, tho pre
s ph e no id co rti loge fo rm s 0 ve rt ica l
cart ilag ino u. pla te co iled mes ethm ai d
ccrtiloge ",Mch g ..... rise 10 th~ perpendlrulor
plole of ethmoid ond cri>Ioyolli.
-:... chondriIieO!ion ~ """""u OfOUnd the f.iiJ LO!eroilOlhe p~vik"y IIland chondriflCOlion
CNNOI end 01 the notoc ..... d are (:all ed cen ..... 0'8 ....... which 10m> the le_ Wlnll
........:1.... 001 cortiloge<. (orb~o5flhenoid) and lI",ote, wing (olj .
'P~cnoidl of IphMOid
-,.".oP"1.. 1
N/lu l
C:rioI !Q the te;minoTianaf,~""rd . (wh ich
... "" le"O'.1of the ora-p/>::o, ogeoI ",-,bra",,] Initiolfy during d~k>pme nt, 0 cops ule is He n
~ ~hyscol pouch do ." ",f,;,;h gives rise around the nosol ...,..... orgon, nil capsule
... Ot1leriotlobe of !he p" t ,;bnd. dIord'~res ond fa,"" the mrtilogoesof the n<lril,
On eiIha< sid. 01 the ",;sod.,
1oIem twa ....t.Kh fuse wtth thecorti!oges 01 the =niol bose.
"7PoPhyseol or post spf.... . I cortilog ...
Ol/ ~
cIeweIop. Th...., cortiloga " - Ioge"",,"ond
bill Iho poot,.;a-port olhbod,oIsp/>e<-OO . A r:opsyl. II toen oround the .... T,bvlo-cochleor
C.c oio l to t h~ pih,Ntofl glond , two ,Ml<) o rgan s, TI,i. ccpo'-"e chondrifi et OM lot. r
~ "rooid o r trabea.b .... ikyas""""lop o .. i~", to give ril<) 10 the mo.lOid ond pet ro u.
pOrti""'s of th e lamparc l bo n~ , The oti" " ",'i "90S Temporal Bane Tile temp oral bon . o" ilie.
"bo fu "" w'th the wrti!o ge, of the crania l bo"" both . ndochond rol ly ond intra. membranou sly
Tr e initia lly "' pa ro'e cenUe, oK cartiklge fro m 11 ce ntre.,
form otion in the cronkl l bo"" fu tog etner into (il Sqc<ortJOus port of the tempora l bone ossifies
o single i"<>g ulor and ~"'otly perforated cm~'a l from a ' i,," le intrcmemb rcnovo ~entf~ thot
bo,e, T.... ""rl, e.tabli , hm ent of th e variau, appeo" in the 8th week of infra -ute rin e life,
nerv , bbod ,""sse1, etc" irom aM tothe bra in (ii) Th . tympan i" rin g o ifi es fro m four
.... ult. i ~ nurrerov. p"""rat io ns or forami"" in intro membfGno u, ce~tre. thot oppeor in the
the d . ve lop ing c ra nia l base. Th e o" ifyin g 12th we. k of intra uterine life .
<:h andra-cra~ ' um meets the o" if,iog (iii) The petrous po rt of temf>Ora l bone o"ifi el
de.mocro ri um (cran ial vault) to lor m th e irom 4 endochor>dra l c""tre. thot appeor in
neurocro niu.11 the 5th month of i n 'm-ut~ ri n e life,
(i \l) The sty lo id proccs> oss ifi e, from 2
Cllo ndra -cranlal ossIfication en r;b;hondra l ~ent"'s,
The cran io l bo ", wh ich is oow in a cartilag inous Ethmo id Bone Thi , bon e . how. on ly
100m un wgOO$ oss ii<:a t>on , T"" bone, of the ~ nd oohondro l oss ificotion, It oss ilies fram three
cro niol b,,,e under90 both cndochondrol 0$ wel l ce ntre, :
'" intraroom brano u. o.\ili<ation. (i) O ne centre located (e.-.tra lly toot form. the
Occip ilci ile ne. The occip ital bo n. shows median floor of the onterio<' cronkl l fo,,,,
both end ochandra l ond intra me mbro nous Ii i) Two lotera l Cef'ltr", in th o na,al cap.u le,
o" ilicot,,,,,, Se', en o"iikotion ce nt",. 0 ", ,een,
Sp he noid Bon e Thi , hon e oifi . s bot h
to intromcmbrono u' ond five endochondra l,
inlromem bmn ou . 1y and . ndoehondra lly, There
lil The ,upra~ucho l 'qvo mou, port oss iiies
ere at leo,t 15 ouiftcO ' ian ce nt",. ,
int ramemb ronou , ly Itom one pair of
Ii) Lee r win g E~dochond ro l oss ificatio n
ossificaiio n ( Ont"" "," ien appear in ,h~ ath
occu,", The oss iiko ti on ~. ntre i, , eM in the
week of intra _uterine lile,
orb ito.phe noid cartiklge,
(ii) Tne in f' onue hol 'qu~ rn ou' port ou ilie,
(ii) Grect. r wing and latera l pterygoi d plate:
en doc~ ondra ll y from two ce ntre, wh ioh
'lwo 'rlra membranou. ru.>ifkation cef1Ire$ are
upp<>a r at the I O:h week 01 intro- uT<lrine life,
, . en in tho oli;pher'lOi d eartiiage, A po~ of
(iii) The bo,iI or port os\ili ", en dochondral.y ; rom
the gr""terwing o" iti . , . ndocha ndm il y,.-'
a '-rg'e "' edkl n o"ifieci on ce"tr e appeari,,"
(iii) Me di c i pterygoid pla te O" ifi e,
in the 11 m woo_ of 'r.tra-utc''". Iii. , Th:$giv,",
. ndochord rolly 110m 0 seco ndary cartil ege
ri s.c to tr e ontorior portion of 1M occipita l
i ~ th " "" mu lar proceu ,
co ndy le; and the ante rio r boundory of
(iv) Anteri or part 01 i>ody 01 Sphe noid: Os.if",.
faromc ~mog num
" ndochond rolly from fi", CIl ntrc , (two pa ired
(iv) A pa ir of " ndochon dra l oss itieation centr'"
ond one in the midl ine), The ce ntre of
oppoars i~ ' he 12th weak form in g the l at~ra l
o"';fication i, , . "" in pre.'phe rlCid ca,tiklge.
bo ur',dary of foram e~ ma gr>um and th e
(v) Po.t.. ri or port 0; body 0 1' phenoH Os,ifia.
po" arior ;>ortion of occ ip;ta l co n~ e.,
endochondra lly fram foo r ~e ntre" The c<nt,.
01 ossilicotion,,!he p::>sHphenoid comloge. downward diftd1!d /oramen mognum i. "n
The cranial bme or~hond..,.c:rtJnium i. odapto~on seen in mon, unl,1<e onimol"
impo<tcnt o. " jvr>dion ~en the c/tlnial 'IClult lIen ds erec;!. Thi s fie""", eltlle cro nia l be" old.
and the lode l I. ton, be<r>g , nored by both . in in, 'e(lIl .,.. . n.. ne urocroni ol copo ci!),. A"",n..r
The cronia l bose i. reiati"" fy . table durir>g lI"""",n coru'q uen<:e 01the flexure i. the prede minont
compored to Ihe cronicl ycult orod the /0". 1 ~.,. dow"""rd ,otn. , then forword displocem,nt 01
the croniol base con be Ioken 00 a bollo o""in.l the loee during its growth from !he cronlol baM.
".f,ic;h the cranial YOult orod lodal skeleII:n con N oround tho 10m"""" 01 mtrouIer\nIt
be compared. The chondro-cronium i. relotivdy tde, the ~ 01 tho! baM is .mout65' . Th"IIonen,
lIa bl, . Thi, aid. in maintaining the earl y out a bil at tno "'" 01 birth .
em~ished '81a~oruhip of ~ood ..ssel, an d
_ r u nn ing to ond from th e brain. The cron iol Une ... n n'fUrI or g,owth o( crln'.'

baM 01 0 newbo rn i. smo ll ....n , n compo red to TM growl n of th e cron io l bose;, highly un""" n.
the cro nlol 'IClult thot c",......Js be)'(l nd the bose Th.. i, attributed 1"0 th . unoy"" norur~ 01growlh
Io!etolly00><1 poster""",. seen In !he dil'erem region. of ,n. broin. Tllus tl>e
cranial ba ... growth """",bles th'g'owtn oil""
Fluu,. at t il, c" nl" Hit V1Imrollurioce ollhe overlying brain.
During !he embryon,c ond early fetol period, the The ontetlor ond JIOItenor pa'" of !he
CJUniaI ba ... bo::ome. l\coo:e<I ... the tegion be"-' emniof bote glOWol dilleren' ",!e.. B,~,n th,
the pituitory 10"," " nd the opheno.occipita l 10th and the ~Q!!, weeIc. of intro u!e<ine lif, . tne
junr;tion. The loce is he nce too<ed un~ r the on!orier cron ial boot in<reo:se< in IMgth ()nd width
acni um. Th i. 11. ,u,. of the cron io l bo. e is by 7 timel wh il e, durin g tile sa me period the
occompanied by 0 correspond in g fl, xure of th e p-OS'''''''''' c,on ial bose ''''''''0.... on fy /r.e fokl .
60 , .Io~ng bn>in!tern. Thu.lhe spi,..,1 chord and
f-e \oro""n mo::g:-...n whch d.ol'"G the eorIy stogI!s PRENATAl EMBRYOlOGY OF MA.l('UA
of development ........ dil1lCted batkwon::ls now
Nound the Iourth _ k 01 'ntrou!erine t.fe, 0
become di'ech>d downward. (Iig 2). Thi.
prominent bulge oppeo.. on ,ho ....Ifal aspect
of the embryo c"","""""ding to the ~foplng
bto in . Belew !he bug., 0 si-cI1 r:ffl deprcsI.ion -.+, kh
~ por,,:ls to th . prim itive mouth ~ co iled
FOg 2 FI, ,, . 01 ,~ . ~fl OOf Of!lie>lcmodeum , bmed
,.,~I""" by lhe buccopho ry"9",,1 membrone which
DffO" '.d".'i""
.... d ....""ct'... seplrola the Itomodeum /rom the fotegU! .
10_,. "">II"um By oroond the ~'h week of intrauterine
lile. t... branchial orehes form in the region of
Ihe Mure head ond neO:. Eoeh of the.e oreh..
give, ,ise to mu . de . , connecti.e ,151111>
,,"evia t"'e, "'oIctc l compone nt' 00><1 ne uro l
com p:)<1e nts of the fut"", lace. Th. fi'll bra nd1 iof
_. proce$$
Fronto-nasdI Medial nasal Process

Lateral nasal process Mandibular proces~

obcMt!he IIOrnoOeum. TrIe$<: a'O <:;glled rl>e rrnol
plooodn These p'aoodes saon "n~ and form
!he naral oils.
Th e fo,,..CTf,,,, <i thesc o"O:!<li pits ,",0... iN irc<11o.
roos.o l p'ocess into two port .
o. The modiol......,1 p,oc .... end
b. lhe io'e",1 nas.ol P'OCesl
The two mondibula, p,ocesses g'ow
medial'yond !use 10 form !he I".,.,." I,pond lowe,
jaw.'" !he ma .. llary p"""' uroergoe'lIfOWih.
!he m:.nlO..-.oso1 pnxe.. becames narrow '" !hOI
!he t~ nora l pill oome d""". l he line oll\lS ion
0' The Moxilklry p'o<~" and th e med ic i noto l
p,o<e" cor,elpe<1 dl to the n"loiocrim(l 1dlid .


r'G' c..OO',I_'''' '" ,... """" ,..,...;"'" +. "".001 DEVELOPMENT OF PAJ.ATE
._ Q_~, .law.. - . k '''' , _ 01 +0
The polalO Is '0"""",, by canTriblllian. 0/ the .
orch is <;ClUed the mandibular ordl and pI(Jy1; on o. M(udlary ",ocon.
imp::><1Onl role in the d .. velocmeni of the n<lSO-
mo,,;IIo"! region .
The mesod erm c""e ,in g the developi","
lorebro i ~ pro liferotos and f""nYI {] downwo rd
prOi&clion rhol ove rlop. Ih. ~p~' por! of
c. --
b. PalolOl oi>eMo' g;"'n 011 by The maxillary

FronTO nrno l procc",

The I,onto-nora l p,a<;... give, rI$e to t""
premC>.i llo'l' regio~,,"" i", I"" po'olol,he~ lor'"
stomodeum. lhOs o;lownwo,d p'ojodion i,col'ed the rest ol!he po'ol . At!he pablol,he'" grow
Ironto-nosol proceM. med",lIy, thei, union is p,evented by the presence
The stomodeum is thus ~rlopped oIthe longue. Th.JI iniliolly/l,e developng po'atJl
.uperio.'y by the f,onlo_nol0' proc.... The <helve. grow ... rtkolly downwards IOwOrds the
mo!)d,bul"r ".ct-.e. of boll> the sides form lhe ~oo, of me movth (~g 41. Sa""'~m. du~ng the
Ioterol wall . <i !!le 51omM""rn. Th. mond ib<Jlo r """,n!h wee!: oli nl",."!",..,,, I:;", " T",,,,leomation
ord, give. off {] bvd f~o m iT$ dor.s.o l end co iled in Th o pot iTl on <i the "" Iota l she l, o, OCcurs. Thel
me mo~ l k>rv process. Th e moxi llory proce .. g r~ change from "II1!r1'k:o llo" h",i~o nTo l potilio~.
ventra-medic-emn",' To th e moin pori of Ihe 1M, Irorulormifon i. beleved 10 tcke ow w~~'"
mandibular orch which i. nOw coiled the nov,.. Vo,iovo ''''''''''''' ore g;'. " to ....,lain how
mondibulor proe" ... 1hu. 01 thi. "og" Ihe !hi... cns!ormation oc:cu". They are :
p"ml!I"" mouth 0< stomodeum ill overlapped !rom o. Ak.,chon in b'oohemical o~d phl "ool
cbove by the Irontol proco", below by lne consl.",ncy 01 In.. connec:tijve lisSIJO of the
mondib<.ok:l. pro cess {]nd on e<1!>ef fide by:he palolal,h.lves.
0'0.,1 1<:,,'1' p!'O("'sel . b. Alte",ti en in ",,~ kl!u'. ond blood SlJpply
Th e e-::tode rm o",",fyir"lg th. lronto,..."ol TOTh e pa lotol . helv.,.
P~"" .how. bilalera l loca liud thid<~n i ng, c. Appea'''." ". 01 on intrin sic . h. lf le,ee.
d. Rnj:Iid djfle,~ntial mitotic odivily. PRE!tArAt EMBRYOLOGY OF MANDIBLE
e. Muoeulor .........",....,..

I f. Withd<vwl of the ...,.,bryoo" Ioce from '9J i",t

the heOtt pfoml~ence rewh. i~ dight jOw
opening . Tni. ",sulrs in wilhdrowl 01 the
lOng"" from oo-n!he poW .......... and
Abo-vt th e 4th .... ok 01 intraute,ine Iile. t....
de,....loping bro in cnd the peri<.ordium form two
pramin,nt bulges on the w:nlrol ospea 01 the
embryo. These bulg" 0,,, separOled by 1M
a id. in ,he elevation of th . polotc l sh. lve. primitive oral co,ity 0< 'lOmod""m, Th<r floor 01
from " ~col to" noritonkll po .. rlon. !he stomodeum is bmed b,-.... bva:o.phay.geoJ
The....., polotol sh.Ives, by 8 In _I:. memboane, .. hich ""POrotes ~ from "" foregut.
of introule~ ..... Me, ore in <;lose opprOJeimalion Th, ~'Y"IIIIOI oreloid down on
wiTh eocI1 etn .... In itio ll , th , two po lot,, 1.h elve, th.Iot"",1cn.d ,.""ra l Olped. of ,he cranic lmost
ore covered by on epitheliol lining. killer join, pa,t 01 Ihe lo",gul which lin in cia ..
rIICI epithelial ce'ls ""O'l' .eoOle. The conned .... aPl'''''''mollon with Iht fIOmodeum. lnitiollytl-e
hsS<>e of It,. po/(l'k;>i "'e~ i"'""",;ng le will> "",d> ore .i< pJ-,oryng.e<>l e rches, b", the folth ooe .......,I~
OTher r. wlling in IM i, I" .."" di$Qp~" c. soon os iT is ferm ed Iooving only
Th .,nIl", polote does not contod onet Ii ...... They e'e sep"",ted bV four bronchial
IU$<: 01 the IIOme ,;"",. Initiolly contoCl OC(urs in grooves. The fi"T aro;h Is coiled the mendibulor
!he ce<1!ro1 ~on d too _ondo'l' pcicJ'e po$ler\or crd, end the 5&Ccnd areh, h-yo<l ordt, Th e ethe '
1Q!he premoxi ll a, From !hi. point, d O$ure O<:wrs Ormes do nOT hove any specific nemU
booh o~yond p<><reriorly. The ITIe$loI edges Eoch of ~ ~ .... Ort:Ms conlOin ,
of the pololal prC>ceUe> /use will. the h. lower l. A cemrol c<>1iloge rod thoIfonn.1he skeleton
end of """" I se ~tum 000 Inu l .e pero! ... the two of lhe oreh.
ncsoI coWies fn;.m '>(1m OlhefOnd Itoa 0ItI1 Ctr'rity. 2. A m~lculOf component t"med Os
0 . . 1II08 t /01l of ~III I' 3. A VOSCUIOf component.
0ssiIiccn00 olth. pdr>'e 0<%1'" from the 6Th week 4. A neuro l olem""j,
01 inIrn'uterine life. This is on inlromembronous Th. m(md ibuior o od-. Ioo-rnt the 10""'01
I'yp8 of ossmc;otion. The- palate "";~e> from" woll ofth. SIOmodeum. H~ cH 0 bvd from ~
single unt.e derived from the mO>i11o. The mos! de,,"cl end Thi. bud is coiled Ih, "'o>illory
post........ port 01 t+,e polo", doe. not as~ lr_ Th is process, II grows ventrQ. mediolly, cro nic l te Ih~
forms the $Ok palot". The ",;d.palolollutu", moin pa!! of the <>r<;h, ... hkh is now coiled the
osaifies by 12. 1~ yeors. "..,ndibuior pnxe... The mondibulor pr<Xes$CI
01 both ,kle, grow lowcrtb eoch ether ond fUll
DEVElO,PMEI'tT Of MAXilLARY SINUS fn tho midline. They now forrn the lowe< bo rd.,- ol
the <torroodtrum i.~. Ih, IQwor lip and th~ lawe,
Tn. mwillary sinus forms """,eli",,, orouod the
3rd month 01 i"lra - ~Io'iM life. It de....q" ~
e.pansioo 01the nl)li mucovo membrane into Me cke l ', c.rtlla;.
II. ....,.;110,., bone. LoI.... rbo .in~s .. nlotg~s ~ The Mocker. atrtiloge is derived from the fi..1 ollhe interQOl woll 01 mwillo. b,~nc hiol orU> c",und!he 4 1st ~ 51h do~ 01

Upwon:ll to form a tmu9~ lor otXommodahng
lloe de""loping loo.h bud . So,,,,,,d 01 .he
iM'omcmb ronou. o,.-fico'i o n do,,,, lly ,,~d
venlral ly fo r... , th e body and romu , of Ih e
"",nd ib'e.
h ouil:e",,,,n conlinu es. Ito e Met<o l',
(ortilcge beeomes ,u=L.irod~ ord in...ded by
Ootle. Ol$'~calion stopo 0: th. site 'ho' wlllioler
beeo..,e the mandibulor li'"1;lulo from ..t.... t""
Mecbrl', conila{18 conhnu ... into the middle eor
f 'll! :AI ",""Q I . _ 'O'jo (8i I.ltric< .1_ ......
and dewllopS no the ocodito<y os*,," i,e, mallev.
!Cl1~!~""" 01 "" foo:n,;" ,to ... , to "'\001'0 "' ....
& in cvs , The Sj)'"Ie1"IOmond ib ulo' li 'lO menl ..t:~h
e.,end . Iro." Ih e li ~~v l o 01 mand ible 10 Ir.e
inlr()o u ~ne life . It ex!"e<ld> from !r.e cortilog inou.
'phe neid bocoe 01,0 form. 0 ",,,,,",,,1 ef I""
0IH: 'apS ule to the midline Or l ymph,..., ord
,v.oc:. ol', ",niloge
provlo:les 0 lemolo:e for guiding !he g,,,,,,th oi the
mol\d,b\e (fig 5). A maior potIior> 01 the Mlle br!', n doc llond,el bone fo,met foll
"'''ilog<! d,soppeo,," during growth ond the
Endochondrol bone form~'io" is I..n oro .,. in 3
remoining port develop, Into me following
areas of the mandible:
$llVdVre. :
I. Th e menlol o,.id .. 1. Thec~o ' ~
2, Thecorc noid process
2. II"'I<: UI OM Molle",
3, T"" me ntol regOn
3. Spine ol . pherx>id bon e
4, Anleor"OOI' I'Qo m " n!of mal~ Cor-dyiar proc . .. ,' AJ obov! lhe 51h wee\: 01
5. ~pheno mandibular ligoment int,ou'erine Ii'e, on OreO 01 me,,~chy"'ol
The firsl ,Iructu,e to d$Velop in Ihe e01'ldenlotion con boo seen above m. I'OIntrol pon
JlrimOrdium 01 tho, lower jaw il!he mondibulor 01 m. tfe.ielooing mondible . Tnis develop' ir"l) 0
d"lYiIion of the trigeminol ""roe. Th .. .. followed coroe . s""peeI con'lol1'! fig 6) by oboo' 10th
by the mesenchymol <:O<'ldentOtion forming the ....... ond ' I(IrI$ es,ificolion by I. th week. ~ then
finl bf" nc~i o l arch . Neurolrophic IOG!on mig rotOI infe<'o<ly and Iu ... wilt1 tre mand ,oo lor
prodlKed by th e """,,, il"lduo:e osloogene. ~ in the ro "",,, by cbo<J l 4 monl:", Much 0' I.,., cO ne
ouiIicotion <o nlre" A sing le ossik"li" n , ,,,,Ire tropoo co ~, bge .. r",,'oo::1 :,y bono by If.! ,." idd~
"" eoch fool! 01 th e ",,,,><Iibl.. ortses in the 6th <i 10101 1,10 bo.t its "pp"'..,d pe,":sI. ;n"O odu~ j
- " 01 inlrouteri"" Iile in !he ~ion 01 ..... a(;fi"ll both os 0 gr~ cortilal/O ond on orhcular
bifurca.ion 01 the inlerio< ohoeolor "",.." inlo co,,;loge.
menial orod inO"..., b",nches. Coronoid p,oces< : Secondo,., oecellory
The .,.,ilying membtone is IoatIlIo'M:! cortiloge, appear in the ~ion 01 the COtQnC)id
Ie> .... Meckel', corti!","e ond as oa:ompa1:yi"ll OfO<;M, by about ri", 101 4 weeO: of intm ..... teritle
reurtI,,,,,~ ar b<.m dle. From this prima!)' ~~ nlre, 1'10. Thit secondo .... cortil ogo of eo ronoid P"OCe ..
OIoi&c:otM ,~d, be!ow orod """,rod rhe infe,;or i. bIO ieved 10 Q"'" os 0 response 10 ~ dt:YcIopIng
......,Io r nerve ond II, incisive branch o nd lemporoli. mvs.c le. The ca rOr'>O id occe,,,, ry
cartH age bocom e. incorporate d into th e lif" to Iorm vctio blc num be" of me nta l ossicles
ap,,,,ding intram ernbra rl o u. bon .. of th ~ rom u, in the li brovs ti,," e, 01 the symp hy:; i. Th e. e
.;:ad di$opp&a r; before b i ~ h o" icle. beco me inco rporoted into th e intro _
m<: mbronou. oo,., e wh en tM , ymphY''' o, ,,fi
Menfoi (egion . In th e menta l (egKln, o n " i tr. ~r
side of the . ymohy:;i" on~ or two ,,,,,,, II cc rti kl go' co m pletel y d uring the fi" t yeo( of po,t_n atollif .
a;>po'>C r aoo <>Mifv in the 7th mC<"lh of inlm-uterine


The maxil!a i. otroched to tne cron ia l b<;J .., by

mecn, 01 0 num be r of . ulu ", . TM maooib'e too

i, offoch . d to the " en d ,bose 01 the te mpo ro _
mon dibulot joint, Thu, g rowth p ro~~" e .
oCGu rri ng o t l he crania l bo.., co n offect th e
pkl cement 01 maxil:o OM the moM ibie.
TM cran ia l bo," g rows po. t_nata ll y by
cample.-< int" radi"" belwM n the foll owing three
growth pro<;e"c .
a. Ed"" " ve cortica l d rill o nd re modeling
b. Elongation at syriChoooro.."
c. Sutu ra l grawth

Co,tlca l drift lin d remodellnl

Re m od e li ng refe rs to a proce" wh ore bone
de r>o. ition ornJ re.orption occu r so 0' to bring
a bo ut eho flge in ' :"", ~a p" on d roloti on. hip of
the 00,., " . The cro ni um i. divid ed into 0 num be r
of co m"" rtm ento by bo ny elevations and ri dg e,
pre nt '" th e crania l bar.e. Th ese elevated ridge,
ood bo ny portitio n' . ho w Ix:oe d"PO'ilion, wh il e
the predom ina nt port of the tkxx , how, bon e
resorption ,;Iig 7i. Ti-i. intrac",n ia l bone "'>Uption
helps in increas ing Ihe intra cran ial 'poce to
ac;cc-mm odo te the gro w;ng brain .
The c,on ia l bo.e i. pe rforated bl the
po.sogo of a numwot ~ood _ods co,d r>e<V<l.
com mun icati ng with th e brain. TM lom mioo thol
a ll ow th e F'<'''tgo of the, . r),,,ve. and blood
F;g 6 CO<",," ' '''f k>,o " ~ ' ~ P' ' " ,, ~, " 0 .. ",, 'd ,
orea and tuoeo> t 'l< = ) 1>.. ... Mr orrou oo ,he !c ..I; V"'S"~ unde rg o d rift ing by oone J epo<il>on a nd
mont" " ."", ,,, ' ;.,. ~J.
re>Upti<l n . 0 0. 10 con,to ntfy mc into in thl ir proper
rc kllion' hip with the g rowin g ora in,
one! the occipilol $e{jtnenl1lMn bocCtTl81u1oOd in
the midl,ne oroo by 20 yean 01 ooe .
lh o sphene.occ ipito l l~nchondrQ 'i '
~del 0 press ure orcom~ssion ociot:lled 00""
~, in centres! to the Ion,:"" oclcpled growth
oeen in SIllY,,". This ' I beJuse 110, croniol bo ...
oupport:l m, weight of me bmin ond face ... hich
!:>eo" down "" the synchondn:a;J in me midline
oj tho =noOl bose. I'd endochClf'"d.oI bone grtrwlh
O<;O,tn QI me opheno-ocdpiloIJYfldlondros". me
JahenOid ond the ocdp~ol bonn are moved
aport. Ai the $0"'" ti me new ~f.ordrc l 00""
i. leld dow n in the me<lulkl"l region, ond cort~ 1
bone is formed in the endos!eo l ond periosteo l
regionl. ThUi me ,pneno'd ond occipital bo.->I!.
'~in lengm ond width (Kg a .b).

~IOIl'.tloll . , Ihtl 5Y"ChOlld/O. . . The .1Nc1u~ ol" ..,."d>ond..... illike 2

ep,physeool pIotes posi!io....d bed 10 bod ond
Most oj tho bon ... olth. cnmiol bose 0'" Iorrned
by 0 ~on'leg'oo .... p,ocell. lO1er tho ""tilog ...
"pieced by bene. HOWI!"er cortoin be nds of
cotliklge ra mo in ot tho junction oll'O rious booe,.
The ... c reas c" coiled Synci1orxirQses. Th ey cre
tmpo<lanl growth SitM of the croniol bo .... They
ore primo,., cotliloge1. The important
$Ynchond",..,.lound in the O'OnIOI bo... o~;
o . Spheno--ocdpilol..,...dlordrwi.
b. Spheno-elhmoid ..,..chondrosis
c, In!er.",*""",," .ynd>ondrosil A
d. Intro oOCc ipito l5y r>ehondrosil

Sph~no.occipifal synchondroSiJ , It i. the

comlcginev. iundioo betwMn the lahencid and
thoocdpilol bcncs (fog a.o). The opheno-occipitol
JYflchondrosi. i. bel,........! to be me prindpol
growth cotliloge ol the O'Oniol bo ... during
childhood. It i. contidered 10 be the mo.t
imporTanl g rcwlh sito "I the ere"",1 base. The B
.ph,,,,,,occip itol'yro<:f.ord,,,,I. i. be lieved to be fig e ~.s"r....., =<>'" . )'nd>c......... (15:. 0,_"..
octr.o up 10 the (>;je " f 1215 years. The .p,.ooid s"i>ono oipilO l "".JIC<""",,,. '""'" " ' 'IC.fe(OfO ;,
~ ...... ....rd'" 01 ~ ond """" .. I boo.<
....... olld 1,,0 common zo".,dreeo:ve CO'Ibge. POST..fWATAt GROWTH OF MUtUA
Tho direc~on 01 growth 01 rto. sphetIo-occipilol
~ndrmlill vpwo rd . therelore ~omo. rto. The growth of r+,. MJ.omo iOllory comple. ia
produc&d bym. followi ng m.m onism l:
_rio< po rt of the oroni lJm OOdi!y forward . The
, .owlh 01 the .yn~ond ro.i. continuOI til l tfle o. Di.pIoC<!ment
cbIiIeration 01 the lOme by formation of bone b. GfOWTho"ulu~
SludieJ I" 'IO,iou. sci.ntist, ho ""own
that th. c. Surf"" J'lmodeli"ll
closure ol th& synchondrosis occurs on on O'<efOge
Ol,ple u"'e n l
Q/ 131 5 yeot1 01 oge.
Mo>:illo il orroched to the emniol bo... by mea ....
5plten-o-etllmoi<!" synchondro.;. ; Thl. i, 0
of" numbe, of 1V1u.... Thu. the growth of me
cartilaginou. bond b e _ rtoe 1fI1.""0!d ond
croniol "".. r.o. a dl 'lId bearing on the nolO
elhmoid bones . It i< b., li . ved to ollily by 525
rno~ll ory growth.
yeors 01 ege.
A po .. ~ or seoond ory di<plo cemont ol
In,efoipnenoido l 1("chondro.i. , It I, 0 ,n., noso-mo..illOl'j cempl... ocwrs ino downwc rd
CDfIiIogirlOUl bond be_" /he 2 porlS oIlhe o,-,d forwa,d di'tdion os It.. oonic>l "".. g .......
ophenoid bone. h Is bet-..d 10 0!Si1y '" ]';nh. Thi. is e _clary type ol di:lploce_nr os/he
fnlnl-occipirol lynchondnil: Thl. ollilie. "duol enlarge.....1 ol these porlS is not diAtdly
I" 35 \Irs 01 oge. im.>""",,, (fig 9 .b). The nos<Hna.iUory comple.: Is
.impl~ mo,""", onTeriorIy O. the mid<!'" emnlol
Suturel ' towth fo.,o g,owl in thot directiM . Th e pO III.,.
The cranic l bose ho. a nlJm ber 01 bone. thot 0'. displacement ah he m,,,iila il on important growth

jginod to one oncth. , by moo n. of .utvres. ~ me< hcnism ~ tfle primory denti~en "",rs bvt
01 th& lutv,., lret ore pre....,' inc!.>de : bc.romes less impotlont o. growth 01 cronicl bose
o. Spheno .lronlQl
b. Fronta temporol In oddilion. 0 primory type 01
C. Spheno . orlvnoid disploc,"",enI i. 0110 SOOt1ln " ........,rd d"ed"",
d. Franta ethm:d (fig 9.,,). Thil occurs by gr(Mfh of rtoe mG.<illory
... Fronto rwomo1ic .uberosity in 0 posTerior di..."tioo. This re.ulll in
As the bro in .",lo rg e. dunng growth. It.. wh ole mcu6 110 be in g ca,ried The
l><:>"'I formOTion <xCv" at lhe .,-,d. 01 the bo ne "moont of this forwa,d di. pl<xem&nt equa l. the
[thol il ot .ther""" of th o suture). omo ,-"" of pos~o' iengthenir>g. This is 0 primgry
type oj displacement Ol lhe be"" is disploced by
Tlm l.. , 01 e'e " I., b.tse ,.o. .tft its .,...n enlorllemotnr.

o. By blnh. ~6()'J, 01 oduh .It<, is OIIOlnod.

b. By 47 years.. 94% of ooul.,.>c it ollOlnod.
c. By8. 13,...,... 9tmol"duhsifflil o""ined. The rnaAiUo is connecrod !Q rto. <:roni"", "nd
cmniol bo by 0 n~mber oj l Ulu "'I. The ...
wlU'ft. ir.d
o. FranTa noKl I .~t~re


b. Fronta - maxilkl ry , ut",e the orb ita l rim I"" ding ta lot",ol mov~ ment
c. ZygO r:1 oti co terY'lporo l suture ofth e eye bo ll , Ta compensate, -hen:! i, bone
d. l yg omatico - maxi lla ry , uture depo~fon 00 the m. diol rirr of th e orb it orod
e. Ptel)'go po lati ne .uture on the externol ' c,rfoce of tr.. latc'ol ,im
These .utu re. oro e ll ob!" uc an d morc [21 The ~ oor of th" orbit lixe, , upe riorfy, latero'l,
or I,,,, porollel to M e;' clhe-, Thi s a ll ow, th o and a ntcrk>r+y, Surfoce depo. itio<1 occurs her~
downwa rd and iorwo rd re oo, iti on ing of the 0"" "" ,.) It, in growth in a , upe rior, lotere l
moxillo oS growth occ ur< at the'" .vlure . AI atod anterio r direction,
growth of tf>e . urrovr>d ing soft ji,.ue occu rs, th e [31 Bon e d ~po'iti on occ urs 010 "9 the po. t""ior
ffi(lxil la i. Lorri ~d downward. a nd forward . Thi' margin cf th e mo, ;'I"", tubero,ity. Th i, cause,
leo d. to o pen in g up of . pa oe at the sutura l len gthen ing of the den ' a l a rch o nd
otlochm""ts. N. w bo n. is now formed "" eit"" , ",,10 rll""""'t of the a nlero =Ie<'or of men.'on
' ide of the ,uture , Th u. the OY<mJ 1I , i"e of the of th e enti", maxilla ry bod y, Thi, help> to
boMS on . it"" r 'id~ increo ,e. , HMce '" tens ion a ccom oocto tftc er.) pting moI a 'l.
related bo ne form oti o n occurs at the . ulure._ ':{ , Be ne resa'P'ion occur> on tho latera l wall of
the no, . leading to a n ir o,,,,, , e in ~,e of he
Surface Rem ode ling nosa l Ga,ity,
In oddition 10 th o growth occurring at tf>e , vlu,"" (5 ) Bone r~,orpti o n i, .. en on the fl cor of the
moss ;v" rem ode ling by bon e depositi on and nosa l cavity, To co mpensate the'~ i, bone
reso rption <xcurl to bri r>g abo ut, deposition o n th ~ po lutel , ide. Thu , Q net
o. lnoeo.., in size downward shih occur.; lead ing to ino",o"" in
b. Cha ng e in , h op~ of bor.e maxilla ry he;ght ,
c. Cha nge in lun c:k>oo l rdotion , hip ,:6) The zygomatk box moe. in a po,t. rim
Th e fo ll ow ing are the bone remoo eli ng direction. Th i' is a.+eved "I re,o, plion on
" hong . , th ot are , een in th e no, o_ma , ilb y the a n-e rior , urfae~ Dod d e po~ti on o n the
com plex W.. 101: po,te rk>< ,u ri(l(O,
[11 Resarption occ urs on the latera l , urfo:e cf (7} The Ieee ~ narg .< in wKJth by b"n" fc.r-r,otio<1
Growth and DWG:lopmG:nl of Cranial and Facial RG:gion '~ 33

f .. 10 lo rt" . w node ' e.g '"""0''' in ,r.. mi d o ,"

~:.Bone ,... x '<i <>!i s,,,'" ",I.. .-;d'OOo1 '"lOon iB & ()
Sor.o ,orn<><I.O~~ '" h . po '" ''''''fig '" ,s oo".-.-d

. ..
d;-'!'~ t (I.",] G-owrh of Iloe poklO ,.!>bo .... V"" ..,"

of ~r_' iEI 90". no cnodol"J ai lho l~~ ~."


" E
Of the flX., 1bone., th e mand ible unde rgoe. Ihe
large,t amount of growth po,t- not(] lfy 000 01,0
on the late ",1 wrioce ci lho '\'\loma lk arch e,h ib it, the Io'<;le.t variability in morphology
arid ,eso rpl ion u" it' med ia l ", rface . Wh ife tM mo ndibl. appear> in the rxlu lt 0. 0
(B) The onlerior rosel <pine prorrine<1ce ir.::reo= ~ng l e oo.le, it is devobpmo nla lly ond f<JnOior><l 11y
due to bone depo'ition. I" add iliorl there i, divi.ibla into ",,...-01,kelela l ;ub .unil$. Tr.. bow l
resorptio n from Ihe p"riootoo l surface ci Iobo l booo o r II. . body of tho mand ible form. orle unit,
cortex. A!; a compensclooy ,neoh"",sm, bone to wI1 ich i, attached the afw,a la , proce$$, th e
depo, ition occur; on the " ndo,tea l ,u rface corono id proce'$, the condy lar prcx;e>s, th e
of lho labia l ~o rtc' and periostea l svrfoce of a ng ular proco,", the ramu" fh:, lingualluberosily
the ling ua l (Cortex. and ,he chin. Thu. the , tudy of po.t. nat(] 1g rowth
(9) A!; the teeth ,tort e rupti ~g , bo ne depo';tion cf thc mandib le i. made ea. ie r and mO r~
occur< at the a lveolo r margin,. Th i. irx;r= moo ningfu l wh." each ci the de~ opmenla l a nd
the maxillary he ight arid th e depth of the fund iord ports ore con.idemd ..,parotefro {fig 11).
[l O)Tho ""tiro wall of the , inu , CJCccpt the mes., 1
wa ll u,,,,e ,got>' ' Morpliorl , Thi< re, ult, in lhe ,amu' move, prog r.""'ely poste rior by 0
inCfeo,e in ";ze ot the mox;lla ry antrum . CO m binotian of d"po'it i o~ and ,e, orpt iM .


) GJ,.,.!
'. --'j
C o

f'I; "')uo
" I Il Po,' _
..,b! do .. '"""",",
tut-o, ;'1 o"<l I; "~, l o
01 ""''''-... (" & e) Bo""
10) So ,.
"""'P';"" I.odng" 10"""1",,,
j, m, ndlbl. (Ci
00';, 0",,1noI, h
: ~I
,,,,., Q. ..,"
"" "; b,.-I,,, Il'0~t"

k>I<..;"'l V PO"" " If) (,"'H."oo 01 mm", ....,..,-... bon. ",.,,,,,lel rog
Re.orption <Xc ...... on !he onteOor pert ci the rornlJ:l body, wh ich in tu rn accommodates the
while bo M deposition occurs on the posterior eru ptin g mo",,,,,
the ramus in 0
reg ion. Thi. re.ult. in a 'drilT' of
po,te rior di rection. The fun d"", of r~ mode ling Co,pu. Or the body of mandible
01 th e romu ' ore, As oo.."",d "", rl ier, the o nterio r border-cl tne m t
1, To occommodot~ th~ incrMs in g maSS 01 romllS ~ .h i bit, bone r~ $orptioo wh:1 ~ the po, le rOr
mo<ti<:otory muscles inu. rted into it. bo rd er , how. bon e depos itio n. That is, th ~
2. - Too=modote th . "",Iorged broodthof lhe displocemertc1the r<lmlJ:l reou'ts in tr.e croveci:>n
pharyngeal .pace. of fo rme, romo l Moe into th~ po,",rio r port of
J. To !ocililo.. the lengthen ing of the mandiooklr th e body <i maooible, In this manner the body o f

Growth and 1kv~lopm~nt of (ra nl.1I and Facial R9ion 35

boundary be, .. " .. , the ramllS & the body;

The linOualluberosity m"""" poo~
i)y depo.iti"" "" it, polt ...iorty fodn g IUriace. It
A tan be noTiced tho! the Ingval tuberosity pttr!rud",
noricl'lobly in r;r lingual di.ectron <N"od mO! it lies
_II toward. Ihe midlin. of "'e ,omu" The
prominence of th o tuberosity i. increo..d by th e
pnrserrce of a 10'11" resorption field jU! be~ it.
Thi....orption field produ,.. a .izable
dep....,.. ion, "'.I inguol fo..o. The combination
of ' '''''rpTion in th e fono and depositi on"" Ina
medial surloce of the Iubt<ol~1 ilseH occenluol ...
m. prominence aI me l,ng...,lluberotity.
The al.eola, proe ...

Alveolar p'o<:us d.....lop, in reopot'lM 10 the I

pteO<Inc8 me tee'"
01 toolh br.o:f 1'4 e-upllh, .
olveola r pracou d""...ops ond inoeoKII ln !-reight
boy 1>0 .... deposi!>on olme mo.rQins. The 01 .... 0""
bone odd.1O 1M heightand thid<neoJaI ... body
01 !he mondible and is particularly manilflred o.
"" ""'n di ~e lengthen. , add iTiooa l 'POce o l ed9 ~ exte nding linguo l to tho ro mu. to
rnodr! "I'<li",~e boy m.,., ,,, of r"""plion aI the oc:commodole the 3rd moIors.ln 0:>511 04 ob.ence
GI'IIetior border aI the rum..., is mode use aI to of """"" the ol"""Ia, bone feril. to devefop ond a
occommoOOle the ""'plirog perrnanem molars. ",."..b. in "'. e"""t 01 toom,ftOdmdion.

itntle of th e mane/ltrl, The chin

On ,he lingual side of !he angle aI mondible, The chin is 0 specifIC human ch::rrocteri.ic ond it;
teKIt'P~On to~'" pi""" on "'. posTeno-inf&tior Iound in ill fulfy de>'Oloped form in re<;lI"It man
ospect while dopo,;tion occvrs on the ontoro - on ly. In infancy, th e ch in i. u.""II, und~ r_
superior ospecr. On thr! buccal ';de.. r'tSOtption d...eloped. As oge gdYonc.. me growth of chin
occurs on the ont"rio_superior port wh,l" becomes tigniliconl. k it;~..-.<ed b., -..:rl and
deposition 1O~1l1 place 00 th e P<'.tero-lUpo rio r . pedli c """"tic foctors . U,UCl I'y ma les O r~ seM
po" , Th .. resu ~ in Ho,ing ollhe engle 01 th.e 10 """" prominent dril'll COffipg,ed 10 f,,,,,,I,,,.
moncfrble as a"'" advance .. Tho mentol proWert:JrrcO fcr<m, by ba>e depouion
do..o1ng dlildhood, Its prom,nence i. OCC4,,,uo!ed
The IIn,uel tuberosity
bl bon . re5Ol'Ption thot ~Il in th e o lv",,'ar
The ling...,ltuMros ityi." dioo equMllerrt 01 the region obcMI ~, cr=tW"rg 0 c(:<'lc",.;ty.Tho d - ,
mo.QIlary lubet<llity, which k>nns a major s~e aI pain! in this concaorty il kncwm <JS "poin! S in
g.o..Ih far me lower bony arch , ~ farm. the ceph <>Iomorttioo term i""logy,
3S Orthodontics The Art and Science

The co ndyle mo. em ent in tOo V pottorn_ Bri "~y h e ca roooid

The mondibulo r condyle r.o, be. n rocog nb:od 0' procell 1>01 0 prop!! I'. ,.iike ~,t, sa lhat its lingoo l
on impo rtom growth site, Tho head of t" . condyle . ide face, three genera l direction. 011 ot ocoee, i_e
i. cov. red by 0 thin loy"," of corti"9" co ll . d the posteriorly, , upe rio rl , an d mod ia lly_
cond~ ar co rtil ogc , The DfCSCcoeC of the co ndy" r R.. fe re nc .. s
cortilage is a n a da ptoti an to with stend th e
~ornpre .. io n tr.o ! <xcv ... ot the joint, The role of Ayoc b Qrd '1.e,-ato : ,l 'c od ;"" lo' g'Owth, A" J
0 1i-.oJ 1'19".1 ; 255_265
the condy !~ in th~ g ro wth of mo nd ibl. ho , 2 5... noOO or , hi.,.'"" ; T'", ~'''''' h ""to d ,0010,,"
",moined 0 co ntrove ...y, There a re two .choo l. "", ..di ,.." '.i _h , A-n J Ort..od 19?a ; 24_35
3 I\h.o ' r> ~ ; [le.--o.o l A~ \', H;,'o!<>;ll ond 0.>"01 _
of thoug ht reg arding too ro le of tm, condyie , oprr-<>nt, """ ,,"01\/" 0. r.o...>e, " - Doh, 1998
a, It wo. eo rlier belie,, .d thot growth <xcu... at <, 1liOo"' : """'01;", of "",o, ;",h, 9",w,h "" 0; 0',
Ivo J C.i>Od 1969 ;39-53
the s u rloc~ of the condyb- comlcge by mea n. 5 !" , ,,o ~ , Too" uo r, D .,- ;, i;o " , lo'o l,.", 0 "
of bone depoo iti on_ Tiw. the conrlyl~ g row> Go ld,' , ;, MoJol- " loo,;t, o;' ol ""o od ;hulo,
. ,OY.< h, k J C.'h e 198, ; /-0 ,/,6
toword. the oran iol bo.~_ "" tr.. co r.d yle 6 do Sj"" ~ =-,.,.,o , orJ C,,,, O<ro ; 'd l, ,,,, of
pu shes <>g a in !! th e cra niol bose, the entir. G~' ' IP' '" roGoolbcb-lTo-"th, 'om
J Ot ..od I,Y3
;2 69_275
mand ible get. d i, ploced fo rwo rd , o nd
7_ ~ , Iow : )'a,; """'" of i, ,*, g'''''+, WB ,"",..dc~
downward, (I>g 12 _0)_ Coov n,,19 62
8_ G',,,,, TM : Or"=","" , , ~~, """ _ _
b. It is now bc licycd that tho growth of solt
',','8,"" u..!on, l 98.!l
tissue. iocludir.g th~ m= les ar.d co nnedive 9, "t" orJ .At~<6 -n , bl". , ,,,",, """"",,,)0 , g.",*,_
tissue, corrie. the mor.d ib" f"""",rds aWOl Am J O " i-.oJ I "'2 ; 146 _152
10, H........,b.. ~, ,nd P'ofl _And ....'" e ", o;, 1 bo>.
from the cro nio l bO 'e (co rry ow o y \l''''''''- Am J 0 1..od 1<; 94 ; 503512
phe no m e na n), Bo ne g ro wth fo llo ws 11 _ Ko,,; 0""
Am J O+od 1966;
'''''''' "',',, ~ : foc.+>
c< '0 k>o;o,'
<econdorily ot the condyle to ma inta in 12 k"t, rJK""".., Rdo"""hp:>et_ , ~1eO<"I
con .ro nt contoct with the cra ni a l 00..,. 01 "",,'I ' '( ,- 0 ", <rd (","-o/.,od ~, ., ,bbl
Am J O+<>d 198B ; ~(i1 _ <76
Th . ccn dylo r g rowth rote increo<. 1 at 13 Mi'o, i P,.p , b,,ol ~ ' Qw' h of mon dib, lo'
p<Joorty reoch ing a pe<J k betwee n 12 1/2 - 14 P"'!T'<"'-""', A" J O+<>d 19S 1 ; 5<6-553
j <, MOm, Soto, orJ S,-"""""o ; L", ,vo"'" 01 """.
yeo" , Tho gro wth ceo",s around 20 y""" of oge ..,...".. P"V" t ~'"" ,..., J O rti-.oJ 1993 . 3.l~336

The c arannld p,neess ~<d>e' , " ,,"0, C>"'d >1; 1.,

15 , No "",, 1 "" " ,; ""
",, --Jo bu b \I'",t h a -.J '._.. ",,!.'wla ' do. , 'apcr..-l
The g rowth of the coronoid Drocess fo llows th ~ ., '.\ocoea "", ,,,,,",,,"" J 0+.00 19 69 .- <05-415
enklrgir.g V principle , Viewing, the long itvd ina l 16 ~ id .. " s ",", "" a
>1; 1.. ; No,,,,,, 1 " "; 1'",, cod

<edion of tM coronoid p roc~ss from the poste<io r

"",--Jo"','" IT""""
nod rl ..-t"" f,~ <io...lopmont
., fJoxoco '"'""""', Ivo J o.+x" 1969 .- <05 <15
ooped, it con be seen thot de po<ition occur.! on 17 ~ mf " WIt C",hmpo ''''' O , I, oJo.,t"" S' l""',
CV Ma>by,19M
the ting ",,1{m<>d ia l) . urtocc. of tho Ielt ar.d rig ht 18, lobe" ~ ~~ ; Ib--od book 0' O " i.xlooh, y"",
coronoid P<'OC. ss Altho ugh add~ion~ ta ke. P"~~ book ",.00,1 "" "h i... ,, n.:,I 988,
19 ~""''', lo ""'-d, ond Ho rr~ f"",,,1 " 0"' orJ
on the lir.g ua l. ioo, th e "" rtica l dimen5J on of the "",-.ib..,j". ~~ , "-'n J Ot..od 199 1 ;
coronoid process a l..., ioc,.o"",_ Th i' foll ows th~ 542_5<6
20 ,"" I r'-~ JA _ Pm<;iao ot ~ t ~" JB l-pp;ncctt
V p<i ncip le_V..,wir.g it from the occlu sa l a'pect, (0 _ _ ' ) , 1966
!he de position 011 tho li"'] uol of tM coronoi d 21, "'" ""'" AA 0 ,01 1""1<>"", ; ~n-.eo1 S~ ",,
". '" ond fu-.;t.", C .Y.I~""", It b~ , . 1 9 !lO
proce .. bring. o bout 0 po . terio r g ro wth


of Dentition

ho omb '1o nic oro l co vity i. lined b, future cl9c.idvoo.,., tooth cnd is co iled the .. ""mel
. t",lilied s.quomo u. e pHhe lium lnown 0' o rGon . Th e e""m e l o rgo n po"e' th,,,ugh "
tf>e o r~ 1 ectoderm. Aro und the 6th week numbe< of . tog e. ultimate ly rorm ing th e teeth.
of intro_utennc lif~. the infe<O loterol border of Boa d O<l the ,,",ope of tt,., "name l oroa n, the
1M me, ill ory O!d! end me , upero-Iolerol bord..- d...... lopmen! oI!oeIh con be drvidcd into th,"
of the mandibulor aleh show loca li z.. d I1OgotS. Th.V 0'. the bud, cop om! the bell.togo.
proliforarion of In. "'GI cooderrn .......,11;09 in tho
/onnahon of (I hc;wse."'oe shope<! bond 01 tiss""
coiled"'" den'ollominCl (/,g I). IN.denial lamroo
plop on impollOnI role ,n Ihe development 01 th~
~. n-. docitIOO\.IJ toeth o..,lormed btd~
protrlerol,,", oIlhc Demellomi..... The pennonent
moIo .. deYok>pOI" .....At of its d~o\ proIilernhon
wh i ~ th e pom>(VMtrl! teeth met ",pbce decidoou.
IOOIh ,"",elop from " InguQ l "~ olthe d.n:oI
Io mino . Thul 011 t~eth originaTe from the dental
The ectoderm in certain o reas of th~
dentollom'"o prolilerates and f""", Icnob riLl
,trvcture. thot grow into the und e rl yin'iJ fig I O tol 10 ... ,,..,
"...,..,nch, ,,,,,,. Each of me", knobs "'pteSCm."

This is the in ilio l Sloge 01 tooth b-mctioo wh e'e Due to ca nti nved uneven 1I,,,,,,,h 01the enom . 1
..... encmel orgcn reoembles 0.",0/1 bud (I", 2 cl. OI"9"n ~ ac'l""" 0 bell,foepe (I", 2.c). The cefl,
Outing the bud ,toga, the ItIlcmei orgon oonsisl, 0It!-.. inner enamel ""ithelium dill...-entlole prior
01 peripherally Ioco!ed low column .... c:elis ond 10 omelogenelis Into loll cal"mnor cells coiled
(S'"In)Iy IocoIed poIvgonoI 0lI1.. rroe sumJUoolng ameloblo"'...nich loydown enamel. The cell. al
"",... doymcl cel ~ proj i!t.rol<!, ""ic~ "","It in tt.e<, the in ne, .""mel ep ith elium e, er! 0 . !rang
co ndensat ion in two a,e e . The e,eo ef inli""",e on tho urderlyi ng m ~"' hym<l l ce ll, of
condonsotion imm ed lOlely M low the enemel lhe donlo l papillo.
etgDn is the dentel pa~llo, The ~c:hymoI A lew layers atllot squamous cell. are
COOOltllsation that svrfOUOO< the tooth bud end ..... n ben.Mn the inn .... en::omel epi~helium orod
the dentol papillo is the dental soc.. The denlOl th~ .lello,", "'~culum. This loye' i, coiled the
popillo os ~I 0 ' me dentol soc a~ nOl-..e1l .trolum int...... edium . Hi> beliorred to be ..-otiol
defined d...,;"g rt.o bvd SIOge ~ bocame mOre foe .n<lmellormotion.
dclined during the .ubscqll<lnt cop end M il The steL'ote relicu""" expands lurtr...-d""
stoges. The ce ll. of the dentol popilla form the 10 c""tinued IXCllmulotion aI inloo.~el"lodluid.
dentin ond pulp ...,lIe the denkll soc forms The cells at this areo all sIC' l/Ioped, foeving
cementum ond pe~odon!ol tlQOmenr. 10'1l" proce.... that anastomose with those of
cdioo:::enr cell . N th .,...,,,,.,1 formofion .",m,
CAP STAGE !he "rctvm n!ticui..." call.apse. to a naffOW lOne
th . reby reducir>g th e dist"",. between tho outer
The IOOth bvd continues to proj iferole rewiring in enamel ond inret ....., me l epitf.!iium.
e CDP shaped enamel orgon (liij2.b). TI,i. il
The cellt 01 lhe ouier .""mel oop;thelium
d ... txJe, illld by 0 shallow invagine'ion on the I\cKcn to form low cubo:oidcl cells. 1he outet encmeI
....o...wrIoce '" the bud . ehelium Is thrown into folds which are rich in
The <>ule' cells 01 the m p r;o.erinij the
capillary nel ......... Thi. p,avidM " taurce al
woweUl. are C1Jboidal end are coiled the <>ute r
nutriti on lo,!h e .....,,,,,,1<o<gon. Belo ro the inner
enomeI ep1Iheliu m. Th e ce l ~ lini ng th e m nerwity
e""meI opilhel ium begin, to produce en<l"",I, the
of ..... COp become lo ll C~ um"", ond orOrefe-rre-d perip,,",al cells of the denIal papilkl dillerent"""
to OS me inner er\Omel oopithe-lium. The centrol
into <>donlable",. They are cuboidal cell< thot
area d the enamel Of9C1r"1 MI'M" the outer oncI klle, assume a columna, Ionn ond ptOdoce
in_enamel epilhelium which initiall,consind
of polygonol ~Is, occquire """'"' inl1!<"cellulor
The den!ol . ac u~ibi" a ci,cula '
fluid ond"'forms 0 cellula, nelwor.: co iled the
orm ngemenl of 111 fibres cor.d re",mblos a cc p>ule
. tell o+.. retk ul um. The Itell ote reticu lum .,.>001,
o~ tne """mel "'II" n. The filns of tho denlol
o bo",.mednetworI:ofcels. The~1
$<X Ionn the pe,iodonIol li bnn thalspan between
cono:lenoation i.e. the denIol popillo ond denlol
!he";'" and bone. The iundi"" ~ the in ......
_ are poonouno;ed du~ng this <loge 01 dentol
enamel "".thelium ond odonloblc.ts ()IJtli_ the
de .IoPIII,"'1.
/vtu", der>~",,"enomel iunc~an

., ,
c D


Root dcvelopmem begins alter !he d .... M and 0ed"",1 develop:nenr can be di ... dod into th,
_nom,1 formo;rtion nooches the lulure ",menlO- follow; ..... de-oIopmental periods:
enomel junctlO<>. The outer and inn .... el'lOmei I. """ . denlOl period.
epllhelium join and Iorm " ,hooth th", helps In '2 Tho deciduous denlman period.
mckl'ng the lOOP. cI the roo! This She<l lh is 3. nw. mDc&d Oenr~ion period
co llod the Hertwig'. epithelia l root ;hC'(lth. 4. The PI'f""1onent de ntition pMod.

4Q II Orthodontics - ThE Art and SciQnc:1Z

A 8


loIerol wku. of the mandibular orch is normally
Thos is me period oller birth during whIch , .... mere do>lol to thot oflh" maJ<illory otdl .
neonor. does not t.:,,,,, any teeth. h usvolly los ... The upper and lower gum pod. "re
for 6 manila ofu:, birth olmoS/limilor to each other. The uPPf""Qum pad
is both wide r (II well os longer than the
Gum ".d, mond ioo lo, gu m pod . Th u. when th e up per ond
lower gum podl are oppro> imoted. the 'e i, 0
The " I, ,,,,.,, p'occn... cllr.e ' ime of biMh c '.
known 01 0"'" pods. T~e gum pod. II ... pi.-.\:. comp/et. """jet 011 orou nd. COnlOcT OCC"'"
b.!lween the upper ond lowe, gum pod. in the
~rm and ore """,red by" do_loyer 01 t.brov.
trsr MOlar ~ion and 0 'PO<'" e><iIlI bet en thorn
perIo$toum. They "'" ho,..sIloe "'oped end
In the o~rior region (fig 4). Thi. in/a"file open
deYelop in two ports (fig 3). They 0 ... the labio-
bite ilcol'llideled normal and a hell'" In suclc/lng.
buccol portion and the lingual pc><Iion. Tho two
pc<Iions oJ"'" 9"'" pads are ~IIXI from each
other by" g""""" co iled th e clentol groCl'ie _Th e
gum pod. ore divided rio Ie<> Mg mont. by cMo in
gl'OOVt!l co iled Iran"",,,,,, QrooI'e., Eoc" cI the ...
segments of one developing deciduous
-~. -, /I
The gingival groo.e oeporo:es the gum
pod from the palate and Rool 01"'" mouth. The
r.ons>erle g''''''''' between the C(lnine Qnd ~ ..I
deciduovo molar S<lgm""t;1 <:oIled the 10t.",1
\ "
subs. The !oterol wk i; a re ",,,lui in judgin g !toe
inter-o re), ",'otion"hip aT" very Ol'O,ly Sloge. The

D.:vdopm.:nt of Ikntition and Occlusion 41

The statu. of dentition

The ne<>n ate i. without teeth fo r ab:>ut 6 mo nths
of lile , AI birth th e gum pad. are not . uificientl y
....;de to cccommodote the develop ing in ci", ...
which ar~ crowded in tMir cryptl. During the
a... t yea r of life tr... Gum pod, grow rap idly
permitting me i ""~c<s to erupt in ~ olign""",t,
Very rore ll t~ "t h a re iound to have
erupted at the time of birth, Svch teeth thot ore
!>",$Mt ot the time of birth ore ca lled nata l teeth,
Someti me. teeth erupt at an ea rly age, Teeth that f,. 5 $poe;.,. ., d"ddvo" ""t;fQ"
erupt during the fi rSt month of "'il e are ca ll ed Spac ing In de cidu ous dentItion
neonata l!eeth, TM nora l and MOnata l teeth a re
Spercing u.ue ll y e..;.t, be~n th ~ decid ucr-u.
mo.tfy laceted in the roorJ ibu lor incisoc region
teeth. These space. art! ca ll ~d phy.iologica l
one! . how a 'fam ilio l tendency.
.poce. or developmen!<]1 <p<lce. (I .. 51 The
THE DECIDUOUS DENT/TION PERIOD pre ... nce of .pace. in the ptimery dentition i.
impo rtant for tOe norroo l development 01 .he
The initi al"", do primery loolh bud, occu" dc ring pe rroo ncnt de ntition, Absence of .pace. in the
the fi" t , i, week. 01 intm-uteri ne lile, The p-imory prima ry dentition i. an in dication tho! crowd ing
leeth beGin to erupl at the o~ of cOOvt 6 month . of teeth moy occur when the klrg er pe rmc"""'t
The eruption of 011 primcry teeth i. completed by teeTh erupt.
:2 1/2 . 3 1!2 yeo ... 0; ag e when the ',",000 Sp<lC ing iovcriob:y i. seen mesial to the
decid uous mo la ... ~ome ioto occlu.ion, me~illary con ine. and di,ta l to ' he ma ndibu la r
co~ i ne, (jig 61. The ... physi<ll<>gicol 'p<l ce. a re
Eruption age lin d u quence of Lo lled primate .pace. or . imion 'poLe, or
dec i d uous den!ltlon
onthropa:d 'pace. 0< they are ",en commo nfy in
The roondibu lar centra l inci.o" are the iir.\! teeth primote,. The ... 'pace! help in pklcern ent of the
10 erupt into the ora l covity, They BrtJp' oround con ine cusp. of the opper;;,... arch ,
6 -7 months of age. The O'/croge 09<' of eruption
01 the de<iduou. dentiti on i. given" Tob-le I. Th.
liming of tooth erupti on i. ~ i gn ly vanable, A
voootioo of 3 month, from the meon cg " hm
bee n o-:;c"pted o. normol. The .equence of
eruptiM of the dc"iduQu, dentition i.: A B D
- C E.
Th. pr imer, don tit ion i. u. ua ll y
e"a blishcd bl 3 yeo" of age OIl erupti on of the
second docid'- """ 'no lo .... Between 3 6 years
01 age, the dentol aree. i. ,elotivefy .!<]blc an d
very few chong'" OCCL'r,
f,. 6 h ;"" .. """. ,

Fln ll t.tlll'n .' pll n.
The mHo diml ""o~oo ~ the d i<tal
. uria ... ol!he upper and!cwor oa<;CO'1d dodch"" J'
molo" i. coiled tne termi",,1 pla ne. A normo l
lectu re 01decld uau . denTiTion is c Ilush le rmin el
pklno wheno the di,lol ,~ri<" Qltho vpper ond
lewer IKOnd dKiduou. molo .. ore in the some
venicol plane.

D p MI.
A dee!! b~~ may OJr in tho in~iol ,t<>g.' of
develapm(l<1t. The deo p bit." ccce ntvot~d by A
the loci tho! tfoe d.oduQu l inc ilO," ore mor\l
upri ght tf>a n thoir successors. Tre low" in ci",1
edg.. clten conloc! !h. cin~vlum areo 01 the
""""lIory incis<n. Thi. deep bile islale-r redL.'CM
duo to the fdlowi"!l factors.
o. Ervplion of decidllOUS mo'on
b. Attritio<101incisors.
c, Fo.won:l move,,-! of the mandib.'e d .... 10


The nioed dertilion po-ricd begifll at CpD'o,;",o1efv

6 )'eon 01 age with the eru~lan 01 !h8 fjru
petrnOnenr moIa .... During !he mi. ed dsmi!;""
period, the decidvou< teem clong "'ith some
permcnent t.!eth me ~! in lhe 0<01 cavity.
Th e mixed de ntiti on p.riod ca n be
clcSl ifred into tf>ree pho !;e$.
\. Fir'lttrnn sitioM l period
~. Imorjron<itio,mlpe,Kx!
3, s.concl hon.ilioncl period

FIn ' It.n.lllonal p e riod

The R.,t tron,,1iooo1 period is chonxleril.ed by rhe
eme'Qe"'" 01 rh9li"t pe rma~.~t moJo .. and fh.o, f 'g I W (I,,,, ......col .. " . [Si 0;".1 , lOp .... ,.i .. 1
e.chongo 01 the d. cidvo u$ in cisor. ... itf> the pbl. {Q ,1'.. ,I~......"''''' '''''0
permo ne nt incisocs.
Emergence of the lirst permonen! malo ,, :
The mondibulo' lirsl molo, '" lhe ~"I permonenl
1OOIf, 10 . rupl 01 around 6 100" cI age. The
lacalian and relaTionship ol lr.e li rsl perman ent
meMor deper'ld. m"" h upon th l di,ta l , urioce
..btia",hip ~ th" uI'f><'<" Md~ r seoond
dooduoUl molors . Th" ~"t permon",' mola"
oreguided im:>t.. dental m:h by "-distil ",rioce
01 !he MCOI'Id dkiduou. molo". n.. maio-d"dIOl
",Iorion between Ir.e didolsurioces of m. upper
one! lower second .;".; i<;IUOlJ , mole" eM be 01
""" 'YPII.
A Flu. h 'ermina l plane: The d ista l ,u rfo ce
01the vppe r e nd I"""" second docidVQ<,j, moI a "
ere In on .....1Tico1plane (fig 7.a). This 'YPI 01
relohOng,;p is caPe:! flu. h 0' ""ffical terminal
plcno. ThIS is e normol feotu ... 0/ ...... deciduous
domilion. Th..os Ihoeruping ~ .., p"rn'O""Oellt molars
may 01110 be in a flush or "",d on .-..Io!io,,,hip.
f", tn e1rC"' iTioo of wcil on ""d on mole' reb!"",
ro e Cia.. I mo.,r rolotion , t"'lo",o' moIe r he.
ro move forward by cbo ut 3 S mm ... .,Ii to
fig e ~. f.,.,. lOt. 01 "'" . N pI .... I n! ....""""'" 0>0b1
tho uppe r molar (fig S).Thi s OCCIJ" by utiliz:ction
oi the phytiolagic:.pou:s and leeway .poe. in
"" ~ .... ;~I I"II tn. IOri""'t.
,..;b~["" 01 .... - - . ....,.,.
" oco, (511..010 ... ,~ by

!he , - , on;!> and bydille"'n~oI forword

of the mondiblo. 000 thU' rhe .-upbng permo .... nt mofo,. are
The shih in low,,, malo, lrom a flush unable 10 mc><I lorword to """bli$h OaM I
~<>Iionship. In thtst C""", when the ';"';ic!uous
lerminol plaroo to Q C., <.< I ,. Iolion con oceu' in
second rro:oIo .. e>:foliole the pe rmr;roeot fl<$' moIOIl
Iw<> _ \'S. They or" "",;.gnoled o, lh o CIO rf,- c!"ld
d,ift "",~'oI f,- uti irlr"tg the "'-"oy opo:>o>. Th ~ occ",",
the loteshih.
.. tho .,te mi><od dentition p.,,;od orICl is 11m ce lled
Ea rly . hih OCCIJ" during the eo...,. mi:<.ed
Iot,,,h i#,
dcr>~~on pe,iod. The ervpli .... force 01 the f," 1
pcrmonenl malo, is sufficient to pu,h the S. Mesial step /ermina! plane : In ,hi. type
doKidUOUl N,,'and <and molors fotword In 1ho o! rlIla~onship rho diSlOI .un"";,, of tno lowe,
arch to d o.. lhe primarc spoce and tno,.by _ ond deciduous moIo, is more mesial thon !hot
"""blosh a 00.. 1moIo, ~otionship. S'nce tnos 01 th& Upp!)l" (fig 7.c). Thus tn" permonam mol",.
occur. eo"" in the mi.ed denl~ion J)eriod ~ i. erupl direcllyiMO AIlglo~ 0 = I ocdUSlon. l h.
ce ll .,.! ..." f,- . hilt. type 01 rT'IO$iclltep "","ino l pbne ""'" com monft
Mcny chil dren locl the pr ima .. I!XIC. oocur> du e to CIO dy forward growth of th e
10, th e occomodotion o! th e inc;,o ,> oM the
e mount cl spece ovo ilabl e Ior thi$ i$ co il ed ir.:;i",1
lio bility. The ir.c liablit, i, roug hly about 7
mm in th e maxill ary arch ond obout 5 m"n in th e
mond ibu lar oreh. The inciso l lia bility i, ""e rcom .
by th o lollo",,;ng focto",

A Utihotion 01 jn terd o nfal 'po ce, ,een

in p",."c ..,. den li'ion Tho phy> io log ic 0<" the
dev,"opmento l spece. tho ' "" i,t in ,he p rim ory
dentition oce vtili ,,,,, '0 partly OC( oont for t~e
in c;,a lliobllity, The pe rmo "" nt icc;,ors Ore much
moreeo,ily ocrommexlote-d in normo l o ligr ment
in co,., exhib it' ng odequote inter_de nto l .po:;e.
thon in on Orcn tho! ho, no >(Xlce,
B. In crease in inter - con i,, " width During
th e tron,irion from th e primory inci sors to rM
p" rmor "..-.t incisors an increo se in in"" coni""
w id rh of belth th e moxi llory o. woll 0' th e
mand ibul a r arch. , ho, been ob,""ad , Thi. i.
on importont loetor wh ich o "ow> tho mIXh lo rg or
permo nont inGiron to be acco ", modoted in th e
rnond ibko. Hth o d:flerentd growth cl the mond ibko
in 0 Iorword di rection pe" i. t, . it can leed to on
arch p,e viou$ly occup ied by I.," d eciduous
Ang le'. Cion II I molar relation . If th e lorword
ma nd ibular growth i$ minimol, it con esto b li ,h a
C Cnong e in in ciso r inc Unation . On e of
C I"" I moto r relotion . hip.
~ d'fler.""", between d""dJO u, ond petmo","",
C. D ista l ste p t ~ rminol pion" TM i, i. inc i,o" i. t he ir ir.:;li nati"" , TM primory inc isorS
choroLteri, ed by the d i. tol ,urfoce of the lower ore morn upright than tM permonent i:"l<; i",,,
m:ond deddOO\J' rr<>Ior be ing more di,1:;l 1to thot Sin ce the p" rmon e n' ir.dsoro ""'pt morn lab ia lly
of t he uppe r (Iig 7.b) Th u. the erupti n g in cl ined th c, teM to inc reo .e the de<>to l orch
permo nen t mol ar$ mo ybe in Ang le'. C ia .. II ~rimeter_ Thi, i. oroother factO' that he lp. in
ocdusioo . oocOrT1moda ting the larg e r pe<mo nent in ci.""
The e<chong e of in ci.ors Du ring th e li " t
Inter translt/onal period
Iron,ition o l pcriOO th e dec iduous in cisors arc
rep leced by t h o p e rmanent jnc i.or> The b thi ' period tM moxil kJry and morxi ibula r arches
IMnd ibular centro l inci",," ore u'<..<l lly tr..:, li"t to con,i.\! of sets 01 dendl1Ou, ond p=na nont teeth
e rupt. The permon e nt ina """ are com;d e rably Between th o p" rmOr>(l nt inci.ors and the fi" t
"'rye r th on the dcddlJOu. teeth the y re place _Thi, pem1 c""nt mola rs are the de6duou. erda" o nd
diH..",n:::e belw-t!e n th e amount of >(Xlce "" ed ed canin es_ Th i' pho,o durin g tM mi,od dentiti on
::: $ ;!: ;!: ::: ;!: :E
~;!:;;~:E S~~;;:E
~N"'N'" _~"''''M

d ~S-~~S-
" >" ~"':.o:o~
- - -"'-
~. -
" .- - .
o ~",,,,," ' .

~ ! ~ ~~~ ~ ~
i ,, "'' ---
O O ' ",

, Ii
, ! j
HI l
, ~ -i

Developmenl of Dentition and Occlusion ' /fJ
48 Orthodontics - 'he: Art and Scic:ncc:

period ill 'elalively stobie 000 no change Oul"I_ THE Pf RMIIHEHT DElmnON nR/OO

Tn e nCD nll transltIDn.' pe,IoII The ,.....,..,_, cMnt:tion form. .,.,;T!1" the jo-.4 SOO<1
The s.ocond tron,itio ",, ' period i. cho,()Cteri,ed olle r birlh , e.~e pl for the of Ine fi ... ,

t>.,. !he !ilpi()Ceme!11 <i !he deciduovl n"IOiOf$ ond poI,,,,,,nenl mo la ... which form before birth. The
conine:! by the premolors ond pe'"",,,,,,, cw.pia. .,.,.."",nenllrw;i1Ol"1 develop linguol 0, polDlOl1C>
_ _ liYeIy. n.. combined ....:o.d..101 wicl!h 01 lhe detiduous irw;i1OB ond r>'lII">'e labiolly 01 they
the pennonenl <;<;Ini""" ond "",!nolo" IllIIIJolly "rup!. n.. p<ern<Jlors ~oo below the d~'lIing
len thon Ihm of !he ded duoul conines ond rootsd th. dec:io:fl,OUl mo/ors. TN!TeOn en.I<In
molo". The IUrpI", <p>O'! il coiled leeway.poc;e doles of the petmo ...... tdentffior1 ilQiven in Tobl.
01 None. (!ig 9). The omounl <i Ieewoy 5jXIa i.
9,ea le' in the mond ibulor or<;h Ihon in Ih e " Th e 0l!"U~ sequence of the permonenl
mo. ill o'1orc h. II is oboo! 1.Smm 10.9 mm on dc<1li!ion rrv:1f exh ibil ""riolion . The frequenllysee n
8(lch lide 01lhe orchl in Ihe ""',i ll o!)' arch and seque-neM in the "",.illoF)' orch 0"":
obout JAmm (1 .7mm on 8(lch II~ oIth, o:",fl) 61.2.4.J.5-7",
if) the mondibulm mch. Ihil e. " ... poee 612J-~57 _

o... ilable oller !he exd>::Inge 01 the deciduous In cOle 01 the mondibulor o,eh the
M<J!0" ond conine. i. ufilizecl 10, ....101 drift 01 sequence i. :
the mondibv!a, ....,I"" to e>lOblish Clan I ....,lor 61.2.3.~.S 70r

!illation. 6124357
The ~g ly d ucklin g ' loge 50 m, tim .. a
IrOnl ien' or ,. If correclir,g "", Ioed", icn;, seen
in !he ,,..,.il lary ind.or l8!Iion bc!wMn 8 . 9 1""'''
of oOe. Thi. is 0 porliculars~ootion seen during 1_ 101-0101'0 $I , Dorool """1Comj; KIIOIogy....:l ()ooooI.
!"he eruption 01 !he I18rrnonenl <;<;Inlroes. As the _ t h-,o ... bIo"'~ .-...0 . ...... DoN. 199$
2. ~_E~ : I<cr<:Ilx:x>l."'Ort ' .a, v.."
developing pomICIneni canines ""'pi, !hey d"~ bIk ",""""I po.b!. ...... 1"><, I 9M.
the """"d!he laletol iociooomesio/ly. Tli,-..iR 3 T., >to AA , 0 .... I-""~ : 00;..1op ....... !.t<vc.
..... God f..oc>oo. CV,V."q. $ll<>oio,l98C
i. tfQn.milliog 01 the Iota on 10 ,he <oo1s 01 !I.e '. ""' ...... U.60, , o..-...Ie!><""' 01 ,lot d ~~o .
~n'rol incitoo; w+.K:!. 01 1(1 ~ d~piac.-d mesial".. q'n .......a, 0.,,-, 1M
5 v"" .... l.<>d .... ~~ G .M- <nJ 0ul'01Ioo HI : 0.-.-.,
A rcw llonl di.kll dr.-ergo nce of the crowns of th e _ , of 'Oo "'fI"" ~""'Io<1: An 01100 : I,,pe<
lWO c&o'roi inciSOll cou les 0 mid li rlil 5jXIdng . G,," '-ow. 1976
Ihill~u<rt"'" ...... bun d..cribod by Bo-oodbent
01 the vgly duckling ""ge 01 chlldten lend to
look ugly during this pho.. 01 o:Ievelapm&nt
Patenll ore 0/1.., opp,ehensi ... during !l.i, stoge
ond ",",uk the dentist. This condd"", uwoll,
cofted1 by i!self ... hM tI>e In;...,. erupt ond 1M
prelW,," is IronIhrred from the roofS 10 the coror"<ll
oreo of lho ind .or! .


r..oro.fodo ' regio n rwiomu 0 ""de "logo se n~e i. nol ple. ",,' in infant . As the infonT
of i un ct io n uc h 01 mo stico tio n, ,witd' M on to so li d Or ", mi,oIid food, it quic kly
.wollowing, relP j,otion and .peed!. It i. l..arn. to u,," the lip. to koep the food from be in g
now on GCcepfed fOCI t!xll form arid function O'll fo::.d out of 1M mouth . The bolus of food i.
inl.."..lotO'd , Norm al developtnel1' 01 tr..:. oro- mL>:ed", li llO by Ih e oclion of the tong ue and
Joe",1reg ion Os to" io rpe ',lent dependtonl uP' i.lotced b.ot"'.... n 1M g um po d. <>r lhe ocdusol
"",mollun ction.r"" iu",'i cn. of me oro_loxiol surfoe of In. ervpli"ll leelh.
region ;"dude mOllicolion, , "'1)11".. 1"". T.. ~>cotion ollood in Q(I odu~ oco..n
re.pi,olion, speech, fociol "P'.";OI'l and in the following oi. pho.e. o.OIIIIincd by Murph, _
mointononc .. oj mandibulor po,~>on. In thi.
chopte<_ study some DlIh. imporlOnt lurchcrc ",~p .,. to,y ph.s.
oIth. o,o-loc;.,1 r."ion ond thel' rol. on Dur'ng mi, ph""" "'" inge<...J iood ;. poomoned
de..o.!opment by ,he tong"" Icwold. the chewing ,ide and the
mandible mo_ to the ",me <ide.

Maslicolion i. 0 com pie> getly,.." a imed 01

This phose ischarodeUwl by a !""""",,,Iory po_
breaking down aod insolivo~on 01 ti.e food,
in the mO<lia:dian_During !hi, period, the ""'SOIY
preparatory 10 $WOIiOWIng. In infant., Ihe food
is token in by 01 th.r diet il mostly
"'tell"''' e""I""le the opP",,"ol ";scosity of lIoe
,ng... ted food and lite probable load on 110 ..
coofined to liquid . Thus mo$lia>~on In lhe fniO
50 OrthocionliC$ - TIle Art and SciEnce

C,u.h1nl pluue Th e chorM'eri,tks of o n in'onti le , wcl low

Tne food is " u.fIed by eq ",,1octr,.jly on both side, as o utli ned lrf MO)"!r$ is o s fo ll oW! ,
of th o dontol arch. T.... """h;ng .-orts v,im" high o . Th e jaw. 0 '" opart ond t M to """,, i. pl<xed
betwee n th e uppe r 000 lowe r gu m po d .
ve bc ity and g ra dva ll y .Jow. down
b. Th e roondib l. ~ . tob ili . ed by th e controdion
Tooth contact of the musd e, of th e ""en, h cro nio l ne rve
ond t he interp:>sed tor>g ue ,
Du ri ng thi, pho.e tn..
teeth como in <onto e! and
. ignifie, the e nd o! the crus hi ng pM ,e. c. Th e . wa llow i. gu ided end to a Iorge oxto nt
cont>-<> Ied t>,..."sory iO'ercr.onge bel\veen /""
Guldin; ph"u lio. end tongu e.
As the infant beg in s to eat solid food ,
Dvr;,-,g this prose, th o conteel become. unikoltorol
there i. 0 d~t,-.:t c ho r>ge in The . woI l:Mi ,," pattern
a nd the re i, tran , g rel<ion of the mo nd ibu lor
The tong ue i, conto ined with in the d ento l otche,
molars ocro .. the ma<ill ory count. ,ports
on d the moOOiblc i. c.o lon ger protruded. Th i.
CentrIc occIU"on he rolds the on set of th e mo ture swa llow,

The te. lh cOme to" defini~ and distinct <top . M ature swallo wl~t

DEGLUTITION Moture =c~ lowing ;, seen oHer 0 yea r o f lile, The

infonti ~ . wo ll ow g raduolly di. cppe crs with the
Deg l u~lion or ."",110";,,," i. on impo rtc-ct furo:: tbn e ruption of th e bu cca l tee t h in th e primo ')"
carried out by th e 'tomah>g nothiC syste m. Tfle d e ntition. The ce$sotion of th e infanti le ,wa llow
>wO ll owing po~ in infant' is different from toot on d the o ppeo ro r.:e o f the root" re , wo'iow occur
wen in odu lt, _Thu . two mo in ro,;", cl """, llowing g ro d uo ll y. Durin g t he troM itio na l peri o d,
are fOCOil nised, Tney ore the infontil e ....." lIow and d\e<i,tks d bot+> Nom le 000 motu '" $Wa'iow
the motu'" , walko",. con be observed,
Deg lutitio n occurs in four p ho.e. :
Infantile .wallow \ Th . prepa mtorl"wa ll ow
The ability to feed from 1M !Yeo,t ~ oresent ., the 2. The oro l pho,e
new born oh ild , Dw ing the proce" of . u,kling, 3. The phoryng ea l pho se
the nip ple is drown into tho mouth by negom~ 4 . The "",op ho geo l phose
pre" u", from with in. Th e tongue li e; ove r the Th e pr~po rat0 'Y , wollow , Th e food ofte r
I"""" r gem pads a M protnJdcs bctwoon tho nio plo 0,
roo , ticotion ;, a.",mbled a <;om pxt bolus on
000 low" r lip. the dOrSum o f the tong ue. In oroe r ' 0 o<;n ieYe
Th . milk i, dir.cted co nti nVOV$ ly to t he
this the teeth ore parted little and th e ch ec k
pr.o rynx by on o utom atic peri,ta ltic move ment of muscles cootmct. The meth a re then brou ght in\::)
tho lON;l u ~ 000 m~ ohyoi! mu>ele . During thi, ocd u, ion 10 $ta bil ize t he jaws ond to clo.., the
proce", r" gu lor b reath ing co ntinue. , The milk o rol covity proporfy and i.olote it from the kl bio l
pa"e. between the muoio l pillo" ond the lote ro l ve ,tibu le , The fXl"e rior a.poot of the tongu e
cho of tM pmrynx, Any cxce" mi lk in the p'esse. a go in" the "'# pa late 10 isolate the o<a l
mouth dribb le, down th e chin . coyit, from th e pho ",n', Th u. a t th is time , the
f" I p",;.", bb;tooiod to ,-,0," t...oaH " ,
Note th , ' \<mo~;" oi tho m"Hlo 'l 0,0>
pmd ed" . po!ted", "'0" [, le, l"", ol
"opld'lIrom CCCC~ " ""'" be. ood """~"
ij ' ov,1, po","" ,

oml emily lorms a """led unit en ce . 0. ,aon as the load poss e, th e

The oral plm,e Th e ,oft po lata ;0 rai ,ed to cricophoryngea l ",h ine,"" r. P. ri, toitie ~ctiv ity af
"""I off the 0000 1covily ,md the po!! ....ior port of the aellOphogoo lwa ll . occ ur 10 PO" the food into
th~ stomach ,
!he""", ,,,, drop< down . These m,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ueate
o ""'ooth poth loc t~ bo lus as it is pu ~ into Th e to<>'] uc and the po"'t. retum ta the ir
!he phory'" by me perisla!t", octi"" of the Io<1glJC. ofig iM I positi on to ' tmt th.e next Lj'< le.

The pharyng~o l phase The ph ot)'ngeo l RESPIRATION

phose beg in. o. soor't 05 the food po"e. throug h
the lo uc", 1 pill orl . h t h ~ food reoche. the Re,piration i. an in herent refl e>< activily. The
pho ryngeo l wa ll o, thore ;. a ' refle. upward r>ewbo rn inlont i. bo,;coll y a ,,'''a l breot h~ r.
moveme nt 01 th ~ ""tire phot)'r>(leo l complex. Breathing i. e""ked 'POnta r>eomly at birth ood ;"
When the pho ryng ea l wa ll . \ouch the .aft po late aided by the po.tura of the mandib le ond hy",d
a peri.toltic maveme nt sets up to move the food bort.e, Ncrmc l oro .foc",1 d~v elopmer't i, to 0
00- la(ge extent de pend ""t upoo pre,e" ce of oormo l
re'"P irati on
The aesop),ay",, 1 phase, Thi . pha,e camm

f; ~ 2 Po'en'
Iow.-.,J r"'V",
~-tho,ky'og "',., 01
po.,,,,, ,,,,. ""_ "ot. +. "oO " <>W "".110"( "'(" (>"0 "',en~ '" .,."(;,,,1<>- ,,,h """ to

In potiMt, I..",ing partio l or tolo l no, o l no", ond t hroot, wh ich io kroown m a rticu lation .
o bstruction, ""sol breothing may nat be f>O'>i bl~ A lorg o number of mu. cle. a re involvod
Th.,e patie nt, breathe throug h th e mouth, The in prodvction cJ ~h_ They in dv"" tho mu.d
olt~ roti on in brMthing patte rn bring , abaut 0 of the wa ll 01 the to.-.o, re.p;ralo!), troct, the
lowered mandib ular and tongue po. ition Thu $ pI>orynx, the soft parala, too tongue , li p' aoo face.
the orolac "'; mu <eulcr bclanco ~ ko,t lead ing to Speec h doe. not m o~e 9 ro.s dr.monds on th~
ob ~ma l deve lopme nt of the dr.nkl l arches, pe l mu ", u l~tur. gOO hone. $peech dr.Jod l
ore rorely 0 cou'" for ma lo<;c lu. ion _
Speer h i, lorgeiy 0 I"" rn ~d octivity. T~e l i" t
.ound, produced by a ch ild i, often th e baby A nu mber cJ, ~xert fore. on th o developing
crY, The med><rism 01 ( !)'ing i, intimately ",Ioted 1"""_ There he, bee n ob.erved to be 0 .trong
10 respirotion with la!)'ngeol and phoryngoo l co - int" r.o..pend " nce betwee n the bane c nd the
ordif'<ltion, mu.cleo. Altf<>vgh too bor1e ~ one ci the harde.t
Spe;och ~ an ocquired ski ll ll>ot involves tissues in th e bod y, it i$ m011 re$po n' ive 10
producti on o f ba sic roote. in the Io!)'n< known o s ~ nv i ronment~l locto" indvd ing m",cu loture
phonotion, ond modi!>::"t"'" of tho", oounds by The teeth and the , upporti ~ g . trocllJrc.,
chan ging the . hape of the covilie. in th e mouth, or~ blonketed from 01 d irection' by mu",le, Th u,
!be inroQrity of til. denta l e rche, and the between muod e, t;'<;t is belie"w to influcn<:. the'
...!otiONh ip 01 the teeth with eoch other end with pOOtion and <labi lity oflh.. de"loofyeol", .
'r'th 01 the oppo>ir>g arch is to 0 lerge ~'*"nt
irWIue""ed by muscle" TRAJECTORIES OF FORCE
'. The dentiti on i, cove<e<l by e conti nuous
lIude bond toot eoorcle, it '~rti ng \'oith the li ber> The tro jcctorio l theory elloree stote! thot the li ne,
cJ!he li p<, the mvsde< run loterolf)' and posIeriwy 01 o ri entation of the bony trobe;;: ulo e conespon'd
c<ourod the comeraf the mouth, foining the fibers to th" poth"""y. 01 moxima l pressu re and ten' ion
01 bucc irl oto r wh ich ins~ rt into the pte ryga and thot 00ne trobecul"" a re thdor;" th'. reg"'"
mcndibulcr rophoe. The"" fibers i ntermin~l e \'oitn wh ere the . tre .. i. greo", r,
.... Ii!>;" 01 the ""P'''K>r" con5lr>:;tor and conti""", Sennir>g hoff , tud ied the ""tura l li ne, of
poste riorl y and m.,dio lly to a ncho< ot the origin stress in th e skull by pierdng smoli ho le, into a
alrlle . uperior can.trictor i,e. at the phoryngeo l freoh sku ll. Later as skul ls wer. ~':iei' he obsarved
tubercl e The denta a l"eo lo r reg ion i. thus that the ha l o .. umed 0 linea r form in' the
encircled Irom the bucca l a.pect by thi$ bond of d n.ct"", afthe bonyl'r'l:lbecukle. ~ wereljled and thi, ph enome non i. referred to "" B. nn ingf>olf's li nes or trajectories which indio""
!he oocc ino",," mecha ni.m , the d irn<:tian of the fu nctiona l stre$S~'.
Oppo>i ng the buccinotor mechanism
Traje cto rIe s af th e muma ..
!rom within i. a very powerfu l mu sc ulor organ,
!he tong ue . The dentition is in 0 con.tant ,tote of The tro jeaarie, of th e moxil lo ca n be broodly
dyno mk equ ilib rium, The re i, 0 be""". 0I1on:e< clo ss ilied a. ve rticol and horizonta l traje<:tori. s.
The v. rtico l trajectories indlKfe the I""'to na'a l
buttress, the ma lor.zygomatic OOttre.. ond lhe
pterygoid buttress.

',o nlo nasal b~ ttress Thi . I(oiectory

originato. from the inci,or; . amine. an d tho fi~t
maxi llary premo", a nd run. crania ll y aloog th.
sides of the piriform opertu re, too crest ofthe """,I
oono and termi""t in the fronto l bone,
Ma la r zygomatic b~tlress Th i. tra ie cta ry
transm it. tho . tres. from th o buccal ~p of teeth
;n th ree pathwa y<:
o Thro ugh the rygomotic arch to the bose 01
the <lull
b Upi'Ord 10 too frarttai 00ne through the lateral
wa ll . of the orb it.
c. Along the lower orb itol margin 10 bin th e
fig 3 rrO i" """ 01 fo". ':A) fro"o",,, t b<Jff" "
(SJ Mc lor" co"o '" ", ,,,. ,, (C) Pt" ,,,,,,d b,tt,." upper port of th. fronto-nowl buttress ,
R Mcndbclor ,,,0<"''''

M If" Orthodontia Thill: Art and ScienCe!

Pterygoid bll1t1"," : Th;, ""ilctcry transmits I..... rJ tronslormolion 01 bone

!he IIr_from the _and ond Ihlrd mob" to the Thus, no! ""Iy i. !he quon!ily 01 bonoo
boseof th.,h ll , ,;'we Ih . minimum tOOt WO<J~ bo neede-d fO!"
The OOr1l00ta l trojl!'dori., of the moxil lo IVr>elion roq uire<nen". bJT olso il .sIt"\J<:Me ~ .""h
indcode : tho! it is belt . uiTed 10' Ih. IOfcel e.<ertod upot! it.
o. Hard palate 110 long be"" .uch as Ihe lemur 1$ OJT open, i'
b. o.bit<Jl ridge< will be found rhol dense cortical be"" li on :he
c. Zygomatic on:h ... outside and l pi<:uleo of If,., mn<:e10Ul bone wiThin
d. 1'010101 bones are arranged in such 0 WIly thQ11hey wpporl the
e. lesse< .. ing. oI.phenoid <:o~i<:ol bone obng _II defined po!hs 01,1..-
and Wain.
A lioe ol,t",,, extend. from one cOf\dyle to the
oint' pO", ing oloog ')'mph.,..... A 1'MT1"'"
....,IIOcoltmjec!Qne. ,odiote down below !he roots
of the mandibular teelh.
The bwer bordo, of !he mand,ble Dnd
, 0;;",", OrhodoWi:o. SI Lo";"
the m,lohpd ridges ora Ihe <>!he, prominen! 4.
tv Moobr,19f16.
OO._ .....
110.... E ............ , tto..Jboc< ..
bock _ <01 "'bI........ ;,.,.In&.
bun,_ ol"'" mor<libl . 5. SaIz""," .III , """"'_ 01 C,tI t ..... 11 I;...,.,
..... ..,..",. 1%6

Bone, unlih. olherC<>Mllld;'" ~UlJfl ",.pond. tQ

mad deg-.oIp ..... urc ond """"'n, bychange.
in its /orm. TIIO$IO charges ore oo:omplished by
moon, 01 resorption of I,~ng bone Dnd
doopooitjon 01 new bone. n, .. may lake plo<" on
!he ..,rlOCII 01 the oo.,e un';'" "'. perios!evm, 0(
in th e cose of '<lncelk-x bon. on th e w rl",. 01
the trcbec.J b . or on the "", II . of morrow .po ces
Of 0; ' linu ..... The o..u.itodu,," 01 a bwe i. such
that ~ ton best resist IIIe foo:es which are blough!
10 boor upon a wi'" 1M uMl of 0$ lillie hu ue "..
pOSSible. In !hi. reopect bene il mo.e pIoslic: rhon
any othe. connediVft Ii......... ~ hos been Iound
!hot bone ... 1onncd in juotlhe q""nIir)o and shope
lhe T "'i ll e""bI~ it to withllOnd tile phy.icol
det'l"lOndl mode uon ~, with th e g.eole>! om"" nl
rJ lICOI"1on' l of IlrtKlu.e . Thi. i$ Ih. be.;. of Wo lff'.


- Basic

n I!...dy of ocdt><ion " O~ imporlOn! ~

of donI; "' ",. Tf.e .!<.><fy end proc!iao 01 m~t
bron~ he, of dentIStry . hou ld be bosed on
"SIrong fO\.O"ldot>on 01 It,., krn>Medge of ocd uslon
Ifig I). Ollhodon~cs is 00 ".:cep~on to mi, as
inclOncd pi"""" oIthe lee!h
relotiort rJ the occI.aoi
whe n the "'"... cr. cklsed. Th is definitio " \s on
over.simplificaTion of wh.,t it octuolfy (>n$liMes.
0ed"'; "";1,, comp le. ~.~on \~vohl i"1I
!he t_ h, pe<>odoo,t(li ligoment. II>e jowI., the
go.,r """'I' changes occur in !he oed......,., duri ..... tempet<>mondibulor lOint, the muxles and II>e
... ~oodoolric Iheropy; The orthodonlisl $hould know """OUS$ySltm. Theoim o/thisd>aplor illO Ihrow
...+.or >ntt,1uIeI norma' ocdu<ion in order 10 be lig ht on normol oc:cluoion ond 10 hillhlillhl the
""'-!O reo;og"". obnormo l occlusion. artl-.odonlic; os~ 0/ ocdus;on.
The term 'ocdy,,,,,,,' M$ both SIOli c ond
dy noml c ospect . Stotic' ref." '0 .h. form. TRMINOLOIJY
aligM'1e<1! o>\d orticu loti on of teeth witn in ond
Id e al OOciUI;O/! , It i. 0 or,, -oo noai .ad
b.,,'_~ !he arches, ond!he """'~o".nip oI _h
10 lhel. wpponing <lNelll ... , Oy.ocJmic;' ,of, to
tIooor"ticol concept of occlusal .tructural &.

..... funClion of"'. Slomatogn<IIh,c .,..tem os "

......... comprising tedh, wpporling ".veMo,
lundional relatIOnships Itoot include idealized
principit$&. dIoracleristics Itoat an oed....ion
.. mpo,omondibulor ;oint, ~u""",u""ulo, ond should hove .
n~ t'l!i ... ~ 11""ms. The lerm. 'no' mol' ond Phy~;o/ollic oce/usion This 'ale,. to on
'"",Ioo;c;lusi",,' IlS ....ed in orthodontics rooin fy oed"';on thet OevrOI{J, in one or mar. ways from
10 the stoTie O'pe<:T Or th e form of the dentition. idea l yol il i. well oclapled to t hot pot1iculor
Angte defiMd occlusio n a. the nomIC I e""; rom,.,..... I. is eSlhetic a lld """"'" no polholoQic
man ifestati on , or dj1function. ond gui"" 1M mandib le during I c~ 1 "",u rsio,,"
BoIQnce d ocdu.ion An occ lu.iQn in wh ich
& sheor fe>c<J duri.-.g """ ticotion . Hence they ore
bo lonced and equa l contacts ore moinla i""" a l", ca ll ed shea ring or guid ing cu<p',
throughooJt th e entire oreh during oil . xcu ,,;cm
of lhe mandible
Funclionoi occius;on ,. It is delin.d 0< an Hu ma n dentiti<;," e,h iblt, two type, of ,ooth
mmng """,nt of tee1f1 which wi ll prooido the higMot arrang e"",nt wr.en the upper ond bwer t...,th
efficiency during a ll lr.e excurl ive mov. "",,,t, of ocdvde with 0"'" anather. Th ey ore '
tr.e mand i ~ wh"h 0'" r'I<'>Ce''''''Y during Io..notion 0 , Cusp- fo,,,, occ lu,;oo
b. (uspembro,wr. occlu,ion
ThNapeutic occl u,ion An oec lu. ion thot
M' been mod ifi ed by oppropriate therapeuti c Cusp- rona o cclus ion
modo litie. in cmer- to chango a r>OI1 - phy~oIogica l
occ lusion to onc that i, at leo,t physio log ic if not In thi< type of cx:d", ion, the <tamp cu<p of 0""
tooth occ lud e. in c .i n ~ le 10'''' of a . ing le
ideo l.
opponent. Tr.e uope< <tamp cusp. fit ;"to " I",cept
Trauma tic OCclU5ion Troumatic ocd u, ion i. tr.e """",110,,,," 01 the lower leeth wh ile the lower
an obnorma l occl",ol , tre", wh id , i, eopoble 01 ,ta mp cu'p' fit into a ll tho uppe r fo,,,,,, t. pt
produc ing or ho. produced a n injury to th o the di,to l o ne, af bicu, pid . _ Thi , kind of
periodontium. ao-angemeri wr.ere conto<:l! occur between single
Trauma from ocdu .ion It is defined a, oppo. i n~ teeth ~ co iled a cu,plo.", occlu .>on
peridontiol ti~~u " injury ca u.ed by oedu",1!orco. or a tooth to tooth o"ong . ",,, nt
throvgh abnorma l occlusa l coolocts.
Cus p_e mbras ure occlusio n
TYPES OF CUSPS type of occl""",,, betw...,n tr.e upper and
lower teeth i, co iled the cu,;p-embrm ure 0<' tooth
The humon po,te, ,,,, teeth con<titute IwD types of
to two teeth oc d u~ oo , In ti, type 01 mrungernert,
cusp, _ They are Ir.e cent, ic f>oId ing cusp< and
eoch tooth oco lu"", with two oppo,ing teeth
th e non--- supporting cU'p',
Centric /tDlfl l nt cus ps
The fa cia l c"'p' of mandibular & po lotol cusp~
of maxi lla ry po,tenor teoth are w iled tr.e ce ntr;":
Curve Df Spee
f>oId i"ll cusps. They acc lude into tr.e cMt rol
10",0 . 000 morg ina l ridge, 01 oppo. inQ teeth. It rele" to the antero_po,te rior curvature of the
Th ey are 01,0 ca ll . d tho ,lamp ClJ'P" occlusal , urfoce, begiming at the ti p of the lower &Io llawing the C"'P ti p" of h" b:cuspid,
Non - 5up poTtlng cus ps & mo lors cont inuin g a. an orc thro ugh th e
The maxil bry buc~o l ~ mandib<.Jor ~'nguo l e<JSpS ~ondyle (fig 1 _aj . ~ the cvrve i<e<te nd od, it woul d
0.., ca ll ed r>OI1-.upporting cusps. Tr.ey contoct Icxm 0 cird ~ ofobout 4 inch dia meter.


Ti'e wrY" re, ~ lt, from \"o , kltic<l, in axia l CENTRIC RELATION'" CENTRIC
of'llrnnent of tf", lowo,teoth. The b>g ax;' 01 each OCCLUSION
lowe, tooth i, a ligned nearly para ll e l to it,
indMduaI orr of coo re around the coo oyk1r axi . Ccnttic rolotk>n i. the rc lotk>n 01 the mandible to
Thi. requ " e, a grad",,1 p<ogrc,,;Ye incrc<"ed the mad le wh en the mord ibulor condyl a re in
.......,1tilting ofteeln to'""" '" mol",. wh ",h Lr>l<lte:; the """,t . uperior and retruded po~ r ion in the ir
the c ure of Spee. gle noid fo.:;o with tho o'lieuler disc properly
interposed. Cent ric re lat ion i, 0 1,0 ca ll ed
li gam entou. po' iti on Or termitJO l hinge flO;ition.
CY'Y8 of WIIso/l At ce~tri c rela ti on both the condyle. are
Thi' i, 0 curY" toot contects the bucca l & li ng",, 1 -limulto neoo, ly se<Jtco mo"" ,uperio<ly in th . ir
CtI1p tips of the mandibukJ r bJCC(l1teeth if>g 1 b) glenoid 10.:;0. In tryirl9 to oblai n centric relati""
The ctJ"e of 'Nikoo is ~k>- klt"ro l on ""cn ~do the ma ndible may be lorced toolar bocl, rhu s
01 the oren. It re wlt, from i nw~rd incli nati on of the torm 'un,trc ined" appeofS in som e d. tiniti,,'"
the lower fX'sterior Iooth. Cu ...... o of WiI "," "" Ips C~ntrjc occlusion i. that po' ition of the

in lwo wcy" mand ibula r condy le whe n Inc t.<;.c th ore in

o. Teeth ore a ligned pora ll cl to , he directi on of 'f""',i","", i<ltercu' potion. C. "t,<: occlusian is also
"""" ;01pteryg oid for optim um r "~'t<lr\Ce to ca ll ed intor, ou'po l po, ition or conyenience
""""Ii co tory force. ocd u. ion
b. The c:"""te<! bvcea l cu'>" prey.",! food from Centric ",latiC<l a nd centric occ lusion
go in, f'O,j Ihe occlvso l toble_ ' lroulJ coirrcide in order 10 he"" perfect oormony
betweo n the teeth , the J.omporon"IQnd ibuklr iOint
e ll,ve of Mon ~" " ond the r>OOrl1u>cuklr ..... tem. ;.omo , !Lid;". i:?""
The curve of ".on son i, obtOin. d bye,jMci;ng ,hown thot ma jority 01 the popu lati on ooyC a
ma~;mu m inter- evspoti on 12 mm Io<word of
the curve of Sp"" & CuOo'" of Wi l,oo to a ll w'o,
&. incisa l edge>, cent,i c

The poslerior<enmc contocls consist 01 me toe.,1
rang! 01 co nloe" ond In o li ng uo l rong e of
,0nlO<;Il. Faciol rong. of po:;teriorcem-ic Cor"fOCk
inl'(lfve lhe mondib u.,rfockl l c..sp lip' cc nlc o;lng
the 'MIIOI!ossa. ond m.,;,,1 ",0'~;n<l1 ri~ of
lhe opposing m<ll<i1.,'1 teeln. ling",,1 ",ngll 01
poolerio, centric contoct. invo .... the m,..;l1ory
lingua ""$II ~ps contacr:nglhrt_lloosoeond

di.tol mo.g,nol ridge$ of!he OWOSing mondibvlor

Anl."", " . nt,Ic cont~cI.

Anlerior leeln ne ..... o nl,o oM rong e o f u ntric

,onloell ond ore in line wfrh tho bdol "'''lie of
posterio' IntriI; contoc:l$.
PoSl$'\Qr centric contocts <esuk in 0>:1011,.-
di,eded bl"ClH o. CO"""" CU'l' tips occlude on
on OWOSlng tooth o<eo mot i. ll'O'P'I"dioJJo- to
lhe Ion:e. H~>'e' centric conlocl. oflen ""'"
on incl in es o f po.lerlO(leel~, TMse '''''lads IMI
occu' 'o n in clin e. or. co il ed poded ce nt ric
eonlOd"S. The ,,,,,Ioct, occurring on irdine
houldbe bo.,nced by on "'l",,1 ,ontoCl on on
oppollng Indine 10 reso .... the Iorwo In on o . lal
direction. II me conlod occurs on MO incline"
!he conlecri, tI)fIT>O:! bi-poded conled. Contods
Ma:.imum interevspation con olso occvr 1ho11Xl:N( on 110"", indi"'" a re collod ",.podod
";!MuI t!>e condyle. being in ~, This i"olled ,,,,,Ioc!!.
Cornocts tt-.:;,I <>eo.r r on fou, indine. c r.
mo.imum inl",cu,pation , ""bituo l oedvs ion or co ll od quodr() ' poded co nlocl.
o cqu ired oedu li",,_
Ecc_1e occlulion rde" 10 contact cI ~ that
' he:1 0,., oreos '" tho IMIh that contact the OCCuro during movement 01 the mond lble .
OIlPO'ing ~ (I;g 2). Centric contact. hcrve been Eccenfl,c oed .... ron con be 01 """ typ!l' .
dO$$ified into P<>Iteri", C<lntric tontoct> ond o. Fundrorrol oed .... ion
onle<ior C$I'Imc c""toct., b. Non-lunc~ o",, 1 oed",ion
h ad/onal occlusIon D/SCWS/ON
fi:o'Ictiono l occlu,ion (al'" co iled worki,.... side
The te rm di sclu . ion i. " sed to describe
ocdusioo) r.le" to tooth coolOct$ thot OCCur in
di,occiu,ion or 'eporotion- of non .functiona l
"'" s~gment of the arch roward, which tM
po!lteriortootn during eccentr", mot"n> af the ,"w,
=c.ndible mov . Fur.oiono l o<;du siO<1 con be of
Di$Clu$ ion of po,te ri o r teeth i. brought oOOut by
..,rype' :
condylar gu idon ce ond in ci'Q I ~uidof1Ce
lcIerol /t.;n<;iio.wi occiv, ion . It in cl ude, Tooth Co~ d y l ar gu idan ce r~le" to the
c;DnIacts th or occur 0<1 con ines and po.teri<x teelh downword movemeru of both the co,..JyI.. 0 10","
on 1M . >d e IOworck wh ich the mOMib le moyes, the , lope. of the articu lo r em inence d uring
The Ioterol fu nction ol occ lu.:"" con be of !wo protru.iye moveme nt. leod in g to , eporotion of
","' the posterio rs , In ca ... of laterol movem ent,. the
I. Co ni"" g uided occ lu, ion During laterol cond yl e on the non.fur.oion ing ; ide tron~at"s
...".j ibul"r move ment, the o pposi,.... upper & forward olor... the em i",r.:e wh ile the~ . 0<1
b,..e, cani"" of th e wcrl:inQ ."" cont""t the reby th " fundioning "de p;vol5 in ito fo ..o le" ding to
cou$ing disc lu . ioo of a ll posterior t""th on the discl",,, n of posteroo 0<1 the non -fu r.:tiono l side.
worl; ing & bo loneing . id ",_ Co nine gu id ed AI1lenor gu idor.:e refers 10 anteriof Iooth
ocdu>ion i. u, uolll "", n in young ind ivid uol. with fun dion$ wh",n .eporore the posteri<x teeth during
ooworn dentition. In 0 CM ine gu;d "d occ lu sion, ecce ntric motion. of th e jaw. During prot"" iv"
!he mo ndioo lar cani"" cu'>' tip trad" fTom th e and klterol moveroom of the mondible. the Io-w..,
cenlric oonto<;t po int ot the m.",,1"",rgino l '''g'' anterior tMth trock downward fr-om th-oif oree of
lDwa,d, th e o,-"p ti p of the "",xilla')' con ine c" "tri c Lantoet Toward$ th " inC i'o l e dg ~. " f
2_ Grouped late ral accl usia n : I ~ additian maxillary teeth wh il e di,occluding l he non-
10 cani"" gu idonce, ~. rtoin
oth er po.te rior t. eth functionol po.terio< teeth_
on the working . ide 0150 contod du ring lot" rol Co ndyl a r guidonc . has its g ree t"d
rMVOOl8I1t aitt.c mon"I;l . S,d 0 type cJ con=! inll uer.:~ on disdud in g th e mo.t di,tol po.terior
during latero l movement is co il ed grouped late(ol teolh. whil e l he inc isa l g uidance provide ,
ocd u ~ on _ di .dud ing effect on ,he more me,,, I I,,,,l h. The
(oneMor gu ida .--.:e i, a fixed a""tom", foctor thot
Protru ' ive fu nctianal occlusio n It incl ud es
canl"lOt be controllod by *" """tiMwfti le th-o i""",,1
eccentr", ~o nto<;t. thot oocur wh-o n th e mondibl .
guidon"" can be control led bv modilying the form
move, forv.u-d, Idoo lfy the si, mo,..J ibular anlorior
an d arrangement 01 th e anterior teeth ,
'octh co nToC! olong th" lingua l i~d i "'" of th e
max il lo r, anteriar te eth while th e po>!. ri o"
di,occl ude,
Non-funcllona/ occlusIon
Andrew. during the 1970', put forwo rd th e . ix
They are tooth contoct> thot occu r in the .egme nt key. to "o(ma l occ lu sion alte r ,tud, ing model.
away from wh ioh the mand i b l ~ rnoye , _ Fo r of 120 po tle nt, with ideo l occ lu . ion, Andrews
. , arnp le ii the mo,..Jib" i, mo".d 10 the left . ide. con> 'derod !he pre", r>Ce cJ the ... leoTure$ e""ntioI
contact. OCCUf on th e fight ,;d e of the Ofeh. to ochievo on optima l occl,-" ion . The , lx l ey. to
F ,3 AnO .......... _ Ie ...,"",1 "',._
~ ., 1 W 'dool C..... I ...,.,. . ,..",.:a; Mol"
"_0 "'" eo.. 1
Koy 2 (Q . ........... =""" ~.loiao '00
ID) ~ rd <--" <"~u~. "" ;:1001
Koy 3 () Idool I,bio-lhg..,1 ,,_, cdl ..... .,.,
Koy ~ \1'1 Idod ~"ig"_ cf ",, .... "''''
_f,,", :Gjlob.... .".. "'" "'.. ~ ~ ""'
f;g 3 AMrew ~ "., normol oo:lu",,"
5 IH) ~ o l .,;,""" 'f'OC; "" :r, S~
Ko \'
don;, ,,,, "". "'tOi,'", ko, 5
Koy 6 1,1) kloo l '''''''' 01 S_

no<mo l occ lu . ion ore con$idered und or th e p rom inMt port in th~ cente, 01 too Iobial a-Mcal
lDIIowing heed ing. : sur/oce, Thi. line i, oo ll .d the long o<i, of If",
I. Mo lor inter-oreh reloti on. hip cli nica l Cfown
Me~o -d i sXl I c'own ongv~oti on Fo r tho occ lu, ion to be cans id oro d
labio lin gl)(l l Crown ind inotion normo l, the g ing iva l pat! 01 the lon g axi s of lhe
Absence 01 rotation crown must be d ista l to th e occlu$Ol pot! of th~
Tight oontacts lin e, Diffe,e nt teeth ex hibit differe nt crown
Cu ..... e 01 Spee o ngukltion .

Mol8 T Interarch relationship lablollngu al crown In~lInation

The uccal cuop 01the uppe r firlt moIe r Tn,. crown inclination" determined from a mesia l
ohould ood ude in the groov~ between 100 meskl l a- dista l view. If t he ging iva l Of"" o f the CrOwn i$
oM medkl l Mcol ev.p of tf", lower firSt molo" more li,.". uo lfy plocad than !h~ occ lu sa l area, it
The li ng",, 1 cu.p of the uppor fi rSt redo r i, re/e rre<l to a. po, itive Crown ind iootion , In
ohou ld oco lude in th e centro l 10"0 of IowerlirSt ca ... th o lingiva l ""'" cithc crown i, more klbio lfy
"","o r. Tho crown 01th e upperfirSt moIo r mult be or bvc<:o lly ploced tr.on the occ lu sa l area it i.
cngulated .0 th at th e d i.te l margi na l ridge referred to 0' negative crown indinotion ,
ocd ude. with the me,ial marg ioo l ridge 01lower The moxillory i"c;$Or< exh ibit 0 fX"litive
>OJld moler, crown i"" li noti on wh il e the mondibular in cisor<
. h<>w a very mild neg ative crown ioclino~on. Th.
Mu/o-d/stal crown angulation maxill ary an d mondil>u lar po,torio rS nove a
The ,""co nd key mok.s u"" 01 0 li ne tl">ot passe, ""gotivo crOwn in cli notion ,
along the long a<i, ci the gown througn the moM
Normal oedUlicn i. chor"eJerized byaboenc:e 01
DRy n:>Ioticn. Roll:lllod po>feriorteelh 0CCI.pJ mo~
lPOce In the denlOl on::h ... hil~ roI<.>!ed incisors
occupy leu lpace in the oret..

Tllllt contect.
To co",Oj .. on OCc lul ion ". normal, th.", IhovId
be light conklet betw n odiocomt teeth.

Curn, at 5p
A nOllTlol oedu..,1 plone DCCOrdi"lllo iVldrews
shoulel be fbt, ... o;\JMtoi Spee not~ng
1..5 mm.

1. _ If . r...... 1.y. to..,.....,1 ocd.-... Mo J

O~19n, 6J, 296
2. f ....., Go,,", Omd, ~ .... Uobom>on, 0<d"",1
'-'<10'0 ...,,1. c:w.oo""i= J On ~ 1973
]. _ ... ,: Q "~ , G<.:lt.olo,:" Q...;'"MfIOO
booIJ, 1 ~3
~. m"....,,:
Wdgh 11"/1
~ Io' , " .... ;pIo, and ' '''''_'.
5, _ , DMoH. Goo<vo A ' <rb, Go ,.,... E .:0 . ...""
"""'0 l.,.;. :,., .... booIc d o<d", 'OI'. Q .i, ......'I(.
bode" 19M
6 ~1cIH. .d! . F,.. ,..,.",. Otct...,. '0 ..... 0..
_""" . J OI~'col 0rrI>0d1961;32 _ ~1


o loed u. ion con pre.e nt i15e lf in TYPES OF MA LOCCLUSIONS -
nu me rOuS way . ( Iou ifi ca ti on TERMINOLOGIES
invo lve. the gro upl"," to",,!he, of
N.c locdus ion co n be broodly divided into:
m'>ovs mc locc lusi()(ll into simp~' or !molle,
groups. In order to ho-<o 0 sytIem of ~~""t>on .
i) Inl ro _orch ma loccl u.ion. Ihct indude
tondords s hould be ICI up t~ot roprelont yoriotinn. in indi"';d~ltoo!h pos~ion Mel
mobodusions ofIec1ing 0 group ollecth
nonnolcy lk o;bimio"./rom!he otcepted """'"
should olso b. grovpt'd InlO vofOUI ,molle, wi"'," on o'ch.
ii) InI~Hlrch malocclusion. Ihol comprioe 01
dNision. 0< COIegories.
Th. odvontogOJ 01 cloulfylng 0""""
mol .. kJtion 01 denial 10 on!! onOll-
upon .k.,.le1ol bony 00 ... , which mill
molocdus.ion is a.follows :
o. Clo.>i/icotion hoIps'" d"'gnosisond pIonnorog tham ........ be normal.,.. relored
iii) SkeI"",1 malocduslons whidr involve the
trflOlmenilor th. patient .
unde~ying bony t-...
b. Clessilieation help. In Vi.uDllling ond
under:llanding the pfObiem ost06oted WIth
!hat mob:dusion. Mo\oed""ian. can occur in .., riau.
eambir'l(r~an. lind therefore ~ moy be very
c. CIa.. ifo<:alion helps in cornmunicorinll the
d ifficuk to dos';fy !he molocclu":on inlo inlm-
d . Comparison oIth. ""rioI/s maloo;:lusionl il o rch. inte,orm and .~"Ie1tr! ma!ocdUllian .
fhe abo,e mentioned caraga,;.r'on of
made easy b-, da ... f.:arion .
E_ , ~ -'


, ,
, ~,
" ,
, ....,. ,


G : .,: H
. ~

I '. _
molocd\llion give< us on ideo of !he posolb'" 0;.10/ displace",..n/ : Thi .-elell to a room
I'ypes of molocclVlion mot can occu' in on rhor I. bodily mov...t in 0 d~tol di_~on aWOl'
ind i"dvol. from the mid li ne,
Ung ua l di.p lacoma nl : Th is ;1 0 co nditi o n
INTRA ARCH MAlOCCLUSIONS wnell lhe enti ll tooth i. di.o loced in a ling ua l
A toolh can be obno'molly 'elated 10 it.
neighboring teeth. Such ob_mol..,rio1ions are 8uccol dilplocem~nl : Thi. d crlbes 0

called Individual !eelh malposltions. The condi'ionwhere the tooth i, dioplocod bodify In 0
inc!iYidvol tef:!h moloOsition con be abnormal lobiol or buccol diff!mon.
inclination (or tipping) 01 me "'eth 0' abnormal Inf~llion 0<' infro . occlu$ion : The "''''''
dl!lloceme n~. ,Il,nom'lOl indi'lO~on invojves the inf'eMIr'ion 0< inf",-ocd u ~on roi.. I<> a 1000+, thol
abnorma l ti lting ci the croom, with the root be ing foc s not eruptotd enough comPQred to th e Ofhe r
in _mo l po. iti on, Bod ify dilplacement invol, .. teeth in the oreh.
obno<mol locolion of Ih e crown 01 well o. th o
$upfovel"5lon or 'u~,a - c(ulion l hl. i.
roof In the lOme direcfion.
a tooth thor! hos CIYO'f-o-rvol...t o. compared!O
Intra-orch malocdUl1ons con also ind~
oth..- teeth in the crch. It is clso coli..! WPfl>.
condit;on ,poci~~ing ",,",in lhe
denlOl orcho.-
Some of the commonly Hen indMduol Ra.<ofians , This ",rm ...:e" to room mOWlmen~

!H m mol posi~on. 011 (fog 1): aro..nd its long 0<" .

OISl o lingua l or mesio bucca l ,etc/ion:
DiSIOI incl inoHon or diSIOI !i~~ln~ Thi , This describes a tooth which hos moved oround
"''''"Ie c cond ition where tho c,own of the tooth ils long 0 ... 10 !hot lhe d"",1 ospeer is moroo
is liho-d or inclined didolfy. lingually placed.
Meslo/ inc/;""rion 01 mello/tippin\! : Thi. Mello lin\!uol or di,fo - roro/ion:
il a condition ......... the CtOM'I 01 the tooIh i. lhil is 0 condition ~ the room ho, fCltc;lted
~11Iod 0' Inclined mesially. o><tnd its Ion<;J oxio 10 rhol the mesiol ospec! is
UnllvallndiMtian ar lin 9uo l fipping :Th is morel lnguolfy p!oad,
i. on abnormo l li ngual or pala!a l tiltin g of th o Transposition Th i. torm desc ri be. 0 condition
tQoIh, Thi. condition is 01", cc li o-d"(l'.5.;;I"I'<ltion;, where two tH th h~ ,,-,cfocng.ed ploces.
8uuol inc/inaHon or buccal Ii~~ing : l hl.
tele"to labial ron cose
of on,*,ior) or buccal ron
COM 01 posrMi<:.1 tihing crI the !OOIh.Thi$ condrlion
These malocclusion. cre ,horoel.riled by
i. 01 ... colled'Fina!io~
oboooorrg ff!bfonsh" between two leri10r group'
Melial displacement: Th" refo" to a tool\, of teem 01 one a",h !Q .the Of"or arch. Tho""
thor! Or bodily """""" in (I mOSi::ll direclion ~. inlor-orch mo1ocdvsian. can ocwrin !!Ie ICgi!1ol,
th e mld li"", ,er1ico l or in the tronsve,se plo"". of .pace.

Satltta/ plane malocc/us/on, o~d lower !eeth when th e petie n! bite. in ce ntric
T.... include. condit.",. --+>"''' th e upper ond tke ocdusion. Tf>e o~e can be in the anlefior
0<" the po,terior reg ion . (f.. 2,bl
boer ord, . , are abr.ormoll, reloted to OO(
inu oog itla l pion .
Transverl8 plane malOCClUSIons
i'r~'ma! <xclu ..~> H i, te rm ,efe " to a
mndilion w""'" t""
lowe, arch i. more forwardly The tron plane inte rarc~ malocclusion
ir>d"de. vor>ou< type. of lftm.b it~ The term
pIoxed whM tne fXltient b<te. "' centric occ lusior1 .
croo.bile rciero to CJbnormai tro",1'()I>e rek;,tkmhiJ<
l'b.I,..:!'.S' rmc i oce/v . ion ) Thi. is a cor.o i' ion
beiW<len the upper ornJ lower arene.,
J.ere too 1()'WC,arch i, rYlOf. di,t" lly pIoced whon
.... potient bit". in ee~tri c oed",""" SKElETAL MALOCCLUSIONS

V.,t/ca l plane ma/occlu$lons Th e y or e moloc d u. ion . oau <ed d ue to

n....e "",Ioco lu. ""'" "", I,," . deep bit" ond ope n abo nom.., litie. in the "",>i ll" or mornJible. The
bioe where a n obnorrnal , ort;co l ",lo tion e,im def~CI< can t", in <i,e, ",,' ition or relolion,hi p
belwee n the teeth of the upper and klWe< ,orch between the iows. Th . " eletCJI mo locclusi<>n' coo
o....p b ite or ;n"re m e d oY~ rbite It is 0 01,,, CKeur in th e th ree piO M' "f 'poL" oome ly
so~ itta l , . ertioal and tro nsv.". plo n"$. In the
c:ondition where there i. ~''''~i c;o l overlap
~n tn" upper and Ioweranteriors Ifig 2 .01 sog itto l piOM, th e fOfWord piCK"ment of a iow i,
re", ,,ed to o. progoothi<rn whil e retrognetlli,rn
Ope'!Jl~a . Th;. is (I conditi on wh ..,.e th ",~ is rele" Ie Q more bad;word placeme nt of 0 jaw,
.",verTu;ol overlap between the uppe r ar>d low ... Th e ">g ittol abnorma litie, can CKwr in 0""' DC
100m, Thu . 0 opam moy exi, ! betw..,n th e upper both the jaw . and can aCCu( in variau .

I. ,

A , c

D , F

\' "", J


fl<; J o;.,g..MO'ie .. p< .... ..,~ '" ,foo P"",... .. rei",.""

Cbo, , (8) a.m,,, 110 .. pool"""" Ic) BI"",,;l Io'f
oIotoI ..... _ "'''' ', .... , .. ."..,.,,, ... '" '" >0'),, 1 , ', ... ~, .'!o<rr, 1
(0) Mo . l lo'l ,,'I'll""';;'"' 1~I >.\o-J"'/ .. "',ogo"O"""" if)
"""""" I<OIIN'bsm ,od """""..,'., ..."....t.." fG) M.,d .., ... """,,1..,., ,~~ - . . , . ~...t.'I'I I~ !,.~~ ....
_"ON ........... "''' ' ".10< __ ....
R ,

R o

~. Oiog",_< ..... _, .. ,... '" Ii>o _bIo , ~ "" .. \:riono..,.ps " .... .., .... _ pion. 1"1 Nonnol ..........
.....,."., (&I U . _ ~ (Q 800_1 _.10 (OI1Ivccd ~"_ (fl ~

combif>OliO<1 I . Figure 3 gives you !he possibl e ANGLE'S SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION

l<>g iT!(l l lk~l cto l
Edw<lrd Ao;g l, i"'foduc~" .y>lem 01 d"ss ilyin 9

Sl<eJCJ(l' mcb::clu.ions in the ,,,,,,,,verno
plane are .... uclly " rewll 01 f>Orrowing or molocd",ion in the yeor 1899. Angle"
wdening 01 ,..... jOWS. They COn b$ describotd 0. d<u<i~COIion is slill in u... ofre, olmosl 100.,.....

narrow mo."'o, wide mandible ~ Then 01 il. introdu,'ion due 10 ils , ;mplidly In
.... ., '". rnolocdu<ion. 0", uouolly relerred to {]pplication
oscros,bilM (Fig 4). Angle'. ~Ia ..ifkalion was baled on rhe
I~ me ""rtic;al plane abnoonal""na~o'" mesio-<!jo,o' rololion of I!.~ ,,,,,I\,, denIO' arches
in !he vertic;(l l moawrc ment. of the jaws COn aflect aOO the jaws. Ac;o;o rdirog to Angle, II ... 11\(,,;11 01'1
.... ioworlocio l height. liro! pc rm<>r>ent mol", i. the key to ocd", ie n. He
co,," ;de,ed In-. t(!(lth 0' f....d oooto micc i po;""
- .

c o

within !he lows. s.:....:I on the.elation ol the Ie-.- cl maodibul(r~'" pomnonenl """.... /fig 5.0) TlI8
~1lI pe< ..... nent mclarlo the upperHIlI p"rmorMlt'll pgliem mOJ ",hibil denlol i"!1Iulori~ wd> os
mokl" he douifiod mekuk..ooion> inlo th,.,., mo in ~ir.g, spocing,_rot,-k>no, milSiJ)g Ioo!h ~c".
Oanes dtligr'Klted by the Roman num erals I, II , Th&se pet....... e.hibil """"" I0I<,.Ie101relation "'"'
and III. I~ IIO , how r>Om"I<lf mu~ nction :i A.nother
mcloo::d usio n ""'I is mos! ofton ",,~,i!i<I und er
Ant i.'. el... I CIa u I is bimoxi llory proItvsion ~the polien!
Allg1e'1 Closs I molocdu.ion i. chornclerized by e.hibil. a normal CIe .. 1molor ",lcbonln ip OO!
!he.ptesenoI 01" notmcll inlor"..,rdJ moIor ~ the dentition 01 both the upperond 100000f af'Ches
The mesio~CQI cusp of !he maxillary ~"t ore fotw<:nIr pIoad in ~ rollle foooI podl":
permanent mclo.occIude. in the buccol gfOOYe
Classification 01 Maloccilision . 71 ~;


F"l 6 Pot-ont ho;"" "" 01. '. ( IQ" II ,

om,;,,,, 1 mo"",' :"' Oc n I;.J Bcoccal ~ . w
ot>o-<"\i h . 0 ",,, i mo'" .,\,I"" ,nd
t"" ;""''''''''''-!i~.!ieI (81 1_ 1 ~ ((I
In,,,.,,,, d a" ',<11 "'" p,od le,a' '' ' of
"""'" " ,, ""'''''' (0) , od",, "' ,," 01 " .
"",.,nt, No............ f"""'loo"," of
tho ' '''- 00'''''''. over bite Con <XC U' in th o onteri or reg ion . A
cr.orocteri,tic leatu,e of t hi. mo locdu.ion i. the
Angl. 's Class /I pre~oe of obno!-mol.m~octivijy, The lIPpe '
This grou p i, ch Or<lct~ riled by 0 Clo" II mo la, l i~ u~llLhypotoni c, . ho rt an d fa il , to fonn 0
rek.tion whe,e the d;,tobvcC<l1cu'!' of the upper oeo::'-
li p The li p cush ion. the palatol O'l>"'t
fi"t pe rmone nt mo lor ocd lJd., in tho b<xco l 01 ,~ uppe r tooth, 0 looture typ ical of" Ckm II,
groove c1 the " werfi rst permone nt mola r (fig S.b)_ d ivi$ io n I ",f. rred to a. 1i.E....t!:2p'. The tong ue
Ang le has sub-ck",ified Cla,s II mo locdu ,ioI'\s o ccupi e, 0 lowe r po,t ure t hereby to ili ng to
1nIo 1wC> di. i. ions , oo unt~ roct th . b ucCinato r a cti v it y. Th o
unr",t'ain ed bu cci no to ( a otiv ity (e. ul" in
CI"ss II. ctlvls/on 1 .norro";;ng of the uppe' arch at the premola ( ocd
The Cia" II, divis ion 1 molocc lu<ion ;, conin e (cg~ n ' thereby pmdvcing a V_. hoped
choractcrimd by procli ned upper iroc i",,, with a upperorr;h. Anoth. r ni u ~l" aberration ~ a hyper
~l!!w1 incrc<l'" in 0XErht (fig 6) A deep inc;"" octi ~e/~i. octi~ity, The niUK~ imbalonco i.

Fit! 7 (.'l (lou 1 bimo,j kY, p'O!rclk-n :8) ( ,<" II, oM*, 1 ,"", oe d ",oo !~ 000. I, do"i,,!, 2
.-docd ... Oon (0 ) 0". II ""ot d"""""~ i A-.t. -"" Ope" , .. ,~ ) f'<,11"-;';', ope' b'le ,;G:, ("" .....
:" :''!'''';''')
- w
f ,g 9 CI,,, II, d~~ ; ", I "", '""clo"", ,
0000<"'' "''' I"",, -ed ~ I'00I,,......
~'''''' ",,,,,,,,,'OJ 00<00 1",, ""''"''
co.. "II '00'0"'''0<, c< tho uo_ <>h. ,

produced by " hyperactive bu,cil>Otor and

mentalis and on oh","'" tongue po .. rion that
oc~enlu<l:es Ihe ",,"""';ng of Ihe upper d.... ""
oreh pig 9).

CI ... It, dlY/5lon 2

Al in 00.. II , division 1 mobcdu",,", th" div~ion

f ig 10.00" II , <f~""" 1
2 alto exhib<,.. " 0:", II mola r ~atio~sh i p The

CI . . . /I, SalH1/vl.'on
When 0 Class II molar r"lotion ~llS on one side
and" CIo", I reIorion onthe other, ~ is reIer.ed to
II i Ii OIPOIS Ii;lubd;"~~ 60sed on whefl>e, IlllO
wi1I1 the ", nines I<>b'olfy foppood. The pcl"",! exh ibi!. divi";"n I or divi,ion 2 ~ can b., co ll &d Clou II ,
a deep a nterior o.. erbite. divilion 1, subdivision or Go .. II, divi sion 2,
The li ng U<l lfy 'n:J ir!ed ~ = Trob gM:s ,u bd "lIlon.
!he OtI:ha lIqUCI<ish opptlOrt:l<\aI, un..,., .... """""'"
V.shaped arch _n in dM"tion 1. Th& mandibular CI . . . III 1II.'oce/UlloM
Iobool gong"",1 hssue ;s ofIen troumoriz6d by the lh. rroIocclosion ..... ibib a a"", III moIa, teIoIIon
_....,." fipped uppct """,,,01 inc;ioors. The with the metio-buccal cusp2.-the ma>:illa'!y ~rs1
patient e:.hjbils "",mol periorol muscle ",IMIy. pemoonem molo, occluding in tho intetdemol
An obr.:>rmol bockward path of closo.n moy "I.., spOc. be!weero I/ie-;;:;c;,diook"tors! ~~
be present due to 1M e. celSi'lO)ly Ti pped centra l m o lo ~ IIig S,d). c" ..
II I rno locdv:l lon co n ~
inc;isqro. ~k.~..;fiod inTO T"~.'m IIIond pIMa Oau1!!:

DI'lolon 1
DI,it IOll 2

O<oriOl !ncr.. "O

_ CO"'''

Arcb ""'"

140010 actMIj
..Short. h:Ipoie"
V sh~ """""

""'._ fI>OI'I:oio and ~
ij sI!apt<I ,.,j ~

Nrmal dopItl
Norml rro,JOCjo actr.;!),

- -""";;".,-_..:'.
Pm til IOsI>' ""!mal Backward

...,;"',..".;. ,..,,',....
low _1>o9'JI ",,""lI '" _
................ , .-fl.' 1 ,~
True Clau 11/ onterior reg ion .

Thi' i." skeleta l..Qp...!!!.maloco"""'" of~"tic c. A ch ild with en larged adenoid, tend. to
mo," tne moOO ible forword in on ,me mpt to
origin th a t Can occur due 10 jf>e fo lk>wing "",,"e, '
II. bcessh..e ly lorg e m<"><J ib,, provent th e to"9 ue from contacting Ihe
b. fOtWordly pI<>c. d maoo ib.. adenoids_
C. Sma ller loon nor"",,1ma<illa
Clan III, Su/Jd'v'.'on
d. Retropo,itioned mo.ill a
e. Com binati o n of tr.e above cou,.s Thi . i. a co ndition characteri,ed by a Sla .. 'll
ma la r relation o n one side and a Cla ss I relation
on the othe r .id .
-- -
DrBw/Jac/u of Angl,,'. classification
Although Angle" d"ssification 00. been for
olmos! a hundnxl)'OO" now, it,till ha, a number
01 draw"",,". that inc lude :
Plead" Class //I c, Angle c,,:nside red mol ocdu.ion on ly in the
Th~ typo of moloOOusion i1 produced by II f~ anlera-posterior pia .... , He did not con,ider
movement of the rMr>d ibie during jaw dow'~, mo n. in tt-.. transverse and vertico l
thu, ;1 isolso coll ed 'po~ ra r or-;-r-,bittxll' 0;:;" ,""""s,
III mabedusion . The fr>lowing are some of the b, Anllie con>i de.-e<l tt-.. fi rst permo"""t mola rs
rouse, of p.evdo 00$' II I ma locd", ;on : os fixed p:>ints in the . k,,1 1. aut tN, i. not
o. Preoer>ce oiocciu>o1promaMities may deI1ect fouOO to be 00_
the mand ible !o<word. c. The da"ifica ti on cannot be appli ed if tI",
b. In ca.a of prematu re los\ of deciduou s li"t perman ent mola rs ate extracted or
po.terio ro , the ch ild tends 10 010," the miing ,
roorldible Iorword to e.labli, h contOCl in th~ d _ The da.silicatio n car>nOl be app li ed to the

F;i 11 Clo" III
( ~ ) co ; (8)
.-.0 1",,,1,,:0,.
800 1 oee l" i"" .i .w
, howi' g d o" III "' Dlo'
",r,t", and ""'''''''' , ,,,,,.
b,. " ,d" c,. (C) Ar t.,,,,
."w (D ) lotO'ol
cop o o lo~ ' ,," 01 tOe """

d~ddvoo. de ntition . DEWEY'S MODIFICATION OF ANGLE'S

~ Th e d 6" ifico tion do~. not d iff""mti ot~ MALOCCLUSION
betwee n skcletol and denta l malocclusions .
f. Th~ clo.. ifico tio n doe. not high lig ht th~ D. wey propo",d 0 modifi cotion of the Angle'.
etiology of 1M roo locc lu.<ion . d "",it.:ot"", d: mo locdllSio~ . He divided h>rJ~'s
g. Indiidu ol tocth "", Ipo. ition . ho,~ no! b~ en Cia .. I into livo type> ond ,.I.e,g l ~. Clo.. III into
consid ered byAr>g le. three ",p">.
ClaM I modlr'utlOR. 0' o. ling<.oocelu.ior> , ungual place .... nt ai a IoaIh
. . 1 : Clew I """occiusJon With bvt>Ched 0' Of a group oIlOe1h. ,. ~
~gnteMcr~t~. ~ Supr<lOcciuslon : Whirn ., tooth ar 9rooP 01
. . 2 : Cleu I .... itl1 prct",.ive """ ilia')' ioci",,,. teeth Mve e-nJpteci boeyon d nor"'9 'I. ,.I.
\ell 3 :CIo~ I moIlXd u",", ~ onltrior';;ronbite. InfroocdusJon , W'hen c tooIh O!" group of.teeth

. ....
. . 4 : Clau I ~or ,.Io~on wi'" pOII<!nor

TjpI5 , The pormonentmolarhos drilled mesially

loa"" nat e",pied Ie narmll ....... 1.
Me.siowrf;lofI , tkl.iol to tire ",,",,01 potitklro .
~on : Dislalla!he narmol pc:.ulion.

_10 1IOrt,. eoJrDdioo. d..oond decidUCiUS melar Tmnsv<mion : Trcnlf)O$~ion of two-*' ,

orsecond pr.moIor. A>i....,sion : AbnOfmal w.iol incliflC)~on 01 CO

0.,. III modlflc.. Uons ." D Ter$iv<!rsion : ROiClion of 0 tooth coro und ~.

t,pe 1 : Th<! upper end lower denlo l Orchel w~e n long oxi.
~ oeporolel, ore in no"",,1 o lign..-t. But
...... the orcl>es ore rood. to occlude lIoe poIient
oioow. 0 .. edge to edg. indiO', Maloedu.ion c:an OCC\Ir. in"""r,
~'<e 01 0 forwardly moved mondibular ~ ond in the Yft1rcal pJones. Simon hod
frpe , The mandibular ioolOD ore ~rOY<ded
l'vI farward a croniam.!ri( cla"itica~on of
mokxc;lu5ion!he! reloted tI1~ dentol orchM in 011
andore in !irvJa1 relat"", Ie 1100 """,lie"" incisorL tI1e.oe tI1r" plene. Ifig 11). Simon" ')1tem 01
TrPe 3: Th e mo'illery ioc i",,, a,.. o:.rowded and c!o.. ifi<otjon mod<:! U$e 01 tI1r~~ anthropometflC
en in .:!oub iTe in relation to the mendibou le. pJone. i.e., the FfO~ 'farl hon,oole l plone, th o
-"corso orb<kll ple .... ond th e m icl$C gi~ol plcne. The
da ..i~co~on of meloedu.ion "",s bosed on
obnarmol deYIOlion. ai the denial ardre. from

liKher lubsriMed!he term CIe"I, II ond III given

the ... normerl potmon i.. reIotioo 10 " - th ....

by Angle wit~ th e te,m . neut,ocdu.)on,

Frankfort ho"lonla' plane
di>tocc luliori end meSioccivsien . In odd iTion to
!he.e, he adde d c few more term . which Thi . is 0 1'101"10 thot conn ects th~ upp&r" mo~in of
dMIgrlQted Ce<1Q in em", ma'ocdvsJons. the axlemo l o<Jd iTC<Y moet .... to the inlrcarbilel
N.v/(occluJion , SynonymouJ wltl1 Mgl., malgin. Thi. pic ... is used to c:1a ..ilv
CIau I merlocdusion.
mOlocduJionl in ....,;col pJanc. Twa terms ore
DistoccIt.s.iot , S,nonymous with Angle's Cia" used to dMcribe ony obnormol rela~on of the
maIolusJan. leetlr to .his plane. When the dental a",h o. pari
Mes.Oclusk>rl , Synonymou. wit\, Anglu CI.,.. ai it is dOH' .h,,.. normerl la the Franl:lar1 plane,
HI merb;c;lusion. it i. <.aIled onrooion. When tire d""'lel orch Of
Buccocc;luricn , Bucwl pJoc....., . nt a f a foath pa ri of it i. forther awey f,om 'h, FronlcfQrT
Q( a group of teeth .
",,'izonte l plol"lO, it iJ cc llod cb,tradion .
. "'"
," ~;. 78 , Orthodontia The Art and Sc:iUlC:~

Orblt., plill.
Thil plone 11 pe'll en-dicvlof 10 tt.e Fronkfort
honzonlo l plan~. dropped c:Iown from the r::.::.n.,.
orb ilal morgln dlre-::lly urld . rlhe pupi l of II", eye.
A<:cord ing Ie Simen, thi, plone Ihov ld PO$!
II"e"llll me diotol third <i meupper coni .... , Thi,
i. collo<! Simon's Low 01 Conine. This plone il
used to doIoIbe maloc<:iusion in
ontero-poslet'ior diredion.

(ollod proI,ac~on .
close, or rnor4I
th is piane, it is coi led relrodion ,
Th<! mid'logi!!ol plone i. used to de.cribe
malocc' lISion in "'" r,.........e1Se dll'ec!ion. Wh..,
pori orwhole 01 "'" orch is <rwOJ from ,.. mid
sagi"",1 plene it is coiled di>tnrc~on. Wh,n tt.e
ora. or po~ of ~ .. do,""r 10 the mid 'SO\litlol plon8
ir i. colJed contracti"",


Norman Benne! c","died moIocd....,.,., based on

ac...1 . Ahnormal pmiIion 01""", 0/ more res'"
du''''' ioc<Il 01"-'.
CIoull . .AhnomYr1 fom-.olm <i e pari 01 e,whcje

<i ,,;Ihe, er<; Md"" to ""v~opm e nlol defocts of

CIos, III AI:lI'IOfmcl 'okltOon, hi p between vpper

ond lower OtCiIel, 0"'; between eirhe, or<;h o,..j
Ioc:iaI c:o::riOu' ond c~1mr,d cD"" ,,.. I/uo " ..1100,
of eithe< o~h.


'"'" 12 Si"",,,, d,,,~; ,o'on IA) f, H, ~"' IBI o.bOlo l Ado,mon and Profitt in 1960 propOSGd 0
""no 10 JWd.!,.ogitIo 1 ""rIO. dicgrommelic do.';!icolion of mc locckJsjon te
'''!'' ' .,
,.tj,If .,.
k;~,: ~ - -.',

'{'ansve' "" Ik~"tion Sag itta! Ik-viati""

Buccal T rarn: Qa.. r
Palatal ' ''giltal CIa II divi.ion 1
Cnilate...J aau II divi ,;on 2
Bilateral Skeletal


,:?+----~V;enic"l D':':":',:o~,"
0 1'<''' bi'e anterior
Straight Ope n bite posterior
Anterior Oeep bile anterior
divergent Collapsed b ite posterior
Postenor Skel etal
Int,a""'ct;. divergent Dental


o ve fLom ft the li mi ta t ion. of the Ang le '. Th i, . )'St. m of de .. ilko!io n i, bo,ed 0<1

dcs>ifi oat>on, So lient feoture. of th~ ck,,~f""tion the Ve nn wmbolic diagram {fig 131 thot identifies
ro ude : fj'e roo jor cooraderi,tics to be can,idered and
D. Tran,vcr", o. we ll m "" rticol di;.crep<lrICie, ,",scribed in the class ifica tion .
con be Lon;i d., red in add ition to antero-
poole rio.- roo Irei ot"", . , Step 1 (Alignm e nt)
b. Crowd in g and orch asymmetry con be The fitst slep invol"", C1Ssessment of the alig nment
evol"",ted . and Sl"""",try of the donial a rch . ~ i, dossified as
c_ In Ci'or protru ,""" i.lo k"" into account.
Ideal I crowded I spaa.d.

Stl P 2 (Profile;
II irwol'l8lhe conoiderD~on oI lhe pralil . 1ho
p1:Iiile is described as <X>rWe:</IIrDi!# / .... reo .
The Iociol r:I~"'ce is olto considered i.e.,
on~ "' posterio' divergence .

Step J (Type;
n. t",,,,,,,, ,.e >kaletol arid d. "Jol 'OkllOoNhip i.
"",luoIed. Bucrol ond polotal aoubites ~ 0"1
ore noted. 1ho aoubifl i./vrther .... b-c;lo...fier:/
D. unilo te,ol 0' bUole"'l. In oddirion,
dillnntiotio<> is mode between sIo:le4<Jl ord denl;)l
<roubi." ,

Step" (C/"u;
1hi. invol ...... the o .....,.,enl 01 the oogl"ol
relolion<hip_ k i. douiNed as Angle'. OOH r f
do.. II I CIo .. 1II maloc:duon. Oill~"'n~olion I.
mode between skelOTol oed den.,,1mo locd u~ ,

Step 5 (Bltl dlpt";

Molocdusiord in the ""ni(ol plane ore noted.
They ore descnbed o. onterior Or posterior Open
ooIlopsod bite.
b~, <rIeriorr:leep biI!Iorposfeoioo
'" me ntio<1 is mode who"'" Ihe maloc.:lusiOl1I.
>k~ eto l or dMtOI.


1. G<obo.- r M ,Crt t ,~. : l'rIotip!o. ..... ...-..

'M'r Sc.ndon.r9811
"""'" WI:
CI ....Mb"t986,
eo..... _.'l' Oothodoori<s, St l.o<.o'

J, "**' f ~,""'rId boo<. 01 O~ '*"

bod< _ I po bl """ ; ",. l ~e
" 5aizrr"", J.>. Pto<l~. 01 Ort ~ <kt , Jl U_
"""'-'" 1 9~

of Malocclusion

h.. o"hodon~c spedolily d~ol, wlm

toll A number of clouj~,orionl 01 etiologic
!'ea lmenl of varlou. molocdu,iofl . "'ctoro 01 malocclusion oove been put lorword
Etiology 01 mo locd ul lon i~ the stu dy of (referlo!Q bl.o, 1),
ill 0lV>e 0( co ........ Malocd ......", COn OCWf <Iv. Grobe r hOI do .. ili.d In. etiolog,ool
100 number cJ possible COIMI. Broodly.ptdcing foC1Otl 0.1<><:01 ond lIeneralloaora The local
""'Iocd ....ions tQ ",..-:I by~, """",,c focto .. IoClO" .....""nsibt.lo, moloccluloion p,oduce 0
Or by e n. irOl'me nta l io ctora,Co mp,.r.e nsive Ioco liUld oiled conli ned to 0"'" 0' rno<fI a"pce nt
ortt.odon~' mO""lI"m""t im'd ..... icJe"tificoliO!'l """""""""11 teel!>. The gene ",1focl:)(S on tho: ot"",
0/"'" posoible eriologic fodors and a" 01lempl hand a,e thooe that oIied the body OS a whole
10 "',minote II>e loO"'''. Ahhough ~ may nat be and hove a profound efledonthe greete, port 01
pos~ b~ 10 elimiMla th e caus. in most C(I~ 01 the dOXllO-lociol stnxtures.
mo100:1" , iO<"l. il nftverth . I.... i. of ",Ive in
prue nti . " ond in1<"<:epll ... orthodontic HEREDITY
procadure. ""-e (1 pou,ble mulcxdu.lon iJ
~ 0< imere.pred by limely fMl"",,1 ohl",
In -".Joy life, we come 000<$ quile 0 numoor
01 fami lies wM rc the inmote. hove a lot 01
~- rooemblonco. Tn ul it is quite log ica l to o"ume
~opm""t 01 "ormol dentition end
thor offspring. inher~ quite 0 ..... otlributes nom
oc:dusion depends on 0 numberof inlerrelotod
lo<.1ors "'01 include !he demool-.Io, , d<elekll thei, portH<. He*"" ho. lor long beenanributod
and It.., n<lV<OI'nusculorfodorl . Thvs loco lil.OTi on al 0"" 01 the co~s 01 molocclwon.
01 t.... poss ible eti olog y may be (1 ""'Y Th e child i, 0 prcdoct of P'O", nt. woo

A. 0.01 _ .".... "....

I . "', ;
~. ~
I."" ...'._....
- "-'_ _-
.~ -"'
S. 1...... rtI.rJ
c. I'00I......... otnoro>alI..
I. ~
I. 1Jopo .... k>, 01 m -._

B. ~
5. ~" .. "_
~. ~/>ILtb
1. _.IIIM i"L jlO>"m 01 do 1.1:1 ..
",*. t. """'"
de> ..... ij ""'" II""'
Z. ~MOL'I 2.
~ {)(
"'-.0 1ft\!>
1 S<.I>orTUT"lOfll')" "'LIl ~ aM _
~ h fol,.

,- --...,,-
GAU!R'S CLASSif iCATION ~1\tsoh"'!t iIbnoI_lft>L(~
GEH&lA ~ 'Acr()RS !l!I!IItn;tI<..f
~ r_ m """""'"'
1. Htrt'Y (!'oJ< ' "it Ib _ _
7. Pon..
1 EmI_OI .7 .......... _
. "..,..."....,
- . ........... I10I000 ......1
1'oII_{lli""....,. _ LOCAL FACTlIRS
..........." ....... ,
11. poIsJ, t u..!.
4. '~_OO"""IM_
"e~ .......... -~ ..-
b, WoIobI:f.c 4 _
e, . , _ """*" Z , ~oI_oi!.
S, 0.0., " ' _ (l'0lt1on11dtf<l&nol) l.,.,.....~d_~
~, A _ ~"'I ~'I . " U>::t._:at>errdooo I.!oI"'lI.I>IoI lrlJU'n' _ I ~.
I. """"""'" ""~ 5.. ~'trol"" 1m ~ ~ 1M&>
~. ~ "Id I\nQI< .~ &, ~ -","01~ I_
e, T"'"9If tIvuoI otld I<W"Q>I ~ ), 00It\'td """""" 01 poor_,_
d Li> ." .. I t:I1rLQ
t. ~ .... O<Ii

~ """"" po!tt
t . .IJO<JIc4"
'1.~""' __
~ di"' m il ar 9~ Mti c "",ter;"!. Thu. , he child h. f"",um , The size, po'ition a r>d . hope of tM
-rinherit contl kting troit> form both t h~ po rent. frenum i .oid to be 9. n. ti co lfy intl u . n~.d. Thu .
"ISU!Iir>g ., aboonna ~t ... ci too dootobciol regi"'" mo bcd usion . uct> o~ mid li ne dia ,tcmo tMt may
"""oth e r rc a . an a ttri buted fo r ge ne ti ca ll y be d ue to obnorm oliti o; 01 the I", num o re to 0
-.m ined mc bcdu, ion ~ th" ro-::d, elMic and lorg e c, tcnt d otermiood ge r>et"'a ll ,.
. no l interm i<tu re whiCh m.. h, ha vo led to Accord in g to Ho rri, o nd Jo h n,on 0
JIIKOord i""too inh eri tanoe of teeth and io'"'" n umber 01 cronialociol porom et." . now...o
Accard in g to Lur"id stro m th ere e<i, ,, 0 significon t geneti c influence. The", in clude th .
""",ber of huroo ~ ' ro its that Or6 influer">Coo by lal l< g di,:once. : ",1k;J. gnoth ion, ",1k;J - point
_ge nes thot inc lude ' A, , 8110 - gonion, M~on _ ont" ri<>r nO$ol !oP ine,
o rficu1me _pogonion, b':ygomotk width, """'ri Of
::. IOoth . i2e . The , iIe of the dentition i. to 0 lodal he .. ht.
bye extent determ in ed by ge ne . Abnorma litie, At, ' 0 roo ny tro its show 0 ' trong go netic
d lOOth ..;u. .uch a< microdontia a M rno-::rodorWio potto m 0 numbe r of ma locc lu, io n, con b.e p-ortly
<Roffributod to he redity. Of ",1eIy attribv.ed 10 geneti.c lodor.. These II"""tk
:.. Jvch dime nsion, . The denta l a rch IM gth tro ils ~ on be furt oo' infi """",...o by ~", 'ti n g pre _
~ orc h width m~ believ. d to be i""'rited
"" to l or po st riotal envi ronmento l lo clQ " .

c.. Cro wd ing I Spacing . C rawd ing and CONGENITAL DEFECTS

"!"'dng of teeth are ~ ieved to be of genetic
origin. Mo" of rhe,e coM itioru a r. beli ev. d to COrl'(le nita l defect, 0' devel opme ntcl defect. a re
"'" 0 re. ult <>1 uncoord iM ted i nh . ri!anc~ of oreh molb-rnot"", \.eM [)j.he tim. 01 birth. They rooy
'-'glh OM to oth motc ricl . be cou>ed by 0 vorXlty of !actors iocW ing genetic,
ro diol<>gic , che mico l, e ndocri ne, infectio n. and
CL Ab norma ,' itie' of tooth l hope Aoomo lie,
me<.h onica l focto".
d lOOlh.rq,e 'L'Ch a, the pre",c.:e <>f peg .haped
The cOfl gen iro l obflOfl11olitie. tho! mu ",
b ",l< i, onathe r tro it thet ,how. n>g h 9" nctk
roo locd vsion 000 be broacf fy ck;J" ified as genera l
;nd i,pa~ tion .
OM loca l c"" gen ita l o bnorm o litie,
e.. Ab""rmoljti~, 01 /001" number : Pr~$. n ce
oIeilher more or less number of leeth con 01", be Gene,al con,enlfal facto"
inh~ rM d . Thi' in clu d. , cond i~ on , ud '"
o. Aooorma l ,tote 01 mothe, du rin g Pro 9M ncy
anodontia and ol igodo nti a . b. Mo l""trition
L Overie1: The hOriIoota l ove rla p of tha upper C Erxlooinopothi o.
and towor dentition refe rred to as th e overi'lt i, d . Inl. diou, di =",.
believed to be geneti~a l fy i nlluM~.d . c Metobo l", and nutriti arl of d istu rbon c. ,
I. hddentl during P"'9 "" r>::"Y ond chi ld birth
g. Im e r_aroh voriation , . D i , ~ r e panci c, in
g. Intro _uteri ne ve,,,,ro
" """'''''file,sogiffoi ond ""rtkol plane, botweoo
h. heidento l trau iOrl 01 th e I"tu < bl
...., upper and low., iow< oon be inh erited .
Local conganltal factor. Cleldo c rlln/al dysas toal.

o. Abno.rma litie, "I jaw bp ment d <.>e to Th i. i, a (ong enim l cond iti on charocte rized by
intro _utef'i M po' ition uni,,1imlI u blot"", 1. port", 1o r complete a b<er.:e
b. C1eh, o/ th e foce ondpo,, ", of the clovicle . The potient ma y exh ibit the
c MCKro and mk rog louio fo llowing foo t...... :
d. C1eidocronio l d )'$Osto,;, o. W!oxil lory retM ",n and po .. ibi e mand ibula r
The fo llowing a re ,orne of th e ' ","geniml p rotru. iorI
co ndit io n. fre qu e ntl y e ncounte red by the b. Ov. r reta ined d"'iduavs teeth and remrd. d
orthodMti, t. eruptio n 01 pe rma nont teeth
c. Pre' enc. of ' upe rn um erary teoth
Cleft. of th e lip and pala ta d. Pre, ence of ,hort and thin roots
Cleft, inv~ "ing tn.. lip or.d po lote or. th e mo. t
COmf1'l<) nfy "'M de"" k>prnenlo l defects Ih:lt occu r
C. rs brs' palsy
a. o re. ult of non- fulio n between In.. va ri ou, Th i' i, a cond ition whe re in the potient locks
embryonic proce .... . CI. n potien!> may exh ibit 0 mu sc ular co-ord inati on. It u, ua lly occurs du e to
nu mb.. r of de ntal problem, includ ing mi" ing birth iniu rie .The unco ntro ll ed and a berrant
",eth, mob ile teeth , roto tion. cro" bite , etc., m=1e odivity upsets t\." musd. bo lonce re,uiti ng
{d iocu ..ed " ter o. a . eporote cMpte r) . in malocdu. iorI

CongenItal s yphilis ENVIRONMENT

5y"" ili . of cong enim l orig in i, tro n. mitted from
Vo riou< pre _nolol ond IX',t-""ml enl'ironmenlo l
tn.. infeded moth er 10 th e ch~d . Tn.. ch i'd exhibits
faclon can coo.., ma loccl usion .
one o r more of In.. fo llowing leatu re<:
a . Hutch in,on' . ind ror> Pra n a tal ra ctors
b. Mul b..rrymolors
Th o foN. is wel l prot~ded ago in, t iniu rio. and
c. Enomel d eficiencie,
nutritiono l deficiencies during pregnm>C)'. But
d. E<1. n~ve dento l dec"l'
the re o re certain fodo", the I""serxe of wh ich
e. The maxillo may b.. , ma ile r in . ize re lotive to
can re" Jlt in a bno.rma l growth of the oro -foc iol
tf", mand ible
region the r. by predi'posing to molocclu. ion .
I. Anterior cro .. bite
Almu ma l feta l po. tvre during ge,totion
Ms t e rnsl rub e " s Infactlon s is sa id to inte ri. re with ' ym meltic developmer1t 01
the klce. Mo, t 01 the, e deform iti" . ore tempom ry
~terno l ",b" lIa infedion, during 1""9no ncy i,
and " , oo lly d isappear a. "Il e odvo nce .
be lieve d to COU ," wid p re ad cong e nita l
The othe r pre noto l influence, include
malformation. in the ch ild . The lo ll owing a re
mate rno llib roid,. a"",iotic le.iorI" materna l diet
. ome of the feature that am be , ,,,, no
and metabolism .
o. Oenm l hypoplo. ia
Mote rno l infedi"" . uch m Ge rrno n
b. Relo rdod e rupti on 0/ teeth
meo. le. a nd us. of ce rta in d rug. du ri ng
C E.ten' ive corie.
I""gn<l ncy such 0' Tha lidomide can cou, e g ro ..
cong ~n into l deformities inclu d ing deft.
109 1 (A) God (8l Miod.n.
.....,.;1."'1" _ -.-.. _
1..:-.." "'
how ... .."..
"""" "'" _ood ......,.og ......,q .-.,.
' ho odlo< a",,,,1 ind.~ .
rnd. ~""'" 01 .... to.". oo"",t,

hltn.t., t.ctOtS
Tho foll owi ng are some of the P'>"l ncla llado," e. Mifwoukee broce. Ore ~ Ior!reo!me n! 01
WI01 c:on c:ovse molocclV$ion: scol'o$iJ. Thue brae ... derive .upport f,om
0. f orGept del,.try con ,e",,11 in injury 10 !he !he mandibl . Prolonged use ol these braces
!empotOmondibukrr join! O'ItO ....ich con co n cou mari;ec/ mandibular grOWlh
undergo onkylo.i . Such poKenl, >how ~rdorion.
~!Otded mondibula, gl(lW!!, ond thus hove
o hypo~O$lic mand ible , AHOMAUES IH HUMBER OF nCTN
b. Cereb ra l pal. y i, a con dili on cho rC)(len,tod
by musdo inco ordinati on. Thi . roo ! occur In 0,de,Ie oc hievc g<>od occlusion, lroe l'Iormo l

due 10 birth in iuries, The polO,,", ton exh ibit numbe, of !Celh should be fM"e"",'. P'ft!.ence cJ
moI~usion due lO loss c;J muscle balance. eXII" 'Hth or 01 one or more !etlh
Co Tro..nro!icir1jurie<thr;r!Ol_~frocn.n pnodioposcslc moiocc I"""",.
con CO<M g...,."m ... ,Otda~on ,,",uhing in
ma.ted Foool mym""""Y.
S"p.,""",.,. r), t ,11
d. Prnroce 01 ",,,cli=Je ..,do o,ltr<t covsed r_h thaI a", . """ to the na,,",,1 complement
by bvrnt or 0$ 0 res ult 01 deft li p ...".. ery rooy CWl! tem'WId supem u""""' ry tceIh. The.c Jeetr hovo

prod uce ma locclu sion d"" ,0 ,h l ir r. stricti .... abn ormo l morp holOllY and do not ''' ..... nb l.
infl uence on growth, normal teeth, E.. ra teeth thot re.., mb! e f"IO(fnO l

reeth o' e co il ed . upplementa l teeth.
A1""1"",,11, seen .~pe,"urr.ero 'f tC>Oln i.
t~e mesiad.n ... hie" occurs in It!e ,",o. illo 'Y
midliflfl(fig 1J. They con occurpngly 0(01 0 pair
ond ore _oily conicol in shope . Unerup,"""
~oMiodeo .. " on. of tho "'''*eI rricfjne spacing.
Supernumerory teeth con olso occu' in the
r'G 2 1"1 A to JOO' dd ,Io .. ;,~ ~ 'vp't-d
p<emolo' or third moIor regionl. , ........""ro-,<>O+ n tho """' corl..J "'<1_
Supplemento l_ h ore mo. t olle n . een ,....1:>0<'1"11 ,... ...."rOc, rj ,,. '''''01 1", ""
,:5) 1.od "'l rap/1 01 ,ho ",me =,."t
in the poremolor ond lotero l ir.cisor reg ion . It i.
noI..,ncom""", to ~cd on tro Iow. r incitoc. The
wpemumero 'f ond .upp!.,,,,e.lIol ~ co"",, c. Mo,..:IjIl<",,' ,,"cend p "m%r"l
nan-uplion of odjo""" IMth (fog 2jond con d. Mond,bularino","
defied ..... erupting odjocem - " in!o obnormol e. Mo ...d"ry JlKorocI premoIors
Iocot"" d. In oddition """" '"'" occupy orch AbMnc. 01 teeth con be IInilote,.,1 a,
length intended 10, normol c"",pI_m of _h. so_limn bolate,ol. They moy OCCU' olong w;th
Th","'e-r con rew~ in ~irog cnd rolo!ion. of ather anoma l... such 01 ~e of "" 0 leetn.
odroe"nt _h. Une rupted WP(lrnum oro'f ,... tn Ab.e nee of 0 00 or mo<o tccth pred ilPO'e to
pan risk of 'ysti" Iro",formoti on. opodng in th e dento l oreh. The od joce nt teeth
m;groteond ~Iore cou,," obnolmol loco~on
MI"/n, t otetlr and 0';01indination of re.=th (~\I 5J. Absence of
Congen~olly ",i"'ng tee'" ore by for more a permonent roorh auire often _ulto in .......,.
ammon thon """",,,u""""ry IeoIh oro:! ron oco.w relOl * de<:.duo... lee"'.
in eithe, of the iaws. The following 0... some 0/
the commonly mi";ng _h in de<;l' ord .... AHOMAUl"S OF TOOTH SIZE
oIlr&Qvency :
In ordor 10 ~.e """"' 01occlus ion, """" sho uld
o. Thi rd mo""
be hormony between the tooth . Izo a nd oren
b. Mel.;I,, 'Y "re.-o l in ";.".,,
length and a lso ~twee n the mo.i llory a nd

FiQ 3 W & {B: S............,. 10-..... ..."" (C) ,\ (OJ ~"" .. " ......... ...of> - . .... ~ poIGIoJy
tE)& Ir. S_ ._10-.,,11 ~CIOO< ;G)& :til'-'_ ._ .............. _ n'" ",..1".

1';; ~ ~\ & I~) ..... ng""- noI.". lq & -:0\ 1> .... '" ml.."v """"'10...,,1 ; ..;.o~ I~! & If! I j,...,, 1
m ;' .~ ~ k>w" .oeONl ,.....,.010~ tG) & (H) 8< .... .,. m'''''; ' PP'" .. _ Incloo< .
F'g 5 IAI 0'0 181
U~P" 1. 1, 10,,,.1
;.("., cono;J."~ott
.. , Nol. ,n.
",,,,ho,,, .po><i"g .1
lilt """,tbo-,-...en """
"O n ,o in, i n, . r

po< cnd 10 .... '
,",dlino.. Th
..,.;1Itrr ng.'"
io 01 .... k",doft';c.
ICl ~p/loI""
"' .... pot ;"",

....!ibvlo, tooth 11>&. M irw;reos<> in si.8 01 ANOMALl9 OF TOOTH SHAPE

. . . result. in aowdirog .....10..... o .... .oed IeeIh
z-li. ........ lo 1pOC0"Ig, A co",,,,,,,,,1y seen """"",Iy Momali of tooth si.e ond .hope 0'. ""'"' oo.,n
...... preseo::e QI . moller si,ed mc,ilklty Iotera l inle,,..,klTOO . Abno,mc~v shaped l""lh predispose
-Dsots. Ar.omcli tt 01 size con at..o occur in tho 10 molocclv>icn. Tho fo llowing Ore $0II"I4I oilhe
--..I'bulor premolo.... Fusion boolwe"n two o",pl., 01 I'.quentl, ..,en tooth ,hope
.q.,o..1I1edI> o. be_n 0 tupemu""",,,,'Y tooIh onomolier,;
ond 0 norm al tooth ma~ p,edi.po.e to c. The p,.,...,..,e of peg ,hoped """'illo,"! !<rtorol
~usion. IIcviolio'" in ~'" of IOOlh can aceu' i!ldsoo-1 is often occompon'.c l.,. ljXICir>g end
..big with "".iotion. cJ >hope. mogrotion of led! ~og 6) .
The tile of leelh is 10 a large ed.nt b. Anolh.r onomoly 01 tooth shope i, th.
_rmi .... d gaoehoolly Thu. mo.t of IheJe pre ... n"" 01 on obnormclly lorge Cing ulum
gnjition. >how 0 posit",,, family hislory, on 0 """illo,.,. irIC"'" (fig 7). The pre<ence
Fig 6 :AI And IBI Up per lof' latera l In6.or
"",,odo n' k i odO<Oed """" ma,,; , 1 "oJ" ;n
,"",log "' .... .w.I .", . (q Qnd (0) h'<>c.ooon!k
"""Ia" ,0;; oon'mllnd",... E) l"",,, peg Ind.."...

presenc~ of abnorma ltooth form. Pc.:l,roped

Iotero l, and mu lbeHY malo" 0'" d onica l
find ings in , ueh potients.
e . Anoma li o$ of ,hope can occ ur as a ",. ult 01
deve lopmenta l defect, li k~ om . loge n.,i.
impenedo, hypopla \ia 01 teeth, fus ion a nd
01 o n e 'a gge ra ted ci ngul um prevents gem iootion.
e,la bli. h""",t of normo l overbite ond overiet I. Dilace ratio n i, de>c ri bed 01 a conditian
The invo lved tooth i, u, ua ll.,. in la biove r>iO<1 cho rodefitcd by on a l:>normol angulation
dcoe to the lorce. of occl usion . between the crown and root of 0 tooIh '"
c. The mO<1diW(>"" =and p-remolo" moy ",,,,I.,. angulation within th e root. It u. ua ll.,. occurs
he. e on odditio nol li "9 ua l cu<p, the roby dcoe to 0 blow to a cJecld""", tooth which is
ir"ICre<J5ir>g the me.iodi. ta l dimcn>ion 01th e transm itted to If-.. ucderlyinll perm"""nt IQol\,
tooth. bud . Dilaceroted teeth foil to erupt 10 normal
d . Congen ita l s, philis i, oftM Cl$$ocioted with lovel ond con th us cou,e mokxclu .jon.
JO;,; 1 Ma, lllo'l' c.n ...~1 'noM"


, j,a~; " g 9<0 ..1"0",

,I,D"""",li!". 0I1he """,iJkl..,. klbiollreovm are

_ o/Ien ouocJolod wi!h a mo:<illo..,. midi; ....
~. Prior 10 he ..... pIionclleelh, Iho mo>ilklry
o::bieIlrenum il oltached to !lie alwtolor ridge
.... same f,bIt1 oouing over linguolly 10 the
~ cl the Incisi"" popilla. As the teeth Ita"
~,al.....alar bone is deposfed and the freno l F;g B IN T",d< "", . ~Iorr 1<>1>01 freoom "'0'''11
mid i.... dia l''''''. (81 ~."""oph '""'" a mid i ..
=-xnmenT mi~t&. intoo more apica l poSition, """'""-J 01 rho ;"'. , .... 01 ,,1...010; w..
bsIy, a heavy liborovs freowm is louro<;I attached
2:1'- inI.rOenIol popillo regiOfl. This I)<pe cJfrenoI ond eruption to oc~upv ils ploce . EorlVloss ol
.......J"""nI ton prevenllhe 1M> ""'><illorycenlrol de6duou.le.m con CO ..... migration 01 odjocen1
- ' - ' from appn;N<il'l'lOling each o!her. lflg 8.0). 1eeIh into th. lpace and con therefore poe..-.I
ThitcondiOOn is OOgnosed !>va JXISffi"" the eruption olrhe pennanenr .Ucce>sof (~g 9).
i:bdI~. When the upperrop issl.-chld foro P_tvN Io.s oIan rc;""se\dom leads
~ cl ~ me, a not;c"" bl " bIor.::h "lI or:cvr1' c;;;er to malocclu lion. Lon of a dec;d""", <ftC() nd
""" interdenlOl papil la. A mid lin e intra.aral molor <:on cou,," a marked forward ,hilt of tM
-mpico l radiog roph u<uo lly exhibiT. nOTching r>e rmO M nI li rsT ma lor thtreby blockirlg th e
01"" inllrd.rlrcl of..eolo' creslfl .. S.b), ervplion 0I!h. second premolar, ..... 0. either gillS
MOdlin. diane"", ""'Y also oc~u, dUll 10 impeded at i, dellOdG'd 10 on obnotmol posilion.

'" n~mber 01 CO" .... inclvding pre",nce 01
~ mesoodel"ll,onornaliesollOQlh ... and


The _rIty cl malocclusion coused d....
to ""n/y 10$1 01 <I dodduou$ roorh der>end. on the
following ksdOr"l ;
o. Pre mo l",. Ion of deci d ua .... molon
predi$!X>SO 10 "",loccIusion du e 10 shiffing of
ad jacent Jeerh into the ' pace. Early 10.. of
This rel.1S to IoSI 01 a tooth before il$ permanent
o~teric'l mesl off.,., de rlol p,od...ce cny
senos'''' is I UIfic~v odvoncO'd in de-velopmenl
Flu? N <nI (II) P>....."
... "_
p.omob- ........ pod ~.,~ ..
'" - - . . -...d """'" ........ Ied 1."- m;puioo "' ... I~,
10 ~ o" lpou.
_ _ _,

moloccl .... ion , PROlOHtilE"O RffE"HTlOH OF

b, TM eo rl ier 1M de<:idVOVl _I> are e.xtroc!ed orclOUOUS TE"HH
bel"", 1M . ucc .... iona l leetl1 are reed, to
Thi, . .1S to 0 condi~on ..... ere me", is und""
""'pt, Ihe grft<lte, i. th" panibility al
malocclusion. "!enrlon 01 decidoous teeth beyond the u,uol
In 0 p"""n hOYing ordllength doIiciency or enJption oge 01 meir permo""nI .\ICCeS....... A
crowding the corly Ios.s 01 deciduous leerh deciduovs rooth tho1lail. to undergo l~pI;O"
may wo=n the "';'ting maloccl",ion. win pr....ent lhe nonnol OfI)ption of ;ts permanenl
Pro lo ng ed re te nti o n 01 dec iduous
onler\o rl uluol ly re, ults. in li nguol Or palota l
eruplion 01 th e ir permonon t 'ueeelSors ,
Prolonged l(I!(Inlion of buccol teeth t1!Wits in
erupllon 01 the permonenlleeth eirh., bua>llyor
linguely or may re"..,in mpodeCi wi"'''!he jaws..
Qu;re oft..n cerIoin pom 0I1he deep roo "
roors ..... Ich ore owoy from ..... polh oIeruplion of
the perm a"" nt leeth Ioil to I)Ot resorbed th ereby
leeving 1m:Jlllrog ments. 01tho root withi n lhe jow
These root lrog ments. co n deflod or bled tM
<Xfiocenl "",piing ,..,11>.
The klliowing 01(1 some of 11>& ....,ton.
lor prolonged """OOon ofdeaduoUJ reell> .
o. Absence 01 underlying pe,,,..,n,,"! _h(Ag
10, 11).
b. Endoe,in o l dis,,"bonce. .uch G.
c. An~~ ~ decid uous t..,th thot loillO rosorb
''Il 10 o- .. ''''ood "-r dO(idllCOJ' """',,1"","o n
dvo ,,>"""'101 obwnco 01 i" " " ' _ co,,,,,,1"'""" d. Nof, _vito l decidLlOV. t....tl1 thot de nat relOlb
DElAYED ERUPTlOfll OF PERMANENT retain od rOOt frogme nt., 0( formation of " bony
''''' boaier.
n", ma..; ll ory coni ...... deveiOj) 01""",
r_. or\I 0 numbe< of =<0,.. tho! oon dolov!he neaf tI1e AGOrot the Otbit or-.d """"I down 10 lI"if
.,yprlon oi permon",,' ..".,:h . The toflowing Ofe
1:",,1 poomon in ~'e 0,01 cavity. Thus tI1ey are
mOSI often found erupling in on obnonnol
<=. Congeoital oboen"" oi It.. permooe01IOO1h.
pooition (~g 12).
b. P'_oco of supernume,ory !oom coo block
!he eNp''''9 pilfmoooni loom.
'" Presoocc of <l heavy ",u ,ow l I;.orrior co n
preve nT Toe perma nenT tooIh fr om emerg i n ~
inTO me 0",1co";!r. A 'Ufgkol incision in
moItcal6$ o<:""fo",." me eruption.
d. Pr,moturc fon ofdedduovsloo/h con resu~
in d elayed lO'Vptron 01 rhe vnderiyinll
pemlOne01 teeth due 10 iormotioro of bo .....
over tile ..... pring pefm,menilOOlh.
.. Endocrinol disordors sum os ~poIhy'oidl$m
co n cc use 0 de la y in erupt io n of the
pe<m<l"'l nT ToeTh .
l Pre_ce of d...:iduoo. (oot frag ments mot
Ofe flOt fe$Orbed can bfock the ervph"ll
petmonerrt teem.

One ci!he CIM ... of maklcdusion ~ on obnormcl

path ci eru pTiO<1 ..+.k;h co ukJ be doe 10 ord1length
cSeficien, v, prese nce of , upornumerory Teem,
f" f.""..,.." ;,""",.. """ ....
1 2 I", ,,,",ed """ I 00 CO n '""
11., "'"~ ..... c........
"""P' po,...",.

M~"'" i, a cooditjO<1 -
wher.. iM 0 pcrto'...+d .. Con&> con lead 10 P"Imature 10.. 0/ dedducu.
of the root .u rface i, di,ectly luoe<! to the bone Of perma ne nt ''''''n
ther~ by causing mig",'i on of
wiTn the ob$M<;~ of tn . inte"'o-n in.g perHxio nta l COOligucUl teetn, abnormal a>kll in cli r.oTion or">d
membtCl ne. This mosl oh..... occurs 01 0 re,u~ of su~-eruplion of oppo:! ing teeth.
Troumo to the tooth which perforotu the Pro.cirrd cone. that ro. r.a: been reslored
periodontol membrun . Ankylosis con 010.0 be con COU$O millrotion of !hot odtocent teeth in'<>
0'"000100 ..;!h cer!oin in/e<;riO<1', endocrinel !hespoceleading 10 0 ",dUClioo in ordllength.
dllo,d.,. 0"'"
congenitol dl,otd., .ueh ao A. lubs_ol reduction in arch length con be
deidocroniaf dy:lostMiI. Oinicalfy, !he.le "",!h ".peered ff .Ie".,o l odiCJCenl teeth if'"fOive<t by
foil 10 ervpl Io!he no ""<:,II.,,., and ore !he refor. pro,.;"",1cori,. ore Ief! un reslO-ed.
cc lled wbme rged tMth (fig 13). AJ tirTli!' lhe,~
teeln ore !Qtoliy ",bme r~C'd wilnin In e jow cnd IMPROP"R D"NTAL R~STORATIONS

. herefore couse mOgfO!icn of odrocenl ""'"' into

!heopoet. ImproGlr dentol restcrotions may prorli.oo:se 10
molocclu.ion . Ove.-contoured otclulol
....1O'OIi0"l couse pn:matu", conlOdS leading to
Iu'ldionol ohm of!he mandible d..ring jaw dOlln.
UncIer-o;)t"tou.od 00::1"",1 """"m""" altl perm~
I.... "!loosing denlmon to ...." ro..up'. P",';mo l
rCl'oroliOOI In ol Ore und . r-conToured invgrlo bly
r.. ult in lou of ord> len gt" d...e to drilling of
od;ocenl leeon tOOCC'-'P'f "'" spoCI . ~ 0"""",,,1
con!oc! 0110 couou lood lodgement ond
periodonlOl weakening ol!he fe.e1h.


A numb-er 01 endOOino l dilO rders, i nl"'t~~,

cond iti on. a nd metabolic dist urb a nce. CO n
predispose 10 "",Ioed ..... "".

""doerl"e '",II.'ence
Ce rf(lln ondocrlnal d,oo(d"(1 ""'1 .81UI1 In
maloccluolon . The following 0[11 tom. of the
.. odocrlool dl.,u, banc~. thaI con cal'",
flg 13 . ... d ..... ... , .... ,....,._ ....... It ...V"ood
n\aloct:lutlon ,
~"" tio..... t. i> ,"~" "'"
oj rill 01 '110 " ,.r'Of'.
I, W"""'~_" wtf, Hrp o tnr'o idl lrn Hypotnyr o ldllm I.
cOO fOcteri.ed by the p""$M<;e of one Ot mo<tI 01
. . loIlow.n9 IaoIures: 01 molocd",ion .
"'- Ro,otdO!Ion in role of ,olciumd~ilion in Oi_SOI oNeditlg "'" oro-Iociol mulodes
00_ (lnd ~ !h. con heve g po-oIound eflOCl 0<'1 tne derrlo_of...eoIo r
to.. IYIarkod delo-y in !o.o!h bud form a!l on ond compl e. predi lpOsi .... to "", I<xclu ,''''''
ftrupl;OO ofteelh
c.. Dek,yed """",I en d ""iphrseoi ""lcl~oo!lon DIETARY ,"ROSLE"'S (NUTRITIONAL
=- The deciduo ... reerh Ortt ohlin oYerrelO"'-d DEFICIENCY!
ond rIoo perm:men! ICCIh 0..,.1ow IO.-up!
Nutrilionol deficienc ... dun"", llrowth mev _"h
.. Abnonnol root re>OfPlion
in obnormal cIe-eIopmenl, ~ maloccluSIon.
'- I"egulo,it;" in 10011> arrongemen! and
Th"'e di.eo ... ore more common in the
crowdir.g of!cerh con OCOJr
Oove/cpi"ll 'Q<J nlrieo ""'n in!he ~ped world.
Nut rition reloted di' Tu, w<:h g, ri ckeH' ,
liyptrlhyroid il m Thi . cond iTion 1$
,curvy a nd berib eri con prod uce uvere
cfto,ac teri,ed by ,nc reo,,, in th e rate of
mo locclulion and may up, e' the de.n lol
-.,'otion. ond on i""",,,se in ",elobelic role.
deveiopmer11Q1 hmo IQbI".
n.. potien! , . hibits prttmoturtt "",anon 01
:iIciduou1 teeth, didurbed root reso,ption 01 P{JsrURE
.... "'''' ~ ond earlyerupX>rt d F*"'cnenl
....... The DOIienl rnoy I'me <><!!OO- porot.. which """"" po"u",1 ~ob'" 0"" >Ofd!O be 0 cou .... 1or
(OIl1fO;,.,;/;.;.,res orthodo n# c "eet"", nI. malocd",lon. Alrho"\l h I>O! wt.""nlicted, they
Hypoporo! nyrOidi,m , Thi . end oer in gl ma ~ be a"Q"'oled with gb"""",,1~ .. ure , . gna
dioorder is OS,OCig!ed >Mlh <:hang " in co le um mu",,1e imbctklroce tkerebl"\Q 'he (''',k of
-OO1:sm. k con COI.I$ed..\:ry in lOOIn 'ruplion, I'lXllocdu ~o n .

oIIeted toorh mo,phoi"llY, de:ay'ld e... plion of Childr"" who w pport rhei' b.od ,bv
dIociduous and permanent teeth and hyPDllIoSlic ,.,.,in9 the chin on their Mod ond rhos....+>o
hong ....... heed to\hat the chin "'''' 09""'" the
Hyperpororfryrojr;/i$m : Hn,."pc'OIhyroidi.m
m..., oreobserved to t....... mendibulordeliciency.
""""" J>OS'I."t C 0 COuse 01 malocclusion oIII-ough
poduces '""ease ill bloo-d ooleum. 1"",,,;,
no! P'O'"ed l'lXly ne"" ~hele,, be en ~cc""'uotir>g
Oemi ner"<l lilgTi O<'1 of bon e ond disruplio n of
melor for other mo locd ",';",.
Iro becu lgr pattern. In g row ing chi ldren ,
onse..... plion of Iooth d...... lopment OXOJrs. The Ace/DENrs AND TRAUMA
_rt. may become mobile due 10 lou dcomcal
bone ond 'osorplion of rio" olveolo, pnxeu. ChIldren ore highly proneto injuries 01 thedenJo.

"'tI. II(lII~ dlllll'hR~"

iac ;o'-.-.gion during the early)'OO" ""ife when
"'".v ,.,r n to crawl, ....I~ or during ploy. h-'toI; 01
kYle iebMIc di_~ ore beM.ed '0.1ow tIown Ihe-," Inlurl" 110 unnolicet;i ond mQ y be
.... PO" of ~h pnd ~OjltI\ent. Th~ rto.ponliblc for 1"10",';101teeth that do JlOI r1lloa rb
condiTions mOl cO ule 0 di,turbo"'l In tOOTh ond deflediort of elupTing pom'lQn onj teeth 1010
....pliOl1 or-.d &heddi"lj ~rebv il1(:","1o& tI10 riu. oboo-rmol positioN .
~"Io.l';"' .
A" 1 01iocd 19!9 ; 192199
23. - . ~ """'"" -c,d ~ of O..-.i<t. V_
, 8"' lOi . ~"" .. " , h.'i><>, C ... ,l:o,.'" 0. .... boo<.-..di:a ,,,i>Io... .....
2', Ro=> j , O'po"",, Odo : -""'-'It" on 1'00101 ["" .
""'..., ....,t+. ~ ; n ,11"1'" :1.1 ;"", ,,'" J Orl od ",,",IChO<t.c.J I?70; '93H7
, ' 9&J : JJ ~ - 3 'O
E1',_. v,......".,...., l'q:i"', ...d S,, ~, T. .....
25 So', m.,.IA ; .'1oc, e, e-:xMi "" 01 ,,,,,,,,,-.01 ..
cf ". ""'.....- . ... -no'~ ,
, , _ , Ot" _r"" 0'"
potCi """..., ~ o-""" ~i ~ JOrt oc' 1995 ;. " \- r...,,,,,,,,,
j "'" Dont ""'" \ ~~3, 3~; )tS) \ ~9C
, m
F.... ~., Wo-,." !.I,d, 00'
.-.0100 o nd ,""",""',,, in ............
rhIno> Vonc.I ...... ,
.on j C othod
26 SoIuno,}A """, ,, oj ::>!--.odo -,tk, . & "W",c"
a>~ 1966
17. $;"", iIco"..--d ~ - ty! '''' ...... or
, " 99" , U7 ~
G<obor - -.... ........ .y_ ~ ..... _n . Io'o~'.nd
...... od..." ... ~ AonJOr1'ood 1991.11 ) )79
26 IMow 6 !kog;.., S , 00-0\I0d0 .. < $0...100 cI
, ""' .... ,."". Am J 0 _ 1943 ; ~1!'50
(;0:,,.. 1M : Or+<x'~"3 ' ""-.oIoia or; OOXioo_
W8 So, 'dt~, I 968
..rnxt ... oi po ... 'n .... f-oo ...... """'JIW-.I
""'" -".. :., 0 1-...1 Soc 1 ~1C. ~ 29,"2
29, -" .... 9-cop'O, cod SI>o, ~ : t-I~ 0' ,h.g;,: Min',.

Yo_.""''''0'" _._ . . . ""','O,
I...... O:};""_,,
0.0 ... !:oj,.:"" M"<ho<. fo,o", I'Iah" or .,.,..,1 .... .. 0l0i,1 dowI""" .... , "" j o.+od
1987, 28.29J
, k-. J O,..b o 1993 " 520519
Ho,,,'.' <rod Y~e ,<'Ino<I , ,,,,i""'' 'i 1""", ,,
:le , T, II . ), Jo.d-,,,..
"''''., "'" '
." ud . '0'''' n ol, ~""' ,; ,
o.- h :l 19!-6 .- &:l l e ~
10 "" "",I ..,.,, '" ....,100 10 "co~ I i _ "" j 31 l.I'~, Koo-nl, S....... ~, 51- "",, ... , -" .. Q ........
, 0rt>00 \1'117; 2~ _ Xl
1"1"00". Wer ..... cnd -".f;,.Id U,_ 0"""' .....
10<1 ,,,,,,,"oc...
; 523..s32
0-.1 '0001 'onn, A-. J Ort-..d 990

, ,',
19~ ;
..... d.w,g bt-th,; A." J Crt"" '92_ 32. V; , N,Id,,;.-\:w .... Icno,Iolonl ...... .,.,oq,.

,.ho""'" .
__ Am J 0,+""

P, ... u ,,"
0-.:1..,..,. <>' ':d, f'e<rI .
1919 .. 511Sn
hob, .. , ."<.1 "'e"''' in
""''occd'''.,.... "'" l 0""<><1 1952, 569-!;81
... J 01'lod 1~81 2~3-2n
33. Wo',"". H,I-/;oIoj ....l Do ..... ........1 0"",,,. ,<n,
pc: ........ hr J 0"MDd
3-<, w"",,-.. H,.loo'.
- ;19 - 34~353
s.oo.,,,. Mo~. Ot"c S<n~
'4:0 ..1
............... 1-0,, '\1 M- J o.+.od 19M ;:259
" ( ......... 1Id D"j,h, _ '. "", .-.d.~01 "'"i m
"""""1" , nO f",}"Jd.;..g ",,",' Ivn J 0 ."., I 1'85 35 W,,,,,,",, I""'"",, r,,,,,,", H 0''', ,00 H,rl . , : Nooo l
,~32,"5 0_) fol '....-, ; ....."" Ib-, e' po","" ~'" j 0.-1-0,,'
". t,~"", <rod Do~ " P~ ... ' 01 .. '0\71 01 ;, hal
""11".....,".... "'bit. Am j 0+.00 1965
........... ood
19fi7, I\ I'l6
36 w" .... Io ' ..,n, ..-.I ~ ; ", ,,,, "",fro', of ,'m,.
; . 31.... 35 ,...., _ , ".....". , -.0+"'1;_ k- J 0rlI0d 198' ;
........ od _ , "'~or _It,,.,.
" 0IId om<i _ .....,.. "'" J Oo+od 1989 ; '32"J8
37. _ . _ _ . ...-.d W;;~11 , Roo"",.,. '" ,..,.,1
". ........ _ 80-",",," -r .I ~,.< .:1-;\:1.0' M. J Off..!
",,,,- .... oood '" d.o"e. hi _
O~ 1981 ;~S45
"""- A.. J

"'" t<.U RI.". Jooodo<h ~ . <""I", a"-'" """<dol V, hr,., 00 .. '1. , Nd ,, 1 1/"0....., 1'0""'1
" -.,,,", ""1'"
"",~Io ... Ioro .... _ _. , 1.......... . ......... <On-

11,0,,,. Ch1'-ood 191],'3 , 2'29

Md II . " " ,,~ lo' lo.lood' .g on,
l !.

)9 Will.... O"~~!Dw 0.._ "',

f..-po""" J ChO<tf..OO 1~9J;129 131
O<'d Oed_I

" ~"" . A... j o.+.od 1988 ,

0(p0.,j, 10''''''' , or.d L; OOM"
I~9 . I SZ
E!Ieo;' 01 , ud;....
"""'" "', W' ; 't, 19'1 3
. 0 W'",,,,, , S, ,,ko t, ",,!fed po"'<11 """"'",,", k-,
" ",to<,.", """,,:0. = "blr . ",.., j 01"" 199. ; 16' _
j 0"1'" 19'1 1.- B5-'l-J
WQ o d,'d .," , d,, ~'o~,~o, t o'o",6"" . ~,
0-0.. ~~ U-I_ I. "".._ c.......
~WI "'" ,,,,,,.ohio, ,.0 """'"'" _ ......

" ,;.., """'G

"",.,,.01 a,. me. A.. j Om..:..! 1983;

01 "'-" " ~ _ And 0rl>0<I1991 ; ).

I\Wi, ot>d \.\,~ ,Modoon I . - - 01 ....

" cial ........... '" .. ",;1 .... 0--",0'1 doooo .... od by
1000< hoIogo<o, ... "'" J Onllod 196~, ''16-~1
x. "01;0 w" ea.....-po"' ... o..I>odoofleo, s lo" ,
CV""" by,19M
" ' ' - f : Tho ""~) 0"<1 ,""""'"'" 01""""""
" ""","" 01 ...", 1''f ~~ ..... """" ... "'" ,~, j
0 ,; , " 91.!! , 35: 138_ 1<6_
. ~ogo' ... , !<.bt~"I , Coo ."", 0'1 01 ...... " CI,,, II

O rol hob-Is In child"", ho.,." definite

beefing on th. d.... lopm.", "I
Clcci". ;o " . Frequently, ch il dren
ocqWe artoj" hooil> "'at may .jllt.,
lerr pomrify
or permor>enlly be hormlvl ro dentol oedv."""

Dig it "ding i. defir..d 01 placement of TM thum b

Of OM more finget'llin 'o'Or,ing depth. into Ill..
mouth . Thumb and dig,l suchng is One ol!h,"
ond to lh . !ooth . upporlir>g It rue!u,.,. <:omma"~ ........ hob~1 t"-:>! most ch;kI'M indulge
A natH! ~" n be deftned o. the ,(!(Id.,~ in. R<KCN slc;die. f..:,,,, 5hown that thumb . lId<i ng
IDwOrd. on oct 'na' hos bee" ...... " repeated
por/ormon:e. reloIWely 1UocI, cono:.lent Dnd eo..,.
10 perfo rm by an i rodi';du ol ,
may be prodiccd CVIIfI during intrau!erin~ lif$.

The p,esen'" of ,hI, hob~ i> c.......idered qu~e
normolt;n Tr.e 090 af 3 Itl 4 )'t'<lrs, "" r~sle"ce
HobO!. are Inv. oequi"", 0." "",.H 0; of th~ ncb:t beyond thi . a .... con leod to "miou.
~Iion. In me initicll.t>ge. Ihe:" is" conscious ma!occIuslon._
e/Io.110 peno,m Ihe oct. loler lite oct become<
leu consdOlJ$ and if repeal ed oftcn Ot'lO<JQ n mO)' EI/olallY
_ _ !he ,,,,,I,,,. of un::ontdousneu. Habits COn A numbero! theories ho .... been put fOfWard to
be dosSlfied In (] numb .. , 01 WOY$. One .,n...hy rhumb .uc;king aceu". The fdlowinll
do .. iIi,aI>on i,lo d",;de f-.obill info p, ....", 00r> 0", ,.".,. ohhe mo,~ occeptad Or'IeS ,
pr~ ...... rc a nd biti ng I", uill, Ho bi!. con 01"" be
Froodian tneoty , Th i. tr.eo'l we. propo.ed
douined oJ (ompul.iv(o Clnd non-comp"I..: ...
by Sigmond Frllud in 1Ir, ""Iy po" 01 this ~
hobotsor .. mpoyond ",,,,,n,ng/I.j habits !'*'table
He sug"",1ed thot 0 cnlld pos= varioul.
I fo r" ""'oiled d", ,,iicoticm). \
di,Tin c! phos.e. 01 p.ychclO9 ical rJoi"elapm em 01
whidl..,., "",I 0'><1 'ne onol phooes are -, :~

the 1,..1three ..""" a' Ide. In ..... orol ohose,!he

moYtto iJ believ-ed 10 be an """""'tic lOne, The
ch ild has th . tem;ienq to plo,," hi l tirlgC<l or 0 0')'
U" M ".~I"
_.1". Pr ~v. "t;OI1 0+

ThtM ........ ~. thol are ~ .. oth .... obtOoCt into th . oro l cO'>';tv,

_I.rdon ........ """"~ II. ~ 1Or9A, IVCh M oct ill bt! 1~ b re<u lt in """".:;.nol
""'"' ~ in.ecu';I"t' ond po the ,i, l 01 m. child
,.... __ hl,....._ ........
too _.., ... """""" _ _ ..., .. _
diversdy,ng into ath.,
0'0/ d"ve 'neory 01 Seo,.. o"d W,se :
""'*""l...... ~ ",-, 5o:<Irsond WI$t! in 1950 propo;ed!hal p!Oianged
.ud<.ling con lead '0 thvmb .ocking.
Be niomin 's 1!",ory ; Be njomi n hOI l u g~"ed
r.,ply ~ .l>Itt
t",t th~mb , uckirlg orosc. from the rootin g o r
Tho!' ... _ tho! .... "" _OI! "'~ "", ... ploo"'9 rcfb A On in 0 11 mo ", molicn inlont.
~1IrI 1OOIo n:r
I~ .. _ht_ . . . .
Pl j ~ or-...
'0 .tIOOMg.
RooIirog refI .. is tho ~ at ~ iiont', heod
ond lO"guc ~"..., obje<llouchrog h,.d>oel:.
1'>e obtecr '. ""uo!'y the morl>c,.'. b,..,,,, b", mov

01", be 0 flngo' 0' 0 poci/";",. Th,uooMg ",He>.
diooppta .... ,n nomoal inb"" mound 7 . 8 montt"
ThtM __ ~ fI.ItG _ '" t ~ ~
P, ~c,~ o log l co l 0 51'<' 0 5 C hildre n deprived
ill> ~ lingo< 5iJdl"ll W alSO I>r'q.II IW IIing
IIbII ' p,. ..". ~.blt.
of po rento ll O'r'C, co re a nd aHed ;"" 0'" be lieved
.. ....,.,......=""...,.._ .....,,,_Il0l> to "O$OrI'O this ~bi! d"" to 0 feoe long ci ~""
_ 0'tid'I
-.... dhc' loa 0<1, rot." ..
lOlC,ned poll!:!m : According to some ou!nOn,

jIo. An ........... ""~ ..... "'!IiI ...... tII
Ihvmb SlIcldng .. 0 Ieomed poncm...;th
no underlying co"," 0' P"Jddovocol booonng .
~ _ _ IS """ .. "'l1iIin;, !*'<I ~
..., II> tlrYoj,
f'hase I: IN",m ol ond , ,,bd inoc:o lly sig nifica nti:

_..._ ..__..
Th o first p h~se is .@."d llf ing tho fi ... t m r~e )",0'"
of lile, 1M p<ese<>oc 01 t~um b .... d ,, '9 du,i"9
~. .... "-bitt
thi, p/vJ!C iHoMid.,ed qujje normol orid """,II,
"'"" . . lIMp """'" - .

tot lid _
.......... """* _ ....
Ii> .".". io _
t __
",,,,,,,,,,,'es uI !he end of p~ ... one

_1IIoioIJ_..... _ .
""'" oceur ......:I _ 11M """, _ .........
PhoSfl /I (C~n'colly .iyni~con! .ud<'ng) . The
""on::! pI'CJOee"'"nd.~J 6 'n .,eorsof
~~ . The D<"C'W<lC" of socking dU""9 thi' peoDd
Ii... ' <MII'IrItInr IIob!tt is On indie"ti"" Ihu t the ct, i!d i. !lnde . o ' oot
~ .. _ 1101 .. ,""" _ nI troppoo1 .. o n.i llly, T"",tme nt to soJ vc the de ntal probleml
"'_ .......... Y>oold be in ilioted d u,ing th i' ph "",
f'\l I PI",,,,,,",,,,;" P'"''''
~ ..., ;0;"1, '" th"w"""""
":1 to. o~. 0/9 _.~. 1j).<><1
;C) 1"''''3",1 P"~IQg<O~ ~' (0)
- cepIo'O$""" "' .... ""....

"",so. II) , (Intmdab le weking] . My tnum b indulging in Ih. flabit.

sudinQ pe r~,ti" 9 oo~d th.e /o., rth 0( Mtn Ve<l' b. FreqLJ<!')(y' Tho "" mbe r of tim ellho fIobit
<;>I IiI<! ohould alert 11.. den~111O II.~ und~,I ,i~" is odMlted in a dot.
pI}ChoIogi.:al aspOOs oI/he habit. Apsyd>oIog." c. Jnletl<ity: The ~igor ",ith ",hich !he hab~
mighl hoI'(! lo be consulred du,,"9 Ihis ph...., is performed.
The Iolbwing ore some oIlhe ell...:" 01
Elftcu 0 1 thum/) a ile/lin, lh"",b .ud:ing :
Thu rnb a r>d digil , uLkir>g arc be(i ed to cou "" a o. Lubial tipping of th a ",,,,,il ia,,, a~""ior 1.... lh
.... mber 01 chongeo in tn.. u..nlol oren and rire """ti ng in ",adinolion at rna,; I",,,, a rltorio<$ .
l upporting .truLlu..... Th. se rit~ 01 me b. The <M!<jet;naeoses d..... to pr<>cIinotiofl QI
",010 od .. ion w....,d by lI.umb tudr:ing dep80 0ds the n'oIlIOIlcuy ortcriotI Some chilo::Qn n:sl rhnr
on the ttident oIloclO'l. They ore: hard on /he mondibulor!lfllCfi<n dumlll roo
'II D",o 'ion . Th~ omo~nl oj li m~ ' f>I'nl """Icing oct In we" child .. " li"9Ul1llipping
F;g ?
"'' ' YoI'' ~I ""_ ..... i.lIoI\o' hod c ... m .. Jd.. ......... bl <r<! , .,. 0.... ".1..,1 '"'" """')0 ........ -d.i<_ Nooo
d" pOO" ~ ... ,,~ 01 .... _I<.., 01' "" ,h _ '" d ... .., 10_ ., ....... """ .. "" oooOOa'od ......... hot:w-
A I;"'; h hOr """" Of """
.-! to i.. ~ ,110 "'-">" -j, .. ~ "" 01.

ollhe mondibulor In(;.o" , on be expc<:1...! whim predisPO .... 10 pool ...... , u05sb~...
whic:h furthe, I~ /l,e oYCtjel. (fig2) .
d. Anterior open bote (On DCCu' os 0 ","uk 01 t. The ,hild mOV d...,..,1op !CIngue 111",,1 hob,l
re strl' ti on (If inci .ot e ru pllo n and as a "," "II 01th o Ope<1 b<to.
wptC>ef" pti a n 01tho bu cca l teeth Ili g I) . ll. I he upper lip i, g" ",,,,, lfy hypolank: while th o
e. n.. ch""k m",des coniro" during Ihumb lowe, pM allh .. loce .. hib~J hype""c"""
sucking ,asulhn~ In 0 noOTOW marillo,,! otd> memol" ocIIv"y
Hol;.;- ' '''0'"'' . -
~ .... "-~ "' _ .-t of ,",-,,0 " " ;"'11 ,nO '(>"."" ,... u" .... ' " Rorr oia, ', ' ,cbi' """'eo" :8)
DAllno. '. d i>cont inue hi' suc kirl g hob it, Thu. th~ po"",t.
- -ep","",k ,ho ukJ be qve,fo ned on the freq ..." q ond the denti, t , ha uld ooek to Ir.oti vo te , he <;~ ikJ _
....ddUfotic<> 01t"" fx, bil, The child '. e motionol Dunlop Dut i"",'ard 0 theory ca ll ed Be'<l
-.n; sho ul d be m se "ed by en quiri ng into !.C eh h, p.o the' i' th o tct~ tho! tho be, t way to break a a. : habi t i. by it, con, ciou " purpo,eful repetiti on .
'"- Feeding ha hit. Dunl op >egge,,, thot th e chil d , r.ov ld be a,led
11 ""renta l ca re of the ch il d to '; ' in Iront of a large mirro r 000 a sked to >uc k
::.. Whethert"" po ,oots a re workil'lQ hi . th umb o b,orvi r.g " i m ~ i G' he indu lg e, in
An intr<HJ<ol d inicol . xcminot:on ,,,,,,,,Id the ha bit. Tni. procedu re i, ve ry effec tive il the
...:on:! 011 th. fea tu re! , een . uch os prod inotion, ch il d i. ",ked to do the >a m" ot 0 ti me when h. ~
cgen bite etc." The , hil d', ling . " , ho ul d be invofved i" on en joyo bi e octi' it,_
oocmiood , P' e<er.::e of d eo n oo il, a nd ca ll us 00 Mechanica l o.'ds , T" oy 0'" OO; i, o lly ,"mioo ing
_linger i. commo nly "'5OCioted with thumb Gppl ' o nce. that o, ,,. t the child who ~ willi ng to
srling . quit the hab it but i, not ab le to do "" the "", bi t
ho > ente re d a sub con .c io u. le ve l. Thc.e
Mana eem e nt of thumb sacking
a pp i-a n"e, ","" airy con<~t 0 1 0 crib ~ poIato l
Psych o,' ogical ap prO<lch It i, u.v a lly . a id to th e ma, ill ary in<;i.o" , Hab it breo ke" ca n be
~ enil d,e" Icd inll fXl ,,,,)joi "''''', kw~ a nd of two type. Ifig 3),
allectioo r.!.C rt to thi' hob it , Thu . th e pa re nts 0) Rem O'llob le ha bit b.-ca ler> , They ore po>~ v~
shoo ld bo ca LJn ,., ~ed to pro,:d. the chil d with ren lovab le opp li ance< th ot co n, i<l of cri b
adequate laye and aHecf on . Th o poren!s sho uld a nd i. a n<;ho red to tho ora l co, it, by moon.
a!.., b,., a d,.;",," to d ive rt II", ci)i kj ' , off"" I"', to of cle, p' on th e po,te ri o r !eeth.
.,a,." thin B' , cd, a ' pla \' a nd toys, b) Fixed hG bi! b r~ak. " : Hom-), 9 ""9" ~o in le"
Th. J cc." of " nl ho bit interceptio n ,,!eel wire COI l be des iy ""d to for- In a Itame
~ largdy dcpcrx!o upon the . ubject'> co- thot i> sol dered to bo nd. on the mo lo,,_
operatio n a nd willi ng rl e>s to be he lped to O :OOr a ids that ca n "", u<ed to inte rce pt
.he hobit lndude bond<>ging,'ile rhumb, "nd Sometimes the mo",mtion i, delayed ond tnus
bondog ,ng oIlheeibow. infontile swallow pelSi... for '" longer dUr'Olion 01
.~ .
Chemicol Opptooch : Uoeolbi:'ll:rlu!.tingor
foul "",,11,"11 p<epolO'ion p/oced on rhe thumb Meehonleol r~,',ic,jo". : The P'elenCe 01
.hot is wde<! con mok~ rhe h"b~ di<lO"",lul, (e!!oin ,ondllion, .ueh o. mocroglollio,
Th" me<!Occm ... '" !h<>l can be used indude, OONItriOed r:Ientol o,dle' end enktroed odenoidt
0, Ptppet (!is:ro ",oo in 0 ..... oli le med ivm pred ispooe to Iong ve Ikru<! habit.
b, Q vini""
Neurolog ica l diSl<J,bo nce Ne u, o logico l
C' Asofeli.da distu rbo nces affecli ng the orah :iol region .vch
a. hypo",n . ;li"" po lo te e,..,j mod..."te moto'
disabilitl con cou'" tong"" rh"'l1 hobit.
Tongue thrvst " de~,>ed '" a condition in which
CIIf. ,f'c. fl on of t on, we I~,nt
tho tongue mok... """""'ct with ony teeth ont-'or
to ..... moIors during .wollawing. loblo 2 gi_lhe Ja""" and Holt dOS$lficotion 01
tongue /hruOf. The term non-<lelarming in Ih ..
111'/"1/1 " I l enl/" e t~'''5t dossificotion imolie. that the int"r-<l:9~otion 01
FleI,he, hos p,oposed the lollowing 10ClOtS o. te-eth ond the f"'OIile ore occeptoble and with'n
00"'0 the ",,,I.e lor tong"" II,wllir>g, normol ronge . Delor mir>g longue Ihrutl i,
osso6c!ed with some o. nlo of...eolor defect,
Ge""lic locrot$ The-! a ' c specific an olomi,
long"" Ih",,1 <:o n 01.0 be dO'l~fiOO 01
,,", v'om uK ulo , vo ,iolion. in 1M oro.faCiel
~ rt1 ple tor>g ue th""l and cort1pJ e' tong uo 110",,1.
' eg io" tloot Co n p recip ilale lO<>g ue Ih ",,!. e,g,
Hjportonk Ofb<cula'; .,.-;, o ctivily,

!.eo-med be""v.o, (nobit) Tongu e th.u .'

T"", I, ~ I><'g!..-_
con be ocq.u"ed o. ",",,1,;,. The following ore T""," , ~_ITq.IO_

oorne oflhe predisposing foct",,!hot ror>leod to s...._t: _ _ _

tongue rhrvsring , s...._2 :_ ..""'....
o. Impropcrbollleleoding ~_3:_~

b. Prolonged lhumb ...d ing '!III II . DrIDrrontt _ ...... _

s...._,, _ _ bOo
c. Proiongcd'onsillar ond upper respin;rla'1lrod
Sub_t ,_ior..-
$.01> _ 3' iloop_
d, d"'o"on 01 lendemeso 01 gum or T"", 1/, ~ _ ... 1oIor1l1>'9ll_
leelh t<l<1 resu lt in 0 (ha n~ in . wa llowing Sub _
!: _ :nI _____ bile
pone' " to ovoid p re. su re a " Ihe l" r1<le, ll)r\@ Wl _ I ' _ d_toeIt!
Sub _ l _ 10.- __
Jo..\o t<J'o tioto<rl, roo9 uo Ih ' v, 1 con pre.., nl o .
port 01 nO<mO'I (h,klhood boh (J'llio' thaI i, SirnpIt Claullicrion at Tongue ...... '
g'odu,,11y ",ad ,l..d e. the o~ 00"""""". ' he
",1on.1" .....,11ow dlonge< to 0 mo"'", """,,11ow
ence the ~ deci<loo", teeth sItwIenJpllnO
I's~t h ogen i t
lu c lols lon g ue Thru lT CO n Clln/cill feature.
ICIm~t i ", uOCC ur a, c ruu lt o f force d Th ~ lOngu, In'u ,t hab<t con be aWldatcd w.Th
dotonTro.>oIion of oItw hobt.l i ~ thv"..o "'eking . the foIlowin\jleotv<es :
os often .e..o 11>:11 dlild"", ..ho 0"" Iort:ed to o. P,,,,,linohOn of anterior leeth
m.e rhumb ..,din5 hab' ofIen lak, up tongue b. Anterior open bite "
iInnIu'll . c. BimOll-illory ptolrusion
d. Posttrior open bile in co", of 101..,,1 tongue
Simpl e tont ". thrust

r ... fol low in g fOOlurc. con b<: ob.. rv.d: e, Pos~'ior crollb ,l(o
Q The ' i ~, ,.e ""''li U" thru S1 i, cno ,ooe<ilold by
a """"a l tooth rontoct du,i,,.. the IWOllowillQ
the manogement of to"ll"e 11"",t Invol_e.
b. Presence 01 on on!erior open bITe.
inle. cepr;gn of the hob.! foil""""'" by ~eat~' .... 10
ot. They chibd good intercuopolion of leeth.
co-1'8CI tIw moIocdUllOn.
eL The tong ... 1>1r<usI1"rw",d d<.aing .....,11".;"11
10 hwp 'lIabl"h on onlenor lip....,1 Hobil .nlOlrcOlption ,
It- Ab<>QO'mcl monic Ii, mu<de ocl,",.,. i .->,
L The TongV\! thrull "'/l
be in"" ceplOO I"y use
cf hobT br""k ... II< des<:ribed 10< rhumb
Compl . ~ lonlfu. fhru.t .v< 'i .-.g. floTh f"cd c nd remO\o'Obie crib. or

ru .... "'. "" luoIJlo! a ids i~ b.-eoking the hobit
Tho IoI lowinQ leatures we """" :
2. Tho child is 10ught the COH"'" I~eIl>od oi
" Thi~ kind 0/ tongue thruu i. chafOd ..;...d by
0-" opart >wallow.
3. Voriou> muWe e>.en;;'" of tt... tongue con

o The unl .. "", open bde can be d.Hu'le or

Absence of lempo<ol muode const"c~on

help in l'oi"'''11 it 10 odo pT 10 'he now
."",11o-ng pan&m fRe/er chopTer 20)
<I\",11g ,,,,,, llowing . Treolmenl 01 molocclu->Km " Onc~ Ihe l",b,1
d CO<1 lroction oI lhc d rcu momllT'MJS<;te. duiin~ i, int" rc~j"d the mQ locdusio n o:ssocioled ..,th
,.." lIowin~, tile to"gu ~ Iluust il lreoled ", ing fCmo\o'Ob .. or
It. n,~ ocdvSion oft""th mcy b.. 1>00" f...,..j orihodQ(1tic owlim~ .


During ora l re'p irat iM, the fo ll owing three

Mov!h breathir>g has been o~ib "1ed cs 0 possi," .
char"\ge, in th e postu re occur
.tiobg ie fa ctor for ma locd usio n. The med . of
o. Loworing of th. mandib le
re.piratOon influence. the po.tum of the iaw, th e
b. Pe,itio ning tho tongue dowrwa rd, and
to r>gue ond to 0 Ie" e r . >Cent tr-e heed . Thu . it
for...ord , .
, eem, 'l,uitc bg ico l :001 mouth b,eatning con
c. Tippin. boc'of thehead .
result in ol-e red iaw ond tong u. po,ture wh ich
Lowering of tho tongu e or.d mand ible
cov ld olter the Orofod ol equilibriu m there by
up,ets th e oro ol equ ilibri um. There is a n
l..oo iog to r:".olocd"" ion. W.ost r.OImo l people
unre!lri<;t. d bJcc ioator od;vity that in:l",,",," , ' ''"
ind ul ge in mouth breathi ng when th ey ore un de.-
pa.iti on of the 'eeth ond ct, o the growth of tN!
phy' i~ol e.e rtion such "' du ri ng stre nu ous
. xere i,. 0< sporll oC'ivit!
CllnlclI / fell tures of mouth brea thing
C/llu lfl ~lI t/o n of mouth breather!
The type of ma locciL, ion mo.t offer a"oc ia :ed
Mouth brM/he" co n b. dOi~fi .d into 3 type.:
I'Ot+- mautn orccthn g ~ cal led long 'oco 'ynd ro "'"
o . Obstruct;""
Dr" the clo" ie ~d o noid focie. . Tho, . pati en"
b Hobituo l
exh ibit tho fe ll ow i"," feate,ceo .
c. A<>otom ic
a. Lorg an d """Ow foce :fig 5 )
Ob5lwaive . .Com plete or po rtiol cb;ttuction
b. Norrow no, . and "",01pa .. og ~
of t~ . no . o l po .. og e can re, ult in mouth
c. Short ond ~o:cid up pe;-- li p
br. othing . 'The 101l0 l'Ong or o." 'e of the wu.e,
d Co ntract"d uppe r arch with poss ibi lity of
of "",a l obstruction:
po.t. rior ero" bite
a . Devioted no,o l septum
e An . xpr. " 'ort!e .. or ,"o n' ' a ce
b. No",1polyp.
f. Increo sed ov. ~et o s 0 re.u lt of fl aring of the
c. Chron ic in~ o m matior, of "";01m""o.o
d. Loca li, ed be<lign tumors
g. Anterior morgina l ging"itis con oceur due
e. CongM ito l en!or"em . nt of nod turbi note.
to dryir>g of the ging iva Ui g 6)
AII~rg i c reaction of the """, I muco",
h. l he d"",ess ci the mouth pred~~ to cor",
g. Obstructive a den oid s
Ant~ rior open billl can occu r
Habituo i ,A robitoo l rno<Jth brooh r .. one who
contin ues to brM :he thrcc-g h hi s mouth even Diagn osis of mouth br ea th Ing
thovgh the r..,,,,a l ob, tructi on i, removed. Thu s Hi. tory : A good hi<tory ' :"oC<Jld b-< recorded from
mouth breathing become, a deep rooted hobit the pationt n, we ll m paron".
thot i. po rfor-m~d u fICo ~!<:iO<J'~. C li nicol oxo mi noti on , Loo~ o ut for it. va r"""
A'Xltomic: An a natom ic mou th breoth er ii one cl inica l feat ure . A number 0: , imole te,t, can be
who$~ li p rr.:xphobg,- doo. nat pe rm it complete corried out to d;ogr>Q'. rno<Jth broothing , uch ~,
clo, ure of the moutn, , ueh 0' a patient having the mirrce to,t, wate r te,t ntc. (Refer chaptor 11}
, hort uppe r li p CePha lom etriC' Ce pr., lometric exami notiort

Fig 5 _ , .. " ........
... ~ b>g boo a.l _"""I
~-r~ __. _
Ix aoo .....
Inr9fC'pHon 01 the habit: Mouth b,eathing ,
~on be intercepted by "'" 01 a _fibulor sown.
Alterno!' ly1:rdhe.; tope' co n b. ".ed to
e.tobli .h li p sao l.
Rapid ma'i llcry expo noion , Pa!i . nts .. ,If,
narrow, wnstliClod m:;mlloty a<don benell! ftom
",pOd paioh;ll exp:ln<ion o,aced ...... oi~ 01
WIdening the o<do. Raoid m"",lIoty oonsion
hos been found 10 in(reose the nOSCII oir flow
orod dec,,!o" the nc..,1 0;' re<illonc:e.

8R U){ISM .

B",,o,,,, can be delin ..d a. th e gri nd in g 01 too!n

/0, ""","'nClio..,1 p<J~ (f", 7) Some ou!h:>n
..fer h;I npdumal gri.-.::ling a. btuli..... whil, !he
Ierm btuoomonia il given forgnnding dv<lng n-.;:
dor H.....

), P,ycrdog;';ol ond . motionol . t",,, heve
bUrl a ~'i bu'od a. o n. 01 the Co uSOI of
f i; 6 "',",' wi!!. m"",h
" . _ - ?..I ~'"9,;o.,
"''''''' ' '1 ..0 ;' .,Ib ;' ''11 bnJ .;' m,
2. OccIJsol inlorf"",,,,,,,, '" di$ctepOlIC\" between
aonlric: ,el,,~on and cenlric aecluto'on can
h.lps in .'lo bli,hing ' Ih. omount 01 prtdispase h;I grinding.
nosophoo,1 'Yeolspace, lire 01 odenoidl on<! aI.., 3. !'ericoronJtiI, ond ~I poln 1.IOOdIa
kelps '" cIio(,jn",ing the long foc:~ OS>oCioted with "ig9&' b<u>Olm in some ind .. od .... ll.
mouth b,eothing.
R/I;<>OmOnomefr/, It is tr..
study of ,no..,1 air
Cllnlc.l 'Utu'li
flow'ei)oo ode. i.t". u~ ng ~ CO<1li-1li"ll <J flow o. Ocd\lSO l weo rfocels cOrl be ob.wtrved On!he
l"fIeIe!S; orod 1"'1""'" 1I""{I8o , Th,ne de-.;"" .... p ~.
b. ffoctu .., 01 ~I!. ond ""'1OrO~onl.

'" .. ~motion olairflow lIwough .... .......,1 passoge
rnd nOO/lI .... i<lon~. ~. Mabilolyolleelh.
d, lendliTIHS or,d h"fP"o1rophv 01 mcn~(btoty
M,n.,'IIt'''' 0' Ploltll 11,.. ,11/""
~.jnovo/; 01 ~osof
01 P~Otyhll~ ol ,. MuKI. poir) whon the polisnl wohn wp In
obl1ru~'io": An, ~ollll of pha.,~geol fflo m<>fning,
obSTructi on w>ould btl ~oved b, relarrlng tn o f, TemP"'""""'nd ibuloi' io'nt pain and dl"omIort
patieo1ttaThe E.N,l, 'UraeP'I , . '11M o(CU'.

01 , ..,,,, help ,n 4iimi""ting oeclu"" i<1lerfe ... nQl,
p,e"ent occiulol WMe M d' breok Ihe
ne urom\IKuklroooplolk>n. "1


Lip bltln'
lip biting ond ~ ludot'Q "",metim... oppear.
lip bi!lng mOil often In.-o""," !he 10...... I,p whch
i. turn ed in.....,rd. and p,e'''''' -i; exerted "" tho
li ng u ~ l lurfocel of the "",.~ lo l)'<J nt..rion, Th.
pot ienl ""' y hl bit lhe following IMlu,.,:
o. Prodi"&<! u _ onlo"o" and ,ejroclinod
lower omerio<1
b. Hypertrophic ond redundom I"""", ~p
c. Gad,nll cJ I,PI
This hoba con be Int~.pled "'in9 Kp
b...mpers tt.ot no! only l ..,p tI,., lips m<01, WI oliO
, .
imp ' o\o'!l The ""iol inclinotk>n of ,he onleri,,, I.. th
due to un.... lra inod odion of Ih . 1""9uO.

Nol l Oltln,
Noil bitinll daM no! produce!llO>o> molocdution.
ttisIo<y ond dln,col """mlno~on In """' tote$ I,
Minor Iocol tooth Irnogulorilies sud> OS roIOtCn,
..,Hldenl '0 dlogno.e bru~l.m . Occl .... ol
",lmolu"lIe, con be dlOlinOMd by ule 01 wea' 01 illci"" edlJll ond mll)O' crowding con
occur 0' 0 (fluh of ""il boling. ~Ie in certoin
arTlculOllng pop.", Heeno-m vogrophic
Wlminalio n CO n boe ca rri ed o ut 10 ch ick 10<"
hyperaclivlty of lhe mll",le, of mOITi eoll o",

',u/m , n t
Mony co_ of btuli.m ore o .. ociol.d wil"
omotjooal ond psydIolQgicol djsfurboncOi Thul
opproprlol. p.~hol"Oicol lOOurllellng by 0
psythkllri$l mo,bo InitiOi<><:I . livpnot. reIo.<iog
.... mo.oodmgmgoCQl1he1 p inrat~ m ~
"",sion, ~sol oo i U$lm&<I~ ~VflIO CClmedOVl
10 e l i m l n~!O p rl molu rili~I, Nighl QUOrtn or OTher "*'t
f" a f'Iot itQl, wi .. W !>tic>; " , b i ng trPi<C 1"too
cI ok ..... "~a<td 00110 "",1oIiln"""'"
occMol . "'i" l. ~I ,o.~ Ib a oeduscl.u,fc,o.
~ in middle eo>l """ib~.....t.m;, (oiled the 19. ~!".".., ....., boo,k oi 0 ", lowl<>. "'-
nul noIch which i, 0 wear ol'Hth in !he lor... 01 c boo< ... ed," p..-bI........ i",.1~8
n T",,,,, S"""..,... , SI-, .... ' Efocll of oI~lk. ftt nfil
no1ch, Thi, i. g r.. u ~ cl erod ing open gnd oolin g "" .. .,. .. (>"; ,""-01 (!o,-.'.,.,...,.,.. ... Cot..,..
herd ~vl, Usi"ll lh. 'flCi",1edgo of lfl(1 ente rio " 1981, 2 ~ 6 Z'l 3
21, ull " : Ad"". "" " '. fore" Tn," dlog ",,;,
(fig 8), Th~se f>'lt",,1$ moy eJ, ibH mikj irreg..oiorilies ~~ f ,,"01 . .... C "",," 1956, 60'& 1<
and rofO<1 of roctn, 12. U'\G . .:....-~ SI\o,,,,,
S" ",o ";1",,10 , 0...0""
fOod ...p.o,,,
ood hcicl """" , .... Or-f>Od 19~
n . V'll 'io,.,loIfu.. .. ,'o.-lOlxool ......... I g"
""'Jo.+.. ''/8 - ;21.3-17.
1....,11', Sh,p;m. ho,.o, C .... 1.o. ood DosxI, 1'. Woo-reo. Horlie!d. 0-.1 Dolsbr Noool '"-r I....
,y""", 10-+1"" h 011....1< "",._. "'" J 0 ....... ". ..... , ' "'" J 0rl>0:I 1991 3'~353
11'63;3:;"-3<' 15. Wa ....... I1orlol<l ............ ,...... ,,~!.on'"' __
L 91"9<'>, v,..."....,,"" .. 51>:>,""
ond 5j-.p;.o, Ir>- ...... ~ ",,,I _>'G. Am j Qrt.oO l l'U :289.
",o r",..,.", ;, ......,..."". Noll Qrt.oO 19'1S . _I 1 m
m 26, W
,....,.._ 1, T,"""I, H'n.,... '''' H.o >f~" __
3, ';.+d \'1",..-. 3""'. ..... "'" "'p,:
v...".I....,,_ ........, f" .... 'l
""'~ ..., "PO ",", ' "'" J o.+od
~ ..... ,."-""", ,.., odoI _ ~ , A .. j 0d>c<J 11'87.1 11 116
1991,IH.15j 27, W,....." 1000""n, ~'" H'd", : AMI,>rIo 01 "',,,~.
~ G.obo< ,Tho _M'-o~""'rder. _ _ ond ..., U_ oo-y t...oto-,; . ..... )' 0.+"" 19<I~ ,
MoIoe:Io....,.._ A-. J O+ood 1963 . 18-.:;0 972C6
S. t:.Il.r. ..y ....., ho.... _ . fcdot. WoI<'-, 28. w. ,. 1'r"1:If", aod W, U'" _ Rooi ........ ,., ",001
"'. h.., h",,_ 0-.1 _ _III port.....
.... J CWw:.:II99J , SU-519
0.- to ...... '" _"".. , ~ood
0rt<>01981;536-"5 ~
_ .... "'" J

6. H,r ... l ,.,o 0-.1 V!IIn(I_. "od"PO'l"ll 1><"0"> Z'I \\\1_ C...-;n. Shoo. - CoIoodono .. 00<1 o-..:t....
lot ..-..IC<d._ '" '" ,100' 10 _.~ "*'- A... j .. 'noa........ W,V'. 11"i3
O'od 1987, 199JQ3 :;0. Wood.'d ];n," '_~on ' o", lu.d"r~"'. "od
7, 1i""' ..!o-<n1 v,e, enon "'od""" '''J ...;,~., 1.\\\. "". : """'db..b- ,00 """"..., (iWWI'' ' ' '
lot ""'x'''''''' '" " !''''; Io .100', ( ... .. " A-n J
0.. ..... 19a7 , 27'1_303
' " "!Ifd ,...,.., 01 "'""t~ "9 . A" J Crt""" I 9 91 , 1
8 H', ,,,,, War"" ..... Ho; .... : IJ c'"' .. ...".~.
"' ... do.og ~ "'R, .... J (MI.", 1ge6 ; <92_
9 Jocoboo" ~ ond ...., ""'.odo.. ' o , _
'-II. "'" J 01iK>d 1979; 511-529
Ie ~ I.I', p,. ..... hob'I>, etio'''II;cal
;n fu,,,, ..
_""''''''''. A-. j CWw:.:II9~, ~9~1
11 I........... Do~"'. "'"""""""
.nd ~ 01 _ I
d... ..,. ood ~"lI"-" d"'R loot' ""'J
0ttI00d 19(15
, ' 31' 35
12. Wrt1Oo1<r!d Ilo'J " , ..... ~' ..o "~,"H;.,I
0..<1' ",, __ ..0 "V,-.,dlng Ioob t , /or, J 0 "",," 1 9a~
13. Lo;,., ..... !101<_ """_"';01...,',,''''
,.... """"1_,...,,,. "'" j """"" 1989, <J2.~36
I~ ....."", 8<u ...... ~ <>1 '. ",. c/ol'*-. .... J o.1hod
1I'l10 ,.8-59
IS. M..,." o,d H''''.''g , BotrIo1...:L'ng ond
.... Ioa;--., ...... J 0.+"" 19M; 109.152
16. 0p0n!, Lo.""". ond r,i.... : EIIt<. cl ",d<og
'""tot. ....
_~ . ""'J Orrhod 1994 ,161 _

17, r",fln W" (on"",,,,,,,,'1 Cot"oOo"~ " $I l WI,
ev ,.....".".198-6,
18, Rogon 0..0 So b.,.". , (".Odic , r>' .. _ ( '." II
"",Io<d",,,,__ "'" J 0 " ",," 19M; '\ib l\>9

~# "';"/ J~I ~~~
f.- ~ ~'il ..,..J= ~
~ Jl,.:.s.::Jl H"':"'~ ~ .fo!.:l J;~ ~
~ U;. J ..:ro ~""':""'I


M erry popIJloIk>n lUrveyo ha.e
been corri. ci oul in diff&rent pert! of
the wo rld wit~ th e ob je cti ve o f
...-noting prevel ence of mclocdUl lon ond
omooonilc fl'eOtment need.. P~lence of
MOll '" 90% in o.lhl t.r Sidhu 5.S. in 1968.
Indian s nibi! c low il'l<;i ~ 01 "" ri c!ion in
molar reloll o n both in the me. ia l and <1 15101
di rection. OI lto-occ lutio n in India i. >'\Iry low in
con\ms!IoUSA (3.4% ... Whilesond 15'1!. ... 8Iocbl
.,JocdulOon " estimated to b. hi~h., in and Europe (29%j.Cla.. 1I1 molacdu"on i. alta
=- ':>ptd c.ountrillJo, compared to dMllopio 'II muc h leu ptevOlent in India campared to Us.+..
. - un!Ie<.de.oe1oped counmes. N ~ .he rland. and Ke nya . Prevalence 01
A numbe, ol Wd ......... b.n ccrd.cIed ma lo cclu.ion in 0 ,o mple 01 Le bone .e
""deI."min . the prevole"". 01 molocdVSion in ",ooalc ~ildren "",.I"und 10 "" chou! 59.S%. A
dlnn' rovYrios. The prevoio>nce ci rnaloc;duoiol1 stI.dy conduced 10 determi M !f><> p,evoM C' ond
...o<>g C hin "l. children wa5 ,"!imeted TO be .,,," rily of ma lacclusiOl1 in Ara b urban ", ildren
cbo~t 61 .82"'in c .tudy done by Peking of 13 to 15 I'OClI1 og e . evoo led!hot 85 ~nt
lWvetSity.ln OIl epidomiolovi<:al ,u""Yoi 1,028 had Angle aossl molaod.... ian, 8.5 pllfCed had
cWdren COIned out 10 """.. !he p,evoIenc;e of Angle Cla,. II, OM.ian 1 ma locclu.lon, 1.7
-*>cclosoon in, ~""'S seen !hoi cho1dto'> perc .. n. hod Angle Cia.. II, Divi, ion 2
S4.0'lI. hod Anglu 0 = I molocdUICn cnd moloccl"';on,ond 1.3 pe~ belonged 10 me
I~ hod Anglo'. Clo.. II molocclu5en. The Atlgle Clo .. III C0l1lQOtY. In" 51ud, <10M b, m,
prevo len ce cl mc loedu l ion ~mong Indi an Fed" ,,,1 Univel1ity 01 Rio de"iro, 9""il th e
cftiIdren ha l beM reported to be os io<w en 19.6% prevclence of ma locdu.ion in Br<"i l;.,,, childre n
.. Madl"\l ' by Mlg lon i D.C et 01in 1965 and c. wo o ,,"imetod to be 75.8'"' .
MA$UREMIIT OF MALOCCUlSfOlI' con be performed quiddy by eJ<OfT1inon e--.
without special inslrudion in onhodontic
M(>locciu,i(>n and dento/ociol dolorm~1 ere dog""",.
cond it io ns thot canst itule 0 hooo rd to the 5. The inde. m ou ld len d itse ll to mod ilicotlor>
mointencne 01 oro l hea lth a nd interlere with th o for the co llection 01 opid emi otog ico i doto,
Wil li be<ng of the p<!<Son by odWIfH ly olflKti"9 regordi~g me locd us i o~ o th er than
dentolo"jal o~n.,tia, mandibular function Or
..- The meosu,",,,,,,nt 01 malocclusion as a
1""'<'Q1tor-, incidence, e g. 1Teq.......-q
01 molposillor>ing of indjiduol teerh. .
6. The inde..hould be usoble .,-theron patients
publil; hoolth problem i. ~eI, d;/f;cult since 01 on study models.
most ~nlic treatment il underloken lor 7. 1he inde. should measure lhe dog," 01
aellketic reo..,,,, end ~ i. ~ diflicuh to esrim cle handi cap, il eny and avoid cfost ilying
th l ""I nt 10 which rTKl lp<><ed teeth orde nle.lociel 'melocd u.ion '.
anoma li e. co n, mut. a p.vchoIog lca l helO rd.
Molocdvsion r.o. pro""" to be a diff.:u lt e ntity to HAHDICAPPIII'G lABIOl/HGUAL
det-ne becau$/> indi";dual per<;ept;ons 01 OEYIAnOIl' III'DEX (HlD INDEX)
consliMes a malocdusion problem d,flerwideiy.
.... a .elult, no generally accopled epi- The 'Hondia>pping Lob;g.lroguol Devoab"" Ind",'"
demiologicol ndeo.-01 malocclusion 110. yeI been (HLD Indo WOJ developed by Harry l. Droker In
According to R",,,,, ,,. on 11Id", i. delir>ed
"". Tho HlD inde, was proposod Ie l-eleCf
os 'a nu menca l ", Iu. de""ribing tf>e relati<) statu. s';'jeds with ....... re or f-.:;,,..;f;;oppng ""Iocdusion
01 a population on " gmduofed scoIe with definit. end dento loc ic l o nom c liB'. Th o indo> i l
uppero:rr-,d lower lim''' "",do is designed 10 pe<m it opplico~e on ly 10 tho ".,,""'''"''! d.nti~o~ . HLD
and foolilate comporiooo with other populations indo>< "'tIl!he ~ ... t orthodon~c inde< de"g~ed 10
do";~.d by the "'''''' criteria and metl>cx:l..: meet the odrrtinitlrnli ..... needs 01 prog,am
Jamison H.D. (and McMillon R.S. ho:r... plann .... ,
proposed a 1m 01 requirement' 10< (an ideol
or1~odon~c index that can be uHd in the
epidemiolog ic st""i" 01 orthodontic problem Th . th ree pia",," com mon ly um lor orthoOontic
ol loll ows : ori entation i. e. Ihe $OgiHa l " lone, tr.. Frankie"
I. Tf>e index sho uk! be .imell, o=rote, rejo ble h<>ri""'IOI ple no end the orb ita l plane are th ~
and reprod oob"'. OOS<1 for the HLD j~de.< ......... ure rneris, The ma in
2. The inde.. .hoold be obiectMo in nalu", and intention of !he HLD inde>< is 10 measure the
r\eId quo~dcnowhlch II'IOJ be onaIped presence Or absence and the degree 01 Ihe
by currenl.lotisIicol method.. hondcapcau$8d by the com~"'!he rndo..
3. Th, ind.. mu.t be .0 designed as to The HlD inde.< il bosed on _en rompoo .... b.
<ffIeo .. ,tio:f.e bolweon hor.jicopp'ng ond nOf>- All mOOluremen!> ere mode with a Baley g.oug"
hon<kopp ing molocclulions: sccled in milli mete ... The ..,von compone nt
~, Th o o""m iMtion r",!uired mu . t be one that co nditio n. 01 th e HLD ind e.>: a re ",plo in ed es
r~"o rded . Re'~rSe o.~rbit. may e.xi'l in .am.
cond iti on, and ,hou ld bo me o.ur.d and
<ecorded .
Condition II 5 . Mandibular Protru,ion
TN, " mao. ur"" from th o labia l of th e lower

hJlIIalio <Ioviation.

... 000fliI0 in ......

IIn\b.4I ~ ill nn
incisor to the l of the upper inciSC<". The
mea.ur""",,", in mi ll imeters i. re.cOtded. A r.,,'eM
ove rbite if pr~ 'Mt , hou ld be .hown und~ r
'overbite' .

~biIo" nn
Ec>:P: orupiorc IJ(IItliorl Co"dition II- 6 . Open bite Thi. condition
is defin od a. 'the ab,ence of oed"",1cantad in

.-"'~ the onteric< reg ion' It i. m~,ur"" from edge to

edl}<' in millimeters and recorded.
Condition 11 7 . Labio lingual ,pread : To
moo.ure Jabio- li ngua l ,preod, the Boley gauge
...,.. "
Cc..c/ilio n If. 1_ Ckft P%ro' Thi, cond ition
i. to dete rmin e tf>e extM t 01 d. violion from
a no<TTla l oreh . The toto l di, tonce between th e
mo . t prottuded and th e fingua lfy d i.ploeed
anterior i, mea,ured .
.. de<cnbed 0' rnolocel v. ion, re,u lting from
In th o e.ent 01 mu lti ple anto-rior teeth
......... . trudurol deIormities in'OMng growth and
crowding. ~II doviotion. f'om the normal arch
;;eweIo.pment of the mondib le ond maxi llo. The
.houId be moo.ured for "bio-lingua l 'p<Md, but
_nc~ of cleft palate is indicated by on ..... in
only the mo,t ",ve re individua l meo.uremenl
_ ,eoord in g e""ri.
' hould be on lhe i,Jo . Th i, is don~ to
Corn/ition II Z - Trauma/ic D.wietion, ,Tho g..... the potlentthe benefit o/the grectest deviotion .
-..motie deviotion. ref"aed to ore, lor e.g. 10,. Th e obov~ e.xpioined HLD inde< .y.tem
gl" prema<iilo oegmlIDl by burn' or by occident, i, c modifioation 01 a~ ea rlier u.ed HLD ;nde.
1"!/! resc lls c1 osteomyeliti' or o..... r ~ potr.ology. Th " HLD inde< u$!Od prior to th o new HLD i,Je.x
The pre",nce 01 a lroumahc de.ioti"n i, 0 1.0 i.e. before 1960', made use 01 weighting fado"
nIicoted by on '~ in the recording chort. developed by tria l end ~ rror, Th i. i,J~x ')"$tem
Condition # 3 . O""~riel , Th i. "ond ition i, hod nine componenl cond ition, mea. ured . The
....,.u red;,i!h the patient in centric relationship. candition, observed ond scares assigned are ,;ven
The meo ...-emenl con be awli"; 10 a prolrud ing inTable II.
Jingle tooth a. we ll 0' to the whol. arch. The A '''ore of 13 Itentotive) end Over
.....,.uremnnt i. read ~nd ro<Jnded off 10 lhe constitute. a 'physica l handicap'.
-.,,,,t milli met...- a,"" reco<ded. T..... fol lowing rode, ore u.oo in the HLD
Condition # 4 . O"" ..rhle , Th i. me~,urem e nt
.01<0 rou,"" . d off t<> the neore.t mil li meter and
o Condition ob"' nt
X Condition present

M Miud dentition (10 be indlo:ned a J . Open bile

,-IClinical ow",,,,,1
. """"
5. TOOIh disploce....,.,t
D : a i~ical di>OPP'O"o l 6. Congon itolft miuing teeth
, 7. U,*"pted (;fI nt", 1incisors
ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT a. Marod ibuia'p'OIlnoth iom
PRIORITY INDEX (TPIJ 9. Monclibuia, retrogr>e!hitm ond
10. l'bsIerior cn:ossbire
The Orthodontic 1,,,,,10,,,,,,. Priorily Ind. (Tl'g ".lO TI'l I, bo..! on a scoIe 01 '010 3', '4 10 6'
d_'opo.H,y Gl(linge' R.M. in 1967. Tho Tl'1 and '.,..6', The TPl h!ridsrogMllm(nnomitl1inl
VItI$ 0 I'lt"i" on/modificnlion mode by Grainger
percenloge of pr8'IOience, relalille to oge .
..- "'" eooi"" dev.!1oped 'Maloa;lusiOl1 Severity TPI t<Xirel con be _sed in!he ronges
Estimcre'. Tl'1 i ~ bo d on tI>e study of inter
of :
relo!ionsh ips of 10 mcn iles!ction. of mclocdusion.
0 2.5 - l~
TPI inc lud ........, synd'Orl'le$ ord que>ntifie. orll l
2.5 4.5 Middle
lro!er -<&IotOnshipJ in '" rons d!he _ sync!rorrc. 000.. 4,5 High
The 10 mon~es1otio ... d molocclusion lTI8(l!.u~ Tl'1_ os a guide Iorepidemiclogio;o)
in TPI 0 ... :
our.eys 01 pcpulaliono 0'0 wdl 0' on 1""",_
BOmola, nolotionohip for SCfMning. TPI has been u..! in notional
2. Moxilla<yoverjet
slvdifl of ormooontic need. of children .

liIa.It! . .. f ronkfl (te l) CI:mI tr. r!.ImbIr c Ie8tt dosfiad .. 1OII:Id

'I$l;1!1 i dW~UrlllWliooilq P ' "
(II or nono).

baIl~n"""''''''' i _od.Tc:dl'''' '

<leIned~ . 1,5mnor, 1.!<rm. TDC(tI,*b1111Cn1d
<:pJar/i11l"ely ,.45'
or >45'

Handbpplr1g ~o Ungual ~ i'Ick.o:iI dIIt_ ( .. or ilCill), I"a.maIC

Dt'tlllion Indtl hy DfIklI. (1t&CI) dMCi:oos I.... roo:w.). CYIIjIt {~~ (!)Y1't). man:lW
~!tmI).""' qlII\t:ilt l~ard~1P'wI
(1I'DAWWIIIi1d"~' illrrwn).

i"lfVi"''' WIIbI~"~OIWjIt

I' I
MoIoc;cIuolon Sevtrby EsUm"~ by
Sf..., ~1<Idd6"ned meMIIMmOIIIJ:
1. Overjtt2.~. 3. ArteriH open ti;te ~. CongenlaI~
~ ma>:IIIar! irdsofl S. FilII pe!rnar.oo! rr<i<o" ,ei,.......rtp
6.l'<I$ItIbrtrwl:1itil 7. Toc<h~ 1Id.J;i.oo
poIe!'I ~.

Six mJfoccIlISiOIIljllldromu WI" deflfltd :

1.PosJijyf~jt! ilIld.rniiH open bile.

2.1'<1$11\'e o.erjet, jlO$iiYo 0I'$f bi: <fsIi,i nn'a' rQal:O:lrohip
.,..; pos!efoI Ci"OSSbIti wM1 ~ twIl OOWII> rroo:IiII<iar

3.Nega1ve overje!. rt.esial molar reIa:~, ilIld ~teIior

~ .Co.varitaly rt1ss;ng maritaJy 1r1dJo(s.
61'i!nlliIIl:>:ltl ~a:::errm.
HIM W8lg/lted and df/iMd IIlIIISUI'!IIIMts :
I . Molar (iii,.; oo~. 0Yerbi!~ 3, CNe1iet~. Poo!o;rior crO&Sb.te
5,Post.rioroponbite 6. Tooth~ 7.MidIioe
relation 8. ~>:irny media~dWtiITla 9. CorlQri.o4y ~
marllary r..:lsor.;.

S .." lMIoCduJion IjIIIdromu doI/mJd,

tOverjel ilIld (Ij.>lf1 tie.
2.0:sIai rmIar rdaloo, O'/fl/jtI,~, ~crossbito,
!!die <iastema, Q>;j (I'IicInI dIMaion.
3,CoogenI8lly ~ ow.iIal)'iI'Idoora.
5.1'<1s1er1or opoo bile.
6.MeslaI molar re/ali):l.~, O'/wbiIe.postfI/iot' aossbI:e, mana
7~ """" ,reldoo."'>9<1 d\l<tib::rl ~ Ip>IonIialI:>ofl
<l$pI~). aOOl;<lII1~ nt

Otklrl!<t $COI'Ir"G schemes &IQrrns lor dlferOli slago.l!; 01 derlaI

Trutrnenl Prknhy IndeX by Grillnger!I961j II "aigJIooind<i.llrro~,

\. LWararteriorseg!!I')IIC overjet
2..u.... ~noroegnent<Mllj<!l
3. o...tie of~ w ...a_1IItIOrI:)(
~.~~ oIMsors
6. OisWm;.Iijr fIaIion
7. Me!;iaI mol", reiati::rl

Seven maIoccI:Isbn IYfldromel were defined ,
1, Ma.J"'l'"'~ .yrd-orno
6.118xt1aJy coI!apsIi syll<Yornfi
7. ~ rrissingio::isr>rs

Handlelpplng Malocclusion Asse .. ment w~ """""',MIMI! C(I"ISi$t <t llYn pall! :

AtcOOl by Salzmllnn(19118) ! , ~:':-M:h~"..,....teen.~ rl)jajon,
'&p;ojv. ,
2. 'rlIi.! rarch de>'la1on. overjet<MItite, crosl~, <!piJ\ i)M,
J.SO: ~deiWJ1a::1a1 deforrriIies.
1, FIIdal IJ>j"a' ~
2.l!lwa1 ip palatallO maalali' incisoo
4, FlrtIctiJrWj8'II'imbloo
5. Facial asymmetry

ThislWlcanrxiybe as~Otlllvt paJ_,

" -. ,
t. I ..


rthodontk d iagnosis de a l. wit h CompreMn~ ve o.rthodn n!ic d iogno,is is
recogn it i on of t he va riou s e,,,, b lish. d by uo" oJ ce rta in cl inical impi e", ""j,
chorO<:leristic. oj the mal occlus ion . co il ed diegne. tic a id., Orthodonti c diog no,ti c
It ;ovolvo, coll ectio n of pertinent data i ~ a oid . o re 01 two type. n ",y o re the e"enti ol
~t<I" motic ,,", nner to ;",Ip in identifying the natu r~ dio 9"",.tic a id, c nd th ~ , upp iem e nto l d iog no. tic
and OJ use a lthe proble m. a.Mdortic di Qgr'IOO~ okis.
sho uld be bo,ed on >our>d SCiM!i!;c kF'lOwi edge
comb ined at time. with d inko l e' perience a nd nSE'mA~ DIAGNOSTIC AIDS
com mon "",..,_
They are cl inica l a id, that ar~ con. ide,ed ' e ry
Oiogoo, ;' invo lves deve lopm ent of a
importont io ' a ll co"'._ They o re >imp le o nd do
COOlIlrer..n.;ve doto bo.., c1 pertinerit inforrnoti<>n .
not '<>qu i", . ' pe nsi ve equ ip me nt. The fo ll ow ing
The data is derived from case hi, tory, d;n ~o l
ore the " ,,,,,,tia l d iagnoMic o id.
exom ination a nd other d iagno>lic aid, >uen as
1. Case h ~tary
stvdy ca . t" ra diograp h, and photog rap h. A
2 Clinicol examination
lofnotOoopproo<;h to the e>om ination j, _ tie l
3. Study model ,
10 . n, ure thet ""thi ng i. ov...-lo:>otcd. The p<J rpo5e
4. Cer1<l in rad iograph<
01 th is coo pte, j, to desc ribe a nd illu stra te
oj Pe,io p ico l radiogroph ,
funda me ntal, of gotheri "ll o nd in torpreti ng
bJ Bite wing
d ir>ical inform<l tkm yi elded from <I diagnostic
cJ Pano ramic
5 Facia l photograph,

SUPPLEMENTAL DIAGNOSTIC AI DS develo pme nt toot are con ,.;dered normo l for that
age. Th u. krmwi ng th e age helps in identilying
They ore c;e rtoin aid, wI1ich are not ..... ~ti<ll in and anticipating t hese condition . In odd ition,
all 00 ..... They rn<l l req uire spec"lized .-q uirrnent there are certoin t"",tment modo litie, thot ore best
lhol on overoge denli st mcry ""I po..... The corried ovt d lll"in g the growin g age. G rowth
,upoplemen!(ll diog no.tic oid. include . mod ificati o n procedvre. u";ng Iv r>etionol and
1. Sp"ciolized rod>ogrophs e g o orthopaedic opp lio.-.:e, are co rried 00 1 durir>g
G. Cepho lo melfic radiogroph. th e growth pe riod . Surgioo l re o i"" p roced ure.
b. Oeeiu.o l intro oro l fil m. ore beo! carried out oft. r th e "",,,,lion of growth.
C. Selected !otero l jaw .iew. Sex : Th . potien/', $.' shovld be record ed in th~
d. Cone . hilt techniql1f> ca se hi,taf)'. Thi. i, im portant in ploM ing
2. Eledromy"..,roph ic .xami"" tio n 01 mu.d e treotme nt os tr., timin g of g rowth e.ento s",," os
octivity g rowth sp urt. is dilfe rent in mo l~. OM lemole"
3. Hor>d.wrist md iogroph. to o.. e .. oon e ag e Forna'", "''''''f(
prec.d~ male. in onslOt d growth
o r matu rotion ag e spurt>, pvb.erty ond term i"",tiO<1 of g rowth .
4. Endocri ne te. t. Address ond occupotion R~ cord in g 01 t he
5. Eslimatio n o f 00'0' mernooli c rote addrc" and occupatio n help. in """I""tion of
6. Di09""'& ..,tup tt.e ,oc io ,,<;onomic ,totu. 01 th o potient ond
7. OOO uK'grarm po ren!" This he lps in s!l.di(ln (If an appropriato
opp liance, The add re .. o lso h ~ l p, in l utu,.
CASE HISTORY G. to intimate appointment,.

Co ... hi.tory in.ol"". elicitir>g or>d record ir>g o f

ChIef complaint
rele,"" nt inforrn<l lion from the patie nt "r>d pa re nt
to oid in the 0."", 11 diagno";, of th e co.e. Th e Tr., potient", chd compaint '00u'd be recoroed
in hi, or r.,r own wo rds , This h. lp, tt.e dinicion
inforrn<ltio n i. g<llh~ red from the pati ent or>d
in identilyir>g the priorities an d de. ire, of the
pa rents .
potien!. Most potient> ....,k orthodo ntic co ,~ lor
Person,,' de tails reaso n. of e ither estheti cs or impoired fvnction ,

Nome , The pati ent'. no me . hould be recorded M edIc'" history

for t he purpos e o f eommunico tio n ond
id ontifi cotio n. Moot patie nt, li ke oo in g ca lled by Before orthodontic treotmen! i, ur>den:J kon. a full
med icol history i, recorded . Fortuootely.ery lew
the ir ""me . Add,e" ing 0 poti Mt by hi. or her
"" me ho, 0 benefici{]1 p,ychalogico l cffoct os medica l co~d itio n , co ntm indicote the u.e of
well. It gets the patient to think tho t tt.e clinicion orthodonti c ""pl","c." Moo! of the ... oond ition.
il int~ r~~t~d in hi~ "", II be in g. In cos~ of chikJren
rna l requi' . certoin p recovtiO""f)' me",ures to
it i. wi,e to record thei' pet nome. ,
be token pior to or dvrir>g the orthodontk: thempy.
~ ~: Th~ pati ont' , chronologica l G(Ie sOOukJ
It is odvi",ble to deley orthodontic treatm ont in
potie<1t, . vl/ering from epilepsy until it is controlled
b. re cord ed, ,
Ago co~. id erat i o n h ~ l p. in
Patien" witf> hi.tory 01 blood dyscrm'" rMy need
diogr\ o. _ II o. treotm ent plon ninQ , The r.
ore certoin tron. iont conditions thot ocelli" durir>g speci a l rn<l""'gem. nt if e<lrodions ore pla nn ed,
Sex !M! !F! fileNo

Phone Number
---------- ------~~

DIIntal Hlllory

Extraora) EumlllBllon

foclalOivergence Sh,peolFace

F I ~l'o~'" I S<rllio,tl
II jRwild 10ViI

facill Symmetry
l II AS)'IM'IOI<Ioal
... "'""
~E"'nt6 II
S1u oc ,;,oI
I- I- I
N..oI.biai AJljlI, Mentoll blal 9uk;ul

INormal I ~ 1tou1O IObtu .. II INormai i .. fllalloW II


TOrlgllll ~ TongUi Aellvltv

!No'mol Ism' i'- I I IN()r)QI ~ TOI1$lf I'IcII!Iir!ol

T.M.J. Frellllm

!Nor~. II Pain I C!l$~ I I IN orJ1lol i Abno


Poln 01 c!osurl BrNthlng

INO/flo! .
1.1-" 1 1 0J,41l'l ~ I lOr. , ~ N. w 1"-' I I
Intraoral examinatIon

t:: . 8 7 6 5 4 3. 2 .1 11 2 3. 4 5 6 7 .8
'i, @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

~~~~I ~~~~~

, OVerjet Ov trb ~ e
- - - -- -
UolarrttMlon .- '-_ _ _ _ __

Delalls 01 m~~.Wsion present

O cro".I"g o~ blto W Rotollono

O S~lClngl
"" .;i.e., "i(j"c" ..""" ,,"
o Dttp,1011< 0
c, ' ",

. ,,,,..:. """""/.",,,,:.;.
i'rQclln. lIo"
0 Po. ltrtor "",-"bilo
"""- =-~
, 'I
...- ....
DOco'"". n~I""'" O I'I ".h1 rU h. 0 . . . . . . D ...... . .

rr_t Obttetl'tlll


I CMWllIIl th! IrNlIDIflt p/In dHaibed abcWf by my CWhodoIII/$/

Iftd "'.. twn nDIified 0111 P'"s"*' ... Ind ~
': ,
120 ' Orthodontics The Art and Science

O",beoc p<ltients am <JI'odergo orthodooticlhera py Family hlsto,y

;f il i, under conlr~, Polien!> Oovi"9 rheu molic
M;m y malocc lusion, .vch a. ,ke leta l 00.. Ii,
lever or cardioc onomo li e. requ iro ontibiotic CIo.. 1I1 roolocdlJSio-ns aoo cOfJ9<'nito l COrId~ions
co veroge , Ch il dren who Ore s. vere ly .uch o. dell$ d lip and po",te ore inheriled . Th u.
ha ndicappoed e ith...- mental ", or phy>ica ll v moy Ihe fomi ly histol) .hou ld r~cord deto ilo 01
requi'e specie l roo nagem ent. mo locdu, io n ~xi"i ng in ofher members of the
Th e med ico l hi,ta,), .hould inc lud e fom ify.
inforrootion on dru g u.ago. The use 01 cetta in
drug. like asp irin mO)' impede orthodontic tooth Gf;HERAL EXAMIHAnON
movement. fulients who are wlferi ng from ocllle,
debilitati ng coOOitio ns such a, .jral fove' shou ld The generol el<Ominotio n comprises 01 lhe general
be olk>wed to rec:OIIC' ;:oiorlo inili<>lin-g orthodontic "".",ment of the patient. AI1 obser.-""I c lin icio~
treotment, u."" lly begi n. hi' genero l "<"minotion O. SOOI1
'" the pati ent enters the cli nic,
Dental hll!ory
H. 'ght a nd weIght
Tn., dental hiMc:<y of tr.., poti~ nt ,hould jnc lu de
info rmal ion on th e age of er"pl ion of the Tho height and weightof!he patient are rec.orOOd.
d ~dd u ous ond permorHmt t~~t h, hi, to ry of They provide a due 10 Ihe phy> ico l growth ond
""Iractioo, decoy, reslorations 000 trauroo to tm. maturotion of the pationt which may he.e denio_
dentition, The post denta l hi, to,), help, in 1<>::",1corn, lotioo ,
"""""tion of potienls arid p<l rerh attitude towa rds
Ga It
it is the way 0 perron walk" Abnorma lilies 01 (jOit
P,. -n.t.1 hl.tory ore u, uo lly ossociotcd with neuromu,cu lor
The pre-nolO l hislOf)' $hovId i ndud~ inlormotion dii order-s wh ich may ho." a dentol correiotion,
on the cond ition of the mothe r dcn1ng pn>g1>Jncy
and lhe type 01 deJive ry, The use of cettai" drugs
like t/lo~domide or affectation with some infeclion. Post"re refers to Ihe woy 0 pe"on . tond .
durir>g p-regnorq li k!. Ge,man ~Ies CO " ""v/t Abno,mo l po,tu re, con pre dispose to
in co ngeroikll deform ilie, of Ihe child, malocclus ion due to olterotion in mo<j ll o-
1"lormotion shoul d be goth . red On the rnO rid ibuIo r ," lotion, hip,
tvPi' of do live,)" Forcep, del",.".,- pred ispose fo
lempororr.and ibula r jo in l injurie' which ca" Body build (phys Ique)
mon ile'l os marked mand ibu lar growt r. It i. possible to do\,;iy the physique into one of
retordatioo . tn., 1oI100000g th"", tvp"s :
o. Ae,lh etic: They hove 0 thin phv>ique and
Pos t natal hIstory u:!Uolfy pa"~' no"ow de nta l orches.
The post - nolo l hi,klry i ~c l ude. inlorroolioo 00 b. Pletonc: Th,,"! ore person. who oro abo ....
the type of llOed i"ll ' presence of hobib 000 on *"" They genera lly MV" lorge, 'q"ar" dental
mil estone, of nomHll <lev.,lopment arch~"

OHhodontic Diagnosis IZI

c. AJhletic : They lin! considen!d normolly bo,.;l., da"'~ca~on to dosli/y lace into II", following
being ... ilhe' Ihin no, obe..._ They he.. IIY=rn- :
nonnol Wed denial ora-. a . Me>optOSOpic : ~ il an aver_ or normal
SheJdon hos dO$<iI>ed the oe ... rol body Iocelorm.
oo ild lnlo Ihr" types : b. Eurvl>rosop>e : This type 01lex" i. broad one!
o. Edomorp/1lc: Tol l ond th in phl"'iqve
b. Me>omorp/1ic: ........,"'ge physiq ue
Co Endomorpt,lc : Short an d <>be ... p/1ys;que
c. '''"
L"Ptoprosopic : It il 0 long o nd no rrow face

EXTRA ORAL EXAMINATION .. ", eltt of (.e/., .y",metry

Tho poIieni', Iodel symmeh"y is .....mlned to
$/1.". or t". hu d determine dispropa<bO/ls 01 the lece in 1roRM!<1e
and . eo1icol plones. In mos' people .he 'Oglrt end
Tho heed CQn be dcl$if"oed rio one olthe /oIo..;I'Ig Ie~ .ide. ore not idenlical (fog 2)_ nu.... ome
three types: Ilig I)
deg ree 01 o$)'mm etry Is co nSidered norm al .
o. MeKx:e-phclic ....~ .ho pe of heod , 1he1
kl""melriel .hol ore g'o .. a nd ore
pos .... nonnol denlo l ormes.
dclWl eosily sl>ould be reconJed _Gf'tlS$ 10001
b. Oolicocephollc : leng ond norrow heocl.
a",mmelries con occural a ..... ul. 01 :
They hove _rowdentol ordI ....
0_ CangMiloldeltcb
c. B~phollc : Broodendsho"heod, They
b. Heml-Iocia l OIroph, I hypertrophy
he.. brood detIIol c",hes.. Co Un1olero1 co,qlo,onlcyloois end IIyperpbsio

FIe/II ro,m
F.CI.' PIOtl/.
Alimple "'elY 01deKnbing the Io<:e is Ie dalli/y it
TM Iaciol prolHe is """"'ined by """"in9 tM potient
os either,.".""d, ".,,1 or sq uare. A more Id t ntilic fro m Ih e , ide, The foc iol profi le heip i in

\ ~\
A 8

dk>gnosing gro.<. d~vi a tian . in th .. ma.i llo_ Straight p rofile - The two line. fo<m a nee rl y
mcndilwJlor rc!otion,hip. The profil e i, o!Se $$e d $lro ight Ii"'! Ifig 3_0)
by join ing 'f.e followir>glwo refe re n~e li M.: Convex pro/ile . The two line, form on or.g le
I. A Ii "" pning the forer..oo and the soft Ii.."" with th e concavity Iodng th o ~"ue. Thi. ki nd 01
point A [deepest point in curvoture of upper profile occurs a. a (e, ul t 01 a pr"9rloth ic moxill o
lip). or a retrogr>Othi, rroor>d ible o ..,en in 0 Cia.. II,
2. A Ii"" iOin in g po int A and trw, soh Ii",,,, Division 1 mc locduoion {f;
pogooioo (mo. t anterior point of th e ch in).
Bo>ed on the relationship between the$e Con.::ove profile: The two refere",," li_ form
two Ii""', three type. of pro/il e. 8xi. t. an m'9l . with the convoo,ity toward, th e Ii """

A 8 c

Th j. type o f profi le i ."societe<! with 0 prognothic
maoo ible ora ",trognathic maxilk, c. in 0 C ia ...
III malocdu,ion {fig 3.e).

FIO clll t diverg enc e

Focio l d ivergooce i. defined os a n anterior or

posledor inc li nation 01 the lower foce r. lotive to
the fc:>reheod . Fad,,1divergence can be of th ree
type. :

AIlterior diYerQent : A line drawn between the

A fore head QOO chi n i. ind in "" ont~ ri o rl y toword.
Ihe ch in {fig 4.0).
Po,l ~r ior d ;v~ rgenl , A li ne d rawn betwM n
the for.heod oed chin , Iant, posteriorly toword.
ch in (fig 4.bl_
I '" Stra ight Dr orthognafh ic . Th e lin e betwee n

'. ' ,L \ th .. foren""d oed ch in is sIroight or perpe<ldi::uklr
to the floor Ifig 4.c).
The Iociol diverg Mce ;$ to 0 "''9<'
infl <JM,~d by the potlen!'s ethn;,; ond ro ciol
" bodground,
Auenm e nt of antero - po. ferlo,
B ' e I8tlon. hlp

Th .. ont"ro .po <!e.-ior ", Ioti on,h ip Mtween t""

upper and lower jow c""' M ossessed to a C>! rtoin
.<I~ nt dinica lf,-. Id"" lIy tho maxillary .keletol booe
is 2 . 3 mm lorwa rd 01tho mandibu lar skeleta l
bo~" whe n the teeth are in <xc lu.ian. E>limotion
i. done by plocement of the index Clnd the midd/ ..
fing ers at the .olt t'''uo point A and point a
re.pectivefy, This can a l", be done in the some
wa~ af" r retrocti ng th e lips,- In skeletol 00 .. II
patients, the inde;( finger" anteriorlo the midd le
fi nger orthe flond points upword. lfig 5.b). In 0
skelelo l a"" IUpotienltke middle finger ~ ahead
c of tke forefi nger or the hond pam downward.IRg
f".g 4 f<>do l d~.,~""". (AI "",,,,:or D'.erg."". 15) S_c) _In 0 potient with Cla,,1 ,ke leto l pot" fn 1""
,.,....'" o.... 'Ii''''. (q o,,""ol nalhO; hand i. ot on even leve l.lfig 5_0)

.... """_<h.,
f>;l 3 As .. ,,,,,",,, 01 ""' .. 0 _Ierior
b, pIac.monr 01 tho
; 0<Id .... m<ldle li "ll<" '" th.
wit Ii,,,," ""'"f A ond ,,,,,OJ e W
CI"" I ... W ",,,,, ... hond ~ 01
00 __ ~ . IS: In C.", I po';."" ,
... kGnd po;nt. ,..,..."d . ~ 1 1n e lm.
I I poh""' ' "" ~ point, """,""",d,

plan e. m ~et b~ l<>nd the occ ipi ta l re gion, it

indkote." low cng " ",," Or a fIDrironlC l growing
c foc." If the two pic".,. meet enter\:)( tothe occipita l
'. gion iTind icate. 0 high angle co c< 0 vertical
A.uum,n! 01 ve,t/csl sk. l"t.1 growirog Ioce
Notmo IlV, the di. kmce from 0 point beJwe&n the
eyeixows to th 8 [un ctiOil of the ""se with upper
lip wi ll boo equol to th o di , !o",," f,om the lotter
point to the uOOe r side of the oh in . A mcrkedly
....duced Io"""dodal ..... ight i. a>SOCicted wiln deep
bit ... wh ile i ~ oreo d lower fociol height is
cuodcted with onteriC>( open bite .
The vertial l .keletal ~Iotion$ hip Can olse
be 0,",,""" I>y .!odying the ongko brmed ""tween
!he bwerborderof the mondiblo ond the fronklort
horizoolcl plene 10 li ne between the most wperior
po ;"n! of externa l cud itory ";"",IU I ond inferior
border 01 orbit) [fig 61 _Normally th e two pl.",,,.
int~r'$ect 01 th e occi pital " 'Il ion. In co,,, the Iw<>
EvaluatIon of fa e/al proportIons norrno l lip, th at /o il to form a lip ,ea l duc 10
A~ I proportioned face con be divide<! into th ree procli ned upper ind >orl_
eq uo l ," ~ico l th ird. u' ing fo ur hori,ontol p lohe. Eyerted lips - They oro hype rtrophied lip. with
ot the leve l of the hoir liM, th uproorbito l ridg~,
weo~ mu>cu lo rtO<1ocity (fig 8,c),
the ba", of the nose and the inferior border of
m n_ Within the bwerface, the vp po('\,xc up ;e,
o third of th . d istonc. while the thin ",,~ pieS the
"" t of the .po:;o {fig 71_

Examlnlltlon of lips

Normolfy the upper li p COve r$ the e n/ir. Iobiol

.u rlocc of upper anterior> except the incisol 2 -3
mm , The low. r li p co,. " th . erttire Iobio l surfOC"
of tho """"' r onte rio" ond 2 . 3 mm of the in<;i",1
edge 01 the upper o nte r""" Up. con be do"ifi...:!
into the fo ll owing four type. :

Competent lip. ; The lip' ore in ~ ight conted

",11 M t he mu oc ulcture i< relaxed (fig 8_al _

Incompetent lips They are morp ho logica lfy

short li p, which do no! fo rm 0 li p _ I in 0 reloxed
sla te , The li p sea l con on ly be och ieve-d by oct,,"
controct ion of th . pe rioro l and m o nto li .
mu>cles (fi g 8,bl ,
f ip S A" ..,mot of tf . I P' IA: Compo ",," ;P'
Potentiolly incompetent lip . " Th ~ y ore :,1 1""""0.,''''"'
lip. (C: ~"...., I'p'

....,Iocclu.iord while ,ecessive chins er,. common
in 0 .... II ",erlocdusion, "nt'.
It i. the ongle formed belwee n the low8'/' bard" of
til. nose ond 0 line ~ !I.e inlersection 01
no ... ond upper lip with th, tip oIth,lip (lobtaie
wperiuo) (fog 10). This ongle i. normally 11 0 , k
.""'ucel in polienls hovin" proclined upper
o nl.riQrl 0' P'OIInothic mOKiIIo_ ~ increases in
patient! witII rel!Oljoothic moxiller or ret,ocIined
f -a 9 ",," ,ID/,b 01 " I", m""i llory ontenor. .
"",'n,,"on of th" no..
n... <\01810 a ""Il'" e>l"onl conlri b<.J'es 10 h, esThe!k INTRA.(IRAL EXAMINATION

. <Joe_
oppecuO'lCO<r.<J "
Nwe size : Noomolly Ihft now is one thi~-6I .,. .. I""tlol> o f t Ol>gue
IIlolOkOlfaool heg,. ,.".... h:!w r.... '" 10.- bonier ~Ime. oIlheloogue con Upoe1lhe _ _
rJ chin) . balonce ond equilibrium Ieoding 10 molocdvsion.
/<Ioi(11 to/l!o~t , 1he shope 01 the con be
r>OH Pra..,nce 01 on e.ce..i.e ly le'ge 10nll'" il
, trc i;nl, Cc nVil. or crooked a , 0 re,u ll of 00>01 irldiceted ~ Ih. prt'sen<:e 01 imprints ol!l.e teeth
inju ries. on th e 10t"",1 me rgi ns 01 th e toog ua g);lng it 0
sc.alloped oppeorc nce.
NosIri/1 , Tiley ore oval and .hould be b4iol.rol~
fY'I'metricol . Stenosi, olthe nosmi,....,yindia>lft
imp<>i,ed nasal b""""ing.

E.. mlut/o" 01 ehln

WoenlOlobial ,ulcu< . The """'lo-lob~1 WIcUI i<"
conco:rvily see<> below In. lower lip (f'll 9). Do.ep
mento lobiol Ivkv. il oeM in CIo II II , Dil'i' '''n
1 ma l occlu ~oo ...n il e it i .no ll ow io bima>J ll ery

Menterlis erd;v;ty , No rmolly th" m"ntoli.

muscle doe. ony conlrodion at...st_
Hy~rodi'" mentolis octivity is - . in oem.
molocduslon< ouch o. Clo.. II, d",isloo 1 coses.
~ cause. puoo" ing 01 the chin.

Chin po<;I;on and prominence, Prom inent

c hin i . u.uo ll , " " oe ia ted with C lo" III

., ,.
A patient whose Iongu .. con nood'I It. ottochrnent prevents the two moxill0'Y ,emn;ol

I:,;~~,:::~~',::'~,:: :::~:
incise .. from oppowi",OIino eod> oiher theteby
frenum .rto uld be exomin Th&
lor longue pred i>pOSino to Mid li ne d'ru!emo
potian!. n(N in g to ngu e ti ~ The re il on Abno rma l fre no l otiacnm onts ar",
",tion in !he re.Tir.g tOl1g ue po~~O" o. wel l dkl gnosed by " bkJnch te.Tw;"'", tne vope r li p i
... impoltment of Tong .... m(r>'em .nt. . tretched upw<lrd. ond outward. lo r a period of
fimo. The presence of blo~.chin~ in the region <:Ii
I ".,,',,''', of ,,,. po/alt !he inhor.den'ol pap illa i. diognostic of on
~ polole should be ..... ml...d 10, the obnonnol frenum.
An abnormally high attachment of the
VCI,iolion in polo tal dept h occu" in mondibulor lob.,1 fref' ..... ton couse rocesoion of
o ..ociotior1 wilI1 ""notiO" of loc;,1fom,. /oI,ost the gir>g i.-o in thot creo.
doli colooo l potien!> hove deep IXIloTc.
Exam/nat/on of f onalla and "deno/If,
!:L Prese nce of swel ling in th e polot" co n be
indica""" of on impeded tooth, P"'""na! oi The .i..,and degree <:I infl am mctioo ilon , <:I tI>e
cysts oror ..... bony pathologies. 1011$01$ <hcmld be emmined. Abnormally inflamed
Co MutOSOl ul~ion and indttntation. ore 0 1011",1...,,,,,, olte,ation in long"" and jow po$IUre
"""".. oIlrOumoli<: deep bite_ thereby up<elling tne oro-mOoI bolo,...,,,Ieod,r.g
o:!.. Presence 01 cW!. in the ~""" 0'" OIKCioIed 10 molocclusion .
with diKon!;"".., 01 the pIllet. _
... The third ",,"oe is ,," uo lfy in Ii"" with the AS5usm.nt 01 fit. If.nfltlon
conine., Th i. is u.efu l in the " .... ,ment of The dc nto l.yolem is el\Om ined an d th~ following
maxill ary onterio , prod;""!i"". detail , ,,'" recorded ,

... mlullon of ,,",/yo o. Teeth present In"de tne 0'01 c6vity

b. Teeth u"""",ted
;;", gingiYu >hould be ....,mined lor inRommation. c. Tedh,rllS$ing
~nion and othe' mucogingivol I."ons_ d. Slolus of the d.."litioh i.. of IotIh thet hovoe
"':0"' """ d pOol' orol h,g....... is vwolty osaocioted erupted ond ,"", "'" erupted.
gerlll",lizod me'g inol 9'ng ;';,,,. ~ Is ." ry ft. Pr e.ence of car ie . . ro.lorotion.,
O!Imn>O<1 to fi nd o nlO!'rior rTXlrgin ol g in g ivitis in ma lformaTio n., hypop las ia, wear o~d
...,.,th breoth .. rl d .... to dry""" of th e movTn discdoT<lllon . '-
a:wJ>ed by tn~ ope n lip pos,""'. Presence of I. The pcliontil o1ked 1000..."", jcrwo in CII<1tnc
~~c oc;du.ion i. indicot...::t bV Iocollrod occlusion and the molar , ,, Iol ion is
;.ngiYol recession . Abnormolly hype,plo.tic determined. Thi, is c\e$cnbed as Angles
gingiva is __ in patients using <:enoin dn.og, Class I, II or III.
Me [);lonlln. g. The overjet ond o-erbiT"e which "'p"'''n1 II-e
horizonlol ond ""~icol....,rlop 01 tho up"",,
um/nu/on 0 1 Ir. n.1 attacltmeJlt. end k>wer 100m ore recorded. Vo~otlon
The "",,,xill ary lab", 1frenum con ot lime, be tnid , uch o. ir>C",,"ed OV(l ri "I, deep bi ttl open
Sbn:>J. cnd attaehed rej oti""ly low. s...o, an bite or>d O"QSI bile $Mo uld be re<:orded.
h, Tran5Ye"," rn<l lrelat.,,,,,,svcn as cross biltl ond space i. ca lled tM int ....-occ lu$0 1d eoror"l<" 0<
.h ift in the uppe r or lower midli ne. <hou ld be
boked lor.
tM freeway .poce. ">emo"" ,",
3 mm in the con ine reg ion.
f,=~,,",. '''I
In dividua l tooth i rr~ gu l or i t i e< 'ue n D' TMr. a re voriou. metr.oc. of o .. e .. ing
rototi on., d i.p lao e ment., in tru. ion ond the po.turo l re,t po. it""" , During e.ominotjon,
extru,"", O r~ noted, the potlent <hou ld be ,,,,,t,,,, up<,"ht, with tM bod:
I. Th e upper ond lower orcM. oro exom iMd un. upport. d OM ",k. d to look . troig ht ohead .
indi, iduoll y to ,tudy the ir arch form and The fo llow ing are some of the metOOds u.ed to
'ymm etry, Arch fc.rm, con be rmrmo l, n",row r""ord th e po,turol ro, t po,jjion .
01rhlped) or squ are. Phone tic me thod , The patie nt i. o.k. d to
repeet """'" eon,onant, li k. 'M' or 'C' or repeat
a word like Mi" i"'pp< '. The mand ible retu rn , to
It i, now e<tob li,hed tlxlt M-rmo l fUr"ICtion of the the po,tura l re.t po. it"", ) ,2 ..,conds oft", the
.torn<ltognothi c .y<lOO1 promote. norrn<l l growth e, e rci.." Th e poti~ nt i. told rwt to change the
and deyelopment 01 the orolaeio l comp lex. fow, li p or toogue pos ition alter the phonoti on,
Improper IU rOoring 01 the storoo~ 'YO"'" 0, the de nt.,t port. the li p. to .tudy tho ;ntor
can re.ult in "",iou. ma locdvs ion . oco lu.o l.pocc.
Orthodonti c diagnos is . hou ld not be CommQM method, The poti ent osked to
ro<lriclOO to .tOli<: eya l""tion 01 the teeth aM their perform cerla in fUr"l<tio<1 u::h as """ Ibwir>;l, The
supporting structures but .hov ld i""lude the mor>dible tend. to return to rest po.iti on /oI lowhg
exam'ootian of tile ""riou. lundior>a l un its of the thi. oot.
, tomc tognc thio . y, tom. n o lunct ion al
Non -command merhod Th e poti e nt i.
exo mi noti<ln .hau ld irlClud" H-.e loI lowi,.... :
ob",,,,ed 0. he >peaks or 'W<lllows , The poti""t
D, kse,,..,.,,-t of post"",1",ot po~tion CJr"Id intor-
i, not owore that he i, b-o in g exam ined . Th i. i,
oce lu so lopoc .
u. uo lly oo rried out by ta lking aoout topics
b, Patholdowre
unreloted to the potient ..+.ile cor~ ful f,- ob,. rving
c , A.." .. mont olro.piroti on
him or he"
d. bam ir>Otion ofTMJ
Thero Or" vor;OU. method. e mployed 10
". Exam irl otion 01 ,wa llowi,....
mom ur. the jn te' occlu . ol c loarance. The
f. Exom inotionol .peech
foll owing Ofe .O<M of them.
Assessm ent of postural r est posit/ on Direct intra - oro l piocedure , Vernie r co lipe"
lind Inter - O '~/USIII ~/earan,e con be u.ed dired ly in the poti ont', mouth in tM
The po,tura l (e.t position ;, the pos ition of th e conine or i'he incise, ~ion to meo>U rc the f""""""Y
moM i" . ot whk h the mu.dc. that 01= the fow> .poce.
OM those hot """" them ore , in a .\:;lte of mini"",1 Direct extra ora l procedure Two marb
oontroction to ma into in the post ure of the are ploced one on the no.n end ooolher 00 the
mandjbio . At the po>!u ra l re" po";ti on, a .poc. chi n in the mid. sog itto l plan e. The di, tance
exi. t, between the uppe r ar>d lower jow" Thi. between these two po in t, is mee.ured ofte r
mtruding th~ poti""t to <e me in at r~'t po.ition . th e nasa l . id e of th e mirror in dica te, na .o l
leier the potient i. asked to occ looe the t~eth end breathing wh il e fogg ing toword$ th e """ I . ide
:!Je di. tm>:;e between the two point' i. o9O in i n dicot~. ora l breo lhinll:
~. ured. Th e diffe ronco betwe en the two
Cotlon te.t,' A b<JHerffy .hoped piece of cotton
-eodings is the Ireewo y spoee.
i, p ieced over th e up per lip below tr.e nostril . . If
"dired extra orol proce dure Th" inte r th e cotton flutters down it indic ete, nasa l
ocd usol.poee i. d~te rm i ned in 0 rod iograph or breath i"," Thi. te.t ,on be vsed to det.rm ine
i;!y Kine,k>g rophy. Two lot. rol cephalogra m., at unilatera l nasa l bockege .
~ po, itian and athe, in centric occlu.ion con
Wot", tel! " The potien t i$ o.ked to fill hi. mouth
I:.elp ~.tob li'" the frM woy .poce. with wowond retein it for a period of ti me. Wh ile
n0501br. otherS occompl ish tr,;. with ""'. , mouth
Euluatlon of pllth of clo.ure
breothers find the to., dilfk ult.
The pot h of do.ure i. the mO>e mMt of the
ObselYO tioo In nasa l bi-ootf"", the extemo l
"lO!>dible from relt po.ition to hobitua l o:civsio n.
nore, di la te during in , piroti on. In mouth
Abnormaliti e. of the poth of clo.u re are ,een in
breothers, there is eithcr no cho ng<! in the eld" r",,1
......, form. of me lo:d V$ion
nare. or they may con,trict during in", iration.
l'otw<:J,d path of clo,vre . A forward poth of
m.ure OCc ur1 in potient. with mi ld . ke l"ta l Exam Ina tIon of T.M.}.
"",norme lcy or edge to edg e incisOf co ntoct. In
Th e functio nal e>a mi notion .hould rovtine ly
..rn potient., th e mand ib l~ is gvid . d to a more
include au,cultatio n and ""I"" ti on of the
bward position to a llow th e mendibuklr incisor.
temporo.mendi b<Jla r io<nt ond th e mU5Culatur"
.. go labial to th e uppe' in<: i.orS o<socklted with mer><!ibulor open ir>g.
3cd<word path of closure Clo .. II, division The potient i$ examined fo< .ym ptom. of
2m,e. ",hibit premeture incism contad due to te mporo ma ndi bu lar joint prob lem. such a.
"'I!'Iroclined maxilimy ino",,,. Th~s th~ mond ib1e dding, ~pitu'$, po in of the meslicotory muscle. ,
.guided poste rio ri y to e.tobli sh occ lusion. li m itatioo of jew movement, hyper. mo/'< Iity or><!
morpho/og imlobnormaliti. , .
iJ::!eroJ path of clo.ure lateral deviat ion of
The max imum mout h op e ning i,
~ mond i b l ~ to th e left o r the right side i.
d~mi ned by meo,uring the d~tan<:. between
"""", iot"d with ocdu",1 prematuriti o, and a
tho me.illory and mend ib<Jlo r inci",1edg with
~ me'i lloryorch.
the mo uth wid e o pe n. The norme l inter in<:i",1
,Assenmllnt 'of ,,,.pl ratlon distance is 4045 mm .
Human. mey exhibit th ree type. of br~oth i ng . Eva lulltlon or SWill/owing
""", I. ora l and oro """, 1.
In" new bo rn, th~ toogU " is r" lotivefy Jorge or><!
A num ber of ' imple te, t, exi5t thot con
protrude, betw"",n the gum po ds or><! toke. po rt
Oe em plO)'ed to diagoore!he mOOe of respmlion .
in e,toL li .hing th e lip lea l. Th i. kind af .wo ll ow
~ test ,' A doo"e . ided mirror is he ld i, ca lled inlanti le~wa ll aw and i " en till 1 1!2 to
~en the no,e and the mouth. Fogg ing on 2 y""r$ of ag e . Infanti le .wa ll ow i. rep lemd by
,h. matu re .wo ll ow 0' t..... bucca l teeth , tort
e rup ting Th e p e "iste ~Le of the infa ntile
swa lbwhg con bea cau~lormo:OC.dJsion . Thvs
Inc ,wa llowing p.c ttem o f th e iM ivid",, 1 should
be e""miood. Th e pe<>istrnl~. of infonh1 . swol ow
is in d icated by t roe presence of the 'o ll ow in g
a . Protru. ion of the tip of the tong ue
b. Contract io n o f per iora l mu scl e. d u ~ ng
,,,,,, ,Io..;ng
c. No co ntact at the mo lar reg ion during
swa llo>'>ing

Cena in ma locclu.ion, rr.ay cau," d. fecr. in
spoech due to interfe re "". with movement of th o 4 . They help in a,,,,,,,ng tho oatu ,," arid ",. erity
tong "" OM lip. Thi s ,hou ld be oo.. rved whi le of ma locd u, ion
co nve rSing >'>ith th e patient. The poti ern co n be 5. Th ey are he lpfu l in motiva tion of !he patien!
asked to roo d out from a beak or asked to cavnt crod to exp la in th e trea tment plan 0' we ll os
from 1 _20 whil . ab IVin g the speech . Pot.,nt. prog""ss to th e potient and po ," nts.
hov,"'Il to ng ue th",-" habit ",nd to lisp wh il e del! 6. II make, it possibl e to ~mulate tr~alme<1t
palate patients may h a~ a "",,,, I tor.e proced u," , 00 the cast .ueh a. mock surgery.
7. Stud}- models ore useful to tron: f. r r!!Cords in
ORTHODONTIC STUDY MODElS co,. the potient i. to be treated by aoother
clini ck,"
O rthodonti c study mod els are occurote plaster
Detoi l. on t he req uiremen l, of
reproductio n. of . he teeth arod lhe ir . vrro un d ing
C<fnodo~tic !Iud-,- models and ther fabr<:otion are
saft ti ss ue,. They Ore an e .... ntkl l dklgroosti c a id
g i.en in cha pter 39.
t"",t make, it passible to ,tudy the arrangement
of teeth and the "", Iu sioo from a ll dire-:::tiOn . Gnathostat/c models
(fig 111.
ihcy are orthodontic study mod. l, where tn., bose
u,", of study model. in clud e :
of t r., maxillary em! i, trimmed to corresporld to
1. They ena ble th e stud-)' of I"" ""d u, ion from
tho Fra nkfort horizo nta l pia,""
a ll o'pe<:ts.
2. They ena ble accurote meas urement. to be
mad e in a denta l meh. They help in
mea.u"",,,, nt o f arch length, orch ,," dth and TI, e dia~no'tic ""tup was firSt proposed by H.D.
tooth size . Ke, li "'ll . Th~ dKlgMstic "t up is made from an
3. TOOy he'p in os,.,. smerl ohre<:Jtmen. prog ress . xtro ,~t of trimmed arid pd ished stud-)' models.
by Ihe dentist as we ll as lhe pati ent The ind u<Ji teeth and thei r as,ociated alveolar


7U 1
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a,IQI!'S pUl! I.JV aql - 5:)!IUOpoqIJO ZIti

FACIAL PHOTOGRAPHS AS A with polilive chaf{lO outside ond negativity 0185
- 90 mV ;nskle . Upon ,ece;';ng I; mul ... , ~
;, a r.....e<$Ol 01 tM. potontiol;1y r.,u~ing in m",,1e
facial photogro~ offer a lot of info..maticn on co ntro ction, Thl, ~ ce ll ed ""'tion pot8ntiol ond
"" wit ti nue morphology orod f"cie l ~xpres.ion, dM ote, the m&chen ico l oetivity e f tM mu " le,
PhcIogroph ho uld be tel"" in 0 slonoord ized The eI..o.omyog"Cph is a morn i"" ...t.irn i. vsod
monne' SO t!>ot they cen modHy be COInpored to """';"", e"llt.!yend record !he action p:nntial
with .. mile, pholograph~ 1cken duritIQ Or after during IT>JII;/. 0(;IMty. 8edmmyogram i,e ~
"" ~eo1ll1e"'. oI:mf>ed by sucho plOClllin. 1heodion poIenIial
80th "',e-oral os """II o. Inr'eoro! ;, pc\cd up by eledrod e", 01 twotypes:
phorogropllt ore one!ul OOgl>Oslic f8CO'do. Three
"""" ."",I.Iew> aff! ,0uliMl~ lokon Iflg' 13):
5"rioce elewcdeJ : lhese elecrrocie:! e,e vsod
a. fronte l view
whe n the mu scle .. ,upernc"oo l", pi"",ed just be.,.,.
b. Profil Iew
tl-oe skin .
c.. Ot>11q..... fc.,;ol .iew N.-li. eledfooO$ To . y Or" ",,,d ...hen me
Thee>:lro-eral pMlogroohse", IoI<en by muscle ;1 ploc;ed deep inside e.g. l'Ie"loo;d
gositioo ."g !he poIi""t in ouch e monne< thelthe mu..:!!!$.
FJi pIone II perallelto the Hoor. HaVIng peked up the eelion pmenrial
The infrl>o<:o'Ol phoiog,oph.!hot 0", IOkero w;th surioee 0' ,,*1. ele<:trodeo, ~ ;s rordtd
indde' ,.,ther with the helD 01 a mov;"II pen in the lorm
e. telt o,..j rigftt 10te", l. i"", of 0 groph or roccrQed;n m. l""" 01 "",nd with
b. Frontal view th e holp 010 mog netlc tooe recorder,
Co Maxi ll ary end mc,..j ibvlo r ""eluse lview EMG il uted '0 cIotect obno<mol mu,,1e
ect;.;ty auoc;a ted wah cerro;n ferm. 01
U.. of p ~ a tatr.p ~ . ,...,Ioed.,,;on.
1. They 0", ulel,,1 in o ..,.. menl 01 Ioelol 0_ In _~ Cia .. II, 1Ii.,;,;"n 1 molocdU100n

..,mm~. /ociol type ond prdile. the uppe' lip is hypo-lunctionol. Thus during
2- They _ .,. diogno"ic recortb. .....,lIc".."9. the lower lip"""'rods Upto<lrd.ord
J. They help in ., the prog .... 01 the forwordl to /0.00 the mo ,i llD lebielly end e
treetment. ,trong menlOl;1 oct .... ily ...een. EMG con
00 V1o<l to Itu dy l uch 0 co nd;tion.
ElECTROMYOGRAPHY b Abnorma l MCinotO!' oct;vi"" ;n OCII II ,
dili,"" 1.

ElectromY09rophv i. proaod"ftI u.ed lor c. Ove,de.u", ef joWl ;. o.><>doted w;th
feCOrdltIQ !he electricol oclivity 01 the mu.;"". ocuontuated lempo,olis muscle odMty.
the 'e>/itIQ potentiol 01 0 m...cte hber is 85 . 90 d. Ch;ld",n with cereb,ol poloy.
rrN. \QtUnIOry muscles co".;'" 01 """'t' controditIQ e. EMG ~ be corned out efte, erthodontic
5btes supplied by J*lpherol """'" lerminol . The thero"," 10 see ~ musd~ bolo;lr'oU! I, achieved,
membra"," of eo<;h fibre;' electrica l", charged

t. To ...... ~ dt>olop!>tnl of lilt dtrloJ>.
Willia m Conrad Rcentgen di,covered X-ray, in ~. _ otKl $tal. of orupIaI" tJo __
1895. Th" re i, no ",._ 1of the medica l field thot
2. To "1O ~~h 11>0 p, ... oc. or 01
is not infl uenced by th is discovery. OrThodontb
is no ~xceplion . Rod iographs hov. e.tobi i,hed
'"'*"'''''1Wy tNII>.
3. To dOlor .. no th . " t.". oj <001 rosorP"" oj
them,e lve. o. 0 .o lvob l. too l in orthodontic
r!o<iduorJ$ Ietfl.
diogno<i. Tobl~ I gi,e' the u.,,' of ra diog raph.
T~oWj 11>0..,.,. .. >OI\:JrmI.Jor\oHI"J. pormano[t

in orthodootk; prootke .
Radiogra ph. routinely used fO<" dio9""'i. ~. To CMlirm tJo po--..:n:/ ~
in ortf.odontk;s OJn 100 dos, ifi ~d into two group" ~ ",,,,,..lie eor<iit"",.
Intra oro l radiograph, ~. To ~Uly tho ctwldrr oI,_lDlo.
2. Extraoro l radiograph.
1. T~'y ;jl" '~uab lo 11<1 In <ra.nio -d on lo-ll oi,1


t _ To ""'*'"
tJo .... iroS"1tt(,n .. tJo ""'" .. -..
Thr~~ Iy p~. 01 intro -o,ol rod ioQroph. a re 9. To ...... ."e\h t.aI .or. ~ .t>oorrJ,ll.
commonly u d. They Ore th e periapica l, bite
wing ond occ lu . ol projection . 1. Para lleling tochniq ""
2. Bi,eding ang le technique
Intra orlll perlllplclIl radiographs
(I.D.P.A.) ibrelld in9 te;;ilnique . Thi. techniqu e i. 01.0
co il ed rillht ong l. o r long COO/l tedmiqu e. In
They Ofe rod iog raph. that ore used to view the
th i, ted"'iqu e, the X. roy film i, plOlCed porel"l to
teeth and th eir svppotling structure. (fig 14). TW<l
the long axis of th e teeth end tr.e central roy 01
intm-oral proiedion techniq ue. are u.ed lor
the X ray beo m i. directod ot ,;g ht ongle, to the
pe rio pica l radiography. They a fe :
teeth ond film . TN, method is be neved to redlJCe
g<>orneIric distortions ort<! i. th. reio", the preferred
to-ch~ique .

Bisecting ong le technique , In thi s technique,

the centra l roy i. directed o t ,.. hl ang le, to 0
pkln e bi,octin g the ong le betwee n th~ long oxi.
01 th e teetn ond the film.

Uses of intra -o rol periap ical radiograp h"

Fu ll mouth intra -orol periopial l radiogroph, ore
routine ly tokc n prior to initiation of ortnadootic
t'Mt",ent. The following a re .orne of the 01
1 lO co nlirmth e presen<:eofobsence olteeth.
2. To estobii,h the pfesence or ob.e nce of
"'pernu""",,,,'Y I"""'.
to ouest me <lent 01 wldlico1ion ard root
lormclien of teeth.
10 confirm th e .....""' co ond ""'"" the elIlenl
01po rie~ce l palh olog yand root froc;l~re,.
5. Ta Iludy The elveo lor bone and periodonlil l
ligament .pao;e.
6. Ta t!\Jdy the height and contour of alveolar
bonecreSl. "Ig t5 e.,. wI'>g n>d~",<h
7. To a'>e .. 1he a>.lcl indinoli<:n 01 roott.
olveolar bon .
8. Ta deted re!oillOd rootfrogmenll ond ,oo!
tu mpt. C 10 deled _ondo" oor;es beb.. re<!lorrfio"" .
d. To de'eCI <:MI'hcng ing pra. imo l re.lomlioroo.
9. 10 determ ine The >i,e and 'ha pe ()I unenJpted
teelh . c. To det",1 perlodo nlol change .
I. To detect i"Ie'proximo l eo l"" .....
OdodvonlCgal ()f IOPA : The l()fl()..,i"9 are
_"'!he ,hxl.""bges ()f infro..,..,f perigplo;of Oce/anl ,. d/o' rlp~ .

Intm oral ocdusol "'drogropht .noble ';ewing

Ao.>essment oft. entire denim"" .-.qui,. 100 of 0 relolNelylarge ... gmenl ol-he denIol on:;h,
monv rodiogropht. including lhe Dolo'. or floor of the mouth.
2 Ch ildren may net oil""" plo(e.....,! 01 inlro Oed"",1 rodiog",ph. e,. elsa u.. I,,1 in polienll
oro llil "". who or. un cb l. to open The rr.oum wid e er.o<Jg h
3. They cc nnol be used in pali""l. having high
10' p" 'io jOicol radlog-c ph . It i. po"'bI. !O cillo in
gag refl ond ttisrmn.
oed"",1 p"Q)ec~on of 110 0 VWO' a ......11a$ the
nlollel 01 IOPA : A1thou<;Ih the ICPA lowe, orche. (fog 16). The foliowinQ ore the u....
roph, hove a number 01 drowbockl they of ocduool radiog",phs :
some advorrtoges III _II :
... \.owrodiotiondw:.
IL Posslble 10 obloin Irxoliz<:d views of the 0_
c. They olfe r llenT clon!y 01 t th and the ir
1Upporting Itrudur .

, . . . wIn, rI<1/0" .plls

I;~~~~~~;;~~"~lhecoronol olong with their

(~II 15). The 10U"""ing ore
uses 01 bit. wing radiographs ,
10 dekl<:t pro.imo l w rie .
10 study Ihe height ard (ootour of inlerdenlal
1, b I""n te impacted Of c"","upled leet h, deve lopme nt by . tu dying dodd""u, foot
2, To Iocnte ; uperr1um . rory teeth. re,oro ti on and raot deye lapmerl t a f
3, To Iocat. In ro ign bod ie; in the jaw, aM permo""nt teeth
,10,,<,$ in sa livory d uct,
2. They can be used ta y~w on.vlosed and
4 To st""" DULCe li ngua l expYlSioos 01 cort>::a l im pcx;1ed teeth
plole du " to palho:ogy of th o j ~w , 3. To . tudy the path of eruption of teeth .
5, To diagno,e the pre,ence ond oxt""t of 4. To diogrlc ,e the pr",enc" ond extent of
lraClure<. pat~ogy and frac tu re, m the jOws,
6. Th&y nre u""lu l in MhOOonti", to ,tudv the 5. To diogno,e th ~ prn,e,"". or ob.ence of
efled' of ord> . xpan';"" p"xedu ," , . mu lti ple su pemumerory teetl"
6, They o, e u,elul oid. in ' '' riol . ,troction
procedure> to . tcdy the .tatus d OOJ pti ng teeth,

E,traoro l ro diog raph. i" dcx:J., all viaws moo e of

7. They ore c-..,Iul in the mixed de ntiti"" period
to >i'vdy the ,tatu. of u,",rupted teelh.
the oro.fa.::ia l rog ior1 ">ith the film pa' itioned e,tra
ora ll y, Th oy or~ ",.leA whenever lorge ore", m
the foce aM ,.u ll are to be visua lized . Th e odvontag e. at panoromic
radiograph ioclu ",,:
Panoramic radlolraphs 1 A brO<ld onatom ic; mea can be ';, ua limd.
2, The potient rodia li on exposu re i, low.
Panoromic roo iograph$ e n-ob" ,;e">ing 01 both
3, II can be ur.ed in patient, who ore ur>ObI~ to
maxillory and the rnand ibulor " fehe, with tl...-,
to~te intro ~1 ~Im . or unable to open the
.uppartin g .tfUcture. Ifig 171. Thu. 0 . in gle
imo!l~ coy~ " 0 mo jor part 01 tl", focia l regian,
The followin g are the disad-.-antoge al
Uses 01 Panora mi c radiograph ioclu de,:' "
panoromic rodiogro.oh,'
I. Th.y or. u;eful in 0,,""i"9 Ihe dental
I Dillortio<l" mog nificotioos and """ rl appir.g ..,....(>1md iog mph , .
01 lilt .!ructums ocwr. Cephalametric radiographs are af twa
2. The ~h and lilt wpporting p""odoorol
$l\'Vdur.,. a"' not as dear as in perioPcol "."
1. Lottrol CllphologrOM ~ig 18.a)
.l. Inclino ti\>n of a nte ri o , te etn co n no t be
2. Pwerc onterior cep""lagmm {fig IS.b)
The usc d oep""lome!n c rodiogm~ !or
'fiwali.ed _ a<thodootic d"(/"'OSII II diKY ...d in ""Ioill~ !he
-.I Require. "'Iviprnenllhat i. e:<pen"ve. IoIlowing chol*<'_
5. Whe_ derail. ol a particular area art
neododthey htNeto be .... p~ byother OTHER RADIO GRAPHS
mdiog roph.

C.pll8lomlll,lc ,.dlo, '"P ~S H...d . ..,1.1 ,.dlo, plts

are lope<ialized "",vII rodiogrophs in wh,dI RlJdiagrophs of 1M hand and wrill ore ulllfulin
head is po$ilioned In 0 'pe<ially des"ogned eslirroting 1M skeletal age 01 0 perso<l. The hond
'!!rOd holde r ca lled cellhabsklt by me(ln, 01 eCr m.o wrist ragion have a nvrnbo r ol."",11bone.
__ Tnu. it i. 0 . to nOOrd i,ed tocim iq ue ",he ,o who"" cppea rance and prog ress of os. ili~ctio<l
... ..., head;$ held in a ptIetermined poIiticn. oe<:~' in a ~idablo Mqve<1ce. Tni . enables

C....,llogrom. are allO V$Od lor <;<>mparilOr'l at o.MHmtOi 01 the skeletal age 01 0 polienl. Thay
ore .....,/vI in OJOeSSing growm /or p~~~ing growth 0/ pope' ccl ~ :rr...m.. opoq"" poper.
modilic:o!ion proeed\lf$f and wrgl~al resecIi .. The unlq .... leo!ure oI.e,orocliography is
procedures. thol iI I, possible 10 llaoe bolh pO)ilive ond
n~olive imoge. Once Ihe 10lenl imoge io
RECENT ADVANCES IN D.AGNO$f.C A.DS co~rted 10 0 mol imoge on 10 0 pope, the
"I.nj"", plole can be discharged, deo'""'!'l and ",podly growing I,e ld w"h uMld ogain. h can be ~ os mony 00 1000
develop",.,,. occ.uring almost avery cloy. 1~ fima.
improve""''' bosiCDli" Ou' in 1WO oreal. 1~

x.,,,,,,,diogrophic imoge dilleR Irom
lill' IS on improvemen! in !he molerloll ond convenlionol rodiog.oph. in Ihe followir>g
technique. u... d while iIle other " odvonces in
lhediagnos.:coids.. Re<ft"f r.-oIionsln medl<;ol 1. It """ibi!! high edge cantro.' due to 0
imaging lias be.> oooplOd '" denlrllry and ~nd phenomenon coiled edge enhancement
>ome opplico!ioos in orIhodon~a os ~II. Somo Th',lacifmtes pero!iptian of <>'lQt(Jmic dda1..
of the ... ,.;eeRIly evol.ed dlogl\O'l~c aids 0(1
2. n.. ...IOfOdog",phcimagei.1onpoperOf"d
di$omed in brief. ., vie.....d in reHeded light . Thy Ono .pedal
illumino~on i. nMded I<>r viewing.
)C ero .ad lo, . ap hy
J. Cf>oiot of positi.e Of nc~o~ve Imag e is
Xe:m-Jogoph-; il a com;rlele", dr)-, non-cl-remcd p<~ble.
prcx:e" whi ch mo\:e. ule of !he c lectrellol ic
proce.. '" in )(oro. modline . It .. 01 invon!cd by Tn.:. od.ontoge. of Xe<crod iogmphy 0.6 .
Chester F. CO~'OI1 in 1937 . ho rtly before !h e II 1. Red u ctionin ex~ou re time
Worl d Wer. 2. Eo"" in mO rl ipu lation. No nec d of do,.
Xerorad iog rap hy makes un of on "'0"'1 fO<" cleve!opir>g.
aluminiu m pia!' rhar I. cooted wifh 0 loy" 01 3. Eo ... 01 "'e"';ng . No >pe<:icl lig ht SO>.Jrce i.
,;!recu> """" iu m. Tr.e Hlen....." portil;les ore g;,.en requ ired.
a un~o'm eloc!tO$l<mc: d!crge. 1 .... chorood p~e ~.
" ploced in 0 I",hl righI, o.rt"rll'" (OMl!I. Wr.en lIruclure. i. dear
tire him ..... po.ed ~ tou .... a ... lecbve disdlO'lle 5. Cepholomel.ic ID~d ma.ks ore eeoil y
01 !he ..,"'n,um depending upon !he ornovnl 01 idenlili&d.
rtxliolion used ond re~_ de..."., 01,,,. obioc' 6. Recono1n.rclicn oI!he cepholomelric: plo_
This po!Iem 01 elec1ri~ dlloChorg& on ill, plOIe i, o nd points con be made direc~y on pope<.
coiled Iotonl imog&.
Thltlolenlimoge i, then co~ iNDO DI" G,apl>
", ..bIo.,mo!il" br 0 pmc.asI coiled development In The O,gi Gmph is 0 oyn1hesis o/",deo imoging,
o un~ called proceuor. The plole il ... po"d 10 com""",,' Iedvdogy and sonic O'llitiring. The
charged pollicle< coiled tone . The ... poflldeo
odhe.e 10 ,he chorged o,eol in omoun"
Oigi g",ph wad: 1k>Iicn "'1""'' ' "'
m..... u.... 5' ~
J 7 . The moin cobin.t contoino the electronic
pn;>pO<1ronal 10 the quonhly of charge ~t. circuilry. The Oigi G",ph enable. the dinicion 10
This image io now !fO... fermd on 100 speCIal kind perform noninmo;'e and non rtxl iDl!rophic
o:phoiometri:;; ~ . Cepholometrk; lomlmorl<S The Digi G rop h o ll ows all po tie nt'.
are digitized by ~g~tfr' Iood ling the soo k; dig itil ir>g mode l" fed iog ro ph l , photograph . , cepha lo -
pobco to a point on the pot""I, ,!:in correspor><Wrlg grom$ and troLings to be stored on on e '"'0 11
lIoit. Th i. e mit. a lOund , ",.-h ioh i. then re o~ di,k , thereby reducing sto rag e requi re-monl>.
!o,-the mioropho ne Md monito red o,X, Yond l Fu rthefmorn it i, 0 ""Ioob le too l fo r improving
ct>-erd inotes, wmmunicot"" a mong din ki"" pot""t ond stoff.
7he sy<tem a ll ows ce pholom otri:;; evo lootion ond
MRI (Magnetic Res on lln ce Imlll lnl)
ftC tment progre .. os often as nemssa"" withaut
...tiotiOi"l exposu re , Feotures of Dig i G ra ph .ystem Mttg Mtic R. so""""e Imag ing mak. , u... of two
irdvdo, fundem ento l pro ~ rt ie' o f proton. , i.e . pin ond
1. A londmork con be ide ntified os 0 point in smo ll mogn etic mOyeme nt. , Th e pfoto n of
three dimensions. hyd'''Il " n ion which i, in wot...- (wole r t:.. in g the
2. A cepholometriC ono ly, i' co n be mo d" ma jo r compon ent of body) is utili ,ed in M.R.1.
indepo nd ontly o f heod po. iti on . The praton , behove li ke ,mo ll opi,..,ir>g mog neto
3. Pa ra llel ism of X-roy in mid - ootg itta l pla ne and ",.-h en ploced in 0 mogn . ti Cfield they teod to
and , ymm et"" o f onoto mi o morpholog y mo"" poro ll el to the fiel d, Beeou .. of the sp in the
betw~ n left o nd right sides is no! ""c~,o"". p ro ton , '. 'po nd diffe re ntly with in the if o' i,
Th e Dig i Groph wo rk , lotion'. flordwo r. p r"ll ross ing obo~t the d ir. ction o f the magnetic
end softwore e nobl e th e pe rfo rman ce o f field , If a coil i, f'>O W wound oround a volum e of
<2I:Ihc:1om "tnCOrlO fy<e$, tre oi rig, , uperim pol iti a n p ro t-on. , they nOw p rogreSl ot 90 dog,..., a ro und
...d .;. ",,1treatment obiective., TM progromme tn., mo gnetic field at the , o rne freq uency a nd
.a>p<lble 0114 an alyse . Meosureme nts foro ny ind uce a minute cu" . nt in the coil wh ich when
.t..:Ied orlO ly<is con be d isployed on the monitor a mp lified co n be d i. play.d over o n o.o ll o>cope,
ordthe ob.erved vo luo, o re . flown o long with Th i, energy i, utili , ed in the >conn ing procedure ,
patient tnml adjusted for oge, ,ex, roce and Th. advonto ge, of mag netk:. rCIO""""e
fIIII:d siz<o inelu< ndord deviotions , Optio",,1 imag ing ore :
~,,"I> inel",," , 1, MRI d oes rlOt flov. flo , ard. a . it u.' " non
A eon. vItotion vnit: ~tron.port. info rmoti on ionio ir>g . Iectromo g netic rodiofon.
into th e op e rot o ry, d oc tor' s o ff ic e / 2, Anotomiccl dote il , me '" good e . in c.T.
consvltotion o ree, thus ol~ viewing and .oon .
compo r i. on of in fo rmot ion o nd t he 3, G reate r tiss ue choroole ri. oti on i$ po,<ib l .
development of vi. uo l treotme nt o b jectiv . 4, Ima g ing o f blood ve" . I$, bloo d flo w,
A high - re,olution video come ro 'with 0 vi, uo li",ti on of thrombus i, po"ibie,
lelephoto len. for toling inlro_ o rol .iew. by Th e d i", dvontoge' of MRI indooe :
m.eze from ing the video ima ge , I , Ti"", to ken i, mo re.
A lig hl box for X ra)'$ a nd 0 study model 2 Not u",d in patient. with co rd iac pace ma ker,
hoIder for _ideo imaging tflot will be included 3, No n vj.uo liootion o f bone mo k it u, . I. "
~ th.. floppy d i, k, in bony Ie. io ns,
eome ro ond video p ri nte r fo r p rod "" ing
CDJ>ie' o f . id eo mon ilar informa tion ,
To",o 'rl pll~ Cornpvled 10mogrophy: II is olso o;olled C.t
COIWen!;oool rodiagrop'" ate i~el in which Of 0.1 ~uted oxicltomCVOphyj. C. t. ..",......
011 ob;ectJ between the X-,~ oo urce crl<l/ilm are are moi~~ complex imaging 'yotems which u...
lu~ r imposed, Thus th e <;ioriry of a .peei/;(: thi n booms oi X roy that move in Q IvncNonous
mdOClrophic find in g depends Ct> betn it. Joccrtio" mo.....,..with on a rroy of ~~1c<:10<1 which colc:vlole
ond the de;_ to a. donsity d iff." from and ottln~QIlIhe Xrol booms ot diff... nt angles
If>ot of """,unding obj..:!$. In 10...... Ii!uo~o", end in diff.nnt planes. Thi. dolO i. led inlO 0
N~rimpo$ifi(lr'l 01 obtect. inlilri'eres wim on compute. ~h per/orrno ro.omerou. <XJlculollono
o~ obility to cl .... rIy d~r the object 01 a. per the program and comlruCII aocuralil
inleres1. In 11...... imtoncestomography con be ima"", In me eo<onol and oxicl pIonol-
uMld to .... uoll$. (I <&Clion 0/' ,Iici oltM ob;e.u The od""nloge, of c.T. ICon ore :
ond T~ c limi nate cmd.,i'cbJ . overlcp. I. Accurate viouo li setion 01 On aree 01 interes!
Tornog rophk co n be eo nventiOllO I Or il pouible ,
compuTed tCrn<>;lrop hy. , 2. The co mput . r progra mming mok it
, poslibll to view the imagn In diff"'"fIl
Con....enlional Tomography: fnj!; II 0 pro",,,
thodes ond densilles. This helpo di/fe,entiole
by which 0 Ioyer of on imoge wi"'i" me body i.
bt ond blood.
produced ""'~e the images oI'Jn.lC7ures above
ond below tho1 Ir;>yer Ore mode invi'ibl .. by O""'", o"lml
blurring . Blurring 01 imOO\! ovtslde lfoe pia"" of
~;, 0 tracing 01 a phologro ph 0/' a p/lolocapy 01
in",," is occo mp li shed b~ s imu llaneou.
o denlel, Ocd usog.oml Or. used 10. Ih.
mc ..... ",,1 of lhe X-roy tub\! ond fil m during the
foll .,....l .... PU'PO$OS:
"poI ure. The tu be cnd li lm orl co nnoccd so
o To e"imOIa ocdvoa l relotior-r$h ipo
thol rT"OCYemen!< occur oround a point 0/'
b. To l$limote orch lenogth & width
N the dislonc.. fram 11... point of rol<llion
incseoilel, the omount 01 image blurring olso
c . TOel~male!he toorh rYIOYtI_ requi...d In
0113 plo ..... o[ spoc:e
illO'l_. Th .... obj_ dose 1<1 the point 01
d. To IIl'mote spacing & crowding
rotation Ore mor.. shcrp cnd objeds lorthesl or..
I . Toeslimote onchoroge requi""",,,,,,
blurred. '" the cny~ between Ihe source I folm
Occlw.ogrcms con be obleined;., two
ond tissue increases the th id<noss 01th e imoge i.
reducod, Tn ", Tn . greato,t blurring il soon in the
I. Th e oceluse l sur/a ce. of the uPperOM lowe r
pe'ipr.e.y wh il o the !harpest image is seen ot tile lo;olt! Ore photographed in 0 I :1 rotio ood
cenlfol 0''''' near the fulcrum of .o"'"on. o 1I'Od..g of the photograph is mode.
The principles of tomography con be
2. The COI/Sore photocopied on 0 >BfOIC mcodlino
mothonicolly implemented rn Iwo WOp :
and !he oo::lusol photocopy II used 10 oblOIn 0
1.TheX-toylubeond ~Im cun ....,..., oync/n>nousIy
in oppooile ditflOCfions in porol", plo_.
2.Th. X-ray tu be ond ~Im con n"OYfI syrdIrooovsIy DI,lt,1 SuOtr. et/on R.d/o"lplly
ond in oppos ite directions in po.olle l p'.one, but
In co nventi ono l rad iog raph . the beckground
with motion . other th a n straig ht lin . i. drcular.
.t ructures sud1 0. a lveo la r bone and od ioc.e nt
spiro l, ele.,.
e:th moy drow the exom;"" " vis ion OW<ly from olignm. nt procedurel . The lorger th e differences
."" d i09no,t;c inlo rmo tion the reby mo ~ ;n g in r ~ g;,trotion , the more th e vi,,,",, 1noise pre",nt
Oe!ection of poth olO<;lk chonge. diffi cu lt. Th e ;n th e ,ubtro cted imoge
..!.o nc. "", nt 01 carie. from On in cipiMt Ie, ion
bwgh th e de ntino enom el ivnoti on i. ofte n LB$ er HoloerBphy
~v lt to deted. Li<. wi,. th e o,,,,,,,,,,,nt of 0 Ho logra phy i. a photograph ic technique for
"!etlli ng or expond ing le. ion afte r root wna l recordir>g and reco n.ll ructing imoge. in such 0
fo.m py i, 0 cho llenge becov,. of tho , ubi le way lhot tho 3 dim,..-" ione l ospect of on ob j. d
c!>rmg o' in th o den' ity of the Ie. ion thot may not can be obtoined . Th . r. co rd ed im oge i, co il ed 0
:ledetodabJe with the uoo ided eye. holog ram, Laser i. light ampliHcotior1 by stimuklted
The deted io n af initiol ,o uooring a r em i5,ion of rad ioti on .
bmalioo of anguklr del""t, oro und impklnt< is Holography io a W<lve front feC<:>rWNdioo
~diffk:v~ to vio...., lize on radiographs . Moceove< process in which two coherent beom. oonve rge
"".pread of bone 10"' 010119 the thread of lhe to prod uce 0 constr u,,!i,e and de,!ru,,!ivo
-cdform implont i, olton obsoured by th o ..harp inte rferen<:e potte, n wh ich i, record . d on fil m,
_ .t between th e bone and im pla nt ,urfoce, Orth odontic opp li cotion, of loser hol ogrophy
s.btrodion rOO iOllrophy odd", .. e, many 01 tho, incl ude :
IftIotions in the detedion of the.e rad;,:,grooh ic 1 Storag . of , tudy mod . 1irrKlge,.
etonge< by decrMsir>g tho omount of diSlrooting 2 Meo.ureme nt of in "i>o r iot"" ion .
=cd<grovnd informo~on orm by olWng t"" eya 3, Stud y th e effects of high pu ll neodgeor
."b;v, on the odua l ohonge that ho. ocov r. d troeti on in oh il dren , . kull .
!tt!Iween two imoge . By subtracting 011 onolom ic 4, Tooth po,ition meo'ureme nh On d. ntol
ure. that have not cha nged between casts,
oJog rophk e>:c:rn inations, cro oges in d'ogr>O.llic 5. To otudy th e eff"",! of ma.illmy e. po"'''''' on
""""""tion ore eo, ie r for the "",derlo ",e. fada l. keleton.
Tochnica lfy thio i. an ;moge "" hon cement 6. To .tudy th o efle<t of Ckl .. II ..Josti" on bone
~ tMI removn. the , tnxtured noise from dispklce", ent.
;.noges, The re, ult is tr.e oree of cho"9" cI "arfy 7. To , tudy tho effedof oervioo l pu ll hoodgMr
~ eith"' o~n.t 0 nevtro lgrey bock,gfO\Jnd o n rrKl>i llo,
. fi .v..., rim posed on tho ori gioo l radiogroph 8. 10 delermiM the certres of rotot"", produced
_The , ublrm;tion of origina l two rad iographs by orthodontic lorces,
lermed an imoge ratke< lho n 0 rad iogrtlp h 9 Low"r ino i>o r 'poe. one l)"> i, .
~ it doe, r>OI d ireot~ "" ult fram e<po,u re 10. 10 ass",,!he fa<:ial ond dento l arch ')'TMl etry,
... radiog raph io film .
Th e d ig ilo l . ubt ro ction te ohnique Photoc e ph .. lometry
~I y enhonco, th e diffe rences be\weM two Altho<J1> the .tondord kllerol ond onlero-posterior
"""'9"' . Im og . r. gi. trati on howev...-;. fou nd to oephologro m, revea l.orn e ospeol! of .off ti ssue,
,,"0 I!d1 nica l problem, It is im possible to ""h:oeve th ey nevorthele .. do not 9;"'" odeq""" t~ >oft ti ,we
-'eel registration of imog "' durir>g digiti"'lion deta il " In 0 lotero1 cephaiogrom only the profi le
~ of imperfections in th e ra do'ograo hic and 4\ i, """" wh ile in on onte ropo,terior oepho log rom
~ _ _ _ _ _--'i ' J
the loltrol o.ofI bsue ""'rgins ore .een.
1ho""" In 1978 de loped pholo-
cephc lOtl\etry tQ bet~ r "."",Ii Ih . soft lim.",. '"
!he PGlitont.
Th"", mdb.oppqo '" mn;olc "",rkefswith
holes ore pIocedoo Ihe poIiMf. sk>1 with ~~
ond . Ia nda rd lole re l o nd on' e re "",'. ri or
cep/IoIog"""", ore toI<en.Using !he same positioo
101en>1 ond lronlol photogoophs ore Ioken. 1he
r>holog"lpN ar. porin!ed 10 1M same . i,e os tho
rad;ograp h. oM o r upe rim poJ.&d ove r Ihe
rodi<>glOphic treeing tolinglhe _lie "",rle,.
os the guide.

This i, boskolly 0 radiogrophic mOlion

picture. The .ubie<;t i. oriented properly ond
"ab ili lad in a mod ified ee pho lotlOI. AI1 X ray
motion pidute i. obtoined using 0 one COmOfO
which run, DI 240 from .... per MCon<l. This
diog n.wic a id is I.O:MId to .jlUaliz\! 1M .wallowing
fXltl&rn ofth . fXllienl . Th . Xroy mOli on pielu " Is
studied ",iflg 0 ~ projedot'.

I. Dooono WI! ' ......... d "'" .w.,b<lol pro/; M(jo

0t>0d 1956;'26 191
_.,..W.6 , OIrwxIo<n< DitJo_..... w.irJo. BOlIO\.

J,eo b,o ,

"" 0" " ;0' 10 Rod iOIl'Op" C
1.00 tv'd r~. PIo'"d.h""'. 1~5
V.I ................. : ~"'" ..!nod.....
~...,.,""'" KDJ 1998. 21>. 5155
5 "'01 .. WIt c:..-_tIO'I'Y Ot '. oodo<.~ . So l ... . . C'I
Motb,-. I 9\l6
o ~ t Ma-rt" : Hond boo, oJ O"I>odoo",~ ~ y_
boo, <"10<1<01 ...hi........ ;fOC,I9M.
1. _"''' , Ho~ ' .Oj I ......... J<:W>Od
1995. H3-4~1
a. ~oI .. a, \101",..,., ""'i"", . I",,, """';"'''''''
KOJ 1996. 18: 1\69 1171
fia 0.0_
TlIomooM~._" l _ . ,~
prirodploo and Iodroaco,- /Aooby __
10 .,.,.." , 1oWI~ 01 b-.d .... h;, <oop/>o"""""
'""~ P"'" N9< 0rtI0d 1960 ,3035
....,."..!J ..r"' .~ ~ . . . 1.,Ja,.1"~
~ ~ ~ ';;';-';1 .,.... ~
~.,i,:.Q ~ ,. ~ ~ ~ ..l!.i:!o !""
\,j"""": 'i J
~ \0:. ~ jo

he"me nT of cro nio'/o cio l llruCTurc, motors/rom t""X roy rube. In 193 1 Boa ,dbenT
fQ<m." pa rt 01 ofIf\odooTo;: diag"OS< . The irlU,SA ond Hoiroth in GemHJnY ' imu ltOne<)Vl fy
ea,I,,,.1 moth".! u.ed to cnl1. lodo l p-nd " sIondardizec:l oephoIomet'ic technique
proportion, wo, by ",h.he .Tondord, w,th ",Ing "high ~ "-roy "'''',hi.... ond 0 .....d
Ie"""",. ,ym,,*'Y ond!:>eo"", '" key poi""_ holde, coiled ' The fe,m
Croni ome!ry co n be ..,id to be tho fororll""'" of cepha lomet,i os i. u!<!d 10 deoc'i be th e aoolysi.
np no lo me tr y. Cran iomet ry iM(> lve d ond m""", uremMts mode o n th~ cep holomet';'"
""IIlw!'tt"",n!> of croniclodDI dimens;"M of ro::Uogmpt..
oIwlb of dead peI$OtIS. Thi. ""'Ihod wos' not
pocIicol in living ind,ot'd""l. due to .... soItliss...e TrPES OF CI!"PHA.t 06RA.MS
orMIop whd mode dired rI"Ie<l wremen\l dl!k,)t
ond fo r Ie .. reli obJ e. Cotjl!xl logra m. can be of Iw<;l type. :
Th" d iscO"ery 01 X"oy, In 1895 by o. ,""1e,,,1cephalogrum . TIbs pro_id a lateral
IIoeoligen revolulionOD!Id dcn~.try. It p..,.,.;ded (I ";ew of !he ol<ull (~g I oj. k is laken with the

....!hod of obTaining me in"", cronio-/ociOI '"-d in 0 .1onda,,:1"1ZlIId ",produ6bie poIilion

"'8Oturcm. m. with qll~e" b~ of occuroq Or.;! 01 0 $peCilie<l dio!onceln:m ,..,., source oIlhe
_od ucib;lily. In 1922 Po.::<:ini , rcliled the X""
OI;ICIjogrophic he"d images by pos#ioning the b. fran to l ce ph o logr<lm Th i, prov ide. o n
lUbiecl>ogoinsl (I Mm CODe"" at a diSlOnce 01 2 on!efQ.posl<lrior_;o.- of the ,lull (~g I .b) .
USES OF CEPHALOGRAMS by qvo ntil,ing the chon"", bro.:ght olx"" by
Cep/loloM(l"ie. 1>0. 6Ilobliohed ~se!1 os OM 01 Cephobrnolric. helps ;" p,edOcfirog the ~
the pila15 of Wi .1 .. uNa orIhodonhc dOg.,.,....
re!o1ed chongoo ood chonges....oooted ..;Ih
k i. also a YQI...,bie rooI in """""en! plonnirog lu'glcol t.-.ol..-...
ond /ollow up 01 pot:ents undergoing orthodontic L C.pholom""ks is 0 ... Iuoble oid in nISeOrch
tre(JImenl. n" /oUQwing Die .ome of th.
worI<. irwo!ving the cn::mic>- denio Iacial region.
opplauionl oi apholomerria in orthodonhcs.
c. Ctlpholomelrics hell" in <><troodonlic 0/;09""'" TeCHNICAl ASPEeJS
b~ aMbling 11"1& $I""v01 olcelelol. denIal ond
.aft lissve IIo\O:Ic.o"eJ of the efOnio-lociol ~ iOr"l. The cepl>olometrk mdiogroph. ero ta~en \/:Sing
b. II helps in dC,.. ilicellon of the , Ielo l and on oppcrotu. thot """'~Is 01 an X.m~ lO urco cnd
denlol abnorma lit i and 0 1,0 he lp, in " heod holdir>g device co iled cepha l",lat. The
.tfobl isn i.... lccie l tV P" eepho lostot lfog 2.b)COf1, itf, 01two &a , r"Q(1, TrooT
c. Cepholomelrb he lp:! in pkl,.., inE 1r=lme<\' pre.eM th e mave mer>t 01 the head In The
10' on indi.ill...,l . h",i:ronlOl pIor>e. Verlicol ,1ob'liroloo of Ih head
d. h l-.elpt in evaluation 0I1he !reotmen! re ..... h. is brougl-( about by on o,bml pain\ef!hal COflICldI
5 feet

f'll2 IN Sao ... ".10:1 IGOF<I pia..

d ..... ,; 5 k.r. (6) Co ............
..-:I .. ""w...... ~ood ..-.:t he p
i. d.~ 'I,g ..... ~ .o .
0' '",.~O'

Iholowerbotder-ohhe lehorbit. The upper port

d the loa. illuppo<ted ~ the ~hood domp
p:nllionod obove the region 01 the ""...1bridge. IIn. tomlc I./ldm. rill
The distonce bel '"'. the X-ray ,ourc. ond the These londmorh repre..,nt oduol OrlOtomic
rnidsoginol pklne 01 the potier>! It'll 2.0) i, f"ed strWu'es 01 the . \utt.
015 foet (I 52.4 em). Thus tho eq<J ipmenr ~ps in
Dandc ,di,ing Ih e mdiogmph, by v.e 01 co,,""' nl Derived I"ndme rk.
heed palmon and source film dillon SO tr.:,1 These ore landmorb Ti>ot have boon ool~ ined
..not ... diog",pn~ ""n be compared . secondorily Irom onotomic ,true"'r!! ' in 0
The londmorh thot or. used In
Cepi>olomelrics mokes use oj , ,,noln klndmalh ""pholometries should /uNitt """'in ""''''nrments..
o. h should be 00"1,..,.,,, in 0 rod'og'oph.
or poin" on the skutt which o'e used 10'
b h .hoo.,ld be unl!c<-m in ovtli". ond .hoo.!1d be
~ nlitoti.-c onofysio and m""' u'omenTl.
The cepha lomelric I"rod"""" Ifig 3) co n bo of

I ~S-
f~ 3(1) ""pot\I:>"'l kt" , 1 '''''''' ...-....~ "'lid ......" , N Na,-"'"
S _ Solo, o Otbioolo . I-NS _ ""IOIIO!' """'" ...... .
INS _ _ opno . " . Poi"" B Poi'" B. Pog. '-'On. Go - Goo... ., ..... .....,,'<)n. Go - Gooo" ~. 900... .
110 _~ po;", Iv ~-. ,' . _.!'TM. """ po;.o.
c.. The landmc:ub shoJd pennhalid quonlilatie Sello , The point .eprwwnling the midpoint of
_urem."" ol li_ ond ang .... ptOjecled tIvt piluilcrybsa or ... lIoturcica. Hiso constru<Ied
"""....". point in rho mid- sogiftol plane_
The Ia.-.:l""" h u...d in cepl>olometrb
can be dO$~f~ 0' f,ard lin"" 0"" ",It ti,,,,,, Poin' A " ~ .. Ih . cleepesl po inl in the midli ile
landmark s. Th e fol low ing Or& so me of th e betwe~n lhe a nl. ,io. nasa l .p ine and 01.8010'

imporla nt ~ Iom etric 10M""''''' crest betwee n th ~ two ce ntre l ina """ . II i. e lsa

Hown : The rrIO$fan\orio, ~nt midway be_

wiled ..............,1.

fie fnJnlOl ond ""sal 00_ on the r..",to....,sal

0rbiI01e , Th. lowest point on the inlerior bony

Poinl B : k is the deepeot point in the .mdline
bet .. ee .. the olveola. oat of "",ndibl. ond rho
mentol proce>s. His 01", coiled supramentale.

""''lIin 0/ the D rb~_ Btuion : It i. the med",n point of the onl'~or

ffiOrgin of the loro.".., mcognvm.
fbnon , The hig ht oo.,y poi nt on the up p.e r
""''lIin 01 Ie,,,,, 1eL>d itory """,tVl . Bolloo point .' Th e h i 9 h ~.t point ot the post
conoMar notch o f t hoo ",ap ita l bone . .0 11 0 tursica to the Bolton pla n .
Mter!or nasa l sp in e; It i. the a nterior ti p o f !'1m point. : It is the intersection of the inleriol
tM , harp bony pr",e" of th e mo," l" in th e bc:.-der 01 th . fo reman rotu ndum with th. posterior
midline of the low.r margin of anterior "",a l wa ll of tM pterygo_mo<il lory l i.w,," ,
opMing ,
G,labe/,'a ' It i. ,he mo.t p rominent po int o f the
Gonion' It is a con,tructed point at tr., juncti on forehead in the mid.agiHal plane.
01 ""ma l pia ..... and the mandibdar pia,"" Chelioo: Ir i. rhe laterol t. rminu. 01the ora l slit
PogO""", . It is ,h.. mo. t onterior po int of t he on t he outer corne r of th o mouth
bony chin in th e med ian plane .
Suilnose,l e . The po int where the lowe.t bord . r
Me nton: It i. th o mo,t inf",ior mid li ne point on of the ""... meet. the outer contour of th o upper
the mand ibulo r .ymphysi. , lip,

Gnathion It il ,h.. most antoro_inl.,riQr po int

on the ,ymphysis oi th e ch in . IT is con,tructed by
int. rsecti ng 0 line drown perpend icu lar'o tho line C.phk>metrks moke. u;e 01 c~ricin Ii"", or pi""",
connocti"il menton o.--.d PO!?""K>n , (Iig 4), The'e I'ne. are obta ined by connecting
AtTicu/ore , It i. 0 po int at th e ju nction of th e two leMmor'<>, Ba,ed on the ir orie ntotion th.
po,te rior border of ram u. OM tM infe rior border line. or plc ne, Can be clossilied into OOrimnta l
of the ba. ilo r port o f t hoo ",ap ital bon o. end vertica l ploroe"

Condylion ; Th . mo,t ,uperior po int on tne Horizontal planes

heed of the condyle ,
SJ,'. plan e' It is rhe cfo~ial lin e between the
Pra,thioo , The lowe>! and mo.t onteriar po int center 01 se l" tu"icc (selk,) co:f rhe a nterior po<nt
on the alveo lar in tho md line, be:w.on the of the Ironta""", 1.utu,," (nmion), ~ repre'ent<
uppef centro I inci.ors . It i. 0100 coiled the anterior "Mia l bo,e.
Frankfort horizonral plene Thi. plan e
/nfradentole The highe,t and most antefiar wnned, the lowe.t poi nt 01 the orbir 10rbilo l ~1
po int on!he o"edor process, in the rned" n pi""" and th e superior po int af lhe externa l aud itory
be~""n tr., mandibular centra l indsors, o>eatu. (PC<-" ",I.
The key ridge ; The "wer most point on th e CXd",a / plon~' It i. a denture plone bisecti ng
contour of the anterior wa ll of the infra .tempora l the po.torior ",c lu";oo of rhe permanent molars
fo=. and prem olo rs lor d eciduous maiars in mixed
po, teri<x no,oi ,pine The intersection o f a oonl ;t;or.) OM e.tend, onteriorly
co ntinuotion of tr., a nte rior wa ll of the pterygo- 1'010101 plone . It i. a li ne linki"il the onterior
polatine 1"'$0 and thoo floor of the no",. marking no", 1.pine of th o m("i ll o and the po.te rior no", 1
the di.ta llimit of th e moxi ll a, 'pine of rhe IX'latiroe bo ne .

Broadbent reg isrrol ion point It ii th . Mondi/xilor plan e : Severo l mand ibular plan .,
midpoint of the perpeM icular from the center of are uoed in , . rho lom "tri ". bo ... d on the anof,tsi.

c D

being done . The mo,t commooly used one. o re Ver!lc. ' plane

o. Tongent to the lower oore;- of the mcnd ib" A Pog Line ; It i. " line from po int A on th.
('-0. moxi ll a to pogO<1 ion on the mo ndibl .

b. A line connect ing Qonion cnd gn<l tl1 ion Focial plane It is " li ne from th e onterior
1St. ,,,,,,] point of the Ironto-n ow' . uture (nn'ion] to th e
Co A line connec ti ng gon ion and menton mo,t ont"""" f>O int ci the morxi ible (pogonion).
(Down') Focio l od, A li ne from Plm point to
lIo>ion No,ion plane' It i, " Ii"" conneding cepr.o lometric gnathion
If>" be, ion cnd no.ion. It repr~,en" the mmio l E. Plcne' ortf", "'the!ic plcne is" line between
..". the mo, t ante rior po<nt of 1M ",It tim ... nose ami
Bohon', pi""" Thi. i. " pkm e 1M! (o",,,,e\< solt ti""" chi n.
Ihe Bo lto n', poi n" postorior to the occipita l
mnd~e, and "",ion.

~u '--/,

o o

~u ~u
I ~~ J---=::='
f ;g 4 ( . ph,I""",; , " I""es (oot;oo.o . i ~ : "\ono.,",., plun . if i 8u",," . No , ;or, pta", (G:, E,,",,;( pl"no
lH) A - Pcv><""" ""''''' l~' f'ciol ~. I',oc;ol <>.0 ,
DOWNS ANALYSIS III m olocc l u~ on . a pos iti". orog l. moy be fo und.
Mandi~k., plane angle : Th. mandiula, plane
One of the moot f,eq......,1Iy .......d cepholo ..."'ric
atlOlyoi, i,!h. [)own$onoip io. Downs hod bosed
angle is 1o'<""1od by the int'''l!(Cfon 01 the
hi. f,r>di"9' on 20 Coucosien inc!i.;duols 0.11 2 .
rrond,bu!a, plane with !he F.H .pla ... fog 5.d} .
lhe 'neon ""u ~ is 2 1.9" wh ir. the fOnge is 17 10
17 yea" ago ~roup belong i"ll to both the ...,e .
29'. M ; ncre~ mond ibv lor plo .... ang le is
Down. OtlO~ .. CO<1lkts of 10 p"'rometers oI ;o,t,kh
wgge.!Noo 01 <I ... rIicol ";!h hypef'diwlrger-t
live ore ske!.,;,f ond ~ve c ... dental.
fociol """,,m.
Y 0J<i$ ~9~ Q>os) : This ongl. is obIoined
Fce lcl ongle , It i. the iMide inferior 0"91. by ioini ng It.e oeIlagno!h ioo Ii .... ";!h!he F. H.
fom1ed by tn.. interloectio<\ of r'''''on oogo nion plon e (fi g 5 .e). iI..,e mean va lu. is 59" with a
pIone ond!he F.H . plane (~g 50). Theo ... roge roftlil" 0/5 3 to66'. The o"\lle i" orgo' in Closs
-.oh... io 87.8" whUe!h. ronlil" io 82 ta 95' This II fociol oo>tems thon in pollen!> ... nibmng Closs
ongl. gives UI en indicofon o! rh. On1eto III potie'n. In oddition. the Y oxi. indicolOo th.
posterior poo itionl "9 01 !h. mondible in relation g'owth potle rn 01 the ind:viduol. ~ tI,. ong'" is
10 the upper f""o. Th e mogn itvd . of thi' ", 'ue greote , tha n "","mo l, it ind icates greoter ve rtica l
;nc,ea,e. in co,u of 1~.1 "'01 Clo$l III ",it!. g!'OW!ll 0' mandible. 1/ me ang l. is ,,"o lle, than
prominerl chin -..h1e ~decreo..,. i"I skeletal Class tIO'mCIl, it indicctes g'eoter horilontol growth of
'ro~ rrondible.

kgie 01 <;o.""".ily , Thi . 0.... 1. i. Icrtrled by D,n l.1 Pllrllmete,.

"" int&r1e-::tion of a Ii", from ,"","on to poo int A
COM 01 occ!<'$O} p lo~ , This ongle i, f~ed
and 0 lin. fmm point A to pogonion (~g S.b).
Thi. ongl. """'Dis the convexity or conc:a.;ty of betwoecn !he acclusol plane ond tho F.H. pie""
(fig 5.~ . Down. constructed the 00:1,,",,1 plane
!toe . kelelol profile.
i n.. ove<Olje ", I"" .. 0" while the by b._ling the occl.,>ion 0I1he lit PI'man ...."
moklr1 orod the in osa l overbite . Th ."-,,o n ", 'ue
is be""ee n . 8.5 to 10". A po'itiVl) ong le Or on
increooed O"9le ""\IgeoT$ 0 p,ominent mo,o lla ry i. 9.3' whi le the ronge i. 1.5 to 14' . Thi s ang lo
denture 00'" relOhve ta mandible . A decreoocd u. 0 memure of !he dope of .... olusal
ontie oI~ityoro ~ engle io;"a!COlive pkl ... relo:ive to "'" F.H. plone.

01 ~gnothic prolil . Inter.inCi<ol "ngl. : lhi, angl. i, fo,med
A-B pia,.., ong le, Thi . 0"9 1. i, formed betwe""
be_ n the Ioog ex of the upper ond lower
irodsor1 lfi~ 5 .g) The cvero~ =din g i, 135.4"
a line CO<1nechng poOn! A ond point B ond 0 line
while the rung. i. between 130 to 150.5' . The
joining tIO>ion 10 pogonion (laciol planej(fl\l S.c) .
The mean ",fue i, -~ .6 while !he ronge is 9 to engie is de<n=ed i"I Class I bim(D01lary proIMion
cr. l his engl. i, indicOlive 01 the mo..ilb- ond Closs II, divi>ion 1 molocclusion whe'eD' ~
i. in c;reo",d in" Closs II , divi sion 2 cose.
ma ndib ular relation ship in r. lation to the foc ", '
plane. It is " .""lIy <>egot""' in ", Iu. since point InCi50 r oedu.ol p lane ang le : 1hl5 il th e
8 is positioned behind point A In COMO of Ooss intide infenOf angle formed by the itltertedion



, :

~ ~ 0--.. .oo ...... .",.;.uod , (Gl ............ ' ~Io

t( U_ - . .. A - Pl>Il rr.o
!I'll'' ' ' ' ' <:><d .... 010 ... ooglo to 'nQior _10, 01
betwMn the long "',.. oIlO'1O'e< CO""'" inc....". one! UPP'" ind.o, ,0 A . PO!) ';n" This i. 0
... otdvsol plcm .. and is 'ld 01., pIvs Of m;"", I)"""" meosureme nt !:>I=tw.,.,n the irw;iJOI edg.e 01
0..;.,1.", from c right "":lie (fig S.h). The oYerQge ,h o mc'ilia ry ce nlro l indS<)!" aod the li r>e jo ining
... ~ " 14.5' wh ile 1M rong" i. bei'w&en3.5 to po int A to pogon ion [li ~ S_il . This distonce is on
N. An in<;reC$<O in th i, ong l. is .ug~'li~ of on o~eog. 2.7 mm o : 110 5 mml . The
.",eaMd ~incisof prodinalion. m.... uremenll' mO<e in patients pn>oenting with
hOsor mol><l,bu~ pia"., ang~ : Thil ongl upper inci_ prodi,..,Kon.
"""'eeI bv interJedion 01 the long 0 '" 01 the
r.:....trr inc,.." and lhe mondibuk" plone (Gg
5.o1.The mO<ln o"llOJlation i, l .4''''''il. the t'Cl"lle
Cecil. C. Steiner in !he yeor 1930 o.,..."k>ped "'"
be'-r1 . 8.$ 10 7". M i ncre<l<e in thiSong le is
ono ty.i. with th e ideo 01 provid ing mo.lmo l
ondicoli of lowe, inc i. or proc ii noti on.
cli nic,, ' informeTion with th o leos! n ~",b!lr of

S.N.& ongle; H i, the ongle ~ the S.N..

11.1*1 ,
~Ia .... ord 0 I;"., joining nooian to pol'" 8(1'11

6 .bJ . This ongle indical ... the aruel"O-poolel'ior
positioning ol Ihe mandible in ,elallan to the
acn",1 bel.... "''''''''''ge ",I"" is 80". M Increase
In mi, ang~ indicates 0 p'ognathic mandible
ftoiluq. 11,t(~1 S2 - ~ (Cloll llI) whe rOOI " Ie .. 1Il0n normol ongle
.6,5 -I O(dog) l uggO-!l,o 'etM iv@mo""' ib le(Oau lI) .
~,;it ~ <:OI1"'Oti 0(de,)1

~B p(InII ongII " ,&(dtg) t1i<loQ) A.N,e. ang le Thil angle il form ed by 'he
inlersecti on oI li """ jci ning nolio n 10 poi'" A ond
~'~ongII 2\.,'O(1It9) !l.2Miilo;li
,., SU(cIes;) SUS(dog)
""lion 10 poi'" B(Iig b,e), II deno, .. !he reO;.live
pas";O" of the rnaxilaond menclible Ioeodlorher.
The meon vollHl i, "Z'. An ir.creo ... in Ihis angle

I, Ind,corive 01 0 Cle .. II ""'1eIa1 tendency ... hile
on ongle thol i. less tnon roormol 0' 0 negotr.e
en (II _ _ 1M"
" \.5 1~00;J
angle I vgg .. .,i... 01 0 .keletol Cloll III

1 ~"""""_JNno 14r.:doQ} 3..!i-a~)

Low.- biIor .......4tW, pIoN lol{:Io!<)

",IW Mondlbvlo' plo~e a~gl" . It il 'he ong l,
"_1090 I~'I~) \\51:~)ag1 Iormed belW<!t!n S,N, plane arid me mandib<Jlo'

~ ""*" .. A PO; U II M ., . S nn
pklne Ifill b ,d}, Th e mandibu la r' pla"" uled in
,hil ona ly$i . .. 0 Ii"" cgnnodin~ gonion and
gnathion, The 0" '09" ,o lue i. 32". Th i, angle
gi,,, on incliec!ion c l the 9,owth potlern ol (In
individvol. A b-e r ongle .. indicofive of a
m....uren_. hori.ontal ~r>g loce ... hile on increased angle
The Sieoner onoty.;. in divided in:01l-.rM l"IIgellS a verlkol g,.,.,.;ng i""'ivid""l.
pens. They ore III, skMial <rooIpi<, denial Qnoty... Ocdusol plone ongle : The occlusol plone
ord tile "'" ~ .. ue onlysi> ongle 1110rmed be-. the <XcIv",1 plan, ord

5~el't., In.'y'" lhe S.N. plone (lig 6.e). In Ihi> onolys .. me

ocduool plane ff:pr..-o" {] line possing IIlfOUgh
S,NA OrlgJe , It i, the angle fanned by the me "",rlopping cv>po 01 ~'"'! ;nmolors ond f,,",
intfl.-..c:~"" 01 S,N, Pia .... and a Ii"" ioiniog mota .. , It has {] m oon ""Iue 0114.5". Thi , angle
r"ICd-ion and po int A Ifill 6.0) , Thi. ongle indi;:at... i,,,k{]les !ne ~otion 01 the oedu ",,1pia"" to ,he
the relotive onte ro,polt. rio< po< ition ing of th e cran ium and loc@ , It obo ind icat tho g rowth
. me.i lkl in ro kltion to th~ eroni,, 1base. 11... me,,,, pa~e rn 01o n ind ivid ""r,
",I"" i. 82', A kl~,.r.. n ...,,,,,,,1volue ;.-,d><ot..
,1>01 Ihe """,aio .. p<Ogno!~k 10= II) while a Oe/llal An.'y",
.smaller Y(lllHI I, luw ...,i.e 01 a I~,ognothic. Uppe' in("iS<:>" 10 NA (o"!1iel : ~ i. !he angle
""",;110 (Oon II~ . forme-d by the inlelSe(:fion 01 the long (I' is of the
, J


flo 6 $IoOot, 0"""' "" I,N"" "'11 10 r~ s, ~. e, oog ie \'C) A.N.~ . ogIo (0) .......... Jo , pb- ..... ~ (E) Oed .........
--;. (FI U",* ~" N _A :onc lol


f; ~ 6 Sr. ;"" , """I,,;,

,ont ~ u.d , (GI lIppo< ;",;<e<
'0 N_II (Iinoo,) (Hi Low"
;n<; "" " N- 6Ior.g lol \' J ~
;",;"", 10 N_S \' ~ II, Int.. -
;"',> on.;llo (Kl s r""

ind icoles proclOnation of lowe<" incisors whe rea< 0
decreased .o lue irn,iioot. , upright or retrodir>ed
Vorl, bl.
lower incisor:!,
"'" " ..I..
Lo we r incisor 10 N -B (lin ear) It i. the
Sb l, tal
lineo r dista""e between the labio l . urioce <i lowe r

.. .,.
SNA ...-.gio

8Il :dtli)

ce ntrol incisor ond the Ii "" ioini ng rro~ on to po int
B (Iig 6.i],Th i. "",,,,,suremen t help, in a,,",~ ng
th e lowe r incim r inclirro!>on , An increa se in th is
meClS ure-me nt ind ioate. prod ined lower incisors.
The no rma l vo lue i. 4 mm,
();oIJooI ~.. W\iO " 5Idogl
_ pIont a;Io Inler-inci, or ang le ' Tni$ i$ the ongl" formed
between t)"o, long oxi. of the uppe r and lowe r
Donl. 1 ce ntra l inci'Of> (fig 6_i). A reduced inter-i ", i. or
lIppor _ Il w. 1""9'<) 22(dog) ong l" i, e.",d eted with a Clo.. II , dii$ion 1
_ _ ., w. (InoaI) ma locclu. ion or 0 Clo .. I bimo, _A lorger tha n
' I'' '')
. . . . . """.I'l. norma l a ng le ;, se en in C lass II , di vi. io n 2

- ...
NB (oogIo) 250:deg)
ma locd usion_ The meon vo lve i. 130 10 131 '
lowor _ to NBlhor) 'I ~ "I
Saft tIss ue am. lysIs
5 Ii"., . Accord ing to Steir>er the lip. in a well
bobnced fo.::e sno ukJ toc<:h a line extending fmm
ropper <;e<1trol i",i$of1 orld the Ii "" p ning rro sion . oh t;,su ~ co ntour of the chin to the middle of on
'" "" int A Ifi g 6.~ , The "",,,,,, I 0"010 i,22"_ 'S' formed by the lowe<" bo,d er of tf.e "" (fog
ilIis orlgle iOOicales th~ relotive irl d irroti on of the 6 .l ] If the lip. Ore located bcYOf1 d this Ii "" thcn
roppe r i ~ci",rs. An increased 0",,10 is , een in th. lip. e r. be lie"ed to be prot, u, ive o nd i<
::rr:5ents who hove proclined uppe r inci",,, os in interp reted o. 0 conYe, profile, If the lip' are
00.. 11, Di.;, ion 1 ma locdu. ian .
~, in cisor to N-A (linear) It is 0 linoor
~urem ent between the lo bio l , u rfoo~ 01 the
roppe r centra l inci,or 000 the li ne joining ""si an
b JIOint A [fig 6 ,g], Th is mom uremcnt a lso helps
.."Ietermring the uppe r inciso r P"SitiM , I\Ionoo I
"""-'e is 4mm_ It i"'rea$es in coses with procI ined
be, indsor 10 NB (angle) This o ngle is
bmed betwMn the N-B pla ne oM th e 10 "" o<is
o/1he "'- r incisor Ilig 6_h) . This ong le ind icot"'
the ind irrotion 01 th ~ lowe, co ntro l i"" isor ond
lrm 0 mM n vol"" 0125". An i",r""sed .o lu"
c. long ","$ of Ia-r inO<Ot
v.~_ M...._ R."~, f ii

F r _~

. . . ,ngIo
"'.oJ 11-lS(d+\l1 "nd e>'Olvc:l!ion of p rogrosi. of a COlt,
form .d by ,~" lh ....., pklne. Ore:

..... --.
. . . . . 0101.""1

_"'(f1oU) "'. .-
behind !hl$ line Ihey affl ..,id to boo .......sive and
( FiliPA'
m"nllibw/., pi"""
It II 1M ongle formed by the inlr:>fl4dion 01 ....
f'nlnWort hari>ntal plane with 1M mandibular
1M pollen! m(Jy have a OOflCO'o'e profile. pIone. Th, mean ""I"" is 25'.

TWEED ANAlYSIS /n~',o' m"nll/bul., pl.". a"" . (IMP-A.'

It is the a,... le '-ormed by th e int.'....,tian 01 the
TM Tweed an~. mo."" use of "''" po,n tlig
7) lhot farm Q diognC>$lioc ffiQ~", n.. pi" ..... Ioro" aoOl of the "'-' inci$orwilh "" mondibulor
pia,.... ~ indiCQIes!he ind,""lion oIlhe lower
!IMd or"
incioor. Th, meon ""''''' i. 90".
o. fronk/all horizontal pia,...
b. Mand,bular pia,... F'''n~'ort ",."dlbll'a, IIIc1IO' an" a
It i.the 0.,..1, farmed by tM interoec~O!1 of tM
long oxi, of th e lower incisor with The F.H.plcne.
The mean volue is 65',

Til , Wit. app,.lul

The _ appn:o ....1is 0 meosUffl 01 the """'" to
willa. the mo>Olla ond !he mandible ore ",lated

/0 eodo OIher in the anfem.poslOriar Or aogillol
pIone. Th, wil$ oppr<>isol is used in 00... """"
th e ANB a...g le i, co nsidered nor"" reliable due
10 Ioda" wch '" posirion of ""sicn cnd rololion
cllhe JOWl>.
A IlIfIdionol oalusol pion. io drown
through the ~ping cusps 01 /list premola"
oncI ~"'1 rnoIa", !fillS). Perpend"oculors or. drown
to "" oed..,..,1 plonro from pain .. A and B. The
poi,,!! of contoe! 01 the ... perpendicvlaro OIl me
ccdvsol poIone 0'" ter"",d AO end ao. The
disk"". between poin!! AO "nd BO gi.eo the
ontotrOpost&rl", ",)mion between Tr.e TwI:l iOwa. In
L RodlogtOPWo projocIIon orro"

A. MI!ln_ ' ,,",,"', Uog(jI"..,., 0<f0I>" 0..:0. .... X...,. b..", By U!"J ~ 1><10, ob.oct <kIw't.
~ oI. rf"70:nont " "'!'<'IpnIIoI "t.. ~ Ofeo W:. ot ,.,;. '"""""",oct "" dIolo\O.
tt"" etIoi>rr+l'l: By "'f o! ..~~ ",*,1Ja<,'-o
tr:e .. ,_ _

~, OisM"",' ho lli on.tIl

ld~~ tP.o ~~
r:JqJICJ." .. . a_
dtptJ! Of Joioj, TI';$ Mt ""til
indi>brfoos ,
I.O ..... ...,;

"u . _~"radiog"",),
,,*d ~ ....
~,<koQ ......... ",""" -o<rJ my
TtIo ' 'f'O<'' 'Y' OvI>:Omf t l
r1"","~'g'" no>: po ,,,,,fN !II<

F\o\tlo: n 01 '" p . .rt, 1<.:1';, 01'/ ~,.". or By """.-o." d IIoIlil or.,.." nooin;)
>pOOl" 1'10 ,,'Op/JJIonill""Y ~ h ... t-d . .. rod",1tIOil_, ll'Kl brofMj
"1I*"""ocro_ ~

t &rot. ,"m "'" _Uriny .,......

Ef'Q:> ...,. o<w!o '" w,,,,, ""'" nor OO!~ ;" ~ to r..:ln!liI'KI 1M Ill. o! " ~ :il:>oi oIol .. ~ hi
.......",.,.,.. ot'" ,.m", "" ....,...,... dl;ill4"''' d\lllzt nilOid.m-1<> ','d
Ino .. M:l no ........ " Cq o ~ "" .no. it."..-.j
r:>!"""'mni>. WQ<lII' -""""'" ~.. provo<! '~
1>0"..".. ~..-.:l 00_"'-
l &rot. In londrnorl; Itlorlli_on

A. rlJafI, 0/ ~4i'I< ~ Po doltlion or ~~"'!U'f O<CII' tiuo" Ro" ..,:>d<O j"".. ~ "" .. ,...;"
"'" o\!oSI iOrII nI,~nIl'yin;) " ""'" IIToo'JgI. Moi<! WI' (Io1rilOl'td>;i '!J!l t.
.... r>:ftalood<l,."_ '
"',...,,,,,'" of ....
GUO """'" l>i>'.
,*"' _ ".... """ioi lIio coobo tvDlded .,. , lIbilill'llo<l ' f
f>(! o~ I.I:>i nI,. b By
in<fo~ '" ru"TOr<, ~ . _
'"'" it ~. !>JI ~ ho
po~liIf 01 moIQ.\ bb', ' ",
~ ~'Ph ....,. """" OS trr "'" Of ~'kf''-
of tit
,..,.!on ~.I>:I' N
IOU: Tho ' '''' .. rWL<.o

Po<:<rorNt otlinroarfrll/o;, - . . . . , GoodO ",.... . ,_~J~

"..... 0 .. )<00 .. ..",.,..._ g<'O<I .... ."j,," of ",oq'" K,
_( Ti>o I/gh ~v , """'ln_

B. _
~ 01
01 ._
E""" '""" """"'N - . . . . "" d<Inoll
i\O.,.ly. 11*; <II./U.O<ri4i;n lI iIIertIco!oo
1.O ...... .
doh~ ,
Jw." .. _~
c.!IO<\l:Wrow ~J:/ 1Oq<n
~COi'kfrlohl " "'nt~
_ bo ""1)" ~_O',
h110"'''''_.i<w'd ..... _ fl'cuI ~ de."" Good q...,. "d(.g~ .... \ISO 01
. L.d! .. pOr\:l~ _~ .,ole" """I'OJIJ;*
_...,. oI f1o . - lwJd:nn
v..'o:lll o _lIoen _ "' I;n>-NrI. 110 ..1'\0"'" !or flo .."" porw!"
~"" tIolwo'" _~ 1:1"", rod mo 1<1 ~iM""""" ..
~"o+rlll '"~~-.
n.. _ I S v:pocmIOhI , "" ...,. ., ~ Of TI'iO ""';,. 0-'> "" I'!' rr<IolritIrq
.... YNuo. flo _ ","_ nil rod bj"
~ . ~ """" Ilfn:j.ut,- pdln\

cooo 01 motel point BO Is ohood 01 AD br I mm,
wIIilo in cose ~ r,.mgies th. points AD ond 80
COIncide. In cooe 01 skeletal 0= II tendency 80
il ..... ",,11y behind AO ( ,,,,,d CJ:I 0 p<>s_
while in .~eletol Closs III poll"'" ..... poin' 80 il
locol!id oneod 01 AO (...00 os " "egatr.e reading)


A t1 umber 01 pos~ ble error> moy creep in during

copho lomo'rv 01 il i"'>'O"e. 0 numoo.. 01 oIep
.... ch til ob!oi"ing g llood ,,,dk>gmph, ... "" 01
geometrio 'O"",,,otion. ond onolyoi. ond
inlerptOlOlion olthe Yl>1~ ... obrained wilhouJ O"l'
obse..., bios. Tobie ~ lIives 0 .ummory althe
sourc.eS 0/ errOr in <:epholometry. Allhough
convemionol pholom<!1lV mov be osoo6trted
with 0 nvmber 01 wurc.e. 01 erro<s, a .hll oIIe ..
viItIl inlofl1"l(1\;Qf1 f<xme orthodontist in d~nosil
and lreo'meM pionning.

1. Down. WS . "'"'0 .... I f lO d.,*",, 1,,0110 . fflg lo

Ot!000 1956 ;26 ,191
2 Do-..... WB , n,. "'"
Ii "phobmer~ i. 0rlI00000
,,<OM oro .......... d~ , Am) O+>od I~Z
,. ,162
1 G_I"' , ~<>''''''''''''"",_.
4. )o<o"on ""od'ctlon to Rodiog'.p' '''
~"" 1.00 ood ~ Phlod.\>h ... 19M
!>. Prdio Wl. Coo ... """' .... ClrtIooo'.....-. Sf too ..
01 ..... 1946.
6. I\obor1 f """'" 110""I.,.:,. aI Orhxlrrii<>, y."
boo!< " ...fcolll'All ........ ind96a.
7. _ _JA. , ""'eta 01 o.&o:odoMc>. Jl lW"""
8. h_CC : Co;rIdcw' ...... b-""' ....... .....,l
O~nod l 9~3,39;n9
9. Sr, ... CC : ~~ 1, d ln~oI P''''~' , "",.
;~ Q"nod 1959:29; 8
10. loIoo ... CC . n..... 01 C""""""'"''' '" 0' 0.0 i.
""'"' ... '''" 0"""",,
omoa1960 ' .;721
""...donI" __",.., J
II , _ M< J!ob<,11 .,..,,,,,,..,,1 0rt/00000 .
,," ".. _ ".0;.10.
and ' odW ... .... Mad,. pO'
boot "" , 1994
12 v...~ 1doJo . ....... _oIlo~in ....... _
"d ....... ,.....omoa 1~;lO--35

~r<ko"'andin; of ;fCI'Wl~ _IS i. of

ortOOdont;c ,,,,,,/menl, oojedil"e " .... 01
fI~MOry impono"". in th e proctlco "f moturation is im porta nt. The d1 rOl1o logico l o~
!i nieo l orthodontic' , B<>Iogi<; 0;<1, ba.ed on Th e dote of bi rth oHe" liltl. insight in
ellal age. be"" alii", ond , k. l. tol moly'OTlon or. determining th e d ~ Iopmer>!0 1 slog e 0< somal>':
<:eorl.,. .ynonvmous lern" .ned 10 deKribe the m<;lvrfly 01 "porson. Thu. the moturily iroditolors
IIIOget of moturotion 01" person . 0.... to ina' provide on obioc~~ diognos~< evaluotion 01
oiduol ~tk>n$ in 1Wn;"g, durotion ond velocity sIoge o! mOlurily In on ind;"iduoL
dgrowlh, . keletal age o_"""nI ; _ialln lhe boSl' for sleIe/ol age ouess..-l
bmuloling ..;obi. otthodonlic tfeoIment plan . by r<Jdiogroph, it mo. me di ff"",n' ouif;co~on
MaturoCI<IOl llOtvs con hove considerable in~y. centres awoo' ond motu", at dilf!lfl!t\' ~met,The
once on diaQnosis, treotmont goo ls, Tr&Ot~ nt ord . r, rote, time of appeorar.ce a nd pr<>g rcu of
~ng, and the ",,,,,tu'" outcome of Ofthod".,. o ssificati on in Tne >'O ,io u' oss ificatio n co ntre. oc-
jc !reQlment. Oink<l l dec:~ ions ,ego rdil'lg use 01 curs in 0 ..-odOdobio SIlquen(e ,
_,,,I trodion forces, lunctional opplione.., II """,t>e, 01 "'..t~ ",. ovoiloble 10
Gf!'OCIjon .ersul non- extrocfion treo~nt O. .,.....,..lhe .Ulek>1 maturity 01 on individuol. These
cw:hognolhic surgery ""', at leas! porljolly, boHId nh,ode:
an growth COtItid.roIio..... Prediclion 01 borh rhe A u.e of hand ... ri" ",diogroph._
.... ond the omount ofoClive 9fO"''h, peciolly 8 , e..::.IUOtion of 1~letof maturot"", u,;.,g c<o"' ..
... IM croroiolociol compie<, would be _wi kI col..., rtobrae,
fie orthoclo<1tist. C Ao ... ll rMnTo f ""' turity by clinica l and rodlo-
In . lel'l of the importo nce of growt h in graphic ,"o mina tion o f diffe rent .to~. o f

tooth d evdcpmel'lT, whil e t he radi us i< on the d isto l o.p.ct, The ro-
AlThougn 0 n um i>e r o f met~ d.le l- diu> ond the ulroo g ive r~e to 0 dista l p(o~t iOl\
eTa I mOMity d elefmin oT"", ho,e been descri bed, on the ir respecti" . id .., Th e", o re ca lled the
Th e uoe o f hond_wri . Trodiogroph . ho. bee n The uln o .oid ond th o ro dKo I . tyk>;d.
roost ",dely occevoo meThod ,
Th e carpal.
HAND -WRIST RADIOGRAPHS They COf1s i, t oi e ight '010 11, irreg ulo rly .hoped
benes arrc,," ed in two rows , 0 proxima l r'Yl< o od
1r.e M nd _wrist reg ion ~ mo de up 01nume rou'
a di. tal row, The bonel 01th o proximol raw ore
. mo ll bone" Th e,e bone how 0 prod ieTo blo
sco phoid, lunote , trlq uetro l and pil iform, Trw.
ond ",hodul"" pott" rn of opp"orcn c" , o ss ifico -
dil tal (Ow 01 bo ne. include tro pezium , troperoid,
Tion on d unk>n fro m birth To moTuriTy. Thu , by
capitote, on d hamot. _Eoch of the .. eig ht carpal
mere:y coml"'rin g a !'Oti Mt" ho "d wr~t rad io
bone. ouifies from 0"" primary cente r, ",.-hich
g ro ph with 'Tanda rd rod iogroph, thot "' pre,,,,,t
o ppeor. in 0 pred icroble !'Ottern
d ill",MT, le leto l age" w. will i>e able to dete r
mine t ho , l . letol mot uroti o n . totv. of thot ind io The m e tacarpal.
They are 5 miniature big be""s fo.-mi ng tho .kel.
A number of method s 1>0" been d.
. tol fromeworf d the !'O lm of the hand. Theyore
>- scribed to as", ... the ""eleTa I maturity cosirog ho<>:J
numbe red I 5 from II", thumb to th" littl e fi n
wri,t rad iogroph> _ Th e fo ll owin g or" tl", mo<t
g...-_ Eoeh metaoarpa l ossifie, from one primo r;
comrrt<::.-llv used method"
ce nte r li n its shoft) and a ""'Of1da r; center 0f1 the
A. Alio. Method by G ", ulich and P~ e
d i.Ta I e nd ("-'C"pt fo r tho first meloo(Jfpal whe re ~
B, Bpr-f , G rove ond Brown Method
op pea rs ot the p roxim al e nd ).
C. Fi. hm an's Skeleta l Maturity Indicators
D, H<>g g and To ron ge' Method, The phalange$

ANATOMY OF HAND WRIST They ore sma ll bone. forming the linge ", They
are th ree in nu", ber in co cn fin ge(. exce pt tho
The ha ndwri,t region ;' mad e u p 01 the loI k>w thum b ...-h ieh ho. on ly two pholo nges ,
in g lou< group, 01 bones (fi g 1), Tho three b:>nes o re referred to o. tho
I, Dista l endo 01lo ng bo "'" olforM rm p roximol, midd le (o b,""t in thumb) and the d is
2, Corpok 101pha longe., The pholange, " ss ify in J .Ioge.
3. Mctocorpo~ (fig 2),
4. PIlola nges STAGE I The e piphysi s an d
d iop!1v>i . ore equo l.
DIUal end. of long bonn or forearm STAGE 2, The e p iphys is CO P' t he
The d i,to l erd. of rod iu, ond ulna , wh ic h a re d iaph ys i< by ,u rroundin g
lQng bone. o f the fo rco rm, form the l i"t grovp 01 it like 0 cap,
bo""" In tho ar>atom ico l po'ition with the !'O lm STAGE 3: f v, ion OCcurs betwee n
focin 9 th e front tho ulna i. 0f1 the med ia l a'pect t he ep iphys is ol'ld

p B g



I. ROOiu.
2. LJlno
3. Di,tal Eplphysi, of Radiu,
4. Di,tal Ep iphysi, of UI""
5. Tmpezi"",
6. Tmpeloid
7, Capitate
8. Komulor pro<:en 01 Hamate
9, Homote
10. Tr\quetrn l
11. Pi,iform
M '" MeIoeorpo l
P '" """1011<



00tt<0'Iinl!ti:>n 01 ~!'I'IOIJo1f ~ 1'' ' ~._.
G r. uli ch ond Pyj. pub li shed '::'::;,~~::':'::";:
ideo l ,ke letol oge piLlur. , 01 th o .t
difie re nt ch ro nologicol oge, 900 lor..oeh .\e>-
<>In: d I~ ~.~odJsioo ':;C"'" .., loW Eoch photogra ph in the otlo , is repre.entoti\le 01
(;Ws II '" Cla>< Iii I3ID;duIio>1
o porti;:ulo r ok. "",,1oge. Th. potierit'. ro diogra ph
3, T~ _ It Ii<oIolII ogo '" I PI'ionC . """, ~
;0 ""'>d t>!' ~"""'"" t at \ ...,,,,,,,,_
i. motohed on on ove roll OO, i, ..;th 0"" of the
photogra ph, in the otlo s,
,j Ol1$,

4. Sor'" .......... " oj _01 "" "'fig tw<t...,ist

~ ~ r CJIt! ., .... ~ I1f ~"""
01 '" ~ br.l: 0/$0 ~ prO<Ic! ~I.>' ... _
They no". divided ,leleta l deyelopm Mt in to 9
rnolJralon flIto l roo' O\OIJ$
5 "pro;jcl tI\O fAlbtlI {lIOW11\ !pIX!, , tages , Eac h of these stages r. pre,ent, a leve l of
,keletal moturity Ifi g 3 ). Apprapriote chrono logi .
S, 'U _oid it>- ~""<Il """'.~'"
r ~' 0I 1te~. "",.;,,,,,,,,,,,,j, r>JH OO.-". , on 111< co l oge lor eoch of the ,toge, wa. given by ScOOp!
_:01 ......."'" pll'lo!~ in 1978.
1, It ~ ~ " j>I."io(.!S ..t1 "",tot rnaIoct'uoion Sfage 1 (males 10.6 y, le males 8.1y) :
~1gorarlii<_, I~ W-O Th . epiphysis 000 d iaphysis of the proximo l pha.
,~ . 20 t..... .., os "' ....... tI\O~, "..., . lan, 01in dex fi"9" r are equal. II occur-, opprw:i
The uumolct bon e moteiy tlu-eo Y""'' bel"", the peal 01 pu berta l
~{owth 'P'Jrt.
Tn. "",""",oid bc....e ~ 0 ,mo l nod ulor bo"" most
often pre,ent embedded in tendon. in tn . region Stag e 2 (mo le s 12.0 y, lemole , 8. 1 y ):
01 th o thum b. The ep iphysi, and diap-hysi' 01 the middle pho
lam 01 th o middl . li ","er are eqLJ<ll,

SIa ge 3 (male . 12,6 y, le mal ". 9.6 y):

Thi, Slog" ~ c"" roeIM=' by pr. se""" of 3 ar"",
oio.s ilicotiQn :
o. The hamulo r proco" oft n.. nomate
e, hibits ossification .
b. Ossificoti on of pi' ilorm.
C Th e epip-hysi. ond diaphys is 01 radius
are eq ual.
Stog" 4 (moles 13.0 y, fema les 10 ,6 y) :
Th i' stage mo rk, the beginni ng 01 th o pubertal
growth 'purt. It is cno ro by :
o . Initio l mine ra lization of the ulnor
A B c
sesamoid of th e thumb.
F;g 2~, in o..;loot"" 01 pI" " "'iI<' ~TI ",~'
ond . :oph),>,'""
(qf",,," be ....""
lBiT"- op~ GOp> h 0"",*", ;'
..-.J ,,,,, .,,..
b, locreased ouificotion 0111.; no mulo r
flo 3 (.'.,' S"" . one - ~ O i pt, ,, ~ ...... ' iOP "I,i, 01 .... fig 3 IB) ~ ...,. _ . Tho ..."""" ,nd ... ""' .. 01 to
_",,01 pOol,,, of ,"",,, liV ' 0-' eqvc l. ", W e phd" , cf to. n#J. 1'"'1''''''' 'VO l

c D E

fo; 3 (1') Sb}<> bx _ I ~tiof .,.".mf.",,,, 01 .... " ""' .. """""" cf tho h mo ':C; I I ~ ",.h"too 01 t . "" """"
""""" 01 .... homo .. t>on .

f'" 3 (HI $'>gO roo Copp;ng 01 o;o physi> by to. <po...,.,.. ~ ,",, " miJd ~ ,*"kx'~ 01 '"" ",oJ t"ll"' 81 Pro,_ 1photono
'" 'ho ""'"" I;'. Rod"

F.. 3 :10 S_\~ Uo "'; ~"",,,,,,,,. ,00 ~"." f .. 3 iW s,ov< .. _ . ~."oo 01 "oph,... ond d<>phyo;..
01;" "'.. ""'*""
01 .... '"~ f "ll"'_ """""n.. of ' "" 1.,10 ,1 _ ,
01 tfoe ." ,,,,,,,, 1

3 Wl YO,. f;g. Fe""" be!wetn tOe ,>,;pO', .., ,nO
""ph,... oftho ,,-,;,jJ ~ """ .... 01 . ", .... <kk f ~ .. ,

proce .. of the ha mote bOM . phys i' 01proxima l pha lanx of . econd finge r be-
Stage 5 (ma les ]4 ,Oy, lema les 1.0 y) , ing n,mower thon it. di o~ hY' i .
Thi, sIoge he", ld, th e peal 01the p...b:rto l growth
Stage two (P,e pub e ,ta l)
s;>url. Ca ppir>g 01 diaph)'>i , by tn., e pip hy> i. i.
_ n ,n : Sloge two i. choroctori, . d by initio I OSsification 01
a Mid dle pha lanx of the third fin ger hook of the ho mote, initio l o" ificat;;'" of th o pi. i.
b. Proxima l pha lanx of the thumb form and proxima l phakln' of .e~o n d fin ger I;.e-
0, Ra diu. ing eqvo l to it. epip hysis , Stag e 2 re pee' '''''ts tha t
period prio< to the odo le.oent growth $p ur: duro
Sla ge 6 (mol e, 15.0 y , lema/es 13,0 y/ ;
ing whi ch .ign ifica nt amount. of ma ndibu lar
Thi. stC!Qe signifie. the end of the pU""' rtal growt"
growth a ~ poss ible. l\.Ioxil ko ry orthodontic thera py
<purl. It i. c""", de rit "d by union b.etwM n epi-
in oOf1 juction with mOM ib ular ~ rowth might a id
phys i. a nd diaphysis of th e dioto l phakmx of the
correoti on of a Closs II relotion. hip with con, id -
midd le finger.
e rob ie , pood and eo ...
Sloge 1 (mo le . 15,9 y, female, 13,3 y),
Un ion 01ep iphy>i, and diaphy>i' of the proximo l St.,e th,ee (Pub e rtal onu t)
ph<;.la nx of the little fing er OCCurS This .tog e i, characte ri,ed by I;.eginn ing of cob .
Slo ge 8 (mo le. 15. 9 y , females 13.9 y!; ficotion of ulna r ,esomo id, i"""""sed width of
This Sfage .naws fusion between tf>. epiphysi, and e pip hys is of proxima l p"" lonx 01 the ' eGOM fin-
diop h)'$ is of the midd le phalanx of the middle ger and ;,-,:""".ed <Xl lcifi co!ion of hook of ho"",t.
Gr>g er, OM pi siform,

Slo ge 9 (mo le. 18. 5 y , lemale. 160 y! ; Stage four (Pube rtl/)
Thi. i, tf>. lost sla ll" ond it signilie. the end of
5io9. fovr i. ~r.o rocteriled by <Xl lcilied ulna r ",so-
~ k e l etal growlh, It is choraderi, ed by lusion of
moid and <Xlpping 01tho dia phys is of the mi dd le
epiph)'$i, ar>d diop hysis of th e rad iu. ,
pho la n, of third fing er by it. e piphys is.
St~ge flye (P~b eral deceleratIon) n Si nger in 1980 poropo<ed a sysIem 01 hond o Thi . >tag " i. cho rocte ri , e-d by fully ca lcified uln a r
wri. t rad iog raph o.. essment that would e nab le ",,,,maid, fu, ;on of ep iphysis of disla l pha lanx 01
the cl inicion to rapidly and wilh "'me degree of third fing er with it' ,hoff, and epip hyte, of rod iu.
re lio bility he lp determine the moturat;ona l , totu, ar>d ulna not fu lly fused with re, pective shafts.
of the patient. Six sto ge. 01 hondwn. t de,.., iop . Stag e 5 rep""ent. tM t period of growlh when
ment ore desoribed . The st"ll'" and thoir charac- ortr.orlontic treatment might I;.e completed or>d
teri.tic, are: the potiMt is in rete ntion tr.erapy.

Stase one (Ea ,'y) Steg .. . ,)( (Growth comple tion)

Thi. stage is charocteril oo by a bsen ce of the pisi_ No remo:ning growth .ites.eM.
form, a b, ence 01 hook of the hamote a nd ""P i-

\ 61-
matu rotiorl , Th ey ore:
1j Epiphysis equo l in width to diophys i.
2) AppM ronce 01 odd uctor 'e>o moid of tho
aMJ. l : The ttd~pro:ximII pha ~J; sh:JIoo1 th um b,
equal wdl:h01 epiphysis and ~ysis, 3) Copp ingol ep hiphysi.

S,I.U 2, W' !ltlolepip'rysistlqU3ll:lflal ol cb 4) Fu';on 01 ep iphy,~
~ in hi rr.<!dipllliw of ilia .... Tabl e 2 give. the el' '''' n . keletol rooturity in
d>ookl r (fig 41. Table 3 giy", u. th o opp(oxiroote

S,M. I J , 1'fIdI:1":.jepipl\~ (l(wall:l lllaH" 00'
dvonolog ical age t:lI"Jd percMlOg " 01 that
~ in 100 . - pilaIanx ol fllll m
i. com pleted corro.pond ing to """h of the eI""""
.skeleta l rootu,ity ied icotot1 .
S .M,I.~ , ~< ...::tGtm.:tormrroo:JoI loo

S,IA.I. ~ : "'"
S,U,16: CW>.l ol ~seon "rricde!>;la- Sk. letal (i<!YelopmMt in the hend oed wrist il
Itnc o/til! ~,
Qr\O I)"Led from orlO uc l reo-ogrep"" lalen botwoen
StU 7' ~oI~seen " mildIepha the age. of 6 end 18 yeors, by a ...... ment ofthe
t<ru of IlM-oer, ossili<;otion of the ul oo r ."",moid of th e "",laC,
S.M,I. S: Fusil101W>!s~a"Id<i.l!tlYsisin lhe
arpopha lo"," e<ll faint of the lirst fir-.ger IS) oed
cistaI~of M rllger.
<:em in .pecified 'lOge, of th ree epiph)Oe<li bonos:
S.loI.l 9: fusion of epiphysis and <'iaph~"
tho middle oed di>tc l phakmge. of the third fin
prn>:ina1 ~xollTdq"r,
ger IMP3 and DP3) and the distal . piphysis of
S.IA,LtC, fusionol~and(\ap'\y$i$inthe
th e rOO iu. IRl Ifi ~ 51.
mid<tophano/ ttd~.
S.M,!. 11 ' Fusion ol opiphyslsand daphysisseen Seumold
irl thelooo...,
Se50 mo ;,; i. u,ua lfy ottain od during the occel-
eroti on pe riod o! the p...obeoc l growth >-p.K! (on ... t
of Peok height volocity).
INDICATORS ThI,d fln,e, middle phalanx

A1)'<1"'" IOf "vo lu iltio-n ci '"'.!..ta l moturutiorl ""m MP3-F , Th . epiphyo i. i. a. wide 0. th,o, meta
""oposed bl Leooord S. Fil hroon in 1982. Thi. physi" Thi5 .toge i. atta ined bofore onset of P.H.V.
.y.tom of ~ y a luating ha nd,wri , t rod io graph; b, about 40 perc""t of the . ubject< oed a t PHY
roo ke. u.e of aoolom ica l . ite, located on th e by many Qlhet1.
thumb, thrd finger, fihh ling er aed ",diu . Eleven MP3FG. The ep iphy;i. i. 05 wide a. th e meta
diocrcte <>do ",,,,,. n! ske letol moturity in di<;olor> phys is ond the r. is di!linct medio l ond/ or loterol
(S.M,I ,'sj covering the e ntire period of odolescent bo rd er of the ep iphy';, forming a Ii"" of demar-
developmem hov<: boon ,bcribcd. The Fioffi,on'. cotion at right ong lol to th o di, tol borde r. Th i,
' y, t. m of interpretatioo use, four .Ioge. of bone stoge i. atta ined 1 year before or ot ~ H.V
SMI No. Ag. 1n Y.... of Adolescent % <If MIX Growth % ol Mand.
growth complel<ld Compl' !-.I ,~"
9.9. tll.98
, , 2.2
10.58 ;00 .88 16.7 14.7

' O.88tll.9S 22.5 18.5 25.0

, 32.1 ~., ~. ,

, ".22 ,,1.1'
".64 O.90 39 .8 28.6 38.3

12 06 O.96 51.1 49.7 47.0

, '< .34 tO.90 7305 g.O ~,

'3 .10ioO.87 00. 83. 0 n .'

'3 .90tll.OO 91.9 89.S M.'
'" '4.17 to.96 00' 921

'00% '00%
SMI No. Age In Years Percenllll!<' of Adolescent % 01 Max Growth "" of Mand .
growth eompletod Completed Growth
, 11.01 1.22
, 16.7 15.9
11 .68 1.06
2\.6 18 .5 19.~

12.33 11.09 28.9 ~, ~,

12.98 ~ 1 . 12 M' 28.6 00.

14 .38 1.OS
7 .3


'5 .11 1.03 87.3 83.0 nJ

15 . 50~1 . 0 7 920 89.6 M.'
95.3 92.7 91 .5
'" 16.40~I . OO


" '00% '00%

\ &9
- '
MPJ.G , The oicIeo 01 the epiph)'Si1 ~ thld- g,.,.,m ....sIed.
ened ond obocop'" melophysis,lorming 0 sharp The shapes 01 the ~,;ebn>1 bodies 01 C3 and
edge "i""I'V at one or both .ides, Thlo ""~;, C~ changed from som-f""......!ge .hoped, 10
gjloined at ar 1 yeo r afte r P.H.V reckmgu lor,lcJlcwed by .quare ,f>op<! .ln odd i.
MP3H, FulliO!1 01 the epipn y<i. ar>d metaphy. tiao1 They become tolle, a. , k. l. tal maturity pro
lis ~as begun and;' ol1cined after PHV wtbe Qre,~ TI.e inferior O1!r1ebm l bo ,d .... we<ellot
btl! end spurt by ptOCtically 011 boys when immoture, ond they _'" ca~ when
end obout 90 pe<ant cJ the gi,". m"",,,,. The CUrvaluto:s 0/ the inferior- wrtebtol
""'3-J, Is onaiMll before or 01 end 01 borders were _n 10 oppear ..-ql.l<lntially Irom
tpUII in 011 subjO'Cb ""'epI a ' - girls. C2 10 C3 to C ~ 01 !hot skeleton motured. The
conc""me. become mar. distinct '" the person
ntl,1I tlnte, dllflll plrlllinx motured.
OP3~ , FUlion of the e pip~\,>i s and metophYSil He ..,,1 a nd Fortro:l n hovo put lorwcrd th o
_completed . Tfli. mile >ignifies the fUllon of the foll owing Ii>. slogel in vetrib<-c l d"""lcpment,
~\'Ils or>d metaphysis a nd il attoined during
f'e deaolefotion pMod cJ the pube<tal 1PJff Ste,e 1
. end 01 P.H.V.) by all wbjec1s.. This $loge called initiation, corresponds to be-
9irWng oIado-.m gn:>wthwith 80%10 1()()%
aI oool_en! g'owth expected. Im..nor borders
&l, f",ion 01 the epiphysis and metcphysis fIas 01 C2, CJ, ond C~ ,..,'" flat at Ini< Iloge, The
!legun. TI.i l,to",, ;1 Olto ined 1 yeor belore a ' at ""rteb"", were ~. lhopod. ond the ,uperior
too end of growth .purl by about 80% of th e lIi~. vertebral bord"" we"' to~ lrom ~iortQ
-'obout 90% of the boys , anterior.
au, Fuslan is almost complelfld but there is
St"ge 2
a .mall gap at One 0 ' both ma'~lnl.
"1, is chorocterized by ""ion 01 thl e,l'physis The second 1Io~ Is called acceIemtian. Growth
end metoplr,sis. 6S"
Dr;<;..Ierution beglr. at thi< 1IIage, with 10 8$"
These IfOOM _'" not <llli?ined beIonI end cJ 01 adoles<::ent growth e>,pOCJod. Concovmes-.r
&t.V. by CW\"f IIJbjecl. develcp i"ll in tI>e i"lerior borders 01 Cl end CJ,
The infe,.ior border 01 C4 we.flot, The bod ies of
.sKElETAL MATURATION EVALUATION CJ and C4 were nll<lr+, rectang ul ar in , f>o pe,
Ste,e 3
~ ond Forman developed a ryWm of $kel.
The third lloge coiled transition, COITI!SJ'O' w:loed to
"""""'lion determinotk>n using the ClMcol
oeletorion 0/9rowth toword, peak heighl _
.........oe. The shapes aI the cervical ","".broe
Iocity ,.;th 25" to 65'l1oal adolescent growth ..
-.. seen 10 diller 01 each ,''''''' aI skeletol dlMll
peeled. Diolinct cancovilies ""re ..,..., in the in/e.
-"",t Ifig 6). This provided a mean. ta cleter.
rior borde" of C1 and CJ. II COf'>C:OViIy wei t>e.
Dne the Iok.leta l mOluo"ily aI a per>on end t~reby
ginn ing to develop in the inferior bord er 01 C4,
*",rm in e whethe r the poss ibility of potentia l
The bodies of C3 ond C4 were rocton",",Io, In



h. r:: ::'I "-

Initiation Acceleration Transition

Completion Maturation Deceleration

o f (3 and C4 we r~ nearly 'qvore to >quore in

, hope.
Stage 4
5t.. , ~ 8
This ' toge called deceleration, GOrrc'pon<:h ta
dec. leration 01 odole"'Mt growth .p.urt -.iti> 10% Thi ' 5109c called co mpleti o n corre.pond . to
10 25% a f odolesce nt growth expected. Oi. tind co mpl etion 01 growth . Little or no adole,e6nt
cnncov iti~. w~re ,"M in th ~ inf. rior b.orden of growth co ukJ be c<pectoo . Deep COOCCNw.e. we'"
0 , C3 , aM C4 . The "crtcbra l txxiios 01(3 and . eM in the i n f~ ri or bo rden 01 (2, (3, ond (4.
C4 were becoming mOr~ .qvo r. in <hope. The txxii~' 01 (3 aM (4 we ro 'Qvore o r we re
greater in vertK:o l d imen'ion thon in horizonta l
Stage 5 d ime""ion.
The lillh .<loge i. co ll~d moturn lion . Finol motu
tOIion of the ",rtebroe tool poce c; this 'l:ojJe, TOOTH MINERALIZATION AS AN INDICA
.il!1 5% to 10% of Od01eSCM t growth expect. d. TOR OF SKELETAL MATURITY
More aooe<>tuoted cO<1cavitie. were ' '''''' in the
The ca lcificati o n pottern. ond ' t"lj e of miner-ol
inferior b.o rder.; of C2, C3, ond C4. Thc txxiie,
iIati on o f th e teoth i. b~ li "ved to no"" 0 do,"

'" ,

,elcli.,""'ip w~r. the . ', ...1<>1 rrot\",,~on 01 on

ind",;duol. Stymour Chcrt',ow has desc.ribed 0
"""1,,,.1 01 clelennin,"iI +. skeletal "'OMi!f boood
on Ihe min.,oliloHon 01 Ihe lower c"n,re.
Dcrni~c'" Gold " and lon ... hcJ.... desc.ribtd
a "m- :Orm.l~od.

L 0."""" _ ......., _ GO O. I'd"""," oi

!\Ie po.booI<4 , ....t. """"'" f; J 0.+"" 1~60,"" ,
rno <d<f;<a co "';tOO cod
o.-hod I9'i'J ; .". ,1 611~
._1. . .
c......;+o, a...:...... , and MIndo. y,,"~.,..., <0-
'1' "'"_
:L 0. ...1.... 8."""'' ' ' b-q. <r<; ,...... , ........ .
I<~""".;'" o,"",og MO(Uo,.'" 01......,,< ...... . IOt
de<r<1, tr"' ........ -.;~, "'" J 0riI0d 1~5; .... '
~, 0. ..... ..... 6_'" SI.oIoOOl ""~ en> oeoloo
_ 'i'-"""" ,1,.. J Ortloo 1976,"",69-113.
~, ~I;rj <rd 1Oro_ : y", .. ""," I'd"", cod ,n.
,'" ~ ' '''''I, ""'~ ,,'" J OriIod i 962;"" m
~ r ", .. I"nO f ...", : \ ....,1 """"""0' ...... , .
'en. Am j Ort"lOd I 9'i'5;;oj : 58-(,6
7. ), 10 ' S; r ~ : ~,., olo~ I ' Nml .... 0: O" I'''''''i,
.""" -,,..:,., ,.. ... Or,,,,,",,, 19M: >'01: J22333
6. ......en..;~. ond Ck..o :S,~" , I OQO .... """'
,,;-h I; nr. "'ood, . , ' ,h.o fi ' ~"', ..: n J Crthod
1i'!ll."" ... n . 9S.
9 toon'" \.fi"""," Rod!o&'OF"'C .",, 10";0' g;
S.. . '" ,....,.1\ ....... Q.!'!Odo.,. \ 9&2; "'". 6'l
10 ,"''",con,. ,,_ ",d 0..&010, J.I< ...........' 0 .,. 0',"
"""Kit. ... 11'0</11., "'.) 01>0<1 \990] ,001 ' 33

II. "... ~ ... 0 r ,T'or ' f",,1.orion 01 oul;.:o+io, ol
"-;' I'O~I""' ....... J Ort ... IWoi. 0<' 288
12. ~...,.. ... L"'ml><,O,.,," 110M" fr<>rt<1 "." -.J
""'""'0" .. .,-"......"" A... ) 0""",,1991;
"" , 542S<1\.


S IIIdV cosll or. essert!;.,1 d"'l)I"IO'tic OH;lI. The

STudy mode~ provide (I th ree dimensio<"lal
view of tho ""'xi'lory t>r><l m::md lbular 00<1101
on:het. ~ 0'1011"" invoJ,., the .tudy of 1M
""",ilia", and mandib...l",dentd ardon I" oi llhe
wi", is ploced eonIOC~"9 the meoiol ,w""c. of
the ~ .. t permonent mola r done lide arid ls
po s.ed over the buccal <:us ps of 1M premolars
cind olong the antO!<ion and i, co ntin ued o n the
opposite IH;le In me ..,me wr:rr uplo rile mesial
!hree plone. of >P0""' (""gittol, vertical and .unuca of the opposite ~m pefTTKl""'" moIo', In
lftln .... rse plones) and il " voluobl. tool in """ of procllned O~B, !he wi", ill poued
orthodontic diagnosis ond Ireotrnent plannIng. along the cingulum oj anlllria' .eeth. II !he
om ........ _h a'8 retrodj,..."j, the b'a" wi", in
CAREY'S ANALYSIS the anterio' .egmerl! ~ klbiollo the teeth. ~
th e IInterior IoeIh ore ... 011 a ligned th e w1ro po$$e'
Mony ma locc lUSio n. occu r o. 0 result of
av"" th e in C~III edge of ont .... ion.
dnc repancy between arch length and Tooth
....,~I. Co'ey'~ a"" I ~, hel~ in de~rminif\Q Doot e rm lll . t lD n Dr fOD th mat e . '.'
""e _ <J !he diKteponCV. k i. pet/ormed on
The meiiD-dislol..;drh oj rh. teerh onl$'\Or to rhe
~ lowe< cosl. The same analysis on rile upper
cost" coiled Arch Peri"""
firs! melon ~ ptemolor 10 second pNmOI""
i. """' .... red ond ",mmed up.
Det.,mllll t /an af " reh len-. th
Det. r m/neflon of th e dls c r. p .IIC"l
The arch ~""ilTh onte<i<;<- 10 the fi rst permane nt
The dilcreponcy referll tho difference bctwoon
molar il meas ured ". ing a $Oft brtm wire. The
the a rc.h i""'llth e nd tC<lth moto ri a l.
OI.orop,noy Int,,,",,
o. 2.5 " 11 PrO" "'" ""W""
2.S . 5 "11 E'N:>o' ~ ~ prornola-o
E,_"" ~ I '~ 1'_'

0, Hthe di.CfOporq i. Oto 2 .5 rTlrTl, it indicate.

mirlimo l tOOl" mC'erial ro:ce", In . uc:h case"
pro,imal . tri pp ir.g ,an be carried out to
red uce the tooth mat.,.-",,!.
b, 11 th" di ", re ponq i. botwMn 2 ,510 5 mm , it
indicete. th e need to e>ctroct the .""o nd
c A discrepancy 01 more than 5 mm ind icote.
th o noed to e>ctract th e lir\! premokl r>,


Ashley Howe LOf\~dered tooth cr""," iog to be due

10 defkioncy in arch v.idth rathe.- th an orch length,
He found a ,elo tion. hip betw""~ the tota l width
of the 12 teet"anteriof 10 toe ... cond moIer> a rid
the mdth of the de ntol arch in the first premo lor

De!erm/natlan af tatal tooth

material (T. T.M.)
The<i i.ta l widtn of 011tir e teeth me>ia l to
the '''''000 pe rma ""nt mota " i. moe, ur.d "" ilh
tnc hclp of divkJ e" 'Jig I ,oJ and a ll t"" vol.,.,.
are w mrr.od up. Tni. ",, 'u. i, c~lI ed tlr" tota llooth

Oet6rmlnatlon of premolar
dlam .. t .. , (P.M.D.)

The f>rOO1oklr diameter refo " to the ar ch wicith fg l A ~ e l lj o .' e " , ,,,, , ,,~ , IA: ,':.,,,,,,,m,,' cf ....
frcm the rp of th o M ool C"'P of one first p",moIa r """, 0' ; ;'''' ".;do, "'.,. !octo , I ... "'00 0' m '~ ," ","
cC '''cu ' (3) ",',e " " om.,1 of p""'ol,, 0;0", . 1.,
tothe tip of bucco l cu ' p of th e o.opor.ite fi rst prom"""
( ~ i " 00>.....,- . .. of """, I 0,,1, wdth, I",., ~ ,ow ,
,-moJar(f;g I .b), he "'""" ~ I to '''' "" ~ ... oro,,-; _ oo
~~ R-
31 " 1+1.
~It ......

_fot . W~
I .-p../
~ 1"'-'
" ,,,-
I, . .
V ' 01
r,.. _ , b) "''''' W ~ on -t
". ~ \ A

"'" 9o<00r:.........
)-) 8
Oe ' e tmlne!ltm of prlmo/.r bU.'
. ,eII w ldl ll ( P.M .B.A.W.} ,-
The conine 10..0 i, found di'lo l 10 conine
"",inere". The<ll 01 the .width Irom
conir>e fOSSIl of 0"" .ide to lfoe oIfoer give! ul lh e
f", 2 .",." o">Of". tAl I,ropro.,.,"" ~'id-ro
IS;, "'.~
""tn 01the dento l arc;h at the oe iee l ~ ... or th e "",k. , ~dr+r

ju ndian betwee n Tn. 00",,1 bo n. end c~ lo,

p"xeu. II Ihe canine /0"0 i. nol dearly need 1<>, e .!faction,
diotinguishoble rho mea .... ,., ... "'" i, mode from a b_ If ~M.8.A.W. '" is HlI. or".."..., 1Ir. CO ...
paint ""', i, 8 mm below the e,.," of m. in.'.. ,. con ""","bf, be 1r'I!O~ withcAA exrrt>:ting a""
dental papilla diSlOIIo:he conine(fig l .c)
c. "'"
K ~M. B.A.W. ~ i. 37 44%. the co ... i.
referred '0 01 0 bo,derli"" (0'"' ,
The P.M.B.A.W cnd th e P.M. D. ere compared. ~
th. P.M .B.AW. i, grecle,lhen Ih. P.M.D . then it PONTS ANALYSIS
is en IrldicaTion lhol ard> e>:p<lnl ion il pou ible .
If on lhe Dlher harld rhe P.M.BAW. i, leIS lhan Ponti in 1909 presentod a 'Y'te m ..... ~~!l.e
P.M.O. then orc;h expo""ion is not pouible. meo, .. "."ent of tho fou' mo.iflory inclloO"
AccordIng to Ashley Howe. to o<h_ ou","o'icoIiV "IObtl$hed the ",idth ollheo",h in
nannal ot;C!ution with a full complement of IeeIh the p"'molo, ond molo, 'egion,. Pont, onolyo:s
tI-re bosel orch ",idth CI !he prernoio, regl"" """'Id helps in :
0 _ [We,miningwhelherrho derrolorrn il f'IO!1QW
be """ the .~m of mio-di"", width, a! all the
fecth ",.,00110 Th e se-cooo permon" nt molar (10101 or i. roormo l.
tooth mOI. ri ol) Thi , ro ~ o (cxp'ou~ 01 %) b_ Determin ing tho need for lote rol o re h
be'-"r!he op;"ol boo. width 01 t+.e plemola r ""PO n ~on,

region and rho tt>to l 1QoIh motorial i, 00110::1Il-00 c _ De......ining how mud> expon<ion" ~sibje
Jl"!rlola' bosol ord! width percorrloge. It i. at the oremolorond ... 0/", region!.
<Ie""mlned using lhe lormulo :
OetOlm/na lJon 0' 111m
IncllOrI (S. I .}
PM.BAW. '" - PM.8AW. . 100
1.lM. The """io-dillOl width of me 4 maxi l'",\, inO..,...
is m.", ured ond th e vo lues .u mmod up. This
o. II P.M .B.A.W. % i. 37% or less . it ind ieote. 0 .-o lu& il ca lled l um of in cioon (S.I,).
Detarm/nat!oll of mOllSu,e d The cokulaled moIar"" l...., i$ determined
premola, valu .. (M.P. V.) u,ing tho ;o rmulo: 5.1 ,100 1 64
The width of tf><, orch in th~ p r~ mo klr region from
th o di stal pit of 00" upper ; irst premoklr to '''''
d ~ta l pit of ClQite first pr<moier i. rMtlSUred ,
Th i. onofy. i~ i. a lso . imil a r to Po-rtl~ ono l\,>i' h
~ ;, ~olled the meas ured premo lar "" Iue.
make. u.e of th e lindo r HOffh'. iormulo to
Dete,m/llatioll or melllu,ed dele rmin e tn.. ideo l w!'h widtn in th e premolar
molar value (M.M.V.) """'" mo!ar "'9ion, In odd it"". thii ono~i. utili""
o meosurem Mt mod e from the midpo<nt of the
The widrh of th e oren in the ",,::i o r regi o n from
inter_premo"" lin8 to Q point in betweo n the:wo
too me>i~ 1 p it of 00 0 upper first mo klrto !he me,,,, 1
mo.illo .... inc i,""rl , Ac~ord i n9 to Korkhou., for 0
pit of tf..", oppas it" first mo la r i. meo. ure d, Thi'
9 i~en width of uppe r inci sors a .pedfi c ~ol"" of
voic e i$ coiled th e meawred molarvolve
the di.kl nce betwee n th e midpoi nt of inter-
Dete rm/llatloll Df ealcillated jnrnOor f ne 10 he po<nt betwcoo he two mexi lo,,"
premolar value (C.P.V.) inci so rs .ho uld e.iot . An increase in thi s
mcos ureme nt denotes proclin ed upper onte~or
Ca lculated pr=o lor volu e Or tM expected areh
'e~th whi le a decraa ,e in thi s 'a lue de note.
width in the prerrm!ar regio n i$ OOlermined by th o
"'''oc li ned Upp"" o nterio " .
formula : 5,1, x 100 ;' 80

Dotorm/llat/on of ea/eu/lltod BOLTON 'S ANALYSIS

mo/a, Ylllue (C.M.V.)
Tooth . ize i. on im portant fodo< to be tokon into
Calcukllad meklr "" I"" crt"" o<pe<:tOO arch width oon.ideration in orthodont iC dia gnosis and
in the mol", {egk:<> i. determ in ed by t"" form uh trea tme nt plann ing AcoO<"d in g to Bo lton, lhe re
S.I., )oo / 64 ,,",iot. a ratio between the me. iod i. tal width$ of
max ill ary and man dibu lar te eth, Many
me lo<:clu~on. occu r as a re, uh of obnommlitie.
If mea.u",d vol"" i.le" tha n cakul ated va lu e, it in tooth . i,e. The Bo llon'. analy,i, help. in
indicate, th e .... ed for oxpon sio". Thu s it i. daterminhg disjyop;;>rtk>n in ~ze between m:i1.,'Y
poss ible to delermin . how much e<p<msion i. a nd mand ibu larteelh,
needed in lhe moJar and the premoklr reg ions.
Sum of malld/bula, 12
The mesio- d~tal width 01 all the teet h me,,,, 1to
the mandioolar co nd pe rmo" ent mola rs is
TM a",,~i$ i. very ~mj ar to Po nls ana lys;, ",copt
",eo",red and !Ummed up.
tho t <I new formula has been propo <ed to
determ ine th e calc ulated premoklr and mol",
Slim of maxillary 12
, olue.
The calcu late d p re mo lor va lue i. Th e me,kJ-dioto l wklth of a ll t"" !eeth m<O>kJ l to
delermi""" u';"9I"" formula : 5.1 ,100 1 85 th e mox illary . e cand perma n."t molarS is
meoMed and J.Umm..d up_ O"e ,,,,,,," lIoII of a liter/or ,. tlo
Th um 01 """"a-distol widtn cJ the mandibulo,
Sum of mlnd/bul 6
onterio," $hou ld be 77.2 % 0' tM me. io-di,tol
The """, l od i .~ 1 width of 011th o teeth mOliol to width of the ""'l,o ll o"! onte<io r. _The on'arto r rOlio
!he mond ibu la, /i.. Tp,emola .. i, measured an d i, dot"""hed ulie.g 'he le li owi nQformul o
... mmed up.
sum 01 rtomfbulo. 6 100
S~m of ," u llll " 6 Anterio. mtio -

The meuo-dlllOl .,jdth 01 011 The leeTh mefol To

tI-te mo>Jllory ~"I pn,moIOr1 il mea,ured end Kthe "nterio, rofo is less Incn 77.2% ~
"""me<! up. indiccles rtQXillory on!erio<" "",eso. Tho omoun:
01 mcnillo"! onl.rier ""''''' I. determined b.,. rhe
Oetl,mlnatlon of "we,,,11 ,.t/o foll owing woy:
According 10 Bo lT on, TOO . um of m".io-d illc l Mond ibo.i la , 6 x 100
Maxillary 6 .
widTh, of lhe mand ibular ~Th OnTOnO' 10 tt-.e 77.2
second permanent mola .. is 91.3" .... """Ia I'Theo~mlio is morett.:1n 77.2%.
d"1STo1 width 01 Th" m<Jl<il!ory """" meuol 10 the il indicate. mand,bulor onl"rio, ".... The
RCOnd mole ... The o..,mll milo i$ ~rmined OrtOUnl 01 ... ondibulo, onte,ior ."ceu I.
using The fo,mulo : dete,m,ned "'Ing .... Iormulo :
Mo,;ll ary 6 . 77.2
Ove. 011 mTio _ ' um 01 "",,,,, ibula, 12 100
,um 01 me,ili o ,,! 12 100


If oYemU milo is Thon 91.3%, il
indicofel: mo, lllery tooth moterial pee. The The "UruoH 01 0 mixed dosntiion "ntllpi' is ro
_un! of maullory = i. de1ermired u.. fIg """ IUCI~ The omount 01 <pO'" """lloble in the
.... Iormulo arch fo, the ervptle.g perrronent (onines ond
Mo""ibulo, 12 . 100 premolo". I" this onol, .i. the .ize 01 The
Me,ollo"! 12 u,""""pled pe r""'l nent cw.pido a..J premolo rs are
predided frcrn he kn owledge ofth e ~"" of cerlo",
permanent toelh already erupted in the mouTh .
If ............011mtio is mom Thon 91.3%. The "'~'I miJcod dentition onolr'" prl!(kls Th,
t ;"dlootes morodibul...- tooTh mo!o:wiol '"""""'" The combined """iO-d,JIOI widTh c:J 3, ~ ond 5 booed
~ of mondObularexcesscan bode1erm,ned
on the sum 01 The width. of the Io.!, lowe,
bJ II-oe Iormulo , penno,..,..,. inci"" ..
ll>ct mesio-distol widTh 01 tholo.!, lowe,
Maxi lla,,! 12.91 .3 indoors 0" meotured and .ummoo up. Th.
Mcndibu lo, 12 . amount of spo<:e "va ilab le for the 3, 4 arod 5
oiIe<- ir.::isor oI ignrne<11~ clcletm inetl by nteO liJ rie.g
.. ......,-
,-., .,.. .. ... .... ....",-.. .,.. .. .. .'
. , .,
ta the dillOrtiO<1 mot o::m <XOJc. It il P<lllible

., '" dete rm inemo

"' '" :t:
"' "'
"' "'

" .,
"' .,.,:1 "' "' .,, , "'

... .' , ".. .... .,.. .. . .. .' ..


., " "'
" "'
.....," "
lIud ,i ng the teoth thot
in 0 rodi<>groph 000 on 0 cosio The

.... .', -..' .,.. .. .'.. ., .."' .'.,.,

"'"' "
., "'
"' "' "' "' ., "'"' "' "' "'
., "'"' "'"'
"' formulo II used :
"' " "' "'
., "-" .,.. .,"' Y1 XI ."
" ., .,
., "' "'"' .,
" ., "' "' "' "''
.. .. .' ,., "',
.. .,.'., "'"'.."' "
.. . .. - :"' "',"' .... .' .' .'...." "',."'
., "' "' " " "' "'"'
, .'

.. ...
"' ..h.", :
"' " :1 "' "'" "'
" "' ., "' ,"' "' ~ "'
"' "' "' " Y1 - width of une",p~ I<><>th ..hose

.. ....., .." " ""' .." :1 ..,.."'"," ..", .'., ....
.'.,...... ........ ".
moe""t,ment i, fa be determin ed,

.. .."'"'., ....." .."'" r:: .'., .," , .. .'.'.. ...

, " "'
"' width af v_upted tooth on tho

.... ... ..
.. .. .,.." ,.. .."' ... .'..
'" r..d iog r<lph .

.... ..."'"'
.. :: , ..
' "'

"'"' "
"' .. .. .. "'"'
"' "' "' "
X1 - width of a toot\, t\,at fm c<upred,
moelUred on the <wI.

, "'.. .... ..... .... = .... ..::.. -.,' ...."'.. .... .."'..
" "
"' ..
., ". width 01 a tooth that hw ,"",pled,

...."' ....""'..
' "' "' "' "'
" "' ".."' "' .. "'.. "'.. .. "'.. "'
"" "'"' .. .... "' "' .
"' "' "' "'
meosu,ec! on tne rod;ogruph,

," .."' .. . .. "'

"' "' "' "'
" "' "' "' , "',
"'" "'
" "
", "
the di. ton cR bMw""" the di.kl l surfoce of lotero l , ~ W~ : e>;. .............,- ;, .,.,., ... 0t>4 i. '010...
in cisor urld th e mMial. urf<xe of To"t po rm<lne<1t "' .... O "'~'" "" tho tot01"""t 01 maio<cJvo.on.
mol., , ~Io
O<tood 19!>a , 2a: I 13
w" . Tho ",*,,1 ~ k<rioo> 0/ 0 _ , ....
f Bosod on the mesio-gl$lolwidth of the
lour maooibuf" , incisors, the e;opedtd width 01 , ~
"'" J 0>+.00' 1962 ; 48 05GoO
At , A poI,gon F\rto,I cI """"",I 0t>4 boooI
ad> d ......_ .. ft ho hoo.oonoI ..... "'" J 0rt'I0d
the conine" fi,st ond I<'lCOnd p,emolo" 0'"
1 9Sol : ~O . 8 1 1 .
ptediCled by ",\erring rhe probabil,ry chon (Tobie
3). Wh,ledoing 00, rhe 75%1_1 of p'obob01iry ""_ s , .ow_ 01 ""."", of ",""'<IoOQ <d
lPOcng cf ... , ......... Don! ai" No"'" "'" 1918,
is cons id ered rejia~e. 563578.
Th o pr. dicf. d tooth oi.. <>f 3,.1 000 5 i, ; ""ndopo OR, ~>odo 1 1O\ ,",,,,,,,. ~W : ~ "" I...... :
O' ,, ~ 01 ....... "" ...... 10 OnbJ 197Q : ~o : 1 12
compered with th o md1leogth avo ilcble for them
00 os 100.1er""" the ofsatopancv. ~the pr8(IOr;Iod
P.clln W~: C""t, rn,,,,,'1' O"t""I0"."", !.o tOJ I ,
cY II""",,, 1966.
.0100 i, g,~ol'" lhem the ovailable orch l..-.gth, RoI>orI
" r.-Io f ~ : .....,. k<>l of Or'
k<>l...d ..1 poJ>I ....... ;nc.19M.

,;,a. y_
~;ng ol-mr;on bc e>poded.


11M. _
............ 010</ "".... ...-..1 ._0. I.
.. I~, Tho ooor!""" 0/ ..... 40001

1"""" 0 _ _ < Ibp..lo ___ f """ 0.-. "'-


This leCiWqllt mo keo u,," <>f a rod iog rop/1 os w. 11

os 0 Ity"," co,t to de'erm ine th e width <i th e

of Tooth

~h odonTic tre<ltm . nt i, mode iX'Sl ible

O by the Io ct thot teeth ~c n iJ.e mo.&d

rivough "'" c~arbone by oP!)1yitog
Oppf<>Priole fotces. Orlhodontic tooIh """""",,,nj
is 0 unique process ... ......, a solid object (room) is
tf>e tooth res ulting in iTI move meflt. ~ (I rule of
!hllmb it eM be lO id!hoTbone ,ubled 10 ~ ..ure
""" ~U~ of ComQreUOf1 of ~ocJo<,~ ligcme<1t
reoo<bs""+'1e bone forms liMe' tensile force OHI
","uk of ,!retdIing of !he periodonlolli9"menl.
moM 10 move thrQl,lgh o..,rod medium ~)_ The oim 01 ~ ~ chapter i$ 10 study the
~ oblliry independent mDement of the IHIh "'lrioul bioIogocollssue changes that oo:ur 6.oing
is IInOq"" 10 hllm"", in I"lrticulor end mammals 100'" """"""". nt.
in generc l. T ~ eo rli...-p 'im~"'" onlme ll, "d> 0>
~~i le. hod t... th that ..., re onkylosed OI" fw,.d Ie PHYSIOLOGIC TOOTH MO VEMEN T
th" oo ne, Tn i. did not all ow independe nt
lTlO"'!!ment 01 the 1eoeIh. During the procen of
PhysiolO<;lk too," movement. 0'. nowrolly
eYOIlffion, the periodonlal l;goment oppoorod
ocwrring tooIh .........emen,,!hat lake plooe during
be" " .. the tooth OM !he alveolar ooclcat. Th .. one! o~r tooth eruptton. Physiologl' tooth
oppoorora 01 this period"""'l ri_ enoblod """",,,,,,,,," Ind!.de :
ioodepeo.cienttoolh I'I"W:M':m....... o. TocIh erul"'on
OrmodOOlic 'rec!"""nt " pouib~ due 10 b. M'gration or dt~! of !.... tII
rile fo:::t that~r a pI~onge<llo1'C" is apphd c. Chcnge-s in lOO!n ,:>OSition duri ng mosti<;cti on
on (I tooth, bone remod eli ng <xCCufS orovnd

. 18 1
Tootll er uption Migration or drift of t .... tll
Tooth er\Jption io the axia l "'ove"' ent of t~~ tooth Migrotion refe" to the minor chonges in \ooIh
from it. deyelo;>menkl l po.ition in the jow to it. pos ition ob""rved alter eruption 01 teeth. It is.
ro",, 1 "".ition in tOe o r~1 COyity. A nv", b.. r 01 ge ne ro ll, belei.ed thot the direction of toolh
tneo ri M hov~ been put forwo rd to exploin how migro tion va rie, from 'P"Cie. to .pecie. Tn.,
the er\Jption proce .. take. P.,ce The f~lowing humen deriition .r.ow.a rIOtu",1 t. nder>cy 10 """'"
ore .ome oft~e theories : in a me. Oo I ond acel"",1dirodic<1 , Thi. i. lorQely
t, ue in co,e 01 the moxill ory dentition . Howe"",
A) Blood preu ure the ory Acco rd ing
to t~i, tneory. the ti...", orour.d the devoloping the lower jow covId .how cortain ",natio"" Tooth
migrotion i. u s u~ l fy 0 re. ult of prO><imo l a nd
end of th e root i, highly vo sevlor. Th i, vo ""vlo r
acelu,a l wea r of teeth, As the leeth und e'1l"
preuure i. believed 10 c~ u ,e th . oxOo I movement
oedu", ' and proxim~ 1 woo r, !hey ma,e in 0 mesiol
oIthe tM th.
ond occluso l direction to mo into in intor. proximal
8) Roo! growth: Accordi,," to th e pro"" nent, 000 occ lusa l contoc:t ,
oIthis theory, the o pico l growth of root, r. "" lt. in
on oxiolly directed force thot bring, "boot tho Tooth move ment durIng mast/catIon
e",pli"" of t~e teeth , Thi. theory ho. not been D~r i ng masti cation, the tceth or>d periodo<1tol
oecepted for 0 ""mber of re<Jrom. T..,th "'0"" 0
irudures O r~ ""bjeded 10 int~rmiffent hemy fo =
greoterdi$ltlr'lCe during eruption thon tM ir>eroose wh ich OO;U' in cycl e, of one second or Ie .. and
in root length . In oddi!ion, the ()flset of roo!
moy ronge from 1 . SO kilogram, booed on th e
g rowlh or>d ertJ ption do I"lOl .eem to coioot/e, type of food be in g mo,ticoted, A toolh s~ bieded
Tee'" thot o re mo lfe<med and lock roots also ...-upt
to tnese he~.-y forces, ~xhib it. ~ight me,. """ nt
in 0 nu",ber of co", .
within il$ ,odet a nd .ub,oqvontl y return. to ill
C) Hommock ligament, Accord ing to $icher, o' ;g inol ",,'ition as $OO n as lhe load is remo,ed .
o bond of fibrous ti ,sue e<i$t$ bl:1ow th e root ape.< Wh en 0 tooth i. ""b j&ct. d 10 ,uc h r.eavy
.panning f' om one >ide of the al">o" r wo li lo forces, the tissUfl fluid pre,enl in the periodonto l
the other, Th i. fibroo. tissue opp.eo" to form 0 'pace, bei r>g ir\Comp re.seble, preve nt. mo jor
netwooi below the de,.I"pi,,"" root ond i. r>:;h in disp laceme nt of Ihe looth wilh in the ,ocket,
fluid droplet, . The deve lop ing ,00/ forces ilse lf Therefore the fore"" are tron>m itted through the
ogo in<l tfli. bond of tissue, which in tum appl ie. tissue flu ids 10 the od j~coot ol,wI", bo!1e , Recent
on occiu,o lf.,- direded force on ~he tooth . . twi e, ho, f.own tf.o t the olveolo r bone con

D) Pedodonto l ligam en t lro dion This

bend in ""1>0"'" to heo.-y mo.ticatory force, .
Wheneve r the forc. , 01 mo. ti cction ore
theory >tot"~ that the periodonto lligornarot is rich
$u'klined end a,e more tllOn tl ... usua l o ne
in fibroblo st< that ( """'in controctil . ti.,...., . The
... cond cycle. the periodontal fl uid is sq ueezed
controction of the .. !>"riodo!1t'" fiber:! (mainly the
o ut 000 0 pa in i. felt a. the the tooth is di.placed
oblique grou p of fi bers) re, ult. in oxi'" """'oment
into the pe ri odo ntallig ornent 'poe<! ,
of th e tooth.

, .
HISTO t OGY OF tOOTH MOVEMENT They Iif! .mhln .""lIow ce"",Iono in belle OJ"ed
Howship', lacuna . " c~ng<> in orifInte~en 01
Who~ lore. '" cppl>d o~ 0 looth 10 bri"9 obe'" th e bc-.-y trc becukle il s->..",..,.,I w..,ls e~er
onn.ooe nll c mevo."O""I, if ro"" lh in fo,.mcl;O/1 ef contin ued orl hodcntic 1"0::8 ap piicoti O/1. TM
0 ' ''''' 01 ~ , ...u'" 000 ..,ns ion o'oufld Ih 'lOalh. tro b..cvkl e whl c/1 0'.
u,,"o lly nero ll . 1to the la ng
AtO<l' 01 preSlu,," Oro f"""ed in:l.e d irodion o f 0 ';'of tf-e teeth becom. 1>OOro nlol:y ori""ted i.o.
If..e tooIh m~m~nt, ...Me o'eo~ of '-"siO/1 form perollel m rh, di'tdion <:J orl!.odo~tic force. The
in rh. ooposi~ direcfu<1. trobeaJlo' oct1em !eworlI boc~ 10 n""",,1 PO~em
601le is fiing Iissoe ... hich roocl$ 10
0 d~rinQ "",-men phO$ft <:J!he /reo_'l1.
pressure ond "",,'on in 0 certoin de'ined morne,. The ol1eoc1clts !hallie witH" HOWIhip'1
Bone luriocellbjeded 10 ~UIl'e =".I;oy belle Iccunae ",OM ' .. olbing bone. Vlhe~ the fertes
l'MO'plicol whi lo bona wbilKled lo -..rn.>on !>"bits applied '"' .mhin p/- ySio'ogk li rMs, he resore~
deposilicH1. i, !.eM in th e ofveokl , ploTe im rnediotefy c dice""T
W h. n 0 Too Th i, mo.eel du e to 10 Ih .l igo", ,,,, t, Th is l<it'ld 0' "'$O<ot;O/1 i, <Xliled
oppko~on <:J on O<!hodon~c fomt.iI>o", i. bo.,.. fron<ol 'e,orc~on.
IMOrp~on on the o"' .. u'" .ide ond n.... bon.
a.cnS"'s o.~ ",n l,on side: Th. oree 01 the
io<mation on rh :de 01 ten,ion.
"oOIh opposite 10 ,"" d irect:on 01101"" .. eo lltd
The h'~" chongoesseen during Iooth
-he tension .. de, 0... oWliwtion ot enhoc!on-k
t'IOYe'Ment (fig 1) """I occording 10 Tils omount
one! du,a~o~ oI!oree oppl-ed. The hiro\ogic '0=. the poo'odonlol membrone on the ,en"en
sKle gelf " re' ched. Thu. th e ci,te"'. between
cM nges 'see n during looth movoment co n be
th . o'.eo lar process erld tM tooth i. wider:od.
SlOJCfied undo , TwO head;,..., m :
In cdd itioo 10 I'rtTchif-o;.l of th e periodontal
1) Chonges fo lbwi ng o p pli<XllicH1 01 mil d force.
2) Change. foIb,,; r.g oppli<Xl~on 01 ."'",m.

libe", ""sed vtlKuicrity i........ on the ten lion
,ic\e i~ ,t 0 1 on rh, pmuure ,ide_ TM "'isod
""",,ularity eou"" ,.,obilito~on of cell. IUch 0,
Clt, " t .. follo"""t . ppll.,.II()f) ()I ~brob\onond osteobIosts in th$oroo. In _pen ..
mild lo,ce . te r!>. trocllon, O$Ieoid i,laid down bv osleOblon
in the J>'!"'ooenlollogoment i,.,modiotely oapcenl
Wh.~ 0 lore. is opplied m 0 IOOIh, 0'00' 0/
to the lami na duro. This lig htfy colc~ittd bone In
preIS U'Oond Tension O'C prodIKed.
dve CC<J~ 01 ti me motu,6S 10 form wo ..., bon .
C"" nge, on P"''' u", side' The period onto l
Seco.odary re"'Cl(/e.ling ch enge s Wne ne ,
figomen t in the direction of the toorh moyorr.ert
gels compressed 10 olmost 1f;lrd 01 its o.-iginol
o fo,,,,,
i. o~pl ;ed 10 mo.o 'eetn, the bone
immediotely adjacent .hO'> osteOclastic. end
!hidne... A morked i"""""",, in !he ""lCulo,a,-
<:J periodol'llolljgoment on !his .id.
is obse""Old
.w.eobla,Nc o erlva,- on , .... """"u'" ond tension
.id. ""ped'vely In oddiion, bony chonges oIso
due Io ;~ in OJpillo'V blood IoUpply; Th"
~ ... in blood "'wly helps in mob,lizotion of toke ploc 1.....1>0,. to' maintain the width or
thic~ n ... 01 tho af.teolor bon._ The", cho"Oel
cells such o. fib,oblosl' end ",teodastl.
or. co il ed iK!CO/1do ry re~ in g ch"""9M ~,g 2),
Ostecxlosto a re be"" reso~ng cel ls Tr.oT
Ii"" up eiot1g the wet wo ll on the,e ."de. Foe . ' ampie, if 0 lOath is oo; ng mo.ed in " le biol
Orthodontic II'"


Application of extreme forces

Periodontal Ligament 0 Dellti n

mIl Cerner.lum Bone resorpb:m Bone dep:>Sition

- .
f;g 2 (.<I s.c"""",., ,.m",,"""11
s.c..-.,. .._ n g cf..ogoo _
d>o"~ ... __ 1,.1.,..;,; th o op~liwt"'" ~f 0 bo<f;~ fo. i, I; ,guo l octlon
fdl:noing ....." " _ 0' 0 'Fo-ng "'"" .. 0 II-qool d _

~on the<e is compensatory dooposilion 01 """" bone resorption otCUrs in !he odjocent morrow
bone on me 0tMr,,;00 of tho Icbiol oIveoIar bar". IpoGC ... end in tho olvealc, "'ot. bel"",. behind
:*lie end e l", a compMsotO'1 reso'ption on th e ond ebove tr.. hyolini,ed '''''''. , Thi , ki nd of
~\IO l l i de 01 tro.. Ii~ uo l elveolc, bot1 e Ifig 21 . ",sorpti"" i, C<l 1I.d "OOermi ning Of reol'WOrd
~ ccmpen"',,"", sIrucV:"oI ol!iltatiom "'" i"""-n ,MOo"'ioo.
Ihid<1>MS cl the suppotling 0"->10' proce .. On the tension lide, the petioclonlol
- . though the IooIh mOl' be I\"\/7<O:Id <>WIt' 0 lig(m.n!ge\s~'-sl,eid>ed leading to ....... i"ll 01
::!isIonce ........,1 ~mes grooief thon the thickn~ !he blood -.s<!ls ond ischemio.
ohhe ofve%' ~ pIotel , Th", wh", e.xTremo foo:e is cpp tled ther&
il 0 ne t increon In oSTooe lolt ie activiTy Os
a.nlln fallawlnlt .pplle.tlon of compored to boo, /ormation with tM ,"S<J ~ tt.ct
..-tr.m. foren the tooth becom ... IDOMI oed in its socket.
W! .. '~e.treme """80 are opplied to tooth. ~ In odd~ion. ~in ond hyperemia 0I1he
in ~ru""ng or I0I01 compression of Ih& gi"9"" moy occur duelo application 01 e.Jreme
=-iodon!ollivomenl. On the pro ....." side. the Ion: ... during oo1'hodor ,'" loom mo..""....." .
1Il001 c l o~ ly epp ro'i me !es !h. lam ino du",.
-"prIlltel Tho pe ri odonto l ligorM'lT 000 Iood. OPTIMUM ORTHOO ONTIC FORCE
ID occlus<on oi llIe blood ",ssell. The ligorM'l!
Op~m"," orthodontic force is Doe which _ _
hence deprived of its flI.fIrffior1ol supply leadirog
IDtegnwi", chonges coiled hyolinllDlion. iee!h most fOp;.!ly I... the desired direction, with
In thi' case, the bone connot rewrb in the I....' peuible domoge 10 Imu8 ond ",iIh
..... 1ron101 ~rt;or, edice",,! 10 the leeth. Rath., min,,,,,,,,, petien! d;scomlor!.
Oppenh ~i m and Schwafl ia llaw ing Some nuclei bewtne sma ller (pyLnot;,:)
ext"",ive ,tw i., . tate that the optimvm lorce i, .arne nuc le i di;app=r.
eq uivolMt to th o cop ill ary pu l.. pre .. ure "..h icn 3} Thecompr ..." d oo liagenou. fi borsg rod
is 2026 gml sq. cm of r<X>t ,vrroce aree , From 0 un ite inta a mOre Or Ie" cell free rna ...
clinico l po int of vi"w, optimum orthodontic force 4) i
no, the fo ll ow ing cha racte ristb : ground , ubstonce .
a. Produce, ra pid tOOlh mooement 5} Th. re ~ 0 o w ''''_o,,~ "o<>d ,"",""'"
b. Mini"", 1potie nt diKomfort leading to 'p; llin g of tileir con te nt .
c. The log rJ>o'" of tooth roovement i, mirimol
d. No marl<ed mob lity of the tee'" beirlll rooved
, ,
cmeocloot.ore fo rrn odin

From a histologic point of view the v,e a period of 20..30 hoofS.

of optimum orthodontk; force ho, th e fo ll owing The prese nce of 0
cf\o ract.,,;,tico .
o. The vita lity of the tooth and , upporting tnerefore bone re>orption
" canno! occu ,
periodonm lli gornent i. "", inm ined i, hence not oopobl ~ of fvrth.,- roovome nt
b. Initiote. mo,imum cellula r response tM loca l damaged tissue he, b" " , ,""',,' I
c. Prod""es direct or franto l re.orption The odjocent af.,..d ar bone wol l re.o rb< .
The e limi roation of hYQ lini,ed ti"ue
HYALINIZATION OCCVr$ by two mec hanilm,.

1) Re;a'ption of the af.-eolar bone by """cd",,,

Hvo liniZOlion i. a klrm of ti.we de-generation d iffere ntiat ing in the pe ri phe ra l inta ct
cho racteri=, by/ormation of a deo " eo~ nophiko periodontal membrane and i ~ ad joccnt
homoge-nau vb.tance. Th., hya li nization COn
marrOw $pO".'.
occur in organ. such a< kidneY', lun gs, etc. " 2) Inva.ion af ce lls en d blood ,e,,,,~ from tr..
Hyo lruotion of the periOOooro l ~gament cJe,,01es
pe riphe ry of tho com pressod zo '"' by ",hi,),
o comp r.. ,ed and loca lly d e generot e d th e necrotic li,,""e i. ,emoyed . The invcd irlll
pe riodonta ll 'tlamcnt. c. ll , pe""tro to the hya linized lis<ue a nd
The co,we ntiona l patholog ic proce" of
e lim ina te th e unwo nted fibrous ti" u. by
hya lin i' atian is on" ib le on e, howeve r, enzymati c odion nod phogaq to'i'
hvo li nimtion of the periodonta l ligoment i. a
Greater tn.. forces, th e wider is the a ree
reversible process . of h)<l li nizotion. Thu. klrger Or"'" cfthe 190""",t
Exp e rime nla l evider\ ce, ,how tha t
become furxt"""", tOO.-eD! .<h""";rIIlla rge 0 """
hvo li nimtion of the periodo nta ll igamenl on th~
of n""ward resorption . If lighterforee, are used,
pre"u", side OCOIJl'1 in >orne 0 """ durirlll a lroo,t
!he hyo li nized lOOes are """ lIer <>r>d a larger area
a ll forms of orthodontic tooth movement. But the of functi oning ligament i. ova il obl . T~i. fronl<ll
m""s O r\! wOe<-when the fa r<;<! applied ~ e,"reme.
The marllles ob"'l'/ed during formatio n ore uMd.
re,orption predamioo"', in case 'li.i/hter force,

of hy<.tinized zone. are as kl ilows : The locoti on a nd Ihe exte nt of the

I} There is a grad",, 1' hrinkage af pe riodo nta l
hyclinized tilS"" lorg ly dep~r>d. upo n the nature
liga ment fioo.-.. of tooth movement (fi g 3). In co.., ohip ping tooth
2} The ce ll ula r structure, beoom e indi, tin c!.
A B c

.,.,..,mom, Th o hyol inj'oti on ,"ovid be d ose TO Inltla' ph" ..

",. ol""o iar cre.t ..n ile in co,," of bod ily TOOTh Du ri ng th e inlti ol phe.e . ve ry rooi d tooth
o " ",,,I it """,Id be c;lo.., rlo t+.., middle porlion m"""men! is obser.oed ~ <I ,1-.:>.1 d ~ta rIQI ""'leh
d. ..""",. ~eo::essive loro!sofO appted then stop . This movement 'epre.ent,
~. ., Npping tooth move""",t, il can teSuk in di.plocemenl c4 rho tooth in the periodontal
. . onoas 01 h,ol,nimlion. one in!h, apicol "'5)I0Il "",mb"me .pace ond- probably bending 01
=ICI1he omM in Ihe morginal 0_. bor>e 10 0 ceotoin exlent !:>h...:lies 1\0""
01 .... 010.
The lorm cnd ovtIine oil... odjocenl ,hown thot both 100h! ond heovy I<><tM dlsploce
~r bone olso plays <I rol . in locati on of the tooth to the soma O>:lent dIoing !hil initiol prose
Oiled Q r~.lveas of b:>ny promine nce, 01'
of tooth mo"""" n!.
Ie. ulvo lly ",s uit in OTem of hyo linitation , The toolh movement in the initio l phe se
i. boetwooIn 0.4 to 0.9 mm and ",,,,,11y OQ;UI'I I.. 0
...,.,Ie',; ~me.
ie. hove shown Ihol looth movement
~'through th .... *'II'" (~9 ~). Bul'SlOne
til, JIbe

="'qorie11he .toll" o. : Ou";"!! thi> ~hOM. lilli, or no tooth movemerU

<:.. Initial ~ase <>Cc u". Thi, ~hose "ckoroeten,ed bv lormot>o"
~ log phose of hro lin il~ tl m.'11 in th e P<' riodonto l lig orr\Offit
Posllag pr.a se wnich ho, to be feso,kd before fvrther tooth

IniIioI ph ... L. gph'" Post log phn.

moveme nt "on OCCur. Th~ duration 01 the log oroo resulting "' direct reC<ption 01 bony su rfo ce
phc.. depelld. on th ~ ~mo u nl 01 lorc~ uoed to la cing th e periodonla lli gamenl.
mov~ the tooth. ~ light Iorce. ~re uoed , th " or""
01 hy<l linizotion i ma ll and lronta l re.orption THORIES OF TOOTH MOVEMENT
OCCUr1. If heavy fon:e. are u.ed , If", orea 01
hyali niwtion i. klrg e. Re.orption in thi s co", i. Th e mechanism 01 movement of a tooth by on
ort~tic force i, a . ubiect c1 or>JCing rcsoo rch
rearward ~Ild " longe r log period OCClJ(5 to
for decode .. Numerou. theories have heM put
elimi""te tf", n)'<ll,n iled tissue .
forwo rd to expklin th e SOm<!. The theories th ot
The log phase <J$u~11y e.tend. lor 23
a re accepted and have .toad the te. t of lime are
week:. but moy attime. be '" lon g as 10 week.
The duration of the log phc.e depend. """n a
varied number 01 factors indvding th e den sity of I} Pre"u re ten.ion theory by Se hworz.
2) Blood fl ow tf-.eory by Bie n
olveolo r bone, age of th e ""tient and the extent
3] 1k>ne bend ing pietoe lectri:: th eory
01 th e hy<llinized li.",e.
Pressure !en51Dn theDry
Pod lag phase
Oppenr.e<m in 1911 wostheli... t pe rson to study
After th ~ lag pho.." tooth movement prog r"e.
Ih e ti " u" cha ng e, in th e bon e in Cide nt to
rapidly os th e hyo li rlized tOn e i. removed and
orthodo ntic tooth movem ont. Schworz. (1 932) i,
bone undergoes resorption . Du ring thi s ""sI log
said to be th e author of thi , theory. According to
period, o,teodasa are found over" lorge surfoce
Sdrwo r:, wh eneve r a tooth i ubjeoted to on Siood v. " . I. of th e pe riodonta l li Qo me nt get
octhodo ntic fo rce, it resull> in a rea, 01 pre" ur. tro pped between th e princi po l fibe rs and thi'
and lens ion , Th e orea of th e pe tiodootium in th e re, ull> in their . Ie""" i, . The v.... 1 abov~ the
&ectio n 01 tooth movement i. ~n der p,. "u re , teno, i. th en bo ll oon. re, ulting in la rmation 01
..t.iIe the ore<> of pe ri::>donti um oppooito the Iooth an a ne urysm The , e an euf)', m< Ore minute
........em""t i. und er ten. ion . Accord ing to him, flexible wa ll ed sac, of fll>id .
:he a rea. of pre",u", .<h ow bone ",.orption wh ile Bien WWe. t that the r~ i, On a lteration in
::reo. 01 le n. io n . how bon e depo.itio n. the chem ica l e nv iro nment a t the , it. al the
"" se" or steno! i. d"" to a decreased oxygen leel
F1~ld dynamIc th eo,y in t..... comp re .. ed areo. a. compared to the
'Jio theory i. a lw ca ll ed the blood flow th eo ry a . ten,ion >ide. Th e fo rmation of the<e a ne ury:s m<
cropo.ed by Bien, koord ing to this theo ry, tooth a nd a<cu lar 5I" no, i, cou blood go,.,
..,.,.,.. ment occu'" o. 0 resu lt of a lteration . in fl uid eKOpe into the interstitio illuid thereby creating a
~a m i c. in the periodon ta l li g a m ~nt. Th e laora bl e loco l environ me nt foe ,.,orpti on.
~to lligament occupie, th e pe riodonta l
B<ln e ~ e ndln g a nd pa lzoe/e ct,/c thea_
~ wh ich il confined between two horn ti , ....... ,
,Ies of t ooth moveme nt
.."".,Iy th e tooth and the a lveol ar <ocket, The
:.eriodonto l spoxe conta in, a flvid 'Y'tem mod e A ce nt ury ag o , f arrar 118 76) li" t no te d
~ 01 into",tit",1 fluid, cell ular el"", ent. , bl ood deforma tion Of ~ nd ing of int"",e pto l ol. e<> lo r
wa ll .. H. wa. the fir'$! to , ugg e51 that boM
::-:;" ~;: ,"seou. ground .ub<ta nce in add itio n
, pe ri od onta l fi ber! . It:i. a confin ed ' poxe bend ir>g m::lyr,., 0 po" ible mec",",i.m lor bringing
~ the polsage of fl uid in a nd o ut of thi, 'POX" about tooth movement,
.. r. mited , Th e content, of th e pe riodonto l Pie zoel e ct ric ity i, a ph'e nomen on
igament thu , creote. a uniq ue hydrodynamic o bserved in ma ny cry>to lline maleria l. in which 0
andmon ",.. mb ling a hydrav' c mec"" n ~m and deforma tio n of th e crysto lstrudure prod uces 0
...hock ab50rne r. When th e focce" remo ved , f"", c) el ectric w r rent a. a re, ult 01 d i$plocem ent
:be Ruid is replenished by d iffusio n fro m co piflo ry 01electro ns lrom o ne po rt 01the C/)'$ta l loHice to
.... U, and = iroulotio n of the intorstitia l flui d, the o ther, A ,ma ll e lectrk current i. ge ne rated
'When th e locce appli ed " of short durotion , uch when bon e i. mecha nica ll y defo rm ed . The
c::sduri r>g m::l<ticotion, the fluid in the periodontal po"ibi e ,ou ree. of the electrio CUrTe nt ore:
EIDO!! i, r6 p1e n i , h~d m ' 000 os the fo rce i. a . Collagen ; In bone , col lo 9.o exi. t. in a
~d , But when a lo ro. ofg reate r mog nituoo crysta ll ize<! , tate ond am thus be a wu ree of
::nJ d urotion ~ oppUed '''''h os durng orIMdontic piezoe lectricity when deformed .
lDoth move ment, the inte"titio l fluid in th e b , Hydro xyapatite ' It 01.0 i, ory,tol lino in
:lfriado nto l $pace get, sq ueewd out mld move. form and therelore can produce electricity
-.ord, the o pex o nd ""lYiral m::l'lin, a nd ,.. ull> when deformed,
n decrea,ed Iooth mov"m~ nt, This i, ca lled the
_ ,e fil m elfect' by Bien c, Co JJogcn -h ydro <yop alite inre rfa oe
W he n an orthodonti o IIXUJ ~ o p pHod, ;t Th . junction betw. en the col lage n a nd
~ in con'll"'''"''' oi the p" ri::id crlol ligornent. hydroxyopom. cry>ta l. when bent con be 0
1O<Jr"Ce of piezoelectricity, BONE DEPOSmON

d, The mucopo ly. acch a ride frocti"" of th e

Bone forma ti'e cho nge, ore obse",.d o n
g round .ub.mnce a lt f,ovgh oot crysta lline
ten, ion .ide. h a foreru nne r to th e r
moy a lso P'>'''' .. ..., ability to geno rale electric
bone deposition, there ",om. to be on i
ccorr""t when OOfooned.
in the numbe(oIos~Ia<to which
When a c')'>to l , trudure is defooned, forming cel l,. Theloreovoid II
el"'tro n, migro !e from o ne kxation 10 onath er q toplo,m ond have an ova l n"" le u.
resu lting in an . Iedr'" ch arge. h bng o. the ag o in, t the ba M . urfoee whe r~ ad ive
force i. maintained, th e cry>to l. trudu r. ito bl~
and 00 further electric elf",t i. ob,erved. Wh M
tormatian i. in progress I. e, " ' ' ''''"'' ,1
e nda.t" um and help in th ~ formation of t
the force ~ relea>ed the c')'s to~ retum to the ir , I ,
ori g irKllsholl" and a reverse flow of electrons is minera l solts. o,teob lo.ts increo", in nu moor by
ob.e rved. Thi. rhythmic actN ity produ,e. a pro liforation of tfleir precu rsor cell. (fig 5 )
constant interploy of electr", sig[\o l. woorea, The ",t . ab la.h oro de rived fro m
occa , ianal app li cation and re lease of force pa rava. cu lar con nective ti;; ue cel l" I
produces occa.ioM l eledric si gna l" associated v.ith the blood ,,,,,,,1, _
Pi e zo e le ct ri , . igno l. ha . e two un l cel ~ undergo mim. ond DNA .yntOO'" and larm
charocteristic. , the commit.J a.t~oprog enitor cell . , \Nhe""ver
a. Quick decoy rote: \o'Ihen a force i, app lied , a tf>ere i. a . tre.. or , train due to orthodontic lore.,
piezoel..ctric signo l i, produced . Thi ' elodric the", osteOP'Ogenito r oe ll. undergo inc rease in
chorge qu iokft d i oway to ze ro even fho.ugh the n ud e ar 'o lume ond fo rm the G l .t ag e
fC<"ce is ma intai ned, preo.<teobio'!1 , With lurther DNA 'Inthe~. the G I
b, Wh en the force is re lea>ed, e ledron flo w in . toge preo,teobla. ts tra nsform into G2 , tage
the OppOS ite diredian i ..,en preo, teoblo,t. A, a final , tep the G2 'lOge
On opplication of 0 force On 0 tooth , proosteobia.t; undergo mita. i, and fo rm the
the odjoCM t a lvM lor bon<o be nd,. ArM. of osteobla,,, C<" bone farm ing cell. ,
co nco.ity in bo,", are assocklted >M!h neg atil"e The bone formed pa tlvougfl Ihree
charge. and e.oke bon e ",",pos ition. Area. of . tog "'_Th ey are th o a.teaid, bund lo bone and
corwexily ore associated with positi.e cha rge, and Ihe la mellated bone. The new bone fa rmed by
e.ak. bone re:;orption the a<tea blo. t, i, th e a>teold whid! i. lig htly
When 0 force is appl ied , compre,sian of cokified , A> """" and mare oslooid i. formed
th e af...edar wall occurs ",. ulting in the a l.eo lar the deeper layers unde rgo ma'" cobfioolion and
and medu llary cortim l plat!!> of booo being moved form too bundle 00ne. The fiber. of r., periodorlol
dooeo" t"9"rher In thi. manner, tf>e bone become. oppara tu. 01$0 get attached to lhe bundle bone.
Ie .. ooocove and @ electric sig nal associated When the bunnd le bo ne reoch .. a certain
>Mlh r o rp!ion is e,tob li shed moftJrity, pa rt. 01 it get reorgonizcd into moture
la mellated bone,
Osteoid ti swe, deposited on the ten,ion
.<ide, get. ca lcified rewltirr g in the form oti on of
---~ Commlntd
O.t.<Iprog. nitor

- -.-
Pom, ,,,"lar
p"",,"o. e, lls
1 ~

G1 $1' 80
P"o.ttoIll ..1I

G2s. gt
_tool>l_, 11


19 1
00"" l am~ I Ole. TOe periodontc l liber:! readapt ta BIOCHEM ICAL REACTION TO OR'"" "~
the new po.i!k;.n 01 the tooth by prcliferation 01 TIC TOOTH M OVEM ENT
th e inte"ned",telOne,
It i, known th<lt b-one cell';;"h:;:::~k::~~:
BONE RESORPTION osteob lasts re.pond to an
prolife ration in ord e r to bring abaul
!>on o r orptian i. brought about by ce ll. ca lled
o. teod"s!., They me mu ljin""leated g.,nt c. ll,
deposition 0'""re",rption, Ho""",","", ,~:~:~:::
that occur at the ce llul ar le\'"e l in '"
and moy h(l'l" 12 or mOre nude;, Q,teod",ts fore. are r\Ot tota lly und erstood .
O r~ irregu larfy (1'101or club .foopcd "'ifh bronch ing Wh M a force is applied onto : ': : ;
p.-oc:e"e" They occur in booy li ke depressions in (e.u lt. in a number 01 biophyoica l events
l>one ca ll e d How.hip'. lacu na e and hov e compress ion of pe ri odonta l li gament,
,em inent m itocllond ria, l)'>OSorres and vocuoIes. de1ormotion and Ii"u e inju ry. The.e biophy<i<d
Each of their n""loi "'" a . ing le nucl eolus, The events in turn lea d ta ce rl ain
part of th e osteod:"t in contoet with tr.. resom ing r""ction. ot 0 ce ll ular le"e l wh ich bring
oone ha, 0 ruffl ed OO rde.-, The osteoclost, are b-or-.e remode ling , Th"" a process 01 tra n.<d lldiaa.J
derived from, occurs where m",horlica l energy (orthodO<'l ic
c . Acti va ti on 0; pre. ious ly pre,ent inactive form) i. converte d into a ce ll ular re'pon se .
OIItr'!Od asb, 80n~ deformation and CO rTlp-ression 01

b. Migration lrom adioce<>t bon . th e periodO<1la l ligame nt lead. to tM roloo ," 01

c. Formation of new o,teoda,t. Irom loco l some cxtro-c~ lu"'( silT""~ng molecul e< ca led ~
mOOf<>pfooge. of per;odontolligoment, m ....--.gers. Tf>ey i,dude hormone uch a. PTH.
d. Inll", 01monocyte. Irom blood ves""ls, bea l che rnica l med",tars such os prmtag landins
and oourotran smitters . uch a ub.tance P o rod
During bone resorption three proce,,,,.
va.oadive inte, ti na l po lypeptid e (VIP).
occur in m::>re or Ie" rapid wcc.,,""'. They are :
The first me .... ngers bind ta receptors
I) Decokifi cotbn
present on th e cell surfoce of target cell , a '""
2) DegradetiO<1 of "",tnx
initiote a ..-oc"" 01 intro c&l lulor ~gr"l<l li ng, The
3) Tran,part 01 sol u ble products to th e intra cell uler sig nallin g re,u lts in lormalion of
.. troce ll ular fl~id Of blood vo>culor .y.tem,
,eco,"" """,.", ng"" . which i,-,d ude cydie omp.
Orgon ic acid . ,uch as citric (Kid, ond cyc lic gmp a,"" cokiu m.
IoclO: odd and hydrogen ion, are secreted by the The formation of ,,,,end messengers
(uffled b-order 01 th e o.leoda>t> whi ch increo,es inside the cel~ i. believed to initlote forma tion of
th e .olub ility of hydro xyapa tite I ~ ading to bone cell. nl;lfJl ~ y o.teoda,t. 0,"" o,teoblo,,,
decolcilicotion. which are respo nsible lor bone remodel ing.
The degradation of the motn< i. brought about An o ltorna tive bio lOjl ic pothway fo r
by the activity of B \ {II>o10mo l acid orlOOdontic tooth movement he. been wgge,tcd
protease), Fi""Ifr-, the breokdown products d bone by..ome wnrkers A:cordin g to them, ottOOdontic
ar. tronsported 10 tr.. extrace lkkr ~uid orld blood force res ults in cer\l in amount 01 ti ssue injury.
vasculo r 'y.t(!ffi. Sub,equently. hydroic e<>zym e. ore relea$ed
Summary or 810cbemlcal Reac.tlons
Orthodontic Force

n >
o "


,.",........,--1- ~
Orthodontic Tooth Movement
which oct""t. enzyme coIbger.o.. thot contrWe.
to bone resorpt;oo ,

Bo,.,.,,"'.\ ' A ~""""""ion d ' ho P""P""'I of '"

P""" " >on"', ">,..,..,,,", "" J O"M 1969 " 5"
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i~' P, Rr<J. r , rf.o ""01 pho .. 01 Oo+.odontk
""'.. """'"r:>oo "'ideM", I",,, 00."',,""" ,f ',e
_ <>doni" ,,,0"""'. E,m J Orthod 1993; IS
, ~~9 26J
Col lett A ~. Soo",,, Ag E;, o lO'''' ;o, p h)~ ok>g)
updo'. 000 o,'M,,"'~ ;mpl:,,,,;on,. ""~ Orthod
J I99 I ; 12, 116l n
Do~",, '<h . Z, fkoI< N.....oI""""&'>, ~ ok; "",
ood tO e ,on' m l of 0 ~ 1o, 00 ", ", mo<lolli, ~ '"
(),t~ . . o.o10 " NQrth "" 1988;32,' 11.
, o",;do~'<h.l , r "" ",od,d;"" of C,d ~ Om p b,
crl'->odcrl~ k<....Am J O+ood 1973; 64 , 31~ 3 1 6
f,.. Gw, , Bono <><>fJOing 0 "",,0 of Omodonl <
Tw,h "",",,-t. " " J OrtM 1972; 62 :l8~ 393
G; " ,," I ~ M , 0<>1,,,,,, " 1M B<oko-gko l Oo'~ 01
Ortkodontti. PhWolp",o, loa 000 !'.bi"" 197T
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,oo-,.,,,,,,nt, [)",--,t, a n 0 ; fIO<,h An""'," 1972 ; 16 ,
10 ."'='" RJ, l noo-.-" 5J, o.ov'OO'oitch.M 'On ""'"
"""''''''''. A,og" O"M 1993;63 ,305 XI\'
I I , Jocoooon A , Orthodonlk> _ I 0' ~ ;.
", I obio<'~ ....... J Orthod 19 73; 6, ,1 16
I ~, ~,80"" """"""tfl\l , e.. i Orl.xf 1991 ; 172
I3 PfOt~ \''R, eon .. moo=r o.-tt-.odarl~. , St lou;', co
,1'oob" Im ,
I ., ~ obt~ E!,'""",,: Ho,," book 01 0rl>0d0nI ~ " yoo,
"""" rtM!>d~~1 puo~.""" "",1988,
15. So ... , JR Too" ."""ion
000 Ortf",d-,,,fI;< ",,,,.,.
"".-., Bolio!> Do<.' J 199:1 ; 1< 1. 1<9.
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'"", ,,", J O~M 1973; 63 , 376 ,' 06 ,
17. yo,' i'o,o DK B'x ' o m;,o l p, in<;iplo. of Tooth
~,ont Dont. O n. Of "" .. h ","-,, 0 1981;25,

of Thoth

ve"f bo<Iy conti n"", in it. ~te of rest 01'

force ca n be at 3 level. i.e. d inico l, ce ll ular arod
of u niform motion in 0 <fre ight line, urness stress-slre;n level of octil'ity within the in,. >iir>g
It " compe lled to cn""ll" thot . tole bot force, ti>,ue' which is tr.e Ioost un der>tood . Th ere ex;<!
"'p re"ed upon it [S ir 1100:: Newlon) and teeth no . lre,,.,lrein \IO<JQ~$ , ot ,..""",t. whk h am be
are no exception. ploced with in the periodonti um to evo luote the
Phy~c" Math . mo tia and Er>g ineerir>g , tre_$Ir(l in activity. Therefore. the importo nce ci
are 3 important di,cip li ne. tho! co n effectively b.. th e .t udy of mec ha nic . connot be o" e r-
ap pli ed to the 'Iu dy of orthodontic loath """pho';'ed as olmast 011 th e a .. umptior1, m<Jde
~. a bo ut the ,tre,,-stra in octivity in the periodo ntium
Mechan ic. i. defin ed a, that bronch of are bo$ed on several moth ."""tica l fa<mu lotiom
engineeri ng . d enee that describe. tM effect of 000 canc lusian,
m e on a body. A d ear un derstaooi ..... of the For a better unoor>lardng of mecho nk$
t.eofie. of mocho nios have potentio l oppli::otior\. one ,",au", be lam il", r with the term inology u,ed.
in 3 crecs:
I. Prod .., opplic<Jlion of fore"" FORCE
2. A bette r und . "tond ing of cli nica l and
Force can be defined a. on oct upon a body that
hi,tologica l respo n>e to voriou, roognitlKie.
cM nge' or tends to chonge the stote of rest or of
off0(' .
3. I mp rov in g t he d . , ig n of ort hodo nti c
unifa<m moti on of tMt!>od l.
Be in 9 a vedor, force r.os a definite """gnitude, a
specific direction and 0 point of appli cation. In
Tho, ""po n, " of a tooth to a n app lied
cli nice l prodke it is .. thor a 'pu'n' or Q 'Pu ll . In COUPLE
Ihe metric ' l.tem the un it of '<xce' ~ e'P re"ed in
'gram<. Coopie i, c poir of conce ntrated force. ho""
Orthodont ic cor:ection i. based o~ eqcol m"9n itu de ond oppo>ite dir",tion .....
oppi icoti ", of opprcpr",le fo rce on lhe leeth.T ne pora lle l but noncollin ear li ne of action (fig 1).
f<xce, are ""ne rated by a variety of ortnodontic A couple when CCling upon c boJ, 'm,,11
oppi iOr"lCes. oboe t pure rototi on.


Sire" i. I"" force applied per unit area while , trQin Eyery body <X free obioa "e have, 0. ii it. me" io
000 be defin ed os th o interne l di, tortion pe r un it cor.::entrotod O' 0 . ingle poi~t 00 whic h it con be
0= aerfectly "" lanGed. For phy~ca l coku lation, this
Sire" and ,tra in are in ..,, relaled term. point can be tok e n ~. the po int where th e whole
as , tre" i, an exte rnal force actin g upon a baeiy body wa>]h ' is cor>Centrated and co n be term ed
wh il e , trai" is lhe ,..,s ultant of , h .., on that body. centre of gmvity.
Siroi n Can be ~ <p;eed in h e form ofa chong o Howe,ar, teeth cannot rr\O'>'e in a f_
in eithe , the e"",om l di "e n, ion or inrer",,1ooe r91 man Mr withi n th e foW$ , Th ey o'e re"ricted by
of th e body. the in'e, ting ,i.."e, a ra un d ''''' ir roo". In , uch
a ' ituoticn, 0 "" int 01"10 1090U' to tne contre 0 1
50 Grams
gro,"'Y i, me de v, a of 000 is called tt." cffitr. 01
re~lIooc " .

Centre of re, ille nce of a too,h Ca rl be

deiined as thot point 00 th e toot;' wh on 0 si"il le
force i. pos>cd through it, woul d brin g abovt its
tra n,lation a lon g the line of <><:tion of tne forc.
G~n~ro l ~ th e contre of res ista nce of 0
tooth ~ con,tont. In a . ingle-rooted tooth it lie.
belwe< n <:<1 . third end one ha lf of the roar, opkal
to th e a l,eolar crest while in a ,nu lti . roored too:i>
A th o L~ ntr~ of r.,i.ra nco li e. betwCM the ' oot" ,_
2 mm apico l to ,he lu reotion (fig 21. Th. Ce ntro of
re, i,!{l nce e,i,,, lor ' ing l. tootn, un it. of tooth,
th o ~ nti re dentol arch an d the fow" Knowin g the
bcati<:<1 of tr.e ce ntre of re.i, taflCc is thu , ,ery
im portont in p lan ning app rop r i Q t ~
Two factors which can ch an ge th e

r" 1 (A) ( <>- pie . '"'" Ic<GO! 01 "'"'" ,,,,,,,"'tJ<!e. p<Y<J~

'" ooc~ ot-.. , a"od ""' rig i, """"".. J red or, . :3) O n cd
",,' itio n "of the centre of "" i, to nce or~ the root
length ond olv<x>lar booe Coeight. LC<"'J9"<the r~,
o'eI ~""'" d. 0 =" . ,o>a'
io ' '''' ....... ct or< the centre of r~. i sto n c" wi ll be placed mare
spec ifi c OJis. Orthodontic force . o re mo. !
commonly op plied 01 the leve l of the crow,," of
the teeth . Th~tefc.r" the force. ,""..,00n appl ied
through th " eM !'" of r~' i '~nce of the crowns.

Thu, th ese fo rce , not on ly prodvce 0 lineor
motio n, they 01.0 prod " c~ a rotation .
mom ent of the force i. the refore the tend oncy for
o Iorc~ to prodvce rokl tion ,
,Vtomerl = ~og ni",,"* ci fc.rce x di\tance
(perpend ic ulor di , tanc e fro m ' he , entre 0;
re.i.tonce of t+Je body to , h" Ii "" ci oct"'" of the
forcel_ The unit ci """"urem ent ci mom ent ;.
gro m milimet. " . The IWO vo r>ob.les thot cieterrr;ne
the mo ment of f""e oro the mCl\ln itu <i<o of force

~ , . '"
floj 2 C.,.", ~, ,.,;",,,,,. of ", v',;,,,,,,," ond "' g'. ond the di. lo nce from the centre of re, i5la """ {fig
4), Either o ne of the.e two va ria ble. can be
mC>1 ipJloted 10 proo....ce the de.'red force .\'>leml

A B c
_ ho,," 0'" ".i
"" 3 Cort", o! .,,,,, o-Iluencod by 1M " ,oe k,
,... "",1 I, ,.,." . No""" 01_ " ,
bono (BI ",-,,,,,,, ton. lo" ",,,''' ;0 Q '~", " 01 <00"'"
rJ. ~,tr>c. , !O ,"'" ""'"""'" oeJ ok.r" ~ "Il "'''' ' , ;.,
_ c"""",1 cont", 01 " . ;'-onao
f .. 4 .....",.,.,. " ,01 ," ~ by ","r ipl ~ng he ""","~ ..ode
oi I""", 0,. t ... por,......~
to .... , ,," ~e 01
.... ,dO"" " , oi tho
I ~. cI """""
opicoll.,.. l i' ow i if the olveolor crest j, highe r,
fie centr~ of r~sistanc e wil l M p l ()C~ d rr.or~
o>m "" ll y (Ii g 3 ) Simil arly th o morpho logy on d CENTRE OF ROTAnON
!he numb<!<- of roots alro inf l""""e tre location c<
Centre of rotot"", is a po int, obout whkh 0 body
foe ce ntre of re,;, jm ><;e
ap pea rs !{) ha ve raloled , o. determ in . d from it>
MOMENT initia l and fin a l po' itions,
The Cef1tr. of rotatio n ~ 0 vuricb lo point
Moment can t>e defin ed 0 ' 1M measure of and ch an ge. accord ing to the tv .... of tooth
rotol;ol\a l po", ntiol of a lorc" with re",,~d to " moveme nt. It Ca n b.. ot ony positi on "" or oli

l ./
.l. ..',


\../ ,...
A 8 c
'It ~ c.- 01 ">"01.,., W'" "" hoI",1
~~~;,p~H' ... _o_
clo'ng ,""' .... Iod ,.".ng (Q ......" 100..,
.... 0._
_ ..-.uri"""
... '-"..-"..10<11 "'*'II
d.n-.g ...... _.,.

I~e loolh [fig S).

E.g- In Co.., dconlro ll~ crown lipping,
the cem'e 01 ",lotion will be 01 the roOI OJ!"" whi~
in cose 01 0 perIed translolion ~ "'ill be at in~nily.
In dinical p'adfce, me tooth """,11y
IoIlowson ~porh 10 rfIOd1 lis fonol position,
thus changr,g """"""" al raIoIla1 _",I fimes.


S. ~g
Tr.e ptime moli.e o f o rtf>:x!onlic lrealmonl i, 10 6 Up'ighti.-.g
ma.-ethe I..,m;,-to more fo.'OIUble and con'ecleo'
position., In the psO<e!S oj oc:hieving mi. gool,
th81eefh undergo 0 variety oj rTIO'iefI1tm, in all TI,,1"4
!he 3 planes d $pOO!: i.e. 00II11101, coronal and Tippirlg is 0 ''''pletype 01 tooth ~
tfan.-.e. TooIh """"""'"' ........ n theorol cavity o single 10"" I,opplilld 10 the CrtIW!1whic:h......,1ts
<;On be lilleo' as follow>: in o'nO'<emGnt d!he crown in the dif8dion 01 tne
I. Tipping fon:e ord the root ;" rl~ "P\X>SI'Io dreclioo. i <pping
2, Bod ily """,. men! is coniide red 10 be th e ii mplesl a mong Iflo Tooth
3. Inlrulion """,.menTo, II co n be o f two Iype. :
Conlroll~d Tipping: Contro ll ed tipp irog of
roots bock ~ get poro ll "1orie ntation i. termed

looth occurs whe n tooth tip ! obout centre of uprig hli ng .
rototi on ot it, ope<. Here th ere is 0 li rog"o l Althoug h th ~ . e ore t h ~ commonl y
mo.em.nt of the crown with mini mol mo.-me nt MCounlered mo.-menl, with in th e oro l covity, in
<>I th e root in lobiol direction o mort! """,tif", opp rooch the Iooth mo.ement,
CM be do"ifi ed bo. ica lly inlo Ihree .
Uncontrolle d lipping : Uncontro ll ~ d tip pin g
<>1 0 tooth de"ribe. 1h. mo.ement ci a tooth that 1. Puretron,,,tioo
occu" about a centre of rototi"" opicol to ond
2. Pu re Rolali on
....ry d os e to th~ c~ntr~ of , i, ton c. . It is
3. Ge ne ro li>.,.j Rolction
chorode<ized by tr.. crown mo,;r>g in one dired"" Pitre tr.n.'et'on
while the root mov~. in the c-ppo. ite dir. ction
It occurs when 011 po ints on the tooth move on
Bodily movement eq",, 1 d~tance in the .orne dirodion . Thi. is
broughl oOOu! when lhe li M of ocli"" of en
" the line of oction of an opplied forc~ pos.e.

hough the centre of re, i. tor.::e of tooth, all the
ap pli ed fore . passe. throu gh tho cont, . of
re. i. len e. d a tooth Pure lran .lolioo con be of
points on the tooth will move on eqvo l distonce
in th e , orne di rect ion . ig nifyin g
bodi ly
three type, :
tf"plgcement. Th is i. ca ll ed tron. lotion . 1 Inl""""
2. E><Irvs""
InUIt.'on 3. Bod il y mo ve me nt im e'io d i, tol, lob io
li ng""l)
" tnJ";on i. the bod ify disp"cem ent 01 0 tooth
0lon9 it. 1""9 oxi. in on opicg l direction . Pura ,ot.llon
E1tru. lon A di . p"c~m~ n t of lhe body, p, odu ced by a
couple, charoc:teri,ed by the centre of rotoli on
Dfrusion i. the bodify displocement of tooth co in cid in g with the centre of re,;, to rocc i.e. th e
olonQ its long o<i, in on ocdu,o l d ir~dion .
moveme nl of po inl. of lhe loolh along the area
Rot.tlon of a d rcle . with th o cc ntre of resi,ta nce OOing th o
centre of Ih e cirde. Pu re rotation. con be divided
~Iolion. ore lob iol Or ling uo l mo.ements of 0
inlo 2 tyll"s :
IooIh o.ound it, long a,i.
Tron"~ ,,e Rolali on : TI,o.e looth di"" lacem enhl
TorquIng durin 9 wh ich th e loog -ax;. orie ntation c,,"nge"
E.g. Tippi ng ond torquing
lOrq ui ng con b., considered o. a rev~ rse lipping
L009 oxi. rolali on . Hen: Ih e an~ukJt"" of the
ct.o rodNi,ed by li ngoo l mO.em""t 01 th e root.
Ior>g -oxis" 001 altered. E.g . Rotation of a tooth
Uprlghtlng orour>d ii, long ox i.

Ourir>g Ot'f-odo!1t<: trealmMt, tho Crow"" cicertoin Generll/ud 'otatlon

teeth will be lipped in 0 me,io-dr.10 1dirodion with
Any movemMt Ihal i, 001 pure fro",,,lion or
f..e ro-:::ts ti ppe.J in the oppooite ""'1'. Tippi ng the.e
.olotion co n be dosc. ibed 0' 0 combin ation of
\. ....
\" ...

i-' "."
... ....... ".......

\0 A B -
\ ...

..... .....
\'" .
\ :'~
, .,:.,,.

\ ....... " ..
.. , .-- ' , \
, D

\ \"


"'" 6 'i..... of 1000, """"""'0' '" U, ~o '. "' led \ vf ~~ :3) C()O!mlleO ,.,..-.... i~ T",." ,'of"" ID'/ T()fq ~ fI\l '~i Ur:<i\l h-;'l\l
IF! ROIot or. iGi "'",,-on II~ En""",

Interrupted Force
- -


&o!h tronslolion ond rofuIion o.-d con b. t~"ned E.g. light wire oJ)plronce.
~n1ed roIotion. This type of N\OYe.-.-tco~ Fo ' on opplionce to deii . .... conlinuOOI
~ seen dvring rovtine din ica l prodice . face. If-.. o~io """ ccmponenls should be f-i,*"
fl exibl. ond the OClivoti on must be don e 10 0
,elo~' ely low fo ,ee le' . 1. Thi. i. b-eccIV Wl
<:on~noovo force1 oro .. ped'ed to bn"Q obout
,. is woIl.~ by the pio".,.,,, in the JUbtec. a
diHld resorption of !he root soc'<et. They should
..,.,Iocdulion is !he diocos<t in onhodoo llic:s,me
hence not mont th:m 0 .moll pan:entoge
deM~et, il$ medicine. It i. the,b, ...,.,
of blood """,I. with,n the per;odor>tolligornenl
.-.po~o'" lor the di,,;oOt"l to use hi, knowled(llt
o.-d not 1ubslonliolly ~ ...-ith tho;, nutrmo",,1
0"Id c:<.pener.ce '" del"""in,ng the l, pe . omou'"
wvrtt Mo reo-..... th e co",;"oous fon:e cycle
en! di reenon of force required to b<ing o bovt
indu de. no ,e.t po,ico' OM little int" ri" r~nce with
Jlicie<,t treatment resu la.
norm a l biologic IUnc!ior>i"Q within the ~ft Ii ...,e
80sed ",, !he duroti,.., d a~ icot;on.
"a" be t~ eroted.
!oru COn be di .. ded into ;
1.Cent..,,,,,,,,,IofQO f"t"",lIte" t to,,,e
2..lnrermille'" force
k i. an odive otIhodontic: force that detIJYS 10
J . lnterrupted torte
",0 mognitvd, or neorfy so ~ to the ne.I
Canth,u".., ta,e, oppoi"'me"'. E.g. RemCM:Ible oct..... plotes.
f o' on opp liQr"l(;f: to de live, inl&rmittent
is on octi ve orthodo ntic fore&thot deCfOOJOJ
Ion;~. the oppl icn::e cCt"np""""" o.ho<.Jld f>o-<e high
.RIle in mog nitude beiw. e<1 appo intment period l.
. tifln e" ond the in itiol <>d,,,,,tion . hould be tw'o
th e expected corre'ponding ,oft. ti ss ue
d. formot""" Due to 0 reiotively high octi"oti on,
a greater force ~ exerted on tn., !eeth. Thi ' lea",
to ur'ldorm ining r. '""ption aM corre~ing
tOOlh movement. Orxe the toom ha, moved, 3 "0<0''''
th e fo,ce will decoy conidero~1 so that repo ir oi IOo!" "",...". nt ,

tho nec rooed .oHtinue ond resumption of ~O<XJ

. upply occu" within the periodontium
I<m j Ort--.:.d 19a4
Md-." ,l R "''''''0," . :".,;;,,2;
Be Do-:;<.Or Inc 'l-.OodeI,:"io , 1990
, ,~'o,,~ ..
5 P.d.H Wit eonlO..-.""",,, O.-thodontb," ' -'" "I
,.,." ....,' 98-6
lnterrllpte rj fore. 6 Rob. " J N;, ol" 8 oo ng " dn 'Q:;',::::~
O"'odon ' ;, ,I'.oc., on ;<. l, " ~
It i:I on orthodontic or orthopoodk force that i:I Ph "., ',"" " 1985
inoct ive ior interva l. of time be twoen 7, of tooth rno-.-e.,-,.,,-,l ,
Sm ; "",!<.~ ()1"", ,I'.~t-.on ~ .
j Orthod 19S<; B5, 2,5_3():)
appointm ento. lt ofton e,hibito, C)'Cli c, 1000g.term 8, T'.omo. hi G<o,..-, Robe" l VOM"""I , o-t-.o

''' '<pri''' ....

mognitc,Oeti me pottern. e ,g , force exe rted by en d-:mk> ocn1 ood """" ...... , "''''''''" . -
_ extra -ora l epp li ooce warn on ll o' night. b<>ok .... ,
For on interrupted force to t>e do livored,
the pro_req ui'ite. includ e ,
0_ It should de li, ... hea\')' force"
b. There ,hovld not be ony forco decoy
c, Tr.ere .hou ld be a ,pecific mognilude-time
pol1<lrn fer e,omple, 200 300 gm. of force
10 .14hovrsadoy,
d, Tn.. inactive pe riod 01 each day mu,t be
' ufiic""'t to keep the periodontcl li geme nt
hea lthy CNIY tn., tota l pe riod af ti me of use of
th e epp li o",""
Th in king in the normo l "101, it might
ocCur to u' that a conti""""" forco moy !;.-ing
about a continl.'OVO moveme nt Or on in creased
force moy Ieod to on increased tooth movem""t
Sut, the.e e.. umpti on, ore furfro m roolily both
in tl", clini ca l and ce llul ar context. The rat.. of
Iooth mOVOme<1t i$ high ly d. p" noont urx>'! the
complex biologic re'ponse, to the voriov. types
of force, which 0(0 yot b be d eo rty "",".rstO<XJ,

Note TI,. ""rm iolerrvpled and inIe<'",'n"", 10<,0'

a '" ifile<pceled '" d<'I!0<,,,,~ WIlt' b)- o';I{"""", a LIIho,-,.,
The obov.. ,_~io.->ed d"""iphoo j, ba=i C<l Rob<.t
1. Nikaioi', descr,'phoo 0.' the ~".<>o.\oW
T ooth """",,,,",,,1 during <>r1hxIontic thernpy
il b<oo ght OOOvTby lorce. lI"~roted by
tne ad .... com_I< 01 an orlhodonlic
~1ICCl- The Iort:e <.-:110m""" teoih;, derived

Anchorage during onhodontic th . ,OIl'/ is mainly

obtained from two~.
~I'I'I certoin onotomic o ren, which oct o. I) InIm-OfOI K>UA:e.
ancI>ors, kcordir>g 10 Newlon', th ird law of Z) E.I",o ro l sovrce.
lOIOIion, for every oction the re i~ o n eQ1Xl 1 and
DPJIC>S'1e ,""""".,. In occOl<>nce "",/h thl' Iaw, Intra _or.' IOP'e..
foe 100:.. used to move tee'"
may Induce on The inmIoml SOuR;eI of oncho",1I" ind<.d ......
~ gnd _ _ len;. on the anchorage unit<
I""', alveolar bone, ..... 00..,1 iow bore, and
-..di"d 10 <:OuSe t~i' mo.....ment which il no! ..... m"Kukttv~,

dairobIe. The ""'>!once!ho'r th., onc:f>otoge cno.
. 'o!hes.. lI!1""'"te<l IOOth move"","" is wiled

Gto~r hOI deFined onchoroge in

The teeth : ~e '
Klm e 1""lh ore moved
..... remaining leeth d the oml
COI'iry con oct ,,. onchoroge or ",..-.!once utlits.
c.thodontics 01 the natu." ond del/ree 01 "", is dve 10 "'" Iocr IhaIlhe teeth IIlemselves
~G to dispbcernorvollored by on onoTomk
con resi,t """",me~! . n.. c nci>orog e poIent",1
r i lorthe pvrpose of effec:ting tooth fI\OWIm enT. of_ h depend. on 0 numbe roflodo<1 $u ~h o.
Accotding to White and Gordin'f, 'Anchotoge i. lOOt 10m>, root .i""
number 01 (ooto, JOf!eng!+>
"'" tile ol deli ... ry from which 0 10101 it e><etted.' one! root indhrtiotl.
I. Roo< form,' Tn., andlorog e patentic l oJ a tooth remodel ing
deper>d . I<><g oly on its root fom> Crass section. Ba,,,1 bon e : Cer"klin Orea, of the bo.ol
of root, can be 01 th "", type.; rov r>d, fIot ar>d bon o, a re availab le in trao<a lfy 0' sou rce.
trk"'gular, ~our>d root, 0 ' "'." in bku.pids ar>d ancr.orage . Th . ", orea , ioc lud o tho hard pa la>r
pa la tal root 01 mO<il lory molars can re,i.t and the li ng",, 1 , u rlaee 01 tM mondible in t
horiI ontally d irected forces in any direction . Flat region of tM root., The ... i,""~m l "" d '''~''i '
root., for example th o,e 01 mand ibular inc ~ors !xl",1borw: can be vsed to ovgm ent m-amaxillo<r
or>d """A" or>d th e
buccal root. 01 maxi llary or inter-maxil lary anchorage ,
moIa", can fe,ist movement, in the me~od i stol Muscu/alure , The normal tonu , of th o loc:iaI
direction but have liHle re~,tance to movement
an d ma,ticatory mU$CIe. pi"y' on important rot.
on the thin ed~, lound on the ir bucoa l and
in tM norma l development of donta l arch ...
li ngual . id , Triangu lar root. 01 conin e, OM
Aooormo l hypotooic mu,eulature cau,es Il anng
maJi llary central and lateral ind. "" a Her tn .
ami 'pac in g of teeth wh il e hypo rfonk mU$Cleo
m",imum r." i, to,,(" to di.piocemoot compa red
""ert restrictive forces in a lingual d irection . Denial
to rooM or flot rool lorm s,
ondmrag . ma y be ino-eased by making u... oi
2. Size ond numu r of roots . MultirO<lted teeth hypertonic lab ia l musculoture o. in tho co.. of 0
with IOfge rooto nave a greater ability 10 with. Ii;
lip bumpo r.
tress than . in gle rooled teeth .
3, Rool knglh " In phy. iaiog io caM i!ian" the
,oot longth indicate, the depth to which th e tacth
Cerkl in . xtrooru l area' ~On be utilil..d 0, 5OUrLe>
" embedded in bon o. The longe r the root, t he
01 or>eMrag e to bring about orthodontic or
dee".,r it is . ", bedded in bone and the greater i,
ortr.op:,ed o:: chClO""J9"S' They a re mainl , used when
H, re>i.tor>ee to displace men!
adequate re, istanoe con,..,t be obta in ed from
4. Inclinotion of Iooth , The axic l ind ination 01 a
intraora l ,oure", lor th o purpose 01an chorag .
\::lot, is imporlo"lnt in a .... ssing its vo l"" a . a sou rClO
Th e e<traora l 5OUrce. 01 anchora ge includ e the
01 anchorag e A gre ot . r re , iMan ce to
w Hli um, the back 01 th e ned: or>d the focial
di,plocem ent i, offered when the force e><erted 10
move tMth i. oppa' ite to that 01 t he ir axial
i", linatioo, Cranium (occipilal or parielal anchorag e);
5, Ankyio,ed teeth ; Ank~o.ed teeth are directly b t rooral anchorag e can be obtained by using
l i,ed to too alveolar bone and h. nce la c~ a hea d gears tMt derive anchorage Iro m th e
periodooto ll igOO1ent, Orthodootk movem ent 01 oc~i pito l ar parietal reg ion of the cra niu m. The,.

weh teeth is no! po"ible and th ey can therefore d. vi<;e. or. used o long with 0 foco bow to "" trkt
, erve a, """,,. IIM t oocho" when""er po"ib le, max illa ry growth or to move t ne d."tition o r
maxilla ry bane di,to ll y,
Alveolar bone; Th e a lve o lar bon e that
, ufroond, a tooth offe rs resi,tance to tooth Ba~k 01 Ihe neck (c ervi~ol a nchorag e):
move ment uplo a certo in amount o f Ioree. I'Io\-,en Eidraornl or.chorage C<ln alternatively be oCton od
the force opplied exceed. a certain lim it, the from 1M ned: orce rvica l region, Such a typo 01
alvoolor bone pe rmits tooth movem. nt by bone hea d gear " ca ll . d cerviw l rn.e>d gear.


tho ""' """ 01 lor<. 'ppll'lIlon , Slmpl .. ""<lho'.,..

I )~~
It i, defined 05 d ~ n t o l o""~o,,,ge ;n w~ ; ch the
21 SllltionarJ rdrr,lO
3\~ .~ago
roonner & ClPpl icotior1 of force i. >uch lhal il "nd.
A,oordlnl 10 J..... l"oI>.d : to oho nge Ihe o'iol incli rlOti<ln of the tooth or
IJ lojr ......aary Ie.lh Ihot form tM orKhorogo un it in th ~ pi """, of
l) ~'-t"'Y 'PO e.. in which lhe force is being applied, Th u.
A,oo"l1"" 10 I~ ,II' ot . n,IW'IO; the "" isla nce of tho oncholOge un il to li pp ing i<
ulilized to mave another tooth or teeth,
l) ~ 'U """ ,
A, Cer;lcaI
Simplo an ohorog e i. obloin. d by engo ging
S, 1Joc\:III_ --.ilh lhe a ppliarKe a gmator numbe r "il..elh Ihon
C. er,.,ia are to 00 within the >a me donto l orch (fig

,- D. Fld'"

A.,ording 10 t ~ numb" of . n, ho"I' ",its:

1J. The combin ed root , urfooe orea of lhe teeth
farm ing tho onchoro ge un it mvot be double that
of the IMth to be mo.ed . Thu. the re>""e
I) So.,;. or prirIwy iO'd!"'J"
l:i Co~ .nchor,lO
Offered l:.,. It,;,' a r)Choroge un it is greater tf>on tf>ot
3) MIJIipIo
or ,_
off",ed by too tooth or tc\if.'be:;ng mo.ed k,
e,omple of <impl e an d'K,ragc ' i, give,n in fig 5/,
where a po lotoliy placed promo., r 'I pu< h ~ "
N1cia J bon es Th e fronta l bone and th e bllC(Jlly --.ith lhe ",\I oftOO leelh in tr.. denta l arch "
..,.",.jibvlor.~ ofFe, c:.-.choroge c:l.oing I:xe al Ihe or'IChor unit"
'Ox'" the rapy in order to proIroct the moxillo ,
He<l d geo", Ihol mokes u, e of onchorog e from
!he foreh eod and d, in a re ca ll ed ,eye " e It is defir>ed a5 de nta l onohoro~e in wI1K:h the

~ ma nnor & opp li calion of forc~ lendo to dispklce

Ihe ancho-roge unit bOO ily in tho pla no ci .poce
;~ wh ioh Iho foro~ i, be ing opp li ed. The
anchorage provid ed by 0 tooth "" i, li r>g bOO ily
move me nl i$ co nside rab ly greate r t""n one
resiotir>g tipping forco.

R."lp,a".1 .""ha,.g.
Th . lerm gen erolly refers ta the '. l ish:...::e offered
by two mo lposed uo it, when the di .. ipotion of
equa l ond oppo,ile forces ,,!"ids 10 move each
.{,i;il lowo rds 0 more """"01 ocdu .ion. H. re two
le,",h or two grOlJp' of I.elh of equol anchoroge
F" 1 Y",pIo O"""""l" - """"""bIo ,ppI_.
'''''''''''OJ.... 0 ",," W fo, b"",01 "'''''''"''''' 01 0 va lue ore roode to move in OI'po, ite di",ctions,
,do"" pI"od P"""'''' E",mplel of reciproca l OI"I<:MlOQ e indude closure

flg 2 loci"""aI ~ : W c..._ of ..-.r...
d"-.. "" "II .100-;:., aJ) fOlgoof"";"II' osod to doot
Mldlno d...."'" Ie, C,,,..,,,,,, ""'~I 10< "","""," 01 '-"<I~ ~ pao>ooIor ere...~ . (0) "'"do.,..,....O<I"WQ.
, , _ '. _'ionco "'''''''''"'''110 Coli" "P'''II

of 0 mid line dia,te"", b m",, 'ng the Iw<l ce ntro l

inc:ioon toward. ~ ~. The use ci cross!>!.
etoS/a and dental o",h tl>IP<Insion ore ort.,..-
e>omples of AKiprocol onchoroge (hg 2).
I~ft ,., clter. ,.
AndIcroge i" w~ich all the .... illonC. IIn it, orc
, ;t<JaTOI'd wiThin the oro l cavity il t,""cd inTrno rol
c n ct>oro~ , The teeth to b.. moved 000 the
"""tom le a reas IIlat oIfera~ ore a ll within
me orol covrty. Voriou. in!roOfol anatomic unil:!
rho! moybe employed ore the teem, polcrte end
lingual oMooiar bon.. r:J "",ndible.
~.d,.o,.1 a/lello,.,.
Atlchoroge in wh ien I ..... ' .. istonee unill "re
siruotod QVtI ide the ami (.(lvity isTe<med ell",,, ,,,1
anchorage. Va riov. ex!", orol Or"IQ10m ic unit.
f" 3 !" .,, ~In of ...""",, 1<>XI""O(jO '~ """"',,,
~"'''.';1;." . f mo,HIo o'","'=<j. ~""'.". , .... on<
0<; . III) 0<W1oI """" _ """""_ f""" tlooo CII'ok.<A

used os >ilea of ttilIIOnCII Ore ocdpul. bock of

foe ned, CIOnlun and /ace. E", m?Ies of cd"oorul
cnd>o'oge in dude The vse of heod gea" IMT
deri~ a..a.oroge from The ,,,,,,\col or crcn i<l l
region. end lace me ... TnoTden,,,, """ho", 9"
!rom the lodo l bonet (fi g 3).
Museu/., .nehor.,e
.. cenoin co,"" !he pe.ioral mU1Culotu re i, B
emploved o. 'esilionce unito . Muoculor f'll 5 1IoQ,-' o.<~ , (Al Clo .. " _ ...... " 0 ..
~ III C... Ie Honn<n<ikr, """",,-.
.. ocho.og~ mok ... use ollorres "", ..oled by
......d... 10 o;d In the movem.nt of teeIh. M
e.omple of mVKllIo, ondIc>"'9" is the use of 0 Inl.,multl. ry .""ho,.g,
Ip bumpe, 10 diSlOlilll moIofll~" 4). Ancho'09t In which the .... Wonce un~. s~uO!ed
ifI 0"" jaw ere use;:! 10 elfed tooth m""",,*,' in
Int.emumary .nchorag. Ih, oppos ing je w i. ca ll ed in le rmo.i ll or)'
When 011 the unil' offering relislo""e are siluoled enchoroge . It il 01K> lerm ed Bok~ l, """h,, 'oge.
within Ih e IQ me jaw The onchoroge is dewiiJ.ed C le s. iI elcrsli c I,oelion (fig 5.0) ap pli ed b-elw<x! n
'" intro mexille ry. In th il lype of onchorag e the lhe \ow&!" ~a r ond uppe< e nleriofS o. we ll 0$
fttI! 10 be fnO'o'ed ond lf1e e""I>o",1I" ""its ore Cless III el:nti<:~ op!>ied beIwee<1 1M uppe<
oII.ituo\ed ,i!her entirely ",the mo .. llary Of the molor o<1d ~ onleno .. (fig 5.b) ore types of
mordibuio. o..:he.. intenno>lill""'10n.:horoge
ReInforce d Or multlpl .. anchorage

An c horag e in which .no" ,han one

"" i,tanc~ un it i. u,jli zed i. termedI ;,~;:'::~: 11
anchorog e. Rei "for~" d anrha-ag e "
augm entation of anchorage by .ariou. m OO ",
such as extraoro l app li ance>, uppe r on reriOf
inc li M d pkme o r 0 tronspatO'<l ) arch con .-.eding
the tv.'o maxi ll ary molar> ,
Afx!ra o ra l' loree , to Qligment anc horage:
,, Force, 9" ".rated from e>traora l arem , uch 0>
,, cra ni um, back 0; the nock and loee ca n be u<ed
I to rci nforceo ro<:ho.-ag e.

B Upp e r (Interior inclined plane A

A remo{Jb le app ia nce irl ccrporotmg an Uppel
a nterior ;r.:;li nod pkJn e re.uit, in fQIWard g lide of
the morid ib le du ring da.u re o f th o jaw (ti g 6 .a).
Thi' re, ult, in ,tret~h i r>J of tho re tra do.- muscle.
af the mond:b'e ",""cn wbseq u"ntfy controcl> and
tocco. th o mand ible against the uppe r indi ned
p la " e . Th us 0 di' tol force i. opp l;ed o~ the
maxill ary tooth rnorohy rcinfo rci<>g ma dl ory
ordlo rage, A mod ific()!jo rl O'f the <Y1teria" in di ~
pa ne ~ the S.ed appliance thm ho, "" odd it"",a\
uppe r incisol ca pp in g (fig 6 .b) ,
C. Transpa iota i ofch Tn i. is 0 wire that
spa ns th e pola te in a t"'n"e",~ d irooion 10" '.
f .. 6 ~"'~ oi ,.....""'. 0 0"""",- ("1 Uppo< 0 ~"'.,.
",d "od '*"" WI oW....,.

S Ingle or primary ancho,age

Co,"" wr.xc in the ",.i>l<)l)(;e plU':OOd by 0 , iogie
Iod!, with greate.-o lveo:1lr <upport i. u>ed to m Ove
anothe, tooth with IQ"er !.Uppc.>rt j, telered to as
sing le or prima ry anchoro ~

Compound an c hor" g~

~ v.-r.c ,c the rc,~taoce provided by mo re

tho n 0""' tooth with groote' , uppo rt i, u>cd to
""""e tooth v.itil 'm." support ~ ce ll "" co r~ "d
or0>o roge.
connoding *'" G", perrnor.en. mo'o" 01 eother
side [fig 7) .They Ote used in fi>.ed med>ono


~e ploMing i, of vtmQo! impOr<lnc.Io'

_ .UCC<IS. of Otlhodonl;,: ...eatmo ..... P~or to
initiol"'" 01 OfIl-o:xIonlic thefOP\". ~ is e _ a! to
(Orefu'ly ouess the onchOfOQe demoods 01 00
indMdvaf cose SO thol oppropriate treol,.,....,t
...adol;!;... con be e. ecvtttd . The O"'"01"ooe
a numbor of foCIo"

I. Numbor 01 l ee rh being moved, The

gte<J'efthe number of ~th be,ng mOWJd, 'he
greoie' ;' the demand on the onmomge.
2. Jype 01 rHIf> ""ing "'~ ; The moYetnent ~
.....lender OnlOn.:.-1o>e1h oI!= ~ .. ro,n on the ,I
~e thon robuot mul!irooteo' '"tho
J . Typ e 0 1 /oo rn m Ol-ern e", Whene ver
':''-' ,
.. .. ~'.

bod,,"," t<>Oth movome nt i. req uir ed, the .. is 0 . ;....-

cr-oltr Itroin on IhG ar><horoge . In COf't'~" ,

Wng loot+> movement. oK.... a "lali.oly lome,
-.oin on rhe anchorogo unih.

4 . Durotion 01 tootn """,eme,,1 ; Treorment
.... 0 prcIon!;lttd du<o1ion ploc ... on undue o!to,n
an !he onchofoge.

Booed on the abo~e menr~ foctors, The

onchorage demand 01 a parti cular poti lffit i.
dc!ermined Case. that ho"" 0 high oncho'<l(lO
mquiftll"ent need neinloro:ment oIlhe anchOt'l:Jge
bran. o. mc<e of the voriovs mean$ rnentioattd
eorl;e,. In $pile of tho pr=>utionto'<en in p'onrirg
oncho' oge, 0 certoin omoun! 01 unwonted c
lIIO'I'eme nt ollho cnchor teeth inlfOrkobf.,o occur>
during orthodo nti c tr""tment. Such uowonT""
f, 6 Cbc"~orIo ' <>' _-c,. &~ , W ""'-'""~ '"
0" ' 0' 00' II I ,v.oOoo , on<," oro iCi Mi, "'"'"
lIIO'I'emenTSof oncror '''''Ih i, co il ed 'anchorage ~,~
.....Based on the oncho, age fa .. thai i.
peftrl lnibl" rhe andM:m'!!" de ma nd g/ on
eodnldionca.. <;an be oI ....... 1'1Pf'S i.e. """';mum
onciloroge, modenJte onchofIJ~ and minimum
ol\Chora~ cose (~g 9).

M.xlmllm '~C"O'"'. cUeI

101 <;DieS where !he onchoro~e demor.d is very
high, rl()t more Inc. .. 1/. '" of the e:drodion lpoee
shou'd be lOll by Iorword ~ 01 Ite anchor
t... th. n. onchoJ<)9" in tt- pol;.".,,. ......,Id be
ougrnenled too_oid u......,nted movemem oIlhe

Mod. , . ,. 8/1cllo ,_ " .....s

In these <;0$01, "'" ondIor ....... can be permitted
to m~ Iorwordlnro ''''lI to InoFlIoe e>S>oclio"

Mlllimum enc hor.,_ "8105

In these CO""', th o ancho ro "," deroorod is .ery
low. Mo'e lMn hoI! the &xlroctlon spoce con be
lost by The onchot tMth m<wing mesiolfr.

1. Gtot.. 1M , ~ . IITD,... -t pnx!Ioo.

W8!.o ....... ,988
2. _ Wl: Coo,_ary OrIhodonlo, !II loud,
3. ",.,... f - . Hond boo!. 01 0 - . _
boaI< _ , p"bIo~ 10<,1 988.
. 1lIoMoo M GtoM. ..... ~ \Ianondo l .~.
Iia'w,'" p<ft:ipi.. ond ~ '''' Mo1Or)'OOr
boo< IIIC, 199.
-';.,...!.:I ..,.:...~ ~ ~,.,..,. ~
~ ~ ";"'40- ';;;-~ I .,.:.:. ~ys.
~jl~ J ?';':- '-4-3 ~I J,.;,.. t'"
~~~';""I.:"""';~ J

Factor in

;mpottant cons'deroffM in ~,!it c. IWsI dee!! bite

Af; diollnos;' and treatm ent ,H a nning Is the

of the potient. In cddifon ege fodor'S
duence !he '""",! mechonio end porogr\OSi$.
d Flush IIIrmin,,1 plone
e. U g~ du ckli ng . tog e
I. 5econd deep b'1e
These malocclusions ere consid~d
DlAGHOSIS AND AGE nr::nnollo. !hOI oge end need no Ire<JlJ'n8nt o.
!hey gel COfreded oVlomaticol1y o. th. 011"
D;allnosi, 10""1 " vital part of luc"..ful odvonces.
CIfIhodOl'ltic th.mev. In "rd." to diognoM The chronological age of!he pOtienl mOl'
cb>otmclitiIH C>f , ... de nlofoci,,1 Impl .... the sometimes be misleod ir>g <nl may not ",lied tI1.
O<1hodonti,t sho uld know wh eT CMilit,,! exod growt" .Iotus. n.....
sl::elelo l end cIertaI o~
<'C)tn'I(l 1<;y. Normo lcv in the d. ntorociQl regior1 01 In., patient IhQ~kI be osc~ rtoin .d for 0 more
c5!!en /rom oga 10 "~. There ore certa;" Ieotu~ occvrota diQ gnos il. ' foe , k. tetot 0"," or borIe
dille deYeIopi"9 denb-Iociol compkoo wl>ich "re oge o. II it someli..- coiled i. determined by
~oI ln "child, however d ~lln on odull studying 0 horodwri" n:xIiogroph. The hondo
........IdCCO'lllilute malocclusion. These en ~ wrist region hos 0 numbol, 01 corpel borIes. The
b OS seIf-<;""ecting rnalocdusionl or tr(Insient "..i!1ar1icrn ond union cJ ........ <keiel<ll centen
..,,,loedul;on,. Some o f the I,on,ienl foIlow<l delinl'" "me ",bl~ ond p<>Kem. Thus by
"",1oGdvolono oro : ooo.";o;n i,,.. !tie #crIvs ol!!.e>e ossiko!icn ten!en
o . Open bile _ " in the gum peds ond compo,i".. them with .tondord, I", di!leret\!
b. Spo.;ing in d &<:iduou, de ntition ... letot ~I, one con ~rm .... 1he e:<oC! ,l<eIelc t

meturity ,letu. ci o n ind i';duo l. Th e dento l oge l . te trsa tment
of on ind i,idw l is de'Ofmin ed bya"e .. ing .he Role of growth . O ~hodonti c t". "",. ,,,,,,":,:
, tog o 01 cobkotion o nd root de, olopme nt. out du ri "," odo le.cenoe or . til!
Ctlr'ln'" mille use ci the growth
Considering the foertho\ orthodo rtt<: 0I""Jd werking with g rowth potent;,,1 has
dMtofocio l orthope&d io oppl ian oe. are ma" odva ntog e' o. M li sted eo ri ier,
eHed ie during g"""""', the ""essme nt of .Ik.leta l mo locc lusions ore be,t t", o ,.d oft.r
mat urot ion in you n~ patie nts il 01 utmo. t co m pletion. Mo 't . ke leta l
impOrto nce fc-r th e <ucce" 01 the therapy. indkotad fe< e<thogncti-io sl.'l"g<!ty o re 10 be treated
otter growth comp leli on '0 a . to oojd roCUrTelOt
growth d""'gc. a"ociated with oontinuati on oi
aooormll i growth pattern.
Early trea tm e nt
limjted tre o!m e nt option> In a growi n;
Mast orthodon" ,. be! i. e in !he concept 01 'co'Lh
pOtient, the orthodonti, t ho . a number of options
th em young'. Treoting a potient ot a n ea rly ego
in hi' a rmam a nta riu m ,hot inc lud e g rowth
when OOr.toloekJ l growth i. od ;y. ha . num erOUS
modu lotion, gc;oonce of eruption. use of nofural
benelilS .
iorce, otc.,. Howeyer, in on odult potient the
Scope for growth mod ification Sleleta l treolment options or~ li mited to moving tMt;, cmd
me loeclu<ion that oecurs a, a rewlt 0; a ltered surgery.
growth direction and amount co n be int~ r"" p'ed
Compromi'e on trM !m e ni obi ect iy ", In
by modu lating further growth . The ... pfocedJre,
on adu lt po!lent in whom growth hoI ce",ed, ~
that modify growth ohou ld be initkJted at on ea rly
may not be po,"ible to achi eve 011the oo jectiYes
age befate cranio.foekJ l growth coo", .
of fun ctio n, .,!hetics ond . ta bi lity !hot rep rc..,nt
Scope for preventio n and inte rce ption idoa l dentition a nd occ lu, ion . In mony ad ult
One of th ~ odvon"'9"' that early trootment oIlo" pOlients compromise, might ho,o to be mod e in
i. the poss ibility of preventing 0< intercepting 0 the Ireatment. V/hile sertin g treatment objectives
me!o.cclu,ion. Even if t..... mo locolu";"" COMOt !or odvh patients !he orthed anti, t should set goa l.
be toto ll y e li minated, iT> ,evo rily oan be red ucM thot are rooli'li c, ottoi""ble o nd which <Iril . the
<0 thot comp lex o rthodo ntic treolment in\lohi ng be.t possible ba lar>ee in IV rKtioo, esthetic, and
e>t(action ond . urga ry am be min imized treotme nt ltob ility.
Hom e<s in g natural growth force. Th .
human dentiti on hos a noturo l tertdency to trIOye TOOTH MOVEMENT AND AGE

in a me,kJI orld oedusa l direction . The", ""turo l

Vituiiiy 01 tissue . Orthodontic tooth mo .... ment
terdend"" ( 00 be c.oo 10 g ukle the orupting teelh
is most eifecti'ely co(ficd o ut in YOVl"lQ peti ent,.
to more icvo'Ob le po.ition .
YOO l"lQ pot;""ts exh ibit in ya<culority ond
Mjni mi,e p,ycho log ical dishes< Tfe atm ent cel lulority 01the pe riodc nto l me mbrorle 0I""Jd bo ne
co rried out o t ar' earfy "ge ovoi d, p,ycho log ica l '" compcred 10 older potie nts . fune nts of yo<Jr>g&"
disturba nce, as a re.ult of coping with 0 full age 0'" hence more re'PO"s i' e'o orthodontic
A..d!led mIl loccl u ~M.
!orcon wh ich ""'<os is pos~bIe to move lei,,"1000e r. D ia~f\O' ;$ ' Most of Ih e routine dio9nosll c a i",

Role of gro wth , MOlt ortnodont ic ond oon ~ us.ed in both )'O<1ng a . well o. ad ult
pa!ients. An oduk pohent JI,,,,,,, yreote, ",,",bil;ry
onhoooedic correctiOf'll 0", dfedively corned out
durillg Ihe II"""'" pried. This is due 10 tM foCI
of dormant ocll-ooll. impaction, periodontal
tnO! ~o~ ng er growing poti ent. reoct "'Ore problem., wee' of dentltion,louliy "'Itorotion,
""",, rob fy to or\hodorItie. e nd orthopoedi<; le rce . bone los. , 10.. of tn tk d ue to decc1, etc" . The
Although it i, dfliroble to cor<)" ""t
diagnostic e, erci!! In an odult should hence
wn,ider Ito ..... ~ a. some of ,hem mo ,
o.thodenl'c """,,"enl o! 0 younger ogoo, it i.
ha .. 011' 11-0 ....JCCelol oIlhe o<ll-adorr"ic !herop.,-.
_nnel ... pou' l;.I. to mov. '"'" in oId.r
polient3 by olleri"ll the forte mogn~ude om! Applionce ... Ie,fian , Younge' po~ent. who,
durotion, Ore growing con benefit from ortl>oaa&dk ond
Role of apica/Ioramen . In an adu 't pa~ ..... t mVCh",d'onc l oPf' lla""e< tMt he lp mOOu lo!e
the opicol foramen II norrow. Fon:e OpS)licotion growlh in ca ... cJ obnormalgrowm amounland
during Ire<:Itment moy pose a grealer cho~c. ol dirtlC!JOn. In on oduk pa~er-' *'e options 0 ...
IIO/l."rn lity, ,oo! reso'~on and anlcylOClis olteetf,
,estricted to orthodont:c tocrl> 1I"IOI'"_nt ond
occ",ing. In a I"' ur>g potient, the a pleel b-tl men .""'"
.. wider Itou. Ito , .. Is 1M"" chonce 01 py lpol

Denldy 01 bor-II , AJ. odults ....nlbit "reoter

It i, a fo e: IMI yo un 5l<" poli .... fI 1~"""'le
rna" appfianCfl ard Off! nat bothered by It-.e
Oppeclfl::rnce al'he appliOr"Ke . In caMl ci adulb,
Ihe opplionce toleranc. I. much le.-Ihon 0
del'lS ity 01 bor., o"~ontic tooth mQ"o"e:"<1ent i. ch ild. Adu k, ore aket1 bothe red by the loolu 01
mvc:h slowo'- thi! op.p lio",,&, In Iwen potie nt., removab le
oppf:ances ond fixed opplionco, Itoot are mOr.
est/IeIic;orinca-.sp;CllCUlo.., a~ ..............
In recent ~mel *'e", hoI ~ on inc''''$(! in Ihe
numbe.- 01 odu lt potienfl who de. ir. o ~hodontk Perloaon IO,' problem. Presence 01
co rrection of th. i, mol<xclu.i on. Numerous pe ri odOl1la l invo lvefl'lflnt a nd bone loS! i. more
d,IIe",,,,,,,. "-<ill berween oduk o~f-oocIorI~a ond wm ... on in on aduk pa~ent. PofiodonlaU ,
oModontics Ior-Ihe young child. The IoIl""'in9
" " lQtre 01 the importont 0""'" where tho

, i. ""'"'
rnoolYed ....,., move more readily ond offe, POO'

Pollen l ma/iva/ion and coop efolion : Mo.t

GrOWlh to ... 01" witn , 0"" 01 tho im po rtant odu lt pot"",t. _l:ing Mhodo nti:: th alOP'!' Or. _I I
d;~ol in t<eating 0 child arid an adu~ i. Ito .
motiYoled 0< compared to child,...,. ThuI the
Da rhol in 0 child tho or.hodonliol hoi growth to onhodoo ,tis! oon ...ped mo.., co--ooerotion in on
><OrIc with. .\Awt onhodonlic ond orthopaedrc
oduh patient.
treoT"'c nt is efficiently corried olll "'Ongt!>e g,<M"II-,
pote nti a l cI the potie nt. In co mpo ri so n, on odu lt n ,we v;' a li ly , Th . tiSl ue \l ilo lil1 a nd
respon~,-.",,,., 10 Ion:e il mvch greow in 0 child
ItxI:s gr<>wtt. . Th", Itoe orthooonti <l ""'~I (Qlio.
on IOOth """",menlorlurge".. thon in an oouhpotient. Thil il beoou .. of
reduced V<loou lority ond cc ll ulorily in an odult

Treatm e nt obie c/iye, In a~ ad"lt pot ie nt,

mony COrl1;::<"omi... might hove to be mode. The
3 a!:;cct"'" allvnctian, ~,theti c, 0"'"
.tobilily rMy
not be achieved in on odu lt patie nt cnd the
o rtf.odantill.hou ld thu s .tri ke the be.t possible
bo laoce betw""n tho vorious objecti><e"
Tr~o lm Ml OPP' f!oC;otion Ad" lt patient. o re
more oppredotive of tho treotmcnt resu lt. thon 0
ch ild potient.

2. 0..; 1?9 1 "'"~_ i, ~""''''
_ _",,0, c"''''"'
3_ ~ ... ),'.oI.. n on M ~' o.+.odoot,, :)(;O lo- o "'~",:
630_6. 1, l'iSS
. _ C""Id" I'.e<ixo , Ro!<h)lf. "" Xh>,"" ,
" ado,.',
"'" 01 '"'Il''Y ..-.J <oj .odoo,~, "tx.dorl .... '
,A!,O, ~55 . 70 , 1993
5 Coocw ond COot ,""',,,: A.clcl, OrthO<Jon' '',
J_o;,,;,;ol ort>Od .5H72 , 1972
6. Go I_ , MJ' 0"0 "" opo<' 1;;10 , AJ.O , 522_526,
7, Gio"",,,', No " i~i o " Modw", 0,0 Arono\'<,11
Con""",,"i.......1"" 1 oohodooi c o,u lt 'opi<! po"-
"" """"""', , AJ .O , 20/ _213, 198.
S, Ho<v.-, L, levit : MV1 Ort->odort~" h i""" """"'"
, 130-155, 1971
9 ~,,,,, 1 H.Mo,", H" ",ooCo,", Allu, d Mu lt
O .thodorl~ " loa ,,,, f obti _ ' 19B9
10 i'.oJ'ndo" Ro""w o"~I<, AJ,O , .6J .~ 71, 1990
11 , SpWol Co o ~" 'o t; on , 10' Ad,1t Orthodont ~ . -
Jdnko l ""hod, 5355.5, 1976
12_"1'" Mu ' " oti"""', ~ MOOd"", ~ ,o..-opy :
'\',J.0 : J05 -31 5, 1981
13, Thoo-r,o. ){" GrOOo< '''"
"'*"'' l 1Ionor>do .1, Moot,- ,
)4 , \10":0 0'" (;o,o>o -Co""",' "' po", d ""OOdon'~,
oo o,U ' >d" ' ~ ' AJ ,O, I ~2 I .6 , 1<;95
15, Wa ,," Hom Jo ' O"",,",,"x Off~ . Oo,ogn o..;go.
log Mu , koo> : J.<I _ I """"" 1m , J55360



P '''''eniiv" o""aclontic. i. th(JI porl 0/

oflflodontic proctice which il <""",e rn ed
with th e poTienl. and IX'renlS' education,
~Msion of ..... growth and development d!he

hove appeared is on inle<l:epl ....

fdlowing ore some d .... ~ures

underto~.n in I>f'e"'!"tr.e orthodontia ,
I. Ibrent tduwiion
dentihon onc! the c;n;Inio-lociol slnJdures, the
<5ognos~< procedvres undenoken 10 pre<fod the 2_ Conn control
oppeoro nce 01 "",I<>cel usian and th o treotmont 3. Core of d"ddcoou l denTiTion
procedure. inltiMed 10 pMYent tn. on",,1 of 4. Monog"""nt Qf onk~cned tooth
""",,"1uUon. 5. MointenaOOll of quodront ",;,.. tooth lheddo-.g
Preventive oothodonlict I, (I long mnos fi ..... lable
appro<>ch cnd it il k>'lleiy (I responsibi lity oithe 6. Checkup lor "", I ""b~1 end hobit brea king
Plf'IIra l d. nti.t. Man~ of In., procedtJ r. s ore cpp l i<ln~e il necessc ry
COmmon in p.e~.ntiy .. and Intercep ti"., 7. Ocduiol equilibrlorion il there ore "ny
OIIhodonlics but rho liminogl or. diK" r.nt . occlusol premotvrities
Prev.nliv .. proceduru Of' undertaken in 8. P''''''''''ion 01 domoge 10 ocduliot! e.g.
""ticipotion of deve lop ment of (I pro blem, Milwcuk ... broces
h!n:eptMo> ~ ore unci..""""" ..nen Ihe 9. E.!mci0<1 ofwpemurnen;.r;~
;on;>blem has olroody manit.,Ied , For ".'01. 10. Spoce moinlenanoe
.... I.... ,d~"te.o:thbelcnlheyct>JM 11. Monog""""nI of deeply Iocb .:Hnt .... """ .. ~
~pl <>C.m enj 01 ct h. , teeth i. 0 pre.entive =0'
crocedure , ..... 1. tn.i, e.odrocti:)n olter Ihe sign. cJ 12. Monoge""",t of oMormoI frMOl ettcchlTle<lts

"If W u_.,..., ""';.,. h doodoj""", ....Ii..... W"> ~ 10 "'" .,. ... :10 Ionvt. Nolo
-noI"",,, ..... ~od .... ,.., ,0<>0"".. MCOIId "'""" '""'"~~ ....:01, rio t. 'PO co: (II: i'I"

Pre,,*,1MI dentis!<y >hovkl ideall , begin much

belore the bm. 0I1he child. The ...PKling mother- IMIh if nor relrorod
should be educoted on moH ...... uch 01 nvtrifion _ment 0/ edjO,ent teetn i
10 p<O>'ide on ideol errvironmern Ioc tho de.eioP"9 1~ Sur:h Iossol o,ch
letul. Soon oIt., birth. th. moth.r .hould be 01 IMth con
ed...:olOd on ..,ope< nu "'ng one' COllI cI the cJ. ikl. oreh tenglh ond JOolh rr<!l.,...,1
In ccoe trw. ,hi ld ~ boin.;l boIIl. fed th . moth er,. p"rrnc nont Teem erupt into tho oro l co.ity.
ad-.ised on Ih. u'"" ci phys<o logic nipp;" orod nol . hould be OOIOCTod l>y dinko l
the Oln-.tiorol niWo. The Ol"",,"tmoj niW e.
ore nonpIo"";olog'c ond do nOI pennil wclding
bI' mCMlrllent of lne tong"" ond the lower jaw. proper IIlllOrchOn oIrheoflected teeth should be
They rother COuse sudcing 01 lne mnk which m"l' unde~ol:en immediately 10 prevent loss 01 ord.
I""d to 'IOt'iou.orthodontic pn:>bI .... oIth.l8eIh. I.ngth.
The pIoysiologic nipple. on the OIM' hond e,..,
clel.lgned 10 po ' ,,".i! ' L>C~ir>g cI 1M mi. whir:h more CARE OF DECIDUOUS OENTITION
0' lell resemb le. the normal fUneTi","o l OCTil'ity
OS in breasTfeedi ng. Th o moth ... l. 01 .0 odviced Pre. e nti \0"8 o rth odo nt ic. incl ud o, core of the
agolnst!he p",'oogt'd uSf! 01 poci~C<"I ...+-.ich con de<:idVOVl den'ition by =1 of p'.~"~OM 000
timely r1HIoro!;on olcorious l!!cIh. The dccid..r<>u$
have 0 detrimentol eKllCt on the deMlion. r""
young mothers 0.., 0100 ocfy,ced on moHers ...,th ore eroceIlcnt natu",1 opace moi""" ....... ~nIif
tnedeveloprng permon.m!eril on: tIlOdv lOen.rpr
penoining 10 prevention 01 nUfllng bottle
Jyndromo. """ .... orol aMty. Thu."n..&rt,.hovId be token
10 preIo"8nt torly 1000 ollhe dociduow ... th . .s'mple
Th. poren!> .hould at", be educated on
th e need lor .... oinleining good oro l hrgillne . The pre-;enTive procedu r. , ....d> 01 Dpp l,cation of
po re nts shovld be taught th e co rre<:t melf.od of topi co l ~ u o ,i de a nd p;t arod I~"". _ len" Ifi g
b<-uth ir>g llIe child , teeth . \ .b) h ~p in prevc<>tin ~ ~ori ",.
fig 2 O'l ;",.j (BI P,e>ef>(' 01 ,,,,,,'''",,,,''Y ,eel,
h<>< " .... ,ed " deloy ;, ... JfY'" of tiMo ,"", ,;b cr ;oci>on ;c: , nd IDi
~ "'" " , .... ..., j' ''''' ... b. .... 0' tho do,.I opng door;.;,," . it ; ,nd 1 1 s.. ~>O<" 10" '01 ;0( "'"

EXTRACTION OF tMth to e rupt in abrx>rma l p<l, iti an,_ Pre>e""e ai

SUPERNUM ERARY TEETH a n uneru p' ed me , iod e n, prev" n" the two
ma<i!ary cont",1i ""~or' from approximating ooch
I'=;ence 01 ,up<rnumera ry and , upp lemental other. Tnu, , upe rn Ur1e rary teoth . " ou ld be
, can interfecc ;<,ith th e e",pt"", of nearby ide ntifi ed end e ' trocted belore they caw
mrmo l t..eth (:ig 2) . Th"y con defl ~ct cxJ jacMt d i ,o klc.em~ nt of ohe , teeth

All hondlonal prematurities .I>ould be .Iiminated M l<ylof;it I. 0 codilion cho rcderind by obseoc.t
01 Ihrt COn leoti to de.ialionl;n .he mondib..lof 01"'. pe...odclf.",1 "",mbro_ in " .mall ""'" ""
poIh 01 dosu~ and obo ~ilj)OS1t to bruKiom.
Using orIiculohng poper, 1h8 premo!ure conio<J
()<lit deleCled 000 oeIKti ... grinding is corried
0lIl. Some!imes abnormal onabnOcolfectule$like
eno~ 1 peori l, rn<r; cou"" poromcture corb:!o n..,.
shou ld be eliminoted by grind ing.


The,. should not b. mo,. thon 3 months

dilfe,.r.:e in shedding 01 d..dduous IMIh ond
.rv~jon 01 permanent j",,1h in on .. Quod,,,nt as
compclred Ie <>lher quodrants. O. loy in _"'Ption
may be d..e Ie """ 01 the Iollowi .... IoClOo'$ ;
o. P",,,,,,ce 01 O"'.,,-rcloined deciduovt t... th Fi. I~I
M.i<I ... " " -
~ dvo '0 ""c ~
_110<-, ..........
b. P' .....nee 01 unres"rbed deciduous root
.,..-. (II) Rod'cog'oPo
.ho. l ~e
_ ....Ibo ..
c. SupemumerorytoCllh Ifig2)
d. C)'IIS ond !umo"
e. reslOrotion ;n o:Iecid""", teeth
f. Fi brosis 01 gingiva
g. Mkyiosedprimor;t.... th

Habit. ,veh o. fi nge r 000 th "",b . ucki ",", ne il

biti ng, tM9ue thru.ting and lip biting .hovId be
identifi ed ond stopped. Prev""'ion starl. "";th
p'o pe' nurs ing and u.e of a phys io log ica lly
de'ig ned nurs ing nippl. ond pacifie r to """"" nee
norma l functiono l and d.glutoti on-ol octivity,


fle wtde d tM root ",rioce, Anl)'iooed deO~

Mi f...ovkee bro<:e is on orthopoock OW 10 nee vsed
.... th do ""t get ""orbed and the refore either
lor t.. corredion of scol'o::>$;" Thi~ oPrHionce exerts
j)I'l!v~nt the permo ne nt tooth from eru pting (fig 3)
tremendous lorce on the mandibfe ond th e
.,.. defl ect th em to erupt in ob narmol locotions ,
develorHng ocdu .ion leoo ing to rlOtorootion of
The,e onk0o,cd teeth should be diognosed ond
mondibvlo r growth ond po" ible de fo rmitie .
!Il.O'gicoly """"""'" at o n appropriote t:me 10 petm ~
Whe""v,,", .uch on opplionce i< u<ed, occ lusion
!!'Ie pemXln ont teeth to enJp/:
.mold be !,<,o tected u, ing l urictiorXl l oprH io",
or positioners mode of .oft motoriol, _

The pre,ence 0/ a thid: o nd ~ e,J,y "",xil lory Iobio l FIRST MOLARS

h num IMt i. ottocOOd ~otiv"y low pre""," the
Th e deddVOlJ' ,ec".,d molors occO$iono lly hove
maxi110 ry rentrol io::i>ors fro m 0 ppmximo!i ng e<:><:h
a p'o m i ""~t di. tol bulge wh ich prevent' the

other produCing mid line dio,te"",. Th i' kiM 0/
eruption of the first permo n""t mo lors, Sli cing
c bnorma l Ire nol o ttochme nt in mo,t patient> is
the dista l s urfoc~ of the , econd deciduous molor
m u.ed d ue to hered itory lo ctor!. Th ey . hou ld
h. lps in guiding the eruptio<1 oI the Rrst permo nent
hence be diagnosed ond treoted ot on ea rly ag o_
" ble nch test h. lp. in dio9"". ing a thid: Ire num .
~ add ition ""tching of interdentol ben e in 0

peri0rHco l rod i09roph confi rm. 0 thick I' M ol
Premoture 10" of dedduovs t""th con cou,e
Presence of Mk0oglo"ia or tongue tie drifting of the od joc. nt teeth into the .pace. It
~ 4 _b) prevent> nor"", 1fun ctbnol development con re. ult in oooormo l oxiol indination 01 t~~th,
due to lowered "". ition of t"" tongue on,d spIlLing between teeth ond . hift in the denkll
a bnorma litie, in speech and , wa ll owing , This midli ne_ Pre mot"re 10" of deciduou. ante riors
cond ition .mold be . urg ico ll y treated to prevent lead. to very liHl e orthodontic cMnge' . II the
/ull.fl odged "", Ioccluoion,_ deciduooJ, fi rst m<>klrs ore lost premotun: f" loteml
A nllRg 10 IIikI'ICad :
, ,
, ,.', 3 It .hou ld be .:rro l. in con.t,ucti-on,
Rt_ u.. ~ r~~ 01 ""j.!O;M
2 WI\ biw$ or '~ tlfn:ll 4, It sho uld be stroog eno ugh 10 ",ithsterld
) l'>I'<!W",,,,,, L_ "-,nct'>OnOllo.-a:<.
_~I'UI.' f 5 . It .nou ld nOI e . erl e <cc .. ivII "reI'
~ Co<IU..,............. _
oojoinUl9 IoWn.
6. K mU~T aoe'm~ maintenance 01 oTol
7. It "'ul1 nol T.<I,iLl neTmol
2 Ct;oo" .<1\ 10k. pl ec~ d ut ing 'ha !,e t\l il ion
~ 'W'I 1I'tIr d ox:idJOVl1O perma n"n! den' iti o n,
b'JO"1i >r"'''''~~
3, ~~
8 The .~cce ", a inta i,, " , <l1 ou ld"", ' ." " . '
the WOI 01 0",...- ",nc~on .


.... ,
"Nd .... ....u.-.

,'H:)r>.I.ock"->I ,~
They OT. spcce mo,mo;""" which con be ,""""'"'II
ond <einse<led inro the 0'01 cavily by the JX>!>ent
~ &r !)'pO
~omO"Obk! rooce ""'intai""" con be <;III",fied
i 1 l.>orr tIPt
U$ fun Cti ona l o nd no n l un ctillno l spoc.
~i f",, ~ \)'1'"
<: P'l'IK!)'pI mointoin.". Fu ncl;ona l 'pa ce mainta ;ne"
'~~~!p i""o'po<o~ _n 10 aid io mosli,olion, speech
a..i ' ~$1t~""IIl"<l ' ond ~lhciCl whereas non -fu",,~onal ,poce

1 ""
FIoncvooio "IW<" ..........
oloyI" plOt. dookl'M
mo,n/o,ne" ho"", only an acrylic exlensioll " -
the od~nI~""" 0_ to prevenl .pace cbou,e.

Advan fat u 01 mo . .. blll . pace

sI,iII 01 onl(:fio" ,, ~'" piece. In co,," of 0,.",,,1,,,, m .. lnt.ln ...
10 .. 01 dec iduo us seccod mo lo,s, tft. fitst
L Th . y " " . o . y to cle an o "d pe ,m il
pe< n"O"eN moo-. "' '"'010 me. d fy +..reby 1oa;; ''9
ma'nto.roonce of p,ooe, oro l hvg iono.
'n.uflidenl .pa ce fo' th" c'~plin9 .e:o" d
2. They mo.Main 0' (e .lo,. Ine ~e(lieol
p'emoiors ,..k'-en can gel impoeted ",ithin il'e iow
or gel den.cted a~d erupl In on obno",ml
3. They con hi! wo,n po,1 ,im. ollow,ng
!oca~on 500ce mainlo~'" 0 ..... ce used CO
ei,eviollOtl 01!hot blood 10 the ,ofr ~Auas.
molnloln the 'p"oe "",,100 by the 0$' 01 0
4. They SOt"'" other imporlont lunchO,,", Ike
mos!,e(l! on, '$Iheto end phoneoics.
A 'p"ce moinlo' ne r Iho....ld l,,~ill iI'.e
5 Oo nte l ched< up 10' co rie' d eteClion I" bt
lo llowing reou;rcmcnt"
vnde rto ~e n oo, ily,
I . It .s/1ou 'd me'nto i" ti", e nii (e mes iod i, to l
Roo m ~o n be mode fo r permo n. nt _ th to Of\Jpt in lo u Tn o n Ii mont". tim e , a
orupl wil no ut cha ng ing tn o ~ p pl io n ~e . ,~ movobl . !J)(lce mointo ine r co n be given.
T~ lIim.Aote e flJp'"", 01 p"'moM nl leeth. 5 litho p" rm(mcnt looM r """ oo!lulfy......,:>1ed
8o~d (O"ltrud""" roo! _(lnOl)'. ;1 moybe d.flic,,~ 10 oOOp! bonds. Thus ~ io
lhey help in p<""en~ng d....... lopmem 01 odvisable 10 use , e movoble spoce
tongue thrusl hab~ in!o!he "'1rOC1io~ IpOKe. mo;r::a,,,,,,.
6. Mulhole lots of ded duous leel!> which !T'OY
, ,
INudy."I.tu of 'emo~.b/. 'pIC. ,equ; .... lunc:lio<"ol ~Ioce_ in the 101m of
e ither iX' ~iol or com p'e donluro.
Tney may be 1011 or b-oken by th e paTlont.
U""ooperct:. o paTients m c~ no! wea r the Cont,.'nd'c"tlon . of remoy"b/e Irp8
of sp~c . ma/nlal"et$
apo lklnce.
lo1erol iew gn:>Wlh moybe 'eslric:led, ~ clasps 1. lock of IX'Ii~M Co-opltro,""'.
ore inc:.orporo1ed. 2. In pore n's who ore oll~ry;c 10 acrylk
lher may couse irri1uToon 01 the underlying malI!rioll.
oo!thU ..... J. Ep;lepfc PC"ents who have unconll'Olied

Some commo"'y us-d , ,,movable

.p~ce m.lnt.ln . ,.
Removo bl. "" nlures are ind ico t. d wne"
oellr.olks il of imporlonce Acyl.c P",lia! o..nlu,e. Acryl ic perTiol
i. In COle the obulmenl """h <ofY'lCt suppo<1 0 deMur ... hove beton...sed <uCc~'<'ully ;n paliems
Ii.ed oJ)Plionce ~ i<. recom"",roded 10 uMl 0 wno hove urde'90ne mulliplo e>:!mc1ions (fig 5).
remO"> space mointoine,. 1,.. opoliance ( On be readily odjuoter:110 ollow
l. In deh pokrte polienl'lwho requi~ obruro1lon !h" enrPllOn of~. The indusion of oo1mcial
of lhe palo!ol deled. 'OOlh in !he den!u~ ,eolr:rtfl "",,,,,,,to"l functiotl.
In co.., tl\(! radiog ra ph revea ll thOT the CI",p' ccn be la bri cot.d o n doOduou. con inOI
uno<upled pe rmo """,t 'oolh i. not to ond mo k'" fc' ' OTcnt "", .

fit 6 s-I ....,. loop '"""'" ... _ ..

Full or Complete d,mhm" , Som.limes oil into position wfoen ,he decKlUQIJS _and
1M porimoryteeil1 01 c pore.schooI cMd may req uire il bot .hort1v befo re th o ' f\J~tion 01 the
oxlroction due to ro mpO nt corles of Ie"'"
thot pen''fI(ment molar. Tr.. tooth to
c:omoI be - . d . Mhough .nil procedvro woo owoy from the stone model and a
mono common in ...... pno.fluoridorion ero. ~n cut into the stone model to allow the
todoy lome dlild,,,,, moy req uire ~omple'e 0/ the ooyIic "".osion. The acrylic will
e.troction of their dec Kluou, _~. These cese.
into the ofvoo!", aIIo, the ;,:;:::.~.:,:::
c re mooaged by"'" use of 0 complete denture. tooth. Th e ,,!(!nJion may""
The!.e de<1too"esnol ody resbre mGII~ fun.::tion eruption 01 the peffl'll""",tioolh .
ond estheli<;$, but 01<0 guide the Hrst permanent
moIors inlo the" coned position. The pos'erior flXEO SPACE MAJlltfAJlltERS
border o f the dint",. ""ould be plo~ed OYer tho
Oreo op porOXirnoting the me>ic l surice. 01 the Spec. mcirrloinell whkh oro fixed 0' I" ~' >~ ':
.,,-.erupted fi"t pelm o,..,nt II"clar. The denture
tr.. toeth ore ce ll ed lim.P'X" rnolnto in.....
-..;If hove to be odj",ted and 0 portion of it cut
owoy <1$ ' foe I)e'rnoncnt inr:i!.ors erupt, ond the
posterior bord., ~OrrlOll(ed to Guido the fi"t
poerm o n&nt mQ lolI into po . ition. When tM
perm cnent inOlOI"I ond fi"t poe'rnonenl mo""
hove erwted, 0 portIol d enture spo::A moincainer
con be lINd until ...... remaining permonentltHlth
R.movcbl, Dillol Shoe .poee Maintainer:
At-,'i m""""iolG' cerylic pO~io l denture with on
acrylic dislal Ih"" lOKIenlion ha. be..... u.ed
fig 7 &<.:I ond loop -"" _ ..... .
we<:es<fully to guide the S,-,I perrnooenl malor
Ad nt.'eI of fI" ..d sp.c
... Int.ln ....
Band and loop space maintainer : 80nd
I. Bonds and crown. ore ~ which ffICIuire aM loop space mointoine", ore 0"'" of rhe mOil
minimum Of notooth preparation. common SpeKe >mrolling ooplienee> VlfItd in
2 Thor,. r;Io r>OI ;rueofere with pO$.$'" eruption 01 denlOl proc~c". The tooth dis",1 to the""">CIlorl
obutmem leeln. space i!. bonded and 0 loop c! Iho, Itoinleloil
3. JowgrowthiJ.nOl hJ mpered . """,I wire II scHde,od to it with ilS mes10 1 end
~. Thesuccedo neoo'pMn""""IlooIhcre free toochi"ll tke tooth mu icl to The "'Irodio n space
to e"'pTinTctho o rol covily. (fig 6 .\ 71. It Is 0 unil otero l fixed appliance
5. ~ Oln be vsM in UI'CO-open:rt~ paTienl!. in:Jicoted fo< space moinle,..;mce in !he poslafior
6. MostOOlIO<y fI..-.::~on .. ~1OrtId ~ panNa are ""9rMnh when a .Inglo toorh ;,Iost.
"O<Od Crown and loop opplionce , Crown ond
DI d ..... t..' .., of ""ed ,~C. loop oppllo",u 0'. <lm~or to baM OM loop
"""lIln spoco moinlai ..... in 011 respe<;b thot 0
.to irl .... sloe! c;rown is used fo,the <>b...tmonIlocfh.
1. Elclx>roTo insr",menlotkm with exper1 !kill iJ.
The crown il used in p rof. renee to the bond whe<'I
tM obutmont tooth i. hi g hly ca rio u., hi bit,
2- Th . y mol fewlt in decok ifocctlorl of TOOTh
mo.ted Ofi, pu lpotomized.
ma t"nal unde,!he baM .
l. SVpro ...... plian 01 opp<><ing _h can IOke rhe I;nguol orch 'poce mo;ntoine.: The
ploce ~ ponlio are not.......:l. lingual orch iI the mO>! eI'fec1j..., oppt.,,,,o fat
Kpon!laore .....,d ~ Oln io """ "".with
vertical spaco moin!enonce In Ihe lowe. ord>. The
oruption 01 I .... obutrMm looth ond moy <1o.<l0l1 mondibulor lingual orch 'OI'distl alrwo
~m e",pI>odc/ ~bcr.g P"""CO .,1 teelh bonm (_led on the fir!! permonen! rN>Ioft Or
if the potie~t fu il, I" r.pan. on tM ""ond de<;iduovs rrroIc ... ~ 0'" foir>ed
by a <\o inl .., ,tM I wire contocting the ling oo l
0.036 inc h d",met", hord .m in .." '~~::;,:.:;:I
.unoce of the foor mat"J<fibu lo< inc~o" [fig 8.0). Nance hold ing arch i. a maxilla ')' I
The oppl i"""" i, u'va lly in dicat. d to p<e"' "," tM that d"", not conlact tho ante rior teeth.
"PO'''' created by rmffip " lo" of p<ima')' molars. op>,"o, iroote. th e a nterior pa late [fog S.b).
II oo lp' in maintaining too arch peri rooter by incorporate. an a c')'li c button in the anterior
pmvcntin g bo, h me~o l drittin g of tho mo",rs ond region that oonloo. too palatal tissue.
a lso ling ual co ll ap,,, of the a nlerior teeth.
Tronspa iotoi arch More rec e nt ly, the
PaJalal arch appliance,' Thoy arc , imilor tran"PO latol arch has been recommended foI
to too ling",, 1 orch de,cribed abo~a. Pa latal stobilil inQ the maxi lla')' fi",t perman ent mo lo",
arche, or. de>igned to prevent m . ~o l migration wh en the primary mo la ", re quire extraction
of the ma.;:!a ')' rrdars. They are conotruc\ed "sing [fig 9).100 tro'lSpalale l ~rch con~,l$ of a thid;
stain le .. , teo l wire thot spon. the p<l lote
conMCting the lir51 perma nent molar of one .ide
I'>ith the other. The best i""ketion for tro nopo lotol
arch ~ when one "de of the erch i$ intaot, or.d
>e"erol primlJC( todh on t"" other ~oo are missing.
Disto ,' shoe 'pace maintoin er Di, tol "'''''
"PPI",nce i$ath. ""ise kr>O'Wf1 0$ the intro-cOiedor
"PP1"""e [I1 Q10). The l.....rtoce oltha second
primory molor guid the unerupted first
permo ne nt molar. When th o ' ""ond primo')'
molar i, removed prior to th e e ruption of the fi rst
permanent mo lar, the inlro_oOieolar applianoe
pro'IKJe, greater contr" of the poth of e<uption of
the unerupted tooth ond prevent, und e' ira ble
me, io l migration. The opp lioncc which is " sed
in practic~ now i. Roche', disto l ,hoe or it,
f"IOdi~cotiolU u.. ng croom 000 bond oppl;onces lOOn a. the primary toe'" ""' """oved. Stud...
wilh 0 d~tal iotr<)'g ingr.o l e,ten sion. ;.-.Iicet. thot Ih e ,.,..".imum loss 01 spoc. occurs
fJ ln..1ic ontarlor .pace maini oiner. II withir1 6 nx><1th. 01""trodion of the teeth. It would
-0$ de.cribed by Slelfion. Miller and John ..... in be a good ideo to labtica1e the appliance prior
ro e<lmo:tion of Ihe primory toolh arod in...., the',
1971 . Its metnod ci tonsln.dion i,,' mple 000
elsa pt<>"<MI,." on MII>ctic component . The spoce appliance won "'* the droction.
moinlc in er con";li"! ci a pI",tic tooth li.<ed onlo " 2. Dan lal og e a lIne pa ti ent : Th. de ntol

1ing",,1orch which, in tu rn , is otlc ched 10 mo lor

Sand and Bar i")Ipe space mamlainer ,

<>g" 01 th e poti . nl ohovld " Iways be c"".id. r..d
roltlerlhon the d..-onoi<>gioJl age. This i. beco ......
too m..och V<riJ6on In eruption ci teeth .. observed.
This is a ~...d space moin!oinf!t in which the h I, ,""uolly obseroed Ihot the pMmOnem reeth
abutm""t leeth on eitne r side 01 !he troclion .,upt once 3/. 1h of their root developmen' is
tpCu arc bon ded and connected to eoch o th er co mp lete. Thi. c,ilorio con be ",ed to prcdkt th e
by a bor (~g II . 01 . Altema~ ""lv 'lOinleu"~ oge ci .... p!k>n of th" permonent teeth.
r;ro..ns am be voed on the abutments. Thi'trPe Early I"" citeem con ClIU$8 " delay io
ci space moinloiner is colledcroom tn:I barspooo .rvpfion oJ the successor. For """mple eorfy loss
mo inta in er (f>g n.b). of me d ecid""", molo'l belore 7)'M1rs of 09"
re. ull. i ~ a deloy in .rupli o n 01 Ih e p remolor.
3. Thickne.. 01 bo"" covotlng Ine
The following foQon:.ho..Ad be considorod when """"'*O '-lit: The mOre the bone coYering
'9Oce moinkli ...... is ploone<! lollowing the e<lrIy m. unerupted iooIh, the more.....,..,ld be the lim"
..... of p<imoyte<lth. it .. ovid tok~ to .rupt, orod ther.lore .poee
mo inlono nce i. i!~ i col.d. Norm a lly pre""," ""
I. Time elapsed since fa" of loom : It i , loke 4 5 """,tlti 10 o",pt t+, roogh 0 bone 01 I
UllJallyad.iscJble 10 ploce" space moiolOirer", mm.
4 . St,q"" nc~ 01 ecuplirn 01 ~jh Wh . n .Y~ r
a >po ee maintain e r i, pla nn e d, a dequate
consid. rati on shovkJ 00 given to 100 a diCc""t
developi ng ond ""-'PIing toeth. The "'!i~ting
dentition ca n g reo tfy influe "". tho cb , ure 01 tho
extr<>dion spoc . Forc.xompc ~ the ded~,,"
,econd mo ",r i, lo,t ea rly, we ,hou ld study the
de"eJoprn ent ci the perm"""nt """"d rnoklro nd
the . ucc . .. o ry "",DOd premolar. In co,. too
,,,,<x,d mo", r i$a heod 01 the =cod pre molorin
it, e ruptiOf1, it i. likel y to exert a me, iol fOfce 00
the first moklr which con move me'ic lly. Thi, rooy
relIJ lt in irlS"#icierl \pIXe for the oecond premokl r.
5. Co ngenita l a b,ence of permonent
IooIh , ~ perm ,,"",nt teeth arc cooge nita lfr m '~ n g,
Ihe denti,t ,hou ld doc<J" il he is go ing to reta in
lh. 'poee until a repklc"", ent , an be givM or
ol low the othe r " rupti,... teet h to drih and cia,"
the .poce.

Interceptive Orthodontics

T hereore 0 num bercl prooodure. thclccn

be undertaken by the or1hodotl~sI, 10 01
to inte,~ept " malocclusion thO)! i
deve loping . Unlike pre"entive orthodon!\c
Qj)peC~, Som e dIke proced ures co rried 001 in
pnrm"tNe olthodonfia can also be <;Qmed oul

in inten:epllYo orthodonlics bullhe ffmi"lls ore

ptI::I<:Iod"",,1hct ~ a imed at elim iMlion 01 lOde" Inte reG pl; ". orthodon tics ho. been
lhat may lead to malocclusion, inlercepw.e de~ned o. thot phOM of the sdeno;o end Qrt of
OIIhodontlc:s I, ......derloken 01 a fi"", ...... n the orthodontia .~IO reo;Qg.'Iire end .rminote
mclocclu l lo n ho. o lrlody developild or i. ~I.n!iol irrog"kl riti ., ofld molposi#on. 01 th e
deve loping, Thu. interce pTive orthodonti<s deW!lopir.g donto -.,C;01comp lex.
bosirnl y m/e" 10 rreasu"," ~ 10 pravenI The ~ underto""" in inleoa.pli..
o ~iol molco:lu.ion pt09f<I$li"ll irtlQo orthodontics inc:ludo. :
more _ I l l one. ' I Se<ial extraction
The !tim" p" ...,..Uiw! ond intoo"?'!'''''' 2. Con-oclion of developing cr=bi!e
OO'Ihodonlia ore oometi.... used ..,.,onymou~ 3. Control oIobnonncli hobil$
But ~ should be UMetl!ood th<>l ~ .... entiVe I ~. Space regoinin-g
OItr.odonJi~ E!!X=ed ....... ~un<ieflake n whfrn the S. Mvsde e.>:ercisc,
_Idol and oo::Iusion ore perlodly nomd, ..... i'" 6. Inllneprion "'. keletol rnolrekrtiotl
!he i~ pnxedura are carriood out when 7. RemoYOl 01 oofr tiswe or bony borrier to
!he ''9'" end symptom. 01 0 rnolood",ion h..... .,.,ob~ eru ption 01 teeth
- -~

SeMol e.<lrodion i. on inte rc<!ptiWl oflhodontic Indlc e ll on.

p roced ~re u. uo ll, initiot..d in The oKl rl, mi.. d Serio l $l<I'I'O::tioo is ind>::aled in the foi loYoing co_
denTiTion wh en ooe con recog r"li,. end o nti~ iO<l'" l . C ia ," I mc lcodu . io n . nowing hgrmo,",
pooler'l'"lC l irregoJorities in the cIonte fodo l CC<"r1 p1e. be_ skeie!a i and museu io, S)'SIIm.
ond il ~00y1ed by 0 proce<lut1t rIxIt inch.od the 2. MhIe!1g.h tle~cien<y os ~ompoore<l to_
olon* to<!tOdion 01 """"'in dec io;!lJOIil ,NIh ond ,ocIh m<>'eriai is the mosI impar1cntind~
Ioter .pecl~c permanent teeth in on ord.".ly
sequence ond pre-d""""'inecl ponem 10 guide
lor serIol e>dIOChon. Ardr "",m, d,',,_.
is indiOlled by the ~ of ono o r _
the e"'P'!1g pem1CI r. "" teeIh inlOo '""'" ~bIe <Ji m, lol"""ng koatvres:
politioo. o . AI>sr.c, of ~h \'S iolog i c fjXl cing
b. Unilatera l or bilate ra l promotu ro
Hillo ry
dec iduous ca nin ";th mid line , hilt
~ ;e l lgren in 1929 u,ed the t. rm 5e'I'<>1~'''Q~tion c. """lporiI ~ion ed or impedcO loterol incison
to describe 0 procedure whl!<ll some deddvou< !hot erupt palatonl' out 01 the orch
IeeIh IoIIcwer::I by perm,,,,,,, teeth wer'l!Jdroclt>d d. Morkedly l""IIula, or CIOWded uppe' and
10 guide !he reo! 0I1rle iee1h into normal occlusion. lowe, onleriM
None, during th~ 1940's populoriled mi, . Local,zed gingival re"", ..ion in the 10'Wt0'
techniq<ll in th. Unilr::d Sto leS 01 Americo and anterior region i. a coor'oderi.ti~ feollr~ cI
t.".,., od it ,.o nned '" prog reu i..... e.ohoct;on'. Hotz or"" 1<If\glh defi ciency
in 1970 ca ll e d ' uen a proced ure activ e f. EClOpic . rupti on of teeth
ou ,:>e "'ili c n of teoth by e>trocti on. g. 1vIes",1migrction ci bucca l legmen,
n. l\ pollo m &. sequence
I. L_,om";
Seriol e>droction is bo<ed on two boo", principia. I. Al>kylo ... of ooe or mare INIh
Arch length - loolh male riol dose,.paney: 3. Wh ...... grovoth iJ '""" e nough 10 co"",
Whe_ ther. is on e><au of tooIh mottuiol a , the dlwepancy berw.:en IOOth material ond
compared 10 the a d , length, ~ is ad-isoble ", basal ben.
reduce the i0oi+1 "",-em l in arderlO "", ... . lO ble 4. PoTien .. ";111 lI,eig h, profi lo arid pleasing
rO.ultl. Thi l principle i. utilized in ... ri ol e,troctioo "" peo '" f'IGG
proced ure. whe r. tooth mote-riCll iJ reduced by
Con tr. lndlu t lon. of se,,,.1 . "" . ctIOd
",lac,"", eotroc~on 01teeth.., thor the rest 01 th.
'ee,h con be guided to normol occJusion.
ScVd e>i.WJd ....... '"' wntro~nd"taIlod In r'OJmber
of condiriotl$"";"ir;h indude :
Physlologle roolh mo;'! , Human
o. Clan II &. III malocclusion with .kele",1
denlolion shows a pn,..ialogic. ~ncv to move
abnol'ft'Cll ......
low<I,dJ an e"',oc~on spoce. Thul by "'Iect.....
b . Spaced dentition
refTlO'o'Cl of $O rne teeth tt,.
rest of the teeth whid1
c. Anodon,", /oHg-oOOntio
c in the p-roco" of e fIJpti on or. guided by th e

d. Ope<> bile ond deep bile Thul patienl co,opemlion is.......oed.

I!. Midll .... diostemo d. AI e.droCl;.,n .poell Qr. r:reoTed that close
to" .. I molexciu';oc . wilh mi nim,, 1 .poce g/oduQ IIy. thl potie nt he>< a lendo""" of
d.fideo"l<;y d e""lop ln g lOng u. Ihru.1
g. Urervpled mo llofmed tee!h e.g. d iloceroli o o e E"" odio n o f th e bvcca l I""th co n ",. ull in
h. Exl,n,lv, co ri or heavily lilled lil"ll deepening ol th l bit..
pennanen! mol.... f. If Ihe po:edytelo~ not oorried ovtproperly
Mild di.proporlion b.rtween archl.ngth ond Ihn II 0 risk of 0'Ch Iengrh>g ~ """,iol
rOOIh fI'OIeriollh.- can be I<oJaIed ~ proIimol migra!'on 01 the b\lCCOl segrr..-.t. Th ... a
stripping pac:rl,o..ecvled ,...;ol .... rodion PIOIIromrne
ron be worse Ihon "one at 011.
Advlnfl,,, "f urlll exltletlan g. Di!chir>g 0< ~oee co n e, il l belwee n the
SeMI . "'rocli o n corried out duri ng Ike mi.ed con in e on d nco OO pre molar
dentlli o n and ea rly permo ne nt de nli"'" pel'"". h. The O><bI""' inalion "Ilee'!- al *'"
I<o:ml nalio n
foes 0 nymber 0 1 "tMlntog ... : 01II-.. serial e>drOdion pr<;>ce<lure mov ~yi",
c.. TrClOlment is mot!! ~ogk a. ~ I....,""'. eotnIClion . Thi. n.. ce .. i!oleS .hort Ie"'" fUoed
guidance of teeth inta normol posttions aoplionce therooy.
moldng use oIlhe physiologic /arteS.
t>. P,ychological Troumo o1$odoled ..-ilh DI",nn. lI~ p'KfllufI
moloc;dulion Can be (rOided b-,. trOO!mon! The diognm/ic OlOorI:ise prior 10 IrOO!Ment should
01 Ir.e ma locclus ion 01o n ""rty age, i ~ compreher'lli.e o""" menl 01 the cIer1lO l,
" II e llminale. o r reduce. Ir.e du rali o n 0 1 $kelelo l 000 soft tiU\ie$ . A tooth "","" iol. "rc h
""-"tibonded I~ lreolmMI. le nglh d iw-e""o"I<;y mulT id"" ll y e>.i ll . kcord lr-.g
Ii Better oral h ygiene i. pOllible thereby ta most ovthOf$, <;tn orcn length defi.:;iency 01 not
red\ICing the risk of carie . len Ihon 5 . 7 mm 'hould exist ta undenako this
I!. Health of in.en"llli.. ue. il po .... ",ed. procedure. Snxly model o""lyoio should be
t l .... relenlion period is indicated at the corried out to determine th" orch length
ccrnple!lon 01 tr-""n!. di1Creponcy. Corey', onalyoi< in the lower orch
g. Mart lIoble ~ .... fb me """ieved OS tho IOO!h o nd o!'Ch perimellr ooolysi. in tho UPPlf orch
"",1"""" "n d arm lenglh are in he rmon y. . hould be ,Qtried ""I. Mi,. d d"", tllio n o nolysis
he lps in dete ,mini r\9 Ike . pace req ui,OO for Ih e
Oludvlnt. ,.. 01 terlal utrae!lon e rupling b\lCCOl tOOlh. Tho, e ",pli o n .toN. of ~1O
G. Serialextraction requi .... dinio:Jl jcod(/l':'Mnl. dentition is evoloo!ed from on O.P.G.
There il no linlil. opproach that oon be Th. I~elela! ~.. ue o ...... ment l hovld
uniYersolly applied ta oil pollenI'! . foch inyolye comprehensive c e phalomet riC
patienl has 10 be ~ ond a ... iloble e>omination to !Iud.,. the underlying ,kolotlol
ilJ<t<OCI>cn limo table plonn&<!. ",lotion. !.ericl &J4tOCfion pmJvces the best ....,h,
b. Trealmenl li me i. prolong ed o. tho treat",",,1 in 0 CIo" I.,kelolal palrtm. P,."M ce olo a~1
il oo rrled ovt in stagas IP"!"d over 23 yeo r. II 0< <;I C lou III . ke l" IOI poll e rn ore
e. It req ui re, lhe flOlienl 10 . isit Ihe dentist ofte n. conlroin tlc"li o n. fo r serio l ""'mction procedvre.
\D I,
,"- {)

G te.

c D
""".J", '"S1tp01oa...".,11
f"~ I Dowel', ~ oi _ - , 1 . . - W !.Iop ."... - " ......... 01 ....,... .. , ' ....... 10 """Ie
oj .... I~. (B'i ho ' - . _ _ 01 doc.J.ou,I .., ...ob, 10 _ _ a ...... u._ cl fV.o ","""""".JCj _ .
_ .. 01 .... ..... "'" \ ... ....-do.,. "' . ........ pot""" .... ""'"_ ......,.. IDi!,o;.! ",.""",,, ~
~ ,


F.; 2 T_.,...,.i-Iod 01.., .. ",~ocl ,," ~\ S'op 0"" . ' ''me;''', 0' "",'''''00,' ' Im,-.olo. iBl .IIop two . ""'OC'"," of
_ ""'" ,or.... ..." f..,~,
Th . ,olt ti"ue ossessment by dini<:ol .poce for the olignment 01 the ir>Cirors. Th is S"'P
~m i Mtion and cepho logra m, he lp in the i, ~m.,.ied 001 ot 89 Y""' '' of o[/" . A yeo, lotef, th~
diag no sis . Ser ia l c,tr()oti on i, gene ro il y deciduous Ii ,,! mo lo... ore erirocled .0 tho! the
.....Jerlok. n in poti onJ> e<h ibiti ng h(lrmoniov< .oft eruption of fi ~t premo )" " is occe le roted. Th ;. i.
Issue pottem. fol lowed by the ".traction of the . ",pling fi rst
p:emdOr> to p".,.,., itthe pem'<lnentconrn lo erupl
~,a" edure
in th eir place.
Anumbe, of method. or "'que",," of exlroction In .ome ca,e. 0 mod ified Dewe l' ,
~ beM d~ ,cri b" d, Three of th e popular techn iqvo i, fo llowed wherein the fir$t pre molors
aelhods ore: ore en udeoded ot th" time of e.troction of the
f", t dOOdoou. mo""". Th ~ i, freq ue ntf,< MC~''''i)'
D~wel ',method

Twoed... method
Nance metOOd
in the moooibu lar arch where th., con in". otten
enJpt before th., fir$! pr~ moIo".
Tweed' , method Thi. method invo lve. the
1'.Iewe1', method Dewe l 00. proposed a 3 e' trocti on 0/ the decidUOV$ fi"t moIors oround 8
".,., ... rio l edroction pr<Xedur~ (fig 1). 111 th e first yeo rs of age. Thi' i. fo l ~ by th., e>ctrodion of
R? the deciduous <:I:m i"". ore e<troded 10 creot. the first premolors ond the deci d uous can ine,

23 1
F'J 3 InlM.,l oo of <x>1Cri{)( "o"b...
" ",," t .... "" "''''0. T,,, a )'0<>"
01d "",,,,,,, wo' "."\oJ b'" 2!~
oppI """, 'oot 'i'l a'ld (tl;, ",,,,,,,,,.,,...,
pho'~, (q 0"," :0: ~o""
~.," "ro lio "", ).
IF! ooJ IG) """
-'eo'''' ''! """""copho,
sim u l ~ (fi g 2). De nto . o ln olor o nte riof c roB bile ,
Mte<ior , ro .. bite in which 000 or more maxilla ry
No n c~ melhod , This il li r,,; I~ r to the lweed's
an te rio r teeth o re in lin gua l ft lotion to the
techn iq ue a nd involve. the " , tracti o n 01 th o
mand ibula r anterior> i, tefmed de ntoowe lolo r
ded duo u. n"t mo lo" foll owed by th e ex/roction
ont. rio r , ,,,,,bite. Thi. kind 0/ o nterior ( ",,,bile
01the li"t prM-d o r, and the decidvoul con ine, .
i. often man if." ted o. , i,.,. le !oCth ero.$b ite a nd
Po. t 18" 111 ex tractIon f lxlld t h erapy v. uolf( OCCVf$ d ue to ove r. reto ined decid uou s
teeth th ot dellett the erupting pem" "'...., t. eth inlQ
Mo.t eo.e. of . e riol extraction n. ed iixe d
a po'crto l po. ition . The .. dentoa fveolcr crossbiles
op plio "". th" ropy fo r th" co rrection of o' io l
, on b.. effeclively treated u. i,.,. to ngue bled es,
ind ir"lOtion ond deto il ing of the occ lusion
Cotolon'. o ppl"'rKe and dooble 'ontikwcf spring .
DEVEL OPING A NTERIOR CROSSa/TE with po. terior bite plate (Refer chaptef 34 ).
functio nal on te rio! cra"bite , So me ante rio r
Anterior Cfm ,t, ite i." conditi o n cf.o rocteri'Od bl OfOSl bite' 0'" refe rred to '" lun cliona l "'0"
le\'er:!e Oyeriet where in one or mo re mo, ill ory bite. Th ~ type 01=bite is tr.. so ,oiled poevdo
c nte rior teeth a re in li ng uol rolotio n to th" Cia .. III ma locd v.ion wh crt! th o mo nd ibr.. i,
"", nd ibu" r tMth. co mpelled to close in 0 po. ition lorward 01 it.
h1terior=.. bite, sho ukJ be interc"l'!ed true centric relation . FUr>diono l ero .. bite, occu r
ami treated ot a n early . tag e .o '" to preven t 0 o. a resu lt of ocull.l$O l pre maturitie, th ot co u.e a
minor orthod ontic problem from prog re .. i,.,. into defie<;lion 01 the mand ible into 0<lrd position
a lOO f:>rderto-Iada l a noroof(. M old orthod C<"l!ic d urin g , Io. ure . The, . a re to be trt!o ted by
""" im .mt The be, t ti me to treat 0 ("",t,ite i. e li mino>i"ll the ocd vso l p",,"otuMtie .
!he first time it is . eer> ." Skeletal anterior
M terior crossb'te .houkJ be treated "" rly c ro"b ite . o r. usua ll y a r uit of sl e leto l
Ior th e l~ l owi n g rea"",. :
dis<reper.:ie. in [TOWIh 0/ maxilo or ..... mandi ble.
o. Thi' type 01 molOGdu sion is ",If' perpetuati ng Anterio r ero"b ite, Con be a r. ,ult 01 maxillory
i. e. il the ero .. bite i. pre ,"nt in the decid lJOOJ < . ke leto l , etrog no t hi, m 0( hJ' Pop lo sia o r
dentiti o n, it lOOy ma nile,t in th" mixed ond ma ndi bu lar prognathi. m. Th 0 ," be,t treated
pe rmo ne<>t dontition a. we ll. d uring ~"'wth by growth modifkati on proced u",.
b. Simple oote-rior ero .. bile< thot a re not lre<>ted b)' Ule 01 myolu r>dOno I ororthopoedic opplionc",
"" rly hove the pote nt ia l 01 g ro wi ng into
. l el eto l mo lo ce lu. io n that lo te r need INTERCEPTION Of HABITS
cornp I Gated 0 rthodontk trootme!1t co mbined,
at time" with ,u rgica l procedu re., Ho bi!> in the orthodonti c .., n", refer to , ertoin
Ante rio r ero" bite. ca n broa dly M a cti on . involving the teeth o nd other o rol or
d onified ", . perio ra l ,trveturc , whic h a re ",peoted often
o. Dentoolveo lar ontorio r cro" bites
enoug h by some potierns to hove profound 0"'"
b. Sk ~ e tol antefior ( ",,,bit. deloteriou, effect on the po, iti o ns 01 teeth end
c. Functio nol o nt..,.;oc " ",. bite, oce lu. ;on. So me 01tile ho~" thot con alleet the
ora l . trvcture< o r~ thumb sv cking, tongu e M outlr breI/tiline
thrusting and mouth breathin g.
Mouth breath ing hobit ""s a profound elf""
on the dento _fo eio l reg ion . It Can be ob<trUC!;'"
Tlrumb suck/nt
or ha bitua l in nature. Ob.trvot i~e mo uth
One of th e hobits th", is most frequeotly practiced breothing i, v. uolly a r~.ult of nasa l ob,truction
by ch il dr .n ond is capable of p roduC in g
"""""il i,.. efIocts "'" the ';"nto_al""oIor 1trvclutes
such o. nasa l polyps, "",sa l turnc."S, chronic no""
inflam ma tory oonditi on. arn! d ~via t.d na ",1
i, the thumb suckin g hobit. Th. presenoe of thi ,
septum. Habih.oa l moulh breotf>ing i, ""'. whe",
ho bit upto 2 III _ 3 yM" of oga is c"",> ora l breathing peroi"'" DO a hobit ofi~rthe removo!
qu ite r<>rma l. Persi,te<>:e of this hob't beyond 3 of th . no,o l obstruction .
In 4 yeo ... of ag o Lon haye 0 darooging Mouth breathing affects th e o ro-fociol
infl uence on the dento-or.eoIor struoture' and
equi librium due to lowe red mand ibular aod
shovld hence be intercepted (Rofer Lhape r 9). tor1gu~ "",tu re and Can lherefo", prodc.oce sev.'"
Thvmb ".od,ing i. intercepted by use of hab't
breaker.; cO<Jld be of rema~able typo or one Int. rceptiv. proced ure, .hou ld invo"e
that is fixoo (fig 4). identification and ...",..".,.a ci the cause. Pe<.i>lera
of hob'tuol oral brM thing i. an indication to use
Tontue tlrrust
a ve.tibu lar scre~ n to intero'>f)t lhe ""b it
Ta, thru>! i, defin ed os 0 co ndition in whOoh
th o Iongoe mo kes co ntact with any tooth o nterio r SPACE REGA.INING
to the mola " during ,wa llowi ng. Th i. i. a
deleter.ovs hobit tllOt LO n clinically present with If 0 P!i,:,:,;ory mol~r i. lost early and 'p<lce
open bite and anle<ior prodinotion. m<l i ~lo i ........ orc not ".ed. 0 r~uoti o n in orch

The ton gue thru.t habit shou ld be ~ ~y mesiol mO'lOO1ent of the firs! molo r can
intercepted by u,;"9 hobit brook.r.;. The potic nt be expeoted . In .uoh polient. th e .po<:e 10.1 by
shovld be tro in ed and ed ucated on the cor",d """liel !!!QYM,Mt of the mQ lqr can be rega ined
tech nique of .wo ll owing by di,tal roo,.ement of the first molar.

Not a ll potient. who My" lost orch at on oorly <>go prk>c to the .ruptio<1 of t\.., ~
le ngth by mesia l mo lor ""'",me nt ore ideol malo ,. Th. fo llo wing a re <em e of th~ commor>ly
ca nd idot. , lo r . poc e regaini ng. Th e .poco used .p<lOe ~o i n . ".
"'[rl ining procedure, a re p~robly unde rtokM
i'* _

Gerber ' regalner oountin g ' 0 ten. The poti en' i. c,xed to "' ~
tn;, for .ome duration of ' ime .
A seo ml"" o rtnooonti c bond or 0 crown"
,elected for the Iooth to be disto lized . Tni pace Eurclse for the lips (clrcum.orel
regOin" r 01 a 'U shaped hollow tub ing mUlelas)
ond a 'U ' .hoped rod thot e nt. " the tu bin g. The
tube i. ,oIde red orwe ld..d on the me.iol Q.f>OCt
A numbe r of exe rc/ . " , hc" bee~ ,",,,,.dI,. '
T.... li p oM 01-": mu ",Ie .
01 the li" t rnoIor to be mov~d di.tolfy. TM 'U'
a. Stretch in g of 100 upper li p to
shaped wi re or rod is fitted into the ' ube, in , ueh
c.woy tho' the bos" of the ' U' ,00 conta cts ' M
tooth me.ia l to th e edentul au. Qre<J. Of>On coi l
"",I I ,;,~:~::,;~::::;':: I:~'~:::::
i. an
potients hovin g ",crt hypotonic lip~.
in tM , tretchin g. the poti cnt i. o,~ed to hoI<l
.pring. of r;.deq""te IMgth are placed around
o pioce of pape r between the lip .
the f,ee ..-d. 01 tne 'U' ..ho ped rod ond iN~ rted
b Pati""t< Om be o, ked to strekh the upf>O' lip
into tr.e tubing ossembfy. The lore"" generated by
in a downwo,d di rection tOW<l rd . th e chin.
th&COmpr8SsOO open coil ", ring. bring about 0
o. Hoking and pumping ofwater I;.;.;k 000 Jonj, l mo"m",,' ofthe firs! molar.
be hi"" the lips.
SpIce re,alners using Jack screw. d Mo<;.og ing of the lips.
e. &!ttonpull excrd ,e : Aoo"onor ll t2 ind>
Spocco regoining co~ be r.rovght about u>ir.g j",k
diometer is token and a thread pos~
!<:roW' placed in weh c way ,hat an i ~\Cf~'" in
through the bvtton Ix>e . The patient;' asked
oren ~~i s_o btoi nedj)y_d 'ltQlilOtion 01 ,he
to piece the button beh in d ,h. li ps ond puB
!!!S!lw-,The opplklnce con~ 't' 01 a ", lit ac~ic
th e threa d, whil e "" tricti"ll it from being
pklte with a jackscrew in relation to tho edentJ ous
pu lled ou t by "'ing li p prew)(e.
'pace cOO i. rctcined using Adorn's do<ps.
/. Tug of war .'.,.-oi", : Th;, is , imilor to the
Space reltalnlnlt u51nlt cantilever Iprlng betton pull exo r~ise. Tni, involVe< u' . of two
beffon>, with "'.. pbced behm tile li p> wh ile
The molar con be di.taliz~d to regc in .pace by
th o oIOOr bvffon is ","d by oooth.r person to
using ",meoble opplklrxcs ' hot irlCo rporn te
pull the tn reexL
' impl e fing er sp ring$.
Exercises for the tongue
One elastic .wo llow Hi . exe ro i,e i, u,ed
The dentol tis""" are blankctOO from 011 direction> for c",reetion 01 impro per po,itionin~ of the
by muscles. Normol occ lusol developmen t tong u . A 5/ 16 in ch intraoro l e klsti( is placed
depends upon the pre ... rtee 01 '""""'01 oro lac;o l on the tip 01 the tong "" and tho pati ent i. c,xed
mu.dc /u~ction Mu sc le exe rcises he lp in to roi se the tong ue ond hold the elo, tio ogcin ,t
im provin g aberrant m",de funck." th o ruga e area and , wallow.
Tongue "ok! ~x...-ci' e : A 5/ 16 il"lCh . Iastic is
EJ(erclse for the matlerer mUIele po, itioned oer th e ' ortg ue in a desigootcd 'POI
An exerose to .rrengthe n the mo "ete r musd e foro pn:",ri ~ pe<iod of ti me with the li ps dosed .
involve, the de n( hing 01 !eeth by the poti.nt while The potient is then o,ked to , wallow with ela>tio

Ske~elo lmalocc lu sion if dic>gno>ed at on eorly
" oge co n be i nt"~~ 10 o. kl red uce th e severity
of the molocdu~Oo" thOl ""'l' occur. Tf>ese growth
modvlotion pnxeclul'e$ ore aimed m normo1izi"l:l
....... D.
the >bIelal ,e lotion';'i".

--" 0_-
,oIrDQO ......
lll'.te. p tlo/! at C'a .. /I ",,,'ocelll,IoR.
~nfoln&I~, d05' II $hI,klfmcleod...."'" <1:Iwllvoccurso, ,,
re, ult 0 1 eitner ... ce!l ive maxil lary g rowTh,
1I'0\<f! "",,, ~1IdOnr 10
1W1i<:! f1'~ xl!a'y I '~" defi o..f'oCy in mond ibulor grooM" oro combi ne!.,.,
of both. ",",'i llo"" grOWlh (o n be ,,,,trioled by " $0
d boo, bo..,..it1 fIoodgoeor. elms limolocd"""'"
due 10 dejicient monc:libulor II..-th .. u_lIy
Ireo!cd by mp/urdionol opplionces.
In te, ceptloll o r eln. 11/ m .. l...,c l.... ,oII.

Cia .. III malocclusion oa:u ... as " resul! 01

StaoIrJj Qus I I ~~ I' ma nd ibulor prognotn ism, ma xilia ry reTro
_UO pI"""" .w"r,
groo'IO gna nthi$ m or a co mbination of both. Ch in cup
"'~ I", '"'" f..,. """" !':+IIIPI'
\li,*~ \'oit" hood g.ea r helps in ",.Iric~o n 01 mar>dibu klr
growth FR III orfoce mesic thernpy is used
k:o- co,.,. 01 m(Jl6l1ory dejicifn<:y.

M<91111Mo ..,

WIle""""" 0 pcm10ne<1t toot!, f"i's to ft nJpI 01

appropriate time, il1 o'uption may ~ stimuloto-d
by wrg ica lfy ei<pOSing Ihe crown. o,...-relO in o-d
... ploce orld lip' O~".
primory I""th, onkyloso-d primary leelh anc:l
J..o e!a~lic ."",11ow ; Two 5/16 j""h elosHe. wpemvme-rory teeth Ore oil'- pc=ible <:DUOOt of
"'" ploced O'I'er ,he k:ngue, one in the mkl!l"" non-eruplion 0/ .. cadcneous!edl>. whid>""""1d
end the 0Ih.. on the tip and II-. patient is asked ~ rulod out prior to this pnxe<iu",.
II> .....,11"", with the ~Iasha in pOoilion . The "''11"",1 ptI)<:'Idu ... ;"""'_ eocition
The 00Id puI! e-osc : Th .. lip of the tong~\! of the solr !il1Uf! and "lmo",,! of o ny bone
and the midpo int ,,'" mod~ to c""Io <;l the poloTe ",",rlying Ille crown of the une nJpto-d tooIh. Tile
and Th e mand ible i, groouo ll y ope ned. This extent of timlt! remova l shou ld ~ such thot the
oen:ise helps in . tret<;hir>g the li "!!,,,,1frenum. gmates! d",meler of tf-.e crown of If-.e tooTh ..
e,poosed . In othe r words th e Iv rll~ l ly ;"ooted
OJ)ening in tt..!iuve i Iign~, lo~er !loa n me
greole$t dim..,.OO of !he 1ooH>. The surgical
wound i.given 0 cement d..,..,ing let 0 ~riod ol
Re le re n c e ,

_ II. 1'roIf, WI! , " - _ """ ~

0", I .... : loIror>g """" _ I DtOG""
00h0d 1980;!IO , 75_116_
2. Mo. l """" ...... , P]: (0.,01 o/I;owq 01 _
.. f ............... 01 d.... b:>nJoo opoc. """ "" ........ J
DortChO.j 1983 ,!)(l , 1 97 .<'O~
3. [)ewoj: ~;,"' i ' ,...;., 1. >:I_. No J Qo-1,,,,,
'. o.w.I, ~ _ " " " ....h",k"I,,., 1.... """",-
"M "00""0.' ,,<od~,.,.
Am J

5. Edwo JG : no ~,' ....o. HI. ',,"om, I

f""""""",, : OlrCoi <>A. Am j Q" iIod 1~n ; 71 ,
6. Gn;.t-IM . Ootl>odoo"" _........,.... ....... d o,
W8Soundo ... I~68
1. t\o;ob ,GO.OdO'IO:O 01 ......- _ _1 _.
,... J Odhod 1970 ;120
a. HoM. ~.,. <rd 0'C0M0< 0...-.1 o-OMl
"" 0'" '" """',,""';, '" """" oI, ,.J 0 "" d.
".,.",:on . A", J Ort.od 1\'63 . Jt.331J
9. ~'11 E. 11oI':>1I\I J , _~ ,,"' .... 01 ~--.._

I .. o'm. n' QIOMi"1 "''''
010010 ... _
... J 0- o.ld 1919;
'"'P' ,.
~ ,300.306
10. NortDnA. _ .. w..GoII . ....!: Spoc. ""' __
...-. '" _ do""-"". J 0- o.Id 1975; '"
112 _ll a
I I. ProIi# WR, COO" "" ""'.., o.+' odon,;: . S' l OJ" ,
CI "'...... 1986,
12. - . ~ "'\'0" . Ho:r.O boo&< of Or+odoef,,- v."
bool ",",,1<01 ~..o"""" c.1~8fI
13. ~_ -"' : _
01 01nOdo.ob,.e Uo,,'-'-'
l~. Sit"""" 5.tId II ..... oi ,""I....", (8"" 10 Ion ,,,,,,,,
'" "9"1. Anl J Q.-t-.:,d 19<8 . 969979
15. T"""" M c;..bof, "' '''''" l \10 ...... . : 0rl00C",,
t;c, am,., ...
_ I-.:
1""ipI.. 0.' '.".... 0" ... Mo>I>v,..."

16. Vig, _.",.b.

I_..-.f Kow<IIoId o.....t"" 01
"'"""""'" ___ ..... <rd _ _ '"
"'") 0rI'-00d 1990 ; <~51
17. Wr;g.\, (;l, ~ 00, ~oc .... r"fI" ,.. " ..........
0'" "'-'<!d cMnr;'''"'_
0." ( I" NotI, 0"' 1918 ;


T he correction of menv ma locc lus ion.

r. q ui"" 'po<;e in orcJ<,r to move teeth Into
more ;dea l locotion,. Spo<e" req "". d for
"",~cti on of crowd in g. retradi"" of prod ined

r rox;f'1o l stripping
proxi mo l .urf""~$
ro reduc~
j, a metW by whi t h the
of the IM !h Ore ,lie"" in order
Ih e me,io-dislo l width of the toeth. It is
leeth, leve li ng a , jeep (U"'8 0; Speo! , derototion
d o nt"rior reeth and for correcti on o f un,tob le 01,0 known by the .ynonym" reofO, imcti on,
IIIOIa r ,,"olion. The O<thodM' ~t is oH" n Io::M wilh , I "" d~ri lati "" , di,bng and prox imo l sli ci ng ,
'he d il . ma 01 how to o bto in 'f'O oe req ui",d for Although thi, p ro~ o d u ro i, rou tin oly ~arr",d o ut
i>e>e corecf,on, . Planning .poce;, an imf>'!1On l on the lower on w io rs it can 01,0 be do,,", on tho
GIIJl"d of treotment pl ~n nin g uf'IO"r a nteriors and b.x~a l "'llmef'll'> 01 the upper
Some o f the method, of g<lin ing 'poee and lowerarche.,
incIud" ,
Indlcll t/ons for proximal strIpping
Prp, imo l. t ripp ing

< E<tra ctk>n
1, P'o,i ma l 'tripp in g i. vs uo lfy indicoted when
th o ,poeo req uired ~ mi nima l i.~ . , 0 2.5
< D i<tolirotio n mm, In these cases , it i, po"ible to a'oid

,< Upr>ghtin g of ma la"

OerO'ation c< poster>:xtffih
e , tr a cti on 0 1 to" th by p. rlarming
mproximati on,
> Prodination of o nterio" 2. II th o BaltM' s ana lys is ,how m ild toot h

moIenal "CIH$ ,n e<th~r oi tho otdl ..., ~ ;s

pouible 10 ,,,auce the 100'" moleficl by
plO,;mol ,rrippi~g.
3. ~ COn be undenalcen in the lower enterio.
0"" 0

region OS on 0'<1 10 ,elention

Amount of p,oxlmel st"pp'nt
COn!" Indl"atlon, fo, proximal . trlp-
1, PfO>< imo l stripp in ~ i, not ca rri ed out in young
pctie nts OS Th e," lorge pu lp chomber
bo "':ood3:,~~:;0;,"::.: 'm:o:';",;";0:":' ' ;:'~.~:::;~
orcn, il
I, ur>d erlaken in

wh'<: h ir'IC'",,_ tho ril k ci pu lpal .'po''''. 011rho. teoth,

2. Pt.!ilffilt "'no or., ",",sceplible Iornn., '" thooe
who nove" high cori", irnlc>. DI.. d.,e ~t.t of p,oxlm ol . f" pp/nt'.' of p,ox/",. I . 'ripplng

1. ~ il possible 10 ovood _,1Ion in bordorline o. The strippong pnxedu,," create< .""~", ,
co .... ""'~ space reqJiremenl i. minimal. prD>imol surface mat otlro!;ts plaque.
2. A rroor. lo.ouroble &me bite ond Oefjet b. co~.s sUKep/ibOl,ty is inaea sed os ;>0'"''
cOn be e.~bli!hed br .Iimina~r.g
""'Q~OI1 rho 0110"",1 is r"".",..~d, Ie<r<ing behir>d
loom moterio1eKCeU in either of rt.e orcl>es. lOugf..e<,ed 01] ,
3. Moo! Ilobl~ 'ew lts con be e, toi;Ji,h.,d by c, fIor ients moy ~xperien<;:e ..,,,, iliviry 01t... th.
broode r1jr1 g th e co ntoct o reo Th e ro by d, Imp ro po' proc e dure at the ho nd o 01
. el imir\(l,jr>g , moll co nto d point; which con inexp e rie nced ope ra ta" con r8l ~ l r in
. Iip and couoe rolotion of ' eeth, Dhrotionol morphobgy dthe roe*" creo'Ong
on unnolu,ol oppeoronce 01 the _h.
Dt. tno. t/c "Id, la , p,ox/mal st" ppl",
D. Lou 01 contod be""""'n cdjocent k>Oth moy
kh pe-nmeJe, a"alysls ; Arch perime1 .. , 01 rewh In Iood impaction.
Co,...,~onoly$;" lhowing 0 looIh malenal tru:e5$
01 0 _25 mm c.oenh. ordller>gIh is a diognostic P,oc. d .. , . 01 p"'~/mal .trlpp/..,
crilDrio fo.,Qring r.prDJ<imolion. PrD>imol ,tripping is carried out in one of !hot
Hollon's o~a!ysls . Bokon's onalysis """",ling foIl"","ng WO)'S (fig I) ,
an fI>Q!$' 01 room mo~~ol in ",!her of ,he orchu I . U... 01 "","'lIie ohm""" drip.
is on indiroti on 1<) rwVOl loom malerio l in mo l 2, Sote "dad ro ,bon.rndum di",.
o ren, Minimo l inl &ro rc h to ot h mote rio l J, long min tOp<l red li " u, ,, bur<
di!.Crep<l ncie' con c lso be <:e rroded by proxi ma l
Fluo,ltle e ppllc.tlon
. trlp pir,g. (li g 21
Inl10 0'01 p~riopico l radiograph. It i, Th e in(reoud ca rie . 'u.c e ptibilil~ "Iter
oo:Msoble to cor.lull,. ono:Jyu. .... DCcurate/y tok .... sleno:le,izotion i. "","eg ed by" c<>mprehensive
Inl,o-orol perloplcol rodlogroph 01 lho '''9100. fluoride PlOIIrcm"", Iollowingihe p,ocedure.
,;~ I P'Q, ;", o l " '; 'P-"'l " ' ;' 0
+" 'epeo-od
'I 'l lc 'lg i"".. t. , ~
':S! Solo,;dod " """" .... m d-""
iq "~1<lIk at "",,,,, " ri p>

' ''' 2 (.<.j p""""t",. nt r*o1Ogo"o, '

of 0 po ' ;, nt ' O ,-;" ~ ,.- o"Jl b" la r
Bo llo" " " . too" "'0"..'01. IB)
P' o>l ",, 1 .,.; .... n; """ _ ",mod to
"'""" . ... "","o.ibo.rla- 0">" "" o..d
h ooJ";t, h od owl """" (q ~ .
tOO'."..t , "",.~ """" a'9>m"'"
<J ""- ........ "'"
EXPANSION AS A METHOD OF (lAINING coni,onting prob lem (crowd ing
(fig ~J.ln oddi~ on. the lowtion of
e,ponsion is orwt of lI1e non.I""'l~V<I memod. of the il luch rhat ~'" "",,<:8 goined b)-
goining spoa (~9 3). k i. unci_ken in
pa.ients he",ing conslriCled ~lIary a,ch a, in
P"' ielllS with uni!oterol Or bilol_1 CIOM bile.
Expan.ion ron be skele,ol 0' cknto-ol,eol" .
5kelekll bpem."'" i",.,.,l,o. ", IIHi ng of !h-e mid-
poloTO I l ulu re wh il e dento-{lfveolo r e'pc>n<ion
prod", 0 denlo l oxpo",ion with no , k. leTol
chenge. Expon""" is b,ou gnt about by '>'(l';"us
0Pllliarn:es IMl ircotpon::r!e ;ad:. screws Otby u...
"'Ipringl. A more detailed occoum 01 .-oriou'
upOtd"'" procedu ... and dc,.,.;oos i. giver> ;" ....

enwing chapreo-.



One 01 frequent!; """lied mctnods to gaining
Ipolal for orthodoo~c purpooe. is b)- e><l1O<:tian 01
one Of mono """rh_ Extrodan thol it undortoltm
a. a pan of arthodonlk " ealmenl is coiled
t!>emptUllc _cOOn.
P,emalo'S are lh, mOIl hequently
e.JroclCd ' eel h as pOrt oi orthodontic '.-.o!"",m f;~ .. (.0.: e""",;o., 01 "' .... '"Ih ,',ocI ~ goin
e,.rodian of ane premolo rl'om noch quod"'nt ..,.,. 'n '.,gt'~ .....of+",,,,,
,0 on', "''' io ' "'" orld
<'ow;; "". iBI p"", H,""o, I. 01,0 "" i""'"""' I",
"' .... jaw p'.,.idc ulk""'t .peKe t() cOt,ed ,;", <.rod Of' 'eel,
....... , ,.
~.,o;~~.' b. lllilired lor correction in both orollon:el lor r:!"lSIoliWfion h", the loI\o..i"9
... onlO<ior os _II os Ih~ p<>:!lerior 100m."" 01 disodvontogtt ,
1. Ptrlien! coope-ot;oo;, essent",1 b-timely weor
II " r'\O! u""om mon 10 exira , ! mo lo" c.r of th e op~lon~e:
ind."rs during ortho don tic th e rapy. 2. The opp iion ce. o rO u.u o lly no t worn
"'~_. 8J(!roClion of conO n end Uppe<' indson conti n~y. Thus!hey 0'" int" rmi!lent ., the ...
lIusvoU1ovo;ded. oction re,..,~ing In prolonged !reotm""t ~me.
TheO..-rIo!he lI'J'!'Iion of teeth
tI_c;tltra pottenI should be based on" lOund
l i.""~" Mo .. dlf1<>ilo on/heropeuhc: e:<Il'IXIOm In order to"""reomethe dtowbodcs 01 ""'ra-orol
gWen in chopl .... 23. opplionce., vo,ious illlro orol applionce l to
d i. tol i, . mo lo" were introduc ed. Tne se
opp l",,,,, o re li.1td on 10 !he t... th a nd therefore
p-rodoco 0 conti n""". effect. The loIJo.,,;r,g 0"
some of t+.e intruorol de,;, .. u~
., recent timel is di.toli,alia" f molOI"1 .
Distolirorion procedures Ole aimed '" mO'Oing the Sagjltal rrpplJonce : Molrr' d istoli,a tion con
be brought obout b y removable opplionc
""""'" In " di.,.,1 di"""';on so '" 10 goin 100"'.
This opprooch i, becoming populor dve 10 1M ' 'coo po",t;, ",Iock..:rews. The opplicroc:e consilii
ol 0 ,~~ ocryloc plale iOined t~ether by 0 iock
~>:.:::~:;. DiSloli.01ion
: fie
il moI"r o .. ume> ';g n~N:u!'t! .alvi in
t~tm. nt 01 mild to modorote DCII II moio ,
."...... lfi; 5) The oc:rylic: plalo is ...done<! in sud>
o wa y thot the tooth th ot is to be d i"" liz&d i.
I" ';~O >~" '~ ,.IIih a """"CJI ""," dible . rr.." isol oted, while th o ... " 01th o arch i. u..,d lo r the
br di, tolilin g"'" mooi ll ory mola rs in these C01{l'. purposoo 01 oncilorc~.
edroction of teelh COn be O\IQided. The ideal The.. gpplianceo ore retained ullng
IcrdislallZ<lllon is during iN mOoed denlition Adom', clolPS on !he mc>Ia .. .....! premolan .
!!Mod prior to the .",plion of the .Icond The jade scr~ 0.. po$moned in such "vtrTf lItot
;>em><>....m molo . their ""'9
0 ... is perollello ,.... oc:duscrl pI"ne OS
D<l!olizolion ,on be brought about by """los the bvt:colsurloce of the mol,,~ This
t..foJ lowing me!hods
1. E.Tro oro l method.
2. Inlra ore l metr.oo.

Eo'' , . or.' motlloa's

tfMd geot1 detWing o.-cl>otoge from rh. cer.i<;al
... ""niol fell"'" con be used It) diO!011l8 MOIors.
The heod gea, assembly consists 01 0 Ioce bow
which il mode 01 on in,...,- ond on ouler bow. The
_, b-ow Is Io.od 10 bucca l tubes pre-' 0f1 th e
1'1010.... The o uter bow i. atlOch$d 10 the ortra f'O! Sog ;,,, 1 app li onco i""o"x"o,""O" .<row for
00101;,, ';.,
.....,1 hood (OP 0' node . tra p. The vse of ortra
f,. 6
(Vj p,.
('oj oM :, )P" 0'"'
coo ,..".
pool d;~, b,! ...,
d ' ~o r, ,,,, o
ibJotecol) """" ",, I ~"ph> ot 0 ,.,r, ... "oc<od
,;,d 'IO<at' .xcl,.., 1 "r "", ,,,,*,, of 0 ,.,roo' !,,,,,Ied "' ~..
, ~<:<>i ' pri"",
p. ...c', lm 00""'''''''
(C) _

Iyp~ ai opp iior><;e <;on be u .... d for di"" iizoti on of

only or.e tooth ot 0 time to o<oid und ue .<Ire in on
the onchorage .
Distoholion u. ing intra _ o ro l mag n ~ ).
Intre -ore l repe ll ;ng magn et. con be uoed to
dista lire makJrS, TM'" devices cons,,) of repe lling
mag""ts placed 00 the moklr to be di.<lO:i,od ond
th o tooIh onterior to it. Th~ O111erior onchoroge
c@bere inforced u. ing a Nan CD hokJ ir>g arch,
U,e of op e n cojf s pring s 10 disla lize
rT>01'ors, Moklr d i ~ lizotion con be brovght obc<.Jt
u:\ing Op"" co. ndel titClrium 'pri ng compressed
bel.... ee n , he molar and the a nterior "'9""",1. The
onterior onch aroge is reinforced by us. of 0 Na nce
button tflo t r~<t' ogo in<t th~ ont",Oo, port of the
po lote . (fig 8)
Pendu lum orr/ ianc e It i. o n introo ro i
fogS 0". .. '<il "";,,go ,...0 ,. ,h".! ........ ~. 5I>oom ..... -, on o='i<F.<, ,oIrod)o<lo' 9 """ "CO'pooY" G 0_ CO!
~.nd. Nor b.,.1on 1", onto.;,.- "",,,~.

ch!ci.c1io<1 tIfl!lIiance!l'lCll incorpotOlss 0 mod ilied

i I ....\ \1( \\ ~..i ;, .'i: !. iJf.')
Nonce bulton fo, purpo'" of onchoro9t.IM
oddi~on ~ coruish ofo stainless ~ .,;'" wi!h 0
heli<. !he distol end of which inserted ink> "
*eYe on !h.t palatal osped of !he molO<$ 10 be
, '., oJ." .".j 'i ~i'" (

"""Ii.ed (tg l). D.""I.roIion io p<o<Ivced by ,I "----,1

., I
oponino me helDc a nd lorcelul~ e1>9oging !he '--,-'- - -'.--'
&.w I &ncK inlO !he .Iee, ",.

f'mnotv", 10$$ 01 0 oocond deciduau. moIa, Of
ec'rOdion of a _ond premolar can couse mesial
tppit>o oIlhe lil$! permr:rnenl malo . A. mesially
<wed molar (>Ccup'e; rno,~ . poee !hoMOn
upigh! moIo' (Iig 9)- 1hu, by uprighting me..
Ippe<I rno lors. ce rta in "moun! 01.!Ce con 00
_ red. IvI<:>OI$ <;g n be uprighl<>d ul ing Ma r f>g 9 A ,~~ ' 00;' 0'" , ,, ""'" .,," """. ,ho, ""
"P< {Ii" """
R. f.r"nc".

2 ' ~+ffl)'ci H ,..",10 "' M Co ,"" 0.,

E, 'fa """ " 'M """",;ro<;'''''
:;, c.,,,,, ~ ,.."',. "" i, ,..-,1.';eo<t""
~ D~',.", ., ""'"''"''''''"'o ,''"",,
ob;oct ...., "" "',t-.- .co<od~ .. _ k-, J
195 . ; 'i06-92~
5 Gm,., TM , Or'hoo'"" , co
'Hi! S-;~"" " , 1 %8

6 H, " , Po I"o l ..
, .-.toIo,;,,1 c"ho,"""'. , A,-, ',';~:;~': ;:: ~!.:
I '"
Hat. Ro , 'o . ",,, ..,-,,,, of '" "", ,,j l<l ~ <l<noI .....
'"0 -no no",,1 m, j,.,. by ope n; ", ". , m; ; """,..
"""'0, ",'" I. o,,-,.,d 196 1, ] I 73_90
S, Huo" l",>c '''' m oo~ h ,,-m..-' ,"01",,",, " of ~
r .. 1 ~ A 'o",.d ""'.... "" t~, 0''''';'' """ =- , "k>1OI ""'0 "';"" , A"Ii ~ e<lhoo' 1980; 50 , 189-
-1.0 , """"0 1c oo ? 17.
9 Hal, Tn,o,," "" 01 "",,i " ) _'_"1 by ~
+0 ".. "" , 101 ''''"''', AVe O"hoo' 1965; 65 , 21)3.
2 17_
10, "-<l', - Go..;J.; ,>(e 01 ... " ,,,", .., .... , .. "" ,,,,,,,.
DERDTATION OF POSTERIOR TEETH ie" , Am J Orl- od 197a; I _ ~
II .vn ., SI- ,..;oc.,-. : A" Roto : S'r~ Uoda-" Am J
O,.bo 1987; 78 1_7&l
ko:ated p",terior t. eth accupy rnore ' O<l ce tha n
"",rr.o ll l p'o "ed po<terior teeth O. rototi on of
12. .....oo Ph '" " ~ ,' -'I.oJ ,J ,,,,,,.j ~~ ct "", 100

wred"' , ,J Ad " A<d,_ .,,,,h 0. "''''''-''1' Am J

these teeth hence prol'i de, rome Orr>O\lnt ci arch Onl.oJ 1"91 ; 484_<09
length (fig 1O),Derototio" i. b. ,t a ch ieved with I] P",jiH WR: CO"t. ", ,,,,,, Ort" ~t"" S' l"", ..
Ci ,,,,,,.t.,, I 906
fixed c pp iooxc. iOXOfpototing .pring. Of e lDStb
14 Rcbo., ' """'" ' ' ..... d Oook 01 O"hoo'oo""", Yeo<
"" in ~ a fore" coop le boo:< ,.-,.,j ',, 1 pvhI;,ho~ , inc 1986
I S So , ,," , n .A : ' "",ti(e 0' CM-oc'<x" " , JB l W""""
PROCLlNATlON OF ANTERIOR TEETH ,,,,",,,.,,-, 1 ~6t

Prod inolio<1 o f a retruded c nte rior tooth re. ult, in

ga in o f o rd\ le ngth , Thi , i. c$LJ<l 11y ind icoted in
co whe<-e th e teeth o re retrodned or ,n tflo..,
Case' where protr<x:tJ\g the cnlefro v,ill r.c< affcd
the . oh ti,.ue protil e of ' k po tie nt


A e;'~ ~~~~
oppore<1tly complex yet re!otiely ,.;mpl e

0 L\
proced ure in o rthodontic . j . pa latol
<pa n. ion. II> v. " oti lity i, un iqu e l o r (,d\(' ;\'-'
~pite th e mony (M l rOve" i", su rroundin g
Oe$irab le r. , ull$ are och ie.ed when used in th e
L,n ~
cpp ropri ate , tuation lrr a skilled clinidan .
Expon,"" of the polote """ fir>! ""h ...,ed
:;; I :3 I
'" Emerson C. Ange ll in 1860. Po'otal .>PO"'' ' ' (
be carrled out in dilie r. n! way> whic h are
boood ly ck",ifoed 0' rap id & , low, c

tepid mo,i li o,), " 'po", ;o n i, 01, 0 kroown by t he the fin t time in 1860, ",ed 0 iClC k , crew type of
.....,. ro p-d P<l loto l expan, io n o r ",lit po latc . It is device be/weerl the maJ;llary prnmola", in a 14
.. <ke leta l :ype of e <pan,"o" tho! involves Ihe yea r old g irl and ach."ed an increase in oreh
RJIO",tion of th e mid pa lota l suture a nd >Mdth by I /. inch in I 4 ooy. (fig I). Wolter Coffin
~ nt of!he maxil ,,!)' .holve, away from """h in 1877 introdoced 0 ,o rin g co il ed Coffin .pring

""". Erne"on C. Ang e ll is (o noide re d Ih.

/orthe pu rpo>e of ~ ng t!>eorch. Th,:"" . Hoo,
kowe'er were not a~cepted by t he orthodonti c
id>er of rap"d mo,i li o,,! c xpon ,ion. Aoge ll , for commu nity ot that time.
It was the 0101 'U'!learn ond E.N.T. Tht sphenoid and the zygomatic
surgeo .... who popularized this l<Khniq ..... during hove a diod .... '.. 'ng mid po
the ecw1y POri o/th"oentury. E.N.T. s...geon. used .uture opening.
thi. 1echnique In lfWlment 01 nasal ,nsulf"o::ienct
and coruIrided r"OlKI-mo>illa..,. <:Or'I1pie.. with g=> I/IIOICATIONS fOR R.III. E.
I UCCfl .
!!.op;d mo,jll ory e>:pon ,ion no. beet> corried "..
KomkoU I ond Md r. .. Has< during tn..
1950'1 reintrod uc&d rupid maxi l"''''' expor"l$ion!O
for dentol o. _ II o. med ica l purpose . n..
foll owing ore lOme of the in dicction. for rcpod
tho C<1hodontlc com mun ity. Tf>ey pop<Jklriu>d tn..
c.",cllpt .. ith s.ce llent 1."'01ci1 publication, on rnc.ilkl ryoxpon"on:
crimoll ond hu mcros u~r.g 0 """""r ofle<:Miq~ (II Posterior erOl!l bito ~i;l21 oosocicled wah rool
01 ",~ti .. mD.<illory deficiencie . A ....
ond methodl.
mo>.lllory defiOency ;$ os.sodcltd with ""
APPliED ANATOMV undoroi.ed / nO((OW mo .. illo . Roloti ...
rro::odlory r:IeIiciency i1 ~rized bot J"IDIn"d
Tht ITOOIdIIo IOge1herwith thoo polatine bonelorms maxi lla but OeBized mondible.
the hord pola.., floor and g...,..... port ol the lot.
erol woll. ci the 1"(1$01 <:nvity. 1ne m:uilla is a
po iltld bone thot cwoiOJiats. ,.;th '" owooiIe """""
ber aoo .arioY l oIhor hone. indcding tm....tal.
e!h""" d. """,I. lacrima l. "om ..... ,ygomoric orod
the per loti.... bones. Moot of too . utum l oHoch
me nt. of tn.. rT>Q,ill a to tn.. "" ioinin g bone. cre
a t it5 posterior and superior ""pe<:1s IflO .ing th o
anterior and inial,,="" ""ped' free, wh"h ma kes i!
~ul .... ,obl& Ioo-Ioterol d;splac<!t<nent.
Jhs ....... ....,.;Iory and the ime' "PtIlatine
.utu,e1 or. collKt",* coiled the mid -polatol
.uture. !!.opld maxillary expansion should be
i'iIioled prioIlO"'ossi/icotion 01 the m d . poIotoI
. uJure . Voriou. studies hove been done to
~In !heoooo, ... hio;h the md - paiolol "'''''''
..... fiel. Meloon ~tholthe Ifon.""",,,,rowIh
of the mid . pa loto l wtur~ c""~ nu ed uplt> 16
yeo " in girl, and 18 yoo" in boys . Most.tU<J iol
repo rt a brood ru ngo of ",..fkation ti metabl e i.e.
berween 15 . 27 yeo" Tf>c dinidon !hovld
honce OKcrIOin thallhe .ulure i. nol oss ified t>t
using appropriate diagnostic oido to b.
described Ioter in th," eMptor. --
r", 2 ~""'1001<>0- <K><> W. l!l 000""" .....
A ,
12} Clou III roo l<>cclu",," 01 <lenkll or skeleTal THE EFFECTS OF R. M.E.
o;IU"". ImpfO'o'emenl i$ see" in boI+I antflrior
os _II os posterior crossbi,-, Though R.M .E. i. e..en~Qlly 0 dentofa<;ial
(3] a.h polo!e potie"" with collapsed m",clilary ortnopaec!;,: opolion<:e used by orthodooli$h. it
0"". "",olclherupy, R.M.E.
I~l In coses requiri"llfoce
finds oppllcofion In other ~"lds such 0$ 0'01
su'9""1. E.N.l orod plosfic surgery.
" used olong with Ioce moll< 10 00sen me Mo. il/ary .hletol ellee' , The mo.illary
mO"i 110 ry IvlWJl ol't<w;h,,-,. ,., os to foc;. ilete poo~ d o r teeth ore VS<Jd o. hor><lle. 10 apply a
pro t'llction. t,,:msye 'le re-d p rocc l force so 0,10 opoen th e mid
{S) The medicol indicotions lor ra pid mc"ollary . pakJtol , uture. Since th . lerce e~ioyed for 1M
eJ<POnlion indud.. 00",1 n'.:"osb, poornOKlI pfOCedvre i. vy high, no! mud. of ort\1odQo otic
oilWOJ', seplol deformities, reculNl'l eeIr and chonge. con be obse.....d. The oppiianUl otI
nosal ~on, allergic minili$, O.N.S" e.t.c.,- odMniotl compre ..... the peiiodo"lOllil/Omenl
and bonck the olweoio. prt>CI!SS bucollyond .JawIy
opens the mid palatal suh"", The oJ*'ing 01
The rQ<ltin e diognosTic aid . sud> o. co,. hi, k>ry, the mid pakJlOl '''I\l10 ~ ~",.noped C<'tri''''9ukn
with m,,,imvm ope ning ot the incisor "lgiotl and
d inico l exominati cn and study models ore usefu l
grodvo ll , diminishing IOwa rds th e po,te rio r po rt
in dklgnosil. The mid - po loto llvtu rtl con boe
of p""'t~ (fig 3 0). This cOn be oP P'ftCiated in 0
oiluol i.ed in a !TIO>iloyocdu""l.;ew rod"oogroph,
po" R.M.E . ocdvsol rodiogroph . Similar Ion .
These ~~ 1$0"'0100 uoe/oJ dumg hEd" ... oI
shaped 0< "",,"p"rallel opening i, OllO Men in
10 chK~ for mid - palatal spliT ond 01.0 to
the superio-inlerlo' dirodion. The me" mum
ntimm" !he amount of "'''''illary e>ponsion
opening i, toward. th" 0.01 covi ty wllh
achieved. f'A cephologmm i. ono/het volvoble
r:<~ less operi"lltowords .... nosol ospect
dklgnoslic oid in rapid m<illory ", pan,ion
(fig 3 b).
~ u res 10 . >li"",'" the omount of eJ<ponslon
Accord in g TO Kreb the two ha lves 01
11>01 hen lek..., pioce.
the maxi lla rotote in The S<lgi~al and corono l
p'"".,.. I" m., toroncl p/1;>IIe!he two"'~ of the
"",..11" tOIOIo owoyfrcm.eel> other. n.. point CI
.,.,.;el> tho n>kIIic:nlokes ploD! i. """,nd .... Iron\o-
"""""Of\' _""'fe. In mucgillel plone, m, "..,.;110
i. /"".-.:1 to ,ClCle in 0 down .... rd ond Iorword
Nno",," 01 e:<pCnJlIln er:n-d . An irw::,ecse
in m~.irorywdth 01 u~ 1Omm COfl be ochie"OllCl
by~d "..,.;11a<y e.pCInliar>. rnertn oIe<pc,,"s"on
is oocutO.2 toO.Smm perdcy.
E~d on olve%, bone , The 01"",,1a. bone
in the a ..... adja<;ent to the anc;ha' .... th bend.
.Iigh~v. This i, due to !he reli l....1nOlure af the
al..:olo. 00f>e. vV
Elfea an m!l~illary enreriar IOlel!-r .. The
appearon<:oe al c midline .s;>acing be_n "'" two
ma.ilia!)" ce ntrol ineisen il th e mOl! reliobje
d inieol evide",,, 01,.,..., me, il la!)" ... po",ti o~, The
incisor ... """,tOO i. coout 00 11 of lhe d~tonee
lhe KrOWi. opened. By InlO(! 10 I;,,~ monlhl. Ih e B
midli"" dio l'Gmo clo ... , o. 0 rel uir 01 Ih e Iron,
,. pro l fb r. trection . f"
Il l)
","0 1 " """",," " ... 0 """""
lipped C>"IChor"",",,,

Effect on ma. iUory posterior ,n Ih , Th e

""" iliaf)' pOSlo rlor lee!h ore ~scd 01 ono:hor1 IIrveIvre<. In odd""" 10 the effeds on those bor.eo rcpid "'.0..0;10",. .. pc""cn. These leern d irHy orticu<mng with the mo:rilla, b<mes ci lhe
.how brx;c.,1 lipping (#g . ) ond 0'. 0110 bel>eved
to ,,>.In.od. te a lirrrired e>.!ent.
t"'nivm .urn o. "",Ielol .,nd ",cip;,.,1 olso w=
found ro be displD<cd.
fHecr on mcmdible , Me" outhe" ha . " f lkd. of R.M.f. en n"".1 'oYiIy : Fall"";ng
abse......:! a down"""rd and I:..d :.... ,d 'CletlOn cI ftlpid "",,"lIory expoOlian an increos.e '" inlr ...
me mandible 10110..109 ,aPld expon.""" . Th" i. nosal space occurs due ta the ouIeo' .rob 0/I'l0$(l1
accompanied by a ,light Int'CO" In the cavity moving oparl. Thi. incr"", ... in nDlaI caWty
mandibular plane angle. The .......,n attributed width i. """';mum in the ime,ia, "'9ion 01 the
10. the ma.-.:libvlc' I'OtotOO "!he 8>JMien ond noIOl ccrmy and grodually decrea .... Iowa,ds the
buccal bpplng oIthe m"",llary mala .. superia. Olp&d. Sim~a, grodM:nt isalso Iound in
Eff",t on odja,ent eran;ol bone. and en anhlfio.po<lenor di.ection with the 11 _ _
""'.... : twpid mC>.lllery ... penSlan nal anlv inc""" ... being '" the a nterior "'9ian .
..... uits In apening 01 the mid pcrlorol wrure but Air Haw ,esi.lonce is belie'<'ed to reduce
allO hal fa, '''''''nlng elleas on ad'",,,,", eran",1 by 45 60 %, lhe.eby iml"""ing ""~ b=!hing.


Numerou. appli a r>Ce. nove bee n used lor rap id

m'''ilory .'pon~on. Br<:<Xily!f.ey co n be d" .. ~ied
0' :
1, Remova ble op pl;" nce.
2. Fi<ed Applian ce,
o. Toolh b<lrn e
b, Toolh and li.. ue borne


The relia bllily of the,e o p plian ce, in produc ing

~elol expansion i. hig hly qve>tionable. jlJthough
~ i.poss ibl e to ,plit the . utu re. v. ing re movabl~
pkrte" it neverth eles, is unpred;;lob'e. Treotment f~ 5 RM'o-u" appiia'lCo irKorcoratng ioe' !C""
during tn.. dedduou . or early mixed de ntition i,
for ,r<;" "'f'O"'""
conS ide red more fa vo rob le in pro duc ing
De, lchs welle , type
opp re<:;iable . "oleto l eff"",",
A removab le Iyp e of rapid maxil la ry The firS! premolars C>'"Jd too fi rst molar> C>"e bar-d<>d .
.. pa n";an device con";,t. of a .pl it ocrylic plate Wi re tag. are soldered onto the pa loto l a.ped of
with a mid line $Crew. The appli o r>Co i, retoi ned the ba nd. Th O,. wire to9' get inMrted into a
u. in g c la.p, o n th e po.te ri o r tHth. The . pl it pa lota l acrylic plate ir>eorporatin Qa sc rcw at
d i' ''''vonto ge. of a ,..,movoble ro pid e<pansio n its cc ntor (fig 6 .o)
opp li orx:e is th e need lor potiM t co.o pe ration
Hau ty pe
a nd the d ifficully in reta ining tho plate inside the
mouth . The first premo lor ond moIo r of either ,ide ore
bond ed, A thic . ,ta inl." steel wire of 1, 2 mm
FIXED APPLIANCES d iam","' i. 5OIde rod on th e bucca l ond lirog uo l
o,pech con nectin g the premo lar a nd mofo'
Ap pl in""". that Or. fixed onto the teeth a re mo re bond . T,,,, li ng ua l wire i ept lo nger so 0' to
,..,Iiable an d fo\J nd to produce""t l exte nd p.o,t the bond. both o nteriorly and
effect> . Th e,e fixed rap id c>pa nd ers ca n bc po,tefk>rly. The,e e<ten. io n. o ro bo n! palatally to
do";!ied into tooth ond ti.. u. borne a W ';"r>ee, get embedded in the po lo!o l a o"yi iG, The .plit
and Iooth borne ClPplior.::",. Two of!he com"'o nly pa loto l ac~;c flo . a mid line . crew. The plote
u'ed tooth and Ii" ue borne applio nce, ore : doe, not extend o,er th e rugoo 0"'0 (fig 6. b) .
1. De rich,wei1er type
2. Ho,.lype Isaacson type
Examp le, of tooth borne o ppl ia r>Ce. Th~ is a tooth oornc a oplion co ,""tho ut On')" a c,,!i'c
ir.::lud e ' pa latol coveri ng , Thi ' des ig n make, use of a
I, looo<:$o n type
2, Hyraxtype
f ..
6 (.'l
o..d>o...a...,.,.... of " "',,.'" ~~ lSI H"" ,.,.... 04 ",""",,,"on
oppI O>n<;o Ie) I,.,.,,,on ~."" 01 "PC"_
appli<c. ' ''-og Ik ..... "p" odo, ID) Hr= ''''' of " po"" OO """ ""'"

.pring bod..d screw ca lled a MINNE exponder Hyra" type

[deyeloped ot t""
Uni"""ity of Mi nn o>Ota, Deffll l Th;, type of appliance ma kes u... 01 a 'P"Ciol
"""", Th e Ii ,,! premolor. nnd mo la" are
type of KreW ~o ll"d HYRAX (Hyg iM ic Ropid
par><ierj . The screw> f'Kwn heovy gougo w ire ",.

ba nded . Meta l fl ange, cr. wld ered onto th~ tM.ions that are adapted to fo llow the po lokll
band, on the buo, ol ond li rlg<J01 $irle" The cooloor and are soldered to bands 00 prem o lars
~xpa n der consi, t. of 0 coi l spring hov;,... 0 nut ond mole" [fig 6.d) .
wh ich can compre .. tho spring. Th i' coi l sprir>g
i, mooe to exleoo betwoon the li"9lJO l metal Bonded R.M.E
flcnge. tf..:,t hClVe i>een <o1d ~r"d. The e>paooer ~ Most of the rapid roo<illary expansioo apr" i<>nees
activoted by do' ;"" th . nut $0 that the sprir>g oo1Cl'ibed earl ier are bancled app lklflCe . They
get, co mpressed [fig 6 .0) ;flCorporote bond, 00 th e first premolars and
'iG 1 ~' it<mo_ . oppio"", "'OO'' ' ' ' ;'''' pod "' .... I... ..,.. ..........."" ,:e:, ftrm< ..."........
="'" ""'"""'tVO.,
10, to "," ~ ... -"" IC:-&ID) P" ..... m.... "" ; pool_''''' ... . ,.
....,,..,., :!) & If) P" . to"' .... tv'd ~H"'h " -<9"'"' 0101tho. i>C,..",
10 """
....,.od -.;" "" " , .,;d
mok", . M a lternotiye design a f tho op~ ia n~e
woukj be to ,",ye c sPir/ CO'ieriog vaOObl. numbe<
of teeth on oithe. ,id o 10 wh ich tM i"de .crew is
ott""hed. S~ ints cen t>e ~I two types:
I. CaslCep $p li nn
2. ACl)iic 5~ints
The cost C<lp .p li nn are moo . ol . il vo,
copper a ll oy. Th e c cryli c splint' Ore mod e of
poIymeth)f.methoc~ate. A wire framewo rk may
be adopted around tho teeth to reinforce the
acrylic. The, e .pli nn ore I>onded to teeth u>i<>;l A
e ithe r ~Io" ionom . r oe oth . r bond ing adhe,ives,
offer odequate etrnir>g.


A typica l ""pan. ion screw con .ist. of on oblong

bc-dy divided inta two ho lv. , . E""h ho lf ho, 0
f" 8 IN T, p;,o l . ' pon,;"" ,crow I! ) Ko,
"''''''''' d tho oppl;.,."","
"'0. 10'

threaded in"" r , id e thot reC<! i..,. ooe erid of 0 Schedule by ZImrln, and laa8cl on
double ended suew. The screw ha. a centra l
In you ng grow ing patient., lhey reco rnrnen d two
I>o"ing with four hole. The ... hole. r""e ive a
tum. eac h day for 4 . 5 day. orid Ioter one turn
key which i. used to tum the screw Ifig 8). The
pe r day till the de. ired eXfXlnoion i. achieved . In
tur~ i ng of the sc rew by 90 degree {I. e. one turn )
ca. ~ of non growing adu lt f><l ti ents, tner
bring' cbov!a li near movement of O.18 mm . Th e
recommend two tum' ""ch dO)' far fi" t two do)",
pattem of thread ing on eith er ~de i. of oppos ite
one tum per day foe tho next S 7 da)" and one
direction. Tn..... tvming the screw withdraw; ~ Irom
tum e'er)' a ile mate day till de'ired e'fXlnsiofl is
both . id e, oimu llon eousiy.
cch ie'ed
Veriou. authors hoye adyocoted d iffe rent DURING R.M . E.
ClCIivotion sched ule, te achieve !he desired ",w its.
O inko lly, the mo<t noti<;eobl . 1ernure dvring ropid
Schedule by Timms moxillar)' e'f><lnsion is th e oppeorance of 0
midi i"" dia stema. S!vdies by various ",-*<>" show
for palient, of "pte 15 yeo" of age, 9Cr' rolation
that Ihe amo unl of inci,,,, ,epa ralion i, rough ly
in the morn ing and """ ning . In palienl. over 15
ho ll the an"lOUf'll 01 jock SCfew separalion . But
yeo". Timm, recommend. 45" odivatioo "timos
tho QnYl<J m of diastema .no ukj not be taken d. 0
a day.
reliab le foeto r in e<timoti ng tn . amo unt of
""pa nSiOn. Mo.<illory occ lu.a l radiograph and
fA ceph a log ro m ore more ~ i abl~ in estimati ng potients Over 16 yeo" of O\l e o nd mo l. potients
~ amount of """ illo ry exponsion , over 18 yeo", of O\le in whom the mid paJoto l
su"' re 1>0. ou ilied. Surg ka l .epo rotion mcy 01.0
CONTRA/NO/CATIONS OF R.M.E. be re-qv ired in po tia n" exhibi ting it'ICr8osed
circum ."".;lk"" rig id ity "' " r~sul t of oging .
Some coses whe re R,M, E, i. co ntrOind icoted Maxill ary e<pon, ian co n be brou g ht
~ ,
obouj by . urgery o lo ne o r by $urg~ry o lon g with
1. Sin gle tooth cro.,b ite..
o rapid exp o n, io n o ppli once . Th e , urgico l
2. In potie nt. who o re u n ~oope ra 'i'e, R,M.E. procedu res u,oo ll y co rned out ore ,
i. contra indicated a s the a ppl KlnCe req ui re,
o Poloto lostectomy
lreq uent activation and rYXl intcrooce a; good
b, Lotero l mo><:ill ory osteotomy
ora l hygiene ,
c. ""'terior maxill o')' osteotomy
J.. Rop id rooxillory expo nsio n i. tool co rri ed o ut
afte r o lSification of the mid po loto l , uture CLIN/CAL T/PS FOR R.M . E.
un le .. it i. occompon ied by odj unctivc
, ur~ica l proced ures. O ro l hyg iene in!ilru ctions sf>w kJ be gillen to
~. Sk.,jeto l o.ymmetry 01 ma<ill a an d mandib le th e pot ien t ond re info rce d d uring the
a nd o du lt ca",s with seve re ontero pa~terior proeed u,"
sk~eto l d i, crepa ncie . 2. Orthod ontK move ment of th e onchor teeth
5. Vertka l growers with siM p "" ndibuJo r piOn!! ohov kf be ovoid . d prior kl ropid moxil lory
ong le o r. u, ualfy a contra ind ication , expcm , io n, o. mobi le teeth do not o ffer
6. h tr., p"'lefiof teeth o re lIsed a ' oncho " to adequa te an c hora ge fo r pel lato l , piit,
mov~ tho bone. o po rt. tf><, proced ure is not Recentfy moved teeth tend to tip.
ind icated in 0 pe ri odo nto lly wea k dentitio,,- 3 The pelt" nt ohou ki 00 troi....m to uw the key,
The k~y . ho uld be jied to 0 string ond the
RffE NTION FOLLOWING R.M. E. free e nd .hou ld 00 secured arou nd the
patie nt', wr~t to ovoid ocodMla l , wa!owing.
fnilure 10 reklin the c<ponsi an r~'u lt, in relop,~ ,
4, Moxi llary ocd,-,"a l ra d iograph, shou ld be
Most autr.o.. reco mme nd a ",tontion pe riod of
DOl Ie" tho n 3 . 6 month. Isaa cso n reco mmends
'he use 01 tho R,M,E, o pp lion c~ it. elf 10<" the
""'l'os e 01 rete ntio n Tho , crow ,hou ld be
... mobi lized u, in g co ld Cure a crylic (fig 9) .
~notiv.,jy, .,;ther a remO\la bi e o r fi<ed retainer
!e.g. TPA) can b.. u,cd.


f'otients who o,h ibit unu sual r~s i 't ance to

oeporofon of the poloti"", OOne' moy requ i",
..... k al inle,wmtion, This ,,"oo lfy <xcu" in lomale
10k.... 01 regulo, inlarYQl, 10 man~at the """",n";on, produong 9",01., .labil:ty ond
oxpanoion. ,010pl' pottn' iol rhen in 'apld """'~
5. The pos! ibl. immedial. aI/em eI p"maTvre procedures.
opp t(l(lC. """""" Iir"Idu de diU r. ,. , pnm ur<!
01 Ihe bridge o f no .. , p"". ure unde r eyes, APPltANCIiS USED FOR SLOW " . .~
b'ondoing of oon lissLM$ ~"' tfle eyot, etc., SION
The" oyrnp tom. mot OCCU' an remOoI 01
.... CfIIltCl"lO!! fa, "'poi, at Ii",. n" lui".,. The
pallentl should tho,,*" be kept seated and
o, ked nol 10 .Iond immediolel, oH.,
opproonce ,."""",,1
"""" 10' slow e' p<l",rn (~g 10).
SLOW '''PANSION ' P'&Od o ut octi ""ti"n . chedule. r .... $C 'Ow' u
kn lowcxpontio n I
Accord ing to the ~11 01 slow e'p" ruion. ",ed in R.M.E.
the .....,its a~ """'" slable ...hen the """,,110,., orch
i, ~panded slawly 01 a mre 01 0 .51 mm pe' Coffl" ,p,,"t
week. T.... ~gen~bysuchpmcedu, Ti". appliance wo> desogned by We"'" CoIIo'
I, much !owe, ;.". 24 paund,a.ogoinsf 10.20 oroo..nd the beginnIng 01 rhi> .:emu,., (h g II ).
pound. gene,ote d du,ing 'opid ma. illa" is 0 ,."..,...,b'.e oppliQI"IC. CQp<lble oIllow o:IenI.>
expc"lio n. Unlike in 'opid "",," li a r)' expon";on olv.o lo , expO"lio n. The appJi(m ce consiSlS cI
wkare tM treatment i. compJ ct<:-d in 12 we.ks, a n cmeg<l .haped wir e o f 1.2 5 mm thi d",. ,,"
~ow ex;:oansio n moy tcke as mlJci, 0. 25 mor-r.h:. . pJocod in the m id.po loto l reg iM. The Ir ue.nck
Slow . "",,, sian has !>"od,~onolly beM al tne orr.ego .,.;", '''~ emb~dded in oc<)foc
""",ed demHIM.oiorexpansion, although some covenng !he I~ 01 the polole. The IPring it.
, k,letol c;hang con be obMrved. T....,.1ower cdM;rrod by pulling tn. """ ..des Qpon MQn..,a,.:
e..ponlion Ikhniq...,. haveoloo been 0I0S0d0!ed h con 0100 be octJ.oted by ",in9 rh..., p'ong

- ....
WIth a more pIr;>ioIogic ad;~_ 10 me """"Icry pi .. , . Collin spring i> belioMld 10 bring abo'" 0

fll'''' S'ow. ,p. nsi," RI p," .. , on, 'on

TY!)II 04 _~'" .... "ly rIIIt.li1 '

- ".
TjIlt "' ...... _ "'"
...... ,",,",\>(lit

~oI_ ..

T rpo O\~
, ~-


Ei:Ioer ~"" OJ ~
M, .~
- 1.IO.1y ~"" I",fit>:t
Bri<>:t Mol> 0( ~Wj
U.,,' ~ of (~_ !.lor. <:".iIQ of .......

- ,
10 1"1 ~.m,.ob" m"rI,,, ,low ,",'00"0 " oppi"' " "
_ " " kilO pbe.

G",to. clv~cr exponsicn , However u of thi' so ldoroo to ba~d. O,n the n"t molm. ,
q>plkmc:e in younger potient, i< b" lieved I:> bring The quad he lix coo, ist, of a po i' of
cbovt .orne omovnt of .... eleta l 6xpo nsian. o ntenor heli ce, and 0 po ir of po,te rior h. lice,.
The pOOioo d wire between the two a,tmior helice,
i, GOliad the anterio<' bridge. The wire between
opp lianc~. used to o'pond 0 normw th e onterio<' and po,t.,.,lor he lice, i, GOliad tM
;( i. the quod he lix (fi g 12). It i. ,a id to polotol bridge, The free wire end:! OO jlXMI I:> the
....... e evolved Irom the origina l Coffin loop, Th e f>O,terior "elices m e ca lled wte r arm, . Thev re,t
....,., heli' incorporate, four helice, toot increose a ga in' t the li"9,-",,1 ,u rfoce of the buccol teet"
f>ewi", longth, The ",iore the flexib~ity and ron ge o nd Ore soldered on to l he li"9uo l "' peLt of Ih e
.... oction of th i' app lionce is more. The opplionce mol or band
is co nstru cted u. ir>g 0,038 inch wire 0"" i. The quad helix can be ""00 10 ""per><! a
narmw arch a. _ II a , I:> brir>g a bovl rololi on of
molar<, II can be pre.aclivoted by <lrelching Ih e
two moI"r band, "po rt prlor to ceme nlotio<1 oc by
""ing lhree prong 1'100 afte-rcemcntation (fig 13).
The quad he li x bri ng' oboul 0 . Iow
denlo-a l"eolor expo nsion . But whe n it i, u,ed in
childre n during the deciduous and eo rly mixed
denlilioo period" 0 , kelekll mid -po latol , pii" ing
con be och i. ""d.

Arch uplln. 'Qn u.'nt fIxed IIppllllnce~

Arch expo nsion can b" ochieved in a palienl who

i. und e rgoi ng li>e d mec hanothe ropy_ Mil d
expon .i o n con be brought about by us ing
e<ponded orch wire,_ In odditio<1 opplionces ,ltCh
I, _Nl,NO""",ondC"~'... , ""'"
011 "'1'"
paklto '
00 , Am

f ig 12 Q"", ".. 1,

os !he q""d ...Ii>< or the Ironspolo101 orch con be
used olong with fixed machonotheropy.

\0 Ho., , 1'010,., ~ ,.,.. " . O" J.. " ... beg;,,"'11
.~ o~hc _h "'" J C!.+<>O 1970;21"-

)), _:'" ~.<pO """" oI i \o",,~ ""~" ," I _

00..... ",wi <om, b,. _ I' g " , mid pakooj
....... Iv{ioC!.+<>O 1961;31 73-90
11 _ ~ _ pall , .............. ~ rI ....
"'.......... _ , . Ar!)lo ""bod 1930, !oO le9.

'"mopa\ofl "'_IvY-
13. , ...
cl_u-, _ _..,
, _ _ ... br 0_
0I+Qd 1965; ~ 2(1).

A '" ,...I """""""' "'"

I( 10<>0 ; Con,,,,1 of 11-. . ""n,.. ,.. "'_"" ...
""11"'"1 Am 1 (MJ.od I 980 , 2 SO
15, la,O\i" '" : ~oct '"""po'"" .ri"
,I o ~" RM : . Am J o...hod 1 9~1,
""" J71 .317

f ig 13 I~ G..oJ n.r.oC"O<Oti""!a."."j,, . _,~""
,~"" " '" '''' .... ~_ (Ill Q.<>d 001 10 o<"><IIion fo'
01"""",, ' and <o ,,,..~ c. ,.. ''''''' 0'0"Il .......

j i onhodon~a namely. Edward Angl. ond hi,

.,.,.;!h orIhodon~( ,regImen! .. root fleW. IIII.dem CoMn Case. The larmer ,..",. bli shm e nt of no rmo1 functi on a l ""''''''lion ""'"" the klttet rocomm . ~ e.lroc!1on.
bola""" with supporting .t<udure. Edwtrd A"g ie be loe-ed that en ind Mdv::.1
VWl. wpoble 01 having 32 ",,,th in nonnol
occlu.>on one! orthodonjjc ~Imo n! lor nery
Most e.Troctiono are perlo rmod en po rt poTi ent invo'-'ed e><pa n.iQf> 01 orche1.
CoMn Case o"ilved If'OI~h arches
use 01 on I)pplionce . The nature 01 could "Iwoys be expanded lOthoI Meth could be

:::::::~:,~;;~decidingoI 1'11e
age po ,;"n! "'0')' be
v.+.ether o r no! to
ploced i~ ol'g"me nl, ....-the< e$lhe!ic. no, stability
would bo $Oli lloclo ,), in th e long t.,...,., for many
10 e.lroClion. Erlrodions in orthodon~o patient>, He "'us odvocoted extmdion of teeth.
. ",;,,1 ~rlroction corried out 01 On By the late 1940', ".I,oetion wol
", introd'-""'<i inte c.1~t>C1 by C,""rles Tweed
com odout a . .. ho o ~ thot tr.. !X>II-troolment ocd\Jsion
'0001 rroore ""bit ... potiena ~ ... tII 8Jd'Od .....
To extract 01 not to 8>1'0<1 hOI always ollou, ~rst p<emolo ... By the eorfy 1960', "..""
a nd will olwoys remain a contr<)Ve rs, in InOn ha ll 01 th e orth oda ntiC potitnts ho d
, The g reat exl>"odlon conlfO'>WtJ oI _clions ohome teet~, ~wo l~ but """olways
"",s based on two school. 01 thought ~rsr p""",,olors.
th@ philo>o p'hv Qf lWo pion.eer. in
d""-",,, III 10."""


oi.,.. __ .. on' '0.. Itogio _q
1 room '"""""'" i. _ _ '" odo lot>gIh <Ou_ ....... "'11 01 _ . W_ ........ "I1 oLo It> _

relotion'h ip.
-'<01 ~,_.

k .. (1 lnOW" /ocl thet exlrodion oft.

There ore number 01 d rcums10nc., thot ImpoirS the /or.oord devdopm ..'11 01 the oJ"nt,II
necessi101e C<In>dion of teeth os portol routine
orIhodon1lc ~lm ent. They ore listed 05 follows .
arches ond .... 01..."." pnxflI. ~." :''::''~
of " lta in teeth in Angle'. Clall II ond CIo" II
ma locc lu sion , imp",.e,"''' oogiHo l 'e lolioosllip
Arch l.nt/" tooth mflterl.1 dUe,.,.ne,
not only br tooth JTI(IYtIfTIent bul o*, br
Ideol1y1f>o ordt lenglh ond IOO1h m"""",1 $hould Iorword w<1h impairment.
be in ha!monVwi\h eod1 0"-. The ,ize 01 !he
Angle " Cla n I : The.e pol iMts 0"
dentiti on and arch lengtn ore u."" lIy gem,ticolly
o:no rcct.ti1ed by 0 norma l ~ itl(ll inle ,orc!>
determined. Tn e p'cloence of tooth moteriol in
relotion. Thus ~ is not od.isDble 10 discourog.
_ess 01 the orch length <;On _uk in crowding
me deoeioprrMonr 01 one denlOl of'l:h more !han
01 teeth 0' prociination of onlerio" (fig 1I.
!he otto.r. Hence in Arogl.'. CIon I COSel, it i,
In many <Oloe. tne tooth materia l. o,d1
,..-e/erob le to "><Iroct in botn tr.e arche .
lenst " d i, proportion con not b.e t,eo ted by
inueosing the arch length. Hence redllClion of NrQIII', Oou II , In most Cia$> II the
tooth morerial it the only ohemotiw>. uhoc:rior . uppcrr dentolordl "Iorwordly pIocod the lower
of one 01"""" 100110 is resorted 10 in case of...-... ora. ploced ba ck. Th .... br W<lfa(:ting only in me
tooth moterle l . oren I. ngtn discrepancy. "PP'" Old! it i. pc"ible to redu ce Ih~ ob normal
upper prodinolion ond a tso 10 discourage the
Corrutl.a 0' gnu, "". ,arcft forward development 01 the uppe' ordl.
,.'.110"'.',. In Angle', 00 It casel, ....nere !her. is
Ab""""tJi oog ittcl mo lrelaticn,n ip.s ouch os 00.. lower orcn crowding orme m~a " 0'0 not in f,, 11
II or Ciou III mo locdusion fI'IO'\' requ ire exlrceJk>n 0"" II ocd,,",on, ~ may b.e neceuo ry 10 exJrOCI
01 teerI> 10 oct.i"'. nonnol JOQinol inw_ch In boll> the upper 01 _II 0. me lower arch .. to
... lalion. The """"clion 01 tee'" in sudl <;Oloe. ochieve proper inter.orm ~ation ond IoCOrTed
1,..','. in ~:'obl normol i",i lO ' and m~at ttoe crowd in g.

fig 2. (/oj In "","" " elm, I, _ ,

it ~ Mmob"10 OXI""" ;, boo,;,.
"",ho, '" +0, +. ,,,,,,*, """" -
t" jow. I, ",o;"o ;"d IBI In
~"; I . '. Cia" II, "p'" Q""
" ' ",,,Ho", hoI p "' d ; ",,,w"'l ; " ~
tho forword ~ rowIh of mmi llo (0
10 An;'. ', CI,,, III, low", " "'"
" ",,,,10." holp '" di>co,"og i' g
,.,. '""", rd g """';' of mond;blo

Skeletal Jaw mal,. lilt/on.
kg/e'. Cion 1/1 It i, beneficia l to avoid
_ ction in the upf>er oem a. it moy affect th e Sovoro "o lelol mo lre lctionship of the jaw. moy
bwc rd d.weiopment 01 th e mox il lg , ~ I . '. not be .otisfoctori ly treoted u<ing orthodonti c
Oou III co..,s are preI.r<>bfy treoted byextroction appliances a lo ne . Surg ico l resecti'e procMure,
cnIy in the ""wer orch or by . xtra ction in both obng with ",tril<:tion moybe roqu irod in ,ueh
,"", case"


7ee!h thot are obnormo l in ,i,. or form mol T.... deci. ion to ",trod teeth d urir>g orthodontic
':!ea!SSitate their exlfOction in order to r;lCh i. ve
th " ropy should be 00.00 on 0 .ovnd diog no'tic
Elisfud"'Y occlu.ion . Such onomo lie. induoo
e<crci.e , Premo"'" are the mo.t co mmonl,
~crodo nti o, .e ver. ly hypop lastic teeth, extroct"d teoth 0' port of orthodontic treotm ont
dilDceratio n 000 abnormal CCOWn morpho logy_
Fig J i"l, 1<><,'*'''0 i,,,,;,,,, inoo1eJ I", "~"", ,,,, r!i ,od ""~ of ' '''' "''' "'. "'" :C! o..J ID) Scpplomonbl ,,_
~ci.", ndkatod h . ,,=100

EXTRACTION OF UPPER INCISORS ~. Mo llormoti o", of indS<:<" crown, thot caronOl

be re.tored by pro.the' i" moy noc",,;tol<
T.... ffic><illa ry incisor> ore rorcfy e1trocted m a tr.eir extrocti on Ifig 3.0) .
p<>rt of orthodontic theroPI. Ho_ver, tr.ere or. I Trouma Of" itTllpct roble damage to ioci. ol1 by
ce.1o in condit""" wheo one Dr more of t.... upper frocture may ioo icale their remove l
inci,,,,, mal oo\"e to be , acrifi<ed .The f" lowing 9 An inc isor with d iiaceroted root ca "not be
Or~ "'m~ oltr.em efficiently moved by orthodontic thero py. It i.
c . An unkl\"arab ll impacted upper i nc ~or too . he""" prelcrob le to c,troct them.
cannot be brou ght to norma l a lig nment .
b. A bucca ll y / lingva lly bkx;lod GU ' ia t~ m l EXTRACTION OF LOWER INCISORS
iociS<:<" with good contact between tM centm l
inci'Dr 000 con i,.., ca n be c, troctcd. Extraction of lowe r inc i",,, $hou ld os for o.
c. II on e 01 the lateml ioci",,", i, C0!19M ita ily po"ibl .. be ovoided . Th e eidroction of 0 lower
mi ing, th o oppo~te lot. ro l fficry hov~ to be incisor to ~ ieve kJwcr anteriar crowd ing ~ otte n
eidroC!ed in orde r to ma intol<1 Ofch .ymmetry. foll owed b, ' M oo rrowi"9 of l ow~ r intercon in e
d. A grossly carious inc i"" that con not be wid th, retrod inotion of lowe r ind""", , deep bite
restored may ha'e to be ,acriked. and re-{Jppeo r ortC~ do crowd ing _ This Ieod, to 0
co llop,. of the lowor orch.
f ;g (AI t (!r,low.' 10",,,,1
",,;.or ;mpocted. n.. poo;<on
'" tf . ,,~'" ind "" i, deop
'"" ;, ,,10'" ",.0 1. for
,"""""I."" "" lof '""",,, by
ort,oOO"' ;; ' ''''H mont
,(0 Rw""" ,,",,, 0' tfoe 10""><

The reduction in lower intcr_w nino wkith r""", a re howeve.-rome conditiro, wh" n
often leads to a secondary mductk>n in uppe r a lower inci. or moy hO'ie to be "xtrocted
..te r< a"ine width relvitifl 9 in upp-. r ont" ,io, a_ If one of the inci,,,,, i, comp l~t ~ ly out of the
crowd ing . The extraction of a lowe, anterio r ' " "" o<ch with good inter_denia l co ntoct betweM
"'" fx;,,,,, for r= hing conseq,"""e, ~t o re be,t the re,t of the teeth (fig 5)
"",,00d. b. A lower ind, or that we. trau ma tized, 0<"

", hibiling sev~ re carie., ging iva l reco" ian

or bo,", 10" may hove 0 poor p-r<>goo,i. _
c_ p"",,,,, ce of severe arch length delkicnc:y is
often charocte<i<ed by tr.., p"'.er><;e a f lon _
shoped flaring 001 of th e lower n d.c.-crown._
In the", CaseS it ma l nat be po"ible Ia flatten
the lower a~tcrior regno nt by extracting teelh
furthe r distolfy in l he arch. Thus one of the
i", iso" may have ta be ext' ooted so o. to
improve the crowd ing c:o<>od axial inolinati onol
f'; ~ v,...... 10''''0 1 ;,<;oc r -0' 1, bIoG"j I'ng-JO I, w;h
rest of tho inoi,o,,_
)0""" be,~eec to. ""-.,,,1i "" ", or" ,", i" , Sec,
- .1. mar be . " ",,;.d d. In mil d Ck", III ca.., with Iowo r irodsoc
crowdirlg, one 01 the bwer indKn may be
6<II0dIId to od>ieve nonnal overjet, """,rbile
ond to relieve crowding.
CGnines Gte " ' " frequen~1 emoctecl 01 0 pOll 01
orthodo<1lic ",,,,,Im""I. The exl'rndion 01 <;(1"'_
II .o ld TO <;O UI. flott""i,," of foce , olte<ed focial
bo lo"" orld ch ong e in focio l 8.>:."",,, ion. In
od ditio n th e contoct produ ce d between The
premolar orld lote'ol indw, il rcref,- scti,focloly.
Som. ol th. c<><>dilior IInder ",Mch
con"", moy h(M'! to be e.troded ore :
o. The coni"",.r...1op for owayhom theirfloal
Iocorion. In oddilion they no.e 0 long poth
01 eruption /rom their liIe 01 development to
their ~nol posaion in the 0I'tI1 CO\Iity. ThUi
the <;(In,n", 0'" highly ,ufCephbie to ectopic
eruption ond impachon (fig 6 Qnd 7). Such
""foYOfO\w,. impa cted can;"", or conines thai
fw:tve erupt&d in unu;uol locoTioo1l m()y hove
10 be ",",o v,.d.
b. A co nln . tr.ot i. completef,- ouT of th e o" h
with .-.osoroo bf,- gQod conl<lct betwet n 1M
lo te,ol inc" o, end fi"t premo lo ' I, on
fie 7 ~ /; .... \o.o .... b ~ ....., .... ..w<' ... ,..-0. "".
boo .......... ",";0 .M' .. , ~ .. ~ _ _ ..-. Gr~" Indkol>on lor its extrcction.
...., _oic: ......"... (l!I ~n cl .... _ _ c. PrerTOl\lre shedding 01 0\lOOJ1 conine
""""""'Q' .,,,,,,,,,, """" """'.
rOIl 8 ~ E>:!t"""'" of rr>! ''"'''''''''' g;"'" goo .... ,.,~"'io< ~ O'>'Q Iohlo fo! 0 _
"'"'<Iion. \'8) "","'<I,,' of ,,>C"'"~ pr>mcior ",<un h Ie" 00<",,",- pon"'+,- ,,," ... .. "'. +. PO' ''no~ ""'""
1o<v.<J ,"<!,. T' ", I ,,_~... ;, '''' lobi. ;", .,., ..,. ,,"",,",n

U''''' ))1 ind icot" 1 th o extrr;ICtio n of ito fe llow c The oxlrodio n of the I,,,t premo lo r leuves
on the o ppo, ite ' ide of th e oreh to re\tOre be hi nd 0 po,t erior , e gm ent tho t of/ef5
.ymm etry. adeqvote ancho roge forthe retracti on 01the
d. In C lass II ca,e, if the low ~ r dec idu ou, . ix o nte ri o r teeth,
conine. or h. d eorfy, the up.,. r deciduou. The fo llowing 0'" """ e 01th e indcot"".
conic"" shov kJ 01 ,0 be removed '0 0' to for fi,,! pmmolo r extrocti on ,
o,oid wor!<' ninll of the po.t. normaq (Closs o They ore tho t th of choic" fo r "xtroctio n to
II tender-ql. relieve moderate to severe onterior crowd i,..
e. In Cl ol, II I co if Ih. upper deddvou5 oilhe up.,. r or lowe r oreh (fi g 9.01
co nin e. a re . hed ea rly, it moy oecess,late the b, The firs! prom olors oro eldracted forcorrect""
",troctio n of the low~ r decid uou. conin to of moderato to ' evere o nterior proc linoti o n
""oid wo"e ni nQ of the pre-n o rmoky lei,,,, a5 in a Clo .. II . divis ion 1 rn o locclini<ln oro
III tendencyl 00$$ I b<dent~ 1 protM ion {fig 9 . b &cl.
t DeddUOl.>! COn ine5 moy be ",trocted os 0
port of se, i<ll exlroction procedure, EX TRACTION OF SECOND PREMOLARS

EXTRACTION OF FIRST PREMOLARS The ind ication for oldroctio n ci second premol"",
Th e first p'e mo laf5 ore the mo,t commo-n ll Q. The extroc\ion of ,ecood premolo" in,teod
extracmd tnnth 0' port of o rtr.odor>tic Ireolmef1t. of the fi r>! premolor< r". ult. in the Q~e
The reason lor their e>dra d io n i, o.lolkJw, , of the o nte ri o r "'gm"",t be in g , tre"llthened
O. Thoir localion in the oreh i, ,ueh that th e {fig 8). Th u. o n e.wirorvnen t i, ( rooted thot
'poce go ined by the ir e<traction ca n be favo" me",, 1movemertof the pooterior ieeth,
ulili,ed fo r correction ooth in lhe a nte rio r o. Th e second pre MO" Ore u, uolly extracted
we ll 0' th~ po, terior reg io n. to treat mild o nterior crowding . The remo ining
b. The conloct th ot re.u lto ootwcen the con ine $pOce con be clo,ed by cantrolled "",. iol
o nd ,econd premolo r i, soti,fado ry moement of tfle molo".
b The <eCOM premokl" are usua lly e>d roct.d
wh en 45 mm 0 1 onchorog . 10 .. 15
de liberately des ired,
c Wh e ne v. r the .econd pr e mo lor> are
wfavorobly impocted , it ~ preferred 10 extroct mth.or tMn the li"t pr~ moIo" [fig 1 O. a
& b).
d_ If e>trCldions ere to l>< U"" . rtokM in ope n
bile roses, ~ i. prefe rable to e>dract tM "",ond
premol ars 0$ th. ir ed m elion """o um g'"
deepening 01the bite_
e. In case 01 grossly cerious or deeply li lled
.ecO<1 d premokl " , it i. wi.c to edmct th em
""" preserve th~ li "t premo lo,,_
I, Eo, ly 10" of a dedd lJOU. mol ar moy cou ...
forward movement 01 tM li" t permon en'
mol or leovir.g in odequote 'pac" for the
...,cand premokl r to e rupt. In . uch ca..." , fig 9 l oJ~ot"" foe f'T ",,""k>, ''''''''''''l-'J s.--.
tfle -",cord bicv'pid erupt< completely out of
om' " "'l ;, usuo: ~ -...clod'1.,-"""""" 0' f, premoIo<
(I)! o,d Ie : a;"", I1 ", P''''''''''" " , 01", """,od br
tn.. on::h_ Such 0 tooth moy be indicoted lor o,~""' ''" of f,-" "'-''' '''''''
e>iro ction (fig 1 O. CI> d ).
b. Th e e,traction of the fi"t molor re, ull> in
EXTRACT/O,. OF FIRST MOLARS deepening of the bite.
c The ,econ d p<emokl r OM mo"'r moy ti p into
Th e li " t molo.-. or. r>OI commonly e,trocted in the extroctio n 'POCO ,
(O<1 junction with orthodontk tMr0PY. E.troction d. MaslkotiO<1 may b.. affected,
01 th~ fi" t pe,mo nen! moIo" i, ovoide d fo r the Th e indi catio n' io.- fi" t molor e>1mctiO<1
following reosons: arc 0' foll ow. :
o The ~>d=ti Of'l of the fir<t moIor doI" oot g ive 0 _ Min ima l.po-ce'req uiremc nt for co,nxtion of
a dequotc >pOe" in th o indoo r region mil d antorior crowding or mikJ p<oc linotion,
fiv 10 I"'oor "" k>< ,,,,,ono:! p'.,.,. oio' ""mo." ('0,1 0"<1 (~: eo>or ~ >e<ond 0" ,"""", t::) ,"<1 iO) ,ocone ",...,. oio tot
"", ... , blocb.J ~", ,",,, ~, TI;, cc," "'''' ~ 0"" ' D 001) " .. a' doc"""",,, "",o..J roo or ",." ..... 'n!he ", '"
.."." drif<ng "," ,,," ~, Tho _or<! p'",*, ;n >oXh ", .. , """ ""''P' I"eg '., ~ .;.. '" ;...oo.q-"", 01 ,ooeo

"- Gros,f,- docayc<l mol", or heel"'1-; fi lled teeth, Wi l'in ,or,". extractia n ho . 0 nu mber of
e. Open bite coses con MMfitfr<>m "'tr""tion drowb"" k" The fofbwir'lg are ,ome of th em :
of firlt md or 0' there is a tenoo rq for th ~ a . Th . e<teaction a! first molors off"" li mited
bite to deepen offe, e<trocti Ofl of first mO "" r$_ <pO L ~ to reli eye crowd in g,

b_ Th . ,econd bi cv<pid, OM second mola"

WilkInson ext,ectlon rotot. a nd moy tip into the exteadk>1 ,poco,
WiIkin", n odvocoted e, tro d k>1 of 011 the foo r forst <;_ Th~ rem ovo l of the fir.t molars d" p<iv~s the
""""anent moIors M!ween the og o 'of 8 1/2 " orthadont~t of adequate otlCf.orage f", any

9 1/2 yeors , The 00 ";, for svch e<teaction. i. th e orthodonti c a ppi ia""o
fact that the first pe rmonent molars are highly
"",,, ptihl e to <;o fie, _ The oth er be nefil> of
e<!r<;T<;tin g the fi" t mo""rs ot on eorl-y oge ore , EXTRAcnOH OF SECOND
... The.. "'<!rodi"" prov>de. add i~o",, 1 .pace fo r PERMA NENT MOLARS
eOJption of the third mo"" rs , Thu ' impoction
Tho o.tro ction of ,econd permonont molar>
of th ird mo lors Can be "","de<:!.
afthoug h not com mon, is ad.,>coted Ioro number
b. fn go""",f, cr~ in g oflhc arch ~ mini mized ,
of rea.o n>, os folbw"
Thvs the othorteeth hove a lower ri<k of corie<
A. To prevent third molor impaenon : The e>drocled ,
removo l of cond mokl ... oos been advoco!ed b. Th e e rupt ing t hir~ mo l ~" have
fo r the prev""tion of lowerthird mola r imp<lctic<1 _ im plicated to be the couse for lot.
The ca,", thot benefit from >lJc h e<troctions ore ant" rior crowd in g, Altnoug h _;;:~::::;,,:::
tho ," wh ere the thi rd molo ... are uplight or not not be"" confirmed it ne,erthe!ess
ti pped mesia lly more thon 30", Upper s.""",d some rol e in lowe r anterior crowdi"ll.
mo., r extmdic<1 if a mi ed oot plior to the eruption c, Ma lform ed third mol ar. thot interfere
01 the third malo ... , re,u lt, in "'Ii,factory th ird notmo l occlusion ,
moklrpo,jjioo ,
S_ To re lieve im pa ction 0/ .econd
premo/a", The premature loss of se cond R"moo l of a tooth fro m one . id & of 0 dera
decid uoo . molors i. lly followed by fo rward arch resu lts in 0 tende rq for t"" rest of the _
d rift of th e fir51 permon e nt molors loov ing to move towords the e>troction >pOee. The 1_
inad equote 'p<lce to< the ,",eond bkusp'id. to
eru pt. The e.tra ction of seco nd mo lar:s in such
distal to the extradio n.poe. move into the sp<XZ
while the teeth me. io l to th o extraction .poce alii
Co,e' may a ll ow the di,ta l mOvem ent of th e fi r:st 01 . 0 move di.ta lty into the 'poce, Thus rt.t
permonenl moIa ... t..ereby olf. rng .uffidt >pOc. mid li nes of the orch moy shift to tf", . id e of If.
for the second premolor:s to .rupt. extrocliO<1 spooe , To ovoi d , uch unesthetic ~ hil:s
C. lower indoor crowding: Very mild of tf>e dento l arch , OO lo""in g extroctions are
crowd ing in the cnterior port of th e crch con be OOvooO!e<J _Babndr>g I!)(\roction refers to rerr>::>.d
rei ie,-.,d by e:dmctic<1 01 the secood moIa,,_ Some of onoth er tooth on the oppooite >ide of the same
a utoor:s suggest thot ",traction of seco nd mok", arch.
min im ize. anterior imbricati on or>d crowd ir>g.
D. To . nobl" dls!oll:o!ion of /ir51 malo,. :
In co.e. where the fi " t permon ont molars are to Compensa ting extraction rde" to e>droetion cJ
be dista liled, the extroct"'" of secood mala" ca n teet/, in opposite fows_Compensotin g extradioos
benefit the procedure , are carried out to pres.",. t"o buccal occlu sal
E. Open bite eo.e. : The extraction of th e re lo tion,hip_ In a CIo" I re lation it i. u.uo lly
second molars deepens .1", bit" _ Thu s they can adviso bJe to extroct in both the orch.:s to preserve
be eO<1,idereo in ope n bito co,e._ th e M Lal ""d"",1 rclotrc.->o hi p,


E<trocl ion of third mdar:s during orthodontic
tre ot"",,,t does not y"id ' fl'O'e tf>ot can be uoed /0ost thernpeutic e>tmctions "'" followed by <dive
Iordocr~ i r>g or redoctic<1 d proci irlatic<1, Third opp li once th e rapy, However the re may be
mala" ore . >dract. d for orner reo5Ofl, os !clIo,",,' in,tooces when ", traction of a permo nent tooth
a, Gro,sty irrp:>ded thimrr.>Iars toot are uoob/e not be followw by orthodontic th eropy for voried
to erupt into id ",, 1 po, ition o r. u. uo lly reo<on. such o. non oai lobility 01 . peciol;'t,
potien! un .u ito~ . for~>:ed oppl''''''. theropy el:;;
Tooth hove a natura l terxlencyto drift into
~. e,troctiO<1 'flOc . The eidont of th ;, tipping vo""'.
from po t" n! to pati onj or><! d e pend . on variou .
A.llnl. """,""",,~
II . Totally _ buoolly O(~ lectors such 0. the extent of croWding and oge of
~. flo

, G"*'Y~
oiI>ot ",.,."._
10"- .i<mIetrY
_ \hfIt_bII
> !he pot""!. Tho Ior>g tt: rm effod folbwing exlrodlon
01perma nent teeth i$ th e mesia l migration of the
p",tcrior tccth. the me,ia l drift ~ ",,,,,, II , rapid in
, _ ..tI!prnotI'Ioolo
loong age when the teeth am ,til l in a , tate of

f, lliaeorOCod ~
IlCtive e nJption and the ioW5 are , ti ll growing.
Extra cti on. of tho lower lirst premcHOr is
A. T""""' _bu<dy"'~
II. s.-!y " " " " - . ~
otton a,sociated "..;th .po ntoneo<J' decrowding 01

_long" do!t<;;onc,"'h
~ '" bono 10 .. the Ioweranlotiors. Such sponlane<>JS de<:rowding

C. s...-
by drifting aile. th, relerred to '" driltodontics ore
f....,;"g ~lowe"..,temn
le.s freqU<!nt in the upp~ r orch
A. Ett>pioary ""-'P!tO or
~jmp<IcIod While cono idering . uch extraction. it i<
II,ToIati_ bocdyor ingu>!y always (KMsabi. to .xtroct in a ba lorICe<l manner
C.~oamo . _ ..
I'M of ..r i a I _ >0 0$ to preserve the inlegrity c1 the orch , EdrodOi1
of 0 permo n."t tooth on 0"" . id e of the orch

--- - __._i>
~- ~or>1~ wookJ re, ult in ,h iltin 9 of the teeth toward. the
extraction.pace Jeoding to non-coirlCidence c1
~ , To rtIIol>O noOI; ~ ton<l
the mid li nes and o.ymrnet"l, Another Iodor is
!he ooccal occlusa l relotionohip_ Mc~oI m';lroti on
C. In opoo II!Ioo. rilty .,. ~~ tendMc;e, moy often upse! th e ooccal o-ccfu",1
", .. Irs! (lftIrnoIar> .. ~01
D. ff ~ t\ocoyIor n..'1oo'ge
, reloti on.h ip of the dentition . In ord<or to pr. ", rve
the re lationsh ip, e>drodiono may ""ve to be done

~ "'" QUtOtlontbit progrmIo.
IMn ti1oy 'ro OXlIOOCod lo_ot:l\'$t

A._~~t '"
<Om<! itIId ~ '" proc~..i..,
II. GroiI>Iy ~dor 1>0....,
in both the orche. vnie .. unw., migration co-tocth
mov""'''"t is requ ired in 0 f>Orticu la r oreh .

Refeten ce.

C. fn",,",, ~ .. t l1olr~
_ <IeepenirI; Of tlh,
Book <>rod H ",,~, h~noI op;co l roc< "" ","00. Mo
J o.1-ood 199~ ; 350361
2 So", "';, Eo-".",o H, "-"11 10 ,.,..., Cot.; , S, Co ..
A. TO _l/'IO>lmolar<npeclion hI""""", -.'" """O>drnct"", An. J a"Oed )992 ;
B_ To_trIpac1looofM<Ond 4M HO

-- -,-
~~lbIt <kIeIiutlon 0Ir...t

p!.OIIOMI. May tit."_for """'"

N<JI exttaclod fill' " " _
",,,,,,,,,0UCh .. _ _ '"
., j

- '~


8i<ho.o o'ld Ardoooon Th;,d
1983 , I J 1 I3 1
Bi<ho.o ord ~ ; 5e-coM molar
art'>od 19116 ;' 1 5 _ ~2.
,..,k",. Am J OrtOod
"'''''''ions. ''''''
so,ho.o, Co m"' "" """ Jo,,*-, : ~ ~ "''''
Ie< .,.""""n

doe<:"""'- .... J o.1-ood 1995 ; 129135

o. 0 ',,",," So<;o,.,o 0,.,0 tINed molo,,, n ... , roIo i,
J. - ~" - 0"",
orthc<Jon '~ ...... hn J C'>o+OO 1961 ; <98520
1 tt..ooI_"'-.... I._ ... _ . . ..... JOrhxI
8. DeoooI, !>o-o;ol ..-.:on 'ft """cdc oicao Indoo< "'~
,~jl"_ c..! ~""' .... ,' 1"0<0< ..... Am J Ort-.od
195-<, i"O.! 9:l6
9. Clot.:!. ",d "" do< w.... . E""""" . ot't-.:xb.~
_ _ t, ond CM). "'" J 0 ,11 ... 1 9~ I , 2 102; 9
Ie, flo .. ,G~; ,,,,,, oi ""ploO<'oI ..... , .. ,;,1 .~ , oc
, ,", """ J Ort-.od '970; '.,~
II I<lowo< No",''''. _"",,", 0,"" ~l - Ei.c-.
o/ .... " .... ..-d,~ _..., ... or ___
001"0''''''' J 0.+"", 1991, _25 _30
12 LI!!Io, Wollon, 0;,1 Rodel , .y..,"",b,lo, """'CI
.1~"_ h'
I""mekor _ _ ..... _led to,.

...... 001-"",,,,, '" ..... _ 0""""
19a1 ;3_9-.165
13. ProIIr l\'l, co..-po",,, C ~ _o"'''. S' !L..l.,
0< ," """ T9'81>
U "'.... E MOl.... Hood booI 01 Ot!ho<lo","", "'-
Ix>oI< modl ,, 1 pcbh/-", ", Inc , I 9BB ,
15, 5k>do" Se."" . o..! Dob--.... <I : C f " ~al ,,.,. ,; .
""" ,,"111 "" mO,," ",II1oc1oo'iGl,~" j O.-+.od
16. ~I<>ja." , f ... ...-""',, . ~ .,, !<ro j Crtd
11'94; 19_24
11. Vtg. _ ..... 1>. - . ..-.:I Koooo "" ~-"" '"
""I I ... ' '" .... ..-.:I ......,., """"'"....
..... J Ort-..d 1990; 4 ~-51
18. Wei_b, V9< _ ' . ond 0:-0 .... . o..'><>doo.
"'... ~ ...... ..... J 0ri>00 1989; '62_. ...
Appliances -

rtl>odomic lI1!O""*'t(Ji"',otim~

O the est heti c. and function of the

or%do l reg ion . Mo, t of Ih~,e
2. Mro/v"ctioncl appiionQIs
o. Re moVllb le ~pl ionce
b. Ftxed opp li(Jno;

Msc;honkal appliances ne,t mild

~U,.. on {] """It. oro group 01 ~Ih ond theoir
O rthxlon~ c opp liance. oro dt vleu by '""pamog ,"""""" '" c pre.del.rm ir>ed direcri""
f il moy be app lied to ";Th The help ,j odiwl cOil1~....nich ore po rt
cobeTh or group ollOClh on<! thei. suppotling oi"., oJ)pl",,"",", iI>eII. Theocm.. ~ rncry
re,$O", to briog obout necessorych"'9'S include springs, elO$lics. SCleW', etc." Tl>e1e
. rhe bc.-.e-..hich....1l allow tooth rrlOWI_. appliances con be Mther dossiliod a. ~bIe
and fi)ced opplionces.
CLASS' I"' CAT/ON 0" ORTHODONTIC MvofurxTiona i cpp lkltx c, ore loose lit.
APPLIANCES ling 0( JIOSIMl oppl.",e8O thot ,,"mess the nGlu-
",11orce. 01 the oro-foc;oI muswloture wI'ich are
Inlnsm/nod 10 !he leelhand olYeob bone IhfQllOll
the medium 01 the appliance. n,.,.., cppHance.
Opp l. lr'ICS3
e ithe<" tron,mit, elim inotc or guide the noturo l
0. R...,., ovoblo opp/io nce .,o'ic>'oi Ion:es OtIlOlhe d" nli~o~ . Un li ke
b. Fi~ oppl"'nce mechanical opplioncH Ihe rnyo/vndionol oppli.

.""l.IA1< C'ES
1) Tho I.... tie ....... too ~ _ 1 - - ' " 1><1ho
_ " . . . . . ~ "" JiKjIorio ""'""'
~1ho ..........
"'_1MiICII'. ~
lot w.>l_Ii!' N""'"
1) .... "'" ;opoIiara can lot
pan ......... _, il.wr~

~ 1) J.1ooI ~b:d , "" ,oep.;r'ng 1\lPin!I ~ 0I1>Il _ .... 10< ... _ 011110 \'111_

bo IUdiir otl!iocI O~ ...... _ 'obit ~ 21 ~<l>Io ~ . . eIDIibIt ..

, l) Uln'/ WQtjo ~_.., .. It<t 'Wi,,", 'I""", I~ tlil boo Gill! ~ """" ~ 1loio ~
INi>< U..>I< 01 , _....
l) 1\onmIoIoo~"1IInad"1I1O_-,odO<Q_
_ sid!' ... 011110 0tI_,'" 3) ~ orUtpIt_ .... _
.1101iO_ ..... _too_
, 5) Nl ..... ~ ... ItoI<fW ... _ .... ,,' I .....
!IOtdo "'" ~ " poIlOr1t, 0.. OIl I~. TIl"'''' VIOIIIIIIM
. ~l Rwoo~ ~ bI~ oboI.o! ! ~ _ _ lM ~ ~ prok>ngod 11 east 01_
_1>rooo .... _ _ .... _Io<I:Ji:odif _ _ _ ....1\

... 1IlI:*~ .. _ ... W

"""' ... _ _ ;o_ II ,li,
IW!oio ......... 4"'" ., _

1) _
...... lot _ ty ,,",II <*Mal po><tOoioeo. $)
WIiIIQ_ ; ; 5 _
'" _ ~ odJaQiot\, I .. ...,
_......., ..,.. n ..... fIU ...... ;o poAtoIio 100 QIIQo~
... opo<iIIotIlO _ ... on __ <U'ioJl _ _T._
cb ....011d.oaI <PICO
P"I*ior __ toy

al Tho !-.:.ion '" _~ IW ~ flOOd IMlriYtn'ory, 71 AI til oppIn:oo In """"'"""', roort

9) Tlrt1 ",. rMr:~o/J 10M t""""", Nn lotd ~ . Io.~~m"....~
10) All _ _ '"'" as w.. _ <Ni''' tno ,... ... Ii!' lor
...____ .... ............
.. ~a.n.
P.... _ 0I0N0I .......... ..

. . . - 0IIci ' ' - .... Ipplian<e
nl ~ ~iotao lI. 10.. eorospboou> "'"" IlIJhto. ""td
I) -~-Ii _ _
T/ify .....,e too _

121 ~ ~ l'1li OW! LtidesiiItW \:IrQOIon bo "'""""""

Ii!' ... ~iont,
~I$f l

,I Cia .. Ii l1l<I CIIU UI
..,, -""obIo '1_

aoces do not U$oolly oonIOln octive COmponenl$. ser1fId into ond lemo.i'>d hom the orol covify bf
F...-odioool oppliQl\C.,. en used lor growth modi ' he pali"";. ~emovcble cppl i<>n<;a "fie,,,
nu m-
ficaTion p"xedures lhol " re a imed al inlen::epl. ber of odYcnlag e$ i " dlJd i ~g lhe obi lily TO moi ...
ing and 'realing iaw dilCIe porodes, ;oin "",I hyge ine ond Ihe nood fOl" 1&.. cha ir ,ide
60th mochanoa:>l and !he rnyofundKloal ~mc _ The mo,n drowboc:k of ........ oppliances is
appliances can be d asoofoed as remoYObi. and tt... need Jorporilnl CDDPC'<JIion ord rhe inobiliry
fuoed DpplioncllL Rcm(MIble oppliorQ1 as Woe )0 pcrl""" compte. IooIh movemenl$. ReIer Ie

nome suggests are which can be In loble 1101" odl'Onlo{ll!S and di".,a,.,.,nIoges of ....
'V 0
1 01"':>do,' < oppi "" o. W II".,!..,. o,, ~o <>oo "; !h I "P''''g. - """""b~ _'0,,,01Ofrl , ,,," ,:ill A """ """ ole
-"oo~QI . ppI , oao ioc<Hpom' ng 0 .'".., fo, (>" , ~"" (q & 10:, f ;,0<1 _,,, ~01 opp b ", () fir'''' """,do.
s b.d _ho, ~01 oppI &<:. , ,.,j fo, ... ~.,I """,..ion (1') Quod ~~ _ 0 , ..d m,", ho,~o' oppI&<:. fo, "V''''''''
""",o~ . app li ances , Remoobl" ep pi im>c. , are
offe' bette' control end a),o to c la,ge ", tOOl
0;IN(l1 ~ used for 'imple tocth mQv. ment, thot co n
remae the n"d f", poti" nt compliance, Table 2
be brought about by tipping. gie, the cdvontoge' end di.a dvantage; of fi, .d
Fixed opplieroces are tho,e that are fit- app li onc. " Fi<cd a pp li ance, can bring abo ut
led anto the tooth . urfoce and con only be reo variou, tI P~' of tooth ""'' ' mont in dud ing tip .
...,.,ed onlv by the op " mtor_ These appliance, p i n ~, bod il y movemont, rototi on" intrv. ion and
"'" '<e r$O lite and offer 0 numb"r of ad...o nto ge' ext""",,,.
~ th. nmlOV<lble oppli<n:e' _Th. ... appliance.
\ '
1) P~~ ;' ~~~ "
" '.' -,
Mboog, ~,td

""",n... !\&VI ....- of ""~ _to 10
I "'~ . , rt', n! in !Ii< _ ,j li, od> ",_<bit appliMuo. tho, _erlholm lIlI" L.<IIbor 01 _~

~ Tho O(t~ doo. '""

dspfnd "') ~ p'1""1 lot ..... I) lI!o ",,01 ioIporWC _ntogo<ed ~ ~ QI'~ ~

~"" .r<I ~l oI""'~, ~ whi:tl1lo<ornot """. <>#i;UI. ~;o,j J:<j dubrio 101>:1
2) ~ lopo$PJlf io l<~ o/;JoIJ!-..olypoo sa _ ~ It10 _Ills oM do~ oI lto't1 ~

01 toot> ", o ".~on" . suo!> .. ~ nnrt ,u n I;Jr tho po,liorri ' " '" !hoi" W1Up<rIOI\\ iI/'OIJI\d "" """""
auct<nom .
."- . ' ,- -~
31 ~.
IOOtII fI"IOYtm9I1lO ... ~
- takoUPfll()f'~"''''''_
.1' U~.noou .ly,
~ .. A, '"'"1
~ ."" ...,.

:c. ti.,. 1~' rr ..lm,!'I( ", rOli" io e 01>-

\0<>/1\ iobli::olod II( Iho ~,
3) Fixod oppIiaIIoo ro <IMI~'

UnIo ... _.,,, 10011\ ""for M

YIan ,..."._
.wo.",,,,, ;n u.. ~,
~ _

i .y rNJ ",I be
.\OjoroljJ d<!>d. '.~

~) ),(' " prociH !O<>t ~ mo,.mo<lt, on, .J ~,td _1ic~ lIqJf't"pociai u....... 01 fit op&r*'< W

-',- _"II
~I occIJsI,o i> paoliNo osi"l lI. ~ , ~ ~"-I>f .poo:;llltd " 1..... _
, thai 0Wj _td Ioroos _ be ,_
~ 1.>;"; oppkr,oos. ~I o.n.g.d~"""'

J' ~.C ~,
. 5) 1'; ,.,f oppliOJ'lCOO _ 110 iMd .., ....
mOo, ...1o<,IJ.I"". 1rI~ udil'\1 . ,,' ~) ThO ~ 1m 10 >id ~ _ at rogtJ .. _ .

o~_, 7) Fl>od~ or, rr_ .

by ~ _ ,""",,_~.

S) fl<ed '""""'"" otior _ _ t ~_

~I ~oot"'"'" iI, """" "" . - "PO'OIOt ""'" has ~);ainocI
iJrOo .. flo
10 w.. roed tppIIonoos. the" iI gr_ ~ of ~ _$0
tOOll1 """,rnortl.

Paul ve anI! ac!/Y" a pplia nce. be class ified a. rem ovable a nd fixed a ppli ance.
O rthodontic ap~ i ance, can a lsa be classifi ed a,
OCIive <l nd PO''"'''' oppiiance . Acti"" a pp lia rlO"
exert a force on too teet h or the . uPportin 9
, trud u, e' to b. irr9 a bout the n~c" ..ary tooth App lian ce, whid a re u, " d lor orthodontic
move ment. Pa .. ivo app li aoce. are ma. tty u.ed purpases should fulfill certa in re'N ir"".,nts. The""
to ",!<l in teeth wh ich hav~ been ma ved ta i""a l ",qurromonlo C<l n be discu.sod underthe foI loMog
locati on . k tiv. an d pass;ve appli ance, can 01,0 lour hea ding. :
F,; 2 Orl'>odon,~ _ i oO<H W Son, .. "",.,,, . 0 f...d "",_ o~ "'",. (8) Bo"ldod ""o i_ . 0 ~ .... """ ....
""""~fI:t tel H<>wioy> _., "' . 0 ,..,..,...,,1>10 """'" .~'"o. IDI Ko."" O""~O"," . Ii""'; ,",,,,f...-.c''''''''1 owl ...... "
~ "-<,,,,,too". a _ , ",,,,Vet.. ...,. aW"'"'- (Fl ......... ;,,,..,.. 0 !i,.j .""",,,"01OWeo""

1. ~obgi<; ""lui,.,."""t< b. The O<t+.odon!ic oppl" ,,><. sMuld not poodlK'l

2. Mochoniwl """,i",,,,,,,,,, polhobgic chonge. ouch 0$ root ...-.o<pIion,
J. E.",,,,",, <equi"''''''''ts peo ic>b ,ul domoge or non .;tolity "'!he teeth.
~ . Hygienic requin:ments c. The opplior.:e should nol interfo:n, with normal
81010"," req .. I, d. ~ .hould nol i< ... ;Ih nom", IIvr.dion.
o. The opopiionce V>o uld bring a bout tfle desirod ". 1M oppliance should no! bring aboul ...ode n
lOO!h movem ent. cho"9('s.

I. ~ ,hould 1\01 bring about unwonled looIh
,. The mcnoriol used in '" fabrirnlion should be
biocompatible and should not produce to.c
....... I.
" TI\e oPj)liance should not di"nlegrale in otO l ."

Moeft . nl e.1 ,. qul,.ment
c. Tn.. opplio 'ICo lho<J ld hi! .im ple to fabricate.
b. ~ ihou ld rIO! be bY l..,.. The potien! shoo ld be
comforloblo ""'"0 th ......
c. Th. opplionc hauld be o/,ong """"911 10
Yl'ilhslOnd m(:GlicolO<y Iorccs.
d. The opplionce ......... ,d be able to delive,
f;Qml"lI.d fon:e. ft shook! apply" Ion:e of
desired inlenlity. direcrio<l and du",j;"" .
e. The oppllonc hould be univ"r>"li y
oWllcobie i.e. ~ mu.t be able to handl,
vcriovs molocdvsi On$_

Hytln/e ,equl,.m,nf
TM o rtnodontic opp!iorxe ,,,,,,,Id ;d."al' , be self.
c~ruing, III'ICII it ohoo ld be ""'Y
to ,leen them.
The applionce ,hovkl nol ''''''rier. wilh or,,1 maim,...,nce.

1I;. llId'e '~ ul"""nI

The orthodonlC opplI(Jnce should be eslhehcally

oo:eplobl . " " de.iroble to ho .... an ow1ionce
thot i. <II inconopicuoul <I. possible.

I, Ad.1M , """",,,,010 """ .. "'., ,...I0<<I0, ""'"' ..,.,.,.,.

Am I 0. ..... , 969 , ~Ir.'.~ I a
2. "-doom, C,", T.... do.g n ....d '''''~'x l ,," of ,,"""",
,or. O ~ kocIo" " , ""~ l lono . , , 5t' od ;t",",W''G h!,
a.;~ .. , 198~
J, f""" It) II " .. boo . .. C'-'t~., !!Iodwoil
!cIom';;, Owl", 1m,
~. Govibef,i. _.d Zjb.<"",. : c;.-,g;.... _p""" '"
"m-.,lo o""odoo~, ,,~ ..;.,,<.._ Am J 0""0<1


&mQVOble orth<xklntic app li onc~$, os th o

R j .... m >"gge,t., are d. vice. that con b.. in

",!led into arod removed from the orol COy
ity by the potionJ at wil l. Remc>vob l. applia nces
once 01 choice in hoti ng cerla i ~ condition . R&_
movab le a ppliances can 01,0 b" u,"d in con
jundion with fixed oppli ancu orld for retention
olt~rtreatme nt with fixed op>" ionce,.
_'" u'"Q rou~ nely in In.. 19th century. However In Am en"" the term removobl. c"" li-
!hey were crude ClI'>d ,.,.,'" mode of ~"dO<J' metol once, ge""ro~y meo n.fundionc l opplionceo that
wi",. ",,-h ich I"" ked the mecMn ica l advontoge of u o~ the o rofccic l musou lotu,," , In the f ura peon
tf,e modern wire" The developm ent of the modi- <oontrie" rem ovc~ e applionce, ore con<idered
fied ormw heod dosp byAdom. in 1950 broug ht to be of two kirldo, The fi rst col<lgory indude,
goo u!" .ee chang e in th ~ way the ",movab le a"" li ance, whi ch ore clo,p ed to the teeth c nd
cppi i""" _ ro looked at, The mod~ rn <loy ap- c r. referred to 00 fixed >"ote" The other cotogory
plia nce. are fobri<ot~d u, ing . te inle ... teel and includ e, removo~e oppli o",eo, whi<;h li ~ loosely
ouylic and are more efficient th an lnei r pred . _ in the mouth ond prodvce their . ffed by mod ify-

== A1tfooo~ rernQ'iobie applion<:e< can be

ing the pattern of cdivity of the orofociol muscu
lotu re cnd he"," th e pr."u r.o produoed on the
effectively used to treot a nu mbe r of mino r mal - teeth by the,e adi. itie" In thi' chopter we limit
d u<ion., they me offen ignored and th~ rnoce ou r u ion to the clooped mOKho nico l appl i-
com pl., n,ed app lionce. used in'teod. However ance. tho! 0"" ",ed to bring abo ut .oriou, tooth
...." oyob l~ applionce. continue ~ b~ the app li. mo",", men!. The app lio", th at make "s. of
mUlci. lo,ce, ore discussed lepe'olely o. COMPONtlflS OF
~fio",,1 opplio""... REMOVABlE Af>f>UAlltCE$
Remoruble orthoOon~c appliance. 01.
fer 0 num ber of advan indoo ing h,e abi lity R&mO'>'Qbl. app lia nce, are madt oool'h,,, I~ I I
to mai nta in a ro l ;'ygi. no cnQ Ihc r,ee-d for I." lic compone nT .
choi, ~e 'ime . Th . moin disod.anlog, of ",. o . Re'llnl;"'<:Ompor>eoll
mO'fObl. oppl""ces is lhe t'IMd for pofienr co b. Ac~"" components
opero~on. failure 10 od~ 10 prescribed ",,,..,.. c. Bose pic:.
able cppl.mca wea, schedule. ..... 11 '~ulr in ei-
IfIIt' .Iaw !reotm.", respense 0' no reopen'" 01 RtrENT/VE COMPOIfENJS
011. Tobia 1 ...,mmofi>.,I.... odlfOnlo{lOS ond th.
disodvonlogeo of th e removable applionul. "Or'Y 0.. compone"" ,hoI help in kU pi"lllM
opp li o""t in plo<:. and reli " di.plocemo nl of 1M
ACT/Olit OF REMOVABLE APPLlIlIitCES a ppl"""e. Th o . uccess of a .. "',wo bl. a pplj..
arICt ;110 a 10rl1" ''''e nl depende nt upo n good
Ranovoble oppl .. nces....,,!.; by applving 0 siollle '"t"'~on 01 me oppli~r"ICO! . Applion<;et thot Ore
lore.. on 10 the crovm altho ,",h. Thu. remo... loostIy ~lIinll and do not ........ odequolrt inlft>clr1:ll
obit oppliances ad by Npping ma tooth oround oncno...:,90 connol bring obo..rl !he necesKlry
'I> centre 01 "''''!once. npplng con b. brollghl IOOIh lTIOYWrIenlS. Adequate ,".. m;on 01 0 ,e-
obour in the ,,..,."o-<Ii>101 or bvc;r;o.linguol dire<: ",,,,,,,bI. opplior"lCO! is achieved by incorpolOling
lion. Tn. k. y pcir.1' 0 be con'IiOe,td is 'h e pesi. cerloin wire compon"":, lhot ""IIOQII uncle..:"",
lion of ,ho rool a pex befote the begin ing of treot. o n th e .... th. Th.,. wire com ponerrts lhot a id i"
m." I. TH ,h th ol na vo Iheir apo. ot tho corrod relenlia n of 0 removable op pl ian co oro co iled
pet ilion ore idea ll y . vi ,"'" lor IrllOlment with reo dOlps.
movoble cppl"nce..ln .ud! patients 1M l""9v.
10nry;1 ulUolly due 10 rhe Crown being lipped MOIJe 01 .,I/on of dups
from its c","ect po"tion and the'tfore respond ClolPl oct by engrogin\l c_in conJlrioed 0'_
welilo "pping 100Ih movemt m, possible using 0 oflh. I."'" thOl a"' c.alled underwlS. Whtn
remo""bIe orthodontic opplloroa. dOJPI ore labrico:ed. me wire is moOe 10 ~
hmo\lcb .. op pli o""., ore gen"rol fy the", unclen:uIl s.o Ihot Ih~ i r! 1I pre-
conl i cl~u"", i""fled i. e in bring ing ooo ul oodily ' e<1too . There are two type. of unde<cuts Ih ot ore
trcnslcliot1, demtcli on an d uPlig htin g o/I""th due foun d in ~otu", 1 dontition.
10 me single point of conloctol *_ opp liar=>. 01 8uocol ond 11 "9 001 ",,,"co l undclOJts (fig
Inm"ion. ond extrusions .... nll reR'o'fObie appli. 1.0/.
ances cnoflon medic""", vW>g rho Ioroct oterup- bl Mesial ond distal proximal undtlOJts fog
lion and oo:lus.ion . In oddilion me acrylic bose l.b &. c).
plOIt of m. appl"""eo oko COn be design.,.! by
Buccal I lif/llvol "",ic,,1 undercu'S : lhe
Incorporoliing bito"",",,, mol COn aid I~ ..,Iee
buc<:ol ond ling",,1 surfoc., 01 moiol1 h",. Q
Ii.e cXlru sion or intru. ion.of th e tooth. The bite",1 undGfC ul cl th e co,,"col mc rgin . These
pkm indooe Ihe cnlerior orld Ihe posteri or bile
ccn boo ,een from th e mesic l C' poKI of 0 molor.
undercut! are Ir.. Adorn. do.p cnd Croro! do.p .

Recr~lr.m"nt$ of an Idul ,,"up

1) It shou ld offe r ocieqvote retention ,
A 2] It , h<lu ld pe rmi t u.".. " in both l ully e",pled
as wo ll 0' portiolly erupted t""th.
3] It shou ld oller oo equote retentio n even
\ in tke pr ..enoe 01 , h<l llow unde rout. ,
4) They sho w", rIO! by tkem " '" opply any ac-
F'II , ("l C.... 'col ,~" t (8) ~ (CI 1.1.,.01 ond ",-01 tive loroe th ot wou ld bring obout u nde, ir-
"",~mo l ",d " M ob le tooth movem . nn 01 the onchoroge
teeth .
Example. of ci<l'P' tho! engoge these buccel ond S) It, hou ldb" eo.ytofobricote.
linguo l ce<vicol lJl"derc ut. ore th e ci rcumf. rer.::io l 6) It . hould not impinge on the ,oH ti .. u .
dc.p an d Jock,on', clo.p. The,. underc ut. ere 71 It shou", rIO! interle", wit\, normol ocd u ~on ,
cvo ilob1e for ck"p fob rication only in tf>o," toeth
thot are fully . ",pted. Clrcpmfe,en!l,.1 chup
M~' iol and d isto l proximol undercut, , Tke circumfe rential ola.p i, 01>0 ,n own by tke
The molO <$ Ore widest m"<ie.diste ll, at the coo- term. th ree_quarter d o.., or 'C' 010.1' . Th ey ore
Ioct f'O int and grod uoll)- Ioper towords the co",j ' imple do.p. thot ore d .. igMd to engoge tke
C()I morg in. Th ese $urfoces slop ping from 1m. buooo -c. rYic<l 1undercut Ifig 2]. Wire i, engaged
",",iol cnd di. jol conlod areo . !OW<lrd. In., neck from on e proxima l und ercut o long th e cerY;(Of
01 rt., teeth ore co il ed th e me,;ol OM di,to l pro,;- morgin tken corried over the oed"", ' .mb ro,u r.
m<l l urnJerovt., n",y con be , een when th e mo - to end ". 0 . ing le retent",. Orm on the li nguol
lor ~ , i"wed from the 000001a.peel. The,.proxi. o , peet thot g et, embedd ed in th e ocryllc bo
ma l unde rcut. are more pro nounced thon the , ~.

ce rvico l unde rcut. ond the refo re offe, more re Advontog e of thi s 010.1' i. it. ~mp li oity
tention . Em mpl of ,Io.p.
th ot . n~O!le these of de, ig n and fob riootion, Oi.odvantage of th i.

dos p i. tnot it w nnot be uS6d in P'OI1io lly e rupted o)lWo (Jfrowheod.

teeTh wherein Ifle ce", ",o l undercut il not o,o il b) Bridg.
able 10< d",p IQbricoti on. e) lWo retenti.e omu
1he rwo ~"owheod. G"IIog.II thG me"",
JlcI"D" " c/np ond me dillOl pr'QJl.imol underclllJ (1''9 4). The
Tho. closp wo. introduced by Jo~ in th. year om>wheods ore connec1ed 10 each 0Ihe< by c
1906. It iJ 0100 wllcd lull clasp orV d'lfp. l his bridge -..hich IS at 45" to !he long QlII oIms 1ooIh..
do.p engage ...... b<x:co<ervi~al undeow! and The Mgms dosp olIoqo nurnbe<of ad
QI~ tile M"'iol 0$ ..,,11o. d~tol ptC>.imol u~r:ler. ....:mklees .",f,ich are li.ted below :
c uT. llig 3). Wi re i. odopted c lc " g tile buoco - I) It i. ri gid a"" o ff..... exce ll ent re te ntion .
c...... lco l m' lrQin ond both The pro. I"",1 under- 2) It con ~ fabricatod on decid..ou. a. we ll a.

cut" I""" """ied ove , both the occlusa l embro- perm'ment toeth.
Wlfll0 end g, ,. tenliv<: Orms OIl boll> ,io:le$ 01 J) They COn ~ used on porti~ .... fully "ijl'ed
the moigr. 1M odvonloge ollhi.closp is !hot ~ is
,imple to con<lruct and olkn odequate relen- 4) k con be used an moIors, premolors ond on
han. The di",dvorrtoge of .laduon'. clasp is thor inc:i50Il.
it olfl!<'S inor:ioquo\e retcntioo In pomolly ,,,,pted 51 No spec;oIi<ed instrument is needed 10 fgb<l.
T"",", cote Tn. clc.p. YounQ" un i""rsa l ~I i." the!
i. uoed ro utine ly for most wire be""l".. ca n
be used.
The Atlo"" d o,!> wo> t.nt dewibed by p~ 6) "~Imo l l
cnd ocOJ p",s minimum I.p<Ice.
f'hillipAdomo. II .. moo known OS li pocI d <z\p, 7] rhe clOIP con be mod"Oed in 0 number 01
un~, ...1dO>p ond modi~.d a,""""'eod do>p. ways ~ig 8)
~ ~perly construcllld Ihis dolp ofFen; mo'" Tn.
Adc.m. d asp con be mod~oed in
mum .-enlion. Tho:t dOJ1p is conllrvCled u';ng number of woyJ. The ... modificotions perm~ ad
0,7mm hord to<...d slcinlcu Iteel lOire. di~onal""",,,,, enhcncedrele<1~on . Thefallow
The Adams clasp is mad . of t+.e follow- ing ore oeme of th e mooifications 01 Adc.m l
ing PO'" : dO!ojlI :
f" 5",' Tho10.,,, of +0 "dgo .. dew", "ed by "",";ng 'he ",0,' ",, 1 ""''''"'' 1~15 1c) T"" ,;gN ong ~
b.r d, 0" modo., icy", !he "OJgO ID)&I[) r:", j " t ",,,,,,hoe d is ton,...d If) Tho o~""". ood I. ", , _ od
,~g""'o ""'" tke ( "'",," wid .. , oIo~",,+..od tGl Tf . ,oe"'" ",'OOhood ' c ... . od IHI n",f;,.. "~~
-, O""ttoa ... , lool.5 <1og.... to tho bri'"
F" 6 Mo" >\l'" Moffl<cioop ,o"' noed~ Tho _""" ",,,,,,,,,,,,,d. 0100 b.nt~Sdo>') '" ., .... ~~ to _t
to. ,""mwhood, """ .... p=; "", end""" ,,_(Il) Tn_""lot 0," ' 0/'0< "nowl....d ~ lo,.. 90 ~'''' 01" I0.oI
11",;. Mlf to. r..q., of to. 1Y<lgo. Tho.,;" ,;",..J" po D'<M t"" omb"""", ........ ... do,!, ~ ~b-" ;,
'''''''''" pO<lOOo KI ,10WElllo. "",., 0'<01 "'co ;, boot., 1"'" 0'''"'' oed= 1om """,,"_ If) Tho """ ""'"
.,; '" ~ ,t.,ppoO down "'" beyond to. p""" mQ! ,orlod tGl ".moll .Iop ~ modo i , ;,. "Ion"'" ""'" '" "" "'""
11., ""kl ~ ""'I.... ~'V"" It~ TO. _ .... togo",. ~ t "'t"".ndot,,_"'........ 0""'_
rna"', The bridge i, mod ified to er>drde tho to<;>:h
d i, joll}- and e nd. on t he p<llota l "'peet as a re-
te ntive orm (fig 8. a) .

Adorns with J I>ook ,A J hook Can be 501.

dered M to the bridge of th e Ado rns dow These
hoo" a re u.eful in . ngog i n ~ e lo , ti cs (fig 8. bl _
Adorn, ",Ah inco rpora te d he lix A h. li x
'(In be ir><:orporated into the bridge of th o Adorn.

do.p. Th i. a lso he lp. in engog ing ,",o,tic, [fig 8 .
Adorn s wiln oddilionol arrowhead, Adam .
do. p can be con . truded with an odd i!i",,",1 or-
~. Theodditioo al orrowheod engog"Sthe
prox imo l unOercut of the "diocen! tooth and i.
,old. ,ed Or! to the bridg e of the Adorn . Tn ;,
type 01 closp off.. " odditiono l retention (fi g g,d)

Adorns with so ldered bucca! tube, A buc-

ca l tube ca n be lo ldered on to th ~ bridg e of the
Adorn. cio .p. Thi. rnodifkatian permit. u,e of
e<lra-oro l onchorage u. irlll foce bow - head gea r
a"emb ly (fig 8 . ),

Adam. with disla! extens ion : Th e Adam ,

olo. p oon be mod ified . o thot tho di.te l arrow-
heod ho, 0 ,mo ll e<lension incorporoted di, to lly,
Thi. d io/a l exlen. ion help. in e ng"ll ing eloo/ ic.
{fi gS ,n
Adorns on indSOr> and premolars: Ada m.
cio'p co n be fobrico ted on th o ind.ors and
pfemolar> when rete ntion in tho,e Oreos Ore re
q uired, Th . y coo be cOMlruded to span a .i ng l.
1',""".Wilh "ogle arrowhead Th e Adam . tooth Of lwo teeth (fig e ,g),
con be mod;fied to ho ., ,, 'i"llie arrow-
Southend clas p
head. Th i. type 01 do'P is indicated in " porti" lfi
~pted tooth wh ich usuolly i, the 10,1 erupted The So uthend da.p i, u,ed when retM tion i, (e
=olo r. The sing le orrow~d is mooe to engoge quired in the onteric." region. The wire i, ado~d
ho me.;';' . proximo l unde",ut of the lo,t e rupted o long th o cervical margin o f both the,oe ntra l in_
A 8

c o


'Ig a Modfi<o,"" 01 M,"" cI.", ~ ~"Ii. "'~ 1<10 "" do", II) MIl"" ,"'0 J foooI< ~I _~;,""'" (Ill
Adom. '"" <Odd."""' 1 ,.."""he<>d ((') Ad.m .,;," >iderod bu<;<ol tub. If) hIo m. wi'" di~ol ",""'.on I~ Mom. on

c o

fly 9 ("1 w>,"'" oIo.p ~) So il. '" do'P

(Ci T,;org,klr d"r (D) Cc<>!at c!o. p IE)
1.o"t. ", d o",

Om" , The d;,tot " nds are carried over the oe_ odd itiono l retMtion is nMded (fig 9 0) ,
d u.,,1emb rasures to e nd a . rete ntive crm, on
the po loto l . ide Ilig 9_.1_ 8all e nd clasp
This clasp i. fa bnc:oted using , toinle.. , teol wi,.,
Trlangul/l' cl8!P
ooving " krob ex" bolille strvdure on one end
They are sm,,11triongu lor .hop"'d oia'P' toot are {fig 9 BJ. The ba ll can be made at the end 01 th e
u<ed between two oo io(enl posterior teeth. Thus wire usir>g . ilver ""Ider. Preformed wires h<";rIg
!hey "nlJ'lge the proximo l un der<;ut. of two " dio - "bo ll atone end are " I,,, oV<lilob le .
..,nj t. eth. Trian gu lar clasp' a re indicated WhM Tr.e bo ll engoge. the proximol undercut
bet.. .... n two gdiOXlln! ""., .... io' teeth ttl in a fri Bo ws
or>gulo, cloop. rhe dntol end 01 the wi,. il Cor
ned 0... .... the occlusol embraSure 10 end on the 10' inciso, re lroction. There cre YO,ioUI typa.
""Iotol o.pect ttl 0 nllent.,. orm. The boll.-d bows fOUIinelv used bi the orthodomiol. The
claop .. indi""..d when odd~",nol retention .. lowing i. a li,l 01 SOme 01
requ"ed. labial b0w..-
l. Sho .. labial bow
S"".II'~ c/"'P
2. long labial bow
The Sdlworz clOIP or the or<OWl>eod ciolp eon 3. Sptd labial bow
bcr soid to bcr!he prerle. oflheldom', dosp. 4. Rc.e .... lobiolbaw
The clasp il designed in wch 0 wavthot anum 5. Robert'srerrada,
bet oIo......t.eodl engage the Interpn:l>!imol ...... 6. Mill, retmdar
de,cu" between the malo,. and be tween ,. High labial bow "';!h ap"""'poi" ...
prcrrookr.. ond mola .. (fog 9 0) . Thi' Clalp I, not 8. Fi~ labial bow
, used rourinel , d"" 10 0 numbe, of dro..bod. ,
II Nood pedol c,ro..h""d forming pi ..", to Short '"bl., bow
fabricale. Th~ type of lab;ol bow is con!irude:l ,, ~rog 0.7 ....
2) Oro.op ie. a la,9" amounl ai 'POet In the hord round .Iain l. .. " 001",i,e. The . hert 1cbia1
,", cca l ~"i,", l e. baw ca n.i,t, of a bow thot make. conro et.n:..
3) Tho ",~do co n injtn the inl.rdenlal soft Ih ~ moll rmm in enl labial leeth and two U IooJa
li.sue. Ih at ~d 0' ,. tenti ve o,m, di ,to l to th o CQ ni """
4) It i. diffi cult and lime coos um ing 10 fob 'i. (fig 10). Tn~ Iype of klbiol bow is ve'l' ,tiff and
"" e. exhib il. 1ow fl . ><ib'lity. Thu. they 0'. indicated ."..,
in case. of minor oV"fie' reduction 000 onlericw
Crout c/up
'poc. dosu,e. The short Icbiol baw ca n also be
Thi. cla sp resembles a lu ll ckllp bu' no. on cd uJed for "",pose of rele ntion 01fhe ferm;""''''''
ditle",,1 piece ai ",ire soIde,ed .,Mel> tongCOl'I into 01 fi...d orin odontic there py.
lhe mesiol and distol ptO>I.Imol ""den:utL 11"" ~ l he sho~ labial 00.. io octo.oted by com-
all ... bcr"er ,ete"';';" tho" the 1,,11 dOlP~'9 9 ell pr""';ng the U loop'. The oc~votion .hould b.
,uch that th" lobiol bow is disploced polatoll, bi

They 0'. coonponents allIl. opplioro:e which lOll'

or! /oru,s to bring about the neceoo'l' IOOIh "."...

ment. The oC!i compon."" Include .

2) Springl
4) f lo.,;o f~ 10 S!.art I.bool bow
be used Io.-dOluffl 01 midline dia<tema llig 1J .b).
In Ihi. korm, the !tee end of the buccal 0",,' Off!
mod ~ Ie haa~ <11110 I!.e di.t.,! .u.fcce 01 1M O!l'
pOl ite cMtre l inc i", r,
Tho split lob .. 1 bow i. activoted by cem
pre<,"rog tho U loop ).2mm 010 tim e.

Rowolto Id lel ItO ...

This is 01.., called ""e,.. loop lobio! bow. Her_
fOj I I l.""IJ 1oIM,I boo.-
tho U loops Off! pieced dislol to 1M canine ood
the ~ee""ds d the U loops o:reodaple<;l ~
' e Ole' bo ... be_" th o Ii", premola r c nd conine (fog 1J,c),
;; bow h " Ionge.- .pa n 01wi", i:I irrccrporolod, th e bow
8 ><18 "'" f'on, on . fi "l premolc, 10 ex hi bit. incr.csed Ile. ibl lity. Indication. for use
T"" di.tal arm. ollne 0" . imila, Ie !hot al.horl lob io l bow. n", O(;li.
odepled """, the ocdulOl embro
" 11 ). A
The indicaliono ollong lobial bowo~ .
Minor onterior IIp<Ice c",,"ur. +- - - ..
Minor overie' red uction

Oosu'. 01spoco disto! 10 co nioe
G" iclcnce of (enioe during cenioe ,elroc
lOon ",in" 1>010101 'elredo,
As " """in,n9 deYice ol the end 01 filed orth. f'\l 12 ken ... labal boo.- o;:tftolod by -""" ....
odontIc "eo1rr .. ~ loop. n......I-0 ... ~"" aI +. boo. or"", ."i'oJ,. (It
The adi.oIio" is simile, 10 !hal desoibed
C"..."...OOIOty bond g .... to ...,""n proper 10-..1 01
... short lebiof bow. A rnodified form el lhe long
labial bow Can be mode by .ekl"";ng I"" d,.tal vo~on 01 Ihil lobiol bow is dooe in two .tOflS.
crm 01the U loopl on to Ir.e bridg e of In . Adoml f irSt th o U loop is opened. Thi. ",.u lts in lawe '
irog of lho leb .. 1bow in #'" inci<e r region. Acom
p!!rr$Otory bend i:I thon gr.en or lro. bru" 01 the U
loop to "",imoin !>,ope' I~ 01 fro. bow (/ig 12) .
. i, 0 Ioblal bow thot i pI~ in the middle.
This IMUIb ;" two sepom18 buccal a,m. ho..,ng a
Ioop.ach (rog 13.0). This type 01101>101 bow This;' 0 lobial bow mode 01 thin gouge stainless
~ Inc"",ted Auibility o. compo,..! 10 ,"" _I..,;,., having 0 coil 013 mm irrtemol ditJrnew
_nt'o(",1 Ji,ort fob iol bows. me.iol to t""conine, The y.., ofl!. in 0.5 mm
The ", Iii Iob iol bow i. used farcnte rie r dia mete, "';re a long wil!. increo.ed "';1lI1ength
1._'" A modilied bm oJ.pJ il lob .. 1bowCXl n due to the in<;o'poro lion 01 c coil ma ke. The

fig 13 \"l Spit 10,101 bow lor ,, ~O<,.., of 0' '"''''' (B) Sp." 0.1:;0 1boo< r", doov<. of md ~ m,..,., Ie) ~ ....... Iobd
..... IDI Robe,, , "''''''''''1~1 M ~ 1o " ' ' ' - (F) Hy. ...... 1",,", w;;" ... on_,,"Ii
Iobiol bow highly ~exiblft (ffg 13.d). ~tol""" 4 Mm. A:; I.... bow is highly ~e>
k --, Ihi" wifS is used for its fobriw- ,bIe ~ generotes lightco- forces. n..... "'"
am bo
~on. the bow is fwghlyllexibl, ond Iocksodoquole used in oduh po;rtie.m; in whom lighler Ioo'ces Ore
wb;lity in the -.tical pI<>ne. Thul til. dislol port ,*,roble.
ollhe ",oclor is supopoo1ed in a stainless ,lee!
tub<n9 01 0.5 mm intern()1diome!er.
The Robert's retrodor II irldio:lted in po - Thi s is 0 la t>ial bow having exl. "';"" IocFling (Tog
tient. no'; .,.. ..,vere ont..nor procHnoTion with , 3.e) 0/ the wire '" os to increosolne fle,dbHity
M II II'I!f!X1or ,,, ex!endftd IeOOoI bow CIS
,." ,~."" ,~, ",,11<><1 i. ird ioaled in poTi onT. with
"largo a"oriel. The d iS<l dYo n lc ~s 01 Tn. Mi ll,
ir'ldudo dill"" l!)' in corutru.;liQn and
~"nt d"" 10 1M complex d.
ollhe bow.

lalllal flow wlllt Itp, .... $p,I",. flg 1~ fitood IoIM.t bow
010 heoa"Y "';ro bow of 0.9 or mm
. t
!hot ~nd. into !he buocal ~STibu l l
1 3.~. Apron ,prin g mod " 010:4 mm wil'l is Ideal , equlslte. ot a ,p" '"
~ed to tM hi gh 1"",,1bow. The apron j,pr1ng
Sprir.g. !ool 0 .... designed la bring a bo ut various
designed lOt .... trGdion 01 one Ot me ...
tooIh .................hwld possess certoin ideol reoq.
ui.~es. They ore lisled below:
coses 01 largo 0Yerje1. As .... ry
o . The >pring should be simple 10 fabricate.
a... geneRJted by them they con be
b. It should be eosily ocljustobie.
in odult pori""". c . It should ~tinkllhe o..,llable '1'0"" ..,;lhoul
The oP"'" IiIlfi"'il is 1M adive compo-
dis<:cmfo.t to !h I potllnt.
wnt thaTil OCTi>'tlTed by b", nd i n ~ it toward. the
d. It .hould be OClly to el"" n.
" . . As it il hig nlv flexible, octi'votion 01uplo 3
c. It , nould apply IOI'I:! of req uired megnitude
ot a lime Ca n be done. Th o d ilOdv<l nTogl$
arld d i~t i on.
otdude dllficully' in con.lrvdion 0.-.1 rhk ot soil
I. ~ should 1\01 .Iip or di. lodge ..Mn ploced
<;>"leI' 0 .topor.g IQOII, .urloce.

g. hhould be robust.
h. k should nlmoin ocUve <;>"IeI'O long period 01
10 !hI to<ItoUrI of 1M 101>01 ",!foee (11g """e.
TM U loop il \I:I uolll sm oll. The lit~d 10 Fllelo rs ta fi e con,/"e'e" /n "e'/lInlnll
bow ca nna! be used to bnnll abouTocti've , sp,lnll

::::;=::~~ Thev 0 .... u<ed '" ,. toint ... ot D"mcl<,or 01 Wire, TM flulbilitv 01 lhe s~ng
of IOted o~ lhel'Oj))< 10 0 10rf1'l _ depend. UpOn the rliomeler 01
wi"" used. Thu. the force 9"' ... oted is

F = O
adontic o~QO"''' that a... used to ofleet..,riouI L' j where,
, F _ Fo.ce
TM .... are 0 number 01 wo " by ,. ni eh o _ Dio metre of wi re
....." "" bo,II . ",",d,. Te bl. 1 give, The V(Tri. L - Length 01 wire

...... .. IM " . _ or _ . , _IN)' CO" "" masllOOlIl mo.e""",l.

110 ..... Hled ., ;

.. Sf'o9Io - 0'l1\oUt '*" Folienl com/Olf , Th. , pri ng . hou ld

on l potiont diKO mfor! by woy of its

... ~ w, " , _
'" the lo,ce it gon"""t"" ' The

......... I110 ................. "...., . . bt ~'pos.iIiOOl 00 '" to bring cboullh

: toooh movement .
o. IIoUI ~ .".... "'" Di'llC!ion 01 loc'" move men' , The dir
~. ~ SponQo . - .."., ~cn oIloo!h mo.ernMI i. e n irnporlOn! co ........
OIion in de~ gnin~ " opring. Tho di' Belior> eI_
a. . ..... I/le rIOt .... ., .I,bUIIy of llIo .prlng Ihoy mo' ement i. determined by Ih. ~ I nl 01eenToa
. .. boo tI"'~1od n , be"-n tle spring ond!he~. Palatl:ll, pjo<.t
.. SolI ~ ~ . TN!' ... ...,. ...... 01
_ _ ..;.. Ilullll)' coo """"' ..... 000II - ,.
II. ~ IP'ivo . n., ... _ 01 ..... 01'9' !he room is Ie be moved polol""'ond In 0
.... ord .... Ia<:I. . . . . ~_ ~ ...... 01 d'lIol d"llfion .
tt. IPring ....... U<ll~ ...... ,~ ~ I. P ~
F/n4er ' pr/nll
The fin ger spring i. 0100 co,"',.",,1"'""'-1
Thlckllf wires when u.ed, decreole th e fle>.ib ility as Of1 e er>d i,I" .<I i ~ cuy lic or>d th e
01 th. Ipring or\d OW IV0 ~reole, fo,ce OOllne .r>d il free. IT il COf1.lnJctcd using 0 . " mm .,,'",
too!h. B, doubling !he diom.*< !he /0"", in mm !>ord round ""'inl"", lice! wi~.
creoses b-rolmO>! 16 times. Thvs by deaeosing The Ii
Ihe doo..-Iholo"", cppliee! iJ lesser one! """"- ",I m""emen! 01 teeIh. Hcon
lore m
."ring "","cino more fle. ible cnd cclive
""..- c longer ~riod oIlim o. IingllOl direction i,e., T.... I""1h .hould be
th o 'i';' of Th o ard. ,
lenglh 01 ",i,~ For<:. ee n bo dec.,,,,,,
d by
inc,eol in g tf>e !englh of lhe wiro. Thus 'P'ir>g' ' :'.;' :':~:I
rhe lillg . r . pring co n,i,t :':
e rm 01 12 15 mm length which il
Thot a,e Ic ng ll< aft more fl.>dble and remain oe
~ .. ue, a nej i. 01 3 mm into"",1 diomet..-or>d
'"'" ",""a long w.olion 01 tim., Helicas one! loops
con be inCOfJXlroted inro .pring. 10 make them from the ri_ and
more ocfi...... By doubling Ihe lenglh /he foru
(Iig 15.0).
con be ...:Iuce<! by 8 fim .
force 10 be a pplied The 10". 1'-01 sr.ould in such 0 way mc!1he ceil I
1 'be gfI"",gted by the spring I. ce ~" ' ct.d bc.ed long 0.1, eI the tooI h to be m<wod ,
en the numberof teeth to be moved, tOOt l urio,e 10, te the dirK !i e n ef movement (f>g )

moved . This it done G. dose to the coil "" POI-
fible. ~on 01 uplO 3 mm is <:o,,..~ ,,*,1
"""" O.S mm ";f1I i, used fe r it, fubricoTion.
/he"" , 0.6 mm wire hOI bM n u.ed tho <>d i
votion .hou ld be f.o lf 01thot.

C'lI nlre d ~/nl" Cl nWenr .prln,

Thi> spring COI'ISlr'uc\ed ...!h 0.5 mm hord .Ioin
A less s,eeI oriN .. used to move teeth labiolly (~g
16.0). Tho . ptlng (;OnPsf1; of" coil, close to its

FA """"\I"nuo from m. bose plate . T.... e<><1 helps ;n

inorC<l, ing thl f1e.:lbi lity of the $prir.g by ir.:::'801-
'0V in g the 1""9lh of the wire. Th, . prin g i, oron kld
to ~M p it de", of the 011,." ," .th . The coi l is 10
doli9nod thCl th, ",,'ing i. ndivoled by unwirw;!.
ing the coil.

Z .prln,
Tho '1' .pring ;. ,,10o called double con~~
B Sj)nng The Z spring Is used lor lobiol mOe'
"""', 01 incisoro. TMy wn oIso be vsed fo.- bring.
ing about mino r rotction o f inc iroo ro ,
to!'txlt 0/ ;"lended T"" Z .pring i, moo. of 0,5 mm herd
Prior I ",v"; stoin~ "eel wi",. Tho sprir>g con be mod"
.ot""t~ lot ma...mem ol " ,'ngle incisor "r two inc isors
on 'Ken belo."", the rnucoso and (~g The spring consist. 01 two coil, oI . ery
sman internal diameter. The ,pring should be per-
pendi""l.,< to me palotollUrfoce of the tooth.
~ has 0 relent;wo 0"" of 10 12 mm !eng!!. !\lOT
~g 17 T ' pd .....

get. embedded in acrylic. Z ,porin g shou ld be Th o Co/fjn , pring i, mod . of 1 2

box"" in wo< prior to ""ry litotion, hord rw OO skl in .. " ,...,1
wire , "",::o~;,;,.o~~l
The Z ' pring is activated by oporing bol\1 or o""'go , hop"" wi re plo-:;cd in t
the he li ce. by abou t 23 mm at Q time, In co ...
of minOf rol<l r>on oorredio n, on e of the heli ces is
opened , from Adom, dasp, 00 the first mol ors and
fir'il poremo lors Or deciduou s molo".
T . ptlnt Th e Coffin ' pring co n be oetivOleG
Buece l movement of porem<>a" and ,ometim e, monw lly by ~ding both the 6 nd . at the reg;;.
con in e. C<ln be broug ht about usiog e T 'poring , of the clasp. ond pu llin g the . id o. gentl y opM.
II i, mode of 0,5mm ~rd round , to in l... steel Ad ivation of 12 mm at a tim e i, conside red a,..
wire. The ,pring oo""isl< of 0 T , hop.ed arm who.e propriote.
end. are embedd ed in o cryl ic (fig 17) . loop. OJn
CanIne retracto,.
be incorp<lro ted in boIh th e arm. of tM Tso tnat
as the tooth move, b\JC<ll~ the M od of th e T C<ln ConiM r~ " '"'' <pring. IMt ore used 1:0 .,..,.
be mod . to ,e moin in contoct with the crown by con in e. in a di.!al d irection . The can",,, retroc
, li ghtly opening the loop" torS CO n be da .. ~ied bl 0 num ber of way, f';lbl.
Th pring i. octivoted by pu lling th e free 3),
end of th e T toword, th" in te nded direction of
tooth movement,
U loop canine retractor
It i$ mod e of 0 .6 mm Or 0.7 mm wire It con, ill>
Coffin spr/nil of a U loop, an active arm and a retentive o rm
nu, i, 0 removab le type 0/ orohexp<l"'ion sp, ing which i, d islal, Th . bo of the U loop , houkJ be
thot was introduced by Wolter Coffin (fig 1 8) . It is 2 3 mm below the oe"'icol marg in (f,. 19), The
used to bring obout .low d . ~to .olveol[)f arch ex mes io l a rm of th e U loop i. boot ot right ong le.
/l<lr\$ ion in potienb where the uppe' arch is coo and adopted around the con ine be low it. me,iaI
, ttide<J Of th ere i, 0 unilote rol oros$bite contoct point. ","""ho nico l ~ it jo 100<1 effodive m-.l
au.d on I~ of, 1... l1on 10.., ean lot <It,O!fIod
. he -
"' ,~ _ ' toiur)' ~
'tI, Poo'""oi 9O!oIoI)' p!oc!<I

So...! on tho pnura oll!ollx ",_loop 1M, ,on

be , ... tllled t . ,
c..rn roraotor wI:'ll'lob
tol arm i, octiv. ar>d i$ bent 01 right or>gle, to
1>. c.,;". !tt:'l<;lor "'tliOCfl
er>goge th . con ine below th " heig ht of contou r.
Tfle co il i, ploced 34 mm be low th e gingivo l
h .. d.n thl l, modo 01 OOllon tnlY .on bt
marg in (fig 20) . The he ight of the coi l can be
.... .. ffed ,,' ,
i odjusted bo , . d on th~ >e,tibulor height,
" PY$h t)po "': It is oct",ated by open ing the he li' by 1
~" ',~ mm or by cvHing 1 mm of th e fr end ond reo
is used whe n mini mo l retrocti on of 1 2 mm i< odoptin g it o round the ca~ine , It i. ir>di<:oled in
req ui red, It i, octivot. d bycio, ir>g the loop. by 1 potiM t' with ,ho llow .tJ lcus, ond .pe<:i<l lly i~ th "
2 mm 0.- cutlir>g lhe IrM """ of tile octiv~ orm by mondibu lar orch,
2 mm ond reodoptin ~ it. ""hantoge. of thi s re-
Palatal canine . e tractor
""do.- are ea,e in Iobricot ion or>d Ie" bu lk_
It is mode up of 0,6 mm ,toi nle" ste.1 wire, It
con, i,!, of 0 coil of 3 mm diomete r, an active
orm and 0 guide Orm (fig 21)_ Tfle octive orm i,
ploced mesio l10 canine, The hei i> i. ploced a long
the long o.i. of the oonine It i, ind icoted in r~
i --

f;g 19 U 1000<0 0.... ,"".,""

Helical canine retractor

~ is olsa"" lied reverse loop con ine retroctor ond
is mod e of 0 ,6 mm wi "" It con, ist> of 0 co il of 3
mm diameter, an octi.e orm (toward, tfle ti"ve)
""d 0 retentive orm _Th e mesio l Orm (rete ntive
crm) i, gdopted between the premo lgrs , The dis-
"~22 8"",, " .... "'"""", WS"oootod ",,",no ,..m,,,,,, ....... nQ g ."i"Io.. ,~ d..... 'o~;"'....,_ {II) ....
' " ' """.. 0<1 ~ no """"-'" """'" 01 ," d" QC" ~. ~ re ro '" """" i"':f

t,oc!;"" 01 co nine> th ot ore pcloTOII , ~OCQ<! , N - Scre w,

.i,Olion I. done by opening tho flel .. 2 mm oj <> SC, ..... 0'" oc;~"" wmpooenrs thot 000 be inco<.
po,(J!ed In 0 ",,,,,,,,,,bie opplie"", . Sc,~ COlO
be used 10 br'ng obout m""'l 'I'P'OS cI tooth....,....
allce. 1 ce "llle .e l,. ,lo,
ments. Th, screws ore odi",Md by Iho po!ient<;.:
It i$ ,ndict:Jted in co'" 01 buoolly ploo:ed coni_ regular inte"",l, u.. ng 0 I<:ey ,hoI is lupplied 100-
ond C(l~;"'" pla ced high in ft. .. ,,,,,t,bul . Th&y !!-.i, po..o'pOM. Thvs oP!'l ian<.et; inc<:wJX>tO~ng ~
are uMod ! mO"" the ccn ine in 0 dilla l a. woll o. uro a vo luoble o id in polienl. who cc nn ot vi",
pc loto l dir.ctio n. It , on, il'S of 0 coil of 3 mm 1M denti,t tro q\l&!1tty tor rea ctivation of Iho appli-
diameter, on o criy~ Orm (CIW<lI f,om ''''' Ii......,) onee.
ond 0 ",'~n!~ mm.lhe coil il ploced di51011O RemoYObie OppliotKo. having screws
the long "";,. ol con;",,_ The Mool conine . . usually con ...t 01 a splij ocrylic plate and Adoms
lIoc;IOr con be ot two types. supported ond sell OOIP' on rhe po$lfIrior ""'=Ih. The wew if, placed
IUppo~ed. Th .. ..,K .upported co"ine ~ (OMecr,ng the 'PItt ocryIic plate. Thole oppli.
al. made oIlhid<ecgovgo wire {0.7mm1 $0 tho! onces can bring 000...1 'fO!lous types of tooth
the I p.;ng CO n w p port ;'ocK, ~ig 22.b1The wp- mo_non'" 1xI...d o n rhe locction of a~ic 'Pli!.
~ ~ i "" mlrocIor> or& mode ci thi<Y>ergc uge !he Ioo:lTi on of 1Iw:> 5<"""' aed !he ....." be, of 1(: .......
", ire (0 .5m ml . Thus th. y ore me", fl. , iblo c nd used in The app li an ce.
tfletelo.e mc<;hon icoll y effkiil'r1!. Th40 wppoo1ed B,eodty 1110 removable opplionce. rhg,
coni .... tetrndors lock the ""bil~1 and ore tho'e- moke use of se' ..... OJn bring abo .... Th'N types
fo,e enc;1osed in 0 .IDin""" >lHllubing OS $hov.n of tooth m_ems.
in Ih.ligu ... ~ig 22_oj. The leN suppo<tod ~ni .... o. E.opon1ion 01 oreh (fig 23.oj.
"'kodorl Oft! adiYated by ("*"II rhe hdiK I mm b. Movement of one or a g'oup of t-";" e
ot 0 ~m,. while rhe supported (onine ,.,1n:H:tOn buccol 0<" labiol d;'<'dion (~ 23.b).
C<ln be ocH"Oled uplo 2 m m 01 0 time. c. Movem",t 01 0""' 0' more teeth in a d"tol Of
melio l d irectio n (fig 2 3 4
EIa.tics 0$ octiVi) CO<'r1po<1ent. o re ,,, ld om uled
o1oog .,;111 'em<)'>ab\e ap~iances, Thevcnomosri't'
used in coniunc~on wi!" liKed oWlio"'.... Re
........,bI.. opPionc:es U$ing eI"...,.loranlenor",
lrocIion """,,'ol~ molee use 01" lobiol bow,"""
hooks plato=<! d;'tollotne canines. Lolol:< eI",~CJ
""" strelched between them and lie twet llle 'rod-
s,,'" (fig 2~ ). TM diloQvonlc ge. 01 ,L>Ch on op
pI;"' nco inc lude. th o ris' of the ela. t;c , Ii ppir>g
g i"Q iv<llfy ond cauJJng g irlg iva r tm um" ond the
n,l 01 the a,ch fofl\'1 goetIing Aon~ _

Th~ bulk 01 the removable oppliu.-.:e is mode 01

the acrylic 110... plale. 1 M prime fund"'" o/lhe
bo se plote lI. to IrlCC ' pornte al l th . componentl
(octive e nd ",te nti,..) tog eth er lnto a . in gle fun e_
tiorxl l urlit. The bo ... plole 01.0 help in rete ntio."
of opplie>nal and lor anchoroge.
The following " ... !he u""ofboM pIoIon
in relllCMlble oppllOnces.
o. The 110M! pIoIe unile$ all the cnmp:>-nents of
c the appliance into one unit.
f ig 23 ~._o. l. oW l,""", . '"""_0""," 0<,,'" b. Helps in onchorl"lllho "PIl lio",,, in pIoc .
I'l Aoo' ........ for ,f(t, ~ (f.I """"onco 10< bucaoI c. It P"O"ides support lort"" wire wm_1s
"""',,,.,.,... 01 ","evp of '" '' Ie) "",,"""" " !of <t,'OI d. Help. i~ di. trib uti r>g th~ lorce. 0. "'0 l o '~
_ .... "" ...h
o E F


- J K
fill 25 Q.!'"CI<!oMc .Ioop '.... C"'..-t. ..""'1 <100. (8) Joctton~ _ !O Sc~, da.p ~ T,i<w>&'''' cloot>

11) AIbr. <,"p '~1 Mo"" d"., ..; ~ J hod ~),ow,.,. "' .. "" hoi. Iii) .......... ,.;Ih ,.ouoI ',I>o ~: Ado ... ,.;t, """I
_ . :.1)5;.,111 . .. ,........ 0.0.10 ..... :<I.o.b-.o ...... <><Id _o~ (l! _"'"O";otioon


o E f

J , l

Po; 26 ~"'l' ond Bows ~, A"9"' ""~ 16: Z '9""" :c) T " ''''Ii (OJ !on. klI>'o l ' - (El LDng ..... 1bow ~ 1i>I"' ,,00>1
boo. iG) Robo-r, ... _
(t) l.o b;oj boo. "'
;H i ,W~ relOXIO'
od to Ado"" dao.
HV ' 1. "'1 bow Vl f ;tIot<I 10..,' bow lq P..... "" Iobio l bow
Thl, !vII co.. mge helps in 9aining odeQIICIIo
",eng,h. Narrow """,;llory be ... pIoles _
bling " ho .... hoo ore less sloble and are IOltIl
to get dislodged during """"""",nil 01 the tong<&
The mOMibul", bose p1o ... it ..,..,..
shollow to ovoid 'mic tion to the lingual"J!a.5.
To compen..,te I", ! il should be mod. ilia.
10 In crooso the strenglh . TIr" bo.., pklte J.hoyklk
.nug ly oround th e neck. of teeth that o r. no! bo-
irlg n"IO'>'ed, Th is hulpo in ovo>dir>g food aceu"""
i<>ling unde .."" bose plate.
Th. bo ... plolo i. mode 01 cold ""'"
oeryl", Or heot cur. ocrylic. Cold c",. ocrylic:;'
more freq ....... 1Iy used OS ~ is less ti""" <:Or'$uming
,~ . and >imp_ to use. The .r<sodvonrages 01 cold
e. 8oteplo_con bejpcorpomtedintolheplate cure ocryIic (ne rha. there is """'" dlg",* 01 po-
10 11001 spocilk orthodonli<: problowns. <Oldy and d os not 0> stobie os heat OJA! ...:.,tie.
T1)8 bose plote should be of minimum During co,wflJdion of !he appliano: OOte sho.JoJ
l!oickntU to help In po~enl <>=!pk>nce. Thick
plat o re nor tolerated bo,. potients. Bose plato>
0< 1.52 mm thld<nen offe r odeqLKlle ,trengtn
end ot th e "'''''0lime 0.... to le ro ted well by po-
Th. "",.ill a')' bose plole u,,,,,lly <ove rs
t"" emire polote I,ll the diolol 01 moklf.

(, {on
. .. I


FIg 26 Pt.... "" boto .....

be ", ken to block ou ' undercut, '0 thot i n '~rti on tr.e 9in 9i0, . ulcu s o r me fr. num,
a nd removo l cl th . opp li o""e will not be 0 pro b. 5, Th~ pati ent w",,1d be ed ucate-d o n how to
lem, Thi. is moro w in ca , e 01 ooon dib ulm opp li . iMert ond r~ "' ove the oppli o""e , It ~ 0 good
o""e" >dec 10 "how the app lkmce '0 th e patient ond
Bite pio"". con be i"",orpomted into the domon. trote to them the aL' ion of tho va ri
bo plate. Th e, e bite plonel help in di""90g - oul co mpa nont. 01 the appliance . They
ing the ocd u. ion, The onterior bite plan es a ,", , hou ld be ir,. trt.J eted nat to di. tort Ir.e vori
Iob riC<l~ by thickening th e bose plo!ebe/1 ind the ous act ive component. of the a ppl ionce ,
"",xill ory onterioro [Ii ~ 27), Anterior bite plone , 6. Th e octi, . compa nent. co n be octivot"d of
0,", u. olu l in trM ' ment 01 d""p oyer bite' by .
te, few doy. onLe the poti . n, get' u. " d to
lerti"e eruptuion of tho po,te rior teeth re!ati, e to tr., applio nce ,
th o ontenoro. Po, teri or bite plo ne or. lormed by
e<len ding tho bose plo te '0 cover the ocd u,o l Ins truction s to th e patie nt
' uroc. of the t.,., h [fig 28), Th~y ore gen oroll y Th . pati . nt i. giv. n in, tructi on , b<o'ore he leave.
u,ed in th e trMlm ent 01 cro" bi!e, a. they help in the denlo l ofice on th e u,e ond ~o re of the app li .
remoing the in'ert. ", ,,,,e 01oppo. ing teeth, 0"". Simpl. verba l in, tnx tiOfl ' oIIon rve the
purpo' . How~e r printed in<trJCtion "hee' lorfu
CLINICAL MANAG EMENT OF REMOVABLE tur" refe rence cor bo give n to tho patient. The
APPLIANCES fo ll owing a re . om e of tr., in,tru dioo. given ,
I , Patie" t , hould b. in. tn.:d ed on the n lJ," b~ r
of hou rs of we or, Mo. t ap olion ce. ore to be
DeUvIJ'Y of th e applia nce
worn both doy an d night i,e , 24 hou rs,ft i.
The re ore 0 num ber ol locto" that , hou ld be
recom mended thotthey be worn duriog the
looked into ot the time of op pl io nce de live ry,
mea l ti me a. we ll.
I, Th e jj .. ue , urfoce of the ap plian ce "hould 2. The op pli anc e ond th e teeth , hould be
not have ony . hmp areo , or nod ule . Rv n
cl eo""d otter ev. "" mea l. Th ey shov ld 01. 0
roor ling. " over: he t~. u e . urface of the ap-
be d ear"ied before r. tiring to ~ "" p,
pli o""e to f"~ 1 fOf ony , ho rp oreal tho! oooy 3 T h~ pa ti. nt i, o. ked '0 d ea n th e applia nce
inj ure the ti.. ue" They should b~ trim med to
u. ing detergen' ~ utiOfl an d 0 br". h. l'I'hile
ovoid ti " ve. irritoti on .
deo ning the opp lio nLe. Core "h ould be to~en
2. The ba,e plote moy ne. d l ome trim ming to not to be nd or dislodge ony of the compo-
h. lp in <K"y i"",rtion and removol of the op _
"" nt. of the a ppfionce
pi io ""e , Th i' i, mootly. o in ca,e of unde r- 4, In co.o of removab le ap plion ce tool inco r-
~u" being pre ... nt.
parole screws, th e patient 000 pa "'';'' shOtJ ld
3. The cl asp f.oo ld be exom ined for ad eq uale b. give n cl. or in, trud io n. on now 10 octi -
retenti on. If not they , hou ld be od ju. te-d to vote the app li<l nce ,
engog. the u n der~u t, $0 o. to increa," re o 5. Th o pa tient. are in stru c!o-d to report imm'ed i_
tention. otel! to the eli n;": in co,e of opplio nLe da m_
~ . The od ive compone nt, "h ou ld re<t ot the de
oge Of any other problem wh ile wearing them.
, ired locotion . Tr.ey should no' impi nge on
6. Th o patie nt w ou ld be in,ttlKted not to lea ""
!I.e opp!ianc:e out of !he """"*'
10, a loog 6. fui;tt W)1:,
C......,.""",,, 0""""'","01. So to..,
period 01 time CIS it lrocreoses th e ris k of lOll
o nd dor'n"9 ".
l Robo 1 E ""1"' : tf,"d b-: 01 OrthaGo,'"._
"""" ., ... co l ", ;""., 958.
a 0;.,; ...... JA , "..,~. cI ~ .13 u _
P' ollieme e"",ollnte, e" In , emonOI. a:om",,~ 1966
. ppl,."",. ''''''P), 9. 10"" a-d 'No' : ham .... oh: ....... ol "",",,-
,",,0001 ..,.. Am I Cldood 1990 ; S50SS6
0'0/ "ygiene maifl/e"once : Pati.nt who
fail k> cI.., ~ the appliance and te.1II pose the
,ilk of ging ival inflom mc ti on ond hyporp
$Qit li., ue i,,;lalion , R,movable plote. thot
nte not trimmed ond poIl.hood properly con htod
10 fiMue irritolioo ond ultel~on. Car hould
be tal<en 10 ovoid ,horp nodul.. ond i.regulari.
~ .. in t+>e applia"' . In add ilion W;te compo-
nent, that exte nd dee,l 1n1O the ves,ibul . offe, '~ k
of ve. tibulo, in-itctio n a nd in jury.
COli.. : Improper oral hygiene can re..,~ in
ca,ie.. The cpplionce ,I\ould be donigned In
,uck a way lIIot orea! oIlood llagnafion do nOf

l'Din E~c. " iv' force. a pplied by th e cdi"e

compo ne nt. con ca u", rend, ,,,,,,, 0' even p<lln
clth.tee!h being mcved.
TOOII> mobiliJy : Presence 01 tmumatic occJu-
lion orlhe use oIeoceuive 10= during thetopy
o;on 0;0""'
obnormal ma~lily of Ito. teeth.

"".... : _bIo appt_.....""'*'r ""~ """'"

Am J Orh;>d 1969 ; 20'l_218
2. Ado ... (p, Tno~. ~ ..... _ 01 ........
~~. Orthodo""" OII~I .. """,, 5" ..d~iO . Wri~",
tolld. 1i1l-l.
3. r...... TO , ~ t . " boo ~ 01 O"hodo,"" . 610<. ..011
s.c""'k 0.100:1 . 1982.
~. Go uW ;, ~od LIM."." : (;<..,,,,, 1,,_... 10
""","",bio ,,,._.,,,,,, OII.lio ...... Am J 00"1l>o<I
19112: 141 149
5. 0 _ 1M. "'"" ___ , ~_bIO OothodOfthC
,""",i:w>aI .. WI So"od ..... fIoblol ...... 1i1l-l.

~ ",..:.lI-?-, .~ ~ ~ """"I"\S
~ la..:.o..o .....~ ~""'':I I ....... '."JS.
~jl~ .J I"~""'4J,;...!:I ~~ ~
~ Ii;. ~ .:r I.O~ ':I J


n importont ~<pe<:t 01 j'e<)tment ploMing

The _ ""'porIO<!Idioo<M>~ 01 oli.ed
i. ehoosir,g an opprop.i"", op,"ic nc;e f0r- oppl."",. i. oro l hygi ene mo intMoroco wI1kt1
e pcrtic ula r pot;" n! , VoriOU' ty ~1 01 becom e, more d ifficult, Plaq uo mod food debris
app li ances are ava il ob l. from which the tend 10 oocumulo!e crovr.:J *'"
ottocl1r'f'le<1t. wNdI
D<Ihod""~,, ha. to ,.Ied !I.. one lIoot i. mo.t mol:e. dooning cf tMt~ diflio~lt for tho ",,~ont,
IUi!od /orm, poIlent, Most .....locdusioN feClU; ... In cddi~on. "'0
filed appliance, are man! time
....... form 01 f....d therapy lor their correC1ion. oon.uming to fl. ond odjust ond require
AppIionc.. 1hot 0.. fixed or fiHed omo!h, reeth .peoolilf!d nMC," 01 on OrthodonliSl. ReI""",
by the operator and (Dnno! ,.mooed
be by /he chopt ... 1~ for _ deloil. on the odvontoges
~r;.."t (II ..;11 (Ire co lle<ll"'ed opp lionces.F'ctt>&m 0..0 di""d..,~toge. of I ",~d and removabl.
~ t;o n i. dispensed ", ith too lorg, e.tent In app l"n ce .
tie USO 01 fi>.ed ClPp lklr.::c. . Tn. orthodonti l! doe.
I\CIt deperod on the potient for tim el, "'lor ond TOOTH MOVEMENTS POSSIBLE USING
""'''''go'''O'l! 01 the owlioco:;.e Unl .... remOWlb!e FIXED APPlIANCn
appIionce. thot ore copable of onlv ~pping type
01100'" ma...menls, Iued oppliances con bring A 9""" oa..ontage 01 filed applionCM is their
chou! YOrious OIher types 01 !ooth movemenlS obility '" bring 000'" more tho .. a"" type cJ tooth
movemMl 01 me lOme ~me unlike remoYObie
Cd...ding bod,I, movemem, ,Dlttlion, Hppinl!.
... tru,ion . 1"",.>On ami """" root ".,...,mom .
oW1ioroc., mol CO~ a~ly per/ofm . impo1e tooth
""""",,",n\l, The wrioJ.looth ~n\l poso;bie
fi.:ed opP!iOr1<:U 0"" the refore very ~rJ,(lTil e and
u' in9Ii.~d opp li orocu 0'. :
can boo uled to treoTmOlt ma loccl U' ion"

,- c
".. ~

... ,
D E f
f~ I TO." ",.",-..,,1, ~, 'b l , " ;' i i;, o;j . p~ I ""''' , .-) nPII "\I of "0'" I.) &O, H, "' .vo mont IC) T"';
(D) ~'M "" tEl E>;!o..' on (f ) M..'o-di>l, 1 "",..,.h
TIp pi n, Or, capable 0/ bodily move'll''''
TIppi"'ll is the "mplest type oIloo1h movoment, T~r qu /n'
prod LJClld by.he app licatiO<1 of a . ingle force on
1M . tooth o;rown , At. 0 ,0"" It, th e crovrr\ ", ,,,,eo in ~ ui"ll im piies root mo>'ements in the ",bell o<
the dif'8CJQn 01"'" force o"""nd a fulcrvm in the lingual dj,ec::IioIl. It i. possible 10 mDYe the 100II
opiml f'fIgOt1a ""'mol.
Tho roolcpceooperionces in 0 ("bioi or I,ngua l d irection using
appi ionces .

a ~ount'f'_O~ O" end ~ in 111 , oWO' i!"

di.... ction , Ti pp ing typ o 01 tooth moveme nt con
IJpt" htln,
be used 10!reo! oNy cerIOln malocdusionl. Mo.l
Iiaed opploonoos Ole capable 01 pro<i.cing bppi"ll. Upr'ghring"fItS to me>io-diW( mOWlment 01 ....
Howeve~ ........ mrelycan 0 mo\oodus;on be ffrolo<! roots . Fine, de!<;liling of ,oots by moving them
e ntirely by tipp ing mo"' me nts. mes io -distall , CO n be! brought abo ut b, Ii.ed
opp IOonce.
S a d llt 1II 0~.m' "1
lito l a t/o,..
80dil y tooth mov"ment implic. on 8<lyn(
movem on' of b.otil the crown a. ,,&II ". the reot Tee*, that ore rctatod oro<md th el' 10"9 o. e. ca n
in!hoI S<lme di roct.,n, Cenoin /",ed cpp/io n,,,. i)e defoloted vlirog Ilxed o.,pli::mc",. The d"ll'"
cI fOIOIionol conrrd poaihl!! with fu.ed opplicnc;as 1) Bonding iJ prefer"'d ..... r bonding;" coM of
is "'" pos.ible using ",m"",ble opplioncel. pos:erior teett.. The bonded ollachrnents 0"
be~", copol:Oe of ,..isting oedu..,1f<>fCao th""
Ext,u don a nd In!".. IOl n bonded oHochment. In odd ition, bonding
&!rvtion orod Intr\t~M ,ew to verti<;o l rT'IQ\Ie/T1, n!s need. th oroug h mo i. tu", conlrol which il
01 teeth cion; th eir b-Ig (!)li. Et!rusicn 0...1 to 0 d i Hi~u " in th e pe.terior teet+. .
Iess,r ""IeM iMllnlon ol ~th Olr group' of tnth 2) hi' preferoblo to bond 0 tooth thot requi<H
is po.sibl. uling fixed opplione .... buccol o. wel l O. lin9VOI oIIochments.
3) Bondi ore bel.,,, likely to ""ill heovy Ion:...
MEflfODS OF FIXING ATTACHMENTS ON os in the COM of """,orol de';"", luch 01
TO THE TfETH head geo".
4) Althoogh il il poll ible to bond ollochments
The vorioul ottochments that ore u.ed in! o n teeth tha t have po rc e loin Or gold
opplionce thero py . ueh 0 . bro cketl crxf molor re.torolionl or crown., banding is p",/erred
IIJb.. co n be li d dire<:ll y o nlo lhe Iftlh with in th ese eCUel,
composite odh... ive. 0( con be otloc;hed to 5) I! il prel.robl, 10 bond teeth thot .how
meIollie bonds thot 0'" ""m.mted OlntOl the leeth. recl.ll'len1 brookage allhe bonded oIIoChnenb
The method 01 lilting the oI1achments direcrly to d..... to bond !oilu".
"" IoeIh il coiled !:wono"'!!. ~~!he onodl 6) II i. pr.lotobl. to uM banded _,hmenlt
ments ore fi ..d to borxf, ;,hich ore almenl:i wh enever thoy ore likely to c<>nl~ct Ihe
oround the tHlh, the techni qve i. " ferred 10 01 Of'posing derlti~on ...+.en the jaws are dosed.
bond ing.
Step s In bandlnf
a. Sol"'rotion of tHlh
Banding irwo""" the "'. 01 thin SIOinleu 11ee1 b. Seledion 0/ bond mot..,;.,1
strips ""ied bonds Ihm 0'" pinched tightly OfOUnd '" Pinching o/Ihe bond
"" teeth ond then co""",ted to !he teeth. The d. f ixing tt.. onodlmenrs
OMinIM"M "'p" i. "",iloble in dif\e",nt width. e . Cemenlt>~on of the bond
ond Ihid<nesset to suit d if!.,,,nl I" th . While the s..porolio n 0/ teellr, Due to tt,.., p"'Sl nr;e 01
mo lor bond mo torio l is wider ond Itiller, th e t.. ht interdentol COO"lI:>ct between the teeth, il moy
ontoriO( bo nd moteriol i. r. lotively Ihinner orxf r>::>I be pelSibra to Ion:e tho bond I"' otlhe contoo;!
"""ower in ",;din. The out..... urloca 01 th e boa...l or>. " is not O<:tviKll:Oe 10 Iorce the bond thtough
moteriolll smooth ond 9'=y while the Inr>er a fight i""",denIol con!<>ct 01 ~ i. uoO(Or.Jorioblo
.....ioce i, comporiti...,ly rough orod dull, 10 os 10 for the potient ond olso difliwl! lor the OI>IrO"lO<.
oid in ~on of !he cement . ToghtconIadSlhould hence boo broken usin; Iodh
..."orotorl prior to band pinching . The voriou,
IndlutlDn. fOl r ba ndlnf I'f!>e:s of seporotO<1 ore discus....:! later in the
The f<>ll owi~g are >Om. 01 the situo~on. who", &.opt...
bond ing il od"1lntogeou<. Moil ,.peroto" h<we 10 be lefl in lhe
mouth for 24 hOIHi or mer. to bri ng obouT ond rou gh mo 'g in. or< then ,mooT""'led and
..... Woe il nT MPO ,oti on of the in<er-dMtol contc ct. po lishod,

s.,"crlon r>I bond mal.riol . Bose<! on ..t>;d, Fixing Ih' oll<>cnmenl. Once the bond
tooth " bein\! banded, 1M bond OIoIMol r>I pinching i. completed, rhe appropriate
approprio-e thick,*", ond width i. oeIeded. Machmenl, (ue ~xed onto the bond. The
oIIcchmenls include brod<n lor the anterior teem
Pmehin\! of ,ht bond: Bond male,ial of
and buccol or moIa, tubes for !he pOsleria, INIh.
adequale length is token and the two end. 0 ...
Thew oIrachmcn" are fi.<&d 10 the band by .par
welded I....... The bond i. now po.....! through
IhuepoJ1ed inloll< .,,:;11 """kid a"",nd Ihe toolh welding or by wlOOring.
kI be banded. U,ing band pind1ing plie .. , the CemenloUon ollh~ bond: The finol Itflp
bond i, !i ~~~y d",,,,,, a round th ~ tootn to lorm 0 I n~"'ll ceme ntaT ion of m e bcr>d arovnd th e
ring . The nod: of the bond i, 'POt ""ded to reto01 tooth, The inn...-.urf""" of the bo nd i. rough in
the tight fit. The ..c... bond motooo l i, th en cut ord"rlo oid in ,. I""tion. Aw. 11 pinched bo nd il
off and th e ano. ore ooo ptod clo.< Tothe bond 0t\C Th ot hoi OOeq uoie retention e'en wiTh OUTTh e
The ben, IX'~~ is lfXII welded 000 too gingi'vol use 01 eemont. Ne.e" hc l.,.., oemontulion i,
mO'1lins of the bond are Irimmed to conform to roqulred 10 ,I"",nolfl the <poce between !he borod
the cantOVI' at the gin"..,1 margin. Thewtld <pats ond!OOlh into..t>ic;h coriogenic molerio! moyseep

c D


,""c nd , !"," ncte. , in c po ly-carbo,y lote, zinc ~o,pnate, gle n

(h,ring cemeo\;Jtion, odeqwto m o ~t" '" ienamor-=-t etc.,_ I'",bmed """", less barld.
conlrol i. nece..,,"t' by mean. of soli.a eieC!On 0'' now o..ailoblG in "lriou. >I,e,. They hc~
cn:lcollon!dls. c-m. """am b..........J indvdo elinin~ !he need to pinch custom rrode Ixn:h.
f~ ~ EIKI", " """"'_ 1_ 01 ...,,,,.1,,",mol o..d odd .. """mol W N<.<rol ......... 1
<;hod "'OQI' I!~a''""
, !oOO
""'I>";!''''''' , 1500 IQ ." hod OM """ mag ~l~a',," 500 (0) kid 01<;0..' .';" ",, 1""'1/' 11 co' ....
iii No<mo l .., 'nO! ,,<;d
BONOING 2. Enhance. Ih" ,ulOce 0'''' and P(I""II)':
the .!ching of the .""m.1 incrl!(!se< I~' .urfac.
The method d li>.i"ll oll'oc~...-I. dirKflvover!t.e o,1!(! ond ,.ore.ily of the .....,,,,,,1 th<J.
eoom.1u, 'n g cdke. i,.., r" ~n. i. co il ed ho ndi"ll' lhe bond ,trtongth. The ."""",1 "etdoed to (I depth
The .limlM lio n of bo nd . greolly e nhences 012025 miCfOIIl.
estheIi<;s ond ore l hro i"". "", inle""n .. and "".
*I to itt populorily over bonding. This ptOCedure
oIdireo;tonoo;~menI on the tooth ,unoc. requl(fl$ Bonding olfe.. numerous odven!og o~r
pe!'CIOII,oemolenorrd. Enamel ron be p'eheOiod
b,voriou. mofhods. The mosl occepted me:hod
bonding wh"" con be lisled os :
1) II iuotftet,rolty IUpeno..
isthe p'OIffIO!menI by acid e\ching *""I~. This 2) It i. los"" 10 bond thon 10 pinch bone!. around
ledriq"" WOI inl,ocicKed in 1955 by SuO<X>COI'e. theteeth,
The prcllOOTmenl of ."" mel by "cod etch !eCh n,."" 3) It ""cb~, m(l int.""""" 01better 0101 hygiene.
""'p. in the 101i 0w;nl/ ways' 4) It i. pO lS ible 10 bond on teeth thot "","
I. Enhance. I~e .urloc" Meroy , The aberron! ,nope. or lorm . . II might b.
~;ng of the enamel helps in ",mo';ng .urface impos"bl. to bond IUch teeth .
~1S ond orgonic; moteriois that ore found on 5} H i. _ Ie, to bond thon bond in co," 01
f,e.....faced the leeth. ~oIso ilK".leOS8$ the "'~ ,.omalty enopled and fro<lured 1o:eIh.
_~y the,.by the well(1b!ljIy 01 the
-, 6) 1M risk 01 cories und", loose bonds i.
fiil 5 60""-01 <~. I;'l... :t._
"~"II , .... i<o ~~ & (q 3O-~0lIi ~k
.... " ... to .t", .", m, 1 (DI Etoho " I,

owe""" ~'Ih "''''' lEI ..." '" d .... "'''II

' (1'1Soo00bnt I,'pp ~d (GJ & IIf) 1001 . ", &
adOo ... """..0 0" , ,,,,,, """"" o! b.<>c~ ..
"" .... Ir, 5><, .. , ... eJ " ' ," ()I h ....
110" of .;~,,~ . ,. mo .. ; IKI eooo,"1
<0...,1' ... "" 0 I joelh
7) Int e' prox ima l a rea. a re a cce" ible fo r
re,terotio n and pro, i"",,1,tri pping ,". ',-'
~ ~II.. OO,"po.. nt.
DIsadvantages of bondIng
, t , Arch .,;,-"

11 Bo nd ed aHochm Mt. a re we<l ker thon bo,-,d,o,d 2Spti"lo>
U: ~

atte<;hm ent> and hence a rc more prone to
bo nd io ilure , ~, Sop/;ator.
21 Bondin g in vo lve, erchi"," of th e ena me l witn PlOtt .. """'po.. nt.
a n oc id whi<: h """y lead to enamel 10" a nd
o n il"l< reo .ed ri.k of demine ra lization .
J, IltJ.;:c;j tubol
31 Ena md frocture can ocwr durir.g dabor.ding ,
~, t:.Vj/) O!i3ctmrQ
Ste ps In bondIng
Bo nd i"," i, done in the fo ll ow ing <tep ' [fi g 41 :
11 The cro wn, of the Meth to be bond ed o ro
cl eon ed u, ing pumice an d bri,tle bru oh 00 a. 61 The bond i. a ll owed to ' tren gthM for , o me
to remo,e plaqu e a nd ot he r o rgo nic debris time before placing the arch wire,.
pre.ent on the ename l , urface
2) Aher tho roog h cleacoinq. the tceth a rc' washed BA NOS

a nd d ried, During the b-o nding proced ure,

Band , m" pm,"ve components that in fixing
a d eq ua te m o i, tu m c o ntro l , hou ld be
th e ,orio u, attochment. onto the tecth . Theyo r.
ma inta ined by th e u.e of >o livo e joctor> and
ava ilab lo in o riov. , ize. to <vit diffe",,,t teeth.
co tton ro ll s, It is od' isable to " ,e a chee k
Th ey a re mod e of . oft . toin le", ., teo l, Th.
retracto r to ' ee p the lip. an d cheeh away
attochmenh like molor tube. a rid brocket. are
from the teetn to be bo nded,
. oldered o r we l d~d ove r thc," bo rld . which o ro
31 3050'Jb pho",horic ocid in gel or liq uid form
ceme nted in positio n orovnd the teeth, Th e u, e
i. v.ed to atch ena mel. Tn;, et, hin g i. u. uo lly
of preform ed band . o r ,ea ml. .. bo nd . i.
do ne fo r 45 60 cond., oHef ",.n ich the
beco mi"," po pulo r, The, e bo nd , a re o,o ilobl. in
etcho nt i, we, hed off with weter. The toeth o re
then dried aoo o rx.e aga in isa klted usirtg fresh
cotton rail. The oppeamnce ci etched """mel
i, desc ribed 0' motte, d ull whiti, h 000 lightly , -' e.OII TMo~.O$" Bono WI<Ith
frosted _
41 Seolo nt i, ap plied onto the etched e r>;]m el
"~, In.d.o,.


D,l ts
:~, ':C.,.,.
Q,OOl 0.100
51 Adeq""te qu antity of bon ding adhosive i.
pl oced On the be ", ofth . broO:ol> . Th . bra<;kot ~' Pi~ M I)4 ~ . 1 51I
i. plooed o n the tooth a nd i. firmly presscd
into po, iti"" , Exce,sive od he, i, e thot o ppeo"

~ .1 80
~, I M
0' flo, h i. "'m oved using a . cale r.
-', "- , ,
re(10ngulo, (,oss -.ection .. ith Ih, 10';'-
dimln.ion being hori<onlol. Theu broc
proYicle grect&r <:0011,01 "". , tooth rTIO'Iement o!c
do not pormillipping of Icclh.

RIbbo n .,," b"cker.

They Ore brockeh whim posses. 0 "''''cal .lot
focing m. oed_lor ginoiYal direction (~g 7.
The slo1 i, also norm..- mesio.dislOlly. lh. kind
brocket" vud wrlh round wi .... Ie> bring o~
"'lriO\,jlli<e . Th e ortnodonti ll ckooles th o bell tipping 01 tH!n i~ lobi<>~i"iluol as W(! II 01 mesir>
liHing be nd or", cem l nl> them d iro(:tly on the di.kl! dire<;ti Qn. Ribbon oreh bro(~ell are uoed"
tooth . Th l u.., of the.., bond. thu l rl d lKe. t he the Begg li.ed c~ l iof\Ce ,
choiroidl time bv el im;ooti "llth, t""io~1 t(Uk of
pln.;:hlng the bond . Thoy ar. 01.0 more We/d.llia an" lIon".III. lI,ach t.
comfortable lor the pot;"t (Fig 6) . "".n"mo,,"" in the IKIrlierOlion oIth. ~
the brockels con be either bonded d.rectly_
BRACKTS lhe 1eeth using bonding odhasi_ or they COIl
be -...,/dod onto bond. which inlVtn are OIII ... iIed
Broc.klllI cet (U oondle. to trQnsm~ tt.o Icrc. from
the octive co mpooent. to tM tH th . erQ ~ke" "av.
one or more .$JOf1 thot <>c~&pt the orch wi ... The<.
aft a number of b<acht dlligns o-o iloble _
8<ackeh can be do .. ilied in 0 n~mber of """)':1 _

Ed w,.. type of lI,u ll

8<adc.... .-d in the Edgoorw" ond Stroigh! Wtre

I labiol.,.

a r""",d the teem. e",delo thoi-o", bonded ~

., enamel are coiled bondabl. btockels,
......l$!hoM thoIore -.elded orsolder.d _bond>
ore called .....&dable brndteb_ 1he under.urface
01 bondobfe brockeI. ho.o mc.h """r\: or l i _
to help in interlocking with th~ oo:lhesloe IIill 8).
''If 7 "'I (41'"'' "po o! """'... III ~bboo ord11ypo" Weldabl e brOC kot' ho"" a mete l Il ong~ thot ca ~
>=", be weld.d to tr.e bond.
MIt.llle ,o r. ehtl b. To compens<lte for th. i, brinl. ne.. ~ tf>eir ,i.., I,
MOlt brock et. in curre nt use Ore 01the metoll ic incroosod which Tond, to if'IC roose their ool~ ,
....netv. 0 1Ihcso, sr~ I::m::l<.ts "'" most CQmmo<1l; C. Th ey """bit greeTor IriClion oT the wirebrocket
lMd. The advantag ... of metal bmckets include, interlace metal lic brocket! .
o. They con be =yded.
b. They con be ."'rililed.
Co They resttl deformation ond Imclure.
PI.ttle ,o,.e,,",.
d. They .... t.t 1M leasr lridion ol the wir.bmckel ,1,10.' of the plo,lie brockel. Of. mod. of
int.riote. polycorb ona t. or 0 modified fo,m of
e. Th.y ore not ve ry ""pM,"ve. po lyccrb-onote . TM,. plo.tic brocket. were
The diJOdO nlogo. of molo l broc'OfS ore, introdu ced to impro'" Th e .sth etic vol uo 01the
o. They c re ...!t.e!blil y "'" pleasing . The >'Ctient opplianc . P!csti<:: brecht. c r. "", ilcbl. in tClOlh
ter.dpo hove 0 metollic ""ile. colored or I<ttnopareill looms.
b. They COn eo,ode a.-.I couse .Ioining of teeth. The ditod-.ontage. of plostic bra<;~

el,.",'e b,.ell. " =

o. They tend 10 diSColor parlieulorly in po1~""
C&m,..;c bmckeb we,. inlreduced 10 o,;hcdoillia who smole. 0' d'ink ,off..,.
.. th. Ict. 1980' ,. Theyore mod. 01 c luminum b. They 011&1" poor dimeruklnc l sta bi lity.
"'ide or ,i rconiu m o.ide . rr.. adva ntoges of c. Thoir slot tendo te distort
u rom ic brlX keTSOr. : d. Thclridion ~ plastic: mrletsond metoI
arm wi~ ~..,..., nigh.
o. They 0,. dimensionally stobl. ond do not
diston in the 0fIl1 cavity.
b. Thoy ore duroblc ond resiST .mlnlng In Ihe
orolellVlronmen1. Brackets ore usuall, !"ad on It.. onlerior 1eeth
The of efOrOmie brockets 000 premolo". The OIIOchmenl that is generolly
indvd. : u,ed on moIers is!,," buccci !UM '" tlo. mololr
o. Th ey ore ve ry brittle ond therefore frocTu re or tube (fig 10) . The buccel tuM con be weldoble
croek when undue forces c re op.p lied . i. . _ Ided to bondl w~i<: h c r. cemontod around
ff ,'I O 3x," !, ~I S ~ ,1e i!1 Do.." (c: Tr;p e

the teeth Or th ol Can b. """',bI , , , " ""'..

direct ly to teath by ", ing bonding ad,.,.,'i . .....
B UCLU I tub~1 Can be ro und
'.dong u"r in cro<' oeoio<'1. Tn.. b"coo ' ... ..;
som eti me' hay" do uble Or tripl. tub. .
additiona l t it'
for foce bow i"'ertio n.


Brockets and bucca l tubes a re attached o n "-

klbio l or bl!C~a l a'ped of t n~ teeth. Sometime..
rnav be necessary to hove ottac"mc~t, o~ "-
li nguo l , i d ~ c< well Th e , e Of" va rious
olttlchm . "" Qyailab le tOO l can be fixed on "-
li ,,"oo l a.poet and are colle<! li oglKl l ottoc rrneros..
They Ore u<uo ll l r~qui r"d for engag ing ekwics..
Exompi of ling oo l oi'l""hment> indude
lin." ol button. (fig 1 I ,bl, lioguo l deal. (fig 11_0
e)'elet> [~g II ,d) ond boll .nd hoo~ [fig 11 4


The;- are .oo stainb ,cool wires ot 0.009 to 00 11

inc"", d ia~te r and Ore uled to ,ecure th e arm
wire to the b racket. {fig 12), Th;. prace " 01
"",uring the arc~ wire to tne brao~~t. i, coiled
li gation , Ligation i. u.",, 11 1 ne""",a"" in edgowise
type a t bracket, th at ho~e 0 lob ia ll l farin9 .Iot.
The li gature wire. ore (lVo a"b lc in long lengthl
f .. I I l" , oo l 0_0""'," :A: l e,uo l d ..,- i6; I ~ ." I
or o re preformed into , mo illi gatur., . Th e m en
b Jlt"" ;() Bal l ..." """" :0: ; ,dot
wire; CM a lso be sec ured to Ihe broc ket " , ing
" k"tic ligatu r" ring, Th e. e ring . are ava ila ble ARCH WIRES
m va riov, ca la " far the poti en' ta chao,e fm m,
Arch wire, a re o ne of the octive co mponena of
LOCK PINS fi,"d ep plio nce" They can brin g obo ut ,"o riolJ,
tooth movement. thrO'J ~h the med ium cJ l>roclel$
They are ,ma ll pin , that a rc u,ed to , ec<" o the
end bucce l tube, whi ch ed o. ""nd le, en ' he
a rch wiro to brocket, with ,"" rtica l , lot, , uch a,
ri bbon orch brocleh {fig 13) Th e Io<: l pi n, a re In ea rly doy' {pri o r to 19401, pu re ge ld
u, ,,,,11y modo of bro s>,
a rch wi, ., wore u, " d. The ir hig h CO'l o nd
medm ni<e l iMflicier"lC)' led to th e u" 01 'k>inless
, te"1orchwire, . In the 70', an d 80 '> a number
of tito nium Ixl ..d orch ""; re, we re intrOduced into
o rth odontics . The, . o rch wirel exhibit , upe rio r
"katie propertie" A number of multi-slror.ded orc:h
wi"" are 0100 bei ng u..d effectively.

F;g IJ Lcd 0" ,oed ", ,.ow" """ ;, i,,,,," ""'" """
of """,01
BI.. d 0/1 """orl,1 un.
....... Stiff""" . The presence of 0 low ' tiff""ss p~
t"" ab il ity to op ply lower fore" , and a .".,..
con,TO nl foroe over tim . _
I) (loIHI'dp>oJio) .
:J Stirto" .:.~ focmohilJy , The orthodooTic oreh wire moterd
:I) N.<i<ot Ulriu", ~ll1' sh<x! ld e,hibit high formobility . 0 o. to bend tiw
c,c,~ t
Ql:U., .r~ . ."
oh:l<"I'i<.<n nidoI aio>r!

80M;; 0" "oSo -.. ,Uon (1~ 14)

arcn wire into d., ired config uration .coc h """,,, <
loo p. , etc ., withovt ffo<; turin g th o wire .

Re, i/ieoce ; Re. ;I "nce is the amount of 10'<2

t he wire co n with, tond b efore pe rm on e nl
I) Round
deformo tion . Arch wire, .oou ld exhibit h;gil
Z) $quaro
re, ili . nce 50 0 < to ir><; r. o se th e worki"9 rO "g e d
:Ii ROCIi~
41 M~.1'Idod .he opp li ar><:e.
t..~ ...___,~~_ ""~
Sjocompotab;i i ty and eny ironmenJof
Id"a/ requIrements of orthodo~t/c
,tab ility. Orthoc:lontic arch wire hou ld e,hj ~
arch wIres
re. i. toflC. 10 to rni.h and corro. ion ond shoule!
Spring back , It ~ Ir.e meaS"'6 of how for a b e "",, toxic. Tho mo te ri a l . hou ld mo intoin i:.
wire am be dell . d e<! with out cousi<>g permanent d~$i rabl . properties for ""ended periods 01 Ii"",
deformation . It i< 01$0 cal led e kl,tic defleOion . afl.... monufacture.
The oreh wire , haul d ideolft p::l"e>l high $.p rj"," Joinabll;ty . Th . wire , hould b. om ~""b1e 10
bod, wh kh re . u lt. in on ir.::rea.e in its rong e o f salde rir>g ond weldi rlg .
F6d ion Many l oot h movements 0'.
A accompa nied by . Ii dir>g of the arch wire o,,,, the
tmKlet , Iol>. Prc",nce 01 e>ce,sive fridion ol !he
wirebrocket interface re. ults in undue . trQ in on
th e anchorog . and limilotio" 01 !Oath movement.
The wire shou ld therefore p ro.ide Iea.t fri dk:<> " ,
tho wire b ro cke t inte rfeee.

c Gold ""d told "lIoy.

Prior to 1940, go ld was exte n' i'ely used in the
monufaCl\Jrc 01 anhodont ic arch wires . Th . high
D co,t in,ol,ed I. d to the i n.~nti oo of gold 01 10, .
in which other meta l. like coppe r, .iI. cr o nd
poIIorfvm were ad dod and !he perrentage of gold
reducod _Go ld and gold olloy arch wire< exhibit
celle nt lor mabi litj, erwironmenlol stabil ity a nd
b iocompata bi lity_ The drQwbocks of the, e arch
F;g " em.,_>KI'" of a,cffl,;'" W Roc , .:3) ~ oo ", wire. indvd.low 'F'<"i" 9 back 000 high co,!.
,'C) Roc"'''lio (0)""'100 I ~i Caarn l
Sta lnlen , tel'l Optlflex arch wIres
Au.ten itic oIo inle" . tee l wh ich i ometim ", It i. 0 new type of orch wire developed by M.F,
referred to o. 18/8 ,ta inl ." . t",,1~ vsed to make Telo .. in 1992 The.e e r,h wire , ar. med . of
M hodontic orch wire,. Stoin le" oIee l orch wire. deorop>col fiber C>o"">d ore !herefore h'll hf,- e.the"
exhibit edequate ,t rM 9, h, r. , ilie"". , formobili ..,. In "ddition, they exhi bit hig h re. ilie nce , Th e
ond adequate 'pring bocl. In odd ition Ihey are drawback of tni' wire i. tho t it oannot aooept a
biocompoti ble and economica l. .harp be nd

NIckel m anlum alloy. M~I!I Sfr~n ded arch wires

Nicke l titon ium Dil Dy 01.0 ca ll ed NitiMi (N iclel The,~ arch wire. are mad e up of a nu mber of
Titon ium Nava l Ord inance labora tory) was thinn er wi re . Th e.e wi re. con be eith er twi,ted Or
inv. nted by Wi lliam R, Buch le r at the Naval ,oo'io l in form (fig 1~ ) , Th e odWlnt<lge of th ese
O rdina""e laborator)', Th i. a lloy exhibit uper- multi , tranded wir., i, that they exhi bit ir>ereo,ed
eioolicily """,!hope me"",,,r)', Th ey were introdxed flexibility,
to the orthodontic commu nity by And.""n in
197 1, Nitinol orch wire.hibit hOgh "Pring bock, ELASTICS AND HASTOMERICS
high wor'<in g range and low .tiffn e", Thu. th e.e
Ek,,' b or. rout;"" f,- u,ed o. o<:live.,ompone nl$
arch wire. on activot>o-n produce lower-a nd more
oi fi,ed orthodont ic applience" The ela,tic
,o n, ton t fore. on th o teeth. The di.odvontage.
pro dud's u,ed in orthodonti c> inc lud e . imp le
of Ni tinol or. that it i. re.i.tant to to~ing a bend,
elo.t;<1, . Io,tic cha in. , elastic thread and . Ia, tic
h. li ce, or loop. conroot M made on them Dnd
modu les,
they cannot M soldered or welded.

Beta titanIum
EI"s tlo.
Th ey are e lasti c> thot r..emble 0 rubber bond,
Seta titanium wa. introd uced by Jon Go ldberg
They are mo de of latex rubber and are eva ilab le
and CL BUf$tCOl.: . ~ is ovo i\oble by th o m>d e,..,,,, .
in voriou, diometef$. The force oppl ied by thes~
of T. M.A. wire . The,e wires hib it a h i ~h rong e
elo,t ics depend. upo n their diameter, They ar~
of acti on and , pring bocL Th.y 01,0
O,,"or cod ed for ""'y identi liLction,
moki".. of loops and helice. dCJe to the ir high
Ela. tie, ere u.ed in orthodontics for a
formabi lity. An add ed feotur. of th e, e wir., i.
num ber of purpo' " <uch 0' dosure 01 'pace, to
that they can be we lded.
correct open bites, treotmcnt of aD" bite, Dnd to
Cobalt ohromlum nIcke l alloy' corred inter a rch r. lation<hip. The.following ore
some of the app li oati""" of """ ti os ,
Cobalt ch rom iu m nick. 1a ll oy. drown into wire.
con be used suc,, ", s/ u"y in orthodo nti c 000, I e la'tics . They are intra -arch e lo,tics
app li ance . The,e al loy, oro ava il ab l. , trNchcd between the mo lars and on te rio rs (fig
com me rcia lly as Elgiloy, Th e;e arch wire; e, hi bit 15.a), Th ey are geM rolly u.ed fo r dosur& of
spooo and retracti on of teeth
ed equat" . pr ing bod, form ab ility and a re ,

''Ii IS EI," opp~"'"" WOo .. r .,"'" lal Clo ..

1101<>1", (Q 0.... II , '" ,-b (D\ b ka,o. (E) C_"""
Clou I'.IoSl,,, : They '''~ ;n,,,,,,,,,,.;lIory ,IOllin
lI,e,doad bet-.Ihe lowe, mola .. 0.-.::1 .... UPI*
o .... ,ien (hg IS.b), Tney 0"' .....d in !he 1nIoO""*,,
a. CI<;In II malocdu.ion. They bring about
"dvctio<\ of Upptlf ont<orio.- prod;nQ~on and
m...:ol moYemen' of the I.,.".,. molars,
Closs III . Iolti" They are intermax illory
c!olicI th ot ora .!<etched between th e UPPl"
mo lors ond th ~ lower ante rio," (Iig 15.c). Tne,
c r. used in treaTment '" Cia" II I molocdLJIkln 10
brino;l obout me,,,,1 movement of upper bu=1
_h and retrodion 01 100000J on\erioJO.
inler.m"",lIory elo,I'e. u.ed 10 no' molor avoilable in 0 ,pool. It i. Cu 10 desired Ier-gth
CfOllbiles (f", 12.e)_ They e:<!encI between Ihe OM Ii..! be_""" teeth or lwO group. of-"
polo"!>1 ,u~cce of the upper moIor orro' the b...ccol 10 dose spece. They Con 01", be usod '" d.rctoIo
'u~oce of lowe r mo lar or ""'~ VefOO. o too,h . (fig 17)
80. alasf;'; . Th i. fo rm of . Ig" ic i, used to
Ehutlt modulu
~o~orop"nbi1eS. Iv> . losticilltre!dIed
between !he upper OM ~ o~lfIriolllik. a boo The." 0'" mode 0; t..o elo.~c rings sepornled by 0
(fig 12.<1). The open bite gek corrected by forced v<rriobl.. di,IO"" . Eloflic ",OOul., ",e oOiloble
ervpIion ofJhe upper or.d lower on!trio~. in verrio ba,..! on the inter-ring diotonce.
They ore gl1l'OtOlly used to do,,", space ond 10'
ffutlc clulln (f Clrllln} d"""'tJlion of leeth.
They o re ~OS'OcI mo gr" ovoao bj . os bog d1oi",
ugatlng fln, '
n,.,y a
of int .... co no .ded ring s. r" uw oll y mode
of , ynth , ti c po ly"u ryh"M mOl. ri ol and a ... Ar<;hooi .... cOn b, secu~ '0 m" brodee.. u ~"'Q

<milo~e in dille ....110' ....' ba>Od on ~ di'llInce small . ,,","OmIIric rings celled li(IQting Mgt. Tho1
between lno rinO$ (.... 16J_ Echoin i. uoed in me 0 ... overiloble in OriOu. colO<1_ AIr ol~"'o-e WO)'

do,u ... of "POce between leelh by o,..!Ching me "!> oecure me arc ..... '" 10 -he brod el i< ,he use of
I",,,,,, ... wi .... thot wes deKribed earlier in the

'0 It> !""', 0-0'"

Ellll lie th,ud
Ek" tic threod il modo 01 a core of Iole. rubbe r,
surrounded by 0 'lee' e 01 wov.n . il ~ o rld i,


Spri<"og< 0'" the otheroctiw: cornponenb """con

be u"""to bring obou- .."iou. toorh-~lTICnIS.
The Iollowing ,prlng. Ore used in orthodonfia :

Up,I,hllnl .prln,.
The, or. lP'ingl wh ich mOve the root in 0 mel iol
ordi, lol directi.,., (fig 19).
TorquIng .prlngs
They o re .pri ng> whic h mo"o 1M roof in 0 lin91J0 1
or po loto l dirO'lCtion.

Open coli s prings

They a re ", riog' th at are oompr.ssed betw .... n
two teeth to open up ' po<:e be,..",en them [fig 21
ond 22).

Cloud coli s prIng

They ore , tretohed between teoth to cl o,. >poco
(fig 20 a nd 22).

c o

SEPARATORS togelhoor. The end is cut shor1 and is I\d:ed

between the teeth {flg 23.t1
In mon, poIienli the Pf"'S""C" 01 0 lighl IOlIer-
o..nle l conled tellJ ll$ in difficu lties du~ .... bcrxling. Rlnt up., e totl
\'/n ile oIIemp!ing 10 poss 0 bo nd th rovgl1 If>!! inter_
Th ey ore ,mo ll ,, " ' Ii<; ring. thot o re iXllled
denta l conlOCI. lhe bo nd tends to "", dislofted, In thro~gh the con taCT us in g special p liers
Md-.-on, !he patient !My . """",,.,. someo/flOUf'f
(applica'otj. The 51retthed .Io!lie ring endn:le.
01 di.cocnforl. The hoe!h should IhereiOf. be the i"",<den101 contoct and o. a conln:lCls. th.
oeporoted 10 b_k the light inter~101 oonIOct. teeth are oeparooed (~g 23.0) .
This i, """"tty achieved ""ing variOUI Iype. 01
<epOroIOo'I available. Du mll,,11 ' .p. ,. lor.
II is " dumbell .....ped piece 01 ek,,#c Iho! I.
streich"" and poised Throug h tke- int&rdento l
So/! boo .. "';re of 0.5 0.- 06 m m dio m<!ler ~ passed contod Ifig 23. b) . The . jrelched .epareto.- Iri
orovnd the COl1tod ond Ihe ends on twisled ~gMr
or the e, pon. ion eteh in the kl ... 1800'. :fig 24).
Th e appli ance vsed bond, on tho mol a r> with on
expon, ion oren throod . d to the b ucca l o.p-oa ci
,he molar bond>.
In 1912, Edward H. An~ 1e intfoouceC
!he pin oM h..-be oppi icnc~ (fig 25). The appi", ,,,",
(OO,;, too of bond. with a verticaf ' ube placed on
a ll teeth. The erch wire corriod wkJ. red pin' lher
in.crted into th e ve rticol tube . TO<lth movem."
wa< nch i. ved by a ltering the p lt.c ~ ment of lhe",
pin "
fn 1925, Edwa rd H. Angle introou(ed
the -i bboi1 mch appliance (fi g 26). Thi , wa, th..
firSt app li ooce TO use a true bracket f"winQ a
vertica l . Iot foci ..... ocdvoolfr Ang k; ~oId
arch wir", and lock pin. wilh thi' tech niq ue. The
ribbon arch t. chniq ue encb l. d rotation control
a. well a> bucca- li nguo l ond incisog ir>;lMl I toolf>
mov e me nt . How eve r mel io d i, toi tipp ing
moveme ntl wefe co n. idered d ifficu lt ,,; ,h tlli.
tochn>qu " .
torega in;" orig inol ler>;lth and in d<>r.g "" b ri r>;l' O"e r The 'CO" 0 number o f ; ixed
about ",pa ro ' "" of tee!n, o ppi itlr"l<;e tecnniq""" h,we evof..ed . It i. nol within
th e s<op-o of th il book to d io.cuu ;0 de'a il 'he
Ke s lIng's sp ring lepe r,, /or
",r>Ol Io<;t..,;qu", 0 ' no..;merou. ph ibwphi", <>nd
Th i. ~ a spring oeporotor tnOt effectively "'fXl ro:e. mocncn ico l pr;nciplel a re invo lved ,Thu, tne
th~ conla ct, The spring com i.ts of a co il and 10 d i,cu"ion i, limit. d to few o f the more p<lo ulor
arm, . The , ho <te r arm af the .po ..... i. pa".d te-ch n>q c;e, that ,,"vo been wi d~ y used by the
b~klW the contact while the bngor arm relt! above
proctiti onerS
the contoct. When the "P'ing ~ oklced in pos ition
the co< l open. up thvs octi "oti ng the 'p ri..... . A:;
th o 10 a mlS try to come bock to po. itl"" they
brook/he co ntOCl (Iig 23, 0),

Pi.fee Fouc ha rd in 1 728 dev i,ed ' he li," t

o rthodontic appl iance to e.<fXln d IDe dento l arch~
The concept of orthodontic ottac hments to
teeth took a deiinite '''"PO in th e lote ni neteenth
ce ntu ry. Edward H. Ar>;l le introdoced the E Arch
EDGEWISE APPLIANCE 3. Inc","",ed friction ootwee<l the orchwire ond
-~ the I:rodcet
A"\l lc s la.<! wntrib<Jtian to tic . wa. the 4 . The need lor exlmorolfore for oncf.xoge
introd uction of th e .d gewise tec hni que i~ 1928. S. Difficu lty toope nd ee pbM' ,
He o.,viced 0 metol brocket hoving a reclongvlo r Cho rles H, Twood modified th ~ t",hnique
,k>! of 0,022 ' ,0,028' d;m en ~ on foci "\l lobkl lly, a nd od-.-oca'ed ~"" oItMth " oeIecl!!d co. e.
The slot recei .d 0 rectongu lor orch wire of for b~H"r .:ab;lity, He 01,0 introduced the con
0,022 '.0,028" dimension. The wire i, in serted ce pt of anchorag e prepo rotion wherein the ter-
into the brocket w;th It,., narrow dimen."'" ploc.d mina l mala" W<lre ini~o l fy ti pped di.toll y 10 ""Her
occ lusog i"\l ivolfy. Thi. mode of i~.e rti O<1 of the ",,;.t the troction fore thot W<l .... u...d in the loter
wire i, co iled ~dgewi.e OM the refore the tech .toge' , o,.erthe yeo" 0 num "" r of mod ification '
niq"" wo. called edgewi", tochniq"". Th. vn'q.... hove been propo,ed in th i' t""hn iqve ,
f. atvr. of hO'o'i"\l 0 redongular or,h wire in a
r",tongvla r . Iot ......,b!.d CO<1tro l of tooth move
ment in 011 the thr"" plo ne< of 'p<lce , For thi '
PlJ rpa'. Ang le de.oil;.ed the u'"" d an idea l arch
w;re thot incorporoted ce rto in bend, co ll.d the
Grst, =O<1d and third order bend.,
The first order bend. or in-oot bend, ore
pI.:;x;.d 10 com pe<1 ",te lor d;f!e<"nc.. in 1!-oe buc;eo
lin g",, 1 prom ir>e<\Ce of the teeth, They comp ri se
of tho latero l in.", the em';"" olbet and the mo -
la r off,et , The ,,,,,on d ord er bend, a re ploced to
oeh eive eo"""t me. io-di .!ol l ind i""t"'" of
teeI'!1 , They comprise 01 the tipoock bend. ploc..d
in the po,terior segme nt" Th. third orde r oo nd.
or torque ore placed to get correct bucco. li ng ua l
po. iti on by movin g the foot" Th ey oro ploced by
twist ing thc arc h wire.
Th e odva ntag o, 01 tn., . dgew;, e reo h.
niqlJO in clude:
Ab ility to move teeth in all ' he thro~ plane.
2, Good contrd o,"r tooth movem""t
3 Bod ily tooth movement ;, p<J"ible ,
4, Pr""i, ,, lin i, hing i. po"ibl .
Too d isodYortage, of the edgewise leeh-
nique includ e
1. Th . noed to oppfy he<lvyfQ<Ce"
2, The nood for comple, wire bend ing, ..
F" 27 (. I~_
""* i>>J iBi S<=nd 010< bo<.j ICITh;,d
8EOO APPLIANCE "'''''''''",,'.00' I
rol:ltion <;OfT'edion, close re
ad> "" edge loedge onterlor ~It, In r.og.
Roymond Segg rGceived fti' troining in two, ,he rernoining eodmction spoeeo are dosed
orIftodontics from "'" Angle School during t"" whrle _,nlo,","11
eorlr 1900s. He IaIer retum.,;hoAl$olo in 1925
ond pnIdiood!he ...Jge..i.. lecMiq"". 1n tho mean ond lOr'quiog is corried oul 10
lime 8egg modified lhe Angle's ribOOn <Heft axiollncl,,,,,lion of ,he I.elh.
lochniq uo orod inlroduc..d ,he 1I0gg lighT wire Tir o cdycntc>ge. of Ih o Begg cpp lior>ar
,iiff~renTio l force toc hniq"" {ftg 26.0 OM bl. This i""lude :
oppHance u..w the concepl of differenTi al 10= 1_ Th, use el l"-h! forces> arc ",;min!he
and lipping 01 teeth rolher Ihon bodily phyoiologic limit<_
moYement.The SC9g oppliance used high 2. RelOtNely conNnUOUllora opplicotion
~ !.IOinless.!eeI wires olong wilh 0 number 3. Minirnol lriclion between the wore ond the
ol oUlllllori ond "Pring. 10 oc.h,_ I"" desirod brocket ...
tooth m""""""". 4. Rop;d alignme,)/ ond ",er bilt correction.
Th. TreoTm enl us in g lIegg app-lior.ce i. 5. The ClPplionca docs "'" >Ira... mo oroc;ho<oge.
co rned oul in three dill""""l IIOQ<!'. 5tc>g e one i. 6. Go""," 01 fon:es were rool required 10 con_
concerned wiTh ol" n""nl, <X>rTKIion 01 c~ i..,..., orochorog I.

T~ e I tra ignt wi re t ~ c n n i qu ~ i. a re ce nt
mod'ncotion ci tM edpewise opp l:mo. introducro
by lawren ce F. Andrew, in the 1970', bo,,,d on
hi> k"y> to = 1occlusion. The bark coocept
""'" to prog ram me the brocket to hove the first,
>CCC<ld and third order comp"oo nt, ' 0 tOOt the
";re <>eed not hove any complex bend ing a,
""Iui red in edge"M '" oppl io""e. He""e it io co iled
P"",dju ,ted edgewi,e opp l"""e. Thi ' te< hniq ""
mode it po"ibl" to ,ub,tonti a lly redu ce the wire
beoo ing req uired "'"" a lso """bled goaJ fin ~hing
01 Co'e' [Iig 2B.c and d)


The ling uo l ortflodonti< rechniqve wo> introduced

in 1976 by Craven KUrl. In /h i. t<>ehniquo tf>.,

brad:et, are pklced on th e po lotol and linguo l

o'ped. 01 the teeth. Both 1M edgewise and th e
Begg I""in cip l" . can be e mployed in treotme nt. f;g 29 lo"l i"9 ond oi ;g o..-.on' (>.) M " , to " ignn',"'
:81 Ai"'o r.,.. merl
Ung uo1 applian ce, aro highly e.llMtic bul oove
nde l titoniv m Or braid ed ' toinles\ steel orchwire
the disodvontog e' of poo r <>cc. " and diffic oltr
al tf>ey apply ge ntl e lorce, . Progre" i"" 'y lorge,
"' ,peec~ and ma intaini"'J ara l hygiene ,
dOr""I,,,,'; res'" pi oced to o<:f>e ive the object"""
01 levell i"," and align me nt.
Ove , bIte ,eduatlon
Correction 01deep O'Ier bte should be ""de~ken
le velling and aUInment ,oon after the al ig nment phos e , Overbite
Le-velli ng "'"" o l ~ . ignilies bmcketa lignm<rl red uction , ho uld precede ove riet ",d udion
in both verti ca l and hori zonta l plaMs of .poee in orde r to have a .mooth move ment of teeth in
~ig 29) , In add ition during th ~ poo ", ci treatment the norirontal plane. D<>ep ""er bite ore correded
a n rottrtions 0"' corrected, l"",el' ng coo a~goment by intrus ion 01 the on!",,,,,,, or by extrusion of the
a re tM mojor treatmert aIliedi"" during the eorly po.t...-ior leeth. th e crx.ce shou ld be bo",d On a
stoge ci treotme nt. Acnlevement of obiectives num be, 01 lo cto rs in clu din g the . keletal and
during this stage wo uld he lp in lotu", tooth dento l growth pottern of the ind ividual, li p
movem . nt, a nd od iu .tment>. CC<1ligvrotion 000 the inier-<>cdu sol c~e [10'
The initi a l levell ing and oli gn me nt i. m"", deroil, ..,e th o cha pte' on mano gement of
ochieved by u," of light round a rchwires . uch a. dM p bite), In c;,ors eo n be intruded by ".ing
c D

intrvsio~ utility crcf, e$ or>d orcn wires wit+, onti I Friction or sHd ing mechoni" , On"
ev"",, of Spe.e in the mandibvlorond e>:oge,ote<i Ihe broci<cl Ilo~ IY;.v., olligr.ed d ollowes !he
cuMl of Spec in !he mOJOliory ofch. Posterior ott.hwu. 10 .I,de Ihrough !he posltln". bnxI<eI
""",,,ion con be achieved by ,,$0 01 bote plan ... sloe. Thlc;lo rec;langualcr ..,in"'" , IMI WIres tueh
and wrli<:ol ..1a.1io _ OJ .01 8" x .025 Ot .019' .025 ",,".......d /o,!he
P'-"JXIM 01 om.,,,,, ,e!<Odior\. Hooks ore IOIdeoed
O~"J. t ,ed uct/on 'lnd . pael clo.",.
One of t~ m<lPor"obiod"., of treotrnenl ";Th fixed
app lion ce . i, to ob. a in a normo l "v. rj e'
,.lot>o<1lhip be!wee<1 t+, . vwerond lowe< Ofd,e.
and tooblain" Closs I <XInine fdoricmhip. Added
10 lIlil we have on odddionol objediYe of dooing
O*>f . .iducl >pace .pKially in coteS ..... eR! some
1801h hove bee" ""''''ct"d lor o..madontic
pu r _ .

Th or. a re two typel 01 "'edlCni" "",d

IQ, a nterior retroction . Th ey or., the friction and
the frictionlo .. mechon ic;,
f; ; 32 01'1. ,. ... fu od oppb ", .. ~\ & I~ ~ u<tood od i m .. oW ;"' ' <:O<'O m', " ' - ((I & (Cl Prooodi ,,,",,
~ .. oppl; .fIQO _ "","'k ~ ':E: & If:, Seg; ~<ra {~& :H:' T~ """'""".
r.~ 33 Coo<poo .... , of f...J ,ppI"'<OI I'll !.tockoI, 0 1o..J. Ie) to.,.~ "",,1'-1 iO: lJ,go..ll>o. "" (f)
UI>'I\I"'..., .... ~ (f)lia<rl ... .... :G) l... ..,...,.d . . _ (HI 60.=1 '''''' ., : led 1'... >IJ 0,:- 00;1 ,.nOQ
(K) lia<rl '. ~ ,' "~, (U 11000, cI-.,"
loopmeGh o~b co n be do ne by lWo woy'
1 En m,m retroeiio n : He re the e ntiro anto"""
, e9m ,;nl"" is re tracted .Th is 'i nd o f retro<:ti o n is
more tox ing 00 th ~ o nchornge,
2 , Can"'" retradion followed by incisor retradia n;
The con ines are f,rsj rctracled follow.:d by th~
retra cj;on o f t he inci,ors .Th is enho n<~' the
po,te<ior crl choroge control dvri ng >poce closure.

Fln ,,1 t ooth positioning

Thi, p hase involve. treatme nt aimed o t lini, hing
and o<:elu",1d~tailin g . Thi s is th us 0 line ru ning
of th e toot h pos i!;on in te rm, o f !h ~ oxiol
c ind ;no!icm a nd on gu klt;ons o nd ro o ptim;.c the

All 3. l""fl' v...J I", onle<"" "" ct"", W Q'" w,.

,,;'h ..." ""'" """ 18i .. , ""' . I""" (C: T ""'" ~ ""'"\>"

on to tho archwirc cilho, me, io l Of d i, ta l to tho

m nine ond e la stic< or nitico il ' pring' are aopl i ~d
lrom thi, po. ! to the hoo ks prosont o n t he mo la r
bo nd. (fig 31). Th i. ,,,, ult, in r. treeiion of the
anterior teeth by the orchwire >Iidi r>g through tho
$lot. of t"" po~ ri or bracke:$ _ Core , houl d be
fo h n to a d~q uat" l y ' e inforc" the po, te ri o r
anch orage .
'2. fric rio nlc5S o r loop mecho ni C5 thi,
type of mechon ic, rel i~ ' en spring a nd bo p
der.ig n, a im.w 0 1 p rOOvcing a contro lled forc~
syste m thot con be modu lot"" for onte r;",
",!ro:;tion 0<" po~ prclro<;tio n de~n g upon
!he aochofOge ceed of !he pol;""!. I'Oriou. designs
o f loop. ore ""a il abl e ,,)Ch 0' T loop, o mego
loop , key ho le loop a nd teo, d rop loop (fig 3 4j .
f ;g 3~ f',;,, ~ o 0,0 dOb '; ... .....,. ~ " ;,. m""" ""'"
".""_" .., f'~ """"0 '" ".d 01. Not, how +,
M loti or retroctk>r1 citror by fri ction or the ocd,,,,,,,, ;, tl." r:<~a 'eo ; , ~ Oy m ~ ",bo ";'
;0 +. ",,,, w,,"
32fI Orthodontics TbQ Art and Sc:iuC:Q

oc:dusion. During thi> phose 01 """Imen! omaller

dio"'"let wi ..... sud-. os .0 16 Iro:hes lfOinless ,!eel
or .-.clO ng\Jkl, bern monium e,. used ... they ere
more fl e..i~ e c nd ellow p!lIC ~e finisning. Mi"",
ere n lire ber<l. in fi rst, _ ""d o r tnird o rder
may be "", ,-" red for ""toili ng of loom <,~Iion,
~col $COming elastics " ,. "Iso uled In this phooe
lot MIlling of the occlu.ion.

1, 8ov; .~, Ke.i"ll PC ' Bow 0,,1 t -ric ''-'!- 0,,"

1ochnItq .... , T ~ rd _ , Pt>_""-,,, WE ltoonden
Co, 1971.
2, '''M~ chl.i: T.... u .~...., 1 O<+todo.,;c d , ~, PUll '
~'" WE 5,, , 1""" Co, 19n.
3, l.i-4oo'" JT : Tho t~.. """ionoo, .. c...o..TM,
So.oi. Sf, 0<111<><1"",." , C.,,,,,, ~.< t P Io. ,,<><I
_<1"",-, SIt.:-.. CJ Moobr. 198$, S6S~
~. I'roh WR: ~.,O+,d,.""St ......... CJ
~ ....... f ~ , lion.! bo>ol .. Ollhodoo,;c.. v..
bed. mod~'" oJol",-, :":'1988.
6. 1""""""" WJ, M<xio.. hW , A <..... _ . '"
""tg ~' >0<" _ I "", ...d ~ ., Go_
TM, Swo" flf, OrthoJo<rOco , C... ' .... pri~ .....
TiI, ....... , 51 too" CI """""', 1985, 717]H9

n.. _ RC : E~ .. 0<+"""""<:,, 51 Lou. , CI
l_Ol,C_IOtI ! ' ~, 2~""" . 5,w.....
ClMoob,; 1966
un(tional appl iances Of iorlOl noture l forces of th c oro -foeio l mUKvlotv r~ thot
a ppliarx:e. a. they ore sometime. referred oro trons mitted to th~ t~eth OM ol, eokl r oo,.,e
to ore appliorlC6' thot depend upon the tnfo"llh th~ med ium of th e oppliance.
orofc.:iol mu <culotu re forth. ir odion. In contro!! The th eo r~ti cal ba. is of fundi ona l
", active removo ble opplio nce, thot make l1:Ie of t"",tment in genera l is th e princi ple that 0 'new
live components liko springs, clo,ti,. a nd IX'ttern cI fun ction' dictoted by the appliance,
screw" tho fo rce compo ne nt of fundio na l lcod. 10 the dev.,lopmMI of 0 eorrespordfig 'new
cpp lionc~ , ore d " ri v~ d from th. o ro-facia l m<::<"pl-dogk poff~m , The neWpoffern clhmet""
musculo!u ,,", Tho ... oppl ian ce, eithe r tron ."., it, can ",f. r to diffe",n t fu rlCtio nol component. of
eJimit'Kl te or g uid e the notura l force. of the tr.e orofockl l slem, lor ",o mpi e, the tong ue, !r.e
,"u",coIo!u ",. lips, the fO Cia l a nd masticatory musc les, the
Funct iona l app lia nce. o re ", ed for ligerne n!! , <>nd the periost~ u m_ Depending on the
growth mod ilicotion pr"""dure, th ot are oimed type of opp li on ee , it< proponent puts mo re
at interce pting and treating jaw di.crepa ncie" emphasis on 0"" 01 thes~ dill. r. nt fun ctiono l
The, COn bring obout the 1,,"low ing cr.onges : compo"" nto. The 'new morpholo gic pottefn'
1. An i""rea,e o r oocrco,o in jaw ~,~ iocl""" 0 diffe",nt orrongffi1entolthe lee'"
2. A chong<: in .potiol r~ lo!io n.hip of th~ i""" the jo ws, on impfoveme nt of the occlusion, and
3. C"""ge in direelion of growth of the jaw' an oltered ",lotion of the jaw>_ It 01.0 in dud ",
4. keel. rolion of de,iroble growth cho nge. in th e omoun! an d diredion of g rowth
Functional a pp lioro.:c. arc defin ed a. of th e jaw> and differeoces in th e foeiolsi,e 000
Io<m, fitti ng or pes<;'" opp lior><:es whic h homess proportion .


Fur>chonal oppliontos ron be doulhed in 0 , TOOII blmo ..... .......

numberof wars (toble 1): I .... bomo _ Wi _
Toorh oome pO'uive O'ppl;on""" Th" , ore nw.. bomo poum ~
tocm bomooll!)lionces ""' rQ ;,.rn"';c le>ree
gcl\Oltlrng ton,pc """.. . cd> '" spings 0( ICt1!ws. ~ ,-~

Th ey ""porod Of' the .soft r~<u . >!retch a rd """,,,UKl r M)'Od)'n ;ort: appIian" .
ocr .... ill 10 prod uce th e oo. i,ed t,,,,,trllMt ,." ul",
Da mple. oi too," bo rne pc " ivc op,""' r>Ceo
~1IiIIo Itr<:tW ~

FQd '~~
ind...!.. ClCt...,tor, bioi 0\01 or><! He rb.! appi","""
roo,,, borne OCI>ve opp/;onet>< : They indooe 0., ' -
mod~OCO!lon. 01 octivoto. olld bionator thot
include expon,ion >Clew, O. oth octiv"
components like.ptings to ptOYide intrin"<: Ion:.
i"" "0....... oronl.,' dtO'''IIe .
... "
Gr<qt II """'""""
', ;, "_.
to rhe leelh fo<!I.o purpose of <:<>rrtlClion 01
D.sue born .. pO''';'''' opplionce . ; Tiuu" mcllocdvsion. Emmp/eo include a,al "'eer>
born" oPllliont'" ore "'o" lv 10000led il> the incli<'l8d plane .
,"",slibule ord h""" lim e 0( 00 ",, !>IOCI wilh !l.o G roup /I a ppl;a nce . The opplia nc.
"""',tico. Ex"", ple 01. uc+. o n "Ppli ar<:e in dvde. r&pO&ition the mo .,.j i~ e and ,he re. ullont force.
the Fur.:li orl ol Reguio'or 01 fran le I. t",nl m i ~&d to lhe leeth aod othe r . t""' U....
Myolo nlc Oppliorlces Th ey a.e fU f>cT iono l Example. indu de aeti",for ood biono!Of.
op pl iaT>Ce. #l OT depend on I.... mu,,1e moO! 10'
Grwp /11 owlionee. , These a ppliance, oho
thei' oction.
~onthe maodible but tho.o.., of ()pefOIiom
Myodyoomic app/iQns : They "," lu"':fion,,1 I, rhe -'buloJ, oubide the denIol arch. &amp&.
""P/i"hCOS !hot d.pend on tfllt mu>de Ot&.ril)r lor Include Fronkel oppl",flCe ood _fibula, IIO'fIIIO\.
!heir Iu...:bon.
R"movab/. lunChanal applianc". , Th"y TREATMENT PflINCllttn
ON fI'IIOlurdcnd appiioroceo thot can be relllOYOd
Functional o ppl;onoe. WQf~ on two b,ood
and i" ... ned into the mo",h by the pOIio!>t.
princip1fl :
f..omples indcode a,~voIo' and biorotOf.
1. Force application
Fixed fun Cll o no l upp li oncc. Th ey" . " 2. Fa rc~ ~ li mi""lion
lunctiono l applio n c~. thot ore fitted on the leeth
b, th e apoo r"ta r ond COM ot be re moved by Ih e Fote, .ppllclI tlan
potit nt Ulwill, Compressi-e . Ir.... end srrn ill oct on the stro.CuleS
G,a~p I O'pp/II"" .. : The y 'on,i~t of I,,~ and IGSU" in 0 ~""'ry a~e'~lion in lorm
appl,ances tho. lronsIM the muscle lo,ee di""tIy wrth a -.dory OOoptotion in h.ondIon. Moot 01
the fi.ed and rOmQlla bi e lunctiona l appli arICes or c-rvptive deflection from the $!orling o.iol ineli-
worl< 00 Ihi s ptincple. nation,
ARot onlariat biI.. pIone 01 sulfiDenl di
Fot"" " lIm/na llon men"ono to!he po<:uioo Ieeth may
Thl$ principle involvn the .liminaHon 01 be expected to hove sevoeml eIieds.. n- ef!ects
abnorma l ond ren'o:;t~ environ menlo l ;"11 _c,,, may compri... s.ome or all of !he 1oIIo..;'Ig.
o n Iho denti ti o n th e reby a ll owin g optim a l I. Diffe<e<1tio l er~plion of po.luioo Iee!h
development. Thon fundion is rehobiliToted wilh 2. Nonenoplion. relotive o. obsolute inINsoon
a w;.onda'Y change In form . of incis.ors
All /uncI'ono1 appl",nces 0" o..embr... 3. lrod"" overb~e ,tdoxlion
cf a lew simple compone n! . Eoch componen! 4, Oiwcd",1on witt1 rem.,.,..,t 01 intemnpation
),as a des ired functi on a nd is ""..... ro ll y incorpo. may well be r&~ ible Ior-ony odclifional
f01Ieod fo< a speO~C pU!'pO$<l. The w'",ntly used in~~nts 01 mond ilNlo. growth
opptOOr'lCe>O'" made of combinations fram Ih"", 5. Uni~posteriofloolhen.Pon~oho
booic: /o..nctionoI <:Or' ifX)O "" ilL They 0", bole pia ...... tesuh in 0 downwa,d ond bockwotd mon-
shields 0< "" r""", end cons!r\K~on or worl<ir.g dibvle, rotalian mol t.."", to increase on~
bito, Tr..",~s prodJe .k"'elalend de n- ri(nerlico l lower foc", 1height end redoxes
roaNeoj", changes by odir.g on the Igjl"";ng : me progncl+>ism of me mo nd ibl e
Indinod pIona may be dMigned 10 pm-
I. Erupt;on (b~e plonesl
2. Unguolociol muscle bolon~e (lhields Of
..eIe guide pier ..... for ..... lerb"'linguol mec:hani-
cal 'ruphve di,placement 01 incisors or the
~orn~ deflection of ~ng poIIerior teeth.
J, Ma nd ib-ulo , 'opositioning Iconst''''tion or
w<><king bite) It .hould be remernbe<-ed t""t 01 upper
posterior leem erupt, may mig",1<1 not only in 0
The detail. oI ,hese components .....,
""'001 but 0100 in on a nterior diredion . Thr:-re.
Quolilotively ond quoOliTolively os does me Con-
lore. imped,ng or sleclMly o,re5ling the ~
Rgurorion oflhe connecting "lem""" ond ~e
me ove roll eppe<lro roa. lend ""mel of the a pp li-
of ma.illory mole" nO! onfy pe<mits t,", co,,,,,, j
inO'eO$e of mord ibv lo, dentocrl,..da, height. but
olso resuft1; in a reiO""'1y gfOOter-mMiol or onle
BII" plan. . rio, """"""eOl 01 the lowe, buocol segments, boIh
through eruption ond olso t>r thei' forword rron..-
i3<1e planes may be Hoi Of inclined, arw;l antetio,
lotion , ""' icr, is prod\Qd by ""rmol mondibulc,
or pooli'>rior, whch contod "r.g " Of mu~i ~ _n.
growth. Wilh In.. dimi nilohed o r e,"" ted eruption
Aht-.:Jug h Ih ..... or" usually tI-ovg ht 01 01 bloc;l< of
of ..... moxillerry molafl. mis romblnotion 01 ef-
ocryloc: resin. mey m"., in lood be mode of wi ... 0'
fects arn be apected 10 .... uk in rhe improve_
Of'IJother suiklble moleriol. Rec;em """",n;h inO~
ment of 0 00.. 11mole, relationship. Cor,~,
cotes that ,elolMlIy low Ioree., ~ oppl;ed "'her
~ tile lower post.,io' t&e!h e re =troil'led from
conlinuou>iy or inl<! rmiHentfy. are capable of im
erupting while In.. uppers do so unimpeded. the
ped ing the e<\Jpllon of I~h Apico ll y diroded
eotpOded rewlt woold be on im ~nt in 0
~ may the'elore be ""pected to impede 0<
Ooss III moIa, rdo~onthip.
0trMI eruption. other /oou. m<ryprodOJal tippr.g
'f D
~ if
.. "l- a .. '" !- ...... '"~ :O~ '" ... ~I" "';
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region, ""ullo with minimum .upervision and un li ke fixed
2. Th ey Con bring obout re model ing of tho opp lionce. can be WQfn >afely for long period.
gle,..,id Io"a. witr.oot .upervision, Unfortvnotely al CO""' conrd
3. Thoy can b-o de>igned ta hove 0 re,trictivo be treated with lur>dio nol opp liance. a l o n ~
influence on the growth of the jaw. Poti ont, who I;"'~ lor owey lrom the dinic Oftho.~
4. Th oy con <11ong o the direction of growth 01 otterd".-.g boarding ",hoo may benefit frn the.e
the )OW>, app li ance., p.ovided they fulfil a ll other crileno.
fo r cO$e lelection. HOW<!ver luch f'Otienll .hou ld
Dento-elve oler chll nge, exhibil ~igh deg ree of motivation ~ tf..: lurx;tiorKll
Th oy con bring obo ut de<>k> olveolor chong os in th erapy i. to boe .<xc."fu;'
the ""gittol, tra,",verre ond the vertk<l l direct""., Den tol con.ide rotion> . An id eal CO$e for
Most IUrx;lional app lio nce. a ll ow the upper functional oppl iar>ee theropy i. one thot i. d"""id
on!et"iors to tip paloto lly ond lowe r onterior< to tip of gro .. loca l irreg uloriti e. like rotation. and
lobio lly. In the Iran"", ,,,, direct"", they can bring crowding. On ly in Cll"lCrowded ome. ;. it I;kety
obout ex po n. ion 01 the dento l orc he, by that a ma locdu.ion con be treated wti./actorily
incorporating .crews in them Of by .hi~ d i ng th ~ by functio na l ap p lionce clon e . Th e local
bucco l mu<d . 1oway from the de ntol oreh . In tho ;m>guiorities me trootoo pficrto m att.r runet""",)
..... .tica l .,lone , they can boe de. igned to a ll aw t""ropy with fix~d cpp l ionc~.,
.. leeti"" eruption af te-eth. Skeicta l conskierolion. : Moderate to ' ''''e re
.ke letal Ckl,, 11 molocc lu.ion. a re idea ll y suited
Mu scular chllnt"s for funotiono l appl ionoe treatme nt, C lo" II,
Fund""",1opp li anc~, con improve the tonoc ity divi, ion 1 mo locc lu. ion exh ibiting 0 Clos$ II
01 the oro/ado l mu>culolure . skeleta l tendency due to a . hart or retrogtXlthk
mondib le cen be con'id~r~d lor lunct iona l
CASE SElECTION tf>eropy.
Low ang le celS" !i.e .horizonta l growers)
The troditio"" lview thotfuncfoono l oppli"",.. ore re.pond we ll o. mo,t funcl ional opp lionce.
only . uited to troo! Cia" II . di"';~oo \ rrokxci!.lSion neou ro-ge vertical devdop me nt 01"""terio. teeth.
with une rowded lower orch .. i.lo rgely discorded High an gle [v.rtico l gro"",,,) CIo,. II co",. or.
in r~ c. nt yeo" . A wide r rongo of co,e, i. being u,,,,, I'y <i two cotegorie,: tho$e with incrlOO.~d
treated in recent yeor< vsing fundio",, 1opplionce. "".rbite CJnd tho,e with.rom. degree of open bite.
01 mo.t 01 the co,., moy require ,ome lorm of The deep ove r bite ty pe 01 high ongle ca.e. a re
fini, hing with lixed opp lionce . successfu ll y treoted using functionol applkmce.
!we, The growth mod ificotion therapy !.IS ing wh il . the open bite type of ce,e,,..,.., a .pecial
lunet"""" opplklnce. i. po.sibl. only in a growing ptOblem, Most fuod"""" opplionc.. oIlow I'Orlicol
patient. The optimum time fo r myofuodiotXl l deve lopment 01 th e pe.t~r;a r dentoa lveo lor
therapy according to rooot outhor< in betweon 10 .truetures which moy induce unwonled boc\:wo rd
yeo" 01 age ond puberta l growth ph""e , rototion of the mandible .
Sacial can,iderotian . : A to t. d by . CI"". It divi.ion 2 type <i mo locclu."'"
hldre.en, functiOr"l<l l opp lior>ee. och ieve lhe ir mey be trIOOted with functional app liance. alter

Fig 1 ~ hod_ ~J_ I (Ij) - . . (Q H..too .".,1 ... "" lD! nIp,,, ......"'"
:;::v..'lb"O" IUWO If~ ~ _or
correctin g the o.ia l i"" li noti on. of the rooxillery cose tho profil e 1'10"""", then othe r Jteatment
on/eriOr1, moda lities hoy" to be con,id ered . P'hot"'ilccph.
Mild C ia .. II I ma locclu. ion" wh ich of the potient tak"" with forword roond ibvlor po.-
pre.ent with a rev" rS~ o",", ri"t and an averoge ture a re a vo lu obl e a id in motivating the potient
OYerbitc (;On be ",gordO><! '" pote ntioll y t"",tobie and porent. (fi g 2).
with func!iona l applia nces. Th e,e i. 0$ yet ""
slrcng dinico l eVOenC" of bereficio l skelelo l effect VESTIBUlAR SCREEN
in the uSe of 00" III lu "'tionol applia",es and
Th o ve.ti bu lo r sc reen i. a ' imp le functiona l
most reported cases have demon,trot..d onfy
oppiance that to ke. tho form of 0 cvrv..d shield
dento_alveoler chong<>.
of ocr,' lic plec..d in the labia l ye,tibul o (fi g 3).
Th ~ mrofC<'<:tion al oppiianc. \"lOS li " t introduced
by Newe ll in the year 1912,
Thi. is on important diagno,tic te,t undertoken
before mo ki"9 0 decision to u,e a lu""tiono l
oppli o",,~ . Thi. te,t enoble. u. to vi$uo li,e how Th . ve.tibu la , .creen co~ be usod either to apply
the potient's prolil e wou ld be aftedur>etioool ap- the fore", of the circumoral mu;culeture to cerl<lill
plio ",e therapy. It i. performed by osking th e teeth or to re lieye those force, from the teelh
poti""t to bring the mandibl e lorward. An im - 1hereby a ll owing the m to mO"'"' d ue to fo rces
prOVoment in profile i. con~de r"d a po'itive in- e>:erted by the to","u e. Thu> the "".ti bula r.creef!
dialtion lorth<! u"" 01 a functiona l appia", . In work. on tf,." prir><ipi e, 01 both force application
F;g 3 V.,ibc lar ""., F;g .j Add ,"' ."f "'_ " i, pk>;od on ,1>0 I"r_,, 1 o,~
of ., . 'to!,
as we ll a, farce e limination . i, being u.ed for corred ;on of di.t<>--
occ IU ' io n, 0 con.tructi on bitD .no ul d be
Indications ta ken to mfvonce the ma ndibl e.
Th e following are the in dwtkm. for the us. of 3. Th . vesti bv!ar .creen >hou ld ",teoo into !he
ve!tibul or <Cf~M: .uku. to th e point where th e mucow l ti. .....
1. The, e applkl nce, have been u.ed mo,tly ta reflect. oulw<lrd . CQ re Ihould be token nor
intefcept mouth breatlling flobi!. Tr..y con to im pirlge on the frenum 000 the mu sdoo
a l. o boo "... d for inte rception of hobit, . uch otklcf-..n . nts.
0' thum b . ud:i ng, tongue thfu ,tin g. lip 4. Po,terioriy tr.. appi ior">Ce >hould "'""00 vplo
biting and cheek bitin g. the di,tol marg in of th. la,t &r1Jptoo molat.
2 Mil d di<lOocciu' io ns con be treated "'ing 5. The model, a re covered with 23 mm 01
th e ve, ti bulo r scree n. wo< over th e lobia l .un"". of the teeth ood
3. Tr..y C<ln be used 10 perfarm rrmde exercises the a lveolar ".-oce.. _ In w.e of prod i"""
to help in correcti on of hypotonic lip ond teelf, wheh r>eed to be ",traded the wox relie!
cheek mu"Ie. il removed to expo'" th o ;r">Ci>o 1or>ethi rd 01
4. The ve,tibular "",en (on be u... d to correct the t.,.,th.
mild anteo"io< proclir>ation . 6. The oppliorxc " fabricated "l in g eithe r ",II
rure O r heot Cure oCr,O ic r~ <i n
Fabrication 7. The a ppl<:Jnce is smoothened using sand
1. Upper aM lower impre,sio n. are made aM poperand poIi. hed.
tho woriJng mode~ poured. Tfw, OJst< should
Management of the applian ce
reproduce the dep:h, altho "",tib ulof .uku.
2 The uppe r and klwer co,t, a re ocdcoded in The poli""t sho uld 00 asked to ...t",,!he oppikl r-o::e
f")Ormal in!er<:u>p<ltiC<1 Qnd the rnodd. = 100 ot nig ht arid 23 hours during th e daytime . The
together u,i ng plo,ter. In OJ ... the opplkl nce potient i, in ~ru cted to ma inta in li p . eoL During
Myofunctional Appliance:s 337

the fi rst lew dayS th~ ""tie nt may . how certain

area. of irrii<ltion in th e .u leuk" a nd the frene l
oreo . Such orees 01 the opj> lionce .ha ul d be
(orefull y trimrred to ovoid ti,.u . irritoti on .

Modlf/cat/ona or the vestibular scre " n

A num ber 01 modifkotion, of the vellibu 10r screen
c re po.!i b l~. The fo llowing are . a me of them:
o. Hot, mod ikotion: The oro l screen can be
fabricated with a meta l ri ng pro jecting Fg ~ Lip b,,,,. '
between the up~r ond the lower li p. , Thi.
flot!"ening or crowding 0' the low., onteriors.
ring co n be u.ed 10 carry out various mUKIe
Th u. li p bump.". o r., u d in the
rr<lcd ibvlor arch end ",,,,Iy in tho max illmy
b. In po tient. who hove tongu e thru $! "" bit on
arch. By removir>g th o soft ti l''''' force. from
odditi o nol ", rM n i. placed on the linguo l
""ped of the teeth . This odd itionol ",reM ;.
the labo l aspect of the low"r o~t. ri o" it may
prod uce forward tilti ng of thes~ teetn ~nder
attoch ed to th ! ve$libulor 'Cree<" by mea ns
tr.e nfluento of the tong ue p..."sure, Th", lhe-y
01 a thi d< wire t""t run. through the bite in
incroooo the oreh length, redeC" crowrlng ond
th~ latera l ir>e i.or reg ion (Iig ~ I ,
deere,,,. th ~ excessive overiet
c, In co ,," 01 movth b reoth~ " th e ve&ibu lar
,creM ,,,,,u ld be fobricated with 0 numbe r 3 , Lip bump " " c~n b~ u,. d to augm e nt
or-.:horoQ " , The ""-"",--,,,,Iorce itted on
of Im l thot arc g rad ua ll y clo.ed in 0
to the ma la" in a di, tol d i r~ "ti on wo ul d
pono,ed noonner,
diocourag " the lorword movoment of t h~
4, Di.tolitoti M of the first malo" ca n be ochiel'ed
The lip bu mpe r or lip plumber 0' it i. som etime. by use of lip bumpeis . ' Th ~ degree of di, ta l
w iled i. 0 corrAlioed r~movobie - lixed oppiance, movement can be very li mited, ","ocia ll y
The li p bernpe r con be w lied a mod ified v"'tibulor whero the ,econd molars ore ","upled,
scree n tho! i. used lor muscular force appicoti o n 5, Th~ li p bump"" can be u, . d 0> .pace
o r forca eli minoti on . Th e appl ionce con be u.ed rego i""" ~ the lowor molors hove drifted
in both tr.e moxi llo and th~ mand ib l~ to sheil d ",""a lly du e to early loss of deciduo", moIor<.
the lip. away fram the teeth.
Applia nce des ig n
Usn or lip bumper The app lior>C<l is made of thick ,toinie" ,tee l wire
I, They are ",ed in potien" exh ibitir>g low.... lip extend ing from on e mola r ta the oppa, ite moIor.
""b it uch as li p ,uckir>g. The lip bu mpe r The wire i1 mode to lie awoy from the antorior
.h i ~l d. tM low", lipoway IooIh so that the li p, ore kept owoy from tho teeth
2. They are a lso ""cd in patient, exhi biti ng The li p bvmpcc i, in",rtod into rex",d molo r tube.
hyp eractive menta li. oetiY ity th at co u , of O.93mm diameter so ldered to bond, On the
3a8 Orlhodonlics The Art and Science

t 01 .. f , OIr.lion 1 ~tOon
I. 0.... I. 0Mti00 2 moIo<dutOon
CIo# I~ "'_"..,
'. OIM I..,.. ..............
OIM I ""p _ ... _ _

Ii".. mo lo.... The ont",iO' po rtion of the wi,.., I,om

.............. _ _ ...... ra.6
.pplr.OCf tl>orapy 1.1orIp( ..... ...cOllI)lw

F 1>011_-'
~ .. ....M lido: 01
. Mb/ do~ 1 In
con ine 10 coni"" am be reinlO'l:&d with ~ ic _11!(IOI~ t
(fog 51 CO"\JlI '~ I ... loni
Alrhough lip bumpe" 0.. mostly u..d I. n. oppNra io nat_1o _ _ 01 CIIM
,n the mondibulararc",,", they ca~ 0100 be used I PtOlIIt ... 01 OOOIdoci Iftlh ...... .., Dr
In me mOJcillary aod>. Such an opplionce I'limilar .w, ..., _ _ oizI W jHlI/It,
in design ond it coiled Denholtz appl",,,,e, 2. Tho &wI& .... Ia ........i>cb.1I<I I. _OIl
Tfle lip bumper can be CUllom mc>de WIt" "'.... _ lacW ~t I~ 1'....
uling 0.9 mm nord round $to inl ess $tu l ""; ,.., or
"'"~ mio"J<IWar gro1I,
0,.., ,..,ad il y """, il cbl. in vo riouo ,i>e .
j, Tho I\IIPlOI>OIIo ftOl lIH<l ., _ " ,"",,51
tow... ~ "" _ 111 p!~,
4. Tho . . ."'" _ be.,.., ~ -..,.
Kirog.!erin 1879 devi<ed a w/caM. palatal plate MOIl ..... <IOood "' ......... ~
..... Iht ....... _ _ .....
10 be <IUd i~ patients hcving refnldKl mondible.
Thi, ""leone plare ca onanl."e, ,rclne
5. lIIt~ .... _ .r,.. t,.~_

!hel gui<:icd the m,,,,di b~ 10" Ic~rd pcs~i"n V'.-.v _ioluoIa.

whe n lhe poli . ntclo d en H. IOrw(lrd IT reduced lhe risk oft>irwO'y ob,t,uo;T!on.
HOTz o"loiwd a 'Vc<b'.~ .:mD which woo Vi ggc And ,~..,n in 1908 In DenrMrl
o mcdihd form 01Kin ~""'$pk:lle, This dev..1opod 0 loose tlni"ll "ppHona """"~ flO! finor
to !reot fGttog""thiom oncc;iated wim deep bite. oMd en h.daugh!e<, He made 0 modified Hawley
KWOt aloo used to treal 'fllrognorhism osscriated typo of ~ine' en the """,,11a'Varth 10 oohkh fle
willi t.ngually indinod I........ , indoon;, odded e lowe, lingual horse :shce...hopcd flonge
Pie,,,, Robin devioed on OppiiallOl coiled which ha/pad I~ po.itioning Ihe mandlblelo<wo.d
Mord>loc modo upr:J" '""gle blade of ... Iconm.. (fog 6). He mode mi. appliance on hi. dauGhler
He uS&d il te position the m(tnd i b~ I.::>r..crd in who """I going on" 3 month >'<>lticrl, Oro fle,
polient3 .".;!h ~ Io"o~ , ond _ro mond ibc l", re!v rn 3 month . lete.., he found" mo rl<ed K\ginol
retrog nathio.m , By po . itiOl' ing th e rM ndible cCll"Cdicrl and improve """,t of the focia l porcf,~.
""""",,,,n ca lled it biomechmica l wortirIQ relo i,....... Mad e of action af activator
Loter""""~ mowed <:I"'f to N~ and t<><llTl<ld Acco,ding to Anderl en ond Haup!, th e activotor
up wirh Karl Houpl ond bcovght about lot of i ndu~ ", mu . culo,l " l ~ to l adaptat ion by
chorIQ "' in hi' d ovi<;o. They co iled it Function a l introd<.'Cing a new paff" rn c1 mand ibulor cIo.ure .
.low Qrtho poedic" Th . oppl iance loo,ely Ii" into the mOU' h. The
At, And r~,en and H"""I wor. in Norwoy potien' hoi to "",v" the mond ibl~ lorward, to
wfllc d.webping the app ionc~,
, it beco me known e ngag e the opp li or.:~ . Thi$ result. in stretch in g
o. Norweg ion opp lio nco. Thoy later call ed it the of lhe e"",tor muscles of mo.ticalion wh ich . torlo
octivotordue to it, abill!)' to activala mllSCle force" cont",ding thereby ."ffirIQ up a myo"'ctic reflex,
Thi s gene",tes lin etic energ y which causes:
Indlcatlont of act/v;Jtor
0, Preve ntion 01 lurther fO!WOrd growlh c1 t""
It is pfimorily u..,d in octively growing ind ividua ls mo<illory dento-olvwo r proc~ ...
w<lh layorobl e g""",,"h pattern . Th o moxillory and b, Moy~m ent 01 the moxillo.')" dento-alveoklr
mandibular teeth . hould be well o lign.d, The proce" di.."lly,
mondibular inc i.ors should b. upright avef the c , A reaproca l lo rwa rd force on the roond ible ,
bo", 1 bone . Relor to tob l" 3 for the ind ications In addition 19 tni. myotocti c refl ox. 0
and controi ndic.otion, 01 adivator. condykl r ""optati on by bockwo rd ond upward
growlh occu.-.,
Advant~g "s of actlv ..tor thft ... py
A ihird fo<"Or ~ the lore" gerwated while
I. It u.e. e,i. ting growth of th e ja"",. .wa llawing and du ri ng r.leepirIQ . According to
2. During treotm ent th e potient e<porie nce. Harvo!d, Wood~de ond Herren pa""e ten sion
minimol orol hyg ien ~'problem s coused by >!relcMinQ of musdes, .olt lissu o.
3, The intervol. betwee n oppointment. i.long, tendiMu, tiSlu e, ~tc" are respon' ib le lor the
4 The appointm ent. are "sua lly short d ue to achon . They co iled it th o vi$co~ lo.ti c property'.
need lor minimol tld ju . tment..
5 DV<! to the above r",,,o", th~y ar~ mO r ~ COII.t.uction bite
"",onamico!. The c"""" trvdi,,,,", bite i, a n in"'fma,ill o!), wax
record used to r. lo", the mond ible to the mo<ilkl
D/s;Jdvantages of ftetlvato. th ft rapy
in the th ree d im on';on' of . poce . They aro u.~d
1 Requ ire. very good pa tient co operati o n. to reP'>~tion the mondible in orde r to im provo
2. Th ~ activator ca n""t produce a preci,e th " .k " l~ta l i n t~(' iaw r~ l ationsh i p . Tne bite
detoilin g ond finishing 01 the o"du.ion. Th". reg;,trotian invof...e, ",po,itian in g t"" mond ible
post.!re<ltment fixed 0 pP ",nce therapy trICl"fbe in 0 forward d ir"d iM tIS w~ 1 tIS opening the bite
needed fa, detailing 01 the oeduo ion . ...., rtieolly (fig 71, In moot eo.e . the rno ndibl e is
3. It may produce mo derate mandibular adV<lnced by 45 mm and th~ b it~ o pened to the
rolation ( Qnt~ riorly downword . ). Thu . extenl of 2 -3 mm beyood lhe rrecw<lppace , The
[lCtiV<ltors o r. rool u>Cd in c,,"es c1 ex"""i...., general con.idemti on, for c""",,truction bit~ ore:
10WOl' Ioce height, 1, In eo oe thc ovcfjet is 100 lorge, th~ /orward
po>itioning i, oo.., ,, . tep wise in 23 pha,e . High' con, truclion bile wjth sljg h.
2. In co,e of fo(wo rd po' i li on i n~ 01 th~ ma ndibular forword po,it ionjng , Th"
mand ible by 7-6 mm, tr.., v~ rtico l open ing mo....,J ibi e i. po,itioned a nte(iorIy by 3-5 mm only
,houid be $li9ht 1<> madero' .. Le . 24 mm , and the bit. i. opened verticolly by 46 mm or c
3, If Ifle lorword position in g i. not mo ro tMn maximum of 4 mm beyond t.... re.tin 9 po.itio n.
3.5 mm, lhen the ,""ico l open ing con be Tni. kind of octivotor ccmtrxted with minimal
46 mm >OQ ittol qd""r><MT>eCt bvt morked verticnl opening
il co ll "d a 'V odiv<ltor , Tr.., V type of octiv<ltor ;,
Lo w cons truct ion h ile with marked
ma ndibu lar forward positioning Th i. ki nd indicoted in a DOl. II, d ivi.ion 1 mo loccl u>ion
01 con,truetion bite i. dta rocteriled by marked hoving a , . rtic<>1 growlh potlern.
10rw<lrd po'it;oni~g 01 the mo n dib l~ hut minima l Cons lruction b ite withoul mandibular
v~rtica l openi,',g . As a r\J ke 01 thumb tfle anteri<lr fo rward positioning So me ti m.. 0
odvoncement sf.oulO rd exceoo m:>re 1f'Of13 mm oon.trvction bit~ wit"",,1 forwcrd po>iti o ni ng of
poste rior t,o the most protru~"" position Vertica lly th. mond ible i, moo e in CaSeS Ivch o. deep bile
tfle open ing is minima l ond is withi n the li mi" of and open bite .
!he inleroccJu>o 1deero ne<! , Th~ kirJ of octil'Olor Construclion bite with op e n,"g and
oon.trucled wilh mor'<ed >ogilid odvonceme,' oot
po.t ~ rior pos ition inQ o f the mand ible In
mini mo l vertical opening i, ooll...d on 'H adivotol
Clo.. 111 mo locclU$io n, the bile;' ta ken alte r
The Hocti.-otor is irdkotoo in a potient with 00"
retn.Jdi ng tho maooib le 10 a more po.le rior
II, divisi<ln 1 malocclusion h"" ing a hori,onta l
posilion , In add ition, the bilo il ope""" ,u!fieiontly
growth pottern .
. to deor the bile. In general a ~I opecning 01 10. The hordened _ . block iI. agoin trle-d In
5 mm ond 0 ~'erior pwmoning ol about 2 mm the pori,n!'. mouth.
is reqvired.
N Hcu lotlon 01 II>. mo de l Th , "'0' bite
Fitb,'caf'on of ee llwittar reg i,tration i. ploced on the o<:o lu so l surfoc.
< the uppe' and lowe , m"",," s. The mode~
Impr...ian. , Impre.. ion . of tne upper ond ore tn." ameuloted in a ~ "" direction <0 tnat
to-- arches alll mod. to constn/ct 2 pai" of the anlerior!Nth foe" the hi"ll .... Thi' Iond of
models articulotion ...u.... sulfciont access 10 the pabIol
1. ~modeI. surfoce of the upper and lingual surfoce 01 lower
2. Working models model. duri"9lhe Iobricotion 01 the opplionce.

BU. "IIIIIrOllo n ,
Pre pa ration 0/ the wire e le meM5 The
ulua l dosjg n r. qui re. on upper lo bia l bow. The
1.The omo unl of ,o~ i tta l and ,.ttica l Iob,,1bow i. mod . with O.B or 0.9 mm wire and
adYcncement 01 the mor>:i ible is planne-d. consi ol$ of c hO ri zontal.edf"" with 2 ve~ica l
2. A horteJhoe . hoped WOK block is I"'P"red . loops. The ,"ds 0/ the ""mcolloops en~. the
for InHnion bclwee" the upper and bwer acrylic body between !he C<lnine and dedduoul
~rst molar(or~flI premolar). The Iab,,1 bowc:on
teeth. k mould be 23 mm thider than the
planned..rticolopening. be oct-.... 01" IX"si",
J. The palien! is mode 10 .~ in on upright Fa b'icallan 0/ Ihe ac.ylic po,lian , The
rel axed and nanslrn iMd pos ition. oppl ian ce c"",islS of 3 po rls.
~. The mor>:ib !. i. guided to the de.lred sogitlOl o. Mo<i llory po n
position. The operotorsh ould mn yguide b. Mond iboJ llo. oo n
!he m...,dibi. w n~ tt.c tn umbar>:i fote~nger. c. Int ...ocdvlOl part
He should not""" Pf"'Sure or boa. The oppf.c:nce con be fob-icoted by usi"9
S. Th. porierll is asked 10 prodioe pla,,,ment eitlw heat cure r.,in 01" cold eu.e ""in. In COH
01 mandible at the d""n:od ><>gillol position 01 he01 cure resin the models 0'"' r. ... wo:<ed ord
o lewfimeJ before "'(IislroIion 01 the b~ . then theyore floslo:ed.
6. The ho"" . J>oe "'oped WID. bb:~ is ploced Mana geme nl olll> e opplianc e ,
ewe r lhe occl uso l .u rfOC" of lhe lower co.t 1. The poti ent should be l ulficiMtfy cO""inced
and i. gently p"'ued <0 o. to form Ih" oOO ut th e beMfi!s he i. go ing to derive by
ind"'lOlions 01 the lower buo llooth.
u'i"9 the OCIivtlIO'. In tni. ' .opect 0 good
7. The _ block i, pi"""" on the lawe,;ow
pationl-doctarrela~qn is ...... ntiol. The clem"
and the potient i.asked to bile atthe dMored
con make .... of ideo tape<, boofdeto ,re.,
sogiltol position. It> mofivole the patient.
8. h Is then ~ ar>:i placed on the modoI,
2. The pat~n11s o!s.o tought hc>w 10 use, pIcK"
and checked.
"nd remove the oppiionce by himself.
9, ~ Iov<-id all n'got, ~ "chi lled and once ag.c in
3, U.""lfy the patient i. a. k.ed to woo' The
tried on Iho ",.1. T.... e'ce.. W(l' I, trimm ed
opp lionce for 23 houro " day dUri"9 the

doy tim e for t"" f..,t wee K. Durir>g the "ond In case intru sion of posteriors ~ """""'"
week the potient ~ asked to wea; it fe<" 3 hou" th Or! ooly th e cusp tip. are bod"d wiTh oClJk.
duri"\l the <loy o. w~ 11 05 ""'ij., , Ieeping. In The 10.,.,., ond fISsu res"", free of oC')'I" (fig 8~
Cole the potie nt hOI difficulty in u, ing it th e Thi. cpp lie. a vertica l intrusive force on the m:>-
whol. n.. ht, more doy timo u i. p<e"~W
until the poti""t con use it for trn. e ntire ni;l ht. '"
b/rt;S ion of teel": In co, e of extrusion 01 ...
incisor> , the lin guel.urloce i, loaded obo.en
4. Afum ir>;l pion sf>oJd be d. , .. oped bo...d
00 th e individuo l r>e<>d, of the potient. Som " area of g(eotest convexity in the maxi lla ond be-
orthodonti. t. prefer- tho oppl,,= to be worn low tM areo of greott cenvexilj in tho ITlOl>-
for 0 week withou t any grind ing so thot th e dibj.,. The e<lrus i,e movemenl con be enh or"\C.OlO
potie nt am get u>ed to it. by ploc ing 0 ", bio i bowobove the orca of g ' -
Trimm ing of the activator, Afte( fobri cotion est co nve,ilj i.e. in 1M 9in 9,,01 1/3 '" ' he lobO
.urloce (fig
of the activo\o( it s usua lfy fe>und to fit tightl y c.
In eme of molo rs , e<lrusion i, brougl.
ocry! ic i<inWposed between th e up-pe r ond lower
obout by lcod ing Iho li rlguols urfu ce obove ~
ocd uw lluriocc . Picnne<! trimming of the ap-
plia nce in tooth co ntact areo i, cc rned out to oreo of greotesl eoov""it, in moxillo a nd beta..
the OreO of gr"ote.t conv,,",iTy in mor"ld ible (!;g
bring 0 bcu d. nlo-clveo kl( CM "\les so o. to g udo
the teeth inm good relotion in 011the 3 pio n of S.d l.
Trimming of the a e li~otor fa og itto l
Sel. d i,e trimm in g of ""t'l li c i. done in
the di....ction of tooth movemont. The ocryli c .u.- con t.ol
Se lective trimmi"\l of the octivoto( can be done
foce, thot tmn"" it the de, ire-d force by ~ontoct
to protrude O( rettude the anterior-teeth and 0100
with the teeth are co il ed gu iding planeo. The or
to impm,. the mola r re klti on of the bucca llcotl...
eal of cery lic Thot centoct tM teeth become po l-
Protrusion of in cisor>' In Co Se th e ir'ldsorS .ne>ulci
i, hed .
be protruded, linguolourioo" of tM teeth is Iooded
Approxirt1<lte trimmi"\l can be done on
the pia,ter ca,t. Howeve., fino l trimmi ",. shou ld with """fli C ond a PO"" Iobie l bow is given
thot i. kept awo y teeth to nt pe ' iorol
be done gt the cho ir , ide.
,oI! tiss ue. co nto<:lin-g the teeth (fig 8.e). This
T,lmmlllg of pct/vato, o",," ic loading of thn Ii"\luo l ",naco ca n be '"
Trimming of a ct ivato r for vorti eo l cont.o l
o. E~tire lin gue l . urla ce is l09ded . Since the
Selective trimming of the octivotor can be dO<1e
orea of co nlact i. mo re the lorce fm
to intru de or ""'trude the teeth.
prociirlati O<1 i, olso low.
fn/wSion of tee th Intru . ion of th e in cisor,
b. Onfy the incisol portion of the lingua l su(-
Ore ""h iev"," by lcoding th e ioci",1 edge of the",
lace is Ioad.d . As acr;iic contoct i, ","oil
teeTh with oct'l lic. Irl Cos. Iobiol bow. are u",d,
greoter deg ree of force is genemted to tip
they ohauid be pkxed below the aroo of g,,,,,,
thc inci",,, lobio ll y.
cenvoxiTy i. e. inciso lll, to oid in the intru""on (fi g
Retrusion of incisor1 : The ocry! ic is trimm .d oway
8 .01
from the li n-gcoo l ,urlrxc and on active lo biol bow
A B c

o E F

fis 8 r..."'""l 01 o<I!\<otot 1"1 foo-I..- ............
II foo-I_II")<I_ (f) foo- ,_ _ _ lGl
01 .... """". ,.... Tho _
(II foo- """'"

do> 00 "'" I0I>;01 ..-boo 01 "'"

(Q , '" ....... """""'" (OJ foo- moh. _ _
foo- "......... .....,...:.,.. 01 h G<d'< iJ'II f ", " ' . . - "".""',,".
kb;ol _
f" 9 In Cia " II mo l occ l"~ an, th o
m,,, j"'v mo:o~ oro o ~ od to ""'"
di"oI l, whO, tho mand i" ,k>, mok",
Q 'O a l lo~'e d to moo me. iall , b,
Ioad i, . "'" mo,HIo" m".o.Hn ij",, 1
.... ""'" 0 .. .. """"'",10 , o :"o. i "') "ol

'" '' '.

dista lly whi le the mandibula r mola" are allowed
to move "",";olfy by loading the maxillary me,;o.
lingual .utfa ce a nd mandibu lar -li ng uo l
wrfoce ,(fig 9)

Movem e nt 01 te eth in tro nsve rse plone

It is p" .. ible to trim th & oct;yotor to stimul ote ex-
po nsion of the buccel ""gment. Tn ;. i. done by
allowing the contact of the oc ryk on the lingual
c surioce. of th e teeth to be moved ,mn, versefr' (fig
js used to l;.-i"9 about retrusion of the irx iso " 8.g ). But better expan,ion i. poO>ible by plooing
{fig 8 .~ . a lock $CreW in the activotoc.
Movement of f>O>terior teeth in sag itto l "one :
Tr.e teeth in tke bucca l ,eQment con boo moved
Mod/f/catlona of actlv9tor lly and di<to ll y to he lp in treatir>g ck", II Ove r the years a number of modification. of tho
and 00" III mal occ lusi on . In 00",1 1ma locclu- d aMicol activator have boon d",",'ibed.
sion, th o ma,ilia ry moJor< or" allowed to ,nove Th ~ bow activator of AM . Schwa r, Th.
f;g 10 Sow oc' YO'"'" oi A.M_ $<0""",,-

bow edivato r i. a horilO<1ta lly .plit activotor hov_ ante ri or area leav ing c 'smo ll flang e of oc~ i c on
ing a mo, ill ory portion or>d a mond iboJlor por_ the po lotol.lopes _The two ha"'e, may be coo-
tion oonneded tog ethe r by on elostic bow Ifig 10)_ nected by on Omeg<l shoped polotol wire . imil or
This kind of modifiootioo a lb.. step wi.., >tJ\l ittal to bionotor.
odvor><:"rnent of the mond ible by ad justment of
The pfopulsar , This i. on activator modifica _
the bow. In addition this delign oll om mrklin
tion conceived by Muhlema nn a nd ",r,,,,,d by
emou n' of tro n$ve " e mobHity 01 the "",nd ible_
Holt_Thi. opp liof"lCe can be said to be a hybrid
The w.deper>dent mtW'lr>ry OM !he "",n-
appl iance thot combin e. the ~tlJl"e. ci both the
dibulor portions con hove a ",,,,w incorpo rated
monobloc oed ,he o rol screen, Tn., propu llor i.
10 oll ow arch o,,,,,n. io n.
devoid of a ny wi", components a nd con' ist~ 01
acryl ic thot covers the mo.illory bucoo l portion
Wundere r, modjlicotion . Th i. i. an act iva_
like on "", I " ",e n_ Thi, acryl ic portion ",,!e r>ds
tor mod iliootion that i, mo.tly \J.ed in treatmont
inta II-.. inter-o::dusa l oreo oed oliO oS 0 lin 9ual
oICkm III mob:c lu sion , Th il type 01ad;"'ator i.
flange that he lp. po, ition the mar>dible lorward,
chorocterizod by mo' illorycr>d mond iboJlorpor_
ISons conn eded by on onterior $C"'W. Byopening Cutout Of palo te Iree octiyofor Th i, i. 0
"" screw th e maxillory portior1 is moved onte ri _ modifi cation propo.ed byMct,elderto comb iM
orfy, with a ret:iproce l bod:""rd thrvst on the tn., advo ntage. of bionator and tn., Ar>d""en'.
mond iboJ lo r "" rtioo II ig 1 1) ""tiYator, Th e mandibular portion of the app li-
ance "" e mbl. s on adiYotor wh il e the mo,l ll ory
The red~ced oerivotor or cybemalo r of
portion h01 acryl ic cove rin g on ly the po lo"' l 01_
Sdtmufh , Th is modification 01 the activotor i$
peel 01 the bucca l teeth and 0 lmo ll port of the
pro posed by Prafe""r G ,P.F. Schm<JIh _Th i. op -
adjoining ging iYo . The polot<> thus remoin. lre-e
plionce ",... mble, a bioMtor wit), tM ac~ic por_
of acryl ic lhereby moking tn., oppliCII"ICe mo", con-
lion 01 the octivotor redvced from the maxill ary
fig 12 Ile ond pool _..,.'" ~ 01 G oa'ioo' _toO ..... - . . . . !AI '" _ , photog"""", (II ~pho
c/ -""""" ;., ... """"" iQ "", _ "",*,"rnpN.
wo n;"nl fo.r polienl, to wem Ih " app licoce for
k>nger hovr>. Due to the Wea1er orn ou"t 01 ,." "".
ing time , ' uCCe'" , hou ld be greater with th e po l_
ot" free oc!ivotor. At::oord;,-.g to Dr Kk:t..... MetuM~r
tf,C a ppliance is excellent in mond ibulor po~ti on .
ing in TMJ dvsfunction w,e.,
Th e 'Korwetzky modifi ca liDn Th i, con, i, t.
01 r'n<lxi lloO)' oM mandi bula r plo,,", ~r>ed by 0
U bow in the tl'jj;"n of the li" t permn rmnt molc r.
The mo;.:illor,- ond mondi bJ lor pI.ote. not onf,CQ"IO!r
the ling ua l Ii""." and li ng",,1os ped 01 t"",th, it
0 1", extend, over the 0<;01"", 1ospoct of 0 11 t"" th,
Th i, Iypil of octivotor a llow, <le pwi'"
oovo<l(ement 01 th e mon di!>l. by ad i".tment of
the U loop
The U loop ho. " la rger OM 0 .horte r
orm . Base<! on thei, p klc~"' . nt poffern "" can
""V~ three type' of Korwetzky a otMJtors
Fype I ,T~i. i. u,ed in th e t'ootm ent 01 Closs II,
divl,ion I, In thi ' ",od ificoti on , th e Io rg er lo"" r
leg i, placed posteriorly, Th ", WhM the two orm.
of the U bow m" sqvee,od the low<l r pklte """""
",g itolly fOlWafds, (fog I 3,0)
Type II . Thi s i, u,.d for the treatment of CIo"
III "",!occlusion, In thi , applionce the lo rge , ~,
leg;, pice"" ont<'ri>rf,. Thv. when the U bow i.
"1 u"""", the r'n<lMibJlor pIole moves di,to lly (fig
1Ype II! ; They ar~ u""" in bri ng in g ooo ut o,ym -
metrk odvancemMk of th" r'n<l ndi bi . The U bow
is offcx;h"" a nterior+,- on one , ide OM posterio rly
on the ot~~r ,id e to a ll ow a ' lm melri, sogito l
movement of the mandibl0. (fi g 13" & dl
Th ~ octiv<Jtor a llows mobilil'j of lhe me n
dib!<. ond therebre "",1:e.1he """""tor more wm-
fortoble to weor, The ape li n""" olkl"" grodva l
and , eq""ntia l lorward pos ition1 ng 01 tho lC>W<l r
,W f,. 1.3 Ko.w.~h- mod l ~"'"", W for Cia.. ! "",Iocci.o "
(1\1... d o" II ""ok>cc!,,",,, lei & (01 fo.. o ,""""~ "'11;'\01
He rren 's modificatio n of Ihe adivotD" ," 0,",","'
He""n mod ifi ed the acti vator in Iwo waY' ' aga inst which tf,., craniofaaol muscles fund""'-
1. By o,""""'ti r>g the ventra l po.iti o n of The from ework of the appliance provlde< ....
the ma ndi bl e in the con,truction wa, bite, ottificiol baklndng of the environm ent thefCbto
2. By 'r'lOtir>g lhe appliance fi rm ly agoin. t th e prcmo!ing more oorrno l potlem 01 muscle <><:I ......
mo<i ll o')' de nta l mch by mean< of d o'P' (ar. Secoc.dfy, the oppiionce ",mo...,,, tM muscle fortl5
rowheod. t'iorog ulm or Ja ck'on',) in the lab", 1ond boccal area< thot restrd <kelelcl
Th e construction bite is ta ken in a , trorog g rowth th pro.Kl ing on " n"ironme nt whido
mandibu lar p'otr~. i on . Herren reco mm end, enable, skeletal growth .
maxim um forward pos itio ni .-.g 01 the mandiblo
,eachir>g rometi mo. the fea ,,;ble mo< imum . Th i< The Frankel philosophy
advooced po. ition of tl", mand ib le cau"", the
rctroc!or muscle. to t')'to bri ng the ma nd ible lxxk Fro rlkel 00s hosed ,., appl",nce 00 the f" lo"';"II
to a(igioo l po' ition , Th i. cau se, 0 backwa rdly prindple. :
di rected lofce on the upper teeth and a mesia l
Ve,tib ula r o,eno of operation Accord ing
directed fmce on the lowe, teeth, Accon:li ng to
to f ranke l. the de~tition i. infl venced by petiord
HerrM, with evo')' 1 mm inoM"" 01,rd posi.
musc le fUr\ctian . Abno rt1\of periora l mu,de
tion of the ma ndib~, the sog irto l force on the
f~",tion ""'lte. a barTle r for th e optimol growth
jaw> will i", rea by 1 00 gm. The oma unt af for
of the de ntaol.eolar campi"",,, Thu, the Fro nl<el
word I"'<it""ing of the mand ible i, 3 4 mm boo
appli ance i, de'ig ned to fdd a way the mvsde>
yond the ,,",utral ocdvskJ n i.e . in ca,e 01 C\o" II
(b ucca l and l abio~ from tf,., dentition, so thet the
molm reloti o n th e mond ible i, broug ht iO<W<l rd
dontool"cl"", ,tru ctu re, are free to dt,.,,!op . In
to CI"" I moklr plu< on odd itiC<\o I 34 mm for odditi"", tM Fra nke l "Pp l",rx;e acts as an e,e(c;'"
word, A vertica l af>"nir.g 01 2 4 mm i, recom
device or on orol gy""'csti<; oovico thet oid, in
co rr ..clion of the obno rmol perio,o l
Trionguklr Q( Joc kson', ckl .p, arc !.>Sod
fu nction,
to fi rmly ""ot the opp li on,-" to tf,., maxilla')' den
ti tion, Expon' io n Ic rews can be u.e d for SOQ itla ! co rrect jon vja too th bame
e<pon.ion .Mob ility of tM mand ible i, re! ri ded mo<illary an choroge : The F"",~" I O!>p lian""
by exiending the li ngual fklnge pf th e a elNa!o' 0> ;1 anchored firm ly in the mo.illa')' arch by mean.
fo' a. poosib le toward. th.lIoor 01 th " rMuth, 01 groove, in the mo kl r and can ine reg ioos. The
mand ible is po. itia ned an!er"iorfy by mea", of an
FUNCTION REGULATOR ~ i c pod thet contaCl$ the a"'..01", bone beh ind
the Iowo r anterior segme nt. Th ~ lower l;"goo l pod
TM fur>dion Correcto r or Fu nction RogukltQ( i. oel. mor" 0' 0 prop'Kx;eptive tTigg erior po.rura l
, a myofr..ox:liorol appl",rx;e d"""lo ped by Profe,sor ma inlena nce of the mo .-.d ible,
Rolf Fra nkel of Ge rmany. This opplio~co i, 01.0
Diller" ntiof ew~ljon guidance Th o Fronk,,1
ca lled Fronk"! appl iance, ve" ihula r appli a nce
opp lia "'e i. free of the mo.-.d ibul or teeth. Thi.
and Q(a l gymnastic app iance,
a roOW'l selecti"" ~rup'on d the lowe r poster"" teelh
The Fr<ln'e l oppl", nce he, two main
whkh a id, in co rreaion of the discrepo~cy in the
treatment effect" fi"t it ,erve> as a template
ve rtka l dimeno io n a nd 0 1$0 he lp. i ~ .agittol
<';(:O'redicn 01 Clo.. II "",Iocdusion by ollowing Thu. the pot.Irion 01 thor mond,ble is changed in
upwG,d ond lo ....",d m"""menl 01 onl, the d"" cou'U of lime by grod""lfy .,.,in'''II the
mandibvklr l&o!h, prolrodor/relrocror m~,de. or><! by tondvlo,
Minima l maxillary bo,,,1 e ffecl " I, he. bee n
oooplOli on. \I\'herIe.e, I"" mo ndi bl e i. bfoughl
no!od Ihe! In mOlT (i.,,," II "", Ioccl usio nl, Ih~ bock, tho li nguol ""d. oppJv p"'.. ure on tr.e
"",xillo')' posi~"" is d"", 10 nonncl ...+.ile Ine lingoo l o'-eokl r proce$I . Thi1,mmediot~v~
moodible II.-uded_The Frankel oPIIlionce ho> the PfOt<octor mVKIe. to pos~ion the mond ible
...1atWe1r t;nle retrusie sogiml eRed on .... moJitkl meoicrllv
.. c:on',.,11 10 the morkf>d prot,,,,... chonll'" in Mu,cI. "mc"on odoptoIJon , Th" Fronk,}
monctoble, oppJionce helOJ In ","ercomi~g the obnonnol
periorol mUloCle oc:ri .. itv orod 'ehobil~oles Ihe
Perio!)"oi p~1I by bucco l 'hielcls and lip
pod. , The bu ccol , hie ld. ond lip peds are mu se l", thot ore cousing th e problem, The lip
e.!endod 10 bring obou! ou!word periolloo l pu ll. pod, or><! "" .. d. co u." oo rio' leo l mU lde pu ll
Th il oids In bone Io<-motiO<1 ot ~ apico l bose, leod i"ll to oone fo,motion . TI .. pod . and . hie ld .
mo!S([ge the toIt ~nue-s orxl imp''''''' blood
Made a f Ict/on a f Frllnhl Ippllinee ci-t;vlation. The,.."Ids I""""" up the right muw:leo
and imo ........ muscle tone. The 'ip pods pteYetlt
The following are the effects of the F"'n~el
hyperacti"'" 01 th" m"",.,li. muloCies, ,Iimln"'e
opplionce on the dento-ol..dor srrut!Ures.
lip lrop a...d help in e.lebli"'ing proper lip MOl.
Increon In "on,ver,e and .ogmo! Inl,O_ Fronkel hO$ re.:;ommertded C.rIOin orol
oroi spo'Ce' The buccol .nieldl ond li p ped. ex""" i"" called ora l gymnm'ie. Some of the
ploV en impo rtant ro le in e limino li ng the e". rd .... ".,o",m. rxl ed are:
abnonnc l torc~ <>eting 0<1 th e dento-oiveo lc, 0, To k""" th . li ~ d",od 01011 times This ca n
;/Ndvres from !I.e poriol"01 "'Ilion ond 01 .... some be oided by o,king the potient to keep
ime "-u,baesarnng from within .... oraIlXI-ity pOer;" 01 paper between the 'ip"_
poe. IO..gUO) , In oddiliorr, the buccol,hrelds ond b_ Swallowing. speoIci..g etc., bern"", rrootecrr

lip pod$ ",,,,.1 co"''''''' o","""rd pull on the Ie.. on ... .....,oM wNn the oppJia nte ia used.
1XI........:hYe iii"'" and muodeo....!-;ch is lron"nillO<!
Ie the unclertying borte by me<>n. ol libf... "-'to<! Typu of fu"etl on.I rellulato "
into the peri03lium 01the bone. Thi l l;,l"" pull FR I ,Thev er" usod I<> r lreatm enl of CIoIS I
0<1 .... poriostium co use< bo,..., formoti"" and 01", acd CIo IS II , di.;'ion ' melocdu.;."n, Th e FRI i.
oid$ in 10ieroi mO.....,., e<11 01 th e d.nlo..., l.-eokl r divid ed inte the IcOlowirog th"", type. :
""'II, FR io _used fo, Ckl.. 1maloa:lusion Io'*"!here
Incr8018 In vemc" ! 'poc,, : No InCRlOJe i. minor to rncx:Ierote-oc-:ti"ll_ It i1also used lor
in vertical inlfo-orol 'poce i. poo.sible 0' the 00... Ideep bite co .....
frankel OPIIlioru is kept hee f,om the poIleno, FlI:lb - us.ed 10, Cklss II. If.....ion 1 malocdusio<\
teeth, The poste'fior teeth me lree 10 e rupl. ......... OV<t'iel do.. IlOl """eM 5 mm,
FR 1c _ uoed 10' Clou II, divi,;."n I molocclv:llr:>n
Man dibu lar prolmclion Th e lin guo l pod
in which Ih e """ ri et il more Ih on 7 mm .
gu icles tile mond ible 10 a mo r" mesio l pclilio<\ ,
fR2. tt..,- 0'" ...sed for "",,'1r*Il 01 Cia.. II. in the mOlOllcryvestibula' "'Ilion.
d;.,;...,., 1 ond di";>ion 2 .
8ucco1 ohields : The buccal shield. 0"
f RJ , t hoy e re used lor tr""''''''~! ef Clo .. III
FR4 , Th.t!y e,," ulod for tn)Otmont 01 0j)6<l bil<l
and bi""""lIimy prol,u5ion.
to ll ed
"'" mod ,hoe to e>cte-nd a.
"1Wibvlar mield ~:!'~~~~~
l i
a. pO$l ibie within ,he confine. 01
FHS lhey Or" iU "Clionol '09 ,,10'0," thot crnd ti ...... e~ ocnmenl. Th ....
incOfport>le hood 9""r. Tn"Yo'" indk:O!ed in long from the dc!",itiot\ ond 00501 olveo\", 100...
foce pcIicI\.. hovi"ll 0 high mandibula r plone hoIps ,n un~ted deow""""""",r de.III0p0,....
angle and WOIfj>1 ma.;lIa'1 e>ce... In odd,rion they obo couse periO$t(l(l1 ~
, .... FR2 oIFronb!l .. 1he "..,.tcommonly depotitiatl.
UHd ~pI"nce ond """,Id tht/(I!are be dil<:uued
ind.'e il . 1'o,,"lof!>ow, Tho polol<ll bow has ilS _.~.,'
focing di>!oIly. The palo.,1bow ohoo ld JloneI " -
F~nctl(ln . 1 'ftg~I"to, 2 of F,ank" 01th o po lota l ti" ue. Th e latera l ""t. n ~on 01.
They oro UHd lor trootm en! of Cia.. II, dr.i>.>on \
bow 0"0156$ the ocdlJ$(l l.unoce in The omt.ras..
(lnd dr.-Won 2 molocclw.ion . mesicl to the f"~1 permone nt maio, and ......
tho OO""jIic bllCCol.hield. 1"" rocv....n oneil ti
11. fR 2 U>nIis"ol ocryli' oro:! wile rompo_
(~g 14). TN> acrylic components include '
the polotal bo..'''''''i ...... o. ocdusol ..... on ...
a.;<;lusol wrioce 01 the hm permanent rnaIc:n
a. Buccal shields
b. Lppod$
"""._ the mosia-b<K.Ol1ond d1>labuccal a-.
Th e~ <xd~aal '$>1. p,,,,,,,,t th .. opplicrw::, f"""
c Lowcdillguol pod
be in Q t.! i. lodged .up. ri arly a nd 0 110 pr.". ..
Tho wire {ompo nent. i""lude : "'P roeruphon 01 ,he fi ... t perollonent mala ....
0 f\Jloloi bo.. Conin, loop. : Th e conine loop. ac! a.
b. Lohiol bow e.<I .... ~ 01 the vestibulo, sh;dd, ond 0" k"fII
2-3 mm _ , from the buccol .urloct 01 "-
<. Coni"" --.ion, con;"'. Theyo,,"aisocolledcon,neguords n..,
d. Upp." lingool ....., help in ,lf mlnO'ion of the ",wk!l... muw.
Iu-.dion I\.o-oOyho~"'g in !ron'_... deYoI~
ling",,1 ~,wire
in the conine ' <>glen
f. 5 up po ~ wi", for li p pod.
labial bow , The upope< labia l bow crig il\Ote.
t.ow. r linguoll pringl from Ir.. _ ti bvlor . hi elds. T.... wi" ,un, In tfle
T.... k;w.-", lip pods o'e olso colt..d middle 3td 01 .ho lobial.u";"c. of the mo>.ilbry
Pallo',. The lip pod, help in elimlroo~an of inO$Ol'1. h 11.1l'1"li gingi.,,11y at nghl angles ollho
abnormal perioral mlJldo, oc:h.rrty I.e. hyperactive d..",1 margin 01 the lotero! inci$Ol'1. n. labial
n_toIio mu.d.. octjyity. ~ h,lp" In ellm'rool'ng bow .h""ld be ben' in on ideal contou, and noI
Iow.-lip Imp whidl wU$O$ Of occ.nIUGIeS the in the contour 01 m:>lpo<itioned -'>. This bow 1$
p!ooino''''' of ~p"r inciooro. tn odd".",. the I;p po ....... in noture. In case olfR III m..lobicl bow
pods oa u... peria>!oo l pu ll ..r.ich res ults in bo"" i, adapted on th e lobial w rfOC& of ,I>e Iowo'
growth . In Co", 01 FR III, rrn. lip pods o'~ place d onlefiorl.
fog I . Com_~ 01 r",,*~ " ""<nco , W l<IbIol~, 1111 C...... """', P U_ ~I ";'t, (Oll..... uol uos_
.... ill s...- .....
I<J< Ip,.,.Jo,.'" Il0.<<<01 o!-er.lo. 101 ('_1"'>':1>. (Hl """,.,1_, \!lib- ~ ....... ..... , ~ l.<Joo<o 1"Q'o.OOI

lingllO! Jlobl/izing bow ; Th wile il olso b. To SO"een !he lOngue """",re from "'-"
m/lltd upper l;"guol wire 01 po'oIn.ot'on bow, ~ indoors.
originotn 1'0m Ihe _lib"l", .......w. ond pou.eo c. To p'celi"" rho lower incioors octM!~ Thil il
be_lt>~ u;>pe!" c" ninc. and lirst dodd ........ dooe wl>en thll"j Ore ,e!rocii..,o,
molars ond curve. along 1M li nguolau rioce 01 The 'P"i"ll' "'" embodied in tl>e liI"Igooi
!he uppo. Incl sora a t the ':"ve l 01 the clngu l ~m . ~d
This w;." preventslhe ~ng~ ~w'ng 01 !I.e indso<s Lnll""l CIQ$~ wire , Thio to mede of 1,25
dJring tI"eotmenl, """ <lainl_ I!eeI wire. k follows tho contour 01 IInguol springs; The ... wire compo- the lingual mucoso 3.4 mm below the IIngool
_ _ ogoin" the lingu(ll.urloce oIthe lower g ingival mOlgin of the lower indoors. It il plated
onteriors. The moin uses oIlho! linguol lporitIg. 1-2 nm"""'1 from the ......:om. Thit wire OO$MS
ore 00 follows : the ocdo.soI s...bee belweenlhe ded<1oous rnolors
Q. To preven! supra e ruption 01 tfle lowe r ond """ embodded i~ !n.. buccal , hicido,
indSOfl, Labjal suppo.1 wl're. Thi. i, mod& 01 0,9
mm wire. They oIiet ,upp<::<1lor m, lip pod . Thi' FRlc : lI'a Hl c is u d in Cia.. II, d ... I
wire Ihoufd be oil"",,! 7 mm below !he gin9",,1 moIoccIuooon where the '"""'i01 in..-.;ore mon 7ftm..
m...... in: 1he ("",!'ol .,.i'a .. i"'lt!olted 'V" ,fleped 10 In FRI, 1he t.u",,1 ' hield, 0"" .pii! hcri,oruat,
occommodo!o !he Iow. r Iob",1f,,",,um. Another end v.r'~o l ly into "2 part . Th . antero- in ferio<
";re amerges from the lip pod ond ~tJ "",bedded port",n conto i", the wira. for !he lin gLJQ I ccrPc-
in the buccol .h i ~d>. p"d c!'d lip pad . Thi. permits .he 1000000ard
~ oIthe ...-ior->eOion of ","cpplou.
F~ ,,, "o,,.' ,.,,,,.ro, 1 of F, . ,,~.I
The spoce cr.a!l .. hUed .,jm ",K OM ~
The FR 1 01 frankel fIe,3 moclincoliOrll. Thus Hie i. u.ed wh&n muhiple .Ioge
o . FRlo advancement il needed.
b. FRI b \
c. fR I c F~n ctIOIl" " i~" !o, J of F,."Ie"
FRI c." fR l a i, used in Cion I mo loc:cl u. ion. Th e FR 3. lf ig 16) i , ind icated in ( laniU
", im mild te> mooernt. ~ing. It i. o lse> used molocch,sion. ct.a roderized by mQJci lla ry ~.Ied
fa< (I'm I deep bite <008$. All 01j)eCl1 of fR I relrulion and nct mc"dibulaf p,ogfl()lI1i'~' n..
O. . limilor ta fR "2 CI<O:pt!hat a 1ac4<s !he lingual
cppliance thould be used during deciduouo,.
sh;..ld,ling",,1 spings,,,,,,,,,,,1 COQSWYer wire, and mi.d and eorly P8rrnoreffl den1irion.
!he upper Iong",,1 bcNtRen in FR 2. n.appl;.".ce fR 3 hOI two upptlt" lip pods. 1he lip
pocI. o,.largerond more~ rhon!he lower
COn,;"1 01 ooyIic "",rI. ond wire COtllpor"lenl>.
Tho ocryl;,: pe rt. indud.: poa. QI FR 2. 1he "",do epP'K" ~n:I,op """peel
0 ."2 ve.tibular .~ields in sog i~Q I MCIiOO. Tr..,. should I", in tho! depth 0/
b. 2 li p pad . !h !i bylor ,y leu . pore ll . 1to th e olvea luJ. Tho
Tho ",ile com,"""onts include: purpose af 111. li p pod . 0,,"'
o. !'ulotal bow I. loell!Tlinole me resM<:Ii..., P"'""'" of Ihe upper
b. lobiol bow lip on the underde...,1cfIed mo . illo
c. lobiol >uppor! wire 2. TO ....11 len$iQn on ....., tissue. Qnd II'rio,""""
d. Ungual Bow nnochmtfl1l in "'" deph 0/....., "..".;by sulcus
e. Coni"" loops 10 .timulole bone growth.
W k.... fR"2 a nd 1 b, "" ir>gual ocrylic 3. Toh'll"sm~!he "PP8' lipbu 10"'" mQndib"
p"d i. absent . A ling ual bow i. p"''''nt tnat helps th'aug h tho!lOW<! r lobial e,u, I.,.. a ,ot, ",;",
, !in\~ I U I. Sc m. of th o fore .. or. el .a
in fcrwo<d positi on ing of the mand ible .
The fR I haJ 0 <onine loop 1I10t po ...., transmitted ';a 111 &~e<libular shield,.
'hrough 'he emb'Olure meliol '0 'he fi", Tho buccol ,hiek!. ""nd owoy ffom lI1e
docduo..s molar. This helps to ~ !he_piing mo<iUooy ~ric, dentoalwoalor IkUClufes by
obolll 3mm. The buccol shields Cle In COn1OCf
FR 1 b : The FR I b;. used 10 .,"'" Cia.. II, di .. I wiIh Ihe mondibula, ap;col 00:... lftey _ to
mQlocdu:s",n .. he,a Ih. ~! dou no1 "",ceed ,Iiminore!he bu"ifl()l0< mUKI.1o<ce Qnd alse>
5""". ~ d,flm from FR l oin tI-ot it "",111-\.. ling",, 1 ccu'" a perios_1 p" llleoding la bone grawlh.
ocryl~ ~ . Among 1he wi re co mpo ". nt, the
labial lUppOrt wires COI'noct!he li p ~I
lower lin gua l 'pO.,..'
are added. tog.thor cnd 10 th o b...:co l l h~ds . The Icb;.o l bow
f l ~ l~ ~ ,. ond po".
,,.. ............."'''''''',h. 01 0
po"'"' ",,'h mQno ;b,lo,
~"" ;., .., _led ,"jo, fR
II opp<:",," 'll p. .,,,,,,,,,...
i>O"'''I1'''''' I~: &
,,..,_J iC) ",,,.

i, placed in the 10- ofCh I'rom.Jsion bow is bite bb;ko ""'t
p<event rrdoreruplion due to .....
- ' behind the upptfindoofs 10 sIi~ Iorwotd ocIiorr 01 "-'1Or.......des of mandible, Heod (IeOf
mew .. nent of I+>e$e teeth, Th .. palaTal bow lie. "'oos are in<:orp::l<oted rhol om ust:d for extroo rol
sJightfy ~ from n,. moxooo lo p"'ent O1iIoTion . t,oClIO<,.
It croo .., ri,. PO""" beMld the ." TerupIIXI mokl,
Con'trucf/on bIte
F"nctlon.1 ,.,,,'uo, 4 of F,ankel For rnir>O< oogftto l porablem., the conslr ...ction bile
The FR 4 ;. used fo, co,rec!""" 01 ope" bit ... ,,00 i. I(lk.., In on 0<1118 10 edge ind",1 relali"rW>ip
10 0 \os$el exlem blrnc>J<lllory proIrusion. II> u'" i. mokio'll """ there;' naol:Nious slmin of the foclol
"'rnosI e>o:IuliYely ~ 10 tho nUed donTiTior>. ...usclo. Fmnal hos r""<>rOmend...:! Ihot I....
The FR 4 ho ..... 10m. VGTibulo, coodiguroTion eonWVClion bile should not """'" the mandiblo
o. FR 1 ond 2. k locks conine loop> ood ~/vrtheo''''''n 2.51<>3 rTrn. He....:orm>ends
pro1tu$Ion bowl. k consi. 01 4 oedu ........1> on 0 ...... verlicol opening that is only I~ enough
the r"toCIIIilloryint moIc:nond Intdeddo"" .. moIon to petlI"oit tho Q'OSS()e("';"" to PO" lh<O<lllh the
10 pre"""t tippo'rog of me appiio!lCe. The palotol 1"""-occlulOl Orll<), In proc~ce!here musl be at
bow 1,l ik,l" FR J placed di>lallo los! molar. Ieost2,5 mm to 3.5 mmcleorance in thobval
.. gments 10 a ll ow the cro.sovor wi,... ',0 pm.
Functional ,.,, 5 of F,anlcel Th mugh,
They ore fvndiono l reg ul ator. that ir><;orporoTe FoIfR 3 th . bite regi.tralion i. Ioke"
nood gOOf, n",y are iOOicoted in patients ";Ih "';Ih f", pallenl . rrcrdible in lhe tr'IOOl ccmforloble
long frxe syndrome ho.inll 0 high moOOibulor rerrvded posffion. In gener,,1 the _icoI opening
piono anglo ond ""rlieol mlll<illory e.cess. i. lop! 10 0 minimum 10 ollow t'J> dooure .... ~h
' .... opplionc. eonoilllsol ~oayIic minimol Wain.
Sep .." t/o n end tln, ,rollv" the a pplionc:~ in Ihe "".tibul .
BeIore "", king !I-.e impressions. st-poo ob1 (he<:r.)o SIONATOR
.lasri<:: ... poootors) or.. placed in "'"' moxillory
con .... -lifS1 deOduous molan,n'lbto:lu<e OM in The biof"(lt", woo de.. 01, F>B<l by Bollen du~ng the
!he cledd oovi 2nd """ or.Ii,,,! pe rmonenTmc lor eorly 1950',. It 00d rno..oc.h in common with 1f>G
...,btowre.lI'Ot ~re ilcorrled QuIto proy;o. odi.alor. Ito ..,. .... i dille<ed from Iha CO .... ,1000 ",I
~c;irrt room In !he .,mbfOl,u",1or the MOlin; octHo1or in lhal a """,less bullyond moreelastic.
01 me cro'Js<M<"";res, Hthe sepoomoo does "'" The,. "re II""" type. of 0;",,,,10< ,
CI'!<lte enoug~ . poco iT il """.".w ry 10 . li ce the 0. $lcOOcrd opplian:e
dis",1 <""lOCI 01 the upper ",",ond deciduous b. 00", III oppliona
molar as ~I 0:1 ..... docidUOU'l canine 000 h... c. The "l*'bileoppl;on.:.,
decidoou:s ~"',
S t llml"d ' .1'.1' 1/,,,,
w , t im.
This is used for the _ent cl Om II. diYi<ion
1" lew -'<1. 2~ hourtldoy (day ~""') 1 and <Jon I moIo<:dusicln. h::Mr>g Mf\'"OW den,."
Aft" r 3 """' : 46 hov<lIOoy (dOT' ~mel ord"", The , tand ord opp liance consist. 0/ "
AIr., 3rd vllil (2 monlhl) : Full time wear. rei","",,, oIencier ooyljc body lined 10 1h,liroguol
The pnIi"'" is ...ked to perlann oml ""peds 01"'" mClfodibulo, 0"", and port 01 the
gormnoslicsl.". talking, reociing, !i<;lhtt., II""'!>'" moxilto ,,! oren Ifig 17). The oc~ic e.<!..,ds vptO

th e di . tol 01 th e fir>t permon ent mola rS . The mand ibular coni "" where it i, bent to reoch tho
maxillory plate Go'ers on ly the molo r> ond the up per conine. _ It form. 0 mirror image "" tn.,
premolor> wilh th e enterio r regio n in ing oppo. ite . ide . The ve. li bvlo r wi", i. kept owoy
uClCo>e red , The oerylic exten d, 2 mOl boe low the fmm th e surface of in cisorS by the l hickn~" 01 0
ging ivo l morgin . The intemedu",1 "P" CO cJ 5OrT'Ie <h oet 01 pop"r. Th~ Iotoro l portion. of tt... wire ore
of th o bv,c~f teeth i, fil led with ocryii, e,t""d in Q . uHide-ntlv owov from the teeth to ollow expo n.jon
over helf of the occ lu ,o l , urfoce of the teeth to of the erer.
S!<lbilizo th e opplia nce .
The wire component> of th e bionator ore Class 11/ appliance
the pa lotal arch ond the vestibul ar wire , The Th is i. used in mand ibulor prognathi,m. The
polotol oreh is made cJ 1.2 mm dio rneterwi re, It ocryiic p;w1o ore similo( to the slecd<l rd oppliooco.
"m"'!les opposite tho mddle of tho first premolo" Th . pololo l o.-ch il pb::ed in the oppoo ite diroction
ood foll ow. th o cOl1tourol th e polate forming 0 $0 that tho round ed arch is ploced onteriorly. Tho

evrve tho t reoch e, th e di. tol surfoce of fi rst vesti bvlOf I'oi re ",no over tho lower incl"", ."tead
pe rmonent molo". The pololo l oreh i, kept 1 mm of torminating ot the lower canine'lfig 18.0).
oWO)' from the "",CO"" The .""tibunwire is mode
up of 0, 9 """ .roi nless oIeo l wire , It 0"""11'" from The open bl!e appliance
the ~c'i'lic below tho co nto e! p~ inl betw~M th e Thi. is u.ed in OpM bite cose., The 1'010101 oreh
upper co nine. ood promolor> . It ri ' erti co ll y ond the v<tibulor wire. ore $Ome~ . tt... , t""""rd
Md i. bent ot right on9le. to QO di ,tolly olong opp~"",o , The moxilby ocrylic portioo is rood ified
th o midd le of th e uwer p r~ molo r Cmwn, . Mesia l $0 thot ""en tho onterior oreo il covered [fiQ l 8, b).
to the moillr, Il mu nded bend i, mode $0 that th e It> purpose is to Pffl"ent tho toogue from thrusting
wire ",no at the 1.,,.1 of the lower popWa upto the between the teeth 0. the tong ue i, respom ibie in
mOSl co_ for the open bir.!.

Bllo ,0,11I'l lIon

Bi", 'lIIliWotion iI dono in the some way '" lor

the oclivolot. In moot co ... on edge 10 edge bile
.. de';'oble. If the ..... 'iet is 100 m..,u, a ,Iep..,.;.e
e<J"" ncement il "",Iorred.

Ind/cotlon. or Il/,
I. In a Clan II, di . 1 moloc:c l".ion hoving
IoIlc:><wing feoMU:
o. Well aligned den!!>1 oll;he> .
b. Retruded mondible
c. Nat very _ oI<eIetal discnoponcy
d. Lobiol ripping of upper ind2orl.
2. 00.. 1" molocdusion where _ biorotot
(CIa .. III biotlotorj COn be us..d.
fig )9 I..... block 00"'''''''.
3. Oll'lnbi ... COlt . .."". <>poln b~e bionmo,
con be Vied. pre-molat. 1'" Iovre. molars ore kepI I'ee to h~p
in their eruption il n ded . The up-per <lnd ktw ...
TWIN BlOCK APPliA NC E bile bl ockl lnte~od at (I 45" 0,,"1. ,

The twin block Tecnn iqve effod".\Y comb ine. BIt. tOIl /lt,. tlOII
incJ ined plon n"";t), int .... ""'. illo')' and . 'tmorol Th. Twin blad< ap pliance .. con,tr\.octed oft., c
!fOC~M. Theowlic~"","'",ofan y~,and bite rllllil!rotion procedure m d "OCfi bed fo'
o Iowerplote r-.:r.;ng oc:d.....,llyindined bile planes O(rivoto" The mondible i, IQg;klUy odvonced by
tha t indue. fovou-tobty di~ ocdusol forces 5.7 mm. v..n;~lly the bile i,opened by 3-5mm
by coutW1g 0 functlOrol mondbula.dispfocemenl in the pre-molar region_
(fig 19).
The upper pia ... is rejoined by modified O,fIl Op.o"lc " .etlo..
0""'" I>ood closp'. n .. ,Ialp (an incarporolfl a In to ... with...-e .leIeIol discreponcy_ "",I
tvboo lor aflochmenl aI 0 foce bow. 1he upper tro~~on il used. lhe twin
bIodc applionce uses 0
pia,," CI>" tIbo hove c joc k K row in co.., maxi lktry Cancon:le loce bow that combines the t.""",1
"rch expoOr"lSion is t"OC<u ir&d . Th. up-per oppl.,nce
con .I,t, 01 c bite block thoT (ov.r< the lingua l
tro c:tlor1 with inter"",.illory T"""ion .T""
lace !:>ow
is vn lqveol it ho, a curved Iab., 1hook , Tho face
,""PI 01 the up per poOlterio. teeth , . xt. ndi ng bow is a~cched to th e moxi lla')' mo lor, I nte~.
omerioriy ti" the mesic l r;Og. cJ the uppe< seco nd ",a.<i llcry .1a1T1~. ~a n b.. used fmm th l curv.d
pt"Imolac The bwer plale i, retained by in!eo"de<.kll labial hoo~ of the lace bow to the mondible,
ball cla,pt. The ~ bile block 10<1..-.:1, dimity Eot,,,,,,,,1 TfOCfion 01 200 g roms each sic:f. for
upkr The distol morgiflOl ridge of the ><ICond 8- I 0 hours 0 day is I> - ' bed _Irtlermmillary Iort:lII

f;y 2'0 Ho.\ooI ~ , !AI s;do._ 1111 Plo.g ...... u.. (Q lobO ..... .:.:du1aI _ (Dj "'b'w:Iobodoo <Xci. .... __

of 1SO gm. i. ""piled from Iow.r opp lian ce to thon 011;.,. Ivndi<>M 1o~"'i(mc""
!he labial hook oj , ... Concoulloce 00... b. They oIIe. Itu interference with normol
Flud '''''n IIloell. c. S;g niliconl chong .. in patient'. appeorance
The ""in block cpp lio""" mGOy 0. des ignoC lor ;."""" in 23 mo nth>.
dirwcl&.otion 10 !he IaeIh by bonc:Wog k.......,bIa:
o Herb.! ""pI;onc ",bstituq oo;d"..,1 indil'oOd HI!'ItS5T A"PUANCE
p%nH fortelescopk tubes, !o l/uide the roondible
Ho rbst ;. 0 liMId Ivndiooal opplionce Thel we.
into 0 pre!",... . p<l5ition.
d_loped by Emil H.. rbsr in Ihe etlrIy 1900',. h
,..r'II.. I ."". pla""" wo. In.troduted to the denlOl pmfe.,ion 01 II...
Inlomoti onol Dentol Congreu in Berj in in 19O5.
Tm. oppi i""". h(H ..,. good ~;ent accoplora
Thi' OppliMCI 10'0. ><>OIl Io,gotten end ~ """
d"" 10 mlfollowing....,."...,.
,.,ntroduced in 1979 by Honsl'onchen who
o. The bi~ planes offe, !I' COIe< i,.,.."jom of
P<l!3"I",,=! iIJ .......
"'_"", in onleric, end !cleml e.cursion
Indication s for use o~ Herbst appliance a'ped 01 ,h~ upper first mdor bar",!,. The .holt.
or rod , are lixed to pivot, .o ld ~red to tf>e lower
1, The He rb, t applian ce is ind icated in
correctiOr'l of Cia," II ma locdu.ian, d<Je to lirsT premolor ban d. ,
retrognothi c mand ibl e. Banded Herb,' Tne bo.~ed tiP" of H. rb. t
2. They Gan be <JSed 00 on onte<ior r.po~tion i ng app lia nce is a wire rcinforo..d o~,"," ic .pii nt that
,p int in patiMll r.aving temporO!Y'.::md ibvla r cove ... tho o<;d u,o l o nd port 01 the bucoa l and
ja int di,orders, lin goo l . urfOO~$ of a ll tee' h exc~pt the onte ri ors,
Th. IoI lowing ore the specilic indica,,,,,,, Tf>e pivots ore lix..d to the wire fromework at the
01 the He rb,t app li ance: d i ,tobvc~a l a'pect of 'h o up p" r fi rSt molars an d
Po$! ada le scen, patients: Trea tm e nt with the mo, ,,,10'P'!d of th o """" fir.ll promoiOfl . The ma\'be c:omp~ within 68 months. Thu, tu be i, fitted onto too pillot, in tf>e maxillary rn<:>iar
it i, po" i b l~ to u ,~ th e re, idua l growth loft in orM wh il e the ,holt i, fi<ed to pi,,'. in th e
th ..e pa tient. mon dib ul or premdar rcQion.
Maulh breolhers; He rb. t appl ia nce con be
u,ed in movth breotf>e r\ unli ke athe r r"",avab;" Trea tment e ffects
lur>diono loppliance,. The followin g effect, oro , een w""" the Herb,t
Un co-opero tive parent" It i. 0 li'ed appl iance opp li ance i, used lor th e treo tm ent 01 a IIC"'''
ond i, wom 24 hourS 0 cloy, Thu , it can be u,~d mobcd u' iDrl :
in uncaoperotie patients. 1, Clo .. I molar relation or over correoted
Cia .. I malarrelation,
Oescrlptlon of th e appliance
2. An inc rea,e in mand ibul a r g rowth,
Th e appi iance can bo compared to o n a rtificial 3. A oerto in amovnt of di, tol driving of the
jo int worling between the moxilla and mand ibl e. "",.;I lary molo... that he lp, in the correction
A bilateral te le>capic mechani$m keep' the of mda r relation.
mandible mechanica lly in cooti noou. anterior 4. Overjet rcd uctio<1 by in crease in mandibu lar
po,iti an. TM device oon~'t> al a !vb. into which le ngth a nd prac linati on of mand ibu lar
th e plunge' (that ,e,e mble, a rod) li t>. Thetube incio"",.
i. fi<ed to tM di, tol end 01 the moxill o!)' mo lars 5. It ho. an in hibito!)' influ,e<1ce on th e 'ag itlol
while the rod i, fixed to tho lowor lirst pr.,.."o larS ma,il lary g rowth.
(fi g 20) 6. We i ~onde, , ugg e,t, 'J bie oontour of th e
g lMoid lo,"a in d ica ti ng anter ior
Typ es of Herbat appliance tran,lormot"'" 01 the glenaOil 10 ..0.
Broodly the H~ rb, t opplionce can be cla," ilied 8, Irxrea ... in SNBongl~ ond decrea,e in SNA
into two type, : ang le.
o. Bonded Herbst
b, Bonded Herb>! Advantage..
Th e foll owing are the advantage, 01 the He,,,,1
Bande d He r/' . r . Upp ~ r ond lowe r fi rM opplkmoe '
premolars end lim molars are banded. Tho tu be, 1, As it i, 0 fi ,..d lu ndiono l appli ance that i.
are li<ed to pivot, .aldered to th e di, to buccal nat r~mov.d by the patie nt, the o.dion it
f\o 21 Pr. and po>I-,O(tmor' p/dog""i1l of 0 pelion! w," m".,.jbck" " '"",00"';;'" ...,,'ed ' ''fig
Ho,;,,, ..... "..c. (Al Pm_,,,,,,,! ,i>o>og 'cph. :Ell Ph"'''II'''.ho of """ ..,,'" in 1"-0 ""OJ;' iq Po>~t"",t ",,"t
''''''<>\Yo ph"
prodcoces is continuous , to fixed appliance, thot ore plOC<!d on the upper
2, The treotme nt du",tion is ,hort d"" to the ond low e r arc he . This Jospe r m o dul~ i,
conti nuous noture of oction, analogous to the tu be ond plung ~r of Herbst
3 Le .. patient co_ope",tion is needed os it is c a ppliance but i, more ne.x'b\e , The Jo.per jumper
fi.ed oppliance. is constructed c4 stainless steel coillhot is onoched
4 It Can be u..,d ,coccessf"11y in pal;"nts who ot both the e Cld, to .toinle.. , te,;1end co ps . Th.:
o re at lhe e nd c4 tfleir growth. module in given o n opoque poIy.Jretoone W"Iemg
5, Herbst opp l;., nce COn be vsed in potients fo r purpo<o of hygiene ond comfort. The Jos.per
who 00,,", mooJIh breall'ing oob~ due to nosol module. 0'" ovo iloble in "". en sim. "'''ling fro m
oirwayob.truction , 26mmt038 mm in length
The end cap' a re clklchod to the fi.ed
D/sa d van t atet oppliance ot the mo xi llory posl e rio r ond
1, li 'e crt)' other funcliono l opp li<n:e ~ req uires mondibu lo r anterior reg ion. The force modoJle is
, p(ltiMt cO'op<mlti o n, a, init;.,1di,.;omfort i, attochOO poste ri o rly to th e mcxillol)' o rch by 0
u. uol ly pte.ont. bol l pi" tr.:.t po,ses throog h the foce bow tube of
2 It con cou.e minor func ti onol disturbo nce, the moxill a ,,! li r:!t molo r, Ante ri orly the module i,
in the mosticolor)' 'fllem which ore lemporo ry onchored to the lower orch wire di,toi 10 lhe
on d g rodoo ll y disappoor. mondibulor mnin e by a .mo ll bayonet beCld oCld
3, Them i, on irx;reosed ri.Hor!he deveioprnont o Iexon beod.
c4 a duol bite, with d)'lfuncti on 'ympl<x'ns of Since th ~ focce module is ot!ochod to
the TMJ o. 0 poss ible con'equence , previously pieced fixed opplionces, GO '" shou ld
4, Repeated brea koge ond loo"'nirtg of the to ta ke n to hove odeqootely thick a rch wire~.
app li once occur:!, e'pecio lly in lhe Iow. r
IndIcation s for Ja.per Jumpa,
pre rrdorareo .
5 Ploqu e occumu lot ion ond "nom~ 1 They ore bo.i<;olly ind icoted in .'~letol Oa.. II
decolcificotion occur, . specia lly in the ",lint mo locclu. ion with m a .illory uee .. cnd
type of'app liance, mondib ulor deficiency,
6 Te nd . ncy for po.le rio r opon bite at the
termi notion of therapy, Mac ha nls m or act/on
The focce modu le i, .el..oed by meosunng the
JASPER JUMPER di,tonce betvreo n the mesial aspect of l he upper
loco: bow tube cnd the di.tol ooped of!he le. on
The Jo<pe r Ju mper i, a relotively '""'w typo of
bo ll d~"' 1 to ..... mondiWor c""ne, To this length,
fie<ible, li<OO, tooth ix>rn<o lund;"no l opplia nce
12 mm i. added 10 get t h ~ required length 0/ the
thot "",. introdu<ed by J.J , Jo. per in the yeo r
fo ra: modu le.
1980 . II> odions ore . imilo r to Hetbot appl iance.
Thu. when the teeth """'" into oed",",",
but Ioc" the rig idity,
the fo rce modu le being longe r tendl to cv,,",
Applianc e d es Ign th e reby producing 0 me. ic l fo rce o n the
ma ndibu la r o rch ond 0 di.tol force o n the
The applianco u",s a mod ulo r ')'Item commonly
known 0' Jospor Jum per, wh ich con be o~ oeh ed

Efr.ell of, Jumper mi. oppjion i$ b rO~ QhT obovT b.,. :

Accotding to Rankin, Pm\w ond 91ockwood rh~ 2O'JI. M,,.illo..,. .keletoi '''''''' .... ing
Josper jumper brings obour both l kelml 0<Id 20% . 8oc1cwo<d dento-ot.eolo<_mont
denIO>OIveolDl changers .... the ,Olio 01 40 :60 01_...110
The ,k.ltlal ell""" .nd....Je : 20% Fo"""rd dento_ ol. eolc,,_metIt
1) Hoi';' and di.lphcel the mo>Jllo di!!o l~. 01 ,,",cmdible
2) A ,roo ll shih of point Adi, toffy. 20% . Coro:hiartTimuloTion and
3) Clodw'$('! ro!otion of moooible. 2Ql6 Dow"''Iard aoo lO!ward 'emodellng

4) C~. """""lorward . 01 glenoid 10..0.

The den191 ch ange. of Jasper jvmper ole:
Advaltta," ot Jupa, Jumper
I) Posteri", ~pping and int'Ulion 01 upper
md~. 1) 1'rQduc;fl1 continuous Iorce<.
2) Does not ,eq ....... po1ient compjO::lIlal by-

"2) 8ock"",rd tipping olmo>.illo..,. inc""".
J) Anterior ""' ...Io!..... MdtippWJ 01 mandibular WO'f oIlimefy .....",.
, J) ..... reedmandibu lo,lreedom
," on Herbs! app l",r.::..
4) IntM io n of mooo ibu l", in ci.o ...
Jaspe r stOles tMt 000' IIcom>ction wiTh 4) 0 '01hvg itno i. "".ierto maintain .
f9 23 Pre ofld OOOM,,,,-. """, oj. par;.." ,,,,,,ood ",,,.10<,,,,, j," -. W Pro...., ..... ".~ phorograpt..
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OM ;oh .... 1,.
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... ",,,,,,,,,"," , ,.II.,.,;,., "",,,.1er ~ d,""'J .or , 1_20
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o"'<>POd'" "oo'men', Am J OrthoO 2S Paox"", <>nd """"", . ~ , ~ oH.o 01
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n ortMdontic prodice, force, em ployed o,e , ke leta l strudu re" In ord er to produ,e s'e leta l
basica ll y of two types, One i. on orthodontic chor>ges, can. ideration shook] 00 given to the
Ion;o thot rna_ teeth efficientf,- and the othe r o mo unt of bee a ppHed ond the dvrof<>n of be~_
on orthopo edic force toot offect. the deepe r
cronic.fa cio l "'ru ctures , Orthodontic /o,ce. a re Am o wnt of fo r ce
tho that are oppH..d to tr.., teeth by m<Kln, of Heavy Ior-ce. of o ver 400 gram. totolly enpre"
wire. or><! other rxtive <;QI11O"l on" of 0 rernovobl " Ihe pe riodonto l li gome nt 00 the pre"" ,,, side
",fixed oppi iooce . Th e force. ptOduced by th . .. ond co w.. h\'<llin i, otion wh ich prevent. Ioot~
app li ance. m. li ght and " mg . jrom 50 100 movem ent . Th "," heovy force. ore oor>d ucted to
g rom. _The orthopaedic forces"" the other horxi In" ,koleto l . trvctur to prod uce en ortn0f>Oedic
ore lleoV)' force. of o_er 400 grom. thot brir>g
about 0 change in the >keleta l ti "",,. "'"
Dura tion of force
BASIS FOR ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES Interm iHMt force. rong ing from 12_14 hours 0

Force. applied to If", tM!h hme the potentiol to

oov are b<! lie.ed k> bring obout min imum tooth
move""",t 001 maximum ,le1e\c1 chong~, Th us
'od ioj~outword. orod offoct the n""rby , ' . Iota l
mo.t e<tra-ora l orthopoed ic appliarlCe. ore worn
, trvdure' . For sueh , ke leto l chor>g e. to occu r,
12_14 hOUr:! 0 day. Increo... in th ~ durati o n 01
the force, employed ,hould be ove r 400 gram .
weor re.ul!> in an inc",o.e in the dcn\cl cfloo .
Thvs th e orth0 p""d iC0r>P1ion ce, utili le the teeth
H,e commonly .... eeI orthopceelk applic nce. 0 "'
o. hondle. to lro n, mit the force. to the adio'''''!
heod gwr, foce mask and chin cup.

H~cd 9ee" Cr~ th e mo.t co m""", ly u. ed extro -

oro l otthopaed<: oppklnw., They ore",..,..j duriN;l
the growth period to intercept or correLl certain
skeleta l O1 a locd ", ion. ". well a , ' o di1!o li ze . he
rnaxill o"" de ntition or maxilla itse lf , Heod (IOOrs
olso form One of the i01partMt oo jund. to contro l
or ga in ar,d,orage. They der",e aochora[1O from
tho ce rvkol or the cronkll rogio<lS
The r.ead 900r - foce OOw m .." mbl y ho.
The jun ction i. the rigid jOint of in""r
th"", me in compo"" nt.,
or>d w te r bow. It Can be .impl~ .0kJcmd , wire
1, Face OOW
wropped ,olde red or a we lded joint . ,It is placed
2, The force el ement
at th e midli ne 0; the bow" Wr..n asymmetric
3 T"" hoo d cop orc"",ico l . trop
~~; are needed, t"" jo int Con be .hilted from

Fa ce bow the midli ne.

Th e face OOW i. a metoll ie oompo<1ent thot help. The torce e lemen t
in trorum ittin g the e<lro -oro l fore'" on to the
It i, that po rt 01the ossc mbly which prmkJes the
po.t~ ri o r teeih, The foce bow con,;,;t, of outer
force to bri f19 aoout the desired effect. Thi; mO l
bow, inne r bow and the jundion (fig 1)
The outor bow ;' made of 1.5 mm , tiff
oomprise of .pring . , el o:.!b0"" other stretchable
materia ls. Tha fOfce element conn ed. the lace
ro-und wire and is co ntoured to fit arou nd the
bow ta the heo d cop or rwx k ' trop.
Ioell. The outer bow can be ' 0001, medium or
lorog. TIr.. Iraad cap or c .. rvlcal strap
Short _ Oute r bow is leMe r in len9th too n inr>er
The opplianoe Io ke. anohoroge from the ' igid
bone. af the ,L..II orfrom the bock a f the neck by
Med ium _ Outer oow length ;' equa l to in "",
meon, of 0 heod ca p or ne ck ' trap or 0
combin otion of te., two . The se l~ dian of thi.
Long . Oute r bow i, long"," thon inroe' bow.
depe nd, Upo<1 the ind ividua l potient need,.
T"" di, tol ern:! of the wte r bow i. ClINed
to form 0 hook tho l gi'e, atrachmentto the Ion:e P, lnclple. In the use of helld li!ears
n", iro"'Je( bow" mode of I ,25 mm round Heed g""" he, ,, the ob ility to rllOve the dMtition
ste inle .. ,tee l ..ire ond contou red mound the and the rnaxi llo in a ll the three plo r\ft' of space.
dental arch arn:! molars, Th. ;,-....,,- bow;, inserted The followin g Iodors mou ld be considered "," on
into the bvcOl I tube, fixed on the maxilla"" first planning the"", 01 hoo d goors
molars . Stop< a re placed on the inner bow me,.;01 C",da, 01 ,esi,tortce of the denti tion
to the mo lar tube. to ~>r.w. nt the inn er bow from The....,,,, bow of ..... 1oce bow" generolf,- alb::hed
"id in9 toa for thro-ugh the tuoo., to the mex illo')' first perrna nent. malo " through

f ig 2 RoIo' ,," '" h . 0'."'" ,oJ ,he """"

<J ...""""_ 01 t . """fo 'l' .,.oL-\4,I/ I"" 01
10."""""og ~ +0 """ .... 01 "' ... ,,_
00""" o.od II' '" ,_, e! to nolo. (8: L.;"o

0/ """" ~ _ _ tho ____ - d _ _
01 to _ _ _ .idol """!W"II (Q L...,
0110-<. po";og _ ........... ,,;
01 . . . . 0&0. ~ d"",' eft,..,. _ ' "

01 I ygomO liCO'M <ilkl'Y . utu,. (fig 4). Und<'l r

cl inical cor>d iti "". the ~entr" of r~" <!'O n ce of tr.e
den!ol o(,h 01" ... ~e .ho<.Jld be CO<1lideted.
C This is Iocoted bel ",!he """"or the p..".,...,l"",
bo.omIl lUbes"" ........ teeth. Thus Ihe~oding Fora """"nglhrough Ihe cent ... d ..... wnte
on the moI"rs lends 10 di<p/0c8 them. Adecision oflhe mOlClllo pnxIute lro",lcfion oIlhe mwJllo
shovld be mode w towhorther bodilV"'OVomenl in 0 diwl d"Klion while Ior<:es posoing obove
or lippirIQ 01 1M leeth is ''''1,,;,0<1. T~ ce n!re 01 or bekY,.,o Ihi, poin! co"'" ,oto!>o n oI th, rna. lllo.
....... tonce for " mo "" is ,,"uolf)' 01 the midrool Th e ~oint 01 O'i g in of the lo'ce , Hee d
reg ion. Force. appl ied th,ough the ce ntre of gea rs deriV(l orochO<Q ge from the =i pi~ 1 region
"""tane<! of the molOf> re", lts in the ir Oodi fr
oI !l.e cr<:r>ium Ihe CONica l '<>;l ion (bad< oIlhe
mo-.ement (~II 2J.1I the force i. applied below nedcJ. O:<:lplaf head gears p:.::/uc.. 0 superior
!he antr. of ,....!once. it cou,," 0 diSlQ1 crown ond dislaf /oft:e on the teeth ond moxillo, while
fipp;ng while ~ Kis obovethe ce~ 01 resi$IQnce c.eticol heod geors pnxIuce on inlerioronddistol
~ cau .... d,Of<)I rQOllil'Ping.
lore .. on the toeth ond mo. illo . Thus on
Cenl,.. 01 resiSlo:mce 01 maxilla: lhe cenl", oppropriOle point 01 origin (or site 01 onchotogeJ
cI "" iof<lnce 01 the "" " il k> " . " wn.oie . hould ,),ould b. seleclOd i:>::od on who! type oIlOO1h
0100 be CQ(I~de red when po, nnng lor f>eod gee ,", oM lary ~ ment WO\JId be bene/ieiol for
It ~ beleiV$d to "'; 01 ot If>" posl~ p&r1 o r a5Pl!'d o gi, "" pollenT.
f ig 3 n. I ., ~ t" ood
o",)ulo' oo 01 tho 0 ","
bow <c." offoct'" ,.,.
c1 fo", . A, S, .... C
""" ..,,'" "'")ing long""
and on ; "oti"'" of tho
0" .. bow. !OJ! 0 11 tho
""" d ...." ,.,oo...c. 0
rO(<.O f><t pO'_
...... 01
" 'O" ~ " th . nt" of
""'' ' ' '-'< of !he ""'" ......

Point of of tach men I 01 force The point of 1)pe5 of head lears

oHochm. n! rders to the flook presenton the di.tot Base<! on the site of onchor<>ge, head ge<l" con
....d of th e ooler bow to wt,;cn the force element is be olth re~ type. :
ottoched. It is possible to olte r th e direction of tf><,
I. Cervica l h""d g"""
foro, to the mo.illo 0'"'the maxillary dentition by 2. Occipikll f>eod gea rs
c lte<<->g the po"! of ottochment. This C<ln be done 3. Comb<notioo head 9"ar<
by ""rying the length of too outer bow,"" by ""eying
the angie between the inn or cnd outer bow (fig 3, Cer.ico l head gears These head gears
6, 7) . obtain oncflorog o from the nape 01 th e neck (fig
5.0). C"",icol hea d 9""" CO"<o e.xtrvo io n of the
moxillory mok", lea ding to on ;ox.-..o.., in lhe
Iow.dacial heig ht, They 01,0 mOve the maxi llary
de ntition and th ~ maxillo in a dista l diredioo,
These head geOr1 are g enera lly in di::ated in low
mandibular angle CO",,,, a. an ;"crea,e in lower
fadol ~eig~t would be benefiCial in '''''h potient"
I! i. im portant I<> con.ider lhe relation 01
the lin e of forcoto t~ . centre of re, istance of the
mmdllc and the upper denl<> l arc~ , If the li ne of
fi.g c...... 01 ",""'nc. of he ""'~., onO tho ...,'"
loo:~ PO" '" t~h Ihe ce ntre 01 re, i. Ian ce o f

Oedp;lol head gears These head gear<
denye Or'ICOOrn ~ from the bock of the hood [Iig
S_bl _ Th il type of heod gea r produce. (I di",,1
and wperiorly directed lort:. on the moxillory ",elh
and the mo, ;II",
(omb inotion head gears In th is type of
heod gea r, ""opilol and ,,,,,,>col onchoroge are
combined {Iig, 'Nhen the force. exerted by
boll, are eqoo l, (I d;.to l and ' li ght upward force
i. e, erted 00 th e maxi li ar)' dentit ion or><! the
""" ili a . By vorring If", proportion! of the I0I01
force deri.. ed from the hood cap and the ne<: k
.trop, tho "" ulto nt Ioree direction o:m be a ltered.

Uses of hea d gellf$

B Orlhopo<ldiC elleCl " Forc'" oP?li ed onto tn"

F~ 5 (.'l C.....1o:01 heod goo. (8) O<d"", 1'-d ~ rrKlxil lo can_be u.ed to re>trlc! its downward ond
IC) Com"cd,,, h.od ~, forword growth. The disto l force in such 0 co,,"
.<I>ovId be opp ' od tlv-ough 1M centre of resislonc:e
the maxill o, r>O rotati on of the max ill o occurs of the moxil lo. It MS bee n 'IJgse,ted tho! Io<-ces
However ....n en th e li ne of force p"'se. be low lhe in the ron l}<' of 350450 gms on eoch ' ide lor 0
(Mtre of ",,;<tonce of the moxillo "" om expe<:f minimum of 12 1 ~ hrs/doy ore requ ired _
(I dockwi," roration of th e """ ili o. Simil ar Orthopo.,dK; effed> from e:>ct",_om llorres are best
(l>n<iderotions apply to the dentol arch . topped in the p,e-oooiescent yeors.

fi l 6 ~n 0110<'" _0(-",10 (t"T of "',.-'''''' ~. """ """" I 0000 ow' "'. "'''.W Tho ''''' 01100;' po"" bolow '"
",'" 01 ",~.1O"><. of 0,,10 tho mo,;b 0'" rh. ",,-jt "" T" , prod"" .. 01"' ..... ""'"'''' 01 "",0 to "'0,:110 ooJ +..
' .... '''0 , ':Ili T'>e h. of I""", f<" '" """,,.~ t . " 0"" 01 "" C"" 01 .... """h a"od coo .. 100- 01 t.. don"ilon, Th.
prod..:., ,Oxfw'" m''''''' 0' """ ; .. ond ."doc;""';" ",-.. "," 0' tho <1..-.10","

Anchorage augm entatjon E, jra-o rol force\ on th e side of the long~r 001'1_ Alymmetric head
or. used to rei nfO<'<;~ anc horage wf\en tho se gears used for the obove purposo ore Gcr-.era ll l
obta ined from intra-orol """'<:c,
ore in,uliici ol'l ! c. rvice l or comb inatio n typ" .
The h""d 9"<>'" sho uld be wern for approximatcf,- MoJor rototion In ord . r to dero1Cte 0 moJor,
10 hrs/day iot thi' purpose and force 'o lu", of th . mola r hes to be oonded with the bucca l tube
300 gm';~ de a re usud l, !.Ufiicierlt. In til . m"",lI o, ploccd dis ta l I)" on d th 6n subseque nt ll
aOCMfOJe ",,,,<..KemenTj> och'""ed bot restricting ,eposf;oood. Cor,..;lion ~ ocnieved by ad just"",nt
,f" me~a l mov~n'Ie<\t of molar<, of In" inner bow , 0 thot it prod""". 0 rctotiono l
Distalim/ion of mola,. Di. tol mov o," "" ' of forco on tho moJ ar, A> soo n a. the cornxtion io
upper mola" ma, "", req uired for correction of ochkwed , the face bow ,hoold be rooo ju,tod to
molar relation or to goin 'P" ce for correction of opplya direct distol force,
crowd ing or retrodion of ante,"""" E.lra-ofo l $p<lo~ moinrenarx;e, A mml .HeO;' e metf.od
force. cen effectivefy be uI. d fer Ih;; pu rpose of mo intoinin g arch length i, by tM vse of extra -
when w<Yn f<Ya minimum of 14 h" pcrday_ 0",1force,_ Th e mesio l movome nt of molar> i,
Un il otero l distolizoti on of molorS ca n be pre,,,,,led an d tM face oow doe, not interiere
ochiev. d u-li r>g "'trn_o rol force by 'aryi r-.g too with "ruptin g toeIh, In thi, . itvation, do;\Y woo r of
length of tho ooter bow_ The Iorgerrn. i. applied
oppro,imately 8 hrs i ulfiden' ,

F'IIl ~ ......... _ . , <40'100' 01 ....... _ ..... ~

"-"<1_".,... ' -.W 1~. ' .... 01 ","" po .... bo _ +.
o! ....,",. <i bdIt",. """11o ... d ..... dor,;>ioo, IH f06..oc .. dc<; ....... """''''' 01 bco" "'" ,.,.". and ,to
... , 181 " . I',. 01 1",,;. "",_ bote.. '" c...... of ,..",.,<>co "' ......
~,.110 ond , ...... hi 01 t . ....-Ko<>. I~.
"""'e.. c!oclc" .. ,"'''''''' 01 """,I., ""d o"l"doci<W.. /0',.." .; .... """';",

A r rn pul l hea d g"'" bOl ico l' ,

c<:<'tI .... of" rigid OlIIrooml frn~ .... icIo takat
Head geo<'1 0f1I gen.. roll , .....d forme purpose of onchotoge from tile chin 0< fo",heod Of bor~ fo,
flI;nlorcement of onchoroge or for moxillary Ihe anlerior rroction of the mc.<illa U'ling ""n;I.
distol"o';on . However, when on onl.r ;o. arc! elaslicwl'lidl ~ Ia<geamo.,..,.dlan:e
proTlOCfOO, fore, i, ""Iuir..d, <> protroction head upta 1kg or more.
geor ;. .......d. Fodol rna'" Ihe<opy has ~ined
""Plllarl!)' in the kaT decode. The priO'l(ipie Ii
pv lli ng Io,ee on In" mo,ili ory "","" wre. with
re.; iproco l pu.h i n~ force on th e fo rer.eo d Or
1, It con be u d ;n a g ro wing pot;""t """"II
pragnotff" mOl'o::MN . and a r~tru~ve mo.<illo,
"",.,.j ,b/e t!1,ough !cool anchorage I, ~mp4e aOO It aid. in pulling tno ma,illa"" .trucrurfl
mechanlcallv sound enough to be vsed OS " farw(l(d and pushing the mandibulo(
lheropeulic proced..oe lor- _ e n t cI ptOgnathic struclura bod:warcl.
syndrome., moxlilary ,.. 'ruslonl, clells ond 2. "oon be uted lor bending the candylo(neck
mordibvlar progOO!hi>m. lor .~muloting temporo mondibuLor joint
Hidchom 11972) doim, he ..011110 firs! odoplotions to ~terior di<pLocement 01 the
10 C'MO rGYCrM hood 11""''- ~r. tt, ,,modc lil'\' chin,
wo o mode ~u lar by Delai," around In.. scme 3, It con ot,o be \JSed for ..led"", roo,yoroge""""'t
ti me. of the palata l shelve. in deft DOtien!.
4, It con be u. ed in co". erion of po,t_. urgicol produce 0 poure Iorword tron. lolo!y motion 01 the
r. lops. ofte r o<teotom ie. lor uo"Kontroi led "",xi lle , II the li roe <i foree ~ poro lJeIto the ocdu...t
po. Hurg icol "OO pt" ti"n.) plene, "lorw<Jrd tr<l nslotion os well o. on upward
5 It cOn be u d to treot c. rioi n occessc ry rotation tok pi",,",
problem. a ssodated with "".., morpho logy DurOlion of force , The ti"", to'en to ",hi ...
such o. lote rol deviotion . ,
des ired re.ul ts i. prcportiona l to the omount of
Sites of a/lchoraga force utilized , lowlo"e. 1250 ej toke 13
month. to prod uce desired re.ults, However. ve"l
Mchoroge lorthe pou""",. <i moxillery retrection high fo rce yo lu e. like 16003 000 grns reduced
con be obtoin ed Irom loreheod , ch in or Irom tfootment time to 4 . 21 day. ,
foreheod &chin,
rre-que o"Y 01 use , Mo.t outhOf' recommeM
Ancho ro ge Irom ch in In th is typ e 01 1214 hou"oIweorodoy_
prctroction heed geor which i. common ly used
in Britoin, ch in cup with PO"" oro emp loyed , A:; Partl of a reVerSe pull bead gear
the andwroge i. cbtoin ed roIely from th e chin ,
Tr.. reverse pouI l heod geor CONJsts ofm. ~bwir>g
the focce i, tron;m iiied to the condylar cartilege
000 tr.. re by hos 0 di; odvontoge cf oltering the
growth of th e rnoOO ible , Chin cup , Mo.t ptotrodion heed gw", obto in
OI"ICr.oroge from tr.. chin a. wel l o. tr.. loreh eod.
Anchorage from skul! Ce rtoin lo rm , 01
Th e ch in cup is u. ed to to ke ancho rage from the
reveroe pull heed gee'" obtoi n o",horog ' on l,
enn Ofeel . It i. u.uolly conr>ected to !r.. re.t 01 the
from th e foreheod. Th . disod-<ontoge. ind ude
fooo, mosk o.sembly by me<>tl. of meto l rods, The
potiont di scomfort whil e sleepi ng, coS! and timo
chin cup con be reedy-mode Of Can be labrialted
requ ired in Iob ri cation ond fixin g,
from on impression ofth . potient's gen,,1 re~ ion.
Anchoroge from ch in & forehMd Th is rorehood cop , The lorehead suppor1 or cop
Ioce rno .k make; use of onchoroge from both
Or . trop i. u.ed to der;-..-e onehoroge from the
the fore heed """ ch in. Arx:r.oroge ~ . pceod ClVeK" foreheod_
a lerger orea . Thu. no exce.. ive force ;, exe rted
f lnstie, ' EIe . tie force i< ",ed to opp1y 0 forword
on to th e Qrowth corti lo g e . How eyor, the
disodvantoge. with this opplio ",~ ore diffICult;' in tra ction on the upper oreh . Vertica l posts of the
speech ""d comprom ise in ",,;thek. o nd c:omlor'l chin cup Ore u.ed to ortoch the e le.tics onto the
du o to it. ";,e, mole r tu be. or hooks .o ldered on th e orch ;o,;re,
Thi s so rt of trodion i. poufely for tooth movement,
Blome chan/cal con51d e retlon5 InlrQ_Of,,1 appliance, The mc.t common type
!'moonl 01 force, The omount <i force req ui red of prdroc!ion devi ce i, 0 rnultibor>ded o pp l"",e
to bring cbout . keleto l changes i. aboot 1 jX>Imd with rig id ;o,;re . Tr<l ction hooks ore ploccd e ith er
lor450 g m.) perside in the molar or pre molar region . McNamara
odvocote, 0 bonded R. M,E . olo ng with the
Diredion of force, Mo.t outh o" recom mend ~tro ction deY-':e wh ich more or Ie .. re,emb les
a 1520" downword pull to th e ",du",1plo "" to th e booo ed He rb,t oppl i,,""" _
f ............,

- ;'
. )"

f;g 8 ~ CoN-ee l , ",," v-

III Comb;not;o, ..... 1 ..... _
(q Oc<.""'bI ..... 11"'" \OI!loIoO'
1000 _ , (1') 0'" """ _ hood
; .., (fl Me' pia.......... ....
~,o/ to. """ bow;, - .
1ht1... (G: lIo<>d_lIi'I F-.
....... '" ~:Sfot>do ... Ioce_
314 Orthodontia The Art ilnd Science:

fig 10 'ulOngoo- 01 iaoo moo!<

Metal 1m",. : The mil'" cornpo ... 01 cl 0 wee wdh II>e oplion 01 un~oIertll fo,ee opplioobil"".
rrIOlk ouemblyi,1M """"llrome. hCQl'"t\e01 Ihe Byoddin" 0 rvbber cvohion und.r """ o.m, foral
""~Cl\J I C<>m pon<!<l" wen '" IN. chin cup ond .;0. e<>n be a ltered .
lo,e-h""" cop . II ,,1.0 hOi pro.:. lo n To rf:c~ i"e Fcco mos!: 01 0.. 10;", . Thi . 1'101 popu lcri,ed
~ lo sticJ from ,he introorn l op~;c, n ce. Tr.e de.ign
by Deloi ,. in the 60', cnd o lso ....... the chin and
01 th e melal fro me dilfe" hosed on lf1e Iype '" f~ lot I'JWQIf(1ig 9) . Theappl"""""" mode
fog, ""' ..... up cl a rigid ...;..., rromewo.l which il IqUO,w,
and kepi aWOl' I",m the Iooe, h hOI 0 forehead
r)"/MS 0' , . ... 's. ",dl " d . . ., cop ond 0 chin evp with 0 wire running In /,0t'lI
PrOllocrion head geor by Hidloo:rm
'" the mouth used /or ei(J$fiC oIIochmenl.
Developed in the eorly 60, . Inkl op~;c,nce V$eS
T"binge' model, Th i, i, 0 modified ty pe 01
lhe c hin ond lop 01 tho hood lor ofIChoroll". The
forco dilTri but<>n i. m follows I S')6 heod. B5% De loire loco mo,'
It co",i", 01 c chin cup from
chin. It co n,i,t, ot tw<> . ho rt or"" in front o f th e whic.h o .ig inote. two tod. th ot run in tl>e mid li n&
mouth m.",1Jo,.,. pfQlrocrion e\allic . It and i5 lixlpod 10 cvoid th~ interference of noM.
01", hal 0 <:hin cup !rom wnich ong,nales two The superio< ends d!he "'" rods t.w.e 0 fa, eheod
long onn . The two long run porollol to the cop !rom which cioslics cncilde !he head. In
oddrion, 0 ClOSS ba, ",,"',lOis In from cl the mc::o.rrh
lOWe, border 01 the "",ndible ond go ""nicolly
"p from the angle", mondible ond end behind ""hidl con be UI<!,J to "n9"11e elo.fica. The
foreheod cop 000 cross ba, con be odjunecl by
the eors. An eI",,~c "rop i. oltDChed k) 1M end 01
..tidi"fj along rh ~ rod t ram . wo rle 10 I U,T I....
the long orms 10 encirde tr.e hoo d.
The odvantago. ci th e oppl io nce :o-.:ivde in d .... iduc l patient. [fig 10)
r(tlcti .... fy ben ... ellhelic. and comlon Th an O!her..
Occipi tol p ~ 11 ch in cup Thi. type of chin
cvo d eriv~. onchoroge from th e occipital reg ion
of tr., head (fi ~ 6.01 . Thi. i. the mo.t com mon ly
u''''' type of ch in cup. II;' u..,d in Clo>$ III
mo locc l u~on. ossocioted with mi ld 10 mod erote
n"IOndibulor prognoth~m. They 0 '" ""'Y wcco" fu l
in patie nt. who co n boring their inci.or:! do,. to

f\!tilly~ of foe" mosk ; Tn i. i. 01.0 a mod ifi""

form of Delo ire foce mo,k {I.. I I]. It can';"" of a
chin cup and 0 loreneod cop with a .ing le rod
n.mning in the mid line from alp to chin
cup. Aero" bo r ottf>e lev.1of If>e mOOl h il u.ed A
to e ng"," e . Io,tie, . TM advontoge of th;, mode l
i. thot th~ Ioreheod cop, chin cup 000 th~ cro ..
bor can be odj",ted to ,u it the patient.


Th~ chin cup or Ih" ch in cop o. it;, .ometime.

ref. red to i. a n e<lro-ora l orthopaedic devke thot
co.ers th e ch in ond i. connected to 0 head g eor.
It i, used to re,trict th . fotword ond down""rd
growth of tM n"IOnd i bl ~. The ch in cup .foce bow
",,~ mbly con,i.t, of 0 ch in cup thot covers tho
chin.o head cop 000 o n od i",tabl . ~ Io.ti c .trop
thot co nnects lhe ch in cup with the cap.

Types of chin cups B

Ch in cup, 0'" of fwo type, . Th oy are the occipita l
pu ll chin cup and too vertica l pu ll chin cup.
f'~ I I N e'" '"" (B! V...~01 po' <,..,
O<';P'''''- pun
11[-,Or'Lg6 1
PO'-!!,O r IV.{ -'orJwo~ po<Jp u oc 00 u~" OJl"vd
!.Joj1:xoWP '1""#' IO" ''''''P'''" '''8 OjOW"I" fl
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-I ""~ III " "I) puc UO!IO ru; IOJODJI'3 : ,"ozwJ '~

191 ' SLI

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1, l-,. I : ,
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rentment pion il on outli"" of 011 Ike o rthodo nti.t ,\'\Q uid e im 01 pro'l id ing qua lity
mea, ure, thot can be best i n ,titu~ for a treotmMt tho! wi~ remDin ,ci' intoctfc.r mony
pot;""!.,, os 10 of'e, mOXimUm, Ioog tefm yeo" to co me " b.r th e th . ro py -, GO Mp.,t. d .
benefit>_ ~"" t pat ie nt. ore , ali d ied on ce th e
Potien! ..,e~ orthodontic treatment for 0 a nterio r "'eth Ore stre ighteMd . But it i. th e
YO,;"tv of roo>o n" TM O<thooonti,t ,f.oo ld plcn respo n, ibi lity of the orth od o nti. t to .dvcote the
cut 0 treatm""t modo li!y bo , ed on thorou g h potiont on the impori<mce of tc eth to
exominotion """ rovr>d dio gr>O>i, in 0 ')'>'emolic po. ition, toot stond for , tob ility. The orthodontist
fo. hion . A, no ' imp le formula cook boo . ,ho uld not . ucc umb to th e te mpta ti on of
opproo ch e, i, ls, e""h co. e . hou ld be on eS''''' termiootir.g the trc<l tment o. Soon 0< the anteri o r
cnd Q custom ized l reatmefl\ pion formu loted to leeth a re . tro ight. """ o. ,vch treotment inva r",hIy
. uit the individu al pot;"",- re, ull. in unsto ble dentaf po';tio n, thot tend to
~ apse.
SETTING UP GOALS In ma ny ,0"'" oc;hie,;ng 011 the tf><""
goo l, i. . , ",thetie., fUrKti o n and . tabil ity moy
From Q patient'. p:>nl ci Ioi ew, th e boo k need for be qu ite d ifficult. The orth odontil t sho uld <trike 0
orthodontic tre<llm ont i. impro' omern i~ e. th" tics
l>alon ce in fu lfilli ng the ma jo r esth etic de,ire. of
o nd fun ctio n, Tho orthodontist, has an added
th e patient within the bo und. of keys that stand
goo l in th e form of t,.-ol mM t stobili ty_ Th e
fo r <lo bility.

Tf", orthodonti, t . hould . nli, t the probl . n" that Th . eti o l o~ i c facto" reoponlib le for th.
hove to be attended to in a decreosir'lg order of malocc lu. ion .h ou ld b. do ter mi ned a ~d
prionl)'. Th . problem li,t he lp, in .etti r>g up adeq uate ste p' , hou ld be planned for their
ooiectiye, and po .. ible solution, to th e problem . eliminotion . Th e conti nu"", pre.e n,e a f th.e
Wh il e setti ng up th e obiectiyeS, the etiologic f<,<:tors can cooslitute a "'vere li mitotior>
potie nt' , chi.,.! compko int and po ronml d i"" to the COO'I'edive proced ure, to be ur>dertoken ord
shou ld be given ooeqV<l te we ightoge . Most moy 01,0 predi.po.e to re lap,e of 0 t{eoted
potie nts .eek treatm ent to improve .,th etic. or mal oc du . ion. Compr.hensive orthodo~tic
function. li the orthodontist con~de r$ certo in other tf",ropy should thu. involve reme",, 1of the cou\e.
obi . d ive. more importon!, foron ll so lutierl Wnile this is pouible in ca,e. whe", the etiolow
to tf", prob le m Or to achieve "ng term stabil ity, i. obviOUS, it ""'Y not be possible if the co u... ..
the n adeqV<lte "'planotion ,hoo" be ~iven to . Iu;;v" or unkr'lOWn.
the potient.
Th e ortr.odonti,t mUlt be ",a li,tic in PLANNING THE FINAL INTERINC/SAL RE-
,.,tIin g up ob j. d;"'., Th oy should reflect the LATIONSHIP
pat ie nt' . need., the doctor ' . own lev.1 of
Eltobl il hme nt of an ideal intori nciwl reiatiOll--
co mpetence, pati. nt co o pe ra tion, etc., .
, hip i, one of tho prime obiedive, thot .r.:,."ld be

The g""""h .totu. 01 on ind iv idual i. on importMt Clan I Inclsar r eletlonshlp

fOClor thot should be con.idered while pann ir>g In 0 potient pre,enting with 0 Cia" I "", Iocd.,.
treotment. ,lon, th e inte ri rlCi.a l relation i. usua ll y soti.foe-
A patie nt who is still growing pre.ents tory. Thu , provil ion shou ld be "",de in the treat
the orti'OOontist with ru merau, apliom thot ""-j>Ioit! ment pkon to pre ..."'e the integ rity.of th i' relo_
the in dividual'. growrh pote ntial. The orthodontist liom hip (fig 1.0)
co n modu late growth of the dentofociol
. tructure . <:<In gui de teeth into more fa,auroble Clau II, dlvl51an 1 Incisor r elationship
pO ' ilion, ond con undertake therapeutic In a polient pre'"r>tin g with 000$ II, divi."'" 2
p ro coduro. to pro,.nt and in tercept mo locci u, ion, tho ... verity of the pre,enting sk. l-
malocdus io ns . In an od ult, the t,eat""",' opl""" etol dj.creponcy uwa lfy determ ine. the choice 01
ore li mit ed to mo, ing teeth and .u rgica l treotment and mechanics. If the ... patient! pre ... nt
c~ i on with a underlying 00" I skeletal pattern. tf",n
The growth ,totus of .... oovidua l snood retnx lin ati on of the mo. illory inci."", moy be
thu, be determined prior to treatment pkmn ing .u/ident to produce a r.ormo l interinciso l ref<,
' 0 a, to carry ou t appropria te tre a tment tioosnip (fi g l .b). In co of a mil d Oa.. ll . kol
proced ures. e tol pattern , a ca mo uf log e tre atm e nt by
A B c

o E
''II 1 ~"'"~'"'II ,k. n.ol 1",.'~ncI ...1
7 .. b'Ic>t> W A. .. I ..."1"".... ....,....
,,",,,,OJ "" ", .. "", ,,00 151 MHo 0 ....
...,.00.., ""'I,,,,"'" rJ
~'Y .\ ,_lod b, ,,,,,,,,l0-00I100 """
uppoo' ' .........
!CI CIo" I
'. (o1s.-. CIon II _100!..,
>od ll , ",o.. m. o! of UPP" '''''''''"

.. ) .~ .. ''''V'''"' lEI Mid I.

dO. 2 ..,ood br ""_ """ _
"0I>0t lod .... (FJ a .... It 01;. 1 ......
<lao lo-.'wd br",ocf,' ..
.... "_ ............ 101_ byg ........
/ mod""""'" '" -vooY IGl a... II .....
a..-d J>Cf> 01 - . . '"""""'" ....100
0000"",_ <J 'PI><' """"'" (H) Moo.
....... c.... II ""'" - . ; " ptOGI .....""
01 uPr>O< '"' ''''' 0..0 ,._ 1.."..., rJ
io- ",,1It<\on,
retrodinotion ex bod ily ling uol mmem . nt of the PLANNING SPACE REQUIREMENTS
ma'i llory indoors using iixed appi ionoe, mo'/ pro.
duce setisfectory res ults (fig 14 Th is rna y often Mo.t malocc lu ~on. require spoe<! to moyo 'eeoh
' eq uire .,troction of ,ome toeth to produoe ta more idea l pa~ lion, . 1M following ore """"
",ti,loeterey re,u lts. Seve r. Ck", II!<l l pot. oIthe conditio", thot roqviro spoce for cmredion.
terns olten requ ire growth mod ilko tio n (in the Corre ct ion of crowd ing Corr ft c t i o ~ of
growing) or . urgical treatment (in ca,e of non crowded teeth r,;qu ir. , 'p<JCe . The ",\e of thumb
grow ing odu lts Ifig 1.cI). Growth mod ificetion is i$ that for every mm of crowding, a mm of a,ch
do.... by v:le ef myolundioo al app lior>ees slK.h length (' poLe) i, ,~qu ired .
a. oeti,ator, b>or>ator, herb.\! oppiianoe, etc.,
Rolotion" Rolotad anterior teeth occupy lesser
Clan II, dM$lon 2 Incl.o elatlonshlp a rch length. Hence . poee i, re qui , ed for
derototi ng the, e teeth which io ca lcv loted bt
In (1",\ II , dil'i.ioo 2 ce,e. thot pre,ent with a
.ublrocti.-.g the di,tooce between the prox imal
Class Ior mild Closs II skek.ta l pattem, uprignting
ourfoce, of od jocent teeth fro", the 100a i mesi<>-
the moxi lkJry inci. o" by oppi iootion of 0 paloto l
root torque rna, prodv<e the desired interinci",1
di<lo l width of the rototed teeth.

relotion (fi g l.e) Howeve r in Co '" of 0 un derly- Le >'d iing th e ourve 01 Spe e On e of Ihe
ing ,,,,,ere Oass ll ,ke letoi poffern, it may be ad common featu , e, assoc ia ted with ;ke letnj
viwbJe to prod i.... tne moxi ll ary ir>eiw f5 to pro. moiocd u,ion io on increo.ed cu,,"e of Speo! . A
dv<~ 0 Clos< II, diyi<ie n 1 poffe"" fo ll owed by flot oreh occup ie, more ' paoe then one with on
~rowth mod iJkotion (f," 1.n. In 0"" 01 "",,g row e<ee"iv. cut'lle of Spee. Some pro.ision sl;oold
in g indr.-idua l, surgery may be required. ' hu . be roode in tl", t,eatrn Mt pion to pro'o'ide
'pooe for leyelling. Foilure to do 00 rew ll' in
Cleu //I Ipclso "Iatlonahlp procli r>ation thot i. unotobl e.
Clo .. IIIpotienl'> who present with a 1000am poth Correction 01 prodi nal ion Retraction 01
of dosuro u,,,,, lly preoont 0 oottc' prog""' .... In procli ned leeth require, 'pace. I ~ co," of .poced
the", potie nt" ,,,ferred to a, po" urol Of pseodo dentition, tho e<i,tir.g opace, can be mOOe \ISe 01
Clo .. II I ,ek,tionoh ip, remoyo l of the occ lu ",1in to correct th e proc li notion. II the dentition i. not
terfe rMce by proc lin otion of th e ",'''illory ioci- ,paced, then a lter""le ""'I" 01 ga ining spoce
oors woold oken prodvce 0 $Ot~loctory n-eri r>eiso l .nouid be planned . For tN""! one mm ci r""'-'ctlan
r~ l ati en (fi g I .g). When the urlderfyir.g Cia .. III in prod jootion two mm 01 space i, requ ired .
pattorn i. "ory ,cve re , 0 , tob le interinciw l relo
MoIO{ correction Pre"' n c~ of on un<tabl"
tion ;, oflen ochei.ed by IYoo iootion 01 maxillary
molar rc lotioo at th e end of treatment is a cou'"
incisors orid retrocli nation of the roor>d iook, r in
of i",tobility. Th e molors . hou ld be moved to
cison; Ifig 1.h). Howeve r noture l c"''' per,,,,tion,
ochi ...... a good i ~ ....cuspat;oo .
thot might hO'ie occured (Le . retrodinotion c1
lower ir.c isors or>d procI ;ned upper incisors) roo, Spa ce for anchorage 10' " Mo5t to oth
offect the prog"",~ . I ~ very .evere (10 .. III c<l$e' movemen" are occomp l ~Md by e>ppi iar.ces tho!
,urg ico l eo rrecti<ln may he"" to be conside roo . """hot on 10 CMe", ather teeth in the denlol orO>.
So me amount of movement of th e anchoc teeth bad< . Th", by oxtrocti ..... only in the uppe r areh it
.hau ld be "'p"'oed. While tryi ng to retro et !ne i. po" ib le to red uce the obnorma l upper
anterior teeth , the mo lo ... a l. o in. ariably move proc li netion 0"'" ako to disco urage the foewa,d
fo rward to a cet1(lin extent. Tn i. 10" of . pace i, deve lopme nt of the up pe r orch. V/henever ex-
coi led on<: horag e 10" . Sted ie, hove . hown that traction, 0 .... done on ly in the maxillary ore h. we
in exlroction CO 'C'. a lmo,t 4(;i1;, of the . pace i, would h""e ot the . nd 01 th e treatme nt a 00$, II
Io.t by me. iol mOYl'Oment of the posterior aochor ~ar re latia n and 0 Ck", I conine rekltioo (fi g
~,h 2.c and d;,. In co,e of klw.,- mch crowd ing or
T"" orthodonti!l ,rou",
' urn up the :;poee when the me'a" 0 .... not in full Closs II occ lu. ion ,
'~ uired tocorrect!he mo locc lu.\Jon . Once th e it moy be necessory to ",troct in both the up~r
tom l .paw reqUire me nt i, known, th e diffe<e<>t o. well os!"" lower arc "", . I ~ the", patient>. 0
""en"", to aeq"re the needed "P"ee should the n Clo\, I rrdor ond con in" rekltion $hou ld be
00 c<plored . Some of th e method, of ga inin g och ievcd at tho end of the treatm...,t (fi g 2.e
space ind ed . : 000 n
0 U.e of e, i, ti"," ,pac ing In Ang le'. Clo.. III, it i, beneficia l to
b. Proximo l, tripp ing ovo id extroctioo in th e upp. r orch 0< it may re_
, Expansion tord the forward deve lopm en" of tne mod 10_
d. E:<traction Angle', 00'" III emes ore preferab:y treat.d by
, Di, toli,ati on extraction only in the lower orch or b, extroction
I. Uprighting of mola ... in both arc"",. In ca", on l, Iow.,- teeth Ore e, _
0 Demtatioo of pa!le<ior t""th troctro, at th e cnd of !reo!m.,,-.! a Ckl" III molor
h Procli natio n of onteriors re!o tian and 0 CIo" I can ine re kltion i, och'.. ed
(For more detail . on aequiri ..... spoee ffig 2.g Clr"J<J h). Ho_ if ",t rodion, a '"" pklnned
refer to cMpter 2 1I in both the uppe r 0< well o. the lowe r ore"";; we
r.houkJ have a Ckl" I mokl rand cani"" relatian
PLANNING EXTRACTIONS ot the end of the treatme nt (fi g 2 _i and D-

Extroction of tooth M$ be<:ome on int"llra l pa ri of PLANNING ANCHORAGE

romp,e"",,,;," ortho<:Jo<,!ie procedure . Teooth are
often extracted whenever the<e i, orch " ","thtooth Ard,oroge considerotion form, an important part
matena l discrepande. re,u lting in crowd ing Or of the treatm"nt plonni ..... e>.,..c i",. All efforts
proclination. In add ition teeth are 01.0 extracted should be token to minimile unwonted tooth
to correct inte r_areh reio!ion' hip. mo~eme<lt>_ foilu re 10 pion anchorage in"':;riably
Whene .,.. ext roction< are planned in a rosu lh in fai lure of !reo!"""'t mechanics.
Clo," I . kelem l Or denlo l pattern, i! i, vito lly im- The an-:;homge demand !or anindivicixl
portan! th at e>troctions a re done in both th e up - patient depends on tr.e fo llowing fador:! ,
per and the lower arehos sa os to mDinta in the
Num ber of t~e th being moved, The gfco te r
bvCCDI occlu",1relotionsh ip (fig 20 and bl.
tho numoor of teeth 00;"9 moved, Ihe greeter
In mo. t 00" II CO"" , the upper denta l woukJ be th e demand 0<1 anchorag e_
arch i, forword ly placed ort"" lower a rch placed
V\)u ~

, F
I ~
J\ 1\ I



.\ ~ r
'" 2 PIcno~ _ I" .... 1111 ... a... , _ " _ .... ".""" boo d"". in bot. .... up.,.. 0-.1 lowe,
"""-, 100"" (0) ,. 0C0U1l ....1oo:do_ ~ _<>->0 .. _ .,. ~ ,..... _0"",. _ """,d _ . 0000 ' '''...
. - one! 0 00 .. " "",lor """'''''' .. tho .... ol _ _ . IE)""'; (f)'" Cbo, II _<l.oi"", ~ .. ,,,,kA.0" """"
,. bot, ,ppeI and _."h<>,_ """',.. """'. Cleo. I ,or;"" <rid MO'., ..... "'... ""' ...... '" ,_ ....... , IGl ond Iii)'"
00 .. II ...... "'~-.. ,I Q.-Iy bNo, ...., . .. ,Ir<I<\od. _ """,kj ho", . CI... I "" , ' ,.10,,,,, G"" 0 a... II ...,ro,
""'<on '" tho ond " rr..,....,.,... (' ond~) In 0- III m<>Io<dvsr"", 'I ,,:1'001<><-, 0" <loroo ... bot> '-'PP'" ond 1-..>o
.... mid _ 0 C"" I co";.,. ond "'..,...- 0..... ond 01 ,.... _ ...

Type of!gelh , Too'" """"""ftni j.....,tv;ng mvl~ o<It.odontO: 1feO!Menlol ~ durotlon strain
rooted posIerioo greoler"stro" on 0. ochoooge "'" ",..,hew tee"', mulling in greoloor onchoro911
thon tooth n>Oement omoIle< 1HIh. 10..
Typ~ 01 100,1> move m"n' : Tipp ing toolh Onar Iha 0.-.:110"'911 demand iI. known
~ .. J'O'sibJe; 10 Clo"~ the co ... 0. m,,, lmum,
~I Q'" leu detn<n:ir>g on !he cnd>o<ooe
modertlle 0' Mir'limym gr>d>o",ge d.monel cose.
thon bodily loolh rTlO'< ome nll.
In 00.0 01 mc.imum an chorag o demand,
D~ ralio" of Tre atment : Comp lica ted odoequo~ reinforcemenTof If,." "o::norooe shou ld
be pla nn ed crooptcr 17). (8Iop ... i ~ case of rotated t~ eth, , inee the.e ~b<e.
toke a long time to reo rgan ize around their " -
SELECnON OF APPLIANCE po, ition. Thus adcq uate rete ntia n far on
awopr",te period ,hould be plonned depending
The noxt 'lop in tr90tment pI<>rlring i. the >election
on the type of malac:cl u,ion ,
of oppl"'nce, wh icn i$ t>o,ed on a num ber of
Un'fable occiv, ian , Teelh plo<;ed in un,toble
Growth Po!eMial Graw ing pat ie nt. wha
~xfti b it $keleta l ma locdu. ion .hoo fd be tre<:)ted
pasition ot th~ Md of orthodo-ntic therapy terld 10
", k,ps<o.

with app l"'n::e. tha r mod ul ate the growth'" thot Cantinuo tian of growth poHern
the e.x i. ti.og oke letol problem i 01vOO or at lea. t CQ<1t.....,tio n olthe ~h pottern thot Ms coLJSed
oot wor>er>ed , a skel eto l malac:clu.ian otter orthodonti c therapy
Type of 10011> mOVem e nt Remoab le r. ",lt, in "," urfocing 01 the "", Iocc lu"on oft...
appl ;"' nce, can be ".ed in patients req uiring treatment.
. ir"Ple ti pp ing movemont. W~er bod1y tooth Thu . rete nti on ,h ou ld be plann ed
movemen t, are requi red, fixed olThodantic keeping in mirld a ll th~ foctarslhot rnoy prediopose
a pp li a<>ee, sho ul d M used. Patient< requ iring to relop.e. In addition to the u.e of retai ners
cOrT1ol>::atedtoo" movem onts indud ing retat.,." ,om e od i unctiv~ procedure mig ht hove to be
ca r1"i~d aut.o e, to a id in retention,
root move ment" a,ia l mo.-me nt' (intrlJO ian ar
extru,;anl are best trooted with fixed opp liorxe .
Oral Hyg ie rl ~ . Ma intena nce of good ora l
hyg iene i$ on e" enti a l po rt of orthodontic Th e tre<ltment plan . hou ld be re.~a l uateJ ot
treatment , However fi,ed appli ance, ploce an (egu lor interva l. during th e active pho ," of
odd itioroo l demand a. they po>e greate r (iok of treatment SO a. to confi,m whethe r th e objecti. ...
ca rie', deca !cificatian , plaque accumu la ti on, thot were set up 0'" being fulfilled , Chong'" might
etc.,. hovo to be "",de in the tr""t""'nt plan il the
Co,l, Removab le app liance. are by far Ie .. de'ired chang e, c re not tak ing place ar if
ur>fo", c n proble ms arise.
e'pen.r.-e tOon fixed app l"'rxe. c . they take Ie ..
cha ir 'id~ time and u<e li mited mal~ ri o l to
fab ricato
I, Grobe.- TM Ort!.h""" , Pri ~ or><! P"X'~"
2 Ho,,,,,,,WJB , 0"00 000'; ' Diag"".i" W'''l hl.
B....d, I982
It ~ 00"1 accepted that teeth once moved , terld to 3, P",fi" W' : Con""""""o" O~""'i<;l, It (OU" ,
go t>o d to their in itia l po,ition . The potent",1for ev Moot" 1 ~ 86
"'".., ~ ~ : Ho.-.d book. of Onh<k>nl<!, y""
relapse i. in croosW by the pre,e""" of certoin book m.,;;", 1 pvbI ...... " , inc. 19M,
5, S.""w WC , Orlhodo ,ti< ..-J Oed",",ol mo",,~ .
fa cta" wh ich ale li ,ted 0' f~low' ,
m."t, Wri ~ O t, t993
Stre tch ed periodanloi ligomen t The 6 Thomo. M Grober, W>ert l Vono ,>dcII , o.t-.odon.
,~. 0"'.... ",ooplo, "'" """"""., .,,,,,
. tretched gi rl gi",,1fi b r~' are a frequM t Cov.., of book h;; , 199'

of Some

Gi."" in thi, chapter i, th .

m' ''' ''gement of " ddu ou. o.. nti tior1 . n .. """"c;n9' seen in the de -
number of co mmon ma lottlu.;o n. incl uding ciduo us dent iTi on i, norma l and helps In
mid li ne dic ste mo , ' l?Ocin gs, crowd ing and o"omod oti n ~ the Iorge r shed pe r"", ,,,,,,' toeth .
rotati"" ofteeth . A mid li r.) 5fXl~ing con occu r during m~ mj,od
denti"on pe(ood o..oci<lted with !he c<vpti"" 01
MANACEIlfEHT OF M I DWWE DIASTEMA !he pem>anent<;an'nes i.e. the ug!yd",ktng sIogo
(fig I). IV. the developing permanent coni __
Midline diostemo ",letS 10 on anterior midline et\JpI, II>ey di,plcx:e the roots 01 th" lolerol incl.
spacing be. ".., Ihe two ITKI><illcuy"""""" incisoB. to" me ..olly. This .... ull$ in Imnsrnitting 01 the
~ is"", d Ihe ....,., /requentlr_ rrolocdusio ...
lo.ce on 10 the rools 01 tI.., ~I inciscn wNc.h
!hal il conoid&t-ed emy tO!rool bu1 o/Ien dil!icu~ oh,o gel displaced ~iolly. A ","ullon' di.tal di-
To retoin. The midline IpocinO con be " fcsuk 01 ve~nce of the """""'. 01 the two <"",1'01 incilO"
"""mbe,alea_s. wu"" 0 midline ' pOCing. T~" condition ulV
oily corre<;!s by i",,11wh en con i"". erupt end tt.e
Cau.eI "f mlll'lIne d/.. ramll
prenure il Tron lferred lrom Th e root> to the <oro
TroMie M maloccluSio n: Mid li ne d io,tomo no l ereo 01th e iOOOO<1 .
con OCOJ< du e to " v<>rieIy 0 1 cau ...., k i, very
Tooth mO T~fiol . orc~ lengl~ di.cre poncy,
olI. n see n 01 on ir.;lpient n>:;Ilrxd",;on tI10t i.
seH COI'eCting. A midli"" spaCing con <><:oJ,os
A di.pom,. in ..... ich the or<:h length exceed .n.
tOOIh II'IOterial can resu~in midline diastema. Thi.
o pall of !he ~Iited spoci"ll ..... n in !he dft-
A; 1 WI .... 01,.1 .... >I0\IO '" &. iClT"' ''' . ...
pOtlo "
", ;.I", ~'_ '" ".~t '" ...upl"" "' ~""'. 18i .&. ([)) ~'""'~ 01 ....
include. cenditi ens l uch ". mi .. ing teeth, er>g! den """"'J'led mesiOOens between tho rootI
m;c,odcmtill, moc:"'Ilnothic cod exlrcc1icm with 04 !he Iw!I centrol neW. ,,~prdspose III mod
"""uftcm d,ifrin\l 04 odiocenl leeth. r"" doo...""o.
AbnOlmol lrenlll o,,,,chm..,,': The I>rMenct
Iatrogenic: Midline dio.Ie"",. con OCC\H when
cen"", therapeutic: pt<><edu ..... ore undenolen.
01 0 thld< ond ~hy lobiol ",,",urn con \live n...
to 0 midline diOOleme. This kind 0I1nrn::r1 olllXh.
The oppooronce 01 0 midline "",dog il on im
mem p,_nr, !he two cenlml ir-.:isors from op potto." p.ogn<Hric sign du,ing ropid rno:olUory
.,,;ponsion ond it indimle> the opening of lhe in
pro.<i""9lil"lQ each e .... due to the ~b<ou. r:on--
termO>iIIc<y ",ture (~g 3). ~s_ inl,",posed be,.,.".", them.
~aclol p.-edi5flo.irio~. Th" pre.., nce o f mid
~15u" IIoblrJ: Hobit ud> liS thumb sud<- line spccing e lso hos" ",cio l ar><! !emiliel bcl;k.
ing, tongue IhNstir>g etc., olso p red~pose to mid- gro und. Th e Negro<d "'c~ showt the greetell
Ii"" diaSlemo.These pation" [Jenero lly present incid&nce el midli "" dia.tema .
with ,.",.:rinotion er><! 9"nero li,ed c nter"" 'pOC'
MidJiI)l! pelhoJogy, Spocing in the midline CIIn A preper hi,III' 1 & clinicel e. ominotion il
be comod bv ~ liuv. ond hord tissue poIholo- '-'Dry 01 in onyolher molcr:clusion. Ablonch
gi .. ....:h o. cpls. lurrcrs crd odontornes. P... ,..1 il pet/or".."j 10 dioynose 0 IIahy lo!,;ol

fig' !AI & (B! "".............., do."O 0"'<1; _ I ... I..... ,,......... _ ......... dow,.. , noI<!oO.a __
...... poooIopi<o\ ~.",..."" ((l & !OI M'd!".. d ..... ..., d"" I ....... '0 ' - 0 1 _ II) & (Fl"""""
d"" .. "", d .. '0 "..., _
I. Rem"",r 01 Cou se

2. Acl;...o Ire<Itment
3. Rt.Iention
The fI'l! pho in."",os r'tImo""r 01 the
e/iob\lY. HobO!. ,hovld be climinated using liJood
"r ,emovobl" hob,t b,.ok.". Unerupted
nwiodonl tI>ovk! be e>;jroctf!d, Frer!edomy sho<.Od
be petfotmed to odie " thid: Rashf fnonym. Arrr
midline poIhoIogy should b& II'eOIld "" indicoled.
The second prose consis4 01 ~ treaTment.
. cpod madlor, _on.
"''\1 3 Md... d.,-.. __ ; po ..... "oJ.'90 ..... ~ ctM'I be dono u.. ng ren'lOY(lbj" OPpUO""", Ot
fixed oppl;,nces.

............ k isdot>e t.,. puling 1net.We< Ipool\<oofds. Removabl e app lianc el to treat
Prew-ce d ,,!hock and ftlllhy frenum i, con/irmed midline d.aslemo; Simpl.. remOY<lble oppli.
by Ifle bla nching 01 tne lis,,,,, in the ir><;ilrve 0"'''' incorporoting li"9'" ,pring. (fig.) or Q
popJllo region palatal to the two Qlntml incisors. , pJ it lab iol bow (fi g 5) Can be .-d 10 clo$<O a
Presence,of" ,ddi. lOin me m..oenlal ,,'->10, ...dI;"" spco:ing. Fingerspmg,: c;on be giYendisial
bon e 01 ,u n 011 " ,,, clOgraph is 0110 diag nosti c !o !h.!w() cen!rol incisors. Ar. c~emo!ive-...)IJ1d
of a and Hoshy~. M <k.e. rodiogRlph$ be ta uM 0 spl it Iob<o l bow moo . of a O.7mm
"re " yoluobl .. aid in diagno,;n\! midline hard sIoinless sIeeI wI!fI. The IobiaI bowsOtO """'"
PQthology1hat_wse~ , Tcoor. materiol..,rch 10extMd up'" th~ diltal aspec! d th e cppooit~
length di$crepOncies COn be determined using Inlm'inc:ioor.
model "ool)'lll. F...,d appl,once, to treat
midli ne dio$!emo: Fixed applianc~1 incor.
n u tment of midlIn e d/ute"'e poroting .Ios~cs Of' "pong< brtng aoout the rr.<t
The lreCllmen! of midr.... d;o.!omo i. done i"bee ropid co,redicn d mH;lline d"-"a . Elosria con
be . trelch ed betwee n th e twc centrol incisors in

r~ 6 T... tmont of m;oi,... ""',""'0 ,,1'1 (~td app l"". (."'1 Cio,od ,,.1 " ,I'i I!I Ek",,,, ICI EI."" , ",,10
(O! M .kapod """ ....

Otdet to close !he ~'" {Fig 6.b, cI. elomc thread ~ is od.ioQbIe to use lingual bonded relOO'ler"J If"og
orelCJS1k: chain ron bot used between Ihe Jwo un- 7.d) . The other relcine"lhatoon be used irr;ItJde
"'" irc.iI.o,slor!he >orne purpo>e. An all,,,nofiw; bonded teIolners, Ho..ley', ' elci"",", etc.,.
"lotlrelCh a cIosod wo1 spring (f,~ 6.a) be_ Role 01 ,osme,ic ,estorol;ooo; E.thetlc cam
th. two '''''',01ioo sors . 'M' .hoped sprin gs ;". posite resin. Or<! 1I"""""lIy U:led kl close mid lin e
' OfPO!"Oting th ," ~ i oe. lfi<;l6.d) Ca~ be Inse rted d;o.<l..,."o espocia lfy in odu h poti en" . It ,equ;,.,
i~to the two ce ntre l ;00<0' brodcets.Thi llfl 'in 9 i. Qroduo l co mpo, ite ""ikJ up "" th e mesiol Sur
ad"oted by do",,\! th, .... Iices. fa ce an d stripping d lhe distal ,u rfoce ll;g 8) 01
n.., third pho.., d h'eoImm i"""'- _inr.g """Iroh and "'.....,1. in om"r to ocni_ a natu
Ihe~ mob:xlu<ion. Mdinedioslsno isallen ml shope and site 0I111e teeth.
C<ln$ide~ eo~ 10_ but difficvh 10 l'Otoin.n.. Pt.,.,he,;, I CfOWrl : P,esen<:e 01 peg shaped
I:;ey lo is succeWvI.......,ge .....",,,!he elrninalion lale,a ," a' '"'" ..;Ih orhe< onomollC1 01 shOll"
rJ tl>e etiologic ladors i~. Most orrhodonfl!l$ ond sil. l"MIVire ptCthetic: ......, bil~"'ian. Miss
'ecomm&nd term retenti on using wikl ble ing teeth oho.J ld be reploced with fixed or~
r<!kl ine .... Since prolonged retenlion i. indicated, able prolihe, i. (fog 91

f ;" e C"",,,,,,.I< ",,"".,."'" of

a m ;d Hn. 0 ;0 . 10 "," IA)
CQmp<>. '" bu<lo up 00 tho
", " ;01 ".p."
of ,h. <""" a l
I, d,,,,. o od ,t, 'P P' "~ of 'h"
0;>'0 1 . v ~ O<: . IS) Comp",;"
""oId"p "' ... ...... 1 o<pOd of
thO Jat.o l ;..;""" onO "'W"Il
of tb. 0 ;"0 1 " d ace (e )
Com"",.". b, ild "P 0" tho
me"'l a,pod of ti>o , ""'-
SPACINO d. The poesenee of a n cbn C<TT>:l lfr- lorg e lOng ue,
a e<> nd iti on termed m e ,c~los. ia con pre .
The .. e . . ,.,e of , pacirtg belw<!en ," !I1 I. 0"" of di spose to ,poOr,\! .
!11, commonly ..... n mon~ionJ 01 0 Ooss I e. PfUlenQI 01 u""",,oled ,,,,,,,,,numen;,,.,. teeth
moloc;dusion. The PO """" ~ of spodng I. 0 nor uclhe,pathoiogy and qsliclesions ba_
mal feoJvre in deciduous dentition ond is con the loe1h e<>n <;II"'" opaong.
oiclertod 01 0 positive prognostic .ign. In the pe'. L Pr..-.o1urel_oI pemKJneruteelnconcoult
manent r;lentition ~e 01 lpaclrtg ~n opacing.
the ,etIh is ebnerrnc l. The spo ce ca n bot in 0
loca lized oreo 0 ' ,he entire arch ce n emibit . pox- O/ t no' "
ing . Th. ro<,I~n e ol1t.odcntic dioQr>:>Stic oids ,"""Id
be ""'pioyed /0, d iagnostic p<JrpoItS. Model
trdyJi. con yIIIId wNoble in\omw;m::)n obovr orch
The following 0,," ""me of the co ...... 01 spocing: lenglh-too!l1mo1ericl dilO'epOncy. I'.odiogrophic
o. Gentroliled opoxing uwoIiy occurs OS 0 re- """minolion .hould bot corried out 10 d"ocgflOSe
sui! cl dioproporlion , * -n arch length oro:! bony poIhoiOOl' or """""pte<! teeth Ph:>t rrt01 COl""
IocIh me'''''''I. 1'resef>C.\! 01 inc 'O<l sed orch spoxing.
length or 0 red uctio n in tooIh maTeria l Ca n
" , ult in.pace between th e lee!h. Co ndi_ Trea t men t
tlo-n . suen a. oli godontia cr>d miaodontio RemOV<lI of !he etiok>gy : Th . cous. lor troe
.... eloo e lead to spoxing. spocing .hould be aocgnooed ond cOequo1e SIepS
b. Spacing con occur os 0 nmoh 01 oherolion token to ellmlnole the ... me. In co ... 01 spxIng
in IOOIh morpl-dogy. AbnonnoilOOlh Iorm OJ 0 result of obnonnol pressure hobits, hob"
such o. peg shoped la1erol! con predilp<e b"",1:ers m . employed 10 intercept the hob~ .
to .pacing. In co ... 01 p,..enc. 01 bony ~y o' cyllic
<. o.."'te ,,,,us om l hobi" ,ud> o. lhu mb w<: k. ~ ions. lh ey .r.culd be "'imino''''''.
I".. cnd tong ue ,h,usti ng con Co"" &pOe
Us. 01 re movab l. e nd fixed opp liance.
ing in lhe o.rlt<lrior '''Il ion.
Mi", ,""""", bi & epplior>:;es in<;ofj>C<"Oting Ia biol
bows con be used 10 close 'poces thol ocCur il'> and arch length. A relom.. deoc:reo .. in arch
(Onjuncrb'r wiIh prodinolion. f i>:ed appliorl(es length or on increooe in \ooIh moleriol (On rewIr
along wiIh eIovic chal .... 0/ .Iomc thread 0'" rnosl In crowd,n~.
eIiodi... In do", .. of ~e ... raliu:d spocing.
El lo lotr
u.e of Crawn, o",J PTo,IIr",i, : SP<lcin~
thol oxo,o ... 0.0 .... vlt of mic:rodootio con be Tho following Of0 some of the COU$CS of CtOWd
tr.o~ uling su ileble CfOW ..... A (Ondilion lOOt it ing :
qu iTOfreqvemly onoou nTerod involving /he o.AI'" I ~rh . \ooIt, mate,;ol diocreporrdol due
lo ry IOklfCl l inciso rl oro pog ohoped 0/ , mo ll !eeIh 10 decreased arch le ngth 0' on increa.e in tooth

with rel-U llent .pacing betwee<1 the res! ol/he teeth mot. ,iol.
d.,. 10 drilTing, In .uch co .... the .\pOco lor tr.e b,Prelo&nC' 01 supe rnumerory or extro leelh con
loterol inelio' can be ~irred ", ing a,.,,,,,,,, , ..,11 in 0 crowded orrangemer1t 01 teeTh .
c. P'olongod ",I.mion 01 dodduoll.l _h con
oble oppl'o:lnce ineo'porotir.g linget springs O.
IJ.ed opptronces "'corporoting Dr> open coil spring. feSuh in ervp~on oI"'.i. suec"""",, in on obno<
1lre.p<JCOI .ogolned ton be used 10. 0 prosth"'ic: molloamon. Th. pre""nce 01 an ove.reta,ned
a"""" on the loterol ind.o . deciduous tooth olong with ils permanent C.....,..
A .Imilo. conditiorr i, the absencr. '" IerporI COn cou" aowding.
leeth, ~h os "",. illory loten:Il inciso .... In ouch d. Abnormalili ... in ,1m ond shope 01 teeth con
co_ tho ....1of .ho teeth con 00 co<uoli<Ia!oed IOGd to 0 ~ arch. Teoolh rhol oro ob_
IOgettoer ond 0 /i!Xlcolok in rhe lo!<! ml inO"" molly Iorge con prod i""""" 10 crowding.
reg ion whi ch con be 'eplaced ~ a lixed or re e. Premotvro foI.s 01 0 deciduous tooth irworiobly
m ova~e pa rtio l prosthes iS. rnultl in d'illing 01 oo jocent t""tn Into the e.
tro<;tion An exam pl e of ivch a CO ndiTiM
CftOWOINO is lhe oorly lou ol ...cord dedduovt mo io r1. In
1M.. co,." the lir>! permanent molo< dr~1s inlo
Crcwd",ng Ii onorh., common ITIOn~esto!ion 01" the emodlon $pOce. Thu, the <ocond ~moIor1
Cion I "",locd",;On. Crowding ",uolly oc"'''' do not h""" ad""""", spoce to e,upt ond may
os 0 resuh 01 disproportion belwee<r IooIh sin! do 110 In on obno<mal po>mon predisposing 10
F;g II p" onO pwt'~me<"1 pho!O\;""*,, "" ",, __ 1 ..-', ,""""""v I'"",," ..-" 1;,.0 "'*'<><lorl~ "ppkn<:< W""'''Il
","<>if"" O! .... fo,.,, ;rsr """,,,,,"-. {AI ,;81,,00 Ie) p" ho''''ed ~<O"" (Oi '~ I coO '~ I poll .,.",.,,1 """""",."

crowd irtg. Tr eatmen t

D/egnos/s Gojnjng <poce Crowded t"eth requ ire spcce

fo r thoir normo l oli g nment. On on ove>ge for
Clini col e,om inotion , ho ul d be corri. d out to
ev-e ry 1 mm of crowd ing, an equal omount of
determine Ih " ~xtent ond loootion of crowd in g.
'f'O"" i, ~y i red for corroelion. Thu. lhe orneu"1
Mod el o,.., ll"i. con be of use in determining the
of crowd ing ~ I d be ceku lated ond the means
omoonl of orch !engl h . tooth motenal di.crcp-
of obto ining thi:l .poc~ sho uld be determined .
oncy. The po"ibi " COy," Iorthe crowding ,hooJ ld
Th e vo ri ou, meth od. 01 gaining .poce indlJde
0 1$0 be detnrnlir>ed ,
f ig 12 Pro 0"" v>!I'Y8CI_ ' ~pho oi 0 P""'"' "'.;,. <,ooodi ... " 10..0 wi" fOod o"oodomc oppI:onoo fo b.InIJ
,<lro""" 01 "'" .< f," ",,,,,,01;1<. ~' (I) "". ;'Cl ,,..,eo......... phoI~ (DI(E) 0<'Id If) f ...... .",.< pIo.:od ond
nHnoI ",_"..0 1<:< ,I i"""'" ol ~ ...... (Gl!Hl ."d j1) """ ......"*' ~pI>o

prooimol >hipping, "'po",lon, ..rrodion, mol,,,

disoorlZOhon. o.rolotion ond uprighting 01 pwte.-
rio. IMIh ond p-odinotion 01 omorion. n... in RoIOIionJ OrO tOOIh _me"" !hot occ .... orourd
dicotion lor eoch 01 these method. t'OI bHn di .. the" long IWIS. Two types 01 rolotien' oro pes.
CIJuec:I in o.loi l in o n ""rI~, chclptcr. ' ib\e ,
e. Me, ie. ling..., 1or di.lo bucco l raloticn
Use o f fd mo vab lc appli a nce, O nce th e
b. Oillo ling uo l or mesio bucca l rototion
p<O'loi.iot1 fO( $pO ce i. mode. teeth con be moved
MMo:io<" IeeIh Ihct ore roIcted OCCJP'I' less
10 normol non<rowd . d P05<liQnI by us<ng ",.
'P<I<;<I and f\1er~fo(~ (equiro oddi~onol >p<ICe for
mo'<QbIe appliances thaI incooJXl' A"" coa spMg:s.
!heirderotolioo. Po.terior IeeIh occuP'l' _lpIXfI
c;onine ,efrDdors.lobiol.",." etc.,.

Use 01 f"r>:M/ opplione" : F"ed appliances

""*" !hey are """""". Thu pooe "\JOined when
con be used to treat aowdi"lll' fiood oppl,o"".,.
tf.o! mak. u>c 01 m<J~i looped orchwiret Or ",oil. Trea tm ent
lent nide l - tiklniu m wires ore 'cry efk<:tive in Spece mo nOQomcnl, Treatme nt of onle rior
correction ef crowdiog. tooth roiclion req uire. $pOee. Provi sion Ihoo ld
f ig 13 PO'e!""', ',oJ bi~1 ",.,,1Od """ Ibry I ~' """"""'""' ~! I
PI 9& _ 0;." of "",,;10 ..,. ," ,-ro! ;n.;;',,,,_
sea '0""'" cf ....".j ~ ..,. ,t"' ",,<Yod 1"""'' "'"" (0 ocd

~~ , ~ T"""",,,, of ,'''','''os
(AI Roo''"'.->;,o,
used "' )"OC' '01;)'", IB! Mild ,"1;)''''", ,a , ""
,,,,,,1Od by ""'" ... j"",
arch w'", 0"; onga~ "" to
""'" ..... ,"I;) 1>. t,-oc".. ,10> (0 Ekl"', !'<ood uoed
'0 d.>.-oo" ".-.",oIer. It I, a''acned to " . 1.-., ,,, 1
"""""".,.-t ond ~ 0''''''''" +. 1OC"In (Y'o(! l ed
10 ,h. arc"""' . (0) A ( ~v>J to ~OO! ,,"o'k-n by
'''''"'''''' oIa,,~ ,,,.ad. be*' ,,"cor, ..... I", ,,,,' ~_
f~ 15 ~ ~ .. ~.~od ... ......;. lot _ 1 oIot ...... _ . Tho, .... 1Iri"ll """"~ ...... It......
_ Ib 1Dr'II _. be "",do. in the fre(ltmen! p!em lor oblair>- Rel",,!ien 01 rclO!ion. : I! il uwclly &Cid thai
ing the .-eq ui....d space. rote'iont ere ooly to treol. but diffi ou lt to r. toin.
Use 01 rG mcvQbJe opplio ne'5 , Mil d fotO They hc.e e ve ry hig h risk of ", Io pse du . to Ihe
tion.:an be """"ted !ISing a "!nO"<O~e awl; . tretdling of me . uprco l""" lor end trcnseptcl
gingovo( ~b(lu which ,,,,, dapt .. ry dowIy 10 !he
Cf"Q!hot incarpORltMa dau~,.:anrd6ver spring
IZ spring) along with a labial bow. newposirion. "JhuI;long ""'" ~n"required
to ochieYe IIObiliTy oI_menl. Perid~ orar
Use 0/ /"'N oppliance. , Whenev.r mul cu.merermal ...",,,,,,,,101 ~brobny i. on odIUnc:.
tipl. rcloticnl c1 lee1h ore preser>1. tile owl",nc:e fi. e lUfQicol p,oced",e where !he glngfvol fibre.
cI choice shcukJ be 0 r",ed appliance. Derolohon Qre iroclsed IQ proven! "'lop ....
oe n be don . by 0 number of W<J"fJ. Rotation
we~es ere Cl>"oi lable th ot co n be wedged be
'"-' "'earch.,;",....-.d .... toom~g 14.o).Mld !. GooI>o< TM : ~ia, """"~ ..,,j I>fOdi<e.
we SO...... 1988
tOIO~O<1I_ eI!ediYelv """lOcI bt- u.. of ...... Iien! .. , o.~.~~~.... ();.voooi .. wn.,. .... - .
orch wires .uch os nickel ~lQnium. Their ,uper
eJO$TkiTy 01"-' engoge".",m 0I1h, WI'" into the


P< W~ Con_tr 0rth0d0trII<0. St louo ..

tv Moobo.l P86.
broc:ktt "'01. This bring> obout ol,gn.....rn ond ' . Robon f ..."... , I"b>d booIr ... ~ _
boo!. _col ,M.I .......... i"", 1938-
derctot'c" c1 !f", IOoth ~'Il 14 .bl. Eloslic llvecd 5. ~ we , Otrho<lonloc <Y"<i 0.:00>01 _ __
ce n be used to rotale tile tooth o'ound il< long W,";<.1\>93
o.i,. Th ll)' Ore engaged 10 li"guo l olloc hmenl. 6 Ih:<no. M Q,obor. R""-" l l'Mo..dol l , O~~
tOa ,,,ront ~,oo;.lo. <>">oJ t.a. nqwr. Moob-, __
ond ore wrapped around the toolh in the dire<:. booIr I-c. 1\>9.
lion of "'. derc1<Jlion ond ~ed to ,he ald>.,;",
bu.:ally (Iig 144 A couple force '. 0100 effect;.e
in , _ 01" rototed 1OOIh. This II brought
oboul by UIO of ,,"'.,;,: !hr..oo. both bl>COlly ond
Ioroguolly 01 loo..n in fig 14.d.
In C<l'" 01Mcketl thot hCl>"' 0 .. " ""I
slct, derot01ioo ~. oah QWr1 in fig u'. I S CM
be u l~d fc ' domtcti<>n of the tooth .
of Class II

Ord in g to Ang le', ,k", ifial!ion, Cit", molar!o one thot i. a fuli lledged Ckm II.
II mo locc lu. io n ind ica te . thot the 2 The cI"S$ico lleoture of " Ck", II, divi, ion 1
ondibulararch is in" di,tel relotion to ma locc lu sion is the ~'enc" of prodined
that of the max il la Ci"," II mol""c lu. ion i. maxi lla!)' anterio" with re.u llOnt increosed
dlOrQC!eriIed bot" c",,, II rooIar relctionship where overjet.
/he dislo-bllCcol cusp of the "pope' lim pemmnent 3. Tf>e potiMt exh ibits a convex profil e.
molar occlude. in the bucca l groove of th e lower 4. Due to prodined "we' ante""". the lower
li" t permon ent ffi-"o r (fig 1 & 2). It can occu r in ant.... ;., ' teeth foil to ma ke cont<Jd with the
two moin form., Cia", II, division 1 a nd division po loto l.urfe>::e of tf>e upper ante,io" . Thu.
2. The onfy sim ilori!y thot both the,e form. exhibit they are free to ervpl leading 10 on increose<:!
is the Closs II mola r reloti on. ovc,bite a nd cxcess ive cu rve of Spc<!.
S. The iX'tie nt may hove a sf-ort hypotonic upper
CLASS II, DIVISION 1 MALOCCLUSION li p. In oddition the potient may ploce the
10_' lip ag ai nst tf,,; po lotal surface of the
Ck", II, div i. ion 1 lu .ion i,,, cord i!k>n uppe r incisors . Th i. i. ca ll ed lip Imp. Th ~
exh ibiting em. II mok" "'''tion.h;p wi!/, pcoclined
prese ,"", 01 0 ,hart upper lip 01on9 with lip
m"';Ilory anterior teeth,
trap increases If,,; lend"nq for 1m. uwe'
anterior; 10 p,od ine.
6. Patients ok~n lock on onte,io, lip se<J1 due to
1, The polien! exh ibit>" CIo" II mola r relotion, the short uppe' li p. Restoration 01 """"01 lip
The mola r reiotion con VO"l from on e nd on s",, 1is e" entiol to mointoin the teeth in their
Ai I A." II, <1;",,,,, I "",Ixd.oioo
:AI (Jj o'>d (q '0""""" "'0,,1and
.. ..00:01 ..... No...... " " " " _ 01
... ",0.11 ., _ ... 101 ow ....(
...... _ . , ... _-.,. ct . . <I'd!
d.. 10 _ _ 1:..0<6_ Cltlioo (f)
Up l'Op ood ~yp."a'~_ ..... ,al
ad"';" 0 .. l,pc.1 01 u...~,-'"
I .. olocd .. ",

corrected po>ifion. common fInding in Clou II, dl"i,lon 1

,. MOf! Clo.. II, divifion I "'fe' u h,bil malocclusion.
obnormol mu>(le ocli.;1y, The, uhibi! S. Clos. II, di.i.ion 1 molocclu.lo n con
obnormol buccinolo! oeli....,. Jeoding 10 0 ~. boo DSIoCioIedwilh p<OCIl<I6d Ioww
co nWieted , narrOw upper arch wh ich antorOO. ni l is a ""Iura l co mponSOlion
prad i,po,", to pOSler ior ero" bil o. A tnat hos to ken ploce to red uce the o.eriel.
h,po rOClive me nlo li s ocli . il, is anoth e r
SKElETAL FEATUR fS copable aI.uch en oiled are wiled terorogeo'''.
Inooiotion : Expasu.e 01 a preynont womon 10
A Cia.. II malacdu.ion may be camplicoted by
rodio~on iso~CQYMl of al~ red """""pmen!
1M presero::e of oboormal.l:elelol ",Ia!ionsl'lip d:
01the ()entofa oo l complex.
the mexill a and th e mand ible. The ob ne'''''' '
skele!()ll. ol\Jre, mOJ! oIten Iwnd ore Ilig 2) : !nlro ute rine lelol pOllur. One of th o
I . Mo. ala.., prot"" ...... le<;tOD thaI ..... ms 10 plo, a rol. in molding the
2. Mond;bulm rerrvsian croniofaci<rl ~ion i. Ih. I.rol
J . Ma...11a<y pmlnIsian and mordb..oIQf flItrusion post"'"" Ahoormal pollute lVch as hand. ocrou
tM foce i, fou nd 10 affect mond ib\Jla r growth .
NIUI ' . ctors
Class II malocclusian con OCCUr due to a ."riery Trauma COn >om<!llim.. be induced by impraper
aI OOUW!l. Broodl, the efimagic fadoo con btl ~ps opplimfian dunng d"';.",..y. Thl. rewlt.
dOlSit.ed as : in trau me to th e cond ylcr reg ion. Th e
1. Preno lc llc C\Of1 temperom ondi bular jOint in . uch CoSOI con get
2. Naralfa<lo<s onk,lo d Or fib,ol.d leadinG ta under .
J . fbstnotaiIodOD de.ttlapmentol the man~ble.
",ecIUI '.ct a .. "ottn.t., ' .ctor.
Heredilc f}' : The , i:e, ~ ition c nd ,eloti e n, hip The'. c re 0 nu mb . r of <o ndilion. Ih<l t ca n
d:~ ~ CrO10 e 1a'O!' .-:Ionj d. """'ined i)y rhe infl...ence lhe normal doe-o-Iopm...,1 allhe denio
genel. Thu. (1"" II malacdusian . ohib;!ing 10001 romplex. The following 0 SOITI$ 01 them:
.keletal anamalies .uc;h a. a pmgnarhl( molliia o. 1.aumalic inlury to the mandible and
or 0 teifi)~nothic mondible can be due te te mperoma od ibula r iaint.
hered itary catJ.e. b. Long te .m i.rodialion th . ",PV of lhe . k. l. to l
Terologer>e.sio : Admlnlst.ation of ce<tain d'uG' cronicfacial reg"",.
during p~nonc, Can rHull in pe,...rted or c. Imec~ous cond~ionI wdr a. rheomotcid
abo.",."..,1 d_lopmenl. The dl1Jgs thor ore arthritis con influence moodibulor G.owfl,.
...."". ........I
_.ISt . ...

_.. - I

0' l OW<:!
n o:<oIlarJ

d. Alln o'mol fvrcion , uch 01 ora l re,p<ro~o~ . 0. Red udion of """'iet

obno",,,;11 ~wQllowing and hobo" <uch os b. RMucrion of ~
....... b....:kO'lg pr8Yem normal rn..osde actMty. c. Corrac;tiotla o;mv.ding cn:IlocoI ~larilies
n...... poIlenl. oove 0 low 10"11"" posilion d. eo.fec~on 01 unoloble molD, relotionohip
lea d ing to un res tra ined oCT i . i !~ 01 th e e. C,,""rediorl of pool erior t.on bileS if err)'
bUCCin ator group of mu .d",. !, No ' mo li.i"9 the muscu loture


In CIo .. II, dlvitlOo 1 mo kxd",lan, the moior
!>ent ob jecTive. oro to r. li o, ,, crowding and basic <>pp rooche& 10 the Ifeotmom
There 0"" Ih,,,,,
irreg ul"r;1y o f tne leelh ond to establis h otob le of 001, 11 , division 1 ma l ocd~lion, Th. y cr. ,
indoot-ond moIa. Nlolionship. The fdl."...;..,g 0'., 1. Growth modiNCOIion
the"eol,,-, objecliYes : \ 2. Comouflo~
"'' ' ',..."oJ"
f 'G 3 VIl .... (5i Sl.oIoI, 1 0", II ...~ '0 "',.,.j ....I>.
o.,.j (0) \1010"01 Cl<>u II no. to """, 'be,,' ""rO\I"O'~""
"<''''''' t_tod "'". ~''''''~ F'O'W by
" 1"" 00 """ iE) orld IF,
f 6
(Xf _ .
oPf>! .... " (0
1",",,1 c ... , II O~
to ... ,.,.jW:J. " .ogn<l t ~"" tr<,1Od '.... Joopeo- I ~'

J. SU'9,eol Wffediot1 fundionol ond orthodop<ledi~ opplia~ to

reau<e me seve,..., of me
.keletol ",Io~on,hlp"
GroWl/! I'IOd/f/".lfon The ... IrtIOlmenl procedu,"" 0 ... ",uoUy con'ed
Clou II, division 1 "",Ioulu.ions 0'"
oh .. " ov1 during me mi>O!'d "" eorly peomonent denMion
complicOled bym~ p=er-.:e cl undert,ng sl:.elelol period pno. to me cessolOon 01 growth.
obno'mo li';el , Mool o~.n ",,,,,il ,,'Y progn<>mi:sm An ImOrtOnl p,e'fequ;' ile fo' !h~ ..
"" mond ,bc ll)(def"",,,CI' exc u', l hcloll obnOl"mol growth modili co,;on proce<J ure, is 10 IXcu ,ole ll
5l~"to l pol':tlml Co n be in!<ore.pled by mea ,,. of. d"'gno,. th e und er lying "e leto l diSCf~po nC'f'
Anol}'111 of lot~,al c~phalagroml can help
e.",blioh 11,.. >kdelol "",1~""on"'lp.
CO"",'; on of man d ;bluio, deficien cy
1. Pdttlt IQc old fa" s.x::=s1Ji grow1\ 1I'IQdiI~lktI
Clo sl lilnoio<:c l"" ion compl icolOd by "", nd i"" l",
deficlon<;y or r.. tro ~""th i.m il Ireoted during tr..

mlrcCKI d.nt iti"" pe<iod bp". of myolul'>dio",,1 2. Wd~rnr;otra! ..i'' 'let"'aa.. RfnlDxI.ioo

oopl;.,,,c,", lueh as ocfivelO' (fill 3 . c.b) or 3. A' idy .... iIlrgrodteeCtl
ivlldio",,1 ragulo'Or. In case the po~enl is crt the loOn IPD iiMilolble b _flIra kif

end of the glowth period. /u,d luntllonal

owlion"" I,le Herbst appllanar (fig 3 . c.ell or " GlOd...-.c.lfalal ~wihllliNroeep

lalfl"r Jumper {fig :3 e,l) i. indicated.


Correclle n of madlc ry progno,hi.m; C le "

II melocc lulion ""h i.c iting "",.<il lory P'OII""this m to "" va0 fO>'O<J robi e elie<:t on tfre !Qcio l.,th , tics
con be inten:e pled by Ille lIS. 01 luce bow with of Ih" ind r';dual.
heod(leOl 10 ,,,,,ria furthe, "",. illory g,""""",. .spoce requirement in the upper orcJ, is
In some pa~enb, Cion II molocdOJiion ...... ntrolly 10 reduce the OYeIjel. O'I.rb~e ond to
is campfi(.ated by the presence of both moxilkrry corre<;l_1ocaI inegukrriliesal-n. Eocrtodion
prag"",h,,," c. _II o. mondibulor defi(.iency. in me lo_r arch mOl' be "",enory 10 carred
In such patien" an awlionar ","eh a. ocrivo>or unstable molor ... krtian, cone""," 01 crowding,
w;lhheadg"'" is u..,d to rellti<:l maxill ory growth ~ brt.. a nd mi nor.locol i""'" uJa ri ti....
orod pro!TIol<> ma nd ibul ar growth . Tho k>cth thotore me!! freq uently e..-oocd
OrG th e first prij~ o " . In , o.e ot 0 wel l olig ned
lowe, o'cn with a Class II mOta, ,"lotion with
In polienl. who are b~voM oro"",,", it i. not ... cellent inrcr-CUIj>QNon, ~ is ponible to reduao
pouible 10 underlo ko lI'owlh modification the ooe~t1 0"Id obtain stcble ,,,"uh$ by ..,roering
pro<:edure. . Thu. me und .. rly,ng .kel"tol firsl premolars in Ihe upp .. r on:h (Frg 5). In
dis~nC'f' COn be comauflaged by artnodantic case .poaris~in thel~on:h 100;0"110
!Oem II"IO'<ement. This is often done byerdfOCnon unliable end ()fI molar <dotion 0< " ' - crowdi "'it ,
of ,.""in teem on d mo>"i og th o ' 01' of th" leeln rotations or" i"" p,od inolio n, both vpper
in lOthe spoce creo led . c nd 101"&1' first pre m% r, orc to be extra cted.
Wi,h "xIre ction of teeth i' is po" ib!e to In minim um or>ehOlO\le co .... whor" the
obtain co'rect malo, orn:l inciser relolionship spoce requrrement i. not much. th .. ncorn:l
de.p~. th .. fact tnot !he underlying sk.. letal prr>rn<>lars o;on be e:droCled 10 .,,>courag" ,,-iel
diK"ponr:y is not addressed. Tnu. tho concept mo.-emenl 01 th .. buccal >egmrmt.
'mplie. ,hat majar . kele:ol chong.. atll not 0tth0cI0ntic: alll.,1kII!e may also be dar-.
po... bl, o/oer me c<>sooNon oIl1roo-m ond ,hat in IIO<TI. potientl by di",,1 d'i .. n9 01 me mo,;llory
the orthadonti.t achieve. tne best po"ible molars. This is dane in mild Oossll malocdu~on
oxo;l!,r~"" uncler the lI "" n li mlrot~ns of tne skele>1 ptiO' to enJptlon of the """ond maIors.
i<l .... relo!ion . The reJX>$ioion ir>g of tne te<lth is likely
f;g p" 0 .... poo'.''''''''''' "''''cvo,''' of 0 pc"'" fO~' ma...d;Oub. " '1"!looh"" ~OO'ed "'-.... Ho m" ,ppI "" oo
.:>.: P",,'oo"' ,'I' 'M"," " ph, rei ~~, cI .... oppI &<:. ;, '"" """," KI Po"_',oo","'" PM","'o""


- r
' If

," I-
H" ,


S" ,. I"., cltro. cliltll

In poHenll nhibitinll 'e_ere I kelolol

.,..,h",roonoh ip, .urge<)' ""'~ be the k/ecllrecl"er1
rnodcl lity. Sos.ed an lh . vrxle<!ying ,\010101po~
a rno:JJory tel b:>d oro mond i""Io, od-.-oncemon'
i, undonahn afto,-I!.. campl.Han 01 growl!..

Ca"'"I/OA 0' d u p 11111 .nd c roUlllte

CIa.. II malocclulion can be OSSOClOfed wilh
oMorio' deep b~e. Thi, can be ,eoled in I!.e
lollowing WOY' : )"pe indc.o. ...,oclin! ce nlro's o. well 01 ioto-rol
o. U" of remo'ob le onl. ,ior bile plol"l(Jl 10 inci<Col end "C<)' roreIv ind...doe relrod ined ccrines
.noouroge , ,, ri ico l deve lop""n l of Ihe o.we ll.
pollorio< ~e-nlO"'~Of segMe<1ts. Retrocl:~olo" 01 upper ir.;:iootJ I, 0 Ciou
b. By USlflg fixed oppUcn:... 10 In!rude me upper II, d"i"on 2 malocclu1ion is u.",11y 0 natural
ond I_onteriot"s.
dento-<:olveoia, cOhlpe"... lio" Ioro Closs II lke1'lOl
Crcosbite:s are a CJ:>i ,.,.,., Jeo".." 01 00..
pO'fern in order 10 deCRlO>e!l-e ov.jet.
n, d".icwo 1 malocdusion. TheyOCC\.O" os a resu~
oil!., foIlowinglodOB : fea turu af CI... II. O I~15 ' an :I
o. Abno'm(ll bvccinc!ior muscl. OCl"~1 due 10
Iow,red jaw ond long "" potlu" con co u,' Mild io,,,,, 01 Clo " II, divi,io:"\ 2 ma locclul ion
conllrklion of the mo<ilkHY arches. ,.,oy be perfeClly acceptabl e wih r&go ,d to
b. If 11;, mand ible i. brou ghl forwo rd by ulO of Iu <"I<lion (1$ well 0' fodo l opp"oronce. In s.eve ..
, functional oppl,o",... lhe bl'OOcHI' tegmen! ~o ...., tire bl"e II often .... '" deep and poses lIle
01 rh, mandible is made 10 ocdvd, with !he risk of penodontal ""urno in Inc upce, pOlolol
iUtDWOf "",,,,,,to!ol the ono:oo"lo", ~ \eod"" 9 and lowe, Iobial al pec:.. The IoIlowi"9 are /he
10 a po .. ,"", c",.,b;IoI . leotu ... 01 Clo.. lI. d"jojon 2 molocduslon :
C,o..b .. ". or. _0><1 U''"9 opplionc ... o . ,Voolo" In dillo-ocdu.ion
ir.:O'porol in g Icrew. or ,prir.g' that pond lhe b ~rodired cenlrolir.;:i"", at<! ",rely 01 athe,
mO' ill ol")' e,ch. ontoriors 01 we ll.
Tho co "",lion of d""P bile and cro"bile c Oeep over bile
no," been in de!e il in me fo ll ow in g d. 1'Ieo1inllltroigh , profilo
ch:oplet1i. . Bnxld squore Ioc.
f. fkx;kword path 01 closure
CLASS If. OIVISION 2 M AlOCCtUSION g. Deep menlOlobiol sulcus
h. Aboenc:. 01 obnorrr.ol muscl" octMly
The Ciou II. divilicro 2 moIocd"'ion if " concilion
CM'OC1e<"i,"" I:rt a Orm II molar relation"'ip ...irh
r.I,oc li ned upper c""lta l. thol orc ove rlapped by
the klla"<l l inci"", (fi g 61. Vo,,,tion' of !he d011ico1 Th e treotmenl ob icCli.., 'nclud e :
0_ Relief of gingiva l troumo 6 fd IC, ","," , .Ioo"<loph , ood l<t;' , Ro q, .. 0' Cio<>
~ , D ~" I , Am j Ori>od 1995; 276 _285
Corroction of i ~c~o r rekltion.h ip
Reliel of crowd ir.g ond b col irreg ularit;".
~. G , o,, ~ ~, r-.~'" 0'" BoRa , C ,,"d~o ' po ....", a<>d
Cio" II doo ", ;", ,o_o, mokxd Jl" ", A" J
Ortrod 1989 ; 428 _432
d_ Correction of bvcooo l S<'Qmen ' rekltion.h ip S 0.obo, TM Ort..odo" ", , Pr- ~ , ; , ~ , oo->d p' , er ~.,
The rol . of extract"m in the troot"", nt aM
WE '"""d..-" 198-9
Ho,,, h,o ,f Clo" II 01,;,10 " 2 mol""",,;on
corr. cti an of the buccol"' Qme~t re lotion. hip is "" "", ..oct."" . ..., j Or+-.od I 'i9(l ; 37' .3W
esse ntia ll y tha .ame o. wo. de.cribed for Ck", 10_ H;,,;' SU'll-,oI hoot"""" of C"" II, 0" """ 2
II, divi . ion 1 molocc lu.ion. The de" p ont" rior mokx<>",."", A", j Oohoo 1989 ; 185_1 91
11_ Ko" <>c,,; H"~ ( ,,,,,,,10.; .. ,ho"" " ri >l ~' of "' ..
overbite cnd retroc li naticn thot i, cl>a rocte ri . tic foCI- w," ,,,,-,,,,I "d poI,"",rrd "",to*'"'.
Am j
of divi. ion 2 m<l lexc lu ' iOo i\ tr. ot. d by ' 00h0<i 19 67 ; 207212
12 " ~ i>"'. 1, C,",~Ie, ;, 1.0"." 0... eo'''''''''''s:''' '
o. Rod",tion in inci.o l overbite and No,","o,,; o, io,g 101""n' of Cion II
b. Alteration of incisol i", li nation "", kx<Jo. 0o>, AOl j 0,,,..,. 1986 , 28 6_21'5

The deep over bite is reduced by use of

13 ~ Q' , """"Q',
>Iud" 01
'loft, 0"" G, __
(I,,, II, OM""" I treotmen1. Am
, bo , ~, C<!*,iometi~
j 0"000
aoterior b it~ pla ne or fi,ed app li a nc es 1992 ;276 280
I. P" d-.. " , Act~ - t, of;,. t,onpora l and m,,,",,
incorpo rotir.g cnchor bond. or reverse CUtvO of ~. ; o ( 10" II, 0""", 1 "",kx<"' '''''''' Am J
Spee . Th e incisor i", liM tion ofton ne<:M.itat.. OrtOOO 19a~ ; 619_68 B
15 Po,d-",,, _ ),'",>d . od;, ;1)' ;' CI", II , o;" ; ~oo 1
the u.e of torquing .p ring l to move tho uppe r
mol ""I us-i-o ... t "",t<;j Oy "'10 """ pi >g wit> m. Ko.b>I
inciso r rc-ots li ngu a lly ond th e crown. bucm ll y. Am j Ortk-d 19aO . 32 I _329
o ,, ~ an-:: .
16 Po",,,,,,, , S<oI .. , 1",d ..",., 1doaoge, cOn1'l b, -iog
Rol. of fUllctional appli. nces ., ("0" ~ (",~'k>n "
Ort..oo 1984 ; 125_13.
ott"""" hootmon'. Am J

17 /or-,"" No";", ""; ( ,,''''' , "'""re .... of 0"" ' ''to

During the mi""d dontition period , it is pon ib lo moIQ" I" , ;oo , ha ,g." Am j OrtMd 1995 ;
3S2 391
to proc li ne th o mo' ill ory inciso," th. reb y Ie PI.;ffc.- ,.,; G,o"",, , Comb ~," ""hopod~ . """,,"
conv e rti ng 0 Cia," II, divi s ion 2 into 0 da.,,, ~oaI mor1 . Am J Ortooo I 982 , 185-201
19. P,of" W~ ; Cc , tomporo..,- Qot-.;.J.o oia, St L""~.
mo locd ", ion that resemble, Ck", II , divi<ion 1. CVMc>t-"I98o.
Thi$ Con r,.., fo ll owed by the u$e of functi ona l ,0 R'Q<ln ond .svu,'" Co,OO<;I"o 01..--. ( I, ,, .
"" k=I",'oo. Am j C>1.00d )989; 192.199
app li ance. m described for O ms II, division 1
21_ " ""~ EMoyo~ , Hoo"" l<>oIo. of O"' od<.,. ~" y""
mobcdusion . boo~ "',"ee l pcbl""' ,,, 10<,1 9118
n R"" rt>a" , Tooatm.... oho ..... , ;0 " jdr"" '" aled
Refere nc es ~ , ;, (,nc1l00'. " gol ,,", of r",,01 _ Am j Ort"""
2J Ru_ 0"; W. ' (0 " ",'''" of Ckl .. II , DM""" 2
I_ k.y~", N ",*,~odoo ~"'- m ont of '""''" Ck", II, makxd o, ion, ,I"oo " h ,ho USo of tho llio ,ot",
D~ ; ~ o, 2 ",olced,, ;o.,. . Am j Ortl>oo 1990 ; u"pl",.,,_~O"o " of t~ o '0"'. Am j Orthoj
5 1052 1 191'0. 106_11 2
2_ """."" Non"',,',,, ,.""".,. ... cf 0;" I, 0,';' 24 *~ , T.. , t_ t 0' ([""dod 0;" II mo kxd."""
"',' 1 m, ~",,_ Am j Ort..oo 1985 ; 38()'395 ,0,." j Orth d ) 99J , 298_303
3_ """. ," ""_,oct.on notmort of .. ,," 0;", I, 25 ~.." G<a o.., a'Jd M" ~ '" Pu~pI", ry ",>", 1 I,-.,.,I>oid
0 " ;0;0,2 mo le,d",o,,,_ Am j Ort, o; 199 1 !,'"'' I, au.. I ",xl Ckl" II ""ioa;!v, oo, . Am j
Ootlood 1982 , 299_309
4, OoI i;o"', - Vark"ia, In morpW"," , ,; """II a', 26 T''''''''.Yo 0.0",,'. ~oo. " LY,oa 'ldo'l , O "lJioo _
,, ""oi In"'o," fou"d ;, CI.n II, 0;, ;,;0' 2 r" ' '-<eO' ",-;"''''''
0',J ,"", .. , ,.0, ),'.o, b, \'OC ,
.,.",Ico;;"':",,,_hn j Orthod 1980 ; 'J.8 " ~3 l<>oIo. t-.t, I 9 94
5, o.""><h, >-9< "0 1, 000 1h ::'" , " "" , I" or oh"b:o- 27 W, .. , "q;' Co., i , O"i>ion 1 """"d ... oo . Am
moo' ;n (Ie" I, D ; ~, ; o o 2 mol o<o u,;o' Am j j 011"," 1994 42 S_433
O"hoo 1992 ; 50'1_5 I8
of Class III

,oc;dLll.iOn!hat i. ~ .... "110 IdIl'l1!iIy

N bul is ofren diffi<u~ to!rea! is ,"" 00.. 111

Iocclulion. Th;, cond ilio n represenTI
"pra.normaq ",hen! It>e mandibje" in" mesial c.
reloIio,w"p or on onl"';o, cro..bite Ir-OY
oa:vr. ~ i. not unconmon to ~"d" normol
Inc ilOl re lationsh ip
The ~pe<orch i,~,.,. """"'" and ,no~
1IIIoti0l11o the upper a.m. Aording toAngI" " ..nile "'" lowe, ""'" is brood. n..... posIetio<
00,,111 mol". ,elotion"'p relet! to "cond,tion 0'0J.!.b~e> 0",,, common ieoIvre of (I"" III
",he", the mu<,, ooccol onp of th e upper firsT mc locd",ion. Th i. t..o.rq i, e.<ag""",ted
~tJf oodvde. between the mO<'ld ioo lor li m and due TOthe IMf,,1sagitta l reloti ons.hip of th e
second melon. Although lhilde~nilion ,ep,_ lowe, arch dvo to ....,ch Ihe broader part of
g Iypicol CIo", III ... lotion!.h,p,1ho """"'" molar the mondibuJor ord> Opp<4ft$ the I\CI1"QW pan
CO<1 be in " rnMiol ",lafurohip Ie" ""ryir>g do.grtle. of TM upper arch,
This kiM of mc l ocd u~on finds h" he,t indMnce d. IT is Com mo n for Th e uppe r TeeTh to be
in Japan and I(oreo. c~ os the is ""flOW and sho<1
while. the mandibular arch if; ahen spaced.
FEATURES OF CLASS 1/1 MAlOCCLUSION e. The oot"nl hM a COrl'OV<' profile d"" Ta the
pre..,,,,,e of 0 promi ne nt chi n,
The folio,.; ..... 0'. th e feoturO I of " C ion III Vet1<coI g""""'r1 em ibi~ ng an irlCfOOSC<l inlet
malocclusion : mO<in",y Might may h..... on ontetiot open
o. The paliem h(Jf" <lou III molor r.,!alio",hip
bile . In $Orne DOTOenT> 0 deep <Mt<bite m<ry
Ilig I)
b. The ir><; ioorl may be in o n edge to edge
g, A type of em, III mo locclusion referred To as
----------------- A----------------

pseudo Cla n III molocdVlion il
"",,<><;tented bor tn . preSM<:e of occluIOI
prematuritieo; resulbng in 0 hobit",,1 ~rd
pos;.\oning oh'" mandibl . These pot;onts
""'I .n ibit 0 forword potn of elosu r . 1",. Ocss III mo'oo:IV\lio<l !hot exh ibits u.-.derlying
si<elolol imoo ia "Ce i. usuo ll l inheoited , CIo S! III
SJ(ElETAt FEAJVRfS OF CLASS 11/ molacdUliono ore lOid 10 hovoe 0 '<eI'l' slrong
MAlOCClUSION g " netic 00';'" The QIh.r co ....... 01. pre-nc>rTT>OIcy
inc lud e "ob itua l forwa rd pO'itioni ng of the
0= III makxcl",ions 0<0 quite o~"" ouoOrned
mandblo We ta acd_1 promoturitie! Of '" .bgeo'
with underlying .... Iotol malrelationships. The
following ore 10"'" 01 Ill. commonly -.-. .>Ietal
!.:atu, (fig J),
c. A .hort Ot~ogno"'ic mad lo
b. A long 0, prognanth" mandiblo The diagnostic; procedure .hou ld help in
c A combinolion of me o~ determining the type 01 Closs III mokxdusicn i.e.

Cla.s III malcx:clusion

, Growlog Pi titflt


,I b, ~9
DertaI CIaS$ Ii

i I
Skeletal Class IU

r.I M~ r.Iand<b<i"
WI.gnd'.m pr~'~*'<l 1""",,-

IcIlow l~ b!" ct\irI "'~
""'" "....

m.. ~. ~ ,
.....,~ .

" .~
, ...-,.:;ii_
fo; ' Pe' '"ot w," .".,,; 100 ..,. d..k""", ,oct .. ..;;, b oo .,..,,\ W, I!I & -:<:) I'r" ... ..,. . .. ... """' ...... ~. IE) & if!
PI:> __ ........ rno.,..'apI-
F.. 5 N P"natmont ;>I""OIl"'''''' oi a paI;"'1 """"I """ lay '"''''IF'''t~<m 1"000"'" w,' loco mo>I. r~J Tho pal",,_,
_ri"\l tho appi"'''''"
t(! Tho 1, -"",,, 1 .p~t ..ii , ~I'E '" aid ;n mh ~
fI<j 5 (01 P.. , o-nr.,- oh>"OQ'.""'.
denkll or ,keletol, !rue or p ... udo. The d,nical
....,mlnot;"" should indud.: oMervollon 01 path
of closur . In odditio n, .lud, mod.l. ond
radiographs should also be Io ken. A 100ero~
cepl-oolog rom ofrom ""I"obl. infornoo!ion On t~ e ,
slcele!ol nature of t"" mo locd usion,


Cia.. ill mo","fusion .!.ould b. recognized and

_ed early due to the following reosons :
o. Reor;ognizing It,. molocdo osion 01 on eo~, age
mokes it possible to inlen:epl the obnormal
..ketolal ponern so 0' to redvce the 1eYerII, of
t""clcva lopi ng ma loccl usion ,
b. Th e Clo .. III ma locclusion cho roct&ri.ed b,
onteriOf cross!>t... allen ......, Its In r"rorded
mo";lla,,, g~ due kllocking ol!he ma:.illa
..;thln the mondibto.
c. The ol .. sol lore ... on the mandibular
Indsors exe<Io:d by the mo. illo", incisors in /"t"cepllon (I"./nll lI. owlh
c""ll;~e enco<>roge 1M (O"'inved fotwOn:I a .,.. III molO<:du';on "'ith on und"'!ring ....tolal
Ii.""""h of mandbl. Ivrt>er wo"",,,ing the pre mol.. '.,t.,nst-Ip requ' re eo rI,. t~ '" to In~p!
normolcy, the develop in g I k~l"rol molo" luSiM, Th e
~. !SO t ~>~r~
' -w~~~.

414 " Orthodontics - Thllt Art and Scilltncllt

following ore !-O rne of the growth mo-dulotion procedure., Oa.. III due to moxillor)' nq
procodure. tho' con ~ corned out, i. treated by maxilicry o-dvm><:ement procedu res
o. Frenkel III, 0 myofur>diooa l opplic""o con sud> 0.10 Fort I ostectomy. 00.. 111mclocdu~ OfU
be uo.ed during growth to intercept 0 Ciou II I thot ar~ 0 ",. ult of mondibu lar P"Ollnoth i..-n o re
due to mo dlory skele!O l retrusion. t'ected by mand ibulof . et bock procedu res ,
b, Reverse octivator,
Treatment of pnudo Clan III
C, Ch in rup with high pull hood gear " u.ed to
int~ rce pt Clo " III molocclu.ion due to Pseudo Clo ," III mc locd u$ion th ot O-CC~rS o. 0
mandibu la r P"Ollr>Clthi..-n . re. uIt of oa:lusal prematurily im prove. on ",,,,,,,,,,I
d, Sever.. Ciou II ImabcduJ.ionI thot ore 0 resJ;t of the couse .
of maxi lla ry retru. ion cen be treeted by" e heod gea r {or foce ma,k) 10 protrcd R. f. re nc es
the mcxillo (fi 9 4 & 5),
(",btl , Dil'"".. , 1 d ~ 0,," ''OC'_ '
"'fig 01 ,,,,,, ~aI onI>odor< ~ 0 o" III "",Io<.<M'on,
Trestment of snterio, c,ou bite Am J O <thcdl~a l ; 42. _. 36
Mild onterioruobite. cen be trected u<lng lower 2 CO= ~ , ~_omI """"" 0.-.;1 C"'. III 'ceo""""
Am J Oot><:>d 1981 ; 638-650
<Jnteno.- irn:li ned pio ne, or rern<lvcoble appi ior><:e.
3, W, <>">i IkN""", ,,, : C~ "" 01 oo ~ t Ckl"
incorporo tinQ >crews des igne d for o nterior III ooo" _olto "",!oed,,, ,,,, Am J Orihoo 1984 ,
.'po","'" 277-'190
4, Grober TM , o,.OOdon'''' , P."" l p ~ , 0'" prn<tk.
Treetmen! of poste,'or c'ou bIte W8 So urdo..,19BS
5 loN I, Mo.llo, To:-..;h;, ond No'om,", , Maxflo')'
CIo,. III ma locc lu';c"", ore ofton """ompo nied ~ 0'" "" ", p OppiofICO " ~I Clo ..
by po,te rior Cross lHte , The posterior em,. bite II aloe, Am J Q.\hod 1967 ; 30-\ 312
6 N.,"' . mc, k"' ",,", No'o." o"d -';'", ' om , H. _
con be treated by ropid mexi llory oxpon. k>n
reo:iilOr/ 10<.", ,, <roniob:d mpholog,- of C" ..

Role of extractions
11 0'" C"" II "", bod", ..... _Am J om-.:.d 1961 ,
150_1 56
Clas, III ma loccu on chorccteli""d by lower orch 7 N<;w-.;., ond1.10<' 11 , CophoIom, " " 0" 0""""" of
><9' 01 ", UI<:NNp , Am J O<th-od 1994; 328 34 4
le ngth defic ie r>Cy ond onte rior ero,. bite can be 6 P",fIH WR, (",'om""",,,, o,.'m" "",, 51 'w"
treoted by extrocting tho lower first premolo r> CI Mo.I>,, 1986
fellowed by fixed mechc r'>Otheropy, CIo" III inter- 9, Re-bon E ~ , -.d book 01 O"k4oon1k:s, y""
book mod;toI ,rt.I 0h0 ", loe, 1988_
ma,i ll oty e lo , ti "" shovld ~ u.ed to retro ct th~ 10 n-.on-... M G, Rot-! l Yo,,,,,dol , Orlh;.don-
10_ , anterior. (fig 6) . In case 01 ofch length .J ' "'" oc>".,' ori ""lpio, ond "<,, ~,, Mo,by >"
deficiency in voi "i"ll both the o,che., the lirst book It!c , 19\14
1 1 ToIIoro, _ I, 0'" fro ";'; , ~<rlr k.>"",ono l , _ _
premolors "lOU ld be extracted in both th e up~r
ond low..-arc:he. ,
"""" of ao.. II "...ocd..o;oo, Am J o..t.:.d 19\15 ;
12 0 ...... 000 fl",! 1 Eff o<" 01 f""l. r, f R_J _ Am J
Treatment of ,eve,e CIa .. 11/ O.thod 1994 ; 561_~67
Mta, g,owth
Se"e,. C ia " III moloeclu . ion ofte r growth
compietion, i. ttlXlted byourgico l ond correctiv~

aloc;d",ion con DC;tIIf in three planes ANTERJOR 01'" BItE
,,/.poce i.e. $<I9 illo l, t'''''''''''<e
in the _ ica l plon e. Open bite i,,, Ant",ior OJ"' n bilf: i." co ndition whe ro Thoxo is
malocdV$ion """ oce,,,,, in I/,e oemwl plane. no .. rtico l O'>"!!flop 1>0,,-> the upper and lower
dIo~led by lod dvertiQol oYericJp belween onteriotl (F;g 1). Anleri", open bit are
l~e mexillary and mandibull)l' demi!ion. Open ~ty U"""ItI~ particularly during speoch
biTes COn occu' in the onl.ria' and Ihe "",slo ri o. when the tong ue i ..-essed belweon tM tcel\1 on:!
reg ion ornl "ro coiled anterior ~n bite end l i ~,
POSlorio<open bil40 .... pedivefy. Oossificotioo, of a"l$'Ior<>pen bite
The diogrosi., Ireoh'rlent, and succe$Slul """'-riar apen bile ,an be dossil,ed ... :
,.' e nlion 01 jrOl<lted o pt! n bite molocclu.icn a. sqlelOl a nteria, open bile
continue to be" c hollange 10 cl ini cia ns. Mony b. DenIOI "nt~rior-open bite ,.
poten~ol etiologic fucto .. a~ Implicated OS
couses 01 open bile including urr/a.on:,bIe ~ El/olOlt 0' .",.rio, op." bit"
patlern., digil-Suding hoblt., tongue and Tho etioIog, oj onterlor oponbite is ....,~ifOClorioI.
oroloc io l mUlc le activity, he red iTy, ofofa<:io l No sing le Ioct<x con C>C;CQO,j nt lor- most ope n b it~.,
lun<:~oool matrices, imbolontel belween jow Anteri", <>pen bite. ,on <)(:C,,. d"" 10 " YOrie". of
potlure, oed""" and eNp/iYe bus and hllOd ~Ilcrry or><I non . he-litory fodorI. The
posiIion. A deloiled nd,ng of ... etiology following Ore .ome oj the ~llologic loclors
and d. velopm enta l ponx . .. i. tflvt es...,'." in ill re'j>O nJiblcr !.o, ome'",' ope n bites :
m(a,., ge"""" . II P,olonged !numbwc kir.g habit mi ght be 0

~ 3 SbIoIOl <" _ _ .... W 00. 10 _ ......~ .-10..,....,.,..,., (11 0...., docI<w... """"' ..... _
iC1 Out .. com!.;",,~ 01 A&.8 ,':1: Duo '" .. rtitol """I...,. _ . ..

likely ""lJ>e cJ ope~ bile. T~ poofVre 01 rl>vmb

posi~oning. th& inle .... itt. and Ihotlrtoquency
01 ,..,.;king, 01 "-on inAuenceon!he notu'" 1''''11'' ' " , .kel. t., 1t,,'e.lo, "/M" bite
and ", .... oty of It.e open bite. A patient h<r.Ong " sI<e\etol onleriof open bite may
ii) Tongue trnv$Ti""il il OilO impli caTed forlome reveo lln.. fo llowing fectur lfig 2),
cose.oIopenbile . o. Inc,,,,,,,,,, Iowo, on~'iot 1"",,1 Might
iii) Of 011 the pouibl. elOoIogic fodors tho! hove b. Dec""""" uppotr omena. 1or;"lheigh!
been sIuded, perhaps"'" weoImt i'npooltl ooe c. Increosed anterior and decreased pOIlerior
focv.e. on nOlophofvngeo l <;I;''''O V !ocial .... gnt
~ cOO ossodotod mouth breo~ d. A $!&ep rnondib<Jlor plnne angle
iv) Inh~ri!ed !<>etCrI . "" h ". inc:,,,,,sed longue e. Sma ll mondibvlorbod,. and remus
site, end obngrmol ,~Ietol growth poI*n l. The pot .. nt ".." hove <I .hort uppot, lip with
cA th& mcnillo and mandible (On obo be ....:=ivo> rno.illory Inti..". I!)I- poaIN
f, The P("ie~t often ~'''' 0 long o nd norrow foce rcmoOi>Ie C< 0 fixt.d 'Ype cJ crib (fig 4). Per.;j,\eOCe
g, Diverge nt cepho lometri<; plane; o f tn., a>u>e will offer 0 seve re limitotion in 1M
h Steep anterior crania l base correct;"e procoocore"
Cepholometrk; cxomi"" tion ""'y a ,."",,1 Myofundional Ih"fOPY Skeleta l onteria t
downwa rd o nd forward roto tio n o f th e Ope n bite. can be t"",ted du ring g rowth u. ing
mond ible. In $om e patient" on upward functional app liar.;:es such as F,R.IV ora mod ified
tipping of tloe maxill ary , keletal ba co n be aoti vato r. Tf>t"e opp li o nce. incafpora' e bile
ob,e rved, Anoth . r cam mon fea lure i, a b\od.. inte<po<ed between the po!lerior teelh, HlOl
ertical rrm>ill ary irxreo,e Ili g 3), have an intru, ive action on the uppe<or>d lower
po,ter"'" teeth, Pati ents exhibil ing 0 downward
F"aru,,,s of dental ant. rlor open bite
and backward rQtot io n of th e mo nd ible with
[)er,ta l anterior open bite, do not p re>en' ,..;th the in::"""ed vertico l growth. benefit from therapy
ske:elO l comp li cation. mentioned oboe. The u.. ng a vortko l pu ll. hcod gea r with chin cup ~
fol lowing are l h" fea lu're, of de nta l ope n bi t<! ' tr. ated du rirl g the mi.oo dmtiti on peri<xJ ,
0, Proc li ncd uppe rante rio rt"eth.
O rtixxX>ntic lheropy . Mil d to ~ro te open
b, The uppe r and lower onto rio " foil to overlap
biles con be successfull, ""'naged u,ing fixoo
eoch otherre,v lting in a .pace between the
mechanothcraP\' in con iunct"", with box do ," ".
maxil lory and mand ib ul ar onte rio".
Thi. fo rm of "Jaolic opp li cation can .. ,t. of an
0, If," patient moy have a rKl rr OW """il lary arch
e lm ' K: tha t is , tre,ch . d to exte" d betw",," the
due to IDWtlfCd tongue ~ d"" to a hab.l,
uppe r an d k;,w...- antc rio ", Thi , brings obovt
Treatment of ant.rior ope n bit" e'tnr ~o n af tho upper OM lower anterior,. It mOf
not be o disabie to resart to tni' form of thera py
Removal of th e ,aust' , O pen bite; tfla t ho"
in .ove r keleto l o pe n bite .
been d iagr1Osed ' d"" to fla bit. ~ uch o. ln umb
. ud in g or tangu e thru st in g, requ ire th e ir SU fgkol correction Slelc' o l open bite. in
inte rcept io rl u, ing pa .. ivc habi t bfe o ki ng --,.o du lts o r~ besr trootoo by .u rg i<:a l procedure,
appl"'nc ... . Th. "-obit breok .... con be e ither 0 in "0" in 9 tM moxilla and the mand ible,
f" 5 V>I. !C:
!J) .,...j P.............
phoog, h, (>1 0 p.m " w ,h
...-'" 0 _ biIo,!OI A f-,"'bO
......... """ ...0" ~_opI '''''i''''
......... " 'h', PO'~" i~i, IA orod 10 )
P",,og'Opio. of ,h. "''''' po''''''
"""' ~ i compiol;o' of ,,...,,,,,",
Ull Orthodontits - Th~ Art and Stiente

f .. <I "", ... 10< ."" , b'" ~ ..Itd "it> fc<oo _"'''' .od 0,1......," '" ' W" """ I"".. ,,,,,,," o.omol,,,, . W & Ie)
p _ _ ,....,.,....."", iCl & iDl "... ...u ... F>b:. !f: & 1'1 _; ~ ~ ~ _ .....,

POSTERIOR'pPEH S ITE Ce U'''5 of po. terlo , op,n bl' e

, TIIe ~ ore two poss ibl .. cov~ of post" rio r open
Pmt... ior open bite .. 0 condilion c~roCl ... ize<J b..,
by I""k 01 contecl beIwe.> the po>Ietiors wh"" {I) """,hanical fflrierellC1l WIth eruplion, eith ..,

!he IIIeIh ate in oonmc occlllSion. Kn>O$IIyoccurs beftn ex 0[1",- .... 10011. emo<ges from IIw: oIvIoIot
in 0 >e9""",1.of!he posl. riOf -m .
bonu, Of
(2) le Hu re e f th e e ruptive m""non;,m ol lrte fOOth or o. 0 rew h <i Houma , or by ob>lode. in tn .
$0 thot the expe;:!ed a mount of e rupl\or1 d~ no! ""'tn 01 th e e rupTi ng T""tn Exam plel of .I<J~ h
=, obstrUCTion. prio r to eme rgence ore
,' M!JchonioJl in"' ...."'nce with flflJpIion wpemumelO'Y IeeIh ond ""n=otbrog dedduoul
may be coused by onkylooi< of the tooth to the tooIn rooT1 or ot.eolor bone. Aker the tooth
olveolar bone, whicn con occur .ponlOneouoly emerges !he bone, !""""",fn:,m $Ok N_
int~rpo:M>d bet ... , the teeth [c~, lOngue,
~ ... ge') con be obstocle. to eruption [fig 7).
ArI\;yIooe<!teem "'" ",,"oil, in infroocduWon ond
arc .." id te be '\Jbm . r~ lfi g 8) .
The IOCO ne! po." ble co u,," of eruptio n
!<ifu... is 0 dill\!<ballOll 01t+., on.opt'.on mec/Ionism
ih<!K. TheN potlen!> hcr.e no oth ........cognimble
diso<d .. r. ond no mech:mirot interferentef with

f og 8 ""'_.""'...,., bi .. i. Q paIion1
........ og or 001)'10-' " P'" .. ~ r ,,'
""''''''- ....,'.,
Qlt Orthodontics The An .and Science

OI\lP~O~ ..,~m to ... is!. Th. <;ond it"" may be "'"

CO U$e of po.torio r o~bi '" wh ich doc. not
,e.po nd 10 ortr.odonlic treo!ment

Tho prima'Yoim oIlIeoImentshould be to """""'"

tho Iu .... Lo"",,1 tong..,. .pi..... o,~ Q ..,I~obl"
aid in 'ontrol of IoTerol tong u. thru,T. Or.c. me
ho bit i. intercepted, a lpo nt<lnoous improvemont
often follows. The pollerioa alll be forcefu lly
"",ud&<!. In m~ 01 pos~rio' open b~e d.... 10
im..,-<:>cch....,., 01 onkylOMdI....." ~ i. bcol treoted

by <;fQWnS on poote,ion to n:s~ normal ocx:I....,1
" . f.fe"c es

1. 80>., 001",-', coe,"_"

cl d..........,..1 <It-
"""-" ." 0101 .... 0 ... II ~ ......... con-
~on ..... ~ """- ",", J OoI"", 1983 ;
2. r.. ..... ood ." 5'-'" : f...o,~1 ~ 00 _ .
,..,.." .. ,l. 1otoI _ b... Am J o.tI.,d 1983 ;
l. ""'_ TM , Ortfro!i<>r,o.a : """" .0'..
or-J ".-a<t ~ .
WI! s.. .......... 19!1l
lopn.G:!vlo, ""'~o'" LII,. 0,," ~ : _.,.
.,.,,, . b-,. mo'<><d.,loo. Am J O~"..! 19U ;
~ Nond" Ib'"..... 01 .......1 growth ... 'or:.o. 1m J
Q.,hod 198a; 1Q.3.116
6, """'" 'Nit, Coo, u,,,, ., 0rfI,~. S, Lo._,
CV~ ' 9"66,
), Roi-,;" 80,.., VI<>."", : S-'"'l~" _ _ , oJ ... ~ ...
O nl.'~ "v", b," d. l",m;'i., wi'" , ig d ;",,,,,,, 1
h.,ion '" mo..dblt, Am I C " hod 19K> , 5257
8. lobo<! E Mc,e", I1orod -..,! Ori>odor<~ .. "'"".
bod mod~ .AII~"". <><.1988.
,. _'.-~ )ol;1~
__ _
a..! WM..., 11.. ...--",, _
...t.i. and On 1 ..... Or.,....,..
J Oo+oo 19!r2;22'1135
e...... :
'0, So~_" ond
198J ;4755
O.. " -h; ~ _ ,0.", 1 o.o~od
II , $o ~ ..... JA , Poxfct 01 O"~ , j) Up.p;"ct "
'""PO '1.1 96.
12. r...."." II< Gt.,b,o'. Oobo~ l 1IonoOO<J1 , o...IIocIon-
'''' ".,." eI.'"
book n.;. 199-'
onl ,0<10 .......... Moob).-'

2. ~.

'05mite i, " term uM<! 10 desoib..
cboormc l ocd",;"n in t~ Irons.""" 3. FunCli ooo l "".. bile
pio ne. Th. Ierm is oIso <ned t() d&so:ri be
Ante,lo, e ,c u Olt.
reverse OV1I ~ tt of o ne or more cnleriQr teeth .
Grabe, has defin.. d c!"Onblte 01 " An .. rior crollbil. it d.fine<;i 0>" mobcdU l;on
condition ...... '" one or more tee'"
may be .......,hing from the lingo..<ll
posmon of !he mOleilla,..,.
obnonnolly malpo<ed bvcolly Of lingually Or ,,""'rior tee'" in ",Iotionshi" with /h" m'Jndibulo,

lobiolly ..;th ~,,,nce 10 It... opllO'ing tooIh "r


Crossb ite con be da";t;OO booed 011 loco!;"" 01:

o nlerio<' letlll. Moll 01 the co .... reported In "'"
lit""""... invot.e permon.." Ie,""" nc...e-.lhi.
rro'ocdJSion i. welt docu ...,. nled in !he doQd""",
d entiti on, !OO, All onle ri or , ite con irWoivG
" . ;n gic tooth "r on e<1tir. s~ment of tflo "rd!.

". AIlI"';o< crosobi,., Post erlo, ,"ouOlt"

1_Singl .. toolh
This ~ 10 on obnoonallmRSYet>e rekJhonthip
2. Seg"""';,
be_1he uppe' ond I"""" posIeriorleerh. In
b. Poslerior cr=bite
' hi> condihon, insleod 01 the mondibulo' bua:ol
1. Unilolerol ~;g 1.b}
cu.p. occluding in th.o cenlrol lonoe 01 tho
2 , 8<101erol (f9 1.eI m oxi llo'l' posl",,,,. , ,h, I""" occIud. bucco llO
Booed on the ""tur. of th e eronbikl 01: tho "",><1 10'1' Meal ''''PO. Thus posI<>rior CfOllsO'"
1, SkeleTal cro ..b ite
oce u," c . 0 res ull of I", . 01 coord inolio n in lhe
42:4 Orthodontics The Art and Sc.ience


c D

f;g I c'O""' .. , ;, .... t'",,, .,. ,". "" ,I\: No,m, 1 ~'"''' .... ,''',"" i8i V, j'" ,,," ,,,"''' bit. O:Ci 8.1oloro l " 0,. ." ,
':0: Bo,,, 1 n<>" oedu.oon :,1 l ~ iUO I """ oeolu"" ,

Io""Q I d:mcmion between the upper oed tfee bwe.- Skeletal cross bite
orclt e, . Skelela l erosibte is;:iated with a disc(eporq
Posle';or era .. bite. con be uni lo"' rol in th o $izo of the maxilla and th.e mand ible, Thi.
in.oI.-ing One side oil n.. ard, or biktlero l which kind of cras,bite is usua ll , inherited Or roo, resu lt
in.oIves ooth . ioos from d. f.dive embryciog ica l cJ.,vek>pment. The,
Buccal nan occlus ian Th is i. 0 form 01 """ pre",nf~ith er in th o ontcrior or th e pa,t.rior
pa,terio r cro .. b'te where th e maxill ary posteriors region . Sk. letol onterior cro" bit., ore ll,
ocdude entire ly an tr.e bucca l a'pect af tr.e os a res ult ai ",lorded ma:Jlary g,,,,,,,,,h u a rooxi lkl
mandibulorpasterio,,(fi g I dJ. Thi$cond ition is that i< bockward ly po.ihoned (fig 21. It com a ir.<>
01$0 co il ed as $C''"O'' bile, occu r os 0 re.u lt of exc."rve m<mdibular 9r""""h.
Linguol nor> - occlus ion , Th is is a form of Ske letal po"eri", era" b ite, are usua lI,
pasteriu cra"b'le where the maxillary paslerio" characterized by a "'rYaw upper arch.
occlude e ntir. ly on th.e lin guo l o'pe<t of th.e
mondibu lo( pa.leriars (fi g l ,ej,
A B c
f ;g 2 >k~ . ", "".hi.., -c 'n, 0'"' ''' _<00...'' pi " . ~ on .... "" ""'''''.. dvo '" "",, 110" o""" ""th ',,, :11 0"""'"
''''''''-' 0... ., ""," iI,,)" - pmgnct, -.... iCi 0"""-""........ do... ., ,..",d,.,. -''roIl'"'''''''' ond "",",; b..b< p~at.k"
o..~to l
cr= bit. , o re vs...., lfy Ioco lized cor.d iti on.
Cro,", bites of th o a ntorio r or posterior "'9"'" .c on
where o ne o r more teeth o re o bnorm o l' v r~ "ted
Clcc ur O. 0 re. ult of 0 num berof eou'" ''
10 that of the o p posing arch . A variety 01 fo ctor>
1 Pe,si sle-nce of a dodduou. tooth often re.u lt,
r.ovc boon reported to CO U," a denta l a ntorior
in po loto l d"r ""t"", of i~ erupling w eee"or
cro<\b it~, ir.: lu ding 0 lingvo l ","upt>:>,., path of
cau ~ r,g . ing lc tooth a nte rio r cro"bile.
th o rrt(l,ill ory ant",iors , tra uma to the dedd LJOl'S
2. Crowd ing ""d a bnorma l displacement of one
d ontiti o n in whiCh there i, di. pla cem. nl of tho
or rnare teeth a. 0 rew lt of oK h lengthtooth
tooth buds , dela yed e ruption of rhe decidLJOu.
motorio l d i .creponci~s rnoy ea u s~ den to l
derlition <>nd "' po rnu merary toe11 . Tooth motoria l
ero" bite .
arch - IO"llth d;"'rop<lnde. can resu lt in crowd ing
3. Pre$. n e~ 01 hobils <uen a s thu mb <ud;ing
an d linguo l p", jtio ning 01 uppe' t~eth I~ading to
o M mouth breathin g con ca u. e l owe r~d
o denlo l crossbite .
lo ng ue po,ilio n. Th u. lhe lo ngue no lo ng'"
Func!lonal c, ou blte ba lance. the force, exerted o n the te. th by
Ihe bucca l g ro up of mu sc u l at ur~ . Thi .
Pre.., noe of ocd v;ol interf. rence, ca n "" ult in
disha rmony between tn., e' lem ol an d inte"",1
d"';otion of !he """""ible during tow cb<.ur". Thi,
mu s<;~ forc~s ca n r~su ll in na rrowing of llle
con pre,ent a, a un;kJtora l posterior cro"b ite.
uppe r arch leo:f in g to po. tenor cro"bi!e
Ha bitua l forward positio ning of the mo n di bl ~
4. Relo rd ed deve bpment of moxil lo in "'g;Ho l
Ip se vdo Cbss II Q """I lecd 10 on onl!<ior cros.bite.
a. we ll a . tro n.v",,~ d ired ion co n Cou S~
P",lJdo Closs III resul" from o n eo rl y denta l
ero" bites in t" e a nte<io r or poslerior reg io n.
interfe= ce tnot fo rces the mo ndi ble to move
S. Narrow uppe r oreh re. ulting from d""re<lsed
forwa rd to o bXl in rnaximu,n inte u>palion . An
growth slimu lo,,,,,, in the mi d po lota l . uturc .
accq uired mu. eulo r refi e, pollern d uring d o. ure
6. Ca ll o pse of mo <ll iory arch a s seen in
of the mo nd ib lo is In ,o l" . d in fun ct io no l
cor>;l<l'"ital defed. soc" OS deh. cJ the polote
ero .. bil"".
F;~ 3 (r"" .li'" Ij>l & ':8) ,.,..... io , ,-,.io ",ouli .. !O ~ (DI ,wI'"" ><9"'orlol <"'...... ,. (~i &(FI PO>,
"o"b-.. :GI <I. (HI An", <Ior ood po~", ,, , ,,,,,,Olo
Fill .~ <loti,,,,
ond " "', . .... , ""," 0' ....'" ... ..,1
1128 ",- Orlhodonlics - Tfle Art and Science

con be u,ed in 00"" there i, ,uf/icient 'poe" for

th o tooth to be brouQhtaut. The tong ue blod ~ i.
o flat wooden . tid; r~..,m bli"9 on ic:e aco m ,td .
It i, placed inside the rrmvrh cMtoding the polota l
ospectol th~ tootf, in cro" ba" If,. 5), The blod .
i. made to re,t on tr.e mon dib vlo r tooth in
c(o"," 'e whic: h ecl:< a, e f<Jlcrum ond ,he potient
i, e . k. d to rotate the oral port efthe blode
upwerdo end fo rword._
Thi, i. continued for 1 2 MUr< for obout
2 wee k" Mo. t deye loping 0(0" bite, thot o re
rocog nized by the denti.t et on oorl , ,taQ" can be
,u cee"fu ll , trected by thi> form of t!-.e ropy.

C6tl~m'. appliance or lower ante,lo, In

clined plane
Indi ne<! p., nc. canstruoted OIl ,he lower enterior
teeth can be u,ed to treat "",' il lory 'eeth in
cro...bitc (fi g 61.The indi""d pla ne can be mod .
01 ecryj ic or COlt metol or><! can 6.. d igned ta

f ;, 5 To ", ", bk,; , " "" to ,,,"' d,,, k>p;, . on .... k"
""" .'0
7, Sog irto l discreporn:ie. 01 the jOW$ .ueh o. 0
forword ll po~t>oned rn"nd ible r~sul " in th e
wide, port " f th o mo ndiiJ.ulor on;h occ ludi ng
with a n<lrr"w", port of tke maxi lla ry arch.
B Unilatorol hypo O f hype rpia, tk: grow:n of ony
01 th e iaw. can cau se cr"""bite .


Use of tongue blade

Developing sing le tooth a~teriar ero .. bile, con
r .. 6 iA) (, tI , o', o,pI""o (Bi \ <10 , :.,.. c+ Coe","',
be . ucoe" fulfy treated 0 tongu e blad e_ I, , p,I """,
bile plone 10 helo in jumping the b~t . The ut.e o!
Z .pring .. indiCO!ed onlywhon thor ... oclec!uole
lpo et 10' loblo lizoti o n of the ~t~ in "onb ito.

I rr ... !ml nt of . ke/etal ant. ,lo, Crall lilt.

du,'n, ,rowtlt pe,Iod
Sl<eletal an~oubit.. that occur1 01 0 result
0' 0 retro-posmoned n",,.;no .hould be tlWled
~ternliflOlion "'''''''''' b,using 0 prOhoa;on
loe .. ...,tJ,: (_rw ~eod 9""'1 (fig 1O).Thet.e 'ace
"",oI<s hell i" o.otrodion 01 tho ,.,Qxillo thoreb,
~""_! ~ __ ,' I,,,,,,,',
~ 7 R ..,.",U. wi .." . ;""'POfIri~
-. ''''''.....
Z.".... 10"
n o rmc lil lr.g the 5~e~ 1 O"O""b ite.
EXCtll ivt mcndibuklr growth lead ir.g to
tree! a sin g le tooth in erou.b it. or c seg me nt of
",," otol ""teriof 0"0" bot .. ""auld be in!tlrce ptod
the vppeorcn;h in cro..bite. The lrod ln ed ~ c"" i.
designed fa no-... c 45 o ngulo~on which IOKes by u... af c/oi" cap.
th_ "",. ;Uory Iee!h in crossb;te to Q more lobiol
Fixed .ppll",CI' for ' rI.tment of '"Ie
hit jndo<nled """'" odeovore .poc..n"
,'"r CIOII "'"
DortoI omorio' c;roubite irN<>ling <>nil 0< Iwo teeth
in tl>e o.wlo< tho alignment 01 the mO>.lllorylKlh
,",," be j,,,,,'eeI with fi..d oppl","," V!ling multi
in "o..bit&. Thay ore to boo ~d onft in those
k>oped orc hwi reo.
cOIU where The cro"b;te ;, du e to 0) Jl<l loto lfy
d;,pla<:ed maxill a"," inci <o r.
Th . lowe r anterior ,<>dined plan. r.a. 0
""m~' of d;!ICIlMlntog .. which include :
1. The patient encounters problems In speech
during the !hemp,. Single tooth CtO$$bite involving the molor1 con
2. The polio", ho. 10 put up with d,olory be - . d using eloslic> hI! ,",:O'rIIICher:I between
3. Hmecpplion;e io vse<l lormcn tr.c n 6 .......1:>
it , an re,"" in oo! ..i<:<"opeon blto dye to "'pro.
" uplion of the poste ri ors.
4, Th. appl ia nc e ma y need frequent

V,. 01 dOllb'. caRll/e Wet Jp,'''' (Z

Am.,;." c;roos biles imoo!ving one or IWO N'IOXillory
tC<lth co n be lreot. d " ' ir>g " doub le conlile"" ,
>p rin g Ilig 7) . In "",a of 0) deep O V"' bit. th e
SIlrl ng lhoold be g ivon o long wjth 0 posto,jo r
the maxi lklt)' polatal surfa". ond mandibular Rapid maxillary expansion
buccal , urio c. (fi l) 8 ).Th e,e e lastio. e<lcnd Bi'ow skeletal cro .bite cmraocri,od by 0 deep
throvg h the bite and ore in clKated if suifici""t po klte, no",1ob>lructiOl"l and narrow moxilkl Con
>poce exi$t. for movir>g the tooth into the arch. be treated by rapid maxillary expo", i"" whe<e in
The,e ela>tics are to b. wom 00, and too midpol atol .u lure is .p lit. Thi. i. done by
night. Too treatment .houkJ not be oo ntinved for app l"nco$ th ~t incorporato >crew. thot are
more th a n si' wee k. 0$ the .I0$ti<:1 co n e>trude to be octivated 0 1 reg ul a, inte",ot. .(fig 9 A)
the teeth.
Removable plate.
Coffin spring
Unilateral em .. bi te, can be treated using
TM Coffin 'prin g wa. de.:gr.ed by Wa lter Co ffin. removo" o o!'Pi inncel incc<pcroting fock s.crews
It i. a romovab'" applian~. thot co n ~st' of a n Th e a ppl ia nce con~'t. of a , plil ocry li c pklte, a
omega shaped wire of I .25mm d"melar pkloe<i jad, KreW and Ada m' . da.p. o n th e po,terior
in t..... mi d po lota l reg ion. The free .nds of the teeth to retain t"" pklte. A .,bio l bow con 01<0 be
omega are embedded in on acryli o plate trot in.:;orporat.d into th e app lianco lor mi nor . poce
COV6rs th o slo pes of th o pO!oto. The >p ring brings cklsure and retraction .
about d ontoa lveolo r expoos ion . Howeve r. it i, Tro, dc~ rcd dfoct ~ och'cvod by secOOn 01g
cOpO"o of . kolctal changc. when u.ed in youn g tl", pklte in wd, 0 wafthoto srno ll .. gment an d
potient . la rge r >cgme<l' arc formed . Th e 'NO segment.
are coonected b, or.e or more iock K rews. Too
Quad helix
sma ll er $. grrr erlt of th o pklte adfoir"l$ the alllO in
The qua d hel i. is a 'pring tmt con,i.t. 01 lO'J r crass.bite wh~re",
, the kl rger .. gment i. vsed for
OO lie (ttg 9 8) . The q uod h. li, i. capob!e 01 anchorage'
dento alyeolor ",p,m.>on of the moklr wel l en
pre mdor reg iM. It ca n brir>g a bout , keleto l Fixed appl!ance5
e>pon",on whe n used in you ng er poti ont. Unikltero l era " bil~' can also be trooted by u~ng
fixed appl kmcc . A.ymmctricolll expanded
i I)

f;;, 10~.;!I)...d(C) p,. ....,......, ~ .. ~ <>I. _ ..... 0 .... .., =- bOo _toO ..... "-' OO+:d: ~,
oppI ' oo. 'll\. ~I u-.l1) .... ' .".,. .... ,...,.ogro"'" d ... ..,.... .........
43t Onhodontia . ThlZ Atl and ScilZnu

I, BotI, W",,:It.r, ."po","", i, ,..,,"" 10 '010 01 0<'

'po n~"" cod pa';onh og.o, Am J O"hod 1982 ;

2, 901: M<>xlb-i.~ """110 C.Qd.,,", oppl
orooo, 11m J Ort00.:l11'8 1 .. 152 1'1
3. l1ooo. Co~ So.... , AAO!: .. p-:... ~ ood ~
JOr+.od 1991 , 171.1 19
.. , _ ond ~ .);eI : ffiec" ." _llorr ~h . 1;.,
.oplio'coo _"''''' on ..pholo_< - . . " , .
........ "'" J 0ri-00<I 1981 ; 31&.3119
~ Otobot 1M , Or.I>odonJcs , "o.;IoIoo.od .",,,'n.
W8 J.o...!on.l\>68
6. O,_bo"",,.od ZoorrioIoo , E/IocI." ooldol ..
_ t ""'~ Am j OtOed 1 9~2: 122 1
7. _ , . x.:O ~_ : D.. "",",.w J , i O n O oOed
1913 ,2 21 2~5
B. ~o, : ' 010,,1 ...... ""." J," '""" Dog I"ln i of
d."olo<,o' ",,"0'' '' 00 ...... j o..t.od 1970:
9. tal , ................... ." .... _IIooy_ ..t.
0...... "",.1 "",;tv by ."'"'11 tho ,.,,;,) .. I.tot
_ h9a0l+0cl1961; 3 1 "3-90
10. _ ,. 10011 '""" '"'" _ _ Io.of"" ol "'...
pol.,.1 pons;" . AnglO 0'*'011 1980; S<I ,
11, _ , I....m..". 01 """"10<, cIoII.<Io<>qo b, ~
,h . ",;opo l,I< 1 " '"'' >.ng. 0 "",,," 1965. 65 ,
200-2 17
12, H..... : PoIo,, 1 ..,",Io n , . ng a bo<tde<l Ofl~"
...... "'" J 0ri-00<I 196""2 ,'6<</18
13. P.. ~" "'. : Con""""",,,,, 0" .... _ ... It I<>o~,
Ci .""""'" 1986.
" . _ f - . . . ' Hand '""'" 01 Oo~ , j ,;0" ",-",

' 'Yo_"
boo...... .". p..bI ...... '0<.1938.
1~ n..:...- M Grnba-, _ I o"t,od""o
tI<o ........ ""nd.1oo _ h....... M<>obr _,
booIo; I",. 11"1.
16, 1.I<W.1o' . 11m"""" ".~. Z_n, "".",., '"
..... l>ooo ~'-1 o! q,.,.,....
~ _-.on", 11m J
Ortt.od 1'1&3; 31 13 16



ko mo.,IIo ')' demel orck ~I"" IO'9otrlhon

T th e ITI<lnd ibulo r orch oilOW! th o m,;,.illory

onte ri oro to over lop the mandi bu lar
cn&riors. This ~pping cO!I..o mardiOJor_h
meo,uremenl beh n th e mo . ill o,,/ ond
m ondibvlor in cisa l me rgin . is . ,c...i when the
mand ible I, brovg ht into ""bilu'll Of" centric
occ lu"'on. Oeejl.:we, bile con be of two ',pe. :
occurs in bolll!he horizontal 05 well 01 '''1111,,,,1 incomple!<l ...... bm. and camplete OWl' b<te.
ollKliorl. The hcriwntal ~p is<XIlied Oe~et Incampler. ave, bile i. an intioor relafio"nship In
while rhe ..rtico! overlap is rermed """~. Thus which !he lowe, incilOr<1aiI toacdude,..jlh eithe,
_ degree 01 """;0;01 OY'IIrIopping or """rbile the upper inci..... or the mucosa allhe polole
i.o r.otmOIleotvre 01 ............. deru~ion. H _ . when the IMth are acdudo,d (~g I .b) . Complete
SO"" potienls present with """".,;.. o.erb ite. """'" bile on I"" 0Ihe< fiend .. " reI(I!ionship in
Such 0 co nditi on wh. ,. there " On ."Iuive ""'kh Ih e I.,......" incisor> conl:;x;tlh. p<!lalc l ou.foce
"'l rtico l cmo rl opping of th e ma nd ibular ont...-iofl of th e vppe-r ioo sars 0' the po latal tiSlue when
by ma.lliory ootorio<1 is cal led dM!l bote, t+"., 1..,11> ore in centric ocd vsien 11'g
Deep 1><111 is one oIl+.e hquen~, seen kind of deep bite allon re",1ts in Imuma of !he
moloo:lu';on, Ihm am occur olong with orller mUCOOCl pol,,1011o the ma ullary incilOt1.
oS$OCiolOO malocclusions. II is $Oid 10 be one 01
the mo.1 dgmoging malocclu. lon. whe n CLA SSI FICATION
<:.OI'SIo:\e<ed lrom tho view point oItho fvt..,,,, heofth
01the moslicalory of>P'l"'l'" on.d the oJ.ot,lO l un ilS. Deep bit. con be broodf,o c\ossifi..:! >nIo1wo typeS.
Gre b. r ho. def ined deep bite e. 0 I . Shl&te l deep bite
CtYId itiorl of e..ce"r.e "". rb'te. whem the vertica l
2. De ntol d..,p bite
. '.~

434 " Orthodonlic~ - The Art and Science:

A B c

Skeletal deep bIte deep bites OCCur due to ove.-e ruplion of onter"'"
or infra -ocd u.i<>n of moio rs ,
S k~eto l deep bit~. are u.vall, of 9"""ti o origin
Thi , ki oo of deep bit. i. cau,. d b, upward an d Dee p bite due to over.erup lion of
forward rotation of the mandible, The deep bit" anterior, , Denta l dee p bit. a .. ociated with
con be furth .r won .n.d by 0 downword an d ov. r_. rvptio-n 01 lower inc i,or> ;' u, ,,,, lly ",n ;n
iorword indi notio-n of tM rooxill a (fig 3), The.., C lo" II ma locc lu.ion . The p' e.ence of on
,k" letol deep bite. ore chomcte rizo d by tloe irlCieOsed overjet a llow. the iow", inc""" to """ r_
pre,""". of th e foll ow ing feature, : eru pt until they meet the palota l mucoso. Th.",
a . Patie nt, " ,hibit 0 hor;",,,to l growth pattern . patient. henc. ",h,bit on exr:e$SNe CUNe 01 Spee .
b. Th. onteriorfocol height is reduoed. The i~lar-ocd ",a l cl earance i. u.""lly normal ",
c. A redoced inlar-occlu,",,1 deom n"" (freewo y th6 molo .. ore fully enJ pted.
'P"ce). Deep bite du o to infra- o oclu , ion 01
d. A cephalom etric . xo rnin ation revea l, th ot mc/afS ' Deep bile< can oceu ( due to infra-
mc<t of the oc.rizo ntal cep halometric pia ne. occ l", ,,,,, of the molo ... The presence of a Iot. ral
, uch a. maoo ibul or plane, F,H, plane, SN to ngve po. tur e o( lalera l tong ue thrust moy
plo ne etL., or~ paro lle l to e-och prey""t the molars from e,uplinG 10 thair norrool
-.-OCcluoo llevd . It can 01;0 occur due to premo!vre
Dental deep bite los. of poslor>or teeth . Deep bile. caused by ;Ma_
Th is kind of deep bite is chom c:e rizod by tfle oee lu . >:>" of mola " are characterized by the
ab.ence of any , k. l. tol comp li coti"9 footure. presence of pa rt., lfy e(upted rrdon (Le. reduoe<!
wh ich are ",e n irl ,keletol deep bite, Dente l crown f,.,ight) ond Io rge inter-oedu",, 1deom0C0,

Deep bitel C>I1I ",ually correded by in!rusion at

the anterior _h or by <'O<Iru<ion 01 the po$teriar
DIAGNOSIS' teeth, The Ofthodonrisl should de<:ide wII>ch 01
tr... IWO modaliTies i. ind icored for a gi""n potient,
Th e rovtin e diogno$ti c a ids such as cli niccl The", or. Cerloin factors that help in deciding
uaminatian, stud y madels ond lote rol wheth er to Intrude th e e nterio", QI exlnJde the
cepholog",m '"' """" It>< 1M OOgnoslic e..erdiG,
The onhodonful.hauld be able to d,fiet...,hatoo '""'-
Up , . ' . 11( 1). 111"
skelelal deep bite from denllli deep bite. Loterol
te9holomelric o ...:d, 01 tI-e 1ke1otal pattem helps Pntients w;th deep bite who exhibit a shorr upper
in dkl""""r>g a !.kelrnl deep bite. potienlo lia 01 a gu,.,..".,.. smile """"'Id be treatod by intrwion
$how a reduced mondibvlor plane angle 01 ....,11 of the anter""'. In pot" nt. exhibitir>g normal
01 a red""ed a nt..nor focio l height. u ppor lip with on ly 2 . 3 mm of moxil lary incise l
edge expos.ed, iTil ideo llO extrude the mokl Ol.

,_ ,dand
fig 3 \""",, 1 dc<p ... ~\ N""""I .... :.,01 """""Mho IBi $,01",01 ' ''''."''''''''' '" _cd "",,\.., of f>o
moedibl. (C) SkcI",,1 de bilO ..... 10 OOW""",. 0 ,0 f"",,,," ""olion 01 th o "",, ;1:0 10) 5"'1.t0l d boo d" '"
,,,,,,,,,,,,too of B~ C

Conslderat/on of vertltal fllc/al inte,occiu101 <poce i, on j"" icolion that the

re'~tlons"'p molars o,e 001 fully "",pted. In soch potient. the
Eldru.ion 01 one or mOre f>O,te(lOI" leeth usualfy dM P bite con b. trMted by extru sion of In..
results in down_rd OM bockwo rd rotation of posterior toeth
th.e mondible. Tf>us an ;""reose in onteriorfo<;iol The ortOOdooti.! should 001 ,ed uce 0
heig hlOCCllfS. Thi. ca n be 0 ber>elit in !rootin g oo.-mo l inte r-oedusol deoronce by extf ur.iO<l of
sLeletal deep bile> with =~ssi"" OOrilOOlal growth mo",,, c < it Can ""u lt in fotig ue of the m".d"s of
and upwo,d rotation of mandible ma't~)ion wh ioh I,I<lt stretohed end predi spose
to ", Iop.e . The r><esence of a normo l inter
Cons/d.,aflon of Inter-ocelullIl splice ood u. el dee re "'. i. therefore 011 indicoti on for
The average inkl'-<>cclusal 'P<' ce i. 2 4 mm in intrusio n of the inci""", rothe r tho" e;:tr" ' io,, of
th e premola r ,. giO<l. p""~ ,,,," of an inc,,,,,,,,d molars.
F~ 4 km"" bi .. , lono ~A ,I.otronc. 01 ' .5 1 m" >I>oold ", ~o ,'" OPP<' cod lower ""'",.", ..,.' ,(B) An'"",
"'to pIo ...
TR EATMENT OF DEEP BITE Myofunct/onal appllancas
De ep bite ca.e, diCJgno , "d to "" du e to infro
Deep bite. <Xln be treoted uo in<j r,,,,,oV<lble, ft<~ d
o::-::Iuoion c< mol"" con "" treeled by an cx:tivo!or
or myofundionol opplionce,
de .igned and trim med to a llow the extrusion of
Removable appllllntn tke.e teeth . Th e inter.o::-::lu,a l oc~ic is trimmed
grCldua lly to " ""O""'g " the e rupt ion of th e
Anterio, bite plone i. th ~ most commonfy "' "0
po.te,iQ r teeth. BiQnator ca~ a lso be used for a
re movabl e opplionce for treatm ent of deep bite
. imilo r purpose.
[fig 41.
The anterior bite plon ~ il " mod ified appl/anca !herap),
Howley', "pplion<:. with 0 flot ledg e of ocryk
Fix"d orthodontic opp li orxes con be us. d to
beh ind the vpper onterm. Wh en the potient
intrvd. tke ontenors. The following are $Orne of
bit , th e mo~dibular ind SOl"S contact lhe bile
II-e method. used in fIXed opp1ior.:e, to treot deep
plo M thu. di, occluding the po.jerior'> which or~
lree to e rupt.
n,., ontenor bite plane C"lUilt. of Adorn', Use of onchoroge b""d. , Ancho"'ge bend,
do. ps on the mola" wh ich holp in retoining the are given in the orch wi re me,ia l to th e moIo r
app li ance_ A lobio l bow i. olso incorpornted to tube. so thot tr.e anterior port c< the oreh wire li e,
cov njer ony forwa rd compo""n! offofce on the ging ivol to the lxacket . Io t (fig 5.0) . Th", when
up~r anteri"", these arch wire, are pulled and
The height of th e onlerior bile plone er>gaged inta the brocket., a g in giva ll y direded
shoold be iust onough to ,epa"''''
the posteroo i~tnJ. ive force i. exerted on the inci.orS wh ich
by I ,5 to 2 mm (fig 4.0). A, th" postorior leelh reduce. th o deep bite.
~ rupt th e height of the bite plone i, gradoo lly
i""reo....d .
431 Onhodontics The Art lind Science

f", 5 boIo .... __ W """'"_ 1>0........ i .... -"on cJ _ " " -.:iIj _-.. ...In ........ 0.... oJ s_
Un' 01 g,el>w;,e l with leW~,.e c~,,,e 01
i~ ~ Iwcr:ol seom~nl c:J 11> ..,'. 00 0110 prod"""
$pee . Rosil""" o ,ch wi"" tho! ho_e boen cu rved
o intrvsi,.c fon:c on tho ont.';"" (fig 6.8),
in D oir1>dio rl ~I. 10 thot cl the cu"'" of Spee
Rlf.,ene lt
CD n be ",ed 10 inl,u"" o n'erOors Ifig 5, bJ . "''hen

~ofd, wi,,,,, ore in"lrted into The """ort"",,,_
"'e onlario, .egmcnt curves gingivaliy. ii,i,
1, &0 1, ~ .,od """", _ _ ,~o.., ....
bi .. br ,.,I.od,,,ocGod '""local ....... Am 1 o..t.od
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IbE book ol on.oc...,<>. v...-
boo!. ~~01 ~.., "'-. "'<.1988
16, Sc~"_.VI, 1'=1.<0 01 O"Oodo""" AI U~ """,
""'~ 1 9~
17, T'"""" "., G<o_, ,",'' '''''l ~ ' I , Orr"""",
f" 6 (AIU' i!;', "'"
II I ..,'" ~_", ' ",,"'-<>ion ' <I , "". ", p-;",-pl ..
boo/; r.e. 111'/4
1o<1v-.i,,,. "Iorl>y )'<0'

of Cleft lip

left, involvi ng the lip or>:! palot~ ore the The Neg roid ,<X;" he< the I""" t incidence (0"" in

C mo. t co mmo nly .eM congM ito l

deform ities tool occ ur ot th e time of
bi rth, Tn",! Ore u."", lly not life threctening vnb.
eve ry 2CXXJ birtn' l whil e the Iv\o<1gobid. hove !he
highest ine>de nee, Cl eft lip i, com mon amo ng
ma le, while d eft po lote i. mo re com mO<1 among
,,",odoted with SQrn . , yn drome flo, ;ng ot". , femo le, . Unil ote ra l deft, a ccou nt far 8(),);; of the
systemic compli cation , . Neverthe le .., clefts are ir;cicief'Ke whil e bilolem l c.. fts ocw unt for the
beset with nu merous problem, that the pa tie nt, remo iniN;) 2(),);;, hnong th . unilatera l cleft., clefts
po rM! o nd the dodor hoy~ to lockle. Cleft. o f irwolviN;l lhe left ,>de o~ seen in 7C1% of the Ctaes.
li p and polate con <xcu, indi"iduolly o r togethe r Th e rooso n why th o reft ~de ;, more ofIe<, i",oW
in 'o riou> com bina tion. _ They COn ,,1'0 ocCu r i. rlCt yet <now n.
a long w it!, con genita l defect> thot affect ot her
po rts of the body. The oim of this chopt. , i, to
g ive a genero l ova", ;e", of thi' co ng e nito l
Th e foco i. focmed by the fu.ion of 0 number of
deformity a nd e lobore t. on the ro le of the
orthodo ntist in it. mm""gem ent, em bryon ic proc e"M th ol lorm around the
primit;v" ora l cov ily or .tom od eum. Around th e
INCIDENCE fou rth we.ok 01 intreute ri ne lile , five bronchio l
arch ... dev,"op at thc , itc of the futu re ned, Th .
Tn., incid Mce of deft li p and po lote i, found to first ore h, ca lled , he rno ndibulo r a rch, ploy, a
be differertomong differef'l roc.. , Stud.'." r""""" vita l role ;n th o dev<:lopment of tn., nooo_moxill ory
on incide nce of 1 in every 600 1000 birth . campi ex.

44Il / ' Orthodontics - nuz An and Sc:ien

The meoode<m coY&ring ..... d_lop;ng condudrod by onl;.", rq>orted tI'Oll in J ch,Id,""
forobro ln prolife'ote, ond o ,hon g' th~ with d.11I hod .ome felative. wim .imilof
sto/J'lOd eurn , On . il\,. , "de of me . is cO<1OCl"il al de/KII , Cleft. of tho lip end palate
mo devolopi ng roondi bvla r a rch, th o dorse l en d ca n be tro n"" ittod a. a domin ant 0 ' a rece,s;"'e
of which g i,~, off 0 bvd co il ed th e """ ili o",. lro i!.
P'OC,," , With Ihe forrooJOoo ollne nO$01pi l., the
IrOnlono:sol P'O<eM gel. d .... odrod into 0 mrod",1
nmol P"Xeu and two lorerol I\OloOl proas.se1. Another possjble etiologic Jodor i.lerotogeo ......
Th. upper lip ood mO>.lllo is mus formed by the "ierologeftS 0'" """'in drulP Of agenll !loot COuse
I..... on 01 me mOlillory proceu with the medial di#u!bed growth ond de.elopment in the k>otvs.
and la tera l M$OI proceue:s , Some 01 ~,.I<nown terotOlf"'" 0,. :
n... mo
IX' )"'" i. form cd by co nm buti0 " Rubel la ';r\JS
of the mO>.i lla",. proc"" a nd 1""""",0,,,,1p'oc. " . Corti"",,"
TM m""iII""" pre<:... gr.-e~ oil po lalol ''''"~ thai """-"'"
grow mediolfy, Tf>e union 01 lhe two poloro l Ikild""",.
..... ~ i. p'"""",rod i"~ion.,. by t .... p'e<&nce 01
..... lOngu . Thustt.e,twv.grow_IIy<hwn.
Somallme during the 7th wook ol lrlll'o-o.rrerine liIe,
Ihe tongue descends OM the polo"'l . hel"". M'u lflfe.t o, '. ' tllolat7
bor:omto more horizontal , By oround BIn.......,b Recent .tudies rove ,hovm lhel the etiology of
The two . hel"", e re in do", o ppro.l"",t'on, The d. 1t li p "....! po lako co r'lr>:>! be attribulrod solelv to
po lal<o fe rm. by fu,ion of Ih o me.illo ",. .ne lve. either ge netic 0 ' ",wironmenioi to ciofS. II le<! m.
wit" eoch ot"" aM with the j,on\ono ",1 proc.". 10 i""01",, ma'. the n one fe Clor. Th..y e rgue thot
Foil ... ,. of f...;on 'esu~ i.... deft. of the polo,., ... nleu 0 perx>n i$ ge ""licoll, uno:epli ble. lhe
The mo""ibulo, proGaIolgl_ riM 10 the erMfC<'ImentoIiodorsmcy no! bv~ 0;0"'"
lower lipond jow. DeIecri.e fusion "" incomplete doIn.
Moon b.rween the ""no..rI pAX....e. lead. 10
different types 01 clehing. PREOISPOSING FACroRS

ETIOLOGY OF CLEFT UP ANO PALATE A nu mbe , af focto" Or. believ. d to incror:r.s.o m~

,iSK01d . lt lip ond palate i"" icla",.,
Oelt lip ond po lole ere be lit!vrod Ie 00<:"' due 10
~>c; o....! o""';roomenlol 1od0", Me".,. won-. I nere e . . d ",. tern . 1 ' ,e
C". 01 the ....... Inol d. h. o<cur du,'O a .... omber Wamen ... hoconoeive lore ...... on inueoled ,ilk
01 cou.e< and no single etiology c;an b.. <J r.o.lng on offspring ...lh """"form 01 defring.
pq.ointed. The COUH .......,in. unl:nown.

He re d ity
HlW'rodily hos long been coJ"l$ ide'ctf on important So me nxe~ Ore mOre MCeptibi e 10 delts tnan
eli a log ic fado, fo, cleft lip e nd po lote. A <I ud, Olne" , WIon g o~ ds Ih ow the 9,,,,,,"st percentoge

c D
f l; \ ~'Unlb"",1 d .11 ",,,,,""II 19 ond O~ fBi l)-; dd- ;".,of.;", I , 0'10 pobt. (0 ! k.INoi , ',,, ~", '.r i
I"p.nd 00"'" ~MoOoo dolt ........... 001010 .....,

of incidence. groups :

Group I _ Pre alveolar clefts : They ",,. defts

B/ood . UpP'Y
in""",,"ng only !he lip & ore .ubdo..ilied OS :
AnVIoetor that red"".,. blood .uppty 10 Iha Unilateral
no,omo.illoty "re e during emh,,/ologicol Silot.rul
~opmen! pm<iispose. 10 d oh,.
/>Ied", n
CLASSIFICATION OF CLEFT G r'O<JP II POST a lvealo' , Iefl< : Th is gro up
LIP ANO PAlAU" comprises 01 dilfe"'~t ~ r e.,. 01 flam a~d soft
palo_ defl1lhot ~nd upto Ih~ olveolo. ridge.
A ....... be<oJ dossilicotions "'- been put IorMIrd
Group III At..oiOt deFto ; They " ... complele
by IIOrious ourl>r::o.
daft< the palate. 0'->10, ridge ond me
0".1, .~d Ritchie clullflnflon (1922) lip. They con be s.,bd ... od..d into:
Thi l i. c me rphologi<:o l dO <$ if""tion boIed en Bilolcml
the IOCOTi o n of the to the c i'veole r
d eh ",Iati v.
r>.'.ed ioo
proce ... Th oy novo d n<sifi ed cfellS inlO tortH!
442 Orthodontics - ThlZ Art and ScilZnclZ

Ven '. c lenmceUo ,. (1931}

H, hO$ cL;... ilied d efts into four groups:
Group 1 : They Or"
po lo!e on ly.
deft~ i""o;"lng the soft


Grc.up 2 : They ore defT, of lr.. lion:! on d soft

plOle P'OnIIing upro lhe 100...... foramen.
Group 3 : They or" compl~, unilol"",1 deft.
In.o!";l'9 th. so~ palolo, the han:! polOle, lip ond
th. olveolar ndge_
GA:lup 4: Thev ore compl .., bilot,,,ol dell.
ofledi"ll the soft I"' lote, th e Mrd 1"'101<0. the li p

~ ~P. "
onQ olveol"r rid ll" .

CI...III""tlon by Fogh An" ...." (1942)

Group I , They o'e deh 01 the lip. ~ con be
I.rlxli..;dtd imo: V'
Single Unilorerol or modion d.h
Double 6ilo",,,,1 defl1;
Group 2 : Th e, ore del!. 01 the lip ond tho
pa lote. The, are orlCe <>go in . ub. ell", ifi..d into:
Partial eleft
Si"ll ie Unilateral deft.
Doubl . 8;lot"",1 deft.
Group 3 : 1hey ore defts 01 the polol. it>Jending
uplO the ind.iwlioromen.

Sehllehard! a"d
"Ie.. meetlon
Pf."..... y",l>ollc Kerne~en ' frlpp . d 'y' cleulflCltlo n :
Thi, i, """Itoef .ym bol;; de " ili cclion pullooword
Th~ d",.ificotion mak u ~ of 0 , h.;<1 mode up by Kernoh.;n end Sto rk (fig 3).
01" <lico l block 01 th r~o po il! 01 r,,<:lo ngle, The clo ... ficolion use. a stripped 'yo
w;th on In.-e rttld I~o ng" 01 Ih. boIlom (fOg 2)_ having n~mber<od bIod . E ach b~od .. po .... ,,,
The in ~..d mo"Ul" rep,_mlme solt polo'" o specIe 0''''' oi,,,,, 0,01 COiIy.
while the rocmngles represent the I,p, alveolu$
610d I and. . lip
and the hot<! palme as we go down . Amo,
Black 2 and 5 AWooI",
offocred by deItJ ore shod.d on the chort. The
6lack J and 6 . Hat<! pclale ""leriO( to lire
oct.onlOge 01 Itoi. do"i~C<rIion i, as "mplicily
./ inci ...... fo.-omen
willi e the d ioo d,on lag e, include difficulty irl
wr iting, 'Yping and communiCOlion.
aloe_ 7 and 6 . Herd polate pa,terior 10 ind,""
". ,".wlly ur'MknOl'OI. ""eo, i"""t.ed in Ih, deft are
'der!Oled by 'I*;TlCo lly in di<:ati"ll the alp habet
1 4 'Io rnJ ing for it. Fo r exe mpl e,
1 _ . S - .. ,,,,...d. for deft 01 right III' al'd toft
1 A - S - -L oland, 10, deft 01 right lip, oMoolus

and >011 polOle l~e' wilh lei! c~ lip.


7 ... deft lip and JlGlotft pati.." is Qllk'-<l by"

number of pn::>biflnu. They con be broadly
d"nified", :
8 1. Oerotol
2. ErtkolH;
a .nt.1 1"0111. ""
The p.........:e oIlhedofl isosscrioled with d>ision,
di,pI"".mertt ond deliclerq 01 "r"l liwJe. Cloh
lip and poelo!" "",I" nl. co n r..:,vo on. or more of
Block 9 Soft polot.
th e foJ lowi ng leoturel lfig 4) .
Congenital ly mi ..i.... teeth (mo51 commonly
The bo>:e. 01"$ .haded in ",.., ..h.,.
the upper laterals)
!he dell has occumo:l. Presence 01 notol ar neanotol teeth
Prewnce oI.upemunO'fO'Y l d
La",I1", cl.ssm""" "" Ectopico lf,o erupting IeeIh
This is" simple do.silicctlo!1 pre ... nled by Okri,,,, Anomo li esof tooth mor~o logy
In 1987 lAH SHAL is a PO"'P""' ''' of the E no m~ 1 h)'lXlfllcsio
onotom;c amos affected by the cleft
L top

A ot.eolu. AberrCllian. in crown .ha~
"S loOh ~.,!" iI>obil& cnd e<lr1y . heddinQ of teeth d<JO to
hord po lote

poor pc;iodontol. upport
PosIerior ond ont~ria r =.oite
Prolruding p'emc"illc
This clo.. itocalion is based oro the foct Deepbile
thot do#s oIlip, oNealu. orod ho..:! palate con be Spoc:in",crowding.
1;.10101'01 while c10lts invo"""9 t.... ""h polole ar

Esth etic problem. obtaini ng job. ond rnolinlllri<ond,_ Stud i"" hove
shown thot these potiMj. fore bodl, in ocod emics_
The cletts invoilli"il the lip Ca n resul ! in fociol
d isfigu reme nt <lM"il from mild to .., .. ere , The Th is i, us"", ll , as a result of hearing impoirment,
'I'~ech probl e",. and freq uent ob .. nce from
o ro-fodo l structu re. ma y be mallorm"" a nd
cO"ilenito ll y miui"il. Deformiti. s o f nos. OJn ""hool,
o lso occu r. Thus ~Itheti c. il g reatl, offected.
Hearing a"" speech LIP A.ND PA.LATE

00# lip ond po"'" o re sometime. oo<irned with Ch il d re n born with deft li p and ""late f>avc 0
di .orders of the middle ea r which rr<Jy affod number of p roblem. tho t hov" to be solv~d for
heo ri "'J . The pre", ",. o f h. o ri ng prob le m. OJn succewu l rehob ilitation, The complexity o f the
OJu '" d ifficulties in ., nguoge "Pla ke and speech , problem requ ire. tho t 0 number of hea lth co re
proctit""",rs co-opemte to enwre comprehensive
PsychologIcal problem5
cOre of the potient. Thi, led to lhe co-ncept of 0
Cleft lip and po lole p-oti ent, ore u nd~ r lot of muilld i::<: iplinory d eft "" Iole team of
p>rchologico l $1"'$$ , Due to their obnormol fociol tr.e p.l!dietricion , pedodontist, orthodonti.t, oro l
a ppea ra nce they flave to put up with , toring, ./ ond moxillofocia lsurgeon, prosthodonlist, """ie l
curio,ity, pity, etc.,. They 01'0 foce probl"",. in wOI-k~ r, g Metic 1cientist, ENT sur(leon, plosti c
~ Manage:m",n' of Clefl Lip Clnd Palate 445

surgoo<>, psychiotri.. and 0 speech polhologiv. .' " 0 1\01.. rooF'ong ogainst .... i<;h the child con .odd.
the Ind"iduol, ollhe deft polole loom (Jig 5J. 111h.... ,od""es the incidence oIleeding
.ho uld be lIe.i b~ an d re.p"e! &Oc h olher'6 d iflicu lliel 'u' ~ 0:1 i",ufli,,,,n! .vdion , . '0011 .......
op; nion. The d"fi lip and poklte !&o m ""s """" a ir inTeke e nd d>ol<i nD. 1101.0 pl"CWide. moxil1c'l'
dacribed Os 0 dose, co-operotive. demoemlic. em.. ard> .Iability pre.en~nll Ihe orch lram
"",Jtj. proiessOonol union d~1ed 10 !he ";nllle
eauoe of pali enl wellbe in g. Th . eh!u rolOr i1 lobn"ed using coki
The mono\lt'me<11of cleft lip and palate e w e acrylic cite ' u l.ctive bloeking of e ll

Con be di",ded into the followinllstoge. : und .. , lrable undercuts . Clasp. 'an oid in
,000...,IOon. In c"'"' oI lnwll;oent retention, wings
Stage ane rn<ld &01Th " . wire Co;r\ be embedded in tt-.e ee~ 1c
This comprises 01 ..... treoImenl done from b<rth ond rrode 10 lalow the died< oonlOufexlroorOlJ l,
10 18 month of 09". Thesewing. can be stobilim:l ogoinst the o:heeQ
u";ng mO:.roporeadhM .... lop"
Stege two
P . ... ur"c.' Orthopaedic.
This is from th. 18th month to the ~Ith yeorof life.
II generally COfresponcls 10 the primory demmon Theoim d pre . surgical oo!hopoed'a islood'lM
0" uppe ' a,ch form thet co nforms TO!he ~
Stag. til,..
a rch [fig 6) .T... Obsei1C8 of "",,,,,~ e Q rT"(>.Jnt of lip
lis",. and the di';. ion In tt-.e ohoeool", and palate
Thi. incl. I,eotmentlhot is ccmed out during resuIb in ourwo.,J dioolacemenl coli'" p<em.,.;11a
I..... mixed de nlition " ""_' II <pO'" from Ihe , i,lh [i " COte 01 biiaTero l defTS) or the greeTer II>gmenT
10 the "Jev.nlh rear ollife. (in "'.. cl un;loleral delll). T..... artroodonti.1
.houId try 10 coi'l'fld " -di<ploceo ' ... ill by e>dR:J.
Stag. ' ou, e . ol "rapping aelOl' I'" premooillo. aIIOdoed
This ;"dudes treel""",1done d uMg lhe peo " "" .en! dir. e1!y 10 lhe Ieee 0' 10 to me lo'm of h.a d oop
dentition .toge Le. 12 18 of 0\1'1. (fig 7). A micropare odn....:... lope oon olIO be
strapped aOOO> the premo' illo.
STAG E ONE TREATMENT In eme of 0 ""..ow, ",Ilapsed mo>iI\ofy
""h, IhiI e>qlO!"lSion co n be cch .."OO by 0 suitable
The ~I rr.:xkolil;e. oorne<! oul during the appliono:e incorpora~ng eo<ponsion sc:..... or
/i'" >loge itdude : springs.
Fa b,iCQTia n 010 ponive obnJ,olO, The ad ve nloge. 01 a pre.u rgicol
P'""''9ic:c1o~ia o~ i cp ho .. a .. :
Surgiool monogemem cl deft lip o . k rtodo.<es the ..... 01 The deIts thereby oiding
Surgicol monogoement 01 dell palate in ,u'gery.

1>. Po rtie l oblurol ion oIlhe d eft clli.l. feed in g.
Pn.'n m."W.,y oOtu,ata,
c_ Im~ ~ o. Ii", 01 the defecl II
The mo>:iIIory obtvootor,' on inlro-o"lll prostheIic
devu !hot ~I" the polatol del! ond......, prov;dM d . h 'eo5S~re. "'" parenTS a l 0 <;JUC;"'llime.
f;.g 1 r", .
"-"\l' ,, 1 ~'" br .<To-""" .""W'ng
oem ..... ,....,,0,;10 ,

5urilcIII lip clOlur. o morked immun ity to sU'!lico l .h<x: k_ The cony
It il not with in the >cope of thil book to dilCU" ,urgo ry 01", improve. the Iodol oweoronce ond
the surgicol proced ures und . rtok.,,, How,"",,,, th . therefo re improye, ch ild occepto r>ee cod reduces
ortnodonti, t .f.o<J ld k~ow ot wh otlimo the . urgery porent opprehen$lon ,
,hou ld be perf<><med , Surgeon',hoye for 0 loog The Io le ""hool ,,,,,gest, thot ,urgery
ti me diwg ro.d 0" the timing of de# li p $u". ory_ , hou ld bo po,toncd til l the comp letion of
Scme prefer eony .u rgery . ooo 0#'" birth while dentilion.They reoson"" thot the tiuues wou ld be
othe ... recommend 0 lo te li p , urgery, obl e to g'ow ond moture the,eby giyi"ll th e
Th e &e d, ""hod sugg est< thot . urgery ' U'!l eM more mU1cie mg" towork o~.
shov ld be performed within 45 doy. of birth Mi llord ha. suggested th e ",Ie 01 tM.
hcarding to them, Tile ch;ld 500n oller birth shows Surgery shou ld not be performed leu thon 10
weeks of 0 1}", when!he body weight i. not Ie ..
thon 10 p.ound. ond the bhod hemoglob in no!
ie .. loon 10 grom.%.

5 ur, 'cal pala te closure

Tm. polota l ,epair should 00 ottempted ""twM n
12 . 24 month, 01 oge. This fodlHotes normal
,peech, heoring and imprm'es swa llowing . The
p""to l repoircon "" IXcomphf>ed by using bone
l ron. pionts toot or~ to ken from rib, i1100 bone,
rno.-.d ibular ' ymph"i" libial bone or out~r lable
of p.o ri eto l bone ,
f ;g 6 p", - ''''If,, 1o'bop(,..' ~' If! "' "",10m! doh tho Th i, co mpri1e' th e treotme nt corned out during
Oi<p<>ced ",.,." "i lo " '~ '0 , ork<m .. the crch
(8) In " W ot. ",1 doft, 'n " d.""ocod ~_" '"'11"'''' ;, the primary dentition , TM pr<x:edure, corried ovt
"",,,, p,,," I> I> I!-.o 0"," during th;, poo se o re '

f"g a 1'Il, . 'I' ~" d e!r I p cod "".,. ..... (5) & fC) '-,'f\>Cr<> ph*; ,~ "" <Ior." "'~, '''''''0''11
orowdi"" and 00100", ''''''''' .. tEl ~c. ,,. "'1I~oI ~ " .0"'; cIoft I;" '1'1 Me,I ..... o.Ik-,,,,,, ~ "",',oO '"
t . P'O1Itv.... ':c1 &:GI !ad 01"'""''' ,"<> .. "'" p<''''''
0, Ad ju. tm Mr< in tM intro oro l o bturotor tt> ccrrodion . ,V!o,t deft li p o n<! pa lote pa tients
oa:ommodO!e the erupting doddC/Ou, teeth_ ,-.,q ui re long term if not permone nt r~t""Tion fo r
b, To ma inta in a check o n eruption pattern OM the fo llowing reo,on.,
ti ming 1, Inodequ ote booe !.Uppert
c. Oro l hygi "" " instruction., 2, Abser\Ce of rome teeth
d _ Rerorcti on 01 decoyed teeth . 3, Pfo.e nce of , tretc.h ed scar Ii"""
No ortho do ntic trea tment i, u, uall , The Key to the . ucc,,.,ful rehab ilitatio n
i n iti ot~d d cring tnis pha,~ 0 . th o "", no" " d ~ <i ,"d of 0 cleM lip and pa lote pati~ nt in d oo", flexibil iry
wou ld b-e ki,t a, saon a, the deciduou, teeth are 000 a mu ltidiscip linary opp roocn Morc tha n
,hod tni. the po t;" nt . hould be treated with ')'r"npath,
and coocern.
Stog " three irn:lcd ... treatment carried out during And~" _ Scboc k B",,,", onO Pou i " ~ goi'_
the mi<ed d entition phose, Th e o rthodontic i"ll i" poi..,!> ~i " , I<ft li~ ..-.d cleft po '", . Am J
procedure, u"Xl II , carried ou t a re : O"hod 1995 ; 144 ) 52
2 Bck'-; , ,.dono 1-, "'." :"'bIob," 1<oor"","T" b ",_
CorreCT io n o f a nte rior c rm .b ite< u<ing . 00 1 <;1. # I'p 0"; pokJt., , Am J ONix>d 199 1 ;
removob le or t.xed appliorn:e" The onterior 297}05
3, !Ihola; ~ ~ - (;wj,, 1""""""I, H:""""" 0"" [Je~ .
cros;bM . hou ld be correcT . d to oo id opm4'".I, !-JyJ PC"" '"'. "",""", New o.. .~ , 1Wa
fur>ctioroa l maooibu lor d i' placem enTS 000 4, Bi,I""a, V"~"'" P" ." 0(""""" 0" 0 P..--.i,,,. ,
Oootol''''ol fi"O iol ' io ,, ;10 ~ I " um,pol ,, "
retardation ci maxil iory growth due to Icx:W mec ;o" d"" cf I". "'" J eXlhod I ?85 , 15 7_162
In mo,i ll o , Remo,ob le app li ance> 5, H, I."" 5, . " , 1, ond O" i, Ei!.ct 01 timi ", 0'
olyool o, , Io't 00 ". 9'0fts. "" J Orthod 1987
irICo rporoting Z 'p ri ng con be u,ed to treot 2 32_ 2~0

the ante-rior cro"b ite. 6, K. " , W. kh, Mee ," , To'-. Ii, 00" 10"011 0
2 Bucco l segm ont crOI,bites ore o lro troa red
,,,,,,,,,,,,I'<'il ulctc< thercvl '" 0'" "" lot< pOt'... ,
i'<r. J o"hod 19"8 1 , 508_S 2 ~
u, ing q\Xld h. li, or expa n, ioo ,crew" 7_ K....... b<-. wo'"' Korl , lot. det",.,. ,,,,,,,,,I ,,,,, tho
"""",,, I cl<ft. Am J (M-OO 19W il ().;l _11<
8, Nob.roo en" ~""""",,, (~.h"'... , oi
STAG FOUR p'''on'' '; <1-;""" "'.,
J Qrthod 19S3 ;IAO I<6
<Iott i p 'nO/'" ""Iot<_ /<r.

Th i, , tog . con, i, t. of tfeo tm. nt during the 9 Pwl " WII, (or.l. """",'1 Orthodo,"'" St lc " ~,
CY"", ;,-,-,1 9U
permane nt denMioo. The pal ient;, trea led u si~g 10, 1" " "T E "'0-,..", ....","
boo!. oi C.hodont~" y""
" fixe d o ft hodonT ic app li ance A ll lOLa I boo< moclcol "" w.o." in<,1 98-!l
irfClluio ritici li<c cr~ing, ,pacing, = bitm ard
II Rabo,., 0'-'; Soot...,, : U" " f", ""'" '"'
"mo~ "'" . . ., 1 ,.,."'. ,,, Am J 0 _ 1.-.00 1988 ,
OV" riei ! OVll rbite prob:em. or~ corrected. Patienll 38-!l_3"94
12 1""""0; , , A.--- con",,,,,, In ,io. .... 'r orl-.op.dc
"- wjjh hypa-pla,tic-maxill a maybe g iven lace ma,k 1",,,,,,-,on' 0; d,i, li p o" d polot. _ Am J Ort~d
to'o dvance tho rnoxill a . PrOltne'i, Con be g ive n 1969,219 _229
in co.o of mi n ing teeth oft. r co mp letion 0; 13 i ...... , ...,..."",," " tr ,~ ", ~ ... " " ,,', of>et- " "" ...
~,;On ..-"f/ o.- ",",o'><h)- bot,. ",oli .., n dolt I" ..-.d
orthodont", th erapy. 00101. A" J Ori--..od 1I'M ; 6~3 _ 6'3
1< ,10,,-, o,d M. I " i ' ~ >.\, ,. ,,,u l '"h"" " eo
Fo ll ow ing the o rthodon Tic t reat me nt
'-"",.,,,, " I "0" ",dol ",.."'-nat.,... "'" J ~
procedur" " the patient . hou ld be p ut 0 11 0 1\'82;26 1_24-8
retention pha," to moi nta in the orthodontic 15 ren ca te AR 0 ,01 HI"olo. , Oo" lo p", o"
St",ct ... ,,,,; f",ct<>", L V"""I, >, io .... ,19&l


urgia d ol'lhodonlia is 0 term !hot ... fe~ to

11I' l1ltol pro<:edur~1 cOrried oul en on
odjun ct to or i n co njunction w ith E><IfQ ctions """ the most com mcn~ under\ck~
on!>odonIic trectmont. These PJrgical procedu res min or l urgiall pI'OCedure. in COI"jun c:Tion witt.
0 ", 11"",11, <XIm.d out to e!;",inate on etiologic: onhodoo die llwaP\". E.dtodiot> performed OS "
foclo r or to corre ct ',v,,' d enlQ. loci o l 0/ orthodon6c !heroPI' include thempeulic
obnorm,.lme. thaTcc nno! be salisfadorily t~ e><!fOction, ""rio l 'metion a nd . ><I,odicn 01
by growth rnod ifl c.otion proced ure. or orthodo<1tic , ul*'l"Ull1 ercry co ,lou! or moKorrned teeth,
Surgkol o rthodonlic proced ure. 0... Tlle re pe,,"" e.frecflon
broodly cIouitoed '" minor ,urv>:ol proeed ...... Th 'optulic e><lrocJlon il ......k~o:>ken 0:>1 0 pori 01
0I'Id rmior . urgl<;ol pnXe<llIret, Wh~. most minor fu li lledo. d orthodonlic: treatment ma in ly to goin
procedU<8S "~ an inlegml port 01 orthodontlc ' pOCe. Prior I" !I.eropevtic exIrocIinn " 1Iloro"9 h
Ihempy, the mojo< pmcedufl. 0 "" a imed at d logn<><lic e.en::iIe I ..-mill. Tho inc!icoOOn.
roeol" "" ,I ol _ >l:eIe!d rrdoccIusion or denio- lor . "HOdi" n 01 diffe"",' teeth 01 0 pori 01
fClCio! d. lom>iti ., thotCOr'll'\Ol be ooli sklClO rlly o rthodontic treatm ~ nt have been dioeu .." d in
treotod by of'Ihod.:mtic tfootmen! c lo"" , Tobie 1 chopttr 23. E,troc~ on . hov ld be 0$ otroumotic
give, Ihe Ii" of mino r a nd moior SOJf'llicol o. poIs;ble. During the pmcedUnt, COnt .hould
ortt.odontic prOCedures. There ""ould be IlQOd be tohln to preooNe !he inlegrity 01 the o:>l...oIul .
co- erdinotion between the (lr<ll lu r~ ond the Ar'r-/ bfeok Of " ' " cJ oitherthe buccol or b ~
orthodontist whe n undertaking procedu", . bony plate. moy p","ent ideal r.,,,it!oni r.g of the

L .
45D ' Orthodontia. Tb~ An <lnd Sc:iCl;nce

supernumerory teeth ore th" mesiade" .

Su~"" .....o>y """" con 0100 occ .... in !he Inci ....,
Mm ~ ...d.... ","" maior ond molo r <"e9i011. ImpcctiorlS in me
\. f>~KIion. mo.ill a ge"ero ll, lXCuf in the con ln~ region .
. T!Jor"""~"~ Prlor To Tr., r= O'>'O I of these TeeI~ Their
Sorioi . ,.."""'"
.. Emdoo.,. ....... _
b. _IO<XI~on <:nJ tt.e;r",l:JtionshijI wim odloce<1T
d& _ _ .TfU".""hould be otcMoined br nJdiogrophs.
During !he OlIlfOCIion procedu,,", co,," lhould be
.. UIraOoon"'~_
Ioken nolle> do""'!l"the oojocent '"'" 01 roots.
t. S!IgiaI ~ 01_ The looth il oJ>PIoodled by 0 buccol 01 pololol
, . Foorlt<lOn'!\' Hcp clepen<ll"9 upo<! ~.Ioc<>1ion. AIle, cc lul
4, P.. _ elevotion of lhe fl op, odeq ucTe amounT 01 tXHle
S. Tr~ .. d _ i. ",m oved us in g ratary cutting inl trum enl!. The
!. e.moo"'l111 in'lpOded or IUptmUm<'>'tlry tooTh io romtI"o'ed ond
MoJor ,. _ _ tI>e .... ,0010 , ood.oI impe::Ied b- my pot+.olagiool
1.~~ ~_. The Hop if. ...,.,....,,,,,,, and """' .... plaood
:. eo.noo;; oorvodK foro....-.
3. s...,o.I ........... ildIIIlpW . . . .
S<rgoW auiIIod '"""' ...nIIIy lopanoion SURGICAl U/ltCOVRI/itG OF

lee!~ duri~g
, orthodonti c th..roPI' P...oporoli ., Tn, p"'senr:e of impacted ",em in the dento l oreh
rg<:!iograp n. ere c voluc ble oid in F>c nni ng <>rid con cou" min or dCflTol ill,,! ula riTie. due 10
eMoCVIion of e.:I<ad;"" . d~lIectionof odioceOl leem. Impaction of teeth
uouoUv OCCuR O. 0 ,,,.ult 01 length
diKrepal\Ct or p .....nce 01 mucosal 00'ld bony
Serial " ',oelion involves remooof 01 .orn" berrien TI'tot p"""'01 their .ruplion. , '- mo5I
d.oduol,I$lee!h IoIIowed by spo<;ito; pe<monenl commonly im poCied loo th il Ihe mo. illory
'Hill in on e,deffy seq","",," to guitle tn. ..., 01 parmonent coni ..... In many CQSfl H" pouible
tt.e ~ le<:t. n o0 mort f{l"o'OrQ~ position. Iorthe M hocionTist Ta guide tho im poc:1ed <XI"'....
:"',iol .,tred"" is u,,,,,lIv corri ed out durin g tho into it. no r"", 1Iocotion in the dento l or~h oft
mi>:ed dentition peoiod ...nen 0 _ ' " oren
Ieogth odeq...oTe WIll i ~o l .q><>s.u",. The loJ lowing ,TtPl
defICiency exists pr-n no<mol alignment o, e underto ~en in the monogement of On
of rt.e .... ole complement of 'ecllh. impOdtd rOOIh :

Extra cllon o f ,...'....m.'."., o. locolionolthcloolh
IlIIpactecr .I"d ilnk,la."d I tll b. Evoluolioll 01 fOVOllfobilfly
Tho presence of . upem ume r(u'!', impccled cnd c. Evolucr1ion of SJXIce adequocy
onk-,i OHd tooth ore impo rtanT Iocol Couo' 01 d. Svrgico l e.e isio n 000 bon e remova l
ma locclus ion . Tn e mo. t commo n I, ,u n Fi>.in g orrOOdonTic oTT""" "",,,Ts
t"""'.... <J 0 ' .."';ood <0"",1 """'" 'I'l 1",.,1 ""D'''''' ,;ow 01 0 12 ,.." <old _ , ...;,n
Fill 1 So,rgk:o l o"O<k,'",
"", "oW """'" j ",;>O(, 191 1><"'0f0,,", " .""""'.' .; tho ......... 1)01;001 (q <>t>d IDI ,,-~oo l "P<>'" rt 01",.
rig"" <>I,';
...... "'~ __ ill Qr1!,,,",,,,t c ~",,,, .... ., 'rogr'" if) orthc<J""r, .. _ "", ri .,g ""'"""""""

Locatio n of Ih . tooth Evaluallo n of favour.blllty

The exoc:Iloa>lion of !he nnpacted IOOIh hos 10 In many cases rhe orIenlalian of Ihe impocred
hedellrmil'lld. Ihiscan bedone"';ng!he CIooN. leelh moy be such thol surgicol orthodonbc
tube shift technIque or the right ongle 'echniQue guidonce 01 rhe IOOItl into rho Olth mOJ nor be
wnG IWO films. Mwt impacled 111> presonl 0 possible. The ICI'YOUtobiMy sMuld be ...omired
b.., lge correspoondi ng 10 Iheir !ocolion ",mkh pri or to ur"lderTo king of Ih e proced ure. II I,
sho ul d be exom in . d cli nico ll y by<!lO:>n c nd c"," ,id. r. d ."orabl. whenevor th o ope> of th e
polpoliOl1. cani "" i$ dose to ill norma l po'ition .
f;g 2 'I 'l ood (8: P""'ta' ..... , ~ " ph,,, 0 ",,<Orl ..;ih 0 ""bt, ~ ".""dod , on ... ooon "'"' ''''Il~oI " P"'"'" Iq
<V>d (OJ "",' h o'_, ~,"ph. of 'no ""'"

EvaluatIon of spa". ad .. quacy Surg Ical e ~cI,lon and bone re moel

W'h M the impo<tep tooth i, g uded into the dcnl:l l Tf", crown of If", impeded tooth i. expo.ed b-y
arch , oo.qvoto .pace ohou ld be present lor if> exci ~Ort of lhe o erlying .0H tiss ue ond remoV(l1
no rmo l alig nm ent. In mony ca,e. invdving the 01 boo ny covering _ The boone .ho ul d be removed
im pocti o n 01 permo nent con ine' If", OOcid"""" "pto the moximum heig ht 01 ca ntour.
coo ine. a rc over-reta ined. These teeth hoe '0
FI~lng orthodontIc attachmenf$
be extracted to ""co mmodate the p~rmor\en t
con;"", _ In CMo; n pot;",,\<, lhe 'P"ce ;ntended In mos! ca ... of faou'c bly impeded ca ni"".,
h th . permone<1t co nine moy be io>t lry migrotio n o nCe the "'tt ti"u. and bony Ii,.....,
i, ,"moved,
of the a drocent t.... th . In >ue h CO"" , 'P<'C~ 1m ;h~ con in " orvpt. "" it. own . In ",me core"
the permonent Can;"" il creot<>d by c"",,, looting arthodonti~ g uidcn co lor eruption of "'" teeth inl:l
the rest of the teeth ond passJ bly ">d ractin g 0 the orch may be ' eq uired ,
premokJ, AIIochmenl> o re pkx~d on jf", im""doO
f.. 3 So.. '\lko l c rt"""""'" ' '''' ..... ... of a 13 ,.... old pc,.,nI ""'''i<rI
rrpcdood ..-o~ .., ,, loft n "" ",. Prweo'm6rt
0<01","1 ~ccph. f:cte .he bvIgo prodvcod by to. ," n ~ .:S! 'oclioo 'oph 01 '" "''''" pc''''' p AI, n..... ,, ;n P"'Il'""
(0) >OOn oi'" , ...~~ 01 "pC,"",,, tho rooi"" (E) ood If! N.."..... co.-.plel"" 0' "oct_'.
tooth to guide the e ruptin g tooth into the arch. c 8ondobl. orthodonti c brocket; 0' button.
So me of the ot!ochm enl> thot can be ploced on A ligature ;0re is wound oround the
the im pecled canine are: attoch ment ond tho other e<ld tied to 0 remova~
0. A moto l crown with a hook Or fi d orl hodont ic app liance . The wire is
b A cell uloid crown with an attocrment bonded grodvo ll y hghteoed at reg ular int. I"Vol. to guide
ta it the e rupting too/h.
FREI'tECJOMY mCMImont. lobiol flops ore lOlled ond 1n1".
dOMol bony CUb Ore mcd. porcl"'l 10 the long
Mo"1 c" .." 01 m;dlir>e dit"t"",c ore be li owd to "'* 01 t.e l8()Ih. Tf-.,,,, cuI! ~ ioired foge!her
be coulod end mo inte in&d by ab na 'mo litiel of by 0 kori1OOtol bo ny cut eboy~ tf". apices of tM
tho mo.i flcry labial fran um . Too p,... noe of 0 '''''I! . u"e should be laloo nat to toIoi ly ocpa rolC
ri'i,it. fleshy ",..j fibrou s fro"um P(event~ the IWO the",,1 unil>. following Ih. surge,),
rnadlcry ,*,"",,1 iodoars !.om apptO>.imOling eod> oo*"xloo Iric IOOtiI """"""'" is in""'led u.. rog h>oecI
other. In rhese pahents the frenal twue m""cross appiOorceo.
CMI' and gelollo<:hed in the ,"-""",""Ilary sutu~
or.a on "'" pa!otol "'p&<:!. PRICISION
Frenectomy i. 0 ou'gicol p,oceduro
performed to "'~iI" tho f,&num and ,.move ti, . Pericilion c' circumf.,. ntiol .upro.c. eSla l
deePY "mbaddod ~brO<J' '.we.Cortr~ <:Xi." fibroromy. o. it" ollen coiled i. 0 millOr wlll ieel
procedu,e that il vrderlakcn to <OlJ"-"l< "" re~
rega rding to e timing of the w'Vica l .,.-oced u,e.
According to oom&, fronectomy .hou ld be I!o ndency of the .tr..tched gingr.ol fibres. Tho
pe.wrmed prior to orthodon~c cloture 01 the ~an"HJlIQI 000 olveolorcrellol groupd n",1
midline d,oslema. According 10 a"",he, ",0001 hbres ......,in -.:he<! 000 do r.::t ,eo::lily readopt
oIlhought.l=edomy""ould be pcrIonn..d oller to the . - tooth pasnion Iollowing COIYedion 01
'p<Xe do..,,,, 00 i, reduce. the ,isle 01 SCO, t;,.w" ,otorio". henc;e ClI<J>,ng ""10",,,.
10'100100 Ihol cco P'C"ieflf clow", 0/ the midli"" f'eritioion invotve. SUtgicollOdioning 01
thew liMI try ~ng 0 ,herp IIOflOW sca lpel
""'" Reg ord le" of Ih e tim ing wh e n th " t~g h th o gin giva l . ulcu. o'ou r,d the toolh to {]
dept h "I 2 mm apica l to II", ol'6Olor crus.
procedure ~ perlormed ... 1oJ'aMng poW. ollould
be flIIT\tt\"1berod Pooricition i. """.... ally und<nlkcn 'lion adj","""",,
o. Thelrenumohouldnol"......lybedippe<!. It reteotlon procedu~ ohe' Ihe corr'Clion 01
""ould be tololly exciood 10 If. bone level . .cAo'''''''
b. Any paloltrlly oHoched ~brou. hUIIe ohould
be remo::wed.
c. Fil:mus ti!.SUe aHochod to the inrer.m.,.;ll""
O,tnogno,niC lu r~erie. er. moio' lurg ical
.uture0''''' shoo.Jld be ,,,,,.,,,,,ed.
pro<;l)-d u, co rried o ut oblQ with orthodo ntiC
d. The mucoso of;he li p i .....Q(ll"mi<wrd 10 p'..-i
lhe<o PI' to com>::! de"", fociol deIe'mit"" o r _
reanad1me nt of tke ~brO\Js lillYO.
oro.iocOoI di.proportions i"""","ng tj,e m<.i ll o.

!he maooibleor boIh in combin::.!ion. 1Nl1O-1acia1
de'orm". con be congenitol, dovI:!iopmenlol 0'
Corrkotomy i. (] .urgicol p<occd~'e uwally _./ occqUIJed tn notu"" ond con oIiecl the rn0.011o,
....-der1oken 1n patient> hcJ.,.,"II denlOl prodinati(]n the mDndible 0, both the ~ The poiogy 01
", im opoci"9. Tni. te chnique in."I.eo the .xnto-lOi;lDI d!!lormrtie< con be claosifoed intothe
.ecti ooing of the donte.o lveo lar regiOn inte lo lbwirog thrM Q'o<!P"
mu ltiple . mo ll unit' to hClten Orlkodontic toolh 1. Known lPOC ifiCcouse
o. Prenatel
b. PbsI""",1
2. Hotoo:!iIo..,.
3. E""i,c~rMntol I SPlClfIC CAOUI
R.f.... lo Table 2 for th e Ii .. of pos. ible
A, '01" _ 0)'fI<i_
e!i~og i c foCI"" . Orthognathic l urg . ry booico lly
B, _ ocij .-.d _ fIoropr
invo! .... planned lrodu~ng of tho fodol.keletol
ports and ~posi!ioning Ihem 0$ desl~. Thq
c. Htnhdll ,,;0"""'"
o. a.-.., *""",. .
Mlould be performed ,,. a room ""Ih the 0ItI1 1I000_dt_ _
surgeon ond tt... orthodonli<l being Important F ftdlt doIIIIIg oyndrtIrM
membets cJ tt...lIIom. G. _ .. tI I,
Ortllc:9n<;rthir; ""gene.. con be petIoo"otod H. Cr' ,"""""",,",,.~
in the me.i l., c ...., 11 '" lhe mand ible to correct I, ,.,. - . .ynctr"",
jaw disc~pc n ci in a ll the tfvee p., nn cJ sp:xe POSrw.T~l

Ref", to Tobl . 3 fo' the "o ,i o u. procedures, ..,~ " ..... MpI.m
Th. plann,ng and ".cvl lan of
,. ....,.,
'";..y to <o>o'ldl'It

orthognothic "'rgoerioM Of. done in a melhod,col ....,., _ _ ...:1_
rnan_. The IoII<l'ling 0ft0 the steps i.......w.ed in
orrhog,., ....., .urge..,. :
f. ~ JiJPI"J I'
o. Diognosi' ~,<Ifu<e' eYOIootion)
b. P",.urgicolo>thodomks
.I.. ~_toiorn
c. Mock surg ..,.
d. S ur~ryooid.tobi li ,oti on
~I,~; ')'rId''''''
9 1rQr ~loOli ~~i"l
e. ico lorthodontia I~ ENVHI!)NM(HTll

p " -01' .,.!lye ey./".tJ 0 ft

a, iIoop....,._

P'e-operotiYe diogno5i. i< ve..,. imponom fo, the c. EII<t"'~_

SU<;SS of orthognalhic ""'lIt..,.. The d".,gnosis
il oimeil 01o:iele<mining the notu~, -"Y ond
The potienl" .oe... 1 .Iolus .hould 01.0 be
the possjble etiologv of the cIo.nto.1ocic1 delormfty,
Ge nor,,1 medica l ""oluol,oo : ThQ poti onf .
Cepha lome lric evo luaHa n Cephalom etric
~nef(l l med ica l hi,tory .noul d b.. recorded 10
ev<l luatl an Is on impo<1<lnt tool in a.1",mining
tVlo out med icol dioom.,r\. The polient'l <rn=ra ll
the nolu", ond _"ty of ~ .l<"'eIol pn:>b!eml.
deni<J1 health should be .""I""ted. Pulpo
The commonly uoed cepholomeltk anolysi. 0'"
periodonlal problems ,hooId be ~Iieed prior to
lhs 8u,._ onoly ... ond the quodriloleral
the SUtgicol interYtlnlion.
anolp~. fronlol cepholometri<:.....,.,.... help' in
Socio _ psychological 8volUOlion : The
det.omining 10001 osymmetry.
polienl is osses...J ledet.,mi .... who""', he I M.
il ow,,,. '" th o ""sting dento1ocic1d.formity and Rod1oQ'O/lhlc uomjnclion : P,io. 10 !h.
whot he I , h. o'p"Ci> wt of tho . urgi co llh o,O\lY ...-gi<:ol in!Qrvertion 1r..loIIowing rad~roph. C~
Th ~ .... po in dele<m ir>ing tr.. pcti.nt'. moti""tion, mandatary.
1. l"tf'(J 'OII periopicol rodiogroph, , Th... olign >eYerOlleeth. Spec" mer, be needed 10<
rodiogrophl help in desonn;ning Ihe conda"", of the ... monoeu ..... which elln be goined by
!he lM1hond efteoIg,bono. rr-..:..d pa1hoIog, I"terd"nlol <fri ppi"l1 or ",,,,, ut,oction .
""""ndlhe loellh con 01.., be de/etmined using f ",roQions during p",",u'llicol orthode>n~a ..
tt- rocliogrophs. generolly~n Io ........ moden:rteto_ ..
2 . I'ono 'omlc ,adiooroph.: Ponc>,c>mie cro"..jlng wi lhin Ihe denIa l o,ch.s and 10
tOd iogropht off ... "wide view d th e e nlire occomodole <egm...,tol 00"" out.
den Tc>f"ci,,1 region including th e temp e,c>- 2. Alt. relion ond co-ordinati on of th e
m"nclibuie>, lolnl. The'-\! rodic>grnph. Ore u.eful orenes, locol cro.sbites involving an individ uol
in .val"",lion 01 bQ n~ polOO!ogies, """ Iuelie n 01 toQIh c Ol1 be (crrected wilh r~movcble Or {",ad
the temperome>ndibulor ioint and me moxilklry onhodonl it opp lionoe . "'llmenTcl
sinuses . crossbiln ~ nanow ma>Jtoryon:h ~ ""'"
3. Submenlo.e'le iew ; A rcdi Ollro ph form 01 orch expansion procedure suc:h ore '''Pod
fOLI1i ..... ~ used is the sub .......10 ..,~ ... ,"_, 10 maxillary ... po .... icn with hyrm opplionee '"
del",m;,. the buteO.linguol thielrnou 01 the "POn'icn uoing quod hel .. appliance. IU a

mondible 0$ ..... 11 01 degree of deformity d !he

Studr mocIelltl'Oluolim1 , Slud~ ", od"l. a'.

general rule orthodcntic ""'I"'mion 01 con1fdion
10 co-or<1;nme tIr .. upper and !he IO'WW o,et..
.hcuId be come<! oul prierlo tire ... rge.y SO 0110
helpful In lhe $YOlu,,"on of c>cduoioo fmm 011 p ,o.ide (o"ect po,top"'Q Ii ... oedusol
direclion . Th&y ore uJ.ed to inte,-orth inoen:llg itolion.
3. Inciso , inclinaTion. P,eclin e d upp~'
end intro arch diW"ep<lr\C","
in cisors in 00... II, division I m(l}" r>eed TO be
TM! evoluctiC>ll , Th. te mpoerom<ltodibulcr ie int ",t'CKTed 10 mor. normal ox",1 irKl in Olien .
is evo'UOIed boJ inspection, ~ion, ov=botion
ond boJ roo'iogrophic "",,,,...,,,ion 10 ...ouole ;oint
5i mi.,,1y retroc lin ed i""""" in 00" II, divilion
2 he ... 10 be proclined .
ITIO'YefTIent. and ony pathology. ~. o.tompensnlion : Moot ,,,,,.r, Ike l,,' ol
jow discrepo""ie> 0"" po~1y compenooted by
c""ngel in 0, .,1 indination 01 the onlOrio, teeth.
The abjedMI 01 .,.. .... ryicol orlhoOOnrics is 10 For e""rnpl .. , mondibulof ,,,I'ognoth .. m i,
~por. the patient fo, the intended orthognothic ouocloled w~h prodi...,d lower- ont.riors to
.u~ ..,. ond "'" to mer"," the ocduool relof;e>nohip poniQlI , o!foe! the , l eiclol diKreponq. C.,ulll
os icIeoJ o. possible. poIients with proonothic mondible U$UoI/y e""ibOt
The follc\oin g prcx::edu res or. und"""",,n c. pon lipped low ... ir>eisors to compensate fOf
li"'i100 II~
of pre'lUrg-ico l o rtOOdoolb. th e .ke lcto l ,e .,tion. Pre .... rg ico l MnodonTlcs
1. Teoth oUg nm en t with in the oren es ,-' , hould co"""t tfle .. po.itie n. of compensoTlon
Spocjngs oncl "'"'tioN m,, 10 be .liminal&<! dU'ing to positie n the Iee1h correctly ev. r the; r ... pponi ng
Tfle p rellJ~ico l orthodontic treotment. Simple bone. Tni l pro<:edu,," i. coiled dec:om peruotion.
co " ..ctie n ca n be achieved b~ removobl.
oppliorus. Howeverfured Opplo:roo,," ~ Sinte mosl po1iem, 'equire posl.
01 they oller belt" """,01ond d i. possible 10 lIJ'lIicol onhodon1ic _nt, ~ is unnKeISO",
4. &o:DI., - . " . ....... SOl
&.. ~ ~ ClI>'>l)W I..,b .~ "_'1'1'/
4. ~ &PM _~0I'I'If !OI(Il ~ _","""",1 (f~ .)
S. ~ !orwI.rd ..."", ~ " tit chin Il'lI)' t>o roqoirod iI..mon

......,. ....,......(~ .. trICk (fig 5)

1IaduJ""'''''''''''' ~ -...., tor _ _ ,, _
_ ...,_(tv1.)

...... . , 6oIIcIttqo' _ , "'.... 4. Lob'll_...., 01 ...... oct. .... ord in'.,od ....... _
8, ~Jpiit , ,,~ ..tII _ 111_11; 'I

A tJ.II .... r..cI" .prtt b/IO.

oog_ "'''''...",., lIil/Ol'
~ ....:IiillJ&o~ - . , .
dInt._ "'*' _ .".,. ,...,.
c!onIo-_, ~ \II,., tin lot _ try ~ .,1orIor

/I. _ _ Mo (111m 4of/O"o am I or If)

- ..............,.-_........, ........ ~_I
_., . . . .......,_10""'".
C. _ _ ... fWIlII Antl/t., C/uo 41)
I1Int ~ ..., iiOI _It _ ...5cOi ~ ....... 1100J
_ ~ If/! 01 .-.. lfIII _ lxdo'. ~ 0I'III
01....." " '"'" to .,..,. Il.I"'" !>:>ely ....,. .... bO .,..
....... 10 '" _o:I:t\tII _~ '*'<91""" II _ I fttr rw:iory
......... , 10 !WIt. In cat thO palol<l "'" oxhU!._"......,

.... ~_,.....,,,

_..."." _
FOI1I I IOill mllflt)' np.don io <WO.

one"'" _ _ Mgmon\I!
""" 1M 1o....1n!I.
~ .. b:'t!; row _
C', 1 \
o .


r'll ~ s.... cr.... I ";"k.rl.,.~ do. ... .......dt:..1o.

_000''''';'" . - by ""g-...,I..,I.. o.~_
....nIl.. ,"" """""" .......

Fig 6 Clo .. III , 1"01 po,,,,.

d ,., ...... 'b ...... F., 7 0 - 111""""_" dOl '" ...... .,'Y "".,n
.."" ...... i.m ~OOI b, >ogillol ."I~ ",,",,,,om, with 0< bypopio,;" . - by Ie fOIl I . . . wit.
_bolo< ... bock. .~-
';; a eta.. II .. _ _ ...... to.-db) .....",."" f9 9 Shiel'" """" biI .. ,1""1/ "' .... C ... II ,bIetoI
.. 'tm";' ClOd ""'''''Ib,.... P""I/'"'Ot; ..., rr..... .... "" I.. 10 fo~ 1"" '0 .,."";1 ;. .... Irn ~"""
po .... ,"
I. f on I ...,"'.......'10 ... ~ II ... od ... -.aom_
tog ...1 .... ~ ~ ..;t, "",""ibo.l", ... !>ad<
God togi"t<1 ""'''''"''''I'!''' _bob< ......,,,.... '

fi~ 10 tGO~ 1.". I, """ II, ",.oa,,'od,.;tt. _,,, I fill I I 8,,,, ,,,11 ,,, 1"0'''''iotI _"~. ""'.;;0 ..... n~
trJ_ _ They ... """"" .... 1. 1'<><11 .-.. ......10.. ""''''' bub< ___ "",I , lor .. bod< 01 0 . _
I"'p<><....... ..-1....d .. """bIo
10 splinls. The orthadonlic orch wire nne! l>rocktls
con be uMd 10' the inltrMO>.,Jlory fil(O~on.
1"........".110,., Ii:.ootion ~, tpClns lor 6.8 """'"""
following whk h the . piint il remov.d.

" Of t . ur,'e,' o't~odontlc.

Soon nr the ,u""'''y, 0 PM,.. of""kcl

af\hodon~c !featmont is inilio!ed. During this
phose, the foool detoiling ef 1M occ lu sion end
esthe!ic: r<:<;I! pcrol&ling iJ COIliId eut. ~ CC>IoIII
of posI'''''gicol onhodonlic:s ere compleled by
4.0 men""'.


They o,e ..,,,,,ieol procedures corri.d ou' 10

Improve th, esth'l< OppoOl'Onct alth, pc""nt.
f ig 12 1i""'0","1 <M" d,IHc;o""V oft." '00"'" TheM , u<gerlt! can invo;"., the /"lOSe and !he
ch in. Cosmetic surge ry of th., nose is co il ed
10 cony out -...... p<eolUrgkclloolh 1t..... ' ... '1 .... They 0' " und'rl<Jk .... 10 ~o",CI
thotcon beoo::omplished _e<Syooo quickly abnormal confrgumlion of If>e nooe . Cosmerc
during or oher Ihe '''rg.ry. Pre.,urgical 1U'lI"'Y cI!he chin i. ,.fered to !;IS genioplosty.
ortoodonlk pr"""""l,,=", shovId ne_e>Oend more
loon on. yea .

Moc k f ur,. r, I. Cd- TM , ~ , pooo""", end fIIOdIco.

Soon afte r tl1e completion of pre,u rg icol 2. p","" Wk, Ce>n.....",.,., ry ~k ', SI loo,,;'. Oi
Mool.,, 19M.
or!hodonlio; lreelme nt 0 mod< SIJ rgery ;. performed
3. Prc/ .. I'll: S"'Oicol 00!h0d0<rIc , _ .
on the upper ond Iawtr model. mounted on 0 '. _ f _ : Ib-.:I boxrk", c;w...L,.". __
hinged Ofonotomiool aniaJoJor. The mo:Ioh aff: hook """""'".~ "'<.19M
5. n.-:.. M Goabo<, II.>b<.1 t _ _ , ~

cut and ",pofi~ooed in !he d."rab1e poo ition. tiu , ... _ P'in<'.... . o, d *,,,,,,,,,,"',Moo.., __
1M segmtl nls ore secured in the ir nt:w pos ition booI. in< , 11>9~
U$in" s!ic:~ wrut. The mociaUlgery Ih~ helps in
e""I<IOtion and possible modilicarion 0/ the
""""icol If..,tmenl plan. It al.., h .. lps in the
preparation of on oed"..,1splint.

Su r,." 11111 "~Io"'lIl1on

The next step irM>Ives me turgicollmduring ond

repoo ili onlng of the bony HIOlments. Tho!oeth 01
!he upper and lower ClIChe! ore wired in oedusion
and Relapse

PWM l>e)'Ol1d do ubt t~t '"'" mo.ed
t is
lhoog h bone usr,g Oft( ortflodontic o~ic n'~
have Q !efldency 10 ....tum to ..... , original
posiIion. Relenrion 110, been defined bv Moye"
0. 'maintaining newly moved IeeIh in posiIion,
Ioog O!'nO"llh to old In stobil;,; ng their corredion.'
Re lop .. has be."
defin ed a. 'In.. lOIs of cny
COlf'Khon achieved ~ o,thodoo,!i<; ~tment.'
Retenrion of tmh in ldeol funr;ti<)nol ond esrhetH:

p:>t.ition loIIawing Q/!hocboli< IreoIment poses the
grecle!t challe nge to !he or1'ho<lorIiSl, Quile ofIen
we ~om " a ero .. c;g ... thot req ui~ me ,e , kill in
'eto i nin~ thl! tMth thon in "'lIvloti r>g them.
fig I CO""".~ ............
Reter>lion is too often lightly considered.
Stobo1izing the rreotment ",,"0'" by ,~ntion SCHOOlS OF RcrENrJON
procedu .... is on i"~rtli pori 01 orIhodonnc
Thc'cpy ond tflerefore P''''';'''''' .f.ovid be "", de 0.., t.... 1""''' -0"""" philosophiel ~!-...
i~ the Ireo!m. n! plan hx ocleq<JOte rete ntion p~t forward to expIoin post-treatm ont ~
~""p;ng in mind !he de.tabilizing focton (f;g I). n- ore re/errecho 0$ rile >Chaols of" f

TIl , occl ..,lon . cll ool Perlodonlel ",. menl I,e ellon 10 Kinglley, proper occlusion is 0 key W,,"-lMIh are moved OfthodOOlicolly, ....
foclO< In deiOtminlng !he stability 01 the n~ periodonroI prirotipol ~bros ond the ging;..,1 Mn.
mcr.ed teelh . The importance of this factor in .... -..ore .... do::!. n-lfnIid'Ied
scI!, guordlng the stobility in !he new pO$ilion t.o$ ~b,tI con conlmO' 0Ild ore Ih", a potent a>uM
been ogNed upon bv 1e""",1 other OUlno.. and 01 relapse. The principol/ibres ol!l.e peo1odooto1
resea"'" ""'Dri<..... j;ggment l$OrYO"9f! ""''''''''''- quit. rapidly 10 Ihe
<"IiIw POliti c n. Studi My, . noWf"l thot th .
Tile ep'c" b . . . .chaol principel fibr@, reorgon ize in oOOuI 4 weeki ti me.
The apica l be ... t<;Moo l Ma. been formu lated The l uprool. eo lar 9in 9;.,.o l fi bre$ on the olh"
araund Ifle wr~i ng . of ~ I a,,'no.. inclu ding nond f\:T k" (l$ mud> C$ 40 _ .. 10 ,....,r","9'
Ail>.lvnd.t,om, McCauley and No nce. oround the now pw.iIOon, ond th ... predi~ to
Ai.,.lurdstrom in the mid 1920'. $U{/Qe$tecl "'opse. All" campr"h .. n.i." arthodonHc
mOl the op,,:ol be... is an importanlicclar in me treoTment, Teeth ""Iuire 4-5 months 01 /v1l.M""
<:anection of molocd ..... ion end moi"""",nce of <e1ontion $O os to allow tho 'eorgonizolion 01
the stabolity of _<I case .. McCaulev added pe"odonrol ligoment libras. Alter mi, period.
tho! tho i....., -<;Onl"" and in ...molor widths .t.ouId ......nhan ohould be conIinued ana rtduced besi.
be mointalned dvting orthodO<l~c th=py 10 fO'"o Ivrth" '8 month. $O o. k> ollow lhe more
m,nimite rettontion problem . No "" .. noted thot ""IIgish gingival fibros to ....adopt to lhe new
Tt>e arch I""glh co nnol be petm o'lOflli<r" illCf""Md toom pol i~c n .
too mcloreo:r&nl.
R, /.p.. d ... to ,ro wlh , .. Ie ted eft.n,..
Tft e me ndlbuler .cftool i'clienf> with . ' . Ietal problem$ ouodated with
Grie"". and T.... ed MY8 .ug geste<! IMI p<nt. Cicil II, Cia .. II I, a",," bite ar deep bile
t~ IIclbiloly WOI incrt!Q~ when ...."..jib ..... molocclu . ion moy u hib;1 relopse dlle to
inc iIorl - . placed uprighl or s5ghtly ,etroc~ cD<tlh.lotOon 01 the abnormol growth ponemofrer
ove'lhe bctol bo"". arthoclontio; /he",PJ. Studies ht>... shown rho! the
original growth ~ resurbces or dominores ~
TIl e mll. clIl. hl.. lehool the onhodonlic: _ e nl i, compleled pr>ot to
The <lenlilion I.encopsu"''''''' foom outsid .. and the completion eI growth. Hence, prdoogod
inside by muodes. According to Roj .. rs, functional retenti"" i. indicated unlil odi.e growlh i.
m"scle belon", i. neao= 'I in <><der to "". "re
PG'1!1"OOtmjl.!l! ito bi Iit, -"'"
CAUSES OF RELAPSE Teeth Ihol ho. " bee n moved roce ntl y ere
&ufTCU nded b>,. lighrly (o kifi"" osl<>Oid ben . Tn ul
N.,,,,,,,,,,,,, are the cau .... attribute<! ta rela ......
ft1 " ""'In cr" no! od eq uololy .tob iliad ond h"".
Na l ingle foClO< con be$Oid to be th e$O~ cOuse o lend&ncy 10 """"" to It..,;, original politlon, The
of relo ...... In n.;>OI C""" re.Iopse oc("" <I"" ta a bony trabeculoe 0'" na'moll y arranged
combinOlion ~ co ....... [fig 1). pe,pencliOJIo, 10 me lang <ru'I' elm, THin.
H~ during orthodol'llic lfemment, they ~ THEORIES OF RETENTION
" I;g ned parn ll ,,1!<) th e diredioo of foroe . During
the rer..~on pha .... they ,..,..,rt
bock 10 their RJedej ha, ,ummante(j "'" diffe<ent <Xlt"oCftpn ond
norn\Ol "",,ngoment. p hil",ophiM .,.isting into nine theories. To thi.
li, t 01 nine """'Me. Mov<o" 1\0, ookl.d anothe,
MIt. cllla, fo,e n meaty *'a: II m .nt"ned n.n <IS t+" te~th theorem.
T..,th ore encopsuioled in on d"orecrions I:1t 0 b'on
Tloe o,,,,,, 1
ket of mu.d el. Mu \e imoo kmce at the eo"ld of
the onhodcntic lhernpy con "",uk In ""'PP'Or 'Tooth thor h(Ue Oet~ mewed lend \0 ",h,om 10
oroce of the "",lccdusion. Tho orthodonlill sI-woulel th'i' Iormer pooition'.Th"", /lOW ..ems to be
aim a t M rmoniting the muS<.i e, at the conch, go neral nt tnat teeth tord to go bock to
sion of lite arthodoo ,~c trea!r'ne<>! SO OS 10 inaeooe rhei' originol P<l,;~on an.., ortnodon~c tooth
t!>t $!obilii')' of t"" t,..,atment ,..,ru~'lXhi.......d. ~n!. The co_Io, /hi$ r&l0\ft o'e many

o nd . ingl, etio logy <:O Mot be highlig hred.
Fallu." to ellmln,t, t~ e orl, 'n,,1 C,It"
T~e cau.e of the moloccl usion s~o u ld be fit".""", 2
deletmil"led ot the lim. of dio~is end 00eqv01e Eli minotiOl1 of Ih~ <:O Ust of ma locdu. io n will
treo!ment slep, """'lei be planned to eliminoo p.......m ",loose'. The COu,,", for the "",Ioedusioo
the ",me or recl...ce ils ... _ ii')'. Fai lure to ""mcwe .ho~Id be id.rrrilied Of tho ~me of diognool. ond
the Miology con result in reiopl.$. a d'q uote Slap' , hov ld t>e formu loted In the
treotrnen! pion to el imil'lOte a. Follun: to remove
Role of tlol,d mol. ,. tho rouse '1lCre<>st$ the relopse po!f!ntiol, This
The "'rd moIalS ""'pi.....,
Iota in Ihs deveI ""ment Ih eo r~m co n on ly be opp li,d in co ... of

01 dentition. They erupt in mos1 co .... berween molocdu,;on ~ the COtJSOI is obviovt such os
"'" 00l!' of 1821 yeo ... Bv thil time most potient. thu mb .udc'''!!, tong...e thrusting, etc., ond not
..."."jd have complel..d fhej, orth:xkon!ic "'"""tment. In a nv moloccl u,ion who re the tou," is elul ive .
The p<esoure """,ed I:1t the erupfng rhin:! molo:..,
is be li eved to ca use lot& crowd ing,
pradl$pcaing to tela!>". '.v.,locduti<;ln ........ d be """"-0:> ,eded "'0 ",' ei')'
foctor'. Many orthodontists 'lO<;om",,,,,d 0VtIr
Role of occhrslon cor,ection 10 c' to give 1 ....01 lor 0 co""i n
Good inten:vspolion of !he upperond the lower omount 01 relopse. Thi. has been pmdiced in
teflth is on impo<tont fOClOt in mo,ntoi"';"II1I-.. ......,in9 cotr\oin condifions such as rototions,
,\:;l bility of treated m 5M. Tfle ce ntri o rolot1oo a nd trealm errr 01 (I",s III 0"", III molocdusiOl1 '
centrio;. oc.dvtion should coincide or rile slide The,.., ii, howe..", no ~i l ol>e dote to volidote
/rom (,",ric shoulel be n<;I more than I.S 2 mm /histh"""",,,
in orde, to "".., greater Itobility of t"" trc<ltme nt
Th e orem"
results. Pre"", 01 cer10in occlusal mon""ri"",
,""" o. clenching. llfinding. noil biting, lip b~ing Proper occlusion i!; a potent !odor in holding
etc., oro imponont roU$O' of ", Io pse. teeth in thei ' cor"",ted position. '. Po.H...alment
.!<;Ibilily is inc..,~ by oood ocdu"Q(\, Th,
a rlhodant i. t shov ld rIOt restri ct treot me nt to
T~rn t
ac "i evin ~ a!;lOO<l' interc", potion wh en the iow.
are o;Ios.d but ,"ou ld oim lurt"e' ol 0 ~ood
I..",diorlol occIUlion i.e. harmaniau. occlulOl
contoc:ts during ! m<MIments oItho jcIw.

TIt,orem 5
1"00II\ N 111>1 _ _ ttnO to IWIIn j) " " Iorrr!oI

_01.:.. ....... _
n..,..m S
... -"'*"'"'.
'ao ne ond adioce nt tissue. mu .t t>e a ll awtd tim e 'Ma!oo:MOn tI"IoI.'It 00 _ ~od III I Woty r.etoc';

to rec'll Onile aro un d ""wly positi oned teeth , Tho."," I
When Ieeth are Jl"(>YfKj 0tIh0d0nIiw1ty, n...merouo ""- ~ 10 pwonIloo< io ~ _ io,.,.
chonges occu, in the bone ond .unounding
tlnu .., It !<;Ik con,ide",ble time 10' the
,...",..,nirotion !<;I bewmpl.tect. The new OSIIIOici '!!onoatd ...... _ ...... OO_ .... IO~
bone !ormed arou nd rec:entl, moved tH th off.... - 1IN!y ~-.,
irlCl deq uote rete ntion, Simi .,rty the periodontQ i Tho."m e
01 .... 11 o. the lIinllivollib r'" toke timl to
.. flo _

&It ....

a.Ir to r_
l:"00o<I eo ~ ~ _
II pol . . . - .
OUII t<fIJ tNy

Th eo ' i m 6 ~wnoct .... ~ poric>:Iool~ .......

1f the I"""" incilOf1 are ploced upright OHtIfba",1 ~ t-o ,....,

n.."m I

bor1, they ore more li kely to ",moin in good
alig nm ent', Most Jlo l:W . rel ults are obto i,;e.d by 'Tho_ N..,h _ _ ,.,....",. _11 tho 11$1.

plodnll the mond,b.,.lor indlOf1 ur:right over"" 01 roIIpM'.

00101 bone. The mandibular or ocdulOl pia ...
is uMld as the re/er"er'u plane. The arlhodonrill 'MIl tom. ..........,.. in IN 11_ ? .. - . _ bo

should aim at poI~ioning the I"""" Incisors ~ _ III' tPFk...,. ... ow,
perpe ndiculo r to the mond ib..olo r plo,," Of e"," l ...... o.. 10
relrodirl . d. """'" ~..:"" rWo<:<:Iosau roqyi"t pttN.",ot lOCIiIWIg
TIt""em 7
'Comoolions ca,ried 0111 during periodsof ~rowth the active ~rowth period allow the bu,," systems
0 .. iIIss lilooly to retOP'l'. Orthodontic!heropy 10 adapt weiland therefo<e reduce the ,.,lapse
.hould be ini~at-ed at tho earlie51 po"ibl. age. poI",, ~oI,

Eo , l, treatme nt procedu re. involvi ng g,owth

Theorem 8
mod ulat ion, a inlld at Inte rc e ptin g .hletol
mol",lotioos, prevent lull fledge<! molacd",lal"ll 'The larlherthe Ir>eIh have been mewed, .he tes-
and wmpenwtioo [both dentoIond>keletol) from i<the risk 01 relopse . The 10...... 0 tooth has been
occurinll m"""'" the leuer is the risk 01 ~ retuming 10 its
Such ~tment modohies cotried autdurinll orilliool position. Although this wvnd.logirl ,
it i. de.roble to g u"", the erupting tMth to inWeep! comid ered oppropriarn and the apices 01
lutu r<! molocc luoion, Such teeth requ ir<! lesser the lower Io tero l inci<or> mu,t be.preod
toot h mo ve m e nt by compre he nsive fi<ed more tho n those of !he central ind sors, In
mecflonolheropy and 0150 a reduced ret""tio n o, he r wocd, the lower inci.Of root, .hould
period and hence flov. a I",ser riskaf re kl p, e , be d iverg ing
3, The ooex of the lower cuspid .hould be
Th eo, em 9 po. itioned d i ~ 1 tothe crow n.
'Arch fo rm, part;";u lo rly in th e mandibu la r arch, " All 'oor lowe r inc i50 ' apice, must be in the
cannot be perma nen tl, altered by appliance .ome klbiol ir>guo l plane .
therapy. Alteration o f exi, ti r>g a rch form. re. ull> 5, Th e lowe r eu, pi d rool op ex mu. t be
in in cr"" sed ri.k of re lop. e , According to po~ti o,,"d ; Iig htfy bucco l l:l th~ crown a pe:<..

McCau ley, th, marJ il>ukl r inter-corin. and inte.-- 6, The lower in 6""" sfx:.u ld be sienderi,ed 0.
mola r width. are unco mprom ising . Th", th.y needod oftertreotment
.hould be cor>oidered o. fix"'; lorxfma rks oM the
r.,1 oflhe oreh b uil t around th em. By ob;e Oling the . i. rete nti on keys described
by Ra le igh Willio m. , it i. po;sible to eli minate
Th eo,em .10 l ow~ r inc;,or reten tion fo ll ow ing fixed appliance

'M any tr""led ma locclus ion, requ ire perma nent therapy,
rel:lin ir>g d el'ice. ', Th i. theorem woo . ubsequentl,
added by Moy. ,. . Ce rto in ma locdu. ion. might TYPfS OF RETENTION
require the potiM t to be fi ~"" with a perma nent
Mo!oo:losion occ ..... du e '" numerou. couses 000
retoinin g device , Th i, i. true in co .... thot Mve
th-ey present th om,e lve. in vonov. way" Wh il e
rIOt been trMted to ad,ieve ocdu.a l goo l. thot
$c m~ treoted ma locc lus ion. do not req uire
. tond lor , tabil ity.
re1<rlio n, other maloccl",,,,,,, mny n.ed 0 c~ rto in
period of retention to en,ur. ;!ab ility. Rete ntion
ca n be of th ree ty pe, '
1, Naturo l or no retentio n
Ra leigh wi lliams p ut forwo rd 6 keY' to el imi ""te 2 Limited or , hart term retentio n
lower retenti on and ad",;"" lower arch 'ta bility 3, Problgod or permo,",nt retenti on
foIlowir>g orthodont;.,; !reotment The following are
Natu,al o. no . etent/on
th.6 keys:
1. The inci. a l ed ge of th " lower inci=- >houl d Some of thc ,ond itions thot do not "'quire any
be ploced on Ihe A_P Ii "" '" 1 mm in fronl retention include ,
of it. Th is po.ition of the lowe r ind=- o Anteri o r cro"bite
en,ure. ~bility fol lowing IfeotmMt. It 01.0 b, Sel"ia l exlractk>r1 procedure,
ernote, optimum ba lance of ",ft tissue, in c, Bloded out or hi ghfy ploced co nin e,
th" lowe r th ird of the loce in Cia .. 1ex/' action cose.
2. The lower inc i. or apico, shou ld be . prood d Posterior crossbite in potie-nts hov;ng
di.l!o~yto the crowns ~ tho n ;, gMero lfy . teep evops
468 Orthodontics The Art and Science

Llmltert Dr short term retentIon forc". to oct freely on the dentition ,

MOlt co",. treoted routioe fy in the orthodont;c 3. It .hov ld be .e lf - d ""n' ing ond ''''''' Id
dn ;c fo il into thi' cot" gory, R"te nt;on ;, perm it orol hygiene moinlenon~e.
recommende d to ollow th e bone and ot her 4, It should be o. inc"",picuoos 0' pO$lib le,
pt<k>dootDI t:ssues to "",dor:tto their r>ew b::otion Retoine" can be closs if;ed into:
1, Ciou I non-extroct;on with dento l orche. 1, Remoobl e reto;"""
show ;ng prod,,,,,tioo and 5p<lcing . 2, Fi>:ed retoin."
2, Deep bite,
3 Oo .. I, CIo .. II, div, 1 ard dr.. 2 ca.."treoted
by e>droctioo .
Th.y ore PO";'- opp~o ncco thJt con be r~mo.ed
, by the potient ond rein,erted ot wi ll.
Pralongert a, petmlln e nt ,etentlon
Co, e. that req uire inde fin ;te or prolong ~ d HlJw/ey'. lippI/ann
retention indud . :
The Howley. oppl iance was de'igned in I 920 by
0, Mid li "" dia.temo

b Severe ro\:;ltio no
Coone, Howlay, It i, the mO$lireq ventl y ~
reta iner, Tn.. cI,,ic Howley', retain er (fig 2.0)
c Arch e'pon.ion och ie~ed wit""" , ""," unng
~onsi'" of do.". on the molors and " short lo bial
good oed",,,,,,
bow extendi ng from co nine to ccnine ha vin g
d. C.rtoin 0", II, di,.. 2 deep bite cose,
od justment ioap',
~. Poti ont. exh ibiting abnorma l mu""u lo ture or
Thi' ,;,."pi e de~gn co n be modified in 'everol
tong ue habits
wol" to . uit spodfic req uirement . Th .lol>io l bow
f, Expor-.ded o rch", ;n d eft polo te po tie nt.
can be mode to e>dend from on<! first p,""",o, to
the opposite li " t premolor {fig 2.b] , This design
he lp, in clo' ing $poces d~to l to can ine. Anoth e,
Reto;""" are poMive orthodont>:: opplionces that mod if;catioo i, to ,00de, the bow to th e bridge of
help in mointc ining a nd .tobi lizing tn.. poo ition the Adam', d".p . Th i. d .. ign ovoids th e , i. k of
of te. th long eno<Jg h to perm it reorganization af space open ing up betwee n the con ine ond
the supporting !lrvdure. o her th e active ,.no"" af "",mo lm due to tn.. cro,,_ove r W;fe. {Fig
orthodontic th eropy. FiHed labiol bow con olso be cMd to oller ">:,,,I. nt
Tn.. type 01reto iner ta be u.ed depend, on relent".." Anterior "te pi""", c"" be incorparated
.ariau, faOoro weh 0' the ty pe of mo locdusion to reto in 0 , corr~ct deep bite "".eo , The
trootod. tfoe e,tn..t>:: ""ed. , potient's ornI hygiene, odvontog e' of thi s app liance includ e ease of
f'Otie nt ca-operoti on. tfoe d"' ot",,, of ret<trltion. Iob rication du e to , imp!., design and mini mol
etc." pa tie nt discomfort d ue to reduced bulk, In
Grober no. put fo rwofd certain cfiteria thaT oddition it i. occeptoble to most poti ent. os it i.
o good retoin er ,hookJ posse,.. relotivefy in can",kuou "
1 , The retainer snoukJ reto in 011 teeth that hove
Bell retain er
been mo~ed into de'ired po' itio n.
2 The ,"oukJ perm it "",mo l functiono l Th i, r~toine r wo. popIJlo riled by ~ R Begg. It
cansi, ts cf a labia l wire tho t extend. till the Io,t

c o

r'll 2 W HoooIt!'> ...,;_ III Iio>wIoy'J , ........... Ioo>g Iobiol _ (Q ~ , .... _ ..... Iobiol ""'" ",1dOOOOO 10
AcIomi <loop fO) ~ ..o"..., od _ _

erupted molD' end curve, a,ound it to gel Clip . an ref./n er I sprIng allgne,
e m ~dded in ooyI ic Thot ,po ns t""
paklto (fog Thi s opplia nce is mode of" wire fro .,.,., work lkat
2.d). Th . od""nta~ of this retoi"" , is tflo! Ih Of. r"1Jn l lobio lly ove r the iOOSOf1 cn d th en iX'$1e1
i, no C'OI$_ wi,.
be_ n the con inft and ~ IN roni"" ond ~r:r and i. rew.,.",.j
premola' !l.ereby el,minoting the risk 01 . pa<e to u. ~ the lingool .urfa"" (fig 3). Bolt! the
openi"ll "p. Iobool os well os the lingual wire .....""'''11 Ore
coverS the d inico l crown. of tM uppe< and Iow,o, r
toeth a nd a .mo ll portion of tne gir>g ivo. Th e
tooth po,ti ane r need , no oct""tion at reg ul a r
interva l. and i. d urable. TM drowbocks indvd.
diffIC ulty in .peech or>d ris k of TMJ problem. ,

Invisible retaloer.
They "'" retoirlCrs.tMtfulfy cover- the cl inical crown.
OM a part of the 9i"9i.o l ti ss ue. They are moo e
of ul tro th in lro re nt thermo-p la.tic .heel$
u,;ng a B-ioSlor moe hin e. They ore". sl"'tie OM
oft"" go unnoticed ,{F ig 41

The,e reta iners are fixod or fitted on to the tooth

and connot 00 remo.ed a nd {e in.. ~ed by the

The fixed appliance

embedded in a . tri p of or"",

acryl ic. The reloirlC r The fixed oppli""'e that wa.
used for orthodontic
can be _ d to bnng abootcorroction of rotation. corroct;on con 00 left in piace to ","'e o. c
camm<> nfy ,een in th e lowe' anteri or region , In reto iM r,
.vch Ca'. ' where it i. used a. an acti.e relo iner. Sanded CIInlne to canine retainer
it i. fa bricated on a co.t wherein the teeth are
ploced in id",,1 po.iti on. by wax .et up , Th, type 01 retn i"", i. common ly u",d i~ tn., lo wO(
c onterio r reg ion . The coni"",. a re bonded ond a
W,sp a,ound , e ta/ne, thick wire is contoored oyer tM 1i"9,-",1 aspects
Th i. i. an e>teroed ."", ion of tr.. .pri ng o lig nor ond .o ldered to the conine bond, (fig 61. Th e
thot cov. " 011the .teeth. It con. isls of ",ire that bond, pred i' p"'''' to poorOfo l hygiene and are
PO"'" along !", la b., 1a. well o. li n9"",I.urioce' une.theti c.
of a ll erupled teeth wnich i, embedded in a .trip
01 a c~ ic . Thi. type of reta in er i. oot routine ly
used in orthodontic pra ctice , It find. oppHcoHon
in".tabi li, ing a periodonto ll y wea k de ntition,

Kes/log tooth. po.'t'oner

The tooth po<iSoner wos described by H,D, K",lin9
in 1 945, It i. mode oi a thermaplostic rvb be r li,e
moterio l that 'pon. the inte< - acc lu",1 SfXlce and

c o

"., S i>.oh ... ~ ",. I'~. _;.."
..... ......,. ;-.0-. ""'o;dlf ........
if!:. U"l.d w.od ,,,.i_
fmr, an .. to C<WIi .. (Q "ood I <>q",,1 <'fil,.,\o- ri>o
_" , m......Ix...... (0) Ung"'" !.rood ..""_ (f)'. """" .-.01_ (fJ
..... "!IO~_

Bonded lingual , e taln er. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS IN RETEN-

n"'r ore reta;""", thot are bo,..Jed 00 the ling ua l TION OF CERTAIN MALOCCLUSION

aspect. Sta inle" ,teel or blu e E/g i/oy wire i.

adopted linQuelly to loll ow tf><, anterior curvo Cla5S " ma locclu.l on
tvro. Th o ~ds o",',cuNed over tr.e canine. WMre
it j.bO<'>de d,
Clo" 1/ mo lcx:du>ion 9<'n."ol", ore ro,u lt 01
", Voriou, p"'.I~b rica ted li .-.g ua l retain ers aro . .
di=epar<: ie. in growth between the maxill o a nd.
the mandiblo, Relop'" lolkJwing the correcti on 01
ava il abl e thai ca~ be bonded an to the teeth
C l a,~ II ma loccl usion a re du e to continued
ltig 7] An olt.o rnati ve to th" v<e 01 wire. i, to use
differentia l growth 01 maxi ll a ,. klti ve 10 mand ible
etched or perforated me:a l co,t bar< toot cun be
bonded on Ihe li ngoo l ,,00 01 lho ,eet;" Roxentf,- MirIQ' re kJpso tendencies mal be 0 re, ull 01 tooth
fnO'Iement cJu., to ~ng iml and pe<>odc>rmI factors
,orne worlcc rs have recommend ed the u<e 01 0
. pira l wire that ca n be bonded inJivi do,iail, to cach 0"", corredion of th. occ lu sa l ,.lotio",hip ;. an
important foetor in COmp.,fl>o ting for r. lap""
tooth in a .egme~t.
fol lowing treatment, Howeve r long to rm growth
Blin d and spllr re tain er re.,ted chMge, aro mor~ li k.ft to pose 0 problem
in retantiOll, Tr.aso ijrowlh rekJted, depend
This type ci ",toiner is used in ca "" where a 'ingle
tooth ho, been orthodoolica l:y trcolcd for rotatic<1
carr",tion or kJb io. lin gua l di'p lacement {fig 8],
The tooth that no. bee n moved i, bonded ~nJ
.puf$ are sddered 00 to rile bands w a. to (WCrkJp
tile ad jacent teeth. In ca,e it i. u",d to retoin a
teoth that ho s been bkxked pa latel ly, the spurs
arc made on tr", labia l Ds ped '0 that the tooth
doe, not once oga in get d i ,p l a~ed po lorol fr, In
dero'o' ion case, one .p ur is placed lab'a ll y (on
the ,id e the toct h tends to rotate pa letol",] and
the aj'"", li ng uo lIy to o"oid r"'ap,~,
Fe, 9 p"","",,,. of re,;ng 0 ~ ng '" ModoO', ' <1< .... , ("l Tho -.; ,,;, "opOod on ... 1;..,e, 1 ''''''''' 01 ,ho _I> &om
''''' ... 10 b "W",,10 , on ... . Ia) Tho ,mi_;' robi i,ed on to. <:031 u"'"'J """ ... -~ "'*'0",," (C) Iv-. ;"..". ..;"" ~
."".,je,,;f, 0 " bbe< booed heov,- body ......,..,, 1to 10"" 0 ""' ''' " ~Io Ill) n .. _fng ,......"., .. ~ VIed 10 roo'_
to. "',..,," <>P"" '"" ,ocli, I~) 1...",.,1 _ '-' ~ "" ~ ...... ,

on 0 nu moo r of facio" in dooi"ll a[j<l, '0<, and opp lionces mo intoin , the corre<:jed ""'<i llo-
motuMty 01 the potiMt. Thi . ,. Iop'. tenderq con mornJ ib-u lor re lotian oM prevent< growth relo ted
be p reve nted by continued u. e of heodg eo'l to relopse tendendes.
,. ,trict moxill ory growth in co nju r"lCtion with Q The vse of headgear$ orfunctiono l opplior"ICe5 !o
",toine' to mo inlo in the d enjo l olig nm enj. Some mo inlo in !he 0o," II correction io indicated ~ !he
outhors prescribe the "'. oIfur"ICt",,",ol opp l",nce, octive treatm ent i. c;ompl otod at on .o rl, age ond
, imi lo. to <>ctivotor o r bionoto r ofier th~ a ctive co ntinued growth i. e'pe<:ted fo lbwing the <>dive
phose of clo" II co rrection. The use of the,o pf..o", oItre(ltmMt.
472 Orthodontics - Th Art and Science

c.... 11/ 1II.'"clw,'oII

ReJoining 0 CI_ .11 molocdu'ion may be 0
difficuk lOs!< d"" to the contin......:! groMh of the . G<ob. 1M : 01 'ia : f'ltociploo. """ pt<ICfU.

mond ible. The uH of chin cop '0

we Sc..odoto, ' 98S
2. H",_W,I , Ooiooclomc o;.,g,-.. W!\oj .... h d.
mondibulof> her. been nocommended by '981
lOme outhorl to co...nter tIo~ continCJed QrQw1!, J, PI'OIi" ~ c.:...-""""., O1!1.,o","". S/l<Nf,.
t&ndeocy of mond ible. H"""v..-the ...... of ch in 4,
C/ .....".,.19M
b<>o< _
E ""'-: Hond b<>o< cI O~
I~bIi""', . ""'.l ~ ae_
cap i. bo lieved tQ in crec>e the vertical growth Qf 5, !.how w<, ~.c ond Ocd LO<>! mo ~mo n .
the, Mid CIou III CO"" Qre be.! retain! W'ght, I99J
6. Tkomoo M~, - . . l IIar>orsOol l : Orthocloo-
u"rIg 0051 If I fu"'tionol opp,"''''c", 'L>Ch o. c ok. , ... _ pnnc;piooo <l<I<I o.ciI","_. I0I0<0, ,.",
f.vlrw oo;'oto'. fR 3 or Ckr.. III bienotOi. booI! 1",. )994
Ho .....,.,r ..,Vefe Clou III co,es thot relopY
following DC,"" orrl>odc:.vic tIoeropy moy require
"""!Iieal eo,,,.c:tion oft..- growth ceases.

De.p bil e
Deep 0 - biles 0" best retainod by ,...."..,ble
uppe' retoi,.,.... made in ",ell wttt tMt tIoe lower
on",rion conla<;< the bOH plat. b. hirnl !he
moKl II oty onllriO<l, Th il is .im ilor te enterio<- bite
pI"""fbut the mol," """" r<>t be separated. Thi .
type of IGlOlnor help' in mClinto ini ng tn., corrected
deep bitl.

Open Olte
ReIopse /oI1oooOng CCITOdion d open bile is usually
re.ul. d moIo' .,aru,;on or insis.or inlrusion.
InC"", """"'on may occur dUll 10 continued
indullfC"C' In hobits $OKh (JO !humb oucking 0 '
'ong'" thru.ting . Th". e'imino.ion of the
onociotod etiologic Ioctor would help in long .
lerm ll<:lbil itv. E..:eo.e.e """"", g,.,..,.n
and conTin<Jed eruption of flO,t."orS may pose
the rn k d relopse, In the ... potie n!, opoen bite.
are belt retoined by high pu ll heodgoorS to upper
mokm Or US<! of bite block "pp li o", och 01
po$!lr;or bite pOe", thot st",1<:h... the m""",.,t"",
ond j)I'Oduo:es on intrw"" force on the o.ntilion.


SOLDERING icleol t&Quili! :

i) The soldo< s.ho.Jd . >hibit ",cell. ntlomish ..-.d
Soldering is defined os 0 pro<:"" <i join.'ng me!Ols co " ",ion resi,l:l nce in tho 0f01 erMronm. nt.
by 1M u... of" IiI ler "",lei ",M,t, f>g , a ,.n.tontio lf,- i i) Th. fu .;on temperntu ,. of the dofllO l,oIdto,
lower f",ion temperature !han thot of the metel. should be lOW<!' lhan that oHhe po'" being
beOng joined, If the Ivsion t. mF"""tu", oIlhe P<l6d. kkIol ly the fvsion 1oempem\vre of me
fill., metal "MId e>:ceed. (5O"C, then th .. told., ohouId be 50"<: 1OO"C leu thon !he
p,oced""" is termed broling. 50Idenng makes pom being [oined.
vsecJfiler rnetoI, hoving Ius.on 1e"""""""",!e"I ii Q II shoul d be I,,, .. /lowing and should
.... .45O'C. Thus Ihetermo$Oldering..-.d brwing odequOlll'ly wet the melol pori< ~ un~" so
sign!tylhe ....... prece6JN, b .... ""'Y in the fusion !hot good odhesion i!. ochieYed.
temporotures 01 tho inlermediory meIol. used. iv) The .trongrh 01 the solde'.houId be "milo,
SoItiering invot-Ihe How 01 the molten
/iU", melCl due 10 copil lo ry oHroc:!;'" between !he
10 mol 0/"'. metols be;ng joined.
v) Tf.e coIO<Jr 01 th e de nlol ooIder """'Id rI'I(1IdI
m "to lli ~ pori. to be joif'lOd _ with thot of tf>o part. to be soldered,
Mo, t de nta l solders ore compased d
1;IQId, .ilver, cop per, ,in<:, hn ond nickel. Whae
Dfontol .o lde .. afe o llo. thot are u ..d as c.op~ g iV1O. 0 ~ I ow Opt>eOEUE..., to tr.e JOIdec.
intonnediory 0<" flU.., metal to join two 0< mom lIS lijl!viMion bynidc"j giveso rTIOf'O ";'i!e ccIour
metallic The-,o should possess the IoIowing to ..... toIder,
Flux is a Lati n word meaning flow, The , ucee ..
of a good $Oldereo' joint depefid$ on no.,. well the
denta l $Older flows over the port. to be joined ,
Dental $01d ~" do not odequote ly llow or wet
meta ll >:: ,urioce. !hot 00",", an oxidi".d loye r, The
flu, o id. in remove l of th . o,iOO cooting .0 o. to
rooo.. the flow of the molten ",kler. I ~ oddltion,
th. fl ux 0 1", d i"o Ne. ony .urface imp uriti ... ,
pre.ent. oxidatian of the meta ls and a l.o
"9~ificontly reduce<!he molting poinloflhe dento l
",Id. r.
The flux u",d com monfy in denti.try 005
the fol lowin g comp:>~tion :
Bornx glo.. 55%
Boricocld 35%
Sika 10);
Ruorkle I;..,,,,. conl:;l ini ng boric acid Olnd
pot"'5illm fluo ri de in a I : 1 ratio, a l", produce
c' cc llont $OIdeo-cd foints ,

Antiflux i. 0 mater.,1that i, u;ed to co nfine the
fl ow of th . molten .old . r over th . "",I:;l l. be in g
ioined, The common ly vscd onti.fl u,", ore lood
peoo l marking" graphite li nes Qt>d iroo rouge.

Typu of .o,de,'nll
Frce hand solde ring : Mo.t of the .olderin g
In denta l proctiee, ,,,dering c@beearried o ut !>,oced ures ca rried out by on orthodo nti,t fall
in two method.
, , vcder this category. The pracc .. itwoIve, ooide(ing
Q, Inve'tment ,oldering ond two meto llic pa rt. to get her after od equ~te
b, Free l>::lnu solderin g .tabiliration, without the use of ime, tment, to
Investment . olde ring ,Investment .old erin g predsely hold the parts togetMr.
i. ca rri . d out whenever th e Or"a of COrl tact
Step. In .older/nil
betw",,~ the "",tollie f>CIrj. being joir>ed i< Iorg "
@dwhoneverprecisionisneeded in foining the I. Cleo~ing the ,ur/ace, to 00 joined.
"",te l. The pra<:odu re invo lve. the "",bedd ing 2. Assemb lin g th e port; to be joined .
of the meta ll ic port. in an investment a 3, Selecti ng the right ""lder a nd flu>.
gop of obovt 0 , I 3 mm betw"" n the meta l, 4, Selectio n ofa proper jo int
A , c

r, 2 s.r~ o! '"'""" ~",~ ""'... , ....... <if... ~,~ (Ili W"""'"'" ~ "" '" O'ocnd +. 0+., io "'" boo!
'tPO o! ,,",j ~l l ""9O" """" of ;0; " ",'p In<t>1O ,foe i<rl "'-"\If>

5. Application of Au . joir.ed togeIher"a would be beMfociol1Q""'lpone

6. H",,~ng and inrroduc:t;on of ..,lder. 01 the ..;.... around th_ ~ (~\I 2).
7. Quenching,
;,pprorolion of fIVlI :The fl .... ;. applred in !he
gop bet"",.n t~" pe rt. a nd ,,1 00 co_era 0 portion
Clea nj~g th ~ .uricce, to M jo in&<!: Tho O( tno port> being i",ned. Th e (low olin.. "'cIe,
pam to be joined sI>o<.ld b.o, <JMq<lO!oI, d""ned can be (imilod by using on~ -Hv .
to rernCM'> d irt and 011.- ""rfoce COtItominonb
Heolinll and introduction 01 ,olde, ; Th ..
whim irworiobl, resuh in poor solder flow ond
~ failure oIlfle procedure.
oteO 10 be joined il MoIed uoi"ll 0 $OItle<ing Iorch
{f ig 1). At, soon (H tne flux bog ins ta (",e . the
Anemb ling Ihe parI. to b ~ lolnad The solder;' introduced . The ",,'de< me lts and onw>eO
po .... to be joined ore sloMized in the dosi...d
"'e joinl. The Rome ........1d be maintained until
fashion using pI".",, O/Ihopho$phote cement. lhe filler _ I ho.1Iowed co.,-pMr!/y into the joint.
While- =ernbli"9lhe...,;t, Iogelher oro odeqoole
Qvenching : TM ossembly i. immediotely
gop ,""uld exist between TM e<'''' 10 be reined.
A gop of c bout 0.5 mm is!tf'ed adequote. q uencMd in wcter JO ". to li mit the JPte(ld of

Selufion 01 the right .olde' and fluK ,

The opproprioredentol wider should be $eIeded
P'e cllc,,1 c OR. ,de , etloRs In ,oldlrlnX
based on the metollic porls being joined. The
T h.. ,e o,e ~erto i n loctors thOl ,"ould be
J.O ldec $e~ed shou ld be compatible wi!h th e
conlido red.
metc~ in a.peds 01 strength a cd cobJr. H""""""
1) Use too red...orrg flame dthe soldering torch.
II>ey .hould ... hlbOt 0 """"" fusion ItImperotu<e.
21 Use _t cotton ond o,be."" ta limit the
Similor!y" good Au- Is 01.., sdected.
.preod of heol.
Selection 01 0 proper jOi,,' : A PfOp.' joint 3) Thrtr soldered joint .hould not be pOlrshed (H
belWeo n the mo:tIc ls be;ng joined g~1ty et'honc: ... il ..... c~e n . the jo;nt.
the slrength 01 In.. joint. Po<nl COl1tocts do not 4) Anti . fIv:< ","",Id be used to ~nt "-,cessi""
oIIe<odeq""", Ih'etlQm. When Iwo"',.,o<e beng lIl"",d oholde,.
iUS Orthodontics , The Art and Science


Welding ~""'joiningcJlwoor"""" ;"eIOl

pieces d i'ectly under prcnure withoUI me
introduction o f on intorm .dio,,!, or fill er mat.riol.
Cold welding" done by I>ommering or
preuurc. An e:I<Omp~ 01 cold welding Is the gold
Ioil ~lIing. Hot welding uses 11.01 of . ufficiem
inle<' siiy to mo ll rneI:JI. bein g jo ined. n ... type
o l_lding used to ioin Mr.odonti( componentl
is arlled !opOf wtoid,ng. The heol..,urce is ..... ually
o high omperoge elecfriciry. Orrhodormc >pOI
weld..... "mploy tile oIectrodo teO>niq'!" and ore
used i",tood o f .oI oorirIQ in co..,s where the
"-o!ing cyd$ m.....t be -., ohorI, In etdertop--"
changes in the physicol propenies 01 the
compo""n!> being joined.

Principl e af 'pa t weldillt

He.;rt ond pressure are the I"wO bosic principles

involved in spot _Iding. EIectnc CVtrent Wq
is mod. 10 poss Ih roUllh 0 S!lO!'.<bwn tron,former
10 ohlein 0 low _olle ge gnd high e mperago
Ullrenl lhal is ,0000uctO'ld through two copper
electrodes (fig 3) on eithe.sidlcJ the metals being
jained. Thr"etiston ofIerod by 51oinl"....lo.l to
current of hig h om"" rog o generote. _cry hig h
remperolure 01 the e""lroOes. Thus the 0..., of
meIOl undo< the .Iedrod... becon.. plwlic. The
capper eledfodM sim"llaneously Cl!'ply P"'ssure

f .. J ~\ 50>0< ....!do. 11: eo..".. .,,_,,=100 o! '"" """

A ppnullons of told. , 'nt tn

o ,th odon t lcs
on t"" m"to ll o nd th~ r"foro sqvee' e
into each oth-e,.
m eta~

The COIlPO' elec.lrOdes In a welding un~

lerve th,,/o/fowmg purposes :
o. Tr'm, rnifthec" rr~nt to the melal. 10 be ,,"ned
.0 os to couse 0 ropid incree s. in
c. SoOdoring ~ u..d 10 ioin port, 01 o ~hodonh::
b. The IwO electrodes help in holding <ogethe.
b. SoIdeting con be used 10 Ie""n onochmen ..
to bond l. the IwO met\llilo be joined.
c. The cI"'trodes ore do'igfllll:l to opply pre"'-U'<'
on !he -'Ols being joined. As ooon ",rhe Plou d.,e 01 s pot we ld' '!t
lempe"""'" il"lCl1lO.e>.1I-oe pr=ure e>.er1ed Select th, proper electrode lor !he Ihid<ness or
by It.. ,Iectrode..... Ips in .'III..... 'ng lho >hope 01 the moIetioll" be ....,lded. A btood
meloll in!o eoc~ othe r. .Irtd"rodo should be u<ed /0, thin mot..,;ol ond 0
d. The eledroOes help in con ducting Ih . heol I'IClrlOW one.ler thick mote ri ol. TM el.ctrodc!. 01
~ed ~ from lhe """" so 0.10 ~ he welder 0 '" d eo r>ed SO (IS 10 '" """'" 0 "'Y ccrl>ide
the propertie. of .loinl. " . teel oround Ih e prod pitotes . The . urface of each electrod e mu .t
weJd .pot. be smooth, flol, ocod pe rpe<1dicu kl r 10 its long
ill . W'lr'f importanl 1hol the possog" of ""s. 'M1en!he .ledrodcs ore IOgetw, Ihev 5hoY1d
eumont Ollhe ...aId $pol be of ""'Y short duralion be in IOIaI conla", If not. theV ,Iiould be ~ Ied
i.e. not more rhan I 1 10 rh of a ""ond. In COOfI "nhl totol conI<Id i, oct."'""""
!he ~ is paSHd foro iOng<l""d...otion of ~ ....., The welder has 0 ~mer /hot i, ..t to !he
~ ,,"ulb In weld decay due 10 pttICipilulion of required reeding . The meto" 10 b& joined ore
anbides from the -'01. Tl-us most 0I!he modem ploted bet ,e. ,!he 1wD.lectrodesondlhe1Witch
_ldeB ha<e on electronic timer /hot helps In istumed on . The eledmde pressure con be
dischorging curren! 01 ""'Y short dumlion. mcin!oined 10' 0 low se.;onds to help obloin 0
Weh5ng of ,loinless sleel depen,h on !he good ioinT,
proper use of eoch 0I1he 101 b.;ng th"", ...-iobles:
\. The cu rrent flOoing tfuough Ih. circuit. Appl/ce llon . al weldlnt In o, tllodantlCl
2. The time during whlch tho cu r",nt is oll owM We lding li nd, Q nu mbe r of o ppkelien, in
lellow. O"f>odont~l, They irduOe:
3 The med>onh;o l pre"",e opf>l ie<l at !he
0, Joining of """"I , trip" dUfing bonding.
_Iding hectd .
b. FiJring ollochment. .uch 01 bmck~ end
molar lubes onto bond,.

418 Orthodontics Thl;! Art Olnd Sc:I'lncl;!

ORTHODONTIC STUDT MODElS p""'" bw.a I!.ol SlJppofIs ,n. onolOmic ponOon.
This porlion 01 the sludy model helps in dO'pkti"ll
SIvdy models ()~ oceurtl!e plaI'e, rep!Odlldion. the 00",,1 o,ienkllion ond occlusion oj the sludy
oj the leelh ond thei' .urroundi"ll .of! riuuH, mode" OM 0150 g ..... 0 ple(J$inll ond ..,.",meIri
They ere on impol'lOn! diDgnostw:: oid in crlhodon- col oppeoroncc to the models.
fia ond make- ~ pouiblc 10 vllJW Ih, ocdU$lon In 0 _lIlobricoted <eI of study mode"
from ell Ospedl '9 ~), The impMonce ailJudy the mlio of the onotomic portion to or1istic por
mode" o:s on _01 orthod",mc "ag"""",, oid tion "'OOIld be 3: 1. The slepo involwod ,n the
ho. been diKvued in cnople' 11 , The oim 01 ,onsJn.odion 01 study model indude:
the p,esenl cnop1e' .. 10 describe 0 ",..hod 01 1. Impression moking
lcbrico1ing . Judy mode", 2. Dilinfec~on 011108 iml"=ion
3. Cooling the ;",pression
Idee l ,cQII,.'It o f II I/dy mod, " 4. 80":"" ond !rimming of !he co<l
Dnhodonli<: .Judy model ......... 1d fulMi the Io~ 5. Finishing ond poliohing
lowing critetio :
;1 The modek should occuro~v reprodvcc the
leel!. ond !heir lurroonding soil !inuts ",ill\.
out 0..., distO<tlOn.
iii Tho modehoretobetnmmed in til'*' 0 mew>-
ne . tr.ot they ore Il m"""rloo l ond p1co5irog
10 1M e)'8 . Thi s eMble. insto nt id&nlili cOllc n
of e'ymmetrie. in lhe crc h lorm.
iii) Th e mode~ c~ to be lrimm ed in IVC h 0 WO I
1",,1 ",hen plcxed on lhei' 00<:1:,. th o:y ccc u
rotefy reprod",e lhe occ l u~o n . ) f ;; 5 0" ' 0,
i'l The $Iudy mode ll ,r.ou ld flo .. 0 cl.on, _ ' " im..,. ....",
smooTh and oodu le free surioce. ,."... W ond l&l
M<loI~ "..;.......
vi The sl...ay modelss ........ id no! onlV depict the ,...,.. IQ ond (llj
, ... Ih but 'hould olso reprod"" 01 m",~ 01 Pt~o,,""" ""'''"'
"oJ> .. ~h ~iUh
the olw:olor PfOCOU OJ pol5ibl .

P"H 0 1 , . tudy mod"

"""- "" ouk ..

Ort/>odonlie; "udy models.:....... 0I1wO ports :

1. Anotomic portion ond
2. Misbcporlion .
Tho onotomic portion "Ihot PO" of the
study modo! which il ,he OC/uol ito'tl,esslon 0I1he
denial orm ond it> .... round,ng Slruc;lures. This
po<1ion ...... uollv mode of lion, plos'e'. The
om.~c poflion 01 the ,Judy modGl con$l.1S 01 0
, La b hoc:cdurs US

Imp ....lon m.llllt'

Obtoining o !food impres!ion" the I>on:! ond
10ft ti"ue, of the dentook-eolor rog ion i. on im
potion! fo.;!Qr in!.... proper".cotion 01ort+>.
odontic .tudy co,... The Imp"","on hould "".
tMd to the limit. 01 th. buccol ..,:.;". ond imo
t.... li "\luol ." IOJ, of l"e lowe r arch. The ." axi l.
lory i"lOfe.~on .oo.,ld ~ the hcln:! polo:.. but
,I>ould not _nd on 10 the wft polote.
The de-rrt ..t .ho uld be relo.-ed eml ""t
be nervous. Th e pofie<lt lhovld be esked 10 rin ..,
the mouth to eliminate food port;,;I ek ..
h II ...commended 10 1M Mgh fIc~ge
orthodoo"ltk: trlJ")"> lhol Mend deep into th e bu c
co l oM ling",,1",kii jfig 5). This i. on im portonl
considelOlion 01 orthodon1ic study model, oh:Juld
,.product 01 mum of 111$ ,upp<:o1ing ,trvdu..,
0, po" ible . The t ",V' I""led . hould in dud e
!he lost eruiDd molo" 01Id ad""",,,,,,, ola round
3 mm ,houId exI$lberwoen the Iee'iI ond the ~
Fig 6 (.>.: ~_ be .. 10"..." (to) ~ """ ;........
U... of I",Y' thot 0 '" loa wide 0' too no,,,,,,,, in
;"-0 '" 1>0.. 10..,.,,"
vo riobJy cO u'" . oft liss ue dil!ortion and th erefore
_ulto in inoccuml<! ,tudy modell. entin, th. ,mp .... ,pn
I,~,,"ble hyd,ocolfoo.ds (olgina~) ore The impress;"ns obtained 0 ... ('.(ls\ed"';ng orth
wid.-iy uled for imp r. lSion me~ing. During th e odon'i~ ito" . or model.,one , II II boer>eliciol to
procedure, th e potiont IlteelM in a .erticol po. u... $01\'\0 lorm of vibrgtorlo el im inme inco'l""p
smon to avoid entry alth. imo",ssion "",!<!rial lion cI. ai. bubbles.
into 1M phorytU..
Satin, ' anel trlmm/n, of f~ ' ca.f
Dls/nfectlD' th l Impruslon
Once 1M """lornic Oree of the study mocIeIllI
The impressions ore ri......d tl>oroughly in -....let" ~, !he ortistic portion 01 me
study ""t il
ond 0', d~I"""'t.,d to I," them of mlcroo'gon. b uih 10 I,om 0 bme ave< th. O'iOlomi<: portlcwl.
i, m" pia,!'" or>:J other or"I =.,tio", thot mcy 10 help in rM ki "l) th o OOse , rubbe< bose formers
beprmenton them, D~inlectioo('.(lnbedooe bv (ln! (MJlloble (fig 6.0). Once 1M onaIc>mic per.
socking !he impreuion in 0 d"infectont IOlution tion althe model is poured. 1M impre$SiOn!roy II
wen <IS 8ioci,," , The durotio" of immeBion turned upside down ond p",hed info me
should be oKe<teined Iro m th e man ufectu re", lillod into tM be,.
fanner (fi g 6 .b) .
A/te.di!linfecnon. the impreos;ons 0'" once again The pies .... bose is ,,11owed 10 lei Ie< 30
rinsed In "'OIorlO cleo. th. m aI "1"rJ rosid",,1 " ... 60 m,nulOS. Thft himming <>f the bose is" me
ii'll""", I'll. tiOJbn la.k Ihrn contrib..Jte, t" 1M beoutyal the
-<. -

4Btl Orthodontics - The Art and Sciom<e


~ ,

~ \



FlI 7 Tho ,.,,,,,.1"11 cI

.... o~1i< ",ocIoI
1"1 Soop 1 (BI Slop 1 fC)
..... 1110) ..... "'(1:)
!.lop v f) loIoo:M!GI
VII (hi SIopWi " SIoo>
G H II( III Slop ~

'. '.

Lab PrOCII:durcs 481

mode ~ (fig 7), Th e trimmin g 01 the orThodontic

model i. done "" an ,,"eclne Po$!C!" trimm ing
machine a mediumilril corbotundum
5100p I: The ba ... of the mondibulor CCllhould
be porollel to the occlusol pk"''' , The lower mode l
i:I in""rted 0 ""'" a 'T' lr.opo>d " ieee of rubbe r ond
a marl:;ng is cin:umsaibed all o",.,nd the ba ...
0/ the model using a marker maumee! an a -em
calltond, Once ~ mc.l<ir.g is mode, lne ba ...
of the co$! is trimmed upto the "", rl:in g,
Step Ii: The bock 01 tn., mond ibu lor m ~ i.
trimmed petD<lndicularlO the midline. The bock model e ~ trirr."ed at oppm.<'!latef,- 11 5' to the
cJ the mod,1 should ollo be W to the ba ... of bock cJ ..... ,..,ode . The linear meosUNment 01
the model. While trimming !he bode core should the poster'or cuts lhould be 13 1S mm.
beto ke n to ~ 5 mmofthe P"'* base di$!ol S,OIp VIII, Th. b...:col cuI> e'. made <YI me mo><
to th e mo.t po,te<ior teeth, ilklry CMt 5 mm owoy from the bu cco l wrfoce o!
Step III: Ckdude the uppe r and lower model. tl,I mo.t p:osterio' Iee'h, Th. bYoco l cuts ,f'IOV'd
togeIherand lrim th, maxillary bocks ..... rfoce. so be 65- to me bock of thl m""lIery COlt
thot the maxillary back is in Hush with ~ mono Step IX: Th amerior CI.I1l 0'" mode on me max
dibv"r bode, illary co,t. The cuts on e~he' s;de should be 01 ,
Ste p 1'1: Th e u~pe' end lowe, modell Ore oc eovo l len9th on d '''''''OJ li e 56 mm ohecd 01
dudeQ togeth e' ond Ore p"c;ed on their booo t+oe lobi ol , uricce o! the ont".;o, t~t+. . Tn. ont~
on the modellrimmer. The ba ... of the maxil"ry riorCVllon e;lIt" "de $houid ~ 01 the midline
COlt il trimmed SO thOl ~ il ,..,,,,lIellO ~ base of of the rnst end .hould exlend till the mdli,.., 0/
~ Iowermodel, AltheendoithilStep, the b>se, the conire , rne or'erio, c....ts are mode 30" 10
01 th e moxil lory and the mc ncl ibula, coot. ore t~e bod 01 tho! ca,t.

para ll el to oocn otr.erand 10 1M occlulIO l plone S'ep X, The posteri or cvt, of the ""'><ilkl ry co$l
and the bodes of bolt> the UPP<" and lawer casts ore mode in . uch a wa, Il10, they c.... in ~",h with
are 01 right ongles to the bases. .he posterior~uts cJ the mandibular CO". This;s
s.~p V: The buccol cuts 0'" mode on IhI: mon done by occlud;ng lne moOeIs and trimm,ng!he
dibulor co,t 56 mm a....,y from the bc.;.;o l , u, mO>ci lklry poste'ior cvts till th..,. are in line with the
lace 01 the postorior -n, The bucca l cull Ore to mo ndibuler po,te<ior cut.
be mode 60' to tho bock of the model.
FIMsltlng ud p ollsltlng
Srep VI: The anterior "'"9"'"'" of the lower arch
is trimmed ink> 0 curve !hOI foil",", the tv""",""" The ""i.tic partion 0/ !he denlol co,t II poIilhe:l
01 the I"""" , on",,,,,, leeth. The "ntenor Cu ",e U"fIg f,ne g,ained sond peper. Core shcddbe
should be 5 6 mm owoy from tf>., lobiol svrfcce to ken not to roun d off 'he Mg e, 01th e models..
of me anterior teet+.. Th li r.o l polis hi ng of tn.a ",.Is is done by ~
SIep VII: The posIerior- 011< of the mondibulm them in soop solution lor one hau,. The cosIs ore
remov. d from th o .cop both ond are rinsed un 0, Th e ... ire co mpone nt. of th e oppllance ore
d. r WO rm "",ter, The 0 0,," ore t+, en o llowed to .",b lli ,ed "sing Itidcy"'0< or pl",t".
dtyond or. buffed 00 that tt..y Qcq~i .. 0 smoot!. b. n.ecoslisthend ippe<!in...-g!et!ot 1015
cnd Ihlny oppeORlnce. The fin;.hed lIud, mod - mlnures ond the ..nace_ i. ollowed to
ell 0 ... storeel ... bo.:es lafurure~. Model d.
POtoge bo>efusunlly'1Ore2 4 _01 model . c. A !.Ingle Iheer cd pink""", ;. o.oIIened ~ 0
IIome cnd is pr.>Sed ~!he model , Exce",
prOllur. i. to be cvoK:led 01 ~ con re",~ in
th;'-'-;ng of tn. """'. In oree e><I<Il Iha
An im pe rlo nt compo_1 of most ....,."""" bl. "nd
nell is nMded, on e>dditio no l sheet 01 ""'.
lunotiona l orthod ontje "l'I' li O"""" is the IXry li c
con bII applie<;j,
00I0Il p/<:lt . The be ... pia", _ _ to join 0111M
d. &con. ""'. prese<>t o",r tn. teet!. is trimmed
componenll 1o::>geIh.,.. i~ 0 tingl,lufldi<:w"o:lllril,
off using 0 W(JK knift, 0' 0 Iron'.~.
belides helping in retention 01 !he opplionce ond e. Tho edge 01 .... _""","""" t!.. retIh is IIcmtd
onchoRlge. The bose pi"", ...-lIn on orrhodon-
ond pressed IM-mly inlO po<dion,
tic opplion", iJ Iobricoied meI",1 metha<lY
I. The ond ethe, 0""'" 01 the melotlic:
lote ... siO$. BoIh heot cure o. well o. self cure
component. the! "'. to be kepi I"", lrom
C>Cr)"i ic relin s ore vsed lor 1M purpose,
acrylic ~uld be covered ... ith "IOllor.
Q, Th e opp lio nc. i. Ile . k. d, d.... o. ed ond
Un of h.~t cure .crylle r llin. ac<yl izod similo r to 0 pro.the~c app li ance.
h. The appliance isdeHosked, lfimmed gnd pol-
Heat o.JJ ",')lie reoin. "'" not """"nely used lor
IobtW;otion 01 on olfhodontic bose pIote o. the '''''.
procedure involved i. ~"'" consuming ond tft-- u 01 .. " ell errlle 1".
diou" Ne'YW!heless fIeot CUt<! ...,...,. gfve 0 prod.
The sell cu.e 0. cold cure cerylic .fl,in. ore mOSl
uct tt.ot i. rroc:u stobie with mlnimol poI"Osll)',
lre<!venlfy vsod for the le bnwliOl1 01 orthodOl1tiC
Th.. heet cure c c:ryi i'otiOl1 i. corned wt
be.. ~ot ... The use of self Cur" ,,, in l doe. net
in tn. fo llowing .tep. '
klke vp a l mvc h Tim n end effort e. the ",e of
Lab P'rocc:dunl li '\ 483

~ 11 SdI <ad _
_ ... ocryI~"";O;'" Cro<I'l c_ bolo<-. ~ ......... to) Com._ '"
. . - ot .ayb>f.. W ,.-d III '~Floafo", oi poI,moo loko.od br """"""'" IQ ~ ,J
h..,1c~,. res in . AcryIizolion <Jting cold cllfll res layer 01 <I selXlroting mediu m vo ing 0 lmel r.cir
In. l. co 'ried out in the f~lowing ' te ps brvs h (fi g 9).
Pretrea!me nt of ffoe ca.!: The cas, is In Slabifimlion of the ""re compon"nll: The
speQed Iorpla_ nodules orai, boJJbles. These wi~ components of The oppfionce ore $lQbililed
noduIM must be trimmed uoir9 0 sharp knihtand in their ideal position using sticky """" or piasTer
a"l' pore< p"""m on .... ..noc. a! the cosl should mi. (fig 10).
be fill ed wilh pla ,Ie '. The l'1to be ooyI r.ed .. ktyIi.o llon: Acrylizolion v,ing cold cvre ~ .
""" ked in "",ler fo, 10 . 15 mir"IUte . Thi. proce in . co n be carried o ut in two ""'vs. They are tM
dure pre...enl$ !h e liqu id monom ... from being soil and pepper me!hod on d the 'ingle mi.
obsotbed into The dry plolleor. mOhod.
Application 01 cald mould "'0/: The area Soh lind pepper m~hoc:f : This me-rhod of
thOl is 10 be oc ryliled i, (<>CIted with 0 un;/o.m ouylilo!ion irwofwls odding a! the powder and

414 Orlhodonlia . 'hI: Art and 5cill:nu

monomer oherrootivelv to build up the oppl;ora ~ .o). Fin ..., trimming i> w rricd out ..... ,ng appro-
~ig 11). Aeryl""tion il do"" g,oduolfy b<)' divid priOlo ocrylic lrimmin~ bur>. Core .hoo.old be tclen
ing tne """king Of00 into uno ll po rtl . Th e to C'/C'ej "",,,erotion 0/ ""cess fleat during the tri m-
lary cost Ca " be d" >:!.d into lour .eg ment. 100 1 ming proc:ed ure CIS it oon di, ton tfle opop licr'ICo.
are """"Ii d ind ividuo ll y. Th. oppliance shou ld be frequ ently immersed in
n-... cosl " O<'..,.,~ in .uch 0 manner ....,Ie,
d""';RQ !i>e trimming procedu,," . The oppli.
thot the segment to be "c:ryIized il partlilel to the once is smooIher.ed using 0 ~ ... grit sond pape .
floorond 0 layer-oI a c:rylic powde, is pao..otIIod oYe' finally ~ is poIished Ir-ench chalk and pum.
the COlt. The liew>:! monome, " appl,ed to the I On 0 rog wheell~g ~ .b).
powder until ~ get. >tJhJro1ecl. r ..... p,octodu'e"
Ac ,yUl8f'an us ' n. tb8. ma pl tle . 1I.etl
'epeeled in tl>o athef..eg_ 01 ..... colllo com
plete th e "c~ i""fon . Th e d:iKld-"'l nto gel 01 th . Bose pla tef Cg " be fa bri oated u .jr-~ tf.erm epla .
!.O Il and pepper tedmiqve indcod e : ti ~ oc~ic .heets. Tf>e,. , neet, ore ova ll oble in
0. Diffi~u ~y in obtoining a unil""," Ihkitnes. 01 vancVf thicl<nel$es and coIou". n.,. c,," wom>ed
baMplolII on" Blasia, "loch<"" (I;g 5) to 0 ~mpertltu ... of
b. ~"fmecansuming 'nI1'C foro tpOCified period d ~me C<1d adopted
C. Potes hillh ".k 01 pa,OlrIy over the COli by mea", 01 yoccuum p ..........
Single mi, method : In th;'lec;hniqve odequole 1he odvantage 01 using thil technique
i. that u,,;Io,m Ihidu>ess 0/ the """ plate con be
omoun! 0/ polyme , " ploced OYer' 0 gloss llab or
a pon;&Io ir OJp. /,I.onom . , is odtlod "nd is mi. ed obteined with need lor minimum polishing.
"" II u, ing Q wtl. knif. Or cement spotu la . Whe<>
lhe """ erie l r""~hes,, slringy cen.i. teney, it i.
tron5f....-ed """ r the co.t and is odOllIltd urubmlV I Va 'l1' o..-d 1.'""'01,, Moo", 1m
"""'it .....:ng ~nge( moisl!l!'ed with monomet. The
2. C;"' .. , 1M. s,.., ., Sf O<fhxlon'<' : c.,,.,,
,..r..:t. .. CO'd _q.. .., $I to. .. CI Moot>,. 1985
e>.aIM is te~ uling" lecron'l co .... '. 3. (oroo .... J ...... ""'""'. P",I", ""'... cI 0..<01 Mo .
_10 .5ou""'. 11'Wi.
C.",nQ in the p'...,,'e pot, lhe ocryli,.d 4 Prof. WR. eo..-oon;ry 0," t na. !II La..n. CV
. ......", 11'86
opptonce '. ,,,",,"edOcteiv ploxed in 0 preuure pol S. J.oIm>oo JO, , _ .. ~ :I, Ja LW"'01
",h id> i. filled witn compres..d a " M> O. to pre _.,."", 1960\
'I nt gi, bubbJe' from d@,.1op in g in th. oppli . 6. Tf.omol M G!<.bo '. Rob. .. lllo "",><Io l , 0<1_

0"'. The oppl;o noe oho<J>:! be lei! within th e

, ~. ce re.,.' ~"' ; pI .. and '-<""""",. MOIb) ~.
000i< ... . 1;09.
pres ...... pat for oot I... than 10 minut .... AI>. al I ".", .. Ie c.:.o "", ," , l<>;l h"oo iIC ,~Ico
!O< 400 .. , ""d.c<~ Moc.. I"".198S
ternotivo 10 the u,," 01 p,......,. pat Is 10 Cure the
oc;rvlic in 0 bowl 01 hoI""" "rf", "bout 20 min-
utel ohe, oc:rylimfjan.
T,imm,ng ond polisloing, Alt., allowing the
oc:ryIi~ to cure, the oppl",,,,. I, OOnlly ,~move d

I'e m til e OO,t usi .... a we< knile wedged belWeen

tne bolO plot. ond the COSi. Grou trlmm in ~ Con
be d""e using 0 sI""" mcunled e n a la the Ilig

Factor In

Influenced by tho hypotr.e.,. 01 '0'0,00<.1$ prominent

Ou may rcve hod 0 '.ry il'u $lriovo great.
gr&Ot grcndfothe r, but by the lo w. of pf1 ilosophelt, !\<no"," th em tr.e forerunne"_,,,
chance 'p'CI<J hove recei\ied only obov- one Pythogora l. Empedoci . s, Aristo tl o, Ho ..... ey,
. IM"., "!h of 'IO'J< go"'" ftom him. You reaorved Ad<Im., Darwin etc ,,, In 18 14 Joseph Adorn.
i~.tOlmonyg,_ from m. horJe thi~, '""" ~ ma".,. o f the bo", priro::ip~ of mediocll
-gamblero and o! und ...."'ble. ","0 may n<J\'tl . He ,seven Jenne<! bV """'" OU"'O<1 OS
been in rhot generation of your fumil, free .
A. M. Wind-este'
s.r-1heM lines 0/ ........ >OIC<I'Im ~es
lhesorre uncerlO,ntywilhwhich_ crowd...,..nd
o n_ bom oobv Itying to embli'" whom .... f;9 t G,.~o'
'eHmbl,. pulling into KnJ~nv ...,oh ond"",,"1
po,; of ....bod,o.
Genetic. ill th e wone. <on<: .... nw with
~ ......
. - . f"",", 01

the ' tructure 8. lundion of 011 gene. in different

o rgon lsml. GeneTicJ ;1 0 rapid ly develop ing
sciera tnat he," "",dwod an adva nced level of
~ ~edion & cloning . Th . $Iud,,,, regard ing g' '''''o hod 0
Stud;e. 01 g'ne~c ;"lefeSt can bo !meed break mrough""""'" an """rian monk, Grega,
bock to 6000 S.c. in ce<1<Jin . !<In. C<>Mngs of Mandel {tog I! ",ad .. hi, lo, "",ching d<sccwerie>
Bobylan. Genehc theories and concepls were by OlfQlullr a""lyting ...........11> aI hio CkpeMIeo '"
415 Orthodontia The Art and Science


TI eoll
n ... ,, 11 11 tM bo,iC unit 01 any living body. It i.
mode up of d,lle"'nt orgoneJ los, i, o. rh, " II we ll.
q1CIpiclm, endoplasmic .... iculum, ribolCmes.
milochondrio, nucIeu., ~,.

Within the nuc~ of eoch ",II ,Jr'

thread like
>!ruClure. 01di! nt IO","!M and .nc.pel co iled
ch romosomes. Th e nu mber 01 chromosomes
pre"n! in I .. r)' ce ll of on organ ism il constont
f;g 2 _ .od CI-d, .......,....I ... ,~"" .... 01 ON>. but II chanoes from one <pedes 10 onollw.
rII. D.N.A.
on cross brwding ",n::Ion pea (Pilum ootivumJ.
Mendol odopted the mOIl simple mtthods ond ChromOlCmes Ore modo> up 01 long chain. of
studied 0 sin91e chorocteri.~c IhrOU9h mony De<::otyrIbonudeiC odd {DNA) moiecvln, !..-"ted
generations, He i. optfy nomed the Fother 01 andlWin-ed in a specif.: men ....... Each Ior>g "rami
Mo<UIrn Goonetko' lor h" out>!....dng contribution of 0 DNA molecu le il a dl<lin 01 nudectic/es ,
in tfle fi old of genetics. Mando l pvt forward the Th . ba sic nucleo Ti de un iT ~omprilU a l 0
low of SegregotiC<"l occording 10 ...t1ith "~ dec..".ibose .....or. c p/l<>spMte mcIeaAiI <:nd one
Ing"';duol pDMesses two IadOfl' ...t1lch determine prallin eITher purine or pyrimidine. The
o specific choroderiflic. Among IhIM two, one nudeorid... bIT! a poir by a """,kl\ydroglll bond
poir is Jronsmitted Iran >dl po.... This iI; coled be-..lheproqi.... Althe., ..... ~ ...... lhesugor
~.-.dels 1" low Or ......-rt;..
of Sltgregolion_ molecul.. on both lides 9ftr onoch, d ta on
After Mendo>ts .tud'oes o.-.d dilCD'leries, adioant pair by mea ... of phoophole bordo. The
the .. wei 0 ",,,,,wed owerenest in tfle li. ld 01 "ruClure honce r.... mbles c .tap laddo>r,
ge netic. , In 1903, Su lton o.-.d Boveri proposed The comple' structvre 01 a chromcoome
tho Oromosom e TMor)' of In "-o-iTOl"I(e'. Ca n mero cleo rl, be exp kl iMd by the 'Sc>cncid
Tl-.:;.-no. Hunt Mo<gcn ,t 01 in 1935, ~ 01 CM>mosome Strvcn"re' 01 pfOl)Oled by
.....,.-0 owo<ded !he Nobel prize, for Ihe<, pten';"" Finch ond Klung. The ladder lik. ~ructure of
studil. on the om:mQCment 0I91'\eS 010n9 rhe DNA occon;Iing 10 rhem undergoes ~ of !he
chromoso..,.,s. Wmson ond Crick in 1953, DNA duple< liscH, """erdary coiling 01 these
demon"""ed the >lructure ol ..... DI'VI molecule_ twioted duple. oraund spherical pror";n becdo
The compl ....ity of the ch""""*,",,, ,tNC'ure ...., <.OIled hl.lOneI, !O Ioo-m nudeolC"..... ",~;gry
fu~her un", iled when t.... 'Soieng;d model' 01 co iling 01 nudeosomes To lorm chromaTin lib""
ch r(>T\osome slNd urn was proposed by Finch end cl"ld quaTomo r)' coi li ng to form !fIe chremotic
KJu ng, Icops. The" Iocps a re then t;g htfy ",:xmd Ta bIT!
TroMlolion is lhe porocess in whith me gene!ic
;"'",motlon is octw lly con.. rIo>d inlo proIein
. ynthesiS.


The pel""'" 0/ geno~c Imnsminion IOithin the

denoo-Iocial cornpltxcon II<'ne<nUy be 0/3 type"

R .II. tll/ ~.

II is wroderi.ed by reoJrren<:e of a dento-Ioc:icl

d-e'''lion wilhin the immedicle fomify arid its
progen ilors.

OIICOntl" \/OU.

II i. chorocteri.ed by Ihe recurrence of 0

"",Iocch"ion Ir'O/IIhat """,pea" within the Iomilr
background cr<er se..rol generation, but 001

II i. chorode<ilod by lhe occ ur",,,,,. of different
boJI r. lated 1)'11'" 01 malocdus;on ...!hin _re i
Qe.",,,,Nons olthe so ...... fomily.
rile . .n. GENE MUr..rfONS
The gene k>r"" tho bo.k un~ 01 inh~rilOnc& by
delerminl"ll me moke up ond "'veluO'll 0/ 0 Il"'thai.lor the process 01 ",pIicolioo , i.
portlclJlor chc rC>de~.ti c in en organ ism. A gene controfec'by ~ Acro"l/O ~byc;ertoin
can.sJ sh 0/ 0 portion ollte dooble stre nded DNA agent. in the compositi on of the OO"!l poi. of th e
~ecule v.itn 300 10 11)(Xl nuclootide pili". Ecd1 [)NA molea. lo fnO}' I"" d to the 'I"'''''''i,of on
chrom<ome corui.ts of hundred. cl thouso",b altered protoin. Thi' ""'y ",.ul! in (I gro",
of n...deoNde poi .., ...t-.ich COn be considered a. ..Ldion OfCMIn (I complfl.lossolf>e biological
(I Hlquena!l c1~. oc:Jr,;Iy ...,tti"ll ln on ~..... . .,oIO!J1ain
specifit cho",cIe<isria. of the inctMduct.
T"", f:,lpt/ol! Ge.... mulolion con be 01 diIIerenr typeS
T",n=iplion i. tho, II"""""' by wMch In/co'moticn Ike, vis"tlle rnvrofoont, d.trimenlol rn..r!o6on, Jet,ol
is tren.minc-d Ircm DNA 10 tn, messenger RNA mulol"", etc .. ,
cl in e initia l. tage 01 re plicotion. Mulo""" . 0'" ogenl1 tho! induce genelic
488 Orthodontics - The Art ilnd Scicttlcc

mUlotiorll. They ore of IypOt the call. The /oIlowing 0"" >orne elIOrnp/es of
I, Ionlling rt><!iotion ""......ncol dosord .... :
2. CarIOin d"'ll', chomkcl. or.c! food odd i!;_ l. ""fypleOly: A ~oo:Iition where ther. is.on
3. C&na in vi",_ additiona l fu ll set of dvomooornel ,
4, High temperotu re 2. Mo ne lo my: A c on dit ion wh.r. ane
Ml>O<.>;jh g""etic mutation. ate ,,"velly outotomei. mi" ing.
OIsoc:iO!ed ";!h 0 ,peci~c mutogen, IOfMfime. 3. Trisomy : A condition when the.e il on
~IO""""" mutations take Poco. AAhough ..., oddirion of a $Ingle chrornoteme only.
do I\Ot hove any >uppotling .... idflt'Ke, some 4. Kline/eller's Syndrome: It 11 0 I
_rches ollriw., ~ en the botiJ of Oorwinion chromosom. aboormclity in moles ~,e
eYolution and adoptive mU l etto" 10 the the", ore odd~iont>!X chtomO$Olnel.
~iroM1.nt. 5, Turn,,', Synd"""" : A .... chramesom .
cbnorrna lity in fe male. wit h o ne X
CHROMOSOMfS IN MAN ch",mesome .

In 1956, Tiioond Levon,ond .w;IepeodM~Fotd S tructural dl. ord".

and Home""" demonSlml9d rhOI the numberoF
Struc:lurol dison:Iers 0"" thO<tl in which the .. il 0
chro_es in ....::m io ~6 I.e. 23 pa,rs. Among
chong. In !he bosic:composition ond >It\IdUfe of
Ihel4, u rn poirs) "'" aulO$OlYlO$ and 0 po.. of In. dvomos.orne. Slrvdun:rl disorders Can be 0/
sell chrcmosomes. The ouloscm.. in the mole &.
the lollawlng type. ,
lem ol. ce ll . ore ident icol while Ina .e x
1. Tran.location ' An exchc n9" 01 segme nt.
chromosome. aro different, Mo lel, o ut of 2 ... ,
between non-homoi Oil ous chramO$Of'T1e$.
c hro mo so me . , hove One X end o ne Y
'2. De letion. Lo" of " segment of th e
chro mosome while Inmale. ho,., 2 X
chrOMOlOml!1. This form, the bo,i, 01 .ex ~-.
3. Rkog OromotQrl"or>$: Deletion o!both!he ends
de"rm,nohon in !he offspring. Normal human
01 ..... chromosome. IDI .... In. d.t.rad ends
tells hove 46 ,h,o_" whi'- the "",mele.
sride togeme. to Ionn a ring.
hove only 23 chromowma i.... haploid cdl.
OuO'\"I/ /ertili,(>!ion, the union 012 hoploid ", II,
IrOm eoo::h pore n! results in en cff.pring with ~ 6 GrNETICS - IN AN ORTHODONTIC
cIvornruome., PERS"ECTIVr

GENErIC DISORDERS The Jignilicance 01 gcn ctk stvdi", in the ~.d al

mlldlclne ond ""fc:rt.,d brooch", cannot be OWI!"'
Genehc disaders in a general "'peel can be
emphasized, H!ndilary preO"posirion of ",noin
con,ide-red to be oIlwO type, '.e.
diseo_ like Hernophr1ig, the importonce 0/ Rh
d'"orden...-.:l "",,;tv'ol d'oo'dets. Ioclor In pregnancy and childbirth, congenilol
Num. rlcal dlsord.,. obnom>ol~ies like Dow", syndrom e etc" are 0
lew .,omples toot hi ghlight tho impor!Qnce of
N""'&ri ca l dioo rders ore tho.e In which there is c ge n(lti c . tu d;.,. orld genetic co un seling .
chanoe in the nu mbe< of chrornotemel within
Uke any oth . r disc" li "" in medl r;;ne, the
irnporlOnce d genetic ,nII""ro:;e wilWn !he dento S,milarly anoth", 'h.ody on relaPM 01
alveolar campi ... and related .IrudU'et W<!f<! IreoIo:od COSCI.lhowed Ih:rt relapoeWrl be COVMd
fflCognized qu~ "'~ 1. In I SJ6 flederick G. by ;"';e.::l ito ry !e'1dercies mot come into ploy and
Ku ne l e fto r ede",i~ ,tudy re p o rted th a t th e relu ltl altor ,,"oatme nt h OI booen
moloce lu sion, bath ske!ex,1ond de nte l con be romple!ed. Ocduto l monnerisms, ,"w posiIioring
trcmmitted frem ene l1""'" rotion to orlO!tl&r. loter on" obnerma l ~reuure hablto whic h ind uce
mony i""'9Sti90t<:n 10110W<ed hiJ poth ond come unloword forces thaI lend 10 m ove lhe
up with thel' obse rvations ",hich attributed orthodontlcallv lfeoted teoth bock Into
malocclusion mOI"8 10 on int-ited trend tIw:In the m<>locd~lion con olto be 01 genetic: origin.
result d ony ...... iron""""'" influences.
OenlOlocial di.lurbance. of 9"ne~c BUTLJt'S FIno THE.oRY
origin con briefly be Ii,ted a,lollows:
Ar:<::Cl'd ing to mi l theory. mo mmalian dent~ion
1 MiO'Ognothio
CO" bo d:,;OOd into SC"<)ro l deveiopmenlOl totlds,
2. Mocrognothic
Th" develo~enlo l fie ld. inc lvde !he molorl
3. Cleft 'ipond po"''' P",",Olcf ~eld. the coni .... and the incisor fields.
4. Downuyndrorne (1risomy 21)
Among the IieIds, denlol voriobtlily moniIesrs ilseH
5. Gardners $'fIIdrome
strongly in !he d,s'I:Jl thon in the mesial ditection.
6. Morlan..yndrome
For """mple the Ia!eral indwr i. fT"oOI'e prone 10
7. CherW...
voria'ion t'lOn me cenlml iOO ......
8. C",oo croniol dyoplooic
9. Mondibufo../adol dys<><Ioois
10. OstKIgonesi. imperineta
11 . o,il loryprotru.ioo
12. B.imo, illoryolr.s.,
13. ReIordod eruplion oI1ee!h TwIn Ifudlu
I ~ . Hypodordio, onodontio. oIilJOdorltia, 'Ie., Th" generic ,nfh.... nce of inhe ritance .... alwop
IS. Ahnormol 0\'II'jet and overbite beenaCOUMdoon~ Someof ........ _~
16. OpenDte in the mediall f...kI ~ me pOSSibilily of
17. High on;l\ed polol<> ..,me gene~c component, which hel~d in
IS. ~ I numbe r and arrongemont o ftocth t",n ,miu ion of cerlC in !roito. However, omer!
R.soor<:h into the """eti<: influence o f the believed thot the ma k~ d on indi"iduc l i. enti re ly
dento-la cia l comp le x have thrawn light on new d ve to e n';ronm . nlO l inR<>ences. Twinnin g of

vislos of thO"llnt. o nd at the ..,me time disproved human embryo ,"",.10 be nature', onower to
lOme 01 the miKoncepOO'" within the .ubio<:1. this heeled CQnircwersy. Human Iwin1 con be of 2
For e:comple, previously, rocial """,ng omong
humons was comider..d 10 be one 01 me foCfOn; I . MonorygahC:!wi....
of maloa;lVlion. In"" mi, was displ'O'oled by 2. 0iqgo!lc!wi ....
tudiel i!Oling that human faciol craning
Monozyyolic /Wins, They are Iw<> indMduolt
prtstnte d littl e Of n","li~ibl o risk to den ta l
d",," 'oped from a oing le fe rtilized ovum, whk:h
dMdM into IWO 01 on early >loge at development. attributed 10 hered~ory inhemo", . While doing
Monozygotic 1Wi... thus hove 0 genetic moke-up "-If!.da DnIII shoo.Jd beUWIJ.. dtheclcm ......
idenlicol to eodl other. ond 1WCt$:I..... troib. ond their e.opression .
Drzygo.tic /win. : They or", two ind;~;d"o l.
Irt~'. . d lrt'
d_1opec:I !rom two seporol<! 0"', """lated ond
lertili.ed 01 Ine 10"'" ~""'. The 1...0 "..., ore Th, modo d Ifc"",", ission ok_in Ifoil! COn be
"'rtil ilOd by two d ilfere<ll .""ma.They ore not lIydied cnd their dominant and tlce ll l.,
c.aroderistio. cMletm i""d I,y ono l\'Zing certain
~!Ico l l.,. ide nliccl o. th ol deve lop from Iwo
diflere nl embryos. Tn..y ore WHl lr>gOlJ l to . ibli ng. co mmunities where p r(J(ti cesl ile polygo m~ o nd
UC lpT ! ~ot t hey hoye on olmos! .imi lar ' morri<:l~ within th e fam il y' . ti ll uis! .
d.",lopmento l enyironmont in dvd ing th o inTro Re lapse i, not en uncommon
"lOtinIM . p .... """*"' ....
Orthodontic>. While r_ri"9 0
Twin .. udiu or", done b y onol,. lng par"nt cd>odonlicolly, _do cho"ll' the generic
monaqgotic ond d~oIic twins in 0 specific ""'Pression d!he poIient On", tht treatment ..
monn.r. In CO$e at monMygOlir: twi ..... they hove completed, and the oppliona! iI. re~, there
o _milOt 9.nehc mofce..up, but po>! nololly some is oIwayo: 0 dll.r.,., !hoi the genetic upmIicn d
01 them 1-eJ... dillenon, """;1"01",..",nlol condihono. tho patien' re ...."'b!i"-. Ruling out oil oth"
Thi. helps u.1O Itvdy lire exp<esSio<r 01 the..,enri: poa;bililies like misdiognosis. ~oppronce
Ioctofl 0"" 01 tho so"", ~m. , the "'nviron""",toi Iheropyond i"'ll'O\>Of patient CO"" a great ",fiery
inftuellC.eS 0<1 th.i'lJI!'"'CIic .,., ..... ioo. 5im~o rt,- in cf relopose con pou;bly be allfibvted 10 the ...
t.... to~ of d ilygotic twin . who hove 0 li mi lo r generic fcctot" lol u. hop e thcl tho OVOl'
. nYiron rne ntc l cond itio n, the inl lve""e of goneTic inno.ctNe field o f genelia find. the rig ht o n.w&r1
01 we ll 01 the envi'on menta l facto ," in the tc m""y of t......ti ll lHlO n, wered que,ti"". in thl .
e,Pt11Sion......d de-.-elopmen! of on" aI cat! field.
be ",,,died.
A1thou!1h twin ,Iudi ... ho ,,,,,erol
.... ~. 0"Id JoIv..on , H_a., cJ ..,1 I 01 .....
limilolior>s lile idcntilicction 01 different types 01 Nto j ()rh,d 1\191 ; 1~268
t win. 01 well 0< their de~elopm.nIOI 1 r:::"", - . . ood loIkrr ' HorioWl, cJ.I ... j .."
...".,.",..... NtoJ Oothod 1993; 121131
envrron"",nr.tho ""Ori; 01 many researches hos 3. _ '. S.".., ...... Oriofig ...., H"o~ ond
thrown light inlO the undentonding 01 genet;c Wot ....... : _ ..t.tod '" molo<doolon. Nto I
O<t>od 1911; t -18
contribution in tho growrh and d.",lopmenl of . "-,~~....d_ . ","1
on indiyjduol. Ookod 1981; 36617S
S. l'<oIi~ Wlc c.",_""""l Orl+>odonll<>, 51 !.owl>.

PIe/II'" lIue/I
c:v "",",,"1986.
6. ~n JA , _ 01 ~""'. AI upp;.-
f>o<!igrOG studils are th o mo. t COmmon among
ge netic , tud ie.. Horo 0 definite tro il of on
indiY-.oua l is , tudied otot.g his famil, I,,,.,' so <II
1. ~ : ... fMl<, .. .." cJ
;" ... i!. 0ing1on ~
19&0; 39 <00
c._ <~",Ioc;o l dimo","""
.., mpjo.,." J Orrkod

8. 5",0;., gnd M o l ~"''' , 1.\0'. 1001 infl .... nc., C"

10 lind any hered",,'Y inflve", . Meny 01 t.... ''''''''"......... oiob;ol ...b - . . . Mo J Orrhcx!
Ira'" like bim"';lIary protrusion, milSing l'i'82 ; 261268
_~. I,;gh orched pulot", etc.. con _di" be
9 SydoofH"""""'" o.bomo:'" ..w,cJ er .. I' 1 1
.. _ .. ad .. ' - - ~ o.t.ocl:lO ) 1-5

4 j.
, , "


he worldwide ~c rev<> lulion r.aS !oOcy

pklced 11'110 " meo ningful (o nlo>o:l lor ul. by
loKC.ed . d to the point whoroln th or. i. h umon . HUm<ln . """"Ie informotion betlerthan
OOrdfy Q P'<'O<' Ieft~ li!e fie. rIOt been doto, while compute" "",ndle doto bette. thon
a/!o::rod, diftldly Of ind i~ I by compulorisalion. inlo<ma~on,
0en~"'Y. be,ng thot bm""h of medicine which V;!1I.o:Ily ~n91hot _<10 in derfi...,.
.. toes hecwily on technology and whid> embraces that involve. ,.seotdI, leaching, odmlnillfOlion
n_lochniqu". with greo! gUlto, woo quic~ 10 or patient co.. i, 00....1 on generolion, Ito'.
hilch 01'110 lhe p.c. bondw<>gon ond employ or-.! mon;pulo!ion 01 inbmot;on. CompUl\lrs ore
campu,"" 10 . nho",,! r10I O!'1fy 'Ko,d kHping, c" lX'bie o! hond ling large """""nl
"I 0010. They
bvI proClico rlXlnogerroorl, patient ~otion end co:ompl ~ h "'undone, repetitive l",ko ce",l:slen~
mctivotion. Lei u' briefly go over 80ch oSp.eCl of well whilre '" hUrr<;l n r>e rformence is li<ely to
u$Oge of comput<ors in cientj.lfy. A CompuTe' ron ded i"" .,......~me. Ccmpule<s con perlorm fOOIine
be descnbed 0' on oulomo~c electtOnic; device ocmmunlo:J~ons wi!h greolo< speed ond oCOJr'OCt'
copobled occep!iog information (data!. perform thon i. hu_nly "ossible. They 0... copable 01
opetOlions and calculation< oordinil 10 the mossive (o"'pr.rtoIion end ceiculOlionl tn()ft!
l"slIverion. given and supply the _ults o! the ' cpidly thon humonl. They hove 0 g'e<l1eI"
opoJOliom. <cpcbilily 10' Dec ...",,, ond ",p.dily. The
~,IWI., If>o ...,." 01 'hi ,.. rem. Mo<;hines p ,cce";ng '''"'' l:s rnorooge,,,,,nt ello ~ """"'"'"
o~t. in IN. ,ea lm of data. Dokl oro row met. ci dl:sco nn er:red piece. cI dela, with retrie'ol
while in!e lmolion Con be wid to be dele th ol is fCOlTOn~&n1 "rod relocotion in .torage areGS.
492 Orthodontin - nu~ Art and kh:nt~


Compuler> pone the <>bili.,. 10 communicote
Spu d
with othe, '\"'Ilem. ond odept ......".,1 mod ... c$
CompuleflO 0'" C<lpab.'o 01 mobng Ifevk";"""
prG ... ""'tion Iud! c< cvdic, . iwal, ani motion,
at Q very fa " rote tt,at i. not po.. ib! e by tr..
"v"rooe hum"" brain, The '''"''''''~ oYOilcble
modium .l18d compu,,"" In """"',., .....,.. 0 COMPON/lfrs OF A COAtPVUR SI'STM
miff,on ......... ctIon. per- se<:ond. To """",pI.'ly !his il
.....ould nor be on e)gge rotion to so y thot 0 A co mputer ' 1, le m compri ll. 01 two ba liC
computer CCIIl periorm co lculo/"'" in ornl mirwre component., T~ 8)' a re the hordWGl"c (omponent
thcl on ind...;d"",1 would requ .... his..".,., !deli"",. ond the soh.,,;o.., component /!;g 1).
The hordwo"'compoo ... ' ind.desol the
Ac c urlCY I"d r."",,lIIfy me.onicol de.;ce. in !he 'ys.lCm, the mrli ncry
Computers Or. de.,.ned in Ivch 0 w<Jy t~ot /h~y and the e lecrron ic Compol'Hll nl' thot perform
... hob;! 0 Mllh level 01 .ndVfOnce mpocily SO thol ph)"ieel func~ol\l. The soiIwo'e lion orgonized
thercon work wiIi>oot 6ring. Compvlel'$ W()fkon 181 01 ready-mode Otspedally wri ...... instrucrion,
the principal of ..c impui$e tmrlSlllinion ...!,ich thot mo l<e, 1M equipment .....10:, In s<mple ~,
meke. it v~ry re l;.,b l. and mi, take proof. They we con lee ond loud, in a oomput.,
ore copable of repe<i"llthe ",me job......,.. ond <;on be said to be the hOt"<!..o.., while, the ... _
"""'" egoin without ony decline in their eflic:iancy. il'lltrvcticns that moM. the machine Nn is tho

Me m o ry
, Atyp ica l comput'" ' Il tem oon.i . t. 01 e
Compu ters ore capable 01 storing 10'll0 omounr ce nt'ol proc... ing u nil ICPU), inpuT d"vlc~',
01 dolo ond informohon In thei' inbui~ and 1IOt'09O devicel, OM oulput devie ....
o ..... llory memory ,)"Iem. Iniormation thot i, The cenlro! processing unit COn be said
Itor.d in ml C<lmpulC r memo<y COn be "",i.....:! I<> be the b<ttin of me comP<Jler, Tr.. lur.::tion l 01
at on a.ton i, hing .peed wh.""".r 'eq uirod. lhe C pu indude 1I0r0g~ of 0010 ond in,tnxlionl,
Modem o:Ioy compu"" <;on relr""", dOl<> from ~s conying our II>. dolo processing O. per th.
memory in 0 few nonO>8COnch (I naOOMoCond= In,!Nctions gi...en, controlling the soquan" 01
O.OOOOQ(X)()I >=>ndI ope'C~CIU os 11'1' ...... tOfed in",,",cliolU, i.. uing
com moM . to a ll ports ollhe com puter Iy$!em
Inr l,rlry end ... ndi ng the r.. uflo to th e outpul dovice. The
" " ..... obWly 10 toM. In ond "ore 0 01 CPU """"IS 01 an arilhmeftc: logic un~, "'11-'"
instrudioN to be obeyed. Svch a sequellCll 01 control >Cdion, ond in~1 bu . The arimmeKc
in,trvo1on l g;"" n to th o co mpuler i. coil ed a logic unit co r'; ," out orim metie ond log ica l
program e nd it mu.t be writlen in 0 lon9'-"9O operoIio ... , The reg ill<!" liore Oate aO>d Iccep trod:
that me <;O"Pute, con un~nd. The cempul~ 01 operolicns. The control un~ 'egulo"", ond
performs OJIOJIotiono Ot moniputot... tho dol(! that conlrol. voriovs operofionl. The internel bul
has been Iod to it Vl I"1I the in'truc~"". tnct hos connect. me unilS of the CPU wim eo::h o!\'~
be"n g iven te it and furni shes the d.,ired ",. ults ond with c)(\&mQ 1compon en .. o f tr.. system,

Inlemal Memory ExlemalMemo~

P;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; as n, me, Igt. " ',
P, ,dd,. and t.l.phon. number.
Medlcal.nII OentiL history
DQ frOID tr.. ~nlcal . .,.mlndlon
Olag-"<: t..w and thelr ......1t.
Slo,. of I*Ilnl p/Io(ogl1lpN,
Sto of pItnt r.dlogr.tplla
Stor~ of pltltnt tilidy n1O<Mls
DI"gnOII ,..,d tr..tment ptan
p"ijent progr...

~ 1. AfIP_" _...".. _ 'Y"' '''

The input devi(cs ore components 01 " d""$Iliad OJ: ,

compulerlhol <n mccrIlo presenllhe nol1l'lOtion 1) hlmln;'!roIive Appko!ion.
10 th e co mputer. A computer '1" .. m clln h<Ne 21 O inicol Applicotion. o nd
one or mO rO type, of i ~p vt delllcel. For mol 3) O theropoplicclicn .

,o mpute .., the princ ipa l i ~put de. ice i. a
Adm ini , trat ive appli ca tionl 0 1 a
0'. o im.d ot .moolh (\Jnning 01 Ike
Tho ""rage d"""., compri of the den!(ll dinie. Theyindooe:
In ... nol memory ol'd !he e<te....,1 memooy. The 0) Po~",' oppoinlmen1> and .'>COlls
inlemol _"""y 01 a (:Ompll'" ore the P..AM b) Bill'ng
(Random Ace .... Memory) ond the ROM (R..oo <) Aou nM 9
0nI, Memory), n,.., ex!emo! memory Cllmp'.... 01 d) Co"espondenc.
th e floppy disk dri ve, CD- Rom, hord dis k d.r.. e] I n ~ nlory conlro l, a nd supply orde"
li nd mag neTic tope. _ n D~nlcl iMura nce clo im.
OY\pYl ,"","co. diJ!)loy tr.e rew l!! o f the gl [)oc(jmc<11 p: p" ratio<1 orld IYOfd pnxel~ nll
compulOlions. The output deo<ices i!ldudo the h) Refeollnfo,"",~",,
..;"",1 displa, unn 0<" rho monitor and yorio", ij Missed oppoinlmenh follow up
Iypes 01 prirlters. Oinicol applico~on. 01 computers 0
tho.& Ihol help the denti.t in hi. o. h.
usn OF COMPUnRS IN OIITHOIH)NnCS prc/es"onal pmctke. They
1) Potionl ,!'Cord Iom ge ond .e!r'ovol
M Ofthocionlic eslc~i ,hm . nl '''"' use C(lmpute"
2] Poli en ! e .a luol ion . xamino tio n and
for 0 r'IIJmbe r of pv rpose. , Th eso Can be brood l,
treotme nT pla nning
3) I'ohen! moh",rion COMPUTER IZI!D SCHEDULING
. ) Appli1lnc:.. ~i"ninll usinll CAD. CAM
5) Computerized imolling Se.erol oIlh. componiu produCing Dentul
6) Co mpu!eri,ed c&phc bme!ric. oHice monogoment .eftwo,e . todoy eHe,
7) Compuleri,od growl" pred id iol1 computcri , ed ", hed uling modu l. With these
8) Clinicc l diognosi. ond IfJtmenl pianning p'ogrotr.' , it i. no longe, ne.cessary to moin1O in "
Computers h".,., 0 number 01 other poper oppointmenl book. The "heeluler ollowo
opplicotion< be.ideo Ihe dinicol ond the receplionist tu ~nd OOiiablotfimes for pot~
cdmini.troll". ""'. menlioned abov . They oppointment> 000 log II>om on the computer.
In clude .
I) CfO<I~n Q 0 do ", bo ... 01 MVOV Inlormalilln
2) Continuing mod;,;.,1 educotion RE CORD

3) Reviewing oIldettllu ...

One 01 the opp!icolion, 01 <omput ... in Denlol
. ) RO$eOrO> pt"OClice i. 1M 81"",e ni< storo(l'l el dicgnostic
5) C""c pre",ntoti c n. coo oth.,. conference
inlorn"lO Ticn Electro niC dento l p(llienT rocc rd
(E .O.P'R.) i. sJ0v.4y 000 steadily ,"pi06I\Q bu lky
6) Enlertoinment 000 Iomily u""
pope' record . Electronic dentol patient record.
help in JIo<in g pc!i",,! inlormoti on in c dig il,, 1 poin lS 0/ odvo ntog ei Such !ech""logy, Tho ug h
which con be re rrie.ed, dupliCCl'.d,
forro"!(l! no! commonly "voilobl . doe, o.;,r today.
caIologed, Ircnsmilred or<! or<:hMod os needed.
11>8 opplic01Iont 01 $\Kh 0 compur.;riled .)'S!em PR.4CrtC MANAGEMENT
01 denlol poioent reeord ore listed in Ag.2.
Rocotd I1OIOge probl"'" inoeo.esos the Derntiltry, o~. off is a profe'Slon fike ony ""'..
proct.ce ages Study models a"" bulky and ........,., ond roday, fiYing in 0 wn,umeril! soc,ety
p'uenrlng considerabl e problems for prodd""'e" h""" 10 prolessionaliy manege thol'
OI'gQnilo~on and .ton:rge a. they con~n ..... to hospi!al. and clinic< in sud> " wey rhor. ther ...
ac.o..mylali!. pol i,nt klli.I",""" and iab ""'i.I,,,~on. To cater
C u"e nt teehnoJogy i. <:J">"Oilcb le lor in 10 tnil nood of pr"fessiooo l m"flO lO"n>fInt, lOme
office ute of com puter1 com b ined with . ideo of the d e nto l adm inistrative $01twore$ go one step
comer," 10 cOpy rad iog roph' . study mod ell . ;",yend pc!i e nt adm in i' !",lion end worlc 00 the
phc:obgrophs, end hc ~ records lor 51orog. cicIO Th ol il fOld in, creotin g report. tOOl a""Iy'e
in CC<"I1pocl digilcl loom. Wouldn\ i! be wond.rfvl the ""Iu'e of ,he worJ: being daM ove r" PGriod
10 be obi .. to ,ICOlI II...!y model. in the lo,m 01 01 ~m., the COlI .,if""'i .,n.... of lime spenl on
hologroms thor woufd al low ';ewing from off the voriou. procedures, I;'" produCIiv~y of the
f;; 5. 0',">1"
........ <11 .. _
(tI...-I ..J ....... ,_
'-'01 f - o t _ ...
lot ""'" ....... R p>aiblo to __ ~~ <nI
denli,t ""er a period 01 ~me and 'a on, !hu. lor the benelit of lhe poIienl . iust like a video
pro.;d ing .ol""ble manogement l"furm(>!ian C05~t. is ploved.
re port. wh i ~h ono ly1e the plcti ce within the
, ho rtest ti me . CA SE PRESENT...TlONS

P... TlfNT EDuc ... nDN M.ost 01 VI d"n~ SIS oon"der <>J r1"IYes 0' lifoIot,g
studenIS ond ",.eo..:h... and ou' prdeo"on;s
There hal a\wcryl been a need in all b,onches of not limited to practice olon,,_ Malnlo lning
me<l.o .... to educote pofienb about diHO .... reoea,eh dOlO ond oe:mng p~entotio<'d Is one
p......"Han and cure . Most d""~lb '"II"n:! !hi, 01 the 9'eotell boono <i co"'o"",ri",ticn, Most
olped ve<y highly and spend 0 101 r:J th eir tim . 0';""";1"'0 og.encies u'" in'emo!.",,,lIv "",'hted
inform ing th . poti ""t. about the _aric u. de nto l pre,.ntotion sohwo ,. , li ~e Microsoft Office,
prob lems. hea lth guid e lir't!l . etc." Howaver. POW(l<' Point to pu , h thei' produ cts. This some
comp uter> can SO"" th i. "" Iuot> e tim e of the tool oon be used by dontis" to moke slide
denlist by !ISing the latest mJlimed'oo technology. pte<ento~ont. ",herein one C<ln USOI t.... colour,
Multimldia simply means using mu~ipl. media pictu,es ond octvol photog,opm. TheSOllQQ1o are
like tu:'I, pidu'"', gmphics, rTIO\Iics and lound extremely u_ friendly and !hey not anI, moke
to """I..I a p,eseo/ufion (~9 J). Inlern(>!;or.olly, p rewntOl'oon elol.$yond iMormativ6, but also ......
vorlou. multime d ia pDli en! education ,oI",,1>Ie ~m ITIDf'IIIy ord efortthot woo ~
p'e.entclion. oro a'o ilab le, which con be pont on t fle 10"""
pu'chosed and ployed "'" th. co mpu"" .)'Stem
ilnll. nen image, can be , ie ... ed, ed~ed,
Ironslormod into slides, ond printe<l, Not only iJ
lhis iI 0 tool thOi .. 0 God """I gill lor rnol.l II m. m.... ,K&<;ti"" rec:ord keepinlilooi. but ~ is
dentists. Since denti,.ry, nowdeols wi1h r:h:Jngin" olso the m .... eilective mo<leting tool . J"he<e is
/h& look 01 0 p&rson'. /cree, record keeping hord!, ony patient who is unimpressed by /he
nalurolly Involves" 101 01 pi>otogrophs Ihal phoro recording 01 his/herlreotment and ~ 01..,
doarmeolm. 1 _. But rntn.rol photog",phy creat&!; oworene .. omong pa~e"" Oboul the
i. rime e<rnwmlng, lobonovt and e,.;penoi"" <MI' need of denlistry and ilS eIIects.
" period 0111"... ond it nos ilS l i m ita~on .,;/h O i9~ol e<rnieros a re av<l il ,,~e mal ccn
intraora l pic;! ures . Mo'oo'o', it (,eates mo,e be used to ccp/u'" inrmornl 000 I,ao", 1p iclu'M
ptlp&rw<rrl<. Oi!nlo l imog i" Q i$ U $Olulion whe<'ein, wkid1 Ort 101., .to ,,,d in " co mputer for futu re
Q 'm(l ll Inl'QOt(l I CQm",a i. in te rfaced 10 Ih. vie";ng . Th"", d ig ita l comero . do nol w... lhe
compvlC', 'O IfIcll If>\! user M. 10 iu. llocu. the tOfWenliona l pholograp hic l il m . Thoy recoro
cam&ro 10 ccplu 'e lhe i"",9" Ol> the moniIO', imegel on memery tord, whith e,e le le'
di(\; ond me ImOQ' con be $Ove<l o. a port of a tronllerred 10 a compule, lor . IOrO,," and
picture a lbum lor each po~ent in me compute r revewing (/"'11 5).
CONTINUIN G MI!"DI CAl EDUCATION AN D "sed lIS a rool for enler1ainmenl, ""r onl, for
RESEARCH REFERENCES ploying fO K inotlng gQme~, but con be "no' to
watch tellIYil i"n progrom. , O. I> CD plol"" a nd
COI\~MiMg med iOlI edvc;ati"n ;. ,.,...,...tial fOf tt.e CO mQ'O'ie CitJl"'"
professior.:;Jle>:tIM_ ond growth el...-, dodo.,
Willi ~mitoIio,," ellime, 101\g ond tra!f" COMI'UTERIZEO CPHA l OMETlC
d,ff;tuftje, ~ be<;ome, InO'lKJlll\g1y dJ/licu~ /Qt the s rsrofs
d." 'ol 'vrgooon 10 orr.nd WO<'ksl-.op; '" omOl"
con l;nving "ducotion pro grom. Ace "n to Pri o r to the int ro duct io n of co mputerized
med icol ond de ntol tou ma~, and ow... 10 I".,.. ce phol om et. y. 011 e ng ulor and lineo.
valume 01 medirnl refe.ence mate,;ol i. t!Os ily moo .... re."'enlJ _ <:ol::vloted mOflvoUI'. Be.o&e.
oYOilobie on the I n _ ond 01", on CD-ROMs being ~me COfISuming. il in""lva. the pou;biIity
(flg 4 ). Numerou<d.nrol "",bsiteson the intern.t 0: humen e<TC
ofI ... ofI.. ""II omount o! informotOon 100ed to Computerized oephoIomelry preMdes,'"
d.nti"ry.Comm unic;otion cnd ,o n su ~otion with o ddition 10 reliClbl lity. the <>dronIng<! of r.peed. 11
, ,, lI eogue. in 011 po rts of th e world is pOll ibl.e con be in 10% of the tim e of 0 nonnol
uling Email and Internel, ma nua l registrot ion a nd co lc ulotlo n.The
Multimedia me dicol and dentol advantogM olthl~ ""tem include :
publicotions ore now wid.l y marketed . 1. Ea.,.lIOroge ond retri"",,1 of cephalometric:
Multimedia ~blicotionl not or.iy indvde ~ ond tracings ond ""I.....
piclu, , but 01.0 video clip. ond 'ound 1. Inle9ra~on of cephalometric regillralions
,eco rdil\g" Vi rtu a l rt!(ll ily pres. nto ti o n. ond ..ithi n on oIfice. mon"ll "ment co mput ... i:Ied
on imoted sim ulation, olto form on impc<1o nt po ~
3. Gombin<l1ion of the cephalometric dota witt.
ofmultimedo. Curren!!y M'YeItII hundred modical
and dental books ore oYOiloble 0$ CO ROM's <:rl>e, po~ent re>n:h.
Anybody who is invalved in research The IoIlowing ere >lime el the popvlarly
knows lhot 0 very "''tie pori o! rcseorch w<:rl is .......d computerized cept-.olomelric: .,..~ml.
te dl ou, tob~ l otlonl , dO le o"oly, i, ond
RMO'. Jllly O,thodontlc EVlIlulIt/o n
poi nllo king . toti. ti col o"o ly, il. All thi . co n be
greo lly focil itoted uSil\g a co mpute r Ie<>ving RMO(Rod<y MevnlO in O rthodonlic::sj...".the r.rst
""I""ble fime 10. the researcher to 'p""'d on to pt<>Vide the de<1tol profession with 0 computer
octuol Kienli~c ....,.king. a ided oepholomerric diagnosis in rho 1960'1. A
recently deoigned software podcoge the JOE,
COMMUNICATIOHS '" ENTERTAINMEHT \jene. atu troGings of lol e.ol O. Ironlo l
cephol ogrom s u'iflg Rickell$. Jorobok . Ste iner.
Bes ides o il tho," VI." co mput ers hoye s.o ..
oun i ond Grummono enalyse . It con also
re~u~on i led ou r concepti of communico~ "nl
provide a vis uol le~ of normollor
too. A camputer in our dinics C<ln func~on o. comparison to me porien!'s trocingo. generale o
on onswering mar;hine ond 0 fa . Rcan link you collection of cepho/omeJrir: "'I.... IMtotd in 0
10 the I n _ ond con be u!oed "'"' inlemotionol logicol ord.,... olong with the """'" ond _
COmmunication> viO the Emoil. II con 01", be ol" normoI and put togethe< 0 &s:

5Ill1 Orthodontia The Art and $gcnc:'i:

01 orthodonti<; problem analylis. point on Ih, porianf. skin cOfTcsponding to~.

Th;1 em,1S a sound ..... hich '" men ..corded by

PorDlo. (Pu'pau an Re que. t Dil ltlre, me mic'aphone or><! moni1<>,ed os ~ Y end Z
Input Output sr.! . m) coo rd ioot8$ .
A p rod uct o f th a In , titulo o f Onho d o nt ic Tnt .y.te m a ll o w. ce pha lome tri c
~e' ~, Cienrnar.. ~ il a c&pt.obnelric evaluation ond treolment prog rOIl 0 1 aften (l.S
I)"tem aimed ct prO'o'iding denti'" with a u_ . M<:8$lOry wolhovt rod,otion e. pawre, The Digi
M.ndty pragron. Thi. progrom con be easily Graph work station'. hordWQre a nd .01.....,.
changed to . ati</y indivldllol need. and enoble the p.,fu,mance 01 c:eph-olometric
pre/er...-.ces. aooty,es, rmcingt, superimposition and .... uol
Po.- Dios WQrk. wim a dlgm .." in the treat..-t ...... . The pmgl1Jm ;1 copoble <J
ltandclrd ~ or><! oloo .-.abIM me
uM! of a ,;deal 14 0001)' ... . . Moo.u'. "",nlS for any ... Iect..d
1C0 nrle' as men,," c1 d igili:otion ol)(.ro)". ~ u,e, aoo lyli' oon b. d i . ~ oyed an Ih o monitor and
pop ulo, ono l),,", ir>dud iog Bjo rk. Bu",one, the observed value. ore 'Mwn e long with lhe
Caber>, Oow"., McNamara, Rickettl "...j Stei n. r. pctitnI oorm odju.1ed b-c ",", .... fOal ond r.eod
Po.- 010. ha, built-in lunctionll(> coleulola d i._ siIe including stcndard deviarions. The Digi
crepond8$ ~ the oc::Ivol and its deviation Groph allows all potienlt' rodiagraphf trod"""
from the nonnI. The roarrn.1or eodo ..,rioble con cephalagroml. ph",,,. and madelll(> be ~
be dlonged Iordiffer-ent ethn,c 1I""'p". It is muhi. on m. eampvter t.::.rd di, k, reducing
lingual and the u..,' can dloo ... tmrn fnglish, ltaroge requi",,,,,,nts.. fu rt!-.etmtn ~ is a ""Iuable
fT ..d.. Gefm(ln.llo li O)l\ Dutdo. Spanish, Danish too l /0' imp r a~ing communicati o n amo ng
ond G ree k. <Ii nid eo. potienl and .Ioff. Opti"",,1compo ",",,"
1"" .ySIern f""~i"'to. dovble dig itizotion inc l...d e:
mlnlmi'ing ..-rar and en.un'"9 trot yolid ity af th e 1. A con""ftalion un~: ~ lron.po~. infe,ma!ion
.. hole reg ..tratian pnXcdure . Th, drowinlil' con inlo t hc aper olary. d OClOr'1 oHice J
be prlnled eitlw on a moti... prinl", low printer COtIIuhalicn """', thus allowing ....... ng and
or a ealor Po-- An impo" . eq>ort ladlity ITKlW comparl,on of in/o,malion and Ihe
~ p<.ib!e to 1TKli<e calculallon, on all ttored development oI .... ual ~tment Objec:hveS.
parien ll. It Con prod uce a dalobau file 2. A high . ...,<olu~"" .;deo comara with Q
co ntaining th e resu ll. of tr.e digiti,otion , telepholo len , for toking intra orol ~i.w> by
freeze Iromir>g If", ~id .o imoge .
01, 1 G,.. ph l. A lig),! bo>c !" r X. ray. and a study mod , 1
Product 01 Odflhin ImoOing S)"lern. USA. The hokitr Ior,.;d"" imagi.-.glhot .,.;11 be included
Digi Graph i< a ' ynlhesi. 01 ~,deo 'mag ing, in Ih. AePP"f di.k.
comp",e' technology and .anic dig,tiLing. The 4. Camero ond vid eo print.. , lor producing
D'gl Graph work nltion equ'pment meosu"'" 5' copl.. 01 vidao mannorinlamlohon .
3 7' . It cnable. the dinidan 10 perlorm non
i.was:--. and "",, -radiographic cepholom . tnc COMPUTERAIDED DIAGNOSIS
o nalyli. Cephobmct'ic londmor'u 0'" digitized
R~~ea,dl i, CUff. nlly in pregroll a nompting to
by li g htll tovch ir>g th e <on ic d ig itiling p robe. to {)
creote a ~om pul"" .)"tem thct wo uld, in eHoct,
~ mu lote the diagnosli c obi litie. of Ike pr<lclicit"Jg ca ll ed NMR INucillllr Mognetk Resono n~.) . he.
phvtdo n Severo l progro,.,. he", been dHg ned Ine rol odvantogn O" or CAT. 01 g ' oo test
to oid the physician to mo~. m"hlpl" and tlg"if;conce is itt oofety. ~ is .... hrely noninvas ....
complex diagnose,. with the ... ord doss no1 ~uire tile use d. dve injections or
pragr"",,, hawever. conlinns the belief that the "'"pasu,", oJ the patient 10 iorIizing ",dialion.
med ica l di "," nosi. i. a com plex prOcen_ The Th e NMR ,",an~r i. 0110 , uperior to lhe CAT
comp ute r is ob le 10 co n.Irue:! a differenlio l K.Qn .... r in that it I;an image th "",," h bo ..... thus
diagnosi. after being pre ... ntl the n.ceuary d;lI:lo",ng p","iou,.,. ;,idde" pam Ollh. body,
hlstoricol items, symptom., physical.lgn., and '''I;h o. Ihe .o lnol cord. NMR CO" olso
ioborolory obnormalilie. o ..oclatld .. ~h a d;f;erom;ot. ""'0t'III blood, liver, and mva, Dnd
.pecilic med ico l dirotdtr, H"""",.r. the P'09ro m in 10. luture the sensilfyi!), may h.lp di.tingu i.h
am"ol reoog niIII'Vb<;Qm pon MIs 01 Ill ness , wen be_ n be ni g n ond molig""nt ti ss ue.
01 i\lific 0'9<'n i\'ltem invol""",,,nl Or Ihe NMR """". by .....,..-"11 111. patient to a
degrH of severity of the pathologic Or'OCes>cs.. Iotge magnetic f;eld end low1e....I r'Od"drequerq
Th. computer iIiIIlim~ed in its obilityto reoson pul ..... Electrical charges gen.roted by !he r.d,;
cnd is """ble to simulcte thethoughl proce .. e. o f atom. composir>glhe mole<:u'es olIO. body
a nd p'c blem , olvir>g melt.OO. employed by Ihe prod uc .. 0 . ubmil; rosc op ic mag neti c li e ld.
human miM. Thus, the proclice 01 med ici .... a llowing them to be o nfO l;t.d to on &xIem ol
remain. 0" 'art' rother thon an _ I 1I:itt>c;e. mognetic ~eld p"",;ded by the NMR oconne,.
ond !he camp ....... c",...tI, ",mol.. on!,.. a tool After the nudei h""" been oligl"Old til' NMR, rhe,-
to aid, ,olher thon reploe., the physician. are bombo,cIed ..;th ,odio """""'. The mdio
wove. or. t"'e n tvrn ed off. and the nudei are
M EO/CAl IMAO/NO a ll owed to ... 0 ",-em ittin g the radio .\;IM I. thot
are con""rted by Ihe NMR ",, comput.,.-
The advent 01 camp""''' 00. ollowed ropid
.nto images of the body. Th... imoll'" 0'"
lechnologic oo.onces in the ~eld oJ diagnostic
imag ing, including X. ,oy., "lIro.o"nd . an d
.u,..,io, 10 II>o.e obtained w~h all p..tviOVi
~h no \ogy.
nvdeor imagi ng syslems, C li nica l applical ions
of ultra.avnd diogno . i. hay" broadened Conc/ wslan
considembl,. Such technology i. now ""ed to
Thul i" conciu,"on !he compuloo,..;11 provide !he
dtlocI dison::l." in",,""rog lhe Ii_ and biliary
Doctor "nd hil stoll ..;th immediate OCCe" to
'yslem. kidn...,. and in obotetrics and gynecology.
mare info rmol ion Ih on ever befo r.
Th . y a rc 01.0 ",.d 10 diogno cro ni olodo l
patholog ie.bylfle donto l . u r~,
Corrom un icotior1s i. improved dromotico liy 0,"",
otto"r lorm . 01 mo,l<,tting, W;th detailed potient
The media" profession i. V<!ry fomilior
hilton ..., diagnostic Information and treotment
..;th th" U50 01 the CAT :Kanner os on i!'\Strume'"
j)lons stored in the comp ...... " , ...,'ch and
10 provide non,irwosi", inlormalion 'ego,ding
prochce o""lysil can be do"" ..;th eo ... n",...
th e . i.e . sho,.. a nd hcc ll'l1 01 maio r bod., o rga ns.
a dva ntag e. a re more impo rta nt to " good
Hcrwever-, a new mort ,""ooti l. and ",Ie, method
,Iin;':ion thon any initial incon""n ience. lhat he
of prowiding th"",.do'mensioMlview1 of !he inne'
may foOl ...nile compute.-isirog hi< clin;,:.
body ho .......ged in NCen1)'11O'" This technique,

502 Orthodontics The Art and Scl~nc:~

Alilhilia poMiblB IOday tIl a ",asa""bIo

casI-..hi<h j6CQ,en itoeII in a >ha<1 ~ a/fi .......
ComIHrifi ... !orAl ha>.e further dri...n
!he prices at computer hardwareloaftwo", lawe.
orod 1-." eoch 1". thy, bringing dawn the
palient. an ~ Oactar'. ca.t It> bene~t ",fio . The
cam~can truly be <a Iled C 'Vrecm Mach ine>,

I, Abo l"'" , I n"od,~''''' 10 ,,,,,,~"',,~a' ,,,,, 01 .....

""i dc-'" ......., . A... J Q.t.;.I I992 ; ~0-3n
~, _ , I'roct<o ~ <om"_"", _~
""" J omIOd 1992; . 71. 7'
1 _0' '._". DOS , C""'p',.ri"'/ Awt"-
_ ..... J ",. Orf,oo 1966; 61J7~l
......... "<1 c-....,... OIod -.I ,n. .fIO ...... "'"
J 0nfI0d 1930 ; ' 165
~ i;". ........ ". DOS. DO. O;",goo flo",' ;. DOS .
a_oa; Coo-po.. ..,.Bo....:t ."'""",,,"""*<Ior. J
d .. Omod 199. ; 136-1<1
6. OtMIt M. Killloo ,. ~OS. !.IoSO , Nool , ~cal
0", J .... c...._ ' ''''""'.Jd .. Ocl.od 1985
1, f 'G,am lj" : Tho 1"./-0'" ,"mp,t. , '0 ' ,h.
~t'c .'1;.:0, "'" j o "kc<J19aJ ; I I 512.
a H"",,, W, ,,,II ',,,:
fMoncod Of1;" """,,,,,,,,,,,,J
d n O+od 1m, 5J 9 ~ 50
9, ~I<l>a" G, .......... C05. ".~: k>!.n C. Ga.""""
CI~ D. MS, 0..,,,,, C. 0.-"""",; Tho o..iGrao>h_
!o",,,", J d" Clthod 1990,.(12 . 0]
)0. ~ob,,' G K.I",. DOS, ot.od.,.,or; ,'''" K.
fconornldoo. om. MSO: Ib,j HoIimo" Jr., DO . JCO
""...-. eo......._ '"
1987, 591-597
Or+<>a_",- J d. """""

11. ""boot" SchoIi. DDS: Updoh> on O""odomk

~ .... J <In Oothod 1987; lJ5-7J9
12. to~n , $< ....... DOS' I"J.ron;'. S' o.o-ge of
~ _~ J do" Om.od 1928; 13-0'15
13. R,d." , I....... p"'~;G . . .""""em.",, v""11
t.obj<opfo;,; 1 _ ..... J 0""'-:1 1932 ; 3100313
I., Sol,o.;da. I""oe. Voondo. ""' .... 0;..,-.
,o.,d.,d,1, _ . . " h:o.;o , c:""", _""<hi,<!.
' ' - .,,..,.. AM J 0"""" 199:1 ; 2 10220

o thodontics

n the bot/e<w )'e<:lrs!!-.ere 1.0. been c~8fOble

inte"" ! in ,,~r.odo ntic treotment lor th~ adv lt ADUlT PATIENTS
poIieot. A 'ee,,'ot W<Ye'/ conducIed bv II>!J AN)
~ an Increase in "'" ~e cl patie"" The percenloge of odull po~.. n.. who ho ...
over '2 1 'f"''''
of 011" from " lruc:tion mor" Il>on f&Coied olflu:lontic Jreolment hot incrcooed
~% te n yeors Clgo to olmoll 7% Too ay. Neorty ';gnifw;onte,. in the lost decode. From 1970 to
11 %i "P"'Cted ofl..- another decode 1990 On 800':1\ increo.e in cdu lt patie nts ""'.
There is .... de~niIe oge wh"" Ihe mole 0 ........

or me lemale _the. ph)'>icol molurity and it II An incr~.e in the number of odult

The,e/ore imprcCTiecl to '''I to ciela rmi "" ""'l,tt.,. poIien .. in th e poll lew yeo" h", IIndOllb~IV
wh en odu lthood begins . Since on od ult is defll'l6d b$en due to d"",,,,, sed number:! 01 child po!iem.
a. one ...too il lull, grown, fI'>OSt male, of 18 or with tn, ~t ~otioo 01 oro,;I)' in rhe lield 01
19 ond mOSll.moles 0116 con be con,;dttec! OS p.-m.. de~ Ho.-, G_ Bo.... obseM!d
00"'1>. !bot tho child populclion i. dec;'''''stng ond !ho!
Accordi ng to Ad erman , ' odu ll the numb." 01orthodor\!i.!. ;. i n<:~. i ng . N t~e
...,,'tiC$ is concerned ... t!o SI1iI<ing" boIarg
,hod< Klme ~me. _ find an increase in rhe r>umberol
~ odWwingoptimoi P"l"imal Md O<:d.osol od uk con.ulto~on.. The te<ervoir 01 adult
<onrod 01"', 'MIh, occeplobl. denloiociol ollhodonlics is Iorgo& becovse 01 ..... nywhocould
e.thelic<, n<)rrncl fu nction and rea.onabl, r>OI (Ml il th om. efvet 01 !,,,,,!men! IwO or T~ ......
ITCbi lity.' decod el ago.
~ Orlhodontics - The Art and Sch::nce

The In~ re\l number 01 odult. I . Media . Nu ............ orlicles in mogozj_and

requiring Ot requahng onhodontic Ifeah ... ~ can fll'WSpopers, os wefl os od...."tioing by dentisl$
0100 be aocribed to : increooe publi~ OWOrerllOSS.
I. Innovorions in opplionce" especially !he 2. mwmro:::e . Thi<d pooty payment 10. poNto"
"""-enl 01 direc' bonding. celOmic brocke!1 of olhe< phil"", 01 denlol co", con make funds
ond 100"'<010'00 wi,e. he"" cougnt 1M O'V<Iilobie forodult Drtt.odantia wnido il O<1l y
o"ention of mon i 00,,1!> who woul d not OCC05<on,,11-, cove red by in.u",,,,e ,
0.foerw;5II...eI< orlhoda ntio treot""""t, 3, Affluence Totol denta l treotment i. more
2, Imprcwed oppIioro:::. pioo,menttedmiqoJe,. The occoplobie i" iodoy'. odu lt> becau~ th ey am
Iotost deve lopment I. li n900 1orthodontics o. aHard it.
;.w;sib.,. orthodontic whic~ mo;ry ..hartly be 0 4, Fomily denli$1 oware n.,. . Th e family
p, ....., teo;tonque. den'i" i. more 0"''''' al Ihe p,oblems 01
3. Iroco-HIIed .....,..... nce with oduh orthodontic olu,ion 00ld me role of propel 'ooln
llootmorot and Ine ocn"'vemen. of good ol.gnme'" in enhoncing,",_ den~..,.
(1Isults. Paralleling obutmen! teeth simplifi.. tooIh
4. Increo5lld public awo""""" of "'e possobililies p(1lpo.olion 10. ~.own., bridge$, portlal
oladu" treolrner"l. c!onlU .... , ..,.in bonded relDiners and other
S. InCl8O..,.j dosi", oi polien!1 and ,""orol;"" _"'~o"' .
den'"ls fa, !footmenl oi denlol mvtilo~an S, fi/heJin; Tode l the<-e is g rooter OWOlentu
~rablem l, using 100'" """,emenl or.d li><ed of "(!(lIm cnd appeoro",e. To och>cvG benl!<"
<1iSIcrtI'iono rathor than re~ prosIhe .... fodo l est heli"" the teeth mu5! be prcoper1y
6. More sop hi sti ca te d an d s ucc.ufu l a lig nod, with all mi .. irog teeth reploc. d.
rMr"Kl~lt 0I1he .ymplom. auocioted willi
lein! dysfuncti-on. Ot1toodonlic lroolment 10. odullS ho.
7. Mario ellec~ve mo""Il"'-" of ,keletal iow been the kl ...., !lrowing or"" in orthodontics in
dysplasia., using advonced ol"fhog",,"'ic ,IKt"' ~.TM", oppea. to boo two reru.o", 10'
W'lIitol tedlniquas.. !hil, and the.efore two group' 01 adult patients :
Wim!he __ <honging times, "'e ad,," The ftrsl g'oup, comprioing 01 )'Oung
nos ov-ol<ened 10 the benefits 01 orthodomicL His adult. who dell red but d id nol reco
inaeosed OOCIol and buoi'-'l octiily 1-00. mode camp"'''''''.... OIShodon/iC 1 _ 0 ' " 01 )'Ouihs,
n.m OWO(1l of viSible "'' '.,0:: .non commings, now "ek il 01 'hey beco me financiall y
\I~r>g personal affl""nce OM 0<<:.". to "'i<d ;. odepeoodoont. OM are"..,..., a"",,", af tI>e benoli"
polly portiopotion h",e p<Jt h im in reado of of a nliod ontic !fe'>lm<oo!.
t.eotmen! previously difficu lt to obloin but nOW Tho secood group con.isting of odullS
Il)Qd il-, oveltoble, With this, the orthodont ist ha l loll&n oJcIor tha n ,foo.e in 'M first gra up)
D n . ... re,pon, ibility of developing ote ri c haV(! oth """", I~,ob""n . ore being rocog nizod
procoduroslo. t"",ting adu~ po'ienl" al torodiOO!i!$ for odi"""""" orthodorlic Ireatment
Th, Increal.d demand 10' ad,,!! to make ~o",rol 01 0.,,101 d""""" OM ''''!Q((!!ion
O~hodontitl 'oday COn 0100 be DSCribed to the 01 miuing teeth eosie< and mo.e effec, .....
following fo~ .
'01:1.. Adull C"lld

. _..._-,.....,
Boot- ~ ~ ....,.,. HOll r_ ~ , !"OOI'I.,..e:tlf:I!'<l1ft ~
tt 100" ..,......rt lddIion ~ iIlOdi'i:l.'iort
""""...,. <t ~ ~ ~ '" """"" I.IlIud!' tIOI d "'f _
m. ... _to . .

.... ...r_""
'h ' _ .... bo ...

.... ~I_dn;ut \\'I 401 00icII'/

F'Oi'Iodon1;il dQl..

-- -_.--
May be . <O<?IPI1cM1'll
000r nl l':f(>!t lit

whwO: tt .......
U"UJ ""'" Of r>:."I'''''''

- ...
_ <OI'Odor '"'" ~"",I-

, I ' ....

lr ...rr.tnI ~
,- .,. -~
... tIOI. prd:Ie<n

Uo ually m y
Rqoo km f""I" 10

Not , ..,. lIlPIe<illil'lt


DIFFfRf Nf:E BETWEflW ADULT AIWD deJeded by rhe poIient. while mot in childretl is
AOOtESCf NT PAnrNrs bo...d mo .. ohen by,ig"" detected bylhe porenII
0' the proCl~,one,. n-. 0"'. """"""'" ........,1
'Nho! ere m~ differences between ed\rfl end r;t.1d ol her diHe,en~ belwun odult and ~h i ld
erthocio nt l<:.? The bo.1<: diffe rence II !hot in onhodo nlicl lreforlOblo I]
child ren we mu , t concern ov rJ.eI~, with 100lh
mo,_nt ~ ~. growlh, whe<eo$ in cclo.J lts we c r. INDICATIONS FOR ADULT ORTHODONTIC
dcollng ItO::n, wirl> tooth m,,,,,,,,,,nl. We cannot TR fATMfNT
coun! upon growth 10 help u. (or hinder U$) in
odi...o-og ou' he<>h"",d objo>divss In CWOJ, then, RoY" dearly OUIined rhe """"""" lor otf-oodonfic
OOull c.~hodc"lics i impler, ./0, "" hove one mempy :
1," lond oIren vnptedicloblot) IoCIO' w/Jh ......ich 1. To imp'o~e loolh -pe,iodonlol li"va
10 cont""d. rnlotiOr'lllhip.
The need for orthodontic I"",tment in the 2_ To eslobl ish on im proved plone of occ l u~on
odult il ofT&rI . ym ptom relot&d wh ich co n be in o rd. , to di. tribute force. thro ugh th e
brocclest meo possible , lhe apex of the IooIh and <:rei! of lhe suppM i,,\!
3. To bolonce the ...;,ring space beIwe9n leeth ol.eolo, bon . Lo .. 01 o~or bone height or
lor be"- prosrhetic seplocernen'. periodontal OItOchment Ieod:s ta opiool n!IocoIIon
4. '10 imp""'" sp<K1!s!Q p,mi<le normcIl toolt. oh he ""'tre 01 flIsi sto n",. The mo~ni!1J de of Ike
rotootn conto et, lipping moment prod uced by 0 lorce i. eq",, 110
5. To impl'O'V<l oed",,,,, 0..:1 oo o,dinotion with the for<:e times the d"lonce lrom the point 0/ force
the mo,ticmory mUld.. 0..:1 the 1MJ. opplirotion 10 the <:ent,,, 0/ _osronce.
6. To IOIilfy !he ae.t!w1C d....<es 01" the ptI~cnt. Onhodo<1~c Iorce$ m~$1 be opplOed!Q
tn e Crown of 0 looth, ood the fu rth. , I", po int 01
CONT/UIND/CATIONS FOR A DULT Ioruo opp lieDl"" 111,om the cenr~ 0/ =illooce,
ORTHODONTICS tl>e greoter will be the fippit'tg mon>er>l produced
~ any given Iofl;e ond C<>nseq""rrtly a 10'11'"
Ill",., discussed ,e~'ol conl,oindicatia ...
eovnte"'<l iling oo upi e 1m) wou id be necosso l')' 10
relalir>g 10 odu ll orth odo ntic thero P\'". They orc , ellect bod ify """""", ent.
J, ~ .hielo l discreponcies
2. Advanced Iowl 0, JVSlemic disease
3. be_.... olveolar bot>e lou
Ad ult If"" tn\erlt mccMnics r-.::l no! d ille , from
4, Inobili ry 10 obloin a le.u lt thot the po lient or
doc:lor will pe ,eei... a, "'tisloelor)'
tn. standa rd tochniq ue,; they a r. mod ified only
10 ,,-t speciliclre<llment req.oiromenls. Si~ciIy
5. Poet llobility IIfO/IJ'IOSi.
with mo. i",um control is the bywo,d. All denlOl
6. lod< 01 patient mollYOlion
movements oro consid.".,d to be pos' ible. 01
tf;eSft intrU lion is dil/icull. rO()j reso<ption i. a
hq",,1\! per><>~V' E. tr"';on i. the leo" drflicu~ .
Since odull polien" who need orthodontic Tip~ng i. no! diltlCuh. bul Hpiol ere>! bone loss

_ ' " o Jt..n hove perioOonl<Jl problem. , the moy be 0 >enOWI ""ron:!. Rotation is simple and
a mounl of baM >lJpporT of eocn toolt. i. on rop id but hos the high<tst relc p$!il foetor.
im porlCnl consiclelllt"", Whcn bone foo . been Wi!n we ll des ignod op plion ces ,
101, Ihe pe"odonlol ligomenl {POL) O'co contro lled dentol movem.nt and """ilobilily 0/
doo.Ioses,ond tho .orne force ogoinst thecrown booic requi,emonlS, tr""trnenI con be no mote
produco. grc ate r p reuu,. in the POL of 0 8\"<1"""110< the odult tho n fo, tho child, pe mop$
periodonlo lly C<>11prOrnised Iooth than 0 r"IO rrl'lo~y IeI' ' 0.
supporled one. The obsolute molln~ude of Iorce
u<ed to move leeth mU$! be ,educed wn.,n
At_ ,.,,,ted
ell" ,,'les j " flle
"",'odont. / / llt
periodontol support ha, boe<1lost. ta P"""""
damage Ie the PD l, boor>e, e"",," ntum. a nd root Theprimo",tisJuolO be in~ ue<ICOd by m~ 1
Th. lIreotcr lhe fo.. 01 aHoch menl, tho lorc ... a pplied 10 lhe teeth i. If", pericxlonta l
small., the 0"'" 01 >lJpporIed root 0..:1 the lurther ligament. u.ogen is produced by the librob/osls,
apic:oJ the cenIfe 01 ",,",""nee will become. The which 0'" the mO$l frequentfy occvrring cella 01
ce ntre 01 re sisto""e 01 a singl . rooted tooth I>e. tl.e periodonla l li gom e nt . The ostcocleltl
app lll. imotei y , ,,.tentn, 01tn o di. lo nee betw""'" occu rrin ~ within 0 few nou,s afto r orthod ontic
.timul.... 0,. most t.I:ely derived from th .. locol end quonldy of the IM"Iinc duru ond surrounding
mOflOC)'les ond! or mooophoges. All", the initiol bene. Teeth thol hove los! occlusal contom
wave, 0 second populc:ticn of resorbing ~e l l; bKoVS(! 01 ,,"'roc;tion develop di,ul-e otroph)- in
cppear IfIo! Cr. blood borne. Some of these c" ll. the ir ,up~"in g bone.
migrole from Ih e ""K ulor ""two r' 01 l he cenlre Together, the ho rd a nd lOft lill ue
10000000rcb th e bony wri<;>:;e, senoing 01 progen iTOr ci>or.ges dicro te 0 con.",,"otive oppro.;"h to
all. fo,.o~blOIt.. mllchonics. The b iologic bockground for
A med>oniool"'-mulu., IUa. 01 0 force orthodonlic root!. fI\OettIenl in odult. Indloo~
applied 10 0 Tooth. will resuk In on increased .~
proliferoti ..... of the cell. in th. periodon1ol 1. 1hoolorcelu,..G inodul!sshouldbeoto~
ligorr>erf. ~ Im!.ml ~!hot the insufficient """" II-on !hose used ;., children.
OO<JI'<:<I 01 preosteoblosl; mig~1 oc~ou nl lor Ihe 2 n, initicllon:es I~ould j"rTh er be keprluw
delayed re!~ n se 10 me<:Mnioo l . Iimulu . beoo ul-e the ."mftd;ate pool 01 cellI ovc iiablo
Norton wgg e<!ed lhol Ihe d oO"OO~r>g for bone relo'plion i. low.
blood lIow and ..,,,u lonly thot oc""", .. ith 3. The """""nt to lorce ro\iob-a port;cvb-"lOoth
incNQling oge"..,., provide on GlCj:IIOrlOIion for mo... """, lhould be i"~ ocoording to
th" il\luf~OenT source of progenitors cells thc:t the periodontol Slahl!l oj !he indMd",,1teeth.
choroc~ri.., the (Jging patient. The oge reloled 4_ Wdh inc " (ISIng mo,ginol 00"" lon, light
change. In vooevlorirolion may e. plo,n Ih .. conlinuou! int ,usive to'ce' should be
delayed ,eoc;tion 10 "rthodoo~i<: forces described moimoined during tooth displocement.
in odu ill.
A,. ,e,. r.,. Oone chan,..
ont.odontic ding""';. deal:! .. ith recogniti on of
O..modo,,~c too!!. ""","",cnl 01 0 "",,,it of bene !he voriovs chorocteris~CI of the malocdu,,"on . k
modeling ond ,emodeling 0100 depcro(h greody
i"""""," <;<>Ilodion 01 pertinerl dote in 0 systemoric
on oge ",laltd chong ... oIthe skeleton. Corneal
mon"", to help In idenlilying!he .....ture ond COuse
bone bocom.< more dense who1e the spongeous
oI , he problem. Di(Jgnosis in..,.,....developm""
bone reduces wiIh oge ond the Ih\Idute changes
01 0 comprehensive dolo be..., of perllnen!
fromtho! of 0 honeycomb 10 0 nelWotl:.
tion. The dote ~ derived from case hStory.
; """ i' ..

l ot.' .,e c ft en,e5 clinico l exominOlion ond other diagnoslic aid.

, ueh o . study co.ts. radiogroph , and
The 0",00 1 di'f'ia cemMI of the marg ina l bor1c
p/lotogrophs. The SlMoo rd diognQ!~c oid , ore
Ievtolls 0 10001 1a00< t!.ot influences the bdogical
mondolOr1. Because of 0 greeter pos~bility !o<
btxkground for tooth movemenl in odults. The
donnllnl ~IhOlil, buried moh, i m~diom.
man;Jinol bone loss i. og .. related but is olso the
penodonlol break"""", ond otrophic a.""II'",
",wi! of prog'essive periodonIol diJ.eose. Woth
penopicol, occ!usol one! TMJ lilm. should be
man;Jlnol bene lou the cern", 01 ,... i>tonoe of the
oblDined roulin,fy in oddilionto' tho ponorcgrom
tooth is displO<:ed apica lly.
ond cephoklgrom. A ly!.terrKlhc oPl'roo ch 10 "'"
Anolh er foetor of importonce i. occJus.ol
e. ominotion is essenliel to ~n.ure lMt nothing is
function. This is hi ghly relot..d to beth the quolity
o.. erl ool-.ed. Th e probl em oriented diognoslic
pr<Xedure ... d.scribed b')' Profitt ar.d Ac ke,,,,,,,, Multldl.clpllnary app,oach
il rec.ommended ro _ure thol no o'PO(t 01 the Mo>I odull poIients requ~re 0 multidisciplinary
patient "-<I is iglIOIlId. leam ior-rne;rcomfl' .......... r$hobo1iltrtion. The
Adult patients COM. to y, ak", reors 01 team rncy i"",lude
u, ing e nd ab~,in g their dentition s. Tfleir t.eth I . Gen erol d,nti, t
htl>'. , 2 . Orthodor~dt
1. More-.,,,,,,," 3. Resroratr.oe dentist
2. Sl>o<te'cusps 4, Pmsrt.ooMtist
3. 5/xl lb""ed" 'lOe 5. 0",1orld "",. illofoci al , urgoon
4. Man~ koy .. had exten. iye <Hntel work O. Pkr,~c Wigeon.
orncl9<'m., oownI or inlays
S. Bro. or>d portiol denture. TREATMENT ASPECTS IN ADULT
For th o adult, me cl inical .""minotion ORTHDDDNnCS
toK., e n ,peel,, 1sig niii<:cnce in iooloting exiOling
01 POIeMiol pothQll, or>d t.... etiologi<:cl foelon. ProIiH I-m dDuiIied cduh orthodorrtic,~
oIlroYrnc. mandibular Ihila, """" /oclh, ocdusr::rl Into the IoIIowing three OtlOl :
di,hormonies, ond levity dental ,e"orotion . 1. Com~tn""'" orthodo!>tic t"",,!mont
2. Ad ju""ti ... orthodontic troorment

Add itional di" 900, ti c ~ed u'o. thot we should
<Oruide, In odult ~i..,u ere: 3. SU'lliwi orthodontic: treatment
1. Afull TM! series 01 X.rays
Ad/tlnol/ ... O 'I~odantlo I" alment

I 2. Muscle ["",min""on
3. Strell &O l"otion
4 . Diet EVIlluotion
Adjuncti", M hodontic t"",rment is, by defin ition,
tooI~ movement corried out 10 focili!clo otk..-
dental p><:edures ne<:e>sory to conlrol disease
Pe,lodOnla l .,on. ,llleralloll. Itt ond "'$lOtI IUndion. AJrh~ malocdvsLon ...
dl.,no," dassiccily deocibed is 001 nee"",,", on ..meolf,y
Molt adu lt patient, who - " ortOOdonli c nctment r;ondir;on, >erne tooth posit"",. are I'IOt cor><;!ur;iw
how. some lorm 01 pe'ioOontol b'lKIkdown. 10 long""m orol heolrh. The gools 01 odjundi'f$
Orthodontic treatment in the presenc" 0/ treatment lhovid be to:
periodontal di"",se (lJVits in ~ sepl<ll bono 1. Fedli"''' resta<'Clff..... treotment by pc.itio<1ing
10. more tooth mobility du~ng trectm ont and the teeTh 00 thot more ideo l ond conn "",Ti",
"""" .aduol ""'*' Ity P!I'!.t~. PrUect"""""
consultation with the periodontist should be
te<;hniq1>8S COn be u>ed.
2. ImprtlYlthe periodontal heoIrtl byelimintslt ....
routine and orIhodonhc objediYet should be plaque ho,borinll areOI, improvif\Q the
a ltered if requ ired On his od-.-ice . oJv.,oIor ridQO contou r ad iace nt to the TeeTh.
R., ",luot"'" 0I'Id cor>s!c r\! periodonlcl 3. E. tab lish favoro ble crowt>-fo.root rol"" a<,d
therClPY during e~hodc:>mk Ifealmet'll will furthet- position the _th so thel cx;dusol forc.s ore
"""',. 0 mO'e positr.oe progAO$is. They require IronYrtined olong the long 0_ 01 the teeth.
-Ij)CdIic:! period<lt'tol con: ar-od 1""It Ad ivnQivo t(~tment impli~. limited
telm retention procec!...-e., often d 0 fi:.:ed cIosig n. orthodontic goals. im proving a particular asped

~ th e occiu Jion rolhe r thon compr&ho"' ively 4- . Mullid ioc ipf,"nory epproach , Mo.1 odull

, Q ~eri"9 it. Typ ico lly, QP~ i Qnc&. ore fOq~i red in
only a pofIion of rhe denial "rei. ord for only "
paliMn ,equire " mu llid isdp li na,.,. leam klr th ei'
comprehen"" .... obilitorion. The team may
... o~ time. includ e Orthodontisl. Restorative dentist,
n... odivnoive """""'em procedures P'OSthodonhll ond Qrnlsutgeon.
ir\Ck.oda: 5 . Esrh eli( requlremeM Mu lll ore u. uolly
" Uprig hti ng of teeth m<:<"e (o"""mod of e"Mlies. They ore likel y to be
2. f orced enopticwl put olfby ""plio"""," lhoto re not eolhek Use 01
J . Alignment of!Oem esthelic toolh colored brackets ond linguol
~ con beoonside<t:d lor oduh porienb.
Cg mp,e" e ndv, Ire"tment for .dulf.
6. (om lor! requi,.o.,."""IS , Adults a,e uluo lly
Com preher1~"11 orth odontic treolmen! occo rd ing Ie .. ado pta ble to 1M app li an ce Iho n you ng
10 I'rofj~, implies otthodoolk Ifeotment which po!ien1>. Thu I .. mple cornlortoble appliance. 0 ro
would toke more than six monlh$ duration. prefemod in odults.
Comp ... l>ensioe _en! in odu~, ;1 similor to
7. 6iom"c honkol conoide,elie'" : Adultl
t~at in odo l~lC'ent., Howeve r Ihe lollowing
exhibit Q,rwter be"" 10.. and loS$ 01ol!O(hment,
conside rati on s lho.ild be kept in mind wh i' e
I.eod ing 10 apicol . hih ol!he cenlre of ,..i$lonce .
trea~ng 00011'$.
n....r weoterw.ll be the ~pping _ I pr'
J. K. ..p in mrnd the biologkol I.mitations' for 0 given foto:e.
Adult. ""h ibit decreasing b lood II ...... ond Aduh IreoVnerf I I oed>or t.::s need no! diller
>'OKIJlorilyond ;nwllidentsourte of ~Ior! f 'om th e 'loOOo,d le<;h niq_; lhev ore modified
"" II . at th e ,ite of tooth move ment. In odditi on 011 11 10 moet . peeifi , t,eotment req ui ren>enl$.
!he cortical bone be.:omes memo denoa ..nil. Ito.. ~Ii<;i!y wilh mg,jmum contfoll, 111. byword.
spongeous bone ,educes with age. The . .. Adults a", turned oK by :
biological limilOlions didute 0 come""";"" I . Unoestheric oppliono,"
opprocch to moc;n""i in oduh orthodontic 2 . Fear of poin
_ enl 3. Ext. r>d .d lreolmenTTime
2. La""" /o-ce level. : The 1"'(;0$ u.ed in <I. Pef1O<>al inconvl;"nc"
odults .hould be or 0 Iower-I.,.,I/ho" those o.-d '.Coo>
in children. The Iniliollorr.~ should lum.el be The opp li o nce. used i~ adull
kOl'PI low bew .."" the immedklloe pOOl 01 (elts ortho de nliCS .hoyl d l ullill. the lollowing
ava iloble f", bo"" ",.a'plicn i, low. leq ui remenls :
1. SOOuId be " mple in ocder 10 moodmi:te co-
3. PeriocMnlal caMideroriOfl. ; Adulr. are
mono likely to be perioclo,rtaUy compromised. ...-
2 . They should respond to light ""-lor be.!
Petiodanlol cole ,hould be undella~en o.
phy>iolog'oc IS jX>r'ISe.
lrequ enrlv os needed dunng lhe o rlhodoolic
3. Th e)' 1hov1d I:>e fi.ed Ie> mo inloln lreotment
I," ei moni te keep 0 check on ~'iodonto l
cootroJ .
4 . They sIr""ld be long oding 10 ""'-'... !he
nUmNr d a ppOintments
S. Tho y .hould req ulr. !he snorlUI over.oll
trl"JrI'"IOoI'\l porio<! .",.;,je offo rdi ..... .... rr.. h\;l'-' 1. ..... 11 O" ~ odo"ti,, ,J.din;,.1 "'~ 19~ 1 ;
6G6~ le.
polenlic l ior 0 >loble co rrection with mini mum 2. S<rlo ~ ... : C.... '" ",," ..~ .. I, o,,~ .... :
rOll nli"" req .... remeots. O""I~, 19"91
3 ! I". M. I.., 0' ",.,1, O"n o' .,"" , JCO
1............ 19M,6~1 .
Surlleel or!haolont/c tru tm e nt ~. ~ Hoobaoo, fWloWI. o-.d _ , Com_
.on 01 .. ~...., OM o"'",,:b",,c, I. bo<do~".
N adults do nO g row a ny longer, dem060ciol odJoo : Al.o 1993. ~55--4}0.
o rthognolhic su rg eries ore major .uogicol 5. aod eo..........."IY' Ad.~ OrthodaOllco :
J.dncd ~19n, 45J1.4n.
ptOCedures ",mod out along with orthodontic
6. GoI...., Ad.h _''''' open b; .. , Al.O 1990 ,
~lOcweCI denJo..locim driormiOelor_ m.s16.
oroleda l ciilprtlporticm in..,l"ir;g or... ma.illo, 7 . GI ......... , N",,~ lo, . 1.'-1_" d ....0...,.;" ,
Co , ,,,,." " , , 'g'c. 1 o"'odo' ''' .dull rap id.
Ih e mand ib le o r bolh in co m b inal io n. po<>-ol _ oIon, "-J.O 198.,207213.
O rth og nothic ,urg<WY l:<>. ico lly in"a pkl nned S. H ONO, l. L.t. ;n , Adu lt Ort'od."; ,, , J. cHnil 1
."...,..1 971; 13().10.5 .
Iracturing 0 1 th e lociol . kolatol port. an d '" Mo 1 H ..... " H.,....,.c." , ....... 01 """h
"posi~oning Ji1em '" desired.k requi .... 0 team o. 1 .... , too."" 1'0 1989
10 . ~ _omde : A.J.OI990 , 06J...<71 .
approoch with Ihe orol surgeon ond }he II . S"",,,,"I CoNI_on. 10, Moh Ot- ,d, ,Ha
... ~ odor ,liII being irnpor1<rnl "*"'*' d
Orlhog nolhic .urge';e. con be
the lecm. J.cIrito:JI ~ 1916: ~5<5..
12.lotw Ad~ .. arn.oo......,od;.............
~< . ._
Al.O 1981 ;:)(IS.315..
per/ormod ill tr... mroillo o. well all'" mandible 13. T _ M. G.obor.o<I Rd:oo<r t _..doll. """"" .
to ca rrecl p.. c>screporrcies in a ll 1M rhree pI-one.
o/spc><:e .
H. "" ...,.j Go ,o:;.,(o ..,."
101,,.,, \on.pod of O<Ii>odon'".c.
on adui po''''' : A.J.O 199~ , 142 U 8.
IS. I'I, ,,. n Hom, lo : 0 ,10000", ;' OH'co O 'gn
~i"..g M"I ""to. ,
J d ;,,,,,1 ",rl,O<J 1m ,
J ~H/IO .

ReI.nIion mechanics.hauld N pond rho onginal

~1101""" ~ plcn. _ """I' indude .....oIbIe ~""'"
oper01ive p,OXftdures, and/or toted r'lennon.
Whe-n!he patient has abnormol lip, longue or
cheek muscle cdi"';li. >, rt if incum bent o n I.....
orthodonli ll to preP'l r" Ih . potlent f.... long lerm
use Gf fi.oced rckliners. Retention is a criti ca l cnd
challqing o >pad 01 adult orItoodo<>ria. Tho
general principl ... oI,.,terIion hold good foroduh
In ma ny "'''''' 01 a d uk onhodonlil:s the
need lor post crl-odonIk .tobilirolion wit cDincidll
with Ihl roeed 10 ' boIh , ... Ioratio" 01 mutilated
denlit"", ond cross ",ch slabili<olio n.
, ; , .
1i',-"";~t1>~"""",-.".,,c,._,",;j~;, ....,,,,", .. ,:,. . '" .. ~, ...
~<" "-~'-~"'''','(~''-'' '~

Index 511

Inlra -f.'""I I'o')'.207
Ir!ro.Oral, 206
'"'.ax;"u"'. 21 0
.... n;mum, 210
~.21 0

g .ndex ,.,.,hiole, 208

""'><vb", 2(17
i':om ;'Q . 209
, ~=1.20S
II point, 1 ~7 S;<ulo. 2(18
J\bno.....,t.">Jpf... path. 93 So...cH.203.2D4
,I>I"I<"'no l .,1>.. Ir"",,",. 91 , 3B6 5101""'"'1, 205
~c<rm l p"" 01 ,Iooure . 129 Ar>dre.or. owl"",ol... adi'otor)
.......!noel.225 AI'Id-. sa
~Io E H,5
kid -"<.~, 307
~~n -~ o~,.,u r~,~ k-oQl. '. c amiCQllon
b., 69 70
O,...;/iceti"", 69
.o.ctivo!or 0;,."1,,,,'11"9"'.7$.76
Co",j""I"", Bitfl. 339
Contrnind CU!iono . 33.6
,.,.. ,\1.od:fioot""'", 76-77
... .s~aroo. ISl
Oisodvo""'on. 339 A.N.B... 154
fab"-.34 1 ~,lS1
facial, 151
1""~339 frurMoo! MOo>dbulor i"c;"". 1 ~
Modo 01 CC1Cf1, 339
f..",lde<! "..,rd,bular plene, 1sa
Ir>d """",cod it."b- plane, 158
MOO.1ml""'.344 Ind"" ",,01, ..,1pl."", 151
Tnmm;,g, 342 10\0" "",,,,", 151
_ <:om""""elo to-indoofloN.8.137
fo.:.d appiioncn, 309 Madbulo'p ...... I5-4
Ro:_bI oppi...-.oo.s, 286295 Oeduool pia .... 154
Adom,cImp S.N"", 154
Mvoel<>QOS.28O tIppo r jr cisor to N A. T57
CC<I$IrudiCf\, 261262 Y-ox;" l S I
M<>d;~~. 280-28 3 ~",~a. 51, ' 27
Parts, 280 AryI<>,;., 9~
SroOO"'.. 280 Anodoma. 8586
""'-'oidfad, 104 Anitfoor bile pkn., 437
,loge loci", . 211 214 AnIoriDr crouJ.,., 75 . 07, 423, 42e~29.
1o,;mo 01 orthodCf\fia. 23
1\1;.0 ,; , .1 2 ""Ie,,,,,
ArlIe","" '0",1 ""' . , 148
<>po" bit.
Clo,~f; oo""", ~ 15
~~,.437 . 436 D..,,,I, 16-4 I 1
Etiology, ~ 1S.(16

eaker' . 107
Cr."",!. 106
O....mOO'iCfl, 205
f ........... (17( L8
5ke1eld, 4 17.4 18
l ,",,*,"onl. 41 a.~20
Cm"",t. W. .....,.,JtIPOid """"'. ~1
'"'Picol bose, ~62
DoI" it"",.703
O1ra.O", I.206 '"'P ~ '""<Ii
""" "",274
f"';01.204 F~, 301 326
I"""-Ma>oilloty, 207 Fundional. 329
51l . Orthodontics - The Art and Sc.ienc:Cil
MyciuncOOoe L 329 Birrw:il bry protr"",n, 70
O rt"O~'k. 365 -376 B"' o.0>:>o>:., 181 _1 94
Po,,,,,",,274 Bionato r
ROfr<lV<lOIo , 277300 8;10 re9.tratioo, 35 7
Arch ~r i ".,. .. rooo ~ ~, . 175
Ge" III applionc. , 356
Arch ...i"" loci"ot"'0!.35 7
be roq"ir<;men" , 3 14 ti:on:um, 3 15 ap.., bite "PP'once, 356
CIc .. ifbltk>o,314 Slondard "Pfl"""o, 356
Elgiloy,3 15 TYP">, 35S
Gold, 3 1~ Bite plane
Gold al loy"3 14
~/J lti .-anded , 3 14 """riot", 2 9'1, 473
Po.te rior, 299, . 18
Niti nol , 3 15 Bite r09 i.1<Otioo, 332
~b-, 3 14
Biorl<,1 43
Roo nd,3 14
801100', ""o ~ ~. , 178 _I 79
>q",,~ , 3 1 4
SoltOO'. plano , 149
Sta i, I" ..... ,,1, 31 5 Bondod "",b" oPP!iooco, 359
Arrowllwd dmp ( ,',do,," d esp) Bond ing
A.ymmetry, 121 M.-oolago., 30 7
~"''', fixodoppl",= [);!OdyortO'J!'.,309
So l oodhook, 3 12
Proced ure, 309
6rockets . 3 10_3 11 ",""
B-ut1On , 3 12
Dopo<ition , 14, 190-192
CIeot, 3 12 Fo rrooti"", 15 _1 6
Eyelot, 3 12
RO"'1'tion, 14, 192
li ng",, 1aHoci1monl!, 3 12 Romodel">i , 14, 190
Moie rtu bo., 311

8 PO;"!, 14 7
Short, 286
long, 287
Spot, 28 7",", 287
1loker'. onchorag< , 207 FiHed , 289
Bockword po!it oi """"re, 129 Mi ll., 2SB
BoIaocing eAroc!i"o" 268 Robert', ,28 7_ 2S8
Bol l ond cbsp , 285
High, 289
Bond ond ba, .pa co me;"!o;'"" , 225 &",kot.
Bond ond b;::.p opoco maintaine r, 2 23
Btw, 3 10
Bond 000 ' pm retaine r, 470 Bondable,3 10
Eknd i"ll Cerami c, 31 1
lodicotio.u , 303
Cb"il>:ot"," , 3 10
P"",",","", 303 _305
Edgewise, 3 10
Bo nd" 309 ] 10 Motal l.. , 3 11
fIo", 1"",Iobolic rato, 11 6
F1o"",, 311
flo", 10",.."", 479 RibbcnAr<h , 310
Bo.. of model, 47B We kieblo, 3 10
Bo", plato, 295. 298 -299 Brooch., 1"",he., 27
So.ion ,1 4 7
Bmion"mion piooe, 149 Om l,1 29
"ow N.,,,, 1, 12 9
App/i"""'. , 3Z/ Oro-No"", 129
i<olo ine<, 466. 67 8",x;,.n,106
Bolchi .., 12
B"ccinator mechoniorn , 5253
Beo1nelf, ,*",il>:ot"o, 78
S",I.. ', fieki """ry, 489
Bonrin<;Jhoff, S3 8u'lt-o .. , 535.
Bolo h ypolhc~., 101
00 .. II, di,;,,,,,, 1
Eto'<>Iogr. 379
ColllOlAogo. 402 Feoru .... 311.391
Conne 11010 01 extmctior. 402
Irdtolionl lor _ ,fiM. 264 5ic."",II"",...,., 399
'oT po<!i "", 26. T'oo' '''''''', 300. 405
Rot"" r.,."327 ( .." II, di,.ioi"" '2
".,"><10 .... 292 294 fee!1J .... 72.405
Caml __ <pring T_ont, 405406
Sing!...190 Ckmlll
o.,..,blo.291 D-X;il..409
Co r.,. ', c ",,~ .175 Ef 409
C ~ i nd.,. 16 1174 FlIQlu",. , 407_40'1
Case C" 5 Sk" OIo l leol...... , 409
C. . (_ ..... dy models) T<ioatmorl, 41341
Co1o"'. opplo~ CIoo..ifW:oriot, 01 0Ii~ 01 malocdu .....
Indir;olio.,. 429 GfoWs, 82
Droodvo rl"ll"'. 429 M..,..,., 82
Conlra 01 IVIIi,. end Go rdner, 62
R... ,t.)oce . I96 Ck>o~f<:c,ion 01 "", Ioccf usio n
ilaluli"", 197.198 kioo rl'ron oed P~" 18&1
CerJrlc ~.69 . J7
Corrodo.58 BtmotI,78
Hoki"ll '"opt, S6 UKhe,.77
Oed J' ""' . 57 &rr>Oo, 78
~ ot .,.,. 57 C... ~ II ~ po lo'"
Cop ...10 caudGl g_ II"'d",.,. 10-1 I Oa"'k()~"", 4.1 .00J
(Apholomolric: 0"0.,...' ~~4l3
0.:-..,151.153 Etiology. H O
Sloi"'~ 15.). 157 l.dd....,..o)1
""-d. 156 Mo'''II",,..,,. 4H ' ' ' 8
Wit. , 158 Pc ,,;,,.. obtoroklr, .45
C.p ~olo"",ma ""...... "i........... ..5
~_,lH Prober.. """"""ted,
Surgical ~p do...... ((6
lDndnoo~.l Sl 48

Uoe., I,.
Lm .. or pto ...... H S-l50

Corom;: "'",ket. 311

Su'll'cd polol. cIc., .... ~~
0'<:01 """mFKmon. 121).128
C r, p .,., ,"1:> ,." , 461
c."...,,1hMd 11"<". 366 . CoHin .\>"ing . 256, .30
o.iolo:o" """",,.116 Coli !pring<
lodicollon,. 375 CIooed.31 8
Type., 375 OJ>*n,318
Cht."...".og " <>ge, 21 1 Col d cur. " c".le. 4S248B
Ci raJ mleremo l d o.p, 279 Com _ ,ing ";"'oli""". 268
~~ Ib.oI:rn,. ~ Com$:tOo>tO<ig "" 110", ,,. IOJ
Compoo.. <Min, 307-309
Co....,.". .... 91-502
M<m' 28G-283
1101- e'<l. 285 Co ........ ",oIile. In
Ci r<:u mloren'lol. 279 Corodylo,36
C(Ow' , 286 C"'"'" ~ ioo1 ,
Jo::bon' .. 280 Cong~ i"' l0.10<_ ... 83 8.
Mode "I """on. 278
Roq ............... 279
Conotno:riOtl bite, 332
c.::ww. pro';!o. In
Xhwo",286 c.,.".,c.;d proc ..... 36
~. 28J Cortical dM!, 15
T''''''l'Jior, 2aS C""'c:otOI1Ij, .5.
00,, 1,70 Cosmetic "''IF!', . 60
514 Onhodonlics ThQ: Art .and Science:

CoupIo, 196 0...1011 ....... 01

Cronlol boM Ctu ....1t...., 2123. 2'931
flt.w,,",24 o...tif;on,31-39
Po.-.aIQI do.Iopmoot, 2931 Mondlole, 27-29,33-36
~~ dsvoIoptr ...... 21 -24 Mo>illo, 24.2 7, 3 I .J3
CtIb (_ habit b_kotJ Pol ...., 26-27
Cn",bite o....r. method 01 serial Cldmdion, 231
""_,423 o.w.,,71
CIo .. iIio:J..... , 423 mag""",,1151 4 2
Dental,425 O~""";, o;d., 1 15 _I 16, 138. I 42
f""",cnoI,425 Ologroc><ti< .. t "Po 130 131
Po."',Io-, 423 0 .""'''''',385.390
5.01 0'01, 424 0 'oeoroti on, 90
Troot......... 428 432 a.',1ungIS.. ",>o l .tripp ing)
sect"" . ...., 314
CroM D"Pocome'"
PM .,. 15
Oiotol.~"" _ mointo ..... 22.
c,."..." ord bo, __ ",oi.raino<, 125 Ois1ot.ati,.,
C~. Intn:>-orol moshod.. 243
Mor ><>r, 57 f:rlro .......1mothod, . 243
Spo.o, 56 Di....ocd...,;on, 71
W,l",,", 57 0.",..., ord,.io,

... OOri.....d. 12
Dirt<;!. 12
Drift, 15

Ecrop<; ..-wtion. 93
Ind ired. I 2 Edgo"'IO, 32 1
Elo..1o chain, 3 I 7
"-Prc.i "",1.94 EIa$li, " ,..d, 3 I 7
Coer"", I.94 Eiootl<o,3 15
OeccmponlO'fon, 45. EIo.Ie ..... ,,, .. pa tolon. 3 I9
0..,:, b~ o E~cm!'Oll'op", .133
Oofioillon, 433 EIQIIr:!,. 315
Incompl ..., ' 33 Embryo,21
''''''''''' 433
CIo..~':ca1""'. ' 33
Ske ..... , . 3.
""ochono'rial 0Bifit0~,." 15
00ntr;,I, ' 34 E";0<Jin0, 94.95
DH>gr>oo;" '35 Enlow',
T,OOI<"II"', >137 438 c..""Io,p,uf pmtiplo. 19
OOloi .. 1000 ....... 37.
Delayed .... """n, 93
00I......-f '""'P_. 92
V principlo. 19
E__ Ieoti,., 01 PfO"I1ob. 231
a...001 og 213
fpIdomiolog-r of "",\ocd",ioo. I 091 I ~
Dental: C<lSIi_ ",do, r.>Odol ,! Epigentlic. 19
o.n\:;l l \:;l mina, 37
Ep<;f1)'$1.I_ ho",,-wriot X.Royo)
o..idJ OVl I 42 E''''''ion
M~od, 4246 00 ... ,45 46
Pw"", no n! 8 Thee .... 01. 182
0. 01010001""I~Q ff iolo-g)'
E..,.... ol opplo""",. 366-376 G.norol ",00,,- 82
Furcrlonol oppl""" ... 329 31>5 lotolloclon. 82
D.mation. 395-396 . 0.:...; .. 100.:" 185
C-IopmoM,8 -.~
kopid. 2~7.2S6
x-. 25_
Slow. 256
e"p.; ..... ttolop~. 12
b..., . "",I oret....."""
Occip1ro l,369
F""io l,371
Coo i.,.,26(
f ir'll molor, 266
First _lori, 265
Ind ....... 262
Need 100; 260
Second 1"1010" 261
s..:o..:I "'"'_... 265,2'28-233
ThOd ",ob. 26&

, '""',, 128. 130


Gen",l, TTQ....,..," 67
Gonlll;,., 085(90
Gnomlon. '46
GooIi<>n, 148
o.I\nib, 1
DiIIe ..... ol.l0
Fo< .... cII.d!"9. 89
Moddlcotion. 401--,1)1, (13
Guidone. oI ... pIO>o, 728_233
G.fYlpad, 40

Hobl tnc ...

R.<ncvabl_, 101
F"'ed . 101
Hobilt, 97. ' oe
l-Icw.Ie,...q>pIlono::e, 466
Hood cop. 366
518 ' OrthodDnlics - The Art and SciEnce

Heod ge<n
C"'-"';c:oI,36 1
Ce'""'netiCf', 3 I
Ocdp ilcl, 3 6 1 K e~ i n;o ' . set up, 130_1 32
fl.~i c:ol coo i'. '."0<10:<, 293 Kin;o ."y,
Herbs:app (or co KorHeL> ordy,~, 178
Inc ice,,,,,,,359
AdYart"9",,359 ,
D ~adva n!a9"" 36 1
So r ,",",359 Lobio l [.0"" (>eo bow,!
Bonded,359 Lebie llren,-,"" , 127
Dosai"'i"", 3 59 Loo dmo,b, 145 148
T,"o'",oot of;od., 35 9 lolo ral path oi de,,,., 129
rl . ,od il)',81 -S3 Lo.,roi ",leu., 40
HigIl "" II heed go,,," , 36 1 lalo,0I""0, 315
Hi>loc" le-ewoYIpOCO, . .
O f OroOOonI"., 46 l""li on, 3 12 3 13
Rocordin;o,116 !,;goturll ...i ," , 3 12
Hoo'em) 1 pk:"", li , .. , cophc lemet''', 148_1 50
Bo.;"".No'''o, 149 Lin.,o ll,emm, 127
fH 010 ' ., 148 l ".,o l o"".oeci ""o, 424
,v .o,d bJ o,, 148
Ceckno! plono , 1.8
'e Bem pe ,,207
Po"to l, 148 Compo''''''. , 125
SH plono , 148 U>e'..-'. ck",'fimt<>n , 77
l+;oI i";<o' """, 183 loco l loc!or,,82
""rex, 252 Lon-;li:ud:nol >Iud.., II
loop" 327

Ideo! oed""",, (~ .4;-,;j, ...... ,;" k"I')

Im.."t",,", 4 50453 Moo,edoot;, , 89
Implo rt., 13 Mc lhmed te-eth
locioo llio bilit)',4 4 [);le<o,,,n , 9{)
Ir d ",," pk:"". fusion, 89
l "",,,, ontorior, 20 8 MU:ber" malor. , 9{)
I,d" ci "-"!<>cd",,o", 110- I I oj Pey ,hoped krt. ", I" 90
Irlo nf l. , ,,,,,110""9, 50, 102 ~docd",;oo
I,,,,, , bow, 366 O""fi oot:oo, 63 80
1"t(1(-,"o,il o" fi,otio o, 460 fp;dern"logy, l iJ9 11 4
ct"logy, 8 196
l, tefof1Co,rio" or-d!oo'Ogo , 207 Ind" .., 11 ()' 11 4
I,.toru>pl .... ortr.::.dor.tics MondiUe
D~i ,.;ti "" ,
2<7 Po,tnotai d~v"lc.pment, 33 -36
Procod " e, , 227-2 38 PreNlto l doYelop"",nl, 27 _29
Inte<m itten 10.- " 20 1 Moodib.h
lot..-ruptod I",,,,,, 20 I Plone, 148
l " loryo",'or<:l\l., 207 Proc= , 27
Ir.tro _oro! pe<>opoai lil m>, 134 Mo,tkotion, .950
IOI,cn;"", 199 ~"' tu re ,wo llo-.irl\l, SO 5 1

, ~"'xil la
Expo"~"" of. 247258
~' tn a bl deydopment, 3 134
Preoetal de,dopme ot, 24-27
Joc"" n'. ck<. p, 280 ~", i ffi um n noho",(/",
2 10
.Io".on', moo, 3 ~....ct>;. n >o . , 195-202
IndCII 5f7
Med.f. ",, ~; Iog 2728 Neo"o,," t ...!h.'; 1
Mtd'a:dlO""'I'.116 Noo_ph ...... , 20
Mtn-alis, 126 Nid<.I tito.IUI'II "re, 315
M_lobd ....'cuo. 126 Nilinol.315
MtnIon.1 48
MeI.,1 N""".;,aI "..,tt-.. 93
Oi ,piocOlT.ent. 15. 3 1 N",moI oecl,,"'". 5562
,'Ajgrnti(le. 182 Newegi<o1 opp'Jaooe l_Odi""totj
Step. 43
TippiN;),66 o
M.. <>oo:Iuo...... 75
Mto:f>od. oj Dbsrat", . 12
Go ;;;"", '1><'0.. 2392 46 O::dp~o l hood g"""'. 369
Gott-.."", g~ dote. 11 OtdlIOCI l olon 14e
StWyieg bat>o g.owtt.. 12
Or.duoal td-ool. 462
Miaod"I!tiu, 89
MOi pdatol """'e, 248 O"d ... a..55
Mdi,," d"""omo Opo,nb ..... 1S.422
Oia9""",, , 386 O~ ........ l'
Erd "l/'l.395386 Dpi ", "m O!"hodoolio:: 10", 185 186
~<lon_, 3116 0'" hob;"
r"",-.38839O S"",*".I06-107
MI"",r,he brooo, 8S Cloui"omtion. 98
M ........ m o.t~orcv . 21 0 Up bIti"ll. 107
Mr..., do,M"". 4o..e Mouth I:<e<>M i '1l. 1OS- I 07
Mi .., do .... ;t;o. """Mi. 179
Noil b)<; .... 107
~O<dro;o. 175 1 80
Modtl .... ~...." 460
Mc>dols. 130, "78
Mc>d_ 0"'"""'9". 21 0
r.,.... """<>;I. 97.1 02
Th ..... b
Oml hJg;en., 270.27.
"".oIing. 102103

Modilicoion 01 0'"",""" . 01.02 Oml '"Piroi"". 129

Mo"",ot. 197
M~ kx;. 338
Om l ""'*".
D .t:-ilolo , I <7
Mot 17 D!tl.odonk~ l;,ooe
""""""b.-hiog.I04101 kIM. 274
Multiolme.ded - - . 31.
Mood . .... ..;...., 236-237 CIob1icafon.271
Muocvlo, onchornll". 207 Oef;o;t;on.271
MOKulot" . K~ . 462 E>:t,o.ornI, 365.376
Mullti"".4 67 Fr,ed,301 32 8
MyoIuo<ti<wll 0IlI01.,1laI, 329364 Fu""""",,1. 32936_
I'oosIv.. 27.
N Rem_b'e,277.300
Roov .... ..-m, 2] . 276
Non.:;. hol ding .,c,. 22 4 Oif-oodonr..: bond., )o9
Nonc. "",thod '" 1Cf<O ."rot""', 23 1 ~ tio:: loct\, """"""""'t, 183 194
Nasal ph. plococle. 26 Drt!>od""k.
Nosol ..op;ro'iOllo 129 o.f;nition. I
Noool ",p'u..,. 11 NMd to.- _ _ 13
Noool <pi"" s...;,.. ""..-d. 3.
""Ie""'. 148
Pool""" 14e
Ot-thoQnothio:: ""90'\'.
449. _6-0
Or+,opoodc Q!l!>io",.., 3653 76
Nasion, 147 D~ .. 190
Naoion-b:J.ion II 149 o.~192
NoooIob;ol..-.glo, 126 DolOO\lOoOlis. 15- 16
Nola! Ieeth 1 o-bfot. 127
Notu", 1mo,ke ... 1. o..~". 12 7
Ned:rn. p, 366
~Im 26.27, 127
'. . o
~"' ''' Oc oodOo\l ropt1 136 Q,od '-1"'. 257256
Pot-lo l do rlu ", , poco mo in"" ;,,,' 22 1 Quootit.,"", ~"'m< nt., 12
!\lo~ .. "PIl I.,,,,., 274
I'crn" doo ".
F~ , 129
lo!erol. 129 ~W ..
Poohrio~ 129 8irfr,.,;ng. 135
P.g "'-<110..,10. 9(1 Infn:>.o<ol, 134-136
"-riapi<ol ",diogropho, 13-1""I, 136138
IWiWion. 454 c.phol_ric.137. H3-160
"-iodonIaI Ligcm.m. 186 Hand.WrisT, 137. 161112
P. ...""' m.3J2 Occmol,135
""""""en! donI;';"", 48 1\:1<>0"''''",, 136
P'hoIphQ r'", oO d. 379 fIori.cpi""I, 134
P'tIo!ogrop.hi, 132 13 3 Ra rUog, \ ~
'io,<*ocm.: 1",,0"'" 169 Ra pid ", l lc,", o.:po"'''''' j
P......... <.op/1alom olfic, loiS-ISO ~~;a.,ca uood. 25 1252
f'b,,,,"11 toto","*". 371-Ja.4 ~~iod cna .......... 248
Pogo""'., H8 Oiognooi .. 249
Ponf.onoll"-. l 77 fR..,..249.250
II>rIop. l47 ndOCQliono.248249
"""oIiont~ K.osii"l"" 468
~'''f\'Ijcal~. 460
Rori"ll. 12
I'bor.. io, ~pfOCDI.r.c:~~, 205
Ooubile , .2 9 Rec"''''1J''' .... i.. , 314
No"' l spne, 148 Rogo lrl"ll >poco, 234 236
Opo;o "t. 20 R.... ;,trction ~nt. 148
Pr.,....-gica l o,,"odontic>, 456
l'oo/o"Mid band<. 309
" ' _ , . loa of ""':h.
~"fOfCed DI\d1o""lle, 208

Prenotal ~OP""'"' DoN.IIion. 461
Co";al ba .., 2124 IIemovoblo app/iao o<e
McwH:IbIo.27-28 AdwoIllOg ... 212
Ma.iIID.2. -27 Cc ............ 278
Pblor., 25 o.Jinitk> 271
" ' - .. 40M,,,o "K><)'.
188 D"osodYonlOge., m
PrevootiYo <>rTr.o.;on"", RorT1<>'Ioblo 'poo. mo in" i_,. 220.222
Dof.., iT iOO,215 Ropro,.;mot"",,239-241
Proaod u..... 215-226 Rosin .
1'.1"",,,. dootioon, 41-42 Cald """, 48 2
!'>in,a" 1p<I<e, 41 "'-oto..o-..482
Pdile, facial
Canoe.<, 1:n .... '"
Ro..otplion <II

Ren:o_ ....

Sttoighl. 1:n 0cdu001.94
Prolonged '''''"'k>, 466 f'rooOmoI,94
P"*OQIondi ..... 192 Re<olned ;"Iont;1o """I""", 50
,,,,i... 94
ao.. III, 75
p.)dd ogical coo~do ra; oo 10 1 a ipcn, 467
P~I,9 De&.iticn, 466

fI<ed. 466-H O Fu.tlio:>n<>l, :2:20
_~. 466 R. _blt.2:zo.222
Ideo l r<\qoireme"'" ~66 lypo 220
..,,;,~ ~68 $p<>:;ng
W"'P Cl<WO'd. ~ 68 Diog""",, 391
~"";"'" 461 Et>oI0(I'f.391
~ 0.<'0<1 cI ~, 43/1 T,,,,,h,,,"ot. 391.39:2
~ ~ood goo, (Me lac. mao.Io:j ~, 130
~~~b~,Jl0 :;pn'9'
R.. ~. un;a-r, 29()'29:2
~1,,,,Ii,,,,. 396 ( bo. ~ic"' io!'I. 290
T,eaTme'_',394 (o#io, 292
R"",dl'i " , J I. F i , ~ r, 29'0 I
, I~I """,i ... """II, 289
T Spring, m

s.::.-s bh, 424
:Icon'.h,I>OI"""s. 16_17
~!~~. 2$4
SI".:.,,, . 254
Torq.,o"'''41. 318
Z Spring. 291
StobMy. 377
!oinT....1M! ...... 31 4
S",. io",,'1 a~ g.o. 205
S'".,'" ono ~" 15-3 157
*.10< ..."Is. 8
Slud.,- mOO.l., 130. 478
S"bm. 'Il od tHIII. 94
s.l1a """on pano, I 46 Svb<p;noie, 146
s-llongitudnal >Iud ..., 11 S""kling,50
' -11.0-..,319 S...,."U"""""I '-Ih. 6586
Suppltm"",1 d"'ll.-;c o'*- 116
o.,,,,boIl. 319 5ouppler:>e",ol ~~. 6586
E~ ... ic'''g.31 9 5ou"", ... uotion, 434
K."~"II'" 320 5ourg;d <>rt'"""nli "
~. of ""' p..... , 48 , i'io!'I.449
So"" 1/<*" ll<O<edu.... 454.60
M...,.-pRXed..-.449 _4$4
Sctu.a 3 1
s...d appl;ona.. 208
MafIJr 50
Srm""',",,1 2 1
~"", I ry of 10::0, 121
~ph,.<s, 35
f...... - .~d.31
fn'rn-occipilof,3 \
10",,_, H O
Thoori... of~
c.:u,;iagl ........, 16-17
f ~_.IB

____ ~b __________________. . . . . . . . . . .
526 ~' Orthodonlics The Art and Science

Vt>o Lftobo~h. 18
The~ _<TOns. 2~ 2, 259_269
Th_ ~.g plio", 258 the bile ...... a, 317
Th..mb,.oQ, 97102
TiWO"l1, 198
EIIode,428 Yo';', 151
ThM tl"g, 1021 03
Tie, 127
Buu. 37 Z ""log . 29 1". 181. 194
To_,32 1
To"",,,,; o,,-.Jl b'l\ 31 8
T,ojoQOf"" oIlota., 5354
1"""""lotol orch, 224
T..",.........loti",....., 67
l_em pblrong, 377384
T,;gd 0110"",,,, 99

Trimm"'g oIopplonoo., 299-484
,\now., 158
"".d>od 01..001 .... o><>i>n. 23 1
f...;" 1IUdi.., 48949(1
TYf'tO of
EIody, 120.121
Hood, I21

llIl~ d..;l: I "il .togoo . 4 8

1Jndeml1";"il ....... pfOoo'l. 165
U","_,GbI. >t<I.oIoo cI Mo:.:o<d",000'1 1-2
Clolt H l.44 :;>
Croub ... , 4 23 ~24
Upflg hf"il ....... 317
UoehA hoOts, 98
~.,...:Jl .,,;... ~ ..,..I:.slI ~ l.,.b,. ~
~ \o,;,.,oo ~ :J:-'jl ..... s-
....... diog"'"', 79 I..a. ' ..... , .J
_. ".~ ' "
~.,- :;""'W -<.'-~ J,~
. ~ .....
_. ",
V..,;td ma'oo::lJ,ion, 6 7
V. " ibou lot KI'_ , 33$.337 ~ '&0 .. ~ l,;';-:: 'j .J
Visual traolm",,' ob)o<li,.., 335
Vi!QI oIoioiog , 12. 13

W"" biIo ( ... bile '''11 ... 01 ...)
W~kinoon' .....,<..,...
Wi,.. (0-. 0'''' ,."os)

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